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  • 8/2/2019 Xuanqi Xu


    Xuanqi Xu

    Theme 3Team5


    Water collection system in Haiti

    Engineering disciplines:

    Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering are both required for the water

    collection in Haiti.

    Environmental Engineering is the most important discipline for the water problem in

    Haiti. This discipline should focus on (1) restoring forests and on (2) better water supply and

    treatment methods. As the lack of water in Haiti is caused by deforestation, the environmental

    engineers should focus on how to maintain the sustainability in Haiti. Saving the forest will give

    local residents more water to use. How to improve the way of collecting water should also be

    considered as the disciplines primary goal. A cost-effective way should be used in poor regions.

    Better water quality are always needed as well as higher water collecting efficiency.

    Material and Science engineers should also take part in the water collection systems.

    These engineers should focus on (1) finding proper materials for the pipes which are used to

    transport collected water and on (2) finding proper materials for storage tanks. As the rain water

    has virtually no bacteria content, expect for dirt and birds dropping, the water collected should

    be kept clean before entering the tanks. This means that proper materials should be selected to

    transport the water gathered without polluting them. For example, metal should not be used to

    transport collected water because it can leak and pollute the gathered water because of the

    oxidization of metal. Similarly, storage tanks should be made not to pollute the gathered water

    and materials that can keep bacteria from splintering should be used. Besides, as the residents

    usually do not have enough money for the system, how to find cost-effective materials is another

    problem the engineers should work on.

  • 8/2/2019 Xuanqi Xu


    Social constraints:

    The biggest constraint in Haitis water collecting system comes from economy. As local

    residents are living in poverty, they usually do not have extra money for these systems. Although

    there are organizations providing free water collecting and purifying systems, these free systems

    are far not enough for the whole residents. Besides, technicians need to be paid well to work with

    the systems. These technicians need to be well skilled also. This will further increase the

    economy constraint on the project.

    Another social constraint may be the lack of knowledge. As local residents live in

    poverty , their education level is not high enough to use the system correctly. This may cause

    inefficiency in using the system or even cause damage to system itself. Many of the water

    collecting systems and the purifying systems are not used correctly and some are damaged. This

    will lead to low efficiency of the systems and will cause health problems if the water is not

    collected cleanly or purified properly.