
-?Q!h,y.L-qr..l.U lli issuol -hlnlin's' IjirjiCi^t I':ri‘nii.if; yoirsfxi/x^r TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, MONDAY, JANUARY B, 1973 10- A n d rii s ask s s o l o h s -unnruAiiiWiiAUNoeK ISI'liUPIi • (tov. (’LH-ifT). Afidnis iir/!i-(l iul IiiiihiJ Ti)ilii\- 111 stiiml firm HOISK I ll)t' •lliiul I tax iiie'fi'asi's," c.sliihlisli [iriiH'ilio.s-iiiu! iiuiki- lllVii ."Thi' nf Itu’ ^}>f I'pHI'tMl f«H-- (li'livpry to ii Joint jsossinii'in. tlu‘ Hdiim- tlii> iiflL-rnoon, Atidius acknovvlcdRcd-"tht: aituntion ti)ila> IS Dill ;).s W'L' \V(iiil(i like it." * ■AiiibM iuns fur m-w or ^'r^•iltly'l•nIal'^^l•(l ^tiiLi: SLTViCfs c-aiiriDt (n* I'litiTtaitu'i}'iinli'ss wi- an- lircpanid to. pay additional liixe-s,” Ik - said. "BiU. in tills, till' year of laxpaytT, I ui'nv yuN nut to foslLT .ati\ I'xpei'talions for a lax uici;i'ast'i',- He warnt'd that tlu* [)rc.ssuri‘ tif the’ fiscal -tiiiymma rnusl nai-proc-ludc L'i]n.siiliu-aUoii_i»f . nrwjdj;as nurdn’iTt i-naclint'nl uf ri'sponsiljk' AsKril tlu' loj^i.slTiliirc l<i i‘rrd'"lnH”i‘ 'aTiri'7i'irc l)iick-|)iissuur liy tin* tU’parliiu-iiis of Knvtronniental Proli;i'li<ui and Ilraltli iD K l’lli aiid Soi'ial ami HfliabilitaliotiStTVfi-t's iSH i and transfiT tin.' Vm iili ■lVainln^; (.'i-ntfr to the nt*« ai;i'nc>, t'livirotiinrtital fiifiiri't'nfrnt' powi'i's to lilook - tt'dfi'al I'tii-iiiaclinii-nl in thi;. iinsi. Aski'ij (or la\^•s to ri'iiiiiic rrrtlfication of IH'fsoti;. it|)iTa-lin}i w asti'. \\;iUt tri'aliiiunt ' ... Drucil Ihf li'nistaturr lo rcliu tt t*' liionnial -Hrm mm rndrd-Trcatinn-nf-»-bi-p»rtt5nfT-----Mlu^l^^'^Il^fpr^lVl(lIn)^l^l^^^(Tr~1.Tul^!.'^ rc.vuHv in " k’)'.l^>lallvl,‘ ciinunitti’i.' tol»‘i;in llu' roiistitiition- ally-ri'i|uiri'd ‘task of fxci-iitlvc ile[)aitinfnt rcorf;ani/ali(in. • that (t'diTal rcvi'niii-siiai'in^ funds wliii.'h will ciiiiu* lo Idaliu tin a I'l'j^ular. i|iiartt;rly iKisis tTT •spent on "llu' nuinluT mu- pt'oplf ' pronranj - iMlucalmn.’' iH i’latt'd sliirit's. p. •• HL'iMiiniiiendoil nonreciirrinj^ federal ri'Vi'n’iif sliai inn mutili's U* -usimI for buildiju,'' -a)nstructlun’aiuU^*pUi»l7turla'; f>l's linlflv Kal\'aii|' liolopiiiisi ~^)~rt»[Kisarh thill aiv possil)lo \Mniiii I'XisiriT^iv^o niii's - "If.-in till- ^juirso of uiif (l«‘lih»'ralinns. iIhs shinildmpnn pstnhlirshinR clp:ir-<*(it prttirilif:^ -frrr • jMfiipU' and iH’iipli’ pni^iranis al thr expense of other, loss Impnrtant programs, then, so h n t;“ he said ____ _________ . In hi.s ‘JH-paue address, Andrus al^io. Called to ichool- (li> Vast DaNang air allininislralion lu "release inorL-fluids for ini- proveinent in the (luality of-inslruftion.” —Proposed sl(i't»*-supfhirte<l kinderf'fu'lens, ' Proinised a niajdr pro|»‘rt>' tnx iTrlUf'tlnn {)lan \vlien lie ileli\'ers his hud^ft niessaf’i' l’’n- ' ____ '/ to Work for their eheeks, serving- as [)uhlie ser\’ice aide.s fur SJ{S and otiier stale ai’eneies. Called fui. .str.ennlhi;nin»; the slate’s tlie sei:iind session of earli legislature .•\.sketl for a crack dov^ii on pui riojirapliy in Idaho l)y enac-tnient of a ne» huv ilrafled by the aUorney neneral-.-. Ui'ned c<insideriilh)n tif stiitevMde land use planninf;'. sa>ini; the state [)lanniriff and nuniminity affairs anency, soon wilt have'a. {jfo[)iisal in this area - Siijinestetl llie new slate tiffice l)(iildin>;.bt: nnjiicit after'U ‘n H. .Iordan, a reiired U.S. Senator- aml"rrmi;iuTrnialT(i ■j;ta-ernor . prlority of hi.s adiiiinistralKui, L'S|HH'iaHy north- ,.s(Hi|ti hi^liway.s. .Ajulrus told the le>;islaturi; that Idaho’s prnnnmyl'T'Ronrl nnd luTS ImprovoTl' at .t rnto -higher than stales throin^luiHl tlHW><ition. '’■ “ '!ITlLO'MumUmu..'a:uiiumy_asiiuri^-.that-- ruviuuui»;-wiU-lu‘-nMiik* i^larUiful-in-lhe-o(unlnfi— fiscal -yfuf-witlKitil II-tax - in*Tfitsr,'^Anrirtts siUd “ In adilitidii, wv vvill bent'fil from federal revenue shan/.yj " _______ 7 " ■•15AI-fiON iTTFn' - *“r i v r Aniej'ican fif-hler.-hum hers . fruuLlhe Air.Furcu. Niivi. aiid. .Marines today; riuslakc-tily bointed ihc sprawling !.)a Nanf’ -----Air — ln“ Tmnt— nTIIirarj" - naviji'atiunal error. . — and -a ^ Vietnaii^i'se- niililary guard ----were IrTHiiod: 'A UHl ITueV Iieli^'tipler v^a^ cliiinaKed an<l Uiree fuel sloriige 'tanks sei' ._afiri:.. A total ot :$-t big [)(H)-[M)und l)nmlis wore droppod hv an Air Force F4 Phanlvin, two Na\’y •A7 C<trMHir;i an d t\v«t M a i’Uie i‘'4 Phmitoins. All apparu-ntly land: ^•<1 it! llie iiortlnvfsl portKtn of Ihe huge joint U S.-South Melnainese f>ase. 1 L’Pl cnm-.',|nirideni K.-iim-lli !•'. Mnglade, who was oij tlic 'bnsr nl thP tlm f jtf tlie accidental l;onibing, said Iwo AijienL-an suldier^- Lwu. iViiicri- -Hagerman rancher can i'lvihan.s^^ and the .South ViutnanioMi.nuard were injured by Uic bonil)s. l-'our Aineriean aii‘JMt*n Mruf- Hnnthfr U .S - <'i viliari wert;_ uijureil wjtiJe fleeing foi cover from what was at firsl bflieveii be _ii^ ('oiiu'iuinist rockei altack, The U.S. coininwhd began an unniediate mve.stigat'ion. M ili- tary suurces'said the Air Korre'. Wliioh npLTHtuK thp hn.qp hntislnfT HAGFRMAN - .hihji William .South Wales in IHJid. i,)ohnn\ t .lojies Sr., Hii, well he came to the United Slates in known area sheep rancher, died I'lO.'i from (Ireat Britain, r^utidiiyTT»iuHi»>gTat-tt-Guodtngr—tt-orkmff-in^nrth=trtnh<r~rnmp?r nursing home. ' \ unlil contracting an illness. He Mr. .lones operated ranches cmne lo llie Hagerinan artia. in { ’aiiias, Gooding and (.'uster counties. He was named to the SJHilh Idaho l.ive.stock Mall of Fame in 1!)71. where an uncle owned a ranch, in I'JOIi. an;l became interested in the shee|) biiMtiess. / ((Uiitutrfy. p.2| Heitry, Tho meel PAKIS «UPI) (;rim faced and studiously avoiding each nthcr In public, U.S pri'sidt-’n- lial jidjVls'^r Honry A. Kissingor and North Viettuim(>Ke nugo^ia- Inr'Jx Uuc.Tho openiiU a ncii. . round of V4elnam peace talks today ,vuUi_ii—four-iind-a-hjjif— hour niej;liiig..llicy.._iuiri‘.e‘l inet.‘t again Tue.^day. ............. A Ntirlh Vietnamese s|>okt,‘.s- man .‘iaid 'I'uesday's meeting ' would "s(arrano\r.m. M.S'l') al a location of tho Ajnerirans' clioic'c-. C'iinlriiry to past prai-lice, Uiere wert- no public hand- shakes eltluM- before 'Or .ifter today's se.ssion. Ihe kirsl of the round of talks. ' Ni'ither side greeted nor waved llie (ither off as they did U'fore the last lalks broke down lail monlh and I’resideiiL. Nixoji orden-d the Ixunbirig of IKK) American servicemet would be III charge iif the [)rolx- . The .\av.v und Marines will be in on il loo, since they lunl planes inMiU’t-d," a sijurc'e siud. ___ TliL air,. war OVLf— Noi'til Vietnam entered its l()lh month \Mth rJ4- fighter-bumbers arul t about 41) H51is hitting belyw the . country's 2()tli Pariillel in the 24 hours ending at tlawn today. 'U.S coinmantl s|niftesnu’n said ■■miineroib" trucks were de- st>’o\*eil near the port of Vuili, i:i7 miles north of the Dem ilita- rized Zone (UM Zi anil "seve- ral” others were hit neni'-Oong iloi. :<ll miles north of the DMZ. Al least one of the boiuhj’ llii*t fell on,the l)n Nang facility hit a huge pelruleum,^storage lank, t<jueliing-off an fxplosion that j>}iu:ad firuh-tu l^’o <»thor nuarby t.inks, lepmleil The ' erroneuu.^ bniiibijui touclu-dotf rumors tin- base had bci:Ji_aLtaclu:d—by -Si^viutUuill MK; jils fruin Noith \'ietnam. whose nearest fruntier Is K'H miles away. Hut none of ilanoi'.s MUi>> iMV^i.ia’iiV-bccn-knuiv’ii-Ui altack ;in\where in South \'ietnam Jeraine laiJUMes. in crash 'llll.l. Idah I’.*’J ‘£*:.i'undas .idetiTlf X; 1 - .'U^ , The ddcguliouii-arnved aruT loft' sppafulely, ’unKjnilin’g. . Al no time were the two sidi's seen together, Thp atnutsphere was ifje'cTiTnT'srnpwsmcn'ti.nrf scon' sinc(!^Kissing_('.r anti 'nui tilnrted meeting ('egularly In Paris last Oclohor When Kissinger left the villa where ll)e lalks .took uiiice he did nnt ns usual wave. I'oiTcast Di'lnils, /). 15 viclim car-lruck collisioji ijear here as j'reri t,i iTon.\ < William s, Hi; :lri‘omt'” '” .......... •' The head-on collision occurred alxml (i p.m Sahfrda.N about five im|es east on U S lliglnva.N :tu. .Tw;) N.\ssa, Ore , men ndmg in the truck wi>rt- injured Williams, a senior and an athlete at .leronu- lligli ScJ|(^L was nciinM alone in Ins wesllxuind car. State [)olice did not identify the victim' of thr wreck Saliirda\ evonirij:, prndini' ctTnfirniation nf identity and MotifK-tilum of next of kin. Investigating officers said WilliuiiKs' ' auT~apparonlly swerVL'tl 'into till- path _uf the truck and semi-trailer driven by (ienrgp T, Key .Ir., -t:i. Nyssa. K pv nn»l‘ his ns.slKiant dnvpr. • Karl Haiiron. :i7, Nyssa, were tJiki'll to Mountain, .Ijoini- liospital for trcalinent ^iLiiiinor iiiiuries. . .t^UHiUtihry, p. 2) ________ W(M NI)I-;i) POl.ICKMAN Is lomforled by felliiw ofJIctT iil liase (iTtn'V ( right) after being hit by sniper’s ;bulU-t In'^New Orleaiu, Sunday, f’atrolman I’hllllp .1. C’«ilenian Sr. (I.\iiig A( far lefti was ainoiig those killed by' sniper holed up aluji Howard .Iiihnsoii Motel.. (It'll - - . iiKsiflo . . . M i (I (-(Isi Ixillles, ( OffTvinh s ICO III in, 1 i ^. Police, ’copters Mast at snipe •■■•NHW (rHi.KA>W (*UPM - Helicopter guiialUpii and.polite sharpsh()(gers Iradetl gunfire l-dllorlnl. I rarni. 10 VinrUiMs. 15 with l\M) black snipers atop a di}wntown hotel today. .Seven }«'rs<jiis were' killed during a ni)‘,ht add tl(iy uf blootly fi^liting. Poh^-^eiT .su edgy Uiat they j'eporti-d a siirpl'f openffl fire about SIX blocks from the luitel, 'Hioro was anntliPr report by the ciLy.'i-police radio that a black imin was seen running wifirii nne’dn a hearby~i»rreel. Uul that, toi], proved false. The heli'cdplers and police marksna ii fired (lullels, antior- ,;}).i'rciin! sliellsjui^U'ar gas al IhiHTvirktuvk snipers"atop"tlie Uhfloor Howard Johirsnn Motel,', striking a'wonUin'fn tlie stFiVi'-l, ' (iut faterVpolice siiiil .She siinpiy slip[)k‘(l ^anil fell to Iho p'aveinL'iil ~ Helicopter-gutishi|)fi-44<»d-p(»-'* ln;e-;iharpshootors fireti.bulleln;— armoij|iiercing shells* and tear nas at iw'O black .snlporji atoj) , (lie holi'l 'nie> had killed T- persons a'nd wtiuiufed I5^nthur.s in a night and day AiI,.bluody- -- !i2^iliiji;_ We only w anl [o kni’white.s7’ the siiiijei's had IttUl a-black Tlit'^ had -RUtyd slx^ piA SiinN. ipaitl at Ihestait on)io violefrco Viet settlement not likely .■■> liiiHrrir itn'ia'"pTiltrt'rTH'n, nnil woundud 111 utliur pvi'.soiu. during the siege that started -Jiuuda; Tlii; li'iTorists on. the hotel roof were h(d'ed iip J n -two concri'tp structure's housing yir “ cmTrtttltJiirnirnVid-TlcvntiirTTnp^ Hy NH H(H7AftJ>ANIL0rF ■a\'^SHI N('.T()N I UlM 1- . Two points on which -iicUQtiJiii'i'ji trying to ond the Viutnain war extn^iiKtly difflcuU' to iichleve a ’sctllonlcnl ■-during thi:.j)i3W.ruu»iljiLtftlfaiLopenlng tofinrin-^ - - l-'nrtJT*'--------divides the Njirth and South is unly.tumporary. Uut the United Stales want.SKonic re(erfnce In Uiu lext M an accord that t"'o Vlctnnins pxlst, -nl«Tithl*llN"e-in -peHcc-jmd-Hhoulrt-Kwttlw-llieii'— (jifforortm thrninsli nogotlallous.--- Hc'pfnmisc for an early hrVakthrniij’h townrd pcace ii5 Henry . -rNorth-Vlutnamc^pQlltbQUi_iijiiinbcr_Lti:iJuc_ . 'Hie clilcl .Issues dividing Iho negotlntors apparenily wiy;e iiiPso; Analysis VieinamoHo territory. . -— ’ - ' iiani^i and Wa.shlrigton also remain far apart on the jnachlnery to pplice an aCTcenient. T'hc •UnttPil .'Htntps •'vniTTts' il' fiiur-powpr *nbsrrvpr* force; of-5iOOO~-aff r«nd-^Vricn -- ^r^ntrih»HpH-ti\>-fnn!irinL!n(^onC5ta^UnBat5-flnd \^Polan(lr*-:^V ’.T"- Nnrtir Wietiuim appears (o want only a token observer fprcL'of 25(1 men. ------ Nt;itlimvj;ldc-aas-ulven^ubi>UuiUaUiUil&-uL VP4tr*rtWhfft to-the seene l.tiil- tliere was 'no now *sniperWir*‘- tlieru, they.-KJilil. -willinKnuKtMi^’UlwtnHO'it^i-pouitiani^r- . JInw should n.Vlelntitn. uccorti be polleed? •'Tlnrlh. Vielmim 'contends .there Js only one ■^4y<nftt>w-an(l4hnu h n {Ipmlliuirizcd-ionft-that- '11)0 position of sdutli Vieimiin Pf} uv«n lim’der. ' ' MnlTtrninvatif n titn loVnl iHnmgff^neTeeoKntrefl - a.s n frontier between nurtli nn^ .st!)iith and all of Hanoi's tropp.H--jiiilimatO{l nt anywliere from Wsslngtir, who said Oct, 2(1that petite was "at iuuiili" left for rjnriK Sundnv. HTtcr li final ' * ’ hhiil Nixon,.wa.s doiicribed ys hVlUier ontiiiliHtir nor pessinii'slit’ 'aJxult j)ro.spec‘t.s f(ir' reacljinft a ~la»TneiiTeni: ~ ^ !=We art' fairly well convtlicwl Uiul Uiey are_wllling to .die to iarrynut tills' mission." .said carorcionuin, n police aiwkoV ■mnn:....... ........ . - - the'" loHiisiariir attornc;^ Ctyncntt-stiirt thpj frrnrtiitrw«^ ’■mnjiincnr' nn^ wt‘re parl-^)f a- l^aliomd. si^cldal group" bont onspt^lng raclni-wnrfarc 6?- be coniic/*r«d o trag-- ody, no/ a victor'^, . -wbtmded by the sninpr nt \]\o Hotel iiv^re white., l\vo of_the^ c:hu|)1o bh •n "'5t;ptOTtl timt'. hotel.*Tlioy were hujined'down Suntlay after the' lerpflsts, Inillt/lft * ■' J ^ chlncry, J‘‘or slx^hour.s nftor* dawn they-did inftm’C at police from iheir fortress-llke jioncretp~shpl(pr-'v. birrmRRTAGg--^:^ •riect on J w i r 31. 1P03, In ftnniVorsflrvUa tW». --- —A—flfenfr-.WHV-Ho—«dM~ flnnlvortflry oood Tpoiinot It (Ino tor Almqu Any tpecinl occasion or lijiil fa wlth- tamooni) a. Vtfrtv. MrtfttOda/l Dl«l .

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-?Q!h,y.L-qr..l.U lli issuol

-hlnlin's' IjirjiCi^t I':ri‘nii.if; yoirsfxi/x^r


A n d r i i s a s k s s o l o h s-unn ru A iiiW iiA U N o eK

IS I'l iU P Ii • (tov. ( ’LH-ifT). Afidnis iir/!i-(l iu l Iiiiih iJ Ti)ilii\- 111 stiim l firm

H O IS K I ll)t' •lliiul tax iiie 'f i'as i's ," c.sliih lisli [iriiH'ilio.s-iiiu! iiuiki- lllVii ."Thi' nf Itu’

}>f I'pHI'tMl f«H--(li'livpry to ii Joint jsossinii'in. tlu‘ Hdiim- tlii> iiflL-rnoon, A tid iu s acknovv lcdRcd-"th t: aitun tion ti)ila> IS Dill ;).s W'L' \V(iiil(i lik e i t . " *

■ A iiibM iuns fur m-w or ^'r^•iltly'l•nIal'^^l•(l ^tiiLi: SLTViCfs c-aiiriDt (n* I 'l i t iT ta itu 'i } 'i in li 's s wi- an- lir c p a n id to. pay a d d itio n a l liixe-s,” Ik - sa id . " B iU . in tills , till' y e a r of la x p a y tT , I ui'nv yuN nut to foslLT .ati\ I 'x p e i'ta lio n s fo r a lax uici;i'ast'i',-

H e w arn t'd that tlu* [)rc.ssuri‘ tif th e ’ fisca l - t iiiym m a rnu s l nai-proc-ludc L'i]n.siiliu-aUoii_i»f . n rw jd j;a s n u r d n ’iT t i-naclin t'n l uf ri'spons iljk '

A sK ril tlu ' loj^i.slTiliirc l<i i‘rrd '" ln H ”i‘'aTiri'7i'irc l)iick-|)iissuur liy tin* tU’pa rliiu- iiis ofK n v tro n n ien ta l Pro li;i'li<ui an d I l r a l t l i i D K l ’ l l i aiid So i'ia l am i H flia b ilita l io t iS tT V fi- t 's iS H i and tra n s f iT tin.' V m iili ■lVainln^; (.'i-ntfr to the nt*« ai;i'nc>,

t 'liv iro tiin rtita l f i i f i i r i 't 'n f rn t ' powi'i's to lilook - tt'd fi'a l I'tii-iiiaclinii-nl in thi;. iin s i.

A sk i'ij (o r la\ •s to r i 'i i i i i ic r r r t l f ic a t io n of IH'fsoti;. it|)iTa-lin}i w a s t i ' . \\;iU t t r i 'a li iiu n t

' ...D ru c il Ih f li'n is ta tu rr lo rc liu tt t*' liio nn ia l

- H rm m m rn d rd - T rca t in n - n f- » - b i- p » rtt5 n fT -----Mlu l ^ '^ Il^ fpr^lVl(lIn)^l^l^^^(Tr~1.Tul^!.'^ rc.vuHv in "k’)'.l >lallvl,‘ ciinunitti’i.' to l»‘i;in llu' roiistitiition- ally-ri'i|uiri'd ‘task of fxci-iitlvc ile[)aitinfnt rcorf;ani/ali(in. •

that (t'diTal rcvi'niii-siiai'in^ funds • wliii.'h will ciiiiu* lo Idaliu tin a I'l'j^ular. i|iiartt;rly iKisis tTT •spent on "llu' nuinluT mu- pt'oplf ' pronranj - iMlucalmn.’'

iH i’latt'd sliirit's. p. ••HL'iMiiniiiendoil nonreciirrinj^ federal

ri'Vi'n’iif sliai inn mutili's U* -usimI for buildiju,'' -a)nstructlun’aiuU *pUi»l7turla';

f > l 's l i n l f l v K a l \ ' a i i | ' l i o l o p i i i i s i

~ )~rt»[Kisarh thill aiv possil)lo \Mniiii I'XisiriT iv^o niii's -

"If.- in till- ^ ju irso o f u iif (l«‘lih » 'ra linns. iIhs sh in ild m p nn pstnhlirshinR clp:ir-<*(it prttirilif:^ -frrr • jMfiipU' and iH’iip li’ pn i^ iran is a l th r expense of o ther, loss Im p n rta n t p ro g ra m s, then, so h n t ; “ he sa id • ____ _________ .

In hi.s ‘JH-paue ad d ress , A ndrus al^io.

C a lled to ichool- (li>

Vast DaNang air

a llin in is lra lio n lu " re le a s e in o rL- flu id s for ini- p ro ve in en t in the ( lu a lity o f- in s lru ft io n .”

— Pro p o sed sl(i't»*-supfhirte<l k inderf'fu 'lens, ■' P ro in is e d a n ia jd r p ro |» ‘rt>' tnx iTrlUf'tlnn

{)lan \vlien l ie ile li\ 'e rs h is h ud ^ ft n iessa f’i' l’’n-

' ____ ■ '/to W o rk fo r th e ir eheeks, serving- as [)uhlie ser\’ice aide.s fur S J { S and o tiie r s ta le ai’ene ies .

C a l le d fu i. .s tr.enn lh i;n in»; th e s l a t e ’s

tlie sei:iind session of e a r l i leg islature.•\.sketl fo r a c rack dov^ii on pui r io jirap liy in

Idaho l)y enac-tnient of a n e» huv i lra f le d by the aU orn ey neneral-.-.

U i'ned c< insideriilh)n tif stiitevMde land use planninf;'. sa>ini; the s tate [)lann iriff and n u n im in ity a f fa ir s anency, soon w ilt h a v e 'a . {jfo [)iisa l in th is a rea

- S iijinestetl llie new s la te tiffice l)(iildin>;.bt: n n jiic it a f t e r 'U ‘n H. .Io rdan, a re iire d U .S . Senator- aml"rrmi;iuTrnialT(i ■j;ta-ernor .

prlority of hi.s adiiiinistralKui, L'S|HH'iaHy north- ,.s(Hi|ti hi^liway.s.

.Ajulrus told the le>;islaturi; that Idaho’s prnnnmyl'T'Ronrl nnd luTS ImprovoTl' at .t rnto

-higher than stales throin luiHl tlHW><ition. '’■“ '!ITlLO'MumUmu..'a:uiiumy_asiiuri^-.that-- — ruviuuui»;-wiU-lu‘-nMiik* i larUiful-in-lhe-o(unlnfi—

fiscal -yfuf-witlKitil II-tax - in*Tfitsr,'^Anrirtts siUd “ In adilitidii, wv vvill bent'fil from federal revenue shan/.yj " _______

7 " ■•15AI-fiON iT T F n ' - *“r i v r Aniej'ican fif-hler.-hum hers

. fruuLlhe Air.Furcu. Niivi. aiid. .Marines today; riuslakc-tily bointed ihc sprawling !.)a Nanf’

-----Air — ln“ Tmnt— nTIIirarj"

- naviji'a tiuna l e rro r . .— — and -a

^ Vietnaii^i'se- n iilila ry guard ----were IrTHiiod: 'A UHl ITueV

Iie li^ 'tipler v^a^ cliiinaKed an<l Uiree fue l s lo r iig e 'ta n k s sei'

._ a f ir i:. .A to ta l ot :$-t big [)(H)-[M)und

l)nm lis w ore droppod h v an A irF o rce F4 P h a n lv in , tw o N a\’y

•A7 C<trMHir;i and t\v«t M a i’Uie i‘'4 Ph m ito in s. A ll apparu-ntly lan d : •<1 it! llie i io r t ln v fs l portKtn of Ih e h ug e jo in t U S .- So u th M e ln a in e s e f>ase.

1 L’ P l cnm-.',|nirideni K.-iim-lli !•'. M nglade, who w as o ij tlic

'b n s r nl th P t lm f jt f tlie a c c id en ta l l;o n ib ing , sa id Iwo

■ AijienL-an suldier - Lwu. iViiicri-

-Hagerman rancher

can i'lvihan.s^^ and the .South V iu tn an io M i.n ua rd w e re in ju red by U ic bon il)s . l-'our A in e rie an aii‘JMt*n Mruf- Hnnthfr U .S - <'i v i l ia r i w ert;_ u i ju r e i l w jtiJe flee ing foi co ve r fro m w hat w as a t firs l b f l ie v e ii l» be _ii^ ('o iiu 'iu in ist ro ck e i a lta c k ,

The U .S . co in inw hd began an u n n ie d ia te m ve.stigat'ion. M i l i ­ta ry suu rces 'sa id the A ir Korre '. W liioh npLTHtuK thp hn.qp hntislnfT

H A G F R M A N - .hihji W i l l ia m H nrn .in .South W a les in IHJid. i,)ohnn\ t .lo jies S r ., Hii, w e ll he cam e to the Un ited S la te s in known a rea sheep ra n ch e r, d ied I'lO.'i fro m ( I r e a t B r i t a in ,

r^utidiiyTT»iuHi»>gTat-tt-Guodtngr—tt-orkmff-in nrth=trtnh<r~rnmp?r nursing hom e. ' ’ \ un lil co n tra c ting an illness. He

M r . .lones operated ran ches cm ne lo llie H a g e r in a n artia .in { ’aiiias, Gooding and (.'uster counties. He was named to the SJHilh Idaho l.ive.stock Mall of Fame in 1!)71.

where an uncle owned a ran ch , in I'JOIi. an;l be cam e in terested in the shee|) biiM tiess. /

((Uiitutrfy. p.2|

Heitry, Tho meelPAKIS «U PI) (;rim faced

and studiously avoiding each nthcr In public, U .S pri'sidt-’n- lial jidjVls' r Honry A. Kissingor and North Viettuim(>Ke nugo ia- In r'Jx Uuc.Tho openiiU a ncii. . round of V4elnam peace talks today ,vuUi_ii—four-iind-a-hjjif— hour niej;liiig..llicy.._iuiri‘.e‘linet.‘t again Tue.^day. ............. •• A Ntirlh Vietnamese s|>okt,‘.s- man .‘iaid 'I'uesday's meeting

' would "s(arrano\r.m.M.S'l') al a location of tho Ajnerirans' clioic'c-.

C'iinlriiry to past prai-lice, Uiere wert- no public hand­shakes eltluM- before 'Or .ifter

today's se.ssion. Ihe k irs l of the round of ta lk s .

' N i'ithe r s ide greeted nor w aved llie (ither off as they did U 'fo re the last la lk s b roke down l a i l m on lh and I ’res id e iiL . N ixoji orden-d the Ixunbirig of

IKK) A m e r ic a n s e r v i c e m e t w ould be III ch a rg e iif the [)rolx- . T he .\av.v u nd M a r in e s w ill be in on il loo, since they lunl p lanes inM iU ’t-d," a sijurc'e siud.

___ T liL a i r , . w a r OVLf— N o i't ilV ie tn am entered its l()lh m onth \Mth rJ4- figh ter-bum b ers arul

t about 41) H51is h itting b e lyw the . co u n try 's 2()tli P a r i i l le l in the 24

hours end ing at t law n today. 'U .S co in m an tl s|niftesnu’n said ■■miineroib" trucks w ere de- st>’o\*eil nea r the port of Vu ili, i:i7 m iles north of the D e m ili ta ­r ized Zone ( U M Z i an il " s e v e ­r a l ” others w ere hit neni'-Oong ilo i . :<ll m ile s north of the D M Z.

A l least one of the bo iuh j’ llii*t fe ll on,the l)n N ang fa c i l i t y hit a huge pe lru leum ,^sto rage lank , t<jueliing-off an fx p lo s io n that j>}iu:ad firuh-tu l^ ’o <»thor nuarby

t .in k s , le p m le i l

T h e ' e rroneuu .^ b n ii ib iju i touclu-dotf ru m o rs tin- base had b c i: J i_ a L ta c lu :d —by - Si^viu tUu ill M K ; j i l s fru in N o ith \ 'ie tn a m . w hose n eare st fru n tie r Is K'H m ile s a w a y . Hut none of ilano i'.s MUi>> iMV^i.ia’iiV-bccn-knuiv’ii-Ui a l ta c k ; in \ w h e re in So u th \ 'ie tnam

Jeraine crash

' l l l l . l . Idah I ’.*’J ‘£ * :. i 'u n d a s .id etiT lf

■ X ; 1 - . ' U ^ ,

The ddcguliouii-arnved aruT loft' sppafulely, ’unKjnilin’g .. Al no time were the two sidi's seen together, Thp atnutsphere was ifje'cTiTnT'srnpwsmcn'ti.nrf scon' sinc(!^Kissing_('.r anti 'nui tilnrted meeting ('egularly In Paris last Oclohor When Kissinger left the villa where ll)e lalks .took uiiice he did nnt ns usual wave.

I ' o i T c a s t

D i 'ln i ls , /). 15

v ic l im n f . i l ca r- lru ck co llis io ji ije a r h ere as j 're r i t,i iTon.\ < W i l l ia m s , Hi; : l r i ‘omt'” '” .......... •'

T h e head-on c o l l is io n o ccu rre d a lxm l (i p.m Sahfrda.N about five im |es east on U S lliglnva.N :tu. .Tw ;) N.\ssa, O re , m en n d m g in the tru ck wi>rt- in ju red

W ill ia m s , a sen ior an d an a th le te at .leronu- ll ig l i S c J| (^ L w a s nciinM a lo n e in Ins w es llxu ind c a r . S ta te [)o lice did not id en tify the v ic t im ' o f th r w re c k S a l i i r d a \ e v o n ir ij: , p r n d in i ' c tT n f irn ia t io n nf id en tity and MotifK-tilum of next of k in .

In v e s t ig a t in g o f f ic e r s s a id W i l l iu i iK s ' ' a u T ~ a p p a r o n l l y swerVL'tl 'in to till- p a th _uf the truck and sem i- tra ile r d r iv en by ( ie n rg p T , K e y .Ir ., -t:i. N yssa . K p v nn»l‘ h is ns.slKiant d n v p r . • K a r l H a iir o n . :i7, N yssa , w ere tJik i'll to M o u n ta in , .Ijoini- liosp ita l fo r t rc a lin e n t ^ iL ii iin o r iiiiu r ie s .

. . t ^ U H iU t ih r y , p. 2) ________

W(M NI)I-;i) POl.ICKMAN Is lomforled by felliiw ofJIctT iil liase (iTtn'V ( right) after being hit by sniper’s ;bulU-t In'^New Orleaiu, Sunday, f’atrolman I’hllllp .1. C’«ilenian Sr. (I.\iiig A( far lefti was ainoiig those killed by' sniper holed up aluji Howard .Iiihnsoii Motel.. ( I t ' l l ■ - - .

iiKsiflo . . .Mi (I (-(I si

Ixillles, (

O f f T v i n h

s IC O I I I i n , 1 i


Police, ’copters

Mast at snipe•■■•NHW (rHi.KA>W (*UPM - Helicopter guiialUpii and.polite sharpsh()(gers Iradetl gunfire

l- d llo r ln l. I r a r n i . 10

V inrU iM s. 15

with l\M) black snipers atop a di}wntown hotel today. .Seven }«'rs<jiis were' killed during a ni)‘,ht add tl(iy uf blootly fi^liting.

Poh^-^eiT .su edgy Uiat they j'eporti-d a siirpl'f openffl fire about SIX blocks from the luitel,

'Hioro was anntliPr report by the ciLy.'i-police radio that a black imin was seen running wifirii nne’dn a hearby~i»rreel.Uul that, toi], proved false.

The heli'cdplers and police marksna ii fired (lullels, antior- ,;}).i'rciin! sliellsjui^U'ar gas al IhiHTvirktuvk snipers"atop"tlie Uhfloor Howard Johirsnn Motel,',

striking a'wonUin'fn tlie stFiVi'-l, ' (iut faterVpolice siiiil .She siinpiy slip[)k‘(l ^anil fell to Iho p'aveinL'iil

~ Helicopter-gutishi|)fi-44<»d-p(»-'* ln;e-;iharpshootors fireti.bulleln;— armoij|iiercing shells* and tear nas at iw'O black .snlporji atoj) ,(lie holi'l 'nie> had k illed T-

persons a'nd w tiuiufed I5^nthur.s in a n ight an d d a y A iI,.b luod y- -- !i2^iliiji;_

■ We only w anl [o kni’white.s7’ the siiiijei's had IttUl a-black

Tlit'^ had -RUtyd slx piA SiinN. ipaitl at Ihestait on)io violefrco

Viet settlement not likely.■■>liiiHrrir itn'ia'"pTiltrt'rTH'n, nnil woundud 111 utliur pvi'.soiu. during the siege that started


Tlii; li'iTorists on. the hotel roof were h(d'ed iip Jn -two concri'tp structure's housing yir

“ cmTrtttltJiirnirnVid-TlcvntiirTTnp^Hy NH H(H7AftJ>ANIL0rF ■a\'^SHI N('.T()N I UlM 1 - . Two points on which

-iicUQtiJiii'i'ji trying to ond the Viutnain war

extn iiKtly difflcuU' to iichleve a ’sctllonlcnl ■ - ■ during thi:.j)i3W.ruu»iljiLtftlfaiLopenlng tofinrin-

- - l-'nrtJT*'--------■

divides the Njirth and South is unly.tumporary.Uut the United Stales want.SKonic re(erfnce In

Uiu lext M an accord that t"'o Vlctnnins pxlst, -nl«Tithl*llN"e-in -peHcc-jmd-Hhoulrt-Kwttlw-llieii'—

(jifforortm thrninsli nogotlallous.---

Hc'pfnmisc for an early hrVakthrniij’h townrd pcace ii5 Henry .


. 'Hie clilcl .Issues dividing Iho negotlntors apparenily wiy;e iiiPso;


VieinamoHo territory. . -— ’ - ' iiani i and Wa.shlrigton also remain far apart on the jnachlnery to pplice an aCTcenient. T'hc •UnttPil .'Htntps •'vniTTts' il' fiiur-powpr *nbsrrvpr* force; of-5iOOO~-af f r«nd- Vricn

-- r ntrih»HpH-ti\>-fnn!irinL!n( onC5ta UnBat5-flnd\^Polan(lr*-:^V • ’.T"-

Nnrtir Wietiuim appears (o want only a token observer fprcL'of 25(1 men.


VP4tr*rtWhfft to-the seene l.tiil- tliere was 'no now *sniperWir*‘- tlieru, they.-KJilil.

-willinKnuKtMi ’UlwtnHO'it i-pouitiani r-

. JInw should n.Vlelntitn. uccorti be polleed?• 'Tlnrlh. Vielmim 'contends .there Js only one

■ 4y<nftt>w-an(l4hnu h n {Ipmlliuirizcd-ionft-that-

'11)0 position of sdutli Vieimiin Pf} uv«n lim’der. ' 'MnlTtrninvatif n titn loVnl iHnmgff^neTeeoKntrefl-

a.s n frontier between nurtli nn^ .st!)iith and all of Hanoi's tropp.H--jiiilimatO{l nt anywliere from

Wsslngtir, who said Oct, 2(1 that petite was "at iuuiili" left for rjnriK Sundnv. HTtcr li final

' * ’ hhiil

Nixon,.wa.s doiicribed ys hVlUier ontiiiliHtir nor pessinii'slit’ 'aJxult j)ro.spec‘t.s f(ir' reacljinft a

~la»TneiiTeni: ~ ^

!=We art' fairly well convtlicwl Uiul Uiey are_wllling to .die to ia rryn u t tills' mission." .said carorcionuin, n police aiwkoV■mnn:....... ........ . - -

th e '" loHiisiariir attornc;^ Ctyncntt-stiirt thpj frrn rtiitrw «^ ’■mnjiincnr' nn wt‘re parl- )f a-

l^aliomd. si^cldal group" bont o n s p t^ ln g raclni-wnrfarc

6?-be coniic/*r«d o trag-- o dy, no/ a victor'^, .

-wbtmded by the sninpr nt \]\o Hotel iiv re white., l\vo of_the^

c:hu|)1o bh•n"'5t;ptOTtl timt'. hotel.*Tlioy were hujined'down Suntlay after the' le rp f ls ts ,Inillt/lft * ■ ' J ^

chlncry, J‘‘or slx^hour.s nftor* dawn they-did inftm’C at police from iheir fortress-llke


b i r r m R R T A G g - - ^ :^

•riect on Jw ir 31. 1P03, In

ftnniVorsflrvUa tW » .---—A—flfenfr-.WHV-Ho—«dM ~ flnn lvo rtflry

oood Tpoiinot It (Ino tor Almqu Any tpecinl occasion or lijiil fa wlth- tamooni) a.• Vtfrtv. MrtfttOda/l Dl«l .

3 '■nm»rN»wi'rTwln-F«ll«, Idaho Wond»/;,J»l\u»i'>’- lH «W -

Q u in t i ip le fsPun week fete

W . Jo n es T o a y W U lia n is L . 1e . P o sfe.y Jeads to cracks■ IIA G EnM A N -JohnW llllnm JEnONIfS - FrcU G. (Tony) . nUni-EV - Uonard Earl

su rM x e(Jolinny) Jones Sr:,.Hat{ermnn, Wllirnma.-IB. Jcrorpc. dic'd as o ' Po'sey,,. 70, -Burley, died N EW VOnK (U P I) - Toiloy pnronomnsia.Tfinransynonym^ dlodC Sunday mornlriB 'inl result of ft head-on nutomobllo ^tiirdHy in Cassia Memortnl 'marks Uie sUirl of "Save Uic for pun. Now you know. • _ ,^ .r.' . ..Ml __ . ..II • - -tii .. _ . . . . . rm.i__ lniinHr>d on- Gooding i^urfling homo

\ Sofvlcefl will bo conducted atTliu;rwo"l)o^“ Hmrtlfro6“ (irrl8 2 p.m. Wddnoadajn^flf’ Ihc

c611lBl6n - n ear. Klnfl— HIU -Hospital followinH-an.'Illness. Pim’J week. - Anybody- -'whb Tlib country was ^Saturday nlf»ht. . * He was born Sept. 9, 1B%, In i|iink.s fun't puriny has no a pun, which has contlriueci lo"lie was born A liriria. lM l, in OakleyrUc ‘-Si.fise of humor~ .... ' ' be Uie greatest ever pcrpetrai-‘C H I C A G O ( U lM ) ‘^ T l f o T l i u : r w ^ l 5 p a n d th ro 6 ( ^ Ir ir ^ 2 p j i r ^ W d d n o i id a y :^ f l l - - in c — l i e w a f lb o r n A j i r t l in O a k le y r U c n t t e n d e x l .s c n o o l- ln -^onse o f h u m o r r - ........ ' M u i c .g r c a ie s i e v e r ^

nuintupiolii Jjorti to a suburban ivere*b6rn one month, prcrrjn- • Hagermnn United Methodist .Great Falla, Montana. He came Oakley and nvas' a llfe-lp'nR However.'some of .'US began • cdin Ameriia, Tlmt was at me. ^ .Norihbrook in)USewlfe~tnrvo~tUTrcll^rldny~to~Mrrnnd'Mra', • Oiurch-with-ncvrWrl^rHnrrla''• tn- J erome-in~)&5fl-whpiy-he—rbsident-nf-C^ssirrCoti'ntyr Ile—.sufrorlnt' cvenia.«^bckrThls-7signtnffr:Dfriherl3<??lRr»‘*J’J'.7:®*.

wn.TMNcw .Veor's"Dny.nt thi! Mcpcndcncc wlicn Bcnlnmln bar when a-tlrunkannounced he, Franklin said: “ Gentlemen, we was drinking a “ Oiarlcs must, all hong together or Dickens.” He had an unembellv assuredly we will all hangished martini before him----separatcly-lL-'.

