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I Prom V«Bf»tk> I j»f (utMpoadwi of the Pbiladelpbii I J^er *rl,cfi UDJer dale Pono Clkb#1l0t Oct I "\ae C nrention 8 ^cw daJ" Wl" preeen I Df* constitution to the Executive powe I r7jvfjroautre. The return of Gen. Par: I ;.heo uotrv w lo k »d upon by ell the poli I rartifs as the inauguration end eetab I nftr-' of perpetual peace. It ie tbe gen I », iapreeeton that be will not bold am I ]. c otot, bat will contribute, with bii I an J oounsols, to unite tbe varioui I JJ5,.. sdJ bring to power tbe moat reepecta I ,'taiia in the country. Tbe oropa thieyeai I verv food* aDl* pricea bave no upwart I taadeocj. I tNARKlBD. I Thursday, tbe 11th instant, at the resi I 0{ T M McCormicK, by the Rev. Elia: I Lr,soa D D.J MUNROE NEWTON, o I Kork. Ark. to MARY CLAGETT I >r oi ::.f officiating clergyman. (Littb £>" apr" please fopy ) :r - instant, at J'me ^*rove, near Wash ,r], t>v :dc k«v John Lauahan, alkxan KI.M°I T- Jr., °t Mount Vernon, Ohio v\hV LAVIMA. daughter ofSelby Scaggs ,s "o: > former place. 'i ] '»dav evening last, by the Rev. Mr V.ur.g. Mr. samuel brooke, tc lal ka c daughter of Cbarlea Hill 1' a.l or Prince George's County, Md. P1KU. - WasMiigton. on the 10th instant, Mrs . si\ H RINGGOLD. relict of the la'r , Ringgold. U. S. Army, ant' *' 01 ::ielate Hon. A. P. Upshur. V residence of her father, I). Rokohl. in ,. ; Missouri. on Saturday, the 6th of No .TUV v MAKV JULIET KIRBEY, wilt if a:s R Kibbey, aged twen'y years. V "!" v °n l bursday night, the 4th inst, N^di of be' age, Mrs AMELIA C. \KM V ir ict of Nnuan Pinkney, esq. \-ur instant, HENRY W.. aged 15 . oi Fionas L and Mary E. Tatteraon. ,i 1 .ffniay. 'lie <rnd inst . GEORGE D.son »i' W and Jane E. Bradt, aged 5 mouths, t. J 'lav* < iinmicttviAL. Siciaudrla Slarksf, Hot. 11. IV t.artet lor bieadstufls was quiet, but i \m -action* wre made, and the tendency y.crt is downward. There were sales of i .v wneal at 125c., and prime red at 118c. .*.» Jul and quotations nominal. Corn at c lor white and mixed. Rye and « .r.ctungeil 'lbs Mmkets. BitTiMoKS. Nov. 11.Flour is in brisk dermd an! 'inclanged. Wheat is firmer and -lange.! Corn is better.old white 7f07Sc.; - new white 7l<37|c ; j el low, 75c.. .. .i)i» are fum. N»* Yoas. Nov 11..Flour has advanced; vj> *4 :: dtl do Ohio |5.30®#S 40; South- ii Wheat is firm; red ll'irtvs; s*.y -i Wf stern 1*20. Corn is heavy, mixed "j" lork is firm; mesa $17 00; prime fi Uni is inn!. Whiskey is firm 22$# ix rks are .{nil and drooping. Mo. 6's *vrln £ xcnange dull. \>* V'tfk. November 1'..The improvement >«\>ck market is attributed to the favora-r :i/ not the Banks. The weekly statetfihowstie tollowing results: Loans and c j $U» sou.492; specie, $28,337,305; . ;'ir: #\>»».933; deposites, S109,217,4 ty. J:.« .in increase on all the heads except - wh. L h.i> decreased only $370,462.. lie receipts at the Custom House yesterday ">> !' aid. 'he balance in the Sub-treal:v »a« -l.'i.»s. Brndstuffs i.ave advanced.flour from five to >r en low grades; wheat two eta. and corn two cts The cotton market is at a irt AlilHAKAC. SoalSotff V'VKMBKK mu iel$. Moon's Phasss. __ j Fr:6 57,5 3; P. P. K. tit .rday... 6 58 5 2,First .jr.. 13 3 32 s J-l. 17 .. 6 59 5 1 j Full 20 9 14 a Monday... 7 0 5 U:Last <jr. 27 0 24 R hi<iy.... 7 1 4 59 New.... 5 5 0 u * " ;av 7 1 1 59, high wat*r T v. ,7 2,4 58 Nov K 12,1 lb. 20 HIAHINS LIST. PUT or ALEXANDRIA.NOVEMBER 11. Akkivbd. vsr Wm H Pine, Jones, Potomac Creek. *- »'"o (' F Sultle Sr Co. Jailed. v-' K H Paly, Crompton, New York, by TJ Wey. v K Merwin. Avery, New York, by T.J. V:r A M Kartlett, Bartlett, Fall River, by -Vt; Co. Memoranda. i Forest. days from Windsor, N. S., lathi* port, in the bay, &th inst. v-t» I' Molt. tor this poit, cPd at )'* lor* rn inst.; Beauty, Johnson; J. W. ":»'j I'm'ier. and Maria and Elizabeth, Bofu" ntti 'Li* port; Myers, Rhodes, and J. H "it'u lout - frotn Georgetown, D. C .arrived 'Monday x :*» Mmena, Winslow; Iram Smith, Me 'at >1 Brown, Heaid. and M. C. Dur" ttom tini, port, anivcd at Fall Fiver, 2 Hit v"-t5 Allen Mi.Mleton, Jr., Sipple; Richard ; ***> ( ranrrer. and Snow Flake, Weaver ' port arrived at Providence, 8th inst Kiate F.icemire, for Washington, cl'd ,,?t''«<>ipht4. ."h inst. ^ H I i Sinite, from this port, ar " H"lrn»V Hole, sth inst. ^ Prol Far:-:,! vvii] give a «elect SOIRHF Na.!. or. or x'. Wednesday evening. Tick 'o!« UJ |rom himself, or at the door ' v I d.3t Dk P WOOLEY'S ALL HEALING M RKNGTHEN1NG SALVE' * f never dp| eared a medicine which , :'p pene'rating and healing powers in * ,Vg;ree, while at the same time il a") possibility produce injurious ef < 1 or sale- by PEEL. STEVENS 4 CO., S' ' Comer ol King and Allred streets rA t>OOl)S.i have just received « ful »'oci oi Zephyr. Knitting, and Shetlatu ' t'ert:ti!ul >hades; also, a supply o Hair I ins, in blue, scarlet, white, am »i«>: jjjJt. ranging in price from $1 to r*- pair | h- 1,ailies will hear in mind tha "' tie! ojiening occurs 011 Saturday, I3tl [nov iv] W B HICHARDS Ja. >1; M»H'UON OF riTRATK MAG ^ EMA. Cox s Sparkling Gelatin** Bur Pilch and Arnica Strengthening Plasters '^lI w4go. Wiltet Seed. Otto of Roses, Sasl '4t |. ^ at lush Brushes. Indigo Blue, lodidi ^' "luin. Chlorate of Potash, just receive* '«»!,by jAS. ENT^ISLE, la, -J? Apothecary 54, King-street j> K,'K 1HU.ADK1.PHIA..The regulai >chr. A\N P1CKRELL, Lever it ^'v*' Wi" Sdl' lur above port on Sa November nth. For freight, apply U STEPHEN SHINN, ^ No. 4. South Wharves OIL Extra Lard Oil, Sola! ^ ''' '4ctuiie Oil, Kerosene Oil, Whale Oil s,,. , "" ^eatsloot, Camphene, Boiled Liu *nnei s o,j ^ Jor jjy ^ ^ H COOK & CO , Sarepta Hall._ \\ lNl*>VV ti|,A>S AND PUTTY .Win b_.'!o* ' "»!> assorted sizes; and Putty 0 Tua.ity just received and tor sale by i*,a v J- R PIERPOINT, 0 H'2, S E cor King h Wash sti ALEXANI By Yesterday Evtatn|*i Halle. 1 Sad Accident..A oorreepoudcnt of the " Warrentoo Flag, writing from Gaines Cross Roads, Nv'Tember 3.-J soy:.On Thursday ' night last a building belonging to Jobu Palz iner, at Keyevilli', in Rappahannook county. . caught tire between seven and eight o'clock, i- and was burned to the ground, and sad to ' relate, Daniel Ritcnour, an aged and infirm f man, who was living in it at tbe time, and wuo, owing to Din lr.nrmmes, was uoaoie to ,' 9 get out, perished in tbe flames. A few of bis i bones and heart, found amongst tbe ashes r are all that is left to tell of bis untimely end. ' When first seen be was lying on the floor un- able to get out, when tbe door was foroed open, which was locked from tbe inside, but tbe beat was so intense that it was impoesi- j Lie for aid to get to him, and be perished in f sight of those who were willing to help bim but oould not do it. Never before has it , been our lot to witness such a scene, and wo trust it may never be again. The dwelling of Mrs. Richards, jast opposite was in great . danger, but owing to tbe exertions of the ueigbbors it was saved. No one knows bow tbe fire originated, but it is supposed to have oaugbt irom the fire bo left burning on rci tiring to bed.thoughtoat will always remain , a mystery. Tbe Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Virginia, at Charlottesville, adj turned on Saturday. A lorge number of ministers were ^ , in attendance. Ubriotiansburg was fixed upon I as the place for the next meeting. During } the session a new Presbytery, to be called ( i Roanoke, was separated from West llanover Presbytery. £ , On Monday evening on accident occurred J at tbe residence of Dr. Wm. N. Trent, in Goochland county, which resulted in the death of John, a valuable slave, owned by Dr. T. John was engaged in yoking two steers when one of them gored bim so vi v I lently in tbe abdomen tbat be died in a short q time thereafter. During tbe month of Ojtober last, 22G ves- sels entered tie dock of Richmond and 224 j departed therefrom. ^ Tbe Port Tobacco (Md ) Times states that * the Scarlet Fever has eutirely disappeared o from that village. t A man nauKd O'iver Jones, attempted to commit suicide io Petersburg on Weduceday ? morning, by cutting bis throat with a razor, o There was heavy tbunder and vivid ligbtn- ^ ing accompanying a rain storm at Staunton, Va., od Tuesday night of last week. v Tboa. C. Campbell, e»q , bus been re-elec- e ted President of the South-Sido Railroad c Compnuy. l; Faik at Norfolk .The Seaboard Agrii caltural Fair at Norfolk is progressing, as c usual. Nothing of interest has occurred. THEATRE-LIBERTY HALL ! ^ Lessees .Messrs Kunkel \ Co. Ben kmt ok v Mr. JOHN' E.OWIC.VS, t On which occasion will be presented the cele- j bra'eil Comedy of . LONDON ASSlitAXCK. 11 Mark Meddle John Owens. e Favorite Dance Miss Partington, a To conclude with the laughable Farce ol BETSEY UAKKR, In which Mr. Owens will appear. v Katks ok Admission : * To Dress Circle .OO cents, j Family Circle 20 cen's. fyDoors open at halt past 0 o'clock, 1' M . ^ Entertainrrent commence at halt past 7 o'clock nov 12.It (1HEAP CARP KTI N GsJu«tre-eived, 1 j from recent large auction sales at New n York, an additional supply o( elegant GOODS ii in the above line, which we are now prepared tj to offer at astonishingly low pi ices. viz: Elegant new style English Velvet Car pet i rigs, * at -ft l.xb to, wor n aim t<-- « Elegant new style Tapestry Brussels, at 90 . cents and $1, worth f I."2.0 and $1.50. Also, 10 bales extra heavy 'liiree-ply do., in 1 Brussels patterns. tl These goods are warranted to weigh '«;$ lbs 0 to the yard. They are all in new designs, never belore offered in this marke*. Extia heavy double Ingrain, in entirely new ^ designs, and will wear as long as most Three- w plys now sold is such, which we can sell Irom ,i 40 to S".J cents. Extra heavy, thick, and neat Wool Dutch Caipetings. very durable, and well adapted to n offices, libraries, dining rooms, and basement rooms, very cheap Also, a beautiful lot ol real English Venitian <; do., in new styles ot tiguies and colors. Thtse are rare goode, and well worthy of attention. 0 Also, a large lot of the cheapest and best t Eel tings. r Druggets by the yard and in medallions and borders, very rich. I Elegant Velvet. Cher.eal, and Tufted Hugs. ' all astonishingly cheap. u Cocoa, Jute, Manilla, Adelaide, and Velvet j. Door Mats. For out doms, vestibules, and par( lors. this assortment ci ma's is the most exteu- a sive, superior, and the most reasonable in price i we have ever shown. I Also, one bale bkm .Mats, in assorted colors and sixes, very pretty. 1 hey are ol French pro| durtion. and are entirely tree Irom disagieeable smell, and very cheap. S me of them are ele t gantly fringed with Angola wool. t IN OUR LINEN ROOM (SAME FLOOR.) j May be found the best, heaviest, finest, and 1 cheapest assortment of Bed. ("lib, and Cradle 1 Blankets to he found any where. t ANo, Marseilles. Dimity, Allendale. Alham r bra, ami Lancaster Quilts, in a'l si/.js. Also, a lot of well quilted Comforts, made in the best madder colored prints. J u_..I'lotf, Piano and Ta- i ^ IN ew styie r.mui UIUCIOU x .w... . ( ble Covers. New style Embossed Damask Wine (Moths. 1 Do Cropley's Velvet Table Covers, ve * ry gorgeous ami cheap. | Also, one case new style (jilt Window Shades. f with fixture* complete. These are wonderfully I pretty and cheap. I Our stock of all kinds of Table and Toilet Lif nens and Cottons, will be found the most coin- ! I plete in all depaitments in this city. ( 5 A* we devote our whole tune and attention to f t the buying and selling of Furniture Dry (foods i exclusively it is but reasonable to suppose Unit 1 it shou.'d be just so. I Economical housekeeper*,and those who want ] exclusive'y select and nice things, should call and look through our stock. Our prices are ' low in all cases. CLAGETT & DODSON*. J Washington, nov lu.eost I 1 A LEWIVES..30 bbls ALEWIVES and ' f\ East port HERRINGS, tor sale by | nov 1*2.eo3w T. A. BREW1S & CO. r £'lOAL..1 have on hand, and am constantly receiving ANTHRACITE COAL, of the i best qualities, for family use.CUMBERLAND > COAL, from the Frcstburg Mines, by the cargo. car-load, or single ton. Factories furnished i. with the run-of mine. at lowest rates Apply to r nov D. B. SMITH, Oueen ?t. Wharf. , TUsT RECEIVED direct from the lactory, (J a lot of those superior long and short bed 1 AXLES for Buggies, Wagons. Drays. Ac. Call 1 and examine at No. 13. North Fairfax street, nov 4 GEORGE T BALDWIN. t e* FOR RENT..The two story FRAME SIHOUSE, on the corner of Water and Wilkes street. Apply to i. nov 11.-I w F. A iMAKIiL R\ )RIA GAZETTE J local iticvih. Circuit Court.Fourth Dav..Floweret1, surviving (under control of K E. Scott.) vs. Fowle dt Co..action on the ca*e. Thin caee was argued at the last term of the Court, and a verdict rendered fur plaintiff.damages £2 940.34, with interest from the 4th day of July, 1654, till paid. A motion for anew trial wag tben made, on which the C jurt gave its opinioo ye.-terday, overruling the motion upon the plaintiff releasing $900.04 of the verdict, otherwise a new trial would have been granted. 11 E. Scott and 1 >. Fun»ten for plaintiff, II. W. Davis and F. L. Smith for dofeudants. K. Q Bowling vs. Eoocb Grimes.suit for Jamages; verdict for plaintiff; damage $-46; motion to set asido the verdict overruled.. L. B. Taylor for plaintiff, F. L. Smith for icfendaut. Commonwealth of Virginia, (vt tborelution )f J. 11. Atwell,) beoctit of J. T. Close vs. Samuel N. Chipley and othert.debt on constable's bond; verdict for defendants. S. F. Beach for plaintiff, Brent & Kiczer for defenlants. Gotleib Appieh vs. Orange and Alexandria liailroad Company.trespass on tbo case; judgment for plaintiff, by counsel; damage sjOO. II. W. Dtvisand W. Arthur Taylor or plaintiff, R. E. Scott and F. L. Smith lor lefendants. James Adams vs. Selden, Withers A Co.. tction on the ease. The Court not being adriscd of its judgment, takes time tu consider, iumuel Chilton for plaintiff, l>. Funsten for lefendants. Tee case of J. T. Dowell v°. The Potomac nsurance Company, was set !or to-day. The T:urt adjourned till this moruing at 10 o'ilock. Democratic M eetinu..The Democracy of Vlexandria held a meeting at tbo Court louso lust night, and adopted a resolution authorizing any Democrat of the County vbomay be in Petersburg during the sitting f tbo Convention, on the 2d of September, o act as Delegates. New Cist m Uoi'sE. .This building, rbioh has receutly been finished, and is now ccupiod as our Post Office, is really one of lue proportions and much architectural beau- y, uud an ornnmcnt to the City; and the suierintendent, Mr. S T. O. Morsell, under rhoso direction tho entire w.irk has been ex- cutod, receives, as lie justly merits, the high ncomiums of the community, for the correct aste ia the well as for the supc-- ior manner in which the work has beenexecufd. The appointment of Mr, Morsel), by the HJeretary of the Treasury, as .Superintendent if this building was opposed by soma on aeoutit of his being a non resident, aid by ithere on tho ground that his qualifications itre not koown to our oitizens to be eu?b as o qualify him for tho proper discbargn of so mporiaut a position.the result, however, ias entirely satilied all that the Secretary, in he selection of Mr. M., well understood his inirient abilities in the line of his profession, ,nd they acctrd him due praise for the ahlo nanner in which he has accomplished his roik. Tha Secretary of the Treusury, who ras much interested in this work, has g:ven t his personal inspection, and expre-sed him- elf, while on a late visit to our City, in the lighest terms of approbation, for the able nd satisfactory mincer in which the Super* utendrnt has performed bis duties. He rs- larked that it was tho handsomest p^st office n the I'nited States for the amount of 111 jney bat was exj ended. An article on the dc- , ign of this buildirg. and executi in of work, , was