### building works

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  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works





    anoitacudeci lbup emotorpot redronI

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    JRK 20800 (2005) (English): Standard

    Specifications for Building Wors

  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works


  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works


  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works



    (2005 Edition)


    A Prelimin a rie s and G e neral Co n ditio n s A/1 A/16

    B Piling W o rk B/1 B/19

    C Excavation a nd Earth works C/1 C/6

    Co n c rete W o rk /1 /!9

    E Bric k w ork E/1 E/6

    " #oil ra inage "/1 "/6

    G $oo%in g W o rk G/1 G/!

    & Car'en tr() * o iner( and +ro n mong e r( W o rks &/1 &/1,

    + #tr-ct- ral #teel and .etal W o rks +/1 +/1

    * Plaster ing) Paving and 0iling W o rks */1 */1

    Wate r #-''l( Pl-m2ing) #anitar( and $ainwater /1 /13

    Goods +nstallation

    4 Gla5 ing Work 4/1 4/!

    . Painting W o rk ./1 ./3

    External W o rks /1 /19

    4ist o% #tand a rds a nd Cod e s o% Practice $e%err e d 0o +n 0his #' e c i%ic ation 1 9

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    ! S"o#$ o% Wo&'

    171 0he Works covered in this Contract com'rise the 'rovision 2( the Contractor at hisown risk and cost o% all materials) sca%%olding) tools) 'lant) la2o-r) trans'ort) water)

    light and ever(thing else necessar( %or the constr-ction and com'letion o%8

    all to the entire a''roval o% the #-'erintending %%icer hereina%ter re%erred to as the#77

    17: 0he Conditions o% Contract %or the Works which is em2odied in the "orm o% Contract;"orm PW :!/ "orm PW :!A< shall 2e read in con=-nction with this #'eci%ication7A co'( o% the "orm o% Contract is availa2le %or ins'ection on the 0ender 0a2le on an(working da( -' to the time a''ointed %or receiving tenders7 +% the tenderer considersthat an( o% the cla-ses o% the Contract involves ex'enses) he shall allow %or themone( val-e o% s-ch cla-ses in his 0ender7

    2! Lo"tion o% Sit$

    :71 0he #ite is located >

    *! Cont&"t Do"+,$nt

    !71 0he Contract oc-ments shall consist o%?;a< PW "orm o% Contract ;"orm PW :! $ev71/3! %or contract 2ased on

    #'eci%ication and rawings or "orm PW :!A $ev71/3! %or contract 2asedon @-antities

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    > &ighlight an( s'ecial restrictions7

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    ! S#$"i. P&o/iion to t$ Condition o% Cont&"t

    ,71 0he Contractors attention is drawn to the #'ecial Provisions to the Conditions o%Contract as listed in the PW "orm o% Contract7

    5! E1,intion o% T$nd$& Do"+,$nt nd iit o% Sit$

    71 0he Contractor is deemed to have %-ll( examined the 0ender oc-ments and havehad %-ll o''ort-nit( to consider the details therein and make ever( investigation inrelation thereto7

    7: An( discre'ancies in the 0ender oc-ments shall 2e re%erred in writing) as soon as'ossi2le and 2e%ore s-2mitting the tender) to the #77 who shall) i% necessar() amendor clari%( the matter 2( means o% a %ormal Addend-m to the 0ender oc-ments7 Aco'( o% the Addend-m will 2e iss-ed to ever( 0enderer and shall 2ecome 'art o% the0ender oc-ments7 $ecei't o% the Addend-m m-st 2e acknowledged on the %ormiss-ed with the Addend-m7

    7! 0he Contractor is deemed to have visited the #ite while 're'aring the tender toascertain %or himsel% the extent o% the work involved and the nat-re o% the workingconditions and make himsel% thoro-ghl( acD-ainted with an( site restrictions)o2str-ctions and all other details7

    7, 0he Contractors attention is drawn to the %act that no extra 'a(ment) extension o%time) right to damages or an( other concession conseD-ent -'on misinter'retation orlack o% knowledge will 2e considered7

    3! Ad4oinin P&o#$&t6

    671 Where the 'ro'ert( ad=oining the #ite is in constant -se 2( the Em'lo(er/ad=oining

    owners and occ-'iers) the Contractor shall arrange and carr( o-t the Works so as toca-se minim-m inter%erence or interr-'tion to the -se o% ad=oining 'ro'erties incl-dingroads) %oot'aths) other access and an( existing services thereto7 &e shall com'l( withall instr-ctions or directions given 2( the #77 in these matters7

    7! Good8 Mt$&i. nd Wo&',ni#

    71 .aterials and workmanshi' thro-gho-t the Works shall 2e in accordance with therawings and #'eci%ications and to the a''roval o% the #77

    7: Where goods) materials and workmanshi' are re%erred to) the a22reviations B#) CPor .#) re%erence is res'ectivel( made to the British #tandard) Codes o% Practice and

    .ala(sian #tandard and the( are to con%orm thereto -nless otherwise stated7 0hec-rrent edition at the date o% closing tender shall 2e re%erred to in each case7

    7! Wherever) in this #'eci%ications an( 'ro'rietar( goods or materials are s'eci%ied)goods or materials o% alternative man-%act-re ma( 2e considered %or acce'tance'rovided the( com'l( in all res'ect as regards to a''earance and D-alit() and area''roved 2( the #77

    7, +%) however) the Contractor has shown 2e(ond reasona2le do-2t that the s'eci%iedgoods or materials cannot 2e o2tained and the #77 is satis%ied with regard to thenonF availa2ilit( o% the goods and materials) the 2ene%it o% cost savings) i% an()res-lting %rom the Contractors 'ro'osal or s-2stit-tion o% goods or materials a''roved2( the #77) shall 2e ded-cted %rom the Contract #-m7

  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works


    9! U$ o% Lo". Mt$&i.

