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BY THIS DAY's MAILS. BOSTON, April 10. i Entered, Shildrake, Baltimore ; Favor- ite, Norfolk ; Good Intent, Alexandria ; Priscilla, do. ; Morning Star, Charleston ; Eliza, New-Orleans. We continue to receive accounts of the dr.mage done by the late gales, to navigation at the southward. NEW-YOHK, April 16. Arrived, ship Liberty, Chew, 34 days from Liverpool. Sailed in co. with ships Ann, Alexander ; and Eliza, all for New- York ; ship Rump, Chew, of New-York, for Virginia; Diana, for Baltimore; An- nawon, Stotesbury, for Philadelphia, and spoke her on Monday in Block-Island Chan- nel ; ship J ~.eph, for Portland ; Lovina, Bray, of New-York, for Charante, and others, Left ships Chatham, for New York, in a few days ; Fair American, for do. in S weeks ; Huron* for do. in 2 or 3 days ; Hudson, in 5 ; Magistrate, in 2 •weeks. The Hardware, Law, was off Do- ver, the 1st.of M«rch, from New York, for Amsterdam. March 23, lat. 46, long. 40, spoke brig Betsy, from Boston, for Dublin, having in a gale lost his mainmast, deck- ' load, qr. rails, stanchions, &c. had been full of -water, but pumped out—was in great distress—supplied the crew with water, spars and other necessaries. Passengers, captain Hiinker, late master of the John Morgan, and captain Dickinson. The ship Ophelia, Waterman, 41 days from Bristol. Left ship New-York Packet, for New-York, in 7 days ; Laura, Rosseter, do. d o . : Fredonia, Richardson, for Philadel- phia, n<;:ct day ; Foxwell, Mitchell, Bos- ton, do. ; Venus, Bunce, New-York, in 10 ; Bristol Trader, do. uncertain. Mar.-.h 8, lat. 47, long. 25, spoke ship Hope, 25 days from Charleston for Amsterdam. The schr.Ceres, Gale, of Amboy, 30 days (from Curracoa. The brigs Patty, and Ama- 2in,l 'Vowii, were to sail in 3 days for N. York ; and Vigilant, for do. fn 11. March Vf, spoke ship Eleanor, Barker, from Phila- delphia, for the city of St. Domingo. April 1, spoke brig Rufus King, from Trinidad for Boston. 11th, lat. 39, long. 69, 30, spoke Ship, Enterprise, Kemp, 3 days from New- York, for London. J8th, spoke the brig Friendship, from Marseilles, for Boston. The ship Howard, Cunningham, 30 days from Guadeloupe, via Antigua. Left at An- tigua, ship Minerva, of Charleston, from Monteviedo, waiting trial ; brig Northern Liberties, Olough, libelled ; Neptune, Ma- v son, for Philadelphia, ditto ; Little Frank, Torrance, ditto. In coming out of Antigua spoke ship'Harriet, from Guadajoupe, beat- ing in. ' The sr.hr. Dolphin, Sphynx, 7 days from Rhiladelphia. The ship Thomas, Turner, sailed from the Cordova f, for New York; 28th February. Below, the ship Charles, Crjndou, 45 days from Liverpool ; the ship Olive-Branch, 50 days from Bordeaux ; brig Vigilant, Christie, 524 days from Curracoa. Cleared, schrs. Lark, Cronk, Halifax ; William, Barnard, Tcrtoln, Lloyd's Lists, March 3—6. At Gravesend, Two Friends, Charleston. At Liverpool, Bedford,New York. :' tClyde, Commerce, M J ntire, New-York. At Derry, Westpoint, ditto ; America, ditto. At Belfast, Atlas, ditto. The Temperance, from Hambro, for Phi adelphia, has put into Gluckstadt with damage, having been ashore at the Elbe. Sailed from S. Hampton, Richmond, for Baltimore. Plymouth, March 5. Sailed, ship Cora, Mooncy,for Ball:mere. Ddtier, March 6. Passed by, ship Hard •ware, fr.~,m New-York, for Amsterdam ; and ship Apollo, Waters, from Charleston, for Hamburg. \ large American ship is off, coming in next tide. Gr,:i<rsend, March 6. Sailed, the Romeo, lie Bfi; '.'••I, f'.r Baltimore. Dii - at Palatine, Dr. John Cochran, aged yo.—director °f hospitals in the late revolu- lutionary war. MORE IMPORTANT NEWS. Captain Crow, of the shipLiberty, has favor- ed the editors of the New-York Gazette w i t h London papers to the 8th, and Li- verpool to the 9th nit. inclusive. These papers contain the following highly impor- tant intelligence— LONDON, March 7. Dispatches have been received from Pe- tersburg, m which, it is said, the emperor -Alexander gives the most solemn pledge that he will not listen to any terms of peace nu- til the French are driven entirely out of the Polish dominions; nor will he sanction any that may be agreed upon with Prussia, under the mediation of Austria, that has not for their object the immediate evacuation of the •whole of the German dominions occupied Ly the enemy since the commencement of the present campaign. The latter part of this may, however, be in some respects in- correct. A vessel arrived from Memel, after an un- commonly quick passage. The master, we understand, brings intelligence that an ac- count had been received at Memel of Bona- parte having set out for Paris, having previ- ously conferred the command of the army en Massena. It is not improbable that such a report might have reached that: town, but we entertain considerable doubts of its accu- racy. SUNDAY, March 8. (Second Kdition.J We have the infinite pleasure in being able to announce the arrival of a messenger, this morning, from Petersburg, with the official accounts of a succession of impor- tant in'ctories obtained by the Russians o'uer the French, between the 1st and 12th Febru- ary. Mr. Vlick, who is the bearer of these joyful tidings, left Petersburg on the 17th of February, and Gottenlmrg on the 1st in- stant, on board the Amity Packet, which "Was dispatched for his conveyance. From him we have the happiness to learn, that general Renningsen has officially announced Several victories obtained by him over Bona- parte, in one of,which the French lost up- tvarcls cf twenty thousand men, a large por- tion erf their artillery, and tivehve standards. Six of these latter had been triumphantly /exhibited on the parade" of Petersburg, pre- vious to Mr. Viick's departure. A French general has deserted the smkirig fortune of Bonaparte, and has arrived at St. Petersburg. H,e reports, and his statement is confirmed fro* various quarters, that lio- parte, since his invasion of Poland, has lost upwards of one hundred thousand mew ! Mr. Vlick was detained at Gottenburg two days by contrary wind. The following note was circulated in the ministerial circles, shortly after Mr. kick's arrival : " A king's messenger arrived this morn- ing, with dispatches from St. Petersburg, communicating the official details of the operations of the Bussian army in Prussia. It appears that the ardent and persevering gallantry of the Russian general has been crowned with signal success. For several successive days he attacked the French ar- my, always to advantage but in the last af- fairs, to their decisive