your soul’s journey: an awakening rebecca brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05your soul’s journey: an...

Soul Series Part 1 Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, Advanced Lightworker & Multi-Dimensional Teacher

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Page 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1

Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist,

Advanced Lightworker

& Multi-Dimensional Teacher

Page 2: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 1


About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown ................................................................................................................................. 2

A Message from Rebecca .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Where Do We Come From? What is our Soul? ................................................................................................................. 5

Why Do We Incarnate? ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Being Born, Forgetting & Remembering ........................................................................................................................... 6

Our Individual Soul Journey .............................................................................................................................................. 7

A World of Duality ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Soul Families & Soul Contracts.......................................................................................................................................... 9

The Human Energy Field ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Soul vs. Ego ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12

SoulTime.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

What Happens When We Die? ....................................................................................................................................... 15

Summing Up .................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Exercise: Complimentary Meditation ............................................................................................................................. 16

Supportive Reading ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Personal Sessions with Rebecca ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Recommended Workshops ............................................................................................................................................. 18


The content in this manual is solely for information purposes. The author is not directly or indirectly presenting any part of this work

as a diagnosis or prescription for any reader or student. In the event that you use the information in this workbook for yourself, the

author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process without permission from the author.

Page 3: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 2

About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Rebecca operates SoultoSoul which has 2 arms – SoultoSoul Dimensional Healing - the personal healing

arm and SoultoSoul Academy of Light, the teaching arm of SoultoSoul.

Rebecca began her journey in 2003 when she left the corporate world after being overworked and

unhealthy with a feeling that there must be more to life. She has learnt much since then and has many

qualifications covering all aspects of spirit from kinesiology to crystal healing.

Rebecca is a soul specialist, advanced lightworker and multi dimensional teacher working directly with the

realms of light. Rebecca is on the forefront of energetic shifts, channelling her healings, teachings and

meditations, grounding in new frequencies relevant to the time, place and group of souls. She is working

with humanity at the level of the soul, passionate about awakening people to their soul's truth.

Rebecca is a clear and open channel working directly with Spirit, your Angels & Guides and often assisted

by Archangels, Ascended Masters & Galactic beings. Each healing session is truly unique and individual.

Rebecca is also a catalyst for ascension. She has a deep understanding of the Earth changes at this time

and is here to help humanity on their journey of ascension. For this reason, many lightworkers (those here

for planetary service) are drawn to Rebecca.

SoultoSoul Academy of Light runs regular courses to assist the growth of your soul and help you move

forward along your evolutionary path. Rebecca is a natural teacher, having started teaching when she was 8

years old by helping out the kindergarden teachers at school!!

She is a Master Teacher of Essence of Angels®, Crystal Light Healing® (graduating 2012), a graduate of the

BelindaGrace Clairvoyant Healing training and creator of her own unique workshops. Now finally in her

destined role as a multi-dimensional teacher, Rebecca brings her enthusiasm, warmth and wisdom to every


After completing this e-journey, you may like to experience the following with Rebecca to continue in

understanding and healing your soul.

A face to face healing

A remote healing session

A workshop

Please refer to the website to read

about how Rebecca can continue to help you on your journey of


Page 4: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 3

A Message from Rebecca

Welcome to the Soul Series Part 1- The Souls Journey: An Awakening. This e-journey is designed to create

a shift in consciousness for you and in turn across the wider community and the Earth.

It is my core truth that humanity is at a time of mass awakening and rather than globalization, it is my view

we are coming into a time of universalization. That means that we will understand ourselves from our place

within the universe rather than just the Earth. I feel this e-journey is part of the wave of change.

There is also an epidemic on this planet of DIVINE HOMESICKNESS. People are ill/unhappy, struggling, &

unconscious, despite modern technology and healthcare.

This journey has been mostly channelled and strongly guided by divine wisdom in its content. Even though I

had the concepts in thought form for about 18 months beforehand, the channelled wisdom came through

very quickly and I was guided to begin it on 11/11/11. Now I can see the divine timing of it all!!