    371 0he Contractor shall -se locall( man-%act-red materials and goods as listed in the#enarai Bahan/ Barangan Binaan B-atan 0em'atan iss-ed 2( +$A. @A #ervices#dn7 Bhd7 and/ or #enarai Bahan/ Barangan B-atan 0em'atan iss-ed 2( #+$+. @A#ervices #dn7Bhd7) whichever is relevant7 +% the Contractor %ails to com'l( with this

    reD-irement) a 'enalt( shall 2e im'osed and/ or the materials s-''lied shall 2ere=ected7

    0he locall( man-%act-red materials and goods which are not listed a%oresaid) ma( 2e'ermitted i% the materials have 2een tested and certi%ied 2( +$A. @A #ervices#dn7Bhd7 or #+$+. @A #ervices #dn7Bhd7 whichever is relevant7 +% the testing cannot2e carried o-t 2( +$A. @A #ervices #dn7Bhd7 or #+$+. @A #ervices #dn7Bhd7) theContractor ma( a''l( and) s-2=ect to the a''roval o% the #7) carr( o-t the testing 2(other agencies!

    37: Hnder no circ-mstances will the Contractor 2e 'ermitted to incor'orate or s-''l(im'orted materials) 'lant) eD-i'ment) or other goods into the Works or %orming 'art o%the sco'e o% the Works exce't those a''roved 2( the Government) 'rior to the

    exec-tion o% the Contract7 0he Contractor shall s-2stit-te an( materials) 'lant)eD-i'ments) or other goods 'ro'osed to 2e im'orted 2-t not a''roved 2( theGovernment) with s-ita2le local materials) 'lant) eD-i'ment) or other goods) incl-dingmaking an( necessar( s-2seD-ential changes or ad=-stments to the design o% theWorks to accommodate s-ch s-2stit-tion) all to the conc-rrence o% the #77

    37! 0he Contractor shall ens-re that the 'roc-rement o% a''roved im'orted materials)'lant) eD-i'ment) or other goods are o2tained directl( %rom the co-ntr( o% origin 2asedon "ree n Board ;"77B< or other similar 2asis7 0he trans'ortation and ins-rance o%s-ch im'orted materials) 'lant) eD-i'ment) or other goods %rom the co-ntr( o% origin tothe #ite shall 2e arranged 2( the Contractor thro-gh a''roved Governments .-lti.odal 0rans'ort 'erators ;.0

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    117: +% the Government s-''lies s-ch material) the cost in res'ect thereo% to 2e 2orne 2(the Contractor shall 2e either the c-rrent market rates or the act-al cost to theGovernment) whichever is greater) 'l-s I on cost charges7

    117! 0he cost to 2e 2orne 2( the Contractor) as detailed a2ove) shall 2e ded-cted %rom an(mone( d-e or to 2ecome d-e to the Contractor -nder this Contract and the Contract

    #-m shall 2e ad=-sted accordingl(7

    117, o action 2( the #77 -nder this cla-se shall 2e deemed in an( wa( to a%%ect ormodi%( the right o% the Government to claim %or damages in the event o% theContractors %ail-re to com'lete the Works 2( the agreed date o% com'letion7

    2! S,#.$

    1:71 0he Contractor shall s-2mit sam'les o% materials or exec-te sam'les o% workmanshi'%or #77 s a''roval) and %or %-rther sam'les as reD-ired -ntil the sam'les s-2mittedor exec-ted are) in accordance with this #'eci%ication7

    1:7: #am'les) a%ter a''roval) shall indicate the standard o% materials and workmanshi' to2e maintained in the exec-tion o% the Works7

    *! Cont&"to&

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    materials) storage) 'acking) carriage and cartage) hoisting) all la2o-r) setting)%itting and %ixing in 'osition) -se o% 'lant) 'roviding o% s-s'ension)esta2lishment charges) 'ro%it and all other la2o-r and ever(thing elsenecessar( %or the d-e and 'ro'er com'letion o% each item7

    1,7:7: Where the tenderer leaves an( item 2lank in the Preliminaries or insert onl( a

    dash against an( item in this Bills o% @-antities the val-e thereo% shall 2edeemed to 2e incl-ded in the 'rices or rates o% other items therein7

    1,7:7! o -na-thori5ed alteration) addition or note entered in these Bills o%@-antities shall modi%( the 'rinted text7

    1,7:7, &eadings and notes a''earing shall not 2( itsel% 2e deemed to 2ecom'rehensive and do not modi%( the meaning o% the items in the Bills o%@-antities7

    1,7:7 An( rates %o-nd to 2e over'riced) inconsistentl( 'riced) -nder'riced orerroneo-sl( 'riced shall 2e s-2=ected to ad=-stment and recti%ication 2e%orethe signing o% the Contract and the a-thorit( to %ix the reasona2le rates/

    amo-nt shall 2e with the #77 0he amended rates shall 2e -sed %or com'-tingthe 'rogress 'a(ments and the meas-ring o% variations7

    1,7:76 Where D-antities in the Bills o% @-antities are marked 'rovisional) the worksshall 2e remeas-red on com'letion 2asing on rawings certi%ied as tr-e andcorrect re'resentation o% the com'leted works 2( the #77

    5! T$nd$&in P&ti"+.&

    171 0enders on the %orm s-''lied and d-l( %illed in shall 2e delivered within the time and tothe 'lace s'eci%ied on the '-2lished noti%ication7

    17: 0he lowest or an( tender shall not necessaril( 2e acce'ted and no claim %or an(ex'enses inc-rred in the 're'aration o% tender is allowed7

    3! Witd&?. o% T$nd$& Witin T$nd$& .idit6 P$&iod

    1671 +n the event that the tenderer withdraws his tender or %ails to sign the Contract -'onthe acce'tance o% his tender) whilst the tender validit( 'eriod remains en%orced)his registration as a Government Contractor shall 2e s-s'ended %or a 'eriod o% two ;: ;iii ;iv +nsert other item i% reD-ired7