published in tbe Gazette, seme I ;e« ks ng. ; tut ilioro is one circumstance that fijuirrs especial notice, and that in, that tus Custom House is the first bui't for G >vrnmeot where a surplus of tbe appropriation eoiained.a fact that dors infinite credit t) tbe u} crintendeut, who leiog about to leave us, 1 re think it but an aot of justice to say tius much. Tbe Collector of this port, is now making rrargemente to move into tbe nr w edifice. Lager Beer Brew krv..Messrs Kline & itraus b/ive purchased the property lst"'y wned by David Be zVd, dee'd just beyond bo termination of King street, acrt ss Ilin fi's un, where they have a brewery for Lager Jeer, and are having dug a very largo cellar there it is to be stored. They already make ipwnrd? of 60 barrels a day, but tbe demand or this beverage is so great, that nearly 11 thut they now make is taken by dealers n Richmond, aid in a short timoilicy will nave to enlarge their brewery. A few evenings since, two little B >ys beween 12 and 14 years of age, entered a shop cept by a pi or widow woman, upper end of 'lince street, and arked for G cigars at 3 leots a piece. Tbecigirs were counted out 0 them, when they grabbed them and ran, emnrking that the ' Corporation w> uld set- le tho bill." Why will not parents keep joys in the house at right. No d'-ubt nany a poor fellow is now serving a term in be Penitentiary, owing aitogcmt-r m jkuchul neglrct. "Traio upachPd in the way ie should go, and w hen he gets old lie will lot depart from it." Chance..Among the Army orders just ssued by Gen. Scott, is the f.llowirg: As* listant Surgeon Charles II. Page, of this ;>!aoe, now at Fort Leavenworth, will accompany the companies ol the first cavalry to Forts Smith nod Washita, taking post at the inttcr named 6ta.ijn. Alexandria Liiirarv .The Directors acknowledge the receipt of the following Looks from II >n. Wm. Suiitb, viz: Emory's Report, Vol. 1; Commercial Relations, Vol.2. Liiiertv IIall.Owens appears to-nigbt, n "London Assurance" and "Betsey Baker." As to-night is his bent fit, we have no doubt the 11 nil will be filled. Fairfax Quarterly C< urt.The N'ovember (Quarterly) Term of the Fairfax County Court will commence on Monday next. The followiog Justioes will constitute the C urt: First Diy..J. C. Gunnell, P. J ; Daniel Kinoheloe, Frs C. Divis and Frs. E Jnbnstan, awoeiatos. Second Day .J. C. Gunocll, P. J ; Jno.T. Burke, Juo. A Washington and Geo. II Padgett associates .Fairfax Stirs. lND VIRGINIA 1 Auction Sale of Fl wbr Roots.. ; auction sale of l>utcb Bulbous roots will u place to-day at No. 53, King street. S adverti-ement. Wafuington Items..The North W i: or the Caimtol..This wing, which is to occupied by the Senate of the United Stati its officers, and attendants, has received f «. veral months past a degree of attention ai an amount of work much beyond the propc tion lor the previous ytur. So fast inde has it proceeded of lute that the new S:na Chamber will be ready for occupation hy tl dignified body which is permanently to ( within its walls, hy the first of January uej The New L) me or tue Capital..It stated that a contract has been entered in between Superintendent Meigs, of the Caj tol extension, and Messrs. Joans, Bubee, Co., iron founders, of New York, for suffioic iron material to finish the two sections the new dome now beguc.; and thut a limiti number of hands will bo tetained ou tl works during the winter. Dead..Chas. Williams, familiarly know as '"Uld Charley," who has so loog bet the c dored porter of the auction aud furr ture establishment of J. C. McGuire Jb C^ died on Tuci-day uigbt last. He was wt known to all tho residents of Wasbinglu and universally bore the character of an hi est man aud u taith'ul servant, lliscorrei demeanor bad won for him the kind regai and esteem of all classes of our eitizons wl will sincerely regret his deiuiso. lie wi about eighty-five years of age. Water..All tho cross streets on Penney vaniu ttfenu-*, from end to end, where wait supply w ill ho required, aro underg ling tl excavations nccssary to furnish water to tf city from the twelve inch main which vu laid during the latter part ot the summer.National Inteliyenct r. Ftneh.The Washington Star says- .Th m «rning, Mr. Wm. Simpson, a huckster frm Alexandria, Ya., was arrosied by J. F. Kin; polico officer, tr selling in tho Centre Markwithout license from this Corporation. I! wis tried before Justice Bonn and fined and tfce costs were ad fed. AN ACT to authorize Dr. William S. Morr and others, associated with him, to constrm and maintain a line of Telegraph in the stree ol the ci'y of Alexandria. Suction' 1. />'» it emu!fit by the City Council Alexandria, That Dr. William S. Morris ai others associated with him. in the constructic of 11 line of Telegraph along the road ol it II 1 Lif-n I, a U<,;ir,,a,l Cnmnin. k tweeii Uordonsville and Alexandria, be, ai they hereby are authori/ed to construct ai maintain their line in the streets of said city, such station *>r stations within the same as the may deem suitable, and Irorn such station stations to the Northern limit of the city, in ti direction ot Washington.Provided, howeve that the ptiwlegei hereby gianted siiail be so jcct to al! the conditions heretofore imposed the c »se 01 the Washington am! New Orleai Telegraph Company, ami shall he subject, als to the operation ot any general act that ma herearter h* pa-sed by the City Council in re.'e ence to Telegraph lines within said city Skc V. This act shall l>e in loice Irom its pa sage. Passed the Hoard of Aldermen, t'th of Ni veinber, tsbs hA IV B. TA V LOR. I'rest. Passed the Common Council, I'tb of Noveu her. l? > J. H McVEIGH. President Approved: W. I). MASsKY, Mayor. C1LIKTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL/ The second session ot this School will b gin on the lir«t Wednesday of October. lh.V ami clo-ie the third Wednesday of July, IS.V.'1*he design of the School is thoroughly to pr pare youths lor the Cniversity ol Virginia.The course oi study embraces everything n< ressary to the degree ot A. M. at our Cniversit; The school is located in the mountains < Fauquier, a region well known for its nealthli lunate and beautiful scenery; it is two mil* :011th of .Mai kham Station on the Manassas t«a Kailioad. and sixty miles liom Alexandria Terms $^f>, semi-annually in advance, vi jil lW.fiO on the 1st ol October, and +11'J.'M o :he 1st of March. Modern Languages at extra charges. For further particulars, apply to the Piinc pal, at .Maikham Station Fauquier County, KKKKItr.NCKS: Rev. J. P. McGuire. K. H. S. ot Va. Trustees ot Charlestown Academy, Jetf'erso nnnty. Va. Professors Bledsoe. Harrison. Scheie De Ver< Meffurtie and Smith, ol the Cniversity ol Vii giuia. K .lAtJfTEUN AMBLER, Fauquier county. teb4.eott i'rinripa 11 ^ATER RENTS . N OT I C E.. Wale f | renteis will please take notice that thei bills were due on the 1st instant,and it is ri-quii "I that th»»j* he paid on presentation by the ro ector. Those persons having special permits to us water Irotn neighboiii.g hydrants, are require to call at the rtlire ol the Treasurer. and rerier the same. I hose who ran mal e it convenient to call o the Tieastuer and pay their bills will muc oblige. EDWARD S. HOUGH, nov 3.eo'it Treasurei »>/ w v REWARD!.Runaway irom th O mm \ H I subscriber on the night ot the lit instant, a negro boy railed BENNETT, a mi latto, about iJj or Id years old, '> Jeet niche in height. thin, and quite good look'iig. arid ver polite He was well dressed when be left, hi the clothes he had on are not remet hered. will give the ahow reward ot ."jigutj, tor him. t&iveii out ol the state, anil secured so thaT I g< him again. H" lett in company with two nth* negiobovs [sep'^V.eott| A. S CKIGsBY. Lj,h wi REWARD..Runaway from ti M M / Theological Seminary, near Ale? andria Va , on Sunday night, the lfcth inst., negro boy named CARTER Said negro bright mulatto, fi leet, S or b inches high an very well limit. He is about 'J3 year® old. an has a \eiy pleasant countenance. 1 will gi\ i...Jr,l «ii i. ii taken out of th State uml secured mi that I «et bun ai11. A< ire»> DAVID FI'l ZHI.'GH. Fairfax C H, sep 17- e >ri or H ('. WARD, Alex., Va. Gt KO T BALDWIN', dealer in IRON an r STEEL, Ao. 13 north Fairfax Sirrrt.A ways on b>nd. a complete stork of BAF BAND. HOOF, and HORSE SHOE IRON; alCAST. SHEAK. GERMAN, and BLlsTE S'l'hEL All ot which wfll be sold at tne lov est price Jar caeh, or on th'trl cretins to punctui customers «ei> 1 y'OTD'E. FIKK INSURANCE COMPAN OF ALEXANDRIA..A dividend of foi par cent, on the Capi at Stork of toe Compar has been declared. payable to the Stockholder or their leyal representatives, on and alter Tbur day, the 4th inst. C. W. WATTLES, nov I.eo'?w Secretar i I / t/ W \ fKDIT TREKS For >AL t/*>K \ M/U AT THE G K K EN W 00 NCKSKKIKS, situated on the Alexandria ai Leesbiirg Turnpike, near Kalis' Church, Fair!; County, Va All orders tor Alexandria, Was ington, and Georgetown, will be deliveredPrinted catalogues sent to all who desire thei C7" All communications addressed to T. B MIINSON, Falls' Church, »>aw 1 Q *r\tf W'q»r» ay C^Ai»T)tV. V BEDFORD WATER.Just received per c rial, a lull supply of Fresh Bedford Wati in barrels and half-barrels, dir»ct from t Springs, lor sale by J. LEADBEATER St SON, 11 mo 1 Stabler's old Star II f OOL purcha««d by \\ jo 9* nA\l vr F HOOF JOB P F IN TING Neatly "r-e.jtad. with despatch at ton \DYElfflSEK.-No\ so BY MAGNETIC TELEGhAiU. be Arrival of (lie S'eanier Asia. ?P' THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE, or ad New York, Xjv. II .The steamship Asia ir- from Liverpool, 3U;h Ojtober, arrived off Ssndy Ilaok early tliis morning. George Mook, (?) the new Bridsb consul at Ricbni >nd, came passenger in the Asia. The emigrant mailing ship Extern City, tL bound from Liverpool to Australia, bud is been burnt ir the Cane of Good llope.. t0 Only ore life was lost, llor loss is cstima. j ted at £100.000. 1 Mr. Bright bad made a reform speech at ^ Birmingham, in which he advocated the nt vote by ballot, and the American system of of representation. jd The new Great Eistern Steamship Cooipa18 ny bad been organized. It was rumored in connection with a conrn tempiated visit of military from America to Ireland, that several seditious societies bad been disci verod there, deriving inspiration ,l* and money from the United Statue. >, The Portuguese indemnity to France had ,|1 been reduced to 1U8I.HI0 francs. c The dispute between France and BrsZ'l, | in regard to tho boundary ol French Guiana, will be decided in favor of Franco. ,(j A strong article published by Count Montalombert iu the Correspondent, caused ' the seizuro of that journal and the prosecution ol the writer and publisher, Spain is about to favor tho importation '* of tibaceo, from the Phillippine Islands, to ;r tho d triinent of American planters. Ail l0 the transports with troops intended to act )(> against Mexico, had sailed for Cuba. The L indno Xi.w- says there has b^cn no further indication of a prenianent improvement in the Atlantic cable since the receipt of (lie lew intelligent signals reported several . days ago. The shares are ijuoted at £130(a) 15 3GU. 111 Mr. Ten Broeck's horse Barbarity ran a r, race at Newmarket against C unt Baihyani's = 1 Olympus, the owners riding their respective ie horses. Barbarity was the winner. ), It is said that Prince Napoleon sided with Portugal in the recent dispute as to the indemnity demanded for the slaver Charles is Georges. :t The Paris corespondent of the London Post is asserts positively that the French Gjvern! moot is resolvod to put a stop to the impairuf tiition of fr»e negroes in the Freuch colonies. Mr. MuG iwen, the American contractor m for ruining tho sunken ships of war in the harbor id Seba.-tupol, denies tho report tt<at e." his tfl'.rt to raise the vessels has failed, lie j'l has raised since May last six of the vessels in a good condition, and has removed several to , others. ,r Tho Austrian ofli lials bad se>. d 10,000 1(, Minie rill >s on the frontier, intended lor the r B isnian insurgents. I,. The China uiol had reached F.ogland. A in Urge number of Chinese piratical ve.-stls had been captured and sunk by British orui, isers. v L rd Elgin's .Japan treaty is rcpiortol to r be alm. sr identical with the American treaty. Commkrciai .Liverpool.I he cotton sales s- of the week foot up dd.UUU bales, closing at a decline of J } on the week. Speculators a took only 5u0, w hile exporters t ok 5 000 hah p. The estimated sules on Friday were 1_ 5,000 lales. Themarkit closed very dull, at the following quotation*: Orleans. Mobilee. Uplands. Fair, 7i * 2 "I e. Middling 7 I 1G 7 0^ s. The Latest..Saturday, p. m..The oot- ton market cl« 6rd very tl .t, with estimated e- pales ro-Jay, of 5.000 bales. The Manchester trade report was unfavori!- able. Goods and yarns had slightly dei- clinrd. >t Breadstuff* closed with a declining ten'I dency. Flour drooping gtnerally, but choice 's Ohio wapfiirn at 22 24s. Wneut had adtP olining tendency: middling and lower grades closed at a decline ol 1*2U The corn market ' was very dull, and quotations nominal. n Liverpool, Saturday.. Breadstuff's were quiet. Provisions.Ileaf heavy with hut little in; quiry and prices weak. Pork dull. Bacon heavy, with a slight decline on all qualities, but mostly on mlerior. Lard closed heavy it at £/)«. r5G«. Sugar closed quiet; Coffee dull. London. . Sugars were dull; Breadstuff? r- dull. Consols 9Kjt alls Havre Mirket.Cotton, Trcs ord. llOf. r New Orleans, Nov. 11..A considerable i number of peisons are daily arriving in i- this city preparatory to emigrating to NicaI- ragua via thp Tebunniepeo route. t he brig Golden Gate has arrived at this e port, having on board the cargo ot the bark <1 Montpelicr, which was wrecked at Nassau, v The weather continues clear and cold, and the city is fast recovering from the ravages j' ol the epidemic. Freights are firm. Charleston, Nov. 10.The K-.-tcb Bmr* thtrs, recently seized by the sloop-jf-war p Marion as an intended slaver, arrived here b tbismornirg in charge of Lt. Stone and a i- przo crew. Tho Brothers was formerly p owned here, hut bad been sold to parties in y Cuba. Shs was provi Jed with a slavers outit fit and 700 in gold, but there werenosla' ves on board when ee:z»d. II Manciiestek, X. FI , N' ;v. 10..Tho demt'r crtitn ol the second district, tt-duy Dominated John IF. <Jc r^o for Cor grass. ,e FAIRBANKS' Tm>,: s-ai» < are now recantk* as the STAXDAUD full » ou.iL.r.o. OiiiKs.irr v\ KliillT. tii.l ai> In a by Uritrly »*vt*ry ,1 FA I IF HANKS' M-reliant, mi l ni.tnuId tiuiucistaMisiinient through'1 * < /<»'. «X. (.lit the country. The reputntn n f which theseScales h.i«r>S|uM I." S l |»|» \ V LT C has I.en >! steady growth fr>-III rAlltlfANKS C, ! SCALES. time. and is iIim principle adopted lij us. ami iieverde* V " V' viated In tit. "f allowing untie hut f Alr.i5A.NA.> pr.Rria t «Ki..iitvi m.iiiim.- to .t SCALE go fiirtli from "Uir esl.ihli*huieiit. H>>- inure than ouu hunI- dml different ni'Mjificatinus nf [ r AlilHANKh t h >e.ile«, a I ij*. I' I||<* wants SC \I ES of every ilep irlineiitut ltii<ine»-. 1 * ' when-a correct and durable scale K is required. y. t.ail and cvauiitie. or send f r I (i T BAI.IHVIN, an illustrated circular. A st, FA I Ft BAN K> & CO., Alexandria, Va. Iti9 Hro>i<l\cuij, VN L A Y Kk. 