· 1...

1 .V1K II. COMMERCIAL, " i i: Tut rnly I rivij, i':tt:: the we. k. b. h At.t. r'r:i J h.inr & JJ'r ' '- - ' - ,!'. f- "" ' t" II. iUi'af- - i JF Co . .:..! 10-- JU-..i:,.- ..;i- - :it r K.;. t - j .1 .v n. I f. ' I .. I . V. I ! r ' - i !!. ii Wen fn i. I k J i i -- r; j I ":;tr t rit.r y, ant lite ! i! f w in I 11 t ".".hV.e .1. por.i or iioiiox.ui.u. ii. i. AKUIVAI.. Jaw! ii ir 1'aa.ihi, II pi. fiota II ,H iaii. y i whr --I. Thaw. Ilr-.w- iej day fr'm -- "':"" . 21 fimr Ki;u-- . hurt, Irni hi.) :j i; , M ..fa.. 1 . hr Ntii ll. C nor. ! "in I : Jli ' 21 rrtir K Jl-- i. Fo-r- -r . Ir'ro Ki-- i M u. Wl . hr M rr., I tin. from I tj r .I mr. ff .in K'-r.a- kju.lln.. 21 ',r fair l4cn. Kaa.r.a. f r- - ni llanA.-- ,. Ka-u- i S'J hr Juan.fa. lu.; lr-- Wj:ui 1 J, l.r V jnu'oK, ka.uo. f.n f wi'., ",;, .r J- - r. - . lUilnl.T. f:n - A K- Ka it. V,l ir Ke--.- i K.mkii.o. fr-r- K Jl .r Ai.i., K j i l.r.a. Ir in S..-n- . ?. hr W r,i . K'wU. tn K Vanpata. Molokai. jtC nr Ac'i--- . luaat,iWi, Iron. Kr,li.4. ,r. r. r I tia, Ki iu M i. i . K u.m. vl r -- tf:- MrrT!. I rar. fr-t- r. LahiSra. Ms::!. k.i.ti. I.ui'..-!h- , 17 !ay frtiu Mr'ia-aa- . iivf'. hr .i.i, Am.La., lr-- Maui. v-- i. (.r 3aj. it.i, ; 1'U'Kii. NSa.-ila.t- - IlKI'AltTI.KKS. Jure 'Ji fliur Ki'o'-- ,;!. f .r Kiilaof r;a, M Aal. 1 ri l.i c u :, irk, llir.x M u;i. ji ! Iir Kmi, F Uoi:-- . I r Kajn2i. MuJ'.kii. jif.-).- r .NrU.-- f Merrill. Iff.', r l.aha.u.i. 1 mi. i "hr Mao "."-- J" K,-- l Kaoat. .1IU tii W ; ivr.lii:: f rtiri rrit.f ;' M.i I'rri. Lu i. f r S. tir Juinlij.C iMfloit. f-- .ui:n. 21 A-b- f Ki M' i. rcr, f r Kal.'jim, Miui i-- i .J. hr r'a.ry K in, Kia!r. f r 11 inah i, Kmsi. j( I'a n!.i. Ii !''. f 'f II.!", IUw.i. iti sr M ir.Li,,kai. k ilioan, ( r Nwil'.-..:i- , K muL ; H:iur K.iw j, Mr !i:w.l, .t hiuji. 24 ! Ur I lUni.i, U'-a- f r Kona ami Kau, Ilavai. r ltt Anm', Kuloitn.v, I.r Mil s lU-ai- i. ; Mir Jtiii), (i.r K .w.a A Witnnn, Kaui. 2! fr!r W ar k, Ki!aiv for Kli.l'-- I , M'..,kji. Irjrctcd Urpariurra. Fob I.H4M Srhr Nu;? Merrill. .iit Ibis r M. . Fob Kii 14 h. hr Acne, :iiK l.'.n p n. Fb !!. iVhr I. uka. ul on Momiay. ton V imiwiid runTn-fi- mr Kilaur-a- , sail fin Monday. VKKS IX I'llKT. L. ; H B- - n.ria, t. ai uin Vra II lin.kins. Aiu iir M rcifi Si ir, repairing. Aid hr r-i Tli r, iir wn. Haw x br Kinau, f.i I.MIMIKTtt. I no n I'tkMi-- Oi ftrtna 'I Uayer, June J1 C'i, '1 lj I M I m. k Co. KXI'OUTS, f imHixl iiiioru 1'cr W . C. Frke, Jui. f.iir, i d .......... . ,l Wucil, blis.. Ci I Itluk UiLrikt.. .1 Valu-l-.f- ii'ii -- 116-, Fore.irn li i f4i into Per W. C. I'arkr, Juu': i?.! TLo XAiinait aiul vit, A 1'rafcik'I, Mr CuCu. Fob Ki i Frr KiUua. June 24ih liua P Inlr, 4 i hiWrwfi, K Kruli. HrT A O Fuf tx J, Ko T tun, Mr .r ut mi.1 cfiil l, iir Ko.erlo, lli Wurul-titT- . I. Ka-iiu- v, I. II, Mur Mary uifl Alica Milir)lr, Uirr llrnry Mi:ir:w. Jutia IIuwkii, Alex Mrliry'tu auJ li-- r .Mcbiyl-- , and mbvuC 43 derk. MAKKIEU. M rtiLt(-Widi- hji In thLcity, on SariHay twn-- n j , Jun XOi!i, at IN rn4-u- c "f Ui brl'a falhrr. ty Her. Atb IKrm.m, Hl nT !KUlUr, E , I) Mj ti, tUutfriM-- r r lion. It. A. W iUiMnauii, bi Ira ot lioooiulu. Klt-WtNtruir- ut-in ihla rity, Jane ZU, by tlm KeT. II. II. Ilrk'-r- , Mr. J(i 11. UtiMMUt Lou VHrot-r"K- . ail of H 'oulula. - fiit:i. f . Pitbiw Ut UoiKiltila hst Lor, on buBrd V U.S. S. Btnitia, ah.,u .j'i )rmr. Ir. Pii&in wui B . more of JturliDirlua, . v ( , ami a Kr.nloate i.l ili Miiral ColUx bl Itiat ('iacr. Ii nlTT'l ihm .Navy f l':ult riaiea July lSUi lo-Ji- . Ifitrmu tM In wr tv rri-i- i in blfi ib .NuvUi aiui livulh Atlantic MiuanaM, aiiU rpcmTnl Uorturalib iii9tilua la the attack on ml tatter. After lh CuocKiaiua ol acTO('ni-i- l AijLau( (tacrcLarv i i ou a naiua la Kama. I( ant 1 in buCrt Ut Ueiliteriarx'wu rJ Auttic iqaaJroo. lie accumpaitietl I'ri-aau- r A(ui 00 Ibe avMUitiile rxJiiiou aroiiut Vik II in 00 bvarij tt C'ual Hurv jr tiani-- r n- - rr J,uirU ihe Kcnu'ii iu Aui(aal, I'jTi, DJ waa vrouivtnl t i tit 1 ink 1,1 lull lurrf'-o- n Der- - uitx r "Jllh of lti (aaiie year. lr I'iikni :i a full, man of variil ariinrtncutj, a.iJ biji'y otn'niril tjl unly by lu bruthrr oititer but by s large rfri-l- r . , t .110(,1 j Irittiaa ami aoiaaintafic-n- . lilKTII. V. Uaifi, a . u. THE PACiriO ; Cummer cihl bb ciliscr.' SATURDAY. JUXE 1TT. Jcst oxr tear 'ago, ttc ItviJ before the public toioe thouglitd on the euTj.-c- t of 'yV ljan," which ufon're rendln,' rc think gorxl enough to t, in jart, inasmuch as what vaa cviJentlj true anJ correct reasoning then, obtains addi- tional fori after the laj-is- of twelve months. The thoory of Government with a country situ- ated like this, must Le quite different from that which cbtsios tl in here. Ia populous corumuuitic, where the industries that support the tody politic are cstaMiahed on eettlcd hMes, the axiom justly pre1 Tila thfit that country is best governed which is governed the least. TULj theory, while it applies perfectly to such a country as Great Britain, and with tut litile less certainty to the United States, cannot, for very obvious reasons, Le suited to Hawaii. In almost every particular in which the principle of ptkDfcive with private tnterpriee in developing national resources is a rule with those government, the converse ought to obtain here, otherwise the Government is a negative benefit, i nstf,id cf a positive good. We claim, therefore, that it is the province cf the Government in every possi- ble way to actively forward the development of the agricultural enterprises of the country, Ly using its power and the means at its disposal for the introduc-- Vioa cf and population the two great needs . of the eounfry-a- nJ both cf which wc are persuaded are obtain iLlc. A proper appreciation cf the situa- tion, with sound and far-scci- economy, should pro .ut t our Government to talc spcedy measures for the negotiation of a loan abroad at this juncture. Not a petty borrowing of a few hundred thousands, but respectable loan of several millions, with which, we cm pay o!I at once all our nine and twelve per cent. inJel,t(dEe, and go on1 with new and larger enterprises, unencumbcrel with a compounding load of interest. ' .. ';,'' I It may be suggested that such a project will be opposed by the moneyed mea cf the country, as in- terfering with their interests. We do net accede to this view," for tht capitalist nin?t be short-sight- ed indeed who dues not perceive that a much longer continuance of our present system cf high interest, means a' most thorough LilVing of the goose that lays the golden e;g. "The Government having by an adequate loan brought hither the capital, should then proceed to lend the cime to the agriculturists, in sndcicnt amounts to pay off all their present indebtedness, and to enable them to enlarge operations, where practicable, charging for such advances merely the interest wLVcU the CoveTnment itself is responsihle f r, and taVg --security on the estates. We would ot however go so fir as Las been done in SlanriUus, wnere the Government acts as the factcr cf the planter, taking h'u crop oil Lis Lands and selling it to the foreign buyer. Cut we contend that some such system of Government aid as here suggested must be extended to our agriculturists, if they are to ncceed. If, however, the Government shall de- cline to step forward to their aid, and that speedily , the ruincua result is easily foreseen and already overshadows us. Our productive industries must fall, and ia that case the Government itself, with nothing to support it, eannot long subsist. It will be but the performance of a farce without an audience. But besides the grateful task of placing our present agricultural interests on a prosperous basis, which it would be the province cf the Government to perform with the means thus at its disposal, there are public improvements to be made which would double our present producing capacity. Many thou-aan- ds cf acres of the finest cane lands in the group are now lying idle, that might be made to produce heavy crops of sugar by irrigation, while neighbor- - ! io :r. ir.., f.r t'. e f irfK.i'e, nrc tow rucLlc? i waT-.-fj'.'-- y ir.t . t!.e r-- a. As f.r it.t:ance, the broad p'x'.r. If. 1. ri aiid MaLawao on Maui, W.iiuifn Ka-j'ii- , a:. I various other localities, that j r:.iy e'lr-.-- t t cur rea lrs. Every lol'.ar la.Il rut Ly ; ,i..r:.:..':.t in Lvasur.- .that will bring t:.e-- e Ii:. ii ir. j c ultintk r.. will return foiirf;!! into t!.c Trei- - iry. " In eiiort, by the tiruciy an 1 jud:c:ous negotiati'in in the ri!.t lire-.:!- - a cf an alejuate loan, and a iru d:sp-ltl- ou of the fauds, the entire conlition cf riflilrs in the Islands may be speedily removed fr-.r- ition and the verge cf national bank-rut'- y, t- - I activity and prosperity in all br ir.c:.'-- - of bult.-ii- . "In this, as will as in u'.i other undertakings cf nition'il i.rr.rtr.c', we require a ij ir'.t of eLlight- - nel enterj.rii and energy in the Leads of Govern- - n.'.nt. The plan t'.w J vgrted to raise Hawaii nei fror:i the !cugh of depond i nothing new among the nati-.r.- an 1 g Terninent. It is common enough irh t!ie Ftat'-- s cf the American Union, and has recently bc--- f 1 with marke-- success by the Col ny of New Zealand." In over the ah-v- paragraphs, jenned by cs a y ar cilice, it may well be imagined that we puLli-- h Hi Majesty's menage rccmmending aiifh a Iaii, with no little ; and we likf-wi-- j rint the Hill, which is nw before the Legislature. IoLam I'a late, June L'2, 1K74. To Ihe LegUlatict Jitiuily of Ihe Hawaiian Inl- ands. N'i.du ,i5ii nrr-BK5r;- ti vr11 It frequently hap- pens that it is alvisable and even necessary for the tatc to lend its credit for the purpose of promoting the enterprises of its citizens, when the general good depends largely upon those enterprises. It is apparent to me and no doubt it ia likewise so to you, Nobles and Representatives, that for some years past, there has L-c- n no extension of business at all equivalent to what we might expect. Our resources are large if well used, but the low price at which our staple articles have ruled in the market? accessible to u, and an absence of captal, have prevented the extension in any considerable de- gree of our chief business. Under thete circumstances it would appear a pru- dent policy to make use of the national credit so as to enable tny Government to extend a helping hand to the industrial enterprises of the country. Impressed with these views, I propose to your Honorable Body to dijeuss the expediency of seeking ailing wealthy and great nations that capital of which we ttand in need, and for which our resources should furniih abundant security. I suggest to you the passage of an Act which will empower my Government to negotiate a Loan of such au amount as shall be deemed wise, and at the same time shall aCbnd the Government the means to relieve the burdens now pressing so heavily upon the indus- tries of the country, while it will also permit them to initiate works of public utility and improvement tending to develope our latent resources; following in this the example of those older and more experienced nations of the world who have never hesitated to contract loans of this nature where the public exi- gencies seemed to call for them. Commending, Nobles and Representatives, to your careful consideration, this grave subject, I pray that you may be guided to a sound and wise decision, and that the measures decided upon by you may be the starling point for the growth of a new prosperity: Accompanying this is a petition which I have just received from the principal merchants and business men of Honolulu, praying that certain steps should be imroeliaMy initiated with the object of obtaining a Reciprocity Treaty with the United States. As the United States is the most convenient market for our principal staples, it is very desirable that we should Lave better commercial facilities with that country. Therefore I commenced this petition to the careful consideration of the Legislature, feeling assured that they will, having so considered it, take such action ia the premises as will be conducive to the best inter- ests of the Kingdom. KALAKAUA R. Tfic fOIIon fiijj la l I'O j,joj0ovrl Ac o Mika., a Loan, as introduced ou Thursday last : AN ACT To authorize a National Loan, and to define (6 what uoti tuch Loau ahall be devoted. it Enacttd ly the King and the Leyitlutive Jtstmhly of thf H iu.uum ItlanUs, in Ike Lnjitttiture of the Kingdom 1. That Hi Majraty the King ia hereby authorized borrovr, on the credit of the Hawaiian Government, within nix years afi-- r the of thia Art, a luin not exceeding a million of dollars, or so much thereof as may be deemed desir- able fur tlx puriioaes iu this Act htnafit-- r set forth ; lor w hich Hi Majesty may cause to be issued Coupon Honda, K.fijired Bonds or Treasury Notes, in such portions of each as hi