yorkhill portfolio

Graphic Design Photography Illustration Film Editing

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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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A selection of our past and present work


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Graphic Design Photography Illustration Film Editing

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Yorkhill is the brainchild of a couple of enthusiastic designers specialising in graphic design, motion graphics, photography

and video editing collaborating under one name. We have designers working in Cape Town and London with clients

based North and South of the Equator, stretching across the Atlantic to the Big Apple and other parts of the US.

What can we do for your business?

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DesignCreative instinct 2A collection of fun design pieces created to inspire

Corporate Tender Documents 12Creative tender bid document specialised for each client.

Marketing material 20Recent marketing campaigns

Events 26Designs and photography for events campaigns

Web Design 32A collaboration of graphic and web design

Branding 36Logo design, corporate stationary, brochures etc.

Photography 48 Corporate family events, Jewelry, Weddings, Sports events

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We love expressing humour in our work and doing creative design is the perfect opportunity to show your capabilities. No client to please means the sky is your limit. Over the years we have developed a distinct style that can be adapted to suit any

fun, contemporary client.

Here are a couple of our private pieces. The smallest idea or concept can be blown completely out of proportion and that is exactly what we were trying to achieve here.

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Ford Fiesta concept The new and exciting Ford fiesta with its fun,

environmental friendly potential

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Summer LoveThis piece was done with frustration during the long UK winter. A splash of colour seemed to do the trick


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JanuarOppstart- og evalueringsmøte.Selgerne krediterer usolgte julevarer, og priser ned disse i butikk.

Februar / marsProduktsjefene planlegger nyejuleprodukter og leverer utkasttil nytt sortiment.

Mars / aprilForeløpige salgsprognoser blir utarbeidet. Disse er basert på fjorårets salg ogkrediteringer, samt lang bransjeerfaring.

April / maiDet nye julesortimentet blir for første gang presentert for kjedene.

DesemberSalg av juleprodukter!

Mai / juniEndelige listinger hos kjedene. Innkjøp og

prognoser blir justert og korrigert og det blir utarbeidet målsettinger for selgerne.

MaiFrist for utarbeidelse av prognoser.

Dette danner grunnlag for innkjøp av råvarer og emballasje.

Juni / septemberProduksjonen av jule-

produkter pågår for fullt.

September / oktoberInnsalg og produksjonOktober / november

Stabling, utplassering og profilering i butikkene.

Good morning Expressing that in-love/waking up with a smile on your face feeling

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JanuarOppstart- og evalueringsmøte.Selgerne krediterer usolgte julevarer, og priser ned disse i butikk.

Februar / marsProduktsjefene planlegger nyejuleprodukter og leverer utkasttil nytt sortiment.

Mars / aprilForeløpige salgsprognoser blir utarbeidet. Disse er basert på fjorårets salg ogkrediteringer, samt lang bransjeerfaring.

April / maiDet nye julesortimentet blir for første gang presentert for kjedene.

DesemberSalg av juleprodukter!

Mai / juniEndelige listinger hos kjedene. Innkjøp og

prognoser blir justert og korrigert og det blir utarbeidet målsettinger for selgerne.

MaiFrist for utarbeidelse av prognoser.

Dette danner grunnlag for innkjøp av råvarer og emballasje.

Juni / septemberProduksjonen av jule-

produkter pågår for fullt.

September / oktoberInnsalg og produksjonOktober / november

Stabling, utplassering og profilering i butikkene.


Brynild Magazine AdvertBrynild, Norwegian Candy manufacturer magazine advert

JanuarOppstart- og evalueringsmøte.Selgerne krediterer usolgte julevarer, og priser ned disse i butikk.

Februar / marsProduktsjefene planlegger nyejuleprodukter og leverer utkasttil nytt sortiment.

Mars / aprilForeløpige salgsprognoser blir utarbeidet. Disse er basert på fjorårets salg ogkrediteringer, samt lang bransjeerfaring.

April / maiDet nye julesortimentet blir for første gang presentert for kjedene.

DesemberSalg av juleprodukter!

Mai / juniEndelige listinger hos kjedene. Innkjøp og

prognoser blir justert og korrigert og det blir utarbeidet målsettinger for selgerne.

MaiFrist for utarbeidelse av prognoser.

Dette danner grunnlag for innkjøp av råvarer og emballasje.

Juni / septemberProduksjonen av jule-

produkter pågår for fullt.