'r oct 14 .eolmist I |*OOls», <i AI i F.KS. SHOES. Vc.. tkc . A ^ X) general assortment of Boots (»a:ten». Sho*s. fcc., *»c.. lor I.atii«*H, (tent'iPmfn. Misses. Bojs. an ! ( nilJren's wear, ol the F)est materials ant) y. workmanship, can be lour.d at E HARMON BURNS', b) 40S Pennsylvania Avenue, between 4$ and AtL id streets, a lew doors east ot National Hotel v* Washington, sep is.eovtm ^ OUB>CRIBE AT ONCE .If you wish to secure a copy of that tlegant Engraving. ' I HE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH,' and the ART JOURN AL, with the other premiums, be # s ire and subscribe $'(. b»lore the 1st of January, Specimen copies ot the above, and lull a- particulars given, by applying to -r, nov lu UEO. T. tf ALL WIN, Agent. L<! T 1 ER RINGS FIRE AM) BURGLAR f~ I PROOF SAFE .The very best Sate ,j known. All sixes lor saie at Factory prices by J AS. C. NEVETT, Agent lor Alex a. o«t *21 ClOD FI>H.Five casks COI) FISH just re / ceived, arid for sale by nov 4 M KLDRIDGE, Union Wharf "EMBER 12, 1S5S. MORE. THAN U,U0'» BOTTEFS £OEI> IN THE NEW ENWEAND M ATES IN ONE YEAR.The RKMOliATIVE OF PROF. O. J. WOOD lor restoring Hair peri tectly ami permanently, has never yet bad a rii val. Volume alter volume might lie given trom all parts ol the world and irotn trie most mteiii gent to prove that it is a perfect RESTORATIVE; but read the circular ar.d you cannot doubt; read also the lollowing The Haik.People have lor centuries been afflicted with bald heads, and the only remedy, heretofore known, has been those abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Prot. Wood these articles are being last dispensed with; hut a great many persons still patroni/.' them, bej cause they have been so often imposed upon by Hair Tomes ot different kinds, lo all such persons we earnestly make the request, that they will try once jgam, for in WOOD'S RK! STOKATIY K there is no such thing as tail.. We know of a lady w ho w as bald, w ho used the article a short time, and her head is now cover- ed completely with the tiniest and most beauti!lul curls imaginable. We know ot numerous cases where hair was rapidly tailing out. which it restored in greater perfection than it ever had been beiore. It .dsn w it tiont doubt one ot the he*! atti. cit;s lor keeping tht- hair in good condition, making it sou and glossy, removing dandruff, and lias proved itsell the greatest enemy to all tae ills that hair is heir to. It is the duty oi every one to improve their personal appearance though some may il.ti-r in regard to the ways of doing it; but every one will admit that a beautiful head ot hair, either in man or woman, is an object much to he !e sired, and there are no means that should be let't untried to obtain such a consideration.. H'owiuu'it .itlv'r'ate. Pluludilphia. I'ocircton. Ohio. November 17. lS.'id..(). J Wood At Co..Gents.As I have been engaged in selling your HAIR RESTORATIVE the last season lor one ot your local agents. (K .M. Hurkinsou.) and having experienced the bent lit cial effects ol it myself, I would like to obtain an agency lor the Slate ol Ohio or some State in the West, should you wish to make such an arrangement, as I am convinced there is noth- j, ing equal to itiu the United States, lor restor- ing the hair. I have been engaged in the Drug business tor several years, and have sold vari- ous preparations lor the hair, but have found nothing that restores the secretive organs <>r invigorates the sralp as w ell as yours, Being fully convinced that your RESTORATIVE is what you represent it to be. I would like to engage in tne sale oi it, K»r 1 am satisfied it must sell.. Vours, truly, S. T. STOCKMAN. Wayi.and. Mass . Feb. 5, lsb7..I'rof O. J. Wool) \ Co.Gents: Having realized the good effect* ot your HAIR RKS'I OR ATI VE. 1 wish to state, that finding rny hair growing thin, as well as grey, I was induced from what I reid ' and heard, to try the article prepared by you, to , promote its growth and change its color as it was in youth, both ot which it bus effected completely. In the operation I have used nearly ihiee l>otiles. Yours, &c, JAM. FRANCIS. t). J. WOOD A. CO., Propiietors. 312 Broadway, N". Y., (in the great X. Y. Wire Railing Kstabli-htnent.) and 114 Market street, St. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Druggists, and Fancy Goods dealers oct 2.').eo3m ^ALK OF VALLABLK KKAL KS'I'ATK. ^ .The subscriber is authorized to sell the following valuable LOTS oi KKAL KS'I'ATK: TWEX'i Y F'lVK AL'RF.S oi LAND, covered with a heavy growth of WOOD, oil Brad lock s road abotit one ami a half miles irom this city, immediately north of Mrs Powell's farm, commencing at the corner of Mr. Oreen's jialiug |ei ce. and ex'ei iiing on tne public road to Doings' fence.bounded on the north by Mr. J. J. Lloyd's farm. Price, 4>I0H per aerr. This property is admirably adapted lor a country residence, being remarkably healthy, and commanding a delighUul vi« w. A L'»l 2U leet by l'JO. on Queen str»et. be>ta tw eeii A Itn (I and Patrick streets, with two -"""I* FKAMF HOl 'sKS. one trontii g oi Queen stteet. and one on a wide alley, to which the lot runs back A HALF ACRK LOT. on the southwest corner of square bounded by Columbus, Wythe, Madison and Allred streets ; AN ACRK LOT, being the northern halt ol square bounded by Fairfax, Madison, Wythe and Royal streets Fairfax street is graded to , the Canal, ami the Depot of the Loudoun arid Hamp-hire loail has been located in tlie imme- , i late vicinity. i NOR1HKRN HALF oi SQlJAKK, bounded i by Washington. Montgomery, Madison, and St. i Asaph streets, except tnat joit on occupied by the Washington and Alexandria railway. , A LOT J" leet by 123, in the middle of the } square on Allied stieet, between Wythe anil 4 Madison streets. The abf»ve property will be sold on very lib era! terms, with etsy payments. Apply, alter 3 o'clock, P. xM., to W M. WATSON. Room No. 24, City Hotel, Alexandria, nov 3 eo'it '\TrOrN(; LAD1KS' I N ST I TU T E..The j Ninth Annual Session ol this Institution, lor Boarding and l»ay Scholars, will commence on Miindav. Si-ntunlier 13th The Kterri«e* will be conducted by the I'rin- and Ins wife, aided by competent Assistants in the several departments, j Those pupils who expect to become tear era will in 'ddition to the usual course of study, receive special advice arid instruction upon such topics and dntie~ as relate directly to the prolession ol Teaching, Courses ol Lectures upon the Sciences, will be delivered during the year. Kuittier information respecting the Institn- tion. may be obtained by application to SVLVKsTKK SCOTT. i'kinc'ipan. nov 1.wti I r* I Mi 1/ V CMALLKNGK HKATKR . |»UUU We are now receiving our j FALL SCI'I'LV of Cooking, Office, Church, Hotel, Chamber, and I'arlor S'lOVKS. of the latest and ri.ost approved patterns, arno> g-t which is the celebra'ed Pennsylvania. Old Domillion, York Complete. Kcnnomist, and Charter Oak (O'lK STOVKs; and lor Tailors, Mining Rooms. Chambers, Hotels, Churches. \c.. Hacker's Patent and other RADIATORS. Cylinder and Open Fiont Stoves, lor wood or coal; Air Tight Stoves of Cast or Sheet Iron. We have. also. SANi FORD'S $|ijOU CHALLKXGK HKATKR. the caeppest and most powerful Heater in the world AH ol which we will sell cheap for rash, or to punctual paying customers ISAAC KKLL K BRO, oct t-f.eolrn No '.l't King siieet. \ia< "t.kkm'k > vkm'iLAlING >1oVK>. IHAVK on hand the most complete assort. . . /./ L' .1 1 > \ L'l OU S llltl'S [ met I «il I < " n mm i .inix ii ......... I Hi .t ha» «ver l«-ep ottered in ihis city. Among my Conks are tlx* Diamond Rock Nevada, Cornet, Wisconsin. CharterOak and Homestead. Parlor Stoves. tor Coal, are the Macgregor \ entilating Move, Backus Patent Radiator. New Pattern Radiator, Parlor Grates. Parlor Cooks, and Cylinder Stoves. Parlor Stoves, for Wood, are the Sell Regulators. Cottage Parlors, Oven Parlor*. Sheet Iron Air l ight, and Six and Nine Plate Stoves Washington S'l't >VK POLISH S 1'OVK PIPE. SHEET Z'NC. Ac. ET UN WAKK at wholesale, as low as it ran be bought in Baltimore or anv other city H. I. GREGORY. I lh King street, ort Id opposite Mar«h<;ll H use. J US I RECEIVED from New York, this < a), another lot nt BONNET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ac., which car not he surpassed, for beauty, style, Ac . in this City I am now manufacturing Silk Velvet a-M Set in B''N"N'KTS, ,or the Winter, at a lower price than any other establishment in this city, and of the very lalest style, net SO JOHN T EVANS JUST RECEIVED. fj'J bbls No 3 Mackerel, extra >ij " Cut F.xtia Flour 100 " Prime Super " GO ' James S. Welch's Family Flour, in store ?.nd for sa'e by oct 14 S. HARTLEY A SON. I)ROWNLOW AND PRYNK'S DISCUS. } SlO.N ."Ought American Slavery to be perpetuated'".a deha'e between Rev W. (r Browrlow and Ke\ A Pryne, held a' Philadel- I phia s»p'ember, l»GS, price $i. Ju*t publish- I ed. and tor »ale, by [riov 4j KOBT BELL auction sales. By S. J McCORMICK.Aictiomckk. HOUMCHOLD FURNITURE AI AUCTION .i>N wKUN K»l> A V M (> K N I At; NKXr. 17tu instant, at luoclock, wil; sold at the residenceot Mr W. Mcyenburj:. on Cameron street, bet w ten Fairfax .'lid Wafer streets, an assortrnen'ol HOU>KMOLl> F1 KNil URK, coiiMstinu in }><irt ol 1 Piano. > a. Marble Top Table. Chandelier. Hat Hack. Be. st« ads Hair Mattresses, Carpets, Ch*ir6, Table>. Cooking and Parlor Stoves. \c \c nov fJ.eots s J. McCORMICK. A net 1 >1 BL1C SAI.K OF KAl QfiKii UNO I By virtue ol a deed ot trust to in-, u,a I. by Mrs. O. U Hail, trustee lor Mrs. Maiy i Ou.e and her ctnldieii. I will sell at public fe&it*. II tne [lemises, that VALUABLE TARM veyed by caul deed, on which Allrrd I' I)i now resides The said larm is situated in Fatujuier count v. VJ miles south of Middleburu. adjoining . lands o| Jcltn W. Patterson, John I> K«>»i . Thus Middle!on, and Samuel Field, contaii.u ^ i oa w i.1 L'V Ihf farm has upon it a crmforal>'e -i C I>u > I l \ i: and the usual out.bou-<>, bar*!, fcc , is line land, remarkably well vvjVi> . enclosed and divided with good lences. princ, pally of stone, is in a very agreeable neighboi hood, has other advantages which nriake it a very desirable property. The sale will take place on the prenu»«». about J "J o'clock. M. on Saturday, the 1 ' > of January, lhb'.», n lair, it not, the next lair day therealter. Terms cash, but an arrangement may be ma '< by which a reasonable credit can be had on all the pmchase money except about <»>. B I'. NOLAM), Trustee Middleburg. Va , Nov. 12-eots [ Varrenton Whig copy] BY Si. J Mcl'OK.MK'a.Aictiom.i:k SALE THIS DAY. 1NLOWF.R ROOTS AT AUCTION..Will lie sold, on Friday ntrt, lvt/i inttunt. or " u'ihtk. at the Store No. Ml, King street, near Kartax street, one case superior 01 I t H 1 I I, BOL'S ROOTS, all hi good order, consisting «.i Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcisses, and Crocus to which the attention of the ladies is particular 1, requested. nov jn.,'lt SALE THIS DAY. ^ILL BK SOLD, on Friday, tie \'2th tLiy jj of X< vtmbtr, in front of the Court House, i CRAY MARK, to satisfy claims in my hands. Terms cash. Sale at 10 o'clock nov 0.4t JOSEPH PADGETT. "I TALL'ABLE ALEXANDRIA CITY I K*» V PKRTY FOR SALE. ON THE 10th *>K I'H E PRESENT MONTH .By virtue of a di> ' j| trust, dated April '4th, 1MJ, I will offer fot iale. at Public Auction, in front of the Mayor's Dffice. in the city of Alexandria, on Monday. < 1 Cith of Ni vcmbir, 1 at 12 o'llotk, M the I'ol lowing Real Estate . A LOT OF GROUND, with the improv. ments theieon. situated at the sou'h east cornet ot VVope and Union streets, fronting on Union street fifty Icet. and running east and binding on Wolfe street eighty teet, to an alley twenty leet w ide. FIVE LOTS OF ( ROUND, wi'h the wa , and building materials thereon, adioimng ti e above on tbe South, each Lot fronting on i rwoi street twenty live leet, and running east eigtify teet, to an alley twenty leef in width A UH Mf UIMM > i/, wmi a large rrairie Stable thereon, situated on the si-ie ot I'nion stieet. soutti of ami adjoining the Old Dt» tiller), fronting on Cnion t»Tif-t 2071 |.et, ami running wc-t to Potomac str«et 1 ' fe-t. "l'LiLot has great advantages, as it ,< >;.is the Oi urge arid Alexandria Railroad Depot, and cos nil several lots to the north of it trmn back outlets. while Cars can he loaded and discharged upon it without interfering with the street, nov *'.eots 8. J. McCORMICK. A net BV S. .1. McCORMICK .Alctionkku 1)\ VIKTL'K ot a decree ot lite Count)' ) Court lor Alexandria Count)', pronounced it the October term, 18*h, in the case o| Smith S Perkins rs. Alexander li Brown, and otliei he undersigned Commissioner therein named, will offer for sale at public auction, on HV itgiitt)/ thrfirtt 'lay ojDntmbtr, this, the Canal Boat oRRlSON, in the bill and proceedings men ioned, together with her engine, boilers eijnjp nent. and everything thereto belonging Sale ake piace, at the Mayor's Office, in the City ot Alexandria. Va . at I J o'clock. M. 1 kiims ok Salk . One fourth ot the purchase uoiiey to he paid ill cash, and the residue ill 4. ind 12 months.good personal security to b *iven lor the deferred payments, nov l . wis C. W. WA 1 TLKS. Corn in r. \T ALCABLK LANDS FOR SALK - 17.'. ACRKS OF LAND, in Faiupner County in the road troni Bealeton Station, * . ft A K R :o VVarrenton Springs, five miles from tf. homer, thiee fiom the latter, and s x tiom War renton About three-fourths ol this land it; cultivation and grass, all well watered; the balm r». ill limber, winch nearly surrounds the 'arm '1'he DWKl.LI.M. is small, hut enmtort* B t»'e auu hasall necessary out-hill dings. 37u ACRK.S MOCM A1N LAND, in the county ol Warren, covered wi'h excellent tin. !»er, adjoining the lands ot Wm. Ih-aty. esij who will give information about tailed on. if;l ACRKS OF LAND in Shenandoah conn y*. all in timber, situated eight m.leS north west tf S trashing and sixteen south-west ot Wm :bester. Levi Funkhouser, ee«j , in the neigii jortiood, vv.II describe its locality. Terms liberel. Apply to Mr. Samuel A Masters. Alexandria. Va, or by letter to me, at Bealeton Station. WILLIAM A. RO.-K F.unpiier county, oct 23.2awlm I^OK SALK.A choice farm in Fauquiei rounty, containing EIGHT H CNDkF.D AND SlXl Y-MNK AM) A HALF ACRES, ril which about 6fi0 acres are cleared, ami tin remainder heivily limbered In the pioduction i.l wheat, corn, grass, or tobuero, this will rank with the best farms in Fauquier c< unty.dis tant miles from Rappahannock «:»itioii, on the Oiling? and Alexandria Kmlrojd, and in t w«hours oi Alexandria. It is well encl'scd, well w atered, in excellent heart, and ha- on it a cutiraft fnrtabl? DWKI LING, with all nece«.,ary t'-m improvements. t ok Ik it ms. which will be very liberal, apply to the subscriber whose I revillian Depot. Louisa county. This (arm may he divided into two farms WKI LtNGTON GORDON. Fauquier, county, o#t .flaw I m IOl'DOCN FARM FOR SALE .Tne sub j scnber offers lor sale, at a ver) low price, his FARM, called ujlLM.i, ' on the Lresburg turnpike, twenty live nnies from Alexandria, and one aid a hall Irorr. the Alexandria, LouJoun and Hampshire Railroad. It contains FIVE HI NDKED AND TWEN1V-FOL R ACRES, about one bail in cultivation arid gra-the balance in open timber, which affords u veiy large summer pasture; four excellent springs and a well in the yard, with water twenty live teet in depth The DWELLING isavery Ji^Lfine two story, frame, and basement Cot- tage DuiKlinsr Wim r»f-i j ."=<- j r, .a.: 1 entirely new Terms very libera!. Address SAM'L A MASTERS, Ale* a. Loudoun county. Va, oct 12.eolm C1HAKI.ES HERN DON, 'late Conway h. / Hkum'o.v) Attorney at L. w. Fredericksburg. Virginia, continues to practice in the Courts ot King Oeorge, Stafford,Caroline, Spotsylvania. and the town of Fredericksburg Collections promptly made and remitted. . mmnsriH . David Funsten, I Messrs. FowleA Co. Gtor.e VV. Brent, J Messrs Caaenove At Co. Francis L. Smith, I McVeigh ft Cuamber'u John B Daingerheid, j Smoot, L'aler ft Co., JohnS. Barbour, Robm-on ft Payne, Lewis McKenzie, | J H Brent, Burke At Herbert, | Bryan. Adams At Co., C. F. buttle Ac Co., and other merchants. Fredericksburg. Va . jy 2B.dArly JOHN MURPHY, ATTORNEYJT LJW, will practice in the Courts o: V. estmoreland, Richmond, and Northumberland Counties. PostOifice, Rice's Store Westmoreland County, Va dec 0.U

