yuletidemusic police after in poor shape for … · "christmas in bethlehem." the music...

EQUAL FORMER YEARS. ! Exquisite Numbers Will B<s Sung at First Presbyterian Church. The First Presbyterian Church, Van \u25a0 Ness avenue and Sacramento street, the Rev. William Kirk Outhrle pas- tor, will hold services morning and evening and the music willbe Inkeep- Ing with the excellence of the Christ- mas programmes In previous years un- der the direction of Otto Flelssner, the organist- The service will be given in this order: Morning service Organ prelude. "Pastorale" (Alex GuUxnast); doxoloer; the Lord's Prayer; the apostle's creed; Gloria Patri by the choir; anthem. "Now When Jastu Waa Born" (J. L. Hatton): psalter; aeleetlon S9; Psalms 107: chant by the choir; hymn 7L "Joy to the World, the Lord is Come": reading- of the Scriptures; anthem. "Tbere Were Shepherds" (Alfred R- G&al); byron 74. "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" : prayer: Christmas - offering, •'For . the Cause of Home Missions" : soprano solo. "I Know That My Redeemer. Llveth" (G. Handel); termoa by the pastor: benedic- tion; organ postlnde, "Christmas March" (J. Lessmens). Evening '•errice Organ prelude. "Pastorale." (Arthur Foote): anthem. "ElngUnto tb« Lord" (XV. L. Blumensch«in) :psalter, selection 34, ptaJrn 92: "Gloria Patri" by the choir; hymn 57. "All Hail the Power of Jems* Name": bass solo. "Once Arain We Hail With Joy" (Emile Pf-ssard): reading cf the Scriptures; tenor solo, "Hall! Tfaon Long Expected Jesus" (W. L. Blunsenscheln): prayer; anthem. "Arise. Shine for Thy Light I* Come" (O. W. Marstcn); hymn 73. "O. Com* All Faithful"; offer, tory. trla for riolln. violoncello and organ. "Andante" (Gnariee Mari« Widor); contralto FELL FROM HIS WAGON. Louis Moralll. residing at 1S15» Powell street, was thrown from a wagon yesterday at Haight and La- gUna street?. In falling the front wheel pas!>*d over his left leg at the ankle, injuring the joint. Dr. Millar set the broken limb ar the Emergency Hospital. Constipation. the fruitful source of many other complaints, is quickly cured by taking Lash's Bitters. A Hearty Greeting Awaits Seafaring Men at Seamen's Institute. Seamen's Institute, 32 Steuart street, near Market, Rev. Wingfleld D'gby chaplain Early communion. Special Christmas services at 11 in the morning and 6:45 in the evening, with music. The services at the institute on Christmas are always largely attend- WELCOME FOR SAILORS. "Arise Shine, for Thy Light Is Come" (Back) Mrs. Robb and choir: "O Little Town In Bethlehem'* <Nelollncer). Miss Mattern and choir: offertory, "Air" (Bach-Gounod). Miss Munroe: '"Glory to God." contralto solo (Rotoli). Mrs. O. V. MendenhaU; address. Rev. George A. Hough; "Noel," soprano sola The united choirs or the First and California-street Methodist Episcopal churches will be heard in the choral senice at the latter church, California and tjroaencK streets, on sunaay evening, 'me programme win oe: United Choirs at California-Street 3Iethodist Episcopal Church. SELLING LlQfOlt ON THE SLY.—Infor- mation reached Captain John Mooney of the City Hall station that liquor had been sold without a license to eoldier* and others by several parties on Baker street, fronting the Prfildio reservation. Officers McIIngh. Nye and Sweeney arrested Antonio M«*r«s. Emil Lather Samuel Jarobson and O. H. B. BelL The choir Mrs. Lambert Whltehurst. Mrs. James E. Gordon. Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs. A F. Plllsbury. Mrs. George Norton. Mrs E. L. Snell, Mrs. J. H. Arms. Mite Fannie G*ttle. Edward M. Moore. David W. Wise, O^rlea Jenkins, Charles E. Ker. Oscar WU- liams. A. B. ' Anderson; William F. Hooke, organist and choir master. Eethelhem" (Hatton); hymn, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" (Willis); announcements; "OCertory," solo and chorus. "Noel" (Adam); the sermon; hymn, "O Come. All Te Faith- ful" (Reading); benediction; po*tlad<\ "Gloria" from "Twelfth Mass" (Mozart). Evening praise service Organ prelude. "Cujus Anlmam." from \u25a0•Ptabat" Mater" (Rossini): anthem. "Let Us Go Unio Bethlehem" (Hattcn): invocation: hymn. "Hark. th« Glad Socnd" (Baker); read- ing of scripture: soprano solo. "One* Again We Hail With Joy" (Pessard); prayer; chorus. "Shout the Glad Tidings" (Hawley): hymn, "O Little Twwa of Bethlehem" (Redner); an- nouncements; offertory, solo and chorus. "Nai- areth" i Go-rod*: the address; hymn. "AllHail the Power of Jesus' Name" (Holden); bene- diction; postlude. "Festal March" (Brewer). Will Render Great Number*. Howard Presbyterian Church Singers The services at Howard Presby- terian Church, Oak and Baker streets. Rev. John S. Thomas pastor, will con- sist of splendid musical numbers both morning anh evening. The arrange- ment is as follows: Christmas Bervieea. morning Organ prelude, ."Christmas" (Ashmall): doxology and invoca- tion; acthem. "There Were Shepherds" (Buck): responsive reading; hymn. "Hark, the Herald Argele Sing" (Mendelssohn); reading of scrip- ture; soprano soio. "The Birthday of a King" (Neidlinger); prayer: chorus. "Let Us Go Unto WILIi GI\'E CHORAL SERVICE. ' An exhibition of the work of the Part- lngton School of Illustration will be held on Saturdav and*TMonday. December - 24 and 26. An interesting lot of studies will be shown. All are invited. LETCHKR APPLIES FOR WRIT.— A peti- tion for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of George W. Letcber was presented to United Slates Circuit Judge Hunt yesterday. The Judge aaid he wr.uld hear the application at 10 o'clock this morning. Letcher is under In- dictment by a Grand Jury In Ohio for the crime of arson. He is now in custcdv of the police In this city awaiting extradition. At St. James Church, Clement street, near Sixth avenue, Richmond district, Rev. S. J. Lee rector, a special pro- gramme of music has been arranged which will be given by St. James* full choir, which is considered one of the most effective in the city. The order of service will be: HolyCommunion, 7:30 a. m.: morning prayer and second celebration, 11 o'clock; evensong. 7:30 o'clock. Morning Processional. "Herald Angels": Te Deum (Wocdward); Kyrie <For- tay); offertory "The Birthday of a King" (Nevins). tenor solo aad chorus; recessional. "Holy Voices"; rector, the preacher. Evening Processional. "Prince of Peace"; Magnificat (Garret!) :Nunc DimUtis (Stalner); offertory *olo, Noel. Miss Pahl: recessional, "Bethle- hem": preacher, evening. ReT. Dr. O'Meara. Vested choir; soloists— Miss Pahl. treble: Mr. Marshall, basso: Mr. Oldham. tenor; morning organist, F. H. Lockyer; evening organist. Pro- fessor James Vincent. Elaborate Preparations Are Planned for Church In Richmond District. Beautiful boxes of stationery that make useful as well as very handsome Christmas presents; also ink stands, de«k pads and calendars. Designs not Fkowr. elsewhere. Sanborn, Vail & Co.. 741 Market street. * Christmas Stationery. Morning, 11 " o'clock Organ prelude: carol, "All on a Chri^tma? Day" (Newcombe); an- ihrm, "Sing, O Heavens, and Be Joyful. O Earth" <Rogen«>: soprano solo. "O'er the Hills of Bethlehem" (Shelley); offertory, contralto solo. "Noel" (Adam); anthem. "M»?s!ah is King*' (Warren); organ poftlude. Evening, 7:40 6'clork— -The Christmas ora- torio of "The Nativity" <H. J. StewaTt, Mus. Doc.); offertory. "Invocation." for violin and organ (Mrs. H. II. A. Beach). Choir- Miss Camille Frank, soprano: Mrs. Marian E. B. Robinson; contralto: Herbert Williams, tenor; 1^ A. Lareen, bass; Hath-r Wi5roer. violin; Samuel D. Mayer, organist and director. Orgranist Samuel D. Mayer has com- pleted the following musical pro- gramme for morning and evening in the First Congregational Church, Post and Ma«on street*, Rev. George C. Adams, D.D., pastor: Xewconibe's Carol Will Be Snug at First Congregational Oiureh. SER^CE AT ST. JA>IES'. "ALIi OX A CHRISTMAS DAY." At All Hallows Church. South San Fran- cisco, there will be Imposing services and ruu»lc Masses .will be celebrated at 6. S and 1030 o'clock a. m.; La Hache's "Mlssa Pro Pace" will be sung at the high naff by the rejrular choir. Sopranos, Misses Catherine Bayle. Annie Ayers; altos. Misses Liillan Tur- ner Annie Sllva; tenor. Esrle Waterman; bis's, M. W. Farrell; organist. Mrs. Agnes Troy. La Hache*s\"3Ilssa Pro Pace" Will Be Rendered. Clirl-tmas lectures. Our new picture* have the little ef- fects that the lover of artistic things de- sires. We have just received large ship- ments of the most beautiful pictures. The prtceal illustrate the fact that good taste •ran do 8s ranch as aa abundance of mon-*>' in -to^kinm the home * besrotifd." Saabora. Vail it Co™ 741 Market street- CHARGED WITH BURGLARY.