ysu internal quality assurance framework

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  • 8/4/2019 YSU Internal Quality Assurance Framework


    Internal Quality Assurance Framework of

    Yerevan State University

    in the Context of European Standards

    and Guidelines

    Dr. Hrant Zhamharyan

    Head, Academic-MethodologicalDepartment, YSU

    June 2011

  • 8/4/2019 YSU Internal Quality Assurance Framework


    Establishment of internal quality assurance system

    (IQA) in Yerevan State University (YSU) in accordance

    with the requirements of the European Standards and

    Guidelines (ESG) started in 2007.

    The YSU IQA framework consists of six components:

    Quality assurance (QA) of study programmes;QA of teaching staff;

    QA of learning resources and support services;

    Transparent student assessment system;

    Internal information systems;Public information.

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    Brief description of the YSU IQA framework


    1a Main principles relating to the safeguarding of academicstandards are as follows:

    Standards correspond to those identified by the qualification

    framework (QF) of European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and/or

    National QF;

    Standards satisfy the requirements of relevant governmental,professional & statutory bodies and similar organizations;

    Standards are regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure their

    currency and relevance;

    Principles underpinning aims, learning outcomes, teaching, learning

    and assessment are defined in the Methodological Guidelines forDevelopment of YSU Educational Programmes (approved by YSU

    Academic Council in October, 2010);

    Feedback of recognized independent external experts is sought when

    standards are established, monitored or reviewed.

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    1b Principles relating to the assurance of qualityare

    as follows:

    The quality of student learning experience meets the

    requirements of the relevant academic standard andprogramme specification;

    Quality assurance is informed by robust programme

    design, approval, annual monitoring, and periodic (6-

    year) review, student and graduate feedback processes;Students are involved in the processes of programme

    monitoring and review;

    The views of external assessors are taken into account

    when the quality of programmes is reviewed;

    Assurance activities focus more on areas where there is

    a risk of quality decline.

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    1c Principles relating to the enhancement of

    qualityare as follows:

    Measures of the quality of the studentexperience are established and regularly


    Where possible, such measures will be basedupon already existing data sets, such as those

    derived from quality monitoring reports,

    student/graduate/employer feedbacks, andgraduates employment statistics etc.

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    The YSU IQA strategy is stated in YSU Strategic Development Plan

    for 2010-2014 It includes introduction of an internal quality

    assurance system in line with European Standards and Guidelines.

    To accomplish this objective the following main strategies areenvisaged in the Plan:

    To create a new YSU IQA policy

    To develop self-assessment criteria for the main performance areas

    To undertake and implement a self-assessment/self-study of the YSU

    To develop and introduce new learning outcomes-based educationalstandards

    To create internal regulations, guidelines and procedures.

    To create and publish criteria, regulations and procedures for impartial

    assessment of student learning outcomes

    To create and publish mechanisms and criteria for assessment ofprofessional competences and teaching skills of YSU teaching staff.

    To develop a set of internal information for effective management of

    study programmes and educational processes.

    To ensure transparency and publicity of the criteria for IQ evaluation

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    YSU has developed and adopted several formal mechanisms in theforms of guidelines, regulations, procedures, criteria, etc., These

    mechanisms are as follows:

    Methodological Guidelines for Development of YSU Study Programmes;

    Regulations for Approval of YSU Study Programmes;

    The development of the Guidelines and Procedures for YSU ProgrammeMonitoring and Review;

    Other official documents related to development of YSU study

    programmes include:

    Structure and content of YSU credit-based bachelors degree

    programmes (for full-time and correspondent/part-time studies);

    Structure and content of YSU credit-based masters degree

    programmes (for full-time and correspondent/part-time studies);

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    In 2007 YSU revised and upgraded its student

    assessment methods and regulations in order tocomply with the nature of the adopted ECTS

    credit system, which assumes continuing

    assessment of students, including the work theydo outside of classroom, as well as with the

    requirements of ESGs.

    We follow the requirment according to which

    Students should be assessed using published

    criteria, regulations and procedures which are

    applied consistently.

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    YSU has in place several procedures and regulations to

    make sure that the teaching staff is qualified and

    competent. That includes:

    Open competitive system of hiring (recruitment of)

    permanent teaching staff

    There is a contract system for appointment of teaching staff,

    which specifies rights and duties/responsibilities;

    There is a performance evaluation for all permanent

    academic staff members through regular (on the semester-

    basis) student surveys.

    Compulsory (as well as optional) pedagogical training is in


    YSU adopted a comprehensive credit-based staff

    development programme

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    In order to meet the requirements of the appropriate ESG standard

    the following permanent activities are being done at the University:

    The University library is regularly upgrading.

    Computing facilities are permanently upgradingThere is a State (President-supported) programme for gradual

    upgrading of learning and research laboratory base of the University;

    Methodological support-base of the educational process is being

    constantly improved;

    Students are provided with guidebooks, programme handbooks,

    assessment regulations, credit-based study regulations, etc;

    There is a system of Academic Advisers (Counselors) which is not well-

    developed yet;

    The Student Union and Student Career Center operate at theUniversity;

    The graduate satisfaction surveys conducted in YSU evaluate also

    satisfaction level of YSU graduates from University services and


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    University has a centralized, but non-integrated information

    system (data on different activities are not gathered in one

    data warehouse), where internal information is collected

    through several separate information subsystems:

    Annual reports of all YSU units

    YSU annual report is discussed and approved by the YSU Council;

    The results of YSU graduates satisfaction surveys are availableThe internal computer-aided system (SuperVision) is employed

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the University serves as an

    important tool for institutional self-evaluation and/or self-study.

