you only live twice (1967)

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  • 7/30/2019 You Only Live Twice (1967)


    You Only Live Twice (1967)

    Lewis Gilbert

    Figure 1. Film Poster

  • 7/30/2019 You Only Live Twice (1967)


    You only Live Twice is the fifth instalment in the popular James

    Bond series, its directed by Lewis Gilbert and stars Sean Connery

    as James Bond. The film is very far-fetched and different from

    previous films in the series, this might be down to the fact that it

    was the first one to deviate from the plot of the book, its sets

    are elaborate and though it might to have been taken seriously ithad worldwide success, even with the parodies the James Bond

    franchise wasnt tarnished, as the series is still ongoing to this

    very day.

    The plot for each instalment for James Bond can be a lot to take in

    at ones, but the underlying plot behind the series is simply another

    adventure for the superspy 007, with every film a new Villain and

    a different motive; In this film Bond is sent to investigate the

    Japanese as the British believe they are behind the hijacking of an

    American spacecraft.

    Even with the over the top theatrical plots and environments LewisGilbert made this Bond reflective of its time its infused with

    both the technological optimism of the 1960s, and the general

    anxiety that came out of the Cuban missile crisis(Mark, 2011), this

    is portrayed well with the Gadget filled Villain Lair inside a

    Volcano, its very ridiculous and seems inaccessible but at the same

    time realistic and vaguely possible, as viewers watching the film

    the perspective at the which the lair is introduced displays

    enormity and is almost intimidating, this particular set for the

    Villains lair seem to play on the viewers fear of events like the

    Cuban missile crisis, little things like the placement of the rocket

    goes very far for overall feel it.

    You Only Live Twice was the definition of an epic, excluding the

    fact that the film has aged and there are some minor issues in the

    plot and quality, the film is ascetically beautiful; the fact that

    the film is set in one country and is filmed in various locations

    around the world really shows, viewers are presented with action

    filled set pieces and rarely is there a dull moment, though its

    Figure 2. Blofeld's lair

  • 7/30/2019 You Only Live Twice (1967)


    evident that You Only Live Twice isnt perfect, the minor issues of

    plot and quality arent big enough to affect the film negatively.

    There are some intimates moments in the film where bond isnt being

    chased and for a moment, the only focus is the well-designed set, a

    scene that stood out was when Bond was blending in with Japanese

    culture and was sleeping with his lover Aki when an assassin

    attempted to murder Bond with poison, this scene was important

    because it showed that, the film wasnt constantly at a high pace

    and didnt need explosion of fights to create suspense within a

    scene, the room which he stayed in clearly displayed Japanese

    culture and even though the set might not have been in Japan the

    designers were able to create an interior set which set the mood and

    tension for what was about to happen and was fitting for the place

    the main character was meant to be in.

    Sean Connerys Bond in You Only Live Twice is very much like the

    character youll expect, but what makes him very different and stand

    out from the rest is the storyline, he goes through a lot of thing

    in a space of one movie, though at times the film shows that it can

    be slowed down and not lose any quality this is a fast paced film,

    there is a lot of information to take in within two hours; Roald

    Dahl's script requires such a suspension of belief(Barclay, 2001)

    and this is because the film took itself seriously and attempt to

    bring the fantasy of the superspy to life, in a way it made it the

    perfect film to be parodied. In comparison to the Modern take on

    James Bond this film has more of a cartoonish feel, in the sense

    that only cartoons really get away with outlandish plot lines and

    elaborate sets like this.

    There is a direct correlation between the environment the set pieces

    take place and the pacing of this film, the fact that various

    locations are used shows how much information the director tried put

    into the film, and to be able to show all these sets from various

    locations there had to be a very big elaborate bond film, and it was

    just that. There may not be much logic at play, but it's a wild,

    exotic movie that has spectacle and ambition(ONeil, 2012), and

    this is what made this instalment in this series a good one, it was

    just simply a spectacle and showed the ambition of the director,though his idea might not have been fully realised; weather by

    Figure 3. Assassination scene

  • 7/30/2019 You Only Live Twice (1967)


    accident or intention Lewis Gilbert created a very comical James

    Bond, although it was the film that stopped James Bond from being

    taken seriously, it helped popularise the franchise.



    Figure 1:

    Figure 2:


    Figure 3:










    Mark. (2011) its infused with both the technological optimism of

    the 1960s, and the general anxiety that came out of the Cuban

    missile crisis. In: undesirablenumber1.blogspot [online]

    only-live-twice.html?m=1(Accessed on 12/11/2012)

    Barclay, A. (2001) Roald Dahl's script requires such a suspension of

    belief. In: BBC [online]

    w.shtml(Accessed on 12/11/2012)

    ONeill, P. (2012) there may not be much logic at play, but it's a

    wild, exotic movie that has spectacle and ambition. In: guardian


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