— James J. Da.!y »&r booked at the City Pr.sca yesterday bv I>»tectives Regan and O'Ccnaell en a charge of burglary. He is accused cf breaking into a room Rt 1T4 Fourth nreet ca December 13 and & Quantity oZ clothirac and other VrtJcles. « m « A cr^zra of pleasure, the new two for quarter tize American, C Ta box 2. FENDS CKRIFTilAS DONATION.— R. D. Chandler, cotl merchant. East «tr»et, sent a «-h«ck to Chief Wittman yesterday for 1100 for th* benefit cf the Widows* and Orphans' Aid Association of the Police Department. Chandler !ia* for •• r.-.. :--.-- cent a eiisiizx donatica AT ALTi HALLOWS CHURCH. At St. Joseph's Church. Tenth and Howard street*. ReT. Father Mulligan rector, there will be high mass at 5 o'clock a. m. and low macs every half hour from 6:S0 to 0:30 o'clock. The. 10:30 o'clock majs will be a solemn hisn mas?, with solemn benediction Immediately The musical programme will be a* follows: At the 5 o'clock mart the Kyrle and Gloria, a pastoral. Credo. Sanctus and Agnus Del from "La Hache"; Christmas anthem by Cagllero and "Adeste Fidelis." At 10:30 mass. Hay- dn's first mass and at the offertory. *"En Scaera. Noce" (ROssinlJ. -. Will Be Heard at St. Josepli'*. Haydn and Rossini's Compositions Tb» masses at St. Francis Chnrch, Vallejo street and Montgomery avenue. Rev. Father T. Caraher rector, will be celebrated at 5, 6, 7. S. 9. 10 and 11 o'clock- At the 5 o'clock mass the music will be furaUhed by the young ladies* choir, under the direction of Miss Maria Ryan." At the 11 o'clock mass Rev. W. E. McGcugh -will be celebrant. Rev. T. Caraber d*sron and Rev. W. Cleary subdeacon. Rev. T. Canher will preach the fermon. taking for his subject. "Christmas In Bethlehem." The music at this miu wUl be very beau- tiful and will include Kyrle. Gloria. Credo and Benedictus from Glorza's first mass. Sanc- tu« from Cimarosa's mass and Asrnu* Dei from Haydn's mat* No. 2. Offertory, Adam's '"Noel." The "Adeste Fldells," ar- ranged by Novel'o. will be sung by the entire choir. Sopranos, Mi"? Rcse Broderick. Miss T. Vahey. Mira M. Thiel. Mrs. A. Klc>"y. Miss M Kilcommon. Mis« C. Paulis«en: alto«. Misa L. VlauUn. Miss C. Steven*. Miss A. WiUIsms; unor, J Ctnitere; basso. J. Hlckey; organist. Miss M. C. Pchaefer. . Great Work Will Be Given at St. Francis Cnurch. "Tb* First Noel" <Ancn.): recessional, hymn 6S. "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Wallace A. Sabin, organise Evening Processional, hymn 49. "O Come, AllTe Faithful": reading, psalm S5; MagniScat In D (Sabin); Nunc Dimlttis In D (Sabin): carol. "Everywhere Christmas To-night" (N'evln): address; carol, "Good King Winces- las" lAron.): offertory carol. "In the Fle.lda" fWest): carols, "Holy Kight" (M. Haydn). A beautiful programme of sacred music will be heard at -St. Luke's Church, Van Ness avenue and Clay street, the Rev. Burr M. Weeden, rec- tor. The programme will be as fol- lows: Morning Processional, hymn 49, "O Ccme, All Te Faithful"; reading; Venite, Anglican chant: te deum in B flat (Stanford): Jubllato la B flat (Stanford); credo In B flat (Stanford); latrclt Noel (Adam), solo Master Harold For- maa; Kyrie In B fiat (Stanford): Gloria T1W In B flat (Stanford): hymn 51. "Hark! the Herald Angels Sinjr" (Mendelssohn) ; offertory, ""Sirs, Oh Heavens" (Sir Arthur Sullivan): Sanctus in B flat (Stanford): Agnus Dei in D (Sabin); Gloria in Excelsla In B flat (Stanford): reees- rfonal. hymn S3. "Shout the Glad Tidings," Avison. As Is Usnal, Organist Sabin Prepares Splendid Programme. Heavy Gale Prevailing at Victoria Prevents the Docking of the Vessel in That Harbor. VICTORIA. B. C. Dec. 22.— :The tteam£h!p Minnesota, which arrived to-day from New London to enter the Oriental trade for the Great Northern •Railway, was obiig-ed to go to anchor at Esquimau owing to a heavy gale 'prevailing here. The reception by the local Board of Trade and other cor- porations was abandoned In conse- quence of the storra. The Chinese crew of the liner, which has been awaiting here, was put on board at KiKjuidalt and the steamship will pro- ceed in the early morning to Seattle, whence Fhe sails on her first trip to the Orient. WORKS OF THE MASTERS. FIXE MUSIC AT ST. LUKE'S. STEAMSHIP MTVXESOTA GOES TO ANCHOR AT ESQCTMAI/T WILIi HEAR STRONG CHOIR. tin. HaroM Hangfay. Edward Bullard. Frank Baxter. Raymond Schultheiss; organist and choirmaster, Wray Taylor, F. G. C. M. St. Paul's choir: Quartet Mrs. Merrihew- Pearc*. soprano; Miss MauJe Purdy, contralto; V. S. Richards, tenor; George R. Bird, basso; sopr&ncs Mrs. Lornax. Miss Kolte, Miss Grace Brown. Miss E. Mumford. Miss Helen SlcJd- more. Mrs. Grant. Miss M. B. Folsom. Mi™ Alice Field, Mis* Loals* Kellogg. Miss J. Townes: contraltos Dr. C 8. Richards, Mi?s Klsie Prichard. Miss Isabel Kirk: tenors O. E. Lelacd. L. E. Roberts. R. A. Brown; ts-«'s William Mackay, Charles Baker. Judge A.- Van Hovenberg. T. A. Harrison: boys eruciCier. Walter Martin: Wl'.lie Field. Robert "Beck. C. Van Xnys. B. Farmer. Howard Mar- "P-iiii Out th« Christmas Belle" (Glorer); sevenfold axoen (Stalner): recessional hymn 54<>. "Ctece in Royal David's City" (Gaunt- lett). V. S. Richards:, carol, "See Amid the Winter S/bott " eo!o by the boys; contralto toto, -Fleei. Holy Babe ' (H. J. Stewart). M!?B M&niS* Purdy; male quartet,- "Calm on the Lin'cing Ear" (Hopkins); soprano sclo, "Glory God" (Rotoli). Mrs. Merrihew- Pearoe; organ, "Christmas Intermezzo" (Tay- lor); carol, "The Firrt Noel" (Traditional): bass eolo. "Christmas Socg" (Adams). George R, Bird: carol, "Ail My Heart This Night Rejoices" (H. J. Stewart), quartet; carM, 7:45 p. m. Carol Bervioe: processional hymn 49. "O Come, 'All Faithful" (Adeste Fldeles); Glorias. <Tter Proper Psalms (Wood- ward): Magnificat, None Dimlttis In C major (C. Simper); hymn 53. "O Little Town of Bethlehem" fRednex); tenor solo, "It Cam* I'pcn.the Midnight Clear" (Meyer Helmund). Holy oomaiuolon. 7:30 a. m.; morning ser- vice. 11 o'clock; processional hymn 49. "O Come All Te Faithful" (Adeste Fldeles); Venite and Glorias. after Proper Psalm* t Woodward) ; Te Deua, Jubilate. In C major tWray Taylor*; hymn 51. "Hark! the Herald Angela Sing" (Mendelssohn): hymn 58. "O Little Tcwn of Bethlehem" (Redner): sermon; Kj-rie, Gloria TJbi. Sanctus (King Hall>: an- them, "It Cune Upon the Midnight Clear" <Stainer): sentence, "AllThingiCom* of Thee. O Lord"; sevenfold ansen (Stalner); Nur.o i.rrr.-.