    This set of KPIs consists of 83 indicators that measure YSUperformance in six main areas

    Regular collection and analysis of data on profile of the student

    population (age, gender, educational background, socio-

    economic background, etc.).

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    The information that is publicly available about YSU study

    programmes includes:

    The Guide for YSU Applicant(with CD version),

    YSU First-year Student Information Package;

    The Credit-based Study Handbook & Course Catalog for

    Bachelors and Masters degree programme studentsThe published annual report of the YSU Rector, which includes

    detailed information on both academic and research activities;

    The YSU annual financial report;

    Statistics on the students currently involved in the programmes

    (number, profile of the student population, etc.);

    The YSU Web-site, publications or other information materials.

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    The mission of YSUYerevan State University is an autonomous educational and

    scientific-cultural institution with national and regional

    responsibility, the main mission of which is to createknowledge, transfer and disseminate it within the

    framework of state strategy of education development.

    Based on the principles of state policy for education, the

    University promotes the development of intellectual andpersonal qualities of its students and lecturers, and

    contributes to the rise of economic, social and cultural

    welfare of the society. The priority goals of YSU are the

    development of Armenology, humanities, social-economicand natural sciences and culture, carrying out basic

    research in various fields.

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    The mission of YSU (contnd.)The University always seeks excellence and innovation in

    teaching, research and public services. As an important

    component of its mission, the University seeks to become a

    student-centred educational environment, which prepares

    its graduates for an active role in public life and for

    leadership, a professional career and lifelong learning in line

    with the current requirements of globalized economy andlabour market.

    YSU mission targets:teaching and learning.

    research and development.

    services to society.


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    To become one of the leading universities in the region, to

    insure high educational standards and to enable students to fully

    realize their potential by providing flexible study programs

    meeting todays requirements.Main Objectives:

    Implement revision of structure and contents of the study

    programs in line with current international curricula standards

    and requirements of the employment market.

    Introduce internal quality assurance system in accordance with

    the requirements of European standards.

    Ensure extended application of the credit system in all University

    educational programs and study modes.

    Create favourable conditions and supportive mechanisms forsubstantial improvement of the teaching, learning and

    assessment processes.

    Ensure extended and effective utilization of information

    technologies in the teaching and learning process of theUniversit .

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    To maximize the application of Universitys research potential in enhancing

    the economic development and public welfare processes by creating canters

    of excellence in priority research fields, and encourage active involvement of

    teaching staff in research activities.

    Main Objectives:

    Create prerequisites and supportive mechanisms for substantial growth of

    research activities and broader engagement of teaching staff and students in

    research projects.Stimulate the development of University-Industry research collaboration;

    create an innovation infrastructure for research activities to commercialize

    research outputs.

    Promote internationalization processes of the Universitys research activities;

    ensure integration of the University in European Research Area.Reconstruct University postgraduate studies as a 3rd cycle of higher

    education in compliance with the requirements of European Qualifications


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    STRATEGIC GOAL 3. Community Involvement and


    To sustain the intellectual, educational, economic,

    scientific and cultural progression of the society, thuspromoting recognition of the University, its activities

    and external support.

    Main Objectives:

    Ensure further development of interaction with the

    society and broader involvement of the University in

    community programs.

    Develop lifelong learning system in the University inline with the social demand

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    Practical steps for the university quality assurance includes


    University QA and Control Department which employs

    Head of Department and 4 Officers

    In 2010 YSU formulated and adopted new IQA policy, which

    meets main requirements of ESG Standards #1 and #2 for IQA.

    The aims of the YSU QA policy are safeguarding of YSU

    academic standards, assurance and enhancement of quality of

    all YSU awards.

    Principles are related to:the safeguarding of academic standards

    to the assurance of quality

    to the enhancement of quality

  • 8/4/2019 YSU Internal Quality Assurance Framework


    YSU strategic plan for internal quality assurance (2011-2015).

    The YSU IQA strategy is stated in YSU Strategic Development Plan for 2010-

    2014 (Goal I, Objective 2: To introduce an internal quality assurance system

    in line with the requirements of European Standards and Guidelines).

    To accomplish this objective the following strategies are envisaged in the


    To create a new YSU IQA policy that includes continual quality enhancement

    strategy, appropriate procedures, organizational structures and identifies the

    roles and responsibilities of administrative and academic structures of theUniversity.

    To develop self-assessment criteria for the main performance areas of the

    University based on the standards of international accreditation organizations

    and National Quality Assurance Center of Professional Education.

    To undertake and implement a self-assessment/self-study of the YSU

    academic activities with publication of the report, which will serve as a basis

    for external QA/accreditation processes and development of appropriate

    quality enhancement measures. To prepare the University for the external

    evaluation/accreditation processes.

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    To develop and introduce new learning outcomes-based educational

    standards for YSU Bachelors and Masters degree programmes based on the

    Qualification Framework of EHEA and international subject-benchmark


    To create internal regulations, guidelines and procedures for development,approval, routine monitoring and periodic review of YSU study programmes,

    to adopt criteria for assessment of programme needs in teaching and learning


    To create and publish criteria, regulations and procedures for impartial

    assessment of student learning outcomes, which includes appropriate appealand complaint mechanisms, and to ensure their publicity and consistent


    To create and publish mechanisms and criteria for assessment of professional

    competences and teaching skills of YSU teaching staff.

    To develop a set of internal information, which is required for the effectivemanagement of study programmes and educational processes?

    To ensure transparency and publicity of the criteria for internal quality

    evaluation, the self-assessment process and appropriate report to the

    internal and external stakeholders of the University, as well as student

    participation and feedback in QA processes.

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    Thank you!