yesterday, today & tomorrow - - december...

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow The Compassionate Friends Mandurah Chapter Rm 2, Mandurah Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place Mandurah 6210 Ph (08) 9535 7761 E-mail: [email protected] Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2015 ABN: 412 610 911 81 Founded in England by Rev Simon Stephens 1969 Australian Founders Lindsay & Margaret Harmer, 1978 WA Patron Graham Mabury OAM Cit WA FECU BA (Hons) Grad. Dip. Ed. Our Grateful thanks to Drum Print for the Sponsorship of this Newsletter. 21 Rafferty Road Mandurah WELCOME It’s that time of year again when we are surrounded by Christmas music and happy carols, on the radio and in the shops. For those who are approaching the first Christmas without their son or daughter this season can be very painful. The newly bereaved parent often wonders how it is possible for so many to seem so happy when all they want to do is escape from the nightmare that is daily life with a precious person missing. Once the first Christmas has passed you can give yourself the reassurance that you did survive that first Christmas and so you can again. People have many different ways of handling difficult times. Sometimes a family will choose to go on a holiday, away from the familiar environment. Others might set a special place at the table, light a candle or make a family outing to a special place. Whatever you do, make it something that sits easily on your shoulders and remove any stress. Our family always had a Christmas tree, even when we lived in Paua New Guinea. There we would decorate a few branches and the children helped with each step. After the death of my son I did not put up a tree for several years. It was something I could not bring myself to do. However I remarried and with the husband came some new grand- children. They provided the reason and incentive to once more have a tree and on the tree each year are special or- naments including one to my son and one to my grandson. The greatest source of strength and healing comfort at this time for me is our annual Candlelight memorial service which is held on Worldwide Candle lighting Sunday. Details of our service are in this newsletter and I hope to see many of you there. If wishes came true I would wish you all Peace of mind, heart and soul. Margot McAllister Mother of Kevin, Nana of Jackson Worldwide Candle Lighting The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honour the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and grandchildren who left too soon. As candles are lit at 7:00 pm local time, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honour the memory of all children gone too soon. Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the 19th annual Worldwide Candle Lighting, a gift to the bereavement com- munity from The Compassionate Friends, creates a virtual 24 hr. wave of light as it moves from one time zone to time zone. Started in the USA in 1997 as a small internet observance, but has since swelled in numbers as word has spread throughout the world of remembrance. Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held and thou- sands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes as families gather in quiet remembrance of chil- dren who have died, but never forgotten. The Compassionate Friends and allied organisations are joined by local bereavement groups and community centres. Services range in size from just a few people to many. Every year you are invited to post a message in the Remembrance Book which will be available, during the event, at TCF’s national website. The Worldwide Candle Lighting gives bereaved families everywhere the opportunity to remember their children so that Their lights may always shine!

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Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow The Compassionate Friends Mandurah Chapter

Rm 2, Mandurah Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place

Mandurah 6210

Ph (08) 9535 7761

E-mail: [email protected]

Volume 12 Issue 4 December 2015

ABN: 412 610 911 81

Founded in England by Rev Simon Stephens 1969

Australian Founders Lindsay & Margaret Harmer, 1978

WA Patron Graham Mabury OAM Cit WA FECU BA

(Hons) Grad. Dip. Ed.

Our Grateful thanks to Drum Print for the

Sponsorship of this Newsletter.

21 Rafferty Road




1st Thursday of each month for bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings.

At: Eastlake Church, crn Lakes Road and Murdoch Drive, Mandurah


Office: Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place,

Mandurah. Phone: 9535 7761

It’s that time of year again when we are surrounded by Christmas music and happy carols, on the radio and in the shops. For those who are approaching the first Christmas without their son or daughter this season can be very painful. The newly bereaved parent often wonders how it is possible for so many to seem so happy when all they

want to do is escape from the nightmare that is daily life with a precious person missing.

Once the first Christmas has passed you can give yourself the reassurance that you did survive that first Christmas and so you can again. People have many different ways of handling difficult times. Sometimes a family will choose to go on a holiday, away from the familiar environment. Others might set a special place at the table, light a candle or make a family outing to a special place. Whatever you do, make it something that sits easily on your shoulders and

remove any stress.

Our family always had a Christmas tree, even when we lived in Paua New Guinea. There we would decorate a few branches and the children helped with each step. After the death of my son I did not put up a tree for several years. It was something I could not bring myself to do. However I remarried and with the husband came some new grand-children. They provided the reason and incentive to once more have a tree and on the tree each year are special or-

naments including one to my son and one to my grandson.