Half an hour .la te r he It.had to waU uptll tht‘ 1930s71c“rimrin(r(lirire we>en‘’tTfolnB~ror-llobcrt'-Benchley—a t- o - '

Hurley, and four step-sons and to ask whv It was so named. Hollywood pool to say, * I............ . . ................. - - - --'a..-Uouiihlcr^._I^nrLJt9.seljnd_^Okiiy, w h ^ got lo' g e l ..........ho.Hpltal spokesman said day. He attended nlglvt s c W l in , Rmil Kllrues: one sister, hlnda Merlin Rose, both ileyburn; ‘'••No' olive' of .‘ twist;" • he and int6 a dry martini.” Or for

Sunday. . . ' ■■ Ijondon and. sang In the Welsli W illiam s; , two brothers, Mrs.-Clyde <Sarah> Bronson,. Hlioulcd....................... - - George Kaufman 16 (icclare msDr. 'Iliomns Gardner, the Choir at St, Pau l’s Michael Kllmes and Uodney Burley, and Mrs. Melvin Tim.'; goaded, a man on our ethnological fraiUy: “ One

quints’ neo-natal ^are specia-' Cathedtal.-.HC-Come ,tQ, . thc.,DclLKlimca. alLJcrom g; and_-(Nanc>M -McCny.iHeyburnUa -loft— uKuallv-rjitpcctablc-flen. -inan.'s Mode is onotlier man s

pajised the critical three-day Bjjor at Highland Park Hos- officiating. Interment will attended school and was aperiod for. premature infants p.ital, but were .taken to follow., at the Hagerman senior at Jerome High School.,and the docturs say they are Kvfmaton Hnfipltnl Shortly after CAnetery.* , ’ ' He was activc“ rn wrestlingopiimisiic about their ehanccH Ijecause it had l)efter facilities Mr. JoTies was born Nov. 15, an<l m football, and was a pastfor survival:------- ' - - available. -- 18flfl,ln CarmarthcnHlUre,South state wreatling champion,

A hospital ; spokesman an Tlie most dellc'ati! of the five Waiea. As a boy he worked as placing sixth in nationalnounced Sun'Hay that James infants," Th”oir>irs“ Aireh, ap- HUJble i» y and carnage driver, “compeiillorr “ 'IJiior.faUiLT of the (luint-s, would peared to be gaining ground He delivered milk from a milk SuHvors inchide hla mother

Kvanstnn llo.spital.

had been employed hy-the city ,of Burley for several years prior If)-jiis rctlponjent, He was married to Cliarlotte Walters! Rose in Las Vegas, Nev., Sepl.. 11, 195.1“Survivttig ilfe his v^dtTwr

■Socks s;>tisfv _______ . . .. ........ . - . . . . . . ^' . . . . . 1151 gjiKj wjr.‘rv(irijjldl'iiiiii tlif UnllL^d Stutua lfl’1903“ lirrtI“WirB rus'^iruitQnnai. • grnndmolher, uVoUier, Ailxirt Po.sey, Burley; tlemati —told us, in the spirit of Persian

_NJiW-YOIUU-Uni)— you-tuioJ..-,,i,e-of-hutnajHiallk-|o'‘ Ki>pplc«—omployod-in^anortlUdaho-mine—Mrsv—EiHio—uhiismorerrnono,—4w(>-Hister«^Mrsr-I.ei{oy-fOra)--the^-seas()n—lhat“ 1ie-know--a— -PuronomaalacsoflCQCoiDPJ!!®>1 ..........1 ____ •.... I... tl... . . . . . . .. __ - I________,..... .... ___________ I. ___ I • ’ 1 -i

Jim May . explaining basketball injury of his hand . . , Hazel Wilder announcing mother-baby training course

; Kddie' Stdcftto rf, 'Jerorne7' pants . . . M a r ie . LeCloir - _ , ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ -til— running over anoUier skier . . Mrs. Henry Gandlaga, Castlefgrd, getting winter exercise '.. . Sandy Moeller *

refrain from cidllng until'

___ t<‘ll ;i iiiiin's chnracter by thesnrks he wears, according to a

• , noU'fl liriliHh p.syc)iij\trist.Dr. Neville lluirnton notes in

tin- Nalittfiul Knquirer that men huy suils jind lies to im'pres i (iliiors iujl they huy socks lo sinTsry"tHemwfve^ a(lianujtui pattern reveals(M)n.servative who vvjints fami'^^ded.sion wjia made lliir order Ui hi.s la’tlvllies; 'Hit* (juints'mother. Lynn, 2fi, vivid ('{jlors .signify e«»oUfli)id 'who has not seen her babies lnse{’) ir i l j , vertical strij^es .sug- .since their birth, was expected

‘ •• gcst- stmng-s‘-*xual;defilrcK-mid_ttLjjti=;nt'leuBed=fuusday from gray sock.s reveal a romantic Highland PiU'k llospital,^Koul uh(i wiints a simple life. ■ Her husbiind, a .'lO.year-old

■ ■ ' stockbroker, has beeh making^ r e g u l a r trips to both Mighlimd_inOUtll* — Park.and ICvanston liospnals;

— Aside from doctors and nurses.BAHSTOW, Calif. (U l’l) - |,i. |,as been Uie only visitor

Tl\e Mojave River of soutli regidarly allowed to see theci-ntral. CalifortiiiH has jio jnfanLs. who are in a special

■'moutri'.*....... ' Uuir.sery hidden behind whiteIt has its source in Uie .spring curtailns.

firtd,-snnw-crevipes of-liie Bernardino Mountain.'? and

:nl-lheir-.formula^lQVu:ycr.—whciuihe-WQdtcd.usiLCQtikahiaL-Nitlie. hnspllal was deluged with worked in' tlie mines until he Kuneral aervlcffi w ill bephone - calls from women contracted pneumonia. conduyted al 2 p.m.-Wednesdayoffering lo donate their milk for In 190C he came*to HufJCrirmn in the IIove Funeral Cliapel wiUithe Infantif, and'the ho.spltal where he worke'ii as night- Hev.*^heldon .Slagel and Rev,slre.ssed that Dr. Gardner had Kerder for The Owen anU nk-ic Russell' TH/iciating.nol yet decided lo use human flecker Sheep Co., and the interment will Im* at Sunsetni'ilk and asl^d’ women to Clinton Sl\oep ‘Co. wlifclv he Meinorijd Park

Niulson_Ameritiaa-Kock^Ulah.__Holfec-whojiit-iuball_intd_Uie__ In Ihp 1950s Bennett C^rf beiflow up and Henry Morgan Umt heanff Mrs. Arkie Storey, Boise;

eleven step-grandchildren and .s e v e n i s I e p • g r e ii t - •grandchildren.

Fliheral .services will be c'()tnliifted Ww|[ie.sdax;!t_J

'rough and a bird

bought out4irili2T^t'nmt time he .was running 6,000 ewes.

He became a citizen of the United States In 1912. Tie married KUiel Justice in 1922 at Hagerman- .---------—

He purchased land .iVi Camas,Gooding,- and Custer* counties, •• GI>KNNS Ff-liiHY ~ Services His home ranch. Is east of fop-Ivnvrence Person. 72, H a g e rm an . „ „ . - Glenns Ferry, will be conducted

Moinorials may be made lo the Jerome High School wr(sstlirig department.

-L . 1.. Pe rson

ill the .Ii)se|)li I’liyne Meunu;ia! (Iiapel with Burlwy Post :iOi:i of tlie Veterans of F(ircign War^in charge.

Buria l w ill ’ he. in Geni Memoi'iai. Gardens. Friends, tjiay-cMlI al.Paj-nc Morluary Tuesdoy aflei%)i)n and evening and prior - servicesWt'diio.sday.

make a pun out of Die last • name of the Bu.ssian composter

Sliostiikovich.•■Shostakovich small- by a

waterfall," replied Henry,In a som^vvhat more turgid

mood. Morgan once gave a weather report on the radio; "Muggy-followed by Tuggy.

He served many years on tho.- at - 2 p,in.> -Tuesday at Smith---predal(tr aifimal control Iward (liapel. 'and had been a iong time - , Mr. Person died Friday at the supporter of the National Wool' Boise Veteran’s Hospital. Rev, Growers Ash<jrua|on.._imssinj» Rolf _l/;eL_Wlll . ,i:on(.liiCt . theonly two conventions <iuring the services. Interment will be at past 50 years, ile served (Jn the (Jleiin Jjest Ceinetery. (ilenns

I. iinUel- TWIN FALUS - Harry W, Kunkel. 72, Twin i'all.s. died at his home Sunday morning of (i siiort illness,_|Ie.was burn Nov. Hi. li'OO in

jr r t^ ^ - - F .'r ry ^ ;^ l« L n iim a ry lim ve siJc lu>r of the nhrr-. ........... ..... • .- .............Infanls were .fc:!{?,abeUi,7r>ou- years. Ho was a member of the ritrjr ....................^

Uien-swallowed up in the.sands g ia s , ' Edw ard. Leslie -and_Meli»MlistChureh and served «n Hir wa.' born May 2, 1(K)0, atof tlio de.sert. Viekie.

'Benefit winnersHAN SFN - .Mr.s, Mary

— — I’ ulln won I score prize -(or woijien in the first of a series of benefit card parties Sidurda'y night.

___ Tlie piirties are l)einn co-sponsored by Modern Woodmen

_u£— .Ajuurica. ’ .and ItnyalNeighbors of America lodges,

Other winners were Betj Pi.ska, KUnberly, high score prize Tor men; I-ena Bohrn. Hansen, .second high lor

women; George Hooper. Twin 1 high

inii. Hansen, won the traveling prize and Mrs, Wilbur Trout won the door prize. Tlie cake WOK woj^ b ^ Mrs, Arthur A<lains{irn T-win.Falls,

— Mrs.-Alma BalUtnd-Mwi^oe Hill served on the kitchem conuiiittee.- n ie next party will l)c 8 p.m, .Stihirday at WoiKlman Hall,

tiie iKiard-of trustees, Oakley, He worked on ranchesHe wlis a supporteTor liii -J-H in Neviilla and MonlarurantrftVr"

'Iprogram. donating lanii for -l-ll the Wilnun Livestock.Conjiiany,. pro)ect.s to local yciung.slers Hainnielt, ' .

He. wiis a mvmber of the Theiui are no knownGoUlen Age Club, the lOOF siirvivorK.liuige," the ReU'ltairUiiige.

In 193G from, Seattle. Wash. He lived in Plioenix, Ariz., ffjr 10

the golfer exclaimed: "Tliis is tile first time I ever .saw a partridge in a par three.”

A half'hcarted search Ras failed lo turn.up.tlie. malefac­tors who started “ Save the Pun" we^k or what they’re trying to. . save i t , from.Certaliiiy not from extinction.Tlie world has' always been and VVoggy. 'I'hurggy, and will continue to suffer -fron Also in"tlie 195fe, the so---- called -A f r i c.a n king

Paronomastic syndrome

t i ‘cr^- ■ • fioread. One of these concerns^unera l.Services African king who gave a--------- --- jp his thalched dwelling.

— liU PE IlT ^ Fu n e ra l Kecv’iccs^.j.g mako^Foomr,-he put-hia big- for I.ynten Predmore, 74. t-liair up in a makeshift attic. Rupert, will be conducted at 2 Tlie dancing at the party got

• p.m. Wednesday in Walk that tlilTChrrtr was Nn5 ^iary ( ’hapel witl^Bishop_j.|ij,j^ej, loose and tumbled Jack Duncan officratirig. Bifrial bowling dVer a couple ofwill be. in the Rupert Cemetery, eourtiers and narrowly missing

Ji'nends' may cull at Mo|tu»uy Tuesday afternoon

. and evening and;, prior to services Wednesday.

jM-'opie who live in grass houses .shouldn’t stow thrones.

past two years Hi‘ worki’d a.san eleclrician in

ttie Boise' area until, lus rOtlroment. He w»s-a membcj—

" a irand Uie Southern

Idaho i?ioneer Association. He . was naineii to Die Soutiiern

Idaho Livestock Hall of Fame on Feb. 15, l'.)71

He i.s .survived by ;his wife; Hagerman: one S(tn, Jolui W ltllnm " rB iin Jones- Jr?,

L7!VT.M<CimFD FN - Mrs. .Uturo M

McCan. HU. l-'.den, died Suridavmorning al her. lioni?

She was born June-21. 1084; in Inwn af»lj;M|Me-t<f-ltiHh«HM-Hmi

• - cf-4iti 4.hittt‘il-iM«:>tliodtKt-Chur4;ii He in an ifd Fhirence M.

- Tolllvet^tJi Tacnjnn, Wash,, on•(><■1. 1, im . ■■

Siirvivmg ije.sules hi.s wife are one daughter Hehiise M Jester,Phoenix. one half l)n>ther

— Fullls Miller. Mnuntain View, t-’ahf.: one hrolher ('ari R

-TWIN FALLS - Funeral scrvirrs^for Adolpit S. (Andy) ^VidmLU-wiU be.couductod-at- l6 a ni Tuesday a_t the Twin_ Fall-s'niinl'Wan] ‘ITlJSTTTwrir


.by. iil.slioi) Nglaii Y' -’ or.;

RU PFR T - Funeral services for Ix iarid .1. Maxwell will be I'oiiducied at 1 j).m Tuesday at tho Hiiport Fourth Ward LDS Ciuipel Int 'i’ineflt wili be in the

;Magic Valley Hospitals

Hagorman, and Mrs. - Alfred She married H), A. McCaii in( Florence Miiry) Sandy. Hager- Flko, Nev., Oct. 15, l!)5l,man, and seveti grandchildren. She was a.meinlwr of tliegrandchildren. Metliodisl { ’hnrcli, the

One si.sler preceded him in' Aniericaii War Mothers of Edeu'death. _ __ "^uhthe F(li*n U't ioti Aii::iliarv

^ ■ dfMllill M* Surviving: besides Uer

IVInpii' V a J Ic y .M e n io r iu l

----- -Admllted-Helen Mcehl, Lenura E.

-W m T— niitli (;ales,-“7erfery Milner,. Mrs. Steven Miirtin,

‘ Paul l-ee. CInrk Mills. Mrs, Roy Marcellus. Charles Caseyt Mrs,

Arthur-Kmbor-t*in,—oil—'I'win- Falls; Betty Brannon, BoIku). Jess W illh lte. and“ 'GF(rrge“ Sargent.^ both Murtaugh; Sliauna L. Smith, Maty Caron, and Mrs. William Kaercher, all Buhl; Mrs, Donald Hatfield, Wendell; Bay Dudley, Rupert;

unay be given lo’ the Hagerman husband are two sons HaymoiKl United MetliodLit Church. 1 .Burton, Kim,hec'y. and Albert

Friends 'm a y . call at Burton. F.den; four daughters. Tliompson Chapel, Gooding. Mrs, Nellie Tale. Kansas Cily. Tuosday a fternoon and'evening. Mo.* Mrs, Miliird Brainerd.

KimktH. KentTW’a.nh Rose Matney, f-'ort' Bragg, C'aiif.. atiil one grandauf liter

(iravesule services will 1k' oinduciudat I p.m. Thursday at rioverdaje Memorial Park

Hoise. b>'-thirUnitPd

TTlat ■ White' ••Hli


^ster— Cemetery


l-’nends ma\ Mortuary, Twin Wednesday unlil

sU b ^ r ipt io n mates T H E T I M E S N E W S

Twin Fall». Idaho Dv Carrier

Per Monlh (OallY Sunday)

Dy M all Paid In Advance

,(D ally & Sunday)\ MonmJAAonlhi 6AAorlh» lY e a rMall tubicripllont accep ts only

wt\ere carrltr delivery ii nQi maintained ■ ^

T IM E S - N E W S S U G iS C R fB E R S

17 SO

iJ 75 »7 75

IU.50 |}7 00'

“ IPIrs’ Max McCasMn, Hazelton ' and Mrs. ’ John, Brune, Hazelton; Mrs. Harold Hoshaw. Kimberly baby girl Palm dr, Dietrich; and Kenna Cox, Heyburn,

DlKmissed Mr.s, Rldon Ballard,

K im berly; Debra Pruett.. Shoshone; Judith HeVsley. Jackfwt. Nov,; Milton’ Haskett;' Oma StiH’kard. Gary Ijiib •antrdaughtef, Edward Roberts, Uretta Weeks, I^ionard Boss and Sluiron Owens, all Twin

J . B . M o rseTWIN FAI.I.S John B,

Morse. 01. Twin Falls, died arly Sunday morning at the

, 'Knll.^ r bab^'glrlTloberts, FlTen Mrs, Jeffrey Wood and Kmlly Roberlsrboth Buhl.

'IV in Falls Clinic Ht>spilal of a :short tune‘s ' - -

Funeral arrangement.s will be animunced by While Mortuary.

B r id g ep l a y e d

.I1‘'R 0 M K The Jerome Duplicate Bridge club playeil at Ihe Fpisnipal- piirish liall Xnturday nftrrnoon.

Riverside. Cuiif,TMrs, Dorothy, Sinur. Cascade. Locki,i}re...ujid.. Mrs, Hi’anclio Knighl, Peoria, Ill.^one i)rolher Harry Bowlmyr-j FI Remt Okla,; five si.slers. Mrs. I.ydia. Hiliery, ! lcCoinb. III. ; Mrs. Gertrude Scion. ( ;a lv a - ■M-irP-.Vk-^^^MyrtHt- Peleison, Harrington, Kan.; Mrs. Fawn Hoir. Wlfhitn. Knn .' and Mrs, Alt<i Card. Wesi.ic(t. Tex ; K! graridcliildren and 22 ^;rea^grandchlld^en,

Siie was preceded in deatii by two sons, Donald ami Farl.

l-'iineral arrangenients will be atinoiuu'cd by Wtiile MorUiarj’.

K o io r r l..Mnni K v

Burley, dii^d llii^ morning in .Cahsiii Memorial lins|)i(al ft)llowini; an illhess

Funeral services \vill he’ annoiiri('<’d liy I'ayiu* .Mortiiar\.,

KING HIM. - 'Hie Kmg Hill Grange will meet Tuesday evening al 8 p.m. at the hall wiyi Mr. and Mrs, F, C, A'tidersoii in ch:)rge of refresiiments.

' Gi.FNNH Ft:iiHV - 'Die American I-eglon and American U'gion AuJyliary will meet at G

TWIN FAI.LS, -- Funeral p.m Wednesday evening at the si-ri'ir.'s for (Imrk'.H T riim u n ivrtc'r:in 's M cn io riiil Hall, Neu'in v will in.* conducted at 1 '[i.m. ,Thesdiiy' at W hitel KING HIM. -. Tlie United Muduary.'-Chapels- Final-rites- Prucbyterian.Wonion will mei will Ik‘ hi Snnset Memorial ig- 2 p,m. Wednesday at tf

!_of Mrs Arlhiir Gr<M‘r

CA l.D W Fl.l, Funeralservices i\Ui\ burial for Henry y o H ' k n c n VKiirschler w!ll-l)e al 2 p,m,.. '

. I'uijJlay in Caldwell. i_______ 11) LuitLd I’rciiijilcriialloiialIKi j.'.MJiL’taiiiy in 'tin;

ai reeling slr y r arplrf^schiiol , .. Dave Armstrong ,

’ weiirintT yellow and' orange .iweaier .. . KClttr^TVftCUnr re^ succcssful photo effort , . . Mr. ond Mrs. Frnnk Herzingcr talking about son's rccent v is it. . . Mary Deo Bonnetl and Molly going for a walj “ ‘."“ Mrsr-Byron ' Moyc. measuring elastic for customer , . . Frances Bo.wlin remarking ■. bn how much she enjoys hef'job , ’. , /Uid overheard ‘T m so stiff

^Htul aore that-Pll liave to rfi fup- ^all week for the weekend,

Com puter docs- r S O U T H H ^ ^ N — Englnnrf- (UP l) —Four doctors in a small Devonshire town’ arc- orfennlzlng'Britain’s first com­puterized family doctor group practice.

Dr. John Preece told

Medical Association tJie four doctors in Otlcry St! Mary would feed all their patients' records into a central computer 200 miles away. /

Each doctor would be con­nected .to the computer and jomid-trcrlcvc nny .neededportion. of a patient's me()jcal history from It. Preece .said.

today’s FUNNY <5ipi& LIK£


lU illl. — Funeral services for Ha\ Hivhniuiui will be' cohiliicted a( .,T p.m. Tuesday al WlHle Murluary. Burial \ViII be in ,Sunset Memorial Park. <

I'niledStales forltifiinLi ix»rn in 1'|,1 tite la.>il year ffir ujiich llirie ai l' :i\ailal)le slatislics, is <-hlimatc(J al ii7 I fi»t m.iles and 71'' [or (cmalcs

I T d « ,- i fU N r jy .,, ! ] pa, j i O':I to(h ongiftol tunn>"ut»ii 5«njgujiI ti, luJu,', fUNNI, UOO Weit Th.'JI V . Oh't' J4 IU ,

Call your carder ^r'lhe Timoi-Nowi

U qncfiictH

PHONE 733-0931Of u ie o ir toll free number*

Duhl Caillelord — BurttV 'Ruptrt .. Paul Oakley Norland

Filer Rogerion Hollliler WendtU Jerome

Admlit'cin:- AllHTt Dunn, Ralph J . Piper

Di'iuile Rdwiinls, Shoshoni;; ■' ' " " I ! . MrvA. I).Mrs, F.lh.;l .EnKland, 'rwln-'McMnhnrvniul Mwi Honn Kii.v.s Falls: Mi .s. i.Inus McManny

*71JS53 Hagerman; Mrs,, l.enore- 3U 537S Parkin. Boise; Mrs.. Ix)

1Vof:agles, Fort Hall.

M rs. I alesTWIN FALLS -- Mrs, Hazel

Fall’S*;. B5r former -'I'jvm^Fnlls- North-.siiulli winncrs-vvcre founly rcsltlpnl, (lied S.nliir(la!^

,tlul ,Mr.s. M. I), lliirtrutl unci imiinliiti j^ lh t lliUtwsrTTaven — Mrs^Hnroitt Wvcoff aTiinlr-TmWalp.sciMil liorne, I’ociiIl'IIo.

,She.wrtS born Sepl. 17 Fast GrandfockJVllnn,

She came ;is a young l;idy and was married lo C. D Boring. They were iajer divorced. On-1Vc. 2H,- MHOr slie married W, .P,- Fall's al Gooding. He preceded her in

Mrs. Fales hasiived in Buhl, 'IVin FjiHs, Boise anil Gooding. She moved to Pocatello six


and Mrs. Harold Bulcher; third, r “*-::^trsTMax ilu(liic and'Kinr-R.F,

' Reese, _____Fast-west winners were Mr.

and Mrs. B Ben.sOn; .second.

■Grange meet

C O RRESPO N D EN .TSAlmoM rv Vtfflilace Taylor B?<.232U*TSUFT Pauilne-Oay

.FMor .M arjorie LlormAn -

— Gooding CounVy ’ •____ [?CDQy_Chu

HflQprmao. .......'Unia tarson-

543-54)3, Mrs, Denise Riddick, Mrs. Sterling Alexander, SIdrtoy

■^rcTRwininnitforomo .“poiigias"

pri,si.nt|,|l rhi. sn f n-niirl n l. -SIk' )va.s II mcnillur of llic. thi' Kricliiy miM..lln|i of tho Kilbr IYMliylcrinn Church imd|ii 50Grange, ' year meml>er of Buld Cliapter

*-jniu-r4>poia~mum\q>>L-Twloi^» Nil :tfl. Order nf, F,a.sU?rn S tac-

Jacobson, Wendell, Walter •336 5454 Schoolcraft, Shoshone, Mrs.

' tJadlne Hilderbrand,. Richfield, M 4 5706 ' n i r t h s '

A son’wos-bom^to Njr. and lrii»-lieonl»rlI^«rkltCnSDt^.'

:;paysT'hiia4tcBi5mith"-*?x - . Je ro m e

Charlotte D e lP

-M rtf.A ilhu r Groor ■■ rWTnTOuTS-----

— MiJSSO •Uhlolra-Memnrtir. p r S t c d

Oirs Arc Siifor" if'ii.s tnken from She Is survived two sons the liendcrt- -BlKOst. S t n t ^ T & W. Dorine,- Mofward, officers will conduct n school of Uilif.; Norniiin Ilorlnu, Eniili) ■Ihstructlon'111 llm Twin F uII.h Hock, ClilU.ilmc dnughtcr Mrs. CiriinBC. Hall durlna.n.rPoh)on»J3iurliinCL^i!Xunilec_Nnrmul, imi!tln«.,Jan.,U..I.'iler-GninKa.Jll,:fonei;Mnilchllilrcn_l!ad_filj\vlll aoQl'Wllh lUihl'tJrnni'.t tofursiirntflndohitUron.'-" r :

* lllClranill.'1111'Cl lnKlln .; iltl. l a, .— KHm m rl-teryicKrrw i.If-rbp

Ailtnlltcd-_ bdvid Hoi tran

* Rfchiwm •.* T z n n n r a K o f r



£llftUllL^QnmclIfiOn=coriduolPd=|^^' tho ........ - ' ......... ‘ - “M r. and Mrsl Kd- J, Austin Unlngcr of the

tpl'phprt; wprn-etigsts:-nnlphf>rt .-Elrst^UnUcd^PrOBbytiirhmirQCcam.

la h ir r na- esourccsT-TgrinHvlll-bc-tn-thr-BPeB s .I. Miiddcn, all Rupert. Hosts were Mr. and M ra?U rcn • of MountainMadden, nil Rupert

MflTba Thorno ' B06 J071 • DUnHaicd— ..........V Suri-. V a n o y -H a iio y ^ w o o d Hivar--- j e i l .w / o o t l a . - i i a r ^ i l i e l ) , .Snlur.

^ I 788-4AW ncnRocoliea, . Paul ' Burns,- Slilrley Enston. and Gypftv 'Goitt. air Huperl. '

Torry Campbell. IF ;V O U 'R E AW ARC OF VALUE-.

ClfliVnod Ad».

......... Friends^-.may,. call / atllpndersOn Funeral.Home, 431 Northl^th AvtL-I2a£ifltollDfuntlitime of services.

f I

Monifitv, JflnuflryO, 1973 Tlmo»-N<>ws, Twin F<«lt», ldwho

Gov Cp H n A ^ plentiful In^Hhe coming flscniSr^ tn fn ” i i 'sUjtcvof year without n tnx Incrcnsc...- Inhirp lefiisr ^■'‘WehnvelncronscdUic'smto’s

-•Tiur.u. . ' , npproprinllon for the .operations tiijition loday isnol'iis - ofour public schools, but we nre

wc would like It, Ambitions for still short of ncce’piablo pnrtici-n o w - o r - « r tH (h - c n in r R c d - s tH t f i— p . i K o r r r T l l I s ' y e i i r - o u r 'n u m b e r 'services cjiniiot bf i-nterUHned, one priority must bo flnnncinl unicM wc nro pri‘[);irL*d to p«y - supjwrt for publjc sehools, cou- atmitlonal taxes. Hut, in this, the pled w ith property Uix roliofnt yoHr or U i e f a x > n y o r J l J F R ? 7 5 f = ^ t h P l o c » r i e v e l . ' nottofo.stLTjin>expct'Uaionsfor ‘‘As our water resources arc “ ' developed, we have m»do clonr

Althou(')i liiniliTOd.ljy n sblU*. '''HI be developed for Idnlio f lsn’ niitiona! Ireful, economic ; I'ealdetita.forthefarmera.'flpor^-

- conditions in Idaho have improv- men and/ecreation enlhusjpsts ed at nHi‘s lii|>hcr than sister, of lhis yreat-fltate. I pledjjc to Stjites tlirdu jliioul tlie land...I- colitlnue our fight to prevent can cc>fx)ri (o you today that the Idaho from bccomtnR Uie water-

nepds.Dlsbellpvers^ccdonly to to embark on a peViod ,of travel-between IdaJjo F«Hs and reorganization , so too can ediici ’ West Yellowstone or between ntion •Boise and Coeur d’Alene to be ■‘Kindert’ftrtcns are a'Veailty convinced... in Idaho's public schools as a -

“A major acldevcment in 1Q72_rcsiilt-QLliiiu-dcckiim-to-mio-u- was passage of the Kovernmen* federally-funded-^pro^jrant— to- UiTreoriianitntronamendment....* supply 102 leachers'for kindfr,- toward the fulfillment of thlfi J Knrton classrooms tlirouKljnut «verwhe]nijry'_mandn^ of; tho^Jho jitdtt , th e fodernl ijro^ people, I propose the creation of urai^;)

solidatioii of twir niajor people- orlentiHlaj[pncio.'>)— fheJk'part- me/itjiiof {•'nvirimmiMitiil Protec­tion and Moaltl). imd Social ami neliabil(t;jtlon Service.s...! am recommcndinfT^tpinHforof the •«dmini5trntivcrt»s[KinsibHit.vf()r Imilditii:

“ 1 uri’c* you to I'ivQ attentive cotiKidoration to tile concept of statewide huul use planniniv...

1 pro[> tltat the-state office biiildin};,,.be formally'do- 'tJiJImnHl tlu' Tifn B. Jordan office

a 12-member bl-partisnn legisla­tive committee..,• “ ...Tlie time is at hand to re- • organize our present system of school administrations. Too of-

nnd we now need permanen| procedures for, thos districts deatring to continue instruction for prc-schaulers ... '

"We must Icgi.srati* an eml to

ot,.lt' uf ilii- I'lo no n iy IS good... stied of m e Jio u thw est...... “ n ie o.xpanditjg economy as- “ North-South hishways,are

sures (hat rcvenuc.s wili be more ourmostpresslngtransportation.

ten.Increased funds, find tlieni- .Jmrcuucratic hm-it . pn sjng.-- tielvea paying for new admlnis- 'Before we fiirul Idiiho’s govertj- trativetechniqucsandpersbnnel. tnental albatrosses, we n'utst* jmiinji, Mit.iin>| WC nUIS'With the result being too few tr»rn uie highly paid ndministra-dollars finding tholr way Into 'lors in Boise and put the talent, ciassroomsandprnnramsforour whertf■■ the' peoplt- are. To

Hje ymith training center from the board of t tiucafioti to tlie newly conn(ilidak‘d MgL'iiL-y ..

"It i keeping witli oiir philoso-. pliv that those who can shmild. work for their welfare chcck.s... U'gintiijig this month 5i)0 welfare recipients will bo called upon lo earn ttieir assistance ctiecks...

. -liXliere. remains ,u . pressing need to strengthen the state's «;n- v ironm entai enforcement

d I 'p roposcTTi

1X1 wcT.s ...•to (It) olliorvVis^V IS torclcgalestateand local respon­sibility to the instMisifiviiy gf

“ ’'Ouf jsuvtnujienJfaces a - crisis. Our people. a jc;,_ qiuiJjtfoning— Oiitt— syHlom-B— ability lo work smoothly and for tlie. The time ha.'i cotne lo make goveirunent what it can bo (iiil lo fulther image of what iH liiis iM'i'ome u' many, corners' thnuigliout the land,”

C l o l l l ' f i o c o s t s '■ WASIIINfi-l'ON I HIM I '11.,.

: IIO ISE (UlM l - Gov. Ctcll D. AnHru», n ., Jbmocrnt,. |)nld o'Hpc^clnl tribute today to a

.l^ub jlean jpredeccHsor who Just retired na o - iJiiJted States Senaior. . '

-WllhJ<cn-nuJfliJonuCav.cnioc.flLIdah(UMm_.> .:J?5li55_nuci_fionntor fromjtlalmJtomil0.fl?tW72,,_'___liLllif-Bnllery, _Andnis propoieij lhe new 8(ote

— —office buildfng bo-namwl-ofter Idm. --------"Senator l>cn n. Jonlnn is a man of. wisdom

and,courage.’ a man who exemplified the'best thti're Ih In Idaho," Andrus said,'In ren\akrs prepiired for delivery to n‘joint s'cHolrin of the leg lN latu re . ,T

"As a senator, and before U»at, nfl giivcmor, Ii?n Jordan placed principle before polUlcA, the j«ople,before himself.

"l*rkllnR lilmseiroii.hlB knowledge of water,

« i . . v . . r n n r o i u j i o a

H s o $iai(i iia iv c M i ^ j C T i i r n E r g r o u p

panel soughtliOISD (U P il — Increases In the cost of

government hpvp been cut In half Hlnce the 1965- G7 biennium, Gov. Cecil D. Andrus told the 42nd

T Tdiibp Leglsliitur'e tFdny.Andras, in an ’ nddress prepared for on

nfieraoon joint sessic^n, said appropriations for ' the two-year period which ends next June 30


till’- fudi,T?TI~t;nrg •I recommeiui now that yOu

roUirn biennial btidgeting,.,---Lilduho:ii.,preiiont-obKcnilv^.

laws ai'V (Ifscribed as inoffi'i-itvo, unconstitutional

. unoiif()u;ual]U‘ , . , I recoinniend passage of . . . ( A ) now I)flrniigra[ihy .statute , . .

(')Sts of a collfgo lulncalion Imvr-mrreasi'd, steadily-sinco WNihi,.VV^iu44-»in.U»^;k<>b^

>>Tnaioi- Airilnn w^rVed._B»rce(iBfull>'rto-both Irrigate .our croplands arid preserve

■ tfllHrmrss iifrrnmB,". (\ridgu .iuUdcontiiuio to ri.sf in the years ahoiid. ,— Axei:ciiUurvt;y pa;dit:Lu:tiaL-

"State and nirtlon have benefited from his service. H H n a man (IT Integrity - a man of his word.! • .

of a .yA*iuw»l-a-e»HMl»catit»nal- collfge will , likely be inlOiin, -I'oinparoii wilh' lH7:!'.s avfi‘i«gr-ro»t - of -By - the-s-t'ar 'JOOO tlial {-osl could l)e as high as

leadet, I propose thnt the.state office bulldlnR, In . the shadow of Uie~ eapltol, Iw formally designated the U*n B. Jordan Office Building/

l-eglslatlon will he ofli*red lor your approval.”

biennium.*"In the two-year period-which eiidfUDune 30,

1967, the incrense In general fund expendltiures over the preceding biennium was per cent," ,Andru i said.

‘‘In the following two-yoar period, the.gain • n s 27_. 1 pcrccnfnnd irrt)ie pi^qri'whlch'cnded

Junv 30", 1971, tluHncreose was 22.5 per cent."Andnis told the lawmakers '(he exiianding

rfonnm>“Tissurw that rrvenucs will b e fo re plentiful In the coming fiscal year with a tax Increase and reminded them he is pledged "to fight any tax Increase.

Buh l com pany sued over trout losses

obUiiaud-oxlru-iniiuratuJo on-thu- IriH'k nn«i Irailer in question just prifiT to the lime Iho unit was wrecked in Missouri.

n ie samo allegations aro ihadu—Ui-a-Kuil' filwi' at'ainsl luilier Farm and C, Bruce

/.Kullor by 'Hjousatid Springs Trout, I'arms, Inc., Buhl, one of four, trout producers and

• procojisors who allegedly had. troufin the Fuller truck when ituverturned. ------ -----

Tliou.sand Springs is seeking $1 in damages for. trout as ii result of the alleged

BO ISF (U P I) - C’reation of a 12-member.': bi-partisTsn

-legislalive --cOmmlttDe" was propbsed by Gov': Cecil D. Andius todiiy to .begin the constitutionally - mandated reorganization of tlie executive branch of stjite j«overnmentj

Andrus further proposed in a .speech'prepared for cJclivQcy to. a Joint .session, that -the committee be authorized to employ a staff with the single responsibility of studying, planning and' drafting legislation under coniniittee

-------—- ■‘Heorganization is not an easy LiJsk^^nor is it vsnmelhing tlial can be done by an existing agrncy on a part-time basis,” he .said.

" If llie rcorgani2ytiun.plan is to Ih.‘ atreplaljUt. it must be devi-l()n<-d by a boldiv

suggestions of all who .wjsli to contribute o Jh is yffort^” )it

'.Siiid,7\ conatltiitbirial anVon^monl

ratified b>' tht clectoratL" last . November ^ requires the

executive hrancii be wlii.tU-d down lo no .more than 20agencies by Jan. 1. 1!»75._____~ ^V ]iat we accomplish l^Mird this epd will have a .lasting impnet on Idaho's future.“ Andrus said,

'■.Uing after-our slewar(i.sliip as lea(ler.s is but the passing

mention of historians, our -reurgttnizution- infliienco the actions . of governors, legislators, slate employes and citi/ens, he .said,

"Do wiiat you must, bul do it wit() wi.sdom, couragt* and


Itave ix'en filed in Fiftii Judicial iJis lr ic l Court seeking [Kiymonts and damages from Fuller Farm and Home Supplyj Inc , Buhl, and C. Bryce I-'uller, presid«*iit of I-’iillcr t'a riiu ,■ Anu*rlcan Hardware Mutual is pUinliff in one suil,- The insurance (-ompany is seekmg jfi,:J73.70pliLs costs in the action, ;illoging that Fuller Farm and C. Bruce Fuller defrauded the firm bydchbcratciy^UTCckinK a trucl< and trailer near_Ureyon,

• M(i., last .IiHy.

mdepei^iienl and eotn()eionlly "slaTfed jiiriit witir thelilliTriy 'to" avoid liie ,pres.sure.s certain to doveloi)'from various intcrest.s.

“ I urge that every effort be extt'tuieji lu seek out and listen

"[^'th'e •iiinments, ideas, and

^ r ^ n a t a l c a r f i c l a s s

t o n i g h t

To(f u n i;

l a i s s

\h o u t

IJUCXX ■dJi___ ILucontends , there -was a conspiracy lu deliiiorately wreck a trailer carrying a load

.of“ frD2Gn" troilt “ which Had S|KiiHnH*c^use of negligence.


-Xlu -fji

. In a third and less related suit, tk'orgia-Pacific Corp. has ■filL'cl ii cl.iini Sl.fkln'i; plus interest for .^oods imd .services furnished to ' Fuller

— Ibat—wrecking the load of trout was pl»inne<l after the trout •were allowed to sit in a refngeraled | van in the sun and fipoiled when j refrii'oratiiin pmved.faulLy.

In a fourth suil. NorUiwcslern Steel Wire has filed’a claim, against V. Bruce Fulie.r and Fuller Fariii_for p.555.84 for goods and-wwres furnlshcd-plus-

TWIN A Hed Crosscourse in mother-baby care will begin at 7:15 p.jn loilay In’ Magii' Valley Memorial

B O IS F lU Ph '. Federal plospiUit ' •money' u.sed " to ' The>ins.s w ill be conductedkindergartens la many of over the following six weeks Idaho's public schnols the past with mcetmgs one night eachcouple of years will run out Aug _week in the conference"lUQiHJif__.‘'I Mill! n p rn r iir rrp fiov, Cecil n Andrus said” " All expected parents may today attend and husbaniis arc

Andt^Ais".' In . an address__es]K'c_i________________________prepared ‘ for delivery to Ihe planning to participate must

'lemslalure, fiald' ttu:- ftideral ‘attend cither <ir both u f the-firsl dollars • cornmilted to Jind second weekly ses.slon.s in kmdergnrten.s provided pro- (^der'to register for the course, scliool education for more than l^jere i.s no. charge for tiie H.OOO five-year-olds. classes and another six weeks

He Kald—hc—Will—pr-opose— Besslon—willAccording to' Uie statemenlsi j interest of $213.:15.

Spud stiit filedTWIN FALLS Denny H.

Hogue and Hoborl M cBride liave fileil suit in Fifth ‘Di.strict »'ourt .seeking <iver $32,DOn in fiet damages from J. H. Siniplot and .1 H SiinDlot Co,

liogite and i>lcBri(lc allege'in llie suit that in^tie s|)ring of 11)71

. {b'.'&mpL'.'t. Conipiinj;.iignecdlu IMiri'hase a _rrup-’ of seed |Mitatt)e.s fro.’i iKt-m and tliiit the IKitajoes were delivered as to tbiTotilnirl tnit .Siinplot refused In pa\

■'I’hu'plnintiffs < (.nlend thp-ncr

, amount contracted ' to' cellar ,l>y them was-1,45

million pounds at the market (irice of $2.50 per ,hundred [Kiuml.s. for a total- purchase price of $3fi,;ir.-|,75.’

