| i. l lentro py 6-1166 1 - nys historic...

Ronkonkoma and the La ke N ews Mrs. B. Davis. JU 8-3987 SWIMMING LESSONS The Brookhaven Town Recrea- tion Department is sponsoring a IOUI ' M ' in swimming instruction in the Lake Ronkonkoma area, lo he sjvi'i* ai the (ireen Pavilion star- ling Monday and continuing throng]- September 1. The hours a r e f r o ni i> a. m. to 11 a. in. Child) en six years of age or older are invited to take part. •lames R OCM \ Town Recreation diieetor , p lanned the program and (eels i( ik, a *t;\ri toward insuring a greater measure of safety in swimming. A competent and train- i '1 Ri-d Cro-s instructor is in charge. SACHEM REC. PROGRAM The Sachem Recreation Depart- ment presented the Junior Band and Stringed Instrument concert 11 a. m. August 10 in the Nokomi.- . EU mental \ School . The beginners , Lie elementary and intermediate -t ringed in-t rument groups p layed under the dkection of Mrs. Naomi K. Mail, and the elementary and ii tei mediate wind instruments were iiii-l 'i- the direction of Theodore 1 i//.areilo. The Sachem, Central School District recreation program is sponsored b y the Board of Educa- tion. A pproximatel y 8,000 young- *iers and adults partici pated , and the outdoor concert of the hand and ehoru- - . was held August 11 at Sachem High School. LAKELAND FIRE DEPT. August lo D. Robert S. Blieden of Smithtow n called the Lakeland 1 iie Department ambulance to the home oi Mrs. Slate on Collingtan Pi ive. Mrs. Slate was taken to Mather Memorial Hospital . Adam 1 ilka and Flunk Rubenhauer were the attendants . Later in the day Mis . Fang of 27 Juni per Avenue v, as taken to Mather in ihe Lake- land ambulance . Dr. Masami Yam- ¦lg 'iu-hi was in charge. Adam Pitka and Hugh Obernolte were the at- tendants. At three a. m. Sun.dav Dr. Burford K. Welch called the ambulance to take Mrs. Price of " >o, " > Johnson Avenue to Brookha- \eu Memorial Hospital. John Seoglio. Pa, rick Barharo and Frank Baibaro were the atten- dants and while they were retur- ning to the fii chouse with the am- bulance they ciiii" to ihe scene of an automobile ai - .blent at the rail- l oad bridge. They took Philip Kra- mer of ( "I'll Forie-t Avenue . Brooklyn, to Brookhaven Memorial Hospital. August 1 1 the fire department v;is called to the railroad Hack- a; Smitblow n A\eiiue w ' ure they extinguished a brush tire. On Saturday the men were called to Raynoi and Marion St I eels where taey extinguished a small biush fire on the railroad Hacks Avhere lailroad ties were . smoking. Later Pie same day tliey extinguished u b' nish fire in the woods rear Mo- tor Parkway opposite Breeze Ave- nue. RONKONKOMA FIRE DEPT. July 30 the Ronkonkoma Fire Depaitment ambulance was called to take Donald Meek of Brooklyn to a hosp ital. Dr. Burford K. Welch was the doctor in charge and .lame. - Cleary and William Smith, tlie ambulance attendants. On the same day Mrs. Mae Miller of Hawkins Avenue and Church Stiet-t was ordered to Mather Mem- oiial Hosp ital by Dr. Masami Ya- maguehi. Alfred Smith and Frank Carroll were the attendants. The third call, on August 2. came from the Suffolk County police asking ti have Mr. Bal querin of Lake- w ood Avenue taken to the hospi- tal. He was admitted to Brookha- ven Memorial Hosp ital. Dr. George J. Adler was the doctor and Jack Kennedy and Alfred Smith, the at- t< ndants . The fourth call was n ade b y Dr. Welch asking to have the amhulance take Louis Mendez of Collingtori Drive to Bi ookhaven Memorial Hospital. James Cleary and Bernard Baake were tbe atten- dants . The final call August 2 was made by the Suffolk County po- 1 ( . e and John Fernandez of C> Twelfth Stieet wa> taken to Ma- ther. Dr. Josep h E. Phistaras of Smithtown was the doctor and Jack Kennedy and Adam Meizler. the attendants. August lo the am- bulance took Mrs. Maitha Siewart fi om the Wittridge Nursing Hom e to Brookhaven Memorial Ho>p ital. Jo-eph P. Mallins and Matthew Kennedy were the attendants. August 17 Treville Pottock of Holbrook Road was ordered to Biookhaven Memorial Hospital by Dr. Theodore Fried. Alex Proios and Joseph Kennedy were the at- tendants . On the same day Peter (Jrau. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grau of Oakwood Avenue , was ta- ken home in the ambulance from the office of Dr. Fried. Armando Nicoli and David Gimmler were the attendants. August 15 the fire department extinguished a fire in The Camera Mart on Hawkins Avenue in the Lake Village , which damaged the darkroom and the storeroom in the rear of the building. The cause of the blaze was not determined. On August 17 the Ronkonkoma firemen were called to Lake Shore Drive and Fin ley Place where they extinguished a garage fire. Chief Arthur Davis was in charge with assistant chief . Everett Bowers. Five trucks responded. The department held their regu- lar monthly meeting Monday night. August 17 a group of fire- men and p ieces of equi pment par- ticipated in the parade in St. James. The Rescue Squad of the depart- mtnt met August 14. Alfred Smith presided at the meeting in the ab- sence of Armando Nicoli. who was unable to be present. Miss Rarbara Cumberland , daughter of Mrs. Doroth y Cum- berland of West Fourth Street , has returned home after a visit of thee weeks with an aunt who lives in Royal Oaks , Mich. Robert J. Rottmann of Brown ' s Road recently lost his wallet with a considerable amount of money in it while shopping in a Lake Ronkonkoma store. It was found and returned to him by Joseph Mc Nulty of Carlson Road , Lake Ron- konkoma. The Rev. and Mrs. Harold Cole- man of Gatelot Avenue spent a week in So. Harpswell , Me., where they visited with old friends. The Rev . Mr. Coleman was the minis- ter of the Congregational Church in South Harpswell before his re- tirement, a little more than a year ago. The Advance is on sale at Ted- dy ' s Luncheonette, Whelan ' s Drugs, Lake Ronkonkoma Station- ery, Lechowit Delicatessen , Frank' s Stationery and Lakoma Food Store in Lake Ronkonkoma. —Adv. Philip Hans spent several days last week visiting his son-in-law and daughter . Mr. and Mrs. Char- It s Benjamin, and children. Char- les . Ji- .. Sally Ann and Barry Wayne , of J Street. Mr. Hans , who lived with his family on Hans Boulevard . Lake Ronkonkoma. for Many years , was a member of the Sachem School District Board of Education and both his wife and he were active in the work of the Methodist Church at Five Comers and in several civic organizations . They are now living in Westmin- ster. Md ., where they own Sallv Patch Farm. Airman 1/c and Mrs. Donald Clegghorn are the parents of a daughter , named Pamela Jeanne , born in the Misawa Air Force Base Hospital in Misawa. Japan, August ( .b Mrs. Clegghorn is the former Miss Marilyn Gimmler , daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Sher- man Gimmler of G Centre Street , the Lake. The bab y is the great- granddaughter of Mrs. August Gimmler of Creign ton Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pharoah of East North port were guests of Mrs. Robert Herrschaft , Sr., of Carroll Avenue last Tnursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Herrschaft of Syr- acuse. Mrs. Robert Herrschaft' s son and daughter-in-law, also visi- ted her last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jennewein and two children of Gregory Drive are vacationing in North Carolina. M<r. and Mrs. Arthur Davis of Linden Street entertained at a cook-out Saturday night. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. George Sous , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bo- wers and daughter , Laurie , Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cimos , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seus and son , Char- les. M ' r. and Mrs. Robert ' Seus and daughter , Maria , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and Arthur Davis , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Juan Medina of the Lake are the parents of a son born in Brookhaven Memorial Hospital August (>. The Ladies ' Auxiliary to the Little League of the Ronkonkoma s held All-Star day at the baseball Afield on Smith Street Sunday af- ternoon. The Sachem Lligh School and Sagamore Junior High- School physical examin-ntions for Fall ports , football, soccer and cross- country, will be g iven at X:. '' l) a. m. Wednesday for all boys who plan to participate in those sports , and who are in grades 7 through 2 2. For further information call SE 2-8H00 , Ext. 21 or 2o. August 12 Mr. and Mrs. Phili p Linguit iof Ackcrly Lane enter- tained friends and relative? at their home. During the first part of the evening Mrs. Philip Cas- sese of Walter Street gave a home demonstration party, after which a buffet supper was SCIITI ] , fol- lowed by dancing and games. Tbe guests were Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Manzi and daughter , Terry, Ben- jamin Vitale , Philip Cassese and John Gassese of Lake Ronkonko- ma; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ryan and daughter , Diane , and vlr. and Mrs. Mineo Ciani of New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ciani and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fraiden of Brooklyn; Mr. and ' Mrs. Ralph Taranto. Mr. and Mrs. John Miit- sner , Mrs. Marie Taranto and daughter , Marie , of Patehogue. Mrs. James Cimos of Patehogue Road returned home this week af- ter spending several days visiting friends in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prazne have returned home after a vaca- tion. They are the proprietors of Margaret's Restaurant on Portion Road. The Advance is on sale at Fin- gar ' s Grocery and Olde Towne Shoppe in Coram. —Adv. Mr. and M'rs. Herman von Kampen , who were married June 25 in Holy Cross Lutheran Church returned home Monday morning from their wedding tri p through Europe. Both to and from Europe they sailed on the steamship, Bremen. Mrs. von Kampen is the former Miss Elsie Pfeifer. Martin Weise of Pond Road , Ronkonkoma , had nine painting - in the Wet Paints Studio twelfth annual art exhibit held last week- end in the Parish Hall of St. Ann ' s Episcopal Church in Say- ville. Peder Pcdersen of Carroll Ave- nue is vacationing in a - -eacoast town on the shores of Massachu- setts where he is sketching arc! painting. The following Lake Ronkonko- ma coup les celebrated their iirst vvedding anniversaries during the month : Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F . Flanagan , Mr. and Mrs. James Canale , Mr. and Mrs. William Trapani . Mr. and Mrs. Josep h J. Cardamone , Mr. and Mrs. Eld- ridge IL Buxton and Mr. and Mrs . John J. Niblock , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Satmary of Ackcrly Lane entertained a group of friends August 12 at a pool part y on the grounds of the.r home. Guests included Mr. and Mrs . Walter Carleson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly, Mr. .and Mrs. Raymond Reill y, Mlrs. John Egan , Mrs. L. Corr , Mr. and Mrs. Thomja s Foley, Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Okvist , Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahrens of Penn Street are the parents of a daughter born August 8 in Ma- ther Memorial Hospital. Two days later , in the same hospital , a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stark of Pleasure Avenue. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH , Sunday masses in St. Joseph' s R. C. Church are at 7 , 8, 9. 10 , 11 a. m.. 12 noon and 1 p. m. in the church ; at 8:15 , 0:15 , 10:15 , 11:15 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. in the school auditorium and at 9 a. m. in the Civic Hall on Grundy Avenue in Holbrook. Daily mass is at 7 and 8 a. m. A card and bunco part y bene- fiting Our Lad y of the ' Cenacle Convent at Lake Ronkonkoma and sponsored by Court St. Joseph 975 , Catholic Daughters of America, will be held at 8:30 p. m. tomor- row in St. Josep h' s auditorium on Church Street . There will be awards and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Helen Benson of Pond Road is chairman of the event. Games are p layed Tuesday and Thursda y nights starting at 8 p. m. in the auditorium of St. Jo- seph' s school. ST. MARY'S CHURCH St. Mary 's Episcopal Church holds Sunday services at 8, 9:30 and 11 a. m. with Holy Commu- nion and a sermon at all three -services. The church school meets ' n the parish hall at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. Holy Communion is ad- ministered daily at 9 a. m. in the church. Laying on of Hands for the Sick is Fridays after commu- nion. METHODIST CHURCH The Methodist Church at Five Corners has a family .service of corporate worship at 9*30 a. m. during August and the first Sun- day in September. Sunday School is held for children age , » to 11. Other young people who ordinaril y ittend Sunda y School are asked to attend the corporate worship at 9:30 a. m. Summer visitors are cordially invited to attend church services. HOLY CROSS CHURCH Hol y Cross Lutheran Church holds services Sunday at 8:15 , 9:30 and 11 a. m. The church school meets each Sunday at 9:30 a. m. There will be no Holy Communion administered during September. A special congregational meeting will be held Sep tember 10 at 10:30 a. m. between the 9:30 and 11 a. m. services for the pur- pose of considering a new service schedule. All members of Holy Cross congregation are asked to be present . A cake and apron sale will be held at the new shopp ing center on Portion Road starting at 9:30 a. m,. Saturday. All donations are welcome. Cakes should be at the booth by 9 a. m. Anyone with no way of getting articles to booth should call Mrs. Ottar Lyng, JU 8-4742. The Rev. Luther A. Gotwald , D. D., will preach September 3 at the three Sunday services. Beginning September 1(5 , and every Saturda y until further no- tice , the Confirmation class will meet for instruction at 9:30 a. m. and the pre-Confirmation class at 10:30 a. m. Rally day will be held September 24. The Luther League will have a Splash Party at Finken ' s Pool at the Ken-Ber Apartments on Lake Shore Road and Smith Street from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. on Sunday. Mr. Finken is a member of the Church Council. E. Patehogue Mrs. Muriel Gallagher , ATlantic 6-9039 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Russo of 287 South Country Road en- tertained at a family dinner party August 7 which was the second birthday of their daug hter, Susan Eileen. Guests were grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo of Pat- ehogue and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sogno of East Patehogue , and Susan Eileen , Eric , Paula , and twins , Jamie and Joseph , the children of Mr. and Mrs. Russo. Guests later were Susan ' s uncle and aunt . Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Russo , and children Anthony, Jr., Pattv and Linda, of Patehogue. Betsy Ann and Marcia Ellen Leipuner , twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Leipuner of 80 Evergreen Lane , were given a lawn party August 12 by their parents to celebrate their third birthday. Guests were grandpar- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Kopp, and an aunt , Mrs. Mildred Brody. all of Kerhonkson , and a brother , Wally. Also Bruce Goldstein , Ron- ny Mandell , Bradley and Steven Sugarman , Andrew Graw and Ann and Ellen Petretti. Gan.es were played. Music was enjoyed as well as the swimming party later in the children ' s pool. Coleman Abramowitz of Wash- ington , D. C, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leipuner of Evergreen Lane. ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miskosky of 12 Spruce Drive celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary August 11 at the "Better 'Ole " Restaurant in Brookhaven. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mis- kosky of South Country Road had as guests on August 13 at their Summer beach house on Water Island , their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miskos- ky of East Patehogue and their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bogotus of Flush- ing, and grandchildren Linda Mis- kosky and Charlene and Douglas Bogotus. The Advance is on sale at Swan Market , and Morio ' s Delicatessen. —Adv. , Mrs. J. Kodet and daughter , Miss Alice Kodet of Bayside , were entertained b y Mrs. Robert Mis- kosky at her home August 1L Mrs. Miskosk y and Miss Kodet at- tended New York University to- gether and were members of Theta Upsilon Sorority. Catherine Mary, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ches- ti r of 17 Myrtle Lane , was chris- tened at 11:30 a. m. Sunday in St. Paul' s Episcopal Church , Pat- ehogue. The Rev. Richard C. Cha- pin officiated. The sponsors were Mr. and -Mrs . Richard Stoohr of Blue Point and Mrs. Edward Cos- tello of Patehogue. A reception was held in the e\ening at the Chester home Guests included the god parents , tbe baby ' s sisters , Debra and Cynthia , her grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Rogers , and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schwab of Patehogue. Theresa Ann Keegan , daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan of 32 Mvrtle Lane , was christened in St. ' Francis de Sales R. C. Church August 13. Godparents are Janu s McPeak of Patehogue and Miss Agnes Keegan of Brooklyn. Mr. and . Mrs. Keegan held a re- ceptio n at home later . Guests were the grandfather , Thomas J. Kee- gan , Sr.. of Brookl yn , Mr. and Mrs. McPeak and children , Ther- esa , James and Laureen , Miss Keegan , the godmother , and the other children of Mr. and Mrs. Keegan , Kathleen , Thomas , Mar- garet , Maureen and Step hen. A buffet supper was served. Theresa Ann Keegan was born in Brook- haven Memorial Hospital on Julv 28. The Rev. Mario G. Cinque of- ficiated at the christening of Nancy Ann Giordano in St. Joseph the Worker R. C. Church , Sunday. The godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nich- olas Dono of East Patehogue. La- ter a reception was held by the child' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Giordano , at their home , 442 Lenox Avenue. Guests were grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Jordan and an uncle ami aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Barbella of Brook- l yn. Also Air. and Mrs. Dono and children , Air. and Airs. Anthony Colichio , J r., and children, and Bernadette and Joseph Giordano. A surprise bridal shower wa<* given in honor of Miss Diane AIc- Aloney of Sayville August 11 by Mrs. Joseph A. Enright at hei home in East Islip. Airs. Enright is a sister of the future bride- groom. Guests were the guest-of- hoiior ' s mother . Airs. David AIc- Aloney, his sister , Aliss Joan Mc- Aloncy, Ai rs. Muriel Gallagher and Aliss Patricia AI. Gallagher of East Patchoiue; Alisses Alary AIc- Cormick of Great Neck; Ann Mc- Donough of Brentwood ; Elizabeth Clancey of Islip Terrace; Eliza- beth Tohill and Mmireen Grimes of Central Islip; Shirley Alasaro- vich of Bohemia , and Ai rs. Edward Johnson of Aledford. Also Alaura . Christine , Linda and Alicia Ann Enright. Miss AIcAloney will be- come the bride of James J. Gal- lagher in St. Josep h the Worker R. C. Church , September 17. Wendy Colichio celebrated her fourth birthday at a large party for relatives and friends given in her honor by her parents , Air. and Mrs. Anthony Colichio , Jr., of America s Avenue. i NEW E. PATCHOGUE STREET MAPS 1960 edition. On sale at Swan Market , Danielson ' s Delicatessen and Ed & Dot ' s Grocery, South Country Road. Published by The Advance. Also contains streets in Bellport , Brookhaven , Yaphank, Medford , Patehogue, Blue Poi ' nt and Bayport. All this for on ly 50c. —Advi The third birthday of Susan Thompson was celebrated at a pai'ty given August 19 by her par- ents , Air. and Airs. William J. Thompson of 112 Pace Avenu" , Bell port Manor. Guests were her sisters , Christine . Debra and Cath- erine Louise , Michelle Humes , "Wil- liam and Robert Beau ' ord. A second birthday part y was given recentl y in honor of Brian Sullivan by his parents , Mr. and Airs. William J. Sullivan of 22 Dahlia Drive W. Guests were Airs. Thomas Putnam and children , Linda , Jack and Betsy, Mrs. Paul Hauser and children , Kathy, Holl y and Paul , Airs. William Trigg and son , William , Jr., and Step hani and Mark Sullivan , brothers of guest-of-honor. Mr . and Airs . Alan Silverman of 25 Evergreen Lane , entertained ever the weekend Airs. Silverman 's parents , Air. and Airs. Nathan Aluroff of Brooklyn. Bob Roush of 222 Durkeo Lane has acted as soloist while the choir of Bell port Methodist Church are on vacation. Air. Roush sanp tbe "Evening Prayer " last week , and Sunday sang "His Eye Is On The Sparrow ," at the 10 a. m. services. 3 Easy Steps—1. Phone GRo- ver 5-1000; 2. Say that you wish to suscribe to The Advance ; 3 Give us your name, home adress or P. O. Box number. —Adv. HOLBROOK NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Bryan St. Louis JU S-5..34 Airs. Rosemarie Lcto and chil- dies , YYineent and Roberta , of Brookl yn are . spending two weeks visiting Ai r. and Airs. Michael Autera and familv of Hauser Ave- nue. Kevin Uckert, son of Ai r. and Airs. Fred Uckert. Jr., of Broad- way Avenue, celebrated his third birthday Saturday. Hel ping Kevin celebrate , besides his parents ami hi.s sister , Aferri , and brother , Brian , were his godparents , Air. and Airs. Clinton Aleinberg of Bayport. Michael Autera celebrated his tenth birthday Saturday with a family party at his home on Hau- ser Avenue. Present were Airs. Rosemarie Leto and children , Rob- erta and Vincent , of Brooklyn; Airs. Louis Agliardo and Air. and Airs. Michael Autera and daugh- U rs , Alarylou and Angela. Aliss Ruth McDermott of Smith Avenut was the guest-of-honor at a bridal shower given for her August 13 b y the Sunday school teachers of St. John ' s Lutheran Church of Holbrook , at the home of Air. and Mrs. Henry Baack on Grundy Avenue. After Aliss AIc- Dermott had opened her nrany gifts , the men joined the party for a buffet supper. Present were Ai rs. Phili p Rice of Forest Kills; Airs. Paul Steidel and daughters , Paula and Christy, of Centereach; Air. and Airs. Nathan Granger , Mrs. Henry Baack , Mrs. Frank Wurthner . Air. and Airs. Henry Baack , Airs. Frank Holub , Airs. Fred Seidentopf , Airs. George Ma- genlieimer , Sr., Harry Sengelaub , Emily Schoenfelder , Bo ni June Baack and Diane Alaggio. Aliss Mc Dermott will be married to Harry Sengelaub at the St. John 's Lu- theran Church Sundav. Air. and Airs . Luther Harrison of Gilier Avenue had as their guests last week , Mr. and Airs. Kenneth C lark and children , Glynn and Ava, and Ai rs. Arthur Powell and daughters , Diane and Donna , all of Brooklyn. August Hi , Mesdames Walter Gerhart of Ronkonkoma; Emil Buttgereit , Frank Bieler and son , Richard , Henry F. Heine and Bry- an St. Louis enjoyed a p icnic at Yeik' s Beach at Lake Ronkonko- m a. Air. and Airs. A. Henry Habich of Laurel Street attended (he clam- bake given August 13 b y the members of St. Paul' s E p iscopal Church in Patehogue. Friday Mr. Habich enjoyed the fishing tri p sponsored by the Brookhaven Lea- gue of the Industrial Home for the B'ind of Patehogue , of which Air. Habich is member . Edward Black , who is emp loy- ed b y the United Parcel Comp- any, and his daughter , Aliss Ve- lonica , who is in training to be- come a nurse at St. John ' s Hos- pital , are both enjoy ing a vaca- tion at their home on Officials Avenue. August 13, the Holbrook Volun- teer Fire Department , Inc., were host to the Central North Shore Association , when an " old fash- ioned drill" was held. On Sunday, the Patehogue Depai'tment was sliest to the Association , when the Holbrook Department tied for third p lace on all points. August 14 the local vamps were called out to extinguish a brush fire near the Ronkonkoma Railroad Station. The firemen are holding a "fun raising collection " August 19-27. Air. and All's. Arthur Wehren- berg and daughter , Aliss Patti, tit Avenue E., were among the guests at a birthday party August 15 for Airs. Mary Brauner of Patehogue. Thursday the Wehrenbergs attend- ed a party at the home of Air. and Airs. Bruce Saidler in Pateh- ogue , in honor of the birthdays of Bruce Saidler and Aliss Judy Slater of Bayport. Mrs. Henry Heine will be the hostess at a business meeting of the Ladies ' Aid Society of St. John ' s Lutheran Church to be - held at 1 p. m. today at the Guild Hall and at 8 p. m. an important Church Council meeting will be held at the church. The Fall Plan- ning meeting of the Sunday School teachers and staff will be held at the church 8 p. m. Alon- day. All teachers , staff and mem- bers interested in teaching or as- sisting in the Sunday School are urged to be present. The annual boatride of the Walther League up the Hudson River to Bear Aloun- tain will be held September 9. The boat leaves the West Forty- Second Street pier at 9:30 a. m, For further information please contact Peter Berg. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Airs. Arthur Wehrenberg and daughter. Miss Patti , hel ped Jimmy Medd- ler of Westbury celebrate his se- cond birthday, and in the evening the Wehrenbergs were among the guests at the home of Ai r. and Mrs. Otto Brauner in Patchogii'- , to celebrate the first wedding an- niversary of the Brauners ' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Ot- to Brauner. The following local people at- tended an outing held at Sunken Meadow Park August 9 to cele- brate the birthday of Joan Hulse, daughter of Air. and Airs. Leverett Hulse of Holtsville: Mrs. Charles Zvonik , Mrs. Robert Kobil and daughter , Cherry, Airs. Carol Ber- gen and sons , Keith and Gary, Airs. Harold Lindgren and children Thomas , Johanna , Mary Alargaret and Rita , and Mtrs. Albert Alac- ciola and daughter , Maria. Roland Lindgren of Brooklyn was a weekend guest at the home of Air. and Airs. Ral p h Lindgre n of Furrows Road. Thomas , Johanna an 1 Mary Margaret Lindgren of Dougherty Street spent the weekend visiting their aunt , Aliss Johanna Piekart , at her Summer home in West Say- ville. A memory book of girlhood dates and other happy occasions could be rounded out to perfec- tion with your choice of one of the numerously st yled wedding invitations on display at The Advance always at budget prices. —Adv. |l!!lll]l]]||lllllllll!!llllllll )ll!lllll!lllllllllllllll!!lllllllll!lllllllllllllllllliH ** *; aa__ m «^w SiH ¦¦ ¦ mmammw* ^^ *\\\_ m~ ^^m _m ~^ aamm VHT ¦¦ ¦ amm ~aaa taaam mamwaaaaam *¦<¦ *^ IH& ^^^kW- l-w ^ mBB \_%_W __________\ \__ % _____ _\ 9 _9 ^— ] Our Lowest Prices Eve r On ( flHBI^HlHHflHiHHHHMP ^iHJlHiiHiHHft 1 c \ 7T* t _________a_________________________________wcs *^^ __________m_______w__ m and SAVE ! aHBBi\_____B______ B____BB___ W^ A1BBB-_ W______ \. you ' ve BBB-_BB__B__ \\_BBBBr ^ ' N* -^^^SH^Bfl^HB8HHHBHH9 ^BA 1 Never Saved BBBBBBBBBBBLXW ] , .:jSBBBBI _______________ B____ BB__________ i 1 55 I f ¦ ¦W>--»- - ^w- >' -w»- q^ fi'* Wi*n- - -Tiii \ toK MS< ¦ ¦H-VM ft-TH-M- w ¦ i *-» ¦ - / } .; i^*^^ 1 ^*^^^^ z=i = iberore at H~--~4-'' *r;8? ^^ , ~ >- ^ A - ^ . .>f; ' T ' SfiSS H s (^.v^^ wmmtt - **" *** - - *****"¦" _m mt- "*" w- WF-m * u . * S^F*-***^*!^ —« WCT -*»-*«~», = » - i rMTon h~*-*~*r , JPI I RL T"i . t ww mm m- , •*• j ^M^m. 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J^ J^t ¦ *»« ,»»,»*« r JE~*J = _ -HHUH ALUMINUM BAKED I 1 ;:¦,¦ >:> ¦ ' ¦ ' :: QPBB E NAMEL SIDING hank , is extremel y p leased mB^B^' ^' A : ^ ______________m __ _ _. ____m__ _____________ ____W___m______ the Alcoa ^^^EK-M- ^ _W________B____ \ _m ___ *B_ \ B-__BB___M Bt-___B m ____WS_\ Baked enamel siding job B^HBK ' ' 'W _%___B__________ \ w__ B____m fl^H B^H I^HHB ^Hiul comp leted by L. H^BBR** - '' -' 'IIIHH ^^HHH^H RlA ^H9 I^^^H _ l_ m_ l ^ ________u_______ w H Lentro. She invites anyone ^^^^^ r ' iff^liiiSH I^HH mB BBH I^^^H H H^^ ^__ *_________ *L 5 Jl to inspect the new siding HW | •;"i^ , |r%*li , )^H|H HEBi B H^ T H H S I _______ W W ___ W__. I H on her house and to ask |HHr A 'A ^- '^' ^ *^$ ____B___ H^B 6KH H^H BBB ____ W__ \ H her any questions regard- B^RRk , - " - ; ¦ ' ' * ' :l3 l!^HH^H JJ^SH _f_______ W____m ___________ %______w | 30 FT. ACR OSS, 8 FT. HIGH . . . COMPLETELY INSTALLED | 1 GUARANTEED AGAINST RUST, FADING, CHIPPING » ELIMINATES PAINTING FOREVER | | INSULATES SUMMER AND WINTER NO CASH DOWN FHA APPROVED | | NEW ALCOA OR KAISER ALUMINUM WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF | | $49 5 30 Ft . ,T£^ HQME ALTERATIONS & CONSTRUCTION | I WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION, WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEND ONE OF OUR | I REPRESENTATIVES TO CONSULT AND HELP YOU I | CALL COLLECT NOW Operators Stand ing By 24 Hours a Day, Including Sunday | | I. L LENTRO PY 6-1166 1 fiiinminiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH 5 M ____. tfg* -- A A m_-t%_. \m ____ \ K __ %& ___ : __%_m\ _B ___ __ W_ h_ _-w _ \___ W^^^ ___ C I will do you IEP J ^flnFTfif^ F MEMBER: g ^Hn ¦I B i 1 | Br FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE 5 ^ -M ^ _B-J ______ J ___ . _W CORPORATION 2 ^^QSBB___\__\W^^^ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK S ^^^*^B_Bmmm 9— o ^^ Friday Evening, 6 :30 to 8 :00 l The National Bank of Lake Ronkonkoma 1 HAWKINS AVE., LAKE RONKONKOMA RONKONKOMA 9-9394 j P «wiiiiiii.iwMw<iiwifiiinlwvMWWWIIVVW ^^ By Charles R. Dominy, Sheriff Upon learning* that tho Suffolk County Board of supervisors , at its meetini* 1 in Riverhead last Mon- day, adopted an across-tue-board wage increase of at last five per cent to county employes ef- l ' eel ive January 1. 1W/2 , I feel they should be hi ghl y commended fur this timely action. With the rising cost of living" , this increase in salaries for coun- ty employes is cert a inly warrant- ed. Unless we make it our busi- ness to provide the incentive. i:i the i' oim of a decent living* wago for qualified people, we cannot expect to attract and maintain the calibre of civil servants we would hope for in government work. Everyine knows that there is no sa\ing in paying many people a small salary, for with the turn- over due to poor pay, no money can be saved in constantly train- ing new peop le. Roth money and valuable time is lost to evervone. Let me hasten to add , however , that I have absolutel y no desire to spend hard-earned taxpayer-- . ' money unwontedly Rut. this sala- ry increase is just good common sense. When I first took office in Jan- uary of 1!'57 , many of my em- p loyes were grossl y underpaid. In fact , several were making onl y $1 ,900 per year. With the cooper- ation of the board of supervisors , we were able to raise the*-e sal- aries to a fair living wa ge. At this present writing, I would like to raise the salaries of my w hole staff to anoth"i- pay bracket, but as mentioned before , 1 do not wish to over-tax the taxpayers. Over-all , regarding the across- the-board wage increase , I app laud the supervisors ' action and feel that it will K ad to i)"tfer service * to the countv. Sheriffs Corner CENTEREACH Sixth Pre- cinct police estimated if 100 worth of damage was done between Au- gust I'd and Saturday when burg- lars i an. - .acked the home of James Drummond of Von Bergen Ave- nue . Police said entry was gained through a south window. Closets and drawers were emp tied and their contents strewn through the house , police- said. Also , police said , several fives wi-re started in the dwelling, and ob . ^rene words were written on the walls . A .$15 tennis racket was stolen , police said. Detective Frank LoDc-kro , Sg t . Henry (1 rattan and Patrolman D. F. Smimmo investigated. Business Vill probabl y keep ri ght on being good for those who are aggressive, give good values , good services and advertise in The Advance. —Adv. $400 Damage Caused In Ransacking of Home