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Page 1: · I Prom V«Bf»tk> II j»f (utMpoadwi of the Pbiladelpbii J^er *rl,cfi UDJerdalePonoClkb#1l0t

I Prom V«Bf»tk>

I j»f (utMpoadwi of the PbiladelpbiiI J^er *rl,cfi UDJer dalePono Clkb#1l0t Oct

I "\ae C nrention 8 ^cw daJ" Wl" preeenI Df* constitution to the Executive poweI r7jvfjroautre. The return of Gen. Par:

I ;.heo uotrv w lo k »d upon by ell the poliI rartifs as the inauguration end eetab

I nftr-' of perpetual peace. It ie tbe gen

I », iapreeeton that be will not bold am

I ]. c otot, bat will contribute, with biiI anJ oounsols, to unite tbe varioui

I JJ5,.. sdJ bring to power tbe moat reepecta

I ,'taiia in the country. Tbe oropa thieyeaiI verv food* aDl* pricea bave no upwart

I taadeocj.I tNARKlBD.I Thursday, tbe 11th instant, at the resiI 0{ T M McCormicK, by the Rev. Elia:I Lr,soa D D.J MUNROE NEWTON, o

I Kork. Ark. to MARY CLAGETTI >r oi ::.f officiating clergyman. (Littb

£>"*» apr" please fopy )

:r - instant, at J'me ^*rove, near Wash

,r], t>v :dc k«v John Lauahan, alkxanKI.M°I T- Jr., °t Mount Vernon, Ohio

v\hV LAVIMA. daughter ofSelby Scaggs,s "o: > former place.

