yellowfin 7.3 features list · yellowfin 7.3 features list below document is a baseline document...

Yellowfin 7.3 Features List Below document is a baseline document for Yellowfin 7.3. This will give consolidated list of all features in Yellowfin. For further detailed information about the feature please refer the BMC documentation. We have segregated Yellowfin features into three areas. Administrator Perspective Report user/consumer Perspective Report Developer Perspective Administrator Perspective Sr. No Smart Reporting/Yellowfin 7.3 Features what feature does 1 Data Sources Remedy Data Source should get listed here 2 Connection Settings AR Data source connection information should be present. a. JDBC Connection with BMC Impersonation Adapter should be present. b. Connection method should be JDBC. c. Authentication Adapter should be BMC Impersonation Adapter d. Database Type should be BMC Action Request e. Include Schema in SQL should be checked in f. Database Host should be present g. Database Port should be present h. Custom Parameters should be refreshCache=10;DateTimeFormat=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a;DateFormat=yyyy-MM-dd; i. JDBC Driver should be com.bmc.arsys.jdbc. j. User Name should be Remedy Admin. h. Password and Test Connection should be present. 3 Connection Pool Settings related to connection Pool should be present. Min Connections Max Connections Refresh Time TimeOut Use Secondary Pool 4 Security Allow all users with required role permissions to access and use this connection for view creation and freehand SQL reports. Access Level either Public or Private

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Page 1: Yellowfin 7.3 Features List · Yellowfin 7.3 Features List Below document is a baseline document for Yellowfin 7.3. This will give consolidated list of all features in Yellowfin

Yellowfin 7.3 Features List

Below document is a baseline document for Yellowfin 7.3. This will give consolidated list of all features in Yellowfin. For further detailed information about the feature please refer the BMC documentation. We have segregated Yellowfin features into three areas.

• Administrator Perspective

• Report user/consumer Perspective

• Report Developer Perspective

Administrator Perspective

Sr. No

Smart Reporting/Yellowfin 7.3 Features

what feature does

1 Data Sources Remedy Data Source should get listed here

2 Connection Settings AR Data source connection information should be present. a. JDBC Connection with BMC Impersonation Adapter should be present. b. Connection method should be JDBC. c. Authentication Adapter should be BMC Impersonation Adapter d. Database Type should be BMC Action Request e. Include Schema in SQL should be checked in f. Database Host should be present g. Database Port should be present h. Custom Parameters should be refreshCache=10;DateTimeFormat=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a;DateFormat=yyyy-MM-dd; i. JDBC Driver should be com.bmc.arsys.jdbc. j. User Name should be Remedy Admin. h. Password and Test Connection should be present.

3 Connection Pool Settings related to connection Pool should be present. Min Connections Max Connections Refresh Time TimeOut Use Secondary Pool

4 Security Allow all users with required role permissions to access and use this connection for view creation and freehand SQL reports. Access Level either Public or Private

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5 Access Filters Access Filters are used to restrict data based on the user running a report We can add an Access filters

6 Usage Parameters User can define below parameters a. Max Rows Returns - It Specify if there should be a limit to the number of rows returned by queries run on this connection b. Writable - Specify if the system can write to this database, rather than just read c. TimeZone - Specify the time zone associated with this database connection d. Broadcast - Specify if content based on this connection can be broadcast. e. Subscribe - Specify if content based on this connection can be subscribed to f. Data Profiling - Data Profiling available / not available in views using this data source

7 Views and Content It lists all content View and reports associated with that view

8 Views All the Views listed here. Ex: Incident Management, Problem Management etc..

9 Users All the Users from AR (Fixed/Floating/Bundled licenses) will be listed here

10 Roles This section describes how roles are created and managed within Yellowfin

11 Consumer & Collaborator This user can only access public content and contribute to collaborative features such as streams, timeline, etc.

12 Personal Content Writer & Collaborator This user can only create personal content for their own consumption - not public shared content. They can collaborate within streams, timeline, etc.

13 Public Content Writer & Collaborator This user can create content to be consumed by themselves and other users in the system. They can collaborate using features such as streams, timeline, etc.

14 Public Content Writer & Collaborator - Advanced

This user can create content to be consumed by themselves and other users in the system. They can collaborate using features such as streams, timeline, etc. This user also has extended access to create and manage views, report approval, and other admin items. This role should be used sparingly.

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15 System Administrator This user has the widest range of access to the system, and as such you should have a very limited number of people assigned this role. They can do everything from create content through to managing system tasks.

