zeljko kresic planners book

Z the last word of alphabet, the name of the My Morning Jacket album, Costa Gavras movie (never saw it), Z Germans ... also my nickname in MAS since it is kind of hard to pronounce my name. It is Zeljko. (Zel-ko)

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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brand planning, advertising, planners, miami ad school


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Zthe last word of alphabet, the name of the My Morning Jacket album, Costa Gavras movie (never saw it), Z Germans ... also my nickname in MAS since it is kind of hard to pronounce my name.

It is Zeljko. (Zel-ko)

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Why planning?

It gives me goose-bumps. It is the same feeling I got when I first started spinning records at college radio. At that time I felt it was the best job in the world. Now I think it is the second best. Some people don’t get that feeling ever in their entire working life. I feel privileged to have had that experience twice.

Why Miami Ad School?

The percentage of mediocre work in advertising, like in music, film or any other field of human work, is huge. Everybody does it, for one reason or another. Maybe because it is easier or the circumstances lead to mediocrity. I have been involved in some mediocre projects. Not proud of it, but to use a cliche, I guess I learned something. Therefore I decided to explore this small percentage of really good work and find out what leads to it. It is great to read Russell, Northern Planner, PSFK and Brand Republic, but it is a whole other thing to get to actually talk to planners who stand behind some outstanding work out there and get their opinions and feedback. And meet your future comrades in planning.

Some folks stop learning once they get out of school and land their first job. Can’t agree with them.


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The assignment

Whopper Freakout. Do it again, only better. Explore new territory. Try to get away from the super-fans.

The road

First reaction:”Do it better than ... are you kidding me?!?!”

But that is the beauty of advertising. There are no limitations but your own. Like many traditional brands Whopper is stuck. The modern world of health consciousness, slow food and competition from all over the place shows no love for the 51 year old. The search for the perfect place for the Whopper drifted back and forth. At first, the idea of going for the super-fans felt kind of appealing. We almost fell for the concept Whopper ... everything else is foreplay.

One Friday afternoon we got our senses back. From the couple of visits to BK one picture stood out. A young women ordering only fries and ketchup for her lunch break. That was the starting point.

Burger King Whopper?

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Where are we now?

Whopper, 51 years old and America’s best loved fast-food burger is on a slide. The reason? Health issues, retail stores and home BBQ, you name it. However he still got game. Unlike other burgers, it is flame broiled so that is where the distinguished taste comes from. In order to eat it, both hands must be used, he is that big. Whopper makes people happy in a way that’s downright disturbing.

Who are we talking to?

Women, 20-40, lower to mid income, high school or college education, active life, free time is an issue. In everyday life they act as moms, wives and fellow workers. Cashier at Target, secretary in high rise office buildings.

Where do we want to be?

Whopper to be an unshamefull choice for girls. Girls deprive themselves all their lives. Like when their parents would not let them have their ears pierced, have tattoos or wear crazy clothes to school. Now that they are mature they still have constraints when it comes to food. They walk into BK, order only salad or fries and ketchup, because they are ashamed of getting a true meal at a place that is all about indulging yourself. Challenge the double standard of our society.

What is the main message?

There is nothing wrong with having a Whopper.

Whopper brief

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By creating a microsite, viral videos and TVC we are making fun of double standards in order to show it is ok for women to eat Whoppers.

The campaign would run in two phases, first the teaser followed by the reveal / main campaign. www.maneater.com would feature the viral video and funny tips on how to act like a man in order to get a real meal.

Whopper creative

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Phase I

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Phase II

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Perhaps check out the latest Radiohead video. It was shot in a very interesting way. Or simply have some strawberries.

Have a break

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The assignment

Get more quality students for Miami Ad School Boot-camp.

The road

The Account Planning Boot-camp is a unique program out there. With its tight schedule it ensures that students get the top knowledge in a short time and prepares them for the challenges of adland.

How did I get here? Hoopla, web, blogs, a lot more web, e-mail, talk to boss, some more web, email, Fedex, one email, few more emails. Get up early, go to Frankfurt, emergency landing in Glasgow, a few pints of Deuchers, O’Hara, finally Minneapolis, light rail, 4th street on a wild Saturday night. Apartment 301. Nice.

How do we cut the more web thing?

Miami Ad School Account Planning Boot-camp

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Where are we now?

Miami Ad School offers a one of a kind 12 week boot-camp for Account Planners. The school is partnered with industry leader CP+B, lectures are held by the top industry professionals and the program is basically a simulation of a planning job in an agency. The atmosphere in the school is laid back, fun and friendly, the kind of atmosphere one will find in an ad agency.

Who are we talking to?