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    !,7!717,0he Contractor shall 'rovide com'rehensive ins-rances to cover alldrivers and 'assengers) and ens-re that all road tax are validthro-gho-t the contract 'eriod7

    *!*!2 A&&n$,$nt %o& T&n#o&t nd Fi.+&$ to P&o/id$ T&n#o&t

    !,7!7:710he Contractor shall 'rovide the necessar( trans'ort %rom theo%%ice;s< o% the #7 or his sta%% or %rom designated 'ickF-' 'oints tothe #ite and vice versa as reD-ested 2( the #7 or his sta%%7 0hetrans'ort shall at all times 2e readil( availa2le %or the -se o% the #7and his sta%%7

    !,7!7:7:0he Contractor shall noti%( the relevant o%%icer sho-ld there 2e an(dela( in the 'ickF-' times7 +% the Contractor %ails to noti%( the dela( or%ails to 'rovide the reD-ired trans'ort) the o%%icer shall have the o'tionto arrange alternative trans'ort and the Contractor shall 2ear theex'enses and an a''ro'riate ad=-stment shall 2e made to theContract #-m7

    *5! S+&/$6 Int&+,$nt nd P$&onn$.

    !71 0he Contractor shall 'rovide %or the sole -se o% the #77 and his sta%% all s-chinstr-ments) eD-i'ment and s-rve( 'ersonnel as ma( 2e reD-ired to check theacc-rac( o% the setting o-t7 0he Contractor shall 2e res'onsi2le thro-gho-t theContract 'eriod %or all s-ch instr-ments) eD-i'ment and s-rve( 'ersonnel andshall ens-re that all instr-ments and eD-i'ment are at all times maintained in goodworking condition7

    *7! Wt"in

    !71 0he Contractor shall 'rovide all necessar( watching and lighting at all times %or thewhole 'eriod o% the Works7

    *9! C&$ nd P&ot$"tion

    !371 0he Contractor shall 'rovide and maintain ever(thing necessar( %or 'ro'er 'rotectiono% materials and Works %rom an( damage 2( weather) carelessness or otherwise7 An(damage ca-sed shall 2e made good to the a''roval o% the #77

    *:! S%$t6 On Sit$

    !971 0he Contractor shall s-''l() erect and maintain %or as long as is considerednecessar( adeD-ate %encing) hoarding) warning lam's and s-ch other sa%et(meas-res necessar( to ens-re the sa%et( o% the '-2lic and others who ma( 2e on orwithin the vicinit( o% the #ite7 Where reD-ired) the Contractor shall em'lo( acom'etent 'erson as sa%et( and health o%%icer and all sa%et( meas-res shall 2ecarried o-t in accordance with cc-'ational #a%et( and &ealth Act ;#&A< andrelevant local 2(Flaws7 0he Contractor shall 2e held solel( res'onsi2le %or allaccidents arising %rom an( negligence in this res'ect7

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    0! No,int$d S+;-"ont&"to&

    ,71 0he Contractor shall allow in his tender 'rice %or attendance and %acilities -'on allominated #-2Fcontractors7 #-ch attendance and %acilities shall incl-de the %ollowing?

    ;i< Ascertaining %rom ominated #-2Fcontractors all 'artic-lars relating to their

    work in regard to si5es and 'ositions in which chases) holes) mortices) etc7are reD-ired to 2e %ormed or le%t7

    ;ii< .aking good o% walls) ceilings) %loors) roo%s) etc7 and %inishes thereto incl-dingto-ching -' o% all 'aintwork necessitated) damaged or dist-r2ed 2( theominated #-2Fcontractors work7

    ;iii< #-''l(ing all setting o-t in%ormation7

    ;iv< Giving all necessar( dimensions and taking res'onsi2ilit( %or their acc-rac(7

    ;v< A%%ording %ree and %-ll -se o% standing sca%%olding whilst it remains erected onthe


    ;vi< A%%ording %ree and %-ll -se o% storage accommodation %or materials) eD-i'mentand 'lant which are %or incor'oration into the Works and/or which reD-ire'rotection against weather and deterioration) messrooms) sanitar( andwel%are %acilities7

    ;vii< Providing site s'ace onl( %or ominated #-2Fcontractors tem'orar( o%%ice)worksho's) workmens accommodation and storage o% materials) tools) 'lantand eD-i'ment which are not %or incor'oration into the Works and notreD-iring 'rotection against weather or deterioration7

    ;viii< Providing tem'orar( water s-''l() electric 'ower s-''l() arti%icial lighting and

    'a(ing all %ees and charges %or %-el) water and electricit( cons-med7

    ;ix< 4iaising with the relevant s-''l(/service a-thorities %or the ex'editio-sinstallation o% the connections %or 'ermanent water and electricit( s-''lies inthe Works making availa2le s-ch s-''lies to the ominated #-2Fcontractorsand 'a(ing all %ees and charges %or s-ch installation) de'osits %or s-chs-''lies/services on 2ehal% o% the Government7 All s-ch 'a(ments made)shall 2e reim2-rsed to the Contractor on 'rod-ction o% recei'ted 2ills7

    ;x< Providing com'etent 'ersonnel in com'liance with the Electricit( $eg-lations199, to take res'onsi2ilit( %or the o'eration o% the electrical installation %romthe time the 'ermanent electricit( s-''l( is made availa2le -ntil testing)commissioning and handing over o% the Works7

    ;xi< Protecting) watching and taking %-ll res'onsi2ilit( %or all ominated #-2Fcontractors work and -n%ixed materials and goods intended %or -se thereon7

    ;xii< $emoving r-22ish and de2ris o%% the #ite and cleaning the Works internall(and externall(7

    ,7: +t is deemed that the ominated #-2Fcontractor shall incl-de in the #-2Fcontract #-m)inter alia) the costs in connection with the %ollowing?