16 User Groups This section describes how Groups are used within the application. CMDB User Group should be listed here

17 Content Folders Content is stored within a two-tier folder structure of Folders and Sub Folders.

18 Field Folders Field folders are used to display groups of fields defined in the View, for use in the Report

19 Reference Codes Custom Sort Reference codes listed here.

20 Storyboard Themes Themes are style settings that are applied to Storyboards

21 Content Tags This displays a list of content tags currently defined in the system. From here the administrator can add, edit, view usage, and delete tags. Tags can be used by Discussions, Reports, Dashboards, Storyboards, Images and Annotations.

22 Configuration This page allows administrators to configure Email, System, Region and Integration

23 Email Settings You can configure all email related settings here Email Notifications, Email Notification Display Name, Email Notification Address, Notification Settings, Broadcast Display Name, Broadcast Email Address, Display Broadcast Filter Values, Recipient Search. Broadcast Failure Task, Send Email in Background

24 System You can configure general system settings here, including view & pdf defaults, logo options, and server settings.

25 General Settings Set Navigation to Left/Tool bar navigation. Set Content Creation Location, Colour Picker Standard Colours, Base Tags, Outgoing Proxy Server

26 Views Below settings can be done in views Filter Views by Category, Table List Length, View Data Preview, Database Column Order, Grouped Values Threshold, Report View List Sort, Drill Anywhere Default, Default Metric Aggregation,

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Add New View Fields, Default Data Preview, Data Profiling

27 Report Export Defaults Report Export Options Export to CSV, Docx, PDF, XLSX

28 PDF Export Defaults PDF Export Options. Page Size, Page Orientation, shrink to fit page width, Header Height, Footer height, Scale Images, Maximum image height, Maximum image width, Report Section Page Break, CoDisplay Report Page Break, PDF Password.

29 Custom Parameters These parameters were to reverse cross launch to MT and Smart IT AR, Midtier, Protocol, Smart IT

30 Region You can configure all region related settings here, including time & date and language specific text settings.

31 Time and Date Settings We can set Date and Time settings Default User Time Zone, Date Format, Week Start Day, Financial Start Day

32 Text Formats we can set Text Formats Name Format, Middle initial, Decimal Separator, Thousand Separator, Default Language Font, User Defined Language font, CSV character set.

33 Language Settings We can set Language settings Multi Language Deployment, Language set.

34 Integration You can configure integration settings that allow you to customise panels in Smart Reporting including Headers, Footers, and Toolbars.

35 Page Header We can set Page Header settings. Display, URL and Page Title

36 Toolbar We can set Toolbar settings. Display, Logout Link, Offset

37 Page Footer We can set Page Header settings. Display

38 Timeout Page We can set Page Header settings. Display

39 Content Settings This page allows administrators to configure a wide range of defaults and formatting settings for content.

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40 Styles we can set formatting setting (Font colour, Font size, Border, Back ground colour) for Report Title, Column & Row Headings, Cross Tab Metric Headings, Cross Tab Column Values, Cross Tab Row Values, Data, Section Title, Header & Footer, Report Summary

41 Layout We can set layout for Filter Location, Filter Width, Drill Through Popup, Filter Breadcrumb Content

42 Private Reports We can set below things for Private Reports Sharing, Water mark and Report Maker description

43 Public Reports We can set below things for Public Reports Water mark and Report Maker description

44 Builder Settings we can Set Report builder settings for Report Data Preview, Chart Data Preview, Display Filter Values, Display Access Filter Values, Autorun Reports with Filters, Filter Run Delay and Unique Report Names

45 Canvas Fonts We can set Canvas Fonts

46 Images and Maps Using the Images & Maps configuration you can set load new images into Smart Reporting raster maps, and WMS layers.

47 Email Template The Email Template allows an administrator to customise the look and feel of these emails. Page back ground colour, Body back ground, Salutation font type and colour, Line Style colour, Subject Font type and colour, Body Font type and colour, Footer Font type and colour, footer top background, footer background and custom footer text

48 Schedule Management It displays scheduled reports. We can edit, delete, Pause, Run the schedules

49 Dashboard Management We can manage the dashboards. Can make security Private/Public, Add Subscribers, Delete dashboards

50 System Information It will give all details about Yellowfin Build. YF version number, build no, java version, OS,

51 Content Translation Translate report names, descriptions and column headings into multiple languages. This allows users to see reports and dashboards in their own preferred language

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52 Export We can export Data source, View, Folder, Reports, dashboards, Images, Themes and Story Boards

53 Import We can use this feature to transfer content to smart reporting

Report user/consumer Perspective



Smart Reporting/Yellowfin

7.3 Features what feature does

1 Timeline

Displays 1. Reports you created or viewed 2. Your favourite content such as dashboards or storyboards 3. Any post you shared with other users 4. Your connection event with other users 5. Any interaction or discussion you took part in 6. Any alerts or notifications that need your attention.