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Ronkonkoma and the Lake NewsMrs. B. Davis. JU 8-3987


The Brookh aven Town Recrea-t i o n D e p a r t m e nt is sponsoring aI O U I 'M' in sw i m m i n g inst ruc t ion int h e Lake R o n k o n k o m a area, lo hesj vi 'i* ai t h e ( i r een Pav i l ion s tar-l i n g Monday a n d con tinu ingt h r o n g ] - September 1. The hoursa r e f r o ni i> a. m. to 11a. in. C h i l d ) en six years of ageor older are i n v i t e d to take par t .

•lames R OCM \ Town Recreationd i i e e t o r , p lanned the program and(eels i( ik, a *t; \ri t o w a r d i n s u r i n ga grea te r measure of safety ins w i m m i n g . A c o m p e t e n t and t r a i n -i ' 1 Ri-d Cro-s i n s t r u c t o r is incha rg e .


The Sachem Recrea t ion Depart-m e n t pre sented the J u n i o r Bandand S t r inged I n s t r u m e n t concert1 1 a. m. A u g u s t 10 in the N o k o m i .-.EU m e n t a l \ School . The beginners ,Lie e l e m e n t a r y and i n t e r m e d i a t e-t r inged i n - t rument groups p layedu n d e r t h e d k e c t i o n of Mrs. N a o m iK. M a i l , and t he e l em e n t a r y and

ii t e i m e d i a t e w i n d i n s t r u m e n t s werei i i i - l ' i - t h e d i rec t ion of Theodore1 i / / . a re i lo.

The Sachem, Central SchoolD i s t r i c t recreat ion program issponsored by the Board of Educa-t i o n . A pproximate l y 8,000 young-* i e r s and adu l t s par t ic i pated , andt h e ou tdoor concert of the handand ehoru-- . was held August 11 atSachem H i g h School.


A u gu s t lo D. Rober t S. Bliedenof S m i t h t o w n called t he Lake land1 i i e D ep a r t m e n t ambulance to theh o m e oi Mrs . Slate on Co l l ing tanPi ive. Mrs. Slate was t a k e n toM a t h e r M e m o r i a l Ho sp i t a l . A dam1 i l k a and F l u n k Rubenhauer weret h e a t t en d a n t s . La te r in t he dayM i s . Fang of 27 Juni per Avenuev, as t a k e n to M a t h e r in ihe Lake-land ambulance . Dr. Masami Y a m -¦lg' iu -hi was in charge. Adam Pitkaand H u gh Ob erno l t e were the a t -t e n d a n t s . At three a. m. Sun.davDr. Burford K. Welch called theambu lance to t ake Mrs. Price of•">o,"> Johnson Avenue to Brookha-\ eu Memor i a l Hospital . JohnSeoglio. Pa , rick Barharo andFrank B a i b a r o were the a t ten-d a n t s and w h i l e t hey were re tur -n i n g to the f i i chouse w i t h the am-bul ance they ciiii" to i h e scene ofan a u t o m o b i l e ai -. b l en t at t he ra i l -l oad bridge. They took Phi l ip Kra-mer of ( " I ' l l Fo r i e - t Avenue .Brooklyn, to Brookhaven Memor ia lH o s p i t a l .

A u gu s t 1 1 t he f ire d e p a r t m e n tv ;is called to t he r a i l road H a c k -a; S m i t b l o w n A \ e i i u e w 'u r e theye x t i n g u i sh e d a bru sh t i re . OnS a t u r d a y t h e men were c a l l e d toR a y n o i and M a r i o n St I eels wheret a e y e x t i n g u i s h e d a s m a l l b i u s hf i r e on t he ra i l road H a c k s Avherel a i l r oad t i e s were .sm o k i ng . La t e rPie same day t l i ey e x t i n g u i s h e d ub'ni sh f i re in t he woods rear Mo-to r Parkway opposi te Breeze Ave-nue.


Ju ly 30 the Ronkonkoma FireD epa i tmen t ambulance was calledto t ake Donald Meek of Brooklynto a hosp i t a l . Dr. Burford K.Welch was the doctor in chargeand .lame.- Cleary and Wil l iamSmith, tlie ambulance at tendants.On the same day Mrs. Mae Mil le rof Hawkins Avenue and ChurchS t i e t - t was ordered to Mather Mem-o i i a l Hosp i ta l by Dr. Masami Ya-maguehi . Alfred Smith and FrankCarroll were t h e a t t endan t s . Thethird call , on August 2. came fromthe Suffolk County police askingti have Mr. Bal quer in of Lake-w ood Avenue taken to the hospi-tal . He was admit ted to Brookha-ven Memoria l Hosp ita l . Dr. GeorgeJ. Adler was the doctor and JackKennedy and Alfred Smi th, the at-t< ndan t s . The fourth call wasn ade by Dr. Welch asking to havet h e amhulance take Louis Mendezof Collingtori Drive to Bi ookhavenMemorial Hospital . James Clearya n d Bernard Baake were tbe a t t en-d a n t s . The f ina l call Augus t 2 wasmade by the S u f f o l k County po-1 (. e and John Fernandez of C>Twel f th S t iee t wa> t aken to Ma-ther . Dr. Joseph E. Phis taras ofS m i t h tow n was the doctor andJack Kennedy and Adam Meiz le r .t h e a t t endan t s . August lo the am-bulance took Mrs. M a i t h a Siewartfi om the W i t t r i dg e N u r s i n g Hom eto Brookhaven Memorial Ho>p ital .Jo-eph P. Mal l ins and M a t t h e w

Kennedy were the attendants.Augus t 17 Treville Pottock ofHolbrook Road was ordered toBiookhaven Memoria l Hospital byDr. Theodore Fried. Alex Proiosand Joseph Kennedy were the at-t e n d a n t s . On the same day Peter(J rau . son of Mr. and Mrs. EugeneGrau of Oakwood Avenue , was ta-ken home in the ambulance fromthe off ice of Dr. Fried. ArmandoNicol i and David G i m m l e r werethe a t tendants .

A u g u s t 15 the fire depar tmentex t ingu ished a fire in The CameraMar t on Hawkins Avenue in theLake Village , which damaged thedarkroom and the storeroom in therear of the bui ld ing. The causeof the blaze was not de termined.On August 17 the Ronkonkomaf i remen were called to Lake ShoreDrive and Fin ley Place where theyextinguished a garage fire. ChiefA r t h u r Davis was in charge withass i s t an t chief . Everett Bowers.Five t rucks responded.

The depar tment held their regu-lar mon th ly meeting Mondaynight . Augus t 17 a group of f i re-men and pieces of equi pment par-t ic ipated in the parade in St.James.

The Rescue Squad of the depart-mtn t met August 14. Alfred Smithpresided at the meeting in the ab-sence of Armando Nicoli. who wasunable to be present.

Miss Rarbara C u m b e r l a n d ,daughter of Mrs. Doroth y Cum-berland of West Fourth Street , hasreturned home after a visit ofthee weeks with an aunt wholives in Royal Oaks, Mich.

Robert J. Rot tmann of Brown'sRoad recently lost his wallet witha considerable amount of moneyin it while shopping in a LakeRonkonkoma store. I t was foundand returned to h im by Joseph McN u l t y of Carlson Road , Lake Ron-konkoma.

The Rev. and Mrs. Harold Cole-man of Gatelot Avenue spent aweek in So. Harpswell , Me., wherethey visited with old friends. TheRev . Mr. Coleman was the minis-ter of the Congregational Churchin South Harpswell before his re-t i r emen t, a l i t t le more than a yearago.

