xj wanted.by wanted...a3 25; jerseymeal250, brandywine2 75, nominal; hbds 12 25a12 75. atcincinnati....

MONEY MARKET. (Bales at tbe Stock Exchange, Feb. 1. tots* State 6s, ia54.... 100 j$5.0oo IMn«ttSs, 1«D.... 19J &nr* N Y.S'/5*s, 1861,. 93} 100 *hares Fulton B*nk..l04 f SS 0W9 Sixes,'1360.. 6»j 25 Del. ä Had..,,..8» SS do.63 i 28 Ob» Life aaa -Trust. SO ZVnm do.67 I 50 Jackson Marine Ins.. gS Kcmocky Five,... 69 , 75 Paterson....b 60 ds.. 4ji iTnöO do.6t^j 2o do.44 fineoKentucky Sixes .. S45jl00 Harlem.b60Us.. J6i L'JJa, do.84* 40 Slonington.J7 jpj&t Illinois 6s, 1870 ... 19*1 sccoxd Bosao. <wPaterson.4< i $1.000 Ohio Sixes.SV, » Loosli^odRCd.... 43* | $2,600 Sure 5s, 1861-SSj Commercial and Money HI atter*. Wedkesdav F. M. There was a smaller amount of business done than for V){Bt days past at tbe Stock Board, and a reaction took place in some stocks. State 5$s fell off 1 -, Ohio Sixes 3 per cent, bat recovered j per cent at the 2d Board; Kentucky firesi; Illinois 1 ; Kentucky Sixes went up 4 percent; Delaware improved Jj from the last sale ; Ohio Lite and Trust Ii; Stouingion declined J. Nothing doing in Foreign Exchanges. Rates nominal at Si a 5J for Sterling; 5 45 for Francs. Tbe following are the quotations for Inland Exchange. Mobile is rather worse to-day, probably on account of ihe failure of tbe mails for two or three days. gotlop.i pre Mobile.1SJ a 15 Philadelphia.i dis Montgomery.J3J a 15 Baltimore. ja - Tuscaloosa.15 a 14 V'nzinia.1 a IJiNew-Orleans.i a 4 prein i North Carolina.Ha lijNasbville.3 a 3J Charleston.ia 1,Louisville. j nl Savannah. i a f St Louis.H a 2 Augoita.ja ^Cincinnati.lj a 2 (Jinon, P'a.65 Interior of Ohio.1J Apalachicola.IJa 2 Tbe following symptoms of a forgery broke out in Wall- greet to-day: On the V7th ult- a young maa, a broker in Wall-st- went into the Bank of New-York with a check pur¬ porting to be drawn by James Lynch, Ntt. 32 Centre-street, for $50°, and presented it at the counter for payment. Mr. Banker, the Teiler, on examining the signature, expressed doubts of its being genuine, and asked a reference, which was given, to John T. Smith L Co. who stated that be was a reputable young man and responsible for the amount of die check. It was, however, handed back to the young inao, wiiU a remark that he bad belter get another check. Tbeyoang man took the check, went away, and it has not since been *e<-n. To-day the young man was taken to the police Office, charged with the forgery, wheie he stated lbs! when examined be could satisfactorily account for his banest possession of the check. Mr. Lynch, however, declaring tbat he had ao recollection of having issued such ¦ check, the young man was held to bail to answer. We understand that he accounts for his possesvion of Uie check byslatiug that a person came to his office and in Ute name ofMr. Lynch asked for uncurrent money for iu We are told that considerable unnecessary rudeness was used in^r retting him.that be was dragged from bis office to Uie bask by tbe cellar, followed by the rabble usually gather ing on such an occasion, and that wbiie in Uie bank bis rel¬ atives were refused admittance to him. His same we sup- prrss ia accordance with Uie request of his Iriends, who, wgelner with all whom we have beard tpeak of the matter, believe him innocent of the forgery, A three story house and lot, No. 32 Varick sueet, Hud-wn square, lot 2Gj feet front, containing that width for 95 feet, then 2JJ feet wide for 80 feet, through to St John's Lane. making the whole depth 175 feet.house 58 feet deep, ex clDsive of plattasj two story brick stable on the rear, with atails for four horses, was leid to-day at $17,000. This is the house occupied by Mayor Morris, for which in 183b $35,000 cash was offered. The house alone cost $25,01X1, Tnis property has recently been offered at private sale at 8^0 000, and it was supposed would bring 18,000 at auction. A four story brick store 25 Ooenties slip, 27 feet by 40, cov¬ ering the whole lot, was bought in for$9,700. The Chemical Bank has declared a dividend of 3J per cent, for tbe last six months. At auction, ia Baltimore, a few days since, were sold 16 foil shares of Union Baak of Maryland 6t»ck,at$46 per share; and 100 shares of Farmers' and Miller»' Bank of Ha- gerstown, at $1 30 each. The recipts of specie at New-Orlcans, since the 1st Sep tember, amount to $4.699,021. Dr.Nathaniel T. Green has been elected President of