merallr -. . 1: ·· • i steado.y : • • :ibuu...

mErAllr -. . 1: · · .m..;, • I STEADO.Y : • • o;..,· • • :I BUU.DOGS c 9ME BACK . .,; AND Pil£slD£NT ·1"))1 '. "Tllfl NEW llTUDBNT la look· " INClUSIJli IN REVIVAL (B<lllorlat i I AFfERFJRSTQUARTER , ... ror &11Nt coad•cton. No, aot . Today II tbe HH•tll unl•er-,._ , : · i CMJ1lJ.NE "f.' PROGRAM • 1o '-4 Pnl Wblt emu'aJan baa4 0 lftllllAb) UNDER WAY ... ,. of Anolellco Day, th dai. AND VANQUISH BETHEi: ,.,. \ 1 ,. "': _ r::· _,, _ • or N'" ew York '.fbll-barmoa Sc · when mllllo• or IMGDle ... owed • - . ..:, . • 9tc1betlra. TJiB ST UDllNT tbat tbe1 ahould BHe r ... a a.· 1 ' 1•' k, of Stat. II ping to rao •national coUep . Rneread lo Forceful, other da7 nf a11ch bloo4abod, otrlfe• Af ter a Slow Start, la ..i ·• ooluma wltt.7 and u.ttrlcal para. . ConTlncias Speaker . batNd Mtwka. natloa.a. tbe. Show -.-- - '' :t' l'N•beither bl Pf'OM 01'" TerM. day wben many I.hat t.ha . IS PLANNED . u "'" c:an 1uoa a owm oad ASSOCIATIONS ASSISTING world bad aow pat ao ud 10 _ • · , -- . '-<. penetratlDg f!plp'&m •• ..,u,. ui I -- • aat0Cl'&C7, iDUltarJam. ln.t.enaaUo11-• «- Pl'eduDaa C.OJIUllimloA la .- · 1"04 can fo r tbe aut U..U7 MeKhip Are. Hdd Ua- al lotrlpt.bat the . .. ,; , 1" °"'7 HlaY. •du ce - If 1011 ean wan a rol- der Aa•plll"8 of Cltf'UU.• mt11.nlum of oeaC. a14• pod wm _,,...,· : \ l ato Oo:Df!I" '. . • UU:l11 bit of •ene II eHtlJ u • Auodatlona , • wu be1lnnln1 on earth. N'eWICMI TIN.m tk'or'ft lu f.'fn&. tC!I' ba&. Dlllldop Tun tbt) Tldf!I ,. ""' "" -<, -- - •. ,. JOU can weaYe an ucu.H tor 1oul' . We AH no nearer a eolUllon or .:,. ... •tt111t weet'e cut - It )'OU can . T he r r•lval :meetln111;1 In procreu •our problemthan .... wue ••• After" 8IOW 1tut. lhl). J)ulldo.- . or C. A. •trios an Idea till u. glllterl like 1'"1th the Rn. M. Clyde HoHt u . feara aio. or the war be - pro•od to bi) tho favorites by a IO , lo.c&l , •a rope of pearl•. u deftly H you • enn:gell.l!lt have boon altended aan. Democracy 11 itlll 0 011 an C lt\ft.raln thtJ J Uothcil ... dari 1¥t .week,, his caa ltrlac your , tandtadJ alons ror •. a nd have at eadtlJ' 1ro" n In interest. Ide al for moaL countrt•. The • on t he loc'1 glrdlf'Oh Tlrnr11dny nftor ... .,,,... to co-operate J'OD bact rent __ them b, all Tbe Reverend :Horat 11 a forcefu l, war dtd not &C4:'omplli.ti tbat for noon. The Ne•lon team 11u)wed 1t1 :.<J'' i.lCJen ID maldDI aud Jn!lJaallnl e mMDI MDd JD J"OUr CODtrlbUtlODI CODYlaclng, full Of hla mes- 'WJ'hlch people lbOUlbt tbllT were beat braad of ba.11 durlult tho tint _ - pl&ct t or U.e ·:Y .. her, aD4 Lo t be editor ot 100 , colle•• use. wblch he prueall In an later-• UibUai. Aaother war wlU not flYO mloatos of ptay. l/y a llneo ou .t tbe 1tate. .. paper.' ' •Ua& and pleaal .. mao.ner. • aceom" pllab It. Force do• not pluase and a paa Spa.nglf!r to Dul- -t Oompllmcate Doll' . 8o naa a letter Ja.1.t recel•ed Vat'knu 'nM!lllN brlDC· 1ood •UI between oaUoa1. • ter. U.lbel put tbe ball OY'Cr for a •. Jtt ... Spreuser made a 1tron1 appeal from. the New student wiatcb Some or the the Tbat caa 00 1 1 be brouabt about toacbdown after lo1t t•• ..,.) to .r 1upport ot the v: M., c. A. bJ pJana to run a a1iou ed to• pqt week '°The Slafulneu or through a clearer u a.denta.adlna baH oa. the U·J•rd Jibe. .After .. ThUr!!d•T JDOrD1JI& •a · colle1e ucb WHk, Sin," "Tbe New ot each other whlcb wlll dlllplace • B•lbel"• toucbdo"W"ll tbe Duttdo .. 9bapel. 11He.co11gratutat_ ed M. C. • the name or the COnlrlb· Faith. of A Savi ng Con- telUi b bJ attrulltlc motiYee. ln•e came back at.rong: nn1l 14.mrc(,l toucb- _. a'fln&! t..'Roy , DotJ", ot ut.l .JJ,S paper. CotJumlil.; rea1lon" ·•nd "The Conn- eulcatina th• olrll Oc brOtberbood . down In eaab ot tbe tin al thr" QU&r• .St.a, te Student Council. t.,he , · man m.._ ff made December 16 ant a nd the VJetotkrnll Llf o. TheH betweea all people. tert . .,. w tb._ tlle 1 1 b.J1he1t ottlee tn_ the · it.ate Spectator I• to cont.rlbute. m eaaa1es hue bffn challenre lo We can make our contribution Rulldo1n1 Ut•l On\• Pul"I LNtd ¥.,C. A.. fnd apolre bl1bl1 of Mr: • tnte .... t.w port0na are lo couiult. e•ef"Y Cbrl1llan to the Lalk toward .that Ideal bJ b'rlDalnc• The Canlnca came work and quatttlcatlo11.11. tbe ed.Jtor or the Spectator tor before bl.m. about that •Plrlt la M. c. Crom• after a 111.erl• of IJ11e •miuhea and end , .. Pt.u •. comm1a1oa rurtller deta.Jt•. .... Thia la a cbao ce The Y. M. c. A., Y. W. C. A . a nd where tt wlll aprud onr our D&· ran1. Dart.on ca.rrl«!d lhe ball o•or _<; ... Dere llr. &pre.acer aoperTia- •to l lH M. C. pabllc:ltr lo tbla tbe Mi*8lon Baad lrlian boen co-oper- lion and rtnal1J Into the uttermoet Ud kicked goal gl•lpg lbe ftutldhD ed. of Plane ror a lpeat wtd• lT known itadent maca.IH. • wltb the In ooadact :. •pa.rt. of Iba world. a one-point o•or Uotbot. Tl• ....... Coau:ntufo.a. a retatheJy I' '• Ins daU7 praye r mee1lnf:1 wbltb bu·e , half ended th McPhenon In Pot- .. - ... fl'OJltl 'J'b1cb the eoneie M. . ald_ e4 tbe work 8fd added to the HMkln of the near the n1lddle or " · . ,.. ead ... •orlog · 1o McPHERSON ORATnDl' lntereot. DIRlftlV'l' AND th• rtald. , .. ...... , tbe · 1 '!JW TtsU lkltWon11 An . ...,•nced . DUw.uuu.l , 1' 11'*8 V11ec1 10 (:OQtl Aflwaitl•&t:' j P.Nlaltmao comaitatoD the SOON TR BE' IN A""AU Tomorrow the theme Wiii , • ftDDIDI" §111'mH · llX .• During tho .ffCCOnd haU I.ho Oil'· * 111. O. A: Miki to prq,-Jcle ' tor 'lh:e , , v.. · "llVD "Tbe v .a tue, or ,the Man" and the d\a.- 1 lr.nn&DLI; do11 pllod up n. bite rrola ... 8.lio •uHloa wtll lJe in keepto1 •-Ith . __ 1e1rlmm,.10. Mh1hler'a (or w'4.rd lint .el ... f'!aM To Oo.aiot. P9.Ulen' a nd 8on.'a\ D17. A tat.hen' 8e..oa.•a a..6e Wm be .&rped to lore Sl'Ni hole.a In U .. U1cl'• . ... wlih. tbe ...cOJleie Oki UM Coat.el& .i-. •ad eona• banqaet lwlll be b,e1d • • lh.&lb" 1111.e aod the back[)eld rt'l>e&LMlt-' , '\;.. #. y;..M/<;..A.. ._.. ' U..u ziiore.....c!eiui.te=. . uq a mecUate11 .,. ""'tonowtAc tbe ee"lce. Orld.trM made tbel,r first. do•H •-' Utem....... eed tor . __ . ... M. ni ·Toab c1aallc of"1'ti• ..... ,""'""' ...... ,. . .. ....... OfMpe . aCt.ioa. l>n .l&DUU'J" I tbe tocat lltlai Or lbe B u:man Lilt,'' .,What ..-..OO wUI 'ff arpecl to a f.lD.llb. OD adHftt:.111 b7 tbie CaalnM, lb Of t Tll.e formaUoa or dlac11tt loa CIOllPI coattet to dtte na.loe wbo .-m re· Tblnk Ye or Cbrlltf ". "The Cu• tbe hxal s rldlron btt wMD tbe wblcb went for lotal of U 1arde.. and plan• r.or foru-.. allo t OOt part pre1Ht NcPhr9?0 Collese ID c:om· >.P, the Moral , Nan", "The r lble S•ld .. ot Ltod•t;)ora and th• Yumblct1 pr"vcmLed Ibo Oullilop from Ot 11r . 8prenaer'• lime wb.UO lie wu petition •Ith tbtrtoen Otber colleset Judcment To Cllme" and '"Unpardon· MtPhinon Collese Balldop. T he . 1corlnc turlbor . llowcvor, the local• t., t <, bt re.• Some of tile tqtel'-raclal que l<I of Kannta. the Old Ll111 Ora tor ic&J able 8tn1." cune I• called al 2:10 p. m. Tht1 ihowed much huprovem eut.- over ore- '!": -, ; tlop1 or coUe•• aad c:1u .. aud cam. .. co1te1t wltl take place. Ill be thl tut cha11c1 t o see tbe •lou1 c•mc•. r. >Ul w{U tH.,. dtecuHed. , ft A.ay collere •lud&Dt under t WeDt y.. TbRev. M. c. Hout Wiii talk OD Bulldog1 la aetton OD th• home f ield. ' ,\ l ru Sht.1w U lloped\tb&t Jn aueh noup1 1tudeul H YH Jean or •P 11 eltctble to inter lb.a .abject, "The Problem• or tbe Never were tbe Bulldop In better Ut!thril bH .otoa mf11dlly ••· 1 oplnloD wlU be e.apreeaed ud actlYa tblJ conte.t. The orattoni ma 1 be MlD .. lr)'" tom1Jrrow aft.ernoon at •bape tor thl• annual cluh tbau terl•I tn Duller. Pankratz, hl'ufman. thl.Ulaa • Umulatecl wblcb Ul lead t•o thouUod wordtn leasth a ad :·; 30. All a re welcome. tbe1 todar. It l1 utd tbe ad Krt hbl e.I. Rull f!r in 4'nd cauabL Ule oartkJp&.DU to anl•e at tlae mar be on aoJ .abject. : Swede. are brlustac a .. dopecU" lbt p&&1 lbat In ll4!:1bel'1 truU.. Tbe Otd 'Ltue Oratlcal coat.Ht 1' a t... ' AJA:SDAfl team but 1 S•ede- SuUdo& same la only l ouehdown. Pankr•ti •ud Plu• f 9r th St.ate Student Coon· n.atl oaal contest. Tbe orat.lona or • nenr won b 1 dope. 1l ta woo bJ thp Kautcnao are \1rO his: t•cklet t.bat ell'• procr am for the nu. UU- lt - the •late conle1t are Jud18d on Nov. z _ u _ Eunsellitft tt1bt1n1 Oulldo1 1plrlt that wblppel rousht liard chockf!d lhe Md'berlOa )5 we re ' &Jao dltcu."ed a nd Jormatbousbt and compoeltlon and the 1tz Hr 1'1ct'll. Bethel and thL 1ame i plrl l wlJI be offenal vf) .. Kr t!bbh il Rl r li ht ·blU ited b1 llr. S»reo1er and M{. Dot1. beat or&Uon1 are cboeea for dell ver1. ,• ton. creaU1 In ewldeaee today. Lut year 0 ,, l'ueol! 1 , · The winner or tbe 1t al e conte1t take1 No•. 11 _ Dolhauy al Mc- the Bulldo11 beat the Swede• and lhe ------- EXCEPTIONAL TALENT IS part '"lb• dlotrlct a nd tho tbree Ora· • Pher&On. Swade Jin• of "Dotbanr Wino. " Tho PERSONNEL Of DEBATE SHOWN IM FIRSt RECITAL !!!:.:! 1 r::::t 0 : 0 1 :: 19 - Sterl lnJ; •t St r •r· TEAM STILL UNCERTAIN Knl..J'f"e X.9kal l "rop'am i. OJye:n •t Cblc•co. · 1 Nov. U --<Jple Heed. THE S\VY.OE8." To tbe loeal team IC•N' l'r ouil!!t"'I Whh Sltif"ttta b71kedftte 1D FlJte Arta Loc:M Prll.t'a will probablJ be shcn Nof". tO-Df!bale Tryout. thla I• a 1upreme momenL In AIJln <'onr-tnnt"" IUddlnR: °'""meat and tnf lll.uditat wl.1blas to eater the I J':oT. %7·30- Thanhgl•lag supreme eauae. Tbe leam. the racul· for Pl•'!""' 1 cootat ma1 do IO b7 reg .. lerlns with recMS. , tr. the •lad1nu, and the town are __ Tbe flrtt itadeat recltf.I or the Kenaetb Rock, ptt1ldent ot the local Dec. l:?-G)'mnulum fcstl· ready •nd ea•er to pl•J •nd wltu... A• Ihm } :ipJtr Oitth("• tur lhl• J"ear compo.ed e.ntlrely ot moalcal Ora1or kal AlaocfaUon; Prof. Mau- ,. val ., the 1reate1l rrldlron conteti:t or the Jnar'a tryout, !Jdl)OC' IM llf llfO· ... numben, Wat beld t.n the Cbapet rJce A. Hall or M'ln Wine. Dile. 20-30- Chrlatmu re- •e.i:.aon. mlnent 1 8 11;0 fr..-.llng of unr or1.. 1u11 Beat th e Swedeal . : :er.• . . . . . . . . ; Keep the Swede Jinx t?own t tbe department or fJne arll l'IYei whl c.:h thlM 1 cam f if lo hu wlll a 1umbtr or recltalt whleb are &I· I ho heh! h1 tho t'OlltAc (;lm1.KJl1 No- ·wan l ood •ad mucb enj 1ed. A B lid T JI U1L H Bel th Be T th W Id vemb er 20, u1 7:00 11, m. .,.he m<tm• E••l'J ••mber OD lb• oro«ram ...... u og I e ... e_. ong• to e at e am an e or bor• or thracully wlll lrl .. th• or euellnt 0:uaJ1t1. The ffrat aam· Juda:e.. ,.::::u:!: ::::: . .. or toH or MlN Dunt"• pla1t or w11 day nl1bt. October H. ufd In hi• they decided tt'> enter the race. SO But he woaldn't llat en to ·em and •ery clo 1te •nd eplrttf'd played J. 0 plaao "J think tbat Mc:Phertt0n Cobe we1:1t Into the vltlage 11ata end ao they bad to let Old DeN 1tarl. Tho,..c who lnt"nd tn try for a phtco Iese baa the best . tootbatl tetm In put do•·n hl11 entry fee and borro•· · And that"• about all •he did do. on tho learn are 1.ui: rol1nw1: • .,.., '4lo• Wft.h ,..;. ablllt · y, 9bowlns re.. lhe worldT" ed nn old tiulky or tb., D11c1t· When the other hor1e111 11.11rted 1he c:riu •e C1' e hrnn, l.t• ltoy 1>o1y, m&rlcable t ecbot Que and Interpret.a- Here 1 1 wby _ 101lth. ' It w11tn11•1 111 verr .w;ood 1ul1cy, awlt.ched her lull once ur t•1ce, look- Horner .,;hy, f.'lnrd Kur11, l'•ul :: tloa. Bern.let ' Pectr also plaJ"ed two O"er In tbe wllda o f Ml •aourl. bU.t PC!:tera put ll now r im on one ed around h11r 1houlder, and Jo11red Kurur;, llttrrr t .. ohm:rn, Harv(ly L@h· piano IOIOI irtUa dalaLla.eM of toucb cloae to a mue town b 1 aam• nd Ue,d JN>me l>Al1t11 wire here away. Pret ty aooo they met lb' rn..n. John l .ehrmrn. Anuu aad a.ortu\on. The pla1fo.s or of LeelOn (or 'IL ' •• ft PlattabursT). and lbere and the old m•n ffltcbed ot,her honin comlaJC back. but Old ChMrlf'.JI I..eni;,,I. !i.fUdrPd J .. lhh)'. Ram· ••1i1a1 Nl&bt .. ud "Scheno C 8barp tbere wu an o1d tnaa who owned a It home. And uery day after that Beu Jutl X>lled oa. And alter a uel lfohlc r. t-•rM Nair. A. I. . Jt"trkk. 111aar·• by Hue.I &colt •u mucll ap. bof'M about roart.eea Jean old rou"d ff4'!I him and Old Dcu Jocicl. ns wblle a man came runaln1 up and Y.l vl• Prall:=er. Untk: Ilarqld ,.._.s.d. DOl ODb' tor the beeat1 Of aad her front kaem lcnoded alon1 tbe tariipUr:e. uke.d tbem wouldn't tbeJ pleaat: 1et noctat.ugb, Vivian Spllm•a. cc.a.... ....... 2.) ,.. toaetber and 1be had tbe aprtn1 Well. It c:ama the day of the lbe track because LbeT wer e· ball In the l.ert blad lee and las and tbt o ld nu1n and Hew weat la• tbe nHl he.t. to the J.ISOt.f•..:Y .i(Tt'JU- ; l•oSTl'O'\'tm AIA1MJQ LOVATllD wu bllail fn 011e e1e and couldo't lo the fair 1r<1und11, The rt •H old m•n So11ed ba ck. And that•• . - Me aa7 too •ell oater the otbtr. And bup or belclng suing on and tbe old alt lhere WH to It. Out OH of the The lt1tiure by JudJ:•j ll1·t1 N. i_lnd· Headqaarter fo r tbe Alumni Aa- 1be waa fat and tu 1 becauH Ihle Ulan he •troll ed around t1.od r.lroll ed men tbal h11.d lald 1t bet wltb tbe old tte>' whleb w11.a 1c11cdult"<l ll• b• ••t•• .a&Uoa wlU lae ucerortb be la the maa dlda'L uae her e.rcept to dr ln around a.nd pretty r.oon ho _ didn't man he waa 1art1r aorrt ror him, ton;f)rrow night at tho QpMu Ho •• >aortJtw.a roea ot tbe MMmeat la to tba •Illa«• oace a week ta ••old ba.,. a red c:toC. lefL, aod h1;1 ulcul· 1uea1la.a ho waa Juel 1 bout cleared •t tho H-OC:Onil nurnbt •r on lhu l)'tm101 Sharp AdmlalMi.ratloa Bulldlns &c-- ratUa t. np bad.board to aet a DO•Dd ated It' Old DeM woo be'd be ouL. and be .. td to bln1. "Old man. f;<.IUnHI. h._ bet:n fndt.flnltcl)' C'OrdJD.C to a bJ" l!I• Board or or eorre1 aad a l&Ck or noar aad aboat tlrt ee.a huadred dollan to tbe,ala't 10U aot. urr HOM at. •11! p.oned "'*uae or bualneH makln• It •!lo are to b.aH the rooa lortll. Well. ooe ttae .... N wu 1 ood.. - .... eTtryoH bl laid a Dtda't JOU k.oow tUt bOrM or J011ra DecMUrt f or lbJud10 to remal.n tu P&lallld ud for the '8 tlae •Ulap: ... _. a aotlee aaio.t Mt w P.•• 111.m pertectlr 1canda- ILad eprlaPalt aad e obootle9 aad Deaver. ' eodaU.. . ne 4.uclcf.aUoa will eQDIO a t.rotUac meeua.a to be h eld at c.Jl• l oa..t odd•. 11 came Old neu·a wu kDock·lt•Md la rro•t •114 ra111a• -- -- -- ... ft1J1!:1M lt for Dtrm&Jlellt fair c:roa1d.a a later. 8o au t.Lme be d.ron out on Che 1rac:k and !away behlad!.. ..Why, 7ft, .. revlled Tbo ,,.;bleat mlod tbe c:on1cnt-- llle wa7 Jao .. tJy,t, da7 be La.IUd it 9'TCr)'ODa bowled Dd tb• Jadl• &oLJ -- ....... t..) DMD\. bu. - Sl)tQfft, I ' .