may deem advisable. The Bonds to bear interest not to rc--:- six per ccct. per annum, payable semi-annual- ly ; in tv-- t less thou ten nor more than twenty year. , e. o. And lr it further enacted, That block ahall be issued lor the amount so borrowed, bearine interest at six per rent, per annum ; and the Miuuner of Finance U hereby au- thorized, with the consent of His Majesty the King, to rause ia It prepared, Certilicules of Stock, to be issued, which shall be s'uriied bv Uie MIoislcr 01 r inance, anil counteriened by the Kegiilrar f I'uliUi- - Accounts, and sealed with the tVal of ihe 1 reamiry Department ; and nuide pa able to the parties lending thw rn'tiiT, represented by such Certificates, or their : which Certificate may be transferred on the books el the Treasury, under ue!i regulations as the Minister of Fi nance may establish. I'roviib d always, that when Coupons fr tli" payment of interest shall he attached, any Certificate to wlncu nueh may be attached, may be assigned and irausdt-rred- by delivery of the san,, without being transferred on the louks el the Treasury. An.l the Minister of Finance may a- l- isue, in exciianL'e f-- roin. as part of this loan, or as payment f-- 9ulari. or other dues front the Hawaiian Gov- - t rniiK nt, l reaury itotes, payable in live years from the date thereof, ol a denomination not less than fifty dollars, bearing inter t at lour per cent. p-- r annum ; provided, that the Treas ury Notes of this description, thus issued, shall not exceed in the UiU-r- t ijule. at any time, one hundred thousand dollars. And the Minister of Ilnance may likewise as a rt of Ibis loan. 111 exchange lor coin, or salaries, or other dues 01 IJovern nient. Treasury Nob s of any denomiuatioii less than fifty iK'aruig no interest, aim payable la nearer on demand; 1 r ,1, that the amount of Notes so Issued shall not exceed 1 the sure site, at any time, seventy thousand dollars t and rovldsd always, that no pernon shall te eomp.-lKi- l to take sueh Notes 13 pa meni l r salary, or oilier clues, 11 he should te unwilling s.j t do. Au.l the faith of the Hawaiian Govern- - rii-n- is herit,y plejirej tnr the due payment of the interest and trie redemption of the principal of the and Treasury Notes. Sec. 3. Arid lie it fuither enactej. That Ihe Treasury Notes. sutli.jr.i-'- J by the preceding Section to be issued, may, when tr.ey ahali be returned imo the l r"asury. be or oth' rs substituted tor them, at any time during the entire period twenty year, lor which this loan is authorized : provi.le-- alva. that all such Notes shall le ultimately paya- - Lie wni..n me Breai,i 01 iai niy years. tec. 4. And be it further enacted. Thai the Minister of Fi- nance i authorized to pay out of any moneys in the Treasurv not otherwise aj i ro iiat-I- , such sums as may be uecrssary l- - r the of Certificates of Slock and Treasury Notes, and f r tieitoliating and accomplishing Ihe loan authorized bv this Act ; provided always, that when Ihe loan shall have been accomplnhed. the exicnes aforesaid shall be charged to 1 no account 1 i:ie k.uj :iu. Sec. 5- - AnJ be it further enacted. That Ihe Minister of Fi- nance rny Mp line the Joan author ixed bv this Act, or an v onion of it, in any f rein couatry, if it shall seem most ad- - vai.t.isv. us so 10 do ; and iu such case he may make the prin-riB- al and iolerot pajnb'e at any designated place In any foreign coTtmry ; an 1 ). i her, by aiill,,.rizel to appoint such aeent, or a- i.t. as he may deem necessary for negotiating such loan under bis instrurtiun, or paying the interest thera-n- . an.l to In trie compen-aiio- ot sueii agents, and to prescribe ail such lu'jf, r .uljiion and mcKles rarling the n.g.i:iauoa cf the loan, and its transmission to this country, a he may deem necv.ary. And lh Miiter f Finan-- e is further au-t- hr rized to dui,se of the by Wiia Act authorized, al su h rate as may be drnd by him f-- the pubiie advantiige. S. c. 6 And be it further enacted. That whereas the loan I by this Act authorized is intended fyr the assistance of the Agricultural and ot!i,-- r prolucl:ve interests of the curitry, lier.soever the ail loan shall be accomplished, in whole, or ia ll;s Maj sty s Cabuiet, and a Commitue of three from the I rivy Council of Mate, shall constitute a IK ard. with full jower to lend any portion of the same on Promissory Notes, secured by mortgage on real estate, or on the product of the soil, or man a futures of this cmtitry ; pro- vided always, that the advances made on produce, or manu- factured g.xJs !.a:i m t eccvd one-ha- lf of the market Talue t!,tre-.- f at the time such advance may be ruad. And the l.uJ, by this Secti, n c usiitutl, shall have full power to such cot.i!l:ions regardini; insurance, rate of interest, time and p!ar c f payment cf interest, or other conditions to -- cure the re-p- tuciit of the sums so advanced, as may ap- pear t them advisable. Sec. 7. Pe it fartlier enacted, Thit such portion cf the , y reaiized from the loan by this Act authorized, as may, by the Board authorized by the tth "Section, be advis-- al -, may be dev, ted to Ihe buil lir.g of warehouses for the reciplioa cf proifuce, and for the pruniotion of Steam Naviga- tion b- - teen the i:an!s. and the aid of Immigration. AnJ the securities reoeircd by lbs Government, as in the 6th Section set frili. as well as ihe money, whether principal, or interest, derived from the same, shall be preserved intact as a .find wherwith to j.ay the Uor.Js given for the loan, and shall be nsc-- f r no other purp-js- whatsoever. We have not room to-d- ay to comment on the Hill as wc would like, and we hope that it will become a law before our next istiuc. We were fjrtunatc enough to have been favored with a fij-h- t of the Hill before it was rut before the Leg-i-latur- e, and to have the reasons for its different provisions explained. Wc concur with it iu nil resjiects, except one, which is that the sum named is not large enough. - It is not proposed that this loan Ehall be ap- plied to public improvements generally, because it is desired that the security for which or on which the money may be advanced to the agri- culturist bhall be consecrated (as it were) to the of the ban; ea that the Icn-Je- will Lave a double security in the faith of and the knowledge that the securities arc also available for the Oar neighbor of the Cazctte throws a little cold water on the project in his last issue, and that feet encourages us to believe that cverybody el?e will agree with us in commending it. Eeciprocity. The following petitition was sent to the Assembly on Monday last, accompanying the Royal Message : TO I'l MAJESTY KaI.AKAC.V B. P hi : We. the unders gned. fueling the importance of mak- ing another attroil to do cmethicg to utain the greatly (.lar.ting interest of the Kirg lora. do nxl 'y Your Maty to Initiate a Lew for a Rec.procity Traty with the ft.ted States, by wh:th Ihe su- gars of th-- s tniy be exported to that country w.thoct bicg subjected to the minous duties now imposed upe-- thm. L biess rthef to the plantation interests is obtained from some quarter, it is your petitioner's op, to 00 that serious disas- ters wui overtake them, and with thnr decay the remaining busicess cf the Kir.g lota will not afford a revenue to the Gov- ernment, r a ui-or- t f .r the inJuitrious and ecterptUir.g na- tives and,ers cow in the Ku.glcin. Without attempting to dictate the mole by which this vital measure might be attained, your petitioners cannot but fr-- lb! any action deferred f.r two years or until another men. eg of the Legislative A.em!.ly will be loo late to alTord the ne- cessary relief. A provliocal act, then fore, ty which a Reciprocity Trvaty that might be negotiated could go into immediate effect upon ratification, w ou!J aem to be desirable. If such a provisional act were passed by the present legisla- tive Assembly, the next step would set-i- to be to appoint at once a Special Committee to proceed to a!iington w ith full lowers t'j , subject to the ratification ol Your Maj-sty- . when such a measure ol relief should go into immediate erl-c- t. The accomnliahmeut of tlis desirable end relief to Ihe planting interests. seems to your petitioners the most im- portant subject that calls for legislation at the pn-se- Hesaiun, and without which, disaster to the financial in- terests of the Government and all the inhabitants of tire Kingdom, seems imminent, in the near future. Honolulu, June IS, 1'574. C. Brewer V Co., T. 11. Di.vies (by his Attorney in fai t C. W. Uacfkrlaoe), II. llsckfeld A Co., A. W. Fnrce it Co., F. A. Sthaeter A Co , Black A Aukl, E. U. Hall A Son, A. S. Cleg-hor- n A. Co., G. C. Mclean, Lewis A Dickson. J. II. Coney. U. V. Peterson, K. P, Adams, M. S. Griiiliaum A Co., ri. ii. Da- mon, D..1W A Co.. J. 11. Paty. II. M. hitnty, llyman Bros., M. Mclnerny, Ira Richardson, F. Banning. Castle A Cooke, Afong A Acbuck, Chulan A Co., H. E. Mclntyre, V. M. Wallace, Fre.l A Laine, B. F. Ehlers A Co . Henry May, C. E. Williams, Dillingham A Co., M. Phillips A Co.. C. S. Bar- tow, II. Wateihous, G. Sejp-lke- A Co., T. Moscnian A & a. OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Legation of toe U. S. or Amkrica. ? Honolulu, June 2oth, 1871. 5 77is Ex. H. L. (Jreen. 11. 11. J. Minister cf Fore'njn Affairs, ad interim : Si a. Captain W. 11 HopkinB, commanding the U. S. S. Benicia, for himself and officers of the United States Navy, desires me to convey to your Excellency, bis heartfelt appreciation and grateful thanks for the distinguished honor bestowed, and for the Christian sympathy evinced by His Majesty the King and Royal Family, by their presence and assistance at the religious services performed in the Protestant Episcopal Church yesterday, on the occasion of the funeral of the late Dr. II. S. Pitkin, V. S. Navy, Surgeon of the Benicia, and a much beloved person, whose sudden decease has filled with grief the hearts of his brother officers and friends. Captain Hopkins also tenders his grateful acknowledgments and warm thanks for the honorable, generous, and unsolicited rendered by a large number of His Majesty's civil and Military officers, in paying the last sad honors to the remains of the gallant 1'itkin. Kind and sympathetic acts, like those mentioned, are a bond of brotherhood, and reflect the highestJ nonors on ooin givers ana recipients. With the assurances of my high consideration and great respect. I am your Ex.'s most obt. servant, Hexry A. Teirce. Department or Foreign Affairs, "i - Honolulu, June 2G, 1874. 5 Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt cf Your Excellency's communication of yesterday's date, conveying the heart-fe- lt appreciation and grate ful thanks, for the distinguished .honor bestowed, and for the Christian sympathy evinced, by His Mj esty the King and Royal Family, by their presence and assistance at the religious services performed in the Protestant Episcopal Church, yesterday, (June zlth), on the occasion of the funeral of the late Dr II. S. Pitkin, U. fa. Navy, Surgeon of the Benicia. I had the honor to lay your communication before His Majesty, who was pleased to reply through his Secretary in the terms of the note of whioh I enclose a copy. I take this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of the very distinguished respect and consideration with which I have the honor to be, Your most obedient humble servant, W. L. Green, Minister Foreign Affairs ad interim. His Excellency, II. A. I'eihce, Minister Resident of the United States. Iolani Palace June 25th, 1874 Your Excellency: Herewith I have the honor to return the letter of His Excellency the Minister of the United States, conveying Capt. W. E. Hopkins, thanks for the presence and assistance of His Maj- esty, and II. R. H. I'rince Leleiohoku, and of the civil and military officers of the Government at the obsequies of the late Dr. Pitkin of the U. S. S. Benicia. His Majesty responds cordially to the thanks and appreciation of Capt. Hopkins for this his act of sympathy and respect for the memory of a gentleman whom be personally esteemed, and to a Brother Mason whom he had always met with pleasure in the Assemblies of the Brotherhood. I have the honor to be your Ex.'s verj obt. servant E. M. Maver, Private Secretary to His Jilujesty To nis Ex. W. L. Green, Minister of foreign lielalions. Report of Surgeon Queen' Hospital.) Honolulu, Jcne, 21st, 1874 To Uit Trustees of the Queen's Hospital, Gentlemen I have tbe honor to submit the following report for the Quarter ending June 20th : Tht total number of patients at present in the Hospital, is 73 ; viz: CS Hawaiians, 3C males, and 32 females, and 5 foreigners, (2 paying.) The number of admissions during this period has been 100 ; viz : 90 Hawaiians, 55 males, and 35 females, and 10 foreigners. Discharged 94 ; viz : f2 Hawaiians, 54 males, and 23 females, and 12 foreigners. The deaths, 7 males, and 3 females, Hawaiians, and 2 foreigners ; 2 of pulmonary con sumption ; l pyocmia ; 3 general debility ; 2 gan grene ;2 dropsy, and 1 aneurism. Besides the above, 94 new names have been en tered in tne dispensary doobis, and o,sa7 prescript. tions made up. The greatest number of patients ia the Hospital, at one time, was 88 ; the smallest, 69. Daily average of indoor patients during the Quarter, was 78. Respectfully submitted, Kob't McKibbin, Jr., M. D. Surgeon to the Queen's Hospital. Report of Treasurer Queen's Hospital. Ckas. R. Bishop, as Tttmurer, in Account Current with the Queen's Hospital. Showing Receipts and Expendi ture During the HaJf-Yen- r, ending June 20M, 1ST. . 