tbe Dan»ille Branch of the Farmer*' Bank ol Virginia, vice Thomas Rawllns, Esq. resigned. The Senate of Kentucky have parsed a resolution by a large majority, which looks to a CsmmoRwealth Pank,and a new issue ol paper by the existing Banks. Tbe President of the Bank of Illinois, acting under tbe advice ofihe Directors, has made proposition* to Uie Legis. Untre to dissolve the connection between the Stale aud the Bank,on terms advanuiceous and just to each party. But they do not seem to have been well received, and it is preb- abie dial quite as rigid measures will be adopted iu regard to it as towards the slate Bank. Both msiilu lions will be woundup. The bill lo put the State Bank in liquidation which had been returned from the Senate with amcad. mams, was reported in ibe House, tonic ol the amendments concurred in, and others disagreed to. It was ibe general impression that it wsuld receive the sanction oi the Senate jn this shape, and speedily become a law. The »latentem made by the Washington O lobe, tbat Uie Government had lost over two millions of dollars, by its dealings wiib the Banks, appears to be untrue in one par¬ ticular. In Üie Iist of debts due tbe Government by the Banks, tbe Globe has inserted tbe sum of $246,905 21 as belDg doe from the Union Bank of Tennvssee, and $271.. 63-J 67, as ow ing by Uie Flanters' Bank of the same State, Aa article in the Nashville Whig, of Jan. 24tb, denies the correctness of the item, and proves that tbe amount due from the Planters' Bank was paid in 1839, and tbat since 1839 the indebtedness of the Unioa Bank, in which Ute Treu surer of the Uniled States kept a small account, has not averaged over $5,000. RlarkCtS. Oartfully reported for The Trtoune. Weonesday, Feb. I. ASHES..The limited demand has kept Uie market very dull for some time past. To-day prices gave way and about 40 bbls Pols were taken at 5 25, a decline of 25 cents. The sale of Pearls noticvd this morning was 44 bbls at 6 50, a decline of6i cents. COTTON..Tbe sales yesterday amounted to about 1000 bales. To-day there is but little doing, but we have no change in prices to noilce. Fair Upland 6J a GJ ; fair N Orleans and Alabama 7c FLOUR AND MEAL..There isa slightly improved de¬ mand for Western to-day, bul ot ao relief in prices. Yes¬ terday a purchaser took a parcel of 800 bbls Genesee at something under 4 50, probably about 4 41, and to-day an offer pi 4 374 was made Cor 1000 bbls and declined. Proba¬ bly 4 43} is the fair quotation fer.Genesee. Michigan 4 S7} Ohio 4 37J n4 50, Troy nominal 4 37J. N Orleans continues very dull, and a considerable sale could not be made but al a reducUon in price. We quote 4 12J and 4 25 for fancy. All Southern dcscripüons are quite dull, a»d some, unsalea¬ ble but at lower rates than holders will submit to. Peters¬ burg, Alexandria, Richmond Country, Baltimore City, Pennsylvania, kc itc, $4 a 4 12J; Brandy wine, nominal, 4 62i; Georgetown 4 121 a 4 S5- R) e ¥ioaT i5du11 013 12i a 3 25; Jersey Meal 2 50, Brandy wine 2 75, nominal; hbds 12 25 a 12 75. At Cincinnati. Flour was in active demand .12 6:j. Al Baltimore, small sales Howard st at 3 62i a 3 75; In City Mills there is nothing doing; some holders iuk $4, others refuse lo sell at tbat price. At Philadelphia, a»« holders ask $1, but Uie sales are limited. Rye Flour very dull at 2 75 for inferior; Corn Meal in moderate re¬ quest, with small stock, at 2 25. GRAIN..We hear of nothing doing in Wheat. Corn is Mill very dull, aud dUÜliers offer bul 50c. We notice a sale of4000 bushels Soulh Jersey,very gr»en,at .50c, weight,de¬ livered, and 1200 do on terms not transpired. Rye is un- Mdeable; Uie Ust sale was at 54c. Oau 30 a 31c for River and Canal, with only retail sales. Barley nominal 45 a 48c. At Baltimore receipts limited, prime SOc, common 65c. White Corn 40, Yellow 41; Oats 23c At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wheat 80 a8Sc ; Yellow Corn 42; Oats scarce aud ia demand at 23 a 23ic The Buffalo Commercial ol the 36th gays: "We hear of a sale of several thousand bushels of wheat which was caught oy tue ice in transitu, to a Lockport mil Wi at 67 cents Also the following contract: A shipper take* 4 certain quantity of wheat adoal.say 20,000 bushels "-which he is to convert iato hour aud uehver in New- «ork. In consideration of this, be ia required only to turn 001 a barrel of fisur for every six bu»het» of wheat origin¬ ally delivered. The feature isenurely new with us, ana as Jbe medium price ot wheat per bushal raugts closely upon .octets during ihe season, it wouki appear a lair remune¬ ration for ibe transportation ol a barrel ot flour through-*' SEEDS . We notice sales of 200 bbls Rough Flax for crashing part at equal to 8 20 per tierce, aDd part at eqcal toS 6.'