yor business basics


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YOR Health. YOR Business Basics. 6.0. Welcome To YOR Business Basics. What will we accomplish today? Learn skills necessary to build, train, and duplicate a successful organization Set the foundation you need to start your business successfully Key to Success Today: Be a SPONGE!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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YOR Health


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Welcome To YOR Business Basics

What will we accomplish today?Learn skills necessary to build,

train, and duplicate a successful organization

Set the foundation you need to start your business successfully

Key to Success Today: Be a SPONGE!

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Welcome To YOR Business Basics

Who is this training for?Those who want to build a

successful customer base and organization as quickly as possible

The key is to build a TEAM that practices business basics, refers product sets, and properly sponsors new people with the same fundamentals

Let’s get started!

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Welcome To YOR Business Basics

The 7 Steps of Business BasicsWhyListInviteOpenPresentAdminAction Plan

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Step 1: WHY Your WHY is your cause Key: A strong Why can overcome any

How Your Why has to hit home emotionally Start with setting some Goals:

Short Term (1-3 months)Medium Term (6 mo. – 1 yr.)Long Term (2-5 yrs.)Ultimate (your future lifestyle)

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Step 1: WHY Why is your Why important?

People enroll in this business initially because of their sponsor, not necessarily the plan

Sharing your Why with others creates a connection

Sharing your Why empowers others to be open and share themselves

Your Why helps people to connect building YOR Health with accomplishing their personal goals rather than just promoting products

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Step 1: WHY Why Building

Follow along on your Business Basics PacketUse the allotted space to write out some of

the following:○ What will I do when I create success in YOR

Health?○ Who will I help?○ What will I buy?○ What cause will I serve?○ What passion will I pursue?○ What new experiences and skills will I learn?

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Step 2: LIST Make a List of AT LEAST 200 Contacts Do not Pre-Judge your List or

Discriminate Use a Memory Jogger Always have your List with you and

keep updating it

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Step 2: LIST Sort the List

Reds – people with more influence/credibilityGreens – your peersBlues – people who trust you or look up to

youYour goal: Bring Red Contacts into your

Business○ 1 Red = 1000 Blues

Pick Your Top 20Let’s work on that now

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Step 3: INVITE What is the Invite?

The Invite is the most effective way to approach your contacts about the opportunity

Keys to Successful InvitingDo not Present Invite over PhoneLess is MoreBe AuthenticBe confident, urgent, and excited!

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Step 3: INVITE 3 Different Types of Invites

Setup the Expert – The 4 Step Invite○ For Red Contacts or Greens who you’d like

help with. This is where you’ll bring your contact directly to your sponsor/upline

Setup Yourself○ For Blue Contacts that you can simply

present for yourself, but with a little bit more serious invitation

Simple & Fast Invite○ For Blue Contacts that trust you and will

be willing to sit down with you ASAP

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Step 3: INVITE

Setup the Expert Invite – The 4 Step InviteGreetEdifyQualifyLockdown

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Invite Tip: Pique Interest Based Upon Personality Types



Urchin: Analytical Whale: Service to Others

Dolphin: Fun & SociableShark: Ambitious & Money Motivated

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Invite Tip: Edify Expert to Create Urgency, Appreciation, and ValueEdification: to raise the level of influence of another person

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Step 3: INVITE Answering Questions in Invite

Acknowledge○ Don’t ignore their questions, make sure they know you

understand why they’d askAnswer○ Let them know their questions will be answered when

you meet, and that it’s impossible to explain an entire project via phone

Re-Direct○ Get back to the invite and ask a question to regain

control of the conversation Review Invite Scripts in Business Basics Packet Role Play Invite

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Step 4: OPEN Quick Meeting Conduct Review

Dress for SuccessPick Up Your GuestsBe EarlyIntroduce Your Guests/TeamSit Up FrontParticipate○ Meeting Place is a Happy Place


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Step 4: OPEN What is Opening?

Opening happens immediately after the presentation when we enroll people with their sets. The Opening process is how we do that effectively and answer any questions that may come up.

How to:When? Immediately after Presentation. Speak

with them when the energy is high.Have applications ready and available○ Being prepared creates confidence.

