yu and dream dancer

8/2/2019 Yu and Dream Dancer http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/yu-and-dream-dancer 1/3 How and When Yu I was born more than 50 years ago in Quebec, Canada to a very young mother who was a virgin before I was conceived on New Years Eve 1958. My father was a loud mouthed young fellow who liked to drink and who did so until his death. He, no doubt about it, got my mother to drink that New Years Eve and seduced her on location. It was a turbulent beginning and I tell you so you will understand I came to this planet to experience it all the good and the bad. I came to experience these times when this planet and all her species nearly died out once again. You see, I come from 700 years in the future. My job there is to diffuse old nuclear weapons and nuclear locations that still exist and which continue to become more unstable with the passage of time. DreamDancer I am an Earth Angel. I have incarnated on this planet many, many times for eons and before written history. I come here to assist others in the rediscovery of their true spiritual beingness. I do it to understand and experience it all first hand for there is no other way. I am a heavenly scribe and I am here at this time to give a written history from this, the human experience, perspective. On a hot July day in Kansas after a day filled with moving from one house to another, my mother, my father and my two older brothers completed their move to a new residency. This is the night I was conceived and when my mother awoke, my fathers was gone and nowhere to be found by anyone within his family. There was no foul play involved for he took his belongings and was unheard of for number years. My mother told me recently that when she discovered she was pregnant and her husband still gone, she knew he had given her a gift she had wanted which was a daughter and she already had my name at that time for I was to be the first to be named after her own father who had died of cancer several years before my birth. This is how I came to be the oldest granddaughter of my maternal grandmother whose husband I was named after. I am told that my fathers father insisted my father return to the family he had abandoned so suddenly. I am, also, told that for a brief period of time he did so but I was too young and he did not stay long enough for me to remember him. He denied being my biological father but the genetics of it told even him that his denial was futile for I resemble his side of the family so much that when I was a little girl, I thought I was adopted for I did not look like my mothers family. It was only after I was old enough to understand the truth of it that my father had left because he sought more adventure than being a family man with children. It was his destiny to father other children, one of whom like me he denied. This is how I come to have 2 full brothers and 2 half brothers by a second woman in Washington State and another half brother by his third and final wife with whom he is still with in Oklahoma.

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How and When


I was born more than 50 years ago in Quebec, Canada to a very young mother who was a virgin before I

was conceived on New Years Eve 1958. My father was a loud mouthed young fellow who liked to drink

and who did so until his death. He, no doubt about it, got my mother to drink that New Years Eve and

seduced her on location.

It was a turbulent beginning and I tell you so you will understand I came to this planet to experience it

all the good and the bad. I came to experience these times when this planet and all her species nearly

died out once again.

You see, I come from 700 years in the future. My job there is to diffuse old nuclear weapons and nuclear

locations that still exist and which continue to become more unstable with the passage of time.


I am an Earth Angel. I have incarnated on this planet many, many times for eons and before written

history. I come here to assist others in the rediscovery of their true spiritual beingness. I do it to

understand and experience it all first hand for there is no other way. I am a heavenly scribe and I am

here at this time to give a written history from this, the human experience, perspective.

On a hot July day in Kansas after a day filled with moving from one house to another, my mother, my

father and my two older brothers completed their move to a new residency. This is the night I was

conceived and when my mother awoke, my fathers was gone and nowhere to be found by anyone

within his family. There was no foul play involved for he took his belongings and was unheard of for

number years.

My mother told me recently that when she discovered she was pregnant and her husband still gone, she

knew he had given her a gift she had wanted which was a daughter and she already had my name at

that time for I was to be the first to be named after her own father who had died of cancer several years

before my birth.

This is how I came to be the oldest granddaughter of my maternal grandmother whose husband I was

named after. I am told that my fathers father insisted my father return to the family he had abandoned

so suddenly. I am, also, told that for a brief period of time he did so but I was too young and he did not

stay long enough for me to remember him. He denied being my biological father but the genetics of it

told even him that his denial was futile for I resemble his side of the family so much that when I was a

little girl, I thought I was adopted for I did not look like my mothers family. It was only after I was old

enough to understand the truth of it that my father had left because he sought more adventure than

being a family man with children. It was his destiny to father other children, one of whom like me he

denied. This is how I come to have 2 full brothers and 2 half brothers by a second woman in Washington

State and another half brother by his third and final wife with whom he is still with in Oklahoma.

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I met my father again when I was ten years old half the country away from Kansas to Florida where he

resided with wife number 3 and a young son.



I came from the future so I can understand how the nuclear situation got out of control in this era. After

the earthquake in Japan in March 2011, it is much clearer to me how unable humans can cope and how

totally irresponsible humans are to each other and to the planet.

The willingness of the human species to experiment with things they do not completely understand nor

are they able to control things brings anger to me that I have a hard time controlling.

Alas, this willingness to allow for inventions that cannot be completely controlled is a trait within the

human species that has allowed for the survival of the species. It is why the species has at times made

vast leaps in knowledge and particularly technology. In some respects it is no different than when

humans learned to control fire to the degree of using it for survival. Yet even in these times, fire shows

that it is not always to be controlled and fires especially wild fires can burn for days and weeks no

matter the effort to gain control of and put out forest fires by humans. Fire is but one example.


I am one of the angels who promised to always guard and protect the earth and the species unique to

the planet. In my desire to see the planet and the species on it, including humans, to survive changes

continual changes including changes not acknowledged on a conscious level by most humans but that

affect the quality of life and therefore life itself. The negativity that permeates this planet and therefore

all life on it - it is a scale that is out of balance even within duality.

Let there be no doubt in your heart that I serve God and therefore all of humanity. I answer to God and

to that I must be true or I will surely perish in the coming changes. It is necessary for you to understand

the truth of the fact that the only constant in life is change. Therefore if you are not in a state of change

or of learning, you are stagnant in complicacy where you cannot see or remember that you are more

than merely to survive this life. You were not created to merely survive this life. You were created to go

forth and to experience all that is and to be able to stop yourself to realize, one day, that you not only

survived it thus far but that you did, in fact, learn some lessons along the way!



In the time I have come from, there are no wars. Humans are in service to each other and we all survive

and thrive together. No one is denied any knowledge that exists. All humans understand that in order to

exist, we all must work together or we will be without. No one starves or we all starve. No one is denied

love for love is the very reason for our existence.

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Before the creation by God of humans, there were angels of Heaven. Your Holy Bibles tell the story of 

how Adam and Eve disobeyed God but what is overlooked with complacency is how this happens. It is

that before the fall of deceived man, there was the fall of some angels from Heaven, displaced from

Heaven by God onto the earthly realm into a place humans cannot see but just as certainly exists andwhich is known as hell. While it is true that humans cannot see hell for what it is humans can surely feel

it and feel the effects of the fallen ones continued manipulation. It was the fallen angels who tempted

those you call Adam and Eve. It is the fallen angels who continue to manipulation humans to this very


The angels of Heaven work with humans to create a balance within duality that will right this wrong

done by the fallen angels whom are and always were our brothers.

To stand strong for God and stand strong within the challenge of the human experience, I am here to

walk with you and talk with you and to save each soul from the fallen angels who have veiled so many

hearts in fear. You were not created to be in fear nor were you created to put fear into another heart.

You were created of love for the purpose of experiencing love. It is time for me to stand. It is time for

you to stand. It is time for you to stand in the light of God or you will fall. You will fall which is so much

more horrid than failing. Failing to stand for something, you will surely fall. From my heart to yours, I do

not want anyone to fall. Therefore it is time to trust in yourself and in others and in God and to allow the

veil of fear to dissolve and you will not fall. You will be in the Grace of God. Your soul is immortal, trust

the truth. Your heart knows.