$. We bew of no sales of Clean, in coasrquencc of thehijh rates of freight; new Clover is wanted tor export at 6c, but bolders continue to demand 6J ; a lot of S5 bols Prime sold to-day at 6j; old 5i a 5$. At Philadelphia Fiax- *t»d bad advanced to 1 40 a 1 45 per bushel, wiih good de¬ mand. Clover was very dull at 3J a 5». At Baltimore con¬ siderable sales had been made at 3 75 for prune; a let ol "ri«Uy prime Ohio sold al $1. HAY..The market ia doll without change. W# quote *3 a 50. Loose Is worth about tbe same rates. PROVISIONS..We hear of nothing doing to-day of ho- POtUoce ia this branch of trade. Lard is quiet, with sales of City rendered at "$c; Ohio is worth 8 a 6$. At Cincin¬ nati, sot withstanding Uie business season is so near tbe pe¬ riod 0f iu gjgai lerraiaaüon, the daily supply of Hogs con- tiuoes large, and the demand active; sales at 2 25, 2 81 and 2 37, owing principally 40 the steady call for Lard on East- orders. Tbe bogs now coming ia are generally very large and fat and excellent for convening into lard. Bat two or three establishments are now barreling pork, most of them being engaged in renderag cat lard from the whole hog except tbe hams. Lard continues firm at 4i a 4j, with large daily sales. TALLOW.The sale, 30,00) lbs, reported yesterday a! 7} was made, we understand, at 7$c. TOBACCO..The following is the French contract for Tobacco, of the growth of the U States, for the year 1*43: Of Va. 2,400,000 kilos, or 3M0 bbds. 9 10 at 35 50f pr 100 kils. - » 1-10 at 139f Of Ky. 8,500,000 " 5,750 Lhds 9-10 at 72 95f " " - M8atl25f " Of Md.2,200.000 kils. or 5,000 Lhds 3-ln at 37 73f » '* « u M0atl43f " .The whole quantity was contracted for by the house of Messrs Brown, Shipley At Co of Liverpool. SALES OF REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. By J. J. Steiß <y Co. 10 lots of ground sn 31st and 3d sis, between the 7th and 3th avenues, each containing 25 ft front by 93 ft 9 inches deep, per lot . By J. Bleeeker Sr Son. The 2 story brick house and lot No 287 Madison St.. 1.675 House No 223, adjoining. 1,725 House aad lot No 291 Midisnn it, cor Seamroei ...... £100 2 story frame house and i-=t No 21 Stammelst, wi;h a 2 story dwelling in the rear.1,575 2 story brick front house and let No 22 ScammeJ st, containing 20ft 10 inches front Vy 50 it 6 Ins. deep.. 2375 House and lot So 339 Monroe st, cor Scammel.2,8fi0 House aivl lot No 31 Scaramel .t. 725 3 story br ck house and lot No 15 Marion >t, with a 3 story bouse in the rear, containing 25 ft front by 100 feet deep.5,700 House and lot No 2S0 Jlott st. with a 3 story brick bouse on the rear, containing 20 feet '.'rout bv 80 ft deep. 4,7üa Sanbs'sSarsaparilla .Tbe amount of tufferin? relieved bv this invaluable preparation is without a parallel in the history of meUicine. Thousands have been restored to health by its healing and regenerating efficacy, who were considered past th* reach ot remedial means, as various cer¬ tificates heretofore published abundantly prove. It has re¬ ceived the entire appruba'ion of many practitioners in this and other cities and its rapid growth in the estimation of the public, has pi iced it beyond the reach of detraction <^r tne efforts of competition. Diveases which arise from impu¬ rity of tbe blood or vitiation of the humors generally, -ucn as Scrofula, or King's Evil, Rheumatism and incipient Gout, Halt Rheum and other cutaneous diseases, Fever Sores In¬ ternal Abscesses Fistulas, Chronic Catarrh, UiceratioH of die throat and nostrils, painful affections of the ßonrs. Chro¬ nic Inflammation of the Kidneys, Female Derangements, General Debil'ty and Prostration ef the Syst» in. are all re- mured by its use. For particulars see advertisements in this and other city papers. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and for expor¬ tation, by A. B. SANDS L CO.. Druggist and Chemists. Graiiae Building, No..273 Broadway, corner of Chambers- street. New-York. Sold also by A. B. it D. Sands, Drug¬ gists, N«w. 79 and 100 Fulton-street; David Sands "t Co., No. 77 East Broadway, corner of Maikf t street: and bv Drug¬ gists generally throughout the üuited states. Price $1 per botde, six bottles for $5. Wistar's Balsam ok Wilp Cherry..Two month- have scarcely elapsed since this remedy was first introduced into New-York. For Asthma, Colds Coughs. Croup in children, Consumption and Liver Complaint, it stands with¬ out an equal. Extract of a letter dated Port Btrom, N. Y., Jan. 20,1313. Dear Sir.The half gross Balsam of Wild Cherry sent us by you in the fall ia about gone. We shall waul mote very soon. Please write us, ice. Your friends, D. B. SMITH ti SON. Wherever it has been used and so become known, it is almost impossible to supply the demand. Any one who will call at tbe agency, 125 Fulton-streei, can see certificates of cures that would astonish any physician. Lung affect ons of more than twenty years'standing have been cured in a few days, and the core verified by Recorder Tallmadge.. Call and see iL This Balsam is sold only by Isaac Butts, 123 Fulton, cor¬ ner of Nax-au-street; Mrs. Hayes, Brooklyn; Badger, Newark : Dexter, Albany. Trice $1 per large bottle. Tl' Bereua laniiiute I,t-ctnre*..RALPH WALDO EMERSON will deliver the first of n Coarse o' (five) Lectures before the Institute on Tuesday evening, Februar) 7tn'j the Second on Wednesday evening', Feb. aim the Third on Thursday evening. Feb. 9th; the Fourth on Friday evening, February 10th; and the Fifth on Saturday evening, Feb ll;h;.in the Universalist Church corteröi Walker and Elizabeth streets, al 7$ o'clock Subject.(Of the whole Course).' New-England,'etc etc. Cards (25 cents) may be had at the print ipal bookstores in Broadway, and at the door on the evening of ihe Lecture. By order. (2) C. S. STEARNS, Sec'y. IT 8t tCTRntger* Inatitutc B.rctn.ee«..The Trus¬ tees have made arrangements for a coarse of' Lectures, to be given on Thursday Evening of each week, in the Chap¬ el of the Institute. Feb. 2.Rev. Geo. B. Cheever.Subject" Gothic Archi¬ tecture in its connection with English Literature and as a developement ol the Middle Ages." Lectures commence at 7j o'clock. Tickets 25 cents each.can be bad of G. W. Betts, 43-1 Pearl-sireet, or ai the Institute. GEO. W. BETTS, J25 _Chairman Lecture Committee. O* International <Jopr right..CORNELIUS MATHEWS will deliver a Leciure entitled "The Belter Interesis of ibe Country in connection with Internationa! Copyright," at the Society Library, Broadway, corner of Leonard street, on Thursday Evening, February 2d, ai 7j '.'clock. Tickets 25cents each, to be had al the desk of the Libraiy; Wiley it. Putnaiw's, Bartlett it Welford's, Wad- leigb's, Crowen's, Broadway; of the Committee of tbe Chelsea Lyceum. j30 4tis' TT Inward Renaou of «Jhriatianity.-HENRv James will deliver a second Leciure at the Stuyvesaul In stitule, on Thursday evening, 2d Februar)'. Subject: The man of ibe first chapter of Genesis, and the man of the second chapter: or the created man and the mape man. Leciure to commence al 7» o'clock. Admit¬ tance Iree. _ j313t* O" II. Onderdonk, Jr., Principal of the Union Academy ai Jamaica, will lecture before the Chelsea Ly¬ ceum, on Thursday evening, Feb. 2d, at half pnsi 7o'clock, at ibe Baptist Church in 16th street, third building east of 8th Avenue, on ' The Life and Times of Cromwell.' TTJ. L.O>SalltraJB,JBsq£ amt Rev. George B. Checver, will close the Debate en Capital Punishment, on Friday evening, at the Tabernacle. The scriptural argn nient baviejr been fully discussed, the speakers will con fine themselves principally to iheargumrnt ol expediency. As this is the last evening of the Debate on this resolution, each will occupy one hour in the first argument, and rilteen minutes in reply. Tickets 12$ cents. HUGH MAXWELL, Pre-i.'enU W. B. Widcwood, Secretary. 2: 2l* O" Wr. Kelley lectures agnn ThisEveni-s *nd To¬ morrow Evening, Thursday and Friday,the 2< uid 3d ol February, at 7 o'clock at Prospect Hall, under U e Univer¬ salis! Church, in E;izabeih-st.f,nenr Walker. Subject on Thursday Evening.Diseases of the Liver, with all its concomitant symptoms, as Dyspepsia, Viscidit) of the Blood, Affections of the Heart, Vert go, Asthma, Ner¬ vous Debility, Dropsy, fcc. Subject on Friday Evening.Pulmonary' Consumption, its Symptom*. Nature and Character; showing, both philo- sopbirally nnd illustratively, its cuiability. Admission free. f22t* 0"W. E.Robinson, of New-Haven, Cc, will d* Hvei his third and last Lecture in Concert