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Post on 07-Aug-2020




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Page 1: mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • I STEADO.Y : • • :IBUU · ~ ~ mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • .m..;, •

~ ~ mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • .m..;, • :1~ I STEADO.Y : • • o;..,· • • :IBUU.DOGS c9ME BACK . .,;AND Pil£slD£NT·1"))1 '. "Tllfl NEW llTUDBNT la look· " INClUSIJli IN REVIVAL • (B<lllorlati I • AFfERFJRSTQUARTER '~r , >~.., ... ror &11Nt coad•cton. No, aot. ~l'C' • Today II tbe HH•tll unl•er-• ,._ • , : · i CMJ1lJ.NE "f.' PROGRAM • 1o '-4 Pnl Wbltemu'aJan baa4

0 lftllllAb) UNDER WAY ... ,. of Anolellco Day, t h dai . AND VANQUISH BETHEi:

,.,. ~ \ 1,. • "': _ r::· _,, _ • or l~ N'"e w York '.fbll-barmoa Sc · when mllllo• or IMGDle ... owed• • ~ - . -~~ ~-~'~4 ..:, "· . • 9tc1betlra. TJiB ~EW STUDllNT • • tbat tbe1 ahould BHer ... aa.· • ~ 1 ' 1•'

k ,of Stat. Stucl.~t·C.-CU II ping to rao •national coUep. Rneread Hora~ lo Forceful, • other da7 nf a11ch bloo4abod, otrlfe• After a Slow Start, la ~' • ..i ·• ooluma ~r wltt.7 and u.ttrlcal para. . ConTlncias Speaker. • batNd Mtwka. natloa.a. tbe. Show Fiaht~

