zhu xufeng: low carbon cooperation and global leadership

低低低低低低低低低低低 低低低低低低低低低低低 Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership 低低低 (Xufeng Zhu) 低低低低低低低低低 低低低低 Zhou Enlai School of Governement, Nankai University 低低低低低低低低低低低低低低低低低低 低低低低 2009 低 3 低 19 低

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ZHU Xufeng, Associate Professor, NanKai University. Presentation to the UK-China Innovation Workshop for Sustainable and Equitable Development, Tsinghua University, 19 March 2010, co-organised by China Institute for Science and Technology Policy (CISTP) at Tsinghua University and the STEPS Centre. http://anewmanifesto.org/news/china-workshop-presentationschina-workshop-presentations/


Page 1: Zhu Xufeng: Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

低碳合作与全球领袖地位低碳合作与全球领袖地位 Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

低碳合作与全球领袖地位低碳合作与全球领袖地位 Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

朱旭峰 (Xufeng Zhu)


Zhou Enlai School of Governement, Nankai University

中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Page 2: Zhu Xufeng: Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

• Zhu, Xufeng, “Emissions: taking a collaborative lead will work better,” Nature, Vol. 462, 10 December, 2009. (300 words)– This speech is an expanded and updated report for

the review.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Three major players in the climate change initiatives


(UK, FR, GER…)


The umbrella group

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Who is the leader in Climate initiatives

• The Bush Administration– In 2001, President Bush refused to sign on “The

Kyoto Protocol”, resulting the US lost its leadership in climate negotiations.

– The Kyoto Protocol was promoted by the EU after the US withdrawal.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

• “Calling for the United States to step up to a leadership role in international climate negotiations”

• (Nature Reports Climate Change 2, 127-129; 2008)

As the then Democratic presidential candidate of the US

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Who is the leader in Climate initiatives

• The Obama Administration– Obama’s ambition to step up the leadership role in

climate negotiations.

– The only achievement was “American Clean Energy and Security Act ” approved by the House in June, 2009.

– The Democrats lost a senator seat in Massachusetts to the G.O.P. Scott Brown, a climate skeptic. (59:41)

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Who is the leader in Climate initiatives

• The Obama Administration– Jan 27, Obama’s state-of-the-nation address

supports the climate legislation.

– Institutional innovation: “cap and dividend” vs. “cap and trade”

– The mid-term election late 2010 will impact the climate legislation.

– Scholars’ discussions on the feasibility of a climate framework without the US.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Who is the leader in Climate initiatives

• Europe– Achievement to the commitment of the Kyoto


– The pilot Carbon Trade Market for years.

– Some west Europe countries, such as UK’s Pathway toward a Low Carbon Economy.

– Ambition for the leadership in initiatives in addressing climate change.

– But the Copenhagen summit disappointed the EU.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

A Leadership Role?

• How to define a Leadership role in addressing climate change? – Not a self-defined concept, but counts on

recognition from developing nations.

– Not just an opinion leader, but the one in actual action.

– Become global leaders of the future low-carbon economy, and have a greater influence on the world stage.

Page 10: Zhu Xufeng: Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Take a leadership in tech cooperation

• Benefit from the tech cooperation with developing countries– Many carbon emission reduction technologies are still at an

experimental stage. – Some countries are leading other countries in the research

and development of these technologies. – They need to expand the scope of the experiments to test

the feasibility of commercial use of these technologies. – Construction and markets in developing nations.– Tech cooperation offers a good opportunity for developed

countries to apply their newly developed technologies to be “dominant designs”.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Take a leadership in tech cooperation

– Tech cooperation is usually regarded good for developing countries.

– In the long run, tech cooperation with developing countries is helpful for developed countries to obtain their leaderships in the climate change realm

– The industrialized country that technically cooperates best with developing nations will spread their technologies toward the world.

– Retain the leadership in the world technologically, economically, and politically.

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中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

Conclusion• Major developing nations are players in the climate

initiatives but do not intend to be leaders.

• Major developing nations can help developed countries to step up the global leadership.

• Europe have practiced tech cooperation with developing countries for years, providing the foundation for the future cooperation.

• Europe can obtain a global leadership role in the future’s low carbon economy.

• Europe, are you ready?

Page 13: Zhu Xufeng: Low Carbon Cooperation and Global Leadership

中英可持续创新发展高层国际专题研讨会 清华大学 2009 年 3 月 19 日

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