The Advance is on sale at Ted-dy 's Luncheonette, W h e l a n'sDrugs, Lake Ronkonkoma Station-ery, Lechowit D e l i c at e s s e n,Frank's Stationery and LakomaFood Store in Lake Ronkonkoma.—Adv.

Ph i l ip Hans spent several dayslast week v is i t ing his son-in-lawand d a u g h t e r . Mr. and Mrs . Char-It s Ben jamin , and chi ldren. Char-les . Ji - .. Sally A n n and BarryWayne , of J Street. Mr. Hans , wholived w i t h his fami ly on HansBoulevard . Lake Ronkonkoma. forMany years , was a member of theSachem School Distr ict Board ofEduca t ion and both his wife andhe were active in the work of theM e t h o d i s t Church at Five Comersand in several civic organizat ions.They are now living in Westmin-ster. Md ., where they own SallvPatch Farm.

A i r m a n 1/c and Mrs. DonaldClegghorn are the parents of adaughter, named Pamela Jeanne,born in the Misawa Air ForceBase Hospital in Misawa. Japan,August (.b Mrs. Clegghorn is theformer Miss Mari lyn Gimmler ,daughter of M r . and Mrs. Sher-man Gimmler of G Centre Street ,the Lake. The baby is the great-granddaugh te r of Mrs. AugustGimmler of Creign ton Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pharoahof East North port were guests ofMrs. Robert Herrschaft, Sr., ofCarroll Avenue last Tnursday. Mr.and Mrs. Ral ph Herrschaft of Syr-acuse. Mrs. Robert Herrschaft'sson and daughter-in-law, also visi-ted her last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jenneweinand two children of Gregory Driveare vacationing in North Carolina.

M<r. and Mrs. Arthur Davis ofLinden Street entertained at acook-out Saturday night. Guestspresent were Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeSous , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bo-wers and daughter , Laurie, Mr. andMrs. James P. Cimos, Mr. andMrs. Charles Seus and son , Char-les. M'r. and Mrs. Robert ' Seus anddaughter, Maria , Mr. and Mrs.Walter Davis and Ar t h u r Davis ,Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Juan Medina ofthe Lake are the parents of a sonborn in Brookhaven MemorialHospital August (>.

The Ladies' Auxiliary to theLi t t l e League of the Ronkonkomasheld All-Star day at the baseball

Afield on Smith Street Sunday af-ternoon.

The Sachem Lligh School andSagamore Junior Hi gh- Schoolphysical examin-n t ions for Fall;¦ ports , football, soccer and cross-count ry , wi l l be g iven at X:.''l)a. m. Wednesday for all boys whoplan to par t ic ipate in those sports ,and who are in grades 7 through2 2. For fu r the r informat ion callSE 2-8H00 , Ext. 21 or 2o.

August 12 Mr. and Mrs. Phili pLingui t iof Ackcrly Lane enter -tained friends and relative? atthei r home. During the f i rs t partof the evening Mrs. Ph i l i p Cas-sese of Walter Street gave a homedemonstrat ion par ty, a f t e r whicha buffe t supper was SCIITI ] , fol-lowed by dancing and games. Tbeguests were Mr. and Mrs. JosephManzi and daughter , Terry, Ben-jamin Vitale , Phil ip Cassese andJohn Gassese of Lake Ronkonko-ma; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ryanand daughter, Diane , and vlr. andMrs. Mineo Ciani of New Jersey;Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ciani andMr. and Mrs. Max Fraiden ofBrooklyn; Mr. and ' Mrs. RalphTaranto. Mr. and Mrs. John Mii t-sner , Mrs. Marie Taranto anddaughter, Marie , of Patehogue.

Mrs. James Cimos of PatehogueRoad returned home this week af -ter spending several days visi t ingfriends in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Praznehave returned home after a vaca-tion. They are the proprietors ofMargaret's Restaurant on PortionRoad.

The Advance is on sale at Fin-gar's Grocery and Olde TowneShoppe in Coram.—Adv.

Mr. and M'rs. Herman vonKampen , who were married June25 in Holy Cross Lutheran Churchreturned home Monday morn ingfrom their wedding tri p throughEurope. Both to and from Europethey sailed on the steamship,Bremen. Mrs. von Kampen is theformer Miss Elsie Pfeifer.

Martin Weise of Pond Road ,Ronkonkoma , had nine paint ing -in the Wet Paints Studio twelfthannual art exhibi t held last week-end in the Parish Hall of St.Ann 's Episcopal Church in Say-ville.

Peder Pcdersen of Carroll Ave-nue is vacationing in a --eacoasttown on the shores of Massachu-setts where he is sketching arc!painting.

The following Lake Ronkonko-ma coup les celebrated their i i rs tvvedding anniversaries during themonth : Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F .Flanagan , Mr. and Mrs. JamesCanale , Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iamTrapani . Mr. and Mrs. Josep h J.Cardamone, Mr. and Mrs. E l d -ridge IL Bux ton and Mr. and Mrs .John J. Niblock , Jr.

M r . and Mrs. John Satmary ofAckcrly Lane entertained a groupof fr iends August 12 at a poolpart y on the grounds of the.rhome. Guests included Mr. andMrs . Walter Carleson, Mr. andMrs. Robert Reil ly, Mr. .and Mrs.Raymond Reill y, Mlrs. John Egan ,Mrs. L. Corr, Mr. and Mrs.Thomjas Foley, Mr. and Mrs.James Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Okvist , Mr. and Mrs. Mi-chael Moran.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahrens ofPenn Street are the parents of adaughter born August 8 in Ma-ther Memorial Hospital. Two dayslater , in the same hospital , adaughter was born to Mr. andMrs. Will iam A. Stark of PleasureAvenue.


Sunday masses in St. Joseph'sR. C. Church are at 7, 8, 9. 10 ,11 a. m.. 12 noon and 1 p. m.in the church ; at 8:15, 0:15, 10:15 ,11:15 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. inthe school auditorium and at 9 a.m. in the Civic Hall on GrundyAvenue in Holbrook. Daily massis at 7 and 8 a. m.

A card and bunco party bene-fi t ing Our Lad y of the 'CenacleConvent at Lake Ronkonkoma andsponsored by Court St. Joseph 975 ,Catholic Daughters of America,will be held at 8:30 p. m. tomor-row in St. Joseph's auditorium onChurch Street . There w i l l beawards and refreshments will beserved. Mrs. Helen Benson of PondRoad is chairman of the event.

Games are played Tuesday andThursday nights starting at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of St. Jo-seph's school.


St. Mary 's Episcopal Church

holds Sunday services at 8, 9:30and 11 a. m. with Holy Commu-nion and a sermon at all three-services. The church school meets'n the parish hall at 9:30 a. m.Sunday. Holy Communion is ad-ministered daily at 9 a. m. in thechurch. Laying on of Hands forthe Sick is Fridays after commu-nion.


The Methodist Church at FiveCorners has a family .service ofcorporate worship at 9*30 a. m.during August and the f irst Sun-day in September. Sunday Schoolis held for children age ,•» to 11.Other young people who ordinarilyittend Sunday School are askedto attend the corporate worship at9:30 a. m. Summer visitors arecordially invited to attend churchservices.


Holy Cross Lutheran Churchholds services Sunday at 8:15, 9:30and 11 a. m. The church schoolmeets each Sunday at 9:30 a. m.There will be no Holy Communionadministered during September. Aspecial congregational m e e t i n gwill be held September 10 at 10:30a. m. — between the 9:30 and11 a. m. services — for the pur-pose of considering a new serviceschedule. All members of HolyCross congregation are asked tobe present.

A cake and apron sale will beheld at the new shopp ing centeron Portion Road starting at 9:30a. m,. Saturday. All donations arewelcome. Cakes should be at thebooth by 9 a. m. Anyone with noway of getting articles to boothshould call Mrs. Ottar Lyng, JU8-4742.

The Rev. Luther A. Gotwald , D.D., will preach September 3 atthe three Sunday services.

Beginning September 1(5 , andevery Saturday until further no-tice, the Confirmation class willmeet for instruction at 9:30 a. m.and the pre-Confirmation class at10:30 a. m. Rally day will be heldSeptember 24.

The Luther League will have aSplash Party at Finken's Pool atthe Ken-Ber Apartments on LakeShore Road and Smith Street from7 p. m. to 9 p. m. on Sunday.Mr. Finken is a member of theChurch Council.

E. PatehogueMrs. Muriel Gallagher , ATlantic 6-9039

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Russoof 287 South Country Road en-te r ta ined at a f a m i l y d inne r partyA u g u s t 7 which was the secondb i r thday of the i r daug hter, SusanEileen. Guests were grand parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo of Pat-ehogue and Mr. and Mrs. A n t h o n ySogno of East Patehogue , andSusan Eileen , Eric , Paula , andtwins , Jamie and Joseph , thech i ld ren of Mr. and Mrs. Russo.Guests la ter were Susan 's uncleand a u n t . Mr. and Mrs. A n t h o n yRusso , and chi ldren Anthony, Jr.,Pattv and Linda , of Patehogue.

Betsy Ann and Marcia EllenLeipuner , twin daughters of Mr.and Mrs. Lawrence B. Leipuner of80 Evergreen Lane , were given alawn par ty August 12 by theirparents to celebrate their th i rdbirthday. Guests were grandpar-ents , Mr. and Mrs. Winf red Kopp,and an aunt , Mrs. Mildred Brody.all of Kerhonkson , and a brother ,Wally. Also Bruce Goldstein , Ron-ny Mandel l , Bradley and StevenSugarman , Andrew Graw and Annand Ellen Petretti. Gan.es wereplayed. Music was enjoyed as wellas the swimming party later inthe chi ldren 's pool.

Coleman Abramowitz of Wash-ington , D. C, was a weekendguest of Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceLeipuner of Evergreen Lane.

,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miskoskyof 12 Spruce Drive celebratedtheir tenth wedding anniversaryAugust 11 at the "Better 'Ole"Restaurant in Brookhaven.

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mis-kosky of South Country Road hadas guests on August 13 at theirSummer beach house on WaterIsland , their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miskos-ky of East Patehogue and theirson-in-law and daughter , Mr. andMrs. Theodore Bogotus of Flush-ing, and grandchildren Linda Mis-kosky and Charlene and DouglasBogotus.

The Advance is on sale at SwanMarket, and Morio's Delicatessen.—Adv.

,Mrs. J. Kodet and daughter,Miss Alice Kodet of Bayside , wereentertained by Mrs. Robert Mis-kosky at her home August 1LMrs. Miskosky and Miss Kodet at-tended New York Universi ty to-gether and were members of ThetaUpsilon Sorority.

Catherine Mary, infant daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ches-ti r of 17 M y r t l e Lane , was chris-tened at 11:30 a. m. Sunday inSt. Paul' s Episcopal Church , Pat-ehogue. The Rev. Richard C. Cha-pin o f f i c i a t e d . The sponsors wereMr. and -Mrs . Richard Stoohr ofBlue Poin t and Mrs. Edward Cos-tel lo of Patehogue. A receptionwas held in t h e e \ e n i ng at theChester home Guests inc luded thegod parents , tbe baby 's sisters,Debra and Cynthia , her grand-parents , Mr. and Mrs. HobartRogers , and Mr. and Mrs. RudolphSchwab of Patehogue.

Theresa Ann Keegan , daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keeganof 32 Mvrtle Lane , was christenedin St. 'Francis de Sales R. C.Church August 13. Godparents areJanu s McPeak of Patehogue andMiss Agnes Keegan of Brooklyn.Mr. and .Mrs. Keegan held a re-ception at home later . Guests werethe grandfa ther, Thomas J. Kee-gan , Sr.. of Brookl yn , Mr. andMrs. McPeak and children , Ther-esa , James and Laureen , MissKeegan , the godmother, and theother chi ldren of Mr. and Mrs.Keegan , Kathleen , Thomas , Mar-garet, Maureen and Stephen. Abuffet supper was served. TheresaAnn Keegan was born in Brook-haven Memorial Hospital on Julv28.

The Rev. Mario G. Cinque of-ficiated at the christening of NancyAnn Giordano in St. Joseph theWorker R. C. Church , Sunday. Thegodparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nich-olas Dono of East Patehogue. La-ter a reception was held by thechild's parents , Mr. and Mrs.Ralph A. Giordano , at their home,

442 Lenox Avenue. Guests weregrand parents , Mr. and Mrs. JosephJordan and an uncle ami aun t . Mr.and Mrs. Neil Barbel la of Brook-lyn. Also Air. and Mrs . Dono andchildren , Air. and Airs. AnthonyColichio , J r., and ch i ld ren , andBernadette and Joseph Giordano.

A surprise bridal shower wa<*given in honor of Miss Diane AIc-Aloney of Sayville August 11 byMrs. Joseph A. E n r i g h t at heihome in East Islip. Airs. Enr ightis a sister of the f u t u r e bride-groom. Guests were the guest-of-hoi ior 's mother. Air s . David AIc-Aloney, his s is ter , Aliss Joan Mc-Aloncy, Ai rs. Mur ie l Gal lagherand Aliss Patr icia AI. Ga l lagher ofEast Patchoiue; Alisses A la ry AIc-Cormick of Great Neck; A n n Mc-Donough of Brentwood ; E l izabe thClancey of Isl ip Terrace; El iza-beth Tohill and Mmireen Grimesof Central Is l ip; Shi r ley Alasaro-vich of Bohemia , and Ai rs. EdwardJohnson of Aledford. Also Alaura .Christine , Linda and Al ic ia AnnEnright. Miss AIcAloney wil l be-come the bride of James J. Gal-lagher in St. Joseph the WorkerR. C. Church , September 17.

Wendy Colichio celebrated herfour th bir thday at a large par tyfor relatives and f r iends given inher honor by her parents , Air. andMrs. Anthony Colichio , Jr., ofAmericas Avenue. i


1960 edition. On sale at SwanMarket, Danielson's Delicatessenand Ed & Dot's Grocery, SouthCountry Road. Published by TheAdvance. Also contains streets inBellport, Brookhaven, Yaphank,Medford , Patehogue, Blue Poi'ntand Bayport. All this for on ly50c.—Advi

The third bir thday of SusanThompson was celebrated at apai'ty given August 19 by her par-ents, Air. and Airs. Will iam J.Thompson of 112 Pace Avenu" ,Bell port Manor. Guests were hersisters, Christ ine . Debra and Cath-erine Louise , Michel le Humes , "Wil-liam and Robert Beau 'ord.

A second bir thday part y wasgiven recently in honor of BrianSullivan by his parents, Mr. andAirs. William J. Sullivan of 22Dahlia Drive W. Guests were Airs.Thomas Putnam and chi ldren ,Linda , Jack and Betsy, Mrs. PaulHauser and children , Kathy, Holl yand Paul , Airs. Wi l l i am Trigg andson , Will iam , Jr., and Stephaniand Mark Sul l ivan , brothers ofguest-of-honor.

Mr . and Airs . Alan Silvermanof 25 Evergreen Lane , enter ta inedever the weekend Airs. Si lverman 'sparents , Air. and Airs. NathanAlurof f of Brooklyn.

Bob Roush of 222 Durkeo Lanehas acted as soloist while thechoir of Bell port Methodist Churchare on vacation. Air . Roush sanptbe "Evening Prayer" last week ,and Sunday sang "His Eye Is OnThe Sparrow," at the 10 a. m.services.

3 Easy Steps—1. Phone GRo-ver 5-1000; 2. Say that you wishto suscribe to The Advance ; 3Give us your name, home adressor P. O. Box number.—Adv.

HOLBROOK NEWS ITEMSMrs. Bryan St. Louis JU S-5..34

Airs. Rosemarie Lcto and chil-d ies , YYineent and Roberta , ofBrookl yn are .spending two weeksv i s i t i ng Ai r. and Airs. MichaelAutera and fami lv of Hauser Ave-nue.

Kevin Uckert, son of Ai r. andAirs. Fred Uckert. Jr., of Broad-way Avenue, celebrated his thirdb i r thday Saturday. Hel ping Kevincelebrate , besides his parents amihi.s sister , Aferri , and brother ,Brian , were his godparents, Air.and Airs. C l in ton Aleinberg ofBayport.

Michael Autera celebrated histenth b i r thday Saturday with afami ly party at his home on Hau-ser Avenue. Present were Airs.Rosemarie Leto and children , Rob-erta and Vincent , of Brooklyn;Airs. Louis Agliardo and Air. andAirs. Michael Autera and daugh-U rs , Alarylou and Angela.

Aliss Ruth McDermott of SmithAvenut was the guest-of-honor ata bridal shower given for herAugust 13 by the Sunday schoolteachers of St. John 's LutheranChurch of Holbrook , at the homeof Air. and Mrs. Henry Baack onGrundy Avenue. After Aliss AIc-Dermott had opened her nranygifts, the men joined the partyfor a bu f f e t supper. Present wereAi rs. Phili p Rice of Forest Kills;Airs. Paul Steidel and daughters,Paula and Christy, of Centereach;Air. and Airs. Nathan Granger,Mrs. Henry Baack , Mrs. FrankWurthner . Air. and Airs. HenryBaack , Airs. Frank Holub , Airs.Fred Seidentopf , Airs. George Ma-genl ie imer , Sr., Harry Sengelaub,E m i l y Schoenfelder , B o n i J u n eBaack and Diane Alaggio. Aliss McDermott wi l l be married to HarrySengelaub at the St. John 's Lu-the ran Church Sundav.

Air. and Airs . Luther Harrisonof Gi l i e r Avenue had as theirguests last week , Mr. and Airs.Kenneth C l a r k and children ,Glynn and Ava , and Ai rs. ArthurPowell and daughters, Diane andDonna , all of Brooklyn.

A ugu s t Hi , Mesdames WalterGerhart of Ronkonkoma; EmilBut tgere i t , F rank Bieler and son ,Richard , Henry F. Heine and Bry-an St. Louis enjoyed a picnic atYe ik ' s Beach at Lake Ronkonko-m a.

Air. and Airs. A. Henry Habichof Laurel Street a t tended (he clam-bake given August 13 by themembers of St. Paul ' s E p iscopalChurch in Patehogue. Fr iday Mr.Habich enjoyed the f ish ing tri psponsored by the Brookhaven Lea-gue of the Indus t r ia l Home forthe B ' ind of Patehogue, of whichAir. Habich is member .

Edward Black , who is emp loy-ed by the United Parcel Comp-any , and his daughter , Aliss Ve-lonica , who is in t r a i n i n g to be-come a nurse at St. John 's Hos-pital , are both enjoy ing a vaca-tion at their home on OfficialsAvenue.

August 13, the Holbrook Volun-teer Fire Department, Inc., werehost to the Central North ShoreAssociation, when an "old fash-ioned drill" was held. On Sunday,the Patehogue Depai'tment was

sliest to the Association , when theHolbrook Department tied forthird p lace on all points. August14 the local vamps were called outto ext inguish a brush f i re nearthe Ronkonkoma Railroad Station.The firemen are holding a "funraising collection " August 19-27.

Air. and All's. Ar thur Wehren-berg and daughter , Aliss Patti, titAvenue E., were among the guestsat a birthday party August 15 forAirs. Mary Brauner of Patehogue.Thursday the Wehrenbergs at tend-ed a party at the home of Air.and Airs. Bruce Saidler in Pateh-ogue, in honor of the birthdaysof Bruce Saidler and Aliss JudySlater of Bayport.

Mrs. Henry Heine will be thehostess at a business meeting ofthe Ladies ' Aid Society of St.John 's Lutheran Church to be-held at 1 p. m. today at the GuildHall and at 8 p. m. an importantChurch Council meeting will beheld at the church. The Fall Plan-ning meeting of the SundaySchool teachers and staff wil l beheld at the church 8 p. m. Alon-day. All teachers, staff and mem-bers interested in teaching or as-sisting in the Sunday School areurged to be present. The annualboatride of the Walther League upthe Hudson River to Bear Aloun-tain will be held September 9.The boat leaves the West Forty-Second Street pier at 9:30 a. m,For further information pleasecontact Peter Berg.

Sunday afternoon Mr. and Airs.Arthur Wehrenberg and daughter.Miss Patti, helped Jimmy Medd-ler of Westbury celebrate his se-cond birthday, and in the eveningthe Wehrenbergs were among theguests at the home of Ai r. andMrs. Otto Brauner in Patchogii'- ,to celebrate the first wedding an-niversary of the Brauners ' son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Ot-to Brauner.

The following local people at-tended an outing held at SunkenMeadow Park August 9 to cele-brate the birthday of Joan Hulse ,daughter of Air. and Airs. LeverettHulse of Holtsville: Mrs. CharlesZvonik , Mrs. Robert Kobil anddaughter, Cherry, Airs. Carol Ber-gen and sons, Keith and Gary,Airs. Harold Lindgren and chi ldrenThomas, Johanna , Mary Alargaretand Rita , and Mtrs. Albert Alac-ciola and daughter, Maria.

Roland Lindgren of Brooklynwas a weekend guest at t h ehome of Air. and Airs. Ral phLindgre n of Furrows Road.

Thomas , Johanna an 1 MaryMargaret Lindgren of DoughertyStreet spent the weekend v i s i t i ngthei r aunt , Aliss Johanna Piekart ,at her Summer home in West Say-ville.

A memory book of girlhooddates and other happy occasionscould be rounded out to perfec-tion with your choice of one ofthe numerously styled weddinginvitations on display at TheAdvance — always at budgetprices.—Adv.

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By Charles R. Dominy, Sheriff

Upon learn ing * that tho SuffolkCounty Board of supervisors , ati t s meetini *1 in Riverhead last Mon-day, adopted an across-tue-boardwage increase of at last f iveper cent to county employes ef-l'eel ive January 1. 1W/2 , I feel theyshould be hi ghl y commended furth is t imely act ion.

W i t h t he r i s ing cost of l iv ing",this increase in salaries for coun-ty employes is cert a in l y war ran t -ed. Unless we make it our busi-ness to provide the incent ive . i:ithe i'oim of a decent l iving * wagofor qua l i f i ed people, we cannotexpect to at t ract and main ta in thecalibre of c iv i l servants we wouldhope for in government work.

Everyine knows that there isno s a \ i n g in paying many peoplea small salary, for wi th the t u r n -over due to poor pay, no moneycan be saved in cons tan t ly t ra in-ing new peop le. Roth money andvaluable t i m e is lost to evervone.

Let me hasten to add , however,tha t I have absolute l y no desireto spend hard-earned taxpayer --.'money u n w o n t e d l y Ru t . t h i s sala-ry increase is just good commonsense.

When I f i rs t took of f ice in Jan-uary of 1!'57 , many of my em-ployes were grossl y underpa id . Infact , several were mak ing onl y$1,900 per year. With the cooper-ation of the board of supervisors,we were able to raise the*-e sal-aries to a fair l iv ing wa ge. Atthis present wr i t ing , I would liketo raise the salaries of my w holestaff to anoth"i- pay bracket, butas ment ioned before , 1 do not wishto over-tax the taxpayers .

Over-all , regarding the across-the-board wage increase , I app laudthe supervisor s ' a c t i o n and feeltha t it wi l l K ad to i) "t f e r service *to the countv.

Sheriffs Corner

CENTEREACH — Sixth Pre-cinct police es t imated if 100 worthof damage was done between Au-gust I 'd and S a t u r d a y when burg-lars i an.-.acked the home of JamesDrummond of Von Bergen Ave-nue .

Police said entry was gainedthrough a south window. Closetsand drawers were emptied andtheir contents strewn through thehouse, police- said. Also , police said ,several fives wi-re started in thedwelling, and ob . rene words werewr i t t en on the walls. A .$15 tennisracket was stolen , police said.

Detective Frank LoDc-kro, Sgt.Henry (1 ra t tan and Patrolman D.F. Smimmo investigated.

Business Vill probabl y keepri ght on being good for those whoare aggressive, give good values,good services and advertise in TheAdvance.—Adv.

$400 Damage CausedIn Ransacking of Home