September / oktoberInnsalg og produksjonOktober / november

Stabling, utplassering og profilering i butikkene.

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Yorkhill Design Agency Advert for Yorkhill design agency

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Fantasy LandMy interpretation of the dream world


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Sony Vaio conceptConcept design for Sony‘s multimedia range Vaio

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Magnum conceptConcept design for magnum double caramel


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Corporate tender

documentsThere is a huge market for creating corporate tenders to suit the needs of every

potential client. With MITIE their tender teams have won a much higher percentage of tender bid’s due to the professionalism, and demonstrating a complete

understanding of each individual client’s brand. This has made MITIE stand out above all other competitors and always shows that willingness to go that extra mile.

It’s amazing what a bit of initiative can mean to the success of a company.

Featured here are some of the recent tender campaigns for clients including, Hiscox, Barclays, Sainsbury’s, Astrazeneca, Cable & Wireless and LDSI. This has been the most

blooming part of our business and the success stories speak for themselves.

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01. HiscoxThis was a bid document on behalf of MITIE to Hiscox. It was for the provision of Security, Catering and front of house services. Look and Feel: The client wanted an approach of things being taken care of, sense the peace of mind concept.

MITIE Facilities services proposal to Hiscox


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02. BarclaysA bid document on behalf of MITIE Client Services to Barclays. It was for the provision of front of house services. Look and Feel: Once again the client wanted an approach of things being taken care of. To take a burden of their shoulders and total peace of mind.

MITIE Facilities services proposal to Barclays.

02. BarclaysA bid document on behalf of MITIE Client Services to Barclays. It was for the provision of front of house services. Look and Feel: Once again the client wanted an approach of things being taken care of. To take a burden of their shoulders and total peace of mind.

MITIE Facilities services proposal to Barclays.

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MITIE Cleaning proposal to Sainsbury’s

03. Sainsbury’sA bid document on behalf of MITIE Cleaning services to Sainsbury’s. It was for the provision of cleaning services. Look and Feel: The client wanted a contemporary approach, by using the familiar Sainsbury’s colour palette to represent a sense of ‘fresh and clean’.


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04. AstrazenecaA bid document on behalf of MITIE FM to Astrazeneca. It was for the provision of Mailing, Security and Cleaning services. Look and Feel: As Astrazeneca is a pharmaceutical company, the client wanted to represent a healthy lifestyle. Fun, dynamic and wonderful (as above). With the tender document (as below), I represented DNA strings by using the elements of each of the services involved in the bid.

04. AstrazenecaA bid document on behalf of MITIE FM to Astrazeneca. It was for the provision of Mailing, Security and Cleaning services. Look and Feel: As Astrazeneca is a pharmaceutical company, the client wanted to represent a healthy lifestyle. Fun, dynamic and wonderful (as above). With the tender document (as below), We represented DNA strings by using the elements of each of the services involved in the bid.





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05. SecurityThis was a bid document on behalf of MITIE Security to Hiscox. It was for the provision of Security services. Look and Feel: We played around with security elements, bold colours and simplistic black and white photography.


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6. LDSILDSI is a Legal document services company

that deals with very high quantities of sensitive material. This is a brochure I did to advertise their

services. This was also largely a branding exercise as I was free to come up with a new colour

palette and choose a photography style. Look and Feel: Professional, trustworthy, ahead of the

competitors but also fresh and contemporary.


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6. LDSILDSI is a Legal document services company

that deals with very high quantities of sensitive material. This is a brochure we did to advertise their services. This was also largely a branding

exercise as we were free to come up with a new colour palette and choose a photography style.

Look and Feel: Professional, trustworthy, ahead of the competitors but also fresh and contemporary.


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Being involved in marketing material and campaigns gives us a chance to challenge another passion of ours... the psychology of business and the way

the general public re-acts to certain things.

On the following pages are a couple of our recent marketing campaigns including work for Merrill Lynch, MITIE’s multimedia company, Ingredients catering and MITIE’s Client services


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01. Merrill LynchClient meeting rooms brochureMerrill Lynch has a client room centre open for clients around the world to use when they visit London. These rooms are equipped with all the latest technology and even has an outside entertaining area when business gets to serious. The client asked us to photograph all the rooms and create a brochure that gives potential users/hirers the technical specifications of each room to help them with their choice in advance.