defeat, they having on that occasion lost upwards of twenty thousand men, tivci've eagles and several pie- ces of cannon." " Great rejoicings have taken place at Petersburg and the city was illuminated at the departure of the messenger." The Gazette contains an order in council, dated the 4th, placing Curracoa, in point of commercial relations, on a footing with cur other West-India islands. Yesterday we received Dutch and French papers by the American ship Medford, ar- rived in the river from Rotterdam, which have furnished us with some articles of im- portance. Government at the same time received dispatches from the continent by the Dorset packet, arrived at Harwich. The latter are stated to announce another action between the Russians and French, in which the grand duke of Berg was killed. We have before us an extract of a letter received by a merchant in the city from his brother at Warsaw, mentioning Murat's death, and that the body had been received in that city with great, pomp, and as we understand, bu- ried there. We incline, however, to think, from some allusion to the scene of action, that Murat, should behave fallen, must have been killed in the battle of Eylen, or in some affair immediately following it. Letters were yesterday received in town from Dantzic, which on Thursday arrived at Hull, bringing accounts from thence to the 26t_ult.of great rejoicings having taken place there, on occasion of the victories ob- tained by theHussians over thejFrench, in Warmia, up to the llfh. The left, and cen- tre of the Russians were then posted on the lakes, and the right extended beyond the A He. The French corps under general Lefebre has been defeated by a body or Prussians near Marienwerder. Although the French have succeeded in restoring tranquility in Hessia, insurrections appear to have broken out in various other parts of Germany, which cannot fail to em- barrass Bonaparte, either in exposing his sup- plies from France to danger, or in requiring for iheir protection a greater force than in his present circumstances he can afford for such service. Witteravia, and the banks of the Main, are in the hands of the insurgents ; and in Weimar, Gi.tlm, Coburg, and most of the neighboring duchies, an extensive and organised system of revolt prevails. The Aus;rian army in Gallicia comprises upwards of one hundred thousand men ; and the frontiers of Moravia and Bohemia are crowded with troops who have cutoff all communication with Saxony, Silesia, &c. The export of provisions to the French ar- my in Poland has been discontinued, and some Jewish merchants and others, by whom it was carried on, have been arrested and sent hi chains for trial. This measure is stated to have been adopted on a strong re- monstrance from the Russian minister. The Austrian! are collecting a strong corps on the Bavarian frontiers^under the orders of one of the archdukes. A\\ officers in the Austrian service on leave of absence, &c have received orders to join their respective corps. On the departure of Buonapartefrom War- saw, Baron Vincent announced to Talley- rand his intention to retnrr- to Vienna, and was with difficulty induced to prolong his stay in Poland for another fortnight. The Baron's mission, independent of the" restora- tion, of Brahnau, had for its object to demand from Buonaparte an explanation as to his intentions in regard to Poland, and a revocation of the promises as held out to the inhabitants of that country by Doni- brousky. ^onapartehas evaded the discussi on of these points ; and in one of his inter, views with Baron Vincent, he warmly ex- pressed impatience and offence at the Baron's importunity on the subject. The Russians continue to advance in Tur key almost without oposition. It appears by letters from Pause ova of the 28th of Ja- nuary, that the advanced corps of the Rtissi- sian army had already penetrated into /ilba- nia, and that the Mountaineers of Rascia, Po- drinn, &c. had joined him in immense num- bers. The islands of Curzuolo, Brassa, and Lissa, have fallen into the hands of the Im- perialists, and Lessina, has been invested. Bulgaria, Servia, and Albania, as well as Moldavia and Wallachia, are now in the vir- tual occupation of the Russians. The Turks are not capable of opposing any seiious ob- stacles to the progres of the Russians ; their army is an undisciplined insurgent mob, more dangerous to the gener?!s appointed to conduct it, than to the enemy to whom it is to be confronted. General Kellerman is arrived at Hamburg, where, it is said, he is to command. General Renningsen, who so ably com- manded the Russian armies in Prussia and Po- land, was formerly in the British service. Richardson ; Perseverance, Delano, ft Go- vernor Strong, Cleveland, belonging to the eastward—also the brigLydia. SAVANNAH, March 31. Arrived, ship Neptune, Sainton, Liver- pool ; brigs Dart, Hodgkins, Boston; Ger- man Peggy, Northam, Havana and Cuba ; Georgia, Joceline, New-York ; Schrs. Citi- zen, Smith, St. Thomas ; Peggy, Marshall, Newbern, N. c.; Esther, Smith, St. Augus- tine. Cleared, ship Abeona, Shaw, Flushing & a market ; sch's Dolphin, Gale, New York ; Columbia, Haws, Norfolk ; Caty-^lun, Crooker, New-York. CHARLESTON, „pril 2. Northward Hay is now selling in this city at the advanced price of FOUR DOLLARS per hundred weight. Arrived, ship ^nn, Cummings, Bonny, (Africa) via Dominica, 98 days, with three hundred and sixty-five Slaves. Cleared, schr. Aalanta, Parker, N.York; Hibernia, Donnely, Philadelphia. _pril 4. The outward-bound ship Uncle Toby, cap- tain Parr, went ashore yesterday on the North Breaker. It is supposed she will be lost, but her cargo will be saved. The ship Truth, of Boston, and fht brig Bounty, of Providence, are sent by the Bri- tish from Rio de la Plata to the Cape of Good Hope, for trial. NORFOLK, April 11. Arrived, brig Ann Elizabeth, Skinner, 14 days from Havana. Sailed March 25, in company with ship Augustus, of and for Salem ; brig Actress, Collins, of and for Baltimore; sch'r William Davis, Downs, of and for Plymouth. Left there ship Two Generals, Cunningham, of and for this port- to sail in 2 days ; brig Peace, Swain, J^tjw- buryport, for Philadelphia, next day ; r>rig Harriot, Rogers, of and for New-York, next day ; sch'r Commerce, , of Charles- ton, for Boston, in 3 days; brig Susan, Rogers, of and from New-York, just arriv- ed. Sch'r Eagle, Woodward, 30 days" from Nevis, in distress bound for Savannah ^ch'r Harriot, Butler, 11 days from Char- leston. Sfloop Harmony, Ellwood, 10 days from Philadelphia, bound to Washington City, lost both anchors in the Delaware. Cleared, brig Ann, Bascom, Honduras. DEI "'""GAZETTE." SATURDAY, APRIL 18. Schr. Two-Brothers, captain Gray, will sail for Norfolk on Monday at 9 o'clock. 