zxg10 ibsc tdm a configuration

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  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    iBSC TDM A Commissioning


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Course Objectives:

    To Learn te inter!ace "rotocol stac# in TDM A transmission mo$e

    To learn te iBSC commissioning "roce$ure in TDM

    A transmission mo$e

    To learn te "re"arations !or iBSC commissioning in

    TDM A transmission mo$e

    To learn te $e!initions !or te integration "arameter


    To learn te iBSC commissioning meto$s in TDM A

    transmission mo$e

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only


    TDM AInterface Protocol Stack

    Networking in TDM A Mode

    Procedure and Preparations for iBSC Commissioning in TDM A Mode

    iBSC Commissioning Methods in TDM A Mod


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Transmission Categories on te A Inter!ace

    Te A inter!ace o! iBSC su""orts TDM A an$ I% A transmission mo$es.

    TDM A mo$e is a tra$itional transmission mo$e on t

    e A inter!ace. Tis mo$e is use$ in te scenarios o!

    built&in TC an$ e'ternal TC.

    TDM A transmission mo$e su""orts () an$ STM&).

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlyTDM A Inter!ace %rotocol Stac# on te Contro

    l %lane On te %ysical Layer* STM&)!iber* () cable +,-coa'ial cable or )/t0iste

    $ "air are use$ !or tranmission. One STM&) !iber "rovi$es te same transmission ca"acity as 12 () cables.

    Te messages on te %ysical Layer are "rocesse$ by SDTB3SDTB an$ DTB


    Te MT% messages on Data Lin# Layer are "rocesse$ by S%B or S%B boar


    Te MT%2 an$ SCC% messages on 4et0or# Layer are "rocesse$ by te SM% so!t0are mo$ule on CM% boar$.

    Te BSSA% messages on A""lication Layer are "rocesse$ by te CM% so!t0ar

    e mo$ule on CM% boar$.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlyTDM Ater Inter!ace %rotocol Stac# on te Con

    trol %lane

    Te Ater inter!ace is a$$e$ to te system 0en te TC is not built in te iBSC.

    Te A inter!ace still serves as te logical inter!ace bet0een i

    BSC an$ MSS. Te messages on te A inter!ace is trans!er

    re$ to iTC trans"arently.

    Te A inter!ace "rotocol stac# remains te same as tat in te scenario 0it te built&in TC.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlyTDM A Inter!ace %rotocol Stac# on te 5ser %

    lane On te %ysical Layer* STM&)!iber* () cable +,-coa'ial cable or )/t

    0iste$ "air are use$ !or tranmission. One STM&) !iber "rovi$es te same tr

    ansmission ca"acity as 12 () cables.

    Te messages on %ysical Layer are "rocesse$ on SDTB3SDTB an$ DT

    B.Te MT% messages on Data Lin# Layer are "rocesse$ on S%B or S%B


    Te messages on A""lication Layer are "rocesse$ on D6TB3D6TB +0en TC is built in iBSC7 or TI%B3TI%B +0enTC is not built in7.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only


    TDM AInterface Protocol Stack

    Networking in TDM A Mode

    Procedure and Preparations for iBSC Commi

    ssioning in TDM A Mode

    iBSC Commissioning Methods in TDM A Mod


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    4et0or#ing in TDM A Mo$e

    4et0or#ing 0it 8 MSC Mo$e One: iBSC is integrate$ 0it 8 MSC.