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Step 4: OPEN How to:

Be Assumptive○ If Positive, assume they are ready to go○ Start filling out the application

Use Feel, Felt, Found to address any concerns

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Step 4: OPEN Review Application Process

NameShipping AddressUsernameProduct SetsAutoship○ Autoship is automatically selected upon

enrollment. Prospects may adjust their Autoship options at anytime in their Admin after enrollment

Billing Address○ Regularly different than shipping address

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Step 4: OPEN How to Address Concerns

Concerns are a natural part of the Opening process. Some people will have objections, and our success in Opening will have everything to do with how well we master addressing concerns, finding solutions, and making them feel comfortable and confident to get started.

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Step 4: OPEN The Real Concerns

When people have an objection, usually their real issue is different than what they express. People usually use money, time, or just “thinking it over” as their excuse – but this is not the real concern

The True Concerns are:○ Is this real?○ Can I do it?○ Will you help me?

Objections are simply a set of responses they have because they are unsure, fearful, or they don’t see the value in our business yet

Understand: if people believed that YOR Health could give them time and financial freedom, they would do it. So is it a money issue, a time issue, or a VALUE issue? Our job in Opening is to comfort them, and show them the value so they have the confidence to get started today

The Key: OFFER Solutions!

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “I don’t have the money.”

Fact: When people say they don’t have the money, this normally isn’t true. They may not have MUCH money, but 99% of people can afford to get started. These are the same people that budget going out, TVs, video games, purses, and shoes. Usually, these people’s fears are more rooted in “Is this real?”, “Can I do this?” and “Will you help me?”

We need to help them understand that this is an opportunity to provide them with an additional income stream, not an additional liability. If they are struggling financially, help them understand that this is a chance to do something about it

Create confidence by using Feel, Felt, Found, and share how we will accomplish this together, and how they won’t be in it alone

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “I don’t have the time.”

Fact: Network Marketing is a business that was designed for people that only have 5-10 hours per week to invest into a business. Most people that have created success here are people that have had to balance families, school, kids, careers, etc.

Help them understand that time is precisely why they should consider joining this business, as it is a way to create more flexibility long term for their lives

Share with them how you and your upline will help them manage their schedule to create success as long as they are willing to invest 8-10 hours per week

Share how you have been able to build your business on top of your schedule

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “I need to think about it.”

Fact: There is no amount of thinking about something someone doesn’t understand that will make it anymore clear. We all know that “thinking about it” is our way of avoiding making a decision. It isn’t based upon Fact, it is based upon Fear.

The root of “Thinking about it” is that people are afraid of loss. We need to help them understand that there is no way they can understand everything before they enroll.

Also, YOR Health is very low risk. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so overthinking is silly – this isn’t some huge life decision, they are just buying some supplements that they can return if they are in any way dissatisfied

Help simplify it for them so it doesn’t seem like such a huge decision

“Try it” and “Trust me” are the best responses to this. Make sure they know you’ve looked at everything, met the leaders, been to events, and tried the products. Let them know you wouldn’t have invited them unless it was all worth it

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “I don’t like MLM.”

Fact: When people say they don’t like Network Marketing it is 99% of the time because they heard something negatively about it, or had a bad previous experience where they received no support, below average products, or poor training. People like to talk negatively about things that they perceive as different – network marketing being one of them.

Fact: If people were not successful in Network Marketing, it is for one reason: they didn’t work hard enough, get trained, and stick through the required growth. It is actually rare in Network Marketing that a company doesn’t offer at least some training.

Fact: Network Marketing is one of the most successful, and fastest growing industries in the world today. Some of the most successful people in the world own, or endorse network marketing, incl. Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “I don’t like MLM.”

We need to help people understand that one bad experience shouldn’t dictate all of their future decisions.○ Would you stop dating forever if you had a bad

break up?○ Would you stop using a cell phone if you had bad

service with one company?○ Obviously, the answer is no. Help people

understand that every company and situation are different, and that to be closed minded because of one previous experience – or worse, someone else’s experience – is not the right way to make business decisions.

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Step 4: OPEN Concern – “Is this a Pyramid?”