Recent college graduates and young professionals, domestic and foreign, that are looking to get an interesting job in advertising. Account planning is the fulfillment of their dreams because it combines the business and creative side of work. They are mid-20s, share a passion for advertising, have a thing for arts and enjoy to observe people and society in general. Also they dig iPhone, South Park, music, social networks and like to try all the new stuff out there.

Where do we want to be?

MAS to attract more high-quality students to the 12 week AP boot-camp.

What is the main message?

After 12 weeks of AP.boot-camp@MAS you are ready for any account planning task.

The brief

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The central point would be the MAS Account Planning Boot-camp blog, thebarracks.com, toward which all communication would lead. All other executions were meant to be simple and cheap so we don’t drain the school budget:).

Creative work

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thebarracks.com are meant to be an industry blog as well as the central place to learn about the program

web banner - wherever you move the mouse the eyes follow it

Creative work

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Creative work

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Creative work

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A pint of Boddingtons?

Have a break

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The assignment

Make more Kahlua bottles go upside-down.

The road

While their main competitor Baileys focused on the 45+ audience, Kahlua went back and forth with its communication. In its recent efforts it tried to target the young, frequent club visitors, despite the research results that showed that it is more frequently enjoyed by an older audience. For a drink of such taste and texture it felt more appropriate to be appreciated by people who enjoy a drink or two in a peaceful, comforting place.

The White Russian cocktail is the best known Kahlua based cocktail. It has a small, cult following consisting of a few passionate drinkers and fans of the movie The Big Lebowsky, but there was certainly more potential to explore. White Russian would be the promotional vehicle for Kahlua, not only because of its great taste but also because of its dual personality nature.


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Where are we now?

Kahlua is a heavy and sweet coffee based liqueur drink that is a main ingredient in some cocktails, most notably the White Russian. The problem it faces is that once you buy a bottle, the chances are that it will stay on your shelf for a few years. It is sort of off radar.

Who are we talking to?

Gen X men, serious, hard working gentlemen. They drink to enjoy. At this point in their lives they prefer to stay in, instead of going out. Get out of the office, drive, return home after a demanding day, walk through the door, throw away the coat, tie and laptop bag, give a kiss to their lady and the kids, have dinner and relax. They finally made it to the safe place where they can unplug. They feel tired, yet comfortable.

Where do we want to be?

White Russian cocktail to be a part of their day. White Russian epitomizes the duality of gen X men. It is a mature, respectable drink and at the same time because of its sweet taste it is almost innocently childish. Upon returning home, the hard working gents need something to look forward to.

What is the main message?

White Russian is the end of the day ritual.

The brief

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Captain Miller: “Earn this.”

Creative work

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Creative work

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Creative work

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Creative work

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Mud is your road. Exploring is in your blood.

It must have something to do with your ancestors, the way they fearlessly conquered the plains of Dakota and deserts of Nevada. Some tiny DNA strand is still tickling you somewhere deep inside, resisting any kind of static, stopping you from turning back on any obstacle. Be it rain or wind, heat or cold, uphill or downhill, you are on the move. You never back off. Holes, pits and creeks are not obstacles, they are the part of the road.

Sure, it is not always nice, you will have your share of sweat and tears. Hold the blood, thanks. Things that are glorious on paper are not always glorious out there.

You are up for one hell of a ride. You are the one who dares. And remember, only the one who dares, wins.

Marin bike brand manifesto

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Pro years

BBDO Zagreb, 2005 - presentAccount Manager - Vipnet (telco, part of Mobilkom Austria). Previous clients Lura (dairy industry, part of Lactalis Group, brands Dukatela milk spread, Sirela cheese, Yoghurts) and Podravka (food industry, flagship brand Vegeta).

Playboy Croatia, 2006Music column writer, freelance

Publicis Zagreb, 2003-2005Account Executive - clients: Cappy (Minute Maid), Hewlett-Packard, Vichy, SEB Group (Tefal, Rowenta, Krups, Moulinex), Wustentrot (housing savings) and Generali Insurance.

Zagreb Film, 2002Production house specialized in animated films. Foreign sales and organizing promotional activities (exhibitions, film screenings, contacting the media).

College years

Miami Ad School, Minneapolis, summer 2008Boot-camp for Account Planners

University of Zagreb, 1996-2001Faculty of Economics and Business, major Finance

Free timetravel, basketball, soccer, cycling, music and concerts

Zeljko Kresic - 1978 to present

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Art Director: Brian DederingCopywriter: Nathan MarholzPlanner: Zeljko Kresic

Thanks to Martina, all my friends & family, 301 apartment@4th street, BBDO Zagreb, Paul Pierce, Animal Collective and MAS soccer team.

End credits