0">' Some very unpleasant news (for the friends of French conquerors) will be found under the New York liead this evening. It is very unfortunate that the loan has already been obtained in England : if it were not, we would be told that the discomfiture of the French was feigned. Married on Thursday, the 16th instant, by the rev. John Smith, Mr. Alexander Yearlcy, of this city, to Miss Ann Erav.ier, daughter of Mr. John Frazier of Kent county. Married on Tuesday evening last, by the rev. Dr. Roberts, Mr. Charles Breyan to Miss Harriot Hopkins, daughter of John Hop- kins, all of Baltimore county. From the Merchants' Coffee-House Books. April 17. Arrived, brig Ann, Vinson, 34 days from Barbados—ballast—T. &. S. Hollingsworth. Left 13th March, ship Venelia, Fox, from Cayenne, for Boston, sent in and libelled ; schr. Adela, from Cayenne, for New-York, sent in, liberated, to sail in a few days. 14th, in sight of Martinique, was boarded by the British brig of war Pert, informed us that a brig then in sight was the Venus, from Bal- timore, boumdto Martinique. Off Currituck spoke ship George, Dyer, from St. Jago, and schooner Amazon, from St. Thomas, bound to Baltimore. PHILADELPHIA, April 17. Arrived, ship Asia, Williamson, Canton, 125 days. Cleared, ship Neptnne, Jefferis, Antigua ; schr. Hazard, Connell, Laguira. Captain Williamson, of the ship Asia, sailed from Canton on the 2d December, in company with the ship Dorothea, Dough- erty, and brig Ariel, Donovan, both for this port. The ship Triton, West, sailed for Philadelphia the 23d November; ship Eliza, Murphy, for New-York, the 28th ; ship* Mandarin, and Catharine, for Boston, the 28th. The ship Rossreau, of Philadelphia, arrived at Wampoa, the 30th November. Captain Williamson, spoke December 14, in trie Straits of Sunda, the ship Eliza, Mui- phy, and parted with her on the 23d, all well ; also the Dorothea, and Ariel. Left at Canton, ships Jefferson, Harrison ; and Sally, Tallman, ofPhiladelphia, in Is days ; Fanny, Smith, of do. time of sailing un- certain ; ships Vancouver, Brown ; Eliza; $~f° The Letter Bag of the ship Canton, for Liverpool, will be taken from the Cojff'ee- House To-Morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Stated Auction Days. R. LEMMON & CO. MONDAY, Head of Gay -street dock, DRY GOODS at 10 o'clock. WET DO. 13 do. VAN WYCK St DORSEY, TUESDAY, lira I of l-rcderick-street doci, DRY GOODS at 10 o'clock. WET DO. 12 do. THOMAS CHASE, THURSDAY, Corner of Second and Frederick-streets, DRY GOODS at half past 10 o'clock, WET DO. 12 do. COLE IS" I. BONSL's BOOK AUCTION. SATURDAY EVENING. 174 1-2 Market-street. BALTIMORE THEATRE Will open on MONDAY EVENING, April 27th, 1807, When will be presented, a celebrated Comedy, in five aots, called She Stoops to Couquer; OB, THE MIS1AK.ES OF A NIGHT. ( Written by the celebrated Dr Goldsmith, 1 To which willbe aiided (never performed here) a much admired Farce, called The Weathercock. Box, one Dollar—Pitt, Three Fourths of a Dollar. CC? The doors will be opened at six, and the performance commence at seven o'clock, pre- cisely. ,% Tickets to be had, and places in The boxes to be taken of Mr. Evans, at the offioe in front of the theatre, 01. days of non-perform- ance from ten till two; and on days of perform- ance, from ten till lour o'clock. QCJ* Gentlemen cannot be pevmittedtosmoak cigws in the Theatre, on any account. Herrings. 200 bbls. HERRINGS," in (rood shipping order, for sale at No. X9, Cheapside. Aprils,. p»4tf By Cole and I. Bonsai AucVrs. THIS PRESENT EVENING, APRIL 18, 1807. Will be sold at our Auction Room,, No 174 1-2, Market-street, a curious Collection of Second-Hand BOOKS; Many of which are truly valuable, both on ac- count of their real merit and their scarceness. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, to be sold without Catalogues. And on Wednesday next, the 22</ instant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, viill be peremptorily sold, by order of the orphans' court, All that valuable Property, situate on upper Water-street, and bounded by Public-alley east, and Dock-alley northerly, with all the improvements erected (hereon—late the pro- perty of William Tityard, deceased. Terms made known at the time and place of sale. And on the following day, {THURSDAY, the 2od, at 10 o'clock in the afternoon J at the cor- ner if timid and Fell streets, FeU's-Point, -VARIETY OF HOUSEHOLD & KITCH- EN FURNITURE: Consisting cf A great number of Beds, Bed-Steads, Ta- bles, Chairs, LooUng-Glasses, he. he. Par- ticulars made known at the place of sale. COLE & I. BONSyJL, Aict's. april 18. d4t Sale by Auction. ON MONDAY, The 20th inst. at 10 o'clock, at our auction room, at the head of Gay-street dock, %«ill commence the sale of Dry Goods ; Ctnsisting of 4 bales trurrahs 2 do. bafus I do. gurrah sawns 1 do. emerties 2 cases hrctajfncs 2 bales ttcktenburgi 1 case fine ginghams 1 do. do. book muslins, he. After which, et 12 o'clock, 37 hhds Muscovado sugar 39 boxes white and brown do. 43 pipes 4ih proof Bordeaux brandy 19 casks Pntent shot 14 chests hyson an I young hyson teas 38 bjxes Spanish Cigars 7 pipes of wine A few tie rets of rice, &c. R. LEMMON & CO. Auct'rs. April 18. _ Sale by Auction. Will be added to our sale on MONDAY, 2 cases Japanned, Spatted Cambrick, & Book MUSLINS. And for account of the underwriters, 2 cases damaged PRI \TS, 3 do. Fancy MUSLINS. R. LEMMON & CO. Auct'rs. April K, _______ For Hamburg, ( Will sail with all possible dispatch, J •J Thefinefast sailing; Ship MERMAID, Captain TUomns Stacy ; She has the greater part of her cargo engaged, and will commence load- ing in the beginning of next week. For freight apply to D.L.THOMAS, Ship-Broker. April 18. eo_ For Petersburg Eff Richmond, TV. The schooner ENTER PRIZE, jiAjV^ Ja'un Peterson, master ; \'!