-.tis in E flat <Freemaatle); recessional hymn 540. "Once In Royal David's City" tGauntlett). At St. Paul's Church, Califoria street, near Fillmore. the Rev. W. M. Reilly, rector, the programme ar- ranged by the organist, Wray Taylor, F. G. C. M.. Is perhaps one of the most elaborate ever presented in this beau- tiful edifice. The music and service will be in the following order;. Be Among Those Heard. Mendelssohn, Stalner and Glover Will GIOKZA'S FIRST MASS. ed by the seamen in port and it has ever been the desire of those In charge to assure worshipers a hearty wel- come. This year will be no exception to the rule of the institute, for be- sides the religious service there will be a cheery greeting: for the Bailor who is far away from his home. PROGRA3DIE AT ST. PAUL'S. Choir of Bethlehem Congregational Church to Sing Grand Strains. At Bethlehem Congregational Church, Twenty-fourth and Vermont streets. Rev. John A, Hollars pastor, the music will Include the beautiful composi- tion, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." The programme has been ar- ranged as follows: Morning— "It came Upon th« M ' d " ! K, h .J Clear" <Seott); "piory in the Highest Evening—Duet by members of the choir, "Our Message": "I Have Set a Watchman UiKjn Thy Wall*." by the choir. APPROPRIATE NUMBERS. <Adam) Miss Smith: "Hark. What MeaJi Those Holy Voices" (Whiting), Miss Hipkins and choir; organ numbers. "Naxaxeth" (Whlt- ney-Gounod) "In Paradlsum" (Dubois). "Feat Merch" (Lachmex). J. H. Hallowell. organist. Evening service, 7:45 o'clock Organ. "Shout the Glad Tidings" (arranged by Ashford); hyrnn. "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks"; invocation; barytone solo, "Sweet Chlxcing Bells' iPest). Rev. J. George Gibecn: Scrlptnr* reading, Isaiah lx:l-9: soprano §olo. "Peace On Earth and Mercy Mild" (Blaraen- echein). Miss Carrie M. Eulass; prayer and Lord's Prayer, chanted by congregation: hymn. "Kark! the Herald Angels Sing"; bass solo. "Behold the Orient Star" (Towne). D. B. Bow- ley; Scripture reading, Matthew lirl-12; "Glo- ria Patri": trio organ, piano, violin "Tb« Harp of St. Cecilia" <Wiegand): notices; so- prano solo, "I Will Extol Thee, O Lord" (Cos- ta), Mrs. Lencre Greven; oltertcry, \u25a0"Yuletide Charm"' (Engelmann); barytone iolo, "Rlc? Out Happy Bells" (Meredith), Rev. J. Gearga Gibson; short sermon; hymn. "My Country, 'TU of Thee," Xo. 20: benediction: recessional, orchestra-march (arranged from Bizet). Pipe org&n. Miss Lctta J. Underbill: piano. Miss Lillian Bennett and Mi«s Alta Hawley; violin, C. H. Blank; cornet, Harry McQee.. Morning service. 11 o'clock Ortrin. "A<le»te Fidelia"" (arranged by Ashford); hymn. "Hark! the Herald Angels Sins"; Invocation: barytone polo. "O Wonderful Day" (Lcnvden), Rev. 'J. George Gibson; responsive reading, psalm 24: Fopraiio to!c. "Hark! the Song" (Du Bois), Miss Mabel Jacks6n Christ <•!\u25a0: prayer; Lord's Prayer, chanted by the congregation; trio- organ, piano, violin "Anpelus" (arranged from '"The Serenade") : congregational hymn,' ••Whl!e Sbcthf)d< "Watched Their Flo.ks"; con- tralto sole.* "Bethlefcem Star" (Stearns), Mrs. Grace Savage Gilbert: Scripture reading. Luke 1:40-55; "Gloria Patri"; notices; offertory. "Grand Offertoire-De Noel" (Thayer); barytone *o!o, "Shine Forth. O Star of Glory" 1 (arranged froni Rossini). Rev. J. George Gibson; rhort sermon; hymn. "Joy to the World. " Xo. 1; benediction; recessional, orchestra-march (Tul- lar). - . At Ernnjanuel Baptist Church. Bartlett street, near Twenty-third. Rev. J. George Gibson pa«- tor. there ' are in preparation two grand pro- grammes, which willRiven In the following; ord«"r : Song and Sermon Will Be Heard at Emmanuel Baptist Church. The cut-cfl! is not dangerous for its entire length, but In many places it has sunk below the established grade, and la other places the crust below the sur- face of the lake has swelled and raised the gT*£e. The cut-off la considered unsafe by th» railroad employes, and the cfflciala, In order to avoid an acci- dent, keep a number of guards along ;he 3ice for the entire distance across the lake. "When pile* were driven into the bottom of the lake in some in- stances they would penetrate a hard crust and then sink for many feet Into the mud b«low. It la the opinion of en- gineers that this crust Is over the en- tire bottom of the lake and that the heavy grade is causing It to break In many places. RENO, N>v\. Dec 22. Shortly after the overlar.d eastbound limited passed "over the Lucln cut-off, which crosses a narrow neck In the Great Bait Lake, a track waJker discovered yesterday that a portion of the grade had disappeared from eight, and on examining the place it was found that it had sunk nine feet. The railroad officials were immediately notified and workmen and material train* were rushed to the place to build the grade and to strengthen other por- tiors of the track, where the grade has f ur.k for several feet. Captain McGlynn also visited the fra- ternity house in which Young Gould took refuge. He was told there that the young man had not been at the house to-day. After further investigation Captain McGlynn made a report on the case to Police Commissioner McAdoo in which he said it was difficult to ob- tain any information as the students were reticent about the affair. It was said to-day that Dean Hutton had reached a decision as to what shall be done with the sophomores partici- pating in the affair. This will be an- nounced to-morrow. Kingdon Gould has been requested to appear before the dean to-morrow, when some action will be taken In his case for the firing of the revolver. NEW YORK, Dec. 22.—Captain Me- Glynn began a personal investigation to-day of the action of KIngdon Gould in drawing a revolver on. a crowd of Columbia University sophomores who were attempting to capture him. He visited the university to-day and had a talk with. Dean Hutton of the School of Applied .Sciences, after which he questioned at length C. A. Alghtlinger, one of the sophomores said to have been in the attacking party when Gould fired a revolver. PLAN* GREAT SERVICES. E»»claj r-rr»: ch to Th« Call Eeport Is Made That the Reticence of Scholars Pre- vents Able Sleuth Work Officials of the Koad Take Even- Possible Precaution i to Guard Against Accident T>nce more the season has come round , when the clergy and the organists and . choirs* of the city are found hard at work arranging and perfecting their programmes for the. fitting celebration of Christmas within the sacred walls. Of all the religious music composed by old and modern masters the finest, the most elaborate and descriptive will! find its place in the beautiful services ! that will draw thousands to the various f places of worship on Sunday, both | morning and evening. In harmony with all these glorious sounds will be the floral decorations : within chancel and sanctuary rails, j Altars will bear a profusion of chaste ; lilies, and festoons of rich greenery ! will twine around massive beams and j hang from great chandeliers. All these ; will form a suitable frame In which i the devout will worship 'and listen to j the beautiful strains from organ and J from voice. "Peace to all men" will be j chanted, will be preached, may be heeded. It will be the theme of the day | everywhere and Its echoes along the ! year to come will be prayed for. The country Is at peace with all the j world, the nation is at peace with her- j self, prosperity marks her condition, [ the people are thankful for all the j manifold advantages which it is their j lot to enjoy. The clergy of all denom- ; {nations admit that the spiritual out- \u25a0 look Is ever brightening. Therefore will j the great choirs and worshipers with | good reason give voice to their thank- j fulness in sacred melodies which will j eound the truest of harmony on Christ- \u25a0 mas day. eolo. "The XatlvUy" (Harry Row« Pljelley); sermon by the pastor; benediction: orsan post- lude. "Christmas Postlude." (B«rthold Tours). The choir—Mrs. Ashler R. Faull. soprano; Miss Mipnon Judson. contralto: William B. Anthony, tesor; Charles I* Flrebaugn. tenor; assisted by Mrs. Grnenhagen-Gwynn. violin; John R. G»ynn, violoncello; Otto Fleiwner, organist and choirmaster. KEE1* WATCH ON TRACK SILENCE MAINTAINED kCAT CHOIRS WILL Dean of Columbia University Called on by Officer In- vestigating Students' Row Portion of the Grade Sinks Nine Feet After an East- bound Train Passes Over It YULETIDE MUSIC FOR THE CHURCHES POLICE AFTER KINGDON GOULD LUCIN CUT-OFF IN POOR SHAPE THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1904. 9 For Ciirisimas that Itself " IMPLY PRESS Pen Tfcp lx?st and most convenient of all Kountaia Pens. Excellent ffift to eHhcr a taan or woman. Prices .<:;.