zone - 3; vallabh vidhyanagar(forenoon)

GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013 1 Report on Gujarat Technological University Zone Meeng (Zone - 3; Vallabh Vidhyanagar) At Parul Group of Instutes Vadodara Date : - 08 - December - 2013

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Page 1: Zone - 3; Vallabh Vidhyanagar(Forenoon)

GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


Report on

Gujarat Technological University Zone Meeting

(Zone - 3; Vallabh Vidhyanagar) At

Parul Group of Institutes Vadodara

Date : - 08 - December - 2013

Page 2: Zone - 3; Vallabh Vidhyanagar(Forenoon)

GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


Meeting with Trustees, Directors / Principals and Coordinators was organized on 8th of De-cember 2013 at four locations viz. Ahmeda-bad, Vadodara, Surat and Rajkot.

Parul Group of Institutes, Wagodiya; Vadoda-ra was the host for the meeting of Trustees, Directors / Principals and Coordinators of Zone -3. Around 60 delegates participated in meeting.

Dignitaries on the dais were Dr. G. P. Vadodaria (Registrar, GTU), Dr. Indrajeet Patel (Dean, Degree Engineering Zone 3) Dr. Shital Shah (Dean, Diploma Engineering Zone 3 & Principal, Parul Institute of

Technology) Dr. P. G. K. Murthy (Dean, Management Studies Zone 3 & 5, GTU and Director,

Parul Institute of Management & Research). Dr. Sanjay K Vij (Dean ,Computer Applications Zone 3 & Dean, ITM Universe,

Halol )

Mr. Monarch Joshi, Assistant Professor and Mr. Hitesh Gujarati, Research Associate were also present as GTU representatives.

Dignitaries on the Dies during Zone meeting

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


Prof. Preeti Nair (Asst. Professor, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology (MBA)) , the host, invited the dignitaries onto the dais which was followed by Lighting of Lamp and Saraswati Vandana.

Prof. Preeti Nair hosting the event Lighting of Lamp

Dr. Ruchi Srivastava (Principal, Parul Insti-tute of Engineering & Technology, Diplo-ma Studies) gave the welcome address and introduced the program to all pre-sent . All dignitaries and representatives of GTU were welcomed by representatives of Parul Group of Institutes.

Dr. Ruchi Srivastava

Dr. Devanshu J Patel (Managing Trustee, Parul Group of Institutes) welcomed Dr. G. P. Vadodaria ( I/c Registrar and Controller of examination, GTU )

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


Dr. Vilin Parekh (Principal, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology) welcomed Dr. Indrajeet Patel

Dr. Rajesh K S (Principal, Parul Institute of Pharmacy) welcomed Prof. Monarch Joshi

Prof. Jatin Vaidya (Principal, Parul Polytechnic Institute) welcomed Mr. Hitesh Gujarati.

Session on “Overview of Exam Process including evaluation process and early declaration of results” was delivered by Dr. G. P. Vadodaria.

He explained the role of the University and issues such as the Admission pro-cess, Enrolment, Evaluation, Early Result Declaration, Regular Faculty Training Pro-grams and Workshops, Seminars, Re-search & Development Centres, Innova-tion Sankuls, International Exposure Pro-grams etc.

Dr. G.P.Vadodaria during his speech

He enlightened all present by highlighting that GTU has the most secure exam paper distribution system & also the E-assessment initiatives. He added that the evaluation process is being made more accurate and precise with introduction of strict penalties for the evaluators who don’t take the whole process seriously. He also shared the news of upcoming Research & Development Centres at GTU first for Pharmacy and later for Engineering which have already been approved by Govt. of Gujarat.

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


In International Exposure Program he said, GTU is in talks with a Chinese University where 10 students from various colleges of GTU may visit for a short exchange program. Another great achievement of GTU is the Centre of Global Business Studies now has more than 100 Foreign Professor guides for Ph. D. pursuing students.

Dr. Indrajeet Patel , Dean of Engineering

Dr. Indrajeet Patel , in his address , ex-pressed his happiness as all institutes, trus-tees & principals have been very sup-portive, well managed & very disciplined. He said that this have been possible only because of the three node of a triangle sys-tem (the students, the parents & the insti-tute) all functioning efficiently.

He shared his concern where in there are lot of quality lapses and proper attend-ance records being kept during the aca-demic inspections . Also he added that in-stitutes have not been paying proper atten-tion to the practical experiments of the students which is also a major concern of Hon. Vice Chancellor.

He requested all the trustees and principals to encourage the participation of faculty members in GTU’s seminars / workshops & other programs. Moreover he said that trus-tees should look more towards investment in quality faculties than in infrastructure and provide all necessary audio – visual aids to make teaching - learning a better process.

Hon. Vice Chancellor of GTU, Dr. Akshai Aggarwal, addressed the gathering via Skype which was first time for any zonal meeting of GTU. This was broadcasted live from GTU campus, Chandkheda to centres in Parul Campus ( Zone 3) , Rajkot ( Zone 4) and Surat ( Zone 5) .

Hon. Vice Chancellor shared the concern of decreasing number of students in Manage-ment and Pharmacy which might also occur in engineering. For improving on the cur-rent scenarios institutes must make use of ICT for making learning & teaching more in-teresting, Learning Management System should be used for sharing the study material, beginning of the semester should be on time irrespective of number of students attending the first class which is very important for proper completion of the syllabus.

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


He emphasised to have least deficiency in institute, active participation of faculty in re-search and development programs through participation in workshops and collabora-tive research, skill development of students. He urged institutes to make special efforts so that maximum number of students gets placement next year.

Mr. Hitesh Gujarati presented the ide-ology of Chief Minister of Gujarat Mr. Narendra Modi behind 15th December program “Run for Unity”. He gave brief sketch about Sardar Val-labhbhai Patel and appealed all to reg-ister themselves and actively partici-pate in program. He also invited papers and articles on the various themes related to life of Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, for spe-cial edition of GTU newsletter “ANANTYAM” .

Presentation on “Run for Unity” by Mr. Hitesh Gujarati

Dr. PGK Murthy also addressed the gathering and highlighted two im-portant points. First he took up the point of discipline, character and punctuality. The exam-ple of these have to be set by top in the hierarchy and then they can be emulated by those down in the hierar-chy . Completing the syllabus on time was the other issue which should be on top most priority to all faculty mem-bers and principals.

Dr. PGK Murthy , Dean of Management

Lastly, he shared what the HR Managers suggested, in a recent HR Summit organised by Parul Group of Institutes, that the students should be trained to work on the shop floor or the field in the initial years, expectation of luxurious air conditioned offices & white collar jobs shouldn’t be of priority in initial years . The students should develop good communication skills in English and develop proper etiquettes for good openings in cor-porate sector .

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


Dr. C. D. Pathak (Principal, Parul Institute of Architecture & Research) congratulated GTU on the wonderful initiatives that are being taken up. He suggested that Architecture should have a separate page and not be merged with Engineering Page. Also he request-ed to have the summarized marks sheet for whole college per semester to have easy in calculating the results. To this , Dr. G P Vadodaria , Registrar , replied that page of archi-tecture is already under construction as well as the summarized mark sheet .

During the Question Answer session many senior faculties took active participation.

Dr. Vilin Parekh (Principal, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology) asked whether the first year external viva marks will be counted in the SPI to which the Registrar re-plied in affirmation

Dr. C.D.Pathak Dr. Vilin Parekh

Other members also expressed their concern about the practical external exams for first year stu-dents as well as increasing the number of days for filling the exam-ination form and requested regis-trar sir to kindly have a discussion with Hon. Vice Chancellor, to which the Registrar gave his assurance for the same. Dr. Murthy also an-swered some queries of the insti-tutes regarding exam pattern and academics calendar.

Dr. G.P.Vadodaria during Question Answer session

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GTU Zonal Meet– Zone III, 08-12-2013


While giving suggestion, Prof. Rajesh

Khajuria shared from his experience

that students in Germany while pur-

suing course like Master of Engineer-

ing use to study for 3 days a week in

the college and rest of the week in

the industry. Such pattern of learning

can be implemented in GTU courses

which will help us to increase and im-

prove quality of our students.

Prof. S. H. Pandya brought to light a

very important suggestion of need

for amendment in UGC Act of 1956

where in it say the UGC cover all col-

leges which have an intake of 12th

Pass students. Due to this it doesn’t

cover Diploma and Polytechnic col-

leges as they have intake of 10th pass

students as well. So in UGC act

should state 10th /12th pass students

instead of just 12th.

At the end, Dr. Rajesh K. S. (Principal,

Parul Institute of Pharmacy) pro-

posed a hearty vote of thanks to

dignitaries and GTU representatives

as well as all the members present in

the meeting .