_K^lS2fc_r A substantial, good vessel ; _BS»ii_''jS_r« having a part of her cargo now on board,, is expected to sail on Thursday the 23d instant For freight of the remain der, apply to the master on board, at Smith's wharf, or to ISAIAH MAVKIN, Who continues to transact business on com- mission ss usual, -tud onei'i for sale on ac- commodating terms, ISO boxes white Codfish, in nice shipping order, 160 casks fresh Raisins, 15 chests Young Hyson Tea, 8« bbls Glauber Salts, 30 do. Citler Vinegar, 10 qr. casks Sherry Wine superior quality, 2 do. Malaga do. 5 pipes Aloqiie do. 3 do. very superior old Cogniac Brandy, 3 do. Holland Gin, good fla\or, 300 kegs Pickled Salmon, 200 do. Tongues and Sounds, 10 barrels Fat Mackerel, 25 do. New York Apple.;, 600 Sugar Moulds, Trenton Manufacture, A few barrels Boston No. 1 Beef, Cherry Bounce, he. ALSO, 1 bale Cloths, assorted, 1 do- Kerseys do. 1 do. Rose Blankets, and 1 case Cotton Cambrics. fry GOODS received on Storate. April 18. , d4t-law8t Wanted, "? A LA.D of about 14 years of, ajje, who can c me well recommended, to .assist in a retail store. A.pply at this Orfi.ce. April 18. d4t For Sale, The lime of a negro BOY, who lias about 12 years to serve ; he has been accustomed to house work and waiting. His price will b* 250 dollars. Apply at this Office. April 13 d4t . YV anted A Young MAN of reputable corrections, who writes a tolerable hand and can bring satisfactory vouchers of correct morals an_ integrity. Such an one may hear of a good situ- ation, by addressing a line to T. and leaving it at this Office. _ Apr'd_18 : _d_ Wants a place as Wet Nurse, A healthy Woman from the Country with good recommciidiitonj. Apply at Mr. Fran- cis G.lmeyers, North Howard-street April 1ft. t .eo4tll Pearl Barley. Just received from the manufactory of Ca- leb Kirk and Co. on Brandywine, a freslumpply of American Pearl Barley—-:art of which is of a superior quality to any yet offered for sale in this city. Also, second quality Pearl, and common Hulled Barley As the manufacturer* intends keeping a constant supply in my store, grocers and others who deal in the article, caiv always have it fresh, in half barrels, at'tho lowest prices, -without the trouble.of sending their orders to the nianuiactory, or of incur- ring the expence of carriage from it. JOHN TRIMBLE, No. 18, Cheapside: A small quantity of shelled or split Peas is left as above for inspection. They are manu- factured iu a superior manner, and will be lound very useful for ship's provisions. 4th mo. 18th. d3t iaw6t _ or New-Orleans, -, The Schooner AD HERBAL, Captain M'Meal ; Kg Having half her cargo on board will 6 ail in four or fiva days ; for freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Coles' wharf, Fell's-Point, or JOHN WALRAVEN. _April 18. _ d5t John Wood and Co. Haye re ceivCd per the Abeona, from Liverpool, EIGHTY-NINE PACKAGES SEASONABLE GOODS ; Amongst which are, Printed Dimities, Ditto Robes, Fancy Twilled Grandurells, Imperial Cord, Parasols, Silk Umbrellas, Fancy Nets, best Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, &c. april 18. ^ _ d4t Fuller and Wright, 80, MARKET-STREET, Have received from their manufactory, an extensive and fresh supply of ' Seasonable SHOES, Which they offer for sale at reduced prices for cash or approved paper. April 18. eo3t|| Schoolmaster. Wanted, a person who can come well re- commended and capable of teaching young children the English Grammer, Writing and Artbmetic. A , respectable number of Scho- lars can be obtained. The situation is very healthy and agreeable. For further part ; cu- lars. inquire at No. 50, comer of Pratt and Hanover-streets. April 16. 3»w4t§ All the remaining St *1 ina and Glass of John Pawley is re;,. No. 209, to No. 2"5, Baltimore-sin I ;r dooM above Liherty-street, where it will be sold on very low terms either by wholesale or • retail. N. B- At the above Store James Pawley has pist received by the Abeona, and has on band a g< neral assortment ot Quetn's-Ware, Japanned and other Ware, where country Merclmnts may be supplied on the towe9» terms and at the shortest notice. CHINA Cheap, bv the Box. April 18. _____ The Copartnership L ATF. L Y existing- between the subscribers, as joint partners ill trade at Ni w Port, in Charles county, was on the 18th davof Febru- ary last dissobed. We have this day settled all the concerns of the sai firm. Those indebt- ed to M'Gulloch and Wathen, for dealing at their said store., are require 1 to pay the amount of their accounts to Joseph Watlnn, who is solelv intitled to receive the same. Joseph. Wathen will pay all demands against the said concern, on account of any transactions at New- Port; and John M'Cu'lloch will discharge all claims against the concern for dealings in Bal- timore. JOHN M'CULLOCH, JOSEPH WATHEN. New-Port, April 7, 1807. (a. 18.) Iaw4tf ~To Rent, Chatsworth Place, (Commonly called Gray's Garden) so well known as a place of public resort, and as one of the finest, healthiest and most pleasant situations, that it needs no further descrip- tion. The rent will be so low, that by let- ting rooms during the summer season to privats gentlemen or families, the tenant may be en- tirely rent free. Possession nviy be had im- mediately. Apply to C. L. D. GUMDKRMAN, In Fr-inkl'm-street April 18. . d _JL To Eet, And potsession givon on the first day of May, An elegant two-story Brick Dwelling HOUSE, now occupied by Mr. Thomas Chase* situated on the corner of Green and German- streets, two squares west of Mr. William, Cooke's, a pump of excellent water at the door in a good neighborhood and convenient to the New Market. Inquire of the sub- scriber living next door HORATIO BERRY. April 18. eo4t Five Dollars Reward. RAN away from Mr. Clement Brooke, a- bout the last of March, a German indented boy named GASPEH JACOB SCHULTZ. He is slen- der made, and about five feet high ; has th© form of an anchor on his left wrist, abovejthe thumb, and a large scar on the inside of ona of his legs. He speaks different languages.— The above reward will be paid for bringing him to WILLIAM DII WORTH, Cowpen-alley. N. B. All persans are cautioned against harboring, employing, or carrying off said h«iy. april 18. eo3t§ Thomas Marean HAS FOR SALE, AT NO. 86, BOWLY'S WHARF, , 200 Spanish Horse Hides, 16 pipes French and Spanish Brandy, 100 boxes Spermaceti Candles, 60 do. Mould Tallow do. 100 do No. 3, Chocolate, 50 do. White Codfish, 200 do. Brown Seap, 100 barrels and half barrels Boston No. _ and 2 Beef, 30 do. Pork, 25 do. Fat Mackerel, 50 kegs first quality Lard, 75 do. Ground Ginger, 90 casks Fresh Raisins, 50 barrels Glauber Salts, 14 boxes Cotton Cards, assorted numbars,- April 17. „______ _ d8t ;L_ French Dry Goods & Millenery, JUST RECEIVED VIA NEW-YORK. 1 box of the most elegant Bonnets, for th* spring, 1 do. Artificial Flowers, French and English Ribbons, Superfine French Linen Casnbriclc, Pocket Handkerchiefs do. Ladies' Pink White Stockings,, open clocks, and on the ihatep, Rich and elegant embroidered Lace V « ^ | Silk Lace Shawls, White Cambrick Shawl, and giber articles, For sale very cheap for cash or approved note* Apply at Ne. 35, North Fretlerick street. April 11. - «e64 1

