ying wa girls’ school - ywgsaa · 黃惠芳老師 見到學生得獎,成功得到認同。...

專訪平機會主席朱楊珀瑜 Alumnae Association Newsletter 英華女校校友會通訊 September 2004 Issue 2004 年 9 月號 Ying Wa Girls’ School 76 Robinson Road, Hong Kong Tel:(852) 2546 3151 Fax:(852) 2858 8669 Website: http://ywgsaa.org.hk E-mail: [email protected] 不講不知,朱楊珀瑜(Patricia Chu)原來是我們的校友,她在1952 年入讀英華小 一,直至1965年中七畢業,真真正正是英華「一條龍」教育的優質產品;她的同學 還包括鍾秀琨、梁學賢、梅冰芬、黃美霜和吳璧媛。68年她在香港大學取得文學學 士學位,跟著在社會福利署服務了34年,於2002年12月退休時已晉升至社會福利 署副署長,並於 2003 年底獲委任為平等機會委員會主席。 在社會福利署的日子 Patricia任職社署 34 年,累積了相當多與弱勢社群和非 政府機構合作的經驗,尢其在維護殘疾 人士權利、保障弱勢社群,以及鞏固家 庭體制等方面,貢獻良多,並協助改善 不少個別人士及其家人的生活質素。在 任期內,她策劃及推動過很多社會福利 界的轉變,例如鼓勵機構靈活善用資源 的「一筆過」撥款,及服務質素監察系 統等。現時社署主要職能多與法定事務 有關,包括:社會 保障 (綜合援助和殘 障津貼)、家庭及兒 童福利 (包括領養、 監管和保護兒童)、 感化服務、監管幼 兒中心及安老住宿 依法辦事。Patricia又指出,平機會為 了應付挑戰和進一步在本港建立公信 力,會採納 3C 策略:即鞏固原有工作 (consolidation)、提升運作能力 (capacity building)和全面加強溝通 (communication)。就讓我們在此祝楊 校友在平機會的工作事事順利! 細說當年 楊校友為人爽朗明快,當然 公事上有她嚴肅的一面,但在憶述到英 華女校的生活時, 又顯現她活潑俏皮 的一面。她告訴我 們在中六那年的愚 人節早上,全班給 蕭覺真校長開了一 個玩笑。她與同學 們在蕭校長未到課 室前,匿藏於天台 走廊,只留下一位同學在班房內,果然 把蕭校長嚇了一跳,過一會後她們才排 成單行、手搭膊頭進入班房,蕭校長也 不禁笑了起來。另外一次,班上長頭髮 的同學,齊齊把頭髮向前撥,又把校服 前後調轉來穿,使老師以為她們不專心 背著她上課。 身體力行 楊校友在英華時已很活躍, 是學生長團團長,奠下日後公正嚴明的 形象。在學生會曾任服務部長,於感恩 節時和其他同學負責送禮物到心光盲人 院和真鐸啟喑學校。Patricia直言日後 投身社 作亦是 英華期間參與義工的薰 陶。運動方面,她既是籃球隊長和排球 隊員,又喜歡跳土風舞和蛇舞。入讀香 港大學後,她又參加了社會服務團,幫 助貧困的兒童,又參與工作營,在新界 偏僻的地區修橋整路。聽說她與朱先生 的羅曼史都是在做義工時開花結果的 呢!Patricia與夫婿有影皆雙,在她辦 公室樓下不時看到駕著跑車的夫婿接她 下班。當問及現在工餘時做些甚麼,她 說:「儘管十分忙碌,都抽空做運動, 這兩年來,我與一班好友學跳排排舞 line dance,這個運動很能減壓,又能 健身。」 女性地位 話題總離不開女性!當我問 香港女人是否都有受歧視時,楊校友則 覺免費教育已實行了廿多年,香港的教 育水平比過往高,一般人都有基本的男 女平等共存的觀念。她知道越來越多男 士們都很尊重妻子,又與妻子分擔家 務。她說:「現時不應只是為女性爭取 權益和地位,而是著重認識 "Family is more important than an individual member",家庭內每一個成員的權益和 地位都重要。」 「英華精神」 Patricia認為英華真是教育 界的先驅,因為早在五十年代時已有 「一條龍」教育的安排、家長教師會和 學生會,以及培育學生的社會服務精 神。回想過來,我們英華的精神—虛懷 若谷,質樸力雄,思考獨立,關心社 會,積極承擔,正義公平,全都給楊校 友表現出來! 在此,懇盼在校的學妹們,好好利用在英 華讀書的時光,充分建立信心和責任感, 以及培養上述各項精神,好使日後能適應 複雜的社會和國際環境,並以楊校友為我 們的模範! 1997 暢遊波羅的海 平等機會博覽2000 1996與先生乘郵輪暢遊阿拉斯加 服務等。楊校友為 改善社會服務所付出的努力,非常值得 我們欽佩和學習。 對平機會的抱負 2003 年 12 月, Patricia本著對人權和平等機會的堅定 信念,以及希望繼續服務社會的精神, 才奮力接掌當時飽受社會及輿論壓力的 平機會。這份勇氣及承擔可見她堅強內 斂的素質。雖然曾經有人擔心她是「政 府的人」,在處理涉及政府的投訴或訴 訟時未必能保持中立,但她確信身為主 席,必定致力履行她對平機會的承擔, 並會盡一切努力,以公平及公開的方式 處理所有事宜,確保委員會公正無私, 1963年畢業典禮 *還有更多珍貴圖片,請於網上瀏覽。 蔣玉珍 ’68 及陳尚欣 ’71

