zodiac 2015

Rat (Year: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) Be frugal and do not spend more than you earn. Work harder, you have to double your effort to achieve something. Unexpected incident could happen in the family, be calm and preserve. Wealth: Inspiring, this year will be fruitful as long as you work for your goal. It is all right to expand undertaking but not too abrupt and do not be greedy as to aspire for too big a deal that you are not able to handle. The higher you go, the harder you fall. Health: Not a very good portent, always be careful accident could happen when least expected. Pay attention to your heart and other family members too. Love Life: There will be many friends and you will have fun but sincere and truthful friend will be rare. Be more understanding towards family and spouse to avoid added worries in life. Lucky colors: Orange, Brown, Yellow Lucky numbers: 3, 5 Lucky directions: North, South, Northwest Beneficial Birth Sign: Ox Allies Sign: Dragon and Monkey

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Rat (Year: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)Be frugal and do not spend more than you earn. Work harder, you have to double your effort to achieve something. Unexpected incident could happen in the family, be calm and preserve.

Wealth: Inspiring, this year will be fruitful as long as you work for your goal. It is all right to expand undertaking but not too abrupt and do not be greedy as to aspire for too big a deal that you are not able to handle. The higher you go, the harder you fall.

Health: Not a very good portent, always be careful accident could happen when least expected. Pay attention to your heart and other family members too.

Love Life: There will be many friends and you will have fun but sincere and truthful friend will be rare. Be more understanding towards family and spouse to avoid added worries in life.

Lucky colors: Orange, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 3, 5Lucky directions: North, South, NorthwestBeneficial Birth Sign: OxAllies Sign: Dragon and Monkey

Ox (Year: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)The year Destroyer or Anti-Tai Sue is in the sign of Sheep. Everything seems to be doubly difficult this year, therefore be sure to work harder and do not get frustrated easily. Believe in yourself, pray and work for your success. Avoid going to funeral parlor and burial.

Wealth: Money seems to be so hard to earn yet it is easily loss. Avoid incurring debt so that your problem will not be doubled. Be patient and careful with money matter and listen to sound advice given by concern friends and relatives.

Health: Watch out on your diets, health could be affected by too much stress and night life. Keep young ones from late night-outs.

Love Life: Very active, the bachelors have the chance to get tied down while it is best for the married ones to have their second honeymoon.

Lucky colors: Brown, Yellow, PurpleLucky numbers: 3, 5Lucky directions: North, South, NorthwestBeneficial Birth Sign: RatAllies Sign: Snake and Rooster

Tiger (Year: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)Romance is in the air, therefore this is the time you could meet your prospective life partner or you may get married this year. There is also the opportunity to come upon unexpected earnings. However for the currently employed, it is not wise to change job this year. Avoid getting involved with others affair, do not guarantee for other person. In doing business, be careful of swindlers. Take necessary precautions against robbery.

Wealth: This years finance is good you have earnings but do not be too ambitious and greedy. Always be careful and meticulous when contracting business and be sure to read carefully the documents needed to be signed. You may build your dream house this year as long as you have money for such undertaking.

Health: Stress can drain your energy and leave you with poor health. Take care and be positive to counter possible depression that you might suffer. Vehicular mishap is possible, be cautious.

Love Life: This year brings romance to your life. Single rats have the chance to meet the life partner he/she waits for. Rat seems to be very attractive this year and there will be plenty of temptations that could hurt your married life. Be wise and faithful, happy family life is lifetime treasure that should be cherished and cared for always.

Lucky colors: Orange, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 2, 8Lucky directions: South, Northwest, SoutheastBeneficial Birth Sign: PigAllies Sign: Horse and Dog

Rabbit (Year: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)Auspicious stars are in your sign this year and there are many opportunities that you should be alert enough to grasp. Unfortunately this year, the White Tiger Star also rests in your place. This means that you should be careful in your actions and every time you are away from residence. The trend of your finance will improve favorably but you should not rush things, be patient.

