young marmalade brochure

y m marmalade young The Young Driver Specialists Telephone 0845 644 2026

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Young driver insurance



The Young Driver Specialists

Telephone 0845 644 2026

“I may have to rewrite my

recommendations inthe light of an

innovative insurancescheme being o�ered byYoung Marmalade . Crazy

name, but an incrediblylevel-headed approach to

the problem of gettingsensible youngsters on the

road in a brand-new vehicleat an a�ordable price”

James Ruppert (Motoring

Correspondent– The


RichardHammond,writing in hispopular DailyMirror motoringcolumn,recommended thescheme as a greatway for youngstersto drive safelywithout parentsgoing bankruptin the process.

A foreword to

It makes no sense for parents to cut corners when they help their son ordaughter buy a �rst car. Theywould do well to look for asafe and reliable car,appropriate insurance cover and rewards for driver training.

Dr Stephen Ladyman, former Minister of State, Departmentfor Transport

MarmaladeMarmalade was set up in 2003 to provide motoring bene�ts to the vast number of companyemployees without the luxury of a company car. Since its formation, discounted motoring bene�tsand vehicles are now available to in excess of 1 million employees throughout the UK.

About us

Most new driverslearn in a newdriving school car,pass their test in anew car and justwhen they aregaining experience,have to contendwith an older carthat does nothandle the same asa modern one.

In a surveyconducted byYoung Marmalade ,45% of youngdrivers were drivingas named driverson parents’ policiesto keep costsdown. In manycases, suchinsurance istechnically invalid.

InsuranceWhilst talking to clients, it becameapparent that there was a huge problem inobtaining competitive insurance for youngdrivers.

Insurance premiums for young drivers arehigh because a lack of experience andinsu�cient driving skills has led to a highincidence of accidents. This is aggravatedby the fact that young people tend to driveolder, cheaper, cars without modernphysical and mechanical safety features.This leads to an increased risk ofsubstantial personal injury claims, whichforces premiums up even further.

Marmalade set up a unique package for theyoung driver by linking a low cost, �xedprice, insurance policy to a range of newcars… and Young Marmalade was created.

SafetyIt is essential to keep young people safe,whilst encouraging and showing them howto drive in a sensible manner, which is whythe Pass Plus course is a key part of theYoung Marmalade scheme. The Pass Pluscourse is designed by the DrivingStandards Agency to provide professionaltuition for the more challenging aspects ofdriving.

Staying with safety, all cars have a minimumEuroNCAP safety rating of 4 stars or 5 stars.

VehiclesThe range of vehicles available on thescheme has increased considerably sinceinception and will continue to do so. One ofthe major changes over the last fewmonths has been the introduction of nearlynew cars and this has proved to be anextremely popular choice.

All new vehicles included in the schemeare supplied directly from a selection ofmain dealers throughout the country anddelivered to your door.

According to a Department for Transport survey, occupants of cars that are less than 3 years old are

signi�cantly less likely to be killed or seriously injured when involved in an accident.

Nearly new cars go through a safety check to ensure that they meet the standards our customers expect. Each car comes with the balance of manufacturer’s warranty or our 6 month warranty which can be extended to 12 months

The Scheme

Paying for the CarThere are no restrictions as to how cars are paid for,although the most popular method is Hire Purchase

Cash Purchase – Payment may be either by banktransfer or debit card.

Hire Purchase – Based upon an initial paymentfollowed by equal payments over the duration of theagreement.

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) – This is a variation of a hire purchase agreement with anoptional �nal payment based upon anticipated mileage. This results in considerably reducedmonthly payments.

PLEASE NOTE: Finance is subject to status. Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years old to enter intoa �nance agreement.

Key Timescalesskeew 4 - 2kcots ni rac weN

New car with factory �t options 8 - 12 weeksskeew 4 - 2srac wen ylraeN

Young Marmalade is a combined car purchase and comprehensive insurance scheme,speci�cally linked to a selection of new or nearly new cars.