The greatest source of strength and healing comfort at this time for me is our annual Candlelight memorial service

which is held on Worldwide Candle lighting Sunday. Details of our service are in this newsletter and I hope to see

many of you there. If wishes came true I would wish you all Peace of mind, heart and soul.

Margot McAllister Mother of Kevin, Nana of Jackson

Worldwide Candle Lighting

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honour the memories of the sons,

daughters, brothers, sisters and grandchildren who left too soon. As candles are lit at

7:00 pm local time, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honour the

memory of all children gone too soon. Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting

on the globe, the 19th annual Worldwide Candle Lighting, a gift to the bereavement com-

munity from The Compassionate Friends, creates a virtual 24 hr. wave of light as it moves

from one time zone to time zone.

Started in the USA in 1997 as a small internet observance, but has since swelled in numbers as word has

spread throughout the world of remembrance. Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held and thou-

sands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes as families gather in quiet remembrance of chil-

dren who have died, but never forgotten.

The Compassionate Friends and allied organisations are joined by local bereavement groups and community

centres. Services range in size from just a few people to many. Every year you are invited to post a message in

the Remembrance Book which will be available, during the event, at TCF’s national website.

The Worldwide Candle Lighting gives bereaved families everywhere the opportunity to remember their children

so that Their lights may always shine!


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow


Lovely to have a good turnout again for our AGM. Our thanks go to all retiring members, for their

time on the committee and we welcome the


management committee as follows:

President : Gary Withers

Vice President : Carolyn Lee

Treasurer : John Lawrence

Secretary : Tina Pearce

P. R. Manager : Margot McAllister

Committee Members : Lyn Richards

We would welcome one more member so if you

are over 2 years bereaved & would like to join us

in our bi-monthly meetings, please let us know.


We welcomed the opportunity to take part in the “Wellbeing” display held at Arcadia Waters retirement village on Monday 26 October. It was a good opportunity for networking with the

other agencies there.

Gina Conway and Susan Lynch from the events team did well promoting TCF with distribution of our information pam-

phlets, raising funds via a raffle and the sales of TCF items.

Two agencies have requested a guest speaker, a reflexology therapist expressed interest in attending a future retreat and Wendie Adams, a resident of the village, offered to donate some handmade decorated bags which we can use to raise

funds. This was a very successful morning.


We had a stall at the Expo on Wednesday 4th No-vember at the Mike Barnett Sports Centre. The venue was excellent, spacious and very well organized. There were many stalls from a huge range of agen-cies. The Expo was well attended. We handed out lots of leaflets, chatted about our services and met some bereaved people who hadn’t heard about us. It was a rewarding day. Thanks to Barb Spriggs who assisted


Tina Pearce.

Murray Seniors Expo This expo was well attended. Our events team volun-teers, Gina Conway and Susan Lynch set up the dis-play as shown in the photograph. They distributed

our TCF literature, sold TCF items and raffle tickets. The raffle of a large plastic basin packed with lots of items useful as Christmas gifts was won by a very surprised and pleased lady Zandra Taylor.

Mandurah Seniors Expo Held at the Accent centre, this expo was also well attended with lots of activities and entertainment. Our TCF sale items were popular and the raffle was won by Mr & Mrs John Cox. Again lots of TCF litera-

ture was distributed and the networking with other agencies represented resulted in an invitation to guest speak. Positive feedback was received from two agencies who had referred people to TCF. Margot McAllister set up the display which was then manned by events team volunteers Diann Gibbs, Gina Con-way and Elsma Rubery.

Thank You Our grateful thanks go to those who manned the dis-

plays, contributed to the raffles and helped with the

organization. The four beautifully decorated shopping

bags which were made and donated by Wendie Adam

proved to be good sellers.

Thank you Wendie, we appreciate this support.

Margot McAllister


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Members Corner

Members are welcome to submit any items such as poems and stories or experiences, which can help other bereaved

parents, to the centre for possible inclusion in a newsletter.

Please mark the items “Attention Newsletter Editor”


TCF 6th International Gathering

“Mourning in Motion”

Registration to attend the gathering is open until 21 April 2016.

Venue: Hotel Intercontinental, Frankfurt on

Main. Germany.

Dates: 28 July to 31 July 2016

Accommodation: The organising committee

have secured a special price at the Hotel In-

tercontinental for TCF members attending the


The program is currently being finalised and

will include a range of presentations, seminars and workshops. With International

guest speakers and a mix of professional and

TCF attendees.

More information at the web site


Angel WA Sisters

Angel WA Sisters is a non- profit charity community service. We have an amazing team of volunteers’ working in their own time (around the clock), to create some of the most stunning Angel Gowns (burial gowns for ba-

bies). These beautiful Angel Gowns are lovingly hand created from donated wedding gowns by our beautiful

Volunteers’ for babies that grow their heavenly wings far too early. We donate all our handcrafted gowns to

families who have suffered the tragic loss of their baby. Contact to Tracy can be made on 0438 901 791 or


[email protected].

Waroona Outreach On 11 November I was able to travel with the Peel Mobile

Health Services bus to the Waroona Resource Centre. I

shared a table with Sharon McMiles, coordinator of the

“Stronger Families” project, which is currently being con-

ducted in the community and schools. Our literature was distributed and several people stopped to talk and take

information to grieving families they knew of. It was good

to also have time with people who had previously been in

touch. I gave out some flyers about the coming Candle-

light Memorial Service and left some at the resource cen-

tre for distribution and inclusion in the centre newslet-ter.

We are very grateful to the PMHS for their partnership

which has assisted us in our outreach to Waroona &

District. Gail Frater, who coordinates the service which

operates under GP Down South, has included us in the

roster and also in the publicity sent to her wide network

of community agencies and media contacts. The network-

ing, the increased community awareness of TCF and

most importantly the contact with people who needed our

services, has all been achieved through this partnership,

thank you Gail. Margot McAllister

International Children's Memorial Day—A 24 Hour World Wide event for TCF .

TCF Mandurah warmly invites you to our “Flowers on the Estuary Memorial”

Date: Sunday 31 January 2016

Time 8.15a.m.

Place: Dalrymple Park, near the old Mandurah bridge

We gather together to remember our children, siblings and grandchildren. Flowers will be provided with cards for you to write your special message. If you would like to share a poem or special memory please feel free to do so. We

leave our flowers on the water and spend a time of quiet reflection.

A sausage sizzle will be provided for a gold coin donation. Our beautiful memorial quilt will be there for you to write

a special message.

RSVP for catering purposes to 9535 7761 by 29 January 2016

Tina Pearce


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow


The retreat was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Even though we were a small group the weekend was a great success. Our special thanks go to Wendy Nani who organised the decorations, the raffle prizes and the butterfly

stands on which we wrote the names of our loved ones. We then placed the butterfly stands in the garden and hung butterfly scarves around the decking. Gary Withers and Wendy organised the catering and prepared our meals for us. Our thanks to the therapists, especially to Nancy Blaasch, who organised them to come on such short notice. We had four people who came for the Saturday so we scattered some petals on the river. The rest we scattered on Sunday. We went on the obstacle course after lunch. Gary, Dave and Ursula went paddling in the canoes. Most of us left for home at 1430 agreeing we had all enjoyed the retreat.

- Carolyn Lee Mother of Christopher.

2016 Walk to Remember

Our 2016 walk will take place on Sunday March 13. Please note that date in your diary and ask relatives and friends

to do so also. The walk will start at 10a.m. from Dalrymple Park. Please plan to arrive at 9.30 to register, pin name

badges on your polo shirts and write personal messages on the hearts which can be carried with you than planted on

return to the park.

We will follow our piper Viv Riley along the Mandurah foreshore to the performing Arts centre. After stopping there

for group photos we will walk back to socialise over a sausage sizzle prepared for us by the members of the

Mandurah Lions Club. Each year we see family groups welcome others. The route is level so that pushchairs etc. can

be easily negotiated and we have two wheelchairs which can be used if needed.

Bottled water is provided by Westpac Bank and please remember to wear hats and sunscreen. The walk aims to pro-

vide a meaningful memorial event, to increase community awareness of our services and to raise funds so that our

work can continue. Pledge forms and flyers will be distributed in January 2016.


At this time of year our thoughts turn to our children. How much those that have gone enjoyed the holiday period and the getting together with family and friends. What those that are still with us will be doing. We hope we can get

through without coming apart in front of others.

There are many things we can do to help ourselves. One is by attending The Compassionate Friends Candlelight Memorial Service. This is a good way to dedicate time to our departed, in a peaceful relaxed and understanding

atmosphere with people who feel a similar way.

Another is finding new or adjusted traditions for the period.

Setting a place for all at the table, visiting a happy memory place, getting together with other bereaved parents or


Sometimes we feel like hiding away, sometimes we want to hide in a crowd where no one knows us, who don’t know

how much it hurts to be us.

I have recently attended the annual Retreat, with my wife and one of my twins, held at Dwellingup and coordinated by members of our group. A very pleasant weekend was had, plenty of food, lovely therapists, nice conversations and cries with friends who are walking our walk, and support by the bucket load. We released rose petals on the river to

honour all the children. I came home Sunday very relaxed and refreshed ready to face the world again.

Another event coming up is the International Children's Memorial Day. A beautiful morning service to honour our

children in a peaceful place by the water with a breakfast after.

Please remember that our annual Walk To Remember is on in March. A big chance to get our name out to the com-

munity and raise funds to support the services that we as a group supply.

Gary Withers, Father of Kris and Gary Jnr


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Why not join us as a friend on Facebook? If you have something special you would like to share, please email to the office and we will post on the main page with your first name only. Here’s our link: The Compassionate Friends Mandurah Inc

Please Hear What I’m Not Saying

Don’t be fooled by me. Don’t be fooled by the face I wear,

For I wear a mask, a thousand masks. Masks that I’m

afraid to take off, and none of them is me.

Pretending is an art that’s second nature with me, but don’t be fooled, for God’s sake don’t be fooled. I give you the impression that I am secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without, that Confidence is my name and coolness my game. That the

water’s calm and I’m in command and that I need no one.

But don’t believe me. My surface may seem smooth. But my surface is my mask, my ever-varying and ever-

concealing mask. Beneath lies no complacence. Beneath lies the real me in confusion, in fear, in aloneness. But I hide this. I don’t want anybody to know it. I panic at the thought of my weakness exposed. That’s why I frantically create a mask to hide behind, a nonchalant sophisticated façade, to help me pretend. To shield me from the glance that knows; but such a glance is precisely my salvation,

my only salvation.

And I know it. That is, if it’s followed by love. It’s the only thing that can liberate me from myself, from the barriers I so painstakingly erect. It’s the only thing that will assure me of what I can’t assure myself, that I’m really worth something. But I don’t tell you this. I don’t dare to. I’m

afraid to.

I’m afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance and love. I’m afraid you’ll think less of me, that you’ll laugh. And your laugh would kill me. I’m afraid that deep-down I’m nothing, that I’m just no good and that you will

see this and reject me.

So I play the game, with a façade of assurance without and a trembling child within. And so begins the parade of masks. The glittering but empty parade of masks, and my life becomes a front. I idly chatter to you in the suave tones of surface talk. I tell you everything that’s really

nothing. And nothing of what’s everything, of what’s cry-

ing within me.

So when I’m going through my routine, do not be fooled by

what I’m saying.

Please listen carefully and try to hear what I’m not saying.

- Author not known.


Storytime came early this week, i.e. on a Monday (25/11/02) at lunchtime instead of on a Tuesday


Aidan was awake (or conscious anyway) so I asked whether he would like a story, or to listen to some music. He said he would like a story. I raced out to the large book collection to try and find a suitable story. I selected the “Rhymes for Annie Rose and read a few

poems to him.

Dad was waiting to take him up to the school to see classmates and as the awake time did not last long, I

could not delay his departure for school for very long.

Over the past week I was extremely fortunate to be able to spend some quality time with Aidan, sitting with him listening to music, massaging his tiny back or holding

his hand.

Various family members and close friends also spent quality time with him. He was not left alone and he was

aware of family and friends being with him.

He acknowledged a person’s presence with a nod or a hello or a hug. He was that sort of special child. One day when I asked how he was, he gave me a thumbs


Aidan has always been a ‘man’s man’ but we had a good relationship nonetheless. I used to take him shop-ping on a Saturday morning and whilst he was sitting up like Jacky in the baby seat ( and later the booster seat ) we used to play a game about how many people

loved Aidan.

He has a very large family and it was quite a task to remember all the names. I followed up the game at our weekly storytime and ’tuck into bed’ time. I freely told him how much I loved him and how much he was loved. For anyone lucky enough to have grandchildren,

they will know about the special bond between a grand-

parent and a grandchild.

Aidan died just a few minutes after midnight on 27/11/02 after a courageous 3 year battle with a brain tumour. He died physically but his spiritual presence is

very much still here.

On the day of Aidan’s funeral one of our rose bushes called ‘Joyfulness’ was brimming with blooms, so I took two roses ( one each for my husband and me ) to place

into his grave.

After Aidan died, various friends bought special roses for me to plant in the garden. The roses were bought for their names. My Aidan memorial rose garden now con-tains: Angel Face’, ‘Superstar’, ‘Happy Child’, ‘Hero’,

and ‘The Children’s Rose.

Having a special area set aside has been very healing for my husband and me. The garden also provides us with roses to take to the cemetery to place on Aidan’s


We had no sooner put the roses down when a couple of kangaroos came forward and took the tops off the roses. Initially I was upset but my husband pointed out that, as Aidan had a real sense of mischief about him,

he would have laughed at the antics of the kangaroos.

Tricia Engler Grandmother (Ganma) of Aidan


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow


When I gaze upon a candle glow

When I look into its light

I think of my youngest dearest son

His eyes so shining bright.

It makes my mind turn

To another time and place

A lifetime, it seems has passed

Since I’ve seen his youthful face

I’ll always be remembering, when

I gaze on candle glow

That the flame that burns so brightly

Will remain me, it will show

That the life that being extinguished

Like a candle strong and true

Will be a lasting memory,

Of a life that I once knew.

Author unknown

Five Candles For A Loved One Who Has Died

As we light these five candles in honour of you,

We light one for our grief,

One for our courage,

One for our memories,

One for our love,

And one for hope.

This candle represents our grief.

The pain of losing you is intense.

It reminds us of the depth of our love for you.

This candle represents our courage.

The courage to confront our sorrow,

To comfort each other, and to change our


This candle is in your memory.

For the times we laughed,

The times we cried,

The times we were angry at each other,

The silly things we did,

And the caring and the joy you gave to us.

This candle is the Light of Love.

As we enter this Christmas season,

Day by day we cherish the special place in our


That will always be reserved for you.

We thank you for the gift your living brought to each

of us.

And this candle is the Light of Hope.

It reminds us of the love and the memories of

you that are our ours forever.

May the glow of the flame of Christ be our

source of hopefulness now and forever.

We love you. We miss you.

Submitted by Helen Hitchcock in memory of her daugh-

ter Maria. Author Unknown

PARENTS We are two of many parents Whose wonderful child has died. We may find support and kindness

But we still hurt deep inside. We walk the path not chosen We live each day with grief Still the days come and go And we feel no relief. We cannot change what has happened Although we wish we could go back To times we could have hugged our child And talk and love and laugh. This Christmas time my wish would be That we share the love we’ve lost With those who need that helping hand For kindness and caring with no cost.

Emily Pinnell, mother of Haydn

Quote from The Editor

Time is the physician that heals every grief.


Changed Your Contact Details Please let us know if you have changed your telephone number or your address.

If you would like your newsletter e-mailed,

UNSUBSCRIBE If you no longer require the newsletter please e-mail or phone to cancel.


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

TCF Membership Reminder

Annual Membership Fee is now $20 and is due on 1st July. This is only payable after the first year of

bereavement and can be paid by cash, cheque,

money order or directly into The Compassionate

Friends Mandurah, Westpac BSB 036-157, Acc No



Wendy Nani has resigned from the management committee but remains the contact for the Bunbury region. Our thanks go to Wendy for her contribution to the committee over the past years. As our Bunbury contact Wendy will still be kept busy and we appreciate all the work she does for TCF in the region. Many thanks Wendy.

We warmly welcome three new volunteers. Jill Tyler and

Tricia Engler both help out in the centre on a roster

basis. Lynne Struthers has come on board to assist

Diann Gibbs in the resource library.

Thank you all for giving your time to assist TCF

Mandurah. We need your help so much.

The Suicide Survivor’s Bill of Rights

As you huddle around the torn silence, Each by his lonely deed exiled

To a solitary confinement of soul, May some small glow from

What has been lost Return like the kindness of candlelight.

As your eyes strain to sift This sudden wall of dark And no one can say why

In such a forsaken, secret way, This death was sent for…

May one of the lovely hours Of memory return

Like a field of ease Among these gravelled days.