This e-journey aims to get to the truth of who you really are, to create a new story of where you have come

from and why you are here which is fully aligned with universal truth. It helps you to understand the

amazing being that you truly are and the creative power you hold within, leaving behind the concept that

you are a victim.

I ask that you keep and open heart and mind and even though some concepts may be difficult to

comprehend with your 3D mind, simply allow them in and sit with them and they will merge with your

consciousness in the most perfect way for you right now.

It is my wish that you continue connecting with your soul and your journey in conscious evolution. You are

also part of the wave of change. Talk about the ideas and concepts with friends, family and colleagues.

Refer them to this e-journey so that they can take the journey of awakening too.

I feel truly blessed to share this journey of awakening with you. My humble gratitude goes to you for

allowing me to be in my soul space in helping you to remember who you truly are.

May each of your light touch all you meet!

Love, Light & Gratitude,


In these notes I use the word God but it is in no way a God from any particular religion. The word God is

interchangeable with Source, Creator, Universal Wisdom, the Divine etc.

I also refer to ‘him’ for ease of reference but the Divine is neither male nor female.

Page 5: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 4


The soul and the universe are not a mystery. We have simply been limited until now as part of the human

experience. It is time to open up to who we really are and understand our soul and its journey within our

multi-dimensional universe.

In our modern world, we consider logic, rationale, science, and our 5 physical senses to be important in

how we perceive life. We are not just our physical body, our mind and our personality. In fact, you can say

these are emphatically NOT who we are.

By the end of this journey, you will understand who you really are, your journey and what your life really

means. We will be cutting through the illusion that has been created. TODAY YOU ARE WAKING UP!!!!

When you nurture and connect with your soul, your life becomes filled with light, peace, grace, wisdom,

ease, love, freedom, joy & good health. Remember we are still human but life simply becomes magical –

whatever you need just turns up whether it be people, money, resources, guidance, wisdom or whatever

you need. The power of your soul can create miracles.

Exercise: Have you ever thought about your soul? Really thought about it. Do you have one? Where is it? What is it?

How do I keep it healthy? How does it influence my life? Can it contribute to my happiness?

Write down anything you have been taught about the soul………… school, religious education, by your

parents and family.

Note: In doing this exercise, most people don’t write down much at all!!


Page 6: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 5

Where Do We Come From? What is our Soul?

Your name was whispered before you were born, And out from the mist your image took form.

The Spirit of Life had begun its quest, To know of itself through the ultimate test:

A Being of Light set free in creation, To master the gift of imagination!

Michael Dooley From 'Totally Unique Thoughts - Reminders of Life's Everyday Magic'

God is everything, our whole universe. This consciousness is pure LOVE energy. This is hard for our 3D

minds to comprehend!!

How do you know who you are if you are everything? God wanted to know himself so he recreated himself

over and over. (NB: You can understand the Creation story in completing the Crystal Light Healing

workshops. See last section.)

Your soul is a fractal of the all………..a fractal of light.

Consider that the ocean is God. It has always been. Now reach in and grab a cup full of water. In that

instant, the cup becomes individual, but it has always been, has it not? This is the case with your soul.

There was the instant you became a cup of energy, but it was of an immortal original being.

In our human lives, we learn best through experience. Someone can tell you about losing a child but you

won’t really understand it until it happens to you. You could say that it is the same with God, he learns best

through experience. He wants us (himself) to experience so that he can understand himself.

Therefore, our purpose is easy.

As an individual soul, you are both individual and one with all that is.

Your purpose is to discover, express and experience your divinity.

If God IS Love, our purpose can also be expressed as


Page 7: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 6

Why Do We Incarnate?

Our goal as souls is enlightenment - to discover, express and experience our divinity until we merge back

into oneness with the divine. This is our eternal journey. To become lighter, we need to understand

ourselves (i.e. LOVE)

In the higher dimensions where we exist as souls, there is no time and space, there is no fear, judgment,

pain or emotion and there is instant creation. We communicate telepathically and through light language.