Finding enough money for driving lessons, the car and theinsurance is often di�cult for many young drivers. YoungMarmalade can now help by combining all of theseelements in one simple package: -• A minimum of 25 driving lessons• Pass Plus course fees• Comprehensive insurance• This scheme relates to new cars only

This package isextremely �exible andcan be tailored to suitthe needs and pocket ofthe driver or parent; anincreased deposit maybe required. (Minimumage 18, subject tostatus).

All cars suppliedunder the YoungMarmalade schemehave full or balanceof manufacturers'warranties.

Starter Scheme

Decide upon the car and the extras you want, �ll in the orderand �nance application (if required) and send it to us.Alternatively you may complete these online.

There is a very �exible quotation facility on our website,, which allows you to choose andprice the vehicle, decide upon the period of agreement, theannual mileage required and the level of deposit you wish to pay.

Upon acceptance we will advise you of the likely time scale,request a holding deposit and will place the order with theappropriate dealer

Shortly before the vehicle is due for delivery, the �nancedocuments, if applicable, will be sent to you for signature andreturn. Cash buyers will be invoiced at this time.

A few days before the vehicle is due for delivery, you will becontacted by the insurance company to con�rm the driverdetails and payment of the insurance premium will be due.

The vehicle will either be delivered to you or, if preferred, maybe collected from Peterborough

What happens next?


Young Marmalade has arranged unique comprehensiveinsurance policies speci�cally linked to a limited range of lowinsurance group new cars. Take away the traditional high costof insurance and a safer, more reliable, car is within reach.

Due to the nature of the scheme, Young Marmalade provides that vital �rst step on the insurance ladder and paves the wayfor reasonable insurance costs for the future.

At the end of the initial period of the Young Marmalade insurance cover, discounts are available for drivers whoremain claim free. For full details, premium costs and thekey facts, please refer to the Young Marmalade website

Additional bene�ts• No additional charge for

provisional licenceholders

• Parents can be added asnamed drivers (subjectto driving record)

• Siblings can also beadded but we may needto adjust the premium

The small print:• Pass Plus is an integral

part of this scheme fornewly quali�ed driversand drivers under 25years of age with lessthan 12 months provabledriving experience.

• No convictions orpending convictions

• No previous faultaccidents

• No facility to drive othercars on this policy

• Excluded occupations –actors, musicians,professionalsportspersons

• £500 accidental damageand �re and theft excessin addition to thestandard young driversexcess

• This scheme is for UKResidents excludingNorthern Ireland

A set of ground rules for young drivers thatparents may wish to consider, especially ifthey are funding or buying the car.

Why?Did you know that a study by the TransportResearch Laboratory shows that a novicedriver is 39% more likely to have an accident

with 1 passenger; 85% more likely with 2passengers and 182% more likely with 3 ormore passengers.

Young Marmalade provides an example of aSafer Driving Agreement later in thisbooklet, and a copy is available for downloadfrom the web.

Town driving Driving in town can be daunting:

rush hour tra�c, complicated junctionsand tra�c systems... learn the skills todeal with all these and more

All-weather driving Rain, fog, bright sunshine, snow and ice:

�nd out how to drive safely in all the di�erentweather conditions you’ll face on the road

Driving out of townCountry roads can harbour all kinds

of hazards, from sharp bends and potholesto farm vehicles and animals in the road

Night driving Dealing with dazzle, judging distance

and speed, using your lights correctly –these are just some of the areas covered

Driving on dual carriagewaysTo drive safely on fast, multi-lane

roads you'll need all your skills ofobservation, concentration, anticipationand lane discipline

Driving on MotorwaysMotorways are like no other roads:

learn how to drive on them safely andcorrectly under expert supervision

Pass PlusPass Plus is additional tuition given by quali�ed driving instructors after the drivingtest. The modules are designed to provide the new driver with tutored experience

in more challenging driving conditions.