May the Angel of Wisdom Enter this ruin of absence

And guide your minds To receive this bitter chalice

So that you do not damage yourselves By attending only at the hungry altar

Of regret and anger and guilt. May you be given some inkling

That there could be something else at work

And that what to you now seems Dark, destructive and forlorn,

Might be a destiny that looks different From inside the eternal script. May vision be granted to you

To see this with the eyes of providence. May your loss become a sanctuary

Where new presence will dwell To refine and enrich The rest of your life

With courage and compassion. And may your lost loved one

Enter into the beauty of eternal tranquillity, In that place where there is no more sorrow

Or separation or mourning or tears.

By – John O’Donohue TCF Kamloops, B.C. Summer 20145

Closure Drop in Centre

The centre will be closed over Christmas

and New Year from C.O.B. 18 December.

It will reopen on Monday 11 January

2016. During this time the emergency

contacts will be as per the list of contacts detailed on

the back page of the newsletter.

The Compassionate Friends

Items for Sale



Butterfly Badges

Sock it to Suicide Badges


Butterfly Rocks $2.00

Blue + Squiggle Pens $3.00

Sun visors $10.00

Water Bottle Holders $12.00

Sibling Grief DVD $16.50

Cassette Tapes $9.00

CD’s $24.00

Hats & Caps $12.00

Polo Shirts $25.00

To purchase any of the above contact the office during

normal hours.

All revenues earned go towards the provision of your support services.


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Remembered With Love December,January,February 2015 ~ 2016

NOTE: TCF Mandurah has decided to adopt the policy, held by the USA and other countries, of

omitting the full details of birth and death dates from our newsletter. This policy is required to help

prevent the risk of “Identity Theft”, which is becoming more common. We have a responsibility to avoid placing our members families at risk. Therefore the year/years will not be included.

Michael Gareth ASHLEY 12th December to 26th March

Happy birthday Michael, our beautiful Son and Brother. Forever in our hearts, and one day we will meet again.

Love you forever Mum, Dad and brother Chris.

Christopher Glen Bright 8th February to 20th March

You have taken a large part of our hearts. We will miss you always.

James Philip FULLER 21st December to 26th February

Jim we will always remember you with love.

Robert John GALLAGHER 2nd February to 27th November

Dearly loved son of Margaret and Ned, loved brother of Leesa.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. Forever in our hearts . Xxx

Dylan Robert GREEN 26th February to 11th July

Son of Glen & Vicki, brother of Nick & Zoei, uncle of Bailey & Regan.

I still see you walking thru the door with your beautiful smile and giving me a hug.

It feels like yesterday to me that you went without saying goodbye. Now you are our Angel.

We miss you so much and will love you forever.

Steven Wayne HEDLEY 12th September to 19th December

Time passes, memories stay as near and dear as yesterday. Loved always, from Mum and Family.

Leah Denise HEGARTY 14th April to 13th December

Our dearly loved Leah is in our hearts forever.

Love Mum, Dad, Brennen, Bryce, sisters Donna, Sharon and Janine

Aunty of Luke, Callum, Jett, Kirralee , Eleanor and Jaxon. Love and miss you everyday xxx

Ruben John HODDY 9th June to 1st January

Forever in my heart my beautiful son. Always in our thoughts, Mum and brother Tama oxox

Karen Louise HUTT 28th October to 15th February

My beautiful daughter. I miss you every moment of everyday. You are in my heart, always and forever.

Loved always from Mum and family. Xxxx

William (Bill) Joseph HUTT 12th March to 25th January

Dearly beloved son of Barbara and Bill (dec’d).

Loved younger brother of Jayne, Tim, Sally, Jill and Terry (dec’d). “He’s just a thought away”.

Philip IRVING 31st December to 31st December

Love you, and remembered always

Christopher LEE 10th February to 21st September

Son of Carolyn & Dave and brother of Jessica.

Our special Supernova who burned brightly, but whose circle of life was too short. Xxx


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Julie McKENNA 21st February to 17th March

Always smiling, loving and kind, what beautiful memories you leave behind.

Mum, Dad & Jeff and your loving children

Daniel Stephen NANI 4th December to 4th December

Daniel, forever our sleeping angel. Hugs Nanna and Nonno

Amanda Suzanne NANI 6th February to 10th May

Happy birthday Sweetheart. Always on our minds.