Hall, No. 406 Broadway, on lh« Ancient History ol" Ireland, St. Patrick, Ossian, keen Friday evening, Fubruary 3d, at 7$ o'clock. Tickets to admit a gentleman and two lad'es, 50 cents ; sin¬ gle tickets 25 cents. May be had of the Co nniitlvc, or al the door on the evening of ihe Leciure. JOHN MULLEN, Chairman. C. Dever, Secretary._ f 2 2i* D"Heairy Clay Clat» of.tlic Eighth Ward. The regular Moathly Meeting of this Cluti will tase place This Evening at 7 o'clock, at the Howard H>n»e. The Directors of the Cluh have the pleasure to annour.ee to ibe members that JOHN BUTLER, Esq. will deliver a Lecture. The Whigs o! the Ward are respectfully invited toattend. WILLIAM H. SWEET, Tresident. Charles W. Warp, / Theo. Kelley, ) Secretaries. It ET 1843.End of tue World thin yenr.- Geo. Storrs of Albaav, will I cture this afternoon, on the " Return ot the Jews" al 3 o'clock; and on the 8Ui chapter Daniel (2300 days) at 7 o'clock Ihts evening, at N;b!o's Sa loon, Broadway. The public are invited to attend. Seats free. Second Advent Book may be bad a; the office, Brick Church Chapel. It* EX Notice..The Apollo Temperance Association will hold thf ir3d meetiiigon Thursday evening, Feb. 2, at Croton Hall, junction of Bowery aud Division streets, commencing at a quarter past 7 o'clock. Addresses by the following gentlemen : Thomas H. Oakley, Esq., Rev. Doctor Miner, Samuel Chase, Esq. P. B. Manchester, Esq. and Gen Stod- dard. Singing; by the Apollo Chorus, Mailer and Miss PUtl and Ladiesof other Societies. R. BEMAN. Presideht. C. V. Cable, Secretary. H* D" .Tlarshall Temperance »oeiety will hold their regular meeting at Cuucert UaU.fto.406 Broadway, This Evening, (Thursday,) at 7 o'clock, at which time W. Wallace, Esq , tee Kentucky Poet, will by earnest solicita¬ tion deliver an Address. Addresses will also b? delivered by Mr. Pascoe and others. Singing by the Marshall Choir, Messrs. Cook, Flavel, Murphy, and others. Mr. Honliy on the Accordion. The public are respectfullv invited to attend. It* WM. K. HAWLEY, Asst. Sec TT For Sale at the Tribune OflSce.History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Ger¬ many, Switzerland, Stc By J. M. D'Aabigae. 3 vois, containing 1,000 pag»s, bound. Price for the wuole work, $1. The Illustrated Edition of the Book of Common Prayer, containing upwards of 700 Engravings. To be completed in 20 Numbers. Tbe arrangement and adaptation of the illustrations are undtr the superiutendancc of the Rev. Dr. Waiswricrt, who will also prepare for this work a Com¬ mentary upon the Text and Rubrics, and a History of tbe Liturgy. This is one of the most splendid works ever got up in the United Staus. Price per number, S3i ceuts. Merry's Museum for Young Persons, for February, 10 cts. Sargent's Magazine for February, 25 et«. Bo?ton Miscellany far February, £5 cents. All the Magaxises for February. Sparks's Washington, No. 7, witha beautiful engraving of Washington's Head Qaarters at MorrisUjwn. Price 25 cts. IT" Discount on the above to agents. TT The Whig AuuxaCiao Uhited Siutes Regis- tkr for the year 1S43 may be obtained at this office in arappers ready tor mailtng. Price 12$ cents. Postmasters and others remitting one dollar will receive 12 eepics by mall. 07 Godey*s Lady's Book and Graham's Magaxine, for February, are received and for sale tt this office. Comrt Calendar This T>ey. Circuit Court..Has. 94, 36, 97, 93, 39, 51, 91, 105. 106, 37, 48, 63, 33, 50, 14, 89, 40, 95, 27, 66, 69, 85, 82, 103. Commo.v Pleas..Nos. 26. 24, 48, 59. 62, 63. 71, SO, 96, 108. 64, 111, 15, 16, 22, 40, 55, 76. 79, 30, 83. .Bankrupt*.Feb. 1, John B. Sattenhwaue, clerk.New-York. W iitiarn Winne, Ute merchant. ao B^nsjah G. Smith, clerk. Q0 Elii-oa Sherwood, clerk. , 0 N. Wesbburn, carpenter...... da John Craitf, blacksmith. do Isaac Hampton, carpenter. do John Woobey, late merchant. Flatiands. .itp JnUUirjEncc. Wednesday, February L Board of Alderme:?..Tae President in the Chair. The Minutes of the preceding meeting were read ah, apprnved. A Communication was received from Dr. Doane, Health Officer at S<a;en Island, in relation to the advantages of law providing for the reception of Emigrant Passengers at the Manne Hospital for a short peri»d aner their arrival: Referred to Uie Finance Committee to report oa the expe¬ diency thereof. Petitions presented and refereed..Petition ot A. Mactier for permission to remsve remains of a relative. Of William