'i ] '»dav evening last, by the Rev. MrV.ur.g. Mr. samuel brooke, tc

lal ka c daughter of Cbarlea Hill1' a.l or Prince George's County, Md.

P1KU.- WasMiigton. on the 10th instant, Mrs

. si\ H RINGGOLD. relict of the la'r

, Ringgold. U. S. Army, ant'*'

01 ::ielate Hon. A. P. Upshur.V residence of her father, I). Rokohl. in

,. ; Missouri. on Saturday, the 6th of No.TUV v MAKV JULIET KIRBEY, wiltif a:s R Kibbey, aged twen'y years.V "!" v °n l bursday night, the 4th inst,

N^di of be' age, Mrs AMELIA C.\KM V ir ict of Nnuan Pinkney, esq.

\-ur instant, HENRY W.. aged 15. oi Fionas L and Mary E. Tatteraon.

,i 1 .ffniay. 'lie <rnd inst . GEORGE D.son.» »i' W and Jane E. Bradt, aged 5 mouths,

t. J 'lav*

< iinmicttviAL.

Siciaudrla Slarksf, Hot. 11.

IV t.artet lor bieadstufls was quiet, but

i \m -action* wre made, and the tendencyy.crt is downward. There were sales of

i .« .v wneal at 125c., and prime red at 118c.

.*.» Jul and quotations nominal. Cornat c lor white and mixed. Rye and

« .r.ctungeil'lbs Mmkets.

BitTiMoKS. Nov. 11.Flour is in brisk dermdan! 'inclanged. Wheat is firmer and

-lange.! Corn is better.old white 7f07Sc.;>» - new white 7l<37|c ; j el low, 75c..

.. .i)i» are fum.

N»* Yoas. Nov 11..Flour has advanced;vj> *4 :: dtl do Ohio |5.30®#S 40; South-ii Wheat is firm; red ll'irtvs;s*.y -i Wf stern 1*20. Corn is heavy, mixed"j" lork is firm; mesa $17 00; primefi Uni is inn!. Whiskey is firm 22$#ix rks are .{nil and drooping. Mo. 6's

*vrln £ xcnange dull.

\>* V'tfk. November 1'..The improvement>«\>ck market is attributed to the favora-r:i/ not the Banks. The weekly statetfihowstietollowing results: Loans andc j $U» sou.492; specie, $28,337,305;

. ;'ir: #\>»».933; deposites, S109,217,4 ty.J:.« .in increase on all the heads except

- wh. L h.i> decreased only $370,462..lie receipts at the Custom House yesterday">> !' aid. 'he balance in the Sub-treal:v»a« -l.'i.»s.Brndstuffs i.ave advanced.flour from five to

>r en low grades; wheat two eta. and cornk» two cts The cotton market is at a



SoalSotffV'VKMBKK mu iel$. Moon's Phasss.__ j

Fr:6 57,5 3; P. P. K.

tit .rday... 6 58 5 2,First .jr.. 13 3 32 s

J-l. 17 .. 6 59 5 1 j Full 20 9 14 a

Monday... 7 0 5 U:Last <jr. 27 0 24 R

hi<iy.... 7 1 4 59 New.... 5 5 0 u

* " ;av 7 1 1 59, high wat*rT v. ,7 2,4 58 Nov K 12,1 lb. 20


Akkivbd.vsr Wm H Pine, Jones, Potomac Creek.

*- »'"o (' F Sultle Sr Co.Jailed.

v-' K H Paly, Crompton, New York, byTJ Wey.

v K Merwin. Avery, New York, by T.J.

V:r A M Kartlett, Bartlett, Fall River, by-Vt; Co.

Memoranda.i Forest. days from Windsor, N. S.,lathi* port, in the bay, &th inst.

v-t» I' Molt. tor this poit, cPd at

)'* lor* rn inst.; Beauty, Johnson; J. W.":»'j I'm'ier. and Maria and Elizabeth, Bofu"ntti 'Li* port; Myers, Rhodes, and J. H"it'u lout - frotn Georgetown, D. C .arrived'Monday

x :*» Mmena, Winslow; Iram Smith, Me'at >1 Brown, Heaid. and M. C. Dur"ttom tini, port, anivcd at Fall Fiver,

2 Hitv"-t5 Allen Mi.Mleton, Jr., Sipple; Richard

; ***> ( ranrrer. and Snow Flake, Weaver'

:» port arrived at Providence, 8th instKiate F.icemire, for Washington, cl'd

,,?t''«<>ipht4. ."h inst.^ H I i Sinite, from this port, ar" H"lrn»V Hole, sth inst.

^ Prol Far:-:,! vvii] give a «elect SOIRHFNa.!. or. or x'. Wednesday evening. Tick'o!« UJ |rom himself, or at the door


v I d.3t

Dk P WOOLEY'S ALL HEALINGM RKNGTHEN1NG SALVE'* f never dp| eared a medicine which

,:'p pene'rating and healing powers in

* ,Vg;ree, while at the same time ila") possibility produce injurious ef

< 1 or sale- by PEEL. STEVENS 4 CO.,S' ' Comer ol King and Allred streetsrA t>OOl)S.i have just received « ful»'oci oi Zephyr. Knitting, and Shetlatu

' t'ert:ti!ul >hades; also, a supply oHair I ins, in blue, scarlet, white, am

»i«>: jjjJt. ranging in price from $1 tor*- pair | h- 1,ailies will hear in mind tha"' tie! ojiening occurs 011 Saturday, I3tl

[nov iv] W B HICHARDS Ja.>1; M»H'UON OF riTRATK MAG^ EMA. Cox s Sparkling Gelatin** BurPilch and Arnica Strengthening Plasters'^lI w4go. Wiltet Seed. Otto of Roses, Sasl'4t |. ^ at lush Brushes. Indigo Blue, lodidi^' "luin. Chlorate of Potash, just receive*'«»!,by jAS. ENT^ISLE, la,-J? Apothecary 54, King-street

j> K,'K 1HU.ADK1.PHIA..The regulai>chr. A\N P1CKRELL, Lever

it ^'v*' Wi" Sdl' lur above port on SaNovember nth. For freight, apply USTEPHEN SHINN,

^ No. 4. South WharvesOIL Extra Lard Oil, Sola!

^''' '4ctuiie Oil, Kerosene Oil, Whale Oil

s,,. ,"" ^eatsloot, Camphene, Boiled Liu*nnei s o,j ^ Jor jjy^ ^ H COOK & CO , Sarepta Hall._\\ lNl*>VV ti|,A>S AND PUTTY .Winb_.'!o* ' "»!> assorted sizes; and Putty 0Tua.ity just received and tor sale by

i*,a v J- R PIERPOINT,0 H'2, S E cor King h Wash sti

ALEXANIBy Yesterday Evtatn|*i Halle.

1 Sad Accident..A oorreepoudcnt of the" Warrentoo Flag, writing from Gaines Cross

Roads, Nv'Tember 3.-J soy:.On Thursday' night last a building belonging to Jobu Palz

iner, at Keyevilli', in Rappahannook county.. caught tire between seven and eight o'clock,i- and was burned to the ground, and sad to' relate, Daniel Ritcnour, an aged and infirmf man, who was living in it at tbe time, and

wuo, owing to Din lr.nrmmes, was uoaoie to ,'9 get out, perished in tbe flames. A few of bis i

bones and heart, found amongst tbe ashesr are all that is left to tell of bis untimely end.' When first seen be was lying on the floor un-

able to get out, when tbe door was foroedopen, which was locked from tbe inside, buttbe beat was so intense that it was impoesi-

j Lie for aid to get to him, and be perished inf sight of those who were willing to help bim

but oould not do it. Never before has it, been our lot to witness such a scene, and wo

trust it may never be again. The dwelling ofMrs. Richards, jast opposite was in great

. danger, but owing to tbe exertions of theueigbbors it was saved. No one knows bowtbe fire originated, but it is supposed to haveoaugbt irom the fire bo left burning on rcitiring to bed.thoughtoat will always remain

, a mystery.Tbe Synod of the Presbyterian Church in

Virginia, at Charlottesville, adj turned on Saturday.A lorge number of ministers were ^

, in attendance. Ubriotiansburg was fixed uponI as the place for the next meeting. During

} the session a new Presbytery, to be called (

i Roanoke, was separated from West llanoverPresbytery. £


On Monday evening on accident occurred Jat tbe residence of Dr. Wm. N. Trent, inGoochland county, which resulted in thedeath of John, a valuable slave, owned byDr. T. John was engaged in yoking twosteers when one of them gored bim so vi v I

lently in tbe abdomen tbat be died in a short qtime thereafter.

During tbe month of Ojtober last, 22G ves-

sels entered tie dock of Richmond and 224 jdeparted therefrom.


Tbe Port Tobacco (Md ) Times states that *

the Scarlet Fever has eutirely disappeared o

from that village. t

A man nauKd O'iver Jones, attempted to

commit suicide io Petersburg on Weduceday ?

morning, by cutting bis throat with a razor, o

There was heavy tbunder and vivid ligbtn- ^ing accompanying a rain storm at Staunton,Va., od Tuesday night of last week.


Tboa. C. Campbell, e»q , bus been re-elec- e

ted President of the South-Sido Railroad c

Compnuy. l;

Faik at Norfolk .The Seaboard Agriicaltural Fair at Norfolk is progressing, asc

usual. Nothing of interest has occurred.

THEATRE-LIBERTY HALL ! ^Lessees .Messrs Kunkel \ Co.

Benkmt ok v


On which occasion will be presented the cele- jbra'eil Comedy of .


Mark Meddle John Owens.e

Favorite Dance Miss Partington, a

To conclude with the laughable Farce olBETSEY UAKKR,

In which Mr. Owens will appear. v

Katks ok Admission : *

To Dress Circle .OO cents, jFamily Circle 20 cen's.

fyDoors open at halt past 0 o'clock, 1' M . ^Entertainrrent commence at halt past 7 o'clock

nov 12.It

(1HEAP CARP KTI N GsJu«tre-eived, 1

j from recent large auction sales at New n

York, an additional supply o( elegant GOODS iiin the above line, which we are now prepared tjto offer at astonishingly low pi ices. viz:

Elegant new style English Velvet Car pet i rigs, *

at -ft l.xb to, wor n aim t<--«

Elegant new style Tapestry Brussels, at 90 .

cents and $1, worth f I."2.0 and $1.50.Also, 10 bales extra heavy 'liiree-ply do., in 1

Brussels patterns. tlThese goods are warranted to weigh '«;$ lbs 0

to the yard. They are all in new designs, never

belore offered in this marke*.Extia heavy double Ingrain, in entirely new ^

designs, and will wear as long as most Three- w

plys now sold is such, which we can sell Irom ,i40 to S".J cents.

Extra heavy, thick, and neat Wool DutchCaipetings. very durable, and well adapted to n

offices, libraries, dining rooms, and basementrooms, very cheap

Also, a beautiful lot ol real English Venitian <;

do., in new styles ot tiguies and colors. Thtseare rare goode, and well worthy of attention. 0

Also, a large lot of the cheapest and best t

Eel tings. r

Druggets by the yard and in medallions andborders, very rich. I

Elegant Velvet. Cher.eal, and Tufted Hugs. '

all astonishingly cheap. u

Cocoa, Jute, Manilla, Adelaide, and Velvet j.Door Mats. For out doms, vestibules, and par(lors. this assortment ci ma's is the most exteu- a

sive, superior, and the most reasonable in price iwe have ever shown. I

Also, one bale bkm .Mats, in assorted colorsand sixes, very pretty. 1 hey are ol French pro|durtion. and are entirely tree Irom disagieeablesmell, and very cheap. S me of them are ele t

gantly fringed with Angola wool. tIN OUR LINEN ROOM (SAME FLOOR.) jMay be found the best, heaviest, finest, and

1 cheapest assortment of Bed. ("lib, and Cradle 1

Blankets to he found any where. t

ANo, Marseilles. Dimity, Allendale. Alham r

bra, ami Lancaster Quilts, in a'l si/.js.Also, a lot of well quilted Comforts, made in

the best madder colored prints. Ju_..I'lotf, Piano and Ta- i

^INew styie r.mui UIUCIOU x .w... .