    4et0or#ing 0it 28 C4 Mo$e T0o: iBSC is only connecte$ 0it M89 $irectly. C4 "rovi

    $es M89 signaling "oint an$ MSC Server signaling "oint. Mo$e Tree: iBSC is only connecte$ 0it M89 $irectly. C4 "r

    ovi$es MSCServer signaling "oint. Mo$e our: iBSC is connecte$ 0it M89 an$ MSC Server $ire

    ctly. C4 "rovi$es MSC Server signaling "oint.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    4et0or#ing in TDM A Mo$e

    Mo$e One: iBSC is integrate$ 0it 8 MSC. MSS "rotocol version is earlier tan 6;;. Tere is no M89 4

    (* bot o! te $ata on te control "lane an$ user "lane on te Ainter!ace is sent to MSC 4(.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    4et0or#ing in TDM A Mo$e

    Mo$e T0o: iBSC is intergrate$ 0it 28 C4. iBSC is connecte$ $irectly 0it M89. C4 "rovi$es t0o signaling "oints o!M89 an$ MSC Server. Te $ata on te control "lane o! te A inter!ace soul$ be se

    nt to MSC Server !or "rocessing* 0ic nee$s to be trans!erre$ troug M89.

    Te $ata on te user "lane o! te A inter!ace soul$ be sent to M89 !or "rocessing.




  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    4et0or#ing in TDM A Mo$e

    Mo$e Tree: iBSC is intergrate$ 0it 28 C4. iBSC is connecte$ $irectly 0it M89. C4 "rovi$es te signaling "oint o!MSC Server.

    Te $ata con!iguration is te

    same as tat in te integration

    0it 8 MSC/ in OMC6.

    (ac () line "rovi$es t0o cables !or T' an$ 6'.

    Te () cables are le$ out !rom te t0o DB>> "orts on te 6DTB.

    )1 () cables are le$ out !rom eac DB>> "ort.

    Te )1 () cables at eac DB>> "ort are mar#e$ 0it 4o. ) to 4o.

    )1* in 0ic 4o. ) an$ 4o. are te !irst () line* 4o. )- an$ 4o. )

    1 are te eigt () line.

    Transmission cable connection soul$ be consistent 0it te con!iguration in OMC6* oter0ise te transmission on te Data Lin# Lay

    er may !ail.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    iBSC Cloc# 6e!erence ('traction Solution

    Tere are !our solutions !or cloc# re!erence: ? =@ !rame syncroniation signal o! DTB or SDTB3SDTB cloc#

    re!erence 8%S cloc# re!erence M@3 Mbits cloc# o! Buil$ing Integrate$ Timing System +BITS7 oltage controlle$ oscillator unit o! local CL=8 boar$

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Commissioning %re"aration

    TDM A integration $ata:). MCC: Mobile Country Co$e

    . M4C: Mobile 4et0or# Co$e

    2. M89 signaling "oint: )>&$igit signaling co$ing +$ecimal7 or >&$igi

    t signaling co$ing +$ecimal7

    >. MSCServer signaling "oint: )>&$igit signaling co$ing +$ecimal7 or>&$igit signaling co$ing +$ecimal7

    -. iBSC signaling "oint: )>&$igit signaling co$ing +$ecimal7 or >&$igit

    signaling co$ing +$ecimal7

    1. SS: Sub Service iel$

    ,. SS4: Sub System 4umber !or SCC%

    ?. %CM 4o. on te A inter!ace: +calculation o! CIC 4o.: CIC%CM 4

    o. 2ETS 4o.7

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Commissioning %re"aration

    TDM A integration $ata:;. Signaling lin# grou" ty"e: 1>= or M signaling

    )/. Lin# error calibration meto$: basic error correction meto$ 3 error correc

    tion meto$ !or "reventive cyclic retransmission

    )). SLC: 4o., lin# co$e +1>= signaling lin#7

    ). 4o., %CM 4o. +1>= signaling lin#7)2. 4o., TS +1>= signaling lin#7

    )>. 4o., () +M @SL ig&s"ee$ lin#7

    )-. rame !ormat on te () inter!ace +$ual&!rame or multi&!rame* te corres"o

    n$ing %CM cec# meto$ is no C6C or C6C7

    )1. 6esistance o! () circuit +,-


    7),. iber multi"le'ing structure: IT5 A5&>3IT5 A5&23SO4(T STS&2

    )?. iber %CM arrangement mo$e: IT5T 8.,/,3Tributary +re!er to te @ua0ei

    mo$e3Alcatel mo$e7

    );. A%S: automatic "rotection s0itcing +)E)3):)7Microsoft Excel

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only


    TDM AInterface Protocol Stack

    Networking in TDM A Mode

    Procedure and Preparations for iBSC Commi

    ssioning in TDM A Mode

    iBSC Commissioning Methods in TDM A Mod


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating Boar$s 6elate$ to TDM A Mo$e

    DTB3SDTB3SDTB: To access te %ysical Layer S%B3S%B: To "rocess te MT% "rotocol on te Data Lin# Lay

    er on te control "lane

    CM%: To "rocess te MT%2 an$ SCC% "rotocols on te 4et0or#

    Layer on te control "lane* an$ te BSSA% "rotocol on te A""li

    cation Layer D6TB3D6TB: To "rocess $ata on te user "lane* an$ "er!orm t

    ransco$ing an$ rate a$a"tion

    9en TC is not built in iBSC* use TI%B3TI%B instea$ o! D6TB3


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating Boar$s 6elate$ to TDM A Mo$e

    %ay attention to te !ollo0ing integration "arameters 0en creating DTB:

    ). rame !ormat on te () inter!ace +$ual&!rame or multi&!rame* te corre

    s"on$ing %CM cec# meto$ is no C6C or C6C7

    . Te resistance o! () circuit +,-3 )/ 7: Set te value on DI%s o! t

    e boar$ instea$ o! OMC6. Te con!iguration soul$ matc te "ysical transmission con!iguration.

    . %ay attention to te !ollo0ing integration "arameters 0en creat

    ing SDTB3SDTB:

    ). iber multi"le'ing structure: IT5 A5&>3IT5 A5&23SO4(T STS&2

    . iber %CM arrangement mo$e: IT5T 8.,/,3Tributary

    2. A%S: automatic "rotection s0itcing +)E)3):)7

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


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    %roce$ure 6elate$ to O!!ice

    Check BSC



    Configure the

    local office

    and su!



    the ad#acent

    office and


    D$D %&D%

    D %


    No'( PCM



    MSC office



    office route




    D$D %&D%

    D %

    Configure No'(

    link set and No'(


    + , - .


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Cec#ing %arameters in BSC unction

    Cec# MCC

    Cec# MNC

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


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    Cec#ing %arameters in BSC unction

    Cec# Net t"pe a

    n$ SP t"pe +sign

    aling "oint7

    Cec# TC t"pe s


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating Local O!!ice +)7

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating Local O!!ice +7

    Integration "arameters:

    +' No'( t"pe

    ,' Net t"pe

    -' Net appearance info

    .' 2PC SS4 +signaling subsyste

    m7 0ill be create$ automa

    tically. Ma#e sure SS4 4

    o. /* 4o. ) an$ 4o. -> a

    re available.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating A$jacent O!!ice Data

    In te !irst* tir$ an$ !ourt ne

    t0or#ing mo$es* create MSCServer* select AM sure+$irec

    t connection7 as AM.

    In te secon$ net0or#ing mo$

    e* create bot MSC Server an

    $ M89 a$jacent o!!ice. Select AM sure !or M89 a$jacent

    o!!ice* an$ AM 3uasi !or MS

    C Server.

    I! TC is not built in iBSC* crea

    te iTC a$jacent o!!ice* select

    AM sure.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating 4o., %CM

    Integration "aramete

    r: No' ( PCM* 0ic i

    s corres"on$ing to t

    e %CM 4o. in te "rot


    CIC%CM 4o.2ETS4o.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating 4o., Lin# Set

    Integration "arameter:

    +' )ink error caliration


    ,' T"pe of signaling link


    . Te number o! te lin#

    set $e"en$s on te actual "lanning an$ con!ig

    uration. 8enerally* eac

    a$jacent o!!ice is con

    !igure$ 0it one lin# se


    . %ay attention to te rel

    ation o! lin# set an$ a$j

    acent o!!ice.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating 4o., Lin#

    Integration "arameters:

    +' Start TS

    ,' )ink code S)C

    . 4nit4o. an$ PCM4o.

    $eci$es te () line use

    locally. Ma#e sure te c

    on!iguration $ata is consistent 0it te actual "

    ysical cable connectio


    . %ay attention to te rela

    tion o! 4o., lin# an$ 4

    o., lin# set

    . 4o., lin# number $e"en

    $s on te actual "lannin


  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating 4o., 6oute

    Te route is con!i

    gure$ in te local i


    (ac route is ass

    ociate$ 0it one o

    r t0o 4o., lin# sets.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Creating 4o., O!!ice

    4o., O!!ice is relate$ t

    o te a$jacent o!!ice an$ 6oute 4o.

    (ac a$jacent o!!ice

    as at least one 4o., O!


    (ac 4o., O!!ice is relate$ to ) to > routes* 5

    oute +is te $irect rou

    te* te oter tree are t

    e alternative routes.

    %ay attention to te rel

    ation bet0een route an$ o!!ice.

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlySetting %LM43MSC O!!ice3S8S4 O!!ice364C

    O!!ice +)7

    S 3 SC O!! 3S8S O!! 3 C

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlySetting %LM43MSC O!!ice3S8S4 O!!ice364C

    O!!ice +7

    S tti %LM43MSC O!!i 3S8S4 O!!i 364C

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlySetting %LM43MSC O!!ice3S8S4 O!!ice364C

    O!!ice +27 N5I of MSC: Tis value soul$ be consistent 0it te 46I "arameter s

    et in C4. I! L(F A is not su""orte$ in iBSC* tis "arameter is not reGu

    ire$ to be con!igure$.

    )oad allocate ratio of MSC: Tis "arameter $e!ines te service loa$

    saring ratio among multi"le MSCs. or e'am"le* 0en t0o MSCs are

    con!igure$ as an$ 2* te loa$ saring ratio is :2. I! le' A is not su"

    "orte$ in iBSC* tis "arameter is not reGuire$ to be con!igure$.

    Selected times: Tis "arameter a""lies to multi"le signaling "oint !un

    ction. 9en tis !unction is enable$* tis value soul$ not be /.

    A Interface T"pe: Full IP in$icates I% net0or#ing on te A inter!ace* P

    CM 26er IP is not available no0* PCM 26er TDM in$icates TDM net0

    or#ing on te A inter!ace

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Setting %LM43MSC O!!ice3S8S4 O!!ice364C

    O!!ice +>7

    S tti %LM43MSC O!!i 3S8S4 O!!i 364C

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal OnlySetting %LM43MSC O!!ice3S8S4 O!!ice364C

    O!!ice +-7 MCC


    )ength of MSC N5I: Tis "arameter soul$ be consistent 0it tat set in

    C4. I! L(F A is not su""orte$ in iBSC* tis "arameter is not reGuire$ to

    be con!igure$.

    MSC N4))!N5I ID: Tis "arameter soul$ be consistent 0it tat set in

    C4. I! L(F A is not su""orte$ in iBSC* tis "arameter is not reGuire$ to

    be con!igure$.

    MSC 6ersion ID: Tis "arameter soul$ be consistent 0it tat set in C4.

    MSC CN ID: Tis "arameter soul$ be consistent 0it tat set in C4. I!

    L(F A is not su""orte$ in iBSC* tis "arameter is not reGuire$ to be con!i


    I t l O l

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only

    Lin# Status Cec# !or Data Syncroniation

    Cec#ing meto$s:

    Dynamic $ata management

    Alarm management

    Signaling trace

    Data "robe

    I t l O l

  • 7/26/2019 ZXG10 IBSC TDM a Configuration


    Internal Only