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Page 1: Y V anted - mdhistory.msa.maryland.govmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3722/msa_sc3722_2... · views with Baron Vincent, he warmly ex pressed impatience and offence at the Baron's


BOSTON, April 10. i Entered, Shildrake, Baltimore ; Favor­ite, Norfolk ; Good Intent, Alexandria ; Priscilla, do. ; Morning Star, Charleston ; Eliza, New-Orleans.

We continue to receive accounts of the dr.mage done by the late gales, to navigation at the southward.

NEW-YOHK, April 16. Arrived, ship Liberty, Chew, 34 days

from Liverpool. Sailed in co. with ships Ann, Alexander ; and Eliza, all for New-York ; ship Rump, Chew, of New-York, for Virginia; Diana, for Baltimore; An-nawon, Stotesbury, for Philadelphia, and spoke her on Monday in Block-Island Chan­nel ; ship J ~.eph, for Portland ; Lovina, Bray, of New-York, for Charante, and others, Left ships Chatham, for New York, in a few days ; Fair American, for do. in S weeks ; Huron* for do. in 2 or 3 days ; Hudson, in 5 ; Magistrate, in 2 •weeks. The Hardware, Law, was off Do­ver, the 1st.of M«rch, from New York, for Amsterdam. March 23, lat. 46, long. 40, spoke brig Betsy, from Boston, for Dublin, having in a gale lost his mainmast, deck-

' load, qr. rails, stanchions, &c. had been full of -water, but pumped out—was in great distress—supplied the crew with water, spars and other necessaries. Passengers, captain Hiinker, late master of the John Morgan, and captain Dickinson.

The ship Ophelia, Waterman, 41 days from Bristol. Left ship New-York Packet, for New-York, in 7 days ; Laura, Rosseter, do. d o . : Fredonia, Richardson, for Philadel­phia, n<;:ct day ; Foxwell, Mitchell, Bos­ton, do. ; Venus, Bunce, New-York, in 10 ; Bristol Trader, do. uncertain. Mar.-.h 8, lat. 47, long. 25, spoke ship Hope, 25 days from Charleston for Amsterdam.

The schr.Ceres, Gale, of Amboy, 30 days (from Curracoa. The brigs Patty, and Ama-2in,l 'Vowii, were to sail in 3 days for N. York ; and Vigilant, for do. fn 11. March Vf, spoke ship Eleanor, Barker, from Phila­delphia, for the city of St. Domingo. April 1, spoke brig Rufus King, from Trinidad for Boston. 11th, lat. 39, long. 69, 30, spoke Ship, Enterprise, Kemp, 3 days from New-York, for London. J8th, spoke the brig Friendship, from Marseilles, for Boston.

The ship Howard, Cunningham, 30 days from Guadeloupe, via Antigua. Left at An­tigua, ship Minerva, of Charleston, from Monteviedo, waiting trial ; brig Northern Liberties, Olough, libelled ; Neptune, Ma-

v son, for Philadelphia, ditto ; Little Frank, Torrance, ditto. In coming out of Antigua spoke ship'Harriet, from Guadajoupe, beat­ing in.

' T h e sr.hr. Dolphin, Sphynx, 7 days from Rhiladelphia.

The ship Thomas, Turner, sailed from the Cordova f, for New York; 28th February.

Below, the ship Charles, Crjndou, 45 days from Liverpool ; the ship Olive-Branch, 50 days from Bordeaux ; brig Vigilant, Christie, 524 days from Curracoa.

Cleared, schrs. Lark, Cronk, Halifax ; William, Barnard, Tcrtoln,

Lloyd's Lists, March 3—6. At Gravesend, Two Friends, Charleston. At Liverpool, Bedford,New York. :' tClyde, Commerce, M J ntire, New-York. At Derry, Westpoint, ditto ; America, ditto. At Belfast, Atlas, ditto. The Temperance, from Hambro, for Phi adelphia, has put into Gluckstadt with damage, having been ashore at the Elbe. Sailed from S. Hampton, Richmond, for Baltimore.

Plymouth, March 5. Sailed, ship Cora, Mooncy,for Ball:mere.

Ddtier, March 6. Passed by, ship Hard •ware, fr.~,m New-York, for Amsterdam ; and ship Apollo, Waters, from Charleston, for Hamburg. \ large American ship is off, coming in next tide.

Gr,:i<rsend, March 6. Sailed, the Romeo, lie Bfi; '.'••I, f'.r Baltimore.

Dii - at Palatine, Dr. John Cochran, aged yo.—director °f hospitals in the late revolu-lutionary war.

MORE IMPORTANT NEWS. Captain Crow, of the shipLiberty, has favor­

ed the editors of the New-York Gazette wi th London papers to the 8th, and Li­verpool to the 9th nit. inclusive. These papers contain the following highly impor­tan t intelligence—

LONDON, March 7.

Dispatches have been received from Pe­tersburg, m which, it is said, the emperor -Alexander gives the most solemn pledge that he will not listen to any terms of peace nu-til t he French are driven entirely out of the Polish dominions; nor will he sanction any that may be agreed upon with Prussia, under the mediation of Austria, that has not for their object the immediate evacuation of the •whole of the German dominions occupied Ly t h e enemy since the commencement of the present campaign. The latter part of this may, however, be in some respects in­correct.

A vessel arrived from Memel, after an un­commonly quick passage. The master, we understand, brings intelligence that an ac­count had been received at Memel of Bona­parte having set out for Paris, having previ­ously conferred the command of the army en Massena. It is not improbable that such a report might have reached that: town, but w e entertain considerable doubts of its accu­racy.

SUNDAY, March 8.

(Second Kdition.J W e have the infinite pleasure in being

able to announce the arrival of a messenger, th is morning, from Petersburg, with the official accounts of a succession of impor­tant in'ctories obtained by the Russians o'uer the French, between the 1st and 12th Febru­ary.

Mr. Vlick, who is the bearer of these joyfu l tidings, left Petersburg on the 17th o f February, and Gottenlmrg on the 1st in­stant , on board the Amity Packet, which "Was dispatched for his conveyance. From him w e have the happiness to learn, that genera l Renningsen has officially announced Several victories obtained by him over Bona­parte , in one of,which the French lost up-tvarcls cf twenty thousand men, a large por­tion erf their artillery, and tivehve standards.

Six of these latter had been triumphantly /exhibited on the parade" of Petersburg, pre­vious t o Mr. Viick's departure.

A French general has deserted the smkirig fo r tune of Bonaparte, and has arrived at St. Petersburg. H,e reports, and his statement

is confirmed fro* various quarters, that lio-parte, since his invasion of Poland, has lost upwards of one hundred thousand mew !

Mr. Vlick was detained at Gottenburg two days by contrary wind.