(ble Covers.New style Embossed Damask Wine (Moths. 1

Do Cropley's Velvet Table Covers, ve *

ry gorgeous ami cheap. |Also, one case new style (jilt Window Shades. f

with fixture* complete. These are wonderfullyI pretty and cheap.I Our stock of all kinds of Table and Toilet Lif

nens and Cottons, will be found the most coin- !

I plete in all depaitments in this city. (

5 A* we devote our whole tune and attention to f

t the buying and selling of Furniture Dry (foods

i exclusively it is but reasonable to suppose Unit 1

it shou.'d be just so.I

Economical housekeeper*,and those who want ]exclusive'y select and nice things, should call

and look through our stock. Our prices are

' low in all cases. CLAGETT & DODSON*.

J Washington, nov lu.eost I

1 A LEWIVES..30 bbls ALEWIVES and '

f\ East port HERRINGS, tor sale by |nov 1*2.eo3w T. A. BREW1S & CO.

r £'lOAL..1 have on hand, and am constantlyreceiving ANTHRACITE COAL, of the i

best qualities, for family use.CUMBERLAND> COAL, from the Frcstburg Mines, by the cargo.

car-load, or single ton. Factories furnished

i. with the run-of mine. at lowest rates Apply to

rnov D. B. SMITH, Oueen ?t. Wharf.

, TUsT RECEIVED direct from the lactory,

(J a lot of those superior long and short bed 1

AXLES for Buggies, Wagons. Drays. Ac. Call 1

and examine at No. 13. North Fairfax street,


t e* FOR RENT..The two story FRAME

SIHOUSE, on the corner of Water and

Wilkes street. Apply to

i. nov 11.-I w F. A iMAKIiL R\

)RIA GAZETTE Jlocal iticvih.

Circuit Court.Fourth Dav..Floweret1,surviving (under control of K E. Scott.) vs.Fowle dt Co..action on the ca*e. Thin caeewas argued at the last term of the Court, anda verdict rendered fur plaintiff.damages£2 940.34, with interest from the 4th day ofJuly, 1654, till paid. A motion for anewtrial wag tben made, on which the C jurtgave its opinioo ye.-terday, overruling themotion upon the plaintiff releasing $900.04of the verdict, otherwise a new trial wouldhave been granted. 11 E. Scott and 1 >. Fun»tenfor plaintiff, II. W. Davis and F. L.Smith for dofeudants.

K. Q Bowling vs. Eoocb Grimes.suit forJamages; verdict for plaintiff; damage $-46;motion to set asido the verdict overruled..L. B. Taylor for plaintiff, F. L. Smith foricfendaut.Commonwealth of Virginia, (vt tborelution

)f J. 11. Atwell,) beoctit of J. T. Close vs.Samuel N. Chipley and othert.debt on constable'sbond; verdict for defendants. S. F.Beach for plaintiff, Brent & Kiczer for defenlants.Gotleib Appieh vs. Orange and Alexandria

liailroad Company.trespass on tbo case;judgment for plaintiff, by counsel; damagesjOO. II. W. Dtvisand W. Arthur Tayloror plaintiff, R. E. Scott and F. L. Smith lorlefendants.James Adams vs. Selden, Withers A Co..

tction on the ease. The Court not being adriscdof its judgment, takes time tu consider,iumuel Chilton for plaintiff, l>. Funsten forlefendants.Tee case of J. T. Dowell v°. The Potomac

nsurance Company, was set !or to-day. TheT:urt adjourned till this moruing at 10 o'ilock.Democratic M eetinu..The Democracy of

Vlexandria held a meeting at tbo Courtlouso lust night, and adopted a resolutionauthorizing any Democrat of the Countyvbomay be in Petersburg during the sittingf tbo Convention, on the 2d of September,o act as Delegates.New Cist m Uoi'sE. .This building,

rbioh has receutly been finished, and is nowccupiod as our Post Office, is really one oflue proportions and much architectural beau-

y, uud an ornnmcnt to the City; and the suierintendent,Mr. S T. O. Morsell, underrhoso direction tho entire w.irk has been ex-

cutod, receives, as lie justly merits, the highncomiums of the community, for the correctaste ia the well as for the supc--ior manner in which the work has beenexecufd.The appointment of Mr, Morsel), by the

HJeretary of the Treasury, as .Superintendentif this building was opposed by soma on aeoutitof his being a non resident, aid byithere on tho ground that his qualificationsitre not koown to our oitizens to be eu?b as

o qualify him for tho proper discbargn of so

mporiaut a position.the result, however,ias entirely satilied all that the Secretary, inhe selection of Mr. M., well understood hisinirient abilities in the line of his profession,,nd they acctrd him due praise for the ahlonanner in which he has accomplished hisroik. Tha Secretary of the Treusury, whoras much interested in this work, has g:vent his personal inspection, and expre-sed him-elf, while on a late visit to our City, in the

lighest terms of approbation, for the ablend satisfactory mincer in which the Super*utendrnt has performed bis duties. He rs-

larked that it was tho handsomest p^st officen the I'nited States for the amount of 111 jneybat was exj ended. An article on the dc- ,

ign of this buildirg. and executi in of work,, was published in tbe Gazette, seme I

;e« ks ng. ; tut ilioro is one circumstance that

fijuirrs especial notice, and that in, thattus Custom House is the first bui't for G >vrnmeotwhere a surplus of tbe appropriationeoiained.a fact that dors infinite credit t) tbe

u} crintendeut, who leiog about to leave us, 1

re think it but an aot of justice to saytius much.Tbe Collector of this port, is now making

rrargemente to move into tbe nr w edifice.

Lager Beer Brew krv..Messrs Kline &itraus b/ive purchased the property lst"'ywned by David Be zVd, dee'd just beyondbo termination of King street, acrt ss Ilin fi's

un, where they have a brewery for LagerJeer, and are having dug a very largo cellarthere it is to be stored. They already makeipwnrd? of 60 barrels a day, but tbe demandor this beverage is so great, that nearly11 thut they now make is taken by dealersn Richmond, aid in a short timoilicy willnave to enlarge their brewery.

A few evenings since, two little B >ys beween12 and 14 years of age, entered a shopcept by a pi or widow woman, upper end of

'lince street, and arked for G cigars at 3

leots a piece. Tbecigirs were counted out

0 them, when they grabbed them and ran,

emnrking that the ' Corporation w> uld set-

le tho bill." Why will not parents keepjoys in the house at right. No d'-ubt

nany a poor fellow is now serving a term in

be Penitentiary, owing aitogcmt-r m jkuchulneglrct. "Traio upachPd in the way

ie should go, and w hen he gets old lie willlot depart from it."

Chance..Among the Army orders justssued by Gen. Scott, is the f.llowirg: As*

listant Surgeon Charles II. Page, of this

;>!aoe, now at Fort Leavenworth, will accompanythe companies ol the first cavalry to

Forts Smith nod Washita, taking post at the

inttcr named 6ta.ijn.

Alexandria Liiirarv .The Directors acknowledgethe receipt of the following Looks

from II >n. Wm. Suiitb, viz: Emory's Report,Vol. 1; Commercial Relations, Vol.2.

Liiiertv IIall.Owens appears to-nigbt,n "London Assurance" and "Betsey Baker."As to-night is his bent fit, we have no doubt

the 11 nil will be filled.

Fairfax Quarterly C< urt.The N'ovember(Quarterly) Term of the Fairfax CountyCourt will commence on Monday next. The

followiog Justioes will constitute the C urt:

First Diy..J. C. Gunnell, P. J ; Daniel Kinoheloe,Frs C. Divis and Frs. E Jnbnstan,awoeiatos. Second Day .J. C. Gunocll,P. J ; Jno.T. Burke, Juo. A Washington and

Geo. II Padgett associates .Fairfax Stirs.

lND VIRGINIA 1Auction Sale of Fl wbr Roots.. ;

auction sale of l>utcb Bulbous roots will uplace to-day at No. 53, King street. Sadverti-ement.

Wafuington Items..The North W i:

or the Caimtol..This wing, which is to

occupied by the Senate of the United Statiits officers, and attendants, has received f«. veral months past a degree of attention ai

an amount of work much beyond the propction lor the previous ytur. So fast indehas it proceeded of lute that the new S:naChamber will be ready for occupation hy tldignified body which is permanently to (

within its walls, hy the first of January uej

The New L) me or tue Capital..Itstated that a contract has been entered inbetween Superintendent Meigs, of the Cajtol extension, and Messrs. Joans, Bubee,Co., iron founders, of New York, for suffioiciron material to finish the two sectionsthe new dome now beguc.; and thut a limitinumber of hands will bo tetained ou tlworks during the winter.Dead..Chas. Williams, familiarly know

as '"Uld Charley," who has so loog betthe c dored porter of the auction aud furrture establishment of J. C. McGuire Jb C^died on Tuci-day uigbt last. He was wt

known to all tho residents of Wasbingluand universally bore the character of an hiest man aud u taith'ul servant, lliscorreidemeanor bad won for him the kind regaiand esteem of all classes of our eitizons wlwill sincerely regret his deiuiso. lie wi

about eighty-five years of age.Water..All tho cross streets on Penney

vaniu ttfenu-*, from end to end, where wait

supply w ill ho required, aro underg ling tlexcavations nccssary to furnish water to tfcity from the twelve inch main which vu

laid during the latter part ot the summer.NationalInteliyenct r.

Ftneh.The Washington Star says- .Thm «rning, Mr. Wm. Simpson, a huckster frmAlexandria, Ya., was arrosied by J. F. Kin;polico officer, tr selling in tho Centre Markwithoutlicense from this Corporation. I!wis tried before Justice Bonn and finedand tfce costs were ad fed.

AN ACT to authorize Dr. William S. Morrand others, associated with him, to constrmand maintain a line of Telegraph in the streeol the ci'y of Alexandria.Suction' 1. />'» it emu!fit by the City Council

Alexandria, That Dr. William S. Morris ai

others associated with him. in the constructicof 11 line of Telegraph along the road ol it

II 1 Lif-n I, a U<,;ir,,a,l Cnmnin. k

tweeii Uordonsville and Alexandria, be, ai

they hereby are authori/ed to construct ai

maintain their line in the streets of said city,such station *>r stations within the same as themay deem suitable, and Irorn such stationstations to the Northern limit of the city, in tidirection ot Washington.Provided, howevethat the ptiwlegei hereby gianted siiail be so

jcct to al! the conditions heretofore imposedthe c »se 01 the Washington am! New OrleaiTelegraph Company, ami shall he subject, alsto the operation ot any general act that ma

herearter h* pa-sed by the City Council in re.'eence to Telegraph lines within said city

Skc V. This act shall l>e in loice Irom its pasage.

Passed the Hoard of Aldermen, t'th of Niveinber, tsbs hA IV B. TA V LOR. I'rest.

Passed the Common Council, I'tb of Noveuher. l? > J. H McVEIGH. PresidentApproved: W. I). MASsKY, Mayor.

C1LIKTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL/The second session ot this School will bgin on the lir«t Wednesday of October. lh.Vami clo-ie the third Wednesday of July, IS.V.'1*hedesign of the School is thoroughly to prpare youths lor the Cniversity ol Virginia.Thecourse oi study embraces everything n<

ressary to the degree ot A. M. at our Cniversit;The school is located in the mountains <

Fauquier, a region well known for its nealthlilunate and beautiful scenery; it is two mil*

:011th of .Mai kham Station on the Manassas t«aKailioad. and sixty miles liom AlexandriaTerms $^f>, semi-annually in advance, vi

jil lW.fiO on the 1st ol October, and +11'J.'M o

:he 1st of March.Modern Languages at extra charges.For further particulars, apply to the Piinc

pal, at .Maikham Station Fauquier County, V»KKKKItr.NCKS:

Rev. J. P. McGuire. K. H. S. ot Va.Trustees ot Charlestown Academy, Jetf'erso

nnnty. Va.Professors Bledsoe. Harrison. Scheie De Ver<

Meffurtie and Smith, ol the Cniversity ol Viigiuia. K .lAtJfTEUN AMBLER,Fauquier county. teb4.eott i'rinripa

11 ^ATER RENTS . N OT I C E.. Walef | renteis will please take notice that thei

bills were due on the 1st instant,and it is ri-quii"I that th»»j* he paid on presentation by the ro

ector.Those persons having special permits to us

water Irotn neighboiii.g hydrants, are requireto call at the rtlire ol the Treasurer. and rerier

the same.I hose who ran mal e it convenient to call o

the Tieastuer and pay their bills will muc

oblige. EDWARD S. HOUGH,nov 3.eo'it Treasurei

»>/ w v REWARD!.Runaway irom thO mm \H I subscriber on the night ot the litinstant, a negro boy railed BENNETT, a mi

latto, about iJj or Id years old, '> Jeet f» nichein height. thin, and quite good look'iig. arid ver

polite He was well dressed when be left, hithe clothes he had on are not remet hered.will give the ahow reward ot ."jigutj, tor him.t&iveii out ol the state, anil secured so thaT I g<

him again. H" lett in company with two nth*

negiobovs [sep'^V.eott| A. S CKIGsBY.

Lj,h wi REWARD..Runaway from ti

M M / Theological Seminary, near Ale?andria Va , on Sunday night, the lfcth inst.,negro boy named CARTER Said negro i«bright mulatto, fi leet, S or b inches high an

very well limit. He is about 'J3 year® old. an

has a \eiy pleasant countenance. 1 will gi\i...Jr,l «ii i. ii taken out of thState uml secured mi that I «et bun ai11. A<ire»> DAVID FI'l ZHI.'GH. Fairfax C H,sep 17- e >ri or H ('. WARD, Alex., Va.