On the rare occasion, someone may mistakenly look at this company as a Pyramid or Ponzi scheme – this is normally just due to the structure. However, the structure is the same structure of any business, club, church, military, or any leadership organization. We just draw it out.

It is important to not be defensive if someone asks, or even accuses. You have nothing to hide or worry about. Simply ask them if they know what they are asking about, and if they would like to know the answer.

Fact: Pyramid Schemes are illegal, are often shut down within 3 months of operation, have no discernable product, and only pay money based upon huge entrance fees to the business. Income is made through recruiting new investors, not from the sale of products.

Fact: Network Marketing is in no way similar to a Pyramid scheme. YOR Health IR’s are paid based upon the sale of products, and the sale of products alone. We are paid the same on products purchased by distributors, or customers. We can get paid if we don’t recruit a single IR, and anyone in the tree has the ability to make more income than anyone else based upon their work.

The DSA (Direct Sales Association) is the governing body of Network Marketing to ensure legitimate business is conducted. It is over 100 years old, and has seen Network Marketing grow from a small industry to over $120 Billion per year as one of the most respected business models on the planet. YOR Health is a distinguished member of the DSA. For more questions on this, please refer to dsa.org or ftc.gov.

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Step 4: OPEN Final Thoughts on Opening

If someone doesn’t enroll on immediately, we need to start the follow up process. Be sure to lock them down and invite them to the next event in your weekly schedule

Oftentimes, people just need a little bit more vision to enroll. If you do a good job promoting the upcoming event where they can meet some of the leaders, hear more success stories, and see that it is “real”, they will very likely enroll after the event.

If someone is going to leave without having enrolled, be sure to teach them less is more so they don’t go spoil their contacts before they have been properly trained. Help them understand that it is important that they are properly educated before they go speak to others about it.

If you have tools, recommending educational DVD’s or CD’s can help them assess on their own whether or not this may be for them.

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Step 5: PRESENT Opportunity Presentation Outline

Share ID & Why ○ Build Rapport & Find Hot Buttons/Motivating

FactorsPress Play – Show a company video or twoPresentation PowerpointOpen & EnrollFast Start Training

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Step 5: PRESENT What is your ID?

Your ID is your personal story. By sharing your story and your Why it will help you connect with the guest. Creating a connection is key. Your goal is to have them say “Me too!”, not “So What?”

ID – See Business Basics Packet○ Where I was○ What I saw○ What I did○ How I felt○ Where I am now○ My Why

Key: Come from the Heart. Be Authentic.○ Don’t just list circumstances, explain how you feel.

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Step 5: PRESENT Main Points of the Presentation Slides

Keys:○ Speak in terms of their interests○ Don’t list facts, talk in terms of “what this

means for you” and benefits○ Remember the motivating factors and hot

buttons you learned when you built rapport. Share the presentation in terms of what they want.Example: If someone is passionate about music, help

them see how creating a residual income through YOR Health can give them the flexibility to pursue their passion.

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Step 5: Presentation Slide 1: Show

Cause of Health ProblemsHelp them

understand why there are challenges in health today

This will help set the tone on why people need supplements

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Step 5: Presentation Slide 2: The

RootEmphasize that

the solution to any problem is getting to the root of the issues

Focusing on symptoms will not alleviate the problem

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Step 5: Presentation The Synergy

Emphasize that the products work in synergy with each other creating a clear system for absorption

Also cover the alkalizing effects

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Step 5: Presentation Slide 3: NDS

This slide is all about why YOR Health is unique and what that means for them.

Proven products ensure customers and family get incredible results.

Risk-free with a 30 day money back guarantee.

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Step 5: Presentation Slide 1: Economy

Today there are more challenges than ever before in our economy, and now is the time to prepare for it.

This is one company that still thrives when times are bad as people are looking for other sources of income

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Slide 2: Business Curve & TrendsThis slide is all about

timing. Help them understand that in life, being at the right place at the right time is more valuable than being the smartest person in the world.

Show them how hitting momentum one time in life can give them abundance for a life time.

Step 5: Presentation

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Step 5: Presentation Projections - AUS

This slide is all about the expected growth of the company. Make it clear that this is if it only grew 10% which we are currently growing much faster than this.

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Slide 5: The NOW MoneyLet them know that with

YOR Health we have a simple and fast way to help them get paid right away, so there is no need to be concerned.

Give a few examples about how simple it will be to help them make money right away, and how lucrative the compensation plan can be.

Step 5: Presentation

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Slide 6: Long TermNow we will give you an idea

of just how incredible YOR Health can be. The combination of great products, and a great system can create exponential growth.

First Step: Find 2, help them get results, help them sponsor 2. And so on.

Show them how simple this can be. Don’t over talk, and don’t overcomplicate, left and right team.

Step 5: Presentation

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Slide 4: Product SetsImportant to be very

confident on this slide.The benefits of the

biggest sets are the greatest – they offer the best value, and get that person the best results

Let them know we will help them get whichever set is best for their circumstances.

Step 5: Presentation

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Slide 7: Call to ActionAfter reading the slide, this

is your chance to share your vision for your area and your team.

Share with them how you see this can affect their life, be sure to show them how this can affect those passions and hot buttons you learned when you built rapport.

Open immediately afterwards.

Step 5: Presentation

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Step 6: ADMIN How to Log In to YOR Admin

Click Admin

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Step 6: ADMIN

Enter Your Username & Password

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Step 6: ADMINLog into your Admin, and


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Step 6: ADMIN


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Step 6: ADMIN

Add Your Product Quantities Here

Note the PV of your

order – make sure it is over

200 PV for maximum benefits!

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Step 6: ADMIN

Be sure to choose the date of your Autoship and

the ship cycle.

Check the box if you want it

to automatically be setup to keep you

active as an IR.

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Step 6: ADMIN

Click here to add new shipping

locations and payment methods

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Step 6: ADMIN

Choose your shipping type

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Step 6: ADMIN

Check all of your

information and click


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Step 6: ADMIN

Additional changes can be made via the Edit or Remove Buttons.

Congrats!All done.

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Step 6: ADMIN


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Step 6: ADMIN

Click Select Customer

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Step 6: ADMIN

Enter Your Sponsor

Username and Click “Verify”

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Step 6: ADMIN

Enter the information and check

the availability

of the chosen


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Step 6: ADMIN

Pick the pre-made sets

or customize


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Step 6: ADMIN

Be certain to have the

correct billing


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Step 6: ADMIN

Choose the shipping

method and enter

payment information – click next.

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Step 6: ADMIN

Click Submit Payment

and You’re All Done!

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Step 6: ADMIN

Click “Become an Independent Representativ


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Step 6: ADMIN

1. Take the Certification


2. Should any questions be answered incorrectly, you will be

prompted to correct them

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3. Once all questions are correct, you will be able to click Next

to become an IR

4. Fill out necessary information, read

Agreement, and click all boxes to

acknowledge the points

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Step 6: ADMIN

Congratulations! The SC has been changed

to an IR.

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Step 6: ADMIN Step 1: Log Into Your Admin Step 2: You will see this alert if you

haven’t placed your new SC

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Step 6: ADMIN How to Place YOR New SC

After clicking OK, you can manually or automatically place your new SC

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YOR Health

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Learning the YOR Business Basics is important, but what will really determine your success in this business is consistently applying these basics on a weekly basis.

Maintain Autoship (200 PV) & Follow the Regimen○ Be a product of the product

Part Time Weekly Action Plan: 5 guests/wk○ Set Yourself up for Diamond – see Packet!

Want to move faster? Go faster! There is no limit.

Always have your list with you and add to itStay Plugged In○ Get Your Local Schedule

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Step 7: ACTION PLAN YOR Business Basics is only the

beginning.Success is not a destination, it is a

journey.Your job now is to be a Sponge. This is

why we reward you with a Sponge pin!○ The Sponge pin represents always being

a student. It means to constantly soak up all the information and lessons around you. Always learning, always open. There is no way to learn every aspect about this business or anything in one day, and we encourage you to remain a Sponge for the rest of your lives. Welcome to the Team! Congratulations!

Blue Sponge Pin next to

A White Diamond Pin --------

NEVER stop being a sponge!