• ~ - .-- - '' :t' • l'N•b• either bl Pf'OM 01'" TerM. • day wben many tho~t I.hat t.ha . .NEW'PJlQJ~CT IS PLANNED . u "'" c:an 1uoa a owm oad • ASSOCIATIONS ASSISTING • world bad aow pa t ao ud 10 •

_ • · , ~ --. ~ '-<. ~ • penetratlDg f!plp'&m •• ..,u,. ui I -- • • aat0Cl'&C7, iDUltarJam. ln.t.enaaUo11-• «- ~ Pl'eduDaa C.OJIUllimloA la ~ .-·1"04 can • ~I fo r tbe aut U..U7 ~er MeKhip Are. Hdd Ua- al rlnlrr~.nd lotrlp• t the

. .. ,; , ~~ 1" °"'7 HlaY. Wor~ •duce - If 1011 ean wan a rol- • der Aa•plll"8 of Cltf'UU.• • mt11.nlum of oeaC. a14• pod wm • .¥ _,,...,· : \ lato Oo:Df!I" '. . • UU:l11 bit of •ene II eHtlJ u • Auodatlona , • wu be1lnnln1 on earth. •

N'eWICMI TIN.m tk'or'ft lu f.'fn&. QH~ tC!I' ba&. Dlllldop Tun

tbt) Tldf!I

,. ""' "" • -<, -- ~ -•. ,. JOU can weaYe an ucu.H tor 1oul' • . • We AH no nearer a eolUllon or • '!l~ti.~ .:,. ~pren4er ... !tate~~dent •tt111t weet'e cut - It )'OU can . T he r r•lval :meetln111;1 In procreu •our problem• than .... wue ••• • After" 8IOW 1tut. lhl). J)ulldo.-

. or t~e.,Kaa~.-.X· .ltf~ C. A. • •trios an Idea till u. glllterl like 1'"1th t he Rn. M. Clyde HoHt u . feara aio. or ~tore the war be- pro•od to bi) tho favorites by a IO , l'l.ljto~ on~lth~" lo.c&l , c:,t'mtii~• • a rope of pearl•. u deftly H you • enn:gell.l!lt have boon ~tit altended aan. Democracy 11 itlll 0 011 an • C lt\ft.raln a~nln•t thtJJ Uothcil ol~v ... e~

dari 1¥t .week,, his ·mlill~ou caa ltrlac your, tandtadJ alons ror •. and have ateadtlJ' 1ro" n In interest. • Idea l for moaL countrt•. The • on the loc'1 glrdlf'Oh Tlrnr11dny nftor ... .,,,... Hl;8~ to co-operate 1fl~ ~ocal • J'OD bact rent __ the m b, all • Tbe Reverend :Horat 11 a forceful, • war dtd not &C4:'omplli.ti tbat for • noon. The Ne•lon team 11u)wed 1t1

:.<J'' i.lCJen ID maldDI aud Jn!lJaallnl e mMDI MDd JD J"OUr CODtrlbUtlODI CODYlaclng, full Of hla mes- 'WJ'hlch people lbOUlbt tbllT were beat braad of ba.11 durlult tho tint _ - pl&ct tor U.e ·:Y .. her, aD4 ,t.hraa.1.b.~ • Lo tbe editor ot 100, colle•• • use. wblch he prueall In an later- • UibUai. Aaother war wlU not • flYO mloatos of ptay. l/y a llneo ~ ou.t t be 1tate. .. paper.'' •Ua& and pleaal .. mao.ner. • aceom"pllab It. Force do• not • pluase and a paa Spa.nglf!r to Dul-:~. - t Oompllmcate Doll' ~ . • 8o naa a letter Ja.1.t recel•ed • ~ Vat'knu 'nM!lllN • brlDC· 1ood •UI between oaUoa1. • ter. U.lbel put tbe ball OY'Cr for a ~ •. Jtt ... Spreuser made a 1tron1 appeal • from. the New student wiatcb • Some or the the Tbat caa 0011 be brouabt about toacbdown after NePbe~oa lo1t t•• ..,.)to.r j~e 1upport ot the v : M., c. A. bJ pJana to run a ~otumn a1iou ed to• pqt week '°The Slafulneu or • through a clearer u a.denta.adlna • baH oa. the U·J•rd Jibe. .After

,._.~~L .. "."eac~collefe~~Dl•D ThUr!!d•T JDOrD1JI& • a \d~"tt ·colle1e ucb WHk, • Sin," .:·~.ege.neratlOn," "Tbe New • ot each other whlcb wlll dlllplace • B•lbel"• toucbdo"W"ll •tbe Duttdo .. '· 9bapel. 11He. co11gratutat_ed M. C. • b~r the name or the COnlrlb· Faith. of A Saving Con- • telUi b bJ attrulltlc motiYee. ln•e came back at.rong: nn1l 14.mrc(,l • toucb­

_.a'fln&! t..'Roy, DotJ", pretl~ent ot • ut.l.JJ,S ~;collage paper. CotJumlil.; rea1lon" ·•nd "The naollem~~, Conn- • eulcatina th• • olrll Oc brOtberbood . down In eaab ot tbe tin al thr" QU&r• .St.a,te Student Council. t.,he, ·man • m.._ ff made ~fore December 16 ant and the VJetotkrnll Llfo. TheH • betweea all people. • tert .

.,. w tb._ tlle11 b.J1he1t ottlee tn_ the ·it.ate tt~tlae Spectator I• to cont.rlbute. • m eaaa1es hue bffn • challenre lo We can make our contribution Rulldo1n1 Ut•l On\• Pul"I LNtd

~ ~JJil· ¥., C. A.. fnd apolre bl1bl1 of Mr: • tnte .... t.w port0na are lo couiult. e•ef"Y Cbrl1llan ~orhr to the Lalk • toward .that Ideal bJ b'rlDalnc • The Canlnca Ura~touchdown came

l\~~ty·a. work and quatttlcatlo11.11. • tbe ed.Jtor or the Spectator to r before bl.m.. • about that •Plrlt la M. c. Crom• after a 111.erl• of IJ11e •miuhea and end

, ~\. .. Pt.u ~ • . comm1a1oa • rurtller deta.Jt• . .... Thia la a cbao ce • The Y. M. c. A., Y. W. C. A .. a nd where tt wlll aprud onr our D&· ran1. Dart.on ca.rrl«!d lhe ball o•or _<; ... ~~~Ue Dere llr. &pre.acer aoperTia- •to l lH M. C. pa bllc:ltr lo tbla • tbe Mi*8lon Baad lrlian boen co-oper- • lion and rtnal1J Into the uttermoet • Ud kicked goal gl•lpg lbe ftutldhD ~ •ed. uut~dra•P• of Plane ror a lpeat • wtd•lT known itadent maca.IH. • wltb the eu~1ellat In ooadact:. •pa.rt. of Iba world. • a one-point ~d o•or Uotbot. Tl• J?~ ....... ~. Coau:ntufo.a. a retatheJy I' • • • • • • • '• • • • Ins daU7 praye r mee1lnf:1 wbltb bu·e • • • • • • • • • , • • half ended th McPhenon In Pot-.. - ... ·~ fl'OJltl 'J'b1cb the-·eoneie "~ M. . ald_e4 tbe work 8fd added to the HMkln of the near the n1lddle or

" · i"-~ . ,.. ead ... •orlog · 1o ••ta•ll•~ McPHERSON ORATnDl' lntereot. ~ODAY DIRlftlV'l' AND th• rta ld. , .. ~ ...... ~qt ,tbe 1cc)u~tr)'. ~c.-"l,n. • ~ ·1 '!JW TtsU Week~• lkltWon11 An . ...,•nced ~' .DUw.uuu.l , 1'11'*8 V11ec1 10 (:OQtl Aflwaitl•&t:' j

Ul"'-~ P.Nlaltmao comaitatoD the SOON TR BE'IN A""AU Tomorrow the theme Wiii ~I , • ftDDIDI" §111'mH ·llX . • During tho .ffCCOnd haU I.ho Oil'· '· * 111. O. A: Miki to prq,-Jcle 'tor 'lh:e , • , a·v.. · "llVD "Tbe v .a tue,or ,the Man" and the d\a.- • 1 lr.nn&DLI; llft~ do11 pllod up n. bite yurd1i111~ rrola

(tat1ll7..,.of'i~i!i ... .Y•work~iiad 8.lio •uHloa wtll lJe in keepto1 •-Ith . __ 1e1rlmm,.10. Mh1hler'a (or w'4.rd lint • ~~Lio~ .el ... me..n.~ted ~ f'!aM To Oo.aiot. P9.Ulen' and 8on.'a\ D17. A tat.hen' 8e..oa.•a a..6e Wm be .&rped to lore Sl'Ni hole.a In U .. U1cl'• dcf~nelfl

t· . ~ ... ~-....te wlih. tbe ...cOJleie Oki UM Coat.el& .i-. •ad eona• banqaet lwlll be b,e1d ~· • • • lh.&lb" ~ 1111.e aod the back[)eld rt'l>e&LMlt-' , '\;..#. y;..M/<;..A.. ._.. 'U..u ziiore.....c!eiui.te=. • . uq a mecUate11 .,. ""'tonowtAc tbe ee"lce. Orld.trM made tbel,r first. do•H •-'

i:'.:.~~ ~-)!..8! Utem• ....... eed tor . __ ~~~u; . .,,.._,_.1''\~-.; ... cft.noi;~·,.;,c;,.....:. .111 M. n i 1"¢afr...!.."ft~w10&tSctw. ·Toab ~. c1aallc of"1'ti• toot~ll .....,""'""' ......,. . .,~·· .. ....... OfMpe ~ . aCt.ioa. l>n .l&DUU'J" I tbe tocat lltlai Or lbe B u:man Lilt,'' .,What ..-..OO wUI 'ff arpecl to a f.lD.llb. OD adHftt:.111 b7 tbie CaalnM, lb Of

t Tll.e formaUoa or dlac11ttloa CIOllPI coattet to dtte na.loe wbo .-m re· Tblnk Ye or Cbrlltf ". "The Cu• tbe hxal s rldlron btt wMD tbe Tar~ wblcb went for • lotal of U 1arde.. and plan• r.or foru-.. allo t OOt part pre1Ht NcPhr9?0 Collese ID c:om· >.P, the Moral , Nan" , "The r lble S•ld .. ot Ltod•t;)ora and th• Yumblct1 pr"vcmLed Ibo Oullilop from Ot 11r. 8 prenaer'• lime wb.UO lie wu petition •Ith tbtrtoen Otber colleset Judcment To Cllme" and '"Unpardon· MtPhinon Collese Balldop. The . 1corlnc turlbor. llowcvor, the local•

t., t <,b t re. • Some of tile tqtel'-raclal quel<I of Kann• ta. the Old Ll111 Ora toric&J able 8tn1." cune I• called al 2:10 p. m. Tht1 ihowed much huprovem eut.- over ore-'!": -, ;tlop1 or coUe•• aad c:1u .. aud cam. .. co1te1t wltl take place. • Ill be thl tut cha11c1 to see tbe •lou1 c•mc•. r. >Ul pro~l•IDa w{U tH., .dtecuHed. ,ft A.ay collere •lud&Dt under tWeDty.. Tb• Rev. M. c. Hout Wiii talk OD Bulldog1 la aetton OD th• home field. ' Hcth~I ,\ l ru Sht.1w l~ll ~r·~11

