영어 요리법 분석하기

Reading for Language: A brief analysis of a recipe

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Reading for Language:A brief analysis of a recipe

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Today’s MenuSpring risotto


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Ingredients• 1 tablespoon olive oil• 1 medium fennel bulb, trimmed and chopped, or 1 medium onion, chopped• 2 cloves garlic, minced• 1 cup Arborio rice• 1 14 ounce can vegetable broth• 1 3/4 cups water• 12 ounces fresh asparagus and/or green beans, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces• 2 cups coarsely chopped fresh arugula or spinach• 1/2 cup chopped radishes• 1/4 cup snipped fresh flat-leaf parsley• 1/4 cup snipped fresh mint or basil

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fennel bulb

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a clove of garlic

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Arborio rice

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vegetable broth

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flat-leaf parsley

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Ingredients• trim ( 깎아서 곱게 ) 다듬다 , 깎아서 손질하다 ; 산뜻하게 하다 , 정돈하다 , 손질을 하다 )• chop ( 도끼 등으로 ) 쳐서 자르다 ; 잘게 자르다 , (요리에서 ) 난도질하다 ; [ 목화의 어린 나무의 ] 김매기와 솎음질을 하다• mince [ 고기 · 야채 등을 ] 잘게 썰다 , 다지다• coarsely chopped 퉁퉁 썬 , 대출 큰 크기로 썬• snip 싹둑 자르다-> 재료에서는 동사들이 주로 과거분사 형태로 쓰이는구나 .

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Directions1. In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add fennel and garlic; cook about 5 minutes or until fennel is tender, stirring occasionally. Add the uncooked rice. Cook about 5 minutes or until rice is golden brown, stirring frequently. Re-move from heat.2. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, bring broth and the water to boiling. Add green beans, if using. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add asparagus, if using. Cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more or just until vegetables are tender. Using a slotted spoon, transfer vegetables to a bowl, reserving broth mixture in saucepan. Set veg-etables aside. Reduce heat; cover and keep broth mixture simmering.3. Carefully stir 1 cup of the broth mixture into the rice mixture. Cook, stirring fre-quently, over medium heat until liquid is absorbed. Stir another 1 cup of the broth mixture into the rice mixture. Continue to cook, stirring frequently, until liquid is absorbed. Add another 1 cup of the broth mixture, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring fre-quently until the broth is absorbed. (This should take 18 to 20 minutes total.)4. Stir in the remaining broth mixture. Cook and stir until rice is slightly firm (al dente) and creamy. Stir in cooked asparagus and/or beans, the arugula, radishes, parsley, and mint. Serve immediately.

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Step 1• In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add fennel and garlic; cook about 5 minutes or un-til fennel is tender, stirring occasionally. Add the uncooked rice. Cook about 5 minutes or until rice is golden brown, stirring frequently. Remove from heat.• Heat 열을 가하다 . Over medium heat 중불에 (over 를 쓰는구나 !) Add 더하다 . ‘ 넣는다’라는 말을 add 로 자주 쓰는 듯 . Tender 는 ‘부드러운’의 의미 . Stir 는 ‘휘젓다’인데 ‘자주’라고 할 때는 frequently, ‘ 종종’이라고 할 때는 occa-sionally 라고 쓰면 되겠구나 . 불에서 제거하라고 할 때는 Remove from heat. 이라고 쓸 수 있겠군 .

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Step 2• Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, bring broth and the water to boiling. Add green beans, if using. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add asparagus, if using. Cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more or just until vegetables are tender. Using a slotted spoon, transfer vegetables to a bowl, reserving broth mixture in saucepan. Set vegetables aside. Reduce heat; cover and keep broth mixture sim-mering.• Meanwhile이니까 1번 끝나고 2번으로 가는 게 아니라 동시에 진행 . 그러니까 준비의 개념이겠다 . Medium saucepan –그림 참고 . Bring something to boiling이라는 표현을 쓰는구나 . Slotted spoon – 그림 참고 . Transfer는 지하철 갈아타는 거 말고 ‘그릇을 갈아타는 경우’에도 사용하는군 ! Mixture는 이것 저것 섞은 것인데 Broth mixture이니 이것 저것 넣고 끓인 육수를 말하는 듯 . Reserve하라는 것은 남겨놓으라는 뜻이고 . Set aside는 옆으로 놓는 것이니 추후 쓸 수 있도록 치워놓는 것 . Reduce heat은 ‘불 줄여’라는 뜻이고 . 뚜껑 닫을 때는 cover를 쓰면 됨 . Simmering은 지글지글 넘지 않게 끓는 것이고 Keep과 같이 쓰이면 끓는 상태로 놔두라는 뜻이겠구나 .

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Step 3• Carefully stir 1 cup of the broth mixture into the rice mixture. Cook, stirring frequently, over medium heat until liquid is absorbed. Stir another 1 cup of the broth mixture into the rice mixture. Continue to cook, stirring frequently, until liquid is absorbed. Add an-other 1 cup of the broth mixture, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring frequently until the broth is absorbed. (This should take 18 to 20 minutes total.)• Stir 와 같은 동사 앞에 부사가 자주 쓰이는 듯 . Occasionally, frequently 가 나오더니 이번에는 Carefully 가 등장 . Stir 라는 동사는 쉬운데 뒤에 into 가 나오는 구문은 내가 잘 못쓸 것 같다 . Liquid is absorbed 라고 하니 우리 말로는 ‘졸아들 때까지’ 정도가 아닐까 ?

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Step 4• Stir in the remaining broth mixture. Cook and stir until rice is slightly firm (al dente) and creamy. Stir in cooked asparagus and/or beans, the arugula, radishes, pars-ley, and mint. Serve immediately.• ‘ 남아있는’은 remaining 으로 표현하면 되겠구나 . al dente 는 처음 배우는 표현이네 . 찾아보니 [æl déntei]이렇게 발음하고 , ‘ 적당히 씹히는 맛이 있는 , 너무 연하지 않은’이라는 뜻이구나 . ‘ 바로 서빙하시오’는 Serve immediately 라고 하면 되겠구나 .

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Slotted spoon

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Medium saucepan