zanshin #18 dec2013

Newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue #18 Dec. 2013 - - Feb. 2014 Ricky, Owen, Jelese, Sandeera, Michael, Kobe Seasons Greetings … to all our members and their families. Christmas comes around so quickly these days but the message of the season is never old, never lost. Peace on earth and goodwill to all. If we can find a way to make this wish a reality for even one person it would be worth it. Our country is in deep need for the generosity of Christmas to be extended, to many more all through the year. So be generous this season and let it extend into your lives all year long. Be generous with your time, your money, your words, your thoughts and let us begin to build this nation of ours into a powerhouse of generosity and hope. May the promise of the Christ Child's birth bring the reality of joy and peace into your homes this season and all year long! Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA (IKD)

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IKD Shotokhan NewsMag to inform, educate and celebrate the life and times of karate life as we know it


Newsletter of the

Trinidad Karate

Association (TKA)

Issue #18

Dec. 2013 -

- Feb. 2014

Ricky, Owen, Jelese,

Sandeera, Michael, Kobe

Season’s Greetings … to all our members and their families. Christmas comes around so

quickly these days but the message of the season is never old, never lost.

Peace on earth and goodwill to all. If we can find a way to make this wish a

reality for even one person it would be worth it. Our country is in deep need

for the generosity of Christmas to be extended, to many more all through the


So be generous this season and let it extend into your lives all year long.

Be generous with your time, your money, your words, your thoughts and let

us begin to build this nation of ours into a powerhouse of generosity and

hope. May the promise of the Christ Child's birth bring the reality of

joy and peace into your homes this season and all year long!


Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim

Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA (IKD)

Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 2 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Christmas and New year Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Editorial

team- Simone, Dianne, Sean and Richie. May the Christ-child be the focus

of the season and have a safe and holy season. 2014 is a big year for us

as we will be hosting the 11th IKD\ Caribbean Karate College (CKC)\

Caribbean tournament from August 17 to 19. We hope to see all hands on

deck during this time. See you next year in March and remember keep


TTKU National Tournament

The TTKU National Tournament was held on October 25, 2013 at the

Maloney Indoor Sport Arena. The TKA was represented by persons from

the UWI, Tora and Tobago Dojos. While all the dojos obtained medals,

the Tobago Shotokan Club dominated the TKA medal club.

Congratulations to pee wee competitors, such as, Michelle, Roshelle,

Dominic, Denzel, Jelese, Ricky, Sandeera, Kobe, Owen and Michael for

winning medals for the TKA. Adult competitors included Tamara and Nikita.

Remember in the New Year, to support the continuation of our

newsletter. This is our 18th issue of Zanshin, which is now circulated

quarterly. The next issue will be for March-May 2014. This gives

us enough time to find ideas for topics and write something, even if it

is 2 paragraphs or a photo with a caption. Please send your articles,

comments and constructive criticism to Simone via email:

[email protected]

Dominic Lue Fatt Michael and Lue Fatt twins

the Tobago Shotokan Club


Christmas & New Year


TTKU National


Editor’s Reflections

Feature Article - Shuseki

Shihan Frank Woon-A-


TKA National

Championship 2014

2013 Calendar

Training Schedule

Karate in the Olympics


Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 3 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Editor’s Reflections By Simone Thorne

What I have discovered

throughout my Karate

journey, is that there comes a

point in time when one

experiences what I call a

Eureka moment! My first

experience was training for

Nidan grading when I was

forced to learn the Bunkai for Heian Nidan (see

March 2013 Issue) and it actually made sense to me

for the first time. From dreading it in class and

crying, yes actually crying, at 4 am in the morning

after what I considered an extremely tortuous

Bunkai session at the IKD World Camp in June 2012,

I had a Eureka moment and experienced the beauty

of it and now actually love Bunkai.

A few weeks ago, I again had a Eureka moment.

Shihan Shim always speaks about applying Karate

principles and concepts to life situations to solve

problems. Frankly speaking, Shihan with due

respect, when you were saying these things, I would

politely listen because of my training at home and in

the dojo about respecting my elders. But in my mind,

I would be thinking this is a fanatical man who is

addicted to karate and would smile quietly to


However, I was able to understand your wise

teachings when I applied the concept of Zen in a

non-karate setting just a few weeks ago. I started

taking swimming lessons as I wanted to learn to

swim. I got tired of the little ones going to the deep

end and laughing at me while I stayed in water that

reached my waist. After weeks of swimming widths

non-stop, I was supposed to graduate to swimming

lengths at the pool. But for some reason at times,

after half the length I would start to panic and

forget to breathe properly. I even reached the

stage where I wanted to quit and dreaded going to

classes but only continued because I had to pay my

monthly fee up front and did not want to lose my

hard- earned money.