U lloped\tb&t Jn aueh noup1 1tudeul H YH Jean o r •P 11 eltctble to inter lb.a .abject, "The Problem• or tbe Never were tbe Bulldop In better Ut!thril bH .otoa mf11dlly ~ood ••·1 oplnloD wlU be e.apreeaed ud actlYa tblJ conte.t. The orattoni ma1 be MlD .. lr)'" tom1Jrrow a ft.ernoon at •bape tor thl• annual cluh tbau terl•I tn Duller. Pankratz, hl'ufman. thl.Ulaa • Umulatecl wblcb • Ul lead t•o thouUod word• tn leasth aad : ·; 30. All a re welcome. tbe1 todar. It l1 utd tbe • ad Krt hble.I. Rullf!r in 4'nd cauabL Ule oartkJp&.DU to anl•e at tlae ma r be on aoJ .abject. : • • • • • • Swede. are brlustac a .. dopecU" lbt p&&1 lbat rfl4ul1 ~d In ll4!:1bel'1 truU.. Tbe Otd 'Ltue Oratlcal coat.Ht 1' a t...'AJA:SDAfl • team but 1 S•ede-SuUdo& same la only louehdown. Pankr•ti •ud

Plu• f9r th St.ate Student Coon· n.atloaal contest. Tbe orat.lona o r • • nenr won b1 dope. 1l ta woo bJ thp Kautcnao a re \1rO his: t•cklet t.bat ell'• procram for the nu. UU-lt- the •late conle1t are Jud18d on • Nov. z _ u _ Eunsellitft • tt1bt1n1 Oulldo1 1plrlt tha t wblppel rousht liard chockf!d lhe Md'berlOa )5 were ' &Jao dltcu."ed and Jormal· tbousbt and compoeltlon and the 1tz H r1'1ct'll. Bethel and thL 1ame i plrll wlJI be offenalvf) .. Krt!bbhil Rl r liht ·blU ited b1 llr . S»reo1e r and M{. Dot1. beat or&Uon1 are cboeea for de llver1. ,• ton. • creaU1 In ewldeaee today. •Lut yea r C t.'•ntlu~l

0,, l'ueol! 1 ,

• · The winner or tbe 1tale conte1t take1 No•. 11 _ Dolhauy al Mc- the Bulldo11 beat the Swede• and lhe -------EXCEPTIONAL TALENT IS part '"lb• dlotrlct and tho tbree Ora· • Pher&On. Swade Jin• of "Dotbanr Wino." Tho PERSONNEL Of DEBATE

SHOWN IM FIRSt RECITAL ~l~t ~! ~== !!!:.:!1 r::::t0:01:: :~:~ • llu~~"· 19 - Sterl lnJ; •t Str•r· ~e~:~doi~:,;r~r~~1;!, ':,!:.:1~.~~~~ TEAM STILL UNCERTAIN

Knl ..J'f"e X.9kal l "rop'am i. OJye:n •t Cblc•co. · 1 • Nov. U --<Jple Heed . • THE S\VY.OE8." To tbe loeal team l'lo~ IC•N' l'rouil!!t"'I Whh Sltif"ttta b71kedftte 1D FlJte Arta Loc:M Prll.t'a will probablJ be shcn • Nof". tO-Df!bale Tryout. • thla I• a 1upreme momenL In TH~ AIJln <'onr-tnnt"" IUddlnR:

°'""meat and tnf lll.uditat wl.1blas to eater the I J':oT. %7·30- Thanhgl•lag supreme eauae. Tbe leam. the racul· for Pl•'!""'

1 cootat ma1 do IO b7 reg .. lerlns with • recMS. , tr. the •lad1nu, and the town are __

Tbe flrtt itadeat recltf.I or the Kenaetb Rock, ptt1ldent ot the local • Dec. l:?-G)'mnulum fcstl· • ready •nd ea•er to pl•J •nd wltu... A• th~ Ihm} :ipJtrOitth("• tur lhl• J"ear compo.ed e.ntlrely ot moalcal Ora1orkal AlaocfaUon; Prof. Mau- ,. val . , the 1reate1l rrldlron conteti:t or the Jnar'a tl~IJatu tryout, !Jdl)OC'IMllf llfO·

~ ... ~ numben, Wat beld t.n the Cbapet rJce A. Hall or M'ln Cel~1ta Wine. • Dile. 20-30- Chrlatmu re- • •e.i:.aon. mlnent 18 11;0 fr..-.llng of unror1 .. 1u11

:::!~:~0r~•l~=~ea~r1:i:e~ :!~~ ,.:~ Beat the Swedeal . : :er.•. . . . . . . . ; Keep the Swede Jinx t?own t ~:11~~1)~!11;1 11:;~~:0::.~::1,, ~i,/':~~~·,:1r.~; tbe department or fJne arll l'IYei whlc.:h thlM 1cam f if lo hu '°4Jli~<:t••IJ, wlll a 1umbtr or recltalt whleb are &I· I ho heh! h1 tho t'OlltAc (;lm1.KJl1 No-

·wan l ood •ad mucb enjo·1ed. A B lid T JI U1L H Bel th Be T • th W Id vembe r 20, u1 7:00 11, m. .,.he m<tm• E••l'J ••mber OD lb• oro«ram ...... u og I e ... ~·Y e_ . ong• to e at eam an e or bor• or th• racully wlll lrl .. th•

or euellnt 0:uaJ1t1. The ffrat aam· Juda:e..

~rn~u ,.::::u:!: .:~ f:.~:: ma':t~J.~~elld:: ~:::e•: ~~:: ::~ ~!~~ ~~= ~;;nto0=~ :!.~h:a:talc::p •,~! :::::. nu:1::1:~n~~.~~~::~~ .. 1~~~oe1~·= or toH or MlN Dunt"• pla1tor w11 day nl1bt . October H. ufd In hi• they decided tt'> enter the race. SO But he woaldn't llate n to ·em and •ery clo1te •nd eplrttf'd ~nntMl, u;:~J~i:."'Lt'•"°lld,.o played J.

0 plaao •H~h. "J think tbat Mc:Phertt0n Col· be we1:1t Into t he vltlage 11ata end ao they bad to let Old DeN 1tarl. Tho,..c who lnt"nd t n try for a phtco

Iese baa the best . tootbatl tetm In put do•·n hl11 entry fee a nd borro•· ·And that"• about all •he did do. on tho learn are 1.ui: rol1nw1: • .,.., '4lo• Wft.h ,..;. ablllt·y, 9bowlns re.. lhe worldT" ed nn old tiulky or Peum~. tb., D11c1t· When the other hor1e111 11.11rted 1he lllf.11~)'. c:riu•e C1'e hrnn, l.t•ltoy 1>o1y, m&rlcable t ecbotQue and Interpret.a- Here 11 wby _ 101lth. ' It w11tn11•1 111 verr .w;ood 1ul1cy, awlt.ched her lull once ur t•1ce, look- Horner .,;hy, f.'lnrd Kur11, l'•ul

:: tloa. Bern.let 'Pectr also plaJ"ed two O"er In tbe wllda o f Ml•aourl. bU.t PC!:tera put ll now r im on one ed around h11r 1houlder, and Jo11red Kurur;, llttrrr t .. ohm:rn, Harv(ly L@h· piano IOIOI irtUa dalaLla.eM of toucb cloae to a mue town b1 aam• wb~I • nd Ue,d JN>me l>Al1t11 wire here away. Prett y aooo they met lb' rn..n. John l .ehrmrn. Anuu •~onaol, aad a.ortu\on. The pla1fo.s or of LeelOn (or 'IL'•• ft PlattabursT). and lbere and the old m•n ffltcbed ot,her honin comlaJC back. but Old ChMrlf'.JI I..eni;,,I. !i.fUdrPd J .. lhh)'. Ram· ••1i1a1 Nl&bt .. ud "Scheno C 8barp tbere wu an o1d tnaa who owned a It home. And uery day after that Beu Jutl X>lled oa. And alter a uel lfohlc r. t-•rM Nair. A. I.. Jt"trkk. 111aar·• by Hue.I &colt • u mucll ap. bof'M about roart.eea Jean old rou"d ff4'!I him and Old Dcu Jocicl.ns wblle a man came runaln1 up and Y.lvl• Prall:=er. K~on~tb Untk: Ilarqld ,.._.s.d. DOl ODb' tor the beeat1 Of aad her front kaem lcnoded alon1 tbe tariipUr:e. uke.d tbem wouldn't tbeJ pleaat: 1et noctat.ugb, Vivian Spllm• a .

cc.a.... ....... 2.) ,.. toaetber and 1be had tbe aprtn1 Well. It c:ama the day of the mee~t oft lbe track because LbeT were· ball In the l.ert blad lee and las and tbt old nu1n and Hew weat la• tbe nHl he.t. to the J.ISOt.f•..:Y U·.i(Tt'JU-; l•oSTl'O'\'tm

AIA1MJQ ~.t.TIOX LOVATllD wu bllail fn 011e e1e and couldo't lo the fair 1r<1und11, Thert •H old m•n So11ed back. And that•• . - Me aa7 too •ell oater the otbtr. And bup or belclng suing on and tbe old alt lhere WH to It. Out OH of the The lt1tiure by JudJ:•j ll1·t1 N. i_lnd·

Headqaarter fo r tbe Alumni Aa- 1be waa fat and tu1 becauH Ihle Ulan he •trolled around t1.od r.lrolled men tbal h11.d lald 1t bet wltb tbe old tte>' whleb w11.a 1c11cdult"<l ll• b• ••t•• .a&Uoa wlU laeucerortb be la the maa dlda'L uae her e.rcept to drln a round a.nd pretty r.oon ho _didn't man he waa 1art1r aorrt ror him, ton;f)rrow night at tho QpMu Ho •• >aortJtw.a roea ot tbe MMmeat la to tba •Illa«• oace a week ta ••old ba.,. a red c:toC. lefL, aod h1;1 ulcul· 1uea1la.a ho waa Juel 1bout cleared •t tho H-OC:Onil nurnbt•r on lhu l)'tm101 Sharp AdmlalMi.ratloa Bulldlns &c-- ratUa t .np bad.board to aet a DO•Dd ated It' Old DeM woo be'd be ouL. and be .. td to bln1. "Old man. f;<.IUnHI. h._ bet:n fndt.flnltcl)' po1t~ C'OrdJD.C to a bJ" l!I• Board or or eorre1 aad a l&Ck or noar aad '° aboat tlrtee.a huadred dollan to tbe,ala't 10U aot. urr HOM at. •11! p.oned "'*uae or bualneH makln• It ~-- •!lo are to b.aH the rooa lortll. Well. ooe ttae .... N wu 1ood.. -.... eTtryoH bl laid a Dtda't JOU k.oow tUt bOrM or J011ra DecMUrt for lb• Jud10 to remal.n tu P&lallld ud for the ~ '8 tlae •Ulap: ~ ... _. a aotlee aaio.t Mt w P.•• 111.m pertectlr 1canda- ILad eprlaPalt aad eobootle9 aad Deaver. ' eodaU... ne 4.uclcf.aUoa will eQDIO a t.rotUac meeua.a to be h eld at c.Jl• l oa..t odd•. Wb~n 11 came Old neu·a wu kDock·lt•Md la rro•t •114 ra111a• ------... ft1J1!:1M lt for Dtrm&Jlellt Ala~t fair c:roa1d.a a wee~ later. 8o au t.Lme be d.ron out on Che 1rac:k and !away behlad!.. ..Why, 7ft, .. revlled Tbo ,,.;bleat mlod tbe ~I c:on1cnt--~~ llle wa7 Jao .. tJy,t, da7 be La.IUd it 9'TCr)'ODa bowled • Dd tb• Jadl• &oLJ--t~ ....... t..) DMD\. bu. - Sl)tQfft,

I ' .

