beginning at a point on the legal advertisements...

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS PROBATE CITATION File No. P 952 1965 CITATION The People of the State of New York By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO Ella Reeder Herrick , aunt, (be- lieved deceased) address un- known Mabel Herrick , cousin, (be- lieved deceased) address un- known Bonnie Herrick , cousin , (be- lieved decea sed) address un- known Reeder Herrick , cousin , (be- lieved deceased) address un- known Sara Jarolemon Baker, cousin, (bel ieved deceased) address unknown Charles Herrick , cousin, (be- lieved deceased) addres s un- known Any and all unknown heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of Harriett C. Cannon , a/k/a Hal lye Clogg Cannon, deceased, who and whose names and places of residence are unknown , and cannot, after diligent Inquiry, be ascertained, and if dead, their legal representatives , their hus - bands or wives , if any, and their distributees and successor s in Interest , all of whom and whose names or places of residence cannot after due diligence be as- certained. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surro- gate ' s Court, Suffolk County at the County Center, Riverhead, in the County of Suffolk, New York oa February 7, 1966, at one o' clock In the afternoon of that day why a certain writing dated April 1st, 1985 which has been offered for probate by Frank J. Byrnes residing at Tower Hill Road , Tux- edo Park, New York should not be probated as the last Will and Testament, relating to real and personal property, of Harriett C. Cannon a/k/a Hallye Clogg Can- non, Deceased, who was at the time of her death a resident of Che rry Grove, Brookhaven , in the County of Suffolk , New York Dated , Attested and Sealed, De- cember 15, 1965. (SEAL) HON. PIERSON R. HILDRETH Surrogate, Suffolk County Clerk ADELMAN & FAGELSON Attorney for Petitioner Address 144 Fourth Avenue Bay Shore, New York 4P 8/14/64-4M MO 5-0590 (L . I.Advance #3429-12/23-1/13) SUPREME COUftT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK , SUF- FOLK COUNTY, RIDGEWOOD SAVINGS BANK , Plaintiff , vs. CHARLES FRISZELL JR .. if living or if he be deceased, hie distributees , devisees , legatees , legal representatives , assignees , mortgagees , creditors , lienors, and their successors in interest, and generally all partie s having or claiming to have an interest in or lien upon the premises des- cribed in the amended comp laint herein, either vested or contin- gent by, through under or against the defendants herein specifically named or named as a class, all of whom and whose places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained and JO ANN FRISZELL, his wife , "JOHN DOE", "RICHARD ROE", "JANE DOE " , "CORA COE " , "DICK MOE " and"RUBY P OE", the six defendants last named in quotation marks being intended to designate tenants or occupants in possession of the herein de- scribed premises or portions thereof, if any there be, said tames being fictitious , their true names being unknown to plaintiff . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK , Defendants. Plaintiff' s address: 1Q02 Forest Ave nue , Ridgewood 27, N. Y., Plaintiff designates Suffolk County as the place for trial . SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS, Action of foreclose mortgage. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Amended Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answe r or, if the Amended Com- plaint is not served with this Supplemental Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearanc e on the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty (20) days after the service of this Supplemental Summons, ex- clusive of tho day of service. In case of your failure to appear or answer , judgment will be taken against you by default for the " relief demanded in this Amended Complaint. Dated: November 8, 1965. HESS L LO CURTO. Attorneys for P aintlff , Office &. P. O. Address, Ridgewood Savings Bank Build- ing, Myrtle & Forest Avenues , Ridgewood , Brooklyn 27, New York. TO CHARLES FRISZELL JR., if living or if he be deceased , his distributees, devisees, legatees , legal representatives, assignees, mortgagees, cred- itors, lienors , and their success- ors in interest , and generally all parties having or claiming to have an Interest In or lien upon the premises described in the amended complaint herein, eithe r vested or contingent by, through under cr against the , defendant herein specifically named or named as a class, all of whom and whose places bf residence are unknown to the plaintiff and cannot after dili- gent inquiry be ascertained. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that -the supplemental summons In this action is being served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Mr. Justice D. OR- MONDE RITCHIE, granted De- cember 13, 1965 and filed ln the Suffolk County Cle rk' s Office on December 14 , 1965. The object of the action is to .foreclose a mortgage made by SYCAMORE WOODS to Ridge- wood Savings Bank for $10, - 700. 00 with interest from August 28, 1963 which mortgage was re- corded in the Suffolk County Cle rk ' s Office on September 5, 1963 in Liber 4189 of Mortgages at page 488 covering premises known as and by Street number 16 Durst Drive , Selden, N. Y . being situated on the south side of Durs t Drive , 216. 20 feet east- erly from the easterly end of a curve connecting the southerly side of Durst Drive with the easterly side of Ruland Road , at Selden, N.Y, andpayment of which mortgage indebtedness was ex- tended with the defendants Charle s Friszell Jr. and Jo Ann Friszell . Dated - December 16, 1965 . HESS & LO CURTO, ESQS . Attorneys for Plaintiff. (L.I. ADVANCE #3434 12/23-1/13) SU PREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ..... - -. XX YONKERS SAVINGS: BANK : Plaintiff : -against- : JAMES THOMAS : CURRAN , if living,: and Wso, if he be : dead , any and all: persons unknown to: SUP- plainttff, claiming, : PLE- or who may claim: MENTA L to have an interest: SUM- in, or general or spe: MONS ciflc lien upon the : real property de-: Prem- scrlbed In this pro-: ises are ceedings such un-: located known persons be-: ln and ing herewith gener-: Plain- ally described and: tiff desig- intended to be in-: nates eluded in the follow- : Suffolk ing designation: County namely; the wife , : as the widow, heirs at law,: place next of kin, descen-: of dants, executors , : trial administrators , de-: visees , legatees , : creditors, trustees , : committees, lienors: and assigns of such: lien upon, or title to: said real property,: by through or under: him, and their re-: spective wives , wid-: ows , husbands, wid-: owers , heirs at law ,: next of Wn, des-: cendants , execu- : tors , administra- : tors , devisees , le-: gatees , creditors, : trustees , commit- : tees , lienor s and: assigns; all of whom: and whose names ,: except as stated, are: unknown to plaintiff;: RUTH A . CURRAN , : his wife , CHAM-: BERS LOA N CO. , : INC., GUSTAV : ZEIDLER, trading: as ZEIDLER BROS.,: THE PEOPLES NA-: TIONAL BANK OF: PATCHOGUE, IN-: TERBOROUGH : PERSONAL LOAN: CO., BENEFICIAL: FINANCE CO., OF: NEW YORK, INC., : PAUL BR1NLEY &: JACOB DRAN-: 1TZKE d/b/a PAT-: CHOGUE MEDICAL: GROUP , BROOK-: HAVEN MEMORIAL: A SSOCIA TION : a/k/a BROOK-: HAVEN MEMORIAL: HOSPITA L, INC., : "JOHN ONE", : "JOHN TWO" AND: "JOHN THREE", : the last threedefen-: dants being tenants, : occupants or per- sons in possession: of the ' mortgaged: premises sued : herein . under fie-: titlous names their: true names being: unknown to Plaintiff , : RETAIL BUDGETS ,: INC., AND EDWARD: KLANE, M. D, Defendants: - - -XX TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS' YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or if the complaint is not served with this sum- mons, to serve a notice of ap- pearance on the Plaintiffs at- torney within twenty days after the service of this summons , exclusive of the day of serv- ice or within thirty (30) days after completionof service where service is made ln any other manner than by personal delivery within the State. In case of your failure to appear or an- swe r, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Com- plaint. DATED: December 23 , 1965 Babylon, New York CRUSER & HILLS, Attorneys for Plaintiff ASPLAND, GARVEY & O'NEILL , Of Counsel 1801 House, Argyle Square, Babylon , N. Y. TO: JAMES THOMAS CURRAN , Defendant The foregoing summons is ser- ved upon you by publication pur- suant to an order of Honorable D. Ormonde Ritchie , a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Counry of Suffolk, dated the 7th day of December, 1965 and filed with the com- plaint in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk at the Court House, Riverhead , New York. The object of this ac- tion is to foreclose a mortgage made by JAMES THOMAS CUR- RAN AND RUTH A . CURRAN , Ms wife to REPUBLIC INVES- TORS CORPORATION in the amount of $9,990.00 dated No- vember 22, 1961 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk Counry on December 1 , 1961 in Liber 3755 at Page 247, which mortgage was subsequent- ly assigned by REPUBLIC IN- VESTORS CORPORATION to the Plaintiff herein by Assign- ment dated December 19, 1961 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 8, 1962 in Liber 3779 at Page 203 , on the following described property: ALL that certain parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erec- ted, situate, lying and being in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New York known and desig- nated as lots numbered 42, 43 , 44, Block 2 on a certain map entitled , "Map of Canaan Lake East ," and filed in the Office ofthe Clerk of the Counry of Suffolk on September 4 , 1913 as Map Number 203 , and which said lots when taken together are more particularly bounded and described accord- ing to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Ohla Street, distant 40 teet Westerly from s point of intersection of the prolongation of the Westerly side of Trueberg Avenue (Truberg Ave.) and the nor- therly side of Ohla Street ; THENCE along the northerly side of Ohls Street , North 84 degrees 08 minutes 30 sec- onds West , 60 feet; THENCE North 5 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East, 107.10 feet; THENCE South 83 degrees 38 •minutes 40 seconds East , 60 teet; THENCE South 5 de- grees 53 minutes 30 seconds West , 106. 