Love Dad, Mum, Jason, Melinda, Craig, Stephen, Trent and Caitlin. xxxx

Cameron Marc NICHOLLS 19th March to 9th February

Our tears are easier, but our hearts still ache. We remember you in different ways and share a hole in our hearts

that you once filled. I know you are still here and we will see you again. Love from Mum

Rick O’GRADY 20th January to 16th November

Treasured memories of you will live in our hearts forever.

Always loved and remembered. Mum, Dad, Alison, Ken, Jordy, Shaylah, Tayah & Trenton xxx

Daniel Silvio PENCO 16th March to 29th February

Son of Danica. Always in our heart, never forgotten, love Mama & Tania

Jackson PERRY-ELLIS 20th January to 5th May

Our angel Jack, always remembered and always loved by his Mum Lorraine, sister Samara,

brothers Lewis, Harry and Tommy, and Nanna Margot. xxxxxx

Haydn John PINNELL 22nd January to 23 February

Our love for you has no ending, for you are always in our hearts everyday and always will be.

Brooke Lyn RICHARDSON 6th March to 4th December

Miss you Brooke, You are my Sunshine—Love from your Mummum, Granddad and Western Australian Family.

Fiona SADLER 17th June to 15th January

Remembering you is easy, missing you is hard. We hope you have found your peace.

Lots of love Mum, Dad and Jemma.

Jacqueline (Jacquie) Adele SEBBAGE 8th October to 29th January

Jacquie was determined to make her life count. A thoroughly beautiful woman of singular gifts and talents, she enriched our lives. Loving and loyal wife, mother, sister, daughter and a Teacher of exceptional calibre We will always remember her infectious giggle and her ability to enjoy life in the face of much adversity. An inspiration to many!

Jacqueline Adele, always remembered. Helen & Roy

Karen Louise SPARKMAN 20th December to 17th June

Cherished memories of our beautiful Karen. Dearly loved and missed daughter of Robyn, step-daughter of Richard,

sister of Justine, Callum and Jarred, step-sister of Carina, Aunt of Liam & Dylan.

Nathan (Nat) STUBBERFIELD 6th January to 21st March

My beautiful son. Gone so suddenly and far too young. My heart has been torn apart,

but through the precious memories and the 4 bundles of joy you’ve left us, we will learn to smile more and cry less.

Thank you for being my son. You are forever in my heart ~Mum

Kris Ronald WITHERS 22nd January to 21st August

Remembered Forever

Gary David WITHERS 21st January to 31st October

You touched us with your light, your infectious giggle, your cheeky smile. You made us whole.

While we are here, you are here, in our minds, in our hearts, in our memories.

We think of you long and often.


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow


Bunbury Coffee Morning

When: Held as required

Contact: Wendy Ph: 97250153 or centre 95357761

Evening Support Group

When: December 3rd for dinner at Last Drop Tavern.

Dates: No January meeting. Next meeting February 4th. Where: Eastlake Church crn Lakes Road and Murdoch Drive, Mandurah (Opposite Peel Health Campus) Contact Centre 95357761

Contact: The Centre on 9535 7761

Metro Groups: - TCF WA PH: 94868711 for details

Rockingham Coffee Morning:

When: TBA Contact the Centre 95357761

Bereaved by Suicide Group

When: December 18th for brunch at “Decadence Café”.

Dates: meetings January 15th and February 19th

Where:- From January, Main meeting room Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place, Mandurah

Contact: The centre on 95357761

Did You Know?

In our quiet room we have a library which contains a selection of books on many grief related topics. There are also a number of video & cassette tapes, DVDs, CDs and other items. These are all available to borrow free of charge.

Some of the books are written by professionals and others by bereaved parents, siblings or grandparents. We are

constantly purchasing new items for the library so call in and see what’s available.

We welcome donations of books which have proven to be helpful.

Members can also come in and spend a quiet time reading or listening to music (or both).


From Grief to Grace, A Mother’s Story

By Robyn De Long

This story leads the reader on a ‘journey’ of spiritual connection that the author Robyn De Long is able to establish with her son, from the moment of his tragic death, until her pain begins to ease some eight months later. Her story inspires you to believe that there is something more than this physical world we know and where we possibly move on to once our own life ends on this earth. Many of those who read her story may well be able to

learn her secrets to communicate with our loved ones who have passed from this world. The reader may as I did at times, question whether there were other circumstances involved that caused this young man’s tragic death. When people face the loss of a child, each person copes with their grief differently and Robyn De Long has certainly

shown a different way of handling this very raw emotion and her determination to successfully turn her grief into a positive outcome.



Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Telephone Friends - The Compassionate Friends

Please call a telephone friend whenever you need to talk “We need not walk alone”


BUNBURY Russ 9797-0625 Mandy 0413-168-301 BUNBURY Wendy 9725 0153 Bereaved Fathers BUSSELTON & Judy 9764-1232 Gary 9593 2317 DONNYBROOK Sue 9764-1262 Phil (Evenings Only) 9525 3340 Russ (Bunbury) 9797 0625 HALLS HEAD Robyn 9582-9354

KOJONUP Roberta 9833-6232 Suicide MANDURAH Drop-In-Centre 9535-7761 Margot (Centre) 9535 7761 or (a/h) 9582 8113 MANDURAH After / Hours 9582-8113 Russ 9797 0625 MANDURAH Rosemary 9535-9054 NARROGIN Keith & Kathy 9881-4152 WARNBRO Barbara 0433-816-445 Miscarriage/Infant/Stillbirth

Joanne 0403 336 392 or 9535 7092 TCF WA Drop-In-Centre 9486-8711 (After 6pm & Weekends) Lisa (before 8pm) 0428-615-066

TCF Interstate and Overseas Contacts

Telephone Web Site

ACT/QUEANBEYAN (02) 6286-6134 NEW SOUTH WALES (02) 9290-2355 NORTHERN TERRITORY (08) 8927-1320 QUEENSLAND (07) 3254-2657 SOUTH AUSTRALIA (08) 8351-0344 TASMANIA (03) 6261-4250


Some Internet Resources National centre for grieving children & families; this is a non-profit re source Poems, articles, memoirs, memorials, links - professional site For those who have suffered a miscarriage and later child loss For childless parents National depression initiative Suicide grief support internet community Resource information & support A forum for questions, answers and support from others with similar loss. Light a virtual candle and/or leave a short message


Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Other Useful Contacts

Alcohol & Drug Information Services Free-Call 1800-198-024

Allambee (Sexual Assault Counselling) 9535-8263

[email protected] Gowns for born still babies 0438-901-791

ARAFMI (Mental Health Carers & Friends Association (WA) Inc) 9535-5844

- Country Callers Free-Call 1800-811-747

Beyond Blue Depression Helpline 1300-224-636

Centre Care 9721-5177

Coroners Counselling Services 9321-2491

Crisis Care Free-Call 1800-199-008

Coronial Enquiries 9420-5200

Lifeline 131-114

Mensline Australia; Professional & Online support 1300-789-978

for men.

Mental Health Emergency Response Line Peel Region 1800-676-822

Relationships Australia 9535-5711

Samaritans Free-Call 1800-198-313

Suicide Call-Back Services (SCDS)

- Bereaved by Suicide National Free Counselling 1300-659-467

S.I.D.S & KIDS Western Australia Free-Call 1800-199-466

S.I.D.S & KIDS Mandurah Helen 9535-3804

S.I.D.S & KIDS Bunbury Narelle 0406-630-119

South Coast Women’s Health Services

– Rockingham 9550-0900

State Coroner 9425-2900

Peel Legal Services 9581-4511

Palmerston Counselling Services Drug Related 9581-4010

Peel Youth Services / Family Support Officer Tanya

Victim Support Services Rockingham 9527-7699

Youth health Services Rockingham 9527-7464

Widow’s & Widower’s Association Meet Mandurah RSL, 3rd Ave., 1-3pm every 9354-7134 or

Second Monday 9586-1503

Young Widow & Widowers Association Ruth 0407-983-093

Or 9581-8443

If any TCF member has found an agency or counsellor, other than those listed,

To be helpful, please advise us and we will consider their information for inclusion in future issues.

Material in this newsletter is copyright@ The Compassionate Friends Mandurah Chapter unless otherwise indicated. Editor’s Note – Opinions expressed in articles in this newsletter are those of the writers and not necessarily of T.C.F. Man-durah. It is not always possible to publish all articles received. The editor reserves the right to edit any articles. T.C.F Man-durah gratefully acknowledges all contributions to the newsletter, including any of which we have not been able to find copyright disclaimer. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate and up to date but the Mandu-rah Chapter of The Compassionate Friends will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from any incorrect infor-mation or services listed herein.