Page 2: mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • I STEADO.Y : • • :IBUU · ~ ~ mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • .m..;, •


The Specta' tor ~:·:.;· ;;.::::h• '=~ ;::~ Artist Who.PabUd ::.":.. 0,' .. ~·~t." ~l_;ll&Hldh• PIMl¥ c...:

0 ~ *" ... .;.&joul New ·~~- . ' W• Grad· ~~ •• .. :;::; ;,,;;.;:.


ro"...e~ - ' ooni,vlou llMtr etf..U! 11la DOJ· n• L.- M . C ~ Ha.,IOll' lflllS .. .,, Dear w .. T-•J'ID• Golltf Ol•fttoT

- cbo .... teal word can &uni PIODI•'• JP!' •SWll • • Soul .. •1 flltnd.enqa ta a ~ tweet Autumn, Aupat., ~aa.e. • .. au

~ b~ • "4r ~o•ll qt nu I~ 1!114 'l)t -~~~• "Oe!•w•J." •olca l~•t "!''rled Ip al .I II!'" ot the the • •her ~· •tthla u. ... ~lo enn tlr1t~hand o~~"allon ran to whlf:h w" Jut'" •~le hu"-' \n the audlt.orlunt. e•en.1 the "'ordft 1uti1 ~=I~!!:':. e~ :~r~~e d::.~ ~

1 malte lmpret11loo11. The whole wor ld ball 00 tblrcl floor or Haralf l lall lD eoftett toneii. .., bow• before a fell' .. cl•nr" llOUDdlnr 19 tht work ot Ifill alumni or M C Th• prpsra~ tbowed Jn a mark· IUtle lfnCB that rhyme and ramble,

... .. •J'llablet, ~and ~rbaps reallaet tu Mra. Lydia Sob1ber1 Deere, or 'Lind;: ed. deer" tbe auooeu ot tbe deparc.. rlpple. trickle. race and amble. blr• Pabll•bed eH17 week a t McPber- folly - when lhelr purpoHt hue bor,e, .Kan .• who PrefleDt.ed tbe pie- m.eot o r tine arta In McPherson Col- r y, ICIUtrJ'. run, DlM.Dder, nu-

IOD Coll•ll by tbe SUadeot Counell been accomplltbed. ' ture to the Auocla.UoD J.ut ltce. ~~. '~jl •::4 r=~ a.: .. :: EDlend u MCODd elaa JIMltH S J 0 •prlog. •ad runer, awene an4 nit aad

Noremher !O, u11, •l lh• postoftlc• tu ent pinion 1 l!ln. Doore bu won eo••ldtrable E:icchan,rea •lld• ~04 •hl• tt, ·hop •!Ml "•,••« at llcPbenon, Kauu, a.oder t be ~t • .-- ta me throagb ber worll In art. Bbe -- hobble o'er th!! l!!ll'el u J lfalltt of, llarcb I, 1191. l>ORfifN'T APPBBOIATF. QUE81"8 , bu •Pft!Jal(&ed la landacape pcalnUng According to Tommy Dixo n. bo7- whb 181 t'1ou&hl.I and IBF tblat-

Bub~crlptlon -, l.H per 76

ar lo Are school aoclal ennta put on tor 111 ' he medium• -of oll, watu , cql(lr Ing coach and commander of tbe e r, - Jilli' rh1 tpl':IJ aboat the c lrcui, advAnce. , the cntt11talnment or tho atudenu, or an4 lflhorraphy. She recoh·ed her Jaybawlcer Cllaptor or the Disabled " How tl\e Other Fei:iow~ .,.,.ork ll•.'•

'"" tho,. 11tudentK 1mppoaot1 to enter- Bachelor 0~ PalntlnK under Prof., .Ame.rlcan Vc tcr11m1. a. drive ror·tupds "Frloodly Chnt• About tbe W eather" ---Jill•. •,TO-l•U•AJ•,•9• T• AIG'---- t.alnthe on-lookerfl'?' .Whenever thore Dlrger Saod:ten o:r Bethany Coll,re. "(01 be held 'Novernber 8. The "How r•op and Oot T aetbe • .. Editor- tn-Chlet .... Laura D. MeOafte1 1a an all "chool part)' or a clan IOClal, In addition to "OaLewaJ,'' tome o r 1:onrnor. nt practlco.Jly every 11tate "K. K. K." a nd "T:lllt S:totJo~: .. AuocJate Editor ··-·-·Vltlao A. Lon& •re all of lbe c hildren of Ille nelah- ber beat worh Include "Red Rocb lo the United Stale11 hue tuu_ed P,ro- "Strife" and "Crime" and "Rnoltt· Aooclate Editor ......... n oJd E. K ut& borhood counted In for e ntert1lnrneot at Boulder:· "The Mountain Road," clamatlou endoralo11e "Forget-lie-Not 1lon," ••)latrlmooy" and .. DliorcH .. :A.lbleUc Edllor .....•.... . .John Lebm1n "'1th the itudents! Allie] the Hal- "In Boulder Canyon," ''The Moun- Da1" and callln1t UPOn the cltl:eva ''Bre.ktut. La.ncb, •and Dina~ Feature Edhor ..... _ Roulla Wblto lowe'an partJ aome of y~ere. made. talo Side," "Ennln1 Colon:• "la to SUPPOrt t..bll natlon•kle monment Courwea ,, - aome •re fJOnne ... fOlD Ezebanie EdJtor ........ ~.~PlDye Rbodea 10 wondeir. All after7oon the de- Hone Thier C&ayon:• "A Kaq., In tbe lnterut of lha natloa'a dis. ari epl~ aome are lclllJoy a~tlt.e; Ma.te•up Edllor ....... . Samuel B. Kurt1 coratfnr committee wu •urrounded Wheat Field" a nd " Bethany Church.' abled veteran•. ti~; IO~e are B1'"eet, and otber1

Repcwten by~ s roup or llYely, wlg111n-.. IDd oll Mr•. Deere hi a. n.atlH of Mlontr.1- - Tht1 Unlvertlt:r Dally Ka9san. muahr·: certain onu are rather

·:~~:~:e A1~::V~~n Ro~!t'~;~: ~~:y ~~;!~~o~l~I: t-::·~nr~~i~~-~~~!~ ::·~~ubte;:r?h:h~:e~::: t:e~cP:I~~ The pep or1tcnlzollon oC W~hburn, ~!:~~:1:: ~o7n~~~·a::m:th::: · oOM;;klkcra c d oll the g-ue11t• u they arrh•etl, fU:?hool educallon a nd wu 1tro.duated known Dfl tho " l( ra&y Cuts," ifl. mnde clrnorful ; rcadcu· sob and moAn And

lll18Uf STAI'.., W1llChod c hanc::va to pull on tho de· from the comrnerielal deportment of up o r a 1ro11p or fifty men WJ1oae 11nlttle rl'!DdlDg my poetlC piffle : mr But. Mrr ......... Sida, 1 L. &>ndera:ard eorauooa or to get a lHle bl the food. M. C. In 1895· She moved to Linda- purpose I• to hun lll pep Into Lhe poomN make tolkH groan and alih Au'l, Bua. Mrr ..•.. ,. MofCat Eatff Ther laughed the loudest and crowd- borg ID 1900 where for •overal 1ean!i student body, htQKll ant.I giggle weep and cr1 ·'

f FACUlll'l' ADVJ.8ERS &d the nioat. They caUed for re- •be was Indy prlndpal at Btth-nt. -- • AOmo ot in1 hudior malrea folk~ Edltb McOafteJ M. A. Hell t·reebm~nt. once, and tome twice. We She talrm her B. S. there .nu.t aprlng:. 'the W. A. A. ot Dalrl:er ls m:.lrln1 aho111, wblle e r ni grow hlg "and tun -----------"!"" 1,a ppreelate the lnterell of oar par~ta Her hu9ba.od, Pro f Emtl 0. Deere, la •rnncemenu for A meeting of an n ll roll out when mr pathetic ta Ira are

TA• s,,.ctahw A4' Jn iU PIW'POI• &nd our trlenda on the Hiii, and •• deaa: or Bethany Colle ge. She . 1" a Women'• A1hletlc Auocla.tJons 10 be rc:ul to gH.stenlng ere!! and rrltt· to t"•eonl accun1l•lv tit.• currnl .U1• J't'•lcome them to our actlvllhtt1, but •Isler of Robert SobtMr1t. formerly beJd a.t flaker Dece mber 6. In•lla· bent b e.o.d1 .... Grave teachets PdlJ' torit o/ AftPh,.otl Coll•JI~, givfu we wonder If ll would not be heller president ot I.he OlUz.en!' Dank or ttoru. being •eol to a.II school• •IM:h e nd clalm thnt ne'er A. n. 111hall puhlidtll to aU it• aeUviCin i1' d'' It tht17 would remember that they are ltlc Pheraon. which hnvo 111ch Rn organiutloii. tr11U my nnmc: tor Aurnmn, Aucuat, prOportion, and lo forwurd fh bed Ju>t lookln1 IQn ond tho atudent1 a ro tounµ 10 hls tra"'e la ArOUJld tho Uplrorm rulofl und rogula.tlons fQr June. o.nd 1111 the other kldt wllhlo and upltold lhe ideaZ. of lh~ t'ho lnvtted cUest• for whom the en· world. H1:1 pla ne lfOmetln}e 10 lJl}l:e tt),ef'lo c11111oclo.tlon l"lll 1bo decided tlloso Ju~ll" bend their o'er ab1orbft'll AlM4 MAfff', ... ·t'tlrtalnment 11 provided at 1oclaJ at· lhe proper •lepa ioward pen ulldlng ugon, and certa in requirements ,..m d ome11 o'er their baoks - but I ------------I Nin. tbe State Le&l!.lt;ture to mako U1e have to be met In order to. belong to "'rite poem•!

.- • Ile a atate parlr. the 11:l4te RPO~latlon. Thi• wlll help Addreu all corr•poodence to THI! IPECTATOR McPhenoo, Kauu

LIBRARY RECEIVES. GOOD Lar ge depo•lta of gppaum. Jron regulate 'JJrll a thletla. .,

MA'J'F.R~~ »J!fl.fJTE1l8 on He.. opa_r.. -~balH, alatff. fo•ll• Letter men ~e IT3duatcs or

TtJESDA\', NOVIOtDf)R u , t'24 A number ot new, boob of 11peclal ~n11:81~~:~~ ~~00:•~:.'~~~~1 48~: PblUpa UnlYertlty wlll be itnn en· lnterell to 1htdent mlnlaten have.. lllnch In Hone IJ'hl.9f Can)'on·. and grand llte-1lme paaara to all a thletle

Havln& nchanied ante-bellum been add•d to tboae lo tho C"r- later 1Stopped nt t he iurnd pita at cont~tJ• before the home-comtnr Comp1lme nt1, lhe Bw.tio and Bulld.01 ne1le llbra r1 tbJ• faJI. Fthv of the llU· M•rquette 1'hlch coj!ltaln llmestpnc gatPe Nonmber 1. rooter• arc tuUy pre»n•d to beJ!p ~l\U ~'8 tquo,d ttu~.m 11'4lt a nd qu~ coinpoeed or oc.ea:n ahelh1. --t be 1•m• wttb all tb.e PtP t hat oopld' Ubf8rf.,p S,,., _,.n"8Q"-.'t flU •jlch n tu .. , T1'e •'''" oi Pbll.lpa ... University be dMlrtd. a ble booki be not neglected. • VOJlce t': Pe_.,,. _ have org"nl1ed A pep club calle'J

• Pf'elldeDl D. w. K1Jrt1: pve three AJl ~kt""'9 fpr t he lnttt "Red Pep~r•.11 Tho membel"flblp la'

OBA.TITUDE booka 10 tile Library ror the ute ot ~~f> 4~ ..... wtll to be limited to forty glr111.

w41 woader-;;;Llmes wbat'n- :~u:::c:l~~~.~eni~r:.:~n:~·:~ ~ ::.. a.::;;;:' Bharp A4abtt. For enry perton that bas wpro

(A ta. Worw.wort.b) Jin dwelt within n lo•IY cot.