Johnson lor an appointment to me office ot Weigher of Hay at Harlem. Of John Holsten, W. £. Dooge, and J*mes B. Reynolds for remission of tax. 0; M. S. H Kerrigan lor a renewal of lease of property at the corner of Centre-street and Trj'oa Row. Of inhabit, ants of Orange-street near Chatham for the creation of free Croton Water HydrxnL Reports..In favor of the petition of John A. Crogier for a Hose Cart to be placed in the Ninth Ward : Adopted. In favor «f the applicatian of Hose Company No. 23 for new ILise Carriage : Adopted. In favor of granting to Messrs. French and Heiser a lease I of Castle Garden for a term of five years, at the anct rest of $3,25)1, >nd to keep the bridge ia good repair Adopted. Of the Finance Committee upon the financial condition and policy of Uie City of Neve-York, recommending an ap¬ plication lor various laws in relation thereto, and on tne Comptroller's Report in relation to the Annual Tax Bill, with the draft of an act therefor. Laid on the '.able and ordered in Le printed. ÜKFtitlSBED Business .On motion. Document No. 32. (an Ordinance and Report of tot? Committee on the Com- niunicatio.i of the City Inspector in relation to the remoTaj of dead bodir* after interment,) which was vetoed by IIU Honor the Mayor, was brought up, and, after debate, passed notwithstanding ibe objections of the Mayor, and was .-er.l to ibe other Board for concurrence. Joint Meeting of the Board cf Aldermen and the Board ok Assistants..The Returns of the Chief Engineer for die past month, containing the appointment-, resignations and expulsions in the Fire Department was read, accepted, and reierred to the appropriate Committee. Charles Holmes was appointed Dock Master ot the Fifth Ward. William H. Barnes and Simon Ackerm;\n were appointed In-pectors and Measurers of Lumber. Alexander Patterson was appointed a City W'eighe.', Board of Aldermen resumed..Reports. In favor of renewing lease fur Hay Scales in Tompkins Maiket, for the term ol two years from the 1st of May next, at the annual rem of 5100: Adopted. Adverse IO closing the Old Po»t Road Adopted. In favor of flagging a portion of the side-walks in 2fHb street between -1th Avenue and Bioomiugdale :Roa.l.as passed »y Uie otber Board : Adopted. In favor of paying William Foey $150 extra for digging a well, in consequence of unforeseen difficulties since making the contract: (pas-ed by the other Board-.) Laid on ihe table. In l a vor of paying Dr. Stewart $12 for services rendered, -adhering to a former report made: Laid ou the table. Document No. 49, being a report ol Uie Committee in favor o. leasing certain lands in the Twelfth Ward for a term of lo years.the Comptroller to lease said property, either by public auction or otherwise, as most conducive to the public weal: Adopted. Papers from the other Board .An amended Report of the Comptroller, on tbesuhject ot leasing a iutol ground in Battery Place, was adopted. Report in fnvor of cliauging the grade of 24th and 25th streets, between the Sixth and Righto avenues.adopted. A petition of Eli W. Butler to remove the remains at a re¬ lative was concurre 1 in. Resolution, Uiat the Street Commissioner be directed lo cause the buildings in 17Ui street to be renumbered from the 2d to the 5ih avenue.concurred in. The annual Report of the Greenwich Saving Bank was received and ordered on file. A communication was received from the City Inspector, with a resolution to suspend ordinance passed relative to filling sunken lots in 4th Avenue: Adopted. Ri: torts RjtsUMED..In favor of appointing Sam'l Giffjrd appraiser of rent of premises comer of West and Fulton, streets: Adopted. Advrrse to granting petition of Martin Dixon: Adopted. In favor of discontinuing proceedings relative to the open¬ ing of 128th street, between the ad and 5:h avenues1 Adopted. In favor ef petitions of fire-nen of the Fifth and E ightb Wards for an alarm bellou Clinton Market, and of Engine No. 16 for an alarm bell in the vicinity of Twentieth-street and Eighth Avenue: adopted. Adverse to constructing a sewer in Thames-street: adopted. In favor of petitions far remission ot tax of John Reese Henry Latham, N. B. Gasham, A. Matthews, F. Fisher,, Alexander H. Stevens, Abraham Scbermerhorn,William Blonsell, John Jacob Astor, and Smith W. Anderson, were adopted. Advene to petitions of John Maffat, Mr. Hutciiings, Rich¬ ard Richards, George Daniels, George Meeker, £ H.Pray' K. Van Buren, Dudley B. Welis, Ellsworth Cheesebo- ruugh,John Sears, J., W. H. Jepson, N. B. Carney, Isaac shannon, William Johnson, Stepben Samson, and J. and M. M icbarl: adopted. Resolutions..That the Comptroller be authorixed to pay Mary Webb, widow of the late Joseph Webb, a quar¬ ter's salary dae him as dock master at the lime of his de¬ cease : Adopted. That the Comptroller be authorixed to tell the following real estate, vix: Nes. 37,39,41 Broad-street; the flve-story More corner of Liberty and Greenwich-streets; four houses and lots ;n the 3d Avenue; bouse and lot in Hammond sL; plotof ground corner of Bank and West-streets; and two lots in Water-.