Gt KO T BALDWIN', dealer in IRON an

r STEEL, Ao. 13 north Fairfax Sirrrt.Aways on b>nd. a complete stork of BAFBAND. HOOF, and HORSE SHOE IRON; alCAST.SHEAK. GERMAN, and BLlsTES'l'hEL All ot which wfll be sold at tne lov

est price Jar caeh, or on th'trl cretins to punctuicustomers«ei>



par cent, on the Capi at Stork of toe Comparhas been declared. payable to the Stockholderor their leyal representatives, on and alter Tbur

day, the 4th inst. C. W. WATTLES,nov I.eo'?w Secretar

i I / t/ W \ fKDIT TREKS For >AL

t/*>K \ M/U AT THE G K K EN W 00NCKSKKIKS, situated on the Alexandria ai

Leesbiirg Turnpike, near Kalis' Church, Fair!;

County, Va All orders tor Alexandria, Was

ington, and Georgetown, will be deliveredPrintedcatalogues sent to all who desire theiC7" All communications addressed to

T. B MIINSON, Falls' Church,»>aw 1 Q *r\tf W'q»r» ay C^Ai»T)tV. V

BEDFORD WATER.Just received per c

rial, a lull supply of Fresh Bedford Wati

in barrels and half-barrels, dir»ct from t

Springs, lor sale byJ. LEADBEATER St SON,

11 mo 1 Stabler's old Star

II f OOL purcha««d by\\ jo 9* nA\l vr F HOOF

JOB P F IN TINGNeatly "r-e.jtad. with despatch at ton



Arrival of (lie S'eanier Asia.?P' THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE,or

ad New York, Xjv. II .The steamship Asiair- from Liverpool, 3U;h Ojtober, arrived off

Ssndy Ilaok early tliis morning.'® George Mook, (?) the new Bridsb consul

at Ricbni >nd, came passenger in the Asia.The emigrant mailing ship Extern City,

tL bound from Liverpool to Australia, budis been burnt n« ir the Cane of Good llope..t0 Only ore life was lost, llor loss is cstima.j ted at £100.000.

1 Mr. Bright bad made a reform speech at^ Birmingham, in which he advocated thent vote by ballot, and the American system ofof representation.jd The new Great Eistern Steamship Cooipa18ny bad been organized.

It was rumored in connection with a conrntempiated visit of military from America toIreland, that several seditious societies badbeen disci verod there, deriving inspiration

,l* and money from the United Statue.>, The Portuguese indemnity to France had,|1 been reduced to 1U8I.HI0 francs.c

The dispute between France and BrsZ'l,| in regard to tho boundary ol French Guiana,

will be decided in favor of Franco.

,(j A strong article published by CountMontalombert iu the Correspondent, caused

' the seizuro of that journal and the prosecutionol the writer and publisher,Spain is about to favor tho importation'* of tibaceo, from the Phillippine Islands, to

;r tho d triinent of American planters. Aill0 the transports with troops intended to act

)(> against Mexico, had sailed for Cuba.The L indno Xi.w- says there has b^cn no

further indication of a prenianent improvementin the Atlantic cable since the receipt of(lie lew intelligent signals reported several

. days ago. The shares are ijuoted at £130(a)15 3GU.111 Mr. Ten Broeck's horse Barbarity ran a

r, race at Newmarket against C unt Baihyani's= 1 Olympus, the owners riding their respectiveie horses. Barbarity was the winner.), It is said that Prince Napoleon sided with

Portugal in the recent dispute as to the indemnitydemanded for the slaver Charlesis Georges.:t The Paris corespondent of the London Postis asserts positively that the French Gjvern!moot is resolvod to put a stop to the impairuftiition of fr»e negroes in the Freuch colonies.

Mr. MuG iwen, the American contractorm for ruining tho sunken ships of war in the

harbor id Seba.-tupol, denies tho report tt<ate." his tfl'.rt to raise the vessels has failed, liej'l has raised since May last six of the vessels

in a good condition, and has removed severalto ,others.,r Tho Austrian ofli lials bad se>. d 10,0001(, Minie rill >s on the frontier, intended lor ther B isnian insurgents.I,. The China uiol had reached F.ogland. Ain Urge number of Chinese piratical ve.-stlsi» had been captured and sunk by British orui,isers.v L rd Elgin's .Japan treaty is rcpiortol tor be alm. sr identical with the American treaty.

Commkrciai .Liverpool.I he cotton saless- of the week foot up dd.UUU bales, closing at

a decline of J } on the week. Speculatorsa took only 5u0, w hile exporters t ok 5 000

hah p. The estimated sules on Friday were1_ 5,000 lales. Themarkit closed very dull,

at the following quotation*:Orleans. Mobilee. Uplands.

Fair, 7i * 2 "Ie. Middling 7 I 1G 70^s. The Latest..Saturday, p. m..The oot-ton market cl« 6rd very tl .t, with estimatede- pales ro-Jay, of 5.000 bales.

The Manchester trade report was unfavori!-able. Goods and yarns had slightly dei-clinrd.>t Breadstuff* closed with a declining ten'Idency. Flour drooping gtnerally, but choice's Ohio wapfiirn at 22 24s. Wneut had adtPolining tendency: middling and lower grades

closed at a decline ol 1*2U The corn market' was very dull, and quotations nominal.n Liverpool, Saturday.. Breadstuff's were

quiet.Provisions.Ileaf heavy with hut little in;

quiry and prices weak. Pork dull. Baconheavy, with a slight decline on all qualities,but mostly on mlerior. Lard closed heavy

it at £/)«. r5G«.Sugar closed quiet; Coffee dull.London. . Sugars were dull; Breadstuff?

r- dull. Consols 9Kjt allsHavre Mirket.Cotton, Trcs ord. llOf.

r New Orleans, Nov. 11..A considerablei number of peisons are daily arriving ini- this city preparatory to emigrating to NicaI-ragua via thp Tebunniepeo route.

t he brig Golden Gate has arrived at thise port, having on board the cargo ot the bark<1 Montpelicr, which was wrecked at Nassau,v The weather continues clear and cold, and

the city is fast recovering from the ravages

j' ol the epidemic. Freights are firm.

Charleston, Nov. 10.The K-.-tcb Bmr*thtrs, recently seized by the sloop-jf-warp Marion as an intended slaver, arrived hereb tbismornirg in charge of Lt. Stone and a

i- przo crew. Tho Brothers was formerlyp owned here, hut bad been sold to parties in

y Cuba. Shs was provi Jed with a slavers outitfit and 700 in gold, but there werenosla'ves on board when ee:z»d.II

Manciiestek, X. FI , N' ;v. 10..Tho demt'rcrtitn ol the second district, tt-duy DominatedJohn IF. <Jc r^o for Cor grass.

,e FAIRBANKS' Tm>,: s-ai» < are now recantk*as the STAXDAUD full»ou.iL.r.o. OiiiKs.irr v\ KliillT. tii.l ai> In

aby Uritrly »*vt*ry,1 FA I IFHANKS' M-reliant, mi l ni.tnuIdtiuiucistaMisiinient through'1* < /<»'. «X. (.lit the country. The reputntn n

f which theseScales h.i«r>S|uMI." S l |»|» \ V LT C has I.en >! steady growth fr>-IIIrAlltlfANKS C,

!SCALES. time. and is iIim principleadopted lij us. ami iieverde*V " V' viated In tit. "f allowing untie hut

f Alr.i5A.NA.> pr.Rria t «Ki..iitvi m.iiiim.- to

.tSCALE go fiirtli from "Uir esl.ihli*huieiit.H>>- inure than ouu hunI-dml different ni'Mjificatinus nf

[ r AlilHANKh t h >e.ile«, a I ij*. I' I||<* wants

SC \I ES of every ilep irlineiitut ltii<ine»-.1

* ' when-a correct and durable scaleK is required.y. t.ail and cvauiitie. or send f r

I (i T BAI.IHVIN, an illustrated circular.A st, FA I FtBAN K> & CO.,

Alexandria, Va. Iti9 Hro>i<l\cuij,VN L A Y Kk.

'r oct 14 .eolmist

I |*OOls», <i AI i F.KS. SHOES. Vc.. tkc .A

^ X) general assortment of Boots (»a:ten». Sho*s.fcc., *»c.. lor I.atii«*H, (tent'iPmfn. Misses. ! ( nilJren's wear, ol the F)est materials ant)

y. workmanship, can be lour.d atE HARMON BURNS',

b) 40S Pennsylvania Avenue, between 4$ and AtLid streets, a lew doors east ot National Hotelv* Washington, sep is.eovtm

^ OUB>CRIBE AT ONCE .If you wish to

secure a copy of that tlegant Engraving.' I HE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH,' and the

ART JOURN AL, with the other premiums, be

# s ire and subscribe $'(. b»lore the 1st of January,Specimen copies ot the above, and lull

a- particulars given, by applying to-r, nov lu UEO. T. tfALL WIN, Agent.L<! T 1 ER RINGS FIRE AM) BURGLAR

f~ I PROOF SAFE .The very best Sate,j known. All sixes lor saie at Factory prices

by J AS. C. NEVETT, Agent lor Alex a.

o«t *21

ClOD FI>H.Five casks COI) FISH just re

/ ceived, arid for sale bynov 4 M KLDRIDGE, Union Wharf

"EMBER 12, 1S5S.


IN ONE YEAR.The RKMOliATIVE OFPROF. O. J. WOOD lor restoring Hair peritectly ami permanently, has never yet bad a riival. Volume alter volume might lie given tromall parts ol the world and irotn trie most mteiiigent to prove that it is a perfect RESTORATIVE;but read the circular ar.d you cannotdoubt; read also the lollowingThe Haik.People have lor centuries been

afflicted with bald heads, and the only remedy,heretofore known, has been those abominablewigs. By a recent discovery of Prot. Woodthese articles are being last dispensed with; huta great many persons still patroni/.' them, bejcause they have been so often imposed upon byHair Tomes ot different kinds, lo all suchpersons we earnestly make the request, thatthey will try once jgam, for in WOOD'S RK!STOKATIY K there is no such thing as tail..We know of a lady w ho w as bald, w ho used thearticle a short time, and her head is now cover-

ed completely with the tiniest and most beauti!lulcurls imaginable. We know ot numerouscases where hair was rapidly tailing out. whichit restored in greater perfection than it everhad been beiore.

It i« .dsn w it tiont doubt one ot the he*! atti.

cit;s lor keeping tht- hair in good condition,making it sou and glossy, removing dandruff,and lias proved itsell the greatest enemy to alltae ills that hair is heir to.

It is the duty oi every one to improve theirpersonal appearance though some may il.ti-r inregard to the ways of doing it; but every onewill admit that a beautiful head ot hair, eitherin man or woman, is an object much to he !esired, and there are no means that should belet't untried to obtain such a consideration..H'owiuu'it .itlv'r'ate. Pluludilphia.

I'ocircton. Ohio. November 17. lS.'id..(). JWood At Co..Gents.As I have been engagedin selling your HAIR RESTORATIVE the lastseason lor one ot your local agents. (K .M.Hurkinsou.) and having experienced the bent litcial effects ol it myself, I would like to obtainan agency lor the Slate ol Ohio or some Statein the West, should you wish to make such an

arrangement, as I am convinced there is noth- j,ing equal to itiu the United States, lor restor-

ing the hair. I have been engaged in the Drugbusiness tor several years, and have sold vari-ous preparations lor the hair, but have foundnothing that restores the secretive organs <>r invigoratesthe sralp as w ell as yours, Being fullyconvinced that your RESTORATIVE is whatyou represent it to be. I would like to engage intne sale oi it, K»r 1 am satisfied it must sell..Vours, truly, S. T. STOCKMAN.

Wayi.and. Mass . Feb. 5, lsb7..I'rof O. J.Wool) \ Co.Gents: Having realized the goodeffect* ot your HAIR RKS'I ORATI VE. 1 wishto state, that finding rny hair growing thin, as

well as grey, I was induced from what I reid '

and heard, to try the article prepared by you, to ,

promote its growth and change its color as itwas in youth, both ot which it bus effectedcompletely. In the operation I have used nearlyihiee l>otiles. Yours, &c, JAM. FRANCIS.

t). J. WOOD A. CO., Propiietors. 312 Broadway,N". Y., (in the great X. Y. Wire RailingKstabli-htnent.) and 114 Market street, St.Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Druggists,and Fancy Goods dealers oct 2.').eo3m

^ALK OF VALLABLK KKAL KS'I'ATK.^ .The subscriber is authorized to sell thefollowing valuable LOTS oi KKAL KS'I'ATK:TWEX'i Y F'lVK AL'RF.S oi LAND, coveredwith a heavy growth of WOOD, oil Brad

locks road abotit one ami a half miles iromthis city, immediately north of Mrs Powell'sfarm, commencing at the corner of Mr. Oreen'sjialiug |ei ce. and ex'ei iiing on tne public roadto Doings' fence.bounded on the north by Mr.J. J. Lloyd's farm. Price, 4>I0H per aerr. Thisproperty is admirably adapted lor a countryresidence, being remarkably healthy, and commandinga delighUul vi« w.A L'»l 2U leet by l'JO. on Queen str»et. be>tatw eeii A Itn (I and Patrick streets, with two

-"""I* FKAMF HOl 'sKS. one trontii g oi Queenstteet. and one on a wide alley, to which the lotruns backA HALF ACRK LOT. on the southwest cornerof square bounded by Columbus, Wythe,

Madison and Allred streets ;AN ACRK LOT, being the northern halt ol

square bounded by Fairfax, Madison, Wytheand Royal streets Fairfax street is graded to ,

the Canal, ami the Depot of the Loudoun aridHamp-hire loail has been located in tlie imme- ,i late vicinity. iNOR1HKRN HALF oi SQlJAKK, bounded i

by Washington. Montgomery, Madison, and St. i

Asaph streets, except tnat joit on occupied bythe Washington and Alexandria railway. ,A LOT J" leet by 123, in the middle of the }

square on Allied stieet, between Wythe anil 4Madison streets.The abf»ve property will be sold on very lib

era! terms, with etsy payments. Apply, alter3 o'clock, P. xM., to W M. WATSON.