2 Search Engine Search Reports/ Dashboards/Storyboard/ Discussions by typing in desired content

3 User 'My Favourites’, Inbox, Recently Accessed Content

1. Add content to user favourite Folder. 2. A registered user can send report(s) to another registered user's BI SR Inbox 3. Easy access of recently viewed content

4 Sharing Options

5 Distribution Allows the user to send a report to a user's system Inbox

6 Embed Allows the user to embed a report into an HTML, Wiki, Blog page. Eg: Remedy -Daily Reports portal

7 Email send reports via email to other registered users or external parties.

8 Formats for Sharing PDF, DOCX, CSV, Link to Report, HTML and XLSX

9 Broadcast (Scheduling)

1. Reports can be distributed to Users (Registered BMC Smart Reporting user), Group (Group of users that have been setup within BMC Remedy Smart Reporting), emails to both external (unregistered BMC) and internal (BMC registered) user/distribution list. 2. Reports can be distributed using FTP 3. Subscription: Same as broadcast, but will only send email to user who created the subscription 4. Format: PDF, CSV, DOCX, HTML and XLSX

10 Report Export Formats PDF, CSV, DOC, XLS, Text, Rich Text Format (RTF), Print.

11 Delivery Rule Send a report only if it meets certain criteria (eg: CRQs waiting for approval)


For long running reports (>5 sec), User have option to either

1. wait 2. get email automatically after report completes to run 3. See the report in their timeline after it finishes 4. Cancel report

13 Filters To choose only needed data. Eg: 'Closed' status only.

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14 Drill Down Eg: Region> Site> Floor> Room

15 Drill Through Eg: Summary report to Detailed report

16 Discussion Group Discussion on single or multiple BI Content within Smart Reporting UI

17 Report Level Annotation Annotations assist your reports readers to understand the reports and data that they are viewing

18 Comments Commenting on a report/ Dashboard / Storyboard / User timeline

19 Storyboard

Storyboard is a presentation layer in BMC Remedy Smart Reporting that allows users to create slide shows with fully functional reports as well as text, images, and videos.

20 Task Management Under Timeline UI, you can create a task to request a user to generate a report and provide the report results.

21 Bookmark

User can save their filter criteria that they have applied so they don't have to reapply all filters again next time. User can select to either make bookmark public or private. Public means, any user can select that bookmark. Private means either user himself can see that bookmark or group that has been given access by that user.

22 Snapshots

Allow you to save the result set of your current report with the drill paths and filters you've currently applied. A snapshot becomes a static report, meaning that you can no longer interact with it, it has been designed to preserve a result set at a point in time to use for comparison later.

Report Developer Perspective



Smart Reporting/Yellowfin 7.3

Features Category What feature does

1 Report Export Formats Report level PDF, CSV, DOC, XLS, Text, Rich Text Format (RTF), Print.

2 Re-pointing existing report to a new VIEW Report Level

3 CO-Display Report Level

Co-display: Where one or more reports are displayed on the same report. Tabbed reports: Where multiple reports are added to a master report using tabs

4 Drill Down View Level

This option allows you to enable a hierarchy built in the view. You will be able to move up and down the implemented hierarchies within the one report

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5 Drill Anywhere Report Level

Like Drill Down, Drill Anywhere allows the user to move through levels of detail within a single report. The difference here is that the hierarchy, or path, is built by the user during the drill process, rather than the administrator during the view building stage

6 Drill Through Report Level

This option allows you to create links between summary and detail reports, passing values from the parent report to the filters of the child report

7 Publication Report Level

8 Personalized Publication Report Level

Distribute report to users (Internal/External) with the data that only they are interested to see or associated to them.

9 Embed Report Content in External Pages External

Report URL can be embedded into external UI. Eg: Embed in Remedy- Daily Reports

10 Active Row Limit Report level

restrict the number of rows returned in the active report. This is inherited from the Source Connection, but can be restricted further at the report level.

11 Auto Refresh Report level

12 Sections Report level

13 Calculations Report level

14 Conditional formatting Report level

15 Report Level Annotation Report level

Annotations assist your reports readers to understand the reports and data that they are viewing

16 VIEW Level Annotation VIEW level

Annotations assist your reports readers to understand the reports and data that they are viewing

17 Organization Level Annotation UI level

18 Save Report as a Semantic View UI level

This capability enables you to reuse desired columns of a report

19 Storyboard UI level

Storyboard is a presentation layer in BMC Remedy Smart Reporting that allows users to create slide shows with fully functional reports as well as text, images, and videos.

