you and what_you_have_are_enough

Who You Are and What You Have are Enough. Written by George Vlismas – An inspirational guide once told me simply – ‘you are enough’. A simple enough concept I thought, yet sadly, thinking about it in more detail, it was a concept many of us don’t live by, including on occasion, myself. So much effort and attention goes into wanting things we don’t have or thinking that what we do have is not enough. Does this ring any bells with you? How many of the things or parts of your life do you really want – how much of it have you actually chosen? Do you spend a lot of time and effort wishing that things were different in your life, that you had more of this and less of that? Many of us spend a lot of wasted time with thoughts of how in the future, things will be different when....we get that promotion, or lose weight, move to bigger home, earn more money, recover from an illness or start our own online business ...or whatever it is we think needs to change in order for us to be fulfilled and happy. Now it is of course true that our circumstances in life – whether “good” or “bad” – do impact on us, but it is even more true that we have a choice on how we react to these circumstances and ourselves. Having a great looking body, or the big house or great job or anything else we may say we want by themselves won’t make us happy if we don’t choose to be. Choosing to be happy with what we already have and who we are is the key to creating an authentic sense of fulfilment in life – learning how to want what we already have and who we are with gratitude. Does accepting that you and what you have are enough necessarily mean things will be perfect? No, things are never perfect, and nor does this mean that you cannot desire or want things to change for the better. It just simply means that you accept what you have right now with gratitude. It does not mean surrendering or giving up on trying to improve your life – we all strive to create a better life for ourselves. It’s just about learning to make with peace with life as it is – with you as you are. After all, all the experiences of joy, passion, and fulfilment we have come from within ourselves, not externally from life. By putting the emphasis on us, on who we are and what we already have and less attention on the fixation of what we want or don’t yet have, we can create a deep sense of joy and peace in all aspects of our lives, our work and relationships – more so than attaining specific results or material possessions. And after all, is this not what we all crave?

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: You and What_You_Have_are_Enough

Who You Are and What You Have are Enough. Written by George Vlismas – An inspirational guide once told me simply – ‘you are enough’. A simple enough concept I thought, yet sadly, thinking about it in more detail, it was a concept many of us don’t live by, including on occasion, myself. So much effort and attention goes into wanting things we don’t have or thinking that what we do have is not enough. Does this ring any bells with you? How many of the things or parts of your life do you really want – how much of it have you actually chosen? Do you spend a lot of time and effort wishing that things were different in your life, that you had more of this and less of that? Many of us spend a lot of wasted time with thoughts of how in the future, things will be different when....we get that promotion, or lose weight, move to bigger home, earn more money, recover from an illness or start our own online business...or whatever it is we think needs to change in order for us to be fulfilled and happy. Now it is of course true that our circumstances in life – whether “good” or “bad” – do impact on us, but it is even more true that we have a choice on how we react to these circumstances and ourselves. Having a great looking body, or the big house or great job or anything else we may say we want by themselves won’t make us happy if we don’t choose to be. Choosing to be happy with what we already have and who we are is the key to creating an authentic sense of fulfilment in life – learning how to want what we already have and who we are with gratitude. Does accepting that you and what you have are enough necessarily mean things will be perfect? No, things are never perfect, and nor does this mean that you cannot desire or want things to change for the better. It just simply means that you accept what you have right now with gratitude.

It does not mean surrendering or giving up on trying to improve your life – we all strive to create a better life for ourselves. It’s just about learning to make with peace with life as it is – with you as you are. After all, all the experiences of joy, passion, and fulfilment we have come from within ourselves, not externally from life.

By putting the emphasis on us, on who we are and what we already have and less attention on the fixation of what we want or don’t yet have, we can create a deep sense of joy and peace in all aspects of our lives, our work and relationships – more so than attaining specific results or material possessions. And after all, is this not what we all crave?

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George Vlismas is an online business mentor and entrepreneur who specializes in helping you, and other serious-minded entrepreneurs, use internet marketing to start, build, promote and expand your home based online businesses and create multiple, passive income streams.