Как приготовить тестовые данные для big data проекта....

Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики. Dmitriy Romanov. Itera Consulting UA

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Page 1: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики.

Dmitriy Romanov. Itera Consulting UA

Page 2: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Part 1. Introduction

Part 2. Data Sampling Approach Description

Part 3. Data Sampling Tool Implementation

List of Contents

Page 3: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Testing BI and DWH07.03.2013



STG2STG1 DWHData-mart



Mapping & report logic





Sources of Errors


Page 4: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

How we test ETL processes ?

Test Data DSTSRC


Error ?


Row Count

Field Values

Aggregations Validation

Extraction – all data extracted correctlyTransformation – works as expectedLoad – whole data arrived to destination

Page 5: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Testing BI and DWH07.03.2013

How to get Test Data

“Random”Production Data


Full sized Production



Production data


Preparation Cost orExecution Time

GeneratedTest Data

Page 6: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Part 1

Data Sampling Approach description

Page 7: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики


Data sampling. Main idea

"Compress" similar data in source dataset and take for further analysis only "unique" rows

Clustering is one of the data mining techniques, which helps in grouping of most similar rows

Page 8: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики


Data sampling. Clustering

1. Three main data types in sources- Numeric data- Categorical (unordered) data- Linked data

2. At the start numeric and categorical data sets can be split into proportional parts (quartiles).

3. Linked data requires linked content analyses and currently treated as unordered data

Page 9: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Data sampling. Defining quartiles

Partitioning can be done with T-SQL NTILE function.Example for ordered data

With some limitations such method also can be used for categorical data too:

FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt. FieldVal Qrt.

Ansvar 1 Delkasko 2 Innbo 3 Leiebil 4Naturskd Bed 5

Næringsbygg 6 Standard 7

Utvidet m/UP 8

Bedrift 1 Død 2 Invaliditet 3 Med. invalid 4Naturskd Ko 5

Panthaver 6 Super 7 Verdisak 8

Brann Tyveri 1 Død/bruk 2 Kasko 3 MLV 4

Naturskd MLV 5

Reise/Helse 6

Till. k.inbo 7

Veterinær 8

Brann/Tyveri 1

Førerulykke 2 Kontor 3 Naturskade 4

Naturskd NBy 5

Reisedekning 6

Utgår Syk 7

Yrkesskade 8

Page 10: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики


Data sampling. Quartiles properties.

Every quartile can be described by:

Quartiles definitions Examples:

Quartile Attribute Description

Qmin Minimal value in quartile

Qmed Median value in quartile

Qmax Maximal value in quartile

Records count records in original dataset belonged to quartile

Page 11: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

"Quartilized" view of source data.

- Quartiles should be defined for all fields in the source table- Every field value should be replaced by quartile code which this value belongs to- Quartiles Minimum, Maximum, Median values should get own code

Example :Q1 – value from quartile #1 QnMin/QnMax/QnMed – fields with Min/Max/Med values for N quartile correspondently

Col001 Col002 Col003 Col004 Col005 Col006 Col007 Col008 Col009 Col010 Col011 Col012Q1 Q2Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1MinQ1 Q4Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Q1 Q4Min Q0 Q2 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1MinQ1 Q2Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Q1 Q4Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Q1 Q2Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Q1 Q2Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1MinQ1 Q4Min Q0 Q2 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Q1 Q4Min Q0 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1Min Q1Min

Page 12: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Representative set built from clusters

- For more reliable result set must contain all (if exists) Qmin, Qmed, Qmax values for every quartile. - All other values can be ignored in further analysis and will be replaced by Q0 (other) code.- Each unique combination of quartile codes forms cluster

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Data sampling. Clustered view resulting set

Cluster Col001 Col002 Col003 Col004 Col005 Col006 Col007 RecCNT1 Q0 Q4Min Q0 Q0 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 1512 Q0 Q4Med Q0 Q0 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 23 Q0 Q4Min Q0 Q0 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 284 Q0 Q2Min Q0 Q0 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 155 Q0 Q2Min Q0 Q3Min Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 126 Q0 Q2Min Q0 Q0 Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 117 Q0 Q2Min Q0 Q4Max Q1Min Q1Min Q1Med 1

Perform grouping of similar records and calculate how many rows each cluster contains (RecCNT column)

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Data sampling. Storing resulting set

Take only one row from every cluster and place it to Resulting set

Resulting set can be stored in following forms:- Set of "INSERT" statements

- Cut original CSV file (if available) and left only one row from every cluster

DELETE from J0.STG1_P_LIV_SALDOGOinsert J0.STG1_P_LIV_SALDO(Col001,Col002,Col003,Col004,Col005,Col006,Col007,Col008,Col009,Col010,Col011,Col012,Col013,Col014,Lastet_dat) values('0A319121','20','20360',null,null,'20','2A','00003207H','320040704','30115335797',null,'000000B','30115335797','02','May 3 2012 1:26PM')…

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Part 2

Data Sampling Tool Implementation

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Data sampling tool. Main idea

1. Keep things as simple as possible

- Dynamic SQL source generation, parameterization widely used

- Results of each step are fixed as SQL statement (level of code

understandability/control remain high as possible)

- Fully automated partitioning/clustering/filtering.

2. Break down process into independent parts. Keep in mind possibility of

future extension and customization

3. All data manipulations performed on T-SQL and massive data tasks

delegated to the SQL Server

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Data sampling tool. Brief overview

- Control logic implemented on Powershell, database part on T-SQL

- Analyze data from Stage1 table and CSV files

- Received number of quartiles/column as parameter

- Generate quartiles definitions and build clusters

- Only one record from cluster goes into representative set

- Representative set can be stored in:

a) Set of insert SQL statements

b) Copy of source text file with only meaningful rows

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Data sampling tool. Structure

Create clustered view of source data

Analyze STG1 table

Filter & Store result

STG1 Table nameNumber of quartiles

List of quartiles{XML}

List of quartiles{XML}

List of RowID's{FILE}

List of RowID's{FILE}

Inserts_to_stg1_tbl.sqlOr<Copy of source file with only lines corresponded to RowID's list>

Input Process Output

Grouping similar records to clusters

Source for "view"{SQL}

Source for "view"{SQL}

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Quartile Definition Example

Page 20: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

"Clusterised" View Example

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Saving Results Example

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Results Example

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Data sampling tool. Structure

Create clustered view of source data

Analyze STG1 table

Filter & Store result

STG1 Table nameNumber of quartiles

List of quartiles{XML}

List of quartiles{XML}

List of RowID's{FILE}

List of RowID's{FILE}

Inserts_to_stg1_tbl.sqlOr<Copy of source file with only lines corresponded to RowID's list>

Input Process Output

Grouping similar records to clusters

Source for "view"{SQL}

Source for "view"{SQL}

Page 24: Как приготовить тестовые данные для Big Data проекта. Пример из практики

Data sampling tool. Execution results

Original datasetTable Name: STG1_GEN_ORDRE_TRecords : 11,912,182Columns: 35

2 4 8 12 160



Result Set Row Count

2 4 8 12 160






Total Quartile Count

2 4 8 12 160







Time (min)


Quartiles Count

Result Set Row Count


2 67 8754 86

4 126 19459 95

8 242 32231 100

12 346 57258 143

16 436 83605 255

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Questions ?