The policy highlights

Safer Driving Agreement

The insurance policy is provided by i-kube from Motaquote andis subject to an additional premium of £100 per night if the car isdriven between 11 pm and 5 am.

Intelligent Insurance from MarmaladeYoung Marmalade started supplying newer cars to young drivers and this had an impact on collisions involving drivers on the scheme. However, it soon became apparant that many collisions happened late at night, so we linked the scheme with insurance that discouraged driving at high risk times.

Now Young Marmalade has taken the next step and is using advanced technology that constantlyupdates the driver as to how the car is being driven. Rapid acceleration, deceleration, sharp cornering and exceeding the speed limits are early indicators of higher risks.

With e�ect from 1st January 2011, Intelligent Insurance will be o�ered to drivers under the Young Marmalade scheme

Citroen C2 (Nearly New)Insurance Group 3CO2 138Warranty 3 Years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 49Euro NCAP summary: Adult Occupant Rating

Cars available through the

Volkswagen Polo (New and Nearly New)Insurance Group 3CO2 128Warranty 3years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 51.4Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

Ford Fiesta (New and Nearly New)Insurance Group 5CO2 142Warranty 3 Years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 47Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

Fiat Grande Punto (Nearly New)Insurance Group 3CO2 123Warranty 3 Years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 54.3Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

List of cars correct – December 2010, but may be subject to change. Data is shown for basic models only

Colin’s CommentsLittle French cars are cool. This one's taken over from the

Saxo as Citroen's o�er to its teenage fan club.The �rst journalists who drove them reported bits

falling o�, although quality is improved now. Could be more funto drive.

Colin’s CommentsPossibly the best car in the market - well built and very

reliable. Insurance premiums tend to be lower for the Polo thanother cars in the same insurance group.

Not a whole lot other than the price but you are buyingone of the best small cars in the market.

Colin’s CommentsIt looks great - but you can see that for yourself. Fiat has

always been brilliant at making small cars (and not so good atbig cars). Drives really well, too.

Fiat had a poor record for reliability but that's inthe past. You can trust them now.

Colin’s CommentsAlmost our national car. Every mechanic knows how to �x a Fiesta

and there'll be a Ford dealer down your road. Used to be dull to drivebut not today. Easy car to own and run. The sensible option.

The sensible option. You're young, stylish, individual andyou want to stand out from the crowd.

“Colin’s Comments” from motoring journalist, Colin Goodwin, who writes a regular

Young Marmalade Scheme

Vauxhall Corsa (New and Nearly New)Insurance Group 1 (1.0 Expression) - 4 (1.2SXi)CO2 1.0L 134

1.2L SXi 143Warranty UnlimitedAverage MPG 50 (1.0L) 46 (1.2L SXi)Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

SEAT Ibiza (New)Insurance Group 3 CO2 125Warranty 3 Years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 52.3Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

Renault Clio (New and Nearly New)Insurance Group 6 (1.2 Litre)CO2 139Warranty 3 Years/60,000 milesAverage MPG 48Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

Peugeot 107 (New and Nearly New)Insurance Group 3CO2 107Warranty 3 Years/unlimited milesAverage MPG 61.4Euro NCAP summary; Adult Occupant Rating

Colin’s CommentsFantastic interior, not bad from the outside either.

Extremely grown up car that will cross continents with you. Astriking example of how the small car has grown up.

An issue with lack of badge coolness.

Colin’s CommentsVery spacious and sophisticated. Looks so posh that you

wouldn't believe it's one of Renault's cheaper cars.Not quite as much fun to drive as the old one as it feels

Colin’s CommentsVery low road fund licence and a nice compact car, ideal

for city use - dead easy to park

A bit noisy at higher speeds but what do you expect for a city car?