The following note was circulated in the ministerial circles, shortly after Mr. k ick ' s arrival :

" A king's messenger arrived this morn­ing, with dispatches from St. Petersburg, communicating the official details of the operations of the Bussian army in Prussia. It appears that the ardent and persevering gallantry of the Russian general has been crowned with signal success. For several successive days he attacked the French ar­my, always to advantage but in the last af­fairs, to their decisive defeat, they having on that occasion lost upwards of twenty thousand men, tivci've eagles and several pie­ces of cannon."

" Great rejoicings have taken place at Petersburg and the city was illuminated at the departure of the messenger."

The Gazette contains an order in council, dated the 4th, placing Curracoa, in point of commercial relations, on a footing with cur other West-India islands.

Yesterday we received Dutch and French papers by the American ship Medford, ar­rived in the river from Rotterdam, which have furnished us with some articles of im­portance. Government at the same time received dispatches from the continent by the Dorset packet, arrived at Harwich. The latter are stated to announce another action between the Russians and French, in which the grand duke of Berg was killed. We have before us an extract of a letter received by a merchant in the city from his brother at Warsaw, mentioning Murat's death, and that the body had been received in that city with great, pomp, and as we understand, bu­ried there. We incline, however, to think, from some allusion to the scene of action, that Murat, should behave fallen, must have been killed in the battle of Eylen, or in some affair immediately following it.

Letters were yesterday received in town from Dantzic, which on Thursday arrived at Hull, bringing accounts from thence to the 26t_ult.of great rejoicings having taken place there, on occasion of the victories ob­tained by theHussians over thejFrench, in Warmia, up to the llfh. The left, and cen­tre of the Russians were then posted on the lakes, and the right extended beyond the A He.

The French corps under general Lefebre has been defeated by a body or Prussians near Marienwerder.

Although the French have succeeded in restoring tranquility in Hessia, insurrections appear to have broken out in various other parts of Germany, which cannot fail to em­barrass Bonaparte, either in exposing his sup­plies from France to danger, or in requiring for iheir protection a greater force than in his present circumstances he can afford for such service. Witteravia, and the banks of the Main, are in the hands of the insurgents ; and in Weimar, Gi.tlm, Coburg, and most of the neighboring duchies, an extensive and organised system of revolt prevails.

The Aus;rian army in Gallicia comprises upwards of one hundred thousand men ; and the frontiers of Moravia and Bohemia are crowded with troops who have cutoff all communication with Saxony, Silesia, &c. The export of provisions to the French ar­my in Poland has been discontinued, and some Jewish merchants and others, by whom it was carried on, have been arrested and sent hi chains for trial. This measure is stated to have been adopted on a strong re­monstrance from the Russian minister.

The Austrian! are collecting a strong corps on the Bavarian frontiers^under the orders of one of the archdukes.

A\\ officers in the Austrian service on leave of absence, &c have received orders to join their respective corps.

On the departure of Buonapartefrom War­saw, Baron Vincent announced to Talley­rand his intention to retnrr- to Vienna, and was with difficulty induced to prolong his stay in Poland for another fortnight. The Baron's mission, independent of the" restora­tion, of Brahnau, had for its object to demand from Buonaparte an explanation as to his intentions in regard to Poland, and a revocation of the promises as held out to the inhabitants of that country by Doni-brousky. ^onapartehas evaded the discussi on of these points ; and in one of his inter, views with Baron Vincent, he warmly ex­pressed impatience and offence at the Baron's importunity on the subject.

The Russians continue to advance in Tur key almost without oposition. It appears by letters from Pause ova of the 28th of Ja­nuary, that the advanced corps of the Rtissi-sian army had already penetrated into /ilba-nia, and that the Mountaineers of Rascia, Po-drinn, &c. had joined him in immense num­bers. The islands of Curzuolo, Brassa, and Lissa, have fallen into the hands of the Im­perialists, and Lessina, has been invested. Bulgaria, Servia, and Albania, as well as Moldavia and Wallachia, are now in the vir­tual occupation of the Russians. The Turks are not capable of opposing any seiious ob­stacles to the progres of the Russians ; their army is an undisciplined insurgent mob, more dangerous to the gener?!s appointed to conduct it, than to the enemy to whom it is to be confronted.

General Kellerman is arrived at Hamburg, where, it is said, he is to command.

General Renningsen, who so ably com­manded the Russian armies in Prussia and Po­land, was formerly in the British service.

Richardson ; Perseverance, Delano, ft Go­vernor Strong, Cleveland, belonging to the eastward—also the brigLydia.

SAVANNAH, March 31. Arrived, ship Neptune, Sainton, Liver­

pool ; brigs Dart, Hodgkins, Boston; Ger­man Peggy, Northam, Havana and Cuba ; Georgia, Joceline, New-York ; Schrs. Citi­zen, Smith, St. Thomas ; Peggy, Marshall, Newbern, N. c. ; Esther, Smith, St. Augus­tine.

Cleared, ship Abeona, Shaw, Flushing & a market ; sch's Dolphin, Gale, New York ; Columbia, Haws, Norfolk ; Caty-^lun, Crooker, New-York.

CHARLESTON, „pril 2. Northward Hay is now selling in this city

at the advanced price of FOUR DOLLARS per

hundred weight. Arrived, ship ^nn, Cummings, Bonny,

(Africa) via Dominica, 98 days, with three hundred and sixty-five Slaves.

Cleared, schr. Aalanta, Parker, N.York; Hibernia, Donnely, Philadelphia.

_pril 4. The outward-bound ship Uncle Toby, cap­

tain Parr, went ashore yesterday on the North Breaker. It is supposed she will be lost, but her cargo will be saved.

The ship Truth, of Boston, and fht brig Bounty, of Providence, are sent by the Bri­tish from Rio de la Plata to the Cape of Good Hope, for trial.

NORFOLK, April 11. Arrived, brig Ann Elizabeth, Skinner, 14

days from Havana. Sailed March 25, in company with ship Augustus, of and for Salem ; brig Actress, Collins, of and for Baltimore; sch'r William Davis, Downs, of and for Plymouth. Left there ship Two Generals, Cunningham, of and for this port-to sail in 2 days ; brig Peace, Swain, J^tjw-buryport, for Philadelphia, next day ; r>rig Harriot, Rogers, of and for New-York, next day ; sch'r Commerce, , of Charles­ton, for Boston, in 3 days; brig Susan, Rogers, of and from New-York, just arriv­ed.

Sch'r Eagle, Woodward, 30 days" from Nevis, in distress bound for Savannah

^ch'r Harriot, Butler, 11 days from Char­leston.

Sfloop Harmony, Ellwood, 10 days from Philadelphia, bound to Washington City, lost both anchors in the Delaware.

Cleared, brig Ann, Bascom, Honduras.


Schr. Two-Brothers, captain Gray, will sail for Norfolk on Monday at 9 o'clock.

0">' Some very unpleasant news (for the friends of French conquerors) will be found under the New York liead this evening. It is very unfortunate that the loan has already been obtained in England : if it were not, we would be told that the discomfiture of the French was feigned.

Married on Thursday, the 16th instant, by the rev. John Smith, Mr. Alexander Yearlcy, of this city, to Miss Ann Erav.ier, daughter of Mr. John Frazier of Kent county.

Married on Tuesday evening last, by the rev. Dr. Roberts, Mr. Charles Breyan to Miss Harriot Hopkins, daughter of John Hop­kins, all of Baltimore county.

From the Merchants' Coffee-House Books. April 17.

Arrived, brig Ann, Vinson, 34 days from Barbados—ballast—T. &. S. Hollingsworth. Left 13th March, ship Venelia, Fox, from Cayenne, for Boston, sent in and libelled ; schr. Adela, from Cayenne, for New-York, sent in, liberated, to sail in a few days. 14th, in sight of Martinique, was boarded by the British brig of war Pert, informed us that a brig then in sight was the Venus, from Bal­timore, boumdto Martinique. Off Currituck spoke ship George, Dyer, from St. Jago, and schooner Amazon, from St. Thomas, bound to Baltimore.

PHILADELPHIA, April 17. Arrived, ship Asia, Williamson, Canton,

125 days. Cleared, ship Neptnne, Jefferis, Antigua ;

schr. Hazard, Connell, Laguira. Captain Williamson, of the ship Asia,

sailed from Canton on the 2d December, in company with the ship Dorothea, Dough­erty, and brig Ariel, Donovan, both for this port. The ship Triton, West, sailed for Philadelphia the 23d November; ship Eliza, Murphy, for New-York, the 28th ; ship* Mandarin, and Catharine, for Boston, the 28th. The ship Rossreau, of Philadelphia, arrived at Wampoa, the 30th November. Captain Williamson, spoke December 14, in trie Straits of Sunda, the ship Eliza, Mui-phy, and parted with her on the 23d, all well ; also the Dorothea, and Ariel. Left at Canton, ships Jefferson, Harrison ; and Sally, Tallman, ofPhiladelphia, in Is days ; Fanny, Smith, of do. time of sailing un­certain ; ships Vancouver, Brown ; Eliza;

$~f° The Letter Bag of the ship Canton, for Liverpool, will be taken from the Cojff'ee-House To-Morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

Stated Auction Days.


Head of Gay -street dock, DRY GOODS at 10 o'clock. W E T DO. 13 do.


lira I of l-rcderick-street doci, DRY GOODS at 10 o'clock.

W E T DO. 12 do.


Corner of Second and Frederick-streets, DRY GOODS at half past 10 o'clock, W E T DO. 12 do.


174 1-2 Market-street.


27 th, 1807, When will be presented, a celebrated Comedy,

in five aots, called

She Stoops to Couquer ; OB, THE MIS1AK.ES OF A NIGHT.

( Written by the celebrated Dr Goldsmith, 1 To which willbe aiided (never performed here)

a much admired Farce, called

T h e Weathercock. Box, one Dollar—Pitt, Three Fourths of a

Dollar. CC? The doors will be opened at six, and the

performance commence at seven o'clock, pre­cisely.

, % Tickets to be had, and places in The boxes to be taken of Mr. Evans, at the offioe in front of the theatre, 01. days of non-perform­ance from ten till two; and on days of perform­ance, from ten till lour o'clock.

QCJ* Gentlemen cannot be pevmittedtosmoak cigws in the Theatre, on any account.

Herrings. 200 bbls. HERRINGS," in (rood shipping

order, for sale at No. X9, Cheapside. Aprils,. p»4tf

By Cole and I. Bonsai AucVrs. THIS PRESENT EVENING,

APRIL 18, 1807.

Will be sold at our Auction Room,, No 174 1-2, Market-street, a curious Collection of

Second-Hand B O O K S ; Many of which are truly valuable, both on ac­count of their real merit and their scarceness.

Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, to be sold without Catalogues. And on Wednesday next, the 22</ instant, at 10

o'clock in the forenoon, viill be peremptorily sold, by order of the orphans' court, All that valuable Property, situate on upper

Water-street, and bounded by Public-alley east, and Dock-alley northerly, with all the improvements erected (hereon—late the pro­perty of William Tityard, deceased. Terms made known at the time and place of sale. And on the following day, {THURSDAY, the

2od, at 10 o'clock in the afternoon J at the cor­ner if timid and Fell streets, FeU's-Point,


Consisting cf A great number of Beds, Bed-Steads, Ta­

bles, Chairs, LooUng-Glasses, he. he. Par­ticulars made known at the place of sale.

COLE & I. BONSyJL, Aict's. april 18. d4t

Sale by Auction.

ON MONDAY, The 20th inst. at 10 o'clock, at our auction room,

at the head of Gay-street dock, %«ill commence the sale of

Dry Goods ; Ctnsisting of

4 bales trurrahs 2 do. bafus I do. gurrah sawns 1 do. emerties 2 cases hrctajfncs 2 bales ttcktenburgi 1 case fine ginghams 1 do. do. book muslins, he.

After which, et 12 o'clock, 37 hhds Muscovado sugar 39 boxes white and brown do. 43 pipes 4ih proof Bordeaux brandy 19 casks Pntent shot 14 chests hyson an I young hyson teas 38 bjxes Spanish Cigars 7 pipes of wine A few tie rets of rice, &c.

R. LEMMON & CO. Auct'rs. April 18. _

Sale by Auction.

Will be added to our sale on MONDAY, 2 cases Japanned, Spatted Cambrick, &

Book MUSLINS. And for account of the underwriters,

2 cases damaged PRI \TS, 3 do. Fancy MUSLINS.

R. LEMMON & CO. Auct'rs. April K, _ _ _ _ _ _ _

For Hamburg, ( Will sail with all possible dispatch, J

•J The fine fast sailing; Ship MERMAID,

Captain TUomns Stacy ; She has the greater part of

her cargo engaged, and will commence load­ing in the beginning of next week. For freight apply to D .L .THOMAS,

Ship-Broker. April 18. eo_

For Petersburg Eff Richmond, TV. The schooner ENTER PRIZE,

jiAjV^ Ja'un Peterson, master ; \'!_K l̂S2fc_r A substantial, good vessel ; _BS»ii_''jS_r« having a part of her cargo now

on board,, is expected to sail on Thursday the 23d instant For freight of the remain der, apply to the master on board, at Smith's wharf, or to ISAIAH MAVKIN,

Who continues to transact business on com­mission ss usual, -tud onei'i for sale on ac­commodating terms,

ISO boxes white Codfish, in nice shipping order,

160 casks fresh Raisins, 15 chests Young Hyson Tea, 8« bbls Glauber Salts, 30 do. Citler Vinegar, 10 qr. casks Sherry Wine superior quality, 2 do. Malaga do. 5 pipes Aloqiie do. 3 do. very superior old Cogniac Brandy, 3 do. Holland Gin, good fla\or,

300 kegs Pickled Salmon, 200 do. Tongues and Sounds, 10 barrels Fat Mackerel, 25 do. New York Apple.;, 600 Sugar Moulds, Trenton Manufacture, A few barrels Boston No. 1 Beef, Cherry

Bounce, he. A L S O ,

1 bale Cloths, assorted, 1 do- Kerseys do. 1 do. Rose Blankets, and 1 case Cotton Cambrics. fry GOODS received on Storate.