We can teleport. There are different beings and roles but everyone is equal and everyone respects each

other’s roles. There is no better than or less than.

We spend time in classrooms learning about love and all aspects of love, universal laws and principles,

energies and frequencies etc. But as we all know, we can be told something many times but it is not until

we experience it that we truly understand.

So in this soul realm with no contrast, where everything we want just appears and all is love, the learning is

not as intensely understood. We decided to give ourselves opportunities to go into other energetic worlds

to learn more deeply about ourselves. For this, we need a world of contrast, gravity, duality, time, space

and matter etc………………………………….Hello Planet Earth!!

Being Born, Forgetting & Remembering

When we are born we go through the tunnel of amnesia. We are born completely forgetting our origins. It

is like waking up in a strange land!! Don’t worry, there is a purpose to this ‘forgetting’.

The first part of the spiritual journey is forgetting. We started in the soul realm in a state of wholeness and

in unity with the divine. Then we are born on Earth and through our experiences in 3D, being in a world of

time, space and matter, fear, anger, lack, limitation, judgement, control etc., we have gradually forgotten

our true identities and lost this sense of wholeness. The older we get, the more we forget as no one

teaches us who we really are.

Now we are on the second part of the journey, the remembering. The process of remembering is twofold.

First, we need to reconnect with the soul as our true identity and bring the experience of wholeness back

into our lives. This might come through trauma, illness or unhappiness. This is awakening.

Then we begin our healing journey as we use the power of the soul to bring awareness to the limitations

that have fragmented the personality and prevent us from experiencing joy, love and freedom in all aspects

of our lives. Through time, this will lead us back to the state of full consciousness and unity, which is our

true divine nature.

On the soul level, we exist in a state that is beyond limitation, where freedom, love and joy prevail. We

have come into the third dimension to help our souls to expand and grow. The forgetting is the contrast so

that we can understand ourselves at a deeper level than ever, just what God/our souls want!

Also, if someone told you when you were born your whole life plan, you wouldn’t learn a thing, you would

just pass time here on Earth, like watching movie you know the ending too. Ever tried watching The Sixth

Sense for the second time?!?

Page 8: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 7

Our Individual Soul Journey

You are a powerful soul that has taken on the human experience for the purpose of understanding who you


We are a 100% unique vibration!! We choose our birth when the planets are in the exact arrangement to

support us in our journey. We bring that vibration with us. No two souls and born at the exact time.

We exist in the higher dimensions and make a plan to come to Earth to experience, grow and evolve. In

the higher dimensions, we spend time in classrooms; we meet with our guides and chat with our soul

families to make a plan for our next life. Each of us comes into our lives with the divine purpose, including

lessons we are here to learn, and a unique expression we are here to share.

So if the big picture is To know and be love, how do we achieve that?

We CHOOSE OUR OWN ADVENTURE. We are just like the directors in our own plays!!!

TIME PERIOD eg 1700’s, Ancient Rome, Atlantis, etc

LOCATION eg city/country/tribal etc


o Big/ small

o Rich/Poor

o Birth order

o Parents/orphaned/divorce


o Male/female

o Sexuality

o Race

o Appearance

o Short/tall

o Birth defects

o Dis-ease potential


o Family

o Friends

o Partners

o Work e.g. bosses, mentors, colleagues


o Gifts and talents

o Character traits e.g. introvert extrovert, hot tempered etc.



All of the above are artificial aspects of the soul. When they have served their functions, at the end of the

soul’s incarnation, the soul releases them. More proof they are NOT WHO WE ARE!!!!

Page 9: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 8

A World of Duality

To understand our journey’s more, we need to understand the concept of duality.

The earth world is one of duality. It makes the earth a very intense school and the earth is a very sought

after ‘incarnation destination’ because of this!!

We have hot/cold, male/female, left/right, early/late, ego/soul, love/fear, past/future, night/day etc.