Dc:t1hJe a toworlnc -bll1; A boy who • hi.a al.mpt. lot

Wllb hl.11 loved .al.ier JUI, • Ono day they wandered forth full

•cir • To fh1d a mounta.i• rlJI.

Al OYOnllde they made tb•l.r pan Dotlde thil usitrleadlr but.

- C. N .. la Vermillion Repa'9Uc. eartb to •rtt. aMat aad tt aaJone lt•H ID RelleioD" aod Merril'• " T1'o ~' ;,0;_,..:!, i~010P. 0::::, . out there are a hundred that ba.,e rMdt what we .NJ wbea ••do •lll• Freedom of tbfl Preacber." •k\e9. It 709 e..~ be~ u • · ruied out.-Dra.M TacU. Send tbe Spectator bo••· about II. and If I.her arree o r dt.a.- Tbere are alao • croup of ~b ttJ.t tiJJac!. ~ • ~1,..0 . ========================~ 81.,Se and If thtJ think we ou~bt tor Jho thelam cl~ u we.It a.a ror' ih• 10 dl'aw f,or )"GU.. The lr'fOUt wlll tq wr:lto about iomethlng elM. mlnl1te r,1: Hobh.Ou.10•1 "Mora le 'n lie bd4 I• ibe CQllC«n a,.~1

Oolna: rrom our own to the trpp· Evolution," Ad ler'• "ffileQn1trucUon '.rtnuwd~y: Nov'r.nibr.r ~. at 1:00 bh11 o r othen. Sid wonder• It anyon,11 Of' t'1o 8pl rltt1a! Ide.Rh!' "n<>wland'11 p. m. ' "' ever read• hi• ad1; Sam wonde rs how "Tho n1111:ht To Belleve," Cairns ' ''Tho MAURlCE A.. '1£88, Dt'bnte • J)r. V. N. Robb 4:; .So,. man)' Hw how 1ymm•trlcal b~ neaaont1.blcne1a or the Cbrlltlan O>ub. tront pase mak•up wa1 tut week, P•ltb'' and Patten's "Can We Flad et cetera, ct cete ra, ad lntloltam. Ood !"

We auppoae our CPehel"9 wender Ttleao •rfl only a few ot the new ANTl0 TOBAOOO AllliOCtATION


H~•lng elected ottlcera for the

OtlJce Ho11-rti1: 8 to 12 A. M. J to 0 P. lf,

M>0no HOY

DR. w. c. HE~STON Phyaician anif Surs­

Jtoopu1 1 and 2.' 0TCI' MartJ.n-Benektt Store M~l"HP.RSciS. ~~SSAS

It we a ppreciate thou comprehea- boo)r• on tbeae: aubJeclt and the 1tu-1Klnt qulu queallona they ult. Pro- tl~nt mlol1tere •hould make them hably 1he fireman wonde:ra bow we utn1 acqua.lnted with them. Alto appreciate how -n:bem-,.wartn Cf) lhero aro four mag;q.:tlnt11 coming lo !!!? :n.u•llf Atbtb7(" the tbe l,.lbrary regulo~ly tor t'tpom: The nre on 1 hoau i::old day". Tlie copk• Chrlattnn lle?Gld, Hibbert J ournlll, wonder l1ow tho 1tuaonl.I llte their Tho Cbrl4llan Union Quarterly and

rear, the A•tl·Tobacco A1aoe1at1on 1o - Wilaon & Wil'4>n ulonn lng for 4 hundred pe r cont Clf'IROl"RAOl"OR8 J>t-u-11Jdan ttnd S~aec>D . membership and tor 'lln 1nterclaas S~lftt~c:-:r:J,.T91~:t:2~Jl~!n: Otflco Houri

Dr. L. F. Qµantiu

oratQrfcAJ contest. MoPhenou, Ka naaa 10 to 12 a. m8unt;•)' a to 8 p, m. The follo,.,,·inl' ot.llcor11 \\'Oro elect,. rt)ono SO. 10 t.o 11 u. m. - &. tD • p . ,m.

blJltull• and envy. Tho Jitney man Tho Journa l of Religion. wonder• how we like to ride do1fn

_,d tor tho ye:ir Wedne'iiday mornln1:: '-~-.--....---~-. ~ . ..,.....;;;,__ _____ .;..._....;.._;__, Pretldent, Elvis Prather: vlce.pre1I· ,....,_ ... _. __ ...., __ ,....---,...-11r--------------,

Euclid ln the b"ck part of his c~arlot. i •. w. C. A. Tbl!I la a cold. UDIT'llerul world, --

and ah1t01t ever1one 11 almoat u ua- Tbfll Wednesday Y. W. C. A. meet-

dt1nt, Paul Bllckenstart; tocret.arr· treuurer. Curll• Rntbr1utr.

Jo the conteat beld between tbe 1Tateful aa Herrone el8e. Oood l.Pr wu both deeply· cleTotlonl and ClllDff the penon wlaolnc •Ill re­nll:bt. <SeUgbHul11 entertalnln1. Tbe pretont M .. C. In the 1tate cootett:.

meettnr WH opened by aln&ID& ''!Lovo lot. C. ha• placed t int HToral t~mc. J VST A FKW l'WORDS09 Dhlne, All I;ou Excelllns.'' The Jn the state cont 011ta.

-- chapter on lovo .trom· tint Corinth·

CLINTON R. L YTLJ:: Phyaician and Sur11..­


W. E. GREGORY How dellghtrut It Ii, lo roll tl}em Ian• WAii l'OGd by June EUia a nd rot~ NEW MA.GAZI~ rosTRD DENTIST

our our tonGue1t How wo fall for lowed by a 1hort prayer. After thc10 -- • f»bone 812

lbom! How thoy <ap!ITDlel ljow d .. otlonat1. "My De•r. Soul" wu do· Mlaa Margaret Hethftthorn tlbro· ·S<oond Floor •'lrmtro Alllaaeo tbe.r en1naret ll1htfully by Elverta Hawley. rlan. ts i>oatJnc abon tho magulne InMUf'AACCI IJ.ulldi.plf

Dr. Grace Cullen Chiropractor

Office .Sundahl'a Cafe Telep!>oae 63

E.L.HODGE DliNTlllT Over Hcl*berlo"'" c1u.. .. J!a•J<

Ottlco Pho no 959. Rn. aa. )6. Catcb·1fOrd•, catchr word~. cam- The nlffUOI' wu f1Wn111 concluded ndr In th.a earn.,le l.Abrvy daJlY 0------------•1

palp •loau.s. pollllcal ra llpl'I by a piano .olo ''SC.henio Jn C Mlaor;• a Jlat ~r mapalaea re¢elved. r-·-----------,. crlee. Tho inob doa not ael1e them: p layed bt Has.el Scott. tbat daJ. These lbw are left tbey telH the mob. Tber are tbe up for one week. Dy refenlog "Open 1eume" tbal securn..,.adipl"" .ACAD OEBATP. QUES'nON CHORR!C to tbam atudenl8 doln1 re&ular re--1100 to Ibo t enaclo¥• ollerstJl!(:e of rei:enc::e wort In the ma1nlnn can. that lar10 per cent or hum~nlty tbat The academy debatera tbt111 year rNdlly dlacover 'Which one. a re IJl

A. i:ntrberg, M. D. Pract k'O Limited to

Eye, Ear, Nooe and Throat Glauea Fitted

H. G.ROLF Oa~atltic Phyaidaa

• OTtt Kera'• rhon~ 343. JJDJ' Marth Mata.

relies on the retl tor lta 1econd· ...,.111 d ebate the proa ancl cona of tho l¥Jtbout looking throu1h the cntlre t----------...--"'l'------------' band lde1U11. Jt11t n few word11 tha t Rted·!Uorllng But which 11ropo941a rack. aou•d "•"· oerll••• repeated • tow to out a Secretary. <tf Educa1lon In Dr. J, B. Donley th-.· A. A. Free~S tlmea tor emphul1. Like cbarltJ', "tho Pru tdeol'• Cabinet.. MIH Mayme E. Welker , proreHor °"teopa1blc Pft>·•k-,_n RCMonthn aad Pre9ea~N we make t.hem cover a multitude of o f home ecooomlce, wu the prln- General prac:llee and d iseases ot De•tilt.rJ' · GEOLOOY CLAM l(.i\.KR8 cl1>4J aoeater at the mcetlnK o f the tbe recotum . • .:~rlln'• Cate. Ot!lce oo:_:au~:~oe 9tor•

" R e lcept u• out of war•• cJld Jt,ln .. llUl\"DRBD MlLE TOU'R P. E . o. Slaterbo6d at tbe bome orj Oflktt 4 30, Bctii. '¥ w. Otnte ..._ ~ RflL .,1


d101,.~',:..ra"c'IP1 ,'.•d ~~.· ,.:~rltdo .... dr._ro,,~ Mn. J . W. Je111rhtt, Wedne9day . _ -. .... -,.- Coulderably more lntere.tla1 lba.n al1bt. )Uu Welker't addreaa wu on

did 1t later. "8uper lorhy complex:• the &a1l1qll,tlon ot facta from tu.t domettk science, wUb :•••••~•••••e•eeee••••eeeeee••••e•e••e••••e••••••••• to 10me. recientlr ~lataH tll9 caa.te boob '"ID" to be lbe senera l at• rood valuea. Mn. Archie San Ro-- • B··''d y F~ ..... ·- nr• J A-..1 S·-' ot eYery patboloalcal IOClal pbeno-- tltude pe,,-adlJ\I u tbe membtn of mant, l~itraetor In public •ebool mu- t \UI 0\11' ""'-,.....i •" ISe Y ~ ....,.7 menon. Or. H•r•l1'• 1eo'4>~r claa arrl'fed ln ale, CHe a lll'OUP o r piano ·numbers : E n r1 doUar 1ou place tn your 1&v1011 accouut aid• you to ell•'

Jnd1ln1 them b7 their elf4:tt' - Jrlc,~eraoa Frl~b eveailqc after a at the meetinc. • bl1ber <1n the rOld lo IQCC88. ••d tbat ll U1e lotlcal o r hQDdHd mlle taspee:~a to1i11r. A ·• : "Bytitemattc ••Ins of a re1ulu amount each week or moatb; M .. a1uuoa - •• tblak It i. ••14 a..-w .e_f roelt formatJou aad min· uCsrnoRAL TAJ..mft' IA : lt alD&.ll or lar1•. a. tbe eure ••d l•l•lllble road to r1aaaclal ..... o•enlPt oa lM put ,•f lllr. Nolf4l .,.., Dur Jtaaapolla wen mCJWK Hf n... RIKlfl'AL e pu41eoco.

t1.u .. 4111 aot .,..~. • pr19e tor rillLM. --- : PEOPLE'S STATE .n "' ""'K.

Ille ooM!aaear of lh• - "''cllJ ......... lh• ohjaela ot - ,....,.. ..,..._ - - II : :Dftl"

....... . - --·-·-·• ... Dr. llle_.._ .. , .... ,..lh.- . "'Cato" ... ..__.. wlll .. - · RuM """ - ....... Nolhlq -· ., .a. : • .•. v-- ~ -._,.

... •,.... ,.,.._ f8I' -.,. _ftlte @e "919 la Rndare W9f .,.. two"--!- _....... ..,.,,_.._ ........... ~••••••••••••••• ..... • .. •94•••1•



Page 3: mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • I STEADO.Y : • • :IBUU · ~ ~ mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • .m..;, •

" -TtmsDAY, NOVEKBD 11, 1924

I '*

)Ir . En• ••r ff wu unab'9 to meet 111• ....._ lut week beeaUH of aid. ....