    ;a< Hnloading) getting in) storing and all handling and hoisting o% these materials)'lant and tools into reD-ired 'ositions7

    ;2< Providing) erecting) maintaining and removing o% all his tem'orar( o%%ice)worksho's and workmens accommodation incl-ding 'a(ing all assessmentand

  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works



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    other charges7

    ;c< Connecting to tem'orar( water and 'ower s-''lies made availa2le 2( theContractor %or the exec-tion o% the Works) s-''l(ing and r-nning distri2-tion'i'es) hoses) ca2les) leads) electrical gear) etc7 2-t excl-ding 'a(ment %orwater and electricit( cons-med7

    ;d< Provision o% %-el) gas) steam) oil l-2ricants) chemicals and ever(thing elsenecessar( ;other than water and electricit(< %or the test r-nning andcommissioning o% the #-2Fcontract Works7

    ;e< An( sca%%olding) staging) etc7 that are reD-ired %or the #-2Fcontract Works notcovered 2( 'aragra'h ,71;v< a2ove7

    ! No,int$d S+##.i$&

    ,171 0he Contractor shall allow in his tender) 'rice %or attendance -'on all ominated#-''liers which is to incl-de taking deliver() -nloading) setting in) checking and

    acce'ting deliver() ret-rning em'ties) handling) storing and hoisting o% thematerials/goods s-''lied 2( the ominated #-''liers7 Packing and carriage to #iteshall 2e 2orne 2( the ominated #-''lier -nless s'eci%icall( stated to the contrar(7

    2! Wo&' P&o&,,$

    ,:71 Exce't where the works 'rogramme is %-rnished 2( the Government in the tenderdoc-ment) the Contractor shall within 1, da(s a%ter the recei't o% the 4etter o%Acce'tance o% 0ender) s-2mit to the #7 %or his a''roval) a 'rogramme -sing theCritical Path .ethod ;CP.< incl-ding co'ies o% all data on com'-ter medi-m and'rinted hard co'ies7 0he 'rogramme shall 2e 'resented in 2ar chart and networkdiagrams indicating the critical activities and inter%ace dates critical to com'lete the

    work on time7 0he Contractor shall 2e reD-ired to -'date all in%ormation andmaintain the 'lanned 'rogramme -sing the CP. weekl(/monthl( 2( trained andD-ali%ied 'ersonnel or as when instr-cted 2( the #77

    ,:7: Where the works 'rogramme is %-rnished 2( the Government in the tenderdoc-ments) the Contractor shall com'l( with s-ch works 'rogramme and 'rovide allthe necessar( reso-rces reD-ired as s'eci%ied in the 'rogramme7 Alternativel( theContractor ma( s-2=ect to the #7s a''roval) 'ro'ose an im'roved works 'rogrammewhich shall not exceed the contract 'eriod sti'-lated) also -sing CP. to denote all thecritical milestones %or the s-ccess%-l im'lementation and com'letion o% the 'ro=ect7

    ,:7! 0he Contractor shall also %-rnish in writing to the #7 or #7s re'resentative'artic-lars o% the Contractors method statements %or carr(ing o-t s-ch works and o%

    the constr-ction 'lant and tem'orar( works) i% an() which the Contractor intends tos-''l() -se or constr-ct as the case ma( 2e7 0he s-2mission to and a''roval 2( the#7 or the #7s re'resentative o% s-ch 'rogramme or the %-rnishing o% s-ch'artic-lars shall not relieve the Contractor o% an( o% his d-ties or res'onsi2ilities -nderthe Contract7

    ,:7, +% at an( time it sho-ld a''ear to the #7 that the act-al 'rogress o% the Works doesnot con%orm to the a''roved works 'rogramme) the Contractor shall s-2mit %ora''roval) a revised 'rogramme showing the modi%ications to the 'revio-sl( a''roved'rogramme and additional reso-rces necessar( to ens-re the com'letion o% the wholeWorks within the time set %or com'letion7

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    *! Cont&+"tion P.n (C-P.n)

    ,!71 +n addition to the works 'rogramme the Contractor shall within 1, da(s a%ter therecei't o% 4etter o% Acce'tance) s-2mit in writing to the #7) the %ollowing in%ormation%or the 're'aration o% Constr-ction Plan7

    ;i< Contractors organisation chart which shall show the sta%% involved) incl-dingtheir relationshi' and inter%acings %or s-ccess%-l im'lementation o% the 'ro=ect7

    ;ii< 4ist o% d-ties and res'onsi2ilities o% each mem2er o% the Contractors 'ro=ectteam as shown in the organisation chart in item ;i

  • 7/25/2019 ### Building Works


    2( the #77 0he Contractor shall leave the #ite in a clean and tid( manner -'oncom'letion7

    ,67, o 2-rning o% r-22ish) constr-ction waste and de2ris) etc) shall 2e allowed -nlessnecessar( a''roval %rom the irector General o% the e'artment o% Environment has2een o2tained7

    ,67 Be%ore handing over the Works to the #77) the Contractor shall scr-2 all %loors)'avings) staircases etc7 and clean o-t all g-tters) g-lle(s) manholes) s-m's anddrains7 0he Contractor shall also clean all glass 'anes and leave ever( 'art o% thecom'leted Works incl-ded in this Contract in a clean) so-nd and tid( condition to thea''roval o% the #77

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    17 G$n$&.

    171 Hnless otherwise s'eci%ied) all 'iling shall con%orm in all res'ects to B# 3,7 Allmaterials and workmanshi' %or 'iling shall 2e in accordance with the a''ro'riatesections o% this #'eci%ication7

    :7 Soi. In/$tition R$#o&t

    :71 An( in%ormation and re'ort on soil investigation %or the Works made availa2le totenderers are intended %or g-idance onl(7 0he #77 shall not 2e res'onsi2le %or thesco'e) com'leteness or acc-rac( o% the in%ormation) or %or an( o'inion or concl-siongiven in the re'ort7

    !7 To.$&n"$

    !71 #etting o-t

    #etting o-t shall 2e carried o-t %rom the main grid lines o% the 'ro'osed str-ct-re7+mmediatel( 2e%ore installation o% the 'ile) the 'ile 'osition shall 2e marked withs-ita2le identi%ia2le 'ins) 'egs or markers7

    !7: Position

    "or a 'ile c-tFo%% at or a2ove gro-nd level) the maxim-m 'ermitted deviation o% the 'ilecentre %rom the centre 'oints shown in the rawings shall not exceed mm in an(

    direction7 "or a 'ile c-t o%% 2elow gro-nd level) an increase in this tolerance is'ermitted in accordance with cla-ses !7! and !7, herein 2elow7

    !7! Lerticalit(

    0he maxim-m 'ermitted deviation o% the %inished 'ile %rom the vertical shall 2e 1 in7

    !7, $ake

    0he 'iling rig shall 2e set and maintained to attain the reD-ired rake7 0he maxim-m'ermitted deviation o% the %inished 'ile %rom the s'eci%ied rake or the rake shown in therawings shall 2e 1 in :7

    !7 "orci2le correction

    "orci2le correction to concrete 'iles shall not 2e 'ermitted7 "orci2le corrections ma(2e 'ermitted to other t('es o% 'iles onl( i% a''roved 2( the #77 &owever) no %orci2lecorrection shall 2e made to 'iles which have deviated 2e(ond the 'ermissi2le limitss'eci%ied in cla-ses !7:) !7! and !7,7

    !76 Piles o-t o% Alignment or Position

    0he Contractor shall) i% ordered 2( the #77) extract and reinstall an( 'ile which hasdeviated o-t o% 'osition or alignment 2( more than the s'eci%ied limit) or alternativel(the s-2str-ct-re shall 2e modi%ied to the a''roval o% the #77 0he cost o% s-ch

    extraction and reinstallation) or an( extra cost in the design and constr-ction o% amodi%ied %o-ndation

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    shall 2e 2orne 2( the Contractor) i%) in the o'inion o% the #77) s-ch extra work has2een made necessar( d-e to the incom'etenc( and/or negligence o% the Contractor7

    ,7 Pi.in P&o&,,$

    ,71 0he Contractor shall s-2mit to the #77 his 'ro'osed 'rogramme %or the exec-tion o%the 'iling work at least seven ;< da(s 2e%ore commencement o% the Work7 +n addition)the Contractor shall in%orm the #77 dail( o% the 'rogramme o% 'iling %or the %ollowingworking da( and shall give adeD-ate notice o% his intention to work o-tside workingho-rs) i% this has alread( 2een a''roved 2( the #77

    7 R$"o&d

    71 0he Contractor shall kee' records o% 'artic-lars as listed in 0a2le 1 hereo% %or each'ile installed) and shall s-2mit two ;:< signed co'ies o% these records to the #77 notlater than noon o% the next working da( a%ter the 'ile was installed7 0he signed recordsshall %orm 'art o% the records %or the Works7

    7: An( -nex'ected driving condition shall 2e noted in the records7

    67 N+in"$ nd D,$

    671 oise and ist-r2ance

    0he Contractor shall take all necessar( 'reca-tion in carr(ing o-t the work so as tominimise noise and dist-r2ance d-ring driving7

    67: amage to Ad=acent #tr-ct-res) Htilities

    67:71 0he ContractorMs attention is s'eciall( drawn to his res'onsi2ilities -nder thecla-se amage to Pro'ert( o% the Conditions o% Contract7 0he Contractor isdeemed to have %amiliarised himsel% with the risks likel( to 2e im'osed onad=acent str-ct-res and all -tilities 2( the 'ro'osed method o% 'iling7

    67:7: Be%ore commencing an( 'iling work) the Contractor shall accom'an( the #77on a site ins'ection in order to consider an( circ-mstances which ma(indicate the 'resence o% -ndergro-nd mains and services at or in the vicinit(o% the #ite7 +%) d-ring exec-tion o% the Work) damage is or is likel( to 2eca-sed to an( -tilities or ad=acent str-ct-res) the Contractor shall s-2mit tothe #77 his 'ro'osals %or re'air or avoidance o% s-ch damage7

    7 D,$ to Pi.$

    71 0he Contractor shall exec-te the Work in s-ch a manner so as to minimise damage to'iles7

    7: All 'iles damaged d-ring handling) trans'orting) 'itching) driving or at an( other timeshall 2e re'laced 2( the Contractor at his own ex'ense7

    37 S%$t6 P&$"+tion

    371 0he Contractor shall take sa%et( 'reca-tions thro-gho-t the 'iling o'eration inaccordance with the reD-irements o% the relevant laws and 2(Flaws7

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    97 D$%inition

    971 Preliminar( Pile

    A 'reliminar( 'ile is a 'ile installed 2e%ore the commencement o% the main 'iling work%or the '-r'ose o% esta2lishing the driving criteria %or s-2seD-ent working 'iles and

    %or con%irming the adeD-ac( o% the design) dimensions and 2earing ca'acit(7 0his 'ileshall 2e treated as a working 'ile -nless otherwise directed 2( the #77

    97: Working Pile

    A working 'ile is a 'ile which is installed as 'art o% the 'ermanent %o-ndationwork7

    97! Hltimate 4oad

    97!71 Where 'ile test is carried o-t) the Hltimate 4oad is de%ined as the constantload at which the 'ile contin-es to settle at a stead( rate) or the load at whichthe maxim-m settlement o% the 'ile d-ring one contin-o-s loading c(cle is one

    tenth o% the 'ile 2ase diameter or least dimension) whichever is the lesser7

    97!7: Where a 'ile test is not carried o-t) the Hltimate 4oad is de%ined as thecalc-lated

