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Zamorin’s Ayurvedic Health Retreat - Ayurvedic Resort in Kerala with complete Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurvedic Resort in Kerala | Ayurvedic Treatment Spa in Kerala[24/11/2014 1:19:05 PM] HOME RETREAT TREATMENTS PACKAGES GALLERY GUEST SPEAK OUR LOCATION BOOK NOW ONLINE CONSULTATION Newsletter of May 2014  PSORIASIS Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease affecting the skin and joints. When it affects the skin it commonly appears as red scaly elevated patches called plaques. Psoriasis plaques frequently occur on the elbows and knees, but can affect any area of skin including the scalp and genital area. Psoriasis can vary in severity, from minor localised patches to extensive or even complete skin coverage. Fingernails and toenails are often affected. This is called psoriatic nail dystrophy. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints. This is known as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint but is most common in the joints of t he fingers and toes. This can result in a sausage- shaped swelling of the fingers and toes known as dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hips, knees and spine. This is known as spondylitis. Docters Articles Guruvayur (Pilgrim Centre) Cheruthuruthy  Athirapally & Vazhachal Falls  Aanthavalam  Vadakkumnathan Temple Beaches and backwaters View details  Ayurveda in its essence is a w ay of alife.Harmony with the inner self, mind & body Unique Ayurvedic Retreat in Kerala CONTACT US Tweet

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Newsletter of May 2014


PSORIASISPsoriasis is an autoimmune disease affecting the skin and joints. When it affects

the skin it commonly appears as red scaly elevated patches called plaques.

Psoriasis plaques frequently occur on the elbows and knees, but can affect any

area of skin including the scalp and genital area. Psoriasis can vary in severity,

from minor localised patches to extensive or even complete skin coverage.

Fingernails and toenails are often affected. This is called psoriatic nail


Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints. This is known as psoriatic

arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint but is most common in the joints

of the fingers and toes. This can result in a sausage-shaped swelling of the

fingers and toes known as dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hips,

knees and spine. This is known as spondylitis.

Docters Articles

Guruvayur (Pilgrim Centre)


 Athirapally & Vazhachal Falls


 Vadakkumnathan Temple

Beaches and backwaters

View details

 Ayurveda in its essence is a way

of alife.Harmony with the

inner self, mind & body

Unique Ayurvedic Retreat in Kerala



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Several factors are thought to aggravate psoriasis. These include stress and

excessive alcohol consumption. Individuals with psoriasis may also suffer from

depression and loss of self-esteem. As such, quality of life is an important

factor in evaluating the severity of the disease.

In ancient text, Acharyas have de- scribed all diseases elaborately and they can

be found exactly correct today. Kustha is one of the commonly affected

illnesses to mankind. It has been mentioned in nearly all

the Sthanas of Charaka Samhita, which shows the prime importance in the

diseases affecting human being. The disease is de- scribed in Charaka Samhita

after Prameha. In Nidana Sthana (8th chapter)

Acharya hasquoted, “Havi Prashanamehakushthayoh”.

It indicates that Kustha is a Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. Thus, it is understood that

the aeti- ology and pathogenesis of Kustha is that of Santarpanajanya Vyadhis.

Vyadhi. Thus, it is understood that the aeti- ology and pathogenesis of Kustha is

that of

Santarpanajanya Vyadhis.

Many basic Ayurvedic texts have explained skin diseases, which resembles

Psoriasis. According these references, Psoriasis can be considered as the

vitiation of Vata and Kapha. (Two of the basic energies/humors, which maintains

our body equilibrium) Accumulation of low potency poisons (Dooshi vishas), are

the basic pathological changes taking place in the system. Irregular food habits,

consumption of foodstuffs that cannot be eaten together (Eg: diary products

with fish), excessive intake of yogurt, black gram, seafood, sour and salted items

etc can activate the pathogenesis. Alcohol and tobacco consumption will act as acatalyst here. Ayurveda do emphasize on the effect of stress in the

pathogenesis of Psoriasis.

What causes Psoriasis(Eka kushta)

Ekakushta is vata kapha predominant pittanubahandhi vyadhi.


In Ayurveda

• Aaharaj nidaan:- Incompatible food(virudh ahar) ,heavy, cold, oily diet,

fresh cereals.

• Vihaaraj nidaan:- Day time sleeping and lack of physical work and


• Miscellaneous:- Unsound sleep, stress,anxiety.

Psoriasis treatment:

• Panchakarma treatments – These treatments are meant to flush out the toxins

• Samana Therapies – internal medicines

• Rasayana therapies – Nourish the body, to bring the doshas back to balance and

to regenerate the body.


•Panchakarma for psoriasis

It aims at the detoxification of the body or elimination of toxins from the body.

Disease manage by panchakrama prevent recurrence of the disease .

