yin yoga 2 / meditation teacher training manual · sequence 1 tai yin sequence - 2 tai yin sequence...

Yin yoga 2 / meditation teacher training manual Anand Nigam & Anoshe Overington

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Yin yoga 2 / meditation teacher training manual Anand Nigam & Anoshe Overington

Sequence 1 Tai Yin Sequence - 1

T a i Y i n S e q u e n c e

1. Frog pose: stretch arms forward and flex thumbs back, the head and upper body can also rest on a bolster.Modification see yin 1 manual

2. Fold the legs underneath sitting bones and curl toes under,stretch the arms overhead with hands folded and wrists flexed

3. Come to sphinx variation with one leg in frog r+l

4. Come into anahata and bring the thumbs backwards for 1 min. than release the hands in normal anahata, can come in variation with 1 arm in front of the other, r+l side

Sequence 1 Tai Yin Sequence - 2

T a i Y i n S e q u e n c e

5.Come to sit in butterfly.Bring belt behind back and over the legs but underneath the feet. Bring the body forward; the feet can be higher in the air than the rest of the body.The belly can rest on bolster if needed. See variations possible for Tai yin stimulation.

6.Neutralize in dolphin for a few breaths and come to supported down ward dog.

7.Sitting swan with hands flexed back for 1,5 min. Come down in to sleeping swan, arms can be in gomukhasana arms or fold 1 arm underneath neck and fold other arm towards the shoulder.Can use belt to bring hands together.

Sequence 1 Tai Yin Sequence - 3

T a i Y i n S e q u e n c e

8. child pose with thumbs interlacing for 1,5 min than release the arms and hands.

9. square pose with wrists flexed back for 30 sec., than let crown of head come forward, can be supported by bolster. r+l

10.Can also cross the arms r+l or modify photo 5,6

11.half saddle variation l+r with hands reversed in namasté or just hold the elbows with the hands folded behind, stay for 1,5 min and come forward.You can support with bolster or block underneath head

Sequence 1 Tai Yin Sequence - 4

T a i Y i n S e q u e n c e

12.cat pulling its tail variation

13.half saddle variation r+l or full saddle with arms behind in namasté

14.deer pose variation with foot on top or right foot next to left knee

15.full saddle with arms stretched behind thumbs flexed back for 1,5 min.Modify saddle pose where needed see yin yoga manual1

Sequence 1 Tai Yin Sequence - 5

T a i Y i n S e q u e n c e

16.Come to lying twist,modify with pillow under legs if needed

17.come in butterfly with bolster parallel to pelvis and bring arms back for 1 min.

18.Neutralize with knees to nose