1374. June 20, To anvl rec d on account Pay Patients...? 7o4 50 Contributions r Life Membership 100 00 lertincate for Lite Membership.. GO From Interior Dep't, tal appro- priation, for aid in support. . . 2,000 00 From same on ac't appropriation for repairs. Ac... 05 02 rrr.f-- 1 llaw'n Treasury for Pas-ent- er and llaw'n Seamen's Taxes to April 1,230 01 aJouauon ircin .Me mors ol the Late Honolulu Ritle Corps.... 463 31 Donation from His Majesty 243 63 Received from old oil barrels.... G 00 Balance due Bishep A Co., carried down 2,633 61 $7,473 CI Estimate of Liabilities, July 1. 1S74. Balance now doe Bishop it Co .$ 2,6S3 61 F peases f r this month, (June).... .. 1,000 00 -- $3,6SG 61 Estimate of Asset, July 1, 1S74. Amt rsenger and llaw'n Seamen's Taxes for current quarter ...$ SCO 00 Amt Appropriations.. .... 2,625 00 $3,035 00 Net Liabilities $598 CI N. B. The Estimated Assets are dependent upon the action of the Legislature, and will not be available until the Appro- priation U'h shall have become a Law. 1S73. Cn. Dec. 20, By balance due Bishop & Co l,Cbrf Co June 20, 171, Paid Salary of Physician 6 months to June 1st 750 00 raid Waees to Purveyor, and all Servants to April 1 1.14 00 imirovements ami Repairs.......... .... 93 20 Bishop k Co., interest at Sc. orr orer-draft- s. 127 21) For Provisions, Medicines, (including cost of Invoice imported, C7 92) Bedding, Fuel, Lights, CcClns, etc., etc 3.C24 43 i 7,473 CI June 20, 1874. By balance (ami due Bishop A Co., brought down)....................... f 2,633 61 Respectfully submitted, , Chas. R. Bishop, Honolulu, June 20, 1S74- - Treasurer. London. May-25- . The Times this morning an- nounces that I'rince Arthur has been made a Duke of Connaught, and Lord Stratbmoie has received the title of Earl of Sussex. NewspaplrV-Cstebpris- . The Santa Barbara Prets, c-- Southern CaUforua, a handsomely printed an d well-edit- ed y& acunccs that on and after the 1st of July, it H b pmllLshed ia the style of lljrper's li'ecklyh fih nf or two engravings of Southern Californf'. rcney in each number. Mr. J. A. Drewsier, lormer looted at Wailuku, Maui, is one cf the editors of tie 'rev. inat rart c f v. aa- - foraia is destined to th garden cf the Sute, par excellence, and wher the Sou .hern railroad is built and a line cf tran acic steamers runs between China and San Diego Icalog at Honolulu, the grand future cf the ccuntryyilhave begun. Errata. Several rn crept into the Semen which appears on our,-aspag- e, owing to the author not having corrected (?e rocf. Third paragraph in the second column, thtthould be a period liter the word neglected," aril ajew sentence follows: "In some respects, the Horn" ic. Ia the sanse col- umn, fourth paragraph, or "religion of civilized lands," read irrtligii." For " strange un- christian," read "stronge unchristian." For "rel- igiously and adequately "read "realiiingly and ad equately." In the third tlumn, fourth paragraph, fur " churches and othe," read Chinese and others." In the last pararaph, for "them to use," read "him to use." - A Notable FrNERAL.-i.- ast Thursday afternoon". the obsequies of the limited Dr. Pitkin were per formed in a manner that dly betokened the bereave- ment felt by the ship's cjppany of the Benecia, and the sympathy of the comanity of Honolulu as welU The remains were broug; on shore at S p. St., and escorted by the Househoh Troops, the seamen and marines of the ship, wit reversed arms, and the members of Masonic bodie and followed by the off- icers and several of His jestys aides, the proces- sion proceeded to St. Anrews Episcopal Church, where services were held. His Majesty the King and the Royal Family were psent in the church. The long procession, precededby the Government Band, then marched to the Nuanu Cemetery, where the impressive Masonic butil service was read by W. Masters Fyfe and Dayton assisted by Past Master A. J. Cartwright. Three vdies nred by the military, concluded the last sad tesimonials of respect to the memory of a gallant sndvalued officer and genial gentleman. Examinations and ExwrnoNS. During the past two weeks, the usual annal school examinations have been had in this cit, and we regret that our space will not permit oftbat detailed account of them that we could wish. Every one will concede that this community is veil provided with the . means of education, andDf atx,excellent quality within the reach of all.) The exhibition of St. Alban's school took placlast Monday evening, at the Royal School Buihng on Emma Street, and drew a large audience f ladies and gentlemen His Majesty the Kingand Prince Leleiohoku were present, and the fmner distributed the prizes. The exhibition itself waa perfect success, and the -- scholars gave proof of ireful training: The ex- aminations at Punahou (allege took place on Tues- day and Wednesday, an-gav- general satisfaction to visitors. The gymistics on the afternoon of the second day were espsially commended. The exhibition at the Court louse on Thursday even- ing was crowded with sitors, and the exercises may be characterized a having been excellent throughout. Mat 24. Presidont 5Mahon is finding himself in as hot water as that hich caused bis prede- cessor to loosen his gras on power and strike out for the main land. M. dulard was designated lo form a new Ministry win the French Assembly, by its act a few days sint, compelled tbe beads of Departments to send in ieir resignations. Since then he has been looking around, but thus far has been unable to Chd a sticient number of promi- nent men who are wilbg to think and act with him. Every French potician wants the Govern- ment run in the groovete has marked out for it. They will unite for the verthrow of any one that may be raised to poweiwho believes differently, 'l'his is about the only isie upon which they can be united. M. Goulard is acknowledged that he cannot form a new Minry, and another l'remler is to be appointed. A CARD. S. II. Foster and family dire in this public manner to re- turn their sincere acknowlcunents to the public who so gen- erously patronized the Bene given on their behalf last Mon- day evening; to the friends ho exerted themselves to fill the House; lo M. Charles Doy, who donated the use ol the Theatre, piano and lights ;o the Amateurs, who gave their valuable services; to the prters; and to one and all who con- tributed to render the aflaii success. Honolulu, June 25, 1874. THERE WILL E DIVINE SERVICE at the Lyceum Evening, at half-pas- t 7 o'clock Seats free. ju27 public e:amination ! ravllERE WILL E A PUBLIC EXAM I- - 1 1 nation at tub " East Maui Fmale Seminary ! " on the Ninth of July. Alkf those interested in the School are invited to attend. . . It. C. B. ANDRF.W9, Principal. Valuable Rea Estate For Sale THE UXDERIGXED OFFERS for a1r till nWKIINrt HOI'SE AMI I.flT ViTjl ,iJ one of the pleasante situated spots for a resi- - mL deuce in this city or neigbbhood. It is near the Corner of Punchbo'l and Beretania Sts,, the situation is elevated, at the view fine. The house has seven rooms and a baseme, in good repair, water laid on. There is a Carriage House, and requisite outhouses. For particulars tr.que of ju27 lm GEO. C. SIDER3. N01CE ! A LL PERSONS WIO II AVE LEFT ANY X Ak. articles with tbe undersoed for repairs, etc.. can have the same by calling at the ;ore of Mr. T. G. THRUM and paying charges on the game. TH03. TANNATT. Honolulu, June 23d, 1S74. ju27 3t EXECUTOR'S SALE HOUSE AND LAND! Fauoa "7.lloy-- . Bj Order of the Executors f the Will of the Late .Steimrt If. ?ooper, ON SATURDAY. : : : : JULY 18th, At 12 O'clock, Noon, at Saieroom, will be sold at Public Aucon, THAT PIECE OR P.lllEl OF Ml) Opposite the entrance to Pauoa'alley, and near Nuuanu Valley, witUhe Dwelling House md Buildings therron, known as Kalokohonn.he former residence of Stephen Spencr, Esq. ALSO Immediately afterards will be sold, The Iarse Kiilo Patch, adjoining and belonging tthe same estate. For further particular, apply to E.. ADAMS. Auctioneer. TOKAY, E GENUINE WINS, A VERY SUPE- RIOR yUALITY. For S:IU juiO 4t f. - SCHAEFF.R & CO J. Norwegian Ale, AND German AN, Key Brand. 4 NEW IMPORTATION, EX KA MOI, X on hand and for sale at juO 41 FA. SCHAEFER CO s. FIREWOOD ! FBEWOOD ! ! EAST MAI i. FIR SALE BY IROM ' liOLLP.S CO. Paints andOil. ENGLISH BOILED OIL IN FIVE-GAL- L. WHITE LEAD, , BLACK LEW. WtpTEaNC RED LEAD, Ac, - J. &c. For Sale by (ja. ") BOLLES & CO Official Notifications. The followicg persons hiTe this d y commis- sioned as Tax Assess- - rs f.r the several Taxation Dis- tricts of the Islands : HAWAII J . w. .i H.i.-i- ; ik.. i ;. . lii'.rmanu Soath Kwta! H. S Mah-.i- ' rv ua:a ii. s. ku; iia Norta s. K Koi ' ! Kvaa D. If. V Ksu J. H s. M.utu Pun I.. Kaitia MAll LaJtaina J. A KauViu Wa.iuVu Thomas Birch Makava.- - J. W. l'ku:es - liana C. K. Kakaai MOLOKAI A I. AN A I IX W. Ka.oe OAHl Honolulu C. H Juid Ew A Wa.anae A. Kahkd Waia'u M. NauVar.a KooLauiaa J. A.-- a KociaupcikO ...James H.vl KAt'Al Hanaiei p. Kaukxha Acihoii Kaphu:Krr.a 9. Karnaha'.-- Kol-- Paiakaihi Wa.mea Kuai uu NIlHAl" Kaapuni P. N ait oiEt - , M.i;:-t'- T of Finance. F .nance Department, Jne 19, 1?:. Towaoc. Tbe Rates cf Towa in or out of the Harlwr of Honolulu, t the S;eim-tu- Pt'r, w,il hereafter be a folluw, v.i : Bhips aid Barks unJer JhX) ton. $ 0 and Birls over ton, 5 Ships and B trVs ever 1.vOi I r.s ifO V halemen Foreign ac-- Uawaoan 40 Itris an.l r tv.'r lal i.t a 3i Br.g and Seh oner ui.d r oO tons.... oO W I.. i:nrv Miiotr ,,f li.t.-r,.,- Interior Oice, Jane 19. lsTA- - CALIFORNIA OAT-HA- Y ! fTEt'EIY"EO I'EK I. V. MI RKAV, AM 111. a Superior yjality. For by 7 ju20 EOLLVS 4 CO. NOTICE. MY ABSENCE FROM THE DURING Mr. J. W. CROU KI.L, will hae charge of the Sale Department of Photographs, where people wishing lor any views can be furnished at the prices of $2.00 per Doten for CarJ Site, 2 oo per l'oien for Stereoscopic Size, 4 io er lxen for Cabinet Sue, C 00 per iHiien for 7 a 9 Sire. ALSO Reprint ma.le from negatives formerly taken cf houses or views at the above rates. II. L. CIIASK, ju20 tf 61 and CO Fort Streets, Honolulu. $50 REWARD ! NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN that all persons are forbidden froru makinr fires wlilnn tbe boundaries of the Kula Land of Waikapn. No Cattle on said Kula are to b branded, except in the places appointed for the came, and no cattle are to be taken off said kula with- out the permission of the undersigned or his agents or tunas. A 11 Dogs are forbidden to be allowed to run loose on said kula; cultivation is forbidden on any part thereof. The above mentioned reward will be paid to the party or. parties who will inform on any person breaking the above rules in reeard to making fires on the kula, so that they may be prosecuted according to law. n. CORN WELL. : Waikapu, June 12, 1S74. ju20 lta j $50 REWARD. NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN that all persons are forbidden from making fires within ' the boundaries of the Kula Land of Wailuko. No cattle on said kiila are to be branded, except in the places appoint, d for the same, and no cattle are to be taken off said kula with- out the permission of the undersigned or their agent or Iums. All Dogs are forbidden lo be allowed to run loose on said kula; cultivation is forbidden on any part thereof. The above mentioned reward will be paid to the parly or parties who will inform on any person breaking the above rules ia regard to making fires on the kula, so that they may be prosecuted according to law. A. P. LF.0N0RO. H. CORN W KI.L. Wailuku, June 12th, 1S74. ju'.'O lm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAV WHEREAS, appointed Administrator of the Estate of W. II. KAAUWAI, of Wailuku, Maui, lately deceased at Honolulu, Oahu, hereby gives notice to all pertens having claims against the said W. II. Kaauwai to present the same, properly authenticated, within six months from date, or they will be forever barred ; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the un- dersigned at his residence at Wailuku, Maui, or at Kanaana, Alakea Street, Honolulu, Oahu. GEORGE K. KA AL'WAT, Administrator Estate of W. II. Kaauwai. Honolulu, Oahu. May 