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e 02. IngredientsbrochureIngredients is MITIE’s catering services. They have an exciting range of restaurants and business cafeterias around the UK. This was a brochure to show potential clients what they’ve accomplished.


02. IngredientsbrochureIngredients is MITIE’s catering services. They have an exciting range of restaurants and business cafeterias around the UK. This was a brochure to show potential clients what they’ve accomplished.







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03. MITIE multi-media brochure MITIE has a range of services including design, printing, film and mailing. They asked us to come up with a range of illustrations to signify these services. This illustration was used in various forms of advertising including this z-fold coaster (seen on the right).

Illustrations for multi-media company. below. Reverse side information regarding there specialist fields

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04. Revolution AcademyMITIE Client Services offer a range of training programs and asked me to come up with a range of cards the trainees would collect during these courses as they complete each session. MCS loves to resemble a 5 star service/ hotel reception feeling in the corporate working environment. This project was very successful and the feedback led to their brand developing entirely around this approach.

MITIE Client services training slip case with training cards


04. Revolution AcademyMITIE Client Services offer a range of training programs and asked us to come up with a range of cards the trainees would collect during these courses as they complete each session. MCS loves to resemble a 5 star service/ hotel reception feeling in the corporate working environment. This project was very successful and the feedback led to their brand developing entirely around this approach.

MITIE Client services training slip case with training cards


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EventsDesigning for events gives you the chance to break free from the usual brand

guidelines and push the limits. Definitely one of our favorite areas to be involved in as it normally offers a great deal of involvement. The following pages features a couple

of recent events we’ve worked on as well as some photography opportunities.

MITIE Client services hosted a uniform and clothing range fashion show in Channel 4’s London building. This was a large campaign and had various design and creative

elements. The client asked us to not only come up with a brand, logo and various design pieces, but also do the events photography.


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01. STRUTAbove are the invites and e-flyers. Also one of the promotional ‘goody’ bags and photography from the event.

Invites, promotional material and images from the STRUT event

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02. CorporatefunctionsAll companies love sparking a bit of enthusiasm among their employees once or twice a year. We’ve been involved in creating a loads of these invitation and function branding over the years. They’re great fun and normally have very little design limitations.

Parties and event invitations

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03. Downside Fisher BoxingDownside fisher boxing club hosts an annual charity boxing dinner and I have done the design for these events over a couple of years. I have also been asked to do the event photography and these are the photos used in the following year even invitations, e-flyers, posters and all other marketing material.

Boxing Invites, tickets and flyers.


03. Downside Fisher BoxingDownside fisher boxing club hosts an annual charity boxing dinner and we have done the design for these events over a couple of years. We were also asked to do the event photography and these are some of the photos used in the following year event invitations, e-flyers, posters and all other marketing material.

Boxing Invites, tickets and flyers.


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01. Website examplesOn the following pages are a few websites we have worked on recently.

For a more detailed look, please visit them individually

With the fast growing, ever expanding internet, and the experience we have had with web growth abroad, the market in South Africa holds incredible opportunities. The

combination of our graphic designers and programming experts create website only limited by my imagination.

Web design


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Bakgat promosiesSouth African music concert organising - www.bakgatpromosies.co.za

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New ImageSatellite and sound installations - www.satelliteinstallations.co.za

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EcomissionEnvironmental management company - www.ecomission.co.za


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01. MITIE Rebranding projectMITIE has existed for more than 20 years. They wanted to add another dimension to their look. For this project a team effort was definitely needed. We came up with a style that would not

only compliment their existing material, but also take the brand forward. We gave them a friendly (no-small talk) approach that gets down to business.

Branding is one of the most challenging design and underestimated processes in our opinion. It could be listed in it’s own category of design as you get specialists that are

extremely talented in this field alone. We love this challenge and here are some of our recent branding results.


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Logo and assets:New font, extra colour swatch to already existing palette and additional Logo to support MITIE logo.Set of quote examples to demonstrate new tone of voice.


Logo and assets:New font, extra colour swatch to already existing palette and additional Logo to support MITIE logo.Set of quote examples to demonstrate new tone of voice.


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MITIE is build around it’s people. So we wanted to make potential clients realise that by ‘introducing their staff’ to them. Above is a representation of the advertising campaign, creating the sense of knowing the individual instead of a cold brand.