««<» to sr,.OO- GILLETTE'S 8AFETT &AZ0B Is the ideal aa'ety shaving device. Does not require stroj»p:n& or honing and joe* over the face like a feather. Price J8.1.OO STAR SAFETY BAZOB A popu- lar razor. Remlar J2.00 \-alae. Our price now JKl.Uri. SEOFFTSC BAGS. ETC. . A f.r.f-r l:ae of leather poods than *ver. Shojipirjg. Ba^s from ,'tOc to 81O.OO- Purses. Wallets and Card Cases at all popular prices. Christinas Cards from J>c tip. DJail orders promptly filled. THAT StAST A*A'1TS. F. \T. PITTS. The Stationer. 1008 JOASXET 8TBSET. Oyo. Tilth. \ CALIFORNIA WOMAN'S '• HOSPITAL l - The Anntial Donation Days FOR THE FREE WARD Will Be Held on WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, December «x, aa and 23. At die Following Places: Messrs. GOLDBERG, BOWEN & CO.'S, 232 Sutter st. THE D. SAMUELS LACE HOUSE, 233 Sntter st. end at the HOSPITAL, 31 18. Sacramento Street An urgent appeal is made for help, as the need is unusually great. Gifts of money, gro^ cerics, bed linen, etc.. etc., will be gratefully received. ADVERTISEJIEVTS. European and American Stars Albertina Melich; Lncy and Viate. aad ! Orpsetun Motion rictnrea. Last Time* of Alfred A. rarlaads Aid* ! Hamml; Teraoa; Ford Sisters: Dilloa! Brother! aad HERRMANN THE GREAT Aaalated toy "«»"\u25a0 HZBSMAinr. Regular Matinees Every Wednesday. Thurs- day, Saturday and Eunlay. PRICES— 10c. 25c and Me. Commencing Next Sunday Afternoon. TSS OBEAT ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW Special Matinee Monday. December 20. COLUMBIA iSisTS LAST FOUR TIME3. Up to and Including NEXT SUNDAT. MATINEE SATURDAY. KLAW and ERLANG.R Present TIIOS. Q. StABROOKE In the Spectacular Musical Farce Novelty, THE BILLIONAIRE NEXT MONDAY NIGHT Henry W. Savage OSers the Musical Satire. ! THE SULTAN OF SULU By. the Author of "The County Chairman." GRAND SSESSli Maticee To-morrow La»t 2 Nixht*. WILLIAMS an5 WALKER I NEXT MONDAY NIGHT, Blanche Bates the DARLING of the GODS SEAT3 NOW SELLING. - «n|W8IJhou$[ e\t:ry night at 9. saturday mat. at 2. KIINO OODO Eitra Christmas Mats. !££;. SIS: SEATS ALWAYS SELLING. SPECIAL I Grand Transformation Scene. CHRISTMAS I "A CHILD'S DREAM OF EVE. I CHRISTMAS." ALCAZAR-waT General Manager. TO-NIGHT—MATS. SAT. AND SUN. Great Hit Sol i-mith Russell's Comedy. PEACEFUL VALLEY. JOHN CRAIG AS HOSEA HOWB. Fnll of fan Delightful sentiirent. Ere* tie to SOc. Mat*.. Sat.. San.. 23c to SOc NEXT" WEEK— XMAS MAT. MONDAY. Sapertr-Prodnctlon. Ma nsSeld'a Version OLD HEIDELBERG TELEGRAM FROM THE OWNERS. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. 19O4—Belaseo Ml Mayer: You have rights Old Heldelbers for San Francisco. Any other announoement*- «\u25a0- authorized. Wlshiar you all success. (SUroed) 8HUBERT BR03. New Year'* Week— LOST RIVER. Market Street, Near Eighth...Phoa* 800th T"3 LAST THREE NIGHTS. MATINEE3 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Superb Production of Lincoln J. Carter* \u25a0 j Great ,Melodrama, TWO LITTLE WAIFS Direct From the Criterion Theater, Chlcag*, With TEMPEST and SUNSHINE In th» Title Ro>9 and the Entire Central Stock Company. Startling Electrical and Mechanical Effaeta, Thrtlllna; All the Time! Price*— Eve.. 10c to SOc Mat?.. 10c. 15c. 23c. i SPECIAL MATINEE! : MONDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK. i The Heart o! Chicago ! Hew -JMjT Jockey California W$ Club OAKLAKD TXAOZ. \u25a0 Racing every week day. rain or shin*. Race* start at 2 :li p. m. sharp. CHBIBIHIS HAKLICA?. $3000 lUsi. B. Eaa KOHDaY. Dtttaiier 28. 1 For special trains stopping at tha track take S. P. Ferry, foot of Market street, at 12:00i 12:30. 1:00. 1:80 or 2:00. Returning trains leave the track at 4:10 and 4:45 p. m. and im- mediately after the last race.'- THOMAS H. WILLIAMS. President. / PERCY -W. TREAT. Secretary. H. -WT. EISKOP, Lessee and Maaagsr. L.^ST THREE NIGHTS. XSe aad SOc— MAT. TO-MORROW— 23c aa3 5T* Oliver Ucrcsco Offers HOWARD COCLD—J. II. GILilOCR And tl>* Incosiparable MaJ^tic Player* In L >.*. Morris* Great Scenic Drama, JIM BLUDSO * B«r!fiafciff Chrtstma* Monday Matlaee "A CONTENTED WOMAN." To Follow Dul7 authorized v«r»!en ef Rich- ard Mansfield** productloa cf "OLD HEIDEL- BERG." # CALIFORNIA^ LAST TWO TIMES TO-MORROW. 1 « Rose Melville I la H«r Original Cesfiy Cr»3t!co. £j SIS HOPKINS rj I WARMEST THEATER IN TOWX.| rt STEAM HEAT THROUGHOUT. f.| V*±t Sunday asatta**, James A. Hmit'i Greatest of alt Acierlcaa Plars. SHORE ACSZS I With Brest of the original east, la- cludicr James A. Cailoway. Atkiss Lawrence and Be]> Theadcr*. r Speeial Iloliday Matineo Monday. K^JilwfSn Tuesday an! TJiTirsdar JS&&**:w£s, Evca.. Jazx. 3-5: Sat- urdliy Matiaee, Jaa. 7. \u25a0BPRvvt'IBo S«-a«oa Tickets *4-5O. V^^^'^-^y &2Q- $2. CO— ready neit < £^~1 'j.l*r Tuesday mcrnlns. Sla«:a seats. S2.0O. %1.M. $1.0i> rfady FW<iaT Mornlas fol- lowlsr. at Sherman. Clay ft Co.'*. where com- plete programmer ina? be obtained. Special concert at !?t. Francis Hotel. Wadnesday Bi-enlnr. Dec. 2S>. at 9. Seats. $2.50. Box Ofact. Sherpian. CUy & Co.'s. Crexy Afternoon mi Ereniar in t2t« Heated Theater. Batn er Saint. PRINCESS~FAN TAN SCORES OP SPBCIALTIES* sco performers: A BIG SHOW BT X.ITTT.E PEOPLE: ELECTRIC FOrXTAlX SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT?. CHRISTMAS TRKK Sun.lay and JJrnday Af- teraoens. with a Gift for Every Cfeild Visit- ing th« Chute* No Increase In Prices. ADMISSION. 10c CHILDREN, ha. MISCELLANEOUS AJICSESIENTS. PISCHEB'S THSATEB. Continncua Vaudeville. TONY LUBELSXL 10c and 20c; CiUdren 10c. General Manager, At «very Matin** tnis week. A box ef fine candy to All t*v» boy* and rlrla. Tea Great Acts. : P«1o rp DON'T FAIL TO I dlavC gee the b< . an tifail j COURT Lounging /Ififl room, the EMPIRE uuu Parlor, the r 1 PALM ROOM, the ilTflflfl LOUIS XV PAR- uiuiiu LOR^ ud the LA . II 2^1- DIE S* WRITING I notels I room. DDTTOTJT7O for bajibeks. bak- xJIAUOil HlO er »- bootblacks. »atS- i houses, billiard tables, brewer*, booktiader*. caadr makersi canaers, dyers, fioor mil!t, foundries, laundries, paper- hanger*, printer*, painter*, *ho« factories. *ta- blezoea. tar- roofer*, tanner*, tailors, tts. MUCHJOXAX BBOS, Braah Kannfacturera. 609 Sacramento St. . IA/. T. HESS. Votary PnUle aad Attor=er-tVU». Tenth Floor. Room 1013. Clans Spreckel* bli*. Telephon* Main 9S3. Raatdence. ISC2 McAllister *t. Restdenc* Telephone Pag* 56AL Weak Men and Women SHOULD USE DAMIANA BITTERS. THE Great Mexican Remedy. gr»e* health ami «trength ta sexual organs De»t. 323 Mark«t. DIRECTORY OP RESPONSIBLE HOUSES. Catalogue and Price Lists Mailed on Application. IBArT BOOTS AH9 SXTUOXTS. AU kind* repaired. Globe Sheet Metal Works. 1175-llTi Mission uu Phone Main 5461. ~~~ OU.3. LCBRICAT1XO OILS: LEONARD * ELLI3, 41S Front *t., S. F. Phone Mala 1T13. EC HITfifTPC PRINTEll. . U DtUIlti, 811 EaaaoB* «.. B. T, AMU5E3IENTS. AMUSEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. advi:hti>i^ii;xts Anything and ><0sik Everything in Furs for Christmas >^^^w $1^ to $1000^° / J^» The handsomest styles and l^^fm' jTJtf^^r^ Best, values in the dty .. . )r r s J * ° ° ° °<r A P i a 11 o i n Y o u r H o me $ CHRISTMAS MORNING M 0»0 Nothing; can give keener or more lasting pleasure; an article that , jjmmm|j|M Ik .y*" jf^^fflwBftt w '" grace and adorn j-our household; Tiot on Xmas day alone, but for «^«m^B^a / il? ' V\S**ra i «a , years to come. Just as easy to buy a piano as any other article. You ft /Jr Jsz igr' need to pa>' only a little money down, and the balance may be divided fl I ififfli \S2r :i f£r " 1to little sums j-ou can pay each month. J3 F^HJfJ'BK?! /MJft'^A ~ \u25a0 WE INVITE A CAREFUL COM- W )mMWr \u25a0 PARISON OF OUR PIANO VALUES | Wgmm'fi \SP«fi» /v WITH THOSE OF OTHER DEAL- J^KX/l Ifo^v ERS. DO THIS AND YOU'LL THEN HK^WKI \Mm 1@L /**C*^s>^ APPRECIATE^ THE ADVANTAGES II |p|m /^O^^^ WE OFFER. \ stora^oje^^^i^. ll^^P^ (The Iiarreit Music Eouu on tits Coast) - 4fl Hyal ' VImIBM*-^ *.*-^r^ COB. FOST AKT> KSAJUTT STS. EJhK^|| 1^