After many frustrating tries, sometimes making the

length, other times not and even when I did make it,

I was out of breath because I would be swimming

extremely fast as my aim was to reach the other

end as quickly as possible. It was not a pleasurable


Then on one particularly

bad day, where I felt like I

was only drowning

because I was not

breathing properly, I decided to step back. I spoke

to myself and said what would Shihan Shim say or

do in such a situation. I mean I was a Nidan, I should

not be panicking and giving up so easily. Then I

remembered the concept of Zen. Shihan Shim would

say go in a state of Zen. (In our last issue, we

discussed the meaning of Zen). I did exactly that. I

actually closed my eyes to achieve Zen and started


So again, I guess I have to admit, my Shihan is not a

fanatical madman. He knows exactly what he is

speaking about. It is probably based on his years of

experience of applying it to his own life.

The Language of Martial Arts – translated!!

When people say They really mean this ...

Japanese martial arts are the best

This art is thousands of years old

I practice a Japanese martial art

This style is decades old

The martial arts are about building better people Martial arts are about sweat, bruises and money

High kicks are stupid I can't do high kicks

Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 4 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Feature Article

TKA National Championship-2014

The TKA will host its national championship on Sunday 26th January, 2104 at the UWI Spec. All club members 7

years and above are expected to take part in this event which also serves as a fund-raiser for the organization.

There will be events in individual kata and kumite for all students and team kata, bunkai and enbu for brown

and black belts. The contributions are as follows:

TKA members- Individual – kata or kumite alone $70; kata and kumite- $120

o Each team event- $135

Non TKA members- Individual- kata or kumite alone $75; kata and kumite- $125

o Each team event- $140

Please see Sensei Simone for registration forms.

Synopsis of Lecture

by Shuseki Shihan Frank Woon-A-Tai,

9th Dan (Founder and Chief Master of the IKD) on his visit to Trinidad in April 2013

Question: What is the major difference between Master Nakayama’s lineage karate (JKA, ISKF, IKD, ITKF,

SKIFF, etc. and other karate (sport karate) in one word?

Answer: The Amount of Kime

What is Kime?

1. Correct Application of Power

2. Speed of Technique

3. Body Expansion and Contraction

4. Ki

Correct Application of Power: This is done through:

Correct Posture and Stance:

Correct use of the Seika Tandem which is achieved through use of six methods of kinetic energy:

vibration, rotation, thrust, down, up and pendulum

Speed of Technique:

Speed is how fast your technique is going in a certain amount of time. Velocity means the same thing as

speed, except velocity also means, which way (direction) your technique is going to the target.

Body expansion and Contraction - sharpness:

Zero to 10 power to zero power.

Ki: The four aspect of Ki are:

1 Mind:- Two stages; mental clarity, and mental concentration.

2 Feeling:- punch, strike, block and kick

3 Spirit:- of the Samurai; Kiai is the loud expression of your internal energy in conjunction with quick

exhalation from your hara (lower stomach). It is the union of body and mind.

4 Energy:- adrenaline- An adrenaline rush.

Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 5 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

2014 Calendar Month Date/Time Event Place

January 7th Tora Dojo reopens Chinese Association

26th TKA National Tournament UWI Spec

March tba TTKU Nationals tba

April tba Grading tba

June tba IKD International Camp Toronto, Canada

July tba Grading tba

August 17th – 19th IKD/CKC Caribbean Championships tba

November tba Grading

TTKU Nationals

More Language of Martial Arts – translated!!

When people say They really mean this ...

Breaking techniques are very important We do a lot of breaking techniques

I don't believe in grades

Grades are not important

Nobody ever gave me a high grade

There's a grading coming up and it's important

The martial arts are about building better evolved characters

Like me (lol!)

Sophisticated arts like Tai Chi and Aikido are far superior

Sparring frightens me

He's a good martial arts teacher

My style is the best

Competitions are a waste of time

He's in my organization

I don't know anything about any other styles

I've never won any competitions.

Science and leverage will always win out over brute force

Except when he's bigger and stronger than you are

Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 6 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

The Twelve Days of Karate Christmas

If you sing this as you would in the song and do the moves with it, this is a great workout and an awesome way

to keep your basics sharp and fun over Christmas!! Enjoy your Christmas training!

On the 1st day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

A flying mae tobi geri! (jump kick – KIAI!)

On the 2nd day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

2 mawashi ukes (round blocks), and a flying mae tob

On the 3rd day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

3 shita tsukis (short punches), 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 4th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

4 mawashi geris (round kicks), 3 shita tsukis, 2 ma, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 5th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

5 Kiais! (shout 5 times!), 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 6th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

6 gedan ukes (sweeping blocks), 5 Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying

mae tobi geri!