Wlirn .Simplot refused the crop,,the plainliffs allrge, they .Wcru-Torcud lu licll Uio potiitoefj to a prufessing-pjnntat 31) cents per hiindrodweight, for a total of $4,;U)3,77, " - •

The. plaintiffs are seeking ccst.s of die suit ID ad<lition to'


/Vhswer to su il filiedTWIN FAl.US - Wyman W. Diedes seeking re.stilutTha of

Welcli and Marlene Welch, pro()erty iillegedly owned by.. luVslumd iind wife. Iiave filed an Uiem and' 'occupied by llie'

a'ftswer and cross complaint in •Weiclis, claim that Carlos I„L’lIQi UistTJcl Courl seekinu Uiede .and his former .wlfp.

defcndiinls in the suit which, orlgitial.h** l)eg<in with' Iho

mey induced the Welcha to buy Uie company In l{>fin,“ '

[jury suit filed

:^h«shnnd~nnd~wl/P7hnv<Htled~n ncmrwcavor-r ^peninnnl tnjnrj^VPntFirFFifthr'i -Wfrtr___


----Btrtrli-I- f.'iiiirr liu.lll l i l j pnrry- ■Jniii._Wiiiivora'>rii----— WH?ovct»y-of-t60ft-^t^medient-

,n^--------- ■ - ^ for lo}i.-i oft; ■Wca’vefSTallcffc'.nratr'tiicome ,lo -tiote; ||27,50d for

Ijirry K. Je|isen operated «n gon'ernl 'damnRos'' IneludlnR

himself In 0 I of " earninfiSj^

PJlaabHlty~rnnrn am imrcosts

.lenseu iiiiu _•* I ‘M"lieT'Tlgimt 'nuTdhor orT Ntlv. 7,j- dlaa ~1072' «n Sniith-i.iHcoln-fltrretr'-nmr

____^^pormnntoty.'' pain ond-jiuffi ts of the suit.


fuiulw»« for-stale-supported Instructors iire (Iigi Frclois;:kindergartens when he delivers Hiyllis Wagner, Uelore.-j .Sunshis budget me.ssage to the and Kathy .Stephenson, alllawmakers Friday. ' registered nurses.

D a m a g e ac t ion f i l e dTW IN ' FA l.l.S - Don

Holmquist has filed suilin Fiflh District Court against Vicki Dee Hinehart and Mora Uirsen,

In the suil, alleges Uiat his wife. Virginia, was dri^g_his car. on May—IS,1!171,when\she-wa.s struck by a car driven by Miss Hinehijrl and owned by M|.s\s Ijir.u*n,. llolm.tfui^rconionda that Miss


W ith o u t g o lt in g Ih o ox p o rlen cod p o rsonalizud l h « lp o f Ih a t m t f hf "

itfving all Magit Valhy SInci'SB R I M l M B I R i IT D O M N 'T C f l l T I X W A , but many tiov«|«r« lay w . 'v . lavad lli.m nrniijy by u.lno moil advonlagaoul (a t« i and toullngi. Doms.tlc £r inlotna- tionalj— Duainau; P lta iu re or ^ • rg en evM A K f r V O U R S M > \ G / C ?y ~ ' -

l j ® F i i c i A u e b u p o i i ' “ " “ ! | s:WIN li50 WIHTERminitmirHMAf^

ADDRESS c i f v ■■.. ;


l)ri oli‘fi t o Th'f rhisenii O f Mnpir VulU-y

' Monday. January B» f973 “ Al.Weiloforon, PubliilieV PHONE 733-D93J( utl C 'ly rtriM County N ■l|VS .l() i. of Audit riijr.couof Ciftolrtl lOn <'.o.vii 1 1 1 ii'd 'fio AO IflH Kliilio.Cotir, ttiur^d.i/ li l>rri‘l>v (i«rSi()n,iM.'<l Urty oi lh«' rok oi

t.r nui>i"jii-o n<i s»».ii,»y. n ? Th.r.i)*Ji<lirir83lOl/l>r Mi»oic V aH ry N»*w»pii()«S, In i- Cr>t*TfO-fti-»rcond o tiM ir

-----•lviA-rrtiMt-rr5’tt'’ H .r r in tYn n-P n ltT .-m ntio rtm o i- iin flrrlh r n rt n»'M nrrn fl,i«trrnntrfr-A(jr7| 8 ”



developing a nasty habit of pfacing on the executioner’s blocit the careers of civilian employes who respond to obligalroHs citizenship they feel are greater tlian departmental loyalty.

Two years ago, Air F'^orce econortiy expert A. Krnest

— Fitzgerald— was-^transforrod, demottid and ultimately fired (his lob was t l lminntcd in an economy

■ move)' for. Jcstifying-. before........ congressional subcommittee on

Pentagon Indifference to cost

control, hostility toward employes who want to cut costs and preference for contracts that-pad. prices to keep lurge^contractors lij

. business. Specifically.,-Fitzgerald’s revelations , brought to congressional attention huge cost overruns' for the C5A super jet

----trahsport-and for-the Marit ,11electronics program for tlie F i l l

--- fighter-bomber. r -----------TT^ow tlie'Navy’lslry ing tb'dump Gordon Rule, its civilian director of

' procjrement control, who te.stifledbefore _ Jhe__ Joh it EcpnortijcCofnmiitee of the Congress that he

■ believes it wnsTserious mistake for President Nixon to appoint Hoy

“ '' "Tteti r foriTnir~nrc5ldcnn)i^l:ittnrf

have formed an educated judgment

including Ash But Rule's unwillingness to

whitewash .the controversy has —violated-lhe-Hcntagon^s-code-i

silence; and the Navy, which has "lost.confidence in his judgment," is-trying to reassign him or have him retire, both against tiis will.

— Thisharassmont,o£ civil servants-

threiitens the princip le of- congres.sional review _and .

a —4antemount-^to—the- praeticS of

WASIHNGTON To, tlio oiplofo Uio Postnl ServlM'n God knows I Would do hothlng But while nrgutiw tlinl ’ n ISO.OOOnndnfltlh draws M6.DOO.House t ’oat- Olllco and Civil niinounccd goal of making this to discoiirogc. tiirift and good postal dotl'H ’ Is “ " 'y ^ presently vacant Deputy

' Sirvl'co .Comniltloo, tlio stumbling outfit self- management In ' government, inevltable-but proper, I suggest Postmaster Gcncrnl's )ob pays - message of every buffering user ■ supjibrtlng,'. ' ' ■■ especially fn Ujcse wild days It Is also reasonable that top salary of >58,1130.

of Uie so-called U. S. Postal That goal, of courso7ls stuff wtich tlio taxpayir la. Wiled (or Postmaster Geiiernl E lfno rT . 'Then lh(iro, -aro . thp-now :"''. Service’ahould-bo-'nel-wllh-llT--nnd-nMisensft-Hamllln(i-and-ovei:yUibig.tomjv<iUar<Miliocfc»-Klam<injlo-evi!ryllillig-iaia3lb|e regional postmasters general In , ,

.rp lus nn aside" UioL It's aliout---dalivoryofmalllaJustaamuch for dope puslicrxlo llmouafiies to run. tliii.Poslal SfiryicftttTn' N e w . York, Chicago.time. .......... - a public sopvlco as tlinl for-mlddle-levcl bureaucrats, business, and not a (ceding. p|il|adclphln, Sah P r n n c lic o __ ;

■_^A!._l'ong.Jaat,-.:commlUec._rcndcrcd_by.-.poljM._flrcmcn.-Biil roal|ty_scoffs nt.a pay-as- .trough.(or foKn t cllocu^lvcs,,_lundLMcfnpllls^.All„IlvC._:arc 'staffers are gathering tc^chers.. tra sh 'Se c to rs and you-go Postal Service. The l^or that reason, It is drawing (45,000 a year, and the

tlie'armedfor<;cs. H ie lofty Idea dough Just Isn’t tlicre. and never'-ffcnssurlng to .note that the pay schedule lets them earn as*Uiat it should pay'ltfl own woy’Ts will be unless we stand stilt for flouse committee Is taking a ' much as ,150.320.. ..Their tantamount to telling the X lr .massive posUif rate hcreases .hard look at the top salaries assistants get between 135,000 Force Uiat It must show a pront Uiat . would make use of tiie . paid by the Servicc. Figures and -, $30,000 and tlieir salaries on the bombing. 'o f North mails a luxury available only to dug up by Dun ■ Tliqmaa'son of , can ^go as'h igh as ' $43,800 i ‘ Vietnam. ' the rich.. Scripps-Howard' Newspapers occordlng to law ... ' .

...... ■ ■ ' suggest Ulot Service oKicials I meanlgood night nurse! Wc'ni'F-hltu tuu' iiiudi-ot-s. eood '-all want' . l lie bw t-'poiljllblething. management-in -the-Postal----

Tliere lii no bone to pick with -Service, but all of us have other

whflf we, working stKfs pay oiir Serv ice-cou ld . steal someCabinet officers, and KJassen executives from privaterotes Cabinet rank. But the business who would work, say.Postal Service, which became a for a piddling $35.000 a year.seml-autonomous „ (^Vporatlon ICven s'etting a top salary limit”-two—voarji~ juo„.nl^ has : 4B of 150.000'would save the

liiformation-^^dp the stHl deterlpratlng m’ail service' (or an offlciol investigation.. Hearings iire 'tentatively scheduled for early this year,

.' and I trust tiie committee will

executing the messenger who brings bad news. It leads, of .yourse, to a steady stream of good ■news and a distorted picture of

• reality. Gordon Rule should not be

punished for practicing patriotism^ although it was hot'authorized by the Navy.

Federal law ‘ prohibits in tim idation of witnesses and

—obstruction of the power of Inquiry of the Congress, and provides fines '

. and imprisonment for..violation of , Uie la'w. Tf necessary. Congress :

should seek enfoi-ccment of the law in this Instance.

In addition., the Nixon Adtninistration— ta

execuUVe positions for which taxpayer a'(ew bucks without.' the annual' salary range Is reducing the Service's straw outhorlzed to exceed-Jhe $42,500 bosses to penury, paid to members of‘Congress. Fortunately, one of Uie House -Ai-Ttiomassqn-Tiolerj-onisr-n—cpiramttcc5TnBmbcr5:who:haszrr

--relativeiy-fow Federal officials,' shown-a-particular interest in excluding Congress and the -the projected' look-see at. the ■fiihlnfit.,-arji-as-welLpaid, and— Postal Sorvlee-ls Uiat splendid these include such subeablnet prolessional Ughtwad, Rep. H.

Industries, to be director of the

Office of Management and Budget. 'Litton, a big rJavy supplier, has its own continuing cost overrun

- controversrwith the-Navy-prrsfiip- btiilSng.-ahd Rule is in a position to

“ liave the Navy restore a sense of

proportion to this.injustice. After“JillrirTvas^iryears ugo th a t'th e___junior senator from California, Richard M. Nixon, sponsored a bill making it a crime to fire a federal employe for testifying befor'e Congress,.............. ;;

posts as Uie secretaries of the armed services, the UnderBecretory of State luid the t)eputy Attorney General,

And, that's not- all. by .a long shot^A tidy toUI of all posUil executives are paid between $30,000 and $10,000 annually; 34 of these draw $35,000 or more.T l ie --- senior AssistantPostmaster General draws $52,500, three others make

R; Gross, R-lowa. Gross unsucc6ssfally attempted to Incorporate strict restrictions on salaries when Congress k'glslated the new corporation Into being, but did manage to put'a $00,000 lid on Klasscn's pay. Unless Gross has,changed overnight, he'll be asking someimpertinent que9tlons.'.abflUl_____what executives of tlie Service do to earn all that (louRh.


Who Is H e ?Idaho state Jotii-nul prominence in 19411; the famous

-He was-bonHn-Yorba Linda, a - “ Checkers^^-speech“ tn .which he sub'irb nt LosJAiigeles, in t‘Jl3- =»^— defended a secret campaign tund in

Uiree, he fell and suffered a near- fatal laceration to his head. He Svenll on to study low . at Duke Uniyjcrsity where he was

-nieUi^amM— Gloorny-^Gusr^-^\fter- eollcpe he practiced law and, along with ‘ some friends, formed the Cltra-Frost Co. It folded in a_Veari-His future wife "thought he was nuts'f when he asked her to marry him pn their first date in 1931). But she did, two years later.

Aftjer Pearl Harbor he enlisted in the Navy, learned to play poker very well and to cuss a little —

-although-going to warr playing— before being inauguratetl'for his cards and cursing all went against second term. Nixon admits he likea his Quaker background. After the the stress of high office. In his bookwar, the Republican PartyJnrited---SiK-Grises-tt902rrTlTB-'Pre,s.rdent

"imiri tq run tor Congress. He did and . wrote that "Those who have known . won haiidlly. The naan, of course. is.

President In the Eisenhower Admlnistratifln; his loss to John iP. Kennedy in.l96D; an unsuccessful bid for.-the - governorship.-.of.

^Ga liforrrin in^96‘2~his narrow'win over Hubert Humphrey in the IHBli presidential elections and his

-landslide over-George McGovern-in- 1972. .

While- the presidency exacts a*" terrible toll on the health of most incumbents, it seems to a^ree with Nixon. He was judged to be in “excellent" condition at his annual physical checkup Dec. 20, a month

i^esldenl Nixon's plans for the Armj- after Vietnam rail for an all-voluaU“or forcu of.Xwv.ur..

inon.;^)0BpJtc ihTr*rT)nvtrtlDn” of-

soino and Uic hope of cven'one tliHt this will be our last’ war, wo fan’t lot our insurance lapse.- Departinf? from officc, IX'fonse Secrutary; Utird said,. '•.WilhDUltliti huve Id

higher In the body than normal. He is now 20 months old, und tliis abnormality does not seem to affect him physically.' Tlie doctor diu^nozed it as

--•■tvi’ntrat l oh ”■ Ih e”diapliraKm." Is this serious? Qm it be qprrected only by surguo''^ 1- It common, amoHK biibies? - A. P.

Not common. Eventrationwhere the announced objective imil reserves our first-strmt; diaphraym istjrn mrnriold .qtaleniaie In-splrc linelMickers and by letting themnobody.' • know that they-a're. .co.mposed of muscle tissue. It is

lUs a new Army, how - an Just money won't do' it. No a congenital the onsy-llfp;---nTTrrtftrim pMntn lnr p— rm’r r i 'n iir t i^ irn iv i-vi-r v i»t-\imn n tlL*VUOPIUi.‘lll


High Stomach• Dear Dr. Iliosteson: X-ray of in Uie arterie.s iino L'ontnbuto to my baby showed that his hardeninj^ of the arteries. stomach flfid .intestine were .^|es^

My bookret, •

The Linebackers

cholesterol:"Control Qiolestorol Sensibly,", may not cont iin everyUiing I know on tJie subject, but it will Hive you a pretty Kood working Knowledl'ef' ■ The booT(l6l~ discusses triglycerides land diet} as well as 'choresterol. Send ib cents in com and a long, * so If-addressed, stamped envelope for n copy. I'm pr,etty sure it will have just what you want to know.

___Dear D r Thosteson: 1monBis prcf ruint. I went to tHe

Hp.-r in tho m pvs w :ir R n r ^ n r 'iT i- n in i- n ilf f>f r l js u T r T s ^ lM l IH ' den tlsl flhd M.ld m y tCCthhalls and no K P - but 11,e fire in style. 'Hie ileacekeepin,! force - T iso rlllB T C rin ^ m r- ray i^ iiao io aave inein

bell)' which moiivated will reqiare men wlU, technical ohest than It should, and some rec,ken bee,use they weren*' ■ ______________ n f .th o .n r ia iin u ii> i>K<l<knu>tt . t 'liU ir . K n ill iu ll lit* USOd-R' L'hOHt -

the belly which moiivated will require men wlUi technicalBenerationsoffiBhtln,Qnehhas sknis c.mipetenl to'ernjiloy the a.bdomen 'eone.n,,, • alnne -can b<-'l0'V.-the diWlhraBm Wijl be -sh fid .fione out. .• technolof'y which alone ran

Huw aru wu Moin .to rukindl^^kuup Uiu wolvob^md btuir.H at a— rely-mor^*-henvily^on4ho-Guard— t}tHt-fire^Hy-makinf«-the-^Junrd—r^Kpoctful-diutimcu.

and reserves."___ Until__ cuLLntiy..__biiinu— a

reservist, except*

misplaced upward, Eventration.'^by the way, is

ART BUCHWALDnot the same as'a hernia oT tlie diaphragm. With tlje latter, Uiere is a localized weaknes.s

ulternative to beinj* drafted. hflS. • been utterly unrewarding. One

’u-,jveekend a month you’d trudge r off to an armory, usually to sil

around, s’huffle papers, doze or clean rifles tliat are never fired more than once a year.

(lUardsmen and reserves, Hiiird admits, have been our Pentagon ’s stepchildren', Harely did their missions relate to national stratej^y. Their programs were never an adequate challenj’e fur enlightened yount* .men

Super BowlWASHINGTON - President

Nixon has announced that he is - supporting the Washington Hedskins in their battle witli the

Miami team might intercept in Ho'dskin-Tfilds on Dolphin territory,"

Kissinger said-ihat on his

“ UiroTil’h which the stomach“oF bowel can bultje.

Ordinarily eventration of the diaphragm. produces no symptoms and is not;serious. If

elevation is extensive and the lung is crowded, then

My ,ni()thL*r .said jioy shoiil_d„ never be X-rayed while.

~pyfRniIhinf so, Why don'’nire'y^ tell you ui the dentist’s o'ffice, or at your first checkup for

"prej'tilih'cylt!s true that X-rays should be

avoided, particularly in the first ' few weeks or months of- pret-nancy. However,^wlth X- rays of the leeth the amount of radiation reaching tlie fetus in '

surgery may be necess/iry-to -yuii womb is very small if any, splint tlie dlaphruym, but that so I, woulda’t be too much. . , 1 n o le n s in t ^ ~

. . . . . • great crisis — its challenge and-— RichajicL-Milhous—N 4^nr-w ho— tenslOTfTltsrvictor-y-and .defeat

I n f ' -. Itirs ix i «f ________ __________ I. ______________1 •____ i____I___■ , ----

He is sending ■ l-k'nry Hgreemeht witli Kissinjjer to Mijimi to negotiate with .Conch Don- Simla of the Ddlphins an honorable

ahd 'settlement to the hostilities

u./.Sllula but. . . • . L. . Dear Dr. nioateSon: Thewas the 1 per cent which* was , .. ,, .. . .k . f ,, doctor .laid my mother has "fatholdln(*-<ip-theliit?ning of the

treaty.W ia t is in tliL ’l percent

celebrates hi&Hwyv birthday on Tuesday, Jan. 9'.-AUsi^ly, Nixon looks back on . remarkable political career: The~ controversial Alger Hiss case which first thrust him into national

~can never become adjustud tU"Ti more leisurely and orderly pace:“-“ Kor four more~:7 EaTS, Nixoiv-is assured (if that “ fast track" he- likes to run,

i P t i ' J of— Mi^m^^^nuwwmpormun asked. . . ina_dcqtmh^._Kissini5er b rIcM .reporters on / ^^'n,J-D5I^Hi^tIll insist Uiey t r i R l y ^

nfifn it'In ~ t Virt *' ' * .

A n d The NavyChristlnii Sclencc Monitor

,As in the Case of. Mr. Helms nt =1lre‘" CI7T; we .niid ourselv^i” sericqsly questioning the Sflcking

Proxmire, Mr. Rule opined thnt- President Nixon's appointment of Rov L. Ash as rlirprtnr nf the Office

■officer; ^

Three years agojt wus Air Force “DBpuly '-'Assistanl . ■Secretary"

of Management and .Budget was a mistirUo. Compoiinding tfinl


- outdated. . _________ ______Understandablyr when ,the what he hoped to.yccorhpUsh'ln wanl:.tO wln thc B»” ‘‘\

-Vietnnmcsp wa^ unfolded-our Ui« talks. ___ ----- -— t»But-l8ri’t that h bip-l'perBovcrmirtiil--uscd_ ,^ » f le e a "Wo nrosticking by our.nine- cen t?"‘unotlTer"r6]rorter nsked:rather than "pretrnined" men, jMjint plan which includes the -

llia t's changing. In flscnr*?:) following": KisslnKor-told,thea billlon^dollars’ worth of press, “ withdrawal of allmostly brand-new equipment Dolphin players from Hedskin

. w lll to Utc territory. If the Dolphlna^crossUeserve and National Guard, the 50-yard line, the Pttslllent

Hereafter' In any omcrRcncy will take whatever measures heUtese men Will be the first believes are essential to preventcalled. them from scoring a

In iOGfl the average enlisted touchdown,reservist received $3? for )iis "H ie President will ihSlift that iQst weekends; now It's fi2. • Redskin Coach Cieorge Alhjn be

tL—.ill It!

in the blood," and I would like everything you know about it. — Mrs. 1.. M.

This jjfiVidcnlliljierers'

'“ Tl?eP6~jj, of course, iwssibility that sun»e rays might be scattered and thus go where th ey 'a re not intended, so iwrsonally 1 would not Advise even dental^. X-rays in pi-egiuuicy, however sliglit theXlskltftluhtlrKCI*; ............. -

faUyn)alorliilg thnt necuniyli!ii;„. _ - ----

Ouard now total fifip.OOO men. legitimate' heir, to (he Super

“ Tlie Preiiidenl has stated many times that the Dolphins will never be permitted to win at the negotiating table what they arc \ihflbrc to' Win on tlio' gridiron. He believes that , the Uedskins are «ble,.lo defend tiiemselves against Uie Miami running attack, bjit at the snme time both he and Coach Allen want assurances In writing that tlie Dolphins will not commit jnncoaiUQn .1. ■ I nBnin&L..—Iha.



appointment ti^ore than: rqa Preatdent Eisenhower's wnilninB about the military-indii.strial

, , - . . complex;v It expanded that baleful

.^^iXor-eriticizingcostovciTOns on the "-duumvirate into a trlplo',thrCTt— Ims prcparcil for 'CongreHB-- :-M‘g !^ g e 4 ;£ jA jn l l i t « p y 4 i^ n B p o r t ^ ^ w h lc h---ho- e ' f t n c d - - U ie L ^ M l i t w v ;^ j i i ia i i i iiii nt .batt-Tlncluilliij

* That'S'lD.OOOmen short. Sq p jiw Bowl Crown, imd will supportlives ore Iwmu insUtutoa nun with uir power until the wltli Confiresj before taking nny'

Wushini'tDn secondary “ Will the Prcsldont-consiil.l

.Earnest F it^era ld who lost: his job

-W~MdW]li^ .GQlrdt)0^rTlurC-Wh6' Untl]-^-- fn fl,H<4nlT,l«^v«»r*,Ttiyn — —Itirthnr" )l.' "D oc. 2ft.' WAS nhiof-'nrATiirnm nn. '* ■ ..nroraatlnns.

for .recruitnicnt' artd for *re‘ Dolpliift ociHlzMholr hopps-ot/ action jigliinst Die .Dolphins cnllstmenti. and — niost tnklnK over the championship correspondent asked. .Importnnt^trnlnlnfflt.gctaBto'camc'nrc'fiitnc. “ Tlie...Gulf— or^Tozcire—be mailo relevant. , ■- .“An Intf/rnationai'teani pf ~nesoTilHonrpass«l by Congcesa_.

Tho Department, of Defense referees from both the National in.1034, permit's the President to./.--- "'TTnd Sin’ rlcan , roottmtl-;'fl^Tucxton-in^n'-playKiff-

illfmccs'Wlljffia n i iej ^ -, ■■ •

uoc. 20, Wfts chief procurement-<rffi<Mil'4or-:.the-Unitjd-StatffS-Nhvnl

, Mr. Rule has


The BTounda on which H<r. Jlule marie his herclicaLotisecvation-jiro

________________ ______ £lcnt„enough.:_ if, circumstantial,£ ro c u rg m ja U _ p m (;U q e s _ R o y - A ^ ^

__ prnmntinng • , •“j__; by thf»:TV>lphlnff, -lIHraalilnhr TTin wprlrt-lmnvra

Matpriel Command

longfaeetrrsharmongued critic oT wnsTcnn

Whenever .Jild ;«ol_dler5 set- ' ’ ''TJic ' WeMdcnt.. RunrnntMS.,.-iiitAm,rirani,ropie'w«nt^^^^ -togoU»r-i-nowjd«y«_ln—VFW-ili«t thrTOitiin'ns will be-frso to -,jmd Mi'nnrnblij sculement to '

-appears; —-'-On-'Decv


Currently Littpn i^ seeking $544-10,-in . jinavycr. to:_n____miUign_Jrom ..the Navy- in -costfrom ' Set). I W illiam overruns bn ttose <:onlracfs.

' nojchoici- ■ ',7/.. .w6y lh m g i,o h <,„ma in Ih h coi/itry '•/V u e .s a u r ------D M Z In V le tn 4 . : ■ rcporU that thej^p^ hdtd, and but to,carpet bomb the Minrtd o'n/y/.opeVfr/A^ s y s k W /moko f f f “No-wln. pnltod-punehoB worn exthiingo/-nny plny«tr« -tho- . . " ' '■ ’r'-’ ^ n mmvws.surifaai.tmiie . , ,on. C h in a !"

.WASHING;rON (UPI)'^U ,S. Dtstrlcl donrl used n list o/ l.OM

■ proBpticUvc Jurors today to. atJirt sclccibn ol n panel to try Iho "Wntorcatc ScvSn” - the men accused o( buteinil the Itcadquai'tcrsnt the Demotfaltc- National Oomnflttcc .Iasi Juno,, ’ft?o. (omnfr -TOto- raiLsf lilJes anT'tlie former chief of security for President Nixon’s re-election committee are nmonfi the defendants In thfc case, whicir wtll'be trleii-tjciore'

U.S. district Judge John J . conducted ligalnst the [Jemo-Slrlqn. ' , . • ernts. . ■

They nrb cjinreed with Tlie trial will .open wlUi theconspiracy, second detiree bur* selection of 12 jurors and (!'alary, illegal co.vMdrBPpinK Htcrjnates. Tlie Jurors will beand possession of illegal wl>j>- tjequestereH at the courthouse Inliipping devices. F ive of^tlro "^WiisinngtdriVor-tJic diiratloiTofmen ■ wero w rested in the Uio trial.' .Pl'laocrulU--offl(ies :-in“ tbc-*~Slrloa "poslpono(r^(ire ■ trlal-Watergute complex in Wafljlng- until after tlie Npv. 7 election.

■tone.'irlylnUiemorn(ngo/June Testimony Is expected to17, 1972, and the Incident' led to bring to light new details aboutcharges, that wldesprend tlie mcldcnl. Ifowever, sennte(xilitical esplonago had been Deniocrats W iT plarailng tlielr'

' r iio y 're lii jih ly dnngero iix , men — >/»-v n m 'v

hUltnn behind the h irs t rin ifn ilm en I.

own probc._Scnalc Democratic liQiicIcr Mike Mimsficld over the Weekend osked Sen. Snm,,I. Ervin J r „ P*N.C,, to,undertake an InveatlKatioh of the WateK liate affair and ••other insidioujf

'’campaiKn pnjctices." T "■’ John D. ElirlicIumTni Presl*. -(lent-^lixon'sdonVoHlio-affrtiPfi- adviser.saicTtiuring'ii television intcrvic\r"Siinday that a full- scale F B I inveslination of the AVate'rKate incident showed ' ‘no anyone in the

s ■'

ndniinlfiirntlon in that partlciif lar incident."

TIid defendanla Include G. Gordon IJd ili’. whQ_aer.ved :»ix months at the \yiiite as. an n8si.stanl to Khrllclunaa Jind

.H irvA'd as • con.siiltJint to the office of presniential aB.siHtant Cliarlea W. Colson, a top poliUcal.-opcrativo-fo|;-*Nlxon.-

Arrested In the ^DenKicrats' office.H were James W. McCoril

h*Vor“ lM)can»e omel cnuasul of ai i ie tUne-secUrity coordinator Nixon’s-reflection coirtmlttee, for - the N ixo n '’campai«n:

-nnd.^ Iltnrordniiint.'WlroivrftTir^llpnnmi i- HarKer oT MiinuTTir JlOU-u-day /White House ^^ l«ln-b(lrn American anil'for- consultant at the time of-^ie mer CIA anent; Frank Sturnis. Waternate incident. iJupt, an ex-Mnrine'of

Unrker; Kugenio R. Mnrtlnez, j1 former. CIA. oporntlve vyho worka for Barker; and Vlr«llio K .-Goniales,’ n Ciibnn-bom lock.Hinit]i and a Miami associ* ate of Barker,

^e P -ra tte a -V im i^WASHINCilON (U lM )-Sen ,' peiHimm-l".

Williiim Prox'mire. D-WiH.; h»h There are Ki retiruiUniilityr> ni-~tirc ' OR P liidav;

__of.rotire'il military personnel on tomi)ared lo 11 fmir year.s aMii. •

Ncwsday, the' Lonj! I.sland aewHpapcr. said in It.n editlnn.s that : Uie WatorRnte ))urnhiry..waK part of a lar^e- hrnie campaiRri in which Uiree i)rominenL D^jmocrntio Hcnator.s wepejjtept, under, clcctronl^ iiUm Uaiu

t y the samc'team cJjuRht In Ujc . Democrntic Committee offices ' were Mimsficld. J . Wllllnm-

Tulbi'li;hl, D-Ark., and Frank .Qjurch,. Dridnhp.' The paper -julO jU iam in Washinnton was

;-cffort. -

Attrlbutlh.K Us information to ■‘a ()er.Hon well, acquainted with tJif activities of (he Waterijate defendant.s;” New.sday said the .si'fiiitors placed .under surveil--

the professional Staff of the l.Yoxinii'e said. He Lii<l must of has j(u isdicti(in over feileral()ffice of fCnier^encj; Prepareil- Unj— officers--wrrr disa.sler relief prnj-rnms, fuelness rORPH ias inorea.sL'd from hrmiMht into the OlOP with tul piilicy. and pUiniiinf' emer-(i-perrpnHn-l{Mll)-trr'»l-pprcpnt-’ snlnriPK-"hr“ tlnr-$2(i;n0tr-ti) jl.'ticyetDnotTiicci.niR^ls’duririt''

$iUi,nW) ranne” and thal the warliinePfoxmiri' .said -Sunday the jnfliix hiid "badly disrupled" "In matty cnses, ‘division

OMP-hns brrotnt-'u |’(*ld-|)lHte<l tnt*rale nmtinM--career - eivil chiefi-have iictivcly. recruited .liiiUJC fiir retired military servants at the agency, which former fru'tuls, neijihlmrs and

assDciales.” Proxmiresaid

I'll 'take this one to jt©.wo-oll-goM


IMPORTANT NOTICE lo all Gift Ccrlillcnle Snvers:

Spending pro^be SO

"TlntTolal Savlngf oMl cflMlf lcate program will ehd Jiin. J8 ,1073. Th«r# wllllya o mln- Imum of 15 mor«^lH e«r1IIICBto nds; Includ- Ino Ihl* 6ne.‘during Ihli.tlmo. Wolch ibr them, ond Ihnnkft' for parllclpntlng..

up to 52%WA.SHlNCTONiUI'li - Hep A.spin, U-VVis., wants a •luslice boparlinent invcitiga-

' -tion 'nf Nftvy Hpefulin’i which ‘ lias exci'ciled c()iij>ressional .appropriations by $127 niilliun' since li)

- A^ln J?ald Siinday the ovlt- . .spending..accurrod-durinic Hie*

l%y. 1!)71 and I!t72 fi.snd yt-ars

for officer and enlisted men subsistence allowances

atul Iravyl-funds. - _ _ j "Tlie -Wiscnnsin cnnjjrc.s.<?man

said he had told Attorney (ieiiLTijI Richard G. Kleindienst then- should be ‘an imtiiediale itiV(>sli !ation of what may be a

■fiiiijrrTri'acTi of federal crirni- riifl law and certainly is an

acti(jn-by the N'avy thal calls d.ics noUl/i."uito qnestiim the basic ri[-ht of Aspin niailc public a lelter

n I.ainl iittril.uting-IhL sltu:i- " If somelx)dy in authority did lion l<> "iiiisinanaf^enicJU. poor

not know what was t tiinj; on. jii(l(;ernent and inadeciuate or they certainly should have," noni)liser'’;(n a '. of procedure

. lL.andrunL£ulii and lliu.porw>iiiit.] niake.s absolutely no difference •torbiih-nce asMwiated with the at alt what Con;>ress d(*es or .Southeast Asia «‘<>tinirt."

Sow pnnlsutlv 'Sf’pimtT'T-spnn pTiutfTt — 4---7


M u n a ^ u a j u r i t a t i g h t e n s r u l e■ by A n as tiis lo .Somozii, as.sijme .p o ivu r U irough the ,s,,j,ioz:i vvill.offU 'l,:ijK t a k iio v .T

m e N a tio n a l As.sem b ly and o ile t iin e p re s id e n t, e iu re n t conl- c h n ir iii iin s ilip of.u n ew "super- ttir e x w i i l l v e |in\vei' au a ln a fter.the .r u iiu ; J IF (e e : i i ia iL - ju n l i i H ia iiilu r of th« N a tio n a l Ciuard- n u i i in lr y " w h ich w a s r re a lc d nnly a h ii j . f u im sc in ’a fa m ilvl in p s e d n ^ a l i .; r .- m <>pel;iry jm il s t ill Ih i: I 'll lllf lin lit ll 'i ll .S a l l i r i l .iv hy p . ir lu . in e jiL - a n d - d v n :.^ u - i l. i. i- l.. . .^ ..„ l„ . l- a :i- ,. .^

_ a n ^ |T^riiC-irae.s7rii Kii-ar.iij^ .iiim iiLlii.Uii------------------ --- ,____________ . . .uana over thi- weekend Itl Meaawhilf, Uie gavernmenl country's highest auUiorlly. years, ,S<,rn(Ka left the presideu-moves designeil to s|>eed said Jhejatest official death toll Tlie, ministry of W tlonal LI last .Mav ufUir a lennof fivereconstiu.tlon of Ma.iagua, Uie Dee, 2:i eartliquake ru>w rcconstruetlon, as it is called, y„,,rs. lurfur.g over pow'er to adev sUileil 1, days ago l,y an sU.nd.5 at between lO.Om and will hold executive i.ower.boU! Ihi e.-iijap “junta . .that Wa^

■ eurlht|ual<e..r-, - ., . , . ' I3,nnn. ' in domestic and foreign affairs. .suppo.siM to.rule until oleL-tlons— On_e of-the sfpn5^|so,cJciirf(|____ liilumiedgovemiiicnljiouri;i's_^ 'ihus,___Uiu__ touri^ot— said.^ii

the way for a return to power- “ saiil Soino/.a will shortly


, MANH.A iU i;ii - President Ferdinand E . Miircos poHtiKiruid a referentluni--on a new

. constitution Siindas', decreed •'rutnor•JTl(»n !e ln ■■ a crime and im |X)sed the first death

---scntcnco-fiincc-liui-pnodiimatlQii.• of martial law last .Sepleinber,

Marcos also, outlawed any• discussion of thi' {>ros or m is of

ft* n«nv— r<mslihition voters|)laruied to vot(‘ on Jan. 15 nnd

said SL'curliy forces had discov­ered a new plot to kill him, mejnbcrs of hjs family and key Hoveriiinent.officials.

Till! 55-yearold [iresident, in a radio and leluvi.sion report od Uie_firiil -IQQ- dayi uf martial law, said he took action because of fears that his

, "neyv society" \vas»- sllppln { back, tn its prc-martinl law wavs

Tormenting Rectal Itch Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues

Promptly RelievedIn mai^y cjts(*f»-Pr(|parntioh H givcji prompt, temporary relief frnm Burh pnin' nncl ilchmg and actunlly helps aJirink Bwellinj:' of liemorrhoidal tis- BUOfl*cnu.sod by inflamrnntinn.

Teatb by do’ctortt on'Tiun-

dreds of patients ahowed Uils to be truo in many c; In fact, m any cfbctof.s, them- Belve.s, iis^ P n 'p orn lion H '" or recommend it for their fam­ilies. r;{jpTiratioil H ointm(*rit orsiJppositOrie.s, •


W I L L B E G t O S E Dl n : i : p : T t 9 i : i « ■ i i i a i f i i

■ ■ ■ M i l ■ I ■ i I M M V H M M t M W M t i l

» ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « !» W B » . a K l

EVERYDAYL O W PR IC E__a7C _______ _______

• Pt'ifiu'pi^^s t^.. pulyi'Slu. 3b'’,1 colU)!!• ‘ 4 " .iiul f c liccks 4b” w idtlis

. By United pr«9s Intcnutlonol i__ Israel’s -frnnMcr wlUi .Syfin •' {-riipled Into ii fuM cale 'lfink; •

artillery and Jiir battle txiday, . { .■; wlUi the militiiry command;

reporllrtH five Syrian MlGa shot' ’, down, af'ainsl no of

Israeli plane.s, :— ------- llTonnrfl----UHI-. c'orniHpfl TIHwmraiiOn'TcUAvI^ Uie'iiilllUjrj'7commnnd-ln-TeF Aviv 'as HayinK Uie Rattle

uttacJcinii two Arab Buerrllla camps; four army positions arid

"two-fSnar Hlations along t|u) front lino and in southern Syria

' in response to rcccnt uttaclui on IjfrueU pouilioha from tlierc.

'Hio command told Clieatham Uif Syrian JeLs were downed wl)ik^flu>ll»nHinH—t|uu-Xw


mile frontier opened up against

'A military spokesman In Damascus said. Syrian .planes allot down two o( the In^iidlng Inrabll aircraft .while Syrian ’ artillery scored direct hits on n

"number ■ of“ Isrflcll“ ’Tnllltjiry positions along ,llie ceaae-fire lino between the two countries.

-lk.anhr three Syrian warplwsea■ ” Weru“ JiliiJrahot"da^*tTrthc' air---- -

Millt;>ry .H|WkeKmen in te l

nrtUlery included. Ilje' HeightA civjllon settlement of Mcrom Hagolan and Nalml Snlr and tlint.lsroeli guns blazgd awn^_ in return. • ' '

Tl)e'spokesmen told Chen- thnm that air'force jets went into action agairist Syrian gUn emplacementa and also raided Tin"nr7ny camp near Ijitakin orl Uic nprtliern Syrian co h sL In ^n'e of 'th^ r ndrUrtrm'osl”

It was identical to a previoiis such battle on Nov.' 21,

■ dehcribcd by tlie Ij/raeU mill: ijary command as Uie blggeat'

“ 7sh(rataT|t“ W!th-Syria since the ' beyinnintj of-the Auiuist,Middle East cease-fire.

Today’s . Initial dogfight, wliicli Tel Aviv spokesmen said

r - cost" Syria—A—r-«port6d-44wi---- -----. plane.s, _c_ame at llH O - a^ .d t.lO a.m. RST),-two hours' ' ' •- ._ wfor»-tl>t»-fty»4amNHwmMM>|>4n ■ ■'

rctiillation with their.l)ig*iyins.

5,500 face draft call to eds (;t . e u n i :s t r . WASHINGTON (U P I) — W- per month will be needed.” ' North Vietnam.

.Stirrijtiiry n l-nird vohintoered the Infor- ’ Durint* all tlto years of theIjjlrd eBtitnated today no more tnatlon ‘ in his final report to draft—<iuring the Q vii war,Uian 5,500 men will Imj drafted Congress, Me will leave the World War I, World War II.

war hlghof 304,000 in 10C6. Tliere la a possibility .that no

—Be^re t se^rgeant^r e j e c t s u n i f o r m

for the draft this year will everttily yL'iir—only one tenth ns novernnientTn 12 dftys and will and continuously since 19-18— be drafted. Thls^8 a result of a

— many-ut-Ja»l-ycar_undJie_lJt'.i:cplai:cd_us-iIi;tcniiii_S(ffirc^^thii.f(avfialJiurabeiLaLlIlfin_eyoL_DcnvlsloiL.oLJhLlaw_wJilcli„i;

IIONOI.UI.U jU W i " A .'ind.ilrports, ■ ■hlR lilyK liTOrTdi^rfireSr:r5rer~"It'W this tc inhcr-|n*w paratrooper In Vietnam, who-eiipr^ Piiijndur-iuildr-^UiJil-Kol

.sinnlluHt numlMjr d faftt^n'any tary of Klllot I., nichardaon. He year wlien there has- been devoted only .seven payes hi his con.s(.Tlption, 10-1-pai;e report to the subject of

Ttie draft authority expires Vletniimi declarlnt; that Vlet- ■liine 3(1 and Ijiird has already -naral7.atlon “ Is'virtually com-

thorp will t«> nt) mil*! In nlcted Ho (11(1 not elaborate,

called; was 14,030 in J&49, in,a year in which culls were i^suid for only a single month.

