zonk! virginia studies jamestown unit review 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728...

ZONK! Virginia Studies Jamestown Unit Review

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ZONK!Virginia Studies

Jamestown Unit Review

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Question Board


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Question A

He gave permission to the Virginia Company of London to send three ships to the Virginia:

A.King George

B.Mr. Russ

C.Queen Isabella

D.King James I ZONK!

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Question B

What was the 1st permanent English settlement in America?

A. St. Augustine

B. Jamestown

C. Yorktown

D. RichmondZONK!

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Question C

What goods did the Powhatans trade with settlers?

A. mosaic clay pots and rugs

B. guns and furniture

C. corn, furs, and leather

D. cows, chickens, and horsesZONK!

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Question D

What happened in 1620 that helped Jamestown to grow?

A. Women arrived in Jamestown.

B. John Smith helped build a fort.

C. The Powhatans brought food.

D. The colonist found gold and silver.ZONK!

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Question E

What was NOT one of the Charters granted to the colonist by King James 1?

A. Establish a colony.

B. Establish a government.

C. Export raw materials to England.

D. Extend English rule to all men.ZONK!

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Question F

When the first Africans came to America they were called indentured servants because:

A. they were brought against their will.

B. they were baptized Christians.

C. they were brought over on a ship.

D. they wanted an to have

their own land.


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Question G

What ocean did settlers cross to get to Jamestown?

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Indian Ocean

D. Arctic Ocean ZONK!

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Question H

The arrival of Africans in the colony made it possible to expand the economy of:

A. coal

B. shipping

C. poultry

D. tobaccoZONK!

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Question I

The first system of representative government in Virginia was the-

A. Virginia Assembly

B. Parliament

C. Council

D. Congress ZONK!

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Question J

The climate of Virginia is relatively?

A.Hot with four seasons

B.Cold with four seasons

C.Dry with four seasons

D.Mild with four seasons


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Question K

Which of the following was NOT a Virginia American Indian (First American) language group?

A. Algonquian

B. Iroquoian

C. Apache

D. SiouanZONK!

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Question L

In 1661 who were the people that were bought and sold as property?

A. Women

B. Indentured servants

C. African slaves

D. Powhatan Indians ZONK!

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Question M

Which Jamestown settler initiated trading relationships with the Powhatan American Indians?

A.Christopher Newport

B.Captain John Smith

C.Christopher Columbus

D.Chief PowhatanZONK!

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Question N

In what year did the House of Burgesses 1st meet?

A. 1606

B. 1620

C. 1619

D. 1661 ZONK!

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Question O

What is NOT one of the reasons the settlers chose the penisnsula on the James River to settle?

A. Good drinking water

B. Near Williamsburg

C. Easy defense from the Spanish

D. Deep water for the ships to dock


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Question P

Who financed the settlement at Jamestown?

A. Tobacco Company of Richmond

B. Mayflower Company

C. Virginia Company of


A. The James River Company


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Question Q

The American Indians began fighting with the settlers for all the reasons EXCEPT-

A. Land

B. Gold and Silver

C. Food

D. AnimalsZONK!

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Question R

In which region did the Siouan language group live?

A. Appalachian Plateau

B. Coastal Plain

C. Valley and Ridge

D. Piedmont ZONK!

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Question S

How did the settlers make money in Jamestown?

A.They imported manufactured goods from England.

B.They exported raw materials to England.

C.The found gold and silver.

D.They found spices.ZONK!

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Question T

A narrow strip of land surrounded on three sides by water is a-

A. bay

B. island

C. peninsula

D. gulfZONK!

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Question U

In what year was Jamestown settled?





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Question V

The Virginia House of Burgesses later became and continues today as the-

A. House of Commons

B. United Nations

C. Governor’s Council

D. Virginia General Assembly ZONK!

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Question W

Who were the first people to live in Virginia?

A. Englishmen

B. Africans

C. American Indians

D. Spaniards ZONK!

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Question X

All of these were hardships that the settlers experienced EXCEPT?


B.Not finding gold or silver

C.Indian attacks

D.Diseases and sickness ZONK!

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Question Y

John Smith helped settlers establish Jamestown by doing all the following EXCEPT-

A.Rebuilding the fort

B.Digging wells for fresh water

C.Planting tobacco

D.Making friends with Pocahontas


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Question Z

England wanted to establish a colony in America for all the following reasons EXCEPT-

A.Economic Venture to make money

B.To find gold and silver

C.To claim land for England

D.To meet the PowhatansZONK!

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