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Page 1: YULETIDEMUSIC POLICE AFTER IN POOR SHAPE FOR … · "Christmas In Bethlehem." The music at this miu wUl be very beau-tiful and willinclude Kyrle. Gloria. Credo and Benedictus from


!Exquisite Numbers Will B<s Sung at

First Presbyterian Church.The First Presbyterian Church, Van

\u25a0 Ness avenue and Sacramento street,

the Rev. William Kirk Outhrle pas-tor, will hold services morning andevening and the music willbe Inkeep-Ing with the excellence of the Christ-mas programmes Inprevious years un-der the direction of Otto Flelssner,the organist- The service will begiven in this order:

Morning service—

Organ prelude. "Pastorale"(AlexGuUxnast); doxoloer; the Lord's Prayer;the apostle's creed; Gloria Patri by the choir;anthem. "Now When Jastu Waa Born" (J. L.Hatton): psalter; aeleetlon S9; Psalms 107:chant by the choir; hymn 7L "Joy to theWorld, the Lord is Come": reading- of theScriptures; anthem. "Tbere Were Shepherds"(Alfred R- G&al);byron 74. "Hark! the HeraldAngels Sing": prayer: Christmas


•'For .the Cause of Home Missions" :soprano

solo. "IKnow That My Redeemer. Llveth"(G. Handel); termoa by the pastor: benedic-tion; organ postlnde, "Christmas March" (J.Lessmens).

Evening '•errice—

Organ prelude. "Pastorale."(ArthurFoote): anthem. "ElngUnto tb« Lord"(XV. L. Blumensch«in) :psalter, selection 34,ptaJrn 92: "Gloria Patri" by the choir;hymn 57."AllHail the Power of Jems* Name": basssolo. "Once Arain We Hail With Joy" (EmilePf-ssard): reading cf the Scriptures; tenor solo,"Hall! Tfaon Long Expected Jesus" (W. L.Blunsenscheln): prayer; anthem. "Arise. Shinefor Thy Light I* Come" (O. W. Marstcn);hymn 73. "O. Com* All T« Faithful"; offer,tory. trla for riolln. violoncello and organ."Andante" (Gnariee Mari« Widor); contralto


Louis Moralll.residing at 1S15» Powell street, was thrownfrom a wagon yesterday at Haight and La-gUna street?. In falling the front wheel pas!>*dover his left leg at the ankle, injuring thejoint. Dr. Millar set the broken limb ar theEmergency Hospital.

Constipation. the fruitful source ofmany other complaints, is quickly curedby taking Lash's Bitters.

A Hearty Greeting Awaits Seafaring

Men at Seamen's Institute.Seamen's Institute, 32 Steuart

street, near Market, Rev. WingfleldD'gby chaplain

—Early communion.

Special Christmas services at 11 inthe morning and 6:45 in the evening,

with music.The services at the institute on

Christmas are always largely attend-


"Arise Shine, for Thy Light Is Come"(Back) Mrs. Robb and choir: "O Little TownIn Bethlehem'* <Nelollncer). Miss Mattern andchoir: offertory, "Air" (Bach-Gounod).Miss Munroe: '"Glory to God." contralto solo(Rotoli). Mrs. O. V. MendenhaU; address. Rev.George A. Hough; "Noel," soprano sola

The united choirs or the First andCalifornia-street Methodist Episcopalchurches willbe heard in the choralsenice at the latter church, Californiaand tjroaencK streets, on sunaay

evening, 'me programme win oe:

United Choirs at California-Street3Iethodist Episcopal Church.


mation reached Captain John Mooney of theCity Hall station that liquor had been sold

without a license to eoldier* and others by

several parties on Baker street, fronting thePrfildio reservation. Officers McIIngh. Nye

and Sweeney arrested Antonio M«*r«s. EmilLather Samuel Jarobson and O. H. B. BelL

The choir—

Mrs. Lambert Whltehurst. Mrs.James E. Gordon. Mrs. George Armstrong.Mrs. A F. Plllsbury.Mrs. George Norton. MrsE. L. Snell, Mrs. J. H. Arms. Mite FannieG*ttle. Edward M. Moore. David W. Wise,O^rlea Jenkins, Charles E. Ker. Oscar WU-liams. A. B.

'Anderson; William F. Hooke,

organist and choir master.

Eethelhem" (Hatton); hymn, "It Came Uponthe Midnight Clear" (Willis); announcements;"OCertory," solo and chorus. "Noel" (Adam);the sermon; hymn, "O Come. All Te Faith-ful" (Reading); benediction; po*tlad<\ "Gloria"from "Twelfth Mass" (Mozart). Evening praiseservice

—Organ prelude. "Cujus Anlmam." from

\u25a0•Ptabat" Mater" (Rossini): anthem. "Let UsGo Unio Bethlehem" (Hattcn): invocation:hymn. "Hark. th« Glad Socnd" (Baker); read-ing of scripture: soprano solo. "One* AgainWe Hail With Joy" (Pessard); prayer; chorus."Shout the Glad Tidings" (Hawley): hymn,"O Little Twwa of Bethlehem" (Redner); an-nouncements; offertory, solo and chorus. "Nai-areth" iGo-rod*: the address; hymn. "AllHailthe Power of Jesus' Name" (Holden); bene-diction; postlude. "Festal March" (Brewer).

Will Render Great Number*.Howard Presbyterian Church Singers

The services at Howard Presby-

terian Church, Oak and Baker streets.Rev. John S. Thomas pastor, willcon-sist of splendid musical numbers bothmorning anh evening. The arrange-

ment is as follows:Christmas Bervieea. morning

—Organ prelude,

."Christmas" (Ashmall): doxology and invoca-tion; acthem. "There Were Shepherds" (Buck):responsive reading; hymn. "Hark, the HeraldArgele Sing" (Mendelssohn); reading of scrip-ture; soprano soio. "The Birthday of a King"(Neidlinger); prayer: chorus. "Let Us Go Unto


'An exhibition of the work of the Part-

lngton School of Illustration willbe heldon Saturdav and*TMonday. December


and 26. An interesting lot of studieswillbe shown. All are invited.


tion for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf ofGeorge W. Letcber was presented to UnitedSlates Circuit Judge Hunt yesterday. TheJudge aaid he wr.uld hear the application at

10 o'clock this morning. Letcher is under In-dictment by a Grand Jury In Ohio for thecrime of arson. He is now in custcdv of thepolice In this city awaiting extradition.