61 feet to the Nor- therly side of Ohls Street, at the point or place of BEGIN- NING. (L . I . ADVANCE #3441 - 12/23- 1/13) SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK --x SUFFOLK COUNTY : FEDERAL SAVINGS : AND LOAN ASSOCIA- : Jidex TION, : No. Plaintiff , : 128690 -against- : JOHNNIE DAVE, ANN : NOTICE DAVE , EAST HAMP- : OF TON LUMBER , : S ALE. GEORGE PETERSON, : d/b/a Acra Furnace : and Chimney Cleaning : Co., HAMILTON AF- : FILIATES , INC, JA- : MAICA SAVINGS : BANK , HUNTINGTON : HOSPITAL ASSOCIA- : TION , ANGELO TEA- : FRIO, d/b/a A & B : Chevron Service Sta- : tion, KARL G. ER- : HARET , : Defendants. : ............ x Bi pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale made and entered in the above entitled ac- tion , dated the 16th day of De- cember , 1965 , I, the undersigned , the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the front steps of the Town Hall , Town of Brookhaven , South Ocean Avenue , Patchogue , New York, on the 28th day of January, 1966 , at 11:00 A.M. in the forenoon , the premises directed by said Judg- ment to be sold , and described as follows : ALL that certain plot , piece or parcel of land , situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Patchogue, Town of Brookhaven , Counry of Suffolk and State of New York , bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of 6th Street, distant 297.85 feet westerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the northerly side of 8th Street and the west- erly side of Waverly Avenue; naming thence North 83 49' 30" West along the northerly side of 6th Street, 100 feet; thence North t 10» 30" East along land now or formerly of Davis 124.91 feet; thenceSouth 83 30' 10" East along land now or formerly of William ?ecker 100 feet; thence South * 10' 30" West alonglandnow or formerly of William Vinero, 124. 35 teet to t he northerly side of 6th Street, at the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the Mort- gagor in or to the land in the bed of any roadway or water- way adjacent to the premises ab-we described, including any and all riparian rights incident to said premises and waterway, and any easements or rights of way, or other rights or record inuring to said premises . TOGETHER with the buildings erected or which may be here- after ersctcd on said premises and all fixtures and articles at- tached to, or used in connection with said premises; all of which are declared to be covered by this mortgage - together with the appurtenances, and all the estate and rights of the Mort- gagor in and to said premises. SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate survey and/or a personal inspection may show; to ail covenants, restrictions , easements , agreements and reservations , if any, of record, insofar as the foregoing may be in force and effect and to possible lettings and tenancies , If any, not cut off in this ac- tion; and to possible equities of redemption . If any, and to the Zoning and Building Ordi- nances and Restrictions of the municipalities in which sold mortgaged premises are situ- ate, and to any violations of state or municipal departments and to unpaid taxes , assess- ments and water charges, if ARTHUR H . LUNDBERG Referee MH.LIGAN, REILLY , LIKE , SCHNEIDER & ASPLAND Attomys for Plaintiff 200 W. Main Street Babylon, New York (L.L ADVANCE #344 5 - 12/30 - 1/20) TjlE LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK . Plaintiff , vs. RAYMOND . JOSEPH ELDARD and MARY EL- DARD, his wife , Defendants , Plaintiff' s Attorneys , Cullsn and Dykman , 177 Montague Street ; Brooklyn , New York. Pursuant to judgment of fore- closure and sale entered herein, dated December 13 , 1965, I will sell at public auction at the front steps of the Brookhaven Town Hall , patchogue , New York , oh the 1st ' day of Feb- ruary, 1966, at 10 o'clock ln the forenoon the premises di- rected by said judgment to be sold, located at Holtsville , in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk , State of New York , known and designated on a cer- tain map entitled "Plan of Holts- ville-Manor , Holtsville , Longls- land" fi le d in the Office of the County Cle rk of Suffolk County on November 10, 1908 as-Map #329 being known on said map as Lots numbered 20,21 ,and 22 in Block 19, at the corner formed by the intersection of the norther- ly side of Long Island Avenue (Railroad Avenue) with the westerly side of Broadway - 76.01' by 153.72 ' by 75' by 141. - 35' - Premises: Long Island Avenue and Broadway, Holtsville , New York. Dated: December 30, 1965 . JAMES R. CREGAN Referee (L .I. ADVANCE # 3444 - 12/30- 1/20) PROBATE CITATION File No. P 1604 , 1965 CITATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK the heirs of FRANK KEELER , deceased, and to the brothers , sisters and descendants of predeceased brothers and sis- ters of either the vvhole or the half blood, grandparents, uncles , aunts and children of predeceased uncle s and aunts , if any, whose names and ad- dresses are unknown, and if any of said persons shall have die d subsequent to the de- cedent , their distributees , ex- ecutors , and administrators , and the assignees , grantees , and successors in interest if any, of all the aforesaid per- sons. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Sur- rogate's Court, Suffolk County at the C ounty Cente r, Riverhead in the County of Suffolk, New York on February 7th, 1966 , at one o' clock in tlie afternoon of that day why a certain writing dated December 22, 1961 which has been offered for probate by R . ROBERT CRAMER residing at Mille r Place , SuffolkCounty, New York should not be probated as the last Will and Testament, re- lating to real and personal prop- el , of FRANK KEELER , De- ceased, who was at the time of his death a resident of Mille r Place, Suffolk County, In the County of Suffolk, New York Dated, Attested and Sealed, De- cember 28th, 1985. (SEAL) HON. PIERSON R, HILDRETH Surrogate , Suffolk County MERWIN S. WOODARD Clerk BURNS and BLOCK Attorney for Petitioner 402 Main Street Port Jefferson , New York 11777 Address 4P - 8/14/64 - 4M (L.LADVANCE #3467-1/8-1/27) -NOTICE OF SALE- SUPREME COURT; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK. Plaintiff , a- galnst ' EAGLE ESTATES , INC., JOHN R. WOOLARD, et al., De- fendants. WILLIAM R. WHITE , Attorney for th© Plaintiff , 51 Chambers Street , New York City. Pursuant to Judgment of Fore- closure and Sal? entered in the above entitled action on Decem- ber 14, 1985 , I will sell in one parcel at public auction on the front steps , of the Brookhavai Town HaH, South Ocean Avenue , Patchogue, Town of Brookhaven , County of Suffolk, State of New York , on January 28, 1966 at 10:00 o' clock ln the forenoon on that day. the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and described as follows: ALL that certain lot , piece or parcel of land, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, sit- uate, lying and being in the Town of Brookhaven , County of Suffolk asd State erf New York, known and designated as Lot No. 577 as shown on a certain map entitled , "Map of Eagle Estates , Section 7" and filed in the Offic e of Hie Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 12, 1961 as Map No. 3410 , and is located onthe south- east comer of Fire and Heather Avenues, Medford , N. Y. TO- GETHER with all the right, title and interest of the Mortgagor, If any, in and to the land in the bed of the street or highway in front of the premises above described to the center line thereof. TO- GETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights ofthe Mortgagor in and to said prem- ises together with all fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with theprem- IseB , all of which are hereby in- cluded in this mortgage. S AID PREMEES being presently known as and by the Street No. 2700 Fire Avenue , Medford , Suffolk County, New York . SUBJECT to any