Colin’s CommentsBased on the VW Polo platform. Roomy and reasonably well

column for Autocar magazine and numerous other car magazines and newspapers

a bit big


The 1.2 engine runs out of pu� and may be a little underpowered when carrying more than one person

1 The Deadly Insurance TrapSaving money by insuring a car in a parent's name is the easysolution but could prove disastrous in the long run

2 Not on Your LifeWould you be completely happy driving the car that you intendto give to your son or daughter to drive?

3 Dead or AliveHow safe is the car that you intend to buy? Safety has changeddramatically in recent years

4 Driver BewareIt is often not the fault of the Young Driver

5 The Real Costs of DrivingInsurance, apart from the cost of the car, is the mostexpensive part of motoring

6 Drive Your Pound FurtherFuel consumption and rising fuel costs are important factors,especially for young drivers on limited budgets.

7 Why Buy an Old Car?Surprisingly, when all the costs are accounted for, the cost ofrunning a new or nearly new car is less than running an older one.

Given the astronomical cost of insurance, young drivers often go toextraordinary lengths to reduce the premiums by using their parents'insurance.

This can be a huge mistake with expensive and unintendedconsequences.

Her e’s why…

Occas ional use of the carIt is �ne to allow a young driver to have occasional use of a parent'scar, but you may well have to prove this fact in the event of anaccident.

R egular use of the carIf a young driver has consistent use of a car the situation becomesmore di�cult and should be considered very carefully as you could beaccused of insurance fronting.

Insur ance fr ontingInsurance fronting is where parents use their no-claims bonus toinsure a car for their son or daughter to drive regularly in an attemptto reduce the cost of insurance.

Insurance companies are getting tough and stamping down. If the car issolely, or even predominantly, used by the young driver the policy mustbe in that driver’s name.

If it is not, and the insurer �nds out, they are very likely to cancel thepolicy or worse still, in the event of an accident, refuse to pay out.

Another form of insurance fronting is insuring a car in the parentsname, that is NOT owned by the parent.

In the event of a claim the parent would have extreme di�culty inproving that they had an insurable interest in the vehicle. Theinsurance company would be within their rights to refuse to pay outon any claims

You are under an obligation to inform the insurance company of theidentity of the main driver when you insure a car.

An insurance policy is a contract based on trust and you are obliged totell the insurer of anything that could in�uence their decision in issuinga policy. Not declaring the name of the main driver is a fundamentalbreach.

In the event of an accident and the insurer refusing to pay out• The driver will be deemed to be uninsured.• The driver will be �ned and will receive 6 points. (An automatic ban

for new drivers, until they retake their driving test)• Someone will have to pay for all the claims• Insurance cover will be di�cult to obtain in the future.

1 The Deadly Insurance TrapSaving money by insuring a car in the parent’s name is the easy solution but could prove disastrous in

the long run.

Seven things that you need to knowwhen buying a car

It is surprising how many people purchase cars for their teenagersthat they would not drive themselves.

We have often heard parents say “I have given him abanger so it doesn't matter if he crashes it.”

In e�ect, an invitation to crash!

It is not the cost of throwing away the banger that mattersbut more importantly the cost of repairing the occupants,whether it be �nancial, emotional or physical.

Just consider, the young driver has learned to drive in anew driving school car and passed the driving test in thesame car. Many say that passing the test is just the start ofwhen most people really learn how to drive andexperience cannot be taught.

Why complicate matters for the young driver by providingthem with a car that is more di�cult to drive?

Parents should ask themselves the question “Would yoube happy driving that car yourself?”

Often the answer is “not on your life” - yet they are happy to see theirteenagers driving that very same car!

Driver and passenger safety has improved signi�cantly over the last 2years. It is important to consider whether the car you are planning tobuy is safe.

Euro NCAP* safety ratings. There has been a marked increase in the safety of the driver andpassengers in cars.

Much of this work has been pioneered by the pan European EuroNCAP safety ratings, which were established in 1996.

In 1996, the previous versions of the cars popular with young drivers(in safety terms these are today's “Old Bangers”) had an averagesafety rating of 2.2 Euro NCAP stars - in short not very much.