29, 1374. Ju6 4t ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. S.WALKER At SAMUELC. ALLEN JOHN business in Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands, under the firm name and style of. WALKER tt ALLEN, having th day by assent of a majority of their creditors executed and deliv- ered to the undersigned a deed of assignment of all their prop- erty for the benefit of their creditors, all persons Laving claims against the said firm of WALKER k ALLEN, or the said John S. Walker, or Samuel C. Allen, are hereby requested to present the same forthwith at the office of the undersigned in said Honolulu, and all persons indebted to said firm of WALKER & ALLEN,jr to the said John S. Walker, or thereof to the und'ersigtied at his said office without delay. ' EDWARD P. ADAMS, Assignee of Walker V Allen. Honolulu, II. I. June S, 1374. ju!3 4t ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. SIEMSEN AND W. F. CONWAY JOHN business in I1ILO, HAWAII, under the name style and firm of Siemsen & Conway, having this day can- celled an assignment by them made on the 30Ui day of March, A. D., 1S74, and executed a new assignment to the under- signed, of their property, for Ihe benefit of their Creditors; all persons having claims against said firm of Siemsen & Con- way, or John Siemsen and W. F. Conway are requested to present their accounts a the offices of D. U. HITCHCOCK and E. O. HITCHCOCK in Hilo, Hawaii, or at the office of A. S. CLEUHOitN in Honolulu; and all persons indebted to said firm of Siemsen & Conway or John Siemsen and W. F. Conway are requested to make payment to either of the under-fiirne- d assik'neva at their respective places of business as aforesaid. D. II. HITCHCOCK, E. O. HITCHCOCK, A. S. CLEOIIORN, Assignees of Siemsen & Conway. Honolulu, 2nd April, A. D., lsT4 my9 Scliool 3J"c-tloo- - HALEAKALA BOY'S BOARDING SCHOOL MIE SUMMER TERM OFTHIS .SCHOOL 1 will open on the Olli Dny of aulf urxl. The School accommodations have been greatly enlarged, and now h a capacity for sixty pupils. The School is located in tht District of Makawao, in one of Ue finest climates of the Islands. As heretofore, the School will be carried on as an INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTION ! The Pupil thrriin in ihe Cnmh Profilw of llif-i- r labor. The industrial department will be carried in ilurinir the forenoon, and three hours in the afternoon will be devoted to indoor schooling. Parents or Ouardians deiirp. ous of placing their children or wards at this Institution, are respectfully requested to apply to th principal, Mr. F. L. CLARKE, on the premises, or at the Education Office, Hono- lulu. Parties sending pupils are requested to provide them mth serviceable working atid school suits of clothes, with one Sunday suit, sheets, pillow cases, bed-qni- lt or blankets, towe's, and a serviceable trunk or chest, in which clothes may be kepi TERMS : Single Pupils f 50 00 per annum Single pupils, if paid for quarterly, in ad- vance 11 00 per quarter Two or more pupils, sent by one person, ea. 40 00 per annum H. R. HITCHCOCK. Inspector General of Schools. Education Office, Honolulu, June Id, 1574. - ju20 2m FOR SALE! jjjgj THE SCHR.GEO. FRANCIS TRAIN, wSSb About 40 Tons Burthen two years old. In Good Order and well Found ! For further particulars and terms, apply lo ju!3 II. II ACKFELD & CO.. Agents. SPECIAL SALE OF FIREWORKS, FLAGS ! AND 1VE SEX S XSL fit , For .lUIY Itli, 1S71! AT THOS. G. THRUM S i During rchlch time the Credit System kI'.I be Sus-pendt- d. RECEIVED PER D. C. MURRAY. JUST Sky Rr-k'-- M.nes of tar and Serpents. Roman Candles, China flyers. Hengolas, Trianelis and LarK-- e Vertical Whet-is- , Volcanoes. Floral Shell. Blue L'zhts, Serpent, Pin Wheel. Torpedoes. C tr C Extra and Rifle Crackers. ALSO, ON HAND, A LARGE SUPPLY OF CHINESEROCKETS aucI Gold Cliop, Fire Crackers a?id hunhle Y.ihrs, and a good vrtrii'y of American and Haw'n Toy Flags AND MASKS Call early Tor the Choice of this Small but well Selected of American Uoods, which are Fre-- h and in good 1 line. ill (Coin Covered) Orders Filled In their Coarse. jul3 In REMOVAL ! DR. . '1I !!.. HOMlKOI-ATIIIHT- . RKMO :i II ! v't l ICi: to the II u v nl v cup:ed ly Mr. C. K. Wi;:. :.., : et the Cr-tet- n li, F tt t:r.-et- lljr.elulu, June 1 1ST. n 13 C t TO LET. OR FOR SALE! MY COTTAIJE tiM lisllDKN, AT the i:;:ra:.oe ot Pauoa v. ' ja!3 ia II. M'lIMII'T. TO LET ! t'OTTACJK AllJOIMNU THF: I'OIo MA t BaiUing at PacnUou. liood acc muii:wii for larpe" frni:y. Carriage Ilause, etc, water laid on it his a large yard. For turlaer panicx Ur. app!)' i mZ3 S N CASTLE to BE LET! " THE TWO V INK CA'lDl'S STORFS in th tlifil-.- Wharf f'.r parl-u1a- jiiU apply to oOl'KRKV RHOil TO LET OR LEASE ! THOSE IKSIR AI.E I'HEMISES Alakea Street. firtneriy occupied t y . A. P hRIt'K- - WOOD. Fi-- i r ,.r Particulars apply to eUtf J. S. LKMOK. AMERICAN MESS BEEF AOR SALE IN UOM) HY m- - .POl.l E.--5 4 CO HAMS ! T. LOUIS STAR II A MS. FOR Sil.E II . ) mji liuLLES a, l i COTTON DUCK ! A WHENCE MANUKA CTOH AN As Li sort uieut of nuuitcr, for sale low I y mj9 ftOLLKS CO. DOWNERS KEROSENE! SI RECEIVED PER EDWIN. FROM Jl Boston direct. ALSO. DEVOE'S KEROSENE, in patent can, per Edwin, for sale by my 9 1SOI.LF.S A CI). MANILA CIGARS ! 4 NEW INVOICE OETHOSE SUPERIOR 2M. Uenuine Cigars, just received and tw sale by tuy9 H0LLK3 Y CO. NOTICE. ravll E UNDERSIGNED AVILL CO NT IN I' E 1 the PAINTING ItCSlNti'S at the old stand of Kealoha and Panee, when be hopes to receive the continued patronage extended to the late firm. DAVID KE ALOHA, aplS 3m No. 63 Hotel Street. TO LET ! VVV THE PREMISES oT RICHARD ST., lIi'l now occupied by Mrs. Ureen, furnished or unfurnished. For further enquire of J. II. CONEY, or fe21 C. Si. PARTOW. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORBID. j. den to drive Uoats or Cattle on the MoCN'TAIN OF 11 L' A L ALA I, until the settlement of the lloondaries of Knu pulrhn, as from evidence obtained it would appear that the said Hualalal is included in Ihe land of Kaupulehu. HENRY COOPER, Hawaii, March 20th, 1S74. ap4 Siu THOMAS GRAHAM AVING PURCHASED THE Busi II ness and good will of the Hair Catting and Shaving Establishment of Mr, V. a. BLAKE, on Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home, will be happy to wait on his friends and Ihe public generally, vnd will do bis best to give satisfaction. apl8 3m BUFFUM'S HALL FOR SALE. FOR TERMS, Enquire of tf fcl4 S. B. DOLE. NOTICE. . , . rVMlE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- - K tied that JOSEPH DCCHALSKY has no authority to sell any Leather or material made at the KALAUAA) TAN- - N r. It Y, nor to Incur any expemmure on account oi me same except through the undersigned. - J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, March 17, 1873. mhi CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF IIONO- - LULU, Visiting Frieuds and Strangers generally are cordially invited to attend Public WorHhlp at FORT BT. CHURCH, where services are held every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 2 P. M. Seats are provided for all who may be pleased to attend. There Is a Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting at 7 2 o'clock, in the Lecture room, to which all are welcome. P '7 m7ITH A VIEW TO AFFORD EVERY T facility to parties desirous of profitably and securely investing small sums of money, Homls of the Hawaiian Gov- ernment of the several values of SI OO, 200, 500, and I .OOO, bearing interest at the rate of 9 per cent. wr annum, payable will he issued at par to all persons applying for them at the Treasury, for terms of not less than 6, nor more titan 2 years. i. . . u uiuinivim. - Minister of Finance. Department of Finance, April 2d. 1S74. ap4 3iu JUST RECEIVED PER Hawaiian-Bar- k Ka Moi ! - - f s f- -' 129 DAYS FROM BREMEN, FUKIVCII " ' ' ' AND .' GKItillAiY GOODS I VEW STYLES OF PRINTS, Pi. Key. Piak 1 vf and White J round ; Mourning, shawl pattern. Brown, White and blue Cottons, Heavy Dennus, Ticking, Turkey Ked, Fine French MurIIiis, Vietorii. Lawns, Veil liarege, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Blue Twilled Flannel, Irish Linen, fclark Cobourgs, Blue Cobourgs, Italian Cloth, Waterproof Tweeds, White Moleskin, Blue and Black Broadcloths, Heavy Black Diagonal Tweeds, Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Mowiuito Netting, Heavy Silk Umbrellas, Socks and Stockings. Assortment of Clothing! Fashionable Neckties and Cravats, Flannel Shirts, Linen and Cotton Bosom and Fancy Calico Shirts, Hickory Shirt.i, Ladies' and Uent's Kid (iloves, Heavy Woolen Blankets, A Fine Assortment of Shawls. -- Hemp Twine, Linen and Cotton Thread. Lubin'a Extracts, Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water, Hair Oil, Fancy Soaps, &e. A URGE ASSJI'T OF UWi GOODS Such as , Black Jet Ornaments, Hair Pins, Glass Buttons. Amber Crosses, Broochea, &., r. Fine and Common Soisaors, Fine au,l Common Pen and Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks. Butcher Knives, cocoa haodlej. English Saddles, French Calfskins. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERM A N It O CEltlES : Large and Desirable Assortment. 1 Liebig's Extract of Meat, Huhbuck's White Zinc, White Lead, Paint Oil. Black Paint, Red Lenl, " Paris Ureen, Kerosene Oil. Alcohol in 1 Gallon Demijohns, Conac in Boxes, Fine and Table Claret, Litifrauenmilch Rhine Wine, A Small Lot of Fine Hungarian Wines, Seltser Water, Fine Liqueurs, Oermau, Scotch and Norwegian Ales, qts. and pis. Fine Havana and German Cigars, ienna Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Chairs, Wardrobes, Writ- ing Desks, and other Furniture. Galvanized Iroo Pipe, 2 and 3-- inch; Steam Pipe, 4 to 1 2 inch; Charcoal Tin Plates, Block Tin. Babbitt's Patent Metal, Perforated Brass, for Centrifugals; Sheet Zinc, MunU Yellow Metal and Nails, Hoop Iron, 3 8, 3 4, 1 and 1 4 inch; Fence Wire, No. 4, 5 auJ 6; I'.e- -t Refined Bar Iron, ail sizes; Kej Rivets, Lanterns, Portland Cement, Fire Bricks, Slates, Stockholm Tar, Stockholm Pitch, Coal Tar, fire Clay, Bath Bricks, Blacksmith's Coal in Casks, Hemp Packing. Hide Poson, Demijohns, Birch Brooms, Oak Boats for Coaster Oil Hhronk Shocks, Petroleum Barrels for Tallow Coatainers, Syrup Barrels, And many other Articles too Numerous to Mention. SAMPLES NOW OPEN ! FOR SALE BV H. H ACKFELD & Co. tshl ruhll 7 MR. ALFRED JOHN HOOKE, Proffssor & Teacher of Muiic, Tuning, &c. U.h1 Tr:iuK i.ia's Terms e n-- '. AJ Jres Ftt Office . MUSIC! mT,i iiali. w ..i, rn.uf, Ac., rTy at b rt notice Leoun lira en Ihe lalla. (oroet aii Ba lel ! 1 T Muncal I iilruroetu repaired arxl warranted. JT I'rlrra Iw. U W. BKO WN, Cinrr Urretanla aa.1 mitli M. N i o rnrctioii any other establishment. JuO Sim 1VITJTTJ AL LIFE INSURANCE CO., -- OK- 1ST 33 THE OLDEST, , LARGEST AND BEST Life Insurance Company IN THE UNITED STATES. SAML G. WILDER. my9 tf Aural for lite 11 is wit I Ian lalataslo. SPRING VESSEL, 1874! G. BREWER & GO. OFFER FOR MALE OF- - AMERICAN BK. EDWIN FR OM RONTON. iirrivo cx ! CJCIl ANTON STEAM COAL. IN LOTS TO 3 suit purchasers, for family use. NEW BEDFORD FAMILY SOAP. fi.OOO FT. SELECTED BOAT BOARDS 2 CENTRE BOARD EXTRA TIMBER- -' , ED WHALE BOATS, 25 11BLS. AMERICAN TAR. 26 SOUTHERN PITI-II- . ao UU1.N. No. I ROSIN, CAhES SPIRITS TURPKNTINK. i A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OAKS. EAGLE A PLOWS. 2ft K ITTH No. I MACHKKKU la CASKS CORN STA III II, IU llK. lirlLn. rAMII.V I'ORK. 5 II U LS. GENUINE CIDER VINEGAR, FOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BALKS OA K I'M, EASTERN PINK KKO AND BARREL SIIOOKS. ALSO, OFJ HAND EX RECENT ARRIVALS I Which will be offered LOW TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS. ANCIIORSnud CHAINS', ASSTD.SIZK. i , . . FARMER'S BOILERS, 20, 95, 3 AND V" 40 GAIXS. .1 PAINTED BUCKETS AND PAILS. EASTERN HARD BRICKS, PINE MOLASSES BARRELS, SET UP. HORSE. MULE AND HAND CAK'IS, CANAL BARItOWS. CUMBERLAND COALS! CENTRIFUGAL LININGS, GUNNY BAGS IN CASKS OF 250 Plr OX YOKES, No. 4, 5 AND U. OYSTERS, FRESH AND SPICED. YELLOW METALS AND NAILS. C. BREWER & CO. jy25 Ja31 WHISKEY! yiRGINIA RYE. IN CAS KM t Kentai:Uy Favorite, in; ,Swr Mush, in Oixes ; liini llle l hi), hey, in t'in ; Whiskey, in a.ea and casks. FnrHaleby CHAS. LONG. RUM ! N CASKS A ND CASKS. A I. or Sale by CHAS. LOSO. CLARET ! IN CASKS AND CASES. For Sale by CHAS. LONQ. SUPERIOR SHERRY! MADEIRA. ENGLISH AND California llork, Rhino Wines, different brands 1 For Bale by CHAS. L0NU. GIN ! N GREEN CASKS, 12 BOTTLES EACH. In Red Cases, 13 boUles each. In Bankets, 12 Jugs each. Iu BaJr Daly I'a Id. 'For Pale by CHAS. LONG. AUSTRALIAN WINES ! - RED, WHITE, MUSCAT. FRONTIGN AN, e- - FerSaleby CHAS. IONU. FRENCH CORDIALS. 4 S60RTED. IN CASES, CUT GLASS DE- - fsV. CANTERi. VERMOUTH. MARASCHINO, ' BLOOD, WOLFE PORTER, in pint. For Sale by CIIA3. LOMO. 1 .1