-treet, corner of Pike slip: Adopted. That the Committee on Laws report on the project of equalizing die representation of the City Councils: Adopted. The resolution laid on the table at the meeting, to in. crease the Day of the City Prison Physician, was taken up and again laid ou the table until the next meeting. Adjourned. Police Office..Burglary and Larceny.. On Sunday morning last, at an early hour, some burglars forced off the locks of the door leading to the Museum In the second story of No. 130 Chatham-street, and descending the rear way into an area by means of a trap door, suc¬ ceeded in lorcing an entrance into the hat and cap store of Mr. William Banta, on the first floe and stealing 57 yards ot s'lks, 2 bau and $8 in money, worth togtlher $52, aed effected their escape. Yesterday and to-day Officer Colvin succeeded ia arresting two men named William Norris and James Williams charged with the burglary and theft. Part of the property was recovered by Officers Stephens and and SparL»at62 Orasge street, where the accused bad car¬ ried it lor sale. The raen were commuted to prison to answer. Theft ok Clothixg..Andrew Mulligan and Harry Johnson, colored, were arrested for having on Monday last itolen 5 dresses, 5 petticoats, a pair of sheets, i:c, worth $17 75, from Rache! Hawkins, also colored, of 57 Antbony- streeL The property was recovered and the thieves were committed to prison. Another. Theft or Clothing..John Kentwick and George Smith were arrested and comniiued for stealing female apparel, worth «f-j 25, from the wUe of George Bain, 62 Orange-street. Re-arrest ok CouNTERKBi7£as..John Turner, George fost, and Joseph Velsor, who were some days since arrested and held to bail for passing $3 counterfeit bills of the Ex¬ change Bank of Salem, 31ass , have been again arrested for passing ether of said bdls prior to theLr former arrest, and a second tune held to bail to answer. Chajice or Pocket Picking_A young man named Leonard Baum was arrested on a charge o: having stolen the pocket book and $40 from the pocket of William Wilson» a colored man of,Harlem, wbeu in Brootue-atreet near the Bowery bargaining for a horse. The accused was com¬ mitted to answer. O" l\'ew-York Fire Department.-A special meeting ot tne ttepiesenuuves at tne r\ew-iork Fire De- paruueut will lake place at Firemau's Hall on Taursday Evening, tt.e 2d of r eOruarv. at 7| e'clock By order, ADAM P. fENTZ.PreaiUeoL Gro. H. Purser, Sec'ry. 11 A" KT Particular Notice.Those per» s navtn- farnitnre ui any oeacripuou to dispose of, or who are break- ing up hocse-kceping, will rind? ready sale lex uy poruon ur ail of their gyoos, by sending abeir address, or calling cpen the subscnoer. Goods te any amount purcnased. At private sale.Two Piano Furies. je20 tf F. COLTUN fc CO., 1?7 Coatham st SZT Persons wishing to senu to their friends in the country the Pamphlet containing the full account of the Testimony and Proceedings in the case of the SOJLERS TRAGEDY, with Views of the Vessel, Portrait of the Coraaaaader, ax. ax , may procure them at this office, in wrappers ready for niaiiinjj. Price 12i cents. Twelve copies for #** dollar. ET Dirinirr. Theology axad Eelesiastieatf History..Valcaiie Standard Works, recently pahlisfced hy D. APPLETON Jfc CO.. S 0 Broadway. The History of the Bjri'ormauonof iheChorch of Eacla.