    Hltimate 4oad) derived %rom a''ro'riate static 2earing ca'acit( calc-lations7

    97, esign 4oad

    97,71 0he esign 4oad shall 2e de%ined in relation to a 'ile loaded in isolation)witho-t near2( 'iles 2eing loaded) exce't those 'roviding test reaction7

    97,7: Where the Hltimate 4oad is meas-red 2( means o% 'ile tests) the esign 4oadis the Hltimate 4oad divided 2( the s'eci%ied %actor o% sa%et(7

    97,7! Where the Hltimate 4oad is not meas-red 2( means o% 'ile tests) the esign4oad is the lesser o% the %ollowing?F

    ;a< the calc-lated -ltimate load %or the 'ile divided 2( the s'eci%ied %actoro% sa%et(7

    ;2< the calc-lated -ltimate load o% the 'ile 2ase together with thecalc-lated sha%t adhesion) as derived %rom a''ro'riate static 2earingca'acit( calc-lations) divided 2( a %actor o% sa%et( o% !77

    97 "actor o% #a%et(

    Hnless otherwise stated in the rawings) the "actor o% #a%et( shall 2e taken as notless than :7 %or 'iles in com'ression) and not less than !7 %or 'iles in tension7

    976 Working 4oad

    0he Working 4oad is the esign 4oad modi%ied to allow %or gro-' e%%ect) 'ile s'acingor an( other %actors changing the e%%icienc( o% the total %o-ndation %rom that o% asingle isolated 'ile) and is at least eD-al to the dead 'l-s im'osed loads on the 'iletogether with downdrag or -'li%t loads as a''ro'riate7

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    TABLE - ( R$%! C.!5!- S$"tion B!)


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    17 G$n$&.

    171 0he materials and the man-%act-re o% 'recast rein%orced concrete 'iles shall com'l(

    with.# 1!1,7

    :7 R$in%o&"$,$nt

    :71 0he main rein%orcing 2ars in 'iles not exceeding 1:m in length shall 2e in onecontin-o-s length -nless otherwise a''roved 2( the #77

    :7: +n 'iles exceeding 1:m long) =oints shall 2e 'ermitted in main longit-dinal 2ars at 1:mnominal intervals7 *oints in ad=acent 2ars shall 2e staggered at least 1m a'art alongthe length o% the 'ile7 *oints shall 2e 2-ttFwelded as s'eci%ied in #EC0+ ?CC$E0E W$7 ther means o% =ointing rein%orcement) s-ch as 2( means o%

    mechanical co-'lings) shall 2e to the a''roval o% the #77

    !7 Pi.$ So$

    !71 0he t('e o% 'ile shoes to 2e -sed shall 2e as shown in the rawings and shall com'l(with the %ollowing as relevant?F

    ;a< ChilledFhardened cast iron shoes as -sed %or making gre( iron castings to B#1,: Grade 1 or

    ;2< .ild steel to B# 663) B# E 1:9) B#E 11 or

    ;c< Cast steel to B# !1) Grade A7

    !7: .ild steel stra's cast into the shoes shall 2e as shown in the rawings7 $ock shoeswhere reD-ired) shall consist o% wro-ght iron shoes and mild steel stra's cast intochilledF hardened cast iron 2locks) as shown in the rawings7

    ! S+##.6 o% Pi.$

    ,71 0he Contractor shall onl( -se 'recast concrete 'iles s-''lied 2( a''rovedman-%act-rers7 Be%ore the commencement o% 'iling work) the Contractor shall noti%(the #7 the name o% the man-%act-rers7

    5! P&od+"tion o% Pi.$ t Sit$

    71 +n an( area or condition where s-''l( o% 'iles is not 'ractica2le) the #77 ma( allowthe Contractor to make arrangement and 'rod-ce the 'iles o% the same or 2etterD-alit( at the constr-ction site7

    7: Piles made %rom rdinar( Portland Cement shall 2e ke't dam' %or a 'eriod o% at leastten ;1< da(s a%ter casting7 #ide %orms shall not 2e stri''ed less than three ;!< da(sa%ter casting7 A%ter 1, da(s) 'iles ma( 2e li%ted and removed to a s-ita2le stackingarea 2-t the( shall not 2e driven -ntil the( are at least :3 da(s old7

    7! "or 'iles made %rom $a'id &ardening Cement) the a2ove 'eriods ma( 2e modi%ied as

    a''roved 2( the #77


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    3! M&'in8 nd.in nd Sto&$ o% Pi.$

    671 A%ter a 'ile has 2een cast) the date o% casting) re%erence n-m2er) and the length shall2e clearl( marked with indeleta2le marker on the to' s-r%ace and on the head o% the'ile7 +n addition) each 'ile shall 2e marked at intervals o% !mm along its length2e%ore 2eing driven7

    67: 0he method and seD-ence o% li%ting) handling) trans'orting and storing 'iles shall 2es-ch that 'iles are not damaged7 nl( the designed li%ting and s-''ort 'oints shall 2e-sed7 -ring trans'ort and storage) 'iles shall 2e 'laced on adeD-ate s-''ortslocated -nder the li%ting 'oints o% the 'iles7

    67! All 'iles within a stack shall 2e in gro-'s o% the same length7 Packings o% -ni%ormthickness shall 2e 'rovided 2etween 'iles at the li%ting 'oints7

    7 To.$&n"$ in Pi.$ Di,$nion

    71 0he crossFsectional dimensions o% the 'ile shall not 2e less than those shown in the

    rawings) and shall not exceed them 2( more than 6mm7

    7: An( %ace o% a 'ile shall not deviate 2( more than 6mm %rom a straight edge !m longlaid on the %ace) and the centroid o% an( crossFsection o% the 'ile shall not deviate 2(more than 1:mm %rom the straight line connecting the centroids o% the end %aces o%the 'ile7

    37 L$nt o% Pi.$

    371 0he length o% a 'ile shall 2e taken to mean the overall length meas-red %rom the ti' o%the shoe to the to' o% the head7 0he length o% 'iles shall 2e to the a''roval o% the #77Based on the res-lts o% 'ile driving resistance and/or load tests carried o-t on 'iles

    driven on the #ite) the #77 ma() %rom time to time) order the lengths o% 'iles to 2emodi%ied7

    97 Pit"in nd D&i/in

    971 riving ED-i'ment

    0he driving eD-i'ment to 2e -sed shall 2e o% s-ch t('e and ca'acit( to the a''roval o%the #77 +% a dro' hammer is -sed) it shall 2e o% a %ree %all t('e) and the weight o% thehammer shall 2e as s'eci%ied in B# 3,7 "or driving 'iles o% si5es smaller than:mm) diesel hammer shall not 2e -sed7

    97: Pitching o% Piles

    Piles shall 2e 'itched acc-ratel( in the 'ositions as shown in the rawings7 At allstages d-ring driving and -ntil the 'ile has set or 2een driven to the reD-ired length)all ex'osed 'iles shall 2e adeD-atel( s-''orted and restrained 2( means o% leaders)trestles) tem'orar( s-''orts or other g-ide arrangements to maintain 'osition andalignment) and to 'revent 2-ckling and damage to the 'iles7

    97! riving o% Piles

    97!71 Each 'ile shall 2e driven contin-o-sl( -ntil the s'eci%ied set and/or de'th has2een reached7 &owever) the #77 ma( 'ermit the s-s'ension o% driving i% he issatis%ied that?

    a< the rate o% 'enetration 'rior to the cessation o% driving will 2es-2stantiall( reFesta2lished on its res-m'tion) or

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    97!7: A %ollower ;long doll(< shall not 2e -sed %or driving end 2earing 'iles7 +t ma( 2e-sed %or driving %rictional 'iles with the 'rior a''roval o% the #77

    97!7! 0he Contractor shall in%orm the #77 witho-t dela( i% an -nex'ected change indriving characteristics is enco-ntered7

    97!7, Where reD-ired 2( the #77) the set shall 2e taken at a''roved intervalsd-ring the driving to esta2lish the 2ehavio-r o% the 'iles7 A set shall 2e takenonl( in the 'resence o% the #77 -nless otherwise a''roved7 0he Contractorshall 'rovide all %acilities to ena2le the #77 to check driving resistance7

    97!7 $edrive checks) i% reD-ired) shall 2e carried o-t in accordance with ana''roved 'roced-re7

    97, Pile riving 4og

    A detailed record o% the driving resistance over the %-ll length o% each 'ile shall 2eke't7 0he log shall record the n-m2er o% 2lows %or ever( !mm o% 'ile 'enetration7

    97 "inal #et

    9771 0he %inal set o% a 'ile other than a %riction 'ile) shall 2e recorded either as the'enetration in millimetres 'er 1 2lows or as the n-m2er o% 2lows reD-ired to'rod-ce a 'enetration o% :mm7

    977: When a %inal set is 2eing meas-red) the %ollowing reD-irements shall 2e met?F

    a< 0he ex'osed 'art o% the 'ile shall 2e in good condition) witho-t

    damageor distortion

    2< 0he doll( and 'acking shall 2e in so-nd condition

    c< 0he hammer 2low shall 2e in line with the 'ile axis) and the im'acts-r%aces shall 2e %lat and at right angles to the 'ile and hammer axis

    d< 0he hammer shall 2e in good condition and o'erating correctl(

    e< 0he tem'orar( com'ression o% the 'ile shall 2e recorded7

    976 riving #eD-ence and $isen Piles

    Piles shall 2e driven in an a''roved seD-ence to minimise the detrimental e%%ects o%heave and lateral dis'lacement o% the gro-nd7 When reD-ired) levels and

    meas-rements shall 2e taken to determine the movement o% the gro-nd or an( 'ileres-lting %rom the driving 'rocess7 +% an( 'ile rise occ-rs as a res-lt o% ad=acent 'iles2eing driven) the Contractor shall s-2mit to the #77 his 'ro'osals %or correcting thisand to avoid the same in s-2seD-ent work7

    97 Pre2oring

    +% 're2oring is s'eci%ied) the 'ile shall 2e 'itched into a hole 're2ored to the de'thshown in the rawings) -nless otherwise instr-cted 2( the #77

    973 *etting

    *etting shall 2e carried o-t onl( when the Contractors detailed 'ro'osals have 2een

    a''roved) and not %or the last ! metre o% the reD-ired de'th o% 'enetration7

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    17 R$#i& nd L$nt$nin o% Pi.$

    171 $e'air o% amaged Pile &eads

    17171 amaged 'ile head shall 2e c-t o%% sD-are at so-nd concrete) and all loose'articles shall 2e removed 2( wire 2r-shing) %ollowed 2( washing with water7 +%

    the 'ile is to 2e s-2=ected to %-rther driving) the head shall 2e re'laced withconcrete o% an a''roved grade7 0he new head shall 2e cast tr-l( in line withthe remainder o% the 'ile) and 2e 'ro'erl( c-red and allowed to hardens-%%icientl( to develo' the strength necessar( %or %-rther driving7

    1717: +% a 'ile has 2een driven to the reD-ired set or de'th 2-t so-nd concrete o% the'ile is 2elow c-tFo%% level) the 'ile shall 2e made good to the c-tFo%% level withconcrete o% a grade not in%erior than that o% the concrete o% the 'ile7