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Page 1: · 1 .V1K II. COMMERCIAL, " i i: Tut rnly I rivij, i':tt:: the we. k

1 .V1KII.


Tut rnly I rivij, i':tt:: the we. k. b. h At.t. r'r:i J

h.inr & JJ'r ' '- - ' - ,!'. f- "" '

t" II. iUi'af- - i JF Co . .:..! 10-- JU-..i:,.- ..;i- - :it r K.;. t - j

.1 .v n. I f. ' I .. I . V. I ! r ' - i

!!. ii Wen fn i. I k J i i -- r; j I ":;tr t rit.r y,ant lite ! i! f w in I 11 t ".".hV.e .1.

por.i or iioiiox.ui.u. ii. i.AKUIVAI..

Jaw! ii ir 1'aa.ihi, II pi. fiota II , H iaii.y i whr --I. Thaw. Ilr-.w- iej day fr'm--"':"" .

21 fimr Ki;u-- . hurt, Irni hi.) :j i; , M ..fa..1 . hr Ntii ll. C nor. ! "in I : Jli'

21 rrtir K Jl-- i. Fo-r- -r . Ir'ro Ki-- i M u.Wl . hr M rr., I tin. from

I tj r . I mr. ff .in K'-r.a- kju.lln..21 ',r fair l4cn. Kaa.r.a. f r- - ni llanA.-- ,. Ka-u- i

S'J hr Juan.fa. lu.; lr-- Wj:ui1 J, l.r V jnu'oK, ka.uo. f.n f wi'.,

",;, .r J- - r. - . lUilnl.T. f:n - A K- Ka it.V,l ir Ke--.- i K.mkii.o. fr-r- K

Jl .r Ai.i., K j i l.r.a. Ir in S..-n- .

?. hr W r,i . K'wU. tn K Vanpata. Molokai.jtC nr Ac'i--- . luaat,iWi, Iron. Kr,li.4.,r. r. r I tia, Ki iu M i. i . K u.m.vl r -- tf:- MrrT!. I rar. fr-t- r. LahiSra. Ms::!.

k.i.ti. I.ui'..-!h- , 17 !ay frtiu Mr'ia-aa- .

iivf'. hr .i.i, Am.La., lr-- Maui.v-- i. (.r 3aj. it.i, ; 1'U'Kii. NSa.-ila.t- -

IlKI'AltTI.KKS.Jure 'Ji fliur Ki'o'-- ,;!. f .r Kiilaof r;a, M Aal.

1 ri l.i c u :, irk, llir.x M u;i.ji ! Iir Kmi, F Uoi:-- . I r Kajn2i. MuJ'.kii.jif.-).- r .NrU.-- f Merrill. Iff.', r l.aha.u.i. 1 mi.i "hr Mao "."-- J" K,-- l Kaoat.

.1IU tii W ; ivr.lii:: f rtiri rrit.f ;'M.i I'rri. Lu i. f r

S. tir Juinlij.C iMfloit. f-- .ui:n.21 A-b- f Ki M' i. rcr, f r Kal.'jim, Miuii--i .J. hr r'a.ry K in, Kia!r. f r 11 inah i, Kmsi.j( I'a n!.i. Ii !''. f 'f II.!", IUw.i.iti sr M ir.Li,,kai. k ilioan, ( r Nwil'.-..:i- , K muL; H:iur K.iw j, Mr !i:w.l, .t hiuji.24 ! Ur I lUni.i, U'-a- f r Kona ami Kau, Ilavai.

r ltt Anm', Kuloitn.v, I.r Mil s lU-ai- i.

; Mir Jtiii), (i.r K .w.a A Witnnn, Kaui.2! fr!r W ar k, Ki!aiv for Kli.l'-- I , M'..,kji.

Irjrctcd Urpariurra.Fob I.H4M Srhr Nu;? Merrill. .iit Ibis r M.

. Fob Kii 14 h. hr Acne, :iiK l.'.n p n.Fb !!. iVhr I. uka. ul on Momiay.ton V imiwiid runTn-fi- mr Kilaur-a-, sail fin Monday.


; H B- - n.ria, t. ai uin Vra II lin.kins.

Aiu iir M rcifi Si ir, repairing.Aid hr r-i Tli r, iir wn.Haw x br Kinau, f.i


I no n I'tkMi-- Oi ftrtna 'I Uayer, June J1 C'i,

'1 lj I M I m. k Co.

KXI'OUTS,f imHixl iiiioru 1'cr W . C. Frke, Jui.f.iir, i d .......... . ,l Wucil, blis.. CiIItluk UiLrikt.. .1

Valu-l-.f- ii'ii -- 116-, Fore.irn

li i f4i into Per W. C. I'arkr, Juu': i?.! TLoXAiinait aiul vit, A 1'rafcik'I, Mr CuCu.

Fob Ki i Frr KiUua. June 24ih liua P Inlr,4 i hiWrwfi, K Kruli. HrT A O Fuf tx J, Ko T tun, Mr

.r ut mi.1 cfiil l, iir Ko.erlo, lli Wurul-titT- . I. Ka-iiu- v,

I. II, Mur Mary uifl Alica Milir)lr,Uirr llrnry Mi:ir:w. Jutia IIuwkii, Alex Mrliry'tu auJ

li-- r .Mcbiyl-- , and mbvuC 43 derk.

MAKKIEU.M rtiLt(-Widi- hji In thLcity, on SariHay twn-- n

j , Jun XOi!i, at IN rn4-u- c "f Ui brl'a falhrr. ty Her.Atb IKrm.m, Hl nT !KUlUr, E , I) Mj ti,tUutfriM-- r r lion. It. A. W iUiMnauii, bi Ira ot lioooiulu.

Klt-WtNtruir- ut-in ihla rity, Jane ZU, by tlm KeT.II. II. Ilrk'-r- , Mr. J(i 11. UtiMMUt Lou VHrot-r"K- .

ail of H 'oulula. -

fiit:i.f . Pitbiw Ut UoiKiltila hst Lor, on buBrd V U.S. S. Btnitia,

ah.,u .j'i )rmr. Ir. Pii&in wui B . more of JturliDirlua,. v ( , ami a Kr.nloate i.l ili Miiral ColUx bl Itiat ('iacr.

Ii nlTT'l ihm .Navy f l':ult riaiea July lSUi lo-Ji- .

Ifitrmu tM In wr tv rri-i- i in blfi ib .NuvUi aiui livulhAtlantic MiuanaM, aiiU rpcmTnl Uorturalib iii9tilua la theattack on ml tatter. After lh CuocKiaiua ol li.0war.beacTO('ni-i- l AijLau( (tacrcLarv i i ou a naiua la Kama.I( ant 1 in buCrt Ut Ueiliteriarx'wu rJ Auttic iqaaJroo.lie accumpaitietl I'ri-aau- r A(ui 00 Ibe avMUitiile rxJiiiouaroiiut Vik II in 00 bvarij tt C'ual Hurv jr tiani-- r n- -rr J,uirU ihe Kcnu'ii iu Aui(aal, I'jTi, DJ waa vrouivtnl

t i tit 1 ink 1,1 lull lurrf'-o- n Der- - uitx r "Jllh of lti (aaiie I'iikni :i a full, man of variil ariinrtncutj, a.iJ biji'yotn'niril tjl unly by lu bruthrr oititer but by s large rfri-l- r

. , t .110(,1j Irittiaa ami aoiaaintafic-n- .

lilKTII.V. Uaifi, a . u.

THE PACiriO; Cummercihl bb ciliscr.'


Jcst oxr tear 'ago, ttc ItviJ before the publictoioe thouglitd on the euTj.-c-t of 'yV ljan,"which ufon're rendln,' rc think gorxl enough to

t, in jart, inasmuch as what vaa cviJentljtrue anJ correct reasoning then, obtains addi-

tional fori after the laj-is- of twelve months.The thoory of Government with a country situ-

ated like this, must Le quite different from thatwhich cbtsios tl in here. Ia populous corumuuitic,where the industries that support the tody politicare cstaMiahed on eettlcd hMes, the axiom justly pre1

Tila thfit that country is best governed which isgoverned the least. TULj theory, while it appliesperfectly to such a country as Great Britain, andwith tut litile less certainty to the United States,cannot, for very obvious reasons, Le suited to Hawaii.In almost every particular in which the principle ofptkDfcive with private tnterpriee indeveloping national resources is a rule with thosegovernment, the converse ought to obtain here,otherwise the Government is a negative benefit,i nstf,id cf a positive good. We claim, therefore, thatit is the province cf the Government in every possi-

ble way to actively forward the development of theagricultural enterprises of the country, Ly using itspower and the means at its disposal for the introduc--

Vioa cf and population the two great needs. of the eounfry-a- nJ both cf which wc are persuaded

are obtain iLlc. A proper appreciation cf the situa-tion, with sound and far-scci- economy, shouldpro .ut t our Government to talc spcedy measures forthe negotiation of a loan abroad at this juncture.Not a petty borrowing of a few hundred thousands,but respectable loan of several millions, with which,

we cm pay o!I at once all our nine and twelve percent. inJel,t(dEe, and go on1 with new and largerenterprises, unencumbcrel with a compounding loadof interest. ' .. ';,'' I

It may be suggested that such a project will beopposed by the moneyed mea cf the country, as in-

terfering with their interests. We do net accede to

this view," for tht capitalist nin?t be short-sight- ed

indeed who dues not perceive that a much longercontinuance of our present system cf high interest,means a' most thorough LilVing of the goose that laysthe golden e;g.

"The Government having by an adequate loanbrought hither the capital, should then proceed to

lend the cime to the agriculturists, in sndcicntamounts to pay off all their present indebtedness,and to enable them to enlarge operations, wherepracticable, charging for such advances merely theinterest wLVcU the CoveTnment itself is responsihlef r, and taVg --security on the estates. We would

ot however go so fir as Las been done in SlanriUus,wnere the Government acts as the factcr cf theplanter, taking h'u crop oil Lis Lands and selling itto the foreign buyer. Cut we contend that somesuch system of Government aid as here suggestedmust be extended to our agriculturists, if they areto ncceed. If, however, the Government shall de-

cline to step forward to their aid, and that speedily ,the ruincua result is easily foreseen and alreadyovershadows us. Our productive industries mustfall, and ia that case the Government itself, withnothing to support it, eannot long subsist. It willbe but the performance of a farce without an audience.

But besides the grateful task of placing ourpresent agricultural interests on a prosperous basis,which it would be the province cf the Governmentto perform with the means thus at its disposal, thereare public improvements to be made which would

double our present producing capacity. Many thou-aan- ds

cf acres of the finest cane lands in the groupare now lying idle, that might be made to produce

heavy crops of sugar by irrigation, while neighbor- - !

io :r. ir.., f.r t'. e f irfK.i'e, nrc tow rucLlc? i

waT-.-fj'.'--y ir.t . t!.e r-- a. As f.r it.t:ance, the broad

p'x'.r. If. 1. ri aiid MaLawao on Maui,

W.iiuifn Ka-j'ii- , a:. I various other localities, that j

r:.iy e'lr-.-- t t cur rea lrs. Every lol'.ar

la.Il rut Ly ; ,i..r:.:..':.t in Lvasur.- .that will bringt:.e-- e Ii:. ii ir. j c ultintk r.. will return foiirf;!! intot!.c Trei- - iry.

" In eiiort, by the tiruciy an 1 jud:c:ous negotiati'inin the ri!.t lire-.:!- - a cf an alejuate loan, and a

iru d:sp-ltl- ou of the fauds, the entire conlitioncf riflilrs in the Islands may be speedily removedfr-.r- ition and the verge cf national bank-rut'- y,

t- - I activity and prosperity in allbr ir.c:.'-- - of bult.-ii- .

"In this, as will as in u'.i other undertakings cfnition'il i.rr.rtr.c', we require a ij ir'.t of eLlight- -nel enterj.rii and energy in the Leads of Govern- -

n.'.nt. The plan t'.w J vgrted to raise Hawaii neifror:i the !cugh of depond i nothing new amongthe nati-.r.- an 1 g Terninent. It is common enough

irh t!ie Ftat'-- s cf the American Union, and hasrecently bc--- f 1 with marke-- success by theCol ny of New Zealand."

In over the ah-v- paragraphs, jennedby cs a y ar cilice, it may well be imagined thatwe puLli-- h Hi Majesty's menage rccmmendingaiifh a Iaii, with no little ; and welikf-wi-- j rint the Hill, which is nw before theLegislature.

IoLam I'a late, June L'2, 1K74.To Ihe LegUlatict Jitiuily of Ihe Hawaiian Inl-

ands.N'i.du ,i5ii nrr-BK5r;- ti vr11 It frequently hap-

pens that it is alvisable and even necessary for thetatc to lend its credit for the purpose of promoting

the enterprises of its citizens, when the general gooddepends largely upon those enterprises.

