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Year 10 June 2020 Theme 2 Global issues The environment

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Year 10 June 2020

Theme 2 Global issues

The environment

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 5 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July

Week 1

June 1

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 10 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July


A mon avis le pire c’est la pollution causée par la circulation car il n’y a pas assez de transports en commun. En plus, on utilise trop de plastique.

Si on ne fait rien, on risque de faire monter le niveau de l’eau dans le monde et il y aura plus d’inondations.

Chez moi, on a recyclé les bouteilles et boites en plastique et verre et on a commencé d’utiliser plutôt les emballages durables.

A l’avenir il faudra faire plus pour améliorer notre environnement, face au changement climatique. De plus en plus d’arbres et d’animaux sont en train de disparaître, ce qui m’inquiète.


Complete task 1 and send to your teacher by 8 June. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, let your teacher know.

Week 2

June 8

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 6 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide 14/15 Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July

Model answer

A mon avis le pire c’est la pollution causée par la circulation car il n’y a pas assez de transports en commun. En plus, on utilise trop de plastique.

Si on ne fait rien, on risque de faire monter le niveau de l’eau dans le monde et il y aura plus d’inondations.

Chez moi, on a recyclé les bouteilles et boites en plastique et verre et on a commencé d’utiliser plutôt les emballages durables.

A l’avenir il faudra faire plus pour améliorer notre environnement, face au changement climatique. De plus en plus d’arbres et d’animaux sont en train de disparaître, ce qui m’inquiète.


1. A ton avis, quel est le problème de l’environnement le plus grave?

2. Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour éviter la pollution?

3. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour combattre le changement climatique?

4. Qu’est-ce qu’on devrait faire à l’avenir pour protéger le climat?

Shared folder

Vocab support

Core language



Complete task 2 and send to your teacher by 15 June. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, let your teacher know.

Week 3

June 15

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 5 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July


Role play (next slides, annotated)

Photo card (see folder)

General conversation

Tu parles avec ton ami(e) français(e) de l’environnement.

• Environnement – réduction de l’énergie à la maison (deux


• Problèmes de pollution dans ta ville (un détail).

! Qu’est-ce que tu as fait récemment pour aider?

• Problème numéro un global (un détail).

? Action pour améliorer l’environnement de ton pays.

Theme 2 Role Play Foundation:

Global Issues

• ASK your teacher what they are doing to help

• Say ONE problem of pollution in YOUR TOWN e.g. there are too

many cars / not enough public transport / lots of litter / we do not recycle

• PAST TENSE• Say what you have

done recently to help e.g. turned off the light, showered not bath, recycled

N.B don’t repeat what you said earlier – close something different

• Say what you think is the biggest global problem e.g. rising sea levels, global warming

• Sat TWO things you do AT HOME to reduce energy e.g. turn off the light ,

recycle, have a solar panel, take shower not bath

Theme 2 Role Play Higher:

Global Issues

ASK your teacher a question about the environment e.g. What do

they think? / Is it a big problem? / What do they do to help?

• PAST TENSE• Mention one thig you did

yesterday to help the environment e.g. walked instead of

travelling by car / turned off the light / recycled

• FUTURE TENSE• Mention one

thing you will do to help e.g. Use

your bike / use public transport / recycle

(N.B don’t repeat the same activity you said earlier!)

• Give your opinion – is it good or bad? / Why? / What must we do? / What can you do?

• MODAL VERBS (il (me) faut / je

dois / on doit / on pourrait etc.)

• Mention one problem for the environment e.g. too much pollution, too many cars, greenhouse effect (l’effet de serre)


Folder – audio file, transcript, questions

Answers from your teacher

Complete the listening questions and send to your teacher by 22 June. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, let your teacher know.

Week 4

June 22

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 5 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July


Transcript and task in listening folder


Complete task 3 and send to your teacher by 29 June. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, let your teacher know.

Year 10 Theme 2 Global issues

Week beginning

Seneca assignment(about 15 mins)

Preparation tasks Work to submit and deadline

1 June KS3 5.3.1-3 Read and translate the model text Reading worksheet 1 8 June

8 June Vocab F/H2.3.1-3

Link the questions on slide 5 to the paragraphs in the model text

Reading worksheet 2 15 June

15 June AQA GCSE 2.3.1 Role play slide Listening – audio file, transcript and questions in folder 22 June

22 June Watch video and jumbled translation in folder.More tasks here

Reading worksheet 3 29 June

29 June Photo card and general conversation questions

Writing task 6 July

Photo card

General conversation

1. A ton avis, quel est le problème de l’environnement le plus grave?

2. Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour éviter la pollution?

3. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour combattre le changement climatique?

4. Qu’est-ce qu’on devrait faire à l’avenir pour protéger le climat?

90 wordsVous décrivez de l’environnement pour un magazine français. Décrivez: Les effets de la pollution Des problèmes de l’environnement dans votre ville Ce que vous avez fait récemment pour protéger l’environnement Qu’est-ce qu’il faut faire pour l’améliorer?

Ecrivez environ 90 mots en français. Répondez à chaque aspect de la question.

Write your response – use the structure guide on the next slide to help, copy also in the folder for you to use:

Complete this writing task and send to your teacher by 6 July. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, let your teacher know.

Structure Approx 25 words :

What problems exist? Greenhouse gasses, rising sea levels, poor air quality, illness, diesel cars (Il y a / on existe)

What causes it? too many cars, lack of public transport, factories (à cause de)

What is your opinion? (Je pense que / Je crois que)

Do you think it is a problem? How does it make you feel?

Approx 25 words :

Cars and traffic jams, pollution from factories

Not enough public transport - use NEGATIVES

Use a car rather than walk / cycle

What is your opinion and why - do you agree / disagree (Je suis pour / contre)

Approx 25 words :

PAST tense

ONE thing that you have done

When? Where? With whom?


Approx 25 words :


What we could do (on pourrait)

What we should do (on devrait)

What you personally are going to do (Je vais recycler / utiliser etc.)

What it would be like (ce serait)