On the 7th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me…

7 chudan tsukis (stomach level punches), 6 gedan ukes, 5 Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis, 2 mawashi

ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 8th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

8 uchi ukes (inside hooking blocks), 7 chudan tsukis, 6 gedan ukes, 5 Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis,

2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 9th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me …

9 yoko geris (sidekicks), 8 uchi ukes, 7 chudan tsukis, 6 gedan ukes, 5 Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita

tsukis, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 10th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me…

10 hijiates (rising elbow strikes), 9 yoko geris, 8 uchi ukes, 7 chudan tsukis, 6 gedan ukes, 5 Kiais!, 4

mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 11th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me…

11 ura uchis (backfist strikes), 10 hijiates, 9 yoko geris, 8 uchi ukes, 7 chudan tsukis, 6 gedan ukes, 5

Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

On the 12th day of Christmas, my Sensei taught to me…

12 Jodan tsukis (head-level punches), 11 ura uchis, 10 hijiates, 9 yoko geris, 8 uchi ukes, 7 chudan tsukis,

6 gedan ukes, 5 Kiais!, 4 mawashi geris, 3 shita tsukis, 2 mawashi ukes, and a flying mae tobi geri!

(from )

Issue #18 December 2013 – February 2014

Zanshin 7 a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Training Schedule Day Time Rank - Belts

TORA- Chinese Association, St. Ann’s

Directors: Senseis Nigel Forde and John George Contact #: 680-5234


6.00 - 7.15pm All Ages, All Ranks

7.15 – 8:15pm Team training- brown & black belts

(Shihan Shim)

Thursday 6.00 - 7.15pm All Ages - All Ranks

7.15 – 8:15pm Dan Training (Shihan Shim)

UWI Shokotan CLUB, UWI, St. Augustine

President- Sensei Dean Avril

Contact #: 723 6665

Monday 6:00 - 7:30pm All ages – ranks;

Engineering Undercroft

Tuesday- SWAG No Gi required! 6:00 - 7:30pm All ages - ranks

Engineering Undercroft

Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30pm All ages - ranks; SAC

Friday 5:00 - 7:00pm All ages – ranks; SPEC

Saturday 3:00 – 5/6:00pm All ages - ranks

Engineering Undercroft

Sundays 10:00 – 12:00pm

Team Training brown & black belts

Engineering Undercroft

(Shihan Shim & Sensei Andrew)

Real Spring DOJO, Valsayn Community Centre

Dojo Directors: Senseis Theophilus Faustin and Gregory Placide Contact #: 645 7208

Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Saturday 10:00 - 11:30am Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Sunday 8:00 - 9:00am Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Tobago- Scarborough Secondary School

Dojo Director: Sensei Arthur Morris Contact #: 781 7371

Tuesday 5:30 - 7:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Thursday 5:30 - 7:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Saturday 9:30 - 12 noon Adults and Juniors- All ranks

KAIZEN - 1 Primco Drive, Glencoe

Dojo Director: Sensei Marc Mollentheil

Wednesday 3:30 - 5:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Friday 3:30 – 5:30 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

MUSHIN - Ritmo del Rey Dance Studio, Long Circular Road

Dojo Director: Sensei Earl Wilson Contact #: 379 6918

Monday 6:00 – 7:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks

Saturday 7:30 to 9:00am Black Belts ; Invited Brown Belts only

(Shihan Shim)

A quarterly newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association

Editor-in-Chief: Simone Thorne-Mora

Layout: Diana Francis

Proof-reading: Sensei Richie Robertson

Photos: Maria Thorne

Next Issue:

The next issue will be in March 2014…..

see pictures of November grading and our

national Championship

read our feature article, the Evolution of Karate

by our own Shihan Shim…..……..!!

On Behalf of the entire TKA

members, families, extended

families and friends, may each and

every one of you have a Christ-

filled, peace-full and spirit-

renewing holiday!!

See you in 2014

God Spare!

Ready and

‘kicking’ to go!

Karate at the Olympic Games

Unfortunately at a meeting of the IOC's executive board, held in Russia on

May 29, 2013, it was decided that karate (along with wushu and several

other non-martial arts) would not be considered for inclusion in 2020 at the

IOC's 125th session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in September 2013. Karate

has vowed not to give up on its dream of joining the Olympic programme

despite its failure to even get on the shortlist for 2020 following a

controversial process which cost the sport €400,000.

Wrestling won the vote at the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Session in Buenos Aires last

month having originally been nominated for exclusion after Rio 2016 by the ruling Executive Board.

They came out in top after a vote of the full IOC membership which pitched them against baseball-

softball and squash after karate had been eliminated by the Executive Board at its meeting in May.

The decision was a bitter blow to Antonio Espinos, President of the World Karate Federation (WKF),

as it was the sport's third consecutive failure.