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Zentangle Instructions You are to create 5 different Zentangles. Examples and samples are given. Zentangles can be about 4” x 4” in size. Fill in the entire area. They can be shaded in with pencil, or left black and white. Have fun with this!!

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Post on 25-Mar-2018




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Page 1: • L-e.ovrvt how · Web viewhat goes under. 1?.otate and repeat until the section is filled. Color the background with black if desired. *original Zentangle design 6 Zentangle BASICS

Zentangle Instructions

You are to create 5 different Zentangles. Examples and samples are given.Zentangles can be about 4” x 4” in size. Fill in the entire area. They can be shaded in with pencil, or left black and white.Have fun with this!!

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How to Get StarteJ ...r

o @' o i. l J.:'

• •

•1. Use a pencil to make a Jot in

each corner.

L_2. Connect the Jots.

CJraJitional 'Zentangles...A very simple process is part

of every traditional Zentangle.

/. Make a dot in each corner of a paper tile with a pencil. Connect dots to form a basic frame.

2. Draw guideline "strings" with the pencil. The shape can be a zigzag, swirl, X, circle or just

'" about anything that divides the

a,:;:: :::::a;; "ga / dea; ,, thread " that connects all the•,'• patterns and events that run

through life.

The lines will not be erased but become part of the design.3. Use a black pen to draw I-fTangle patterns into the sections I, 1formed by the "string ". )I

,4. Rotate the paper tile as you fill each section with a pattern.

,.•"Y/ :t ro?il II(' 1<1

'X ' or a swirl.4

4. Switch to a pen anJ Jraw tangle patterns into the sections JormeJ by the "string".

CJips...• Ulhen you cross a line, change the pattern.• It is OK to leave some sections blank.


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. - ..

Each Tangle is a unique artistic design

and there are hundreds of variations. Start

with basic patterns, then create your own.

With Zentangle, no eraser is needed. Just as

in life, we cannot erase events and mistakes,

instead we must build upon them and make

improvements from any event.

Life is a building process. All experiences are

included into our learning process and into our

life patterns.

Crescent Moon*1. Vraw curved humps along the inside edges of

' any section.2. Vraw a curved line on each hump to create arches or moon shapes.

3. Color each moon with black .4. Vraw a continuous curved line inside of the moons. 5. Vraw additional curved lines to Jill the section.*original Zentangle design - Variation Zen/angle BASICS 5

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Printemps*1. 'Draw a small spiral, sort of like a cinnamon bun or

jelly roll. Start with a small "C" shape then spiral around it and close the end of the spiral.2. Make more spirals to fill the section.3. J1.dd small circles to fill spaces in the section.4. Color the background with black.*originalZentangle design - Variation

Hollibaugh*1. 'Draw two parallel lines across a section.2. 1?.otate the tile then draw another pair of linesletting the shape appear to go "behina" the first one.

3. 1?.otate the tile again and draw another pair of lines that goes under. 1?.otate and repeat until the section is filled.4. Color the background with black if desired.*original Zentangle design

6 Zentangle BASICS

Page 6: • L-e.ovrvt how · Web viewhat goes under. 1?.otate and repeat until the section is filled. Color the background with black if desired. *original Zentangle design 6 Zentangle BASICS

3. Color the zigzag shape with black .

Static*1. Vraw a zigzag line from one corner of a sect ion to the other sioe.2. Vraw a secono zigzag line parallel to the first one (let the lines join at the enos).

4. Vraw on the right sioe of the black bolt to aoo an echoing line (oon 't let the lines join at the enos). Vraw aooitional zigzag lines to fill the section.5. fJum the tile ano oraw on the other sioe of the black bolt to fill the

section. fJip: If you are left-hanoeo, ora w on the left sioe.*original Zentangle design - Variat ion

ShaJ ing Your Zentang le tShaoing aoos a touch of oimension.

1. Use the sioe of your pencil to gently color areas ano oetails with gray.Suggestions of where to aoo shaoing ...• In the center of the Moon Walk section• On one sioe of each Spiral• On the right ano left of the first set of parallel lines• On the lower zag of each parallel zigzag line• 71.long the eoge of some sections to aoo oepth to the sections of the oesign• 71.long the right eoge ano the bottom of your finisheo shape, about 1/s" wioe, to "raise" it qff the page

Note: Use shooing sparingly.

Use the .pencil to aoo shaoing ano use a paper stump to rub the pencil to smuoge ano bleno the gray areas.

Zen/angle BASICS 7

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:ll.lphabet'Draw a block letter, it coulJ be your initial

or part of a worJ. 'Draw sections within the letter anJ/or sections arounJ the borJer. Clhen aJJ a pattern in each section.

Clip: Spell a worJ or your name by lining up three or more tiles.

w \ \t ·.,, hat You II Learn' ' from Zentangle...

• Hand-to-eye coordination:JG, • Manual dexterity

:Relate Zentangle to £earning ...Here's a neat trick to increase spelling comprehension.

Spell out a word in block letters within a tile. Add letters in a section and fill the section. As you draw, your mind will be recording the sequence of the letters.

Here s a clever way to help memory in math. Draw your addition numbers then add patterns in the background.


o • Follow instructions00

. • Complete each step) • Problem solving

-0• Tum mistakes into positives ;

• Creativity and innovation '

:: £:·. '\:'. o ,

.Cearn basic shapes in patterns ... circle, square, triangle, spiral.

8 Zentangle BASICS

0 0 6®

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'FrienJship [Jangles'Draw on a large piece of carostock.71.JJ the "string" anJ make many sections (at least one for each JrienJ ). 71.sk each person to Jraw a pattern in a section.71.t the enJ you'llhave a wonJerjul piece of art createJby many hanos anJ talents.


Maps'Draw on a large piece of carostock .'For the string, use an outline of the sta tes. Qive each stuoent a copy. of the map. 'Each Jay Jill in

a state with a pattern. []his Jun project helps stuoents memorize the shape anJ position of states on themap. 71.t the enJ, every state will be filleJ.

Zentangle BASICS 9

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Chartz* 71.oaptation

Knightsbrioge**originalZentangle design

12 • Zentangle BASICS





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Jonqal**original Zentangle design - Variation

Chillon**original Zentangle design - Variation

KnightsbriJge aaghQueen's Crown



Zentangle BASICS 13

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• •• •• •


,,.?; Cadent*



L' *original Zentangle design -


*original Zentangle design

'Flying Geese

·14 Zentan[l/e BASICS


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y- + ++ ++ ++

+Cross Stitch

+ + ++ +

+ + ++ +

+ + +

'Flukes**original Zentangle design - Variation

W2 Cubine

Keeko**originalZentangle design

'Flying Qeese

Zen/angle BASICS 15

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Cubine**original Zentangle design

16 Zentangle BASICS


Corn Jtows

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