It is apparent to me and no doubt it ia likewise soto you, Nobles and Representatives, that for someyears past, there has L-c- n no extension of business atall equivalent to what we might expect.

Our resources are large if well used, but the lowprice at which our staple articles have ruled in themarket? accessible to u, and an absence of captal,have prevented the extension in any considerable de-

gree of our chief business.Under thete circumstances it would appear a pru-

dent policy to make use of the national credit so asto enable tny Government to extend a helping handto the industrial enterprises of the country.

Impressed with these views, I propose to yourHonorable Body to dijeuss the expediency of seekingailing wealthy and great nations that capital ofwhich we ttand in need, and for which our resourcesshould furniih abundant security.

I suggest to you the passage of an Act which willempower my Government to negotiate a Loan of suchau amount as shall be deemed wise, and at the sametime shall aCbnd the Government the means to relievethe burdens now pressing so heavily upon the indus-tries of the country, while it will also permit them toinitiate works of public utility and improvementtending to develope our latent resources; following inthis the example of those older and more experiencednations of the world who have never hesitated tocontract loans of this nature where the public exi-

gencies seemed to call for them.Commending, Nobles and Representatives, to your

careful consideration, this grave subject, I pray thatyou may be guided to a sound and wise decision, andthat the measures decided upon by you may be thestarling point for the growth of a new prosperity:

Accompanying this is a petition which I have justreceived from the principal merchants and businessmen of Honolulu, praying that certain steps shouldbe imroeliaMy initiated with the object of obtaininga Reciprocity Treaty with the United States. As theUnited States is the most convenient market for ourprincipal staples, it is very desirable that we shouldLave better commercial facilities with that country.

Therefore I commenced this petition to the carefulconsideration of the Legislature, feeling assured thatthey will, having so considered it, take such actionia the premises as will be conducive to the best inter-ests of the Kingdom. KALAKAUA R.

Tfic fOIIon fiijj la l I'O j,joj0ovrl Ac o Mika.,a Loan, as introduced ou Thursday last :

AN ACTTo authorize a National Loan, and to define (6 what uoti tuch

Loau ahall be Enacttd ly the King and the Leyitlutive Jtstmhly of

thf H iu.uum ItlanUs, in Ike Lnjitttiture of the Kingdom

1. That Hi Majraty the King ia hereby authorizedborrovr, on the credit of the Hawaiian Government, within

nix years afi-- r the of thia Art, a luin not exceeding amillion of dollars, or so much thereof as may be deemed desir-able fur tlx puriioaes iu this Act htnafit-- r set forth ; lorw hich Hi Majesty may cause to be issued Coupon Honda,K.fijired Bonds or Treasury Notes, in such portions of each ashi may deem advisable. The Bonds to bear interest not torc--:- six per ccct. per annum, payable semi-annual- ly ;

in tv-- t less thou ten nor more than twenty year., e. o. And lr it further enacted, That block ahall be

issued lor the amount so borrowed, bearine interest at six perrent, per annum ; and the Miuuner of Finance U hereby au-thorized, with the consent of His Majesty the King, to rauseia It prepared, Certilicules of Stock, to be issued, which shallbe s'uriied bv Uie MIoislcr 01 r inance, anil counteriened bythe Kegiilrar f I'uliUi- - Accounts, and sealed with the tVal ofihe 1 reamiry Department ; and nuide pa able to the partieslending thw rn'tiiT, represented by such Certificates, or their

: which Certificate may be transferred on the booksel the Treasury, under ue!i regulations as the Minister of Finance may establish. I'roviib d always, that when Couponsfr tli" payment of interest shall he attached, any Certificateto wlncu nueh may be attached, may be assigned andirausdt-rred- by delivery of the san,, without being transferredon the louks el the Treasury. An.l the Minister of Financemay a- l- isue, in exciianL'e f-- roin. as part of this loan, or aspayment f-- 9ulari. or other dues front the Hawaiian Gov--t rniiK nt, l reaury itotes, payable in live years from the datethereof, ol a denomination not less than fifty dollars, bearinginter t at lour per cent. p-- r annum ; provided, that the Treasury Notes of this description, thus issued, shall not exceed inthe UiU-r-t ijule. at any time, one hundred thousand dollars. Andthe Minister of Ilnance may likewise as a rt of Ibisloan. 111 exchange lor coin, or salaries, or other dues 01 IJovernnient. Treasury Nob s of any denomiuatioii less than fifty

iK'aruig no interest, aim payable la nearer on demand;1 r ,1, that the amount of Notes so Issued shall not exceed

1 the sure site, at any time, seventy thousand dollars t androvldsd always, that no pernon shall te eomp.-lKi- l to take

sueh Notes 13 pa meni l r salary, or oilier clues, 1 1 he shouldte unwilling s.j t do. Au.l the faith of the Hawaiian Govern- -rii-n- is herit,y plejirej tnr the due payment of the interest andtrie redemption of the principal of the and TreasuryNotes.

Sec. 3. Arid lie it fuither enactej. That Ihe Treasury Notes.sutli.jr.i-'- J by the preceding Section to be issued, may, whentr.ey ahali be returned imo the l r"asury. be oroth' rs substituted tor them, at any time during the entireperiod twenty year, lor which this loan is authorized :provi.le-- alva. that all such Notes shall le ultimately paya--Lie wni..n me Breai,i 01 iai niy years.

tec. 4. And be it further enacted. Thai the Minister of Fi-nance i authorized to pay out of any moneys in the Treasurvnot otherwise aj i ro iiat-I- , such sums as may be uecrssaryl- - r the of Certificates of Slock and Treasury Notes,and f r tieitoliating and accomplishing Ihe loan authorized bvthis Act ; provided always, that when Ihe loan shall havebeen accomplnhed. the exicnes aforesaid shall be charged to1 no account 1 i:ie k.uj :iu.

Sec. 5- - AnJ be it further enacted. That Ihe Minister of Fi-nance rny Mp line the Joan author ixed bv this Act, or anvonion of it, in any f rein couatry, if it shall seem most ad--

vai.t.isv. us so 10 do ; and iu such case he may make the prin-riB- al

and iolerot pajnb'e at any designated place In anyforeign coTtmry ; an 1 ). i her, by aiill,,.rizel to appoint suchaeent, or a- i.t. as he may deem necessary for negotiatingsuch loan under bis instrurtiun, or paying the interest thera-n- .

an.l to In trie compen-aiio- ot sueii agents, and to prescribeail such lu'jf, r .uljiion and mcKles rarling the n.g.i:iauoacf the loan, and its transmission to this country, a he maydeem necv.ary. And lh Miiter f Finan-- e is further au-t- hr

rized to dui,se of the by Wiia Act authorized, alsu h rate as may be drnd by him f-- the pubiie advantiige.

S. c. 6 And be it further enacted. That whereas the loanI by this Act authorized is intended fyr the assistance of the

Agricultural and ot!i,-- r prolucl:ve interests of the curitry,lier.soever the ail loan shall be accomplished, in

whole, or ia ll;s Maj sty s Cabuiet, and a Commitue ofthree from the I rivy Council of Mate, shall constitutea IK ard. with full jower to lend any portion of the same onPromissory Notes, secured by mortgage on real estate, or onthe product of the soil, or man afutures of this cmtitry ; pro-vided always, that the advances made on produce, or manu-factured g.xJs !.a:i m t eccvd one-ha- lf of the market Taluet!,tre-.- f at the time such advance may be ruad. And thel.uJ, by this Secti, n c usiitutl, shall have full power to

such cot.i!l:ions regardini; insurance, rate of interest,time and p!ar c f payment cf interest, or other conditions to

--cure the re-p- tuciit of the sums so advanced, as may ap-pear t them advisable.

Sec. 7. Pe it fartlier enacted, Thit such portion cf the, y reaiized from the loan by this Act authorized, as may,

by the Board authorized by the tth "Section, be advis-- al

-, may be dev, ted to Ihe buil lir.g of warehouses for thereciplioa cf proifuce, and for the pruniotion of Steam Naviga-tion b- - teen the i:an!s. and the aid of Immigration. AnJthe securities reoeircd by lbs Government, as in the 6thSection set frili. as well as ihe money, whether principal, orinterest, derived from the same, shall be preserved intact as a.find wherwith to j.ay the Uor.Js given for the loan, and shallbe nsc-- f r no other purp-js- whatsoever.

We have not room to-d- ay to comment on theHill as wc would like, and we hope that it willbecome a law before our next istiuc. We werefjrtunatc enough to have been favored with afij-h- t of the Hill before it was rut before the Leg-i-latur- e,

and to have the reasons for its differentprovisions explained. Wc concur with it iu nilresjiects, except one, which is that the sumnamed is not large enough.- It is not proposed that this loan Ehall be ap-

plied to public improvements generally, becauseit is desired that the security for which or onwhich the money may be advanced to the agri-

culturist bhall be consecrated (as it were) to the

of the ban; ea that the Icn-Je- willLave a double security in the faith ofand the knowledge that the securities arc alsoavailable for the

Oar neighbor of the Cazctte throws a littlecold water on the project in his last issue, andthat feet encourages us to believe that cverybodyel?e will agree with us in commending it.

Eeciprocity.The following petitition was sent to the Assembly

on Monday last, accompanying the Royal Message :

TO I'l MAJESTY KaI.AKAC.V B.P hi : We. the unders gned. fueling the importance of mak-

ing another attroil to do cmethicg to utain the greatly(.lar.ting interest of the Kirg lora. do nxl 'y

Your Maty to Initiate a Lew for aRec.procity Traty with the ft.ted States, by wh:th Ihe su-gars of th--s tniy be exported to that country w.thoctbicg subjected to the minous duties now imposed upe-- thm.

L biess rthef to the plantation interests is obtained fromsome quarter, it is your petitioner's op, to 00 that serious disas-ters wui overtake them, and with thnr decay the remainingbusicess cf the Kir.g lota will not afford a revenue to the Gov-

ernment, r a ui-or- t f .r the inJuitrious and ecterptUir.g na-

tives and,ers cow in the Ku.glcin.Without attempting to dictate the mole by which this vital

measure might be attained, your petitioners cannot but fr--

lb! any action deferred f.r two years or until another men. egof the Legislative A.em!.ly will be loo late to alTord the ne-

cessary relief.A provliocal act, then fore, ty which a Reciprocity Trvaty

that might be negotiated could go into immediate effect uponratification, w ou!J aem to be desirable.

If such a provisional act were passed by the present legisla-tive Assembly, the next step would set-i- to be to appoint atonce a Special Committee to proceed to a!iington w ith fulllowers t'j , subject to the ratification ol Your Maj-sty- .

when such a measure ol relief should go into immediate erl-c- t.

The accomnliahmeut of tlis desirable end relief to Iheplanting interests. seems to your petitioners the most im-

portant subject that calls for legislation at the pn-se-

Hesaiun, and without which, disaster to the financial in-

terests of the Government and all the inhabitants of tireKingdom, seems imminent, in the near future.

Honolulu, June IS, 1'574.C. Brewer V Co., T. 11. Di.vies (by his Attorney in fai t C.

W. Uacfkrlaoe), II. llsckfeld A Co., A. W. Fnrce it Co., F. A.Sthaeter A Co , Black A Aukl, E. U. Hall A Son, A. S. Cleg-hor- n

A. Co., G. C. Mclean, Lewis A Dickson. J. II. Coney. U.V. Peterson, K. P, Adams, M. S. Griiiliaum A Co., ri. ii. Da-mon, D..1W A Co.. J. 11. Paty. II. M. hitnty, llyman Bros.,M. Mclnerny, Ira Richardson, F. Banning. Castle A Cooke,Afong A Acbuck, Chulan A Co., H. E. Mclntyre, V. M.Wallace, Fre.l A Laine, B. F. Ehlers A Co . Henry May, C.E. Williams, Dillingham A Co., M. Phillips A Co.. C. S. Bar-tow, II. Wateihous, G. Sejp-lke- A Co., T. Moscnian A & a.


Legation of toe U. S. or Amkrica. ?Honolulu, June 2oth, 1871. 5

77is Ex. H. L. (Jreen. 11. 11. J.Minister cf Fore'njn Affairs, ad interim :

Si a. Captain W. 11 HopkinB, commanding the U.S. S. Benicia, for himself and officers of the UnitedStates Navy, desires me to convey to your Excellency,bis heartfelt appreciation and grateful thanks for thedistinguished honor bestowed, and for the Christiansympathy evinced by His Majesty the King andRoyal Family, by their presence and assistance atthe religious services performed in the ProtestantEpiscopal Church yesterday, on the occasion of thefuneral of the late Dr. II. S. Pitkin, V. S. Navy,Surgeon of the Benicia, and a much beloved person,whose sudden decease has filled with grief the heartsof his brother officers and friends. Captain Hopkinsalso tenders his grateful acknowledgments and warmthanks for the honorable, generous, and unsolicited

rendered by a large number of HisMajesty's civil and Military officers, in paying thelast sad honors to the remains of the gallant 1'itkin.

Kind and sympathetic acts, like those mentioned,are a bond of brotherhood, and reflect the highestJnonors on ooin givers ana recipients.

With the assurances of my high consideration andgreat respect.

I am your Ex.'s most obt. servant,Hexry A. Teirce.

Department or Foreign Affairs, "i

- Honolulu, June 2G, 1874. 5Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt

cf Your Excellency's communication of yesterday'sdate, conveying the heart-fe- lt appreciation and grateful thanks, for the distinguished .honor bestowed,and for the Christian sympathy evinced, by His Mjesty the King and Royal Family, by their presenceand assistance at the religious services performed inthe Protestant Episcopal Church, yesterday, (Junezlth), on the occasion of the funeral of the late DrII. S. Pitkin, U. fa. Navy, Surgeon of the Benicia.

I had the honor to lay your communication beforeHis Majesty, who was pleased to reply through hisSecretary in the terms of the note of whioh I enclosea copy.