At St. James Church, Clement street,

near Sixth avenue, Richmond district,Rev. S. J. Lee rector, a special pro-gramme of music has been arranged

which willbe given by St. James* fullchoir, which is considered one of themost effective in the city. The orderof service willbe:

HolyCommunion, 7:30 a. m.: morning prayerand second celebration, 11 o'clock; evensong.7:30 o'clock. Morning

—Processional. "Herald

Angels": Te Deum (Wocdward); Kyrie <For-tay); offertory "The Birthday of a King"(Nevins). tenor solo aad chorus; recessional."Holy Voices"; rector, the preacher. Evening—

Processional. "Prince of Peace"; Magnificat(Garret!):Nunc DimUtis (Stalner); offertory*olo, Noel. Miss Pahl: recessional, "Bethle-hem": preacher, evening. ReT. Dr. O'Meara.Vested choir; soloists— Miss Pahl. treble: Mr.Marshall, basso: Mr. Oldham. tenor; morningorganist, F. H.Lockyer; evening organist. Pro-fessor James Vincent.

Elaborate Preparations Are Plannedfor Church InRichmond District.

Beautiful boxes of stationery that

make useful as well as very handsomeChristmas presents; also ink stands,

de«k pads and calendars. Designs notFkowr. elsewhere. Sanborn, Vail & Co..741 Market street.


Christmas Stationery.

Morning, 11"o'clock

—Organ prelude: carol,

"All on a Chri^tma? Day" (Newcombe); an-ihrm, "Sing, O Heavens, and Be Joyful. OEarth" <Rogen«>: soprano solo. "O'er the Hillsof Bethlehem" (Shelley); offertory, contraltosolo. "Noel" (Adam); anthem. "M»?s!ah isKing*' (Warren); organ poftlude.

Evening, 7:40 6'clork—-The Christmas ora-torio of "The Nativity" <H. J. StewaTt,Mus. Doc.); offertory. "Invocation." forviolin and organ (Mrs. H.II.A. Beach).


Miss Camille Frank, soprano: Mrs.Marian E. B. Robinson; contralto: HerbertWilliams, tenor; 1^ A. Lareen, bass; Hath-rWi5roer. violin; Samuel D. Mayer, organistand director.

Orgranist Samuel D. Mayer has com-pleted the following musical pro-gramme for morning and evening inthe First Congregational Church, Postand Ma«on street*, Rev. George C.Adams, D.D., pastor:

Xewconibe's Carol Will Be Snug atFirst Congregational Oiureh.



At All Hallows Church. South San Fran-

cisco, there will be Imposing services andruu»lc Masses .will be celebrated at 6. S and1030 o'clock a. m.; La Hache's "Mlssa Pro

Pace" willbe sung at the high naff by therejrular choir. Sopranos, Misses CatherineBayle. Annie Ayers; altos. Misses Liillan Tur-ner Annie Sllva; tenor. Esrle Waterman;bis's, M. W. Farrell; organist. Mrs. AgnesTroy.

La Hache*s\"3Ilssa Pro Pace" WillBe Rendered.

Clirl-tmas lectures.

Our new picture* have the little ef-fects that the lover of artistic things de-sires. We have just received large ship-ments of the most beautiful pictures. Theprtceal illustrate the fact that good taste•ran do 8s ranch as aa abundance ofmon-*>' in -to^kinm the home *besrotifd."Saabora. Vail it Co™ 741 Market street-

CHARGED WITH BURGLARY.—James J.Da.!y »&r booked at the City Pr.sca yesterdaybv I>»tectives Regan and O'Ccnaell en a chargeof burglary. He is accused cf breaking into aroom Rt 1T4 Fourth nreet ca December 13 and

& Quantity oZ clothirac and otherVrtJcles.

« m «A cr^zra of pleasure, the new two for

quarter tize American, C Ta box 2.•

FENDS CKRIFTilAS DONATION.—R. D.Chandler, cotl merchant. East «tr»et, sent a«-h«ck to Chief Wittman yesterday for 1100 forth* benefit cf the Widows* and Orphans' AidAssociation of the Police Department. Chandler!ia* for •• • r.-.. :--.-- cent a eiisiizx donatica


At St. Joseph's Church. Tenth and Howardstreet*. ReT. Father Mulligan rector, therewill be high mass at 5 o'clock a. m. and lowmacs every half hour from 6:S0 to0:30 o'clock.The. 10:30 o'clock majs will be a solemn hisnmas?, with solemn benediction Immediately

The musical programme will be a* follows:At the 5 o'clock mart the Kyrle and Gloria,a pastoral. Credo. Sanctus and Agnus Del from"La Hache"; Christmas anthem by Caglleroand "Adeste Fidelis." At 10:30 mass. Hay-dn's first mass and at the offertory. *"En

Scaera. Noce" (ROssinlJ. -.

Will Be Heard at St. Josepli'*.Haydn and Rossini's Compositions

Tb» masses at St. Francis Chnrch, Vallejostreet and Montgomery avenue. Rev. FatherT. Caraher rector, willbe celebrated at 5, 6,

7. S. 9. 10 and 11 o'clock- At the 5 o'clockmass the music willbe furaUhed by the youngladies* choir, under the direction of Miss MariaRyan." At the 11 o'clock mass Rev. W. E.McGcugh -will be celebrant. Rev. T. Caraberd*sron and Rev. W. Cleary subdeacon. Rev.T. Canher will preach the fermon. taking forhis subject. "Christmas In Bethlehem."

The music at this miu wUl be very beau-tiful and will include Kyrle. Gloria. Credoand Benedictus from Glorza's first mass. Sanc-tu« from Cimarosa's mass and Asrnu* Deifrom Haydn's mat* No. 2. Offertory,Adam's '"Noel." The "Adeste Fldells," ar-ranged by Novel'o. willbe sung by the entirechoir. Sopranos, Mi"? Rcse Broderick. Miss T.Vahey. Mira M. Thiel. Mrs. A. Klc>"y. MissM Kilcommon. Mis« C. Paulis«en: alto«. MisaL. VlauUn. Miss C. Steven*. Miss A. WiUIsms;unor, J Ctnitere; basso. J. Hlckey; organist.Miss M. C. Pchaefer. .

Great Work Will Be Given at St.Francis Cnurch.

"Tb* First Noel" <Ancn.): recessional, hymn6S. "O Little Town of Bethlehem." WallaceA. Sabin, organise


Processional, hymn 49. "O Come,AllTe Faithful": reading, psalm S5; MagniScatIn D (Sabin); Nunc Dimlttis In D (Sabin):carol. "Everywhere Christmas To-night"(N'evln): address; carol, "Good King Winces-las" lAron.): offertory carol. "In the Fle.lda"fWest): carols, "Holy Kight" (M. Haydn).

A beautiful programme of sacredmusic will be heard at -St. Luke'sChurch, Van Ness avenue and Claystreet, the Rev. Burr M. Weeden, rec-tor. The programme will be as fol-lows:


Processional, hymn 49, "O Ccme,All Te Faithful"; reading; Venite, Anglicanchant: te deum in B flat (Stanford): Jubllatola B flat (Stanford); credo In B flat (Stanford);latrclt Noel (Adam), solo Master Harold For-maa; KyrieIn B fiat (Stanford): Gloria T1W InB flat (Stanford): hymn 51. "Hark! the HeraldAngels Sinjr" (Mendelssohn) ;offertory, ""Sirs,Oh Heavens" (Sir Arthur Sullivan): SanctusinB flat (Stanford): Agnus Dei in D (Sabin);Gloria in Excelsla In B flat (Stanford): reees-rfonal. hymn S3. "Shout the Glad Tidings,"Avison.

As Is Usnal, Organist Sabin PreparesSplendid Programme.

Heavy Gale Prevailing at VictoriaPrevents the Docking of the Vessel

in That Harbor.VICTORIA. B. C. Dec. 22.—:The

tteam£h!p Minnesota, which arrivedto-day from New London to enter theOriental trade for the Great Northern•Railway, was obiig-ed to go to anchorat Esquimau owing to a heavy gale'prevailing here. The reception by thelocal Board of Trade and other cor-porations was abandoned In conse-quence of the storra. The Chinesecrew of the liner, which has beenawaiting here, was put on board atKiKjuidalt and the steamship willpro-ceed in the early morning to Seattle,whence Fhe sails on her first trip tothe Orient.





tin. HaroM Hangfay. Edward Bullard. FrankBaxter. Raymond Schultheiss; organist andchoirmaster, Wray Taylor, F. G. C. M.