N!Jr .. Br•bak:n •nd Beulah Cal· i-,ri.11"4 IClorett proba-~r ~· q111·. ~·• 81lncta1. • • •

Mr. and Mn. tlomer .,.l"oats of Galn. K•J·r .p.,• ti dlfa1J•r 1""t1 SundaJ, Marr n. and Kath:typ Swope, Harriett aad Naomi Mohler, Berni~ Roo•er, Mr, ud Mn. Lloyd .Ha•lU'. V- JIUWI, l!l<!J!ar ~J14er-d aad EdwiA Croae:b or Lilrertf, Ko. ~. fr9•k U&rtop ol ChllD<co. Ot~, a atudent here Jut ru.r, Is 'llsl!hlJ. bere tbll week.

Florence , K ittell and Dorothy Meyer , former 1tud~nla lf'b9 4t'O·now~ in Southwa1Urn College, tlall.ed frie nd• here ID.It week-eqd.

Alma Morrt1t011 had M a gu•t Rua· day. Pearl Crumpacker, who Jlwea near MoaU.or.

)llrJam Wenrick and J:mr:g.ert Pair spa11t Ula wMk .. n.d at

iLut. week

I !tot ~·" T .. bp$b Aad I .Didn't Un Eooqa~ ~)I b!tt 'l'o h• ~ ,1111111 'l'o wrUf ta' Pfd Fof' IDONHBODe7.

Tued&J ol1ht.

¥ 1 1lrl .. IJ4 ~ Went to tbe abo'W Wttb,blm And blt 1frl And 1 Dou1ht tbe tld:e t• " And afte r the show l pa id the eatl!I check ~nd believe me Ho C4n eu And bls girl's No chicken When It comm to rud. WedneMl&J I CaH bl~ Four Jitne y tlcllet.e For him,


Smile a WIUle

Tra·nllal - He7 l Cealr&J J'OU'H cat me otr be,...

BCMtDp. Ceatral - Ctrtal•IT. Yqu Al\iat aot ..- a oollee:tlwe aoua u 1he 1abJett ot a plural nrb on tblR Uno.

"Art 7ou 1ure lhal he lovca 1011 4pd 1ou alone!"

"0 Jes: more then t .han at a ny ftl,b er Ume."

A t eacher bad told tba cla.u the Mory or Abra bam'• ea1ertaln lng AD·

1e la Ull!l-W&re. but 1usp.aln1 that the word "unaware" w1u1 not under· stood by all ukcd lt11 running. whereupcn n. llltlo 11:lrl re-ave thlll d ia-­Unlllon: "It's t ho thing thllt you we11.r next to your Mkln.

She ~You mu11t gl"¥e up 1mokln1: • h'• a. bad boblt for the heart,

He - Yet, I must gin up mooollgbt on t..fto water. too - that'• wonc. '

"Why tboii1e tttt.u~" nAked t he fnr.

1We'll B_eat

the Swedes

HOW- ,i '

every sucker in the city limits working like a nigger-

FAT-. ,.,

Mr. and Mn. Ralph Lehman of Holland, Ka1u., Tlallffi 011 the HUI, Sunday.

E lmor Drunk, A . B. ·u. who tca.chea Al Enterprise, l{a n .• vl~ltccl,

Hla gtrl. And her mother And tier llttle .l;Jrotf1cr, And walked to town M)'Hetr.

me r ot thl! btted nHt.n. :=::~;;~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~ "Symp:tthy" ro1illed the latter. "!l)'mpnthy for tllll W(li)llill~ WIHO'\\'

b ere II.Bl WNk~Dd. • M11.rlln Kelly and Homer P aden

•llllllled al the Paden komt In Lyon1, Kan .. l&•t week .find.

~'"'· C. A. l.lchlJ' or Sabetho, K1tn .• Is •illUnK btr daughters, Dorothy a111d Helen this week . • Ruby Dozanh. o f Liberal: Rpn .. was n 1uell or Orltfllb Duis Fr:daJ.

Lucile Hoo~er 11> Sunday at bier .home at Morrlll , Kan.

&dwln CrouclL ot Liberty, Mo .• waa ,p. 1pe)'t or Nooui1 Nqhler over ll!o week~nd.

M:r. and Mra. E. S. Hume and baby or Ott.a.,,a, Kqn., v,1lt.ed Eett,er Bllck­enatart and Cella Watlllns Tho,. da1.

Fe rn F.lp of Windom, Ka n .. '\'l11t-ed Leola Ellwpod J&1t week. ·

Ellu.~th Penner or Newton. 1ulw . ·1be game Thursdo.J and vl1lted her

elater, Ml.111 J{otberloe Penne r , Fri­day.

Goldie Vlckcn •lilted a t th.e StdU,le rtbomo ID JJ,apaona, Kan., Ja• t lf•k•n4.


t'nd I b nve Two corn11 And a bunion. Thuf3daJ I paid his ll'&J' To lbc 1tame And bought IJlm Two sandwlchu, 'three esklmo pl~•. And a balloop . And Friday mornlnR At lhc bookM.or~ J H fd lo him. "OrAb, me an exam book. wm ,,.? .. And be looked at tne And utci, .. -where'• rour Three Cenl8!1• And l f Like ehooHnc: hl.m, But lnatend I bonded him A dlmo And be bouFht A I UGtD And & ~&lU With the change.

over yonder."

An abnenl-mludcd divine o nce 1n· quired or a 1>11rh1honer : .. ,\ntl how 1111 )'our wire!" " I rc1rot to ~y"',

repJled the other. "thnt I am 11'! 1et unmarried."

"Ah, how plect.Mnt that I•." mn1ed tho ctergymon. "I tn.kct It that your .,,.Jfe IR alngle. too.''

"'(- -K4;~~~~:~~11~l!~r ~hnod ~~}he eurnle

She ~teppecl 111.on :t cowslip 1lr, ,_nd Cell a.nd hurt he r back."

Paragnapb of n. boJ'• lette r writ· ten rrom the rarm:

~f! arl\ bnln~ :t dandr time. W e

a woodehuck ont or hlit hole rday; II. wa.11 a skunk. We alllpl

I~ tbe lut nig ht."

u >'0\J ~ave not 1 ho force oc char·

:~:;;~a~:ke a an ,:,:::~.y, ~u8~1~! Tacks.

And I wonder 11 there no help! ma~:n:fa-~::"::~r1!: !~:~ /.:! Fellow Studenb

bdh Belle Mc.Kinner to Prof. WU· St£

Are You Buildil')g?

Let us estimate on your ""!uin:mcntl for buildlna matcriab. Our prompt Ind dependable service and active co-operation wUI mok" your dcalincs with 111 a plcl.surc.

LW Lake Superior Lumber Company

Building Material and Coal Phone 40

:··················································· : For Anythin' In

E Home Killed Fresh Meats . : . . . . . . :

Lunch Meat and Smoked .Meat Phone 223-227. We O.liwer.

PEOPLE~S MEAT MARKET 216 North Main . . .................................................... Jard Oral Mlahoff, wbfeh took Swede• •a. 8ulldo1• at 2 :30 HULTQUIST

In JolcPberaon October 11. Ml" Mc- P• m., at·t.Jae f~ir .:~u.nd1. s:zo ====z: __ .Kl,UlliY WDI ro~roorly a 1LudeQt in~. j;::;::;:;:::::;;;;:;;:=~==:;~ For Your Clothes ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••

- ~bo:,h:.':.:~: N";"~';,1."~.';;. public e11- qle Beauty ~::::::::::::::::::::::::~ : YOUR HOME : Sh L H l Ek M · : Will bu Cully protected ngnln•t lo~s under our com- •0 . op • e mer UllC • binccl Fire, Lightning and Torn11do Policy. •

The re wm be• box auppeT at Mt. F acial and Scalp Treatment House : lnaurance At Coat-Under Mutual Pla n :

:::-:~Leo~:::' H~~~-=· ~t~ar m~!: P~:~S!:l: lf lt'a MuaicaJ Cet- It : THE FARMERS A.!;!f.,~.~~~ J.~~~RANCE COMPANY : nln1. Tb• P1'JllJc I• cordi.lly ln?lt-1'----....;.;;;;;;;;;;;,~.;.;...----'I a t EK'S • ••••••••••••• •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1..i. Ladl .. brlog boxes. SHOES-- '-------------·

The right kind •t tbo right Shotgunta· For Sale "!l"hare " 48 a n o}d Jltllld qt Nap~ prices And also Shoe Repatrlns nt l Stevens, t G Gungc.

~·•~ot, 1 J . W. HALLEY'S I lthnca, 12 Gunge. W h:u::~or at rred out of tho JOB Ea• t KuciJk1. Call 415 North Maxwell

Bu:~:h•'••rrled her cat In ••••• .------------11 L __ P_e_r_ry __ W_ i_n __ i_a_m_• __ ,I For tear ot meella1 a mouse.''

Ten cents saved is 20 cents made.

Wall< on~·half block west of McPherson-Citize1111 ~nk on M11in Street and save a


Union Bat-ber Shop ~ Hair Cuta 30 C-ta

Curllnc bo11.1 keep the '.Jiair . !ookin1 nic~. El•~ Qurl­IDI lrona..-

f Ille .,. $1.00 •

Let . Ua S"""' Yqa ll!ei-1

Hawl~ Hdw. Cp.

The McPheraon & Citizens

State Bank of McPbenoDr Konaaa

Capital and Surplus, $118,000.00 •

We are pleased to be of use to any student.

SHEAFFER'S •"b••tala e ... and Pendl•

Script lnk

Hultqvi1t Book Store

Le Petite Shoppe Mwllinl', Bob Curia

and R-nd Curia Abcne l tkal Bakn'J' Phone 408.

·-aib and Kodak Fi.u.hinc

W At.K:f:il S)"UDIO

Equipped for tak· inc PhotOcrapha either da7 or ni1ht.

-·· Jll"--


Table and counter service. Open day and night. Your busines.• apprcclnlcd.

108 North Ma in

E. B. Shaw & Son

Swick & Kline

CASH GROCERY rrom1't d~l lverle M lo oil

part• o t the Clly nr11I Ct•llC'!:C 11111. Try US and lie Ccmvh1<"ed .

117 \\'•"lilt Jo:urllfl

On f"f'f'lllmc-r}' Ho w


Get your Artist•' supplies nt


Eweryt!Unc You Need I

:···················································i • New Fall Caps Wil1on' Brother• Shirl• :

Laderer Clothing Co. The Good Clothes Store

. . • • . . . . • . • Phoenix Ho1iery ~

. Walk-Over Shoe• :

~ : ., ••••....••........•••••••.•••..........•.....••••••

JULIETTE HATS Are drCJ<.• and Rcmi-dre811 Hnts for young Judie•. The last word in •tylc. Priccs--



'KERNS ·---~ . -

Page 4: mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • I STEADO.Y : • • :IBUU · ~ ~ mErAllr -. . 1: ·· • .m..;, •



PuolAI - Mc:Pbenoo. ' ror Jn Kew A,.....l•• PudaaH!d - Mor" 1•td•. Uetbel, 10 tor SU yard•~

#bOWW9 ....Ued - Repatn Peullfe--McPbenon 3 tor :r. &bts Kllde yar d•, BetbeJ 4 tor 40 rard•.

P'umblN--McPbenon 5, Bethel t. ''Tbe p-mn.ulam," .. ,.. Prof. J . Touchdowns - Bulter, (Bethel).