I take this opportunity to renew to Your Excellencythe assurance of the very distinguished respect andconsideration with which I have the honor to be,

Your most obedient humble servant,W. L. Green,

Minister Foreign Affairs ad interim.His Excellency, II. A. I'eihce,

Minister Resident of the United States.Iolani Palace

June 25th, 1874Your Excellency: Herewith I have the honor

to return the letter of His Excellency the Ministerof the United States, conveying Capt. W. E. Hopkins,thanks for the presence and assistance of His Maj-esty, and II. R. H. I'rince Leleiohoku, and of thecivil and military officers of the Government at theobsequies of the late Dr. Pitkin of the U. S. S. Benicia.

His Majesty responds cordially to the thanks andappreciation of Capt. Hopkins for this his act ofsympathy and respect for the memory of a gentlemanwhom be personally esteemed, and to a BrotherMason whom he had always met with pleasure in theAssemblies of the Brotherhood.

I have the honor to be your Ex.'s verj obt. servantE. M. Maver,

Private Secretary to His JilujestyTo nis Ex. W. L. Green,

Minister of foreign lielalions.

Report of Surgeon Queen' Hospital.)Honolulu, Jcne, 21st, 1874

To Uit Trustees of the Queen's Hospital, GentlemenI have tbe honor to submit the following report

for the Quarter ending June 20th :

Tht total number of patients at present in theHospital, is 73 ; viz: CS Hawaiians, 3C males, and32 females, and 5 foreigners, (2 paying.)

The number of admissions during this periodhas been 100 ; viz : 90 Hawaiians, 55 males, and 35females, and 10 foreigners. Discharged 94 ; viz :

f2 Hawaiians, 54 males, and 23 females, and 12foreigners. The deaths, 7 males, and 3 females,Hawaiians, and 2 foreigners ; 2 of pulmonary consumption ; l pyocmia ; 3 general debility ; 2 gangrene ; 2 dropsy, and 1 aneurism.

Besides the above, 94 new names have been entered in tne dispensary doobis, and o,sa7 prescript.tions made up. The greatest number of patientsia the Hospital, at one time, was 88 ; the smallest,69. Daily average of indoor patients during theQuarter, was 78.

Respectfully submitted,Kob't McKibbin, Jr., M. D.

Surgeon to the Queen's Hospital.

Report of Treasurer Queen's Hospital.Ckas. R. Bishop, as Tttmurer, in Account Current with

the Queen's Hospital. Showing Receipts and Expenditure During the HaJf-Yen- r, ending June 20M, 1ST.

. 1374.June 20, To anvl rec d on account Pay Patients...? 7o4 50

Contributions r Life Membership 100 00lertincate for Lite Membership.. GO

From Interior Dep't, tal appro-priation, for aid in support. . . 2,000 00

From same on ac't appropriationfor repairs. Ac... 05 02

rrr.f-- 1 llaw'n Treasury for Pas-ent- er

and llaw'n Seamen'sTaxes to April 1,230 01

aJouauon ircin .Me mors ol theLate Honolulu Ritle Corps.... 463 31

Donation from His Majesty 243 63Received from old oil barrels.... G 00Balance due Bishep A Co., carried

down 2,633 61

$7,473 CIEstimate of Liabilities, July 1. 1S74.

Balance now doe Bishop it Co .$ 2,6S3 61F peases f r this month, (June).... .. 1,000 00

-- $3,6SG 61Estimate of Asset, July 1, 1S74.

Amt rsenger and llaw'n Seamen'sTaxes for current quarter ...$ SCO 00

Amt Appropriations.. .... 2,625 00$3,035 00

Net Liabilities $598 CIN. B. The Estimated Assets are dependent upon the action

of the Legislature, and will not be available until the Appro-priation U'h shall have become a Law.

1S73. Cn.Dec. 20, By balance due Bishop & Co l,Cbrf CoJune 20, 171, Paid Salary of Physician 6 months

to June 1st 750 00raid Waees to Purveyor, and all Servants to April 1 1.14 00

imirovements ami Repairs.......... .... 93 20Bishop k Co., interest at Sc. orr orer-draft- s. 127 21)For Provisions, Medicines, (including cost of

Invoice imported, C7 92) Bedding, Fuel,Lights, CcClns, etc., etc 3.C24 43

i 7,473 CI

June 20, 1874. By balance (ami due Bishop A Co.,brought down)....................... f 2,633 61

Respectfully submitted,, Chas. R. Bishop,

Honolulu, June 20, 1S74- - Treasurer.

London. May-25- . The Times this morning an-nounces that I'rince Arthur has been made a Dukeof Connaught, and Lord Stratbmoie has receivedthe title of Earl of Sussex.

NewspaplrV-Cstebpris- . The Santa BarbaraPrets, c-- Southern CaUforua, a handsomely printedan d well-edit- ed y& acunccs that on and afterthe 1st of July, it H b pmllLshed ia the style oflljrper's li'ecklyh fih nf or two engravings ofSouthern Californf'. rcney in each number. Mr. J.A. Drewsier, lormer looted at Wailuku, Maui, is

one cf the editors of tie 'rev. inat rart c f v. aa--foraia is destined to th garden cf the Sute, parexcellence, and wher the Sou .hern railroad is builtand a line cf tran acic steamers runs betweenChina and San Diego Icalog at Honolulu, the grandfuture cf the ccuntryyilhave begun.

Errata. Several rn crept into the Semenwhich appears on our,-aspag- e, owing to the authornot having corrected (?e rocf. Third paragraph inthe second column, thtthould be a period liter theword neglected," aril ajew sentence follows: "Insome respects, the Horn" ic. Ia the sanse col-

umn, fourth paragraph, or "religion of civilizedlands," read irrtligii." For " strange un-

christian," read "stronge unchristian." For "rel-

igiously and adequately "read "realiiingly and adequately." In the third tlumn, fourth paragraph,fur " churches and othe," read Chinese andothers." In the last pararaph, for "them to use,"read "him to use." -

A Notable FrNERAL.-i.- ast Thursday afternoon".the obsequies of the limited Dr. Pitkin were performed in a manner that dly betokened the bereave-

ment felt by the ship's cjppany of the Benecia, andthe sympathy of the comanity of Honolulu as welU

The remains were broug; on shore at S p. St., andescorted by the Househoh Troops, the seamen andmarines of the ship, wit reversed arms, and themembers of Masonic bodie and followed by the off-

icers and several of His jestys aides, the proces-

sion proceeded to St. Anrews Episcopal Church,where services were held. His Majesty the King andthe Royal Family were psent in the church. Thelong procession, precededby the Government Band,then marched to the Nuanu Cemetery, where theimpressive Masonic butil service was read by W.Masters Fyfe and Dayton assisted by Past Master A.

J. Cartwright. Three vdies nred by the military,concluded the last sad tesimonials of respect to thememory of a gallant sndvalued officer and genialgentleman.

Examinations and ExwrnoNS. During the pasttwo weeks, the usual annal school examinationshave been had in this cit, and we regret that ourspace will not permit oftbat detailed account ofthem that we could wish. Every one will concedethat this community is veil provided with the

. means of education, andDf atx,excellent qualitywithin the reach of all.) The exhibition of St.Alban's school took placlast Monday evening, atthe Royal School Buihng on Emma Street, anddrew a large audience f ladies and gentlemenHis Majesty the Kingand Prince Leleiohokuwere present, and the fmner distributed the prizes.The exhibition itself waa perfect success, and the

--scholars gave proof of ireful training: The ex-

aminations at Punahou (allege took place on Tues-

day and Wednesday, an-gav- general satisfactionto visitors. The gymistics on the afternoon ofthe second day were espsially commended. Theexhibition at the Court louse on Thursday even-ing was crowded with sitors, and the exercisesmay be characterized a having been excellentthroughout.

Mat 24. Presidont 5Mahon is finding himselfin as hot water as that hich caused bis prede-cessor to loosen his gras on power and strike outfor the main land. M. dulard was designated loform a new Ministry win the French Assembly,by its act a few days sint, compelled tbe beads ofDepartments to send in ieir resignations. Sincethen he has been looking around, but thus far hasbeen unable to Chd a sticient number of promi-nent men who are wilbg to think and act withhim. Every French potician wants the Govern-ment run in the groovete has marked out for it.They will unite for the verthrow of any one thatmay be raised to poweiwho believes differently,'l'his is about the only isie upon which they canbe united. M. Goulard is acknowledged that hecannot form a new Minry, and another l'remleris to be appointed.

A CARD.S. II. Foster and family dire in this public manner to re-

turn their sincere acknowlcunents to the public who so gen-erously patronized the Bene given on their behalf last Mon-

day evening; to the friends ho exerted themselves to fill theHouse; lo M. Charles Doy, who donated the use ol theTheatre, piano and lights ;o the Amateurs, who gave theirvaluable services; to the prters; and to one and all who con-tributed to render the aflaii success.

Honolulu, June 25, 1874.

THERE WILL E DIVINE SERVICEat the Lyceum Evening, at half-pas- t

7 o'clock Seats free. ju27

public e:amination !

ravllERE WILL E A PUBLIC EXAM I- -1 1 nation at tub

" East Maui Fmale Seminary ! "on the Ninth of July. Alkf those interested in the Schoolare invited to attend. .

. It. C. B. ANDRF.W9, Principal.

Valuable Rea Estate For SaleTHE UXDERIGXED OFFERSfor a1r till nWKIINrt HOI'SE AMI I.flT ViTjl

,iJ one of the pleasante situated spots for a resi- - mLdeuce in this city or neigbbhood. It is near the

Corner of Punchbo'l and Beretania Sts,,the situation is elevated, at the view fine. The house hasseven rooms and a baseme, in good repair, water laid on.There is a Carriage House, and requisite outhouses.

For particulars tr.que ofju27 lm GEO. C. SIDER3.

N01CE !

A LL PERSONS WIO II AVE LEFT ANYX Ak. articles with tbe undersoed for repairs, etc.. can havethe same by calling at the ;ore of Mr. T. G. THRUM andpaying charges on the game.

TH03. TANNATT.Honolulu, June 23d, 1S74. ju27 3t


HOUSE AND LAND!Fauoa "7.lloy--.

Bj Order of the Executors f the Will of the Late

.Steimrt If. ?ooper,

ON SATURDAY. : : : : JULY 18th,At 12 O'clock, Noon, at Saieroom, will be sold at

Public Aucon,

THAT PIECE OR P.lllEl OF Ml)Opposite the entrance to Pauoa'alley, and near Nuuanu

Valley, witUhe

Dwelling House md Buildingstherron, known as Kalokohonn.he former residence of

Stephen Spencr, Esq.

ALSO Immediately afterards will be sold,

The Iarse Kiilo Patch,adjoining and belonging tthe same estate.

For further particular, apply to

E.. ADAMS. Auctioneer.


RIOR yUALITY. For S:IUjuiO 4t f. - SCHAEFF.R & CO J.

Norwegian Ale,AND


X on hand and for sale atjuO 41 FA. SCHAEFER CO s.



Paints andOil.




Ac, - J. &c.

For Sale by (ja. ") BOLLES & CO

Official Notifications.

The followicg persons hiTe this d y commis-sioned as Tax Assess- - rs f.r the several Taxation Dis-

tricts of the Islands :

HAWAII J . w. .i

H.i.-i-; ik.. i ;. . lii'.rmanuSoath Kwta! H. S Mah-.i- '

rv ua:a ii. s. ku; iiaNorta s. K Koi '! Kvaa D. If. Nsh.ruV Ksu J. H s. M.utu

Pun I.. KaitiaMAll LaJtaina J. A KauViu

Wa.iuVu Thomas BirchMakava.- - J. W. l'ku:es- liana C. K. Kakaai

MOLOKAI A I. AN A I IX W. Ka.oeOAHl Honolulu C. H Juid

Ew A Wa.anae A. KahkdWaia'u M. NauVar.aKooLauiaa J. A.--aKociaupcikO ...James H.vl

KAt'Al Hanaiei p. KaukxhaAcihoii Kaphu:Krr.a

9. Karnaha'.--Kol-- PaiakaihiWa.mea Kuai uu

NIlHAl" KaapuniP. N ait oiEt - , M.i;:-t'- T of Finance.

F .nance Department, Jne 19, 1?:.Towaoc. Tbe Rates cf Towa in or out of the Harlwr of

Honolulu, t the S;eim-tu- Pt'r, w,il hereafter be a folluw,v.i :

Bhips aid Barks unJer JhX) ton. $ and Birls over ton, 5Ships and B trVs ever 1.vOi I r.s ifO

V halemen Foreign ac-- Uawaoan 40Itris an.l r tv.'r lal i.t a 3iBr.g and Seh oner ui.d r oO tons.... oO

W I.. i:nrv Miiotr ,,f li.t.-r,.,-

Interior Oice, Jane 19. lsTA- -


fTEt'EIY"EO I'EK I. V. MI RKAV, AM111. a Superior yjality. For by

7 ju20 EOLLVS 4 CO.


the Sale Department of Photographs, where people wishinglor any views can be furnished at the prices of

$2.00 per Doten for CarJ Site,2 oo per l'oien for Stereoscopic Size,4 io er lxen for Cabinet Sue,C 00 per iHiien for 7 a 9 Sire.

ALSOReprint ma.le from negatives formerly taken cf houses or

views at the above rates.II. L. CIIASK,

ju20 tf 61 and CO Fort Streets, Honolulu.

$50 REWARD !

NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVENthat all persons are forbidden froru makinr fires wlilnn

tbe boundaries of the Kula Land of Waikapn. No Cattle onsaid Kula are to b branded, except in the places appointedfor the came, and no cattle are to be taken off said kula with-out the permission of the undersigned or his agents or tunas.

A 11 Dogs are forbidden to be allowed to run loose on saidkula; cultivation is forbidden on any part thereof.