Some simple examples are:

We might choose to be female to learn to be in our goddess energy

We might be the tallest in our class to feel like we don’t fit in to eventually learn self-acceptance

We might choose to be the youngest child in a big family so we are continually looked after and

don’t learn anything for ourselves. The lesson is responsibility.

Exercise: Choose one or two of the aspects of your journey (excluding relationships which are covered in the next

exercise) from the list on Page 4 above. Consider why your soul has chosen this aspect. What is the lesson

or the bigger picture? Write your thoughts here.

Page 10: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 9

Soul Families & Soul Contracts

You generally move in the soul realm with a larger group, called your SOUL FAMILY. They are other souls

who you have been connected with for a long time and have an energetic affinity with. They are souls that

vibrate very close to the way that you do. When you choose your life, you meet with other souls in your

soul family to discuss if it would be mutually beneficial for you to incarnate with each other.

If you do incarnate together, a SOUL CONTRACT is created. Most often, when people challenge you, it is

part of a soul contract with that soul, to help you learn and grow. You have contracts with your family,

partners, children, colleagues, clients and more. These souls love you eternally and unconditionally and you

return this love.

Some examples are:

We might choose a critical mum, to help us learn self love

We choose an abusive husband to help us learn boundaries and our own power

We choose to have a disabled child to learn patience, tolerance & compassion


Who is in your soul family? Choose one or two of your key relationships in this lifetime. Reflect on what

these beautiful souls are helping you to learn? Try to include a challenging relationship. Write your thoughts


Page 11: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 10

The Human Energy Field

An important part of this journey is starting to understand and experience that you are not just your physical

body, personality and 5 senses. We are six sensory beings and exist multi –dimensionally. It is time to

expand your awareness of who you are.

Refer to the diagram of the Human Energy field below.

You have a whole energetic field including your aura, chakras, meridians and nadis

There are many layers to your aura. They get denser and denser in energy as it gets closer to the

physical body, until it is so dense, it becomes matter (i.e. our physical body)

Your Central Channel is your connection to the higher realms as well as connecting you to the

centre of the Earth. It is like your antenna, helping you to pick up energy from further afield than

your current world.

Your Soul Star Chakra holds your divine blueprint. Your Earth Star Chaka anchors you here to the

Earth Realm.

Heart Chakra is the gateway to our soul. It is who we really are, our I AM presence.

Solar Plexus Chakra is our identity in this lifetime, our potential of all we can be in this lifetime.

You have a SOUL GUIDANCE SYSTEM built into your being. It includes:

Your energy system(as above)

Sixth senses – Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance

Physical dis-ease – messages from your soul through your body that you are energetically wounded

Emotions (Energy in motion). We are not our emotions! They are vibrations from our soul to help us

learn, evolve and know when we are feeding our soul! Emotions are guidance.

Angels, Guides and higher beings

Page 12: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 11

Energy of the collective

consciousness, Earth,

moon and planets

Cultural, environmental

and religious beliefs


Wounds we would like to

clear in this incarnation

Karma balancing

Earth’s core

Centre of the Universe




our divine blueprint

Beliefs and Programs from

this lifetime and past lives.

90% of beliefs are formed

before Age 7.


Soul Contracts

Energy from past


Beliefs from the ancestral line



Page 13: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 12

Soul vs. Ego

As part of our experience of duality, the ego is here to help us learn! Other words for the ego include

personality, unconscious mind or lower mind. Our ego loves fear/drama/struggle/pain/lack. It is here to help

us forget who we really are i.e. a soul. In our current world, many people equate who they are with their


The ego loves to take all the negatives in our lives and magnify it put it right in our face to make us

unhappy, afraid and often stuck in this position.

What are you going to believe about yourself to be true? Your ego’s stories? Are they true? Are you really

not good enough or unlovable? Really think about how true this is!! It is time to listen to the voice of your


Waking up is about detaching from the ego and listening to the souls voice. The ego can never be released;

it is part of the human experience. But we can detach from it and the illusion it keeps us hooked into.

