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Supernova Media Presents: 101 Real Estate

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Supernova Media Presents:


Real Estate

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YouTube is a social network, search engine,

hosting service and an important advertising

platform for businesses all over the world.

It is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.

Created in February 2005, it was bought for $1.65

billion US by Google in November 2006.

The site allows users to upload, view, rate, share,

add to favorites, report and comment on videos.

About YouTube

YouTube Traffic 2017

1,300,000,000 people use YouTube.

300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every


YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day.

Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube

every single day.

One minute of video is equal to the value of 1.8

million words.

According to Unruly, a persons enjoyment of a

video increase their purchase intent by 97%

and their brand association by 139%.

In other words, people who see your

video will want to work with you

and remember your brand.

Why YouTube?

74% of all Internet traffic in 2017 will

be video.

• 80% of YouTube's views are from outside of the U.S.

• Female users are 38% vs Male users are 62%.

YouTube Demographics

More than half of

YouTube views come

from mobile devices.

18-24 - 11%

25-34 - 23%

35-44 - 26%

45-54 - 16%

50-64 - 8%

65+ - 3%

unknown age - 14%.

User Percentage by Age:

Trust is a huge factor in whether or not people believe something or someone.

It plays into how we make decisions, who and what we buy into, and where we

choose to spend our time and money.

Building Trust

Convincing home sellers to list

with you isn’t always easy,

especially when many of your

competitors are saying a lot of

the same things. Video is a great

way to push that needle of

indifference closer to trust. Video

is convincing.

Video is Convincing

Trust is extremely important when selecting a

realtor. They want to know that you are:

• Professional

• Knowledgeable

• Technically savvy

• Connected

• Available

• And more.

To make sales (or win new clients and listings),

people have to believe what you’re telling

them. They have to believe in you.

Video is Retained

Before people can believe you and want you

to represent them in their home selling or

buying journeys, they have to remember who

you are.

It’s been shown that viewers retain 95% of a

message when they watch it in a video,

compared to just 10% when reading it in text


According to Brainshark, the information

retained in one minute of online video is

equal to about 1.8 million written words.

Video and SERP’s

According to MarketingSherpa, video attracts

two to three times more visitors and doubles

their time spent on the site.

You see a 157% increase in organic traffic from

search engines by including more video on

your site.

You have a 50x better chance of achieving a

page 1 ranking with video according to

Forrester Research!

Video and Facebook

Facebook is generating 8 billion video views

per day.

The number of video posts per person has

increased 75 percent globally.

The amount of video from people and brands

in News Feed has increased 3.6 times year-


More than 50 percent of people who visit

Facebook every day watch at least one video.

Online video is 100% more socially engaging.

Still not sure what video marketing has to do with real


According to an Australian Real Estate group, Listings

that include video receive 403% more inquiries.

4X more leads on listings that include video.

Video marketing can get you:

Video Marketing and Real Estate

• Better search engine rankings

• Better website content

More visitors and time on your website

• More social engagement

• More leads

Video is the fastest way to share information. It’s not just

fast, it’s emotional and believable.

73% of homeowners say they are more likely to list their

home with an agent who offers a video for their property.

58% of buyers want and expect to see video of a home

they’re looking at online.

80% of internet users recall watching a video ad on a

website they’ve visited in the past 30 days. 46% of them

took some action after viewing the ad.

71% of consumers say that video is the best way to bring

product features to life.

Video Marketing and the Consumer

• The average user spends 88% more time on a

website with video.

• The average website visit without video is just 50

seconds. With video is five minutes.

• Landing pages with video have up to 800% more

conversion than the same page without a video.

• Enjoyment of video ads increase purchase intent by

97% and brand association by 139%.

Using Video on your Websites

Video and Mobile

Any web-enabled phone can access the

YouTube mobile website.

More than half of the videos watched

were on our smartphones. Mobile is a huge

contributor to the growth of online video.

We’re consuming online video everywhere.

Consumers are demanding both video and

mobile. The great news is, both are easy to

provide with the right technology – and you don’t

have to be tech-savvy.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Video is great for search

optimization, but it’s important

to remember that video isn’t

indexed on its own.

– it’s indexed based on the

metadata (aka title, description,

and tags) that you provide

along with it.

Make sure to fill out all of these

fields when uploading your

video to YouTube.

Make the most of metadata.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Title optimization

When crafting your title, come up with something that

not only accurately expresses what your video is

about, but also includes keywords and phrases that

viewers will likely search for in order to find your

content. Here are some tips:

• Include keywords near the beginning of your title for better search indexing.

• Keep your title concise; a title that’s too long might get cut off in the results.

• If your video isn’t getting much traction, try updating your title.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Description optimization

Write search-optimized copy describing

your videos. The description field is

invaluable when it comes to helping

your content get discovered.

• Remember that only about the first 125 characters of your description

(including spaces) will appear in search results, make these words count!

• Include clearly marked links back to your website or resources where viewers

can find more information.

• Link to your social media accounts in the descriptions for all of your videos.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Tag optimization

Tags will also help YouTube index your video in search. Make sure to only include

tags that are relevant to your video or industry.

• Try updating tags as new

trends emerge.

• Include common misspellings.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Thumbnail optimization

Thumbnails don’t exactly fall under metadata, but they’re also good for search

optimization. When someone searches for your video, they’ll see the title, the

beginning of your description, and a thumbnail image.

• Thumbnails must be at least 640×360


• Choose an image that’s visually


• Make sure your thumbnail accurately

represents your content.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Don’t just upload property videos to your YouTube

channel. Branch out and create other types of content as


General videos about the real estate industry will help

you position yourself as an expert, and help potential

buyers and sellers find you.

Include: neighborhood videos, tips for buyers and sellers,

tips for realtors and more.

Diversify your Content.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Google gives preference to active channels, so it’s worth

your while to upload videos frequently.

Keep your channel updated to encourage fans to come

back; they love seeing your newest videos and other


Have more repeat viewers with a regular schedule.

Stay on the top of your viewers’ minds, set up a routine

publishing schedule to let them know when to expect

your next release.

Post Videos Regularly

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

Add a featured video on your channel page with more

information about yourself, your experience, and the

services you provide.

This type of video will help potential clients get to know

you, so they can get a feel for your personality and how

you work.

Add a featured video about yourself.

5 Video Tips for REALTORS

You can use cards to add interactivity to your

videos. Cards can point viewers to a specific

URL and show customized images, titles, and

calls to action.

Include clear calls to action and links using Cards

Include contact information and links in

the description to more details.

The 4 Real Estate videos Every agent needs to master

1. The Introduction Video

• A quick, friendly video to introduce yourself to

cold leads online, as well as warmer leads

who want to get to know you better.

• Think of your introduction video as an

elevator pitch for your services.

• What can you offer clients that other agents


The 4 Real Estate videos every agent needs to master.

1. The Introduction Video

What Can You Use it For?

Your introduction video is probably the most

important video you’ll ever make because there

will be so many opportunities to post it online.

You can (and should) post your introduction

video on:

• Your agent profile

• Your website

• Social media

• Emails to cold leads

The 4 Real Estate videos every agent needs to master.

2. The Testimonial Video

A link to video testimonials can go a long way in convincing cold leads you’re

competent and trustworthy.

A heartfelt testimonial video from a real live happy former client is much more

difficult to fake.

The 4 Real Estate videos every agent needs to master.

3. The Neighborhood Tour Video

A good neighborhood tour should have multiple attractive locations in the

neighborhood along with your narration about what makes the neighborhood


You can highlight great transportation

options, nightlife, parks, landmarks, or

whatever else you think your clients

would like to know.

The 4 Real Estate videos every agent needs to master.

4. The Listing Video

Listing videos not only help sell homes, they’re also a great way to impress your

current and future seller clients. A portfolio of great listing videos will help you land

more seller clients.

Listing videos give you unbeatable

advantages. They help you sell your

listings faster, and they help you

attract more seller clients.

How to Shoot Real Estate Videos

Even though smartphones can shoot high definition 4k video these days, investing

in good equipment can make your DIY real estate videos look much more


Here are some tips for video

gear that will make your

videos look more

professional without

breaking the bank.

What equipment do you need?

What equipment do you need?

Invest in a Good DSLR

While smartphones are great, a high quality DSLR camera will give you much more

professional looking video, especially with the right lens. The Canon Rebel T3i is a

great option.

Invest in a Good Microphone

Doesn’t matter how good a video

LOOKS, if it’s got poor sound

quality, it’s unwatchable. Get a

good USB mic. The Blue Yeti

USB mic from Amazon is a great


What equipment do you need?


Blurry or shaky video makes you look less professional. Buying a decent gimbal or

stabilizer can help reduce camera shake and increase sharpness in your videos.

Use a Gimbal (a handheld camera

stabilizer) for walkthroughs, and a

Tripod for still videos and panning.

Recommendation for smart phones:

Smooth C 3 axis gimbal

Recommendations for DSLRs:

Glidecam HD2000

What equipment do you need?

If you’re Shooting with a Smartphone,

Always Use Hyperlapse.

Hyperlapse is a video stabilization app

from Instagram that can dramatically

reduce camera shake in your videos. It’s

also free, so if you’re shooting with a

smartphone, Hyperlapse is a must.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.

1. “THANK YOU” is one of the easiest

and highest value video touches to

make. You can express gratitude and

make a much more meaningful touch

with video. Sincerity and gratitude are

hard to capture in text.

• Thanks for your time on the

phone today

• Thank you for meeting with me

• Thanks for registering

on my website

• Thanks for your inquiry,

here are the answers

• Thank you for doing me a favor

• Thank you for referring me

• Thank you for connecting

on social media

• Anything else you’re grateful for

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


FIRST INTRO. It’s much

harder for a prospect to say

“No” to or to delete your

smiling face than it is to

reject text on his or her

screen. So put your face to

your name. Reach out in a

more personal way cycle.

• Reach out to introduce yourself to

a sales lead

• Reach out to introduce yourself to

a target recruit

• Include the purpose in a clear,

simple way

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


You’re more persuasive in person.

Most lead conversion steps (phone

calls, emails, and text messages) have

the desired outcome of an in-person


Get face to face earlier with

a simple video with your responsive

and non-responsive leads to stay

top of mind.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


Save time by talking in a video instead of

typing out multiple paragraphs. Complicated,

and detailed information comes through much

better in video.

And because you’re recording and sending on

your time and each person is opening and

playing on his or her time, you don’t need to

schedule appointments to communicate face

to face.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


After a networking event, trade show, or similar get-

together, you’ve collected a stack of business cards.

And so has everyone else who attended.

Bring your card to life, stand out from everyone else, and

start building a real connection by sending a simple,

personal video to each person you met. Note something

you had in common or an opportunity you can


Your video is often received as a “gift” of your time and

attention - but it doesn’t take much time at all!

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


Human to human connection - we all desire it in a

fundamental way. And if you’re in a relationship and

referral based business, it’s critical to your success.

“Running into” old friends, past clients, and former

colleagues doesn’t have to be left to chance.

Spark conversations and renew relationships. Check

out one of their social media profiles to add an even

more personal and timely element to the video.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


Holidays and special occasions give you a specific

reason to get back in front of people in all three of

these ways.

• Happy birthday - one-to-one

• Happy anniversary (wedding, purchase, other) - one-


• Happy holiday - one-to-many or one-to-all

Personal is best, but you can reuse any video in your

library over and over again (Happy Birthday, for


10 Times Video Says it better than text.


We know sincerity and insincerity when we see it.

With text? It’s up to the reader. It’s easy to be misread

or misunderstood. The written word doesn’t carry the

same empathy or care that eye to eye, face to face

communication does.

With video, there’s no mistaking your meaning.

• Reach out with an apology

• Reach out with bad news or

a bad outcome

They’ll know you mean it and appreciate your

sincerity. It builds trust and confidence.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


Don’t miss the chance to keep an internal team of people updated in real

time. Your brand is built from the inside out. Daily, weekly, or monthly updates

keep everyone on the same page.

And because you record

and send on your

time, and each person

opens and plays

on their time, it’s efficient.

10 Times Video Says it better than text.


You’re more persuasive in person; it

comes naturally to you. We connect and

communicate most effectively in person -

with our smiles and our whole selves.

When you’re inviting people to register,

sign up, attend, or do something else, use

a simple video to promise value and make

a clear call to action. The value - what

they’ll get out of it - is the key.

Nancy is a business owner, educator, and business strategist with more than 20 years experience. When she is not advising and teaching people about social media, Nancy spends a lot of her own time using social media.

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About Nancy Bain