Since then draft c'alls have hit a Korean war high of 524,700 In- 1951 a between-wars low of

was once a member of .r..Presi(lenl John. F. I^ennedy’s

.security detail, .has beciiine Ji conscientlou.s objector because of “ this insane-war.” He .said

: Sunday he will refuse to wear ' hl.s uniform after .Ian. 5. .

_ - Sgt,-l.C. Krat'Bt ll. Pounder said he ha.s applied for- conscientious' objcctor status and has returned his 24 mcdxls

• for gallantry in A.slii to the Army’s adjutant general.

“ I can no longer condone the horrible injusllces to mankind whlcharc bclnB-pErpctratDd by this in.sane v jir,” he said. Vietnam role when he shipped

' Pounder, 2fl, of Peoria, III., to A.sla in lOiB-Tbm “ I • was not ulw;iys Antr«war. He saw first hand Uie brutality and ■was n“ mcmbor“ nf-!YoRlrtcnt— lnsanHy-oMht»-wui Kennedy's. Wlille House securl- " I Ihen began to question, my ty detaif attached to the Secret («od why. when i observed the

inu into the Special Forces the Green Berets.’*

Tlie six-foot, short-haired soldier, a veteran with ll,years in the Army and three tours of Vietnam, said the “ final straw” came during the unsucce«sful Nov, 21, UJ70,-«jid-on.tlic-U^. priKoner of war carnp at Sdn Tiiy near Hanoi, He helped plan the raid and was “ very disgruntlfid” when U.S. heli* copiers landed to find no prisoners.

January.or Februarv. To<!avhe .“ Because of the sensitivity of. U)ld the House Armed Services the negotiations. I will refrain Committee that the March from any fiirlhet-comnneril oh draft call would be less than thijL matter or^iny other matter 2.500 jmd that in April. May which could ‘ impart on the and June - the last threes negotlutions,” I-llrd said, mnnthsftf the d raft- "no more' Uilrd did not mention the than an average of 1,000 men Iximbing campaign against

allows the Selective Service' system to cointinue drawing oh men left over from the previousyear. ' ~ ...... ............ —

•I^st year colls were Issued for SI.COQ' men with lottery

WASHINGTON {U P I) - An Alaska Alrlijicn' Jetliner whiili slammed Into a mountnlnsldo

- aipt. i , l»7i.-kilHng-H4^orBoiu4ippar£atlv ‘ diverted off course by distorted algnnU from navigation alilfl, goverment safety cxpcrts.Bald

— today. ---

76.500 in 1962. and a Vietnam numbers through_ 95.


In- a report -on the trogedy, the Nntionnl- Tronsportatlon Safety Board (N T SB ) said that

, as Uie plqne approQched Juneau for a landing,' Ih e pllot’i Instruments gnve h fm ‘'0 ^^splay of

. misleading navigatlonal lnfonnotlon” .'_ ,_ . ._ .- ...__ jV Lo n c .p o in t» .th e JiQ e liit JM ll»U > e lle yed hc_- - was passing directly avax clcctroiil*’ old |lni?d . up-alth the runway, b u tln fact still had nine

miles to go to reach the checkpoint.

Pounder said he was ii,HtciktithalJ<.eplcent-in--favor"vof-Ainpnpn’n 2 rS .m pupiTsl)uOnnjrsli7or

Uiree week.s last Septeml)cr.''riie I ‘hila(lolph}a I’edcralion

of iVachers ( PKT ) told ilK

Teachers walk ou tPH11.A1-)FI.PHIA (U P n - sLTte-appolnted fart-finder, re-

School teachers In the country’,*j Jected Uie now scliool board fourtli largest city were set to suggfslion.

By United Press International of 1B12,Today is Monday, Jan. 0, the In lafiV,. Congress approved

eighth day. of with 350 to legislation providing suffrage—.followr --- -• . for Negroes in_the Distpict of

^'Hie moon is approaching its Columbia,____ _ ■'first quarter. In 1910. 'Presftient W o ^ o w

Tlie morning stars pre Wilson presented his 14-polntMercury. Venus and Mars. plan of n "peace of Justice” lo

The evening stairs are Jupiter -Congress, which laler turned Itand Saturn. _ __ down.

niose born on tJiis, date are • In 1972, Pakistan Presidentun<kt tlie sign of Ciipricom, Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan

nurntiil in working out a ••memornndum of agreement” Uiat tcnijwnirlly hailed the

Hulow was born Jan. 8. 1039. On tilts day in history:In 1(115. American. Cicn,'-

Ja'ckafiiila .fo rc c Q e c ^

Service when Kennedy visited Ireland. Pounder was rospotisi* bio-- for- Kccurity of .. tfic president’.s helicopter, its fuel

cruel horror- of a fat^illy wounded human l>elng flopping and kicking and spUtmg jit'hfi? blowl away." * ^

"B^us-era&h kills 3^'SM1T1IF1R1.D. N.C. (U P l) - to sleeii Tind wtMit^off To the Tlie highway-patrol says the right between an exit ramp and driver of n Greyhound bus UuU, U'e roadway it.self," sjiid careened off Interstate 1)5 and highway patrolman Gary W,

_____ Qmlumed^.JuUing-tlu-co-jwr-^KeArney. .whu-uii’calig{iled _thesons, ,ftppiiit*ntly fell aslel*[i at accident tho wiK*6l. . - . -

- — SfivM of the 30 [jorsons No_charges had beea filed- -lijuU— tlie-TTdrtvur;—

... ........... was scheduled to hoar the lively defeated Uie British intors releclecl Sund iv nielit^'a school board's plea today for an Uil- Battle of Nl-w Orlfans. the la s U lit i efIoVt by'the school '■'lUOclM... aKau«t the strike, ,.|„sinK .-jwauenu-nt of tl,e War Uijirtl to avert Uie strike.

lanoH wuru to be niatmud al G a,m, KST

'llu- Sfhool Ijoard pr»|H)sed Uuit Common Pluas Judge IJ.

'DoiiaId_Jainieson-lir.given' Uiev •{Kjwerlo make binding recum- niendulions in Uie l4-monUi dispute over a tiiree-year contract,-But Uie PI'"!', which lust week

turtied'down U ie ‘proposals of a


TiucI, tan«. Twin Fall, 733.1373

SECON D S E M E S T E R3 Bedroom opts.All carpeted

G.S.I.-= Total Electric _

For Information Call

- 7 3 4 -3 6 6 B ____

remained ho.spit;ilij!ed today. Willie-; \Vesley. Willluina of I , •T11l»- 0tll»ri^Wflr^ iV a t5 d - an a - J'M n a i M :T»A^>UJ

released. saiiMhe investij;atlon into the“ I ’lie driver apparently went i misluip was lontinuiiit;-




in t h e G A L A R O O M

Monday. Januar.y I. 19?)At 7 p m on ch.mni'is JM, ;ii ,incl B ^tovil• "Set Town ot> Ktru " A

'icwon yi'.ir olil m.iniil.iuonit'f Iriiil provides ihc conflict in itu-> tiltn niAdo in 1969 Cnrl ilt-u ^i<irs h nevKip.jBOT pulilcMiiT qiii'Siigmnu Hi>

-QttLT—uiilamt'n.!tc?ilim ony pu l i) m .in r>ow t l■ town drunk conll'iSM frtp irmir


THtHAPmESTERSMaT5py~aTB-tlre’ HAPPY""j&ST6RS end happy you will Bq when you see one of the funniest shows evei".

Aq appear at CACTUS PETE'S. A combination of the HAPPY JEST-- ERS-and the NOVELITIES. .

d tsptay projee ts. r . HU i'E IlT - More ttian .200

insoct collfctions. ijaUiercd by stiHli-nls at Huperl’s

—VV^HihinRton ElpnTOTltnry & I100I. will bo displjiyed nt u A-

-Ii:-Scioncy I'Vtfr Tu«ry -1-ftml P i liiiiv: ' ' . r r -

Thc colloctions were undertHkcD us- -l-H Tnlomotogy projects. Most of them ' have U‘on awarded bhie ribbons for

• completion and six will receive

grand champion honors nt the [;ton Schoo!

insect cases.Wanhinglon School science,fair, , Dr. Curol Martindale, n

According to Mrs. Henee Uupert. pliyslcimK luis spent ■Clftrk;■lJ e"iicit‘n■ce leacI^o^ who■■ inany~h'0Uri;;.ln :Jluli^ and oversaw thi* inscct projecla, the evaluating thi Insect fitudents b^ilt thoir-'Ow»udispla>i>^UecUQns.^lrfii_ Qarit'' anitl-boVcaJor-Uic-poUcclions_-H.T

A new industrial arts'' room 'wflS’ ijut to (iood iLse by the school's sixU) graders, she .said, as they spcnt'actlv'ity periods in designing and constructing tl)e

,'J'be linrtfir also nt'de^ in planning and organizing the collection. . .. ‘nie* insect projecla will iilso bo entered in the Minidokji County Fair comiJolitlon next fall. Mrs. Clark said.

Of f ici^l^^re^srfoT"severe drug penalties

United Pros.s lntt‘nui(ioaal . . I ’u^jliinu'acruiis Uic. ^rain-of-

thc ruilionwide-trenil to liberal­ize druji laws. stJite officials or

-JawmukotJH^^n—tt- jhulf-doion-^talu;i,.uioKtly-ln the northoaKt,-

- iirt ijreaaiiit’-fur.-tbe-severcst. penalties for hard-<!rug pu.'>hor;>, inL-liidinj’ tu‘ death pena'lty.

lUil the "wiiuls of change" l4)warii-Kri‘a[er leniency for soft

•h Ii'ui; p()SHi* con'- liniic

A samplitin- .of official 'ancl, -<,lfj;i.slatiyt‘ p n w am.s around the" .coiiniry tnund' dehinnd^' for ‘ extffini' .strinj>pncy in ing liiird-tlrug pushers in Xuiuiucticut. where the gover­nor IS asking the dealh penalty for .second offenders, New Ytirk, New Hamp.shirt- and’

that harsh, he says he has been 4u>iiuruU-Uiu-luwiiukurti-would approve the death penalty on the second conviction,— AiwUi«kr-nopublioi n^<mw4M)tv

A. Hockufollor- of New York,—wa;UK—rnandatoi-y—life- senlences for hard-<lrug pushers and violent addict.s. with [nissibilily of parole or plea bargaining.

The New York governiir's call for action at tlie opening of this year’s legislative session was i ’ppl«»ided by tlie legislators t drew iinniediate protests from ci\'il lilM-rti' nan.s. ^. In Nfw Ilampshirf. Republi­can Sliite llep.-Cleorge Gordon

offenders 21 years age or younger.

A hill pending in the Indiana legislature woUld make 2I^year


h;^s fi led , a b ill w liich . would m ak o tlfi ' irrm nson inent maTuln- to ry .-M ^ co\iv ic[ed se lle rs of

- (li'ug pushers, with a stipulation —yxehifiing tlifMJ froni-parole;- -

Aides of Floritla Attorney (jffieral Hobert .Shevin say hd Ix'lifvcs in getlini.' tougher with drug deaUT.s, hut not to the

• dfgri'C advocatftl l)y the _______hardest-liners. Shevirrsupporls [~ ] a measui'e which woultl in- creasi,- tlic perlalty for heroin .sale in his state from five^ears To 1(1 year.s in pri.Hftn. 4

.Mready- on the Ixioks in Moritla, howevet. is a law pruvidmt; the death penalty for . any person convicted of a • heroin sale whicli directry


nd-— roHultPd -IruTi'iised .scveritj*< n a le^er

.'M-'ale haS' Ix.'cn proposed in ■ ’Tnjliana and Florida.

■^In .snjno 'ti'ther states, the lendt'Dcy appt-ar.s to l>e toward nt iiici enfoi'cemenl of existuu;.

— hard-tU‘ii«-Tawji,-ufU!U-cuupUHi— with a reduction in penalties for

'Ttrst-lfTne” imssi'siiltTii.'JTf su<n>'

.- In ( ’onnertinit. Republican (}ov Thomas ,1. Meskill favors cAeculing bardrdrug pu ihm ua

■'•-thrfjr^t-mrmrtinn—Although he- ha Imh-ii told ‘the legislature will not go aiotig with 0 penalty *

(lil ts, in vvlucli case the penally would .be 2(1 years in prison,

A • I'onipaninn ' measure • prnpo.^ed \)y Gordon provlde.i? for su-spetiv 'n ot stuilents at stale colleges anil the Universi-

lumpjibuo-lf-Uiey ace found in [)osse.ssion of in-o}iibitod-,<lrtigs <m tiliUTius.

— tilrt^Htly— »ntrt»- dured in Montana would make a life .• I'.ntence mandatory iiti’ Uie’ £t:t:und convicUun uf.lluA drug KclUng and would ciimi* nale ttie pfe.sent automatic defcrnient of sentence for first

•Meanwhile, sentiiiient ap­pears to 1)0 grow'ing in states as

'dlvcrlio ,'fs Maine, Texas and (ieorgia for reihielion of the |H‘tiidl\ for first-time fMissession ul_-. uiarijuauiu- u.suallv bv niaking .a' misilemeanor rother than a felony.

--- l-lftHer-pre ienl—IWrnHM'fiist offender could Ix* sen- 'tenced to'two years to life in

. .piUiiuii fur pu:iscsiiuii ul.a iiuigle maru\iii''J) . ng.lrelte, A bill rcducmg 'tfie offense to a misjlemeanor was defeated in l ‘)71.

News Of Servicemen— Air-mun.

. .lames i ‘". .Matthiesenl^son of Mr. ;ind Mrs. 0 V. Matthiii^en, 'IVin l-'alls, bas been a. jsigned to Lowry Ai-11” Colo., aTTeF completing Air Force basic

'trninlng.'puriiiH- his w_uck.s..al11uj v\ir

'Jtaining Commjind's I.ackland AFH. Tex., he studied the Air l'‘ori'e mission, organization and customs and received s[)ei'ial uistruction in human relations.

The airman has l>een assigned To Tlie TeclfnTFaTT Training Center at l<o'wry for specialized training in the

• munitlnns and weapons' maintenance field.'

Airman Matthiesen is a ll>72 graduate of Twin Falls High".

-Srhool.------------ - AlUM W M \'l I I I M.M.N________r \ I . J O H N I.IN K I . V

■ • • o '- inoed , . , ^ r i l< lu i i l r s '

TWIN FAI.1„S Marine Pvt. .lolui H r.lvely, .son of Mr. and Mrs Jotm H. I.lvely, Twin I'’iills. graduated from basic

___ti aining .iit,.thir Marine Corp^ |' nepiit in Dieg6V'|


R fli’FKT Marine l.ance Cor[». Cary W. MacNeil. son of

___ NlrT and Mr^. ^VerTuin___JVlacNi-il. Hup ii7(r\vnsjp SnioTi^

to his present__rank by hi.s- Martne-bjirrai-^H.communtlinR^ omcu;; Col. (^ C,. Dahl, at the naval station m San Oiego.

lU Is a l!i71 graduate of Minidoka County High School.

(UHXIHNG- - T. Sgt. (>)e W. Peter,sot), son of Mr. dnd Mrs. 4v«nnetli-VV-.“Heler«oniUi4)o(llhgi“ ‘

‘ has received hiK second awnrd'U,S, ..A ir

(’oriunendation Medal at Clrand ' | Forks' AFIi, . ^ 1 ^ ' -

limnniTTTffniuniTiOTnnfij. iilie abiliiXJi tot\¥iii£Ljnalntnin;i

load and iLse Ihelr defenHlve --- m ‘,»pnns m n dtT_.8[m ii^{e(i. ... .p o iin m 3SD »a»*■ ' .•

Polprson -is—a-lOBC- Hradu’alii^bf ’GooTllnB .High- Sehonl.-Hlfl wife. Shirley, Is the,

. dVnitlh.ter df/Mrfi. 'Florence f Jia rk inH , U p l B O . ^ - - ' • '

IVTenrml', , .— loPlinfcinn'^wrth the 4f»0ih

l*'ighter Interceptor' Squadron •'-al .Q.rand Fork.s. was cited for

mei^iorldus service 'in- Helping * I- .-Uie -40nth win the F-lOfi J )e ltQ - |

■Hntercoptor^uWcapQPiLDlMUlPltLJI ^ast-hepUilVllfW'

w hen you have Idaho First’s Line - O - Creditbacking your __checldng account!




'T* LINE-O-CREDIT-back's your Idaho First ch ec k i n'g-acoo u nr —

' ^ h 'a cash reserve^;^ ■for 0 m e rg e hci es.............and purchases in excess of your balance. When you

_wrile_a_chGcl< forrnpre than you have in


your account, the ■rbarrri 11 a I'SfETTYQTTd S~ to cover the chetk. It's tike being your._

merely fill out a simpleLine-O-Credit zip

-applical4.on:to.(m^t:i. . ' Idaho First. Y o ^ l enjoy knowing it's backing

J a Llm o-o-Credii z ip applic^ttom1 j

F I R S T E S■ ^ d fiy a t a n y tdaho F ir s t

1 : V - :

A b ig a il Van BuVon

DKA» AimV. In le^ard lo ttint lady wlw. foil giijHy If s Im) didn't drfulnto;."chain lolterB.” plcnfio Icll

................ ...... ...........■ - ............................Uic Inw nn>l stinuld turricd <ivor to tlu; loca) poHtmnKCuT:

' Only JflBl wepk I rocolvod'b '‘prayer" chain 'lotler In llte'mnlV It snld;

••Trust in tin- I/ird Jcsan ( ’lirlsl wllli nil your heart and ' always ncknowlwlflc Him and He.will |i«ht yojjr wny. Tliia

prayer luiH l)wn k«iU to you to l id n K J^ or*»{lnolcopy caniL'from the Holy I.;iml ntid iitiS Ijocn scril around the W(*rkl 2.1 timus, Mnke four copios nnil send' tJicm lo your friends. You "must“ dn-thts-wHhin'fo;tir-riny?r-nr~ynn—will

as alert, aw are, alive, dggressive

I—nnd «{ j»resfllV6i-

NICW— V O H It i- (.U ED J_ rr . _ Tlic council also mhrka the •Totlny'a clotlica b iiycris pn A- annlyorsnry with 5f|.,mnnufnc- four Rol~nlcrt, nwnro, jiHvo' turer^caigndrmembcrs — "the

top onoH with fow oxcopUonsi” (uiid Monte-Siino, who rnn his own firm urttil five years QBo.

Montc-Siino aiiid dress pro- ductlon.alono In l{l72:£ tood ol 29C mlllioh units. Ho said the International Uidios Garment

-Wori(6Ftf4;i>twi4rr^ w u .)-4>titi.

‘She’s lookinfj for her di)Uai;' worth, her f«shion'’8 wortl j, for Uiinii« that will fit her wny of lifi)- i n ->111111 aRQ- of speedy traniiportntion,:” says Vincent Monte-vSano, president, of Uie

:jgow,»V6itkl ^ u t ui‘a—Duiilnocc.


. . . e n g a g e d

suffer dire ronS4*<|uonrt‘S One man In Hawaii broke Hmj chain acKiwon $50,(KK). whirl) he was unnbV to cdllecl."

Sudirot! I

J erome~gtrl~- s e t i - s u m n i e r -


UDuncir nmT'^rorfncr " “cl manufacturer..• "She'.s not laken In by ■flim­flam. She’s looklni! for stralglit tfilk about price, fabric and-the real." . '

Monte-Sjmo’s_ descrif^tlon of liie mqdern ) customer came during 'an Interview us the

pfodi'.ctlon _ in about the same volume. •*'

Pricc.5 are expected tp change little except as new contracts are nei’otintes with ihe.ynr|oiis unions,

One ithing, however, keep.s pulling at the seams;-thc^ liain in imports, from three million

hfV anU,- I'Pive-^ yenra -iiiio vnncoa In fnbrlcs-nnd -Uulr.-,iMmelhinB like -Ihnt, nml -r qunlilies, such na tJic nowwould linve bcert sent lo llic ncccptodpermoncnlprcas.nntl-,booby hatch." ■ slatips, knits.that BO riijhl into

-Continued technolo(!lail ad- Uie wnshlni; mncliino.

Cookie Cutters enV6U ‘5 youths

TW IN FAI.US — Tlic Healthy Officers elected were DIancCooliie Cutters 4-H'Club met Murphy, prcsi(lenl; Jennnawith I.uanne Plott, lender, Peterson-, vice president; MarluFriday.' Burgess, secretary; Susan

There w e r e 11 members B ake r,' treasurer, '-Pamrtroi:<ini iuiiv> fiv>> n»u/ mpinlu>rH Mosplov Tcnortor: Jada

C L E G JS ATS A ■ ■ . p la n s r i le s

sprinj* fashion .nhowB fo?" today.

f e ^ c f i a n ^

I am a Prtsbylerian mlnl.ster, over liO ycfin; o f age 1 Still preach eveVy Sunday and I IwJlifvc in prayer, but I broke the chain, and my. •'fmir days", are long past and I still feel great! '

• I shall surely lull my'congregation to forward any chain letters to their jMmtmaHtor and fee"! repaid for having hendwl off al leasl One more |>iece of .su[)erHlUi(His junk.


DIOAH ItRV . SI^nTM; TlinnkH. And I 'l l t4>ll my readers ^ tlip •limp.

- DKAli AHRY: Ypu have haid many time;! in your col- _ '_umn that il i.s__not cnnsiderfd go()(i .etigiiet lo {wil "No

cfilldien, pjea^e" on wedding recc;jtion invitations.■ Well. I don’t care what you say. If you ha<l to pay a

•caterer 115 a person you would mnke nure Mom an<l Pop didn’t bring tlwir six kids along to get .a (re<* meal

Some |>eople have lo l>e told in [ilain to leave their kids at’ liome, an<l 1 say; •'TKLI, 'K M '"

PLAIN TALKKU IN I»HH,AI)K1.PIHAPK A R PLAIN:' F«r ttinitlUT polnt-of v trw r Ipfs-frrar U

— reader to-Cuon-IUtpldit^Allmi—----- ------- ■ ■

.Ii01lf)MK - Mr, and Mrs. Willi«r4l—Vyoodlandr''I<-'tK>mo,

- alinoufico Iho-^Jngageincnt—of-— | li)(‘ir <liiught«ri-All)brla, to Joe Sites. '

.Sites i.s'the son of.Mr. and Mr.s. Fullest Sites, Wendell^

Mi.sH Woodland will graduate from' .leroine High School in l!)7:t.

visiting reporters. Tlie series mark the GOtb semi'annpal

“ •rre.q.<r • W cdrrihc'^noth-ycar" •the council (foVmerly known as • TlieDress Institute) h(|» put on Buch showings of new colleo- tions. '

/niesc were^among fashion changes Monte-Sand l re.siu.v; ~Ad]nstment. td :the ■oyc.Tsn—‘

enrolled. They are Marla Peterson, Jilckio Fuell, Valerie A r | f S | i 'C + , r l + P ^Burgess.’ Valerie Kerr and Kerr and Mamon McBride, r - v u y u o i i i i c oJada, Trenna and Jeanna game leaders; Trenna Potoriion

The girls di.scussed last year'

ina game leauers; tiiuMiti • • •__ D c t c r s Q n ._ m u a lc ^ d _ S h e l iy _ p J< a .n A e ^ - b - y -ir’s Bartlett, cleanup, ’ '

Jewelry designer copied by many

are ••luced" ihke tiire; needle) cun 'be slip|>ed

dris.«d 'a^-Draoula.or Super-- Wott^showed the apeciul award by Dtane Murphy. / V M b b I b U T b OU,e elub received In health last ^ child' FAl.I-S - Mr. and'Mrs.

____________________ -n.e m e , u b e r s - d e c ld c d iO .^ S ^ « ^ ^ — M a - j ; ^ - E » ! L s ,L‘ry Qtber Fridnv. _ announce tlip engagement.hnd.

man and nolxxiy would blink,”

Books were handed but and 'a.s.sigtunutil.s made.

The next meeting will be Jan. 19 at the leader's home.

Driscolls win hdnorsN K W Y O H K lU P IIi- S tan le y

.Site.s will Ijracluate Jro n i „f law.sWeiHlcll HiBh School ill 1973 upfl Some wTio wutch hispinn.i lo attend auctioneer's |,„ in UlllinBS, Mont., s„n|ic,lcni!ineerinK. ForllaiilerfollowinK bis Kraduution. from |s ,m inventive Jewelry Jesiuner"l|!h srhool. and a muchly copied-owi,-.

Ihe couple is plannmg a spring, for instance, heSlimmer wedding at the Wendell whistles on long chainsU )S (Church. costume item. liy

qiristmim-iHwelry stores- wero;advertising whistle pendants m all pric‘e ranges, right up to tbcfse studded--wilh precioua stoni’s.

Now. llaglt-T’s at hi.s inven­tiveness again. One of his

. newest items is a pearl UllurinttlUUl_jailLIf-5Pa<. A _ n ^ r l< h ic e w a rd ro b e - 3ir i . l r « n d s

Valley BriefsTW IN KAI.I.S -- A ijoon meal

\s .served eai'h Tue.sday and 'Huu sday at the Senior Citizen ( ’enter, 421 Second Ave. W. For

pinoc-hle p arly ' is held eachI p.rn ih IFe

DKAU ABHY; So often you hear from [>eople who "Uant to exclude children from a wedding roceplion. I.find .this

--- dtelresslnp' Stjch wcnslons 'aro"ldenl“ Tor fnmllles to be- ‘^^JOgeiher-The-fBlSer-hcs to work- nwny from’ hl.'t'hom# ftlP

day, and in many cases the mother also works. Tlu; kids nre-lnvolved In llwir various scIum)! activities, or jusl'Iefl lo

-bum-aruund with lhulr-|uwr«-whilu-lhu-pur4in(:i-ruiuo((-and leave them.

Children should be Included witli their parents al wed­dings so tliey will see tlie beauly and .sacrv'dness of the rparfiage ceremony And at the recoplion. if the ri; menls were limited to cuo|tie:i and punch, children vould t>e

liHl wUhftU- running the- cost up Who cares wharis

‘lliursday aT oi'iili'r.

SHO SilO N K JobliJi)niighters wtil inoefat fl P.M *

■W£«lnV;(da\~at the Maaonic- -.Temidti.

_!!“^L-uuaU-aud4Ji-gr,aUualvd-ltingUix— plate u« Uui-iiiuuider-

cun slipped out so 1 WIN 1' A L l^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Uic woman can wear only two Frisco ! took; irst place or four strands. Or. the clip honors 1'riday ni«h in the '^ in slandsidone.

Blazers for day and -caftaa.s ^'ompellllon. for lule .lay are bi« items in ‘"1, "'i'?.spring ready-to-wcar. HaBler's ‘j- If “ P;“ ready with the jewelry to fio John lahn and Mr. and Mrs. M wirti them - lor_-SC!;Dna. ' l i l s ai^ks an idea from the .m i B.

MTiilitary and does g^l(Tme.sri (iiguilettes, worn pinned lo tlie aiiuuldcr .Wltji. three {graduated strands of chain dra|)ed under tiie arm an<l liiree tassel points hangijfg free Or, he does epaulets with chain fnnges and gold-pins-lM)Ulinj{ U>inHh-m


Printed Pa ttern

lienson took fourth place, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bulchcr were fifth. Other winners were Mr. and Mrs. l>onnie Burns,

forthcomirig marriage of their daughter, Cleo Tsatsa,’ to Bradley Giles Ritz, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Uitz, all Twin rails.

MiJis is a senior at Twin Falls High School and Hitz is studying law at Utah State University, Ugan.• An August wedding i$



-Again, it's tloubie-<ittty jewet- ry The pins'alone can help to

AAagic Valley FavoritesM R S . R U B Y JO R D A N

3Q^ B a ii la n d .D t iv c Jv^in Fa lls

A clujiler-jeweled pin holds the works together if you want to wear all six. froqi almost anchor straps of shoulder bags choker a»bitHlline lengths, - tlial on Kome clotlies tend to

~ CFrthe clip unfasiuns-uhd !u - J iE I t L i ! iL Z _ __________!_______liny [)in on which the strands - Or, if you wisli, you can use

Hagler's .jeweled co[)ies of servicc bars to ornament the iMidice of tlie blazer or suit jacket ' ,

To gi/ with .caftans. Hagler has de.signed Iwo-lier neck­laces.

• Noimi-A K !0H- -V:Ja-3—

♦ K H 't A Q .1 r. :r

’•ATW^jU, pe-nple are sup|Mised to U» celebrating the ..union of two jMiOple in love- not food and drink! •

- m>n. fn tu U ji- im U - J .i .h ii l r T ^ n f in t l i i i r * h jf lr>Vi- ! ii» l_ ><i[ti»l hi»f

■ ' TW U EinAKKDPOTATOKS .for JO to 'lb rnuuAc.s or until Cnt baked poLiitoos in half.^toiden browp.. Valley, ,1 f, ff „ , ,, The ‘I'lmes-Newa wiii pay 99 whip un d flu fy with biUter.

tmlk. solt and pepper. Wlien ^^^^^1168. If you hove awl^ippcd inix one diced onion in fnyprite recine. last mail it to

tTi?:iiil?>tlil:v the— OUeipa— U e fia rU n m U --hjtfk- into tht —p«UHl»»-«hells, Women’s Page Editor.-•'HieSpi inkle with piiiirika or recipe becomes the property ofi-)u' V the Tlmes-N0wt and cannot be

Moat in oven at ;{5ii (Ici’rces relumed •

JacobyThe Right No-Trump Opener

♦ A Q .V2 A A lOK


nK'fi'ly ■ re sp u iu i unc ■ no- i r t im p - T h i s ' t im * ' Sn T ith T Tm ”

— bt*l-H vtt- fltH rtim t»-hnd get n - s iic r r 'T s f i i l C-'irtie-, hut if NuMli

iio ld s M X or s*'\'i*n po in ts in- s le a d (if H) tw c n io t r n in p w il l be tiin h ig ii “ ~

O sw a ld - (.'onverM -ly , il N m i l i lif ld . jn s t six or seven

.]»t)in ls It id a y , lie W iiiild ii.-t' So u th p la y one n o 't ru n ip

-H - W h»‘ t-i>k*i»;-hmi ..right lu. - iU l lP . v . " ______________ -

Ju n . "W ith b re a k in g n ic e ly

c‘\fiything South iia.s

- lu i i r i i i i l i l i ' HI fr ic f isness It Is the only thing that will keep our country .strong and save magjijnd from destroying itself W'here but .with his parents should a child H‘arn how adults should rondurt thom^lves? ' ' ' ............M ARY tm E K T T '

DKAU ABBY: To the lady with four children by her "first husband who married a .man whtriinrtjlye childre>i by

his first wife, aijd was frequently a.ske<l, “ Are all those ■ children yoUrs?" here is Hr.* l>est reply I've ever heani

When traveling by train from Wichita, Kas ,.to Oklalio- ma, a-iftriy-with-ll-childrcir~wn?»hcad~pf*-uB~~ The conductor asked, "Arc all children yours, lady, or Is it 0 picnic?"

.She replied, '•Yej .-lhc; are all mine And since,you asked, it sure ain't no plcnl(r:'‘ T?: W. IN AVONDALE, AUIZ.

Proh iem ir You'll feel b«tt«r If yoa U 9l f yoor cIim I. Fo r I perBooal reply, write to AODY: Box No. W M . L. A..

'Calir. 'M M t. E dcIom . itjimped. •elf-addnaud eovelope. p le iM ..'

K6r Abby’f aew booMet. iW hsl. T fcn-Acen W m t to Know.” iead I I to Abby. i le i CfTM, Lo i Aagelei. Cal. MMM9.

A Love lier You

K N I T S , D A R L I N G O F - ' 70's

" B F i H T5 ■

TWTN ~FA Tn S^C Srracu n y

have a tuiontime potluck at the home of Mrs, Jerry Male, -175 Rosewood Dr ft,, Tliursd^y. For further information contact Mrs. Jack .Sims, 73:i-01fi‘i, or

I ,SHO SilONK - Lincoln

Guipter -12 Order of Kastern Star will meet a t« p.m. Tuesday afthe Masonic Temple,.

f- iisC South I N T

li.N.T.— P..SS- -

- “9 4 4 4S IZ E S 8-10

- JQ u L. a ic,1 i'll,.! Iht IIH,,U,JllM-. ...

Meet to discuss g_Q:ve r_n o r' s h o m r-UOIS'K •■•(UPTT---A nine'

{j,\cgutiviL mmifil'>n . conihiittoe will meet agjiin next 'I’hursday to discuss |)lans for catDitrucllon of ‘ now governor's residen^e'in Idalio

Donald Day. I »)ise, chairman ^'of the , committee, said -prelluiliiurj^dniwing'Hhnv'eTK'en

— " by ■ n...-Uuisu are.hitecturjil firm Tor a

___ lii^siaidJlie immiiUtii:. bus.-:agreed the luani'ion sliouhL I'oatain private livinri (|unrters^

' {»r tbu giivernor <ui()/hih family, piit)lic rooms and guest rot>ius in atldiluin lo securitypruvisions, ...... -r--

Tl’i'Fp iv^ il governor's house. .-iiluNum oi^t-Slfcul -UuUuj

■Jdtiidmn; ■4italM--J»n>Ut»ff— UUC• w.ij [lurcliasetl by the state in


ll_N .Mnr> S iir Milb>r

iiu -1 p'-'Ui^Lii u l l . i l ' i iL>. .K i in ’c . is lc i > h .iv ('

iK n i u I 'u i i in m . ' fu r v c i i is In tiiMU-

fih i 'i H . in t i 'i i t , ' >i) m .iiiv ' g ood

I I . i l l u i h r i i i W i i n k l i ' ic .s i.s i.m cc . c<on- '

’•lull III u - iM iin n .

M ' l r i i i i i i n ' .m il c c D iin iu y y. _ ) Ml r . t i f a n ; jii-M a pa r-

..... i t n h i i ^ t - n f i h e i r H n r t t t p r —

• K .i^liu^n v a l u e i s , . i f iM tii .--c, iin | )l ic i l

In Nplt.' >!i_iLJuUK luVL^

..... .. vv itli t l ic fm i> li« '(l. l e w lo v i> l i€ ‘ b .

k lU 'U thi-______ ^rnr-v'-f^*;< jf-4lii- |)roc»'^fi.—

lu m .s and U ’c ft • .........luuu .auu.lliv.. l.V- '!. b.i.Mc

l\|)^'^• W a i p . I l f

. in .i i lc fr.Mu h u iu l i f i l .s of p .ii. ill .- l y a in s D r w .n c M-l

■ ' i . f ’

_.i. the length.. t.f j! ic fabric, W ai i. kinl,-.

Id !< 'l. iiM.'d in n l)lH-(l i.n d

n r ^ t r t c — ^ l n r l r ? r i n r i cr fs "m irt-

Legislative ■ worksho.p set Friday

■I'WIN I'Al.US -X-loKislative training work shop |s scheduled ut 2 Fridiiy in room” 115, Shields lUiildlng at t !ollege of Southeni Idaho.

The workshop is sponsored by .-.lhc-TrifCflunty_Senior Citizen

CIroups and by the Comnuinily I,rn[)rWomrnl AssociaUun. ^

information on how a bill is f»)rmuhited. introduced and ai’led’ ii|xiri will l>e present^,

• Individuals or groups who feel this training would be of ITblp to them are welcome to attend.

O fficials-from ' Boise will ~Tondncrttirxrorkstmrr— -----

One piece dross with tlie look of companion layers - smoothest way to achieve l!)7:i's favorite look I CJhoose all one -fahpc or prinfn’sohd.

!?rlntod Pattern 9H1: New’ Sizes n, 10, 12,M , Ifi.-lfl,

_Siwuia^uKt-:U>-tuko«-ai*HyardJ^5|.inch fabric. -

• .Seventy-five cents for each pattern - adil 25c for each {)allern for Air Mailynd Spe('ial_ -linndllng. Send la Marian. Martin. Times News, ;i!)5

_PaUi;ni Py it., 112 West Iflth Sti, New-York N. Y, UM)11, Print name', addres.'J with zip, size and

- s t y l r - n o m lw r ;- -------------- ------------••N e w 1 S p r i n g - S u ni m e r

calii.log! We itiye to (les ign for -•-ynu -.- over lOfl town, vachtloh.'

glamor styles. one |)attern free! Send 75c now. Instant Fashion Book. $1.

'Instant Sewing Book— sew il"

Bv Okuald & Jam es Jacobv..Oswald- “ The bnsif reason-

for tlie standard ir>-II{ |>oint no-tnmip is tliat if you ojn*ii_

'such han<is w'ith 6m."of a sint you will be faced al your next turn by an inipossible. rebhlding pnthlem

Jim : ' This means tiial you cnh't wail for hands with all lour suits slopped Yon miisl take a chance wiili liiree small 01 occaMimalK jiist two small in luie sin l."

Oswalii "Vou siioiild iry lo .sta\ awa\' Irom-uptnuug- no.trump wtien ym hold a w' doultlelon but jack small IS likely to i)i* caoiigh lo pr(ttec( vmi on most oc-

T.TSinnT^' '.lim: ■'TcKlay’s liand is a

good example If SmMli'opens one diamond Ins partner will

Not that llie North-.Sooth ct!rds‘ will aiwa\s do' that weH-'l'hc-point is that-,they

— do-bclmrc in thrrrTin^triimpr- ■ .\ n d y I hi ■ crtTiiTn | '■gels Hicni thei'e ”

(N tW iPAl'tR iN T lR i'R liL A ilM »

y 4'C H R D J ‘c/>/c4»'iljc biiidini; liu- bcuiv. -i-—

Wrsl- Snrdi Kiisi SliiiUi:i A DI,|,-

I 'a s s . -1 4 p ,.s-

You. S-.iiih. Ih.M A 'i VAQlRTr. JUKQ7

WI1..1 tin .vuu Ht, .„us "A—liiil fiiui lu-nils. V.iu luixc

ki\ K'.o<l mill <iii1\ thri'f

Ton .w 's (jrrs'MON'Y.XI .l» III.I flilu l„M

ynm- -pnnnnr •i-iirt'; -fivo i’IuU< Wb.ii ,l>. viMi .lu V

.A n'inrr iiintorriMv v


W inter’ t 'lIlin•|•atar^•^ in ,An- t^ii'clica can fjrop as Inw T is 12? deiiree.s belim /«-ro i-'ahrenlieil.


Horizon Drive in the Boise W e ll l!lnlinitc

I bi' mniTiir.•naiu j tif

'»trtt!ii''»r'Tittt .rnff‘rnnu»' fnmr> '.nn in lu . r i/ o n ta l n n v .t i)f

,Ricks honor pupils, / n K X BU U d - Magic Valley Michele reteraoh,'rU*l)ecca Ann

students named to ‘ the fall I'»rice, Dede Pullnuin nnd ’Verl ""“ Bcmcsteriionor-roll-nl-RiokB— Ai-VAuKlbury^UJlurli;

im ? UM*(1 lor-ftnnhti’ lcnit'-rT<-'tiMlitj‘ in o( tmp-separableI. i Imh- 'Iim .■IIIU, ilie.sM'.s .;nd' F la t ’and stiiglc kipts ;iie light-Weight .aiil :-een in r-uch ilcnis as T-fiiiiit*.'

I f IS r ja in .c d ih a l w ;:s h a h le k n it^ c o m b in in g ni^ale .in d lK n u i a l i i U i s hc.dd be?,l to t l ie i r o r ig in a l sha pe . W .e .b jn i ;'t'i'ins ^ i f f j T w i t h f ib e r c o n t e n t , 'D u s a ve

Ttillogc brncfalsHonor .Bludonls includc_Jl.

Kvii Mflurine Ol.sen, Gooding; ' Richard --fiene ..■ BarJofli

:;^.CQlLeon-Ai}ftnBton,^JonnnjnQ , Heybtirin-Gonnic-Rati-Uc-anlL^....

II Twin Falls}- David, Jaromo^Cur«n'.Mcfflll'.-Paul;

.Tflylor-^^rnyLjoSninm^y^^t^^— Alrooi~n olnnn .Hnkpr. f f l r y T t .,:D oUr-MapylwMliHKHHtnrJnyn/i''--iTTT'i' __A n iLP l9i[ton, Melvin S^Clingcr, Louiae Parker, Robert Gregory ■ - TVnnift pcriii' corTrajo— Kiiyirt.-peck‘-anaTHerca*iin?rPcterson;;. ,Dawn Lal'soa. Richard T-.'-oil Rupert and .Ann Urralne ‘ Morlcy, CaWin H. PcaraAn, Smith, Wendell. • .

. 0£a UTY.QR.HO.U5EWo RIC- ■ __........ llu iiitii.iik.’U!^ If'lioiix 'WnrIc* yaitr-ritflFdiwrlouta utiil —^•li l” for iiTy'1inhUlu|rin'T?tj[rrTT7F* t>H6K'WORlvf-It-««|»liuos-.

in7:i. Publsheis-Hall .Syndicate ,

UPHOLSTERINGWe aro now aphoisterin'g. Two good, long exptfifiencocj upholsterers to, servo you. Fast

• sbrvice & satisfaction, for le» money! nrr-SdTOOTupT—O p o n r^ S ^ R d c lte r fr—$ 3 9 i0 0 -

_ £ f i£ £ [ S T IM A IC S - P lC l j U f t O f i t V E g r ;

^ F Q R N m J R B ^ U l > H d t S T E R Y "




i E l R S L C L A S i L\ \ PERM"

N o t o Budget W a v e '

$ y oo . r

PluA: o n e ^ p q h io L P a n ty Hq^_FREB


AIR—^ D ES iG riri

' T

^ itlio n dollar mansion^ stancCs^ear E tb a I■MbridJiy, JtiVu^y Dn?T3"^mB5^dtwjTTwIn F^ls^ Idapo" ^

'I- •■/irffvi/V:, •• ■ '/V'.vf and phdtos

frV r ■ .

D d i i l i l l o i ^ y t n i i

I ' i HI c s - .V c ir s w r l l o r


A L U E D U & N U N K C A iL V o u n lO c A i*dIMT,7JJ.73T1 We d o n 't mpve

T T - t u r i t i t u r B — —~lN«-mo'vo ■

iam ilies

{;!IA N I)I- :U U llm't »ncc was

lU'KU'clfjl t\u)-Hl()ry, solid rock niinislmi (hat stands up Ci>niu‘r ' ( ’imyoa cm Ml. Harrison ni’ur


PICK A SPECIALIST F(tft YOUR HEARINGA i o port of our complgtn hnnring_ nlH we offer a free oudiomotric lest and hearing eva l­uation in our office or yayr liome, Como in or call today and frnd out wfidt "C om fo rt Sound " V T ^ t t ^ o n - d o - fo r y o ir -------------- ----—

T E L E X HEARING AID SERVICE1 39 M oin W m t, Tw in Fall*. Iddbo....... PhonB.733.060.l-


CLEARANCE!All Sofas - Chairs ■ Dining Rooms

S O W E L A M I ^ S O M F F ! !





• R ea l N ice . j J

WasI69;oo. ONLY

A lia II do nod d p o a iiiGORDON CONINKj Burley, .sluuds'near Itie

niltu- niltl and. ruiluay trusses leaiiiiii’ tu llic uilll, li‘f(, wliili' the rear iif the mill and iil)aiuli>ned nialiTiaU are slunvti on (lie ri ’tit.'


S/144 f NOW ONLY-TT rT ___■■■■... r7 . VTTVI KdiUir'.s'niJtf: Muc-h of Ihe

infonnatKJU and all of lliu Huotiitions i.'oiitaified in the

article weru taken fruni an article ‘TClba, hlalu); Mines Shrouded in Mysk-ry” by,

’ 'Aaron Jones which appeared in tlie January, 197(1,' edition oT Norllnvesl Hurahte. “ .

KI.HA y’ravel south on Hi'^liwiiy 77 In Cassln County to

■ the point where il tiirns east toward Malta, - ;

Ixjoh MorthweMl with a keenly i[rscorriih{( oyd ■ Vip"Cbriril*r’ Canyon and you niif^hl Uifjtin('uish-a struutumi speck tii(;li on llte slopes of Ml.

‘“ Iljirrisnn:‘riuit speck is^tlie '’inillion

S ln l-’rancisco had to offer, have ionii since been claimed by looters or removecl^ by the ilesi;endanls of Samuel jluston McIntyre

McIntyre, a Texan by bu-th, - jiambled on here was described by a loca resident ns "u huge, overweif?ht man. wlio came to the nune.s in a c'liuUffeur driven automobik'. n io car couldn’t make the hills up to the mines, however, so M cIn tyre , \v<»iil{| .\eml hi.s rjinuffcur up to thc camp to

’ brVni;'a buH«y"bnck i>6 he could ridt' the rest ofjhe way,”

Osmer Ward, the owner of a )’reen-pajntfd Sl*>rL‘__.nt;ar

■IIllilnv!i^'77’s (urn to the east, knew McIntyre pursonally

m illiuns," Steele McIntyre . abandoniii'ent. .A Malta Aju I (iistury Uioks lake on an addl'd, "i{ut of nil the mines he Iju.sinessman saicO jl've l.\eard unli.sputable ej(istence' of their owne<l, perhaps none got .niore _ kl'l ' I ’jgrJ mi.-! pUmnlnC. t'wn.-.chukinii -u{f....a]lurful.of his inonj'y and litive as little a* fa,st one on the old man. spvrutation and the wide-eyed m-rrtttrn a;j tlul the holdings he Snmeonu said tljut every tlmp . .excitement of-Cassia rounly

|ie found a r ich ve in , he would 'I'lie m in inn s tru c tu re s a re cliisc ' it and di^ in a d iffe ren t

■ s t i l l Ih e r e . F la n k in j^ . t h e ’ a r e a . S u [)p o s e (U y he w as n ia iisK Jn on the no rthw est a re a [)lan n iiiK on wAiUn^ u ntil the old coiTUj^atetl-nietal n iill a t the m an passed on before lie took end nf ore Cijr tra ck s that c lim b nut t h e V ' t 'd " r e . ” u p ' and o ve r Mtft H a rriso n A lo ca l ra n ch e r sa id the .slu[)cs. bunk lio iises w ith the m ines mif^ht lu ive beun ch»sed -two-tier bedji ifdH ctr Hinl;tt-eo«ik " t o f r c c r c out t h e ' s to ck shacl<'“ 'h 6i'\slnf^' Ah enorm ous h o ld e rs . " wooii-lnii'njijti ijtove, . ' D u rfee has h is ow n opinion.

A cco rdm i! to I.y ie D u rfee . an "I'vc i been told "that the ininc.s E lb a , [a r in u v who • liv c s_a t- Ih c uot ulL-cti'ic’ p ow er fix>ii] A lbion, n io iUh, of (..‘onner ( 'a n yo n a n d " l ! ro r U T ir c 7 ) i i i i ly s ea f, w tiich is a c ts a s c a r e t a k e r iif the about lO m ile s a w a y . T he [)eople

Ki'iiiid-soiis as tlieir grandfathers .spin tales of limes past.

The kan^'aroo rat never drinks water, (luencliin^ its .tJiirst with fiotatoes- and Juicy seeds.

-..dyllur iiiHi!?>i"n'‘ which has )jcuiL_r^L^ltityre used to iUi[LiluJ_.iitiliiniiJt-Wcre sifppdsed-to h«,ve—part of Cassia County lore foi' at my store when his cliauffeuV “ nier buihlinj^s were* in ^oodmore than TjO years. went to ^et the while-to|)ped-

iamiiy." he tl;calls\ ‘'llu wa.s H' norUiof I''lba that was IjooininK nic.'e man t(t talk to. The first

^ni'ar I.lio lurihd-ljiu^eiuury-aml. timonitilllontaiiis-sltafts~known as was a hobo, lie always had ! the Mek'her, I'uz/.ler, wliiskers all over hl.s face and; iireckenridj-e. Raj-le __wori-. a j -ai>L»i‘d. full length,

(lopher nunes • ' black coal. Hut be was a prettyMany area residents believe’ friendiv fellow/' _____________ __

rich veins of Hold, silver, copper • McIntyre owned more than i ier McIntyre, son of Samuel, and molvlxlenuin are yet to'he lP0»cfcff1ntheare»imdJnvi!stiMl built Uie elalxiratu holne. In the

I f**» Mh* Hi<Mthta|n. . auood~deaLjiL!liia-fortiu»r^- -uruuud-dcal-ij^Jiiis-^^^ abfionce

upped the rateS'after, the mill clIndlllon,•V()_yell s.a^■o. was built, maklnt; the power

Hut the mant turbine en^nles costs real hiKh. I hoar McIntyrc i/iid riirk crushers liave rusted n-fused It> pay the increased

-and:«i'c--VHlu»*lPR^--eKc»*pl for ratos-nnd- finally.-tuSl Ihc tlicir salvage worth nr antique service."interest, I'erhaps it is best that not

Durfee told the pecidjar cverythint’ is known about the k-j!end concerning the origin of ‘inillion dollar mansion.’' dietnat^Lnn/rh&lalcclaimsthat^u>il>K_thaLL-ah:bti_iixplamed

factually often end up in history Ix'Dks.

witTHHlli<Fhe two-story,' \olid rock •mlninKLvjenluros beforc.lOlfl. ' pnmilHSliijr

■; man.simV'holds a commanding A ^jnindson, Steele Mdnlyre " I tl‘^ird tlie old mun didn't ->^vit*w-of-tlio IClb;» niuiln,anij the . of-MaruUuutbT Utah (where his, know « thiMf'sibout it «ntit~hc

Jim Saye Mountalna to the grandfather founded the {;ol a bill for the hardwood J. fltmtl', - ; , Maiuhouth Mlnlny, ' Co.);1 The affUience • 11 once describe'(|Jds protiOnllor's life,\ rcpre.senleil call l»e felt jvith tlie "Samuel McIntyre wiis Iwrrj- f iiTia«rniition - the occupiints In Texiis, l;umu to soutliern

:i^inuKl.hni‘B--h’mMlne-t>t»fiHkfw»t» -llt»hrnrht^ h e ^ v a s iin,!......................................._i.. . 1 1 .___-w.— ...y—r-f , , .

floor," Durfoo said, ‘‘'niun-ho, was su|)pused to have come up

• Uere iMiillnM mad umpt wasn't lonf; afterward that the- mill

'I 'orTHic portico inT’lhe brisk w^irkedftHastouT'rfiuTfreldUer.' Ward rtcini.>! ^hnt !-murnln>’ air -'or- vith h eareful_ j V.[cw yearsJuter-hi.'i Samuel unco >taid the hoiiaft coat-

/l_Slrfi|l Qiroinjh 'its (lozetnariit _i'iindIIIjiJexiia-wutt-Kdld-aiid-he -t67'.fl0ft;* 1-Oomi ■ ------ - returned to uet hts sharelif Uie‘~ ' ‘An .'4ryny o f the’ mansion’s

_ Hiind-pHlnted trucorlea cun., ealiite,, . - . hlldory la_Uiul,-.foE- all. Itastill bc-dRtoctcd''W:J}?*;:biulL.. ‘^WiUi this money- he-bouuhl unhoa'Fil of convoiiloneos

_ 'w a lls . ' ■ * '■'“ t;— ' . I ! "c iilU e^ d _d iW in rtn rR H ic rd rtnutrrHHtH i^reetrierty— ond ~*---i2:Uutnnt*rflurt:YTQf-wipgBTTron^'1rflyafr:bodc:ttrUtplr^f>n-^^

I tl)rout{)>-. '. <Ji -TJie- fltile'^vcnt. ta m own ' for onT^'wQ'or throe vetira. It ts! eiicli rOom l.s entered tqatlfius l,o 'ranciirbutaomu were traded for--*‘'*t]'l mill clnjicd In Inte. Uielonu-nettlectedmidntenaHL'c ndnina; ftj:iinctly>.'Thht be'unn lt)lB- ^

ft*; of the sturdy atructuro. liis oiireer In'mlniny.'' ' . n^xplii\mtlons abound us tollsiavlsirfilmTsiniWrihlTiU^sl » “ Uc mndc millions nnd spent the ronson for .the mines'

' 1 0 '•TIme>'N«ws,.T’w l n I d a h o ..M o nday .January .B . 1973/ t - -

youritttmplete Home Building Cerit- er is now offering discount prices on fheir fehr tire stock.of fine quality merchandise. Volco will continue to offer Name Brand Products,

i e c a u s e J i i J J a e « - 4 3 H U t y L t o 4 > u y - i r w € C H '- -

pass the savings ori to you. Best Quality Mer« chandise in Large Quantities at Discount Prices with CreditTerms Available. F r o i i i p le le Uonie to a Sittgte IMail. . . You' U

load quaritities, they are discounHng' prices td




^uminum Storm Doors & Windows!!$2y8r

t; - / / I

■; -B" 8. 3'-0" X 6'-8". Reg. $29.95. . . DISCOUNT PRICE

TEM PERED S A FETY CLASS ^---2.^8^^A-3^0— x - 6 ^ 8 iV R e g i- $ 3 9 T 9 5 - r^ D I5 e O O N T - P R ie E

WHITE CROSS BUCK2/-8" & 3 -0" X 6 -8". Reg. $49.95

B e n j a m i n IM TER IO R LATEX_^paints


^epM Salin7M ooresB ist.Ree !$8.85gal.. .


■ Western Finish. Reg. $5.49 gal .

IN tE m O irE N A^MEIAquaglo (Latex) Moores Best. Reg. $10.90 cal.. . . . . . DISCOUHT PRICE » 8 - - g a i

Satinlmperyo(OilBase)MooresBest.ReE.$l().40. . . . DISCOUNT PRICE * 8 ’ ^gpL 7Hoiirecnft7HoorerBetter7Rer$M)0. .■............. .-,,;0|SC0 UNT-PRICE"»7 i o —

M ISC ELLA N EO U S— Varnish (l hourclear),-Reg. J9;30 gal.. . . . . . .-. . DISCOUNTPRICE 4 y- «4

Porch & Floor Enamel. Regr$9.55 gal............................DISCOUNT PRICE

Antique Kits. Reg. $3.95 gal.'............. ............... : . . DISCOUNTPRICE

Spray Paint. 13 oz. Reg. $1.59. . . . .,........... DISCOUNT-PRICE


C A R P E T ! ! _OVER 300 ROLLS (8 Truck Loads) IN STOCK

- H tftM P LES ; ^Wrooffl Ught Retries, . .JllSCOUHT PRICt *2 - Ha«UshU«E._$3, 0. . .. , ., DISCOUHT PRICE *2*® Porch light. Reg. $5.40.'t _ DlkOUHTiRICE *4 '®

(l Reg.15.05J JlSCOIlNLPRICt

100% Nylon


_ * yd,Compare $.7.45 yd.

100% Con|lnuoy» Filament Nylon

-»efirW:»S=y<tf D ISCOUHT P R IC E

W KCompare $6.95-yd.

, . _ ~ T W I H F A l I S ^ ^ J E R O M E — r T ^ R t E Y -— USO_________________________

H IG H tA N D ----- ---- — W EST -----A V ^ > . . : m a i n ,

s c h o o l fu n d s■ B O l S K i U i ’ l i G .iv t ’L 'd l n . • in m y v iew , the source of tjio cost o f ru n m n irm irs c h o o ls .

sonif, dislru’tS we ural l 'H iK liir ilr i ' ir u li iv tluit " ''~ i}Io ctiuHUif; H H lifu e lu ’OiU’i'rn as ijn y s^>t•h(Htl^ “ 5an p e r s li i ( r i* h l" tn

't im e is at lia iu l to 'm t rn a n iz c qttu-r. sinf-lo. i.ssiie ," A n tln w iiam liU H tra tiv i* costs w h ile in - u u r-p ro K i'iU -K ys tP iii ^ if-schoo l—

iw U N iH 4 4 iiu iU tIn u ;S ta to of t lic S ta id "

addro.sjj pre iia re tl ftir (le live ry to un -afti'riiiiiin jo int session Ui tlie h a ll .of the lionsL\ Anttnis sa id thal eavli y e a r it beconics a p p a i'en l' llii-re is an acute s rh iiiil ■|irnhli-ni -

education. —uVki' tnii^'h of ni’e lnTnl^n’ frrtm' the property tax..

•Hill more tluy> lluit,” Andrus said, '•educators must come to tlie reah/ation that we will not

' cdntiiuially fund an oulKhitedd esp itt" iiK T i" appni[)ria liu (i.s

^ id in in is tra t iv e s tru c tu re w liic ti "permit-s w itle d i.screpiuu 'ies in

■Oiie_i:ounly l ia s throe school d is t r ic t i r i l 'r e e sup erin tenden ts a tu l th ree acco im tin i’ system s. Such" is the m a rk o f 'a cash h e a v y school s ystem .

i t i lila ho , I am sati« fied_tiijil w i» w i l l n e v e r l)a v e (h a t


on welfare

lu x u r y , ' ' he s a id . " I n t lie a b s e n c e o f su ch d e llM h tfu l c ircu m s ta tu es,. the .tim e is a t hand to reorj^ani/.e our |)resent fi>"SlDiU " r t f "S c h o o l ’ ad rn trl-is tra iio tis ,

•'Too o ften in c reased funds find th em selves pa y in fi f ‘>r new a d n u n is t ra t iv c teclin ic]ues and pt;rsunnet. w ith tlie resu lt beitiji tdo few d o lla rs find ing the|f w a y

~ m t r>'7nas^o'ffriTiWuill~[irffiTr'cir>\fr

Ac‘e( |lts-office-kaxs

cheaters set

fo r our clTlldren..H e sa id if s tate ^;overnm ent is

tfJ o m b a rk on n -pcrintl ttf- r i'o r );a n i7 atio n theti so, too, can education

IlI./ .A H A I. l . , ne^»l^ e lected Je n u n K ( mnity sh e r ilf . aecep l^ kc-j s tn the s li iT lf f ’s a f l ic c friii'u re t ir ia g S h e r if f Ja tu e s i I ’a lT Itut-ns litll(i\Uiinsvu ‘!ir lii| ;-io e e r n iKiiileS tlils__m n rn lim at llir.le rit jn e ( 'i i iu ity (.'«iiirUl.<iuse.

c jc lcd 111 till' cinnmissiiiti III tlif No\ t 'D ib rr I'icc tiiu is •

F u r C liiiii. ev the Ic n i i U i lf be b is lh in l \\r Wits first . ' l . 'd . 'd 1.1 a Iw ('-V f;ir 'lr i- in ill I'.Hitl, .itid w iin fd iir w . i i s in iif fic i' (lo in

^ * B 0 1 S K I U l ’ h - 'A c rack d o w n on w e lfa re ch ea te rs and a plan to put able-.hfidled recipu-'nLs to w iirk fu r .th e ir w u lfa re ch e c k s , w ere announced today b>’ fluv (V e i l D . Andrus.

A ndrus told the llind Idalu. U '^ 'ls la tu re . in an ad d ress pre- [)a red fAr d e llv e r j’ tn an after- nyon sj^sion, U» ' D ep a rtm e n t of Jiic iT il and’ lU - iiin iin ia tlon S e r ­v ic e s ' ( S H S i h a s c o l le c te d n e a r ly $50,ODD in rep aym en ts fru n i w eltiii'c cheaU-rs.

eases the h u rd i't i- o f- lh e .tajc* paye rs w lio lia\ ’e been iin ju s lly tabl’ d fo r an n th e r’s r rsp o ns ib ili* t> , " he ->.;}id

A ndrus said that in keep iiii: w illi hi.s |)h|lo.s<if>h.v that those who* can sho u lil Wurk fu r their w e l f a r i ' c h i'c k ^ , S d i i ir fa r- re ach u it’ cli.'inues a re at liatid m tilt' i id m in is t r a t io n ol t lie w e lfa re pm u rn m ' '

111- sa id th a l lie^ innui^ t h is ' m i'hth- t»(|» -wtdfar** •r»*(‘tpl**nU- \m11 be ca lle il upiiri to e a rn th e ir a ss is tance ch o ck s l)\ se rvm j; as -pTihhc- s c i-.virrTTlftP.=TTrir S K S 'iih d

[>erhihli-nt • 'b een taken

co lle c t welfiirt- p a ym en ts and fa the rs ri'D Jse l iu > a y _ d ii i iL .

'support ' Andrus sa id .■'■piese actions a re se rv in j’ tu

im p re s s . de lin iiiien t fa th e rs of U ie r r " legal responsiD ilTtV Vo th e ir ch ild ren and th e ir s ta te ,” he sa id , ••Kurtlier, lie sa id , Ihi.i sk irm ish has s tru ck fe a r intu those who would faki- e lin ib il i ly .

"A n i l , o v e ra ll, the p rog ram

iillie r .stale ag t'a 1— -Xiut— ii-

TT m a il


fair.^ 'n v ]N .- i- 'A L L s _ .- ^ A i i. , .d a e tb'IV in K a l is m an is lij<ted in fnu' c o n d it j i in at M a g ic \ 'a ! le y M einn ria l~ no .sp rta l iu 'i la y TirreT I.K.Miu; s tru ck by a I,ar Su nd ay

- A«’cu idm ft-ttj- jm hrrrT rpn rt?^ : {^ larll(• II!), 'lu in F a lls .

J e r o m e C o u n ty s h e r i f f t a k e ^ ^ a t h o f o f f i c e

term is his secm id He w ;is. ; lc rt f ( 1 to Uui1 yea rs in o ffice inUlVU, ;tnd lij . lit a U d iliu n a i fourve .irs on till:• com m ission inN li ibei '..Th e co m n ils s io n e rs chose

Clm nc e\ as ■I'lia irn ia n for' iheco im n 1; y ea r iiiid U-onard v.iei‘

eni ineri*ase o v it a A thr«'

I'l thal hgui'e would - bru ii; Ih r M um iy 's budget t o ' s lig h lK iiv i'i JCi m illton »

‘ T ill' I'n iiiriiisM dnei's liav tr also

b a lao i I' lilt' budget w ithou i. any in cri'.ts i' in llu- n u ll le vy for the cu rr i;n l> L ;ir , a lth in igh they also -ngre'r th a l an ad tlitionnl m ill

. I f lH O M K F l/ a H a ll, 4«. w a s [o j'm a ll> s w o rn in as Je r u in r C u iiiils s h e r ilf tuda\ b,\JeriiiM * ' (\iunt.v -('^Hiimi-ssmner C’la iide H t 'in a rd .

In a brii-f ce r('iin )n\ this i iio n u n g . B e rn a rd ad in iiih^ tered— •J” and h as -hv*Ml- in • M ag ic

•SK inib pnst m yrnr5.-rr.miw-h ' l in i i , ’ ,< li,'nfl..larra '.- ,H i f a l i I»t >; fr.iiii W Vhl r i i , [ [ ih . M o W

-H n rn ^ rr r r t i r n n r n t — - ■

H a l l w :is «tn«- ,of n ine candidal< -s in Ih e A u g ust Iirm iar.v and uni' u f six in t)i«' N o v i'm t)e r e b 'c liu n whu sm igbi In b .'-sli.T lff . ,

He Is a veU-ran uf U 'u iid W ar

the Hiihl I ’uluc dcparliiient and four \ r ; ir s Iv itb tlir iliT itm e ix ilii f d rp a r lin c ii l

M a ll h a s altt-iule il F B I siMuiSdi cd m I i i iu Is in hlahii

B u rn s IS i f i i r in g after li'l -v^■al^ a> s lie rif l of Je n m ie ■(‘/ i i im r - i lc snid nr^tnfT.hiK w ifp "p la n to I r a v i ' I tririiiii;l'i ITTe'

c i. ia in n a n T li i ' • vo le w as •uiianunous. ,

L 'hax icey s w o re ., in o lh u r_ . c le r l i 'd co u n ty o f f ic ia l s , itH liidmi', Sh e r iff i ’aul Corder, A s s i's s o t ' " Hon T a \ lo i i IV n s fiu tA ir H nbetJ '(l-rrlh-y and C.iroTii'i- i;du ;ird> .Allbill (la lh-y \scre e lected tu four •

lev■v m ay be needl'd ^0 fin'ancetht ' ileve ld iiii lent of san ita ryla iu H ills in llii ' county , a T ed era lrtii lo irem e lll

( • Iheruise , llie\ sa id , theinc reased■ssed va lua tio n inIh. ' e o u n ly-a n d the liicreast^da.s:'e s s m e n i r a t io sho uid1" ' idilce su lfi c ie iil n jven u e tofin ancc ihe.i'oun ly'.s i ipe ratio iis

and i c l a l u i ' a lM . pU iu .

cap ab le \M 'lfarc 11-( ip ii-nl c u j.tu m c d . lo w o rk so th a l ,evi-ntuall\ these pi-ople m il ii])p re c ia tt ' an huncsl da> s pay for an honest d ii\ 's w o rk ." A ndrus said

“ In doing w», w c ca r iU 's lU look to a<'lneving the si-lf* s iiffi('H 'iu '\ Ml u luM V f lu ^M 'llarc ru c ip ie iils III* \ c a i^ , " lu' .said

■nnr\“ T- Fh iin -


I'k l)\ a car- dr “ TTa\naiT?r“ ir

en l)> T w in

“ Hiirii.s said |ie dt> .>;iaito-hunllnM

a iu rii-shua; .iriil gartlciiing■’r i iV iV l ' ih iu ; sh i';r lfr frn m -n r“illl IlllA s (us assiirliitiu ll W llll

- y p n r T P r m s ' T h r prrtse ' le r m ruiTs~lui' im r r l\Vu^.

lu r the I'm iim g year

• A lihuugh the cu im n lss ion ers-'U!ii i'‘rTva v r 1 Ki-«Tirra-\vrjiirfor“ sovcrn 1“

inTTn'bu^dgel,thoy held a

■MllTt.-ll td . five' |mm d fp i i i in ic i i l J ie a d s laM w eek.

t l y , the rep urts show .. <';ist'\ i^iis W iiiiin g foi a r id f in th f 101) b lo ck on c (,ln S i r e d

■ ^lU tUtuppud- itfr.nm Tm r-hJhe- in is lun k the H a u k in s ve liK 'le for th f one- he w a s aw ititir ig '

l la u k ln ^ a|iphud Ills bruke.s b ill wa.s unab le to avo id s in k in g Ih e e ld i 'r ly m an H a w k in s look l.'asL-y to the H o s [)ila l afu-r the (H-t’idenl

I ) e t a i l s on th e i- .\ lriil ttf " ( a 's i 'y . 's n n r iVl es u m e n o t~ a v a ila b le from M a g ic V n llc y M w m o r U l^ ---

' s r \ \ A l. I .K '\ ’ ' T « o gi-iH ra l 'd ilig a t lo ii In iiid issin-s In ta liiig S'llKMlOO \\ill ^o before Sun \ alle> \ uters T u e sd ay .

riu- Mite is s<'lu-dtih (i (or iiomi to K p.m. ill the

A n d r u s u rg e sF t i t i w t t i k c i i

M oiT i / ( o m in u ii ily llteTiiltal L ib r a r y .rill' f irs t I| ile s ti0 ii on the ba llo t w ill l y fur the

is 'iiian i e «d $:ir)f).nf!n in hnnrt'r io cnns-truri :i- pub lli bu ild ing th a l u iiu ld holism the c ity 's p o l i i i ' a n d l i r e d e | ja r l in e i i ls a iu l th V ir

■ ecju ipm eiiiT he s e ii j i i i l nuestiiiii is io r the issua nce iif

lo h ea r tlie c iis l iif iie\t (ire fighU ug - m u lu i i i r l i l n iid r i 'la lc i l iiiiiiiira lll> . IJ ic llu lliil i

e ituU a iu l he lm e ts for Uje vu lu u lee r firem en .’ a ir b rea lliin g packs, ladd^-s him ! hobcs. -i_

A e e iird in g ’ lu o ily c liT k Huhi rt A e k erm au , a t\»iHiliir<ls rnaj<irit> <d ^llnisi' vtiting w ill he


p erso ju k 'l a l the, c in in lj cou r I house and the m an y juTsnns he li.u l Uii' ]i|i';isurt' III sl'|•vul^^

In . la i iU i i iN . B u rn s^LTM 'd w ith Itie A n ii\ M r l''o rcefur Iw d \i-ar.s and s[)ent e igbl i i i i i i i t l is w i i l i • ih f W ttr i >epm-tuu‘n ta t C o w ca F ie ld . He , w i i i i i ia i 'n e il tu S y b i J J l i i rn e l l in ll.U W n I'ilkd , N ev

Bu rn s w o ik e il w illi ihe Ida lm .Sliii.' I 'd h c e (ill twd \ears, (n n n l!MV to llil'.i in Iti'.xburg. .‘Since iJi.i l t i i i ic he has s iTved as

“ s lu 'i ' i lL l lU '- 'n J in

Lrea miss

ll ln in fCnm ns

U lm orc G o o d l n i i

J<>roni<> IJ n ro ln

M in idokn T u il i I'nllN

M a g icV a lle y■Wond<iy. J a

a g e n c y m e rg e T W fN - F

B O IS K iT l l ’ l I - In afi e (fu rt ;im l rusu lts in losl lim e and nun- lu end w h a l he c a lle il "bu reau- s e rv ice to ou r’ taxi')o> er.s c r a l i c b i ic k - [ )a s s in g ." ( lu v Be fo re we fund Jda lm 's,C ec il I ) Andrus asked the • i2 n iU ^ o v e rn n ie n ta l A lb atro ss i's . we

• - Jd nh n- lppT5 l7itttrr- ttn ln-> — 1-*»— m uM l- tnn i Ibt*- hif^ldy^-^aid a d . rne ri(e- the D e p a r lin e if t . '; o( m in istr;dor.s in Bo ise and [iiit H ea lth and W e lfa re the talent \\ln're the people■ ••! propose thnt w p 's tfjp ap-*‘ a r e , " Andru.'; snirt., p ro p h a tln g m illio n s -nf d o lliirs W h ile h r reco in in end o d crea- lo -an 'a iiti(|ua!ed .sn i'la rd e liv r ry — tIon“ of 12-m cm hcr 'b i-p n rtisnn system im pregnati;il w ith disnr- . le g is la t ive co im iiit le e to < arry g an i/ iitu in .d u p h ca tu in a m i een- out ih e p e o [ile - m a n d a le d

hom e 'of l li- rc e S ir .


uninjuredIT ir t ls S in ilh .‘e l. S i in d a v .■e in v i's i ig a lin g the Three arrested

TVVIN I 'A I . I . S — T lir .u . T iiitii.s u c i t a r r i'iilu d la ic .

.L iv i iud r i v i i

• idii w .t i i . a r i'j^ i. 'j ' i !"i


.^ ilu rdav n ii;h l on rh a rt ie s of in fhH ’nc,' of alcohol p o sse :;S io ii ‘o f ;i ( ^ m ln d Jd < 'bicf j.f D e l e c l i l 'e s T

^suhstaiu "\cc(irdin|’ to police re[K)rts.

(iary Dt‘an l.yda. II<. and Shawn

(Quails s;itd the th re e - W e t a rrc s le t l- on th e [m ^flf^ s io ■hart:e.s , d u r in g the

trahzed b u rea u c ra cy A ndrus sau l.

■•.We cannot ju s t ify these pro'- gram.s unl«-ss the [ieo[ile in a ll p a rts of ld ii)io h ave access lo

• the s e rv ic e s ," he sa id 111 "an address p repared for deliver.\ lo a jo in t s e ss io n . • 'Th is

.... ...burdenHyiU!,’ . s y s te m m ust Ik -d ecen tra li/ed and reg ion a lize il

" W e nuist Jeg is la te an end to -buroaucra tic bui;k-passing a g am e which seeks tn p la ce the

g overnm ent re iirgafuzatK m he pro[)osed m erg er of Ihe iwo larg.e d epa r lm en ts th is y ea r

• " I fu r ll ie r pr(ij)ose tha l the ru'cessar> steps lie taken tii con- so lid a le se rv ice s for ile liiu iu en l ch ild re ti und er one s ta le p ro ­g r a m . " he sa id

l ie c a lled for t ra iis fe r of ad- in ip is t ra liv e respo ns lh lU iy for the Yo u th T ra in in g I ’e n le r at St A iithony lo the newl\___culi- s o l id a le d agen<'\ f ro m the

I ’au’l l .iv in g s lo n , ut. and an u iv e s lic a t io n into l.ivn u js to n ': u n n a m e d ju v e n i le w e r e a r re s t on the d ru nk d n v m i’ii r r e s t e d on Ih e p o s s e ss io n ih a [u ;'' ^ch a i'iii's a f te r a c jir d r u ’en by A ll llu 'ee w ere re le iised on l.iw im ;ston w a s ' s lu p iird and l»ind.

T espnnsih th ty s o m c w h ii‘e - t t lb u ^ lioard-ul.J

TF Moose Lodge burns mortgage

|-'A I,US A long T he Idaho S ta te In iliv id u iil

class of 21 new nie/nbers as [>arl S;i11in ia r nl^hl • liy *Twin ’"I tne evening's activTTies. i\ow

---- Fajls Iviyal-Ordei' of^tlM-rsare C’.eorgi; I;',, Gnllv‘y.*■ Paul Welch, piist g<iyernor of , HiMy /^ t)lirh , Allrn J':[firc*d[j<-

Uic'lodge. was chnirmnn of the , • event and .Mrs. Cieorge l^uig.

■ past senior regent of the Wornef*'Of the Moosi!. was coK'hairmnn.

The first' Moose l .ndgo■' nieeiings in Twin Kalis wore __________ _________ .

n i l^ a r i ! i t n j ; l l l Ffllflw.'! limi.J "vuvutr.:.ii, iJicK-hiirtnionji■ tlieni al the "Tcnplcr - CJhiidk (Inllon; G . MclcaH,

^ Conslruetlon on Iheir own Clregory W Tsl o, Bob McUill

H a i r y Johnson, "_i\Uiyni CaniplK‘11. Michael .I Kicer. Dean .lensen, Uobert '(?, Maxfield, (Irarles Ueeve.s. Clift Wormsbnkor, Mikf' .Holiiios,' Tom i)el.iirin, (inry l^nhrnrlxe

'•’huililiniT^S'stnrlcd- In- l&SDr-—— r ii ih U'ViTsiMiuiiiri as bulWliie "N ile Knslnn, Idaho State-

~ dinUniiio. Ttic.llrst mcetlnB-ln- M«<«« :A».soL'lati(iii -pr.t'siilcnl, Uie new hull WIIS ligW ISc: .ID, ' Sieve Koiiknl, vice

---1 ‘ Vnlleywm in alltndnnM.

"Tlmniih'l ariil ’W iT HUvm IIUI ','iil«wil-f»i'ni»- >Kfiii>n»tnlniililiiiii|ijl..A- : nf- n l

..■Mra.PflulMcCHHum w n a g e ^

B r u i . r . v ; , . ' C a ro l Jo .v M < l.a ‘m \ ur. R u |)e rl, wa.s if le . is e d fu lliiw in j; trea lm enl a l M in u lu k a M em o ria l ' M<is[iltnl .S.1I 111 d.iy afli-rnonn afler a two-r n r ro ilrrm n-n rnr-here —........

A e ro rd m it It* Idtd io S la l e I 'it lire i )ffu 'e r f ie U in .liini’S. the ai c iile iU u ccu n ed at 1 -lit p .111. on Ihe H e y b iir i in r id t jt ' over the S ii,.k .' B i w ’i oii i: . S.'ilO.

M iss M c U in e , driving a c a r . i'd|li<li‘d ' frd in beliim l w ith a

, j) ii k u p d r iv e n .liy B ic h a r d W ik n x . 211. H urley . W i lc u x ’a \M (e, 'M . u a A n n . w a s 'a pa ss i‘iu ;i'i iti tile [iickiiji. ’ She w as not liiir i "

W ilco x had .sloweil down Hs lie [ta s sed h ig h w a y d e | ia r tm e n l u n rk m c ii re|»airin»; a .section u( th e ' ■ bn<l«CT—

•Ilided w ith Ihe pickup w hen ' W iico x slopped to allow t ra ff ic I I I t ill' opposing lane lo p ass Nu I'lta lm n s \\ere issued Salurda>'. — .Miixs .M cjflitie sustained piiLsan d bruise.':




top Idaho

road needsB U i S H ' . U i ' l j • N o j'th-Sou lh , new .a ln ^ h m e n t," h e s a u l.

h ig h w ays are Id aho 's 'H ig lii-< it-wavhasbeen obtiiinedpre^>slng li'ansp o rla litm needs, fu r th e u l l im a le . fo iir- la n e ,(lo\' C ec il I ) . Andru.s told the d iv id e d ilesign•I2nd lilahti leg i.s laiure to d a v . He sa id the m-M p ro ject in the

•D isbelievers need (»nly lo B ig b y a rea w ill ex tend (rumtra ve l between Idaho F a lls and Bigb.\ to Thorn ton and has beenW est Volliiw .stonu or bu tw ccn apiiLttvwl-lut^u»;-u*ar-T-ll*<U

- iin is e ’ and Cueur d 'A le n e lo be a f r e e w a y ’ through H ig by is c o n v in i't 't i," be said in rem ark.s pl.m ned tor l!iV4. I 'ro jeC ts nea r p re p a red for de livers lo a jo int Be.\b iirg and ST"".'tTTttion> a re in

'TOfiStnn in the house ------------ va rio us stages u L ijiL cco iistruc-In-a-p roH fu sJi- riJp o ri-on - Ih e . lion iley>/lopmcnl, he ^ a ld ---

■ s la te ’s ' lw ( i i)ia jo r''norUr-K nuth "H ig h w a y coii.slruclion .hus . rou tes, Andrus nuled tha l on*'Ix-en a p rm r ily th iring the past U .S . lb grm ling isM-omplulo *m lU u vear;. and it w ilU o m n u c as

■■MTiilel)iHi 'g li i l i " a i id -biils“ s i7 ^ Iirn ^ | i iii ----w ill b e 'op en ed for paving the a d n u n is lra l io n . " A h d p is said, en tire new .section I'o n s tr iic llo nn ii\u s in iirog ress for the W'hile- •

■li.rd 1: 1.,i J U L "■■■'•'15'' »■ '" ■ '

W im r h ird . . . ■ - . I ' «nul.'s I.NU '.■ vw it^ M ill M-.ivi' m ;m u lu , ri.c.cM'S w W l,.

l l ie n re 'U 'iit • the i row ,I si.iiid.s aside......... r*-“

,IeiSchool Board \m 11 latld its rtigular -imjciuig al--4i-. p.m. Monday iiighl in the sinii rln- tendonl's office.

The’ jgentla for .Ihe meeting calls for the reliirilHi of ad- ndnistrnlion jierhtmnel for llie

M itch back route wliic'h is one ol -4 Im auuU-U:oubliyuii

uir Idaho’s infamous '(ioar^ Trail'll' the jiovernor said.

In addition, he .said, a new foutl-’ is, being* ^leslgrusl _ up U'wi.ston Hill, several projj'cti in the CiittonwiMKl area aiid.on Mesa Hill in'Adiuiis County al e

sr.hools, int-liidiiiii fi')"n' Daw. • pi;inned*iar construction this +nt‘HKM»Uii:y-.prlueipal:. l,HVere' “ year- mid a . i ) f u j t ’IH nT TTT (.looi'h, • juiUiir hlgli school pimnrner iK-pUmnud'/ur jirim-lpal, and .Jerry DIuhl, hij^h .• Me said-other significant Ttiy 3c?hqpl~ pnnciptii . piuar^tlr-:pravch:t»nU4indcf=witynln.liii!i:: TnlnlBimilon Iralncea. Lavlir Da include projects nc:tr Sand- Hullars. elementary: .lorcy [xiinl, Bonner.^ Ferry. Coeuc tlt,meffrjunloi‘ hlnhVaniMlu‘-vi<‘M lU IiM itHm d^— ijvuusteciUdu*ptliicliiiilaMlieJiluliadiQol. IMIl Im..- ni'nLMi!L«!!)^- I ' iftpWabn . v ..... .............. ^ jilT m a t i i c-

( ! l ( ‘ a n




— rVf-TiRrcTt»»w i7^lrrPB lifrM «h»— Mo«(

Mlnlco cpnllnucs In lla SIC confronlnllon courac o'nd

_rnnHt>fnrd trfftfi to hntUc bflck In

1/1 n triple Uifcnt, The defending Murtaugh nnd, Onkloy na lenguc scoring champion; In- cxpccted pro-flcnson. The.WnnHw In _pcnftfthly_»rB__ Pcclo. nnjJpwindjdpv^Jcnni

midweek ^flmcf»"ln“ Mnglc qulclrtBrmonlriUiolca«uc.Th!fl lanocnsyopponentalneeCqnch,Vrtii,»y . ■ - . venr he hfli Qddcd_aaaliit Pnlft Sw4>n*a ohnrBoa hnve — I

' -Hic sclMsduIc aUirta with five .passing, to hU repcrtolro and beaten o coupio pretty, goodTucsd{iy nlght'^ncountera and hoa doubled hla value. In fact, tcnma and took Shoahone, nthe Mnglc Valley Conference he’s mode double-figure common opponent, Into

^II_pravljcs-tlirooor-thcrai-QilkIey.^ayj5tiiflc:__ » niit of. a t . . Hngerman, Declo .nt Cnatleford and Raft, River at JIanscn. In non league play, the Burley Bobcats will be nt Buhl

~icfintn? r ir' vyliilg, K fintflfTly ' ti nvelft- Murtaugh. Hjo Spflrtana will enlcrtuin

,• meeting of Wcdn^ay night. ‘ * TTie Hlgliland-Mlnlcp game Is

another matchup of SIC co- —lenderar* not aurprlsing-Blnco

^ivc of the 12 tcnma cu*Tcntly are tied with one losa each.