Wealth: The business is doing well and you may want to expand, it is alright to do so. However, beware of competition and business squabble; it will not be good for you to get involve with this trouble.

Health: The effect of the White Tiger Star cautions you to be careful. Avoid unnecessary trip and going to unfamiliar places. Stay healthy by doing your exercise and taking healthy food.

Love Life: Social life is at an upward trend, you will meet many new acquaintances from opposite gender. It will be wise to act prudently to avoid conflict and unfavorable rumor that could negatively affect your current relationship/ family. Be sensible and avoid flirting

Lucky colors: Blue, White, GreenLucky numbers: 4, 8Lucky directions: South, Southwest, SoutheastBeneficial Birth Sign: DogAllies Sign: Sheep and Pig

Dragon (Year: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)This year will be favorable for the sign of the Dragon. Keep yourself busy by preparing and working for your pans for the second half of the year, which will be better. Be amicable to co-workers and friends so that you can avoid having them plotting to do you harm. Be extra cautious when going out at night and beware of robbery and fire outbreak. It is not wide to lend out money because it will be difficult to collect them back.

Wealth: Do not make hasty decision. Analyze and think twice before acting upon a project or deal. It is not favorable to go into partnership and do not guarantee for others.

Health: The situation is not very steady or good. Take care and seek medical attention before the problem worsens. Exercise and relax whenever possible.

Love Life: Good, no problem foreseen and social life might even be rather active this time. Bonding with the family every now and then is good for strengthening relationship.

Lucky colors: Gray, Blue, GreenLucky numbers: 5, 6Lucky directions: South, North, SouthwestBeneficial Birth Sign: RoosterAllies Sign: Rat and Monkey

Snake (Year: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)This year is an improvement from the past. Opportunity for better financial standing comes knocking at your door. Things could go favorably for you as long you are diligent at work. Do not give in greed or speculative ideas that could only mean losing hard earned money. Do some good deeds, be more sociable and consider advices being offered to you.

Wealth: Proceed with planned expansion or new business undertaking. Be very careful when committing to a contract because there is threat of treachery and lawsuit. Avoid acquiring large receivables.

Health: Your own health is fine. Recharge energy by having sufficient rest. Pay attention to the health of your family members. Watch out on road safety/ vehicular mishaps.

Love Life: Very good, the bachelors have the chance to marry while the married should go on a second honeymoon.

Lucky colors: Gray, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 2, 7Lucky directions: South, North, WestBeneficial Birth Sign: Monkey Allies Sign: Ox and Rooster

Horse (Year: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)This time your fortune will be better than last year but the improvement will be felt starting from the second quarter. Work attentively and be careful in your relationship with peers, subordinates and superiors. Intrigue could negatively affect you and cause trouble for you. Take necessary precaution against robbery and possible fire outbreak.

Wealth: You need to avoid excessive expenditure save the money for future need. Immediate business expansion is not foreseen nor advice. Always be careful in signing contract and doing business to avoid being conned. Unscrupulous persons could take advantage of your carelessness.

Health: Your health will not be very good so take care. You need exercise and rest, maintain a healthy way of living. Be careful when traveling, accident could happen unexpectedly. Avoid going to funeral parlors and places with too much yin energy.

Love Life: You will meet many new acquaintances and friends will come and go just as easily. Not much meaningful relationship is seen but you may enjoy life as it is, just be reasonably sensible.

Lucky colors: Red, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 1, 6Lucky directions: Southwest, Northwest, SoutheastBeneficial Birth Sign: SheepAllies Sign: Tiger and Dog

Sheep (Year: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)The TAISUE is in the sign of Sheep and this means that you will have a 50-50 chance in seeking fortune this year, it is important to take the necessary steps and ensure that food fortune is what you can attract; seek proper guidance. Pay attention to avoid injury from bump and accident. Be careful in everything you do and beware of robbery and fire outbreaks.

Wealth: Work hard and you will have your reward for every effort made there is a profit to take in return. To avoid problem, do not get into debt or loan activity. Be extra careful when signing contract especially on the second half of the year.