During the following 5 years, safety was one of the factors introducedby the manufacturers and this average was lifted to 3.3 Euro NCAPstars – a gradual improvement but still with some shortcomings.

Today, the cars in that group are now at the highest safety ratingaveraging *4.4 Euro NCAP stars, helped by the Fiat Grande Punto,Renault Clio, and new Vauxhall Corsa each with the top 5 star rating.

Controls and BrakesIt is not just about the crash protection and the number of airbags,controls have improved as well. Improvements in power steering,anti lock brakes, and adaptive braking control all help youngdrivers avoid accidents in the �rst place.

Statistically, young drivers have more incidents than older agegroups and this is simply down to inexperience.

Driving a modern safe car, (such as the one many learn to drive in)could make a huge di�erence to injuries and worse in the event ofan accident.

*the European New Car Assessment Programme, is a safetyassessment programme for automobiles supported by severalEuropean governments, many major manufacturers and motoringorganisations across the world.

**Data provided by Euro NCAP, Brussels October 2006

2 Not on Your Life Would you be completely happy driving the car that you intend to give to your son or daughter

3 Dead or AliveHow safe is the car that you intend to buy. Safety has changed dramatically in recent years

Driver TrainingIn many cases, when more than one car isinvolved in an accident, it is not the fault of theyoung driver.

Many young drivers do not have the experience toanticipate when problems may occur.

It is no good saying “but it was my right of way!!”from a hospital bed.

PASS PLUSNew drivers can now take additional tuition aftertheir test in the form of the Driving StandardsAgency Pass Plus course.

This is a training scheme for new drivers. It'smuch more than just a few extra lessons. Thisspecially designed course by the DrivingStandards Agency (DSA), with the help of insurersand the driving instruction industry, helps you…

Insurance, as we are all aware, is one of the most expensiveitems when starting to drive. However, it is mandatory and anexpense that we all have to bear.

The example premiums are based upon average comprehensivepremiums generally available in the market place.

There are only a limited number of insurance companies thatwill cover new drivers in their �rst year, which pushespremiums up. However, premiums fall in subsequent years asthe number of companies willing to quote increases andcompetition brings prices down.

• Gain valuable driving experience safelyyou will be taught how to deal with a widerange of road and tra�c situations, manyof which you probably won't have facedbefore

• Build on your existing skills andknowledge it can take years to become a skilleddriver. PASS PLUS helps get you there byspeeding up the learning process underexpert tuition

• Reduce your risk of being in a road crashthe course will help boost yourawareness of all kinds of hazards andhelp you learn how to anticipate, plan forand deal with them safely

• Save money on car insurance premiumsmany insurance companies recognise thebene�ts of taking the Pass Plus courseand reduce their premiums accordingly.

• Boost your con�denceif you feel nervous driving on your own,the PASS PLUS training can help youbecome more con�dent on the roads

• Give peace of mind to your loved ones PASS PLUS consists of six practicalmodules, which cover driving in town, inall weathers, on rural roads, at night, ondual carriageways and on motorways. Youcan take it at any time within the �rst 12month of passing your test.

4 Driver BewareIt is often not the fault of the Young Driver

5 The Real Costs of DrivingInsurance is, apart from the car, is the most expensive part of motoring

Why does Young Marmalade work?For a full year we were able to directly compare Young Marmalade drivers against a control group of young drivers insuring any age of car with no requirement for additional training.

A massive 21.97% of the control group crashed during their �rst year, which is in line with national statistics (1 driver in 5), compared to 6.93% of Young Marmalade drivers.

This research brought us the congratulation of the House of Commons in an Early Day Motion - a very rare public commendation for a private company.

Our research also showed that over 90% of claims on the Young Marmalade scheme occurred late at night or early in the morning. We then switched the insurance to discourage driving between 11pm and 5am and this has led to a further reduction in the number of crashes involving young drivers on the scheme.

Older cars use more fuel than new cars as the engines aresimply less e�cient.