Minico will be n Jlttle taller thun the Rams'bgt the Roms have Byron In-'Hic-Wooda who

Eagles return after layoff

Bircfes ttrfrpl^

sophomore Scott Gould and senior Kevin 'Clirlsltrisch with his penetration and klck>dff paaaes. Also, Iri-The-Woods uses

-w»' ------------- -

Lakers 99-<»2-^MILWAUKEEi Wis. (UPI) r* W Uiem In Uie finalTlio Milwaukee Buckfl, .forcing ’period. •. - . .tl)C' Los Angoles Ijikcra into The game was close for tliree crucial fourUi period tprnovcfs, periods With... tcnmS- .riCYCL... hnmIcd‘ {r"tJikcr9Tir:W*Wn-5cpnmtetl^by-mor^thnn-five:r- dcfcnl'Sunday In a NallpnnI polrita7 Bui w l^ Milwaukto; BnskBtbnll-Associatlon rfamer—• leading fliWiyiMf^uckflrscored— ■ ' The Bucks held a slim 71-<*9 six stralgljr points nnd Los lend going into ,Utc final Angeles was unable to come quarter, but Uie Milwaukee babk. .

ifense-:forced-the-lJikers-}o-^—— t":----- - * ' ------ 1—Uirow the boll away several Bob Dandridge had 21 points.times to take Uioir 3rd loss In a row;

to aid the Milwaukee attack and Luclu.<} Allen added 22.

Cdllcge of Southern Idalio Golden Engles, ranked fourth In the nation nnd coming off a three-week layoff, rpturn to the wars for three garhes this week including Uielr first “ miist” battle of the year.

Coach Jerry Hale's Eagles will entertain Treasure Valley

harassing Illgliland defense.

heavily to C^aig Hepworth — iIq, will l)c at Hagerman which Isn't surpriae either — and witli the Uie power of last year but still is lanky senior having about a aliowlhgi Improvement. But the four«lnch-advantogo,-Highland- grates, won-’t^find-thc-height ■

"^ Ifhave Its work cut out for It.^ 'tJi^ need so badly.•Castleford dropped Its Burley, which has loat severnl

opening twogames in the Magic close games and Is in the Valley Conference nnd now has process of rebuilding its team a Jong way back If it will battle after the - injury to Bob

---Randklov, will have ablghelglit^go on UieyotingHuhnndrgpg;

T5uhl has won only once In nine outings and so far the Indiana can find. the reason in one quarter. T lio yV e^ ^ n , having_ one n game that has ruined, them — like f^ ._ to jix jwlnts.

Kimberly, which is filling tHls year’s bill as the “ close, but no kewple doll,” role, will be ul. Murtaugh and -It should be n good g’ume. Kim berly has played cldbo4o Wood River and Sioshone, who so far show two loses between them. But the Bulldogs also hove lost some

■games — some of them not so close to teams with less

Knre’em Abdul-Jabbar was Jerfy West and Jim McMillan Uie chief architect of the sljared scoring honors for the Milwaukee victory he scored lijkers with 2fi points cach.

BlackJla\yks nip

Boston Bruins

opponents. CSI had a plus six in that category last year and wer\t on to Win regional and place fourth in tJie notion. '

Collbm bih

Chaiirinrrlaiii ^ r a b s r o l i o i i i i f l

OUTUEACHING M ILW AUKEE Ducks Kareem Jahbnr (.33) is Los Angeles Lakers Wilt Chamberinln U3) for a rebound du~rlng the nucks*I.j]kcrs game in JVlUwaiikce on Sunday. The Bucks defnJtcd the Lakers, (UPI Toiephdto).

win uiuui uiiii nuiiauit; vuiicj' _ ■ I _ * ---- --Z_^:amiTlunUy ,C o l lS E 'T u c 5 d Q Z - i; i l lU J J ^ . ^ „lniprcsslvc rccordn. ,

night and Uic University of Ul4ih MnrtnuBh s defense appears ----- (reah-WednMdayrboth-8t«rllng-tv v - i -------------- lo-be-comlnii-on-now^th

nt Bp.m.Salurday they travel to W i n ____-Ricks where a-bertli in tlio...... — .. - --------------- -^regional tournament will be up G A RM ISQ I - PARTENKIRC- Hnr ernh?i, . » E N , Germany (U P I

_CS1. which presented its fans Switzerland’s flvln«

• thing that Conch Dick Apnalfi ■ Bald prtr-Bcason Tvould- be-the weak' Unk'for a vvliiU*-- THq Devils have offensive

domihill firepower. Kiniberly’.s hopes ili-Tidc-an n heigl-

N o rth stages rally

',*'wltli a Christmas bonus of three akt pee Roland Collombin tookbig Vlclorles on itfe roaU into first plaw^^r the secondllhy ir P advantage:

•California and Utah, might a row Sunday at the Garmischthave a little trouble with that World Cup Downhill Ski Race,I layoff. Coach Hale has had the Collombin, 21, zoomed_dgwn_‘ Team b a ilo r only four practice Uie tou^ KandaFar~slope~Tn”Id n y s . . ■ •____ -l:TOD~minutes, beating his_

However, he feels the team own world record set only

J o i \A m e r ic a n bowl win

CHICAGO (U P I) - Two goals each by Dan Maloney and

.....three assists from Stan Mlkita gave the Chicago Black Hawks a &:4 victory over'the Boston Bruins Sunday In a National Hockey Uague interdlvisional cont(^.. -Johnny* Bucyk. _with two goals, and Bobby Orr, with three assists, led the Bruins' attack in the nationally tele* vised game.(

Both teams mode good use of power play chances, the Bruins scoring on three and the Balck Hawks on two. Maloney’s decisive goal, with less than one minute left In the second period, came while 6rr was'6ul on a hoojclng calU —Tr^»lling-at-the -start-of-UJc final |)criod, Boston came out chorginK through the Hawks'^defense, but (Chicago's' Tony E.spositn niannf»cd to turn back

everything thrown at him, even when the Bruins pulled their

Tlie Bruins, got on the scoreboard first with Ken Hodge's power play tip-ln on Orr's blast from Just Inside the blue line. Clicago tied W Mlkita's defleption of Maloney's sliot; from-the corner. Bucyk put the Bri^lns ahead again on another power play, lifting Phli Esposito's shot over brother Tony'.

Tlie Hawks tied It'once more with Maloney’s first goal— sharply angled shot first awarded to Dick Redmond but later ruled a tip-n by Maloney._

"TCorolirputlhe—Hawks^oul ’ in” ' front oncc more with a‘ high

.shot over. John Adams;-fihouU • der, Greg Sheppard tied the .score ah j'KoFoir and "Bucyk

'traded goals- until, Maloney’s decLijve shot.


TA M PA . F la , lU^M) - send the South out to a (>-3 lead .slarling quarterback Mike l/>ulsvllle's John Madeyu hit His first field guai an Wells of Illinois.tight end Jerry iJs t of Nebraska AmtTimn »nwi ____Picjmning.tQULhtfuwn cmnti

)f hi.s c a lW ^ W

prolecl NFiA lead

l'()l,l.i:CK I ’AliK, M(! .luhn Ilaviii'ok

' ’ willi a IGryurd touchdown pass jmd the longosi^of.,^ 'ith J»Ul .‘Uider Hve minutes to bfing Ihe Southjip into a-lio:-

• play Suntiijy'to give l ie North a Tlie .North liad gone ahead in.couio-frotii-behind victory Uie' .secorul period when .loiut

over the South in the American (loorger of Kansas State, ali<)\vl footl)all game. native of Tampa, kicked a 32-

yard- field goal • as tlie- gunP I I It was tlie only touchdown of sounded to end the first lialf.

tlie game, A crowd of M.mG (loorger kicked tfie extra

on the drive following Jett's second field goal and covereU75 yard.s In nine plays.

llie South failed to capitalize on a golden opportunity In the final period wli»n Dane Scriv­ener of Tulsa .raced 72-yards with a punt return before bein^ Uickle on the North H yard line.

i mi'ghfbe better for it since some Siiturday.■■ JR and R was neede^,after a Ita ly 's Marcello Varallo

* rugged pre-Qiristmas schedule. (1:40.53) and Swiss 01yuy)lc;One thing'helping about that champ Bernhard Russi•rest is the return of forward (1:47,13) took second and third'Steve Swanson to good health, places.

_ ■ youngster huB boon-plagued - -with today's victory, Collom- points find DlLVe CQWeris add‘«l watched the _two iaiit^ngvo._tKiinL-after tlie Maduyii.tQJiat---- f^„(.on.{'j,e-fjrBl pl«y-D«n-Ro>^r . Hnd'lllness since the sirver-medal.'wlnner at /ijrjTctii^hrHir^naaiimiuIjn^^ back and forth in.the defensive yuciidown. _ " .,,Eu lcy oLJuxas-tilmblcdlind.lhe

Jyear began., Ihe ’Sapporo Winter Olympic (v itu s prote(k-d Iheir ^ truggle, , ]s<mth defensive tackle Joiui ball was recovered by U r ry» While the Eagles will be riames. edued out Austria’j» ui-.nti,. ii.;ifi n nh Tlie ^uth had taken the lead Maiii.s2ak. who was in the North Allen of nilnnis on the eight

I ?Kunnlng for boni'’ mld-wt'eK David Zwlllln^ Tor first place ^jsy 11&-98 NSA victory ^ e r tiie first time with i):4G left"in backfield much of the giune, yard line. The South pushed, Uie key will be Saturday in the overall sUindlngs for the the Baltimoro Bullets Uie gmne when Gardner Jett of wa.s voted the game's ( North back lo Us own one-yard

— . ^«t-Ricks*.Undcr.lhC.CCfili)niil-Se{_..jieason... ' Tlu-Cellitii ruiiioU tu a ••<].ii__Auburn kicked his second field valuable player, while Uie most Une and then after’Uie ensuing-*iip. nnly nnn lnHt‘pi»ndi>nt hprthMs avallable.iRlcks and CSI (u-e jUie only indepef\dents. meaning

moment the best dowTihlll skier, . at4he— the Bullets -value-North tozim ri\va i- vent to—puntrthc SouUi was forced to

in the world and is really first ;Uie home-and-home series Is fate," said countryman Bern- •ractually a pre-rbglonal playoff, imrd .R u ^ l after the race, .aiould U e. teams split, as they hard to beat,’'

— stUd-laat-yettrr-the-tourney-siwt— ■ .i ■ ^■ Jw illgo tothe tcnm withthe best w 'Jr6cord against common- l r l C l l c l " l l c l

• Dolphins ^renieml)er

aiiTiounces new coach

liii tiL'rt 'o\'er the hall i:j tinu' ii\c -I'oweiis has lir of liis ■lutiitiil loliil in llu' sei'ond

(jti.fflrr its Hosliiti ffijoyed |i* lialfliiiii- bulge

“ . r Bi'liliiita'i' caini* v illiitrTn-Tn;III Uu' final minute Ilf the third (|iiai ti‘i, i)ii( llavlici-k'savtM Hi[Hunts for the last ih t IihI to snap 1X)S A N G ELES i U P ! T h e "It a liu lTFfw im uni’ Washington Redskins arrived, gamestiiak here Sunday for their final week experimenting." Allen said,

I'iu'yu'ti*iy nave Hyston-a :I2-of Super Bowl.preparations and .Tlie Hedsktns deliberately

Redskins arrive• V

at playoff:siTe”~was just an exhibit ion and both teams were

last yearMIAMI (U P I) - Tlie Miami

Dolphins left for Ixis Angeles • and Fifxl_ .^ e k's_Supcr-jlaui

BLOOMINGTON. Ind, (U P II — Indiana university Sunday named Lee Corso, 37, as head football coach. Cbrso, in four years 'rebuilt university of Ii)uisvllle football progronw to

v n-BiimlnyF=hbpiniMliiil..the. JtaUbnal slanfflrK-. _ experience of last year'.'! logs to TtTPrcildcnt John^W-Ryjn-Dallas will help them bent announced the decision after aWashlni ton this tlnje around telephone vote of thi; unlver-for a perfect 17 1 season nnd s^y's triistecs. Ryan said

----- thr-NPL title;— - — formal npprovnUflhc conlroct ___ —An enthusiastic ccmvd would l^-placeil.DiLlhe agenda j (1 I I *1

the liolnhlns na thev 'w Iward's next reaular i t n I

cord, one-lialf giuiii’ ahead (leorge Allen, former coacli ofi)( tiu’ Nt'V\ Vtiik UvikU'ks Uie U)s ;\jigeles ilanis, .said,iTaitiinoi e s i entral'’(ii\'»n ' I t ’.ryreario be backT^leaii ilropjii’d to oiie-arul-ime- 'Hie National Football Confer-half games (n rr idle .Atlanta ence champions then were

,Io .)() While liad 22 [xiints for busod to the Saddleback Ijin atHosti)i| anil Dim ('haru‘\ added Siinta Ana, Calif., wliere theyIH I'ilvin llayi'.s led tho Hiillel.s wilj be hejidquartered until

had 111 ^ Sunday agaln-st the M iam i'

settle on Jett's field goal, which. Ijiirely floate'd over the cr.oss'bar- ,'---------

Je ll missed on two field goals while Goertjer mlssed^on one.

-Jult-'i first-aaempt-wasibluckcd-. by Nebraska's Bill Janssen after a biid snap from center on Uie 34 yard line and the second fell far .short.

Goerger’s miss was on ir 27 yard attempt that sailed wide to Uie right. *•

'Hie victory was the fourth foravoidejl fanfare when they ernplane<l from Wa.shinglon — \llpn “hnd~,T]io~i5qnnd t)iisc{}r the North nRalnst only one loss directlj to it.s chartered plane Ihe series and handed Head without havini l<> go through t’oacH Bob Devaney, a final Dulles Airport, wliere a well- collegc.victory. He has retired wishing crowd might gather, as coach at Nebraska to devote Instead, ihe team rude from it.s full lime to the job of athletic

—direetor-.-and bjiarded the plane on the Tlie game also closed out the

■(fmn, -I‘I7? rnlh‘i«inLC-ioutbHll .sea.son.

----- Offensive tiickle Norm Ev«n.isaid he thought the team might

Vclorun __the Los Angeles International A"iCporl~pfaisIn]r Miami ' Coiich

- IXinJSliulu. .“ Don Shula hos' done a

Ircmcndnu.'; job;’"hc Saldr'IIe*.'; 'iiken a team Uiat v\a.'; a loser and taken* them through an luidefeated season t<i Uit^Super Ik)wl,"

---(DnttHUl^llchlntt_JinilL=iOt^orWK..-f4nKUJILniiini.s Ilf l)«. A small tiroup of fans was on N iX ;e s te rn .. ._ , sc.unU. half hnnrt-buUMn.1 liol-x-diaau. I

Corso produced a 9-1 l4IS30U»i up™ -,i ..lo'sf i;anii' ..nrimli' lo a

cheered the Dolphins as Uiey. krivcil at-Mloml.lntccnflUonal " ’ccungr oan. zu.

Airport to board'their charter Corso's appolntmont becomesnighf. New.imtihijack security effective Immediately.-He

• regilTan^ns k«pt file fans out of succeeds John Pont, whothe passenger concourse, .so resigned Dec. M after eightplayers were mobboil on Uieir years at lU to accept the head

TSnpfilns"Allen spent part of his the terminal,

impromptu n(.*ws conference a (____’ITii' same, arrangement will■ ‘ ‘ ■ ■ ■ prevail when the team return?

after- the—Su|k.‘r 4iowl next Sunday,

Contact the Timoi-Nows Farm Sa lo t Departrrvont for complete odvertliing coverago ot your farm solo, hand bills, newvpapor covorago (over 70,000 fo a d o ri- in“ f^agic“ VdIl©y)~advaneo bill=“ ihg. All ot one spocial low roto. Every ta le listed in this Farn^ C alendar for 10 days before tale .


A^varli(«fn«nl: January 1 I Au<tiontar«i Gaylord Philllpt, Orvil Start & Dill Eilti


Advatliiamtnl: January 1 1 Autlion«er»; Warf. EiUn. Moblay A Maiiartmilh


Advarlltamant: Jonuary IS _ - Mob!«y-A-Maii#nmilJ. - ’

past IN e lsr.N lOND.M .K. \ , v . . u p i .

ITif I'lah , .Stilts, sparked b.\ ■leian Zelino Hfaltv. reeleil

" In nie~pir !7Thp return of thr— Ftedskins has drawn th to Dulles creating monumental U-affic jamsoifthe-jjingle Ofcesii higliway leading into and oiit of the iflrport.

greet the * ftcdskins becaiLse

, ....... ........ T oi rN TT?:’—— ^wl-lofift-lo-tho-Gowboysr-Ho---In.,four venrfi nt IiQLilavlllQ»___ svnriMt

.said he wasn't quite prepared Corso’s teams compiled a 28-11., leading up to, record und..twice. won theUic game.

VTliepreparallon, Interviews. Ticket request. All the l\assle,

•_IC.s a mysterious thing ?o you' ' bccause you’ve' never been . .throuRhit before.** Rvana.aaid

M l^ u r l Valley UtlQ’ thC;first Ume'ln the school’s history'. In 1070 he' took Uie Cardinals to Uielr first bowl game, a 24-24 Ue with favored-Long Qcach State .at the Pasadena Bowl. -

— -You.'ifeifliwflyaimflciL-stablc- ” fnclnR~the^knawn“ thfln

Uie unknown,“ he said.

.Stars lU points. after the iiitei niissioii and finishedwiUi 22 for Uie American liaskelball A.s.sociiiUon's Western Diilslon leaders,

tlt;ih manage<l to'open u|) 'a 4ii*IK>int lead ut 72-5(1 early in

-tlic tlilril_qimfU:r.UuL

p lSsL•d by, _•'The"blg IhlngT m m irall^ ls’

to come back and win,*’ the Redikins', coach said. •‘The Super Bowl Is only good ife^^u win It."

(•ary Hrokaw sank a field goal nrlrt' DwlRht Clay inaife' three' free throws ln overtime'Sunday to give.. Notre Daiiiv a Cfi-(il victory over

The game, tied five times(..early m j i d ( M r m ‘lver-Roy^fferson” ^ ‘»"''"«--‘'OH4 l»tion .p lliy .. was J^‘ »'"^'^°^ddeilr< 'W irvr-pfoved we're 'nr ii-m -Tlnr

-tpvon Koing- lMiclPaflainil^Wa- ihinRtonr~whom wo‘vo*’.rjflvej* _played In Uie regular rfSason/. W l l l ^ y , ' ! * 0 5

• r-’ !— 7 • , , Huueu, ' we VC provuu we ru II ....... . ......... . ........•hfppiag-uway ami movr»l- foolbnlF tcnnrt^ui.wc— ‘>nhn Shumnto llppod ina

I ' r . . ■ - . i „ - offllip rlm wllli flve.iieciind3:til~, - »-hn paced the Slnr.T wltti n~' ■ .n „ „ ...i.': ' - ..........

---- Trell-kmnrwhnMt's nbontr". wide rccelvcr. Ilownril Iw lk i,

“ ^ c y s iiro o il. """ ~ ' '

'3^cdrute %Vll1i (^orLUse tor wall panels, table tops or

-any- f l€»4-5U r-f a ca^ceat^A r-i stic-ob-- 4e£±ajfitisbig::de$o^^

h^4ev r- ~QUF—•impgJno-tJ.op.__canconger up. .. , '

Available iri 9'^xT:P^BIocks ?'' or 41 2 ''K l6Llahe&t5 .J 2.3 -or l incb-fhich^

^ - - P l e n t y , o f

ro s A N (;r- i.K - .s . . :v r i ) - nodI'unsi'tli. uiioh.d only one

III mi the-.rnvo-nnm’n ra r-

Sundiiy u; ti.kt* Iho 1115,000' — Cl t ! u— ATi Rol es-

()})fn by iliri'i- hlruki's uiUi ii 7;* • •lioli* ,if iituio’r,

J'.’inlsrih, jy. uuri ihe lD(i5 - ,;HjODnix-(>pi.-ti lirul'sct rriu r^ "

rcciiriLs iinu’s dvlt tlit’ yojirs wiih brilliaril Ifl-hole riiuml.v 111 ih7'2 ila- Sim' •

|nu wiiii SlIi.DUi) m 35 L'venl.s. r-— -

Jli-' fU'l lu.s l}l ^ ;est. piirsL*,;ii till* Couiilrv

“ H n t r . i n i k . m '.i I’VL'tit u f i;i7;i "

Si\t) Sain Siifad,-

FiijiM'ltu cuiiiti imu Ihf fimtl ii'umr. ladi'ij a totalIlf -HI, fi\i' htruki's bai'k.

iMiiir pros lu'il for si'i '(K|<I at 370. fivj' uriiltT, ainl I'tu'li one


lif Jlii;. lil bti\ikc.s liai k of {•'iinsfth• ■I'liiiM-Jli: oik' of llic loiu’tblITnii'iVitn iJio limr7si'l a O'.llT'bc.Vi'conl iii rrT*lliL-. Ilinn LToiiby ■Tlriirih.iki' al Pi'iibli- Ri'a’ciniisr >t'ai hnl Ilit‘M f.ulril liadly in lii.s usual pattern.

I > 11 [••iiiist' lli's ruoiiialo ami I l\iM' tri«-ni'!:‘s;ihl. '•liuil Is a lot* hi'Kci' j;iilffi"tlian In- lliink.s In­is Hr Miini'(iiiu's lias a loldown mUi'I’ a iMMiil roiinil lii'i'' hi' dues not lliink po.sitivi-ly."

I' un.M’th posiUvi'lyrniiut;li "Siuulay tin -a sunny, Mimnii-V-likf day at tlus l iTv imitiMI .iiiil lull) Hivii I uui'M’ to ^11 iTut and par tlu'

TLL‘jLa i. '\ i:n l iu lc s .„ lk ' U iciJ uo l ■tiirrtimhTTrs nn MirriRhifrrintl ninth hok's for a Hit: He niirnnl lin|iii' ui. I'l. ia^ciiij putts l atlii-i' [li.iH uanililinn (in tiu’!iii J ' l^ ii:i Mis i.'arliL-i ruu iida

S c a l l i u , - T tHii ' W e is k o p fT(.'oiumliibi, d lud , D a v f l ld l. j iA iT ij r f t 'n , I'o lo ., a ll w ith fina l J'm iiul ii!N and A u s tra lia 's Dav id, n ra tK in rw itlfa 'T r , ■

\ k \ i . k la iis . ilii ' prt'- t " II 111 '■ i,i'. uriti- .if li 'i ' tils :u i urd ',.;^iu>timi'yi’a r m .■ 'i.d ii lo ri(i Iji 'IIi'i tlian .i -U in

ir i ' I,i>t I • ;nd. WhlL’ll ptlt -Ifim iiitin r in .--iMli [iliH f w ilb a

:>'Ud <>l '..<1 ! 1.1 d ia l lir ui>n

+fi':—th irf|“ rn iin r|- l ia - t in t ■ n ' I'jirlbT

ti\ l ia v H ir \ U 'i, ^^h(J

\i I I I ’.i ln if i \ ih ii a> u.'.ualli ticilli'i \ . iinp i (i\ I'd . ;l d \wlli a Idial

Xi.hin >llut .1 I'l,d>.n>;

l i . d i V

III ll»'Int.

V.tcr, i l l , n i l ’

pai ,1 Sunil.'i\ for a total > V;is abrj al.'^jf.

uitii \cmni; ■' 'hn Maliaf- Hoiuioii. Ti-.\.is, »1iij hail1 iiiiiid III (ill

i ‘ Stdi ktdii. u Ik j li-d a t thi- ."rt iii.u k. s lip jji 'd 'lo 7JI-71 i.i-it t\w> n m n d ^ a n il liad I 111 M j. 'im r ii\ iT pal' ill luhii^ l ln iU.S. w ho alsii ,1 run .it Ih i' tup. finislio'd ‘

AAonday, J.inunry p..'1973 . Tlm(J5;Novy5,2TWIn..nt(li, idnho I3_

p E ^ W h - e o H V m ^ r i t & r r — o n v i o l ^ o n s

n !y .’ i UI>Ii iiu' NCAA incl Uluy iMirad to. ,'ni'o voai’h of Ihe Unt\'t.‘r.s,ily of liiyi’ us until Marcli l lo answer Soulh\yestern Uuiisiiiiia basket- the L■llar ;L•.s bul they dccidcd to halt toain, layinj’ the blaim* on ninvf np thi* liuaciiw date aftor

T—a-U i'4 iUuahM 4kuU4 u ia-^ iu-u itiiu- lJii2- iid iuu l- took .u iu iiiiu icU o iLQ L-_.l-^ fil'on' i\v;i) yt^ryJjijju, aduiiltutl ii.s "wn., ****’ _ •••----

___ LiiUIulay-JiUu-seliaol—1ms. lurh Vaci'iisi'd of’ whal hi' ti'i incd "a . ri'AjIted- from wtial thu .fired hniu'li" of violiition.s-hy the iiradiinti- stud»‘nl told the

NCAA.” - . . -riven .thou|.:h pressed, Sliipley

Nalional {'(illei-iate Atliletic Aii.sociation . but, lie_, .sau), he..

• unuld hkr tn havp more tinu'in :‘refusccl tn naine the graduate whicli In ansuor the eharnes‘. 'j.tiident uivulvrd, ”■iieryl* Shipley,' who ha;> U'.jf ea.Merhir the NCAA t9

I'oaehed llie l,{aj’in' ( ’ajuns tu pirk nn .loluyjy' cptne’ lately' iiaMunal ' proniineiu'e the last sclmols like us wlueh are two years, said tlu- NCAA lias indfpVndent mtul 'not in con- "probahly spent $inn,O00*- forvncqs. It's all a-lul of p<jlitics

s'sniiu- of whah dale l)ack to

•liWii've ...'adiuiUcd. lu .Ijuiuk rtinc-nn-Tinmc-nh 1hp'-rhar

K e M l u c k y W i 1 c l c a I s

a r e i n I a s i p l a c e

P f e n l i c e

\ A H , \

t o u r n e yM IA ,M I ( U l ' I i ; W m i

Preiitiee shut an oven-[)ar 72 iiiind jiy .- lo—Ujkor-a-oiie*;itroke--- vii-ttirj- and iii ttie $/tll,(H)0 iiurdifie’s Id’OA f’(ilfi(jurnamLMit ' ^

Miss Prentfce-had a S-l-hnle IntaLdf 'J12 over the )i.(l!i:i-yard "Hed 'I'l^ier" fuiu'se al tlie DiH'al Country (.’Uib with roiind.s

-.™.7iv72:' ' V - j j.Secimd place went to Ikdh

Ilea,'! Shiplrv saut. ’•imt as to ”~lhe [)ul)hslied U'port that uc-

had people takini; exams for the players Ihal's strictly it- roni'ous. There's nothing to that

—»itot-y-<>Hdl.-- ------- -------

pened i( our si/huol was jin old • established institution.”- ihipluy iaid-he hud-no_planii_. lr» ntlcnrt th r’srhtriiJlcd^Nt‘AA~-

and alsu aisled tlial he didn't kno\\ ii( any school represen­tative- who would lie at the ineelini;


T l i f K i- n lU l'k y W iU le a ls pe t iMi n I a I s n u l h e a s t e r n <onf)Tence I'li^je fa vo r ite s , a re ,

•SlOC ha!,kfH>al!-»‘iM-e,' l l ia t s ta le of a f fa ir s , and

sui'vd) an em barra^sln^ ' une for-,.. 'H u pp ’s' successor .loc H a ll, ea in e about S a tu rd a y nijiht sshen t lu ;-U k M isa R e b e ls U-at the W ild e a ts . fo r the firs l lim e sincu '

'nu‘ Rebels for ed into a Kl- lead rtiim )tire ly’

-two-nnnmes left to play.-tncn staved off a late Kentucky surj’e til s t a r t ^ t h e Wi|dp-<ls 5i.4

Shades of And tlie Tennessce'Vnls. onfy 3-1 overall, iimde theirL S I- r . :letiut a .winning one. Ijeatuui”

71 in the final routnl fop a '2Jil twlal.

I ’am iliKt^uis. wlio led the first ruuiid with a ('(<iirse renuil lilt and started the final rimnd tied fill’ first \Tith ~Miss ■Ep^tlm;.4-w^uitlr.imjnii,LL par Snii(la\ at 71 for a 21-1 lotal_,{iHit

S K K ,\ l IN ( i TO s n o t T , "W e sco re ” , a re . Id s '. i y [ i l K j nad D uke AM in iiidauu l21j abthey- ihrow up-tlifir-itrms—In—i;lrr-Hftri^-Asn iu iidsn ii shut Ihe puek past i> d e jeetecl__

“ T u^ iH iiji .Saints n iia lle Ja c k M e C a rta n (ilOi du r in g the svcm ul period of (he M iiiitehotit* VViiinipe^ t 'a i iie on Siinda>. 'l'h<‘ .lets i)o ii i f f I T e f lp h o lii |. .

.M ississippi Sta te . lUi-<i7.witfioul- |,.f| h.-V n,,,-,]ttie .'iervices of Injured 7-footer

Snnw- nnd Mtkc- Hdwnrris .scnrcrt' 211 and 2ti jioints respectively.

One other SMC name Saturday saw- l’‘l(jrida beat Aulnirn.

' fn indepentienl play, ranked SouLli Carolina beat Fairfie ld . liO-SB; Tankcd-y inrtiRrsnirn TSnrrbeat; CumiccUcut, Jatkhooville.1 10-21 beat Sdulhwest liiuisiana. 12l)-7tl' 'I’ol.-inn i.|--li

K a t lu W h itw iir th wan fourth ^ H mvrd bv* MttfV

'a i ! i n r ' ..............................

i s s i l l i i i i j ; o n L a k e r b e n c h

-HhtjTip’ anil'Ifir'HnntliwrsltTri I/iuisiana basketball trnm were here practicinj; for Monilay nl ;l1t ’s name acainst Cincin-

.nati,• Shipley,, aloni! inth his

assistartt 'roiii Co,\ were pul oji- two years i)iobalion by the l.ifevelte. Lii.,idiuul ui Novoip- lij-'r for wliat .Shiplejf .lernieil ' irrenular procodures.

"The s<'hool felt we weren’t exactly follow'int! Ihe NCAA t;uidelines concermnj* certiijn acadeiiiii' procedures. The schuiil i.'xplained tlio situation tn

J o l s e a s i l y

- t o p S a i i i l K

'S T r A U I i . M inn Dunk Hosseau and I'h r is Hordtdeau

. “ ■ t irC ttU tQ a Q a lS i- 'ad la iU ^ -W n h r:.■ “ ■"pnr.Tots ma';rprHmn5^»-\nrtTn^' ••• nvt*T^thr^MinnPsntn~l'*iRhtir

Sa in lf t in .i n a t io .ij ijlly le le- viseil WtirUT H ockey A ssociation nuine Su nd ay .

--------' i= h rw n n r iT 7 r m fW ir

‘and- I *^von‘t ‘liiin* l«*-t'«*-to-Clucana,” Shipley . said. Sliiptcy added that the sltiry of the NCAA investit;ation "lias .ifferted tx)ih our p)ay and our players." ■. ''

nij;hth-ranked Southwestern liiuisiana’suffered its first loss in .sevun f'aim's Kiilitrihiy^-when- it dro[)pL‘d a 12()-711 decision to .lacksonville

Karlier Sunday in Ixifeyette US . Disiricl J uiIko Uichard l^itnain sijinc<i a temporary in]ui«-lion ])ostponint’ a sche- dull'd .Ian, .1) hearing by the NCAA. Putnam ‘s order called (or -a Jau .tS ticarmn to dccide - wlk'iluir the NCAA «ave school offtnnlsT?hmiRh-timc to-prepnrr- llieir defense


.Ilia line C a rn e r .S lu d ly lla m lip 1 1 \m ; i 1 I ' s I 111 II • I). ■■ I. :|ilti-‘ tbi' 11 ’A : i . :i maiit'i- ,»t n»'.ind .l(i\ re K a / m ie rsk i lied at iii i i I'l 1'' .1. } ii.t\ III1 1 ’ 1; i ik i i ' :i 1; .,1. il',.. Il K'llli .1 i it.' t : .,1'. llli; lUl' .1 I ll’Ite l217 .U id \ . H an k iti, .Sandra lllsl iM't " I M ltlll ii .in Ihi . I..I !.i ,1 II I -u ili- liliil.' ;i,d n n i . i i k r d I ’rii-e. wholla> n ie and S iis ii' licrnin^^ « e re l» Ir li li'l Ib i ' In s .\n ii.d.'s 1 1 ■1 lll\ S f l l \ 1 1 . ,1 icn i'ij In .1' I llu lt l'V e .iltiujethi-c at ? in .'T lH Tt' w as a ' I-Tkor'? . s a y s " . re r r y ^Ves1. lie iH ll I •ve p la y e d e ru iiin li 'to ■ ■nt; ,ii I li\ 1 ll \iu;>-li-.sfi\e-vwi\ tie a l 21!). am o u n t Ii.l.;l.r'i,MII 1 iip'Ti- M ; \ l; k (l^^ 1 t an pla> 111 this 1 fi.i'l v i ld lii-tnl. Ihe .se.i.soliP a m H a r n e t t . . la n e B la lo c k , III 111' 'lI - ,11 1,1 .-ii.ii ,1 <1 . 1 1 lli. it 1 iillte il til pl.i>

, i ia i id L d _ l ’u i l ._ U u L i; i : la A lb u is III. -- H ” ■tr 't •ftt--lnTii;v,;itli-- r a n i!- . Ilia, l.v .'. ilt lu iu ^ h r.iiad noTand a m a te u r P a t f^ railley. ’1 fl ' J U ■_ l i J lV i •A ' w lit.- '\l V\ s li[i,il i'.:uliil v u ju U be ta lk ing IM lIl

l.'-'auii IL lui.s, b.ul 1.1 ;.p ila t ..I, Ui; I l b " ' I...S ih '-iii ■

lx.*ai Utah State, yi-ti(l; and (ieorgia Tech i 2-71 Ijeat Hawaii, K5-H2,

l l . o s t l■l >-h«<t-t 111 II

.s lio o liiif^ i in i l c hov e r a l l .off a l 0-1 in le a jjiie [)lay .' I I r ' lllh - ran ked V an de rb ilt

Com m odores, ID-I o v e ra ll, held • , l ’M (.)N [),\ l, I% N ' j ' 'U lMun to tfiu S K C Im d , a t J - l l . by ^ . M i.nil; iy n it,| , | \ ,s E C s d lc ju lu : D .uiOf-Collins . o f Illin o is , S U lubeating’ flt•or^^la in overtim e .■iilurdaVj^ IhiULkA l ‘l . iL 2fi- j)(jint p e rfo rm iin ce b\ ii-<i junnu' U-e F o w k 'r . ( le o r ijia led by el^'ht at h a lflu n e

/M abaina, 2-11 and-^ 'l, liold on

nutifunnetl l.^wi^lit Ln iia ^ j of <S«>ulhwt^r>tHrn-l>4»uisianH SunddV in a .shiKiliml between two of tbo n a tm n 'i lead inu cC illc iiia lc b a sk e lb a ll Sforei'-S. - — \

hi^;tihf’hted by Tennessee vu .ll iii.U lt:Jv Iii:»..Ulhcr-.Mon4a.y- n inht league nam es fuu l Auburn a t ( je u r t ’ i a . V a n d e r b i l t a t l '' lo r id a and K e n tu c k y at

________ M is.sissippi S ta le . ,\inonj^ t h e _ _ T a k n ii: shuts .e ach fromt(i second"p liice In th C 'S f '.T r a rp - 'In d c p D n d c n ts ,- F'lorfdH-H^a•hr— b n n rr (7n - 2&” nnd~Jl(>-fcct a w n y by beatm ^ ’ l.o u jji ia n a S ta te h o s ts C le u rn e to w n , G e o rg ia frtm i the basket, Co llin s, of

—S a tu rd a y J u d i I^ '- t i t i^ u L b _ iL :2— ^■«ch■hohlh-UleerK«»llth t-Hrohntt— Hr n tnn— ll l— ^ nnk— I f —nf— his- jiin io r Ha> (AJunis, setlinM Ihe js a t V irn in u u T e c h and T u lane ti)j,ses « l i i le I j i in a r , of C<»hun- pace u ith 21 poinls. is a t B a y lo r . bus. Ohio, th rew ip 12.

Hunting preserve owner pioneer

A,it. liin< III.' I ,ik.-i ki huM 111 <>i u 1 1 .itiij I;.iii

I .iKiili ii bI' 1 I \ > .-Mr I'l^till ni.iwi

-TT*rixT7h‘i''.r1 n - 1 - rrr 'i’n ’t fT:u-^:i'd ■up." sa id P r ic e It helps a

■ ;:r. TiTMi ;rl ubcn - 'u liT i r-ni'- h>:c-h im " ill t .ik f i l t f lu im III ■'it•ims (t <ilei itrlk !■• Hit- • -

1 1 llr.r III br 11) IHul J 111 i.’iilIlL’ hi—ituoilul.

lilt j ...II li .|;dl I liiivi II I priivi'd I'm .hi

T T B X p l i i y e r y e l but*T ie‘s surtT i . i i i- . .d b i’ . . i i ' i \ ' i ' , . \ t i i . . , h "

I hind 'A I si iiiid 11..... II )i,' ' l i . i i i iM ii b.i-5 ,1 p . i ir- u U ii

.. '1 1. i:ii-’ iiiiiijl-. ,1 ;;,'iiiir

.r M ]• I inii'ii \'| ,|| _1II u b ii li bis

il Iml ' .is\ Jii;_ •-■i.Im iI tlc-i.l.

I 'i. 't l- i’rt-lht-henrtj-hiif-|

III’ I ' "I 'U;»iiiit; u illi Ibt1 i^ticss Hnv is just p;irt

........ I I'.iikii I It s .1; ;l.illi.: ul i u i i l u i ^ u n t il m> lu i ii

i4.i-U-r.Hf—^jt-T\rnrnrn“• ' tiiji |)!.i>fi uj .1 \ i\ ii

' ,1' nol pi' l.-'.i lu ihf \H.\r r r jn rm i iT ~ - ,T ; iiiiiV iiiu n d;iv!ji.s liml. Iiini in the ,\11.\ i! t .lilt I. I ntui k> a.'i;!!! I.lied

'iiiij Im Ibi- tl •. t 1 |i,.ii;ue

' I I I . 1 . iKi I •. ; . \ .'jUiiei'star.• .n ' .iliuiil h im brifii; lltiok if. Ill II.I '| I ,il 1 aU lie l but adds. I Ml

. im t .1 • *>i. k\ petnt'M tilld l*ii - -ni T hr-r- s-1 inw-p i-np I r*-i\ I: a t -f~rn n"

■',M IIS ■\m;.'rfs; I.'isl 'Man'll, I'll . u...., iii.iHid tu the \CAA ■ illl'fiiHiaiiK-nl t<-i<m. >dt)iou^h 1 i II >\ illr l.isl tud i;aiiii-s,

'■ Ki'llU i: || . I di fe .if .it tileIII h ill liill U..dliiii,'ind I'i'I.A .A lint k iti.l 111 .1 pm .w ill

,ill.itllU.lkr- ' — — ' -I dun I I iiiiMdei n ivs id f an\

.jK'i I I I k - l..ikei ruokie

w n n r rrT T ^ p d W tn m p n ra r West l.Uvision lend tu f iu ‘ poinls iiver the Saints who have played three less - - -

'Hie .lets s|>oltetl Minne.sola a 1-U fir^l-punud lead un (ieor^u Morrison’s llth noal of th« season.' \V’innij)eft roared back for threo Iho-iujcuijd-slan/a inuludin»4 uoe'cl'edlled lu Ab McDonald v lien Saints' goalie Jack acciden- laify K icked the-puck into ttie net from the crease at tl:lfi-


sw inn iiien I■ u i.n '.ii !;iir>

ill' . .>;>! Ii ,in<l IiilltUliH 'I - .ill iiiW 11

nil I.i.d 1.11 !| - |U>I ,1 liii ii .in liiu

Ke itfi. I\(^ckson

JiinuDr.v 0, i l i r a Jn n iin r.v 11

'l‘ln ‘ l l h p p

.la n iia ry 16, (lirii .Inn iin ry 21-


.(.)iniiiii’x23 .. t l iru Jn n iii iry 28 '

TUKTONV iioMK snow

l U K .S lV IK U ’.'K lii I I l l ' l l . - . F o r S55.I, lln-vi.s W a rd u it l nn 'iran tee a h u n le r '' ;i btM utifu lls ' racked iiiu u pcan -U ed .ileer .it point-ldank r a i i j ' . ^

-^vUhout (H v r 1 i’-.'iVliit’ tlio i.ii^hli^h'i^'‘ sea i of a

.' ', '\nd if the hunter rfoesn'i ip i i le 'k il l the deer.■ Wa'rd u il

Ix-coiplnn'anxious f'H' h kill. sunW'Sted \^ir(l_ ai)andon lhe” sfarch for tlji-'old buck and |)U'k n tio the r u ium aL'_

id's belly.theW a n I is tlnMi wner of ' W a rd 'u U ce r H itri' h ,"

'.iDD.acre fen ied stioolinn p re se rv i' tha t has i) • herd III deer that a re fed twiei- d a ily hj '^••aiilii|iial|< ' iirn dls|)eiis(-rs. ■ . —

.'t:c .iiic iiu - M jectca.uf tk-cf.uii tU ex iiA.'<is,t^:'iirnpeaii U h I. S ik a , W h ite la il 'a n d l-'allow. W a rd e|iaiM!<‘. tii h lllll the . /\;<ls ancl

W itl iiii iji'inutes \V ;ii(l ha<l selected a laTf't* S ik a buck fataiuliiiK bcsidi^ d ie i uad iibuM t aO fee l a w a y .

brady sHid. "so it was parallel lo the dc<-r, ipviun Ihc hunler an easy broadside shot Without moving- from his seat., ihe huiiter flriidr aml-tuishetj.”

I t ia i l j said tin* deer ran about 21) ya r t ls , sto jiped , tu rned an<l bef’an w a lk ing nt a n 'an ^ le

I',uriip«Mni r .n 'K e d 'T m an d s:fiKI lo r tn e^ nn er inr)-e

W:ir{l. a lii-year-old oil dealer, feels he l.s -•y«l^nt.'..^..^iuiuiiilwJ.vuu_uLhmtini! lliat will be

a va ila b le lo future (leheralloViH."S o m t 'd a y .a lot of people act) Huinn to h ave j)

ra ise d iV r lik t*th is o r 'lh e r t- A m tr t^ r .n n y le f t ;" '••Ward said '" 'n i l s m a y b e lite on ly w a y th a t '

fu tu re generations of- liiinti;rf) w ill be ab le to h iH it.:; . ■ ■ . . • . - •

=rih M SS lR nm m tr- fo r— U P I"5 -

■ Ward moved the )eep aj-nin,” Brady said, "su It \sas p;u:uillel wflh the tleer and the hunter lired aitaur'llfisliniriTrliil'11ie'1)iu'K in llie^

'n|iijlLi;r.ft:ll and siarlitil t:fii^dii\i:,a\vav.. ■'Ward Kot out of the )eep. took his own rifl'e •

iiiul sIkjI tl\e deer in the neck. Hut Ihe duer wtiuUlf?rtne an(rti'nK Si!IhpTiming anti klcfcitTi^ Ward took out his kiiife ija'l :iLL UiC uniiual's^

■|)l*llj~o'jTen. . ■ - ''■'Hien Ward cut out the deer'.s heart and held

it while it'was still, beatlnh,” Hrady said.The next'day, it was tlie-son'K liirn-to hill a

“ d p t r

iii.ittn <i| u i ib tb .’

I'-tMu; ,il|. I \ i.ii . .Ill 1 (|ui's.tion .\ltei.. all. tin'''I .iki IS ;s'i I. Ibi- It ,I,ill,- . ii.iiii

—f|ort-T-fM*»t -<'-ftAnn — — ---------- ;_ I ’l ii I 1-, ,itn' 111 umi t iiiiKif.., cin

ill' 1 Ilk* I s 1 .i-itel The i.t lliT l.S — li. iw .s (ir.'inl. cutk'i c ha'SKel”

^ la ll’ “nll-Htllt- {\|-.'cit._-?iV Meol et ii'oiit l.i'rinri’l-:y'st:ite' ?>;-M iiin i: iiK -bi-nriT-nitr........... ...... "• • -I nt-r*-iilh‘-ni*l lh(H i lo I I .1 . IS, tllr li lout d S.llll.lillt |H' si;. Ills III III la .| nol'd

iijuu.l -uhvn liL i .11 oiind ii’ie.. ... ' In the I .ikri tu st K*illles,

.|| lili fi lhi'\ \\ nil. 111, I 'r|i e in .’| I (inlesls,

i\ . i , i i : i i in Ii ‘ • .fiuinis, jignuto-— .—

T r.~

I b' .s> ori'd i:i points ' i.l;lu l.u l.,:lph i

No\-i i:i and tall'icd 17 at hom e J ii:a iib rK iii i- ia - . ( 'ilia-Uti.«htWnr<t—”\uvITi 'iTi I'y” ' ------—“

-f-'rli-c insists-hc's-in.-ifntiilnrd

S co re s- ‘ iclcvitiioii Tiew.s di:paitliicill-._tec' Wilrd druvu slruifjhl-lQ. oneitjf .thcrscvcrul,-'"p a n io il'W n rd -an d-a J»ekso»vtUl<^-iq»hTT jt iU iu r= i^ u li im u liu . f4>uduiiH-MOi<tlt>riid-around^)tt-Ruie>>-■•'and son on a twa-duy luin,t »t the ra n ch .w h ic h Is

....... „.i..,i..ii iiv ;i l.^-fiirit>hli<h ferico tonned bvand found the buck* he was seeking, cahnly

-Kwrouiidcd-bi’ a ,li-Iuul:li|iilLJ‘‘.ne‘L.topp‘‘d hi vJculljifu;ucn-frtjin.liit‘’u>uitmi ______ ____“ ■tiar bw l w i i c - ‘ - ............................. ' . ....... _._i’,w u rthirQVc;the4ecpto->rtth in-i2pHceg-oHho—

-‘l1ic^irld»:i^hiitilfcr-u-antcdiL^ilullleer_j}mrnl _d cu r lind stopped," Urady said. ’’'Hie kid rollwl —

mlla.'w ard hud .. .■iiii'clfic i.niini.1 In ii.ltid, n :I00; and Krosh Wiitor Fish CortimisBlon,,surd Wiird

.'j«)iindur,wiUi a li.iiiu riifli'lhnl was.iino n( jlio’ aijj |;,Uiiors o( ullio'f prlvlilo liiintlnir pri:serveF 1,11,'Uk ,ai ihi' liwlr-)<o.^wiUmim-lliuii_.ani;rali' nniliT a supiirate law alvln(| U|iuu,i. sin-

-dn('|i, l i i .t 'l l. “ _liiinli!r,, monlli .wusort.

r v i v i : A


: i n ; T'f^V rivi-M ; i v i : i { v ^ m i r i ^11 glorious days of sunshine, santd _and surf, fqgturing jiiaric) hopping-'to fogr

.isiaiyds, Special, Higljliglited sightseeing lours, Surprise advent.ures and above all, ,,pki.Vly_o.f JeUu£gitime, gjid fU I1 .L .

:^ i T f V G K ; fi; H M T r :Wo'ro Inlofintort in Ihu 197^.'

T H I S t o i N o .w :(a s \ \ i > » i :r i wuKi ivMt^m.if^-\f'vj.^i^,.ir i i . . > i vIM I , llliM-.l I I L , - ' • > . , - _T w in li.n i i u'.n i ;iiif.| , i j . i» i:l


"I'ciiiiii a|5{r6tnV:‘]n~'iwv—— ;, ,i,. . . .t.i

s p s = a

I-— . . .

U T im M - N flw i. T w ln .l^ a lli, Itfcho ..W phdJi/, J«n u » ry :8 - 1 W 3 -

••Rcmembcr-yuur viram m sr>ounB la d y ." said 1I1I5 engafeinfe3 Iird:m ;hidding-gfladniRhLtQ-Hii.d iiUBtitcr. .0ur_Lo .ve and..War_.

m an inquired furilicr, "W h a i I m ean.'' s;iid ih is sage, “ is B-l is behave and I M 2 is be home by m idn ighi,” Q u am i.

I T M A S BKI-'N rcpnried itia i hrcasi fUnccr occurs more •frequcnily among young uom cn in the higher in con ic groups U s s w ide ly known ihlhtf f;ici more -.uiglc.womcn th ’an w ives die ,


I ) J I ) I T i l l . I . you iippro)iim .iicly I.50() youngsters run awijyfrom home nationwide evcr> duy?

H K R K 'S A W R IT K K ttlio '.scriou!.lysuggests busy couples &ci up what can be called .1 cooU tig co-op. Hach w ife if to m ake a

• particu larly sizable dinner oiice a week,-enough for a do/cn [^ Oplr 'IH’ h l■ iit|i>T I'iMipli*-. ifn ip by irrVin i hmi'|i

^10 help themselves 10 grub suflicicn i fijr the ir,ow n crews N e u night, next w ife’s turn, and so on, In icresting M ig h t.m a k e a m odern film. W h .U 'll we call il ’ "K e n and Pork C hops. Pete and •

b o d y "? N o . ina)be iloi

s a \ i f a s s m i t hQ . " W h a l ’s lh cc i)iJi\ .ilcn n ti Russian o f our name Sm ith '' A- ku/iict/\o .,

0 . " W H A T stale t-ch 'ilic Icasi sunshmc’.*" . .A . A laska Sun'sliincs there .ib.nii 31 per cenl o f Ihe time

F O R I f A S T F O R T U I S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 9 . 19-73

(il- N I- .H A l I I.N IJ|- .N (’II-;S Y o i r lia v c 0 goo<l........ - I - i-hiincr n m v tn pain the g n n d w lll o f O lhcrs b y

employing^ ru'w and iniprovi-d ideas in tb r rcaln> o f business, art and iu m s k - N'o u ni.ik-e- yo u r surround ings m ore a llr iK 't iv i' b y lon inn tlm iu up and lu inp ing m ore co m fo rt. Yo\i can re ly bo llcT lui y»-)U m lii i l io iis now

A i U l i S l M a t 21 to A p t | ‘J I ( 'o i i la c i a b igher iiji and g.iin .th e advice yo u need, but keep m si-crct fo r best results: O ne w h o IS an expert in yo u r ..licid o l end eavo r givi^s gooil suggestions now S h o w km Im w tk-vofed y^cii arc

I'A UR l- I.S (A p r ' ? () 1(1 Ma> J t l l There arc nood friends w ho

fu lu re . so go a lo n n - w illu th e ii i (h e cvo iung is fine fo r (lie —social~Vou-cnn n nw ndri m u rh fn p r r ’icn t happ iness ■; "

( i l ' .M IN l ( M ay 2 I It) Ju n e 2 1) Muke sure yo u find 'p u l ju s ! w hat IS <xpei'U'd o l yo u by ><>ui tmss or w hoever has pow er over y o " f affa irs Then f.>lh.« il i ia u g h .v e r y 'e f f ic ie n t ly . Pu b lic w o rk can bo very benefic a l rhis tune

M O O N { 'H I I D K J N ^ June Ju ly ’ I > Y u u arc ab le lugain' tlie *g o iu lw ill- n f an i in i 'o r t in l person yo u have met

■ 7 c V e u n rw !llc n ” L'.in'l>tr nvo«:t n ? lp fu l In y n u r c a r c e r G e t o u t n f 'T l ia l d u ll rcHttiiic. b » l .ir.TT irrnnnTrpllBtTrTnTnBbt-

l-HO ( J u l y 22 to A u n il 1 I lio 'll^ d eb to rs .in inTc< lito rs com e to yo u fo r help n o w . so yiyi- siingL'stions w iU jng ly I'h is w ill he to yo u r ben efit alsi> ( ‘on ie 10 a b e tte r undorsiand ing w ith the one yo u love lie wise

V IR G O (A u u . Scp t- .2 - ) V u u k n o w e x ac tly h ow m iic ii associate-, w i l l back >nii itovs , so tn.ike b.isic u> birid the deals y o u have in m ind ^■(Ul b.ivi- im iM de m atters that require qu ick ac tio n to m tike llit 'iu s u n e ss lu l Uol.ix lo iugh t

L l i I R A (S e p l .M til O c l V m i are able to d o iiu ic liva luab le w o rk at ib u u iue . la k e ca ie o t u np o rta n i m atters

. with ease ('o-w'(irKe'rs w ill |om ft i i l i you and help y in i accom plish you r <llm^ Use ib e right teciin i(|ues

S C O R i ' lO (O c t M to N ov J l ) Id ea l d ay tci m eet tlie — n‘i hMtion's v^>ij c n io v Pu t those c reative

sk ills .yQa.-have..'-io w a r L . T luL .ev 'c jung is. line io r h a ild l in c correspondence and n inkii)t' in iiva rM nt-phone calls.

■ if A ( ; i n ,\ n i i it ; ( N .'v— , ' i I ,, ' l i i u , ;j i i v .u u - l^

Q i_*_ 'H Q 'M m iU Jj..o lJlie dcllm nicnts m ihis cou ntry d id ><ij^ K - » H o ird i .n fU r<:latal.h> hlniul TiTLjihcr dc linw u cn b ’J-___. A . About four-filth?. o f them. couMii.

( ; F . T F r R l ( ; H I :C o n t r a r v to previous report tbal the pom- .scttia IS poisonous, several biKam^ts v 'ho should know insist -thatV wrong-, just a myth st.iried lon^ ago u h ich nobody i ■dares ti) contradict

' P I H l .U ' I I^ S U M . .It was in lhai ai)-.\meriLan dair\ in a publicil> stunt

Hew h .ilf a (on nl ll.iwtrs t>l ice irc a iii lo Paris , escuncd b\ fifx attractive young hid.ics... Ih e bit Mopped Sa id .one incisne Frenchm an ■'Cientlemen, you should have brought in s u llavjirs w ith 2K attr,icii\e wuinj; ladies " Our I uvi; and VK .ir m an under- stan d i this French .ittiludc

IN F H F D F l.K iH I M I tropus. vou c.fiinot ho ifo iX n out -to pick .lunch o ff a h anana 'trcc ..W o n 't w ork, h vcn the- tiananis-- eaten there have lo be p icka l green Hugs .itul .bacleria just ll.1i

o p p o rt iin ity to gi-t the s iiu .it io n at hom e im proved and yo u~shm ild-do-junt-Htt> l—-Stiift- »n -up ire iu l tha l ii. M>tely needed___

A d d co m fo rts to that iin p o n .iiu realm o f yo iirex is te n veC A K P IC O R N (D e c id Ja n .’ () ) M .ike appo in tm en ts e a r ly '

: i f g r j r n fm iq m U :^ V Q rk th .T ijs w e r s y njid^cct ikcrt-On^timc.r.- F ir s t t iling firht, and tliat m eans yo u and yo u r w e lfa re . I alk

.over w iU i associaic ii l»».m lo ad vance in the. future 'A Q U A R I U S i J a n *t to Feb itngage in tije p r a c t ic a l '

a ffa irs that w ill uure.iM- \i>uf incom e m the fu ture. M ake repairs to p rop erty th.ii .ire necess.iry Ad d to its va lue ,iiul co m fo rt . R e s i on yo u r la iireU to iiig b l

P l S r U S ( I 'c b “ 2n~Tr> th r—ttme-tf>-muk«*-yo u rse lf m o re a ttractive I ake the he.ilth treatm ents yo u need and im press o thers O o n 'i l iiig e i to pay any piessing b ills . The

~ early^ evening is fine fo r the s«> side o f lifert; Y O W n 111:1 >*IH o n AA— r^h«-ot-*hcj^ll-b«.

one o f (hose persons who.W i>uld do w ell in the field o f sound and its va rio us ram ifuM tions He sure to d irect the education along such line-., cspccu illy since y o u i pm nefiy is one o f those fine ind iv idua ls \vlu> likes to co iiii iiu m c .iie w ith ever> one and the sen s itiv ity .uul sensibilitv to d<' so Teach d isc r im in a tio n early , qjheuA’isc \ our youngs le r W(M i M not re.u'b the success dcno te il here (>ive e th ica l tra inu iK ea rly in life ■ ‘‘The S tars imp-rl, th ey d o not com pe l " W h a t yo u m ake t)f

y o u t life is Liinel> up u> V O l '* _


FUNNy B u s m s s - By Roper BoHen

_/ -laL'r-ouo/E ,.'1 w e 7 LET

^ojur T>f " 4/ 1 ItOFE VDU'RE

- f iCOOiJTIHis ID . ^ - .^ \^ u p 5 e LF^



. . . . . .Afenthy. Jan ua ry 0, 1A73 Timos-Novis, Twin Fafls, Idaho 15

N R W YORK (U P I) -.Stock V; • priqcH lost ground todiiy as cwl

investors caii^lil their breath followini; - lnsl -TODk‘jr—slinrp ri.sC, Triuliii^-on tlio New York. []■;' Stock Kxolianf-e was fairly nlliiicJive------------- . . ui;

:j-before-noonrthc Dow Jones’ ai'eragc of ;ill si'iectod {] •’ blue chip imlu.strials (k-clined IM to IX'clines loppedndvAnces, fi-l-l to 5!I7, ainonf; the issues on tiie tatH‘. -• !*''

I d a h oT e n i p d r a t u r e s

li ?di.. :«W ;i|. •*» «0‘. N.HA, ')» )VU 28';-H.1Tr.«n-«o ----ItsN.iiO'\i.i u 4s. wi. );■ t


L g j ‘ . 31 ,- )r - —

• Ni', I’rt 1 301}I I All M HlJU.WU-l.ll '' —nr-rn:rn':T“n j

M INiiMf.s; 1 I

-HoiKf— -Huhl.Hurley

-Xa id uu ll-

R eport


1.’ (ioodinj •■ (Irjuit^t'ville 'lia^crinari Idaho I'a lLs

“__ JiT lU lH !_____The two-hour volume totaled

more Ihati 7,5(k),OOfl‘ sliare.s.Panhandle Eastern Pipeline

, Co, was the most active issue, j up 's at •M'’Hon 104,7(H) shares, includinji a blocktrade of ()0,300

___ shares at 4t-'n t'liilf Oil-WiiiL-

j'. ji j '

1 .lUiiik.'!)) , ;i 4} 41'. 4J < 40‘<Or WiKl.I .MM ( I I . I 'l ( ii; IJ Uullill.'.M Ud U

second, up '» at 2«‘4 on 101,-tOO shares and Ainericon Airlirjes

'Ol.gnOahaii .v ---Norton ('o. moved 1‘l- lii her.

”iB M slipped I'.-. Texas Instru­ments l'« ami Control Data 1, Polaroid aiiiiiJd 2-‘ i, Wri^ley 1. Schkuiiberj^er lost F i . Cornini; GlaKK-l-and AHA-»Ser-vie . Oils vvere mostly lower.

• Moijntain Kuej Supply lust :>-h — wid4Jaioiuaj;-V4;ufM*Hor-<)in^

delayed i|i'i<peniri by a rusti of . orders, lost VI at the out,sut,

Airfines, aircrafts, /a ils, chemicals, mot(jrs aiul’ steeLs were mixed in fractions,

Pru’es on tin* American Stoek ! I\xj'lmnj;e \vt‘re slij’tilly higher ill moderately active tradirif .

1 1 A . M . R m C E S

' N a t i o n a l , J 'e m p e r a i u r o sBy ( Inlieii PrcsR IntrmntlonnI

ni;irl<;slo'n.S,'C. r" (liicai^j^i s Colum tins.O , s U 'n V c r IDi-s’ M iiines cy *

;l.V‘lroit. pc ■ - _ K l I'a 'so r H ouston c y . In iliiin iM ioris cy Kjin.^As City-h- • li»s Angeles pc . M em |)h is s Mi.’itiii i v a c h p'-

■ 25. 222;i 17

n or.;• J L . K l

57 :i:!'•12 :ifi ■

12 Ofi :o9GO. . . . . '2fl 21 .13

-fll-flfl.•Minn -SI Paul s • Ni'W Orli'ans <’y N<‘W York c


• i«/i A iM tr i n i n r i« .i ®

o:i -o:t 5:i w 21 12 -Ti-Ji'-L 50 -:ir. in 09 M -02



Tnrnrn— 77~?r . ?i ■r«hi Falls, northsidf. Hurley-

—itnpiTt ----------------l-’orecast is for c-ontuiui'd

cloudy tonight with itci-asional snow ^likely • 'Tuesday. Tein|)eratures will be 2f) to :i5 (le(;rees tomorrow and l(»ws tonij bt will \h‘ H til IH.

E x le iu U id o u llo u k is fu r iHT iitds o f snow VVi‘(lnes(l;i\ iirul anain l-’n d a y . Tem [H Tature.s w ilt bi‘ warm in i^ Ibro itub llie |h‘nod w ith hi^ihs in tlu ' u|)|«'r 20s iintl ! ()h ;ind o ven n u h t lnws in the teens a in l 2(ls.

Cntnd Prairie, llailev uad

h iU iT Wood H iv tT V a l ie v : :— IVuuVhwi

miles off of du' VVusl'L!oast iia:i ,l_ov4*f-runninf‘—«'loudjT-

tonrpbt. Ocrasionnl lij’ht snow ovi-r most o( the northern will fall Tui-.sday. Cahforniii Ibis rnorninj’. With

'IVriiperatures will be in tiu' |)i'ecipi(alion Hlon the coast. 20 j luid overnjf^ht lows wrtTW^'niis storm Is forocast to spread near U) aljove, nHttiflmlskjmaJnliintl durii’u; the

. ilay—and t'a^ward acntss'Hie i‘xtoii(l<'d_^ullook is for

periods t)f .stiu\ Wi'dnesday and ai;aifi l''nda\ . .- Syiiti|)slM

Oi'ca.smnal .stmw islikel> witli tt'iiipei atui es a littli' warmer (in must of sijutb_e|'n Idaliit Tui'sdas ' Tue.stlav ••

Nevada toniiijif- arul Tuesday. (K'casional snow is exjM'cted to U- in iiviT the .southwest corner of Idahii late tonifOd <*>' early Tuc.sday spieailini^ throunli

n il' siiuw.may chiiniie in nun -(■*r-brtef fremnp nnn-‘l‘upsria>~ aftern<»on as the warmer air preelpilale.s tbrminh llie cold aretic- air tra[)ped in llie rivi-r valleys

' 'riie extended outlook, for WiMine.sday throujih Kn’day bolds pi-rio(Ls of possllilo snow al)(mt Wfdnesday ami ajiain Friday Teinperalures will Im- »nrimnn throunb the |KTiod Willi bi ;bs u> tbf upper 20s atui :JOs and overnij^bt lusvs In tlie teens and 2tK.

St. l/m is s ■ .2(1 19 ,OfjS .1II l.;ik i; C ily pc Ifl -04

.^ n i- F r a n e is i ’w- < ;^ 4 7 41 ^ 04-,.Sealtk; c 21) 2,'iSpo kane c 15 04T a m p a I 7!)' g;jWashiMt;t*>ii s 27 20W ic h ita s 12 01 ,17

■ Twin Fa lls Temperatfires ..

Fe^ersalesfiigfferwi?ru .stronj{er in an extremely ncirvP~niarkel at Uie Hurley I jvestock Commi.ssion Co. sales Jan 4

Fancy killer ewes sold 2.00 to '3,00 hitjher durlnf a .sale which listed 775 head ol callfe, 153 head of |)i(>s, .'12 head of sheep and r horse, 'Iliere were 134 Sulleri ijnd 32 buyers.

Weaiier pi«S iold 13.00-1C.50;fnt-hoK5-2ftr75*3h?OrJmw}t-2fr60-----^24,40;-feeder-I'ambb47,00^9.25;----killer t'wes .5.SO-ff.OOp breeding ewes 2.150-25.00; baby calves 42,50-7,9,00; li »bt HoLstein htsifer _ ' ealvc‘i_1 5 5 .0 0 .2 2 5 .0 0 ;_ ll«h t_ .

4f..'75; n«ht whiteface steer calves 52.50-00,00; whiteface heifer calves 45.00-50.00; wbileface feeder calves 4b.lK>- 54.00, ____

14 Tlm'is Nowi, T.wln-Falll. Idaho Atondav'. Jn'nunry 0, 1973

___ ' I l y ' l l A V I ^ l 'H A M ; : ____ ^( Tirsl lira livHrs j_ ,

T ills is nu'.yiNir. w hciiZT iillin w il nevL-m ic' .VI VKV i.s<luin>j i'viTythltii;|i(is.sibIv U> tiiuki* [ho

- filirij! of ill) idcuiiH- Uix r rtu rn jt.du-U.-youriielf.jiMtjiM'l - ^ . . . -“ TAX 1 t'foriu-iwii'ii-vJUtl liiHULMa Om* nii!i‘jn !»,hL.

... . K il l- . ...... ” “ ..........................(IfiiHKi.-.ti ;i U mI its in l iT i iH f- b y .

iiitrnd iii'iiif; ni;ifi> lil>»'i;il p rovis io tis w h ich w ill . siTVi- lo rrciiii-r (h ii n iin iiiil tiix fo r tn illlon».

• In h ii ti, I I { S IS iliiin i' \\> |M rt fo r r e fo n iv h y ; a tlrn ip lln j', to HO s iiiip lify the .fo rm s and

riim iili;h- h is r i'liiiT i ivitlim it p ;iyu in fu r out,side'inci’. .

'I'h is lypi- (tf r»‘f(Jrtn w ill Ih‘ vie\vt|(i by llu-, IHl— tiLifliiirL Aiii«‘ri«’iiii.s w ho w ill l)i‘ 'f ltlii)! tax rcK irns

vic'limizt! the tirxp»ycr'nni! Oio fiovorninent, wc Tiitmnfstaiid Idly byiind rcc niir Inx system

■_deiiU:iiycd;--\Viilt(;rs }ili}led!rec|Intly;.__Ill a nationwide cheek of more Hum :J,200 tiix

. iTfuparerii—laaL.Jyeur— -rnleniul... Hcvenue . ~conc)iiclcd tharfnlly^o.pcr ccnt-y?HHpir~rettiT7i3 ' -.wca'.L’f'inpli'l''*) in •'iinacfeptahle t<i„ •intrrnni HfVPniieT^—.---- ^ ^ :-------

fiir tlie first jiine, they include their own .Social Sf'curity number. . ' v »

‘ - Jn.tliul. way^if returns fibm a pcofeasibnal___prtparer come under su.splt;Ion, IRS-computers e;>n .sc'parat^liy_Uitqmu)Uil.s Social Security njijnbrr; every' return completed by.him o'r liis.

. . -V

- Z f f

and instrrtcliofis l ia v i’ Ijt’co in c .so com plex ' ili•ni vcar.s' iiia i f i i lh iiii pec

haviN^-il llic ni-i-d In pa> .syrnclMidy to lu-lp thiMii coiiiph'.U- IlUh I'liori*. / *

IK S ( ’uinini.ssKiiuT j/)hn iHc M W a lliT s i.s• Ic ifilm i; llic rrfo i'n i m o vc m rn r In “ In tm ia l

H i'V ftiiH ' H is c o n ic rn s lr lt is from the fa<'t lli'al ' ■■■•’nTnrr-lhjiM-J(l(il»-iiulliu]).’,'_b.v IM S ' '> "n fii:iin-s,

\»;is pa id fi'i tax iis s is ta iic i’ yca j'” ^. Thi- ijrnw in i; n iim hor <i(' f ly-l)y-nU!lit la_x l)fi-|t;ii't'is uTTl III' tFiT iiiitirTpal ( a r ) j 'v t !s ~ )^

~ (-^m m i55ionrr-W nttrr5--------------------- : ~ " —' W i,.

liWifcihlXMl'-tu-'tt o r u ifn ii ip ftc ii l p rep a re rs

'D ie IM S r liit'f said a .saniphnu of rcUuri.s from- {|iirs li(]fia lili' pi c[»arcrs sh invrd l l i r y had shadrti -- U iiLpcu iJcrJax owed by an avtM-acc of $2;!rj per

re tu rn ----- -•*- ....’■’ In liir ilie t iH j; iru''7Tir('RT!(Twn7~IT{S‘ ffus^yeiVr -iaKihlh-lljitJ-<MdsaU*-|»i‘\*f>fH-orH-noi-oiiljr-iiifti»-Uit—

re tiirn , as llie y h ave in Ihe pa sl. but ( I ih s ea r.

l{ut even if the prepared-for-a-fee returnfi _ werei'imiplotely accurTite, Walters has made It "

. ;evidfiit fi'om lii.s repeated eominents that he no 4_k«iiUT IwliovuK that one out of every 'two..

la?t|)ayer.s need pay lor as-sistance.At a brit’fuij? in Wa.shin>>t(jn before this year’s

— laoc-funnk ttoru-ruhiaMtdrthlK-wrjlur-waKliinli lltSolTicers; "With our new tajc fo;-ms find ,Simplified instructions, to jether with a tax book

, such as your.s. tlie averse person should have no jliffiniUy t'oinpkMinH lii.s own tnx return.”

'I'his newspaper i.s cooperatinj’ fully in the l!OVenillH‘nt V «|rivr

today's ifstalhnent is the first, will detail all the many prnvi.sions in lliis year’s new tax law,

'riMJse reatjer.s who need additional help, or who want the opportunity to, follow sample coiiiiileied forms in a .st(,'p-by-ste[) a[)proacli\vill fitul the -m t Ynur(nrrr"rnxe‘;" bnnk. available iliriiii.;li tins paper, an invalua'ble nulde. . .

................. I Newspaper i:nli.-rprlse Assn.) _______

(a \ chanf*t‘^-1- H iR h l iR li ts of th ls~yen r*s- lm pnrtnnt“

Futures trading

soars to records

1«73 Cut Your Own To»oiT1M£S-NEWP 0 00* JlAC-lO CITY STA7I0H I t«EW YORK. M T. 1C019

I Send potlpoid. booVft)I it 00 roch EnclouJ it )j W n ic c/ifcli ot mpntf o iJtr poyob/e fo--I "To* Doo4 " Allow 3 M'trici tor dilittty.

I Nome . _ _ . _____________ _______I Addret* ............... ......... .

W A S I I1 N ( ;T ( )N i U l ' I i ( 'o m n u K llt y s p e tu la lu rs . ^ im ibhnu un soybean an d other m a rk e ts sent to di/.zv n ew heights ,b\ Ix io in in i’ 'lem an d 'an 'd harvesf-soa.son w a lh e r troub les,

•massive sales to H uss ia , pu lled m arke ts up to the lnj; ie ve i in ju i in y year.s, T ru d im ; ui soybeans and co q i w as s l i i i j i i la l t d la te in the yt-ar'v\'lien harvL'st-season ra in s th rea le ried iiT ff it the si7P^f-thP-TrA}>^ — '

(\»rn fu tures t'radint: dei-liiied In J l i i b illion 7 f"o n T $ ii:T ijn n < 7 in in !rn "w iiiN V V m rT iT ii7 ra n T v ~ specu la tion w as touched off b\ fe .trs t lia l crop

C.ty ^ Sroi

_ the Atinculture Department saidSiilurdiiy. ' '

T he d e p a rt iiie n fs - C iunm o ilily I ’ x c lian iiein h yt*ar viitl i t*jM*rt , said-totid— — m»t*bt- be- hit b\-- «- lil ii;h l -

vo lum e on >^uvornment-re^;ulale.l co m m o d ily inj', leaped frjfiii $(l b illion in exchanges last y ea r leaped to an e.stunated H .;i 1/illion last y ea r

.. .n u lliu ii.L U ii lra e ls va lued uL S in i.3 b illiu it.. . O lliu r lii»(hliMr>lN of ila< ir.ithnri i*-|— ■Tb»h-bH*kHlir-prpvttn«s reeoi4l‘i,-<ift-iH- }Wr47of--- tbitt-—------------------ -- —

~ IT X n T in ro T iT u n lra t ls va lued alT122;iJUnii(.>ii a va lu e increase of about &Oper cent

____ ___________________________________________ _ j

F a r m e IrHTOTi

meet T hursdayHti< w h f f i l—)f7 i to $i;i

, , ■ ■ - f\ v i\lOrl StlMWtHl--

So ybean s led the trad ing list w ith a reco rd ‘JO Ci

~ c lu a lI]T ]n ^ o (li i iV ( l \ l)ounlil aiitl sold IT r fu tu re s

h i«h $73,4 b il lio n c o m }ia r i;d w iU r$ 1 ‘l,-l b illio n in 1071.

In c re ase d trad in t’ in futures for cro p s like so ybeans and wheat w as believed due la rn e h ' to

•sharp p r ice in creases for crops duriUM the y e a r . H e a v y o v e r s e a s d e m a n d , inL-iudinj^

Fr'ozeiT pot'k ¥ cn i' fuTifre' salcb 'ruse tii■-rt;eord '1 I n iillion I'uritracts

I.ivi- calth- traditu ; rose In a recu rd .1 I U ic I'JT l jeycL

f i v i ' iioj^ li ad iii^ a ) ^ 'o s e lo re i'o rd « ith—HnfH-tHt*-HnTTrtnrk— rrTTrt

• li\ c s to ck produi;!.': cent iif a ll fu tures

In c reases we: et!t^, [h itato. cotton

-----h*.Ullttip :’(ith nnnua r i , i h l,l ;.b n I-', iiie iiU i'- fs T liu i s

F.AI.I.S _ Nallunal afteiiaiujj-.' wUh- Unujn— uicmbuts— IJ;— «-<ot\-rfrhttn-■dnnrr~~ l‘hni?fTTry

rdHh-»-vHUlM*-fiHt‘m!iit»<- ------^ ----------r'lmvi'ntion of

T iiiei ,s t'niotf a v in S a lt U ik e

'ru lay ,I ad dre

de le^a les w ill ,s bv U S Sen

-er,TCi| ,1. H 'jt li. A m eM i .ir K a ils .

; roup (ii I traduu;

c^aLs.' rei. and wo

<unt( d for ■-'« | ie t _ j;

xH'ted III ti aduii: Ilf , but de i line.s ueri-

ri'ccn'detl for fro/:en oran^^e ju ice ., oats, ^ r.iin soi>^IiiiMis, ctillon seed ml iuul wool tup^

FB heads



()i (••-i.lriil ,it Itii- I ’t.ili- lda li s l-Jnion, - s a id the

-(•Hiivrnhc'ti w ill !)»' held in the T r.ive in ,lt^ f (JM (Ith .Smith, .Salt L ik e ( ' i l \ . \uth rei;i.strati(H iiM 'iiitiiiiiu ;-jii lU i j n i,i\

K e y n o te s p e a k e r , . fo r the 1 1 1 ! iiM ia\ liiticheuii w ill 1h‘ ,)a\ N a m a ii, p residen t of Ihe/i't-xni

~ r'm-nTT'r': I’lnnn Wnrlf-sT.^^irin.s— Nvf'— * o f— rn m m u TTTtv-

-hrnnk Mnss, n-TtnilfrHiHn>y-UR Hep Chde OvM-ns, H-Utah

.llin r’alloM, h'iniiir'nalioVmT Fzm icri Lmun pruiidcnt. \mU alldl ;.‘ till' l’‘ruia> luncheon uith (;ii\ and Mi'.s, CaUiii H.mipinii, I ’tali, as spi-ical liuest.s

Notional Farmers Unum pie.sidenl Toin • hecliant. will adiiress the l-'nday ni^ht hatu]iiet “ t~nnri^TTiiW busirreTss’

In E Z-n rnm y flT '^'HI)S w il! lie l i r i 'l 'il iy t ill' the iiu irmtii!

BUHLICY — Farm Hureaii leaders'from the ei ■lu ■ Manu' Valley counties ^athereil at tlie Ponderosa Inn Friday Uj i a i'jK‘- da>’ leadershiip training conferejicc. •*

The B5 .members in -. nt I Ju: j\i:iLjiiijJre,'iM's_.

dealinn wilh'anricullurtAI zonin j laws, predatorcontrol, land tise planninn, iiiarki}ting o f ,

-«j*fteulHu*id-i*rt«luc-l5.- nnturnl- ■ resoiir.i:es and i:r«zinj; ru:hls.

AccorduiK tu Tdaho Farm Hiireau Federation president DaR‘ . Hockwood. the p|irtici|)ants alsii disciis}ied the results of hriefiiiKS with membeHi- of the state

- legbdatuto,-

Board meol sel


market goal irr.Mal.uiiii'vOl vrd (inti PO^S'DI'vO>; Uu.d.l, you C

W A S n iN f iT O N a . ' I ' l i - The n liu -m em her a iiv ls iir y Iw a rd set Up liy the W ild .Free- H oam liijj M(lrs^s and B u rro s A c l of 1971 « l l l hnve h s firs t m ee itnR .In n iin rv 1 M 3 hi S a i l luiki- C l l j .

S t 'c r e la r y iji A K rIen ltu re K a r l I.. Bu t/ and S e c re ta r y ’of the In te r iiir H ii|ie rs ( '. M orton said the board viill iiitv ise them conceru liiK prti|e< ih m . lu u iu iK em c iil an il eonlrtil of s\ild

l- laho ,) \ i;i..»Juvca-.a — Vm'icuUu.

o|"’Mift;;-nuii kcl,s in tlie hui, I and ,>e>| [.ut.ito . lU u n *j 1. U lc

.l‘AHTICIl*A.NTS In I'^urni BureiiH leadership tralhlriR fonferenee nt BurU-y I ’rljJay liirlmled

p’n m a ry — l ea. ‘ ila tt .said ' JU X J

(from left) fiifne Wfllkbr, Twin. . . . .......................

TErwIn, .Gooding ' president.

'a n d ^ lo p Cjjunty Fiirtn HUreau

Mi»»inn jrom-MMtPV'.iri'A, wuut'rtv------- ;-----roD 'fti’wsra. to-Anycbifb«<iino or__ TXlJilllutUK tmn'[tel5r - ~ ntciUMJHion tcaain'g to int?

—Noelhw»*?il-FbrKl-Hhnw'-plannPd“for T o k y o th ls I'om lirt’ A p ril Ijliulthe t ' S , ' t» i;p a r iU H *a t o f— -icrv ico

lO in ic .rcM pnrf t im r Cnli Tom............... 'M . •/B0 47Bfl Homo OC

J4 hour flnsworlno

U t t i P o u n i^

HAvt ou loun/l nr> flflic'i! does ----- to you j nd you would'TIR'e ro"f'efurri il lo H i o«vfHr■} Ativorli&i' found •irliclbi m 1 fu> ■Timpv N ew } Cln»»HifO F H E E UrUlcr Lost & Founil CcMI toflcty 733 0?31--- -— -----------■

_____ Spi(U iNotic«i—

M«mori>i Noiicst

W,fi WliH 10 P.litiO our hfortlfl'• h iinKi lo dll >slio kin 111» iiv'.ii'i-u •ind lof ir>r worcj'jol '.yinpiiiiiy <in(i the tiorfti o.Nenncii

. o«'fnuc.'d .It Mil' iK'u'ii 0* our lujlowtu UfoUiuf. IjTiij-T .inil . O'"I'T'OliOtu.T Till- F.itiiilyol Lloyil V fCo» ,

ip a g o v - ,--- -finAHCc Call Cldrl< Qconolt <it 734 <700 •

E X E R C IS E Ihc 'cosy way . RorO—W nlton Oett" W trra >ort. &{ie8d~

H ikct.Acti MolIcTr , ill Uiiniiiir 1421

P H IV A IE invcsfigfltof - 34 Hour SiTvicc. All conlidL-ntial. Phone

, 733 66J1 n.ghi 733 5773

M I L D E T E C T IV E A G EN C Y now op«n. Hondoa dnd conliaunt>al. 24 hour iiirv icc 734 4S6«, 734 5S33 ' '

ft.l C O tlD U lCS , AnonymQufc-.ln*.»- Courthouif, Wwnesa.iy fl'

8 00 p rii Al Anon 3rd Tloor — »cM3n-nou?;pnio'nn-Avi?nu(rea'7’ -

Tufsdrty and Suhd.»y» 8.00 pm Phone-n3 ------------- ‘ --------

L- 1 0

S E L F HYPN O Sl'. Idught tjy . 1 loc proti'SMntirtTU tr,lined H.'r Ti-cunician Pfioni 4n4l/6

AAAGIC V A L L E Y M ASSAGF O A C k a c h e ? T ry sfc.un < 1 1

wotru'n wdcofiic W Locuit, 733 t877. 9 < 1 m • 7 p 1

HELP rtiorsi,-l(,,intj your bettcf lic.iith wOh mo*I.K ^ Iil. fS .n M .irjk

— F e m » ltH e lp

H O U S E K n G P E R . 5 'S M A L L - C H ILD R EN . BOOM .fJOAHD fl.

flAUYblTTfcW WAfjT.EO homi wiili ov;r> ircin-.r-ori.ti Wi'fVficiy'. u .iry- li-lairwiQ Pnonu nioai?'

N«:4-D MOT Ht; WS ' MLLfiiW

I 'L k i l iN t L D /.■/

tAfnj i400 00 VOfJTH Oddn.'V.i'X] i-nvi.loD'-'j. t or cl< m.VI 25 cpnf? ,ina %inrr>p-ci .itfdri'Shi-U iTi.ctoO'' 'o . LU.T£Jif‘K.iZ.k,—K,0.,JiU .-..,.;.

f.AH HOSTES!>910 SMondiiy - ( riU.i

Hourl / .ind t,p-, Must

Apply in Di-rbon 6 Vp ■'

Duiinti'i Opporfunltv -

POH SAl E ; . MntiUy , iin(l rr,t|i Do'iinf.i'i.n Rurloy.' vging good

•volurrtt; for inlormii»ior;.Ciill tJV>


To be appo in ted to jervice re ­tail i lo r c i c^lc^bl^du'd by the



To quoldy must. hoVt; bank and personal fcJcr^jnces gnd $2400 minlmuni invesfmoiit for inven.

.’’For' d e ia ilry ir irx i; •

P.O. ^0x 26189 . San l^rancisco 94126

• /J/posc include your

) ) S jl t tm v n .o r S a lt tw o n *r

INTER VlEWlNC tor u-.-d ( .i' ' niiin.Ki.T. (<ir •..•NiiKi

ri-c|uirc(l Also niv. i nSvil

IjiN r. I OK i,HOl '-ALi SV/»Nr .piT.,.,M .. h..|[)(ij' tM,' lu,'

- rrrrifrfnl •irnT-f-rr»,i)mf^o-tV»"»-H-'

U Manoyto(u>«n

l o o k in g f o r /V L A R G E LO A I*’ Asw ciboul ouf HomcowniTS or()!ifi)n> C A C r-innnco 140 2nd Sir(.f> t.v.-, Iw ii. F,»ll%. 713 lOM

19 . M utle U«<iofis

*/-rN i: cb tv llv .'j . kcj/. i.ih.iiy n■. I o'■.'udl•n'',■ 'Pt oAi- 713 Ufll or

} fi /)! • ;J3 I4AV

HomeJ.Por S ile ‘

.m il, 'qV rtlli'j

.................. .. B {) I E 5H EA LT H SALON VA 'E.iMl.iriCJ O iw i' 'F o r furlhi-r . mlorrnniion C.OI Don Wiirrt-* ', 734 419 1. Aliluv Pyn iv 733 2521 .

07 Jo b io fln ttra tt Mjit A

-OW—« J--— |<^.i f-A......... /.kilb I.L,v,fN! sur,rr‘

01 Emplovrntnt Agtncles

R L G ib l f c k> t,,,. P,.rsonn,.

lor ' 1 1 ,1 ' licOrr i>osi'

M«le Help

— rrnplflym pnl . fnnfji- J ) i 'n t '( ' 'i Apply .I' Tro, N.^ tm cn

MAN N E E D E D with irTignlincj nro <tO n l.irm Aork lop B 5. C 0 TImD5 NPvv'

13 D iby !.lt1e r i—Child Care

1 1 Am r i,,ii,,.'. " iiH j •>' . f l.nni / ja 'sw j

NEtD llAHYSiT I tH 'o > l w 'li l( (Koriiti Old EQy n in> lior'if Work .ri(|' hor/r', c'lrr’H 5 MnntMv 'hroutjn Fr.cOi, M m« pli'.i',-' f.iii 731 '23J nt*er *.

JACK AND J IL l N.if^rfy, iKi'n-.i-i criilu irtri' Sijp<'rvi!».'(l or' v i 't ' nO'j -ICTh Avrnuc b.i'/ / IJ b64'

I (jl< S.-.i I- i I- iirno-o hori <,i(l U/(J RjiffWT

,. r.)..u T/J SA'Sa

Sitw tlon j Wanted

r l)i^)f)lr__Pluirii-

•.r.i.ti','!..'.., I'tium' ,’3J 413V ■ k „r-.i.htlUt^LiiYtfihi uill iJA.

F irm Work Wlnt«d~




''67a-255^-'TOLL FREE . BEFORE HTdO A.M.N> • •

.‘VlO'tinr nr\v lc,i.... 1 I'.Miw..• liirn.iri- t.lQ>V ih im'.H

• I)<'iini‘.S ( i i i i , y Miltnn

Cyndy T i n ksiiii -Jrnnn*' Mdi'rli.i',


9, i w j -..Tlmot-NiiOT, Twin PnHi, Idn h o -'l?


Z L ■

, Times.,Now». Twin Fa lls , Idn'ho Montl'iV' Jnnunry 0,. V9H


Privat* ParlyX lo iiified Adv«rti(()ri R«ol Etiole ExciuS«d.Your Psople llBacher W on l Ad For At ■Little os 70 ' Pof Irtiertion ( 3 — 10 Do/!-'

Get The Want Ad Habit And Save Money 733-0931O' call O' ’e qi 'iheie toll ('*e number* 54] 4648 >n Buhl of

'Cavilelord S'8 2552 i''fij'lty Ruper' Dedo Pau' or No'lonai36 253J .fi//»fidell. Goo«*'flp Hoge'tnan of JfO 'i 'i 3?6 5375 m Moli.iiet. R(3g«(»or- o> ;otlp|>i,.N«vodo • •• - .........

rIIIII■M uticai In ilrum enff ' 47.

P IANO t>pW.lT mill

• Cm*! or A..I>.ii>oi>i

. io v ita'.iuiili ui w won ^ lr,n,„r, 'ji.ol, (ri'c'/'T '.mnii rniiKipot.

ll>'.<llll’<[ iirKJ ilOrlt I. •. / II ; i i l

Fornito're a Corper

I 55 H «y , G ra in & F t« d

MAY W A M Il.t ) C .lll U \ I M.l/ IIH i A/Il /SSl, liiirli'v

rot><>trr>«n»Tn7iyrnrvnn^.'tiv^rmi triKh loiHi Itcxiclud hciy i" '' l . Ijir/CT buiil.l UuLkjiui. yj4 4U36

) -lAl r 'lOO li.lK", <il wtiiM'I ■■•in.-. ,111* ,iiiini;ti' I Niirtti ol

' CAIVPL I b, St. , 11 'hi- rn.cMl,' II,.,I., Llu)i UircLl i ciiiry

---- tm rrto r ’n ? ' ! -inu--------------------’ lO U 'D r m lu \ i_

31 . H i'oll>r _ I V ••U-r li. if i, Apnrr:r,ir- m Mil I fii'S r 1-1 OKII •'

i)4H ,1'n i l

I tu N ! AL i uu .1 .

100 He H r i 'N T lolors15 3H ')( uiir I-n i i

DAMAr.Cliriir l>£;il.-0 (lor.ii P.ill. "

--- loo' lorn/C lr.«r,irM •- k<-,| t IS W VS

- i79V S5 U A N M 'k I UWr.i 711-tan

C iiu iiur 'Ji 1. U__-

Itl INCH iLn.tfi 111. (>Orlfl|>K' tv ri'i, uw.unuii-iti. t0» ,ii

HE D IC . i 'M / . I I M il

• J7 ET n N IN C "T h ;.tirowii & Dr'KJr i2-?n t •


.VI..I.' o u r 1 ,m- MI) .111.1 (11 k„il I.I..UI ; u I j ACP8 or 7J4 i

VSn II' (H. > ' M ,%.,n M 1

Pets ft &Mpplitiin u i ' H A v r 'i— ler ■nnntf“ iiM'd-

♦-urninirr nppti^inn-. •inn rfp .vrm .i %Vr- -f t.*-

J6ll Miiin Sniilli ’ M li'ti-

! iO K . J ) A L L . L iiu i;M iJ .M m tft iJvi;, ii'Miolv. -inioii'r", oki. i\.i(i iiii -.n.i". i is O' tn-si (iKi-f 1 *1 .(1 1 1 .• m nw

' s arrr.-i-Cu.-,-. - -

Pfll>& Supplies i l

F 'O O O Ln C R O C fM IN G . ,4 tu d •,crvic*-', p{jp()nr., C»ieri M iHrr K if in p ls . W i'Sl R i-(|fnfi co rn e r.

. KilliliLTlv 433 S104.

AKC f iH ^ A T DA+^ES, Sitm oycd , Norwtnjiiin ElkliounOv. CiriliAnys. Orrtnrtn 'S h o r lh rt ir . p o o d le s . Ht.'.Kjli-',. .)lio GtTrnfln ihophcrdi.

■ H I:bH u f Spriiirjcr cow'j or hfiiler^ OiKir.inintl (li< or Iruclu:- tor siiDtiucr- (,r Ha(i or CryclcM'uijhL-i iMitiJ S41 S«?S or 543 5?49

T ‘-w - n r r£ u u ...f lR tu ;n iH r ,4 ^ ^ i_ ADS (Jr.i-iH provt'ti iiri',production- >rr Al40 ’rtH tirrrtl*: oi t v r i .-ivniinhie Buhl, 543 A10?. Ji-rotnvi S74-3iSJi-ilioym” **' HHA /sn;. Hurley, A7H WSl

S I:l l.‘ fT b lfvtb INC A-tl-Drcitl-., ftniry nccl. W.llfpr Lcttch Phone

J a5(j

luo to iMi Mulsivin rtuiiwk on hqnd- Wclglii 1.000 lo. I,ISO (loutuls, two w.iV'j to linrttir (• 0 ) 1 ' lo loor yi.’iir s Cow!, instirt-d rt(|itir>s) dpn(»< All

li'f — tajaraii.Hlirihl” ,


\l I. lY P J iS Of- HOW Sl;i-4jO»i*jUJ, Miiil. It .iilitl f l i 'n t , ol li >|i'IUirH)'. Will H,iU', ; j l ftOSS

. Farm.IrtipUmcnU,-

I [-;r/Df:H P IG 5 ror'ialt.-Phdni.' 541 5H56..

J.crvicrtble- A q p • HL'gtsfcri'd York'.liirc hi>ari> 11 Ht-tjiilcrfd llri'd GiK',. f’hOJU' 374 500?

JO H N D 'E T R E (Gl.-;r.iclpr, (J.tctr' , b iatlclor D U .H . John Dncrt' hnlrr f r.iiiofrn d il t . 3 wootih iirro w . 1752 .ortM.'n Chfyroli.'t iru fk , Y.irtiiiti.j inoior l(iki.', ni.-w 5 wciili'r moun'rd on pickup

> do/i'f

ik F«rm lmplem«nti

- Wl: W M O U Sl; ' IJA l O H A Y

R o i)i.r l C u rrr S 'i'fx jTt ,IiT 711 ?')7A

T-OW fiAl.t. (.ii'.f 310*^r.u1ofI0(1«/',tr nil lOilIlr-r-. IK-A ('nt)inc 1500 I).Ill", sIr.iA fMuJtir VJ4 S)70

T HA C IO H rfp\»*ifini}. .ill rn.ikes Sim.' Torn Boiirnjer or HiH' (ll Molynnux MaLhini.-ry, I9B7 Avifnut' 733 7547

7 iOlQ JQlin DC' r. • lr,l(-lor‘,I - /K>-John-Ornrr Tr,irtor1 - !W Jolm D*;<;ri; If.iLlO I . __1 641 fo rd fr.itlo/ '/..inH/ilriilif I


1 > ilI Uhl


'ID A H O TH A C TO H S A L V A G E h,i5 m o vw l to 'i- m iio vvevt o) no’j|Jit iil '0 Oriindvui.- ‘D r iv f , tt i.,- t\ ,'. in .U ;

, 'iOu'ii t i i 'ih (or ir . ic io r ', . lo^ p n c i v on ij'.i-O p i i r f , -.fMintK- i j j (1793

'1965 IN T t H N A T lO N A L l.ifid i-rn ( iritfc w rlli 70' W illK in iw n Dump iK 'd 3 . lo l l M i.w i- ll l i fO Oo.i-^i 7 Tru<)< n ioun ' 0%w<ili ini<lo.»tJrr% 57 Di.itiOful T 57"intprn.i*tnn,7i nnn- otiii.T 'r iK k - , ui'i ioo/

Boa li A M arine Items

NOW bH O W lN G h<T«r 19/3 bQrtl» ond nioior'* S<'C lli(‘m St n u o AND /V IA R K -S ' v a i i r - p v ln ru o e nnri M frc u ry D o iili'f HA? I ' lu i' U<ik<-sNorii>. 7 33 1 194

I 1 s I U 10 T riU :'-'V


&MARINA • Jb H O M E .ID A H O ‘‘

Sporting Goods

ALSO,-,lino n o-lCr«Mi=S2 SrrUl’K




f^or Kurni'uro Applj.inros ,Ttiinoiol Vrtluf

D A N N ER f\U jrN ITURC 127 ^cl A,-mttp W rs' ' 7>JU7I

: ( Hk. I 'i I M ■ M ' I t' I Ai . hlMi. ,-f. J2S r.ii t. Af...

9 » 13 U IN O LE U V i H U G S ■ ASSO RT ED f 'A I I E R N S t 'V SD A N N E R I 'U H N lT U H r T,%.r> ' K4llfc,

U N I ' IN IS M E D r UU N I 'l UU . <hiuno!.t qu.ilily, ( i.'ioi iioii ;M ary C .ir lc r. P rtinn . 1V36 '

R Lu iS lL - W LD UKAO ll- . .iTi.i' niin.liit I' 'u iiri.Miji'r Hi-rtro / JJ I /<iA

A K f- t nf'fioi''-

I P A lK ol Clun’ipi.OLLOUlUIMl LiV.i.l It is o 733 JUBJ

nr.T.sW A k O H O li f: ;>Cortiiilr_l(. Soli'ilio'i I' II r r» if ijr I* ^

HANN n « "l 'U W M I L'k f I J! VlMI Avi-rii’i- Wi'M

■ AK-r [trr.- '-TRrn nr-’ I ...... I' ori-. ‘ I' HI • fri Jtv

tfppliinces'fO R O N A D O ’ r iO T i t r r * ~ i

5 lAh •

j . R iU lD A l I M - . rtrr‘r-f ---nTVn-n-'. M1 Mit----'-

>'‘)MVyA^H k :.—' '•.■'II' I>t M,|\. .1 -.tiA.i'.r H I A C k I. k I, I U « H M U M IAl'PllAMl .................Ta .o I .111'. ; i ) IHOl

■n»» tf»inc= Wnot.u

C r>t nMMlt vVfi' -ruitiinisi'

1.1 C U d U t o u t Pli Iri'c icr <n*nl lorul liori lfJ47

-n i% I . . i'(J I'-. (M, I IK',.1,1.-I " . ■ ..... I .luill't,-. J I.)n;r .......... Ml 111 IS

< l.'l r ,1 -.l I W I [>' p,,.’ --,' t.’A a IS9

•j<' f I I Al , MK I S I MAS •,,.li- on u IJ' 'IJ'. S , Il ipjji'f k I'.'*, (‘orTIr' ». 11 .Vf', SliOr'tMir Po,li'i-rs tl

W 'll tii'lil loi ( tir s JAm io > .M 'i i i l .- I% Ptioni- 4}J 41H6 . A n Hi-i|.s'ifvil

■'-BuUdwg-Met rtwtt— “ Bungintp^Tgrtnr

gokjtn^iw r.'RlQf..kANl,t ILA

~PiOTWkNftrAbotfr ■tl 1111 [ >if«iofi Ki;if

li M liiN i. -i.H ift ys I I

i*-»*.'kk> >.ii» s'l/id -.5 4-’S Svi..- S .T-)> i Ih50 'iciii- I''.,.- >1 .’50

rsTvVi' r FT-,^ ■ • 0 1 S?fl50 Sol.

'.-l.'iil S.ilr 1‘, >,•S4 ’ i . i'n.c

.-I J I ‘ 1V5;. h.ur il.';.

-DI5G-Jo>in D ff r t ' Q W A 12 Fool 6 inch Wtu-.-l Dist

Jc>l»n D rc 'ic D W 5 12 foot W h e e l D .u Allik » 13T o o rro ry in g goncj W lu 'o l Disi.

KIVVAN6fc I 7 ♦odf fo ld in g g an g Di>c SFVFRAi nTHF_p_nQnn..nKr.x-. -

H H UN SW ICK , Dclirt .mfl T H EA poul ictbit'i. ni.'w <tnd uica Accci'^jritri S.iiu*, ,ino Scrvfcc ' J.lmo;~Cr.1rk.

' tmcrrji.Ts', ronnr

1 SNOOKt-k TAfUt-

- fctoino E<|u»pm®nt-

Aik (;t V.-.N t,

Auto Service — Parts AAececynes

/ N (:W G7(l ;» IS G 0 0 dy/'<V Suhur tj.imii.'; belt ey. po lyyi iiu-. (H x ld rfl tirc% , 1H5 O l:EN JFiNK INS MOTOR 733 1)776

?■ A M ER IC A N MAOS Plymouth,or Ford Uted 3 WMk!i (45 00 C>iH 713 7150

W I.IM Clii'..'.iriL-d V.(|-. To IT ' '»• ’iiliopls or ■ iris'rui'lon.I l l 1 • •

Cycles li'Suppllet

1971 SU ZUK I ■ 125 M X . c»f«-Hent condition, iilso L'Ktr.i p.iri;, Pho/U' 374 B747

ittti -y.AAAJiHA_aiQ_Oiri_iiiK£—ivta Y.irii.Oii 750-Run',, N ri'O', v.nrk 1100 00 B86 7541

1971 HONDA CL 350, I mmilCuln'i' Conc/>tior\, M.iki! oHi-r Ptxjn.' 336 597?

■1987 YAM AHA CYCLe-, n rw hrrtcln. nrvy p.slons, hi»*< g .iijc i.Ifim'>rnir,‘.ion, <ill n cv iirg^ Les'.• 50 rti ,1 u'j on ovi'rh.iul, cU-cifK' '.t-irl Phorii' 079 5757

IVA5 YA M A H A 750 Dirl-OiliL' 1963 -Ynm.iTT.T“750 ■ RQn'rrNi'<'cl\“ >v67l<~‘ ^100 00 733 79 .5


c e n t u r y / a a g i c v a l l e y --Y .A M A H A .r'ifAW/.rjr( <,i

II Trucks

E X tW A SH ARP 1966 ('ord 1-350. 1 ton. M,i> ijcd, p v r 'i'C iiM-(h.<r\ciii

- conoinon riionc' t3171ai,IVAH PO RD 1 ton piC^up 4 spi-.'d

i'«irlli-n ' cor'dil'on il850 P v '" ’ '' 374 46ttA

I97i'f-‘0WD f’ iC><UP I . ’ lon. lorMi— WLll04ll,-tjJiC. Wlfle-UQl.. KXtf J

Mnh,. lool Ixl*. power iiL‘i.'rin<)r,)cliO .. S7700 Pnoni'

tyfiU IN I- t f tN A T - lO N A L .■ p u k ii)). <)oocl cgndiiion. Jti 00(t

itici.-', - M'.lkfi oMcr . Phone 7SH 4 106

IVrt-- rH P V R O l.f rT —•T - ton - -w'lri- -f'fimprr-'inr-ri-T- anori -rorOt,<-'On

IVW f OkD ' I Ion V B. 4 -ipi'i'il hev.tlre^ iMC f'icn i cotuliiiQi'. 5i:i5(;

• Phft(iV.n3 596V

959 IN TERN A T IO N A L tWUCK, ri.'.ii n lcr'.lo fk r.irk. J or*''. Pt'oni- fiil6 74A9

fOW SA i 6 196' -Ford

1971 FO RD 'R A N C H P RO Sciulf.' pnwi'f . mr . new 'ir('- C.ill 4/g 5B56

WE P0SSl-~5SE D ISAfl Cni'vroK'i El C.lrmno »rnv tic ii i 'n o' GAC f in<in(<-. l40 Aid Siri'.,-' E.*'.' Phon.- 7J3 I0*A-

196? f OWD ECONO I iNfi iiA ’ nv.'fiiauii'U. i t u J t J hri;:, llnaui^ 376 s *u • •

1966 CHf-VROLCT 1,- Ton fi.ik.ip Cdniiit!f- - iB cc tB ir -Hcv:'P<-r l.M I r ond'tion .tncl Atr ConcJ.I<onini| PiiofU- 543 533V

HAA C h Ev WOl ET 4 (1 O U O v n ' u . i l . m , | ( - .

JiKHli'iOn Ptionr- 11

rrrt^nn rtl'i r-

Snow Vehicles

Tnry R(- H r w ( : " I97J Mi-r' Snii^vmoli li's Sf-t 'lifiti ,«l UUO AND M A R K ’S Ynur Evlnrud.- .iild Mern<(y 0«'.ii«'' 1167 HH;«" I nki'v North 7 J1 1194

m o (il Ul; IS H L- H I; Sno Jl't .inil't^M-iV bn(\*v 'n.ii (iiii.i\ DON STir e a. cvci r inc i 56 4im.Avcnuf

IV72 bKl DOG m .l*r/ARD 4.1l»-

i ih.1 DOQ oouliir fr.irv^ sno>vrimt)ii|i



^ 0 ^ D “^ P 1V D T S ~A v Jik iL ilc tiow 15 uM'ii L 'lcct'ic p ivd l -in ig<srToii

- IhfM- '.js ti'tin orp-bping-roptnct'd by iii-w PlfViTr C irc lr-M rn t pfs Ih r y a r r lorcitpd m Pasco W n M n Lc on oppotntm pnt

' Ih .T

Ih cy vmII l>(.- sold for cnsli

ond oil I'O

Cl frisi cooH' first scrviV:! Ijcim s-j*^lilcy.-hTiU'.Jmd—cui-i;U«(ii ..4«ia.*»ii>uon,.»?^

^\AM • I Kill ru 111

RoilHCll Roin icit Rdiiirui RO'''


' prcKiuCi'd crops uiuJt'i Ihi'tii Ihis pcisi s


l'?66 \WA1966----l ‘i’66 UHO1V66 nv51966 ' -I 397

146: 1

1-13 • - 3 SO LD \A6- 4 SOLD .

- -G6iaTUR*^AUTOMOT;»VE=- M A C H IN E "

7 C V rN W H O I: •,no;v 'r.i U-r , I tl.)nu.i Vit i ,

_ f l ’ttnn''; • f’ritinr -f-jl BOVO

•i7’ n M-i *;rjn i f t ' .n "

Tiavi*! Trailer*.

T R A i i r s H iT r n r ? .ina t^r.ikf,ln^^lllL^I. L'du.iliici lAnd olticr

lonuo.PiXH..' JW-«76t

; i lU/i WlNNtrHn*^41-l»»v#Mrniirrs i'it (ont|>ini‘cl infUiriinf] n-r toncL' t’ '''ni| .'■ii-dcn' conclrtion Ption.' j Ia 3J01

IV :.l I t- C O N I A/N L f>I’tiirtl. r l.'.fd 1 1 1 V ri'Dtilh-, S.lvr ^9l]ft"*'TlTmnTfTiti»V-—r.Tlcr over iu i.rn i‘n>'. o' It itionlh Pnonr > I I 7.1(1;


"196/ "19 6 7 ' '1967



1 46 • 213 7^

1 38 'i 14B '

h SO LDs



■WTANT-TO-HUV- J yu.i, 1.1> .wiipi'r w ith ■ vcrUi'ti n ilh iic r l ‘li«nt- 517 6774

1VA6 10 rOOT C A M P JiR ■W.I

L o u t ic a L . .... . . . r v A / .. T39F--. • <7..Cocjtsccil 1967 V392' 145 • 10Cocilscdt 1'5'67 1297 1?6 • 196V 1397^ ■— \ - u j ~ 12 SO LDCoalvccit 1967 ■ 1390' 144 • 13'fi;v7ir.o 1969 -- - • 1376' . 1 4 ? . U S G l{>

— Jilo c iro g o to i ■13931 • '■ 1.16'

17 (. .(t 'p I f .iili'r. lurn'shi'd slov.' SlU.' ,100(1 cun(l''ion 609

M ( UR 11 > ' AM.PL R wilh ii'illt’i . st'l' .1 ' Kiriil)i'l> RUiiO. OK ■;jC'S or l?4 ' Jc'llfrsoii Slri-.-t

innljl- 733 31V0.----------

■_ N U l t ,>:^^^^al^gN> b a ^ c t t l^ b g w U ^ D Roin with hm

“~Pfk'cv rofiflfc IrSnv ii. iO O |6 $7,5UU wKiu^ iv - osT i^PafK • ond rep o if vuppliC i oro eosily o W a in o d loca lly

- fa fln io rn \< itio n C on lac l;' —

N 0 l^ | lH - W B 5 T - :P L - y W © O D “ S A L ‘E 5 "3050 K.mbrr/ h'.'iih) . 73:i SVO , -I.W IN I JDAmO fn3fil’

- r r r f r

jO N M EYER - PASCO-> 547- 1-195-

Eugene', Oregon (503)345-01 85




I I Utility Trailers

/(I I H (:U M A U I 'r,. -.-r vmUi skI.-s v.icuuni pnoni.' ^2J 50rr

• } -Heavy Equipment

l.O A D tRS- I WO lAN I , ,.iril M ICH IG A N . US A S e e

- CASli 6a0 I>.«tk|.u.. c.ilt mi- lor nnv nrw rciu'prnmt n ('C!

J t . f l I O U l | | i r n , I H - i" J t '

U S E D IN D U S T R IA L ----E Q U IP M E N T -----

‘I.-’ I ... 'I-Sw V>.... c

Import—Sports Cars

DATSUN- FRO M NfSfrM 't-Wtftt-PRt&t-

DEAN MOTOR CO.409 'Jnd A.e- S 7 J j 7u?3

inOVAr/Y I,ir-. nu I7T1 rrDWpTT—'l7•- . l•rll|.tl (lo'f. t-,1.

I'lilnii / IJ (H‘ 'l ,ll’ l-i

ELLIOTT'S11 1 Ovt-rl.mcJ Avo

U ufIwy, IdciI.O ■Pliono A7H 55B5


■ Auto? For Sale '■

• 6 n L Y '1 ? a u x i l i a r y f u e l

t a n k s L E M "


M O T O R S j J l^ *

Import—Sports Cars

1V6S V(ilkSvVi)(|rn Ciirn|)i,-r (luS, 77fl 4JU5. Lc.lVf

.W ilJ d rivu t.m d-N um lji.T

Rool.19A9 VolkiW.'iTcn HfcjTlVTsijn Rool, s 'l'ri’O. (••ci'lli'ot condihoM 734 •?404 ,i' k lor Doiitj

15. Je e p - 4 W he^D rjves

1V70 (-OWD N (jood < oricii'.o 134 5631 ’

.■.u: :,t,ui—Lrj.T.CKifja «.L'.ClL_ fi'j. m.--/-'' ti'.it---'., 4

'196(1 I AND R O V rR ■ goail I oridi' on n'-y" m 4ij54

Ption., n 1 0176 o

Autos Fpr Sale

i: iv .L.rQ;Li 'imPitla. 7 o<*<'' H.iriJtlJC ;Hl V fl. 4 SJI.'I n I'linni- ,174 7V7I

-►•0» At. H—WS^Wrrriir-,—i‘/ri7ntpr;OT-■ ;.nnv,'pr- - r’rtrr'ng ini'O'*'' <tli*.

l| .tt.->, hfn'rr 30/V,H_R^( rjOOfl rondi'ion <3A (WV)

■-'.iTI'op ’Il non, 7, i,.|- : nnT-3.7ir/rAnr -‘lp.'~‘V*-ivr£j!riui-..■ r?.'nVr'-n,-'--pit;:,ri—nT^vrrvit'.'-—r-

1961, CHE VROl <- I - lO' Iflip r',<ini. 'P-.yii- 54J S7/0

lv^s ( I .( -.c r-, } ' ?' tUo' r ." ''

L''4v.|-0rc U.-«!.-)*ir. H(»roiQ(i —

IVU Ci i L '.UUl I-I -1 .l..<» V■J ,;lii-r ni'.i?,..


USED.CARS. - Sell U i Your . ■Cur Today!

YOUREE- M o i o i r e o / -----Mrim A.*' S

I win Tails 0/1 A„(o(ii<W)r;r Row '


These Demonstrators^Hqve Very Few Miles And Have N^ver Been Titled.

‘ 19 7 T f O l ^ O T r c O R O L l A l ' J ^

______________ S'ySHToTOTTTy . , .TOYOTA CEl,ICA ST-

Ti7r-52995special At

- --TOYOTA MARK. l . l .S I^ O N W A G O N

4.Soye^ver-^-v-T=TT T 7 ^ I' n ' i .


- A u t o l i o t U I * -

1 « ; 0 . CA O lLLAC ,‘_ J '^ a r ' , Duvtliu.. .jpow cr it i‘i>nno, iiritKci, rt<iu)ows. .4Tc .U 5 , . A M F K \ SIITOO, .i irrcondifionirto P'lonr 7 JJ

,WiS C H EV H 0 LE1 IM PA LA , qoocI

\970 T R IU M P H S P l T r i t t E , 11400 In q u ire n|.4?fi W .iki'tip ici .iH i-r 5 30 P . rti. _ .

FOR SA LE '966 «>Utiioi)ifi V.iliiin' t3 7 5 o r bc“J oHvf p r io „f J JJ i l J 4


O LO SM O filUES '

1967 - fO U li c'^UNT.W.y' Si.^lionM.iyon vyillv power bTiikcs,

. sftw ino, one) r.cnr window Air cohclitiomnd, fKCCIIcnt Jjrcs .


B r o t h e r s• PonJiflC CaciilKic .

G«<1CHupil'r t. M iii'a

lVi£ GTO convertible, now tnOror, .*nU trnnim isjion, iiutomiillc, funs r.e.H 000(1 a n j ooou iircs. Crtll 73 - 5316 or sw nt I!t5 M otuoo'Slrce l. |

1967 /VlUSTANG GT. 390. 4 ipceU. tBOO.OO Plion*' 336 597 .

197T DKONCO- V 0, "DuckiM SxrtlS. Roar. buDciw ve.ii. Free .rtlnninfl. hubi, 3 i« is rubber • - l ni'w, m.inv enlro i Plio)ii> 703 BS67.

I9MI F O U P TOH INp GT w Uh'V 'B, power itner'ina. power brakes. Air conclilionino, rflOiO’ flnrt .ilereo l hurif S'W ni.ifls, Hjiui^rnwitt 837 4S03

-Aulqf For.’Sa lt I *—AAond«iy.-Udr>uar-y-8r-)07j*—T im o t.N o w (r- T w in - f^ H (r- ld A )io r~ )0 —

Autoi For-S^lt N Aiitoi For S it f • i* Aufot For & jlf

1965 CA D ILA C Deville, A I . curulition. godd tireb, t)79S. Sec <it . Twin FaIIs. Lumber K Sood. Pnono

^3i floay cir„/nj.zi7j.iwenlnas.,-

>967 fA RH CU IJY Z Ooor vinyl K.VU lop. iw wtr itr t fin o . rtir ..>uiom.»lic trciiHnii>i&io(ti 1 owner, ptione 473 ..5i4.X..iUw.A p..»------------—

1966 C H A R O E R . 303, POWCC.»|verinOi nufom rtllc, ■ f iiiiinc inu

, >iv,tilAhle 'C.ill 733 B17I1 «vt-i>lnu^

1/67 r i t f c n iR D Pcnriiic Autorrinttc 336. Citll 326 44S9 1900.

-W70 Podoe Suncrbce, 47,'OQO initps. 4 .s^L'L'd >{c.>duu.-.ML>w--tiru&. .flD6 .

1965 r? door '<>l.1 tlon . w.tQOn. oood cnnmr nnct'->rnnsni."i»io»,- iiei'iU st.utyr, 1 1 7 5 . Ptione . 7 3 4 4A0B-

See . ^ - r ' ■■

' H e n r y l P g | D eHome Phone 733-2,089 ;

For A ll Your ' <- ' ' -Tram porlaflon N eeds'-

Bill Workman Ford1243 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. ____________ 73.1-.') 110 See MAZDA'S Rotary Engine Cut Away . . .

. . . Now on DISPLAY In Our Showroom!!

New Year's Specials VW 'S ■ ' DOMESTICS

_ 197 r- V O t l^ W A G E N — ^ ^ l e z n i H T Q — ;SQ U A R EB A C K

Rod, 4. jpoed Ironsm issior rad io , rad io l fires, cleon

\ '20451970 V O L K S W A G E N

; r C A M P fR ~ V 7Blue o n d whjte

'2585°°1968 V O L K S W A G E N

BU S •O-cr- I.. ,..

, ----rM:n~f?)riTr.iT;,5-— ’--- -- "

■ s

COMditibnino. big ongmo, wh

. s I 77200

1970 PLYM O UTH W A G O ND no ow ner

' '2045°°1967 BU ICK -

ELECJ1?Afo lt- p o w e rm o w eng in ir ' '


Bfon/e coupe, 4 spei-d

l9 6 7 fA L C G NA doo r, low m iloagu.

: " ^ f O r t 4 M U U 6 i w a d ! o ^ ' - - - — • one o w o o i—

'1395' . '865^°

mf= O R S C H a /


• 1 5 3 4 N , ‘ B lu e L o k e s B lv d . 7 3 3 - 2 9 5 4

M A Z D A can no t be out dotit* in P c rform nnco, jn c iin o g r ln n , pr

....................... i£ 1 ..0 U R .R E V . . I

Stop in ond iee our NowI9 7 3 'i A u to m atic Trcins-

-> m ub.on o va j!n b lv ,w it il..Q ll '7 3 'b

~ 0 rU T lD h rC T V K U I AKV Lo t^ ' buslion C h o m b er a llo w v le ii o* id (| n ilrog en efniivions that^ ony ci|hcr ca r on the M orkct TodoyV

M A Z P A R X 3 .

M A Z D A 6 1 8 .;? & 4 .p,vi.>c t.M A Z D A . B O a ,

- ' ? K 4 .Slnl.,... I I’nlOn t n^illr •


M A Z D A IS 1 8QD S T A T IO N W A G O N ___________S t r e a m l in e d B e a u t y . & _ ..P o w e r , W i l l m a k e y o u p r ^

i o d r iv e o n y w h e r e l l ___________________________

' ^ O N L Y ^ ^ = = - A A ^ D A H - 8 f ) 0 - S W I € H s P 9 V 7 4 ^ ^

I 1 ONLY — MAZDA RX2 (Rotary) -

n 'O N LY — MAZDA RX2 (Rotary)4 doo r. 1972 D E M O

1 9 6 ^ E R C U R V M O N T tG G ,- ----— -

p(,wrr llrdlr. U^- V'.lr,.,,.'

1968 P IY M O U T K S A T E IL IT E W A O O N ^

V SK mRP •'

‘ 1 9 6 6 T O R D M U 5 T A N G : ................. ’

1966 R A M BLER W A G O Ntnnfinrrt Trfi''nrt;(‘..r,i' ft T V c i , rir<i n

1964 C H & V R O lH W A G O N , •1(11. limit Itll'-UlMiVJ'' • j) "-''l' '.I'""' l'nr''.|,(,rt,|1969 FO R D W A G O N .

1968 PLY M O U T H S A lE lU r E ,

'1 190 1 1 90

S 9 9 5

'780 : '575

. 1 9 6 7 .P IY M 0 I: I :|H ,V A U A H J.6(.yliii|ki AululIlJli: ‘ (<<•

1964 J[-EP W A G O h ie trH :- ' '

197 1 PLY M O U T H TURY II, 'I l„ „ . Mnrr) I-f. l.-a.l-.

1970 lO Y O ^ A M K II- ' 4.l«-oi W.'i.l H...- -

.1968 fO « D T O R IN O , i• ....... .. *---- ■ -■ "~<r »»■

1971 FO R D T O R IN O ,



'1295'2895'1995n 6 9 5

'25951967 JE E P C O M M A N D O ,4 wlirrl ilrj.f. Iu~ tiui. rigr

i9 7 p IF FP U N IV F .B S A l,i. Mug Wl.ttulv. '

^ '19 6 8 FO RD R C K U P .- 1 ,'V Jon. Y H. AutomoitcMroiitiui\»ion.

. friwnr Slcrtii'n. C.valDit' Cul> '_______




1 ONLY - MAZDA .RX3 (notary)B e su re-^ o o jfc o u r sfy/rsh M A Z D A S p o th Pickup, powQr^d by cm in*

________________________________ lu ie 4 c y / in d o r ) 6 0 0 C C o v e r h e a d .___________________________ ____

W E H A V E O V ER 20 U SED C A R TRADE-IN S C R E a 'T v a r ie t y l o c a l O W N E R S !!


3 6 3 2 n d A v e . S o u t h , T w in F a l ls

M A G I C .V A L L E Y

7 3 3 - 5 6 9 6


I A M I l A R Y r i F A R A - K i r F

TH EISEN M O T O R S — Monf/is,or 12,(300 M ilo Pow er ira in\W d rr6n1y On MoSf Used Cars. . ^

: 197 2 C O N T IN E N T A L 1 *9 7 0 M E R C U R Y■ m « o u ,s „ . o u o , -

........ .ilul mi)Oilinl gtreii. gtern yVnyl lop •, ‘ *'■'olf green Jcnlhrr N'lrriot, ot coiirn- " " '*'‘’""1^ '' ’ '

-luUpowrf, |u»t l>k* biund

.$AVE 2000 $AVE ' ^-Al>r/-l cnjtv —

CnfifM nfitcwn. ....... A1.I.IJ.):

1972 M E R C U R YMAK^3un. C.ilyn, Votl »lcil,o|> 'u .kj O" llin to ptiurnypt wciij.iii i-lit»oV>l<-l) )>rilp(l. 10000 miirs t(i dull litrv co'iiplplrit r>|«i|ipc<l v-ill tcKlOt, oil • linigiHl'-

It..- - .i iV ,

• -Kll«l MouiT"I C'.tll W.Iry

197 0 B U IC K


Ci.llioo.o r.ij ,MVd

1.972 M O N T E G O M X•1 duuT tcdiJO,. beuulilwl it>ud.on> U»c

lifp» lofliKjr OK cunil'liD"eqotpppit— =T-

I Io thoijsr Iiotu I


li-SAIIKI V ilixir- hdxllop I'rtdi.r yrlliiw iihd «.tuie ? ii

_ i 2 ^ 2 8 0 -

r„(l lomo, ( h.Ulx ■ TJ4 55flO

T 9 7 .0 T O Y O T A. (5Kl.'llA JJH)0 Ai;lcH..<it,< Uu.-Lri irnt . fijl I,I cnloi j t ; r J js iL l i l- _

T 6 5 Q

( .,/i A'.-rl.V 5J6 ?S I t(,0jj w.i.., j j j ;;wH ‘ ,

■1969 C H E V R O L E T1 9 7 3 F O R D 3 / 4 T O N -

-Hnri^ri-pTfVup-^OO-rmtrv—ntitoloMy-- -‘A „ . i , . ; _ „ q „ n , r - j _ v c ! V-8(iilj)' oiluijjped V I) ongme oulomiiln etiijcur finlon.rtlir lt<iiH"eiiu\ion.,OQwIrinnmmioii po~rt tlppi.n(], po>r/ <■' »'p p i"'.’J p>-~-ir tituUj 'b id lr. h p o . » p i , I , o » ~,dp f ^ — A

l)pn»li(ulhiii,P,t Qotd «itl> lnn~i< b j ^m l AM

■ $AVE•19 7 2 M A Z D A R X 2

irU n r- '4 ■ p?Bt}Mrr

ill Join HtWMin . ?3i J J J6

1971 L IN C O IN .

' J I i n E m I A I 4 d o o r « « d o n . a l l

o r . w i 1 h “ M 6 t ( H i n g ' ‘ '


1 9 7 0 I I N C O L N-OfrrTfjrnrjn""*"rt6f*r-5frT7TTT-


- 9 = 3 3 ^ 3 6 $ -■ ;- ^ S e i y e A R S i- J5 4 - - 4 lh - A v V '^ - ^ ’.n e w G A R S i'2 3 6 _S h o sh o n e S'i.-W ., . ,. .7 3 3 - 2 8 9 )r ;

BIG_^yiNGS TO START THE NEW YEAR O UTl ? iG ^ H T T r - - a t : . . - - ^i.^ £ £ _H .A N 5 Elsl. C H E V R O LET

Don'k'Buy Anything. Unfil You Haye-Shopped -Ai, The OK Corral

■ $2288 S888_____


fr‘c ~inl!i—Trnnirti;i)7ou'—imwer '

$ 1 6 ' 8 T

'...... <i....



$1 188iMi>(f/-i-d‘ trf,ni---

~ r 9 7 T ‘V O l :K S W A 7 5 F Ru T T d ^ y r p r n - . l l ~ y r >

; ol| Ipllltiri j IJl, po.-r-ril


1 9 7 0 D O D G Ep n iA i^ :(’OlAK^ 7 door liordlop

loilpl c hio/iip -lipcli ig bcciL tdol

bl,.r -'I.dr cind

Coll JtKk Wo/ior- ■■ 7J3 7411

1 9 7 0 P O N T IA C -(JONNlVlllfc-tornr+TTwrrrr all,r.hit«, gold lop nioldtinij lobric (nieriO’ ' (all pL>~c> bi-luriyod lolocol buimeti mtir. o"d .I'l |,iit like tjtor'd 're-


196 9 P O N T IA C

l U - o i > . i i i d w - s V . p r i c e d I o t e l l

i2990-A ( r , . i M o i . n


r . l- 9 6 7 r M E R j ; : U R Y -COlONT PA'»'> Sicil

w.ll. wv.ud, I

M350MOQon ligtii

■ ( r l l o n i , I q o I>>

M U S t A N O M A >1'ii>r> h^cLel

1 '969-FO RO -------*ull .bloc, rcil

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ICE^mnm— .. by MoVgro—


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r S I N 4 ^ B ^ E ^ A B I N E T 7

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R i n : $ 2 9 ; r 5 “ : . : / : N ow

P r i m e d B a s e M O U L D I N G — i : ^2 ! 4 " w id e - ' < « ( • ■ r ---- '

Reg. 18‘- RunninoFi; V Now I Z . I.;:;. .' '\BvY-^mbyJ^e^^\ !_

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R e g . $ 1 2 . 9 5 .............. N o w U • ’ t

Materiais and Labor included_____5fo/e/nspeclion ifa lio n No. 1217 -

Phone h r Appointmeni 733-9680 "GLOBE

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■124 B lu e L a k ' j5 B lv d . S o u th

M rs. “ M " M a n a g e r A d d iso n A v e . D airy Q u e e n

Scott E rw in , M a n a g e r B lu e LaR es D a iry Q u e ^