congress of vienna early nineteenth century nationalists opposed congress of vienna did not allow...

Ch.20 The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815- 1832)

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Page 1: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Ch.20 The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815-


Page 2: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Congress of Vienna Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of

Vienna Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups Upheld monarchies and dynasties in its redistribution

The Challenges of Nationalism and Liberalism: Congress of Vienna

Page 3: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Liberal (defined by Conservatives)- anyone or anything that challenged their own political, social, or religious values

19th century liberals influenced by Enlightenment writers and French Revolution:

Desired: ◦ Legal Equality◦ Religious toleration ◦ Freedom of Speech◦ Economic Freedom (Adam Smith- Lassiez Faire)

Challenges Continued: Liberals

Page 4: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

19th Century Conservatism- dominated by monarchies, landed aristocracies, and established churches

These groups united over resistance to change Slow progress of nationalism and liberalism Austrian Prince Metternich (embodied conservatism) believed

that recognizing minority rights would destroy his empire Frederick II of Prussia- reneged on his pledge to create

constitutional government and resisted aspirations by German nationalists to dissolve conservative order

Students in Southern Germany React- Form student groups called Burschenschaften to address goal of unified Germany

Conservative Governments: The Domestic Political Order

Page 5: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Lord Liverpool focused on issued of elite and landowners instead of common citizen (this made them angry)

Coercion Act of March 1817- suspended the rights of habeas corpus and discouraged free speech.

Peterloo Massacre (1819)- Liberal crowd gathers in Manchester Saint Peter’s Fields. Militia moved in and crowd panics. 11 people die and several are injured

Six Acts- Designed at intimating agitators and limiting their free speech

England and Conservatism

Page 6: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Bourbon Restoration brought Louis XVIII to throne after Napoleon’s abdication.

Issues a constitution known as the Charter that gave monarch greater control over government leaders.

Maintained the Declaration of Rights and Man Citizen Did not challenge property rights of land confiscated by the

Aristocracy and Church Louis XVIII moderate charter angers royalists (conservatives) who

carry out attacks on Napoleon's allies 1820 Duke of Berri is assassinated. Royalists persecute liberal Louis XVIII responds with more repressive measures that gave

royalists and conservatives greater power

France and Conservatism

Page 7: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Concert of Europe- informal meetings with European powers after Congress of Vienna

1820- Concert begins failing with Spanish Ferdinand VII of Spain violates his promise to govern according to constitution

The Conservative International Order

Page 8: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

1820s- Revolution occurs in Naples and begins to spread across Italy

Worries Metternich (Austria) threatens to spread to Austria Metternich sought help to suppress movement from other

powers Protocol of Troppau- Russia, Prussia, (unofficially from France

and Britain)- agreement that stable governments could intervene in countries experiencing a Revolution to restore order

All interventions that occurred through the congress system sought to maintain the international order achieved after Congress Vienna

Conservatives and International Order Continued

Page 9: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Greek Revolution of 1821 1830 Fight for Serbian independence

◦ Demonstrated the growing issues of nationalism and liberalism Wars for Independence: Latin American countries cut ties

with European powers◦ Venezuela, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina

Movements for Independence

Page 10: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

Russian officers who fought Napoleon were exposed to ideas of Enlightenment grew sympathetic to reformists movements

Two Secret Societies were Formed: Northern and Southern Society Societies unite to carry out coup d'état in 1826 Decembrist Revolt- Russian army swear allegiance to new Tsar

Nicholas, Moscow regiment refused. Nicolas had artillery attack them

Symbolized to Russian liberals the oppressive conditions of life under tsars

Nicolas conservative authority when Poland nationalists agitated for change

Conservative Order Shaken in Russia

Page 11: Congress of Vienna  Early nineteenth century nationalists opposed Congress of Vienna  Did not allow for individual representation of ethnic groups

In 1830 Charles X was new King Favored aristocrats and ultra-loyalists Restored rule of primogeniture, supported the Catholic Church, and

gave special rights to the descendants of émigrés Liberals gained enough seats in the Chamber of Deputies in 1827 to

override some of Charles’s new Laws Elections of 1830 Charles attempted to seize power from Liberals July Monarchy- Parisians responded by staging massive protests Charles X turned troops against them Charles X fails and departs in August for exile Louis Philippe’s becomes king of France and focuses on his new role

Conservative Order Shaken in France