Room No. 24, City Hotel, Alexandria,nov 3 eo'it

'\TrOrN(; LAD1KS' I N ST I TU T E..Thej Ninth Annual Session ol this Institution,

lor Boarding and l»ay Scholars, will commenceon Miindav. Si-ntunlier 13thThe Kterri«e* will be conducted by the I'rin- and Ins wife, aided by competent Assistantsin the several departments,j Those pupils who expect to become tear era

will in 'ddition to the usual course of study,receive special advice arid instruction uponsuch topics and dntie~ as relate directly to theprolession ol Teaching,

Courses ol Lectures upon the Sciences, willbe delivered during the year.

Kuittier information respecting the Institn-tion. may be obtained by application to

SVLVKsTKK SCOTT. i'kinc'ipan.nov 1.wti I

r* I Mi 1/ V CMALLKNGK HKATKR .|»UUU We are now receiving our

j FALL SCI'I'LV of Cooking, Office, Church,Hotel, Chamber, and I'arlor S'lOVKS. of thelatest and ri.ost approved patterns, arno> g-twhich is the celebra'ed Pennsylvania. Old Domillion,York Complete. Kcnnomist, and CharterOak (O'lK STOVKs; and lor Tailors, MiningRooms. Chambers, Hotels, Churches. \c..Hacker's Patent and other RADIATORS. Cylinderand Open Fiont Stoves, lor wood or coal;Air Tight Stoves of Cast or Sheet Iron. Wehave. also. SANi FORD'S $|ijOU CHALLKXGKHKATKR. the caeppest and most powerfulHeater in the world AH ol which we will sell

cheap for rash, or to punctual paying customersISAAC KKLL K BRO,

oct t-f.eolrn No '.l't King siieet.

\ia< "t.kkm'k > vkm'iLAlING >1oVK>.

IHAVK on hand the most complete assort.. . /./ L' .1 1 > \ L'l OU S llltl'S[ met I «il I < " n mm i .inix ii .........

I Hi .t ha» «ver l«-ep ottered in ihis city. Amongmy Conks are tlx* Diamond Rock Nevada,Cornet, Wisconsin. CharterOak and Homestead.Parlor Stoves. tor Coal, are the Macgregor \ entilatingMove, Backus Patent Radiator. NewPattern Radiator, Parlor Grates. Parlor Cooks,and Cylinder Stoves. Parlor Stoves, for Wood,are the Sell Regulators. Cottage Parlors, OvenParlor*. Sheet Iron Air l ight, and Six and NinePlate Stoves Washington S'l't >VK POLISHS 1'OVK PIPE. SHEET Z'NC. Ac.ET UN WAKK at wholesale, as low as it

ran be bought in Baltimore or anv other cityH. I. GREGORY. I lh King street,

ort Id opposite Mar«h<;ll H use.

J US I RECEIVED from New York, this < a),another lot nt BONNET RIBBONS, FLOWERS,Ac., which car not he surpassed, for beauty,

style, Ac . in this CityI am now manufacturing Silk Velvet a-M

Setin B''N"N'KTS, ,or the Winter, at a lower

price than any other establishment in this city,and of the very lalest style,


JUST'J bbls No 3 Mackerel, extra

>ij " Cut F.xtia Flour100 " Prime Super "

GO ' James S. Welch's Family Flour, instore ?.nd for sa'e by

oct 14 S. HARTLEY A SON.

I)ROWNLOW AND PRYNK'S DISCUS.} SlO.N ."Ought American Slavery to be

perpetuated'".a deha'e between Rev W. (r

Browrlow and Ke\ A Pryne, held a' Philadel-I phia s»p'ember, l»GS, price $i. Ju*t publish- Ied. and tor »ale, by [riov 4j KOBT BELL

auction sales.By S. J McCORMICK.Aictiomckk.

HOUMCHOLD FURNITURE AI AUCTION.i>N wKUNK»l>A V M (> K NI At; NKXr. 17tu instant, at luoclock, wil;sold at the residenceot Mr W. Mcyenburj:. on

Cameron street, bet w ten Fairfax .'lid Waferstreets, an assortrnen'ol HOU>KMOLl> F1 KNilURK, coiiMstinu in }><irt ol 1 Piano. > a.

Marble Top Table. Chandelier. Hat Hack.« ads Hair Mattresses, Carpets, Ch*ir6, Table>.Cooking and Parlor Stoves. \c \c

nov fJ.eots s J. McCORMICK. A net

1 >1 BL1C SAI.K OF KAl QfiKii UNOI By virtue ol a deed ot trust to in-, u,a I. byMrs. O. U Hail, trustee lor Mrs. Maiy i Ou.eand her ctnldieii. I will sell at public fe&it*. II

tne [lemises, that VALUABLE TARMveyed by caul deed, on which Allrrd I' I)inow resides

The said larm is situated in Fatujuier count v.

VJ miles south of Middleburu. adjoining .

lands o| Jcltn W. Patterson, John I> K«>»i .

Thus Middle!on, and Samuel Field, contaii.u ^i oa w i.1 L'V

Ihf farm has upon it a crmforal>'e-i C I>u > I l \ i: and the usual out.bou-<>,

bar*!, fcc , is line land, remarkably well vvjVi> .

enclosed and divided with good lences. princ,pally of stone, is in a very agreeable neighboihood, has other advantages which nriake it a

very desirable property.The sale will take place on the prenu»«».

about J "J o'clock. M. on Saturday, the 1 '> of

January, lhb'.», n lair, it not, the next lair daytherealter.Terms cash, but an arrangement may be ma '<

by which a reasonable credit can be had on allthe pmchase money except about <»>.

B I'. NOLAM), TrusteeMiddleburg. Va , Nov. 12-eots

[ Varrenton Whig copy]BY Si. J Mcl'OK.MK'a.Aictiom.i:k


1NLOWF.R ROOTS AT AUCTION..Willlie sold, on Friday ntrt, lvt/i inttunt. or "

u'ihtk. at the Store No. Ml, King street, nearKartax street, one case superior 01 I t H 1 I I,BOL'S ROOTS, all hi good order, consisting «.i

Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcisses, and Crocus towhich the attention of the ladies is particular 1,requested. nov jn.,'lt

SALE THIS DAY.^ILL BK SOLD, on Friday, tie \'2th tLiy

j j of X< vtmbtr, in front of the Court House,i CRAY MARK, to satisfy claims in myhands. Terms cash. Sale at 10 o'clocknov 0.4t JOSEPH PADGETT.


j| trust, dated April '4th, 1MJ, I will offer fotiale. at Public Auction, in front of the Mayor'sDffice. in the city of Alexandria, on Monday. <

1 Cith of Ni vcmbir, 1 at 12 o'llotk, M the I'ollowing Real Estate .

A LOT OF GROUND, with the improv.ments theieon. situated at the sou'h east cornet

ot VVope and Union streets, fronting on Unionstreet fifty Icet. and running east and bindingon Wolfe street eighty teet, to an alley twentyleet w ide.FIVE LOTS OF ( ROUND, wi'h the wa ,

and building materials thereon, adioimng ti e

above on tbe South, each Lot fronting on i rwoi

street twenty live leet, and running east eigtifyteet, to an alley twenty leef in widthA UH Mf UIMM > i/, wmi a large rrairie

Stable thereon, situated on the si-ie ot

I'nion stieet. soutti of ami adjoining the Old Dt»tiller), fronting on Cnion t»Tif-t 2071 |.et, amirunning wc-t to Potomac str«et 1 ' fe-t. "l'LiLothas great advantages, as it ,< >;.is the Oiurge arid Alexandria Railroad Depot, and cos

nil several lots to the north of it trmn back outlets.while Cars can he loaded and dischargedupon it without interfering with the street,nov *'.eots 8. J. McCORMICK. A net

BV S. .1. McCORMICK .Alctionkku

1)\ VIKTL'K ot a decree ot lite Count)') Court lor Alexandria Count)', pronounced

it the October term, 18*h, in the case o| SmithS Perkins rs. Alexander li Brown, and otlieihe undersigned Commissioner therein named,will offer for sale at public auction, on HVitgiitt)/ thrfirtt 'lay ojDntmbtr, this, the CanalBoat oRRlSON, in the bill and proceedings men

ioned, together with her engine, boilers eijnjpnent. and everything thereto belonging Saleake piace, at the Mayor's Office, in the City otAlexandria. Va . at I J o'clock. M.

1 kiims ok Salk . One fourth ot the purchaseuoiiey to he paid ill cash, and the residue ill 4.ind 12 months.good personal security to b*iven lor the deferred payments,nov l. wis C. W. WA 1 TLKS. Corn in r.

\T ALCABLK LANDS FOR SALK - 17.'.ACRKS OF LAND, in Faiupner County

in the road troni Bealeton Station, *. ft A K R

:o VVarrenton Springs, five miles from tf. homer,thiee fiom the latter, and s x tiom Warrenton About three-fourths ol this land i« it; cultivationand grass, all well watered; the balm r».

ill limber, winch nearly surrounds the 'arm

'1'he DWKl.LI.M. is small, hut enmtort*B t»'e auu hasall necessary out-hill dings.37u ACRK.S MOCM A1N LAND, in the

county ol Warren, covered wi'h excellent tin.

!»er, adjoining the lands ot Wm. Ih-aty. esijwho will give information about thelaud.ittailed on.

if;l ACRKS OF LAND in Shenandoah conn

y*. all in timber, situated eight m.leS north west

tf Strashing and sixteen south-west ot Wm:bester. Levi Funkhouser, ee«j , in the neigiijortiood, vv.II describe its locality.Terms liberel. Apply to Mr. Samuel A

Masters. Alexandria. Va, or by letter to me, atBealeton Station. WILLIAM A. RO.-K

F.unpiier county, oct 23.2awlm

I^OK SALK.A choice farm in Fauquieirounty, containing EIGHT H CNDkF.D

AND SlXl Y-MNK AM) A HALF ACRES,ril which about 6fi0 acres are cleared, ami tinremainder heivily limbered In the pioductioni.l wheat, corn, grass, or tobuero, this will rankwith the best farms in Fauquier c< unty.distant miles from Rappahannock «:»itioii, onthe Oiling? and Alexandria Kmlrojd, and in t w«hoursoi Alexandria. It is well encl'scd, wellw atered, in excellent heart, and ha- on it a cutiraftfnrtabl? DWKI LING, with all nece«.,aryt'-m improvements.

t ok Ik it ms. which will be very liberal, applyto the subscriber whose i» I revillian

Depot. Louisa county. This (arm may he dividedinto two farmsWKI LtNGTON GORDON.

Fauquier, county, o#t .flaw I m

IOl'DOCN FARM FOR SALE .Tne subj scnber offers lor sale, at a ver) low price,

his FARM, called ujlLM.i, ' on the Lresburgturnpike, twenty live nnies from Alexandria,and one aid a hall Irorr. the Alexandria, LouJounand Hampshire Railroad. It containsFIVE HI NDKED AND TWEN1V-FOL RACRES, about one bail in cultivation arid gra-thebalance in open timber, which affords u veiylarge summer pasture; four excellent springsand a well in the yard, with water twenty live

teet in depth The DWELLING isaveryJi^Lfine two story, frame, and basement Cot-

tage DuiKlinsr Wim r»f-i j ."=<- j r,

.a.: 1 entirely new Terms very libera!.Address SAM'L A MASTERS, Ale* a.

Loudoun county. Va, oct 12.eolm

C1HAKI.ES HERNDON, 'late Conway h./ Hkum'o.v) Attorney at L. w. Fredericksburg.Virginia, continues to practice in the

Courts ot King Oeorge, Stafford,Caroline, Spotsylvania.and the town of FredericksburgCollections promptly made and remitted.

. mmnsriH .

David Funsten, I Messrs. FowleA Co.Gtor.e VV. Brent, J Messrs Caaenove At Co.Francis L. Smith, I McVeigh ft Cuamber'uJohn B Daingerheid, j Smoot, L'aler ft Co.,JohnS. Barbour, Robm-on ft Payne,Lewis McKenzie, | J H Brent,Burke At Herbert, | Bryan. Adams At Co.,

C. F. buttle Ac Co., and other merchants.Fredericksburg. Va . jy 2B.dArly

JOHN MURPHY, ATTORNEYJT LJW,will practice in the Courts o: V. estmoreland,Richmond, and Northumberland Counties.

PostOifice, Rice's Store Westmoreland County,Va dec 0.U