This is not down to modern technology but the combinationof systems and the transmission components. Wear and tearwill also have an impact upon consumption which is notincluded in the �gures.

The smaller the car the lower the CO2 emissions and thesmaller the tax bill.

Cleaner greener cars for tomorrow’s generation


6 Drive Your Pound FurtherFuel consumption and rising fuel costs are important factors,

especially for young drivers on limited budgets.

7 Why Buy an Old Car?Insurance for old cars can be higher than for newer cars,

and the cost of running a new or nearly new car is often less than running an older one.

Strange but true insurance companies often charge a higher premium for an older version of the same car. Indeed, the value of the car has little to do with the level of premium.

The average age of a �rst car is some 13 years old, which is not much younger than the driver. 13 years is before the introduction of EuroNCAP, the Europewide standard for rating the integrity of the car and how this a�ects the passengers in the event of a collision. Many insurance companies take the safety rating into account when assessing the premium as the risks to passengers are higher.

13 is an old age for a car - the government even paid people to get 10 year old cars o� the road in their scrappage scheme, so young drivers have to spendhard earned money to keep scrap cars on the road.

A Fire and Rescue Worker’s words

“When we attend a Road Tra�c Collision (RTC), the �rst thingwe look at is the car sill (the structure below the doors). Ifthis is straight, the outcome is generally OK.

If the sill is bent or worse, folded in the shape of a “Z”, weknow we will have problems.

The newer the car the lower the chance of seeing a “Z” inthe sill at an RTC”

1. This order and any allowance in respect of a motor vehicle o�ered by thepurchaser are subject to acceptance and con�rmation in writing by theseller

2. Any accessories �tted as new to the vehicle will be entitled to the bene�t ofany warranty given by the manufacturers of those accessories

3. The seller will endeavour to secure delivery of the goods by the estimateddelivery date (if any), but does not guarantee the time of delivery and shallnot be liable for any damages or claims of any kind with respect to delay indelivery. (The seller shall not be obliged to ful�l orders in the sequence inwhich they are placed)

4. If the seller shall fail to deliver the goods within 21 days of the estimateddate of delivery stated in this contract, the purchaser may by notice inwriting to the seller require delivery of the goods within 14 days of receiptof such notice. If the goods are not be delivered to the purchasers within 14days the contract may be cancelled

5. If the contract is cancelled under the provisions of clause 4 hereof, thedeposit shall be returned to the purchaser and the seller shall be under nofurther liability

6. If the purchaser shall fail to take and pay for the goods within 14 days ofnoti�cation that the goods have been completed for delivery, the sellershall be at liberty to treat the contract as repudiated by the purchaser andthereupon the deposit shall be forfeited without prejudice to the sellersright to recover from the purchaser by the way of damages any loss orexpense which the seller may su�er or incur by reason of the purchasersfault

7. The goods shall remain the property of the seller until the price has beendischarged in full. A cheque given by the purchaser in payment shall not beaccepted as a discharge until the same has been cleared

8. Where the seller agrees to allow part of the price of the goods to bedischarged by the purchaser delivering a used motor vehicle to the seller,such allowance is hereby agreed to be given and received and such usedvehicle is hereby agreed to be delivered and excepted, as part of the saleand purchase of the goods, and upon the following further conditions:

a. That such used vehicle is the absolute property of the purchaser and isfree from all encumbrances

b. If such used vehicle is the subject of a hire purchase agreement orother encumbrance capable of cash settlement by the seller, theallowance shall be reduced by the amount required to be paid by theseller in settlement thereof

c. That if the seller has examined the said used vehicle prior to hiscon�rmation and acceptance of this order or the purchaser hassupplied a description of the used vehicle, the said used vehicle shallbe delivered to him in the same condition as at the date of suchexamination or description (fair wear and tear excepted)

d. That such used vehicle shall be delivered to the seller on or beforedelivery of the goods to be supplied by him, and the property in thesaid used vehicle shall thereupon pass to the seller absolutely

In the event of the non-ful�lment of any of these conditions, the seller shall bedischarged from any obligation to accept the said used vehicle or to make anyallowance in respect thereof, and the purchaser shall discharge in cash the fullprice of the goods to be supplied by the seller.