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  • 專訪平機會主席朱楊珀瑜

    Alumnae Association Newsletter英華女校校友會通訊September 2004 Issue 2004 年 9 月號

    Ying Wa Girls’ School

    76 Robinson Road, Hong Kong Tel:(852) 2546 3151 Fax:(852) 2858 8669 Website: http://ywgsaa.org.hk E-mail: [email protected]

    不講不知,朱楊珀瑜(Patricia Chu)原來是我們的校友,她在 1952 年入讀英華小一,直至1965年中七畢業,真真正正是英華「一條龍」教育的優質產品;她的同學還包括鍾秀琨、梁學賢、梅冰芬、黃美霜和吳璧媛。68年她在香港大學取得文學學士學位,跟著在社會福利署服務了34年,於2002年12月退休時已晉升至社會福利署副署長,並於 2003 年底獲委任為平等機會委員會主席。

    在社會福利署的日子 Patricia任職社署34 年,累積了相當多與弱勢社群和非政府機構合作的經驗,尢其在維護殘疾人士權利、保障弱勢社群,以及鞏固家庭體制等方面,貢獻良多,並協助改善不少個別人士及其家人的生活質素。在任期內,她策劃及推動過很多社會福利界的轉變,例如鼓勵機構靈活善用資源的「一筆過」撥款,及服務質素監察系統等。現時社署主要職能多與法定事務有關,包括:社會保障 (綜合援助和殘障津貼)、家庭及兒童福利 (包括領養、監管和保護兒童)、感化服務、監管幼兒中心及安老住宿

    依法辦事。Patricia 又指出,平機會為了應付挑戰和進一步在本港建立公信力,會採納 3C 策略:即鞏固原有工作( c o n s o l i d a t i o n ) 、 提 升 運 作 能 力(capacity building)和全面加強溝通(communication)。就讓我們在此祝楊校友在平機會的工作事事順利!

    細說當年 楊校友為人爽朗明快,當然公事上有她嚴肅的一面,但在憶述到英



    身體力行 楊校友在英華時已很活躍,是學生長團團長,奠下日後公正嚴明的形象。在學生會曾任服務部長,於感恩節時和其他同學負責送禮物到心光盲人院和真鐸啟喑學校。Patricia直言日後

    投身社 會 工作 亦 是 英 華 期 間 參 與 義 工 的 薰陶。運動方面,她既是籃球隊長和排球隊員,又喜歡跳土風舞和蛇舞。入讀香港大學後,她又參加了社會服務團,幫助貧困的兒童,又參與工作營,在新界偏僻的地區修橋整路。聽說她與朱先生的羅曼史都是在做義工時開花結果的呢!Patricia與夫婿有影皆雙,在她辦公室樓下不時看到駕著跑車的夫婿接她下班。當問及現在工餘時做些甚麼,她說:「儘管十分忙碌,都抽空做運動,這兩年來,我與一班好友學跳排排舞line dance,這個運動很能減壓,又能健身。」

    女性地位 話題總離不開女性!當我問香港女人是否都有受歧視時,楊校友則覺免費教育已實行了廿多年,香港的教育水平比過往高,一般人都有基本的男女平等共存的觀念。她知道越來越多男士們都很尊重妻子,又與妻子分擔家務。她說:「現時不應只是為女性爭取權益和地位,而是著重認識 "Family ismore important than an individualmember",家庭內每一個成員的權益和地位都重要。」

    「英華精神」 Patricia認為英華真是教育界的先驅,因為早在五十年代時已有



    1997 暢遊波羅的海 平等機會博覽2000 1996與先生乘郵輪暢遊阿拉斯加


    對平機會的抱負 2003 年 12 月,Patricia 本著對人權和平等機會的堅定信念,以及希望繼續服務社會的精神,才奮力接掌當時飽受社會及輿論壓力的平機會。這份勇氣及承擔可見她堅強內斂的素質。雖然曾經有人擔心她是「政府的人」,在處理涉及政府的投訴或訴訟時未必能保持中立,但她確信身為主席,必定致力履行她對平機會的承擔,並會盡一切努力,以公平及公開的方式處理所有事宜,確保委員會公正無私,



    蔣玉珍 ’68 及陳尚欣 ’71

  • 校友會通訊小組舉辦的「以球會友同樂日」,於五月二十九日在學校舉行,很榮幸獲得九位不同年代的體育老師蒞臨。體育科在英華出了很多位「 非常教師」:有威武如總司令的,有弱不禁風的書生型。當天,已為人母的校友,像小影迷般團團圍著心儀的老師,氣氛熱烈。體育是德、智、體、群、美,五育之一。而體育老師和學生的接觸,跨越一般課堂,除體能訓練及技術傳授外,實以身教、言教影響學生的成長。很多謝他們不厭其煩接受訪問,分享他們的心聲。

    舊生、體育老師細味當年 潘幼蓮中一暑假加入籃球校隊,自此便與籃球結下不解緣,尤其是六樓籃球場更留下不少難忘回憶。雖然那兒只得一個極之不標準的球場及殘舊得很的更衣室,但籃球場就像我們的「家」,留有我們不少的笑聲與淚水。那裡不