April 18. , d4t-law8t

Wanted, "? A LA.D of about 14 years of, ajje, who

can c me well recommended, to .assist in a retail store. A.pply at this Orfi.ce.

April 18. d4t

For Sale, The lime of a negro BOY, who lias about

12 years to serve ; he has been accustomed to house work and waiting. His price will b* 250 dollars. Apply at this Office.

April 13 d4t .

YV anted A Young MAN of reputable corrections,

who writes a tolerable hand and can bring satisfactory vouchers of correct morals an_ integrity. Such an one may hear of a good situ­ation, by addressing a line to T. and leaving it at this Office. _ Apr'd_18: _d_

Wants a place as Wet Nurse , A healthy Woman from the Country with

good recommciidiitonj. Apply at Mr. Fran­cis G.lmeyers, North Howard-street

April 1ft. t .eo4t l l

Pearl Barley. Just received from the manufactory of Ca­

leb Kirk and Co. on Brandywine, a freslumpply of American Pearl Barley—-:art of which is of a superior quality to any yet offered for sale in this city. Also, second quality Pearl, and common Hulled Barley As the manufacturer* intends keeping a constant supply in my store, grocers and others who deal in the article, caiv always have it fresh, in half barrels, at'tho lowest prices, -without the trouble.of sending their orders to the nianuiactory, or of incur­ring the expence of carriage from it.

JOHN TRIMBLE, No. 18, Cheapside:

A small quantity of shelled or split Peas is left as above for inspection. They are manu­factured iu a superior manner, and will be lound very useful for ship's provisions.

4th mo. 18th. d3t iaw6t

_ or New-Orleans, -, The Schooner

AD HERBAL, Captain M'Meal ;

Kg Having half her cargo on board will 6 ail in four or fiva days ; for freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Coles' wharf, Fell's-Point, or

JOHN WALRAVEN. _April 18. _ d5t

John Wood and Co. Haye re ceivCd per the Abeona, from Liverpool,


S E A S O N A B L E G O O D S ; Amongst which are,

Printed Dimities, Ditto Robes, Fancy Twilled Grandurells, Imperial Cord, Parasols, Silk Umbrellas, Fancy Nets, best Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, &c.

april 18. ^ _ d4t

Fuller and Wright, 80, MARKET-STREET,

Have received from their manufactory, an extensive and fresh supply of '

Seasonable S H O E S , Which they offer for sale at reduced prices for cash or approved paper.

April 18. eo3t||

Schoolmaster. Wanted, a person who can come well re­

commended and capable of teaching young children the English Grammer, Writing and Artbmetic. A , respectable number of Scho­lars can be obtained. The situation is very healthy and agreeable. For further part;cu-lars. inquire at No. 50, comer of Pratt and Hanover-streets.

April 16. 3»w4t§

All the remaining St *1 ina and Glass of John Pawley is re;,. No. 209, to No. 2"5, Baltimore-sin I ;r dooM above Liherty-street, where it will be sold on very low terms either by wholesale or • retail.

N. B- At the above Store James Pawley has pist received by the Abeona, and has on band a g< neral assortment ot Quetn's-Ware, Japanned and other Ware, where country Merclmnts may be supplied on the towe9» terms and at the shortest notice.

CHINA Cheap, bv the Box. April 18. _ _ _ _ _

T h e Copartnership L ATF. L Y existing- between the subscribers,

as joint partners ill trade at Ni w Port, in Charles county, was on the 18th davof Febru­ary last dissobed. We have this day settled all the concerns of the sai firm. Those indebt­ed to M'Gulloch and Wathen, for dealing at their said store., are require 1 to pay the amount of their accounts to Joseph Watlnn, who is solelv intitled to receive the same. Joseph. Wathen will pay all demands against the said concern, on account of any transactions at New-Port; and John M'Cu'lloch will discharge all claims against the concern for dealings in Bal­timore.


New-Port, April 7, 1807. (a. 18.) Iaw4tf

~To Rent, Chatsworth Place,

(Commonly called Gray's Garden) so well known as a place of public resort, and as one of the finest, healthiest and most pleasant situations, that it needs no further descrip­tion. The rent will be so low, that by let­ting rooms during the summer season to privats gentlemen or families, the tenant may be en­tirely rent free. Possession nviy be had im­mediately. Apply to

C. L. D. GUMDKRMAN, In Fr-inkl'm-street

April 18. . d _JL

T o Eet, And potsession givon on the first day of May,

An elegant two-story Brick Dwelling HOUSE, now occupied by Mr. Thomas Chase* situated on the corner of Green and German-streets, two squares west of Mr. William, Cooke's, a pump of excellent water at the door in a good neighborhood and convenient to the New Market. Inquire of the sub­scriber living next door

HORATIO BERRY. April 18. eo4t

Five Dollars Reward. RAN away from Mr. Clement Brooke, a-

bout the last of March, a German indented boy named GASPEH JACOB SCHULTZ. He is slen­der made, and about five feet high ; has th© form of an anchor on his left wrist, abovejthe thumb, and a large scar on the inside of ona of his legs. He speaks different languages.— The above reward will be paid for bringing him to WILLIAM DII WORTH,

Cowpen-alley. N. B. All persans are cautioned against

harboring, employing, or carrying off said h«iy. april 18. eo3t§

Thomas Marean HAS FOR SALE,


, 200 Spanish Horse Hides, 16 pipes French and Spanish Brandy,

100 boxes Spermaceti Candles, 60 do. Mould Tallow do.

100 do No. 3, Chocolate, 50 do. White Codfish,

200 do. Brown Seap, 100 barrels and half barrels Boston No. _

and 2 Beef, 30 do. Pork, 25 do. Fat Mackerel, 50 kegs first quality Lard, 75 do. Ground Ginger, 90 casks Fresh Raisins, 50 barrels Glauber Salts, 14 boxes Cotton Cards, assorted numbars,-

April 17. „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d8t;L_

French Dry Goods & Millenery, JUST RECEIVED VIA NEW-YORK.

1 box of the most elegant Bonnets, for th* spring,

1 do. Artificial Flowers, French and English Ribbons, Superfine French Linen Casnbriclc, Pocket Handkerchiefs do. Ladies' Pink White Stockings,, open clocks,

and on the ihatep, Rich and elegant embroidered Lace V « ^ | Silk Lace Shawls, White Cambrick Shawl, and giber articles,

For sale very cheap for cash or approved note* Apply at Ne. 35, North Fretlerick street.

April 11. - «e64