Adverts as they would appear in public

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We have adapted the current MITIE blue to one that is much warmer and ‘passionate’. We also came up with a new MITIE language to complement their ‘people approach’. A set

of quotes are set up for all employees to easily access and drop into any marketing material they set up. Not only did we have to come up with a style, but also a user friendly approach

for all 49 000 employees to use.

MITIE Collateral:CV Example, Case study and graphsDesigns for MITIE vehicles


We have adapted the current MITIE blue to one that is much warmer and ‘passionate’. We also came up with a new MITIE language to complement their ‘people approach’. A set

of quotes are set up for all employees to easily access and drop into any marketing material they set up. Not only did we have to come up with a style, but also a user friendly approach

for all 49 000 employees to use.

MITIE Collateral:CV Example, Case study and graphsDesigns for MITIE vehicles


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Brochure example:Cover, contents, and DPS as they would appear in marketing material

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Powerpoint presentations:Example of how slides would appear in powerpointPowerpoint presentations:Example of how slides would appear in powerpoint

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Osdam Abattoir brand developmentLeft: Osdam logo. Above: logo concepts. below: Truck signage


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Persona Support Services is the new name in management of organisations' workplaces

Persona is solely dedicated to supporting business professionals deliver their core services to their clients through efficient, effective and exemplary managed work environments. We have developed personalized, innovative, fresh and intelligent solutions that enable our clients’ people to deliver on both their top line performance targets and bottom line earnings objectives.

The clue to our focus lies in our name - Persona

Everything we do involves our people providing a customized service to your people. Hence, we are the Persona or the human face that provides critical support services for our clients’ workplaces.

We are NOT an FM Company

We are not a facilities management company. We are a People Management company. We don’t manage facilities; rather we employ, train, and manage the people that provide critical, innovative and exemplary support services that enhance our clients’ work environments.



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Promote team work, transparency, diversity, trust & mutual respect between our clients, our people and our communities in which we live and operate.Persona

Support Services




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The provision of a highly personalised service that blends our clients’ unique cultures with our own quest for exemplary, efficient and effective service delivery.


The implementation of innovative solutions that provide value for our clients, while also giving personal satisfaction and pride to our employees.


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle (384-322); Philosopher

01 02Persona with us it's personal

What we do How we do itProvide exemplary, exceptional, remarkable and highly personalized services

The three critical areas of focus and our support services that create efficient workplaces for our clients’ people are:

Our philosophy is to add value to our clients’ work environments at every touch point. The services outlined will be delivered by our valued, highly trained, and motivated staff. For instance, our people appreciate that the Reception is about client relationships, the Mailroom is about distributing the organizations knowledge and that servicing a Coffee Point is about providing an efficient and welcoming work environment.

In business you get what you want by giving other people what they want - Alice Foote MacDougall

Through the most highly trained, motivated, valued and talented teams of people in the business that have:

• Fair, competitive compensation• Comprehensive benefits & training • Relevant & motivational rewards for performance• Senior level engagement and respect for our people

We engage what we call the Three C'sReception


Client Dining & Events

Help Desk We consult with both our clients management teams, end users and our own support team at each step of our engagement as we appreciate some of the best ideas come from the front line not the board room.

Mailroom & Distribution

Reprographics, Printing & Scanning

Records Management

Graphic Design & New Media

We collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure we deliver a personalized service that fits within each of our clients’ unique cultures.


Conference Room Management

Porterage/ Handyman

Staff Cafes & Service PointsOur people regularly formally and informally communicate with our clients and with each other to ensure that we seamlessly deliver on all of our business objectives.

Relationship Knowledge Environment

002Brochure title

Follow the customer, if they change... we change Terry Leahy03 04

Persona with us it's personal

Consult Collaborate Communicate

Persona brand development

Persona is a New York based support services company, offering services in front of house, mail, reception and print room management

Above: Persona logo. Below: Persona sloganRight and along the bottom: Pages from their handout marketing material

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Why Persona, why now?During these challenging times it’s never been more

important to build a sustainable business for all of your

stakeholders. Competition is fierce and if you are not

looking after your clients with exemplary customer

service, someone else soon will be. That’s why when

you engage with Persona you get a business partner

that helps you:• Maintain resilient client relationships;

• Effectively manage your organization’s knowledge;

• And create a great place for your people to work

Quite simply we help you ensure: • Your people are productive;• Your workplaces work;• And your business is profitable

With our fresh, personal and innovative approach,

Persona is more than simply a vendor, a contractor

or a service provider; we are your true business

partner because….