    徐惠芬老師 執教的第一年,帶領C grade 籃球隊出戰學界賽事,竟以18對0的比數慘敗給庇理羅士女子中學。

    梁學修老師 學屆田徑由第二組升上第一組。

    黃蓉詩老師 見證學生由不能做到變成做得到,由平凡的氣質變得美麗和經歷到成功與滿足。

    黃惠芳老師 見到學生成長,成功與 否 均 努 力 嘗試。

    李達明老師 學生可發揮技術及水準,應付比賽。

    李崇鈞老師 同學

    梁學修老師 同學有點成績後,卻因學業而放棄運動。

    李達明老師 學生怕郁動,但乒乓球這項運動講求技巧,不能克服這方面便難以提升技術。另外,學生也怕重複練習同一動作的機械式練習。



    江鳳瑤老師 帶隊輸贏的情景及初帶隊時老是被人誤認為學生。

    黃惠芳老師 見到學生得獎,成功得到認同。

    李達明老師 2003年的丙組學界賽事,在最後一場賽事中先落後,後來反敗為勝,取得冠軍,學生都無比開心興奮,她們開心的樣子,至今難忘。

    陸華揚老師 在重要關頭有兩位運動員「發波瘟」,結果由第一變成第三。




    徐惠芬老師 最欣慰的就是學生能努力練習、發揮所長,而最重要的就是可做到盡力而為。學生除學習體育精神外,同時亦要注意學業。

    梁學修老師 同學訓練後能得到獎項,突破自己。

    江鳳瑤老師 除教授學生技術外,還培養她們在禮貌、服從、尊重教練和群體生活的品行。


    江鳳瑤老師 場地分配。另外,練習時間很夜、星期六、日及暑假均要帶隊,課餘私人時間變得很少。

    徐惠芬老師 學生不聽話、抗拒、反叛。

    黃惠芳老師 社會風氣和家長均未認同運動能與學業平衡。

  • 運動健將最


    Daisy Sin 中四班際排球比賽所有同學都到場支持,結果勝出。比賽當日的團結氣氛,令人感動。中四陸運會大家十分團結,盡力跑入決賽,比賽過程中亦得到同學支持。

    老家賢、孫麗容、傅素儀、蕭燕鳳 參加了排球校隊,贏得全港學界總冠軍,出戰澳門,並取得勝利。

    Yip Hoi Kam, Leung Ho Yin 同黃老師慶祝生日、香港國際學校邀請賽(HKIS Tournament)得到冠軍之餘,翁教練亦獲得最佳教練獎。

    Yip Hoi Kam 社際籃球比賽、陸運會得到甲組個人總冠軍。

    趙寧 與隊友一同練習,練習後一起進食、瘋狂。

    溫慧明、溫慧妍 籃球隊在校際精英賽中贏得冠軍。

    趙寧 能與教練有亦師亦友的關係,每次比賽後密謀要他請食飯。

    Regina Ng 健康的團隊精神;知道得失是很平常的事。



    孫麗容 中七那年在同學的鼓勵下參加沒有信心的項目,在校內的陸運會中取得甲組個人全場總冠軍。

    何慧儀 每年的班際排球比賽,我班往往與甲班「惡鬥」一輪。兩班的同學、甚至全校的同學都會很緊張。

    Siu Ming Ying 全班一起踢足球,本來很有秩序,但最後瘋狂起來,很混亂,只顧將球踢入龍門。

    Yeung Hiu Yan, Dorcas 中三水運會背泳拿冠軍;小學時參加過泳會,每星期練三小時,不停地游非常累。



    Daisy Sin、麥慧廉、Regina Ng 打壘球時鮑先生坐在高�上給人像司令的感覺。當年女子壘球絕無僅有,學生都感到自豪。鮑先生教跳舞姿勢美妙。她活力充沛,全情投入,體育課氣氛熱切。

    Yeung Tsz Kwan 因偷懶而被嚴詞責備;與教練亦師亦友的關係。

    Lo Ka Yin 體育課對學生的要求非常高。

    沈羨瑜 聯校羽毛球比賽,及比賽時的努力。

    Ruth Chan (76 至77體育部長)結織很多好朋友。

    麥慧廉、陳尚欣 「鋼條型」 的李清詞牧師與鮑先生在體形和性格上給人極端的感覺。體育課時李牧師身手矯捷;中文及宗教課時口若懸河、引人入勝,真是能文能武。

    Wong Po Yee、Tsang Wing Yin、Chan Chui Fun 最懷念徐惠芬老師,她教得十分好,很記得她穿皮革回校。

    Betty Cheng、Ruth Chan 朱婉雲老師非常嚴格,教籃球很用心。比賽得到冠軍令人難忘。

    Lam Kam Yin, Trista Chan Seung Yan, Sonja Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth Chow Siu Fung Pang Wai Shan, Fiona (6B)

    Editorial Board (2003-2004)

    Mo Mun Yu, Donna Ching Kai Ming, Rebecca Chen Ching Chi, Gigi Cheng Ching Sum, Katy (4Y)

    The family of the late Ms Bow, ourbeloved PE teacher of 27 years, setup a fund which sponsoredt h i r t e e n m e m b e rs o f t h ebasketball school team to attenda training camp in December 2003.

    Ms Bow Sui Hing’s Legacy

    W e p r a c t i s e dbasketball day andnight. We have ourmission and target:improve our ski l ls,c o r r e c t o u rshortcomings, and

    I hope we can havemore chances like thisin future so this spiritcould last forever.

    3D Lo Po Yi

    I went to a trainingc a m p w i t h t h eb a s k e t ba l l t e a m .During those threedays, we did a lot oftraining. It was veryharsh but I have learnta lot. It was a verygood experience forme. I was glad that Ihad this opportunityto join this camp.

    2B Yu Ka Ching

    team spirit. We willtreasure this experienceand step up our effortsin the coming inter-school competitionswith strong confidence.

    7A Tam Wing

    most importantly, buildu p c o n f i d e n c e i nourselves. When thethree days were over, wedeparted in sweat, butour morale was high,and we felt such a strong

    I experienced a lot inthese three days. Thisc a mp w a s no t fo rentertainment but was ah a r s h t r a i n i n gprogramme. Every nightwhen we returned to ourdormitory, we felt sotired that we went tobed immediately. I thinkthe second day was thehardest day of all. Theweather was very coldbut we still got to wakeup early at 6 am to runlaps. Sometimes we didnot perform well andkept on repeating the

    same mistakes. Thatmade our coach angry.However, we wouldn’tthink of giving up. Wewould encourage oneanother, point out oneanother’s mistakes andkept trying.

    We had a wonderful BBQon the second night. Wefelt so warm and close toone another beside thefire. The teammates hada chance to really get toknow one another. Ithink we really become"united" after this camp.

    The Team & Coach Yung Kam Wah

  • 無 價 之 寶世上無價之寶,不是珠寶金銀,不是勢位名利。西方聖人說:「若是賺得了全世界,卻賠掉 了 生 命 , 是 不 值 得的。」此言非虛。我認為世上無價之寶有二,一是生命,一是骨肉親情。(「捨生取義」、「大義滅親」為另一價值。)

    生命是父母所賜,父母將他們生命一部分,成全了我的生命。又用他們的心血培育我成人、成材,誠非易事。先哲有言:「身體髮膚受之父母,不敢毀傷。」至理 至 真 。 天 賦 我 人 生命,一生僅有一次,輪迴之說,飄渺不實。



    經過好幾個月波折多多的籌 備 , 來 自 澳 洲 、 香 港 、美、加的「各路英雄」終於在五月下旬雲集於溫哥華。首 項 節 目 就 是 參 加 該 地「舊生會」每年一度的聚




    '59 班離校四十五周年重聚


    人生於世,生命最需要愛的滋潤,有父母手足之 愛 、 有 夫 婦 朋 友 之愛,都是無可取代的生命動力之源。還有一種至珍至貴的愛,就是自愛,能量無限。愛惜自己,亦即愛惜父母,手足 及 親 朋 戚 友 。 常 言道:「保重身體,猶如孝順父母」。其言雖淺,其









    師,四位師姐、妹,四位「姑爺」)向黃石公園和總統山等旅遊勝地出發。這個八日七夜之旅委實叫人難忘!天然景色、野生動物、人造工程等等,雖叫我們讚嘆不矣,但最令我們享受的卻是旅遊車上各人的即興參與。...話舊、唱歌、講近況或笑話;還有晚上在酒店房間內的「促膝談心」,叫我們彼此之間有更深的認識、更真誠的關愛,也叫我們更珍惜母校給我們的教育 。 真 的 , 「 身 遠 心 莫 離 , 英 華 學校」!


    Deborah Duen Ling Chung ’69, chairprofessor at Buffalo State University,USA, was chosen this year by the

    American Carbon Society as winner of thetriennial Charles E. Pettinos Award inrecognition of her research accomplishmentsin the science of carbon materials. Afterreaping a string of prestigious academicaccolades for her breakthrough inventions andresearch, she describes to us the pride of herlife, interestingly, in quite a different field!

    Rita Chan and Rosanna Mak, both ’68,have lost contact for over 30 years withRita residing in Toronto, and Rosanna

    in Hong Kong. Rosanna’s efforts in setting upthe Pilkington Memorial Scholarship incelebration of the contributions of the late MissMargaret Pilkington, former Deputy Principal,united her with Rita. They did far more thanjust reminisced. Bravo, girls!!

    Sports Fun Day was a reunion for some60 PE enthusiasts: students, alumnaeand teachers. They played sports, met

    new and old friends, and were energized bythe spirit of comradeship. They were alsointerviewed on what PE meant to them.

    Patricia Chu ’63, chair of EqualOpportunities Commission, gives aglimpse of the lighter side of her by

    sharing with us some really precious snapshotsof her life in Ying Wa and beyond.

    Miss Betty Barr, former English and REteacher, coauthored yet another bookwith husband, George Wang. Between

    Two Worlds – Lessons in Shanghai (Old ChinaHand Press, HK), is a sequel to Shanghai BoyShanghai Girl – Lives in Parallel.

    Read these ‘Heart-To-Heart’ articles at our Website:http://ywgsaa.org.hk

    Heart-To-HeartAlumnae pour theirhearts out to you.



  • Chiu Man Wai(左)和Chiu Man Fung(右),雖然是孖生,但由細到大樣貌



    Photo Gallery

    With the Olympic Games being one of the highlights this year, itis particularly pleasing to read the latest newsletter with acelebration of "Sports in Ying Wa".

    Fit to Lead highlight : Standard Chartered MarathonLast year, the Extra-curricular Activities Committee endeavouredto launch the "Fit to Lead" programme. With the strongconviction that leaders should be fit both physically and mentally,we encourage all studentleaders to participate in aseries of physical trainingw h ic h w i l l h e lp th emsuccessfully complete the3000m race in the schoolAthletics Meet and 10,000min Standard Charte redMarathon.

    They did achieve their targetson 8 February, an extremelyicy cold morning when allwould like to stay in theirwarm beds. 28 students, 7teachers and a cheering teamovercame their own limitsand set personal records.

    All participants were able tocomplete the race – the impossible mission they once thoughtat the very beginning. This is significant for the experienceshave demonstrated to them clearly when there is the will, thereis the way. The efforts of the teachers in charge and thegenerosity of the 4 alumnae donors are much appreciated.

    New AnnexThe new annex is finally completed after 5 long years ofconstruction. This is a good news to all. The new annex is builton the site of the tennis court and consists of a coveredplayground and an open ball-court. As part of the programme,various relocations took place:

    M E E T T H E P R I N C I P A L


    盧凱恩(左)是學生會副會長,盧凱儀(右)則是社會服務部部長。除了樣子相似外,她們的興趣也是一模一樣的,單單同樣是prefect board,red cross以及orchestra的成員就知道了!

    Acknowledgement Sincere thanks go to Lvy Lo Wai Yee ‘76 (勞慧儀) , Lucinda Cheung Pik Kwan ‘72 (張碧君) & Stella Chu Hung Ha ‘72(朱紅霞) for their generous donation to cover the printing and mailing costs of this issue of the newsletter.



    (TWINS) "Rosanna Pang (left), Annie Ng (center) and Susana Pang (right)taken at the 1973 F.5 graduation night outside the Hall in Ying Wa". Annie

    and Rosanna started their schooling in Ying Wa kindergarten in 1960 and left after F.6in 1974. Susana is working with the USA Government while Rosanna is working withthe Hong Kong Institute of Education in Hong Kong.