J . Yoder. bualneu manage r of the Barton, Crumpacker, $bowa1ter, (Mc~ Collese, "will b~ put In tint clau Pber.on} . 1bape for tndoor atbletti::a." A• wln4 Ooal • fler louchdo.-n - Barton ter approache1, tbe Aluninl Gymn•.•· 1 ( McPhor.on). lum will be UfCd mor~ and more and n oter" -Cocbnane. (K. C.): Um· the management,,; the plrc - Phlppii, (K. S. N.) ; Head · need. bave ordered new equipment. llne1man- t.IJ1Lon, (Baker).

Two bundred and rift)' dollart w or tb or new eQulpment bu been


:;~i:'::: ~:~ ot P:!~~=l b~•.~1'°::~ O•ehl, guard on the nullfto,; mate bue been •~ured ror ,,8 re- elnen hu mor e tban prond hit iru1.r and ad,..nced c-rmnaalum worlb with lhe local team this Ha· cl ... es. la addition. a complete .on. £.!i.. I• h i!! •lJ:th year or foot-

outt1t tor Indoor baaeball wlll be ~~~In: ... ::' :~.u:::;17 :_~;l~~:c:::: pu~=:eO:!;us rf!palra ban al&0 been with the Fre•hmen of the Unlnnhr made. N1!1' •ho• er• han been In· of tdaho. H l1 work 1o the H•Y• 1ta lled a nd linole um llld In the WO• ganie WH outalandh:ig.

men'• .ectlon. The roof bns beeo repa lr'ed nnd .t,ho noor llneM wlll be repainted aoon.

UULLDOOS COM.E BACK A1"Tl.:ll •1R8'1' QtlAl\T lm


made moat or Bethel'• yo.rdax:e In ecrlmmas;e.

" Dig Jln1" Ottn Ellwood ht pl.aylnK hi• 11econtl 11e11!'loo with the Bulldo,;~.

II~ hi n fMt. · .a.ggreMlve cn<t and 111 clan,;orouB on 1bo end Qf a pas11. In 11plU! or early t1eat1on inju ries ho 111 nl1rln1 a t;reut tor the Uull­dOkll. The Swedes wlU have n hard time &:tUlng around hi~ coll loday.

"~TAN" KEIM Tack le;

0 tlt•n•• Ke irn, laekle. 11' con• 1ddot'Cfl the bardNt fl&hter o n 1J1e t c•m· He la fut. alKI .-bir .. tr •ntl ha11 " habit or pl"f• bcf0tt lhrT • re fail'IT .. t.:nc..J. Ho wUI be • hi& tac> lor apln.!lt t~ Swedcii' tod•y 1rnd w HI ,p.,e hl.!1 bmt ~•pJn.-.t lh('m, He h•1' plarfd l• ckJe for fuur )'t'Ul"!f un the local IC'1un. U c kmnn I.he p m e aA well "" nn)' mnn o n the t.cnm nod \\'Ill h.-nTc n ' 'n(:nnC)' on the l t"lllll lhnt Wiii be hurtl to flll, lfo b n Hcnlur.

OTJU;lt Gltl DS

Showa llt.-r Showl!I J01pron•m1•nl Qlade Pl1ber played hi~ ttrat game

at end and made a credl1able 1how­ln1. T he Kelm brotber11 at tack· IM did 1ome mlgbt.y good line work. Morloe pla.yed well at uckle. In the backfleld Showalter ond Hahn

"Peanut•" '!iforlne wlll ge l h111 •econd letter lhlA year. Ho bu been In enrr «•me and can be depended upon to lake care of bis po•flfon •t guard. He weighs 175 pound• and

;~!•,,be :e ~:l:•L::r!:/h~~l~::e~=~ I ;::B:e:•:t~B=e~t=h:a:n::y=!=====:: high 1chool g rldster.

m•d• const8tent gains. Showalter re· A UtrLU.>00 'f}:LJ.8 Wtl\' , peatedl:Y twlated and slde• tepped for HlC iu; u>:iGH T O TKJ~: iu;sT extra yorde. His playing WAlf far Tt:AM IX TH I-! WOUM> fllUOtrlor , In thla gnmo to hlM early tContln~ from !'$n u

J .E. GUSTAFSON Watchea, Cloclu, Jewelry

and W all Paper

1euon'• work. Hahn drove throull'.h ---'------.,--:-­tho Bethel Uno rapentedly for big ·tho old man, "( kno .,•ed thnt, 1 saln1 Paul Kurta dltt not pla:r be- kUO••·" " And you knew aho waa cau• · r • light tnJurlea but wlll bo fourteen or fifteen year$ old. didn't ..----.--------'--,!

' ln ~: ihape ror-the next l•Dl... you?" "Ought to. 1 Uved rl1ht. by her McPherson Steani 1\e lineup : all the time." .. Anclr you knew •h.o Laundry

McPHERSON UO> DETHEI~ (o wu itone-bUnd l.n one eye, dldn c Earl Reed, Acent Ellwood. le ..• - .................... re .. Ena1 ~.~uat·~o,:·::::. •.blten:::'t:~~L.l::·;~ B .. ket in Bo7a' Don:aitory R. Kelm. It .................. rt .• Pankrata way, didn't you?"' .. 1 aorter IU&-I L~:.:..::.:..:~~..:...----....:.....J Morine, 1,. -··--·-······-Tl •• Daeraeo ptKted It.'' "Well tben. wbat 1alr-------------, kk•. c ....................... c .• Out;1r .. aua tara.aUon did 1ou bet 011 he r for?" For Odorlaaa Oweu. rs. ·····-········.tc .. ScbrMdtr "Well, I' ll tell ,.ou.'' u71 the old Ok 8. Kelm. 11 ....................... 11 .. Kaufman man, "Sii•'• MY hor ...... wbal'• erlind & Aapeeren .,.leber, re ........................ le .. Uuller 01lne l 1tands back of. An' win or (JJJEA.NERS

~~~~=:~errh.Q .. :~~::~~:.~·;b~,P':._".1~;"~:~ noc. win, •ba"s the rtneat bone an' ticu Earl Horr~. Colt~ge Asent.

Haba 0(cl lb . ............ rh., ~. Krebblel ~~\:,!~~~e!~~ tr~!~r u.~~. ~:u~~~te of ..._ __________ _....

Sa~~o~~l::;,~~·~·=···~-·~ .. p·h'~·~ ~l~~~ !Adapted from " Center Rush now-8bowaltu' tor 'ltarrlaon, Knowle1 for land" b7 Ralph He nry Buber.) Oweo1. Kurt~ for Showatler. Sho· waite r · tor Kurt•. Harrl1on tor Dar· ton. Betbel-Stack7 for Buller, Mtl· fer\ for Scbroed1r. Buller for Miiler. J . Graber for Buller. Wenger tor Krebb lel. Reeler for Woocer. Ora her.

Let Ua Solve Your lnaU:rance Problem•

Carl M. Anderaon Jr. tor Rickert. Lon1aablll for .. ln.u"'n~ With Su'rlcf'""

Schroeder. .)l d'hertlUD·ClUz.cna Bank Old&.

Rent-A-F~rd Drive It Youraelf

New Coupes and Touring•

Adams Motor Co.

Phou~ ::.13 U U.). 1:.! Surth 1lala Sc.


"Home of Good Furniture"

MALTBY'S --·--lit. . ....•••.••....•........•...•.•.•.•.•..•••••..•.••••. : DOROTHY DODD SHOES i : 0De of Lb• be1t It.aft to be had. Co111e In. let u.1 1bow 10• . :

i Alliance ~xcbange Company . £ . ....•........ .•...•.•...•..•........•.•••.••..••..•• :··························-·························: i ASK TO SEE OUR : . . : $1.59 : . . : Full-Faahioned Hosiery ' : . . : The Ellis Shoe Store : . . i McPh,eraonJS' Only Ex~luaive Shoe Store i . . ..................................................... :··························~··.·~···~·················~ i E. R. Burkholder Lumber Company i : BUILDING MATERIALS :

: Furnace · {Clean : • Ran1e • i Heater Hot i : Baae Burner Coal : . . : Phone 16 : . . ...................................................... . ................................................... . . . . . . . : Always glad t o serve you with any thing : : in our line of Groceriest Hardware Qr Paint. i . . : Two deliveries to College Hill each day. : .

Yours For Service,

Strohm Grocery C~. Phone 331 and 31

. . . . : . . . . • . . . . : .

·················································~·~~ ....•...•.........•.... ~ ..................•.••••.••.• .

Quality and· Service Get Your Meats From the Maple Tree

Always Good! I

Home-killed meat, good service. We do not ·over-charge. Two deliveries daily to Colle1e Hill. Four de­liveries down-town. We appreciate your business.

. • . . • . .

.: .. . . . . . Maple Tree Market -: ..........................................•......... :

Summary: l"hotu: 143'

~~;~:i:~d s ~::-::-;~~:~·~:~:"tnt~:: '---------- ----' l...-----------~1:···················································1 ------------~ 1 . .

ceptod 1. Bethel :?0, completed 4 r-------------i r9r u r ard• 1a1n. 1nterceptn•t 2. M E N !


Sunday e\'ening between Salina nnd McPherson, one spare tire. Finder notify-


607 North Main Hutchiaaon, Kanaaa

RICHARD MILLER fb2 South Main St . Lar1e Assortment of

1-e Leaf Note Booka Cooildin Fountain Pena

take your downtown meals at the


Patronize The

Royal Barber Shop C...'ullt":SC 1"radc Ou.r $pttlA1t)"

•·our nt.ln

IHRIG'S Caoh and Carry Groce'ry •

H 3 Eaai-L £ur1h1 SI. l o1.m't'.!lt. Prl~. . Gh·e li• a Trl•I.

Whitrrtan Chocolates . Received W eekly

.------------~1 Our ca ndies are always fresh Wilber Barber Shop HUBBELL'S DRUG STORE Have moved upstairs. J ust

above our old quarters. 109 SOuth Main.

Picture Framins We ba...-e a nlce llH o r PlcLu~

Mo• klln.p at roaaoubl• prlc•.

New Equipment Now able to do abaoh&tety Odor­

~':..i~ Cleaal111/ and Steam

Nine-hour ""Ice and aatt.rac· tloo auured.

8eo O.• 0>11- .........

--~ Mod.el Cleaniq WOl'ka


MATTHEWS' Marinello• Beauty Shoppe

Jo'or guornnteed work In !h1r­rcll~. Dolllf und llouud Curia, 1-~tl­

clnh;, Scnlp 1'reutmcnh1, Wliter Wa\'C.llJ, Mu.nlcurea.

( 'Mi l :tl tt--Grnduatc-Opcrator.

Collere Alumnua

Cleaa•c• aoat• ••• tcc da a.a• alU 4ll•ull ...

Relle••• Clllat o•er­c a1, a leeUa• -• a e t• __ ....

lte l ·•·•·l·l--·S Oavw •a~ .... - ........ ....... •=~e{.! .::_:-::: .ac-u•- . ~•n""1it¥· •

~ ---=··

: Take Care of Your Eyes : : Our Optical Department is inchar1e of- : : A. W. GRAVES : : Reci•tered Optician : : Prices reasonable-best materinls used. : : All broken lenses or parts duplicated. : . . i BIXBYt LINDSAY & CO. i . . ····················································~ ·········~··········································: .

Those Who Care for you will love your photograph as a r emembrance if it pictures you as they know you. Portraits made by this studio arc more than photographs.

G ive Me a Trial and Be Convinc:ed I


.. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ····················································· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ¥


Stationery, Circulan, Carda, Booklets. ! Loose Leaf Sheets and CoYen :

TIM Cbriatma. Canb Are H.,..I . :

Get Pric.. &t-

The REPUBLICAN . • • • • • • • • ............................. ). .................... .