Persona Support Services

[email protected]

London New York City Washington, DC Miami

Why Persona, why now?During these challenging times it’s never been more

important to build a sustainable business for all of your

stakeholders. Competition is fierce and if you are not

looking after your clients with exemplary customer

service, someone else soon will be. That’s why when

you engage with Persona you get a business partner

that helps you:• Maintain resilient client relationships;

• Effectively manage your organization’s knowledge;

• And create a great place for your people to work

Quite simply we help you ensure: • Your people are productive;• Your workplaces work;• And your business is profitable

With our fresh, personal and innovative approach,

Persona is more than simply a vendor, a contractor

or a service provider; we are your true business

partner because….

What we do How we do itProvide exemplary, exceptional, remarkable and highly personalized services

The three critical areas of focus and our support services that create efficient workplaces for our clients’ people are:

Our philosophy is to add value to our clients’ work environments at every touch point. The services outlined will be delivered by our valued, highly trained, and motivated staff. For instance, our people appreciate that the Reception is about client relationships, the Mailroom is about distributing the organizations knowledge and that servicing a Coffee Point is about providing an efficient and welcoming work environment.

In business you get what you want by giving other people what they want - Alice Foote MacDougall

Through the most highly trained, motivated, valued and talented teams of people in the business that have:

• Fair, competitive compensation• Comprehensive benefits & training • Relevant & motivational rewards for performance• Senior level engagement and respect for our people

We engage what we call the Three C'sReception


Client Dining & Events

Help Desk We consult with both our clients management teams, end users and our own support team at each step of our engagement as we appreciate some of the best ideas come from the front line not the board room.

Mailroom & Distribution

Reprographics, Printing & Scanning

Records Management

Graphic Design & New Media

We collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure we deliver a personalized service that fits within each of our clients’ unique cultures.


Conference Room Management

Porterage/ Handyman

Staff Cafes & Service PointsOur people regularly formally and informally communicate with our clients and with each other to ensure that we seamlessly deliver on all of our business objectives.

Relationship Knowledge Environment

002Brochure title

Follow the customer, if they change... we change Terry Leahy03 04

Persona with us it's personal

Consult Collaborate Communicate

The Value Proposition Good reliable support services will save you money not cost you money. Our proposition is to turn your support organization into a Value Center not a Cost Center

Are these services a “Cost” to the business or a “Value”? Our job at Persona will be to always present the value of our services and never position our services as a cost. Value to the bottom line earnings of our clients will be derived from our investment supporting our customers top line performance. This does not mean our services cost more, just that we create value at every customer touch point.

Example of the Persona Value Center – Chain Reaction

We aim to provide professional services to professional firms. We are a highly focused employee owned service organization, not a large impersonal corporation and as such we are singularly focused on providing services to like-minded organizations, that place a high value on their people, services, success and reputation.

As an entirely employee owned corporation our shareholders are the very people who serve our customers every day. We therefore have a close and intimate relationship between our shareholders and customers which simply cannot be replicated by our large corporate counterparts.

With us it’s personal.

Who we aim to service

The Executive sends

perfectly printed

proposal to their client

and sets up a meeting

Their letter or courier

package is received in

a timely fashion by the


The Client arrives and

is immediately

welcomed and escorted

to their clean, tidy

and fully functioning

conference room

Exquisitely prepared lunch

arrives on-time and is

beautifully presented.

The documents are set out

and the A/V facilities are fully

tested and ready to run for

a productive meeting.

Making money doesn't oblige people to forfeit their honor or their conscience. - Baron Guy de Rothschild (1909 - 2007); French Banker, Businessman

002Brochure title

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans.Peter F. Drucker

05 06Persona with us it's personal

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Welcome toNEW YORKA ProPosAl for the Provision of office suPPort services for Anheuser-Busch inBev new York offices

Executive Summarywe appreciate that the decision to set up this office in New York City was not one taken lightly. Indeed the move was well covered, in the international, financial and trade press. We understand that the former InBev NV roots trace back to 1366 in Leuven, Belgium, and the company did not wish to appear in any way to be moving its corporate headquarters to NYC. However, the offices at 250 Park, although not the HQ, we understand will act as a second home to the top executives, such as Carlos Brito and Felipe Dutra who will divide their time between Leuven and New York City.

The offices will therefore be one of the two highest profile offices for the company and as such must be supported by a truly five star service commensurate with a company with the global presence and reputation of Anheuser-Busch InBev.

This proposal comes at a very exciting time. CMS-FM has recently created a new division specifically for clients, like Anheuser-Busch InBev, who are seeking quality, value, and efficiency through a true outsourced partnership rather than the traditional customer vendor relationship.

CMS has identified a significant gap in the market for outsourced support services. While many firms offer to save their clients money by providing lower cost personnel, lower staffing levels, and simply attempt to lessen their staff issues; no company seems to be approaching the service proactively and positively through the provision of an efficiently managed operation utilizing highly valued, fairly compensated, well trained and closely managed teams of support service staff and professionals.

We will deliver fresh thinking and critically a concentration on the human element of support service in order to fill this significant gap in the outsourced support service marketplace. We are not a multi-national conglomerate, catering company, postal authority or equipment manufacturer. We are a medium sized business that’s 100% focused on Office Support Services; our people that deliver them, and your people that receive them. To that end we have named the new division of CMS-FM, Persona Support Services.

We are very pleased to present Anheuser-Busch InBev’s with a proposal

for the provision of a comprehensive suite of

support services to their new ground breaking New York office at 250 Park Avenue.

We fully understand the enormity and importance

of supporting this very high profile office for Anheuser-

Busch InBev.


Our main mission is to assist Anheuser-Busch InBev to fulfill its dream… by supporting the best new office of the best beer company in a better world.

Proposal Overview

( (Our proposal is designed to promote discussion, debate and resulting decisions. It is not meant as a detailed prescriptive blue print on how Persona would manage ABI’s Support Services. Rather this document is a proposal on how we could provide the services in a more efficient and effective manner, whereby achieving our three core objectives of increased service, decreased cost and removal of human resource exposure.

After all, our mission, while looking to achieve our three core objectives, is to do so in a manner keeping with the company’s culture, philosophy and preferences. The key is in one of the abstract definitions of the name of our company.

According to Pruitt and Adlin (2006),[2] the use of personas offers several benefits (cf. Grudin and Pruitt, 2002; Cooper, 1999). Personas are said to be cognitively compelling because they put a personal human face on otherwise abstract data about customers.

Personas also help prevent some common design pitfalls which may otherwise be easy to fall into. Defining personas helps the team have a shared understanding of the real users in terms of their goals, capabilities and contexts. Personas also help prevent “self referential design” when the designer or developer may unconsciously project their own mental models on the product design which may be very different from that of the target user population. Personas also provide a reality check by helping designers keep the focus of the design on cases that are most likely to be encountered for the target users and not on edge cases which usually won’t happen for the target population. The benefits are summarized as (Cooper, 1999):

• Help team members share a specific, consistent understanding of various audience groups. Data about the groups can be put in a proper context and can be understood and remembered in coherent stories.

• Proposed solutions can be guided by how well they meet the needs of individual user personas. Features can be prioritized based on how well they address the needs of one or more personas.

• Provide a human “face” so as to focus empathy on the persons represented by the demographics.

Proposal DescriptionOur proposal will:

• Explain our approach to moving a new organization into new offices for a new company. We will also detail the intensive service design and staff development that we will deploy in order to meet the objectives.

• Provide an overview of the tools in which we would use to manage the service in a formal, structured, yet innovative manner in order to provide better visibility and accountability for the service. This will improve customer perception, trust and access, while also providing the management team the statistical information to pro-actively manage the service moving forward.

• Provide an overview of our implementation process that will include our approach to change management and personal development.

• Provide a proposed time-line for the deployment of our proposal.

Our proposal is designed to promote discussion, debate and resulting decisions.


Perona Tender document to ABInBevCover design and pages from their tender document


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Victoria West is in the heart of the Great Karoo, about 615km from Cape Town. The area boasts a fantastic variety of bird species for nature lovers with several trails, including the renowned evening walk which lends itself to a new experience and romance, especially if one is lucky enough to take advantage of the moon when full.

The Karoo is famous for our hunting facilities and a wide variety of sort after buck species. If hunting is not your sport, game viewing is available where unforgettable shots are substituted with a lens and binoculars. Bowling greens and tennis courts are available for those of you who are more interested in social sports.

Marinda or MerciaTel: +27 53 621 1043 • Cell: 084 717 91351 Auret Street, Victoria West, 7070Email: [email protected]

de Oude Scholen was build during 1891 and served as an education facility. Being the first primary school in Victoria West, the building holds a vast history and an air of nostalgia within it’s foundations.