    桃李滿門 李家有十兄弟姊妹,其中六姊妹在英華就讀,前後接近三十年。左至右:◢


    We would like to expressour sincere congratulations

    to Ho Ka Yan (何嘉茵) on attaining excellent academic results in herA-Level Examinations this year. She is going to study Engineeringin Trinity College at the University of Cambridge with the PrincePhilip Scholarship. We wish her every success in her studies.


    New venue Original site

    Ruth Lee

    1. Covered playground Tennis court open ball court2. Library Covered playground3. Staff Room Classrooms and library (5/F)4. Staff Common Room Classroom (5/F)5. Multi-media Learning Centre Staff room (4/F)6. B32 (classroom) Staff room (3/F)

    Upon the completion of the school improvement programme,students will enjoy more space for recreation.

    105th Anniversary CelebrationTimes flies. While the centenary seems to have just gone roundthe corner, the 105th anniversary is approaching. A series ofevents is listed below for your reference: 200415 – 16 October Read to Create

    Presentation and exhibition16 October Alumnae Association Tea Gathering

    (after the Read to Create programme)November Sale of souvenirs

    200520 March Thanksgiving Service

    Founder’s Day DinnerOctober Publication of school magazine

    You are specially welcome to come and enjoy the "Read to Create"presentation by our students. For the Thanksgiving Service andFounder’s Day Dinner, the chosen theme is "We care and We share".Do come, give thanks and celebrate.

  • 郭飛瑩是我三姊的同學,只記得她英語耍家,常在校際朗誦節名列前茅。我移民多倫多後和她飯聚,但因工作及家庭忙過不了,便很久沒聯繫。後來聽到她受一種躁狂與抑鬱交織的兩極情感性精神病(Bi-polar Affective Disorder) 困擾,親友日漸疏離。想起她是醉心文學的性情中人,面對傳統世俗對精神病的諱忌、恐懼及誤解,一定很是難受,心中也很記掛著她。輾轉間,我又聽到她已康復的消息,並在耶魯大學研習寫作,而她的自傳"TheTormented Mind"不單幫助她戰勝病魔,更體現了她做作家的夢想,和讓她勇敢地倡導對精神病患者的認同和支援。此書已被收納入一些大學課程,請參閱讀者及專業人仕評語www.thetormentedmind.com及Amazon.com。飛瑩在2001年由主診醫生Dr. John Klukach提名榮獲加拿大安省"Courage to Come Back"獎,是唯一的華人。