St. Paul's choir: Quartet—

Mrs. Merrihew-Pearc*. soprano; Miss MauJe Purdy, contralto;V. S. Richards, tenor; George R. Bird, basso;sopr&ncs

—Mrs. Lornax. Miss Kolte, Miss Grace

Brown. Miss E. Mumford. Miss Helen SlcJd-more. Mrs. Grant. Miss M. B. Folsom. Mi™Alice Field, Mis* Loals* Kellogg. Miss J.Townes: contraltos

—Dr. C 8. Richards, Mi?s

Klsie Prichard. Miss Isabel Kirk: tenors—

O.E. Lelacd. L. E. Roberts. R. A. Brown;ts-«'s

—William Mackay, Charles Baker. Judge

A.- Van Hovenberg. T. A. Harrison: boys—

eruciCier. Walter Martin: Wl'.lie Field. Robert"Beck. C. Van Xnys. B. Farmer. Howard Mar-

"P-iiii Out th« Christmas Belle" (Glorer);sevenfold axoen (Stalner): recessional hymn54<>. "Ctece in Royal David's City" (Gaunt-lett).

V. S. Richards:, carol, "See Amid the WinterS/bott

"eo!o by the boys; contralto toto,

-Fleei. Holy Babe ' (H. J. Stewart). M!?BM&niS* Purdy; male quartet,- "Calm on theLin'cing Ear" (Hopkins); soprano sclo,"Glory l» God" (Rotoli). Mrs. Merrihew-Pearoe; organ, "Christmas Intermezzo" (Tay-lor); carol, "The Firrt Noel" (Traditional):bass eolo. "Christmas Socg" (Adams). GeorgeR, Bird: carol, "Ail My Heart This NightRejoices" (H. J. Stewart), quartet; carM,

7:45 p. m.—

Carol Bervioe: processional hymn49. "O Come, 'All T« Faithful" (AdesteFldeles); Glorias. <Tter Proper Psalms (Wood-ward): Magnificat, None Dimlttis InC major(C. Simper); hymn 53. "O Little Town ofBethlehem" fRednex); tenor solo, "It Cam*I'pcn.the Midnight Clear" (Meyer Helmund).

Holy oomaiuolon. 7:30 a. m.; morning ser-vice. 11 o'clock; processional hymn 49. "OCome All Te Faithful" (Adeste Fldeles);Venite and Glorias. after Proper Psalm*tWoodward) ; Te Deua, Jubilate. In C majortWray Taylor*;hymn 51. "Hark! the HeraldAngela Sing" (Mendelssohn): hymn 58. "OLittle Tcwn of Bethlehem" (Redner): sermon;Kj-rie, Gloria TJbi. Sanctus (King Hall>: an-them, "It Cune Upon the Midnight Clear"<Stainer): sentence, "AllThingiCom* of Thee.O Lord"; sevenfold ansen (Stalner); Nur.oi.rrr.-.-.tis in E flat <Freemaatle); recessionalhymn 540. "Once In Royal David's City"tGauntlett).

At St. Paul's Church, Califoriastreet, near Fillmore. the Rev. W. M.Reilly, rector, the programme ar-ranged by the organist, Wray Taylor,F. G. C. M.. Isperhaps one of the mostelaborate ever presented in this beau-tiful edifice. The music and servicewill be in the following order;.

Be Among Those Heard.Mendelssohn, Stalner and Glover Will


ed by the seamen in port and it hasever been the desire of those Incharge

to assure worshipers a hearty wel-come. This year will be no exceptionto the rule of the institute, for be-sides the religious service there willbe a cheery greeting: for the Bailorwho is far away from his home.


Choir of Bethlehem CongregationalChurch to Sing Grand Strains.

AtBethlehem Congregational Church,

Twenty-fourth and Vermont streets.Rev. John A,Hollars pastor, the musicwill Include the beautiful composi-tion, "It Came Upon the Midnight

Clear." The programme has been ar-

ranged as follows:Morning—"It came Upon th« M


Clear" <Seott); "piory in the Highest

Evening—Duet by members of the choir,

"Our Message": "IHave Set a WatchmanUiKjn Thy Wall*." by the choir.


<Adam) Miss Smith: "Hark. What MeaJiThose Holy Voices" (Whiting), Miss Hipkins

and choir; organ numbers. "Naxaxeth" (Whlt-ney-Gounod) "In Paradlsum" (Dubois). "FeatMerch" (Lachmex). J. H. Hallowell. organist.

Evening service, 7:45 o'clock—

Organ. "Shoutthe Glad Tidings" (arranged by Ashford);hyrnn. "While Shepherds Watched TheirFlocks"; invocation; barytone solo, "SweetChlxcingBells' iPest). Rev. J. George Gibecn:Scrlptnr* reading, Isaiah lx:l-9: soprano §olo."Peace On Earth and Mercy Mild" (Blaraen-echein). Miss Carrie M. Eulass; prayer andLord's Prayer, chanted by congregation: hymn."Kark! the Herald Angels Sing"; bass solo."Behold the Orient Star" (Towne). D. B. Bow-ley; Scripture reading, Matthew lirl-12; "Glo-ria Patri": trio

—organ, piano, violin


Harp of St. Cecilia" <Wiegand): notices; so-prano solo, "IWillExtol Thee, O Lord" (Cos-ta), Mrs. Lencre Greven; oltertcry, \u25a0"YuletideCharm"' (Engelmann); barytone iolo, "Rlc?Out Happy Bells" (Meredith), Rev. J. GeargaGibson; short sermon; hymn. "My Country,'TU of Thee," Xo. 20: benediction: recessional,orchestra-march (arranged from Bizet).

Pipe org&n. Miss Lctta J. Underbill: piano.Miss Lillian Bennett and Mi«s Alta Hawley;violin, C. H. Blank; cornet, Harry McQee..

Morning service. 11 o'clock—

Ortrin. "A<le»teFidelia"" (arranged by Ashford); hymn. "Hark!the Herald Angels Sins"; Invocation: barytonepolo. "O Wonderful Day" (Lcnvden), Rev. 'J.George Gibson; responsive reading, psalm 24:Fopraiio to!c. "Hark! the Song" (Du Bois),Miss Mabel Jacks6n Christ <•!\u25a0: prayer; Lord'sPrayer, chanted by the congregation; trio-organ, piano, violin

—"Anpelus" (arranged

from '"The Serenade") :congregational hymn,'••Whl!e Sbcthf)d< "Watched Their Flo.ks"; con-tralto sole.* "Bethlefcem Star" (Stearns), Mrs.Grace Savage Gilbert: Scripture reading. Luke1:40-55; "Gloria Patri"; notices; offertory."Grand Offertoire-De Noel" (Thayer); barytone*o!o, "Shine Forth. O Star of Glory"1 (arrangedfroni Rossini). Rev. J. George Gibson; rhortsermon; hymn. "Joy to the World.

"Xo. 1;

benediction; recessional, orchestra-march (Tul-lar). - .

At Ernnjanuel Baptist Church. Bartlett street,near Twenty-third. Rev. J. George Gibson pa«-tor. there

'are in preparation two grand pro-

grammes, which willb« Riven In the following;ord«"r:

Song and Sermon Will Be Heard at

Emmanuel Baptist Church.

The cut-cfl! is not dangerous for itsentire length, but Inmany places ithassunk below the established grade, andla other places the crust below the sur-face of the lake has swelled and raisedthe gT*£e. The cut-off la consideredunsafe by th» railroad employes, andthe cfflciala, Inorder to avoid an acci-dent, keep a number of guards along;he 3ice for the entire distance acrossthe lake. "When pile* were driven intothe bottom of the lake in some in-stances they would penetrate a hardcrust and then sink for many feet Intothe mud b«low. Itla the opinion of en-gineers that this crust Is over the en-tire bottom of the lake and that theheavy grade is causing It to break Inmany places.

RENO, N>v\. Dec 22.—

Shortly afterthe overlar.d eastbound limited passed

"over the Lucln cut-off, which crosses anarrow neck In the Great Bait Lake, atrack waJker discovered yesterday thata portion of the grade had disappearedfrom eight, and on examining the placeit was found that it had sunk nine feet.The railroad officials were immediatelynotified and workmen and materialtrain* were rushed to the place to buildthe grade and to strengthen other por-tiors of the track, where the grade hasfur.k for several feet.

Captain McGlynn also visited the fra-ternity house in which Young Gouldtook refuge. He was told there that theyoung man had not been at the houseto-day. After further investigationCaptain McGlynn made a report on thecase to Police Commissioner McAdooin which he said it was difficult to ob-tain any information as the studentswere reticent about the affair.Itwas said to-day that Dean Hutton

had reached a decision as to what shallbe done with the sophomores partici-pating in the affair. This will be an-nounced to-morrow. Kingdon Gouldhas been requested to appear before thedean to-morrow, when some action willbe taken In his case for the firing ofthe revolver.