Health: Lessen if not totally eliminate your nocturnal outings. Take care of your health and intestine sections. Skin problem will bother the female horse.

Love Life: Your love life will be active and you will have many chances of meeting possible partner in life. The singles can enjoy this phase of their life but the married ones must be firm and stay faithful to their spouse.

Lucky colors: Red, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 3, 9Lucky directions: Southwest, North, SoutheastBeneficial Birth Sign: HorseAllies Sign: Rabbit and Pig

Monkey (Year: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)Generally, the trend of fortune for this year will be a continuation of last year. Spend more time and effort at work if you wanted to be more successful. Keep an eye on the budge, take care of health and watch out on road safety.

Wealth: Starting a business is fine but be cautious of money traps and con-men. Do not be gullible for speculative ideas.

Health: Watch your diets to avoid gastric problems and getting affected by viral or bacterial infections.

Love Life: A blooming year, you will have chances of meeting favorable mate while the married ones will enjoy bonding with their spouse. Relax with the family rather than doing mischievous thing.

Lucky colors: Red, Coffee Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 1, 7Lucky directions: Southwest, North, NorthwestBeneficial Birth Sign: SnakeAllies Sign: Dragon and Rat

Rooster (Year: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)Apparently things are good but this is not true. Expenditure might be greater and could even use up past savings. It is very important to carefully plan your financial moves before making decisions and taking actions. Things will get better especially when you persist and work diligently. Pay attention on home and road safety. Beware of burglary.

Wealth: It is never wise to act impulsively, always think carefully before doing anything particularly when closing deals and signing contract. You need to keep low profile to avoid arousing interest from bad people. Make careful planning before going into business expansion.

Health: Avoid funeral parlor and burial. Take good care of your health. Beware of accident and unexpected happening in the family.

Love Life: Unstable, your love life will move in extreme way and could leave you stressed out. Spend some relaxing moments with spouse and family, go on vacation and have that much needed rest.

Lucky colors: Gray, Brown, YellowLucky numbers: 1, 9Lucky directions: Southwest, North, SoutheastBeneficial Birth Sign: DragonAllies Sign: Ox and Snake

Dog (Year: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)There is an improvement from last years fortune but female will be luckier than the male. Opening new business undertakings are possible this year. It is not feasible to neither lend nor borrow money. Be alert to avoid being swindled. Take precautionary action against robbery.

Wealth: There are opportunities coming your way, be sure to react positively. Always be careful when doing your documents such as invoices and contracts. Beware of robbery; be sure to secure your doors and windows and property in general.

Health: Worrying too much about financial matter will be detrimental to your health. Take a rest whenever possible and keep yourself healthy so that you will not be vulnerable to illness.

Love Life: Unstable and very volatile because of the problems you have to face up to. Be patient and understanding especially towards younger set that might rebel and run away thereby compounding your worries and headache.

Lucky colors: Gray, Blue, WhiteLucky numbers: 2, 3Lucky directions: Southwest, North, SouthBeneficial Birth Sign: RabbitAllies Sign: Tiger and Horse

Pig (Year: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)This year will be fairly good but emotional control must be exercised. The 5-Evil Star is found in this sign and it brings irritants mostly due to miscommunication. To avoid quarrels, learn to control emotion and clear things with person concern as soon as possible. When working, be patient and try not rush your thought and decision will be better when circumstances are carefully considered.

Wealth: Finances will be average, no big deal. Lending and borrowing activities are still to be avoided to lessen probable problem pestering you.

Health: The existence of the 5-Evil Star warns against accident so, be careful when traveling. Avoid funeral parlor and burial.

Love Life: Miscommunication is the key for possible trouble you might have this year. Stay calm and try to clarify things before reacting. Gossips are usually false. Be smart and level headed.

Lucky colors: Blue, Black, WhiteLucky numbers: 7, 8Lucky directions: South, Northwest, NorthBeneficial Birth Sign: TigerAllies Sign: Rabbit and Snake