Pre-purification therapies are the first ones applied to loosen the toxins, open

up the circulation channels and get the body ready for discarding these wastes.

These methods are highly relaxing for the body and mind.

The following pre-purification methods are usually adopted for treating


 Snehapanam: It is the oral intake of specially prepared medicated ghee. Ghee

lubricates the body channels including the skin and forces out the toxins from

them into the digestive tract for further elimination. Medicated ghee usually

contains herbs like neem,Guduchi, tribhala etc. which has anti-inflammatory

properties s and skin healers. . It’s Vatashamaka, decreases scaling & dryness of

the psoriasis.

Abhyangam : Full body oil massage liquefies the impurities of the body to

prepare the body to eliminate toxins. And it’s also decrease dryness & scaling of


Swedanam:  involves the active sweating of the whole body using medicated

steam. It dilates and softens the channels of the body allowing the impurities to

move out through the skin.

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Takradhara: Medicated buttermilk is uninterruptedly poured on to the forehead.

It relaxes the mind, and reduces stress and anxiety which is a major cause of

Psoriasis. Very good for scalp psoriasis. Buttermilk is medicated using gooseberry

(amla). Amla is excellent cooling agents.


Main Purification Therapy for Psoriasis

Main purification therapy is the phase of elimination of toxins that were

loosened at the pre purification treatment stage. These therapies are highly

potential methods. Depending on the type and intensity of the ailment, one is

advised to undergo one, two or three of these therapies.

The commonly adopted Panchakarma treatments for Psoriasis are Vasti,

Virechanam and Vamanam.

Virechanam: It is the cleaning and evacuation of the bowels through the use of

purgative medicines. It eliminates the excess toxins from the body. When the

digestive tract is clean and toxic-free, it benefits the entire body systems.

Virechana has main treatment for kushta skin diseases .it’s a Pitta dosha

nashaka property and it also suppress Vata&Kapha dosha.

Vamanam: It means induced vomiting using herbal medicine. Now, the toxins of

the upper parts of body which were freed into the digestive tract during

Snehapanam are completely eradicated.

Vasti:  is medicated enema. All the toxins that were brought into the digestive

tract during the pre-purification phase are now washed out. Since medicines

reach the bowels directly without enzymatic actions, its effectiveness is very

high for vata predominated psoriasis. 

•Oral medicines for Psoriasis

Herbal oral medicines prescribed for psoriasis are prepared specifically to help

restore the lost balance of Dosas. They usually include Kashayam – Herbal

decoctions, Arishtams – Herbal wines, Lehyams and other herbal formulation


As a very effective remedy – Seeds of Bakuchi (Psorolia Corolifolia) – is soaked

in cow’s urine for the whole night and dried under sun under sun for 15 days.

This powder is taken once a day with warm milk 5 minutes before lunch. This

helps the patches to go away. Same ways the oil extracted from the above seeds

does help.

Exrernal application of Maha Thiktaka gritam exterbal application followed by

warm water bath does help.

•Rasayanam :

Psoriasis is a auto immune disorder so Rasayanas having immune-modulation

properties is very effective Ex; Guduchi, amla, Etc

Tuvaraka Rasayana along with the Shodhana (Virechana)proved to be an effective



Ayurvedic Remedies for Psoriasis

Avoid consuming incompatible foods like milk with fish

Do not control natural urges like vomiting, urination, bowel emptying etc.

Do not take bath in cold water immediately after physical exercise

Avoid excessively hot spices, sour, salty and acidic foods

Avoid consuming foods which cause indigestion.

Kapha and Pitta food should be avoided as also garlic, ginger, chilli, eggs, fish and

beef; these foods induce pittaAvoid using soap while taking bath; instead use gram flour and use herbal


Avoid pricking, peeling and scratching the skin

Include more fruits, vegetables, fruit juices etc in your diet. Consumption of

bitter gourd, curd, boiled vegetables, pumpkin etc are all effective home

remedies for psoriasis


Ayurveda provides effective and safe remedy for psoriasis.We have successfully

  treated several patients with Ayurvedic medicines who were suffering from

this problem.

In Ayurveda , each and every patient is an individual entity and the treatment

also differs from patient to patient. Rogi Nidaan has its different parameters.

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It’s not as simple as in modern medicines. Prakriti parikshan, Saar,

Sahanan(Compactness), Vyayam shakti(Exercise), Agni (Digestion)all these

parameters are studied by an ayurvedist. An ayurvedist makes a clear picture of

the individual by understanding a patient as a whole and also decides what kind

of mode of preparation to be used for the patient. • So I emphasis that

patient must take the ayurvedic medicine under the guidance of an Ayurvedic


We have experienced best treatment success rate in treating Psoriasis. If the

patient can implement all the instructions as advised and completely follows the

diet regime & healthy lifestyle, Psoriasis is completely curable without any




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