NEW YORK, Dec. 22.—Captain Me-Glynn began a personal investigation

to-day of the action of KIngdon Gouldin drawing a revolver on. a crowd ofColumbia University sophomores whowere attempting to capture him. Hevisited the university to-day and hada talk with.Dean Hutton of the Schoolof Applied .Sciences, after which hequestioned at length C. A. Alghtlinger,one of the sophomores said to havebeen in the attacking party when Gouldfired a revolver.

PLAN* GREAT SERVICES.E»»claj r-rr»:ch to Th« Call

Eeport Is Made That theReticence of Scholars Pre-vents Able Sleuth Work

Officials of the Koad TakeEven- Possible Precaution

i to Guard Against Accident

T>nce more the season has come round ,when the clergy and the organists and .choirs* of the city are found hard atwork arranging and perfecting theirprogrammes for the. fitting celebrationof Christmas within the sacred walls.Of all the religious music composedby old and modern masters the finest,the most elaborate and descriptive will!find its place in the beautiful services !that willdraw thousands to the various fplaces of worship on Sunday, both |morning and evening.

In harmony with all these glorioussounds will be the floral decorations :within chancel and sanctuary rails, jAltars will bear a profusion of chaste ;lilies, and festoons of rich greenery !will twine around massive beams and jhang from great chandeliers. Allthese ;will form a suitable frame In which ithe devout will worship 'and listen to jthe beautiful strains from organ and Jfrom voice. "Peace to allmen" will be jchanted, will be preached, may be

heeded. Itwill be the theme of the day |everywhere and Its echoes along the !year to come will be prayed for.

The country Is at peace with all the jworld, the nation is at peace with her- jself, prosperity marks her condition, [the people are thankful for all the jmanifold advantages which it is their j

lot to enjoy. The clergy of all denom- ;{nations admit that the spiritual out- \u25a0

look Is ever brightening. Therefore will j

the great choirs and worshipers with |good reason give voice to their thank- jfulness in sacred melodies which will jeound the truest of harmony on Christ- \u25a0

mas day.

eolo. "The XatlvUy" (Harry Row« Pljelley);sermon by the pastor; benediction: orsan post-lude. "Christmas Postlude." (B«rthold Tours).

The choir—Mrs. Ashler R. Faull. soprano;Miss Mipnon Judson. contralto: William B.Anthony, tesor; Charles I*Flrebaugn. tenor;assisted by Mrs. Grnenhagen-Gwynn. violin;John R. G»ynn, violoncello; Otto Fleiwner,organist and choirmaster.


kCAT CHOIRS WILLDean of Columbia University

Called on by Officer In-vestigating Students' Row

Portion of the Grade SinksNine Feet After an East-bound Train Passes Over It





For CiirisimasthatItself



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l- The AnntialDonation DaysFOR THE

FREE WARDWill Be Held on


«x, aa and 23.At die Following Places:

Messrs. GOLDBERG,BOWEN &CO.'S, 232 Sutter st.


end at theHOSPITAL, 3118. Sacramento

StreetAn urgent appeal is made for

help, as the need is unusuallygreat. Gifts of money, gro^cerics, bed linen, etc.. etc., willbe gratefully received.


European and American StarsAlbertina Melich; Lncy and Viate. aad !

Orpsetun Motion rictnrea.Last Time* of Alfred A. rarlaads Aid*!

Hamml; Teraoa; Ford Sisters: Dilloa!Brother! aad

HERRMANN THE GREATAaalated toy "«»"\u25a0 HZBSMAinr.

Regular Matinees Every Wednesday. Thurs-day, Saturday and Eunlay.

PRICES— 10c. 25c and Me.

Commencing Next Sunday Afternoon.TSS OBEAT

ORPHEUM ROAD SHOWSpecial Matinee Monday. December 20.



KLAW and ERLANG.R Present

TIIOS. Q. StABROOKEIn the Spectacular Musical Farce Novelty,


Henry W. Savage OSers the Musical Satire. !


By.the Author of "The County Chairman."

GRAND SSESSliMaticee To-morrow

—La»t 2 Nixht*.



Blanche Bates the



«n|W8IJhou$[e\t:ry night at 9.

saturday mat. at 2.


Eitra Christmas Mats. !££;. SIS:SEATS ALWAYS SELLING.


ALCAZAR-waTGeneral Manager.

TO-NIGHT—MATS. SAT. AND SUN.Great Hit Sol i-mith Russell's Comedy.


Fnll of fan—

Delightful sentiirent.Ere* tie to SOc. Mat*..Sat.. San.. 23c to SOc

NEXT" WEEK— XMAS MAT. MONDAY.Sapertr-Prodnctlon. MansSeld'a Version


NEW YORK. Dec. 20. 19O4—Belaseo Ml

Mayer: You have rights Old Heldelbers forSan Francisco. Any other announoement*- «\u25a0-authorized. Wlshiar you all success.

(SUroed) • 8HUBERT BR03.New Year'* Week— LOST RIVER.

Market Street, Near Eighth...Phoa* 800th T"3


Superb Production of Lincoln J. Carter* \u25a0j Great ,Melodrama,

TWO LITTLE WAIFSDirect From the Criterion Theater, Chlcag*,

With TEMPEST and SUNSHINE In th»Title Ro>9 and the Entire Central

Stock Company.Startling Electrical and Mechanical Effaeta,

Thrtlllna; All the Time!Price*—Eve.. 10c to SOc Mat?.. 10c. 15c. 23c.


! Hew -JMjT JockeyCalifornia W$ Club

OAKLAKDTXAOZ.\u25a0 Racing every week day. rain or shin*.

Race* start at 2:lip. m. sharp.CHBIBIHIS HAKLICA?. $3000 lUsi. t» B. Eaa

KOHDaY. Dtttaiier 28.1For special trains stopping at tha track take

S. P. Ferry, foot of Market street, at 12:00i12:30. 1:00. 1:80 or 2:00. Returning trainsleave the track at 4:10 and 4:45 p. m. and im-mediately after the last race.'-

THOMAS H. WILLIAMS.President./ PERCY -W. TREAT. Secretary.

H. -WT. EISKOP, Lessee and Maaagsr.


Oliver Ucrcsco OffersHOWARD COCLD—J. II.GILilOCR

And tl>* Incosiparable MaJ^tic Player* In L>.*. Morris* Great Scenic Drama,


B«r!fiafciff Chrtstma* Monday Matlaee—


To Follow—

Dul7 authorized v«r»!en ef Rich-ard Mansfield** productloa cf "OLD HEIDEL-BERG."


Rose Melville Ila H«r Original Cesfiy Cr»3t!co. £jSIS HOPKINS rjIWARMEST THEATER INTOWX.| rt

STEAM HEAT THROUGHOUT. f.|V*±tSunday asatta**,

James A. Hmit'i Greatest of altAcierlcaa Plars.

SHORE ACSZS IWith Brest of the original east, la-cludicr James A. Cailoway. AtkissLawrence and Be]> Theadcr*. rSpeeial Iloliday Matineo Monday.

K^JilwfSn Tuesday an! TJiTirsdarJS&&**:w£s, Evca.. Jazx. 3-5: Sat-urdliy Matiaee, Jaa. 7.

\u25a0BPRvvt'IBo S«-a«oa Tickets *4-5O.V^^^'^-^y &2Q- $2. CO—ready neit

>£ <£^~1'j.l*r Tuesday mcrnlns. Sla«:aseats. S2.0O. %1.M. $1.0i>

—rfady FW<iaT Mornlas fol-

lowlsr. at Sherman. Clay ft Co.'*. where com-plete programmer ina? be obtained. Specialconcert at !?t. Francis Hotel. WadnesdayBi-enlnr. Dec. 2S>. at 9. Seats. $2.50. BoxOfact. Sherpian. CUy & Co.'s.

Crexy Afternoon mi Ereniar in t2t«Heated Theater. Batn er Saint.


sco performers:



teraoens. with a Gift for Every Cfeild Visit-ing th« Chute*

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PISCHEB'S THSATEB.Continncua Vaudeville. TONY LUBELSXL10c and 20c; CiUdren 10c. General Manager,At «very Matin** tnis week.A box ef fine candy toAll t*v» boy* and rlrla.Tea Great Acts. :

P«1o rp DON'T FAILTOIdlavC gee the b<.antifail

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hanger*, printer*, painter*, *ho« factories. *ta-

blezoea. tar- roofer*, tanner*, tailors, tts.


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Raatdence. ISC2 McAllister *t.Restdenc* Telephone Pag* 56AL


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LCBRICAT1XO OILS: LEONARD * ELLI3,41S Front *t., S. F. Phone Mala 1T13.

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