state of facts that an ac- curate survey wovld show and to Declaration of Covenants and Re- strictions recorded in Liber 5064 cp. 148 and in Liber 5064 cp. 153 and to Telephone Agreement recorded in Liber 5200 cp. 301 and to amended Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions re- corded In Liber 5377 cp, 243. Approximate amount due as per Judgment $13 ,993.45 with in- terest from December 9, 1985; costs and allowances$643.25 with interest from December 14, 1965; taxes approximately $230.17 . DATED NEWYORK, DECEMBER 24, 1965. (Sgd.) JAMES J . KELL- EHER , REFEREE. (L.I . ADVANCE #3443 12/30 ,- 1/20) NOTICE Effective this date ) am no longer responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name by anyone other than myself. January 4 , 1966 Wilfred J . Hursell 14 Hamilton Street Patchogue , L. I., N.Y. (L .I . ADVANCE #3471-1/6-1/20) FTOMC KOTKE wr ,„ NOTICE E HEREBY GIVEN, that theTown Board oftheTown of Islip will hold a public hearing at the Towv Hall , fclip, New York on Tuesday, January 18, 1966at 2: 30 P. M., to consider amending the Revised Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Islip at Article V - Per- mitted Uses , as follows: ARTICLE V - PERMTTTEDUSES Add after paragraph authorizing doctors office in Residence zone: "Cemetery, Crematory, only when authorized by the Town Board after a Public Hearing. " ARTICLE V - PERMITTED \5ES - BIKTNBSS Delete "Cemetery, Crematory " AR TICLE V PERMITTED USES - BUSINESS 3 DISTRICT Delete "Cemetery or Crem- atory" . ARTI CLE V - PERMITTEDUSES ^OT^TRIAL V D ISTRI-T Paragraph 6. Delete "Crem- atory. " At which time all Interested persons will be given an oppor- tunity to be heard. TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF KLIP BY: FREDERICK PFIFFERLING TOWN CLERK Dated at Islip, N. Y. December 29, 1965 (L. L ADVANCE #3469-1/6-1/13) SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - X LOUIS C1CORELLI: INDEX NO. Plaintiff ,: 134175 -against- : Plaintiff THE BROOKS: designates AND BROOKS: Suffolk CORPORATION : County also known as: as the BROOKS AND: P~™ BROOKS CORP-: Of trial. OR A TION , PEOPLE: The basis of 3F THE STATE: the venue OF NEW YORK , : is: Subject : real prop- : erty lies : in Suffolk : County. Defendantc: SUM- : MONS -X TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- MONED TO ANSWER the com- plaint in this action, and to serve a copy ot your answer, ' or if the complaint Is not served with the summons , to serve a Notice of Appearance, on the plaintiffs attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons , ex- clusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this " sum- mons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your fail- ure to appear or answer Judgment will be taken against you by de- fault for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated: XfecenuMrf- 28, 12G5 RICHARD SAUSE Attorney for Plaintiff Office & P. O. Address 5 Robinson Street Shoreham , New York \ WF£ OF PUBLICATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing summons is served upon you by publication ,pursuant to an Order of the Honor&bla JOHN P. COHALAN , Jr., a Jus- tice of the Supreme Court, dated December 23, 1965 and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk , CountyCenter , Riverhead , New York. The objec t of this action is to compel the determination of a claim to real property, pursuant to Article 15 cf the Real Prop- erty Action s and Proceedings Law of the State of New York. The real property affected by this action is situated in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New York , known and designated as and by Lots Nos. 201 to 203, both in- clusive and 278 to 282 both in- clusive on a certain map entitled, "Map of Port Jefferson Square, " and filed in the Offic e ofthe Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Novem- ber 15, 1907 as Map No. 324. Dated: December 28 , 1965 RICHARD SAUSE Attorney for Plaintiff Office &, P.O. Address 5 Robinson Street Shoreham, New York X.I. ADVANCE #3461 - 1/6 - 1/27) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be receivedby the Town Board of the Town of Islip, at the Town Hall , 655 Main Street , Islip, New York , until 2:30 P . M., Prevailing Time, on Jan. 18, 1966 , for the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the following Contract In conjunction with By- ron Lake Park , Phase "B" De- velopment at Oakdale , New York: CONTRACT NO . B-l - CLEARING & GRUBBING At the above specified time and place , bids will be publicly opened and read . The Town re- serves the right to waive any in- formalitie s in, to reject any or all bids , or to award the Con- tract to such Bidder who . intiwir Judgment , makes the most ad- vantageous proposal. Each bid must be made on the form furnished by the Town, and must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check for a sum of at least equal to five per cent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, made payable to the Town of Islip, said check to be forfeited to the Town as liquidated damages in case of failure of the success- ful bidder to enter Into a Contract for the execution ot the work within ten days after written notice from the Town so todo has been mailed to the Bidder ' s ad- dress as stated in his proposal. Plans, Specifications and In- formation for Bidders may be ob- tained on the deposit of Twenty- five Dollars ($25.00) for each set furnished , at the office of the Town Clerk , and at the office of the Consulting Engineers , HOLZ - MACHER , McLENDON & MUR- RELL , 500 Broad HoUo w Road , Melville s NewYork. Deposits will be returaed upon return of plans and specifications in good con- dition within ten (10) days of above date. Since time is of the essenc e of this project, the attention ot bidders Is directed to the com- pletion date as set forth In the offic ial Proposal Form. Bidders should bear in mind that it is the intention of the District to com- pel the Contractor to adhere to the completion schedule . Dated: Dec. 28 , 1965 Islip, New Yor k (Signed) Frederick Pfifferllng, Ibwn Clerk BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF ISLIP (L . I . ADVANCE #3473 -1/6-1/13) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received and pub- licly opened by the Director of Purchase , Suffolk County Center , Riverhead , New York for the following materials on the fol- lowing dates: EACH MONDAY IN 1966* 11:00 A.M. Meat s, Poultry, Produce, Groceries , Coffee.Flsh and Dairy Products. * EX CEPT Legal Holidays , in which case it will be Tuesday, the following day. Definite specifications for the above items may be obtained at the Office of the Director ot Purchase. Stewart P. Mitman Director of Purchase 12/29) ADVANCE *3474 - l/6 - SUPRE.ME COURTOF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK -- -X In the Matter of tlie Pe- tition of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK tor the purpose of acquiring the real prop- erties (Fourth Taking) for the Construction of NIC- OLLS ROAD, PART 2 C.R. 97, (from Montauk High- way to Portion Road, C.R . 19) ae acontrolled-access highway in the Towns of Isllp snd Brookhaven, Suf- folk Counry, New York . ----------- X NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will make application on behalf of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK to the Supreme Court for the County of Suffolk at Special Term thereof , to be held at the County Court- house Riverhead , New York on the 3rd day of February, 1966, at 9:30 o ' clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon there- after , . as,.. counsel can be, be»rd, for an Order to ascertain and determine the compensation to be made to the owners of the Sal property to be acquired in this proceeding pursuant to Se provisions of Chapter 190 of the Laws of 1927 as aniended as said real property is indicated on certain maps filed in the Suf- folk County Clerk' s Offic e on October 11 . 1965 under File Num- ber 131913 , said real property being more particularly de- scribed as follows: (SEE ANNEXED DESCRIPTION) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES ACQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NICOLLS ROA D , PART2-C.R. 97 (FOURTH TAKING) Town of lslip Suffolk County. New York FiLE NO. 131913 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - DE- PARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS County Road No. 97 Map No. 194 Nicolls Road , Part 2 Parcel Nos. A, B and C To be obtained from Frank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Masrl , Saie h R. Masrl , and Leah Siegel (re- puted owners). All those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Islip, County of Suffolk , State of New York, for the construction of Nicolls Road , Part 2 , County Road No. 97 , as shown on Map No. 194 , and described as fol- lows: Parcel "A " - Without right of access to and from abutting prop- erty. Beginning at a point on the ex- isting northerly boundary of Mon- tauk Highway, S. H. 5488 , said point being N 56' 31 ' 27" E , a distance of 439.83 feet , mea- sured along the said existing nor- therly highway boundary from its intersection with the division line between the property of Frank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , Saleh R. Masri and Leah Siegel (re- puted owners) on the east , and the property of Frank I. Iny and Others (reputed owners) on the west , said point also being 314. 23 feet distanct westerly, mea- sured radially from Station 5+40.33 of the survey cente r line established for the construc- tion of Nicolls Road, Part 2 , County Road No. 97/ thence through the property ' of Frank J. Iny , Gourdji R. Masri , Saie h R. Masrl and Leah Siegel (re- puted owners), along the pro- posed taking line without access , the fol l owing seven courses: (1) N 17*27'31 * W 46.82 feet to a point , said point being 3l2.40feet distant westerly , measured radi- ally from Station 5+81.98 of the said survey center line, (2) N 56*31 *27" E 157.52 feet to e point , said poLnt being 179.37 feet distant westerl y, measured radially from Station 6*12.96 of the said survey center line , (3) northerly, on a curve to the left having a radius of 146.46 feet , a distance of 183.27 feet to a point, said point being 75.00 feet distant westerly, mea- sured radially from Station 7+41. 98 of the said survey center line , (4) northerl y, on a curve to the right having a radius cf 2366.83 feet , a distance of 612.80 feet to a point , said point being 75.00 feet distant westerly, measured at right angles from Station 13+35.36 of the said surve y center line, (5) N 0*20'06" W, 254.76 feet to a point , said point being 75.00 feet distant westerly, mea- sured at right angles from Sta - tion 15190.12 of the said sur- vey center line , (6) northeily, on a curve to the left having a radius of 5654.58 feet , a dis- tance of 1289.78 feet to a point , said point being 75.00 feet dis- tant westerly, measured radially from Station 28+97.00 of the said survey cente r line, and (7) north- westerly, on a curve to the left having a radius of 62.48 feet , a distance of 85.22 feet to a point on the existing southe rly boun- dary of Purick Street, Town of Islip (reputed owner), said point being 124.31 feet distant wes- terly, measured radially from Station 29t59.50 of the said sur- vey center line ; thence N 88* 26 45" E along the said exisiting southerly boundary of Purick Street , Town of Islip (reputed owner) and proposed taking line without access , 90.01 feet to a point on the division line be- tween the property of Frank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Ma srl, Saleh R. Masrl and Leah Siegel (reputed owners) on the west , and the property oi Long Island Light- ing Co. (reputed owner) on the east , said point being marked by a stake and 36.40 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 29+ 39,94 of the said survey center line: thence along the last mentioned division line and proposed taking line without access , the following three courses: (1) S 34* 31'09" E, 478.17 feet to a point , said point being marked by a concrete monument and 149.56 feet dis- tant easterly, measured radially from Station 25+03.55 of the said survey center line ,(2)S0 4 20'06" E , 1282.50 teet to a point , said point being marked by a monu- ment and 73.02 feet distant east- erly, measured radially from Station 12+37.79 of the said sur- vey center line, and (3) S 0" 49'38" E 635.26 feet to a point on the first mentioned existing northerly boundary of Montauk Highway, S. H. 5488 , said point being 36.79 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 6+04.92 of the said survey cen- ter line; thence S 56* 31' 27" w along the said existing northerly boundary of Montauk Highway, S.H. 5488 , and proposed taking line without access , 286.00 feet to the point of beginning, con- taining 371 ,205 square feet more o4- less , or 8.522 acres more or less. Parcel "B" - With right of access Beginning at a point on the existing northerly boundary of Montauk Highway, S. H. 5488 at its intersection with the _!. vision line between the property cf Frank Iny, Gourdji R. M(, 8r j Saieh Masrl and Leah Siegel (reputed owrers) on tne east and property of Frank Iny and Others (reputed owners) on the west , said point being 744.01 feet distant westerly measured radially from Station 4+64.12 of the survey center line estab- lished for the construction ot Nicolls Road , Part 2 , County Road No. 97i thence N 0* 53'53" W along thrf said division line and proposed taking line with access, 53.39 feet to a point said point being 725.10 feet dis- tant westerly, measured radi- ally fr om Stati on 5t0l,93 oi th e said survey center line; thence N 56' 31 '27" E along the pro- posed taking line with access , through the property of Frank Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , Saleh Masri and Leah Siegel (reputed owners), 424.00 feet to a point on the proposed taking line with- out access, said point being 312,40 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 5+-81.98 of the said survey cen- ter linej thence S 17*27'3l' E along the said proposed tak- ing line w ithout access , 46.82 fe et to a point on the first men- tioned existing northerly boun- dary of Montauk Highway, S.H. 5488 , said point being 314.23 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 5+40.33 of the said survey center line, thence S 56* 31 ' 27" tt along the said existing northerly boundary of Montauk Highway, S. H. 5488 , 439.83 feet to the point of be- ginning, containing 19 ,433 square feet more or less , or 0.446 acre more or less. Parcel'C" - Easement Beginning at a point on the existing southerly boundary of Purick Street , Town of Islip (re- puted owner), said point being S 88'26'45' W , a distance of 90.01 feet , measured along the said existing street boundary from a stake at the intersection of the said existing street boun- dary with the division line be- tween the property of Frank J, Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , Saleh R. Masri , and Leah Siegel (re- puted owners) on the west , and the property of Long Island Light* ing Co. (reputed owner) on the east , said point also being 124.31 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 29+59.50 of the survey center line estab- lished for the construction oi Nicolls Road , Part 2 , County Road No. 97; thence through the property of Frank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , Saleh R. Masrl , and Leah Siegel (reputed owners), along the proposed tak- ing line without access , the fol- lowing six courses: (1) south- easterly, on a curve to the right having a radius of 62.48 feet , a distance of 85.22 feet toapoln t, said point being 75.00 feet dis- tant westerly, measured at right angles from Station 28+97.00 of the said survey center line , (2) southerly, on a curve to the right having a radius of 5654.58 feet, a distance of 1289.78 feet to» point , said point being 75.00 feet distant westerly, measured it right angles from Station 15+90.12 of the said survey cen- ter line , (3) S 0*20'06" E, 254.76 feet to a point, said point being 75.00 feet distant weste r ly, mea- sured at right angles from Sta- tion 1 3+35.36 of the said sur- vey center line , (4) southerly, on a curve to the left , having a radius of 2366.83 feet , a dis- tance of 612.80 feet to a point, said point being 75.00 feet dis- tant westerly, measured radially from Station 7+41.98 of the said survey center line, (5) southerly, on a curve to the right , having a radius of 146.46 feet , a dis- tance of 183.27 feet to a point, said point being 179,37 feet dis- tant westerly, measu red radially from Station 6+12.96 of the said survey cente r line , and (6) S 56'31'27" W, 13.84 feet to a point on the proposed easement line, said point being 192.74 feet distant westerly , measured radi- ally from Station 6+09.64 of the said survey center line; thence along the saidproposed easement line , through the property ol Frank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , Salsh R. Masri, and Leah Siegel (reputed o'Wicrs), the following seven courses: (1) northerly, on a curve to the left having & radius of 151.04 feet , a distance of 189.00 feet to a point , said point being 85.00 teet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 7+41.98 of the said survey center line , (2) northerly, on a curve to the right- having a radius of 2376.83 feet , a dis- tance of 615.39 feet to a point , said point being 85.00 feet distant westerly, measured at right angles from Station 13+35.36 of the said surve y cente r line , (3) N 0' 20'06" W , 254.76 feet to a point , said point being 85.00 feet distant westerly, measured at right angles from Station 1 5+90.12 of the said survey center line , (4) northerly, on a curve to the left having a radius of 5644.58 feet , a distance of 1000.00 feet to a point , said point being 85.00 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station 26+05.17 of the said survey center line, (5) N 19* 46*52" W , 98.01 feet to a point, •aid point being 100.00 feet dis- tant westerly, measured radially from Station 2?+03.62 of the said Survey center line , (6) on a curve to the left having a radius of 5029.58 feet , a distance of 190.00 feet to a point , said point being 100,00 feet distant westerly, measured radially from Station (Continued on page 9)

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File No. P 952 1965CITATION

The People of the State ofNew York

By the Grace of God Free andIndependent

TOElla Reeder Herrick, aunt, (be-

lieved deceased) address un-known

Mabel Herrick, cousin, (be-lieved deceased) address un-known

Bonnie Herrick, cousin, (be-lieved deceased) address un-known

Reeder Herrick, cousin, (be-lieved deceased) address un-known

Sara Jarolemon Baker, cousin,(believed deceased) addressunknown

Charles Herrick, cousin, (be-lieved deceased) address un-known

Any and all unknown heirs atlaw, next of kin and distributeesof Harriett C. Cannon, a/k/aHal lye Clogg Cannon, deceased,who and whose names and placesof residence are unknown, andcannot, after diligent Inquiry, beascertained, and if dead, theirlegal representatives, their hus-bands or wives, if any, and theirdistributees and successors inInterest, all of whom and whosenames or places of residencecannot after due diligence be as-certained.

YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TOSHOW CAUSE before the Surro-gate's Court, Suffolk County at theCounty Center, Riverhead, in theCounty of Suffolk, New York oaFebruary 7, 1966, at one o'clockIn the afternoon of that day whya certain writing dated April1st, 1985 which has been offeredfor probate by Frank J. Byrnesresiding at Tower Hill Road, Tux-edo Park, New York should notbe probated as the last Will andTestament, relating to real andpersonal property, of Harriett C.Cannon a/k/a Hallye Clogg Can-non, Deceased, who was at thetime of her death a resident ofCherry Grove, Brookhaven,in the County of Suffolk, NewYorkDated, Attested and Sealed, De-cember 15, 1965.(SEAL)

HON. PIERSON R. HILDRETHSurrogate, Suffolk County

ClerkADELMAN & FAGELSONAttorney for PetitionerAddress144 Fourth AvenueBay Shore, New York4P 8/14/64-4M MO 5-0590

(L.I.Advance #3429-12/23-1/13)

SUPREME COUftT OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK, SUF-FOLK COUNTY, RIDGEWOODSAVINGS BANK, Plaintiff, vs.CHARLES FRISZELL JR.. ifliving or if he be deceased, hiedistributees, devisees, legatees,legal representatives, assignees,mortgagees, creditors , lienors,and their successors in interest,and generally all parties havingor claiming to have an interestin or lien upon the premises des-cribed in the amended complaintherein, either vested or contin-gent by, through under or againstthe defendants herein specificallynamed or named as a class, allof whom and whose places ofresidence are unknown to theplaintiff and cannot after diligentinquiry be ascertained and JOANN FRISZELL, his wife, "JOHNDOE", "RICHARD ROE","JANE DOE", "CORA COE","DICK MOE" and"RUBY POE",the six defendants last named inquotation marks being intendedto designate tenants or occupantsin possession of the herein de-scribed premises or portionsthereof, if any there be, saidtames being fictitious, their truenames being unknown to plaintiff.THE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK , Defendants.Plaintiff's address: 1Q02 ForestAvenue, Ridgewood 27, N.Y.,Plaintiff designates SuffolkCounty as the place for trial.SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS,Action of foreclose mortgage.

TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE-FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answer theAmended Complaint in this actionand to serve a copy of youranswer or, if the Amended Com-plaint is not served with thisSupplemental Summons, to servea Notice of Appearance on theplaintiff's attorneys within twenty(20) days after the service ofthis Supplemental Summons, ex-clusive of tho day of service.In case of your failure to appearor answer, judgment will be takenagainst you by default for the

"relief demanded in this AmendedComplaint.Dated: November 8, 1965. HESSL LO CURTO. Attorneys forP aintlff , Office &. P. O. Address,Ridgewood Savings Bank Build-ing, Myrtle & Forest Avenues,Ridgewood, Brooklyn 27, NewYork.

TO CHARLES FRISZELL JR.,if living or if he be deceased,his distributees, devisees,legatees , legal representatives,assignees, mortgagees, cred-itors, lienors, and their success-ors in interest, and generallyall parties having or claimingto have an Interest In or lienupon the premises described inthe amended complaint herein,either vested or contingent by,through under cr against the

,defendant herein specificallynamed or named as a class,all of whom and whose placesbf residence are unknown to the

plaintiff and cannot after dili-gent inquiry be ascertained.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that-the supplemental summons Inthis action is being served uponyou by publication pursuant toan order of Mr. Justice D. OR-MONDE RITCHIE, granted De-

cember 13, 1965 and filed ln theSuffolk County Clerk's Office onDecember 14, 1965.

The object of the action is to.foreclose a mortgage made bySYCAMORE WOODS to Ridge-wood Savings Bank for $10,-700.00 with interest from August28, 1963 which mortgage was re-corded in the Suffolk CountyClerk's Office on September 5,1963 in Liber 4189 of Mortgagesat page 488 covering premisesknown as and by Street number16 Durst Drive, Selden, N.Y.being situated on the south sideof Durst Drive, 216.20 feet east-erly from the easterly end of acurve connecting the southerlyside of Durst Drive with theeasterly side of Ruland Road, atSelden, N.Y, andpayment of whichmortgage indebtedness was ex-tended with the defendantsCharles Friszell Jr. and Jo AnnFriszell.Dated - December 16, 1965. HESS& LO CURTO, ESQS. Attorneysfor Plaintiff.(L.I. ADVANCE #3434



Plaintiff :-against- :

JAMES THOMAS :CURRAN , if living,:and Wso, if he be :dead, any and all:persons unknown to: SUP-plainttff, claiming, : PLE-or who may claim: MENTALto have an interest: SUM-in, or general or spe: MONSciflc lien upon the:real property de-: Prem-scrlbed In this pro-: ises areceedings such un-: locatedknown persons be-: ln anding herewith gener-: Plain-ally described and: tiff desig-intended to be in-: nateseluded in the follow-: Suffolking designation: Countynamely; the wife , : as thewidow, heirs at law,: placenext of kin, descen-: ofdants, executors, : trialadministrators, de-:visees, legatees, :creditors, trustees,:committees, lienors:and assigns of such:lien upon, or title to:said real property,:by through or under:him, and their re-:spective wives, wid-:ows, husbands, wid-:owers, heirs at law,:next of Wn, des-:cendants, execu- :tors, administra- :tors, devisees, le-:gatees, creditors, :trustees, commit- :tees, lienors and:assigns; all of whom:and whose names,:except as stated, are:unknown to plaintiff;:RUTH A. CURRAN ,:his wife, CHAM-:BERS LOAN CO., :INC., GUSTAV :ZEIDLER, trading:as ZEIDLER BROS.,:THE PEOPLES NA-:TIONAL BANK OF:PATCHOGUE, IN-:TERBOROUGH :PERSONAL LOAN:CO., BENEFICIAL:FINANCE CO., OF:NEW YORK, INC.,:PAUL BR1NLEY &:JACOB DRAN-:1TZKE d/b/a PAT-:CHOGUE MEDICAL:GROUP, BROOK-:HAVEN MEMORIAL:A SSOCIATION :a/k/a BROOK-:HAVEN MEMORIAL:HOSPITAL, INC., :"JOHN ONE", :"JOHN TWO" AND:"JOHN THREE", :the last threedefen-:dants being tenants,:occupants or per-sons in possession:of the ' mortgaged:premises sued :herein .under fie-:titlous names their:true names being:unknown to Plaintiff ,:RETAIL BUDGETS,:INC., AND EDWARD:KLANE, M.D,

Defendants:- - -XXTO THE ABOVE NAMED DE-FENDANTS'YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONEDto answer the complaint in thisaction and to serve a copy ofyour answer, or if the complaintis not served with this sum-mons, to serve a notice of ap-pearance on the Plaintiffs at-torney within twenty days afterthe service of this summons,exclusive of the day of serv-ice or within thirty (30) daysafter completionof service whereservice is made ln any othermanner than by personal deliverywithin the State. In case ofyour failure to appear or an-swer, Judgment will be takenagainst you by default for therelief demanded in the Com-plaint.DATED: December 23, 1965

Babylon, New YorkCRUSER & HILLS,

Attorneys for PlaintiffASPLAND, GARVEY

& O'NEILL, Of Counsel1801 House, Argyle Square,


DefendantThe foregoing summons is ser-

ved upon you by publication pur-suant to an order of HonorableD. Ormonde Ritchie, a Justiceof the Supreme Court of the Stateof New York, Counry of Suffolk,dated the 7th day of December,1965 and filed with the com-plaint in the Office of the Clerkof the County of Suffolk at theCourt House, Riverhead, NewYork. The object of this ac-tion is to foreclose a mortgagemade by JAMES THOMAS CUR-RAN AND RUTH A. CURRAN,Ms wife to REPUBLIC INVES-TORS CORPORATION in theamount of $9,990.00 dated No-vember 22, 1961 and recordedin the Office of the Clerk ofSuffolk Counry on December 1,1961 in Liber 3755 at Page 247,which mortgage was subsequent-ly assigned by REPUBLIC IN-VESTORS CORPORATION tothe Plaintiff herein by Assign-ment dated December 19, 1961and recorded in the Office ofthe Clerk of Suffolk County onJanuary 8, 1962 in Liber 3779at Page 203, on the followingdescribed property:

ALL that certain parcel ofland with the buildings andimprovements thereon erec-ted, situate, lying and beingin the Town of Brookhaven,County of Suffolk and Stateof New York known and desig-nated as lots numbered 42,43, 44, Block 2 on a certainmap entitled, "Map of CanaanLake East," and filed in theOffice ofthe Clerk of the Counryof Suffolk on September 4,1913 as Map Number 203, andwhich said lots when takentogether are more particularlybounded and described accord-ing to said map as follows:BEGINNING at a point on thenortherly side of Ohla Street,distant 40 teet Westerly froms point of intersection of theprolongation of the Westerlyside of Trueberg Avenue(Truberg Ave.) and the nor-therly side of Ohla Street;THENCE along the northerlyside of Ohls Street, North 84degrees 08 minutes 30 sec-onds West, 60 feet; THENCENorth 5 degrees 53 minutes30 seconds East, 107.10 feet;THENCE South 83 degrees 38

•minutes 40 seconds East, 60teet; THENCE South 5 de-grees 53 minutes 30 secondsWest, 106.61 feet to the Nor-therly side of Ohls Street, atthe point or place of BEGIN-NING.

(L. I. ADVANCE #3441 - 12/23-1/13)



Plaintiff, : 128690-against- :


Defendants. :. . . . . . . . . . . .x

Bi pursuance of a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale made andentered in the above entitled ac-tion, dated the 16th day of De-cember, 1965, I, the undersigned,the Referee in said Judgmentnamed, will sell at public auctionto the highest bidder, on thefront steps of the Town Hall,Town of Brookhaven, South OceanAvenue, Patchogue, New York, onthe 28th day of January, 1966, at11:00 A.M. in the forenoon, thepremises directed by said Judg-ment to be sold, and describedas follows:

ALL that certain plot, piece orparcel of land, situate, lyingand being in the IncorporatedVillage of Patchogue, Town ofBrookhaven, Counry of Suffolkand State of New York, boundedand described as follows:BEGINNING at a point on thenortherly side of 6th Street,distant 297.85 feet westerlyfrom the comer formed by theintersection of the northerlyside of 8th Street and the west-erly side of Waverly Avenue;naming thence North 83 49'30" West along the northerlyside of 6th Street, 100 feet;thence North t 10» 30" Eastalong land now or formerly ofDavis 124.91 feet; thenceSouth83 30' 10" East along landnow or formerly of William?ecker 100 feet; thence South

* 10' 30" West alonglandnowor formerly of William Vinero,124.35 teet to the northerlyside of 6th Street, at the pointor place of beginning.TOGETHER with all the right,title and interest of the Mort-gagor in or to the land in thebed of any roadway or water-way adjacent to the premisesab-we described, including anyand all riparian rights incidentto said premises and waterway,and any easements or rights of

way, or other rights or recordinuring to said premises.TOGETHER with the buildingserected or which may be here-after ersctcd on said premisesand all fixtures and articles at-tached to, or used in connectionwith said premises; all of whichare declared to be covered bythis mortgage - together withthe appurtenances, and all theestate and rights of the Mort-gagor in and to said premises.SUBJECT to any state of factsan accurate survey and/or apersonal inspection may show;to ail covenants, restrictions,easements, agreements andreservations, if any, of record,insofar as the foregoing maybe in force and effect and topossible lettings and tenancies,If any, not cut off in this ac-tion; and to possible equitiesof redemption. If any, and tothe Zoning and Building Ordi-nances and Restrictions of themunicipalities in which soldmortgaged premises are situ-ate, and to any violations ofstate or municipal departmentsand to unpaid taxes, assess-ments and water charges, if



Attomys for Plaintiff200 W. Main StreetBabylon, New York

(L.L ADVANCE #3445 - 12/30 -1/20)

TjlE LINCOLN SAVINGSBANK .Plaintiff , vs. RAYMOND .JOSEPH ELDARD and MARY EL-DARD, his wife , Defendants,Plaintiff's Attorneys, Cullsn andDykman, 177 Montague Street;Brooklyn, New York.

Pursuant to judgment of fore-closure and sale entered herein,dated December 13, 1965, I willsell at public auction at thefront steps of the BrookhavenTown Hall, patchogue, NewYork, oh the 1st' day of Feb-ruary, 1966, at 10 o'clock lnthe forenoon the premises di-rected by said judgment to besold, located at Holtsville , inthe Town of Brookhaven, Countyof Suffolk , State of New York,known and designated on a cer-tain map entitled "Plan of Holts-ville-Manor, Holtsville, Longls-land" fi led in the Office of theCounty Clerk of Suffolk Countyon November 10, 1908 as-Map#329 being known on said mapas Lots numbered 20,21,and 22in Block 19, at the corner formedby the intersection of the norther-ly side of Long Island Avenue(Railroad Avenue) with thewesterly side of Broadway -76.01' by 153.72' by 75' by 141.-35' - Premises: Long IslandAvenue and Broadway, Holtsville,New York.Dated: December 30, 1965.


(L.I. ADVANCE # 3444 - 12/30-1/20)

PROBATE CITATIONFile No. P 1604 , 1965C I T A T I O N



the heirs of FRANK KEELER,deceased, and to the brothers,sisters and descendants ofpredeceased brothers and sis-ters of either the vvhole orthe half blood, grandparents,uncles, aunts and children ofpredeceased uncles and aunts,if any, whose names and ad-dresses are unknown, and if anyof said persons shall havedied subsequent to the de-cedent, their distributees, ex-ecutors, and administrators,and the assignees, grantees,and successors in interest ifany, of all the aforesaid per-sons.YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO

SHOW CAUSE before the Sur-rogate's Court, Suffolk Countyat the County Center, Riverheadin the County of Suffolk, New Yorkon February 7th, 1966, at oneo'clock in tlie afternoon of thatday why a certain writing datedDecember 22, 1961 which hasbeen offered for probate by R.ROBERT CRAMER residing atMiller Place, SuffolkCounty, NewYork should not be probated asthe last Will and Testament, re-lating to real and personal prop-el, of FRANK KEELER, De-ceased, who was at the time ofhis death a resident of MillerPlace, Suffolk County, In theCounty of Suffolk, New YorkDated, Attested and Sealed, De-cember 28th, 1985.( S EA L )

HON. PIERSON R, HILDRETHSurrogate, Suffolk County


BURNS and BLOCKAttorney for Petitioner402 Main StreetPort Jefferson, New York 11777Address4P - 8/14/64 - 4M(L.LADVANCE #3467-1/8-1/27)

-NOTICE OF SALE- SUPREMECOURT; COUNTY OF SUFFOLKTHE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIALSAVINGS BANK. Plaintiff, a-galnst ' EAGLE ESTATES, INC.,JOHN R. WOOLARD, et al., De-fendants. WILLIAM R. WHITE,Attorney for th© Plaintiff, 51Chambers Street, New York City.Pursuant to Judgment of Fore-closure and Sal? entered in theabove entitled action on Decem-ber 14, 1985, I will sell in oneparcel at public auction on thefront steps , of the Brookhavai

Town HaH, South Ocean Avenue,Patchogue, Town of Brookhaven,County of Suffolk, State of NewYork, on January 28,1966 at 10:00o'clock ln the forenoon on thatday. the premises directed bysaid judgment to be sold anddescribed as follows: ALL thatcertain lot, piece or parcel ofland, together with the buildingsand improvements thereon, sit-uate, lying and being in the Townof Brookhaven, County of Suffolkasd State erf New York, known anddesignated as Lot No. 577 asshown on a certain map entitled,"Map of Eagle Estates, Section7" and filed in the Offic e of HieClerk of the County of Suffolk onSeptember 12, 1961 as Map No.3410, and is located onthe south-east comer of Fire and HeatherAvenues, Medford, N. Y. TO-GETHER with all the right, titleand interest of the Mortgagor, Ifany, in and to the land in the bedof the street or highway in frontof the premises above describedto the center line thereof. TO-GETHER with the appurtenancesand all the estate and rights oftheMortgagor in and to said prem-ises together with all fixturesand articles of personal propertynow or hereafter attached to orused in connection with theprem-IseB, all of which are hereby in-cluded in this mortgage. SAIDPREMEES being presently knownas and by the Street No. 2700Fire Avenue, Medford, SuffolkCounty, New York. SUBJECT toany state of facts that an ac-curate survey wovld show and toDeclaration of Covenants and Re-strictions recorded in Liber 5064cp. 148 and in Liber 5064 cp.153 and to Telephone Agreementrecorded in Liber 5200 cp. 301and to amended Declaration ofCovenants and Restrictions re-corded In Liber 5377 cp, 243.Approximate amount due as perJudgment $13,993.45 with in-terest from December 9, 1985;costs and allowances$643.25 withinterest from December 14, 1965;taxes approximately $230.17 .DATED NEWYORK, DECEMBER24, 1965. (Sgd.) JAMES J. KELL-EHER, REFEREE.(L.I. ADVANCE #3443 12/30,-1/20)

NOTICEEffective this date) am no longerresponsible for any debts con-tracted in my name by anyoneother than myself.January 4, 1966Wilfred J. Hursell14 Hamilton StreetPatchogue, L.I., N.Y.

(L.I. ADVANCE #3471-1/6-1/20)

FTOMC KOTKE wr,„NOTICE E HEREBY GIVEN,that theTown Board oftheTown ofIslip will hold a public hearing atthe Towv Hall, fclip, New York onTuesday, January 18, 1966at 2:30P.M., to consider amending theRevised Zoning Ordinance of theTown of Islip at Article V - Per-mitted Uses, as follows:ARTICLE V - PERMTTTEDUSESAdd after paragraph authorizingdoctors office in Residence zone:

"Cemetery, Crematory, onlywhen authorized by the TownBoard after a Public Hearing."


Paragraph 6. Delete "Crem-atory."

At which time all Interestedpersons will be given an oppor-tunity to be heard.



TOWN CLERKDated at Islip, N. Y.December 29, 1965(L.L ADVANCE #3469-1/6-1/13)


Plaintiff ,: 134175-against- : Plaintiff

THE BROOKS: designatesA N D BROOKS: SuffolkC O R P O R A T I O N : Countyalso known as: as theB R O O K S AND: P~™B R O O K S CORP-: Of trial.ORA TION, PEOPLE: The basis of3F THE STATE: the venueOF NEW YORK , : is: Subject

: real prop-: erty lies: in Suffolk: County.

Defendantc: SUM-: MONS


YOU ARE HEREBY SUM-MONED TO ANSWER the com-plaint in this action, and to servea copy ot your answer,' or if thecomplaint Is not served with thesummons, to serve a Notice ofAppearance, on the plaintiffsattorney within 20 days after theservice of this summons, ex-clusive of the day of service(or within 30 days after theservice is complete if this" sum-mons is not personally deliveredto you within the State of NewYork); and in case of your fail-ure to appear or answer Judgmentwill be taken against you by de-fault for the relief demanded inthe complaint.Dated: XfecenuMrf- 28, 12G5

RICHARD SAUSEAttorney for Plaintiff

Office & P.O. Address5 Robinson Street


the foregoing summons is servedupon you by publication,pursuantto an Order of the Honor&blaJOHN P. COHALAN , Jr., a Jus-tice of the Supreme Court, datedDecember 23, 1965 and filed withthe complaint and other papersin the Office of the Clerk of theCounty of Suffolk , CountyCenter,Riverhead, New York.

The object of this action is tocompel the determination of aclaim to real property, pursuantto Article 15 cf the Real Prop-erty Actions and ProceedingsLaw of the State of New York.

The real property affected bythis action is situated in theTown of Brookhaven, County ofSuffolk and State of New York,known and designated as and byLots Nos. 201 to 203, both in-clusive and 278 to 282 both in-clusive on a certain map entitled,"Map of Port Jefferson Square,"and filed in the Offic e ofthe Clerkof the County of Suffolk on Novem-ber 15, 1907 as Map No. 324.Dated: December 28, 1965

RICHARD SAUSEAttorney for PlaintiffOffice &, P.O. Address

5 Robinson StreetShoreham, New York

X.I. ADVANCE #3461 - 1/6 -1/27)

NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids will be receivedby

the Town Board of the Town ofIslip, at the Town Hall, 655Main Street, Islip, New York,until 2:30 P.M., PrevailingTime, on Jan. 18, 1966, for thefurnishing of all labor, materialsand equipment for the followingContract In conjunction with By-ron Lake Park, Phase "B" De-velopment at Oakdale, New York:

CONTRACT NO. B-l -CLEARING & GRUBBINGAt the above specified time

and place, bids will be publiclyopened and read. The Town re-serves the right to waive any in-formalities in, to reject any orall bids, or to award the Con-tract to such Bidder who.intiwirJudgment, makes the most ad-vantageous proposal.

Each bid must be made on theform furnished by the Town, andmust be accompanied by a bidbond or certified check for a sumof at least equal to five per cent(5%) of the total amount of thebid, made payable to the Town ofIslip, said check to be forfeitedto the Town as liquidated damagesin case of failure of the success-ful bidder to enter Into a Contractfor the execution ot the workwithin ten days after writtennotice from the Town so todo hasbeen mailed to the Bidder's ad-dress as stated in his proposal.

Plans, Specifications and In-formation for Bidders may be ob-tained on the deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each setfurnished, at the office of theTown Clerk, and at the office ofthe Consulting Engineers,HOLZ -MACHER , McLENDON & MUR-RELL, 500 Broad HoUow Road,MelvillesNewYork. Deposits willbe returaed upon return of plansand specifications in good con-dition within ten (10) days ofabove date.

Since time is of the essenceof this project, the attention otbidders Is directed to the com-pletion date as set forth In theoffic ial Proposal Form. Biddersshould bear in mind that it is theintention of the District to com-pel the Contractor to adhere tothe completion schedule.Dated: Dec. 28, 1965Islip, New York

(Signed) Frederick Pfifferllng,Ibwn Clerk


TOWN OF ISLIP(L.I. ADVANCE #3473 -1/6-1/13)


Bids will be received and pub-licly opened by the Director ofPurchase, Suffolk County Center,Riverhead, New York for thefollowing materials on the fol-lowing dates:EACH MONDAY IN 1966*

11:00 A.M. Meats, Poultry,Produce, Groceries, Coffee.Flshand Dairy Products.* EXCEPT Legal Holidays, inwhich case it will be Tuesday,the following day.Definite specifications for theabove items may be obtained atthe Office of the Director otPurchase.

Stewart P. MitmanDirector of Purchase

12/29)ADVANCE *3474 - l/6 -

SUPRE.ME COURTOF THESTATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK- - -XIn the Matter of tlie Pe-tition of the COUNTY OFSUFFOLK tor the purposeof acquiring the real prop-erties (Fourth Taking) forthe Construction of NIC-OLLS ROAD, PART 2 C.R.97, (from Montauk High-way to Portion Road, C.R.19) ae acontrolled-accesshighway in the Towns ofIsllp snd Brookhaven, Suf-folk Counry, New York .- - - - - - - - - - -X

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the undersigned will makeapplication on behalf of theCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK to theSupreme Court for the County ofSuffolk at Special Term thereof ,to be held at the County Court-house Riverhead , New York onthe 3rd day of February, 1966,at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoonof that day or as soon there-after, . as,..counsel can be, be»rd,for an Order to ascertain and

determine the compensation to

be made to the owners of theSal property to be acquiredin this proceeding pursuant toSe provisions of Chapter 190of the Laws of 1927 as aniendedas said real property is indicatedon certain maps filed in the Suf-folk County Clerk's Office onOctober 11 . 1965 under File Num-ber 131913 , said real propertybeing more particularly de-scribed as follows: (SEE ANNEXED DESCRIPTION)



(FOURTH TAKING)Town of lslip

Suffolk County. New YorkFiLE NO. 131913

COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - DE-PARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSCounty Road No. 97 Map No. 194Nicolls Road , Part 2

Parcel Nos. A, B and CTo be obtained from Frank J.Iny, Gourdji R. Masrl , SaiehR. Masrl , and Leah Siegel (re-puted owners).

All those pieces or parcels ofland situate in the Town of Islip,County of Suffolk , State of NewYork, for the construction ofNicolls Road, Part 2, CountyRoad No. 97, as shown on MapNo. 194, and described as fol-lows:Parcel "A " - Without right ofaccess to and from abutting prop-erty.

Beginning at a point on the ex-isting northerly boundary of Mon-tauk Highway, S. H. 5488 , saidpoint being N 56' 31 ' 27" E,a distance of 439.83 feet , mea-sured along the said existing nor-therly highway boundary from itsintersection with the division linebetween the property of FrankJ. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , SalehR. Masri and Leah Siegel (re-puted owners) on the east , andthe property of Frank I. Iny andOthers (reputed owners) on thewest , said point also being 314.23 feet distanct westerly, mea-sured radially from Station5+40.33 of the survey centerline established for the construc-tion of Nicolls Road, Part 2 ,County Road No. 97/ thencethrough the property 'of FrankJ. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , SaiehR. Masrl and Leah Siegel (re-puted owners), along the pro-posed taking line without access ,the fol lowing seven courses: (1)N 17*27'31 * W 46.82 feet to apoint, said point being 3l2.40feetdistant westerly , measured radi-ally from Station 5+81.98 of thesaid survey center line, (2) N56*31 *27" E 157.52 feet to epoint, said poLnt being 179.37feet distant westerly, measuredradially from Station 6*12.96 ofthe said survey center line, (3)northerly, on a curve to theleft having a radius of 146.46feet , a distance of 183.27feet to a point, said point being75.00 feet distant westerly, mea-sured radially from Station 7+41.98 of the said survey center line,(4) northerly, on a curve to theright having a radius cf 2366.83feet, a distance of 612.80 feet toa point, said point being 75.00feet distant westerly, measuredat right angles from Station13+35.36 of the said survey centerline, (5) N 0*20'06" W, 254.76feet to a point, said point being75.00 feet distant westerly, mea-sured at right angles from Sta -tion 15190.12 of the said sur-vey center line, (6) northeily,on a curve to the left having aradius of 5654.58 feet, a dis-tance of 1289.78 feet to a point,said point being 75.00 feet dis-tant westerly, measured radiallyfrom Station 28+97.00 of the saidsurvey center line, and (7) north-westerly, on a curve to the lefthaving a radius of 62.48 feet, adistance of 85.22 feet to a pointon the existing southerly boun-dary of Purick Street, Town ofIslip (reputed owner), said pointbeing 124.31 feet distant wes-terly, measured radially fromStation 29t59.50 of the said sur-vey center line; thence N 88*26 45" E along the said exisitingsoutherly boundary of PurickStreet , Town of Islip (reputedowner) and proposed taking linewithout access, 90.01 feet to apoint on the division line be-tween the property of Frank J .Iny, Gourdji R. Ma srl, Saleh R.Masrl and Leah Siegel (reputedowners) on the west, and theproperty oi Long Island Light-ing Co. (reputed owner) on theeast , said point being marked bya stake and 36.40 feet distantwesterly, measured radiallyfrom Station 29+ 39,94 of the saidsurvey center line: thence alongthe last mentioned division lineand proposed taking line withoutaccess, the following threecourses: (1) S 34* 31'09" E,478.17 feet to a point, said pointbeing marked by a concretemonument and 149.56 feet dis-tant easterly, measured radiallyfrom Station 25+03.55 of the saidsurvey center line,(2)S0 420'06"E, 1282.50 teet to a point, saidpoint being marked by a monu-ment and 73.02 feet distant east-erly, measured radially fromStation 12+37.79 of the said sur-vey center line, and (3) S 0"49'38" E 635.26 feet to a pointon the first mentioned existingnortherly boundary of MontaukHighway, S. H. 5488, said pointbeing 36.79 feet distant westerly,measured radially from Station6+04.92 of the said survey cen-ter line; thence S 56* 31' 27" walong the said existing northerlyboundary of Montauk Highway,S.H. 5488, and proposed takingline without access, 286.00 feetto the point of beginning, con-taining 371,205 square feet moreo4- less, or 8.522 acres more orless.Parcel "B" - With right of access

Beginning at a point on theexisting northerly boundary ofMontauk Highway, S. H. 5488at its intersection with the _!.vision line between the propertycf Frank Iny, Gourdji R. M(,8rjSaieh Masrl and Leah Siegel(reputed owrers) on tne eastand property of Frank Iny andOthers (reputed owners) on thewest, said point being 744.01feet distant westerly measuredradially from Station 4+64.12of the survey center line estab-lished for the construction otNicolls Road , Part 2 , CountyRoad No. 97i thence N 0* 53'53"W along thrf said division lineand proposed taking line withaccess, 53.39 feet to a pointsaid point being 725.10 feet dis-tant westerly, measured radi-ally from Station 5t0l,93 oi thesaid survey center line; thenceN 56' 31 '27" E along the pro-posed taking line with access,through the property of FrankIny, Gourdji R. Masri , SalehMasri and Leah Siegel (reputedowners), 424.00 feet to a pointon the proposed taking line with-out access, said point being312,40 feet distant westerly,measured radially from Station5+-81.98 of the said survey cen-ter linej thence S 17*27'3l'E along the said proposed tak-ing line w ithout access, 46.82feet to a point on the first men-tioned existing northerly boun-dary of Montauk Highway, S.H.5488, said point being 314.23feet distant westerly, measuredradially from Station 5+40.33 ofthe said survey center line,thence S 56* 31 '27" tt along thesaid existing northerly boundaryof Montauk Highway, S. H. 5488,439.83 feet to the point of be-ginning, containing 19,433 squarefeet more or less, or 0.446acre more or less.Parcel'C" - Easement

Beginning at a point on theexisting southerly boundary ofPurick Street, Town of Islip (re-puted owner), said point beingS 88'26'45' W , a distance of90.01 feet , measured along thesaid existing street boundaryfrom a stake at the intersectionof the said existing street boun-dary with the division line be-tween the property of Frank J,Iny, Gourdji R. Masri , SalehR. Masri , and Leah Siegel (re-puted owners) on the west, andthe property of Long Island Light*ing Co. (reputed owner) on theeast, said point also being 124.31feet distant westerly, measuredradially from Station 29+59.50of the survey center line estab-lished for the construction oiNicolls Road , Part 2, CountyRoad No. 97; thence throughthe property of Frank J. Iny,Gourdji R. Masri , Saleh R.Masrl, and Leah Siegel (reputedowners), along the proposed tak-ing line without access, the fol-lowing six courses: (1) south-easterly, on a curve to the righthaving a radius of 62.48 feet,a distance of 85.22 feet toapoln t,said point being 75.00 feet dis-tant westerly, measured at rightangles from Station 28+97.00 ofthe said survey center line, (2)southerly, on a curve to the righthaving a radius of 5654.58 feet,a distance of 1289.78 feet to»point, said point being 75.00 feetdistant westerly, measured itright angles from Station15+90.12 of the said survey cen-ter line, (3) S 0*20'06" E, 254.76feet to a point, said point being75.00 feet distant westerly, mea-sured at right angles from Sta-tion 13+35.36 of the said sur-vey center line, (4) southerly,on a curve to the left , havinga radius of 2366.83 feet , a dis-tance of 612.80 feet to a point,said point being 75.00 feet dis-tant westerly, measured radiallyfrom Station 7+41.98 of the saidsurvey center line, (5) southerly,on a curve to the right, havinga radius of 146.46 feet , a dis-tance of 183.27 feet to a point,said point being 179,37 feet dis-tant westerly, measured radiallyfrom Station 6+12.96 of the saidsurvey center line, and (6) S56'31'27" W, 13.84 feet to apoint on the proposed easementline, said point being 192.74 feetdistant westerly , measured radi-ally from Station 6+09.64 of thesaid survey center line; thencealong the saidproposed easementline, through the property olFrank J. Iny, Gourdji R. Masri ,Salsh R. Masri, and Leah Siegel(reputed o'Wicrs), the followingseven courses: (1) northerly,on a curve to the left having &radius of 151.04 feet , a distanceof 189.00 feet to a point, saidpoint being 85.00 teet distantwesterly, measured radiallyfrom Station 7+41.98 of the saidsurvey center line, (2) northerly,on a curve to the right- havinga radius of 2376.83 feet, a dis-tance of 615.39 feet to a point, saidpoint being 85.00 feet distantwesterly, measured at rightangles from Station 13+35.36 ofthe said survey center line, (3)N 0' 20'06" W , 254.76 feet to apoint, said point being 85.00 feetdistant westerly, measured atright angles from Station15+90.12 of the said surveycenter line, (4) northerly, on acurve to the left having a radiusof 5644.58 feet , a distance of1000.00 feet to a point, saidpoint being 85.00 feet distantwesterly, measured radiallyfrom Station 26+05.17 of the saidsurvey center line, (5) N 19*46*52" W, 98.01 feet to a point,•aid point being 100.00 feet dis-tant westerly, measured radiallyfrom Station 2?+03.62 of the saidSurvey center line, (6) on a curveto the left having a radius of5029.58 feet, a distance of 190.00feet to a point, said point being100,00 feet distant westerly,measured radially from Station

(Continued on page 9)