-jd, by Gilbert Bumet, D. T>., late Lord Bisfiop of Satedrury. .rttb the Collection of Records aad a copious index, revised and corrected, with additional Notes arid a Preiace, by tbe Rev. EL Narc*. D. D. late Professor of Modern History a University efCaford. Illustrated with a frontespitce and twenty-three deganüv eneraved Portraits, forming four de¬ cant Svo. volumes. Price $£,00 Aa Exposiuoc cf the Thirty-nice Articles of she Charch of Eagland, try Bishnp Baruet. With an Appendix, con- vuiizs the Augsburg Confession.Creed of Pope Pins IV., kc Revved and corrected with copious Notes and addi¬ tional References, by the R>v. James R, P-ige, A. M-, of Qaeen's College, Carsbriage. In one handserae 3vo. voi- ume. $2 An Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson, D. D.,Ia» B'asop or Chester. w;-h an App»3riix.c«ntainin«r the prin¬ cipal t»reei and Latin Creeds. Revised and corrected bv iheRev.W.S. Dobsan, M. A.. Pcterhouse, Camhrxsre, in one handsome 3rr». vol. $2. A Treatise on the Church of Christ, designed chiefiv for the use o; stacents in tfeeoiwgy, by the Rev. William'Pal¬ mer. M. A., of Worcester Collec. Oxford Edited, with Noces. hy the Rijh'-Rev. W. R. Whrrxfcpfiam, D. D.. Bish¬ op of tbe Protestant ttpiscopal Church :n the Diocese of Maryland, 2 vjis. £vo.. baacLomeiy printed on äne paper. |5 fO- The Early English Church: or. Christian History of Eng¬ land in early British. Saxon and Norman Times! Bv the Rev. Edward Cisorton. A. M. With a Pn-faceby tbe Right Rev. Bishoa Ires, of North Carolina. 1 vol. ItSaio., hand¬ somely primed, si. Godly Meditations npnntbe most Holy Sacrament of the Lord i Saoper. By Christopher Sotton, D. D., late Pre¬ bend of Westminster. 1 voL royal 16m?., elegantfy orna¬ mented. Disce Mori. Lesrn to Die: a Religious Discourse, moving every Christian man to enter into a serious Remembrance of hi* End. By Chr:s;opher Sotton. D. D., late Prebend of Westminster. 1 toI. 16mn., eieiraatly ornamented. Sermons to a Coantrv Cortgreg^uon. !5v Augastus Wil¬ liam Hare. A. M., late Fellow of New Coliejje, and Rector of Alton Barnes- 1 vol. royal Svo. " Any one who can be pleased with delicacy of thought expressed in the most sisaple language.sny öne who can feelthe charm of finding practical duties elucidated and enforced by ap: and var.ed iJustratioas.wi'I be delighted with ibis volume, which pres»n:s us with '-he workings of a pious and highly-pitted mied." iQuar. Review. D. A. St CO. have iQ Press. Parochial Sermons, by Jchn Hprrv Newman. B. D.: -he six vols. of the London edition to he printed in 2 vols. Sv^. Subscription price $3; thr Londo« copy cos; $13. f 1 2us Important to .Merchant* and Clerks! ITBriatow"* Writing-nnd Book-kcepiDg and Sao<-; Hand Academy. No. 235 Bn-auway, nea: Pnrk Ptace, continues open Day and Evening lor Gentlemen of ail ages. GH EAT REDUCTION, From Twelve to Sue Dollars! Mr. BRISTOW, of London, guarantees to reform any writing, howev r bad, illegible or cramped, into a beau¬ tiful, iree, fsp-«iitioa» and rim-hed .Mercantile style. a> adapted to all the pursuits of life and business, in 1 wavt Easy Lessons-for only Six Dollars.' Academy No. 23Ö Broadway, near Park Place. The Laoies are taught an elegant, sraceiul and fashion¬ able rarming-hand. They assertl>'e daily at 11 o'ohxk SJT Visiters in New-York can take a course i 1 Three Days. Mr. B. is to be seen from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., or from 4 to b P. M. * C *r \c* ^ ^ *s .D ^ i STENOGR\PHY. Or tbe amusing art of Short-Hand Writing, taught by Mr. BrMnw, in 12 lessons, for taking down Sermons, Lectures, Trials, itc. i:c. as fast aa any person car. speak. N. B. A work of the author Is presented to every pupil. O* For sale at the Acidemv, up stair*, a " Guide to Short-Hand." j22S.T.iiTh. lm-;s TJ" Spencer announces to gentlemen that his asmuge- menb- are now completed for supplying according to pre- v.ous intimation, a mne Fur Hat a: a price which shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well a- lowest priced Gentlemen's Fur Hat ever on sale in this city. It is prepared in the s.nnc siyle which characterize* our finest anicle, and like that article is offered at a price at which it cannot be continued without an unusually rapid sale. The undersigned with all confidence affirms it to he for the gentleman usd economist the most desirable Fui Hat yet offered. (o20if) SPENCER, 245 Broadway. 0*C2alt Ilouae, Louisville, Kentucky..Tb«- sub¬ scriber, bavins again become proprietor of the Gait House, in Ulis city, pledges himself to keep it in first-rale style, and to graduate his prices to suit Im times. He would be pleased to have travelers and gentlemen from the country ren'ain wiih bim while in the city, and hopes that the old friends of Throckmortoii it Everett will always benr him in mind. ISAAC EVERETT. Louisville, