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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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City Rankings: an Instrument of Competition or a Means for Setting Goals

Martin Powell – Global Head of Urban Development

© Siemens AG 2014. All rights reserved.

What do we need to measure?

© Siemens AG 2014. All rights reserved.

The 21st Century will effect the ways we live…

© Siemens AG 2014. All rights reserved.

How will cities compete tomorrow?

What do cities compete on today?

Employment Opportunities the right people to the right jobs

Quality of Life Recreation, fun and excitement

Quality of EnvironmentGood homes, schools and environment

Demographic Changea Shrinking workforce

Resilience of all servicesEnergy, Water, Buildings, Transport

World Trade Center Trans-Hudson Transportation Hub

London’s High Speed Hub: King’s Cross Station

Cars looking for parking can be 10% of Traffic in Cities

What do we aspire to?



A better set of measures...

Green City Index – Environmental performance

Exemplary methodology from the European Green City Index

Green City IndexPage

The First Study: The European Green City Index (2009)

Examines 30 major European cities from 30 countries• West European cities dominate the top half of the Index, due in part to their

longer history of environmental awareness• Strong positive correlation between wealth and environmental performance

• Copenhagen leads through its all-round performance across all categoriesThe city’s climate change plan sets the ambitious goal to become

carbon-neutral by 2025

Green City Index

The Latin American Green City Index (2010)

Compares 17 major cities from 8 countries

• Holistic infrastructure planning is key to tackling environmental challenges

• Brazilian cities perform very well overall because of their strong environmental policies

• Curitiba has a strong track record for a holistic approach

Since the 1980s the urban plan has addressed environmental issues including green areas, waste recycling, and sanitation

The New Climate Economy

If we applied technology levers to the C40 Cities

• Total CO2 Saving 5 Gt (CO2 eq) = 30%

• 25% improvement in air quality

• $3 trillion of investment value

• 22 million additional jobs

Decoupling: Rate of motorisation and GDP

(Source: LSE Cities)

Innovation is Connected, Competitive and Collaborative

Grade A Building Connected CitySmart Grid

Concept 9: Integrate State of the Art Buildings/Smart Grid

Concept 10: Moscow Technology Showcase

General AutomationHigh


Classic Infrastructure Investment





Policy making




Transitioning to a better city


Faster time to market

Automated Parking

True Resource EfficiencyProductivity Losses

Intelligent TrafficSmart Grids

Building a strategy through better measurement

300K 3 million

Increase Population Density over time

Feeder System Transport

Deliver High Quality Retail and Commercial

‘Green’ Underground Infrastructure CHP/GSH

ICT/Transmission Building Technologies Increase Renewable

Establish value Federal, Science and Education Build up in tandem with population growth

Connect new and existing developments

Private Business Gravitates to the new district – more jobs created




City Index of the Future

• Journey time Improvement• Energy Reliability• Reliability of all Public Services• Home Energy Comfort• Work Energy Comfort• Access to Green Space• Clean Air• Health & Well being • Access to communication• Quality of Education• Job availability and range

Any time lost doing worthless things...

80 Litres

Thankyou !

Martin Powell

The Crystal

1 Siemens Brothers WayLondon E16 1GB

E-mail:[email protected]