Recognise the ego for its true purpose – here to provide contrast in our journey.

“When the energy of the soul is recognised, acknowledged and valued, it begins to

infuse the life of the personality. When they personality comes fully to serve the

energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment!”(Gary Zukov)

THE VOICE OF THE EGO – this lifetime

5 sensory







Chooses for you


Promotes dependency




Instills fear

Is status oriented


Insists on obedience

Often claims ultimate authority

Offers shortcuts

Seeks personal gratification



Multi- dimensional i.e. six sensory







Leaves choice to you


Promotes independence




Promotes well-being

Is free and open

Accepts individuality

Encourages growth and development

Recognizes a higher power

Offers integration

Lives in unconditional love

Universal Abundance

Page 14: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 13


The illusion has no power over a personality that is fully aligned with its soul.

So today you have realised you are a soul. What can you do to connect?

My guides have taught me the concept of SOULTIME. It is about SIMPLE, REGULAR PRACTICE. It is not

something you have to learn or perfect. Sonia Choquette, a Hayhouse author, says that each day we need

to “take a drink at the well”, nourishing our souls. Connecting with light, power, magic, peace & love as a

daily practice, leads to happiness!

Daily attention to the spirit first, not last, will turn your life into a more loving, miraculous, joyful life.


Look at the diagram above. When we are living an unconscious existence of forgetting, you can see we

mostly operate through the ego. We may have small moments of inspiration from the soul but otherwise

the ego is in the driver’s seat.

As we awaken to who we are and remember the love & power within us, the soul begins to shine and the

soul takes over more and more in our lives.







Page 15: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 14

Exercise: My pie chart

Who is driving your life? What % of time are you in the Ego and the Soul. Draw your own pie chart and label each section – SOUL and EGO. Write the date. It is important to be honest with yourself.

If you feel your soul needs some more attention to increase its power in your life,

here are some ideas of things you can do to nurture our soul and listen to its


Meditation – individual or group, free form or guided

Reading spiritual books


Energetic healing sessions


Automatic writing

Walking in nature

Oracle cards

Lying on the beach watching the clouds


Deep breathing

Talking to your Angels and Guides

Spend time doing things you love

Service work

Online tele-seminars, spiritual radio, videos

Yoga, tai chi, chi gung

Bringing crystals in to your environment

Self awareness

Music – listening and playing What else can you add?

Today’s Date:

Page 16: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 15

What Happens When We Die?

When the soul returns home, what has been accumulated in that lifetime is assessed with the loving

assistance of our teachers and guides. There is no right or wrong, no judgement. We simply assess what

we need to keep learning and if there is any karma from this life. We can work with the same theme for

many lives. All brings the soul closer to healing, integration and wholeness on our journey to enlightenment.

We joyfully reconnect with our soul families and spend time in the soul world, soul classrooms, group work

etc. until we decide to incarnate again!

Summing Up

Remember you have chosen this life. It is time to connect with your purpose and realise that you are not a

VICTIM. You have created this life in divine perfect order. You are the author/director of your own life.

Everything that happens is for a reason. You have chosen every aspect of your experience.


Ask yourself the following question: Why have I attracted this experience into my reality? Is it……..

A reflection of something that is happening within me

An opportunity for healing

An opportunity for growth

Balancing of Karma

Helping someone else to heal/grow

A message or sign

Not sure yet

Each of us has a team of helpers in the form of angels, guides, archangels, ascended masters and

teachers. Talk to them and ask them for help. Don’t worry about the big picture; you simply take one step

at a time.

As Steve Jobs from Apple said “you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future”


Page 17: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 16

Exercise: Complimentary Meditation

Rebecca has created a short meditation on MP3 to help you activate and energise your Earth Star chakra

and Soul Star Chakra. This will help you anchor your Soul’s light into this Earth and raise your vibration,

ready for you to step forward with your soul in the driver’s seat of your life. The link to the meditation is

contained on the webpage where you downloaded this e-journey.

Write down any experiences or impressions you had in your meditation.

Page 18: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 17

Supportive Reading

Shealla-Dreaming – Simone M. Matthews

Conversations with God Series – Neale Donald Walsch

Seat of the Soul – Gary Zukav

Journey of Souls – Michael Newton PhD

Your Soul’s Plan – Robert Schwartz

Going Within – Shirley Maclaine

You are Clairvoyant – BelindaGrace

You are Inspired – BelindaGrace

Soul Love – Sanaya Roman

Living with Joy – Sanaya Roman

Personal Sessions with Rebecca

After completing this e-journey, you may like to experience a personal healing with Rebecca in person or

remotely if you live outside of Sydney.

Rebecca is a highly qualified and experienced practitioner and most importantly she is a strong clear

channel and her sessions are completely guided by spirit, making them truly unique and individual to you.

Healing sessions cover a wide range of techniques such as Chakra/Aura/Channel Balancing, messages from

Spirit Guides and Angels, Past life Releases, Healing the inner child, clearing Emotional Blockages,

dissolving Cords of Attachment, Energy Upgrades, Soul fragment integration, healing the shadow, clearing

archetypes, sabotage programs & beliefs, birth issues; balancing of yin/yang energies; understanding soul

contracts/vows/curses, relationship karma & more.

Most importantly she will help you to understand your soul’s journey and why you may have chosen the

She also helps people on their journey of ascension with techniques such as DNA Activations, Activating

and attuning additional chakras beyond the major 7 including earth star & soul star, Clearing past lives from

Atlantis/Lemuria/Avalon and other 'magical' lives that are stopping you from embracing your purpose,

Embracing your Multi-Dimensional Aspects e.g. Sirians, Pleiadians, Orions etc, Light Language

Transmissions and much more.

Please refer to the website to read

about how Rebecca can continue to help you on your journey of


Page 19: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening Rebecca Brown€¦ ·  · 2016-10-05Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening By Rebecca Brown Soul Specialist, ... About SoultoSoul & Rebecca Brown

Soul Series Part 1: Your Soul’s Journey: An Awakening

© SoultoSoul Academy of Light

Page 18

Recommended Workshops

Soul Series Part 2: Uncovering your Past, Purpose & Potential

This workshop helps you to deeply understand your own story. It is a weekend workshop, highly

experiential as you are lead on a series of soul searching journeys to uncover the meaning of your past, why

you came here and your potential future. Using many activities, numerology and meditation, you will

understand yourself deeper than ever before.

Developing Your Intuition & Clairvoyance- 7 week or 1 Day course

These popular courses, based on the teachings and books from BelindaGrace, help you to connect with

your angels and guides, learn simple chakra balancing techniques and most importantly give you plenty of

practice in how your intuition works.

Essence of Angels®

Learn about the Archangels of Creation, 12 Charka system, 8 dimensions of the Milky Way galaxy and

much more. This course is for personal development or to graduate as an Essence of Angels Practitioner.

This event will accelerate your spiritual development and awaken your intuitive and psychic abilities. This

workshop awakens your conscious connection with your higher self, heal past life traumas and connect

with potential future gifts.

Crystal Light Healing® – Level I,II and III

CLH is based on the crystal wisdoms of the ancient mystery schools of Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt and the

Mayan Civilisation. The wise ones of those times mastered the ancient craft of using crystals for healing

and alchemically blended the elements for vibrational transformation and transmutation. These ancient

wisdoms have now been brought into a contemporary setting.

CLH is a journey of embracing the story of creation through ancient crystalline wisdom. These workshops,

either for self-interest or practitioner qualifications, teach you all about crystals & their energetics, using

crystals for healing, the Grand Cycle, sacred geometry, understanding colour & sound, learning about our 12

charka system, DNA activation & attunement and much more.

Doing these workshops is a sacred and remarkable experience!

These workshops will be facilitated by Rebecca Brown in 2012 and 2013.

See the website for current dates: