youth suicide intervention using the satir model

 YOUTH SUICIDE INTERVENTION USING THE SATIR MODEL* Wendy Lum Jim Smith Judy Ferris  ABSTRACT:  Youth suicide is a social issue that needs serious consider- ati on amo ng famili es, the rapist s and hel ping profes sionals. Thi s articl e presents an actual case of a youth who completed suicide, and discus- sion of the hyp othetical Satir model tre atment of this you th whi le alive. The Satir model has numerous interventions that have current applic ation s towa rd dealing with suici dal youth in a huma nist and hopeful way, fostering youths’ desire to live and to become more posi- tiv ely inv olv ed in the ir liv es. In the pas t, Sat ir foc used on cop ing sta nce s in communication, and now the coping stances give a deeper under- standi ng into the inter nal worl d. KEY WORDS:  adolescence; family therapy; Satir model; suicide; treatment; youth. This article is intended to share how the Satir model (Satir, Ban- men, Gerber, & Gomori, 1991) can be used to understand and treat youth who are suicidal. Youth suicide is a major concern in Western society, and measures need to be explored to reduce suicide among the adolescent population. In the United States the suicide rate among adolescents and young adults tripled between 1950 and 1980. The rate for people 15–34 years old during that time and throughout the 1990s Wendy Lum, MA, is a Child, Youth, and Family Therapist, Kelowna, British Colum- bia, Cana da (e-mail: welum@at tglo Smit h, BPE, RSW, is Dire ctor of Langl ey  Youth & Family Services, 5569-204th Street, Langley, British Columbia, Canada V3A 1Z4. Judy Ferris, MA, MEd, is a Youth and Family Therapist, Langley Youth & Family Services, Langley, British Columbia. Canada. *Port ions of this paper were presente d at the Canadian Associa tion for Suici de Prevention (CASP) Conference, Vancouver, BC, October 2000. *The authors wish to acknowledge the inspiration received from their involvement with the Suicide Intervention & Treatment Task Force, Satir Institute of the Pacific. Contemporary Family Therapy 24(1), March 2002  © 2002 Human Sciences Press, Inc.  139

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