    17: 4engthening o% Piles

    Where 'iles have to 2e lengthened) other than 2( means o% welding o% steel 'lates asdetailed in the rawings) the rein%orcement shall 2e stri''ed o% all s-rro-nding

    concrete %or a distance eD-al to , times the diameter o% the main rein%orcementmeas-red %rom the 'ile head %or s'liced =oints and !mm %or 2-tt welded =oints) andall lateral rein%orcement shall 2e removed7 0he lengthening 2ars shall 2-tt on theex'osed 2ars in tr-e alignment) and shall 2e 2-tt welded as s'eci%ied or shall 2es'liced with 2ars o% the same diameters as the main 'ile 2ars) 3 times diameter inlength and la''ing the main 2ars %or a distance o% , times diameter a2ove and 2elowthe =oint) and shall 2e sec-rel( 2o-nd with 176!mm so%t annealed iron wire7 ew2inders o% similar si5e shall 2e 'rovided and s'aced at hal% the centres o% the 2indersin the main 2od( o% the 'ile) and shall 2e sec-rel( 2o-nd with 176!mm diameter so%tannealed iron wire) and the 'ile extended 2( concreting in 'ro'erl( constr-ctedmo-nds to the length reD-ired7 #te's shall 2e taken to ens-re that the concrete at the=oint 2etween the old and the new concrete is not o% in%erior grade and D-alit( thanthat o% the concrete o% the 'ile7 0he extension shall 2e tr-l( in line with the remainder

    o% the 'ile) and 2e 'ro'erl( c-red and allowed to harden s-%%icientl( to develo' thestrength necessar( %or %-rther driving7

    17! riving $e'aired/4engthened Piles

    Piles which have 2een re'aired or lengthened 2( adding castFinsit- concrete ass'eci%ied in cla-ses 171 and 17: shall not 2e driven -ntil the added concrete hasreached the s'eci%ied strength o% the concrete %or the 'ile7

    117 C+ttin nd St&i##in o% Pi.$ $d

    1171 When a 'ile has 2een driven to the reD-ired set or de'th) the head o% the 'ile shall 2e

    c-t o%% to the level shown in the rawings or as instr-cted 2( the #77 0he length o%rein%orcing 2ars 'ro=ecting a2ove this level shall 2e as shown in the rawings7

    117: Care shall 2e taken to avoid cracking or otherwise damaging the rest o% the 'ile7Cracked or de%ective concrete shall 2e c-t awa( and made good with new concrete'ro'erl( 2onded to the old7

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    17 Pi.$ S$"tion nd Di,$nion

    171 All steel &F2earing 'iles shall com'l( with *+# A:6 with regards to 'ro%ile and

    tolerances and the steel shall com'l( with the reD-irements o% B# E 1: and B#,!67 0he 'ro%ile and grade to 2e -sed are as s'eci%ied or as shown in the rawings7

    :7 St&itn$ o% Pi.$

    :71 "or standard rolled 'ro%iles) the deviation %rom straightness in millimetres shall notexceed 17,;4F,7< where 4 is the length o% the 'ile in metres7

    :7: "or 'ro'rietar( sections made -' %rom rolled 'ro%iles) the deviation %rom straightnessshall not exceed 1/1 o% the length o% the 'ile7

    !7 St&$nt$nin o% Pi.$

    !71 Hnless otherwise a''roved 2( the #77) the strengthening o% the toe o% the 'ile in lie-o% a shoe or the strengthening o% the head o% a 'ile shall 2e made %rom material o% thesame grade as the 'ile and to the details as shown in the rawings7

    ,7 M&'in o% Pi.$

    ,71 Each 'ile shall 2e clearl( marked with white indeleta2le marking at the %langed headshowing its re%erence n-m2er and overall length7 +n addition) each 'ile shall 2e markedat intervals o% !mm along its length 2e%ore 2eing driven7

    7 nd.in nd Sto&$ o% Pi.$

    71 All o'erations s-ch as handling and trans'orting o% 'iles shall 2e carried o-t in s-ch amanner that damage to 'iles and their coatings are minimised7 Piles that aredamaged d-ring handling and trans'orting shall 2e re'laced 2( the Contractor at hisown ex'ense7 All damaged and re=ected 'iles shall 2e removed %rom the #ite%orthwith7

    7: Piles within a stack shall 2e in gro-'s o% the same length and on a''roved s-''orts7

    67 Pit"in nd D&i/in o% Pi.$

    671 Pitching and driving o% 'iles shall 2e in accordance with Cla-ses 971 to 973 ass'eci%ied herein2e%ore -nder P$ECA#0 $E+"$CE CC$E0E P+4E#7

    7 L$nt$nin o% Pi.$

    71 Where lengthening o% 'iles are reD-ired) the 'iles shall 2e =ointed 2( 2-ttFwelding)sti%%ened with 'lates %illetFwelded on all %o-r sides as detailed in the rawings7 Allwelding shall 2e contin-o-s and com'l(ing with B# 1! and B# 97 0he t('e andsi5e o% welding shall 2e as detailed in the rawings7


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    37 P&$#&tion o% Pi.$ $d

    371 When a 'ile has 2een driven to the reD-ired set or de'th and 2e%ore encasing inconcrete) the 'iles shall 2e c-t to within :mm o% the levels shown in the rawings)and 'rotective coatings) i% an() shall 2e removed %rom the s-r%aces o% the 'ile headsdown to a level 1mm a2ove the so%%it o% the concrete7 Pile heads shall 2e

    constr-cted to the details as shown in the rawings7

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    17 Ti,;$&

    171 General

    Press-reFtreated tim2er 'iles to 2e -sed %or the Works shall 2e those a''roved 2(#+$+.7

    17: #'ecies o% tim2er

    Hnless otherwise a''roved 2( the #77) onl( em'as ;em'assia .alaccensis< shall2e -sed7

    17! e%initions

    0he tim2er terms -sed in the #'eci%ication shall have the meaning assigned to themin B# :63 or the .ala(an Grading $-les %or #awn &ardwood 0im2er ;1963