The above mentioned reward will be paid to the party or.parties who will inform on any person breaking the aboverules in reeard to making fires on the kula, so that they maybe prosecuted according to law.

n. CORN WELL.: Waikapu, June 12, 1S74. ju20 lta


that all persons are forbidden from making fires within' the boundaries of the Kula Land of Wailuko. No cattle on

said kiila are to be branded, except in the places appoint, dfor the same, and no cattle are to be taken off said kula with-out the permission of the undersigned or their agent or Iums.

All Dogs are forbidden lo be allowed to run loose on saidkula; cultivation is forbidden on any part thereof.

The above mentioned reward will be paid to the parly orparties who will inform on any person breaking the aboverules ia regard to making fires on the kula, so that they maybe prosecuted according to law.


Wailuku, June 12th, 1S74. ju'.'O lm


of W. II. KAAUWAI, of Wailuku, Maui, lately deceased atHonolulu, Oahu, hereby gives notice to all pertens havingclaims against the said W. II. Kaauwai to present the same,properly authenticated, within six months from date, or theywill be forever barred ; and all persons indebted to the saidEstate are requested to make immediate payment to the un-dersigned at his residence at Wailuku, Maui, or at Kanaana,Alakea Street, Honolulu, Oahu.

GEORGE K. KA AL'WAT,Administrator Estate of W. II. Kaauwai.

Honolulu, Oahu. May 29, 1374. Ju6 4t

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.S.WALKER At SAMUELC. ALLENJOHN business in Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands, under the

firm name and style of. WALKER tt ALLEN, having th dayby assent of a majority of their creditors executed and deliv-ered to the undersigned a deed of assignment of all their prop-erty for the benefit of their creditors, all persons Lavingclaims against the said firm of WALKER k ALLEN, or thesaid John S. Walker, or Samuel C. Allen, are hereby requestedto present the same forthwith at the office of the undersignedin said Honolulu, and all persons indebted to said firm ofWALKER & ALLEN,jr to the said John S. Walker, orthereof to the und'ersigtied at his said office without delay.

'EDWARD P. ADAMS,Assignee of Walker V Allen.

Honolulu, II. I. June S, 1374. ju!3 4t


style and firm of Siemsen & Conway, having this day can-celled an assignment by them made on the 30Ui day of March,A. D., 1S74, and executed a new assignment to the under-signed, of their property, for Ihe benefit of their Creditors;all persons having claims against said firm of Siemsen & Con-way, or John Siemsen and W. F. Conway are requested topresent their accounts a the offices of D. U. HITCHCOCKand E. O. HITCHCOCK in Hilo, Hawaii, or at the office ofA. S. CLEUHOitN in Honolulu; and all persons indebted tosaid firm of Siemsen & Conway or John Siemsen and W. F.Conway are requested to make payment to either of the under-fiirne- d

assik'neva at their respective places of business asaforesaid. D. II. HITCHCOCK,


Assignees of Siemsen & Conway.Honolulu, 2nd April, A. D., lsT4 my9

Scliool 3J"c-tloo- -


MIE SUMMER TERM OFTHIS .SCHOOL1 will open on the Olli Dny of aulf urxl. The

School accommodations have been greatly enlarged, and nowh a capacity for sixty pupils.

The School is located in tht District of Makawao, in one ofUe finest climates of the Islands. As heretofore, the Schoolwill be carried on as an


The Pupil thrriin in ihe Cnmh Profilw ofllif-i- r labor. The industrial department will be carriedin ilurinir the forenoon, and three hours in the afternoon willbe devoted to indoor schooling. Parents or Ouardians deiirp.ous of placing their children or wards at this Institution, arerespectfully requested to apply to th principal, Mr. F. L.CLARKE, on the premises, or at the Education Office, Hono-lulu. Parties sending pupils are requested to provide themmth serviceable working atid school suits of clothes, with oneSunday suit, sheets, pillow cases, bed-qni- lt or blankets, towe's,and a serviceable trunk or chest, in which clothes may be kepi

TERMS :Single Pupils f 50 00 per annumSingle pupils, if paid for quarterly, in ad-

vance 11 00 per quarterTwo or more pupils, sent by one person, ea. 40 00 per annum

H. R. HITCHCOCK.Inspector General of Schools.

Education Office, Honolulu, June Id, 1574. - ju20 2m


wSSb About 40 Tons Burthen two years old.

In Good Order and well Found !

For further particulars and terms, apply loju!3 II. II ACKFELD & CO.. Agents.



1VE SEX S XSL fit ,

For .lUIY Itli, 1S71!AT THOS. G. THRUM S


During rchlch time the Credit System kI'.I be Sus-pendt- d.

RECEIVED PER D. C. MURRAY.JUSTSky Rr-k'-- M.nes of tar and Serpents.

Roman Candles, China flyers. Hengolas,Trianelis and LarK-- e Vertical Whet-is- ,

Volcanoes. Floral Shell. Blue L'zhts,Serpent, Pin Wheel. Torpedoes.C tr C Extra and Rifle Crackers.


aucI Gold Cliop,Fire Crackers a?id hunhle Y.ihrs, and a good

vrtrii'y of

American and Haw'n Toy FlagsAND MASKS

Call early Tor the Choice of this Small but well Selectedof American Uoods, which are Fre-- h and in good

1 line.

ill (Coin Covered) Orders Filled In their Coarse.jul3 In


DR. . '1I !!.. HOMlKOI-ATIIIHT- .RKMO :i II ! v't l ICi: to the II u v nl v

cup:ed ly Mr. C. K. Wi;:. :.., : et the Cr-tet- n li, F ttt:r.-et-

lljr.elulu, June 1 1ST. n 13 C t

TO LET. OR FOR SALE!MY COTTAIJE tiM lisllDKN, ATthe i:;:ra:.oe ot Pauoa v.'ja!3 ia II. M'lIMII'T.


t'OTTACJK AllJOIMNU THF: I'OIoMA t BaiUing at PacnUou. liood acc muii:wii forlarpe" frni:y. Carriage Ilause, etc, water laid on

it his a large yard. For turlaer panicx Ur. app!)' imZ3 S N CASTLE

to BE LET!"

THE TWO V INK CA'lDl'S STORFSin th tlifil-.- Wharf f'.r parl-u1a-

jiiU apply to oOl'KRKV RHOil


THOSE IKSIR AI.E I'HEMISESAlakea Street. firtneriy occupied t y . A. P hRIt'K- -

WOOD. Fi-- i r ,.r Particulars apply toeUtf J. S. LKMOK.


m- - .POl.l E.--5 4 CO


T. LOUIS STAR II A MS. FOR Sil.E II .) mji liuLLES a, l i


A WHENCE MANUKA CTOH AN AsLi sort uieut of nuuitcr, for sale low I ymj9 ftOLLKS CO.


ALSO. DEVOE'S KEROSENE,in patent can, per Edwin, for sale by

my 9 1SOI.LF.S A CI).


4 NEW INVOICE OETHOSE SUPERIOR2M. Uenuine Cigars, just received and tw sale by

tuy9 H0LLK3 Y CO.

NOTICE.ravll E UNDERSIGNED AVILL CO NT IN I' E1 the PAINTING ItCSlNti'S at the old stand of Kealoha

and Panee, when be hopes to receive the continued patronageextended to the late firm.

DAVID KE ALOHA,aplS 3m No. 63 Hotel Street.


VVV THE PREMISES oT RICHARD ST.,lIi'l now occupied by Mrs. Ureen, furnished or unfurnished.

For further enquire ofJ. II. CONEY, or

fe21 C. Si. PARTOW.

NOTICE.A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORBID.j. den to drive Uoats or Cattle on the MoCN'TAIN OF

11 L' A L ALA I, until the settlement of the lloondaries of Knupulrhn, as from evidence obtained it would appear that thesaid Hualalal is included in Ihe land of Kaupulehu.

HENRY COOPER,Hawaii, March 20th, 1S74. ap4 Siu

THOMAS GRAHAMAVING PURCHASED THE BusiII ness and good will of the

Hair Catting and Shaving Establishmentof Mr, V. a. BLAKE, on Merchant Street, opposite theSailor's Home, will be happy to wait on his friends and Ihepublic generally, vnd will do bis best to give satisfaction.

apl8 3m


Enquire oftf fcl4 S. B. DOLE.

NOTICE. . , .

rVMlE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- -K tied that JOSEPH DCCHALSKY has no authority to

sell any Leather or material made at the KALAUAA) TAN- -N r. It Y, nor to Incur any expemmure on account oi me sameexcept through the undersigned. -

J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, March 17, 1873. mhi

CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF IIONO- -LULU, Visiting Frieuds and Strangers generally are

cordially invited to attend Public WorHhlp at FORT BT.CHURCH, where services are held every Sabbath at 11 o'clock,A. M., and 7 2 P. M. Seats are provided for all who may bepleased to attend. There Is a Wednesday evening PrayerMeeting at 7 2 o'clock, in the Lecture room, to which all arewelcome. P '7

m7ITH A VIEW TO AFFORD EVERYT facility to parties desirous of profitably and securely

investing small sums of money, Homls of the Hawaiian Gov-

ernment of the several values of SI OO, 200, 500,and I .OOO, bearing interest at the rate of 9 per cent. wrannum, payable will he issued at par to allpersons applying for them at the Treasury, for terms of notless than 6, nor more titan 2 years. i.

. .u uiuinivim. -Minister of Finance.

Department of Finance, April 2d. 1S74. ap4 3iu


Hawaiian-Bar- k Ka Moi !- - f s

f- -'





VEW STYLES OF PRINTS, Pi. Key. Piak1 vf and White J round ; Mourning, shawl pattern.

Brown, White and blue Cottons, Heavy Dennus,Ticking, Turkey Ked, Fine French MurIIiis,Vietorii. Lawns, Veil liarege, Linen and Cotton Sheeting,Blue Twilled Flannel, Irish Linen,fclark Cobourgs, Blue Cobourgs, Italian Cloth,Waterproof Tweeds, White Moleskin,Blue and Black Broadcloths, Heavy BlackDiagonal Tweeds, Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs,Mowiuito Netting, Heavy Silk Umbrellas,Socks and Stockings.

Assortment ofClothing!Fashionable Neckties and Cravats,Flannel Shirts,Linen and Cotton Bosom and Fancy Calico Shirts,Hickory Shirt.i, Ladies' and Uent's Kid (iloves,Heavy Woolen Blankets,A Fine Assortment of Shawls. --

Hemp Twine, Linen and Cotton Thread.Lubin'a Extracts, Eau de Cologne,Lavender Water, Hair Oil, Fancy Soaps, &e.


Such as ,

Black Jet Ornaments,Hair Pins, Glass Buttons.

Amber Crosses, Broochea, &., r.

Fine and Common Soisaors,Fine au,l Common Pen and Pocket Knives,Knives and Forks. Butcher Knives, cocoa haodlej.English Saddles, French Calfskins.



It O CEltlES :Large and Desirable Assortment. 1

Liebig's Extract of Meat,Huhbuck's White Zinc,

White Lead, Paint Oil.Black Paint, Red Lenl,

"Paris Ureen,Kerosene Oil. Alcohol in 1 Gallon Demijohns,Conac in Boxes, Fine and Table Claret,Litifrauenmilch Rhine Wine,A Small Lot of Fine Hungarian Wines,Seltser Water, Fine Liqueurs,Oermau, Scotch and Norwegian Ales, qts. and pis.Fine Havana and German Cigars,

ienna Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Chairs, Wardrobes, Writ-ing Desks, and other Furniture.

Galvanized Iroo Pipe, 2 and 3-- inch;Steam Pipe, 4 to 1 2 inch;Charcoal Tin Plates,Block Tin. Babbitt's Patent Metal,Perforated Brass, for Centrifugals;Sheet Zinc, MunU Yellow Metal and Nails,Hoop Iron, 3 8, 3 4, 1 and 1 4 inch;Fence Wire, No. 4, 5 auJ 6;I'.e- -t Refined Bar Iron, ail sizes;Kej Rivets, Lanterns,Portland Cement, Fire Bricks, Slates,Stockholm Tar, Stockholm Pitch, Coal Tar,fire Clay, Bath Bricks,Blacksmith's Coal in Casks,Hemp Packing. Hide Poson,Demijohns, Birch Brooms,Oak Boats for Coaster Oil Hhronk Shocks,Petroleum Barrels for Tallow Coatainers,Syrup Barrels,

And many other Articles tooNumerous to Mention.



H. H ACKFELD & Co.tshl ruhll



Proffssor & Teacher of Muiic, Tuning, &c.U.h1 Tr:iuK i.ia's Terms e

n-- '. AJ Jres Ftt Office .

MUSIC!mT,i iiali. w ..i, rn.uf, Ac., rTyat b rt notice

Leoun lira en Ihe lalla. (oroet aii Ba lel !

1 T Muncal I iilruroetu repaired arxl warranted. JTI'rlrra Iw.

U W. BKO WN, Cinrr Urretanla aa.1 mitli M.N i o rnrctioii any other establishment. JuO Sim


-- OK-

1ST 33




Life Insurance Company


SAML G. WILDER.my9 tf Aural for lite 1 1 is wit I Ian lalataslo.



OF- -


CJCIl ANTON STEAM COAL. IN LOTS TO3 suit purchasers, for family use.







ao UU1.N. No. I ROSIN,









Which will be offered LOWTO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS.


FARMER'S BOILERS, 20, 95, 3 ANDV" 40 GAIXS. .1






C. BREWER & CO.jy25 Ja31


Kentai:Uy Favorite, in;,Swr Mush, in Oixes ;

liini llle l hi), hey, in t'in ;Whiskey, in a.ea

and casks.FnrHaleby CHAS. LONG.






California llork,

Rhino Wines, different brands 1

For Bale by CHAS. L0NU.


N GREEN CASKS, 12 BOTTLES EACH.In Red Cases, 13 boUles each.In Bankets, 12 Jugs each.

Iu BaJr Daly I'a Id.'For Pale by CHAS. LONG.


e- - FerSalebyCHAS. IONU.




BLOOD, WOLFE PORTER, in pint.For Sale by CIIA3. LOMO.