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20 Sharing Options

21 Distribution UI level Allows the user to send a report to a user's system Inbox

22 Embed UI level

Allows the user to embed a report into an HTML, Wiki, or Blog page

23 Email UI level

send reports via email to other registered users or external parties.

24 Formats for Sharing UI level PDF, DOCX, Link to Report, HTML and XLSX

25 Broadcast (Scheduling) Report Level

1. Reports can be distributed to Users (Registered BMC Smart Reporting user), Group (Group of users that have been setup within BMC Remedy Smart Reporting), emails to both external (unregistered BMC) and internal (BMC registered) user/distribution list. Note: To use external user(s) email require a multicast license. 2. Reports can be distributed using FTP 3. Subscription: Same as broadcast, but will only send email to user who created the subscription 4. Format: PDF, DOCX, Link to Report, HTML and XLSX

26 Forecasting UI level

This capability is available in Chart builder allows you to visualize and predict what happens next. For example, based on the number of incidents created and resolved in a quarter, you can predict the amount of work for the next quarter by using the forecasting function.

27 Report Repointing Report level Resourcing existing reports to a new VIEW

28 Promoting content from lower to higher env

Platform level

By simple XML export & Import option

29 Formulas on Columns

There are multiple options. However, limited formulas can be applied to a column since it uses AR JDBC driver in the backend.

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AR JDBC Functions: Convert string to number, ARJDBC Convert CLOB to Varchar (Oracle), ARJDBC Convert nText to Varchar (MSSQL), ARJDBC List Aggregation, ARJDBC First Day of Month, ARJDBC First Day of Quarter, ARJDBC First Day of Year, ARJDBC Length, ARJDBC Character Index/Position, ARJDBC and others...

View / Report Level Pre-Defined Functions

31 Suppress Duplicates Report level Breaks in BO

32 Virtual Tables in View View Level

Inserting Derived tables in View is possible in Smart Reporting. But throws error at report level.

33 Table Alias View Level

34 Filter Grouping View Level Cascading LOV

35 CSV Based view View Level Creating a View based on CSV.

36 Cache in View View Level

Run the whole View and store it as cache in in Memory or DB. And Run the reports against cache. This is to avoid running query on actual DB. Cache scheduling is available.

37 View SQL behind report Report Level

38 View SQL behind View View Level

39 List of Active/ Draft reports using View and its usage View Level

40 Standardizing report format at global level

Platform level

41 Nested Report Filters. Report Level

42 Sorting Report Level

43 Calculations based on Free Hand SQL Report Level

44 Pre-defined calculations Report Level

45 Report formatting Report Level

46 Data Grouping Report Level

47 Column Formatting Report Level

48 Filter Formatting Report Level

49 Section Formatting Report Level

50 Chart Types Report Level

Bar, Area, Analytics, Pie, Maps, Column, combination charts, Finance, Line, Meter, Special Purpose

51 Multiple charts in a report Report Level

52 Chart Formatting Report Level Legend, Axis, Title, Background and others.

53 Source and View of report Report Level

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54 Average run time of a report Report Level

55 Activity of report Report Level

56 Report access control Report Level

57 Report Distribution control Report Level

58 Auto Refresh report Report Level

59 View Details in PDF / Word View Level Columns, SQL, definition, Data Type, Parameters, others...

60 List of all Fields of a View View Level

61 Roll back changes to a view View Level Only for Clone version of View. No clone when straight Edit.

62 Table Conditions View Level Restriction on a table

63 Table Metadata Details View Level Columns, Schema, Joins, table name and others

64 Table level filters View Level

65 Filter Grouping View Level

66 Date functions View Level

67 Grouped data View Level Jan, Feb. and march as Q1

68 Parameters View Level Current Date + 30, Current date-30

69 Calculation Fields View Level

70 Calculation Filters View Level

71 View Options View Level Performance tuning options

72 Optimize View View Level

Specify if this view should be optimized so that Smart Reporting only includes tables that are being used in the report, forming a join between tables used in the report, or marked as mandatory, in the report SQL. Reports based on views that aren't optimized include all view tables in the report SQL.

73 View Security control View Level

74 Field formatting View Level Change Data type, etc…

75 View based on standalone Virtual (DR) table View Level

Working and can export to other env

76 Existing View with DR table at View Form Level View Level

Working and can export to other env

77 Existing View with Virtual table at View level View Level In progress.

78 Union (Subquery) Report Level

79 Append(Subquery) Report Level

The Append subquery allows you to add the results of one query to another query if both the queries have a common column. This subquery type helps you compare the results of two or more queries. For example, you can use Append subquery to

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generate a report to view the number of incidents, problems, and changes created for each company in an organization.