    In 1999, I suffered from a two-week coma as a result of the wrong combination of neuroleptic medications givento me by a psychiatrist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Reason? Because I had been diagnosed as a womanafflicted with bipolar disorder. In layman’s term, a manic-depressive. Yes, my name is Caroline Fei-Yeng Kwok whograduated from Form Five’s Arts class in 1968.When I was in Ying Wa, I was involved with theLiterary and Debating Club and Drama Club. In1970, I went to study at the University ofMinnesota, majoring in English Literature. I didmany odd jobs at the time, graduated with anHonours Award and returned to Hong Kong in1972. I enrolled in the Diploma of Educationat the University of Hong Kong and taughtEnglish as a Second Language at the LanguageCenter there. In 1974, I came to Toronto and received myBachelor of Education at the University ofToronto, after which I began teaching Englishas a Second Language with the Toronto Boardof Education. In the meantime, I also tookcourses for my Master of Education at theUniversity of Toronto. I might seem to have managed myprofessional life very well, but not so in mypersonal life. It had mainly to do with mymarriage to a fellow student of the Universityof Minnesota whose major was BusinessAdministration. Having been to a girls’ schoolwith over-protective parents and a lack ofexposure to men while I was at the University,I was unable to cope with the emotional stressof my marriage. In 1980, in North York GeneralHospital in Toronto, I was formally diagnosedas a manic-depressive by a male psychiatrist. Idivorced my husband in 1982. I was confined to the psychiatric ward forfour months and was given tons of tranquilizerswithout choice. There were not muchunderstanding, neither was there muchemotional support. Mental illness was and stillis, to a lot of Chinese, a family shame, a loss offace, a taboo behind closed door. The Canadian psychiatrists, on the other hand,did not seem to understand my aspirationseither. My dreams of being a writer, a journalist,and a researcher were considered as "grandiosethoughts" (a symptom of being "manic") whenI talked about them in my fast, accented Englishin the midst of distress. As a new Canadian, I did not know the rulesand regulations of the Canadian mental healthsystem either. Neither did I know the namesand the side effects of the medications. In 1999, in order to "calm my manic state," apsychiatrist at Mount Sinai Hospital gave methe wrong combination of neurolepticmedications, after which, I was in a coma fortwo weeks. It is God’s blessing that I did not die in thecoma and suffered no brain damage except thatmy handwriting has become illegible to othersforever. I can still write, type, play the piano,and most importantly, think with a clear mind. The major reason for my recovery has to dowith my memoir, THE TORMENTED MIND, thatI completed at Yale University. In this memoir,one of the chapters is called YING WA GIRLS’REUNION. It is because of this memoir that I am therecipient of the 2001 Courage to Come Back

    Award sponsored by the Centre for Addictionand Mental Health in Toronto. It has openedmany avenues for me, including my presentteaching of literacy to immigrant psychiatricsurvivors, my research with a disability project,and my speaking engagements about socialstigma towards mental illness. But most importantly, it has helped me tohave all my old friends accept and understandme once again, to have new friends who areunderstanding psychiatrists and social workers,and to regain my long lost confidence andindependence. In short, just like what Professor John Nash isreputed to have said in his biography, ABEAUTIFUL MIND, it is "safety, freedom, andfriends" that have helped me recover.Most of my dreams have come true. For that, I have to thank the late Ms.Pilkington and Ms. Hepple for giving me theground work in Ying Wa, Dr. Richard Selzer, myprofessor at Yale Univers ity, for hisencouragement, and Dr. Mary Seeman of theUniversity of Toronto for her edition of the newversion of my memoir, which I hope will find amajor publisher soon.

    M A K I N G L E M O N A D E O U T O F L E M O N

    Courage toCOME




    “Mentorship” is the creation of a supportiverelationship between a mentor and a menteeto enhance the latter’s holistic developmentthrough positive communication in areas ofmutual interest. The specific objective ofsetting up a mentorship programme in YingWa is to tap the invaluable resources amongstour alumnae to complement the efforts of theteaching staff in facilitating the all-rounddevelopment of Ying Wa girls. It is also hopedthat the linkage between alumnae and ourAlma mater can be further strengthenedthrough this process.

    A total of 20 alumnae and 23 students inSecondary 4 and 6, registered as mentors andmentees respectively. At the InaugurationCeremony on 26 March 2004, the participantsmet for the first time and shared somememorable moments when they exchangedsparkling buttons to mark the beginning of theprogramme. Follow-up meetings, phone callsand exchange of e-mails have been initiated.The second group activity was a visit toCyberport in July.

    The Mentorship Programme will be launchedin full scale in the 2004-05 academic year. Iwould like to take this opportunity to call uponall alumnae to consider seriously joining thisprogramme as mentors to help enhance thequality of school life for our fellow students.

    Florence Ip Mo Fee ‘73

    p r o g r a m m e

    中六甲 葉翠雯 中六乙 彭慧姍

    Being a mentor is genuinely meaningful forme. Although I am one of the youngestmentors and have no mentorship experienceat all, I hope I could do my best to build a carenetwork, and to provide some guidance onvarious aspects of life to my mentee.


    師友計劃Cecilia Fung ’98 陳尚欣 ’71