9. Notwithstanding the provisions of this agreement, the purchaser shall beat liberty before the expiry of 7 days after noti�cation to him that the goodshave been completed for delivery, to arrange for a �nance company topurchase the goods from the seller at the price payable below. Upon thepurchase of the goods by said �nance company, the preceding clauses ofthis agreement shall cease to have e�ect, but any used vehicle from whichan allowance was thereunder agreed to be made to the purchaser shall bebought by the seller at a price equal to such allowance, upon the conditionsset forth in clause 7 above (save that (c), (d) and (e), where all references to"delivery" or "delivered" in relation to "the goods" shall be construed asmeaning delivery or delivered by the seller to the order of the �nance

company, and the seller shall be accountable to the �nance company onbehalf of the purchaser for the said price and any deposit paid by him underthis agreement)

10. If the goods to be supplied by the seller are new, the following provisionshall have e�ect:

a. This agreement and delivery of the goods shall be subject to any termsand conditions which the manufacturer or concessionaire may fromtime to time lawfully attach to the supply of goods or the re-sale ofsuch goods by the seller, and the seller shall not be liable for anyfailure to deliver the goods occasioned by his inability to obtain themfrom the manufacturer or concessionaire, or by his compliance withsuch terms or conditions

b. A copy of the terms and conditions currently attached by themanufacturer or concessionaire may be inspected in the sellers o�ce

11. The seller undertakes that he will ensure that the pre-delivery workspeci�ed by the manufacturer or concessionaire is performed, and that hewill endeavour his best to obtain for the purchaser from the manufactureror concessionaire the bene�t of any warranty or guarantee given by him tothe seller or to the purchaser in respect of the goods, and save in the caseof consumer sales (as de�ned by the sale of goods implied Terms Act 1979)all statements, conditions or warranties as to the quality of the goods ortheir �tness for any particular purpose whether expressed or implied bylaw or otherwise are hereby expressly excluded

12. If after the date of this order and before delivery of the goods to thepurchaser, the manufacturers or concessionaires recommended price forany of the goods shall be altered, the seller shall give notice of any suchalteration to the purchaser, and:

a. In the event of the manufacturers or concessionaires recommendedprice for the goods being increased, the amount of such increasewhich the seller intends to pass to the purchaser shall be noti�ed tothe purchaser. The purchaser shall have the right to cancel thecontract within 14 days of the receipt of such notice. If the purchaserdoes not give such notice as mentioned, the increase in price shall beadded to and become part of the contract price

b. In the event of the recommended price being reduced, the amount ofsuch reduction if any, which the seller intends to allow to thepurchaser, shall be noti�ed to the purchaser. If the amount allowed isnot the same as the reduction of the recommended price, thepurchaser shall have the right to cancel the contract within 14 days ofthe receipt of such notice

13. In the event of the manufacturer of the goods described in the orderceasing to make goods of that type, the seller may (whether the estimateddelivery date has arrived or not by notice in writing to the purchaser)cancel the contract

14. If a used vehicle is supplied as roadworthy at the date of delivery and, in thecase of consumer sales was de�ned by the supplier of goods (impliedTerms) act 1979.

a. Is sold subject to any conditions or warranties that are implied by thesale of goods act 1979 or any amending statue

b. Prior to signing this order form the purchaser shall examine thevehicle and the items set out in the purchasers certi�cate ofexamination, and the purchaser is reminded that the condition ofmerchantable quality implied by section 14(2) of the Sale of Goods Act1979 does not operate in relation to such defects which thatexamination ought to reveal. Should the goods be sold also subject todefect noti�ed by the dealer to the purchaser before signing theagreement, the condition of merchantable quality referred to abovedoes not operate in relation to those defects

15. Save in the case of the consumer sales (as de�ned), all statements,conditions or warranties as to the quality of the goods or their �tness forany purpose whether expressed or implied by law or otherwise are herebyexpressly excluded

Terms & Conditionsrelating to Vehicle Purchase

Make Price


eciohC dnoceSeciohC tsriFruoloC



First name


Date of birth dd/mm/yyyy

Do you have any No Claims Bonus?

Current address

Post code

Date passed driving test

A/Netad sulP ssaP


I hereby place an order upon you for the above car, subject to the stated terms and conditions of supply

Signed Date / / 2007


First name


Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy

No of Dependents


Home Telephone

Work Telephone


Current address

Post code

Time at current address

Residential status

Previous address

Post code

Time at previous address



If you have lived atyour current addressfor less than 3 years,please provide yourprevious address.


Employment Status



Time with Employer

Gross Salary

Employers address

Post codeyears

(If employed less than 3 years or retired please enter previous employment below)

Name of Bank


Sort Code A/c No

Name of Account Holder (s)

Length of time at the bank| | years

I certify that the above information is true, complete and correct. DataProtection Act Disclosure: I am aware that a credit reference agency searchwill be made on me by your funding partners and that the record of thecredit reference check will be kept and that this may be monitored and

information retained relating to my performance in repaying the �nance forwhich I am applying. I hereby consent to this information being recorded. I give further consent that proof of identi�cation may be veri�ed with theissuing authority.

etaDemaN dengiS

This agreement is made between __________________________________________[young driver]

and ______________________________________________________________________[parent]

We will review this agreement on ________________________________________________ [Date]

Signed ________________________________________________________________[by parent]

Signed ______________________________________________________________[young driver]

Date of Agreement __________________________________________________________ [Date]

Safer Driving Agreement


Young driverI promise to• Con�rm my destination in advance• Drive only during the following times of day

________am to________pm• Only give a lift to 1/2/3 passengers unless you

are in the car• Never drink alcohol or take drugs and drive• Never accept a lift from a driver who has

drunk alcohol or taken drugs. • I will always �nd alternative transport or will

call you and ask you to collect me or pay for ataxi, no questions asked at the time

• Always wear my seatbelt and ensure that mypassengers do the same

• Obey all tra�c laws, including speed limitsand parking restrictions

• Never use a mobile phone while driving, onlywhen parked

• Avoid distractions when driving - like �ddlingwith the stereo, reaching for fallen objectssmoking, eating or drinking

• Telephone you if I am going to be later thanexpected

ParentI promise to• Always wear my seatbelt and ensure my

passengers do the same• Never drink alcohol or take drugs and

drive• Obey tra�c laws including speed limits and

parking restrictions• Never use a mobile phone while driving, only

when parked• Accept a call from you at any hour and either

collect you or agree to fund a taxi to enableyou to get home, no questions asked at thetime

• Remain calm and constructive when travellingin a car with you and accept that mistakes arean important part of learning

Other Marmalade Products

Provisional Marmalade

Designed by the team behind Young Marmalade to help learner drivers practise in a family or friend’s car.

This is a separate policy written in the name of the learner driver that allows him or her to drive a car that is already insured, without a�ecting the insurance status of the car owner.

Costing in the region of £3 per day, Provisional Marmalade is proving to be extremely popular for learners(and their parents)

Marmalade Bene�ts

Sign up to Young Marmalade and take advantage of bene�ts, such as cash backs, discounts fromtop name online stores, discounted vouchers for supermarkets and high street stores.

Motoring bene�ts such as servicing, or airport parking

Marmalade Tyres

Cheaper tyres for you and your family, �tted at your home, college or place of work.

Save money



Young Marmalade Limited6 Springwater Businerss ParkStation RoadWhittleseyPE7 2EU

Telephone 0845 644 2026Fax 0845 644 2016