Since it’s early days the building has served itself as a church and then a bank, now De Oude Scholen has found it’s place in the Dry Karoo as a cool and refreshing oasis for the weary traveller.

About us Contact usAccommodation

• Lovely environment for children• Plenty of space• Safe parking on premises• Pets welcome

• Plenty of privacy, private entrances• 11 Units all uniquely decorated• Swimming pool• Braai and entertainment facilities

De Oude Scholen is child and animal friendly, guests with wheelchairs have been provided for. Secure and child safe swimming pool available for those smeltering summer days

You have 11 units to choose from, consisting of a double and single beds, family rooms and kitchenettes. All units have on-suite bathroom facilities and all required accessories are provided for.

All units are equipped with DSTV, fridges and microwaves are available. Tea and coffee with homemade rusks are served with each unit. We promote a smoke free environment, and guests are welcome to smoke outside and in our bar area where ashtrays are provided for.

Some units consist of air conditioning and if it is a requirement please inquire beforehand. Other accommodations are equipped with air coolers and fans. Electric blankets are provided for the cold Winter and heaters are installed in each unit for your comfort

Welcome toNEW YORKA ProPosAl for the Provision of office suPPort services for Anheuser-Busch inBev new York offices

Proposal Overview Our proposal is designed to promote discussion, debate and resulting decisions. It is not meant as a detailed prescriptive blue print on how Persona would manage ABI’s Support Services. Rather this document is a proposal on how we could provide the services in a more efficient and effective manner, whereby achieving our three core objectives of increased service, decreased cost and removal of human resource exposure.

After all, our mission, while looking to achieve our three core objectives, is to do so in a manner keeping with the company’s culture, philosophy and preferences. The key is in one of the abstract definitions of the name of our company.

According to Pruitt and Adlin (2006),[2] the use of personas offers several benefits (cf. Grudin and Pruitt, 2002; Cooper, 1999). Personas are said to be cognitively compelling because they put a personal human face on otherwise abstract data about customers.

Personas also help prevent some common design pitfalls which may otherwise be easy to fall into. Defining personas helps the team have a shared understanding of the real users in terms of their goals, capabilities and contexts. Personas also help prevent “self referential design” when the designer or developer may unconsciously project their own mental models on the product design which may be very different from that of the target user population. Personas also provide a reality check by helping designers keep the focus of the design on cases that are most likely to be encountered for the target users and not on edge cases which usually won’t happen for the target population. The benefits are summarized as (Cooper, 1999):

• Help team members share a specific, consistent understanding of various audience groups. Data about the groups can be put in a proper context and can be understood and remembered in coherent stories.

• Proposed solutions can be guided by how well they meet the needs of individual user personas. Features can be prioritized based on how well they address the needs of one or more personas.

• Provide a human “face” so as to focus empathy on the persons represented by the demographics.

Proposal DescriptionOur proposal will:

• Explain our approach to moving a new organization into new offices for a new company. We will also detail the intensive service design and staff development that we will deploy in order to meet the objectives.

• Provide an overview of the tools in which we would use to manage the service in a formal, structured, yet innovative manner in order to provide better visibility and accountability for the service. This will improve customer perception, trust and access, while also providing the management team the statistical information to pro-actively manage the service moving forward.

• Provide an overview of our implementation process that will include our approach to change management and personal development.

• Provide a proposed time-line for the deployment of our proposal.

Our proposal is designed to promote discussion, debate and resulting decisions.


De Oude Scholen

Guest house in Victoria Wes, South Africa. We designed their brand,

brochures and did photography

Right top: De Oude Scholen logo

Right bottom: Page from their brochure

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PhotographyAnother passion of ours is photography and we have worked on some great shoots

since both in London and Cape Town. Photography not only allows you to get some time out of the office and meeting loads of people, but is also an amazing medium we like to use in our own creative designs. It is the best ways to get your

ideas you have in mind into realisation.

Here’s a couple of events we’ve captured recently. From company family days/kids events, jewelry shoots, weddings, boxing/sports events and company team building day’s out.

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If you’re interrested to see more about us, or would like us to take on a project for

you, give us a call....

DEVAN +27 (0)71 2699 [email protected]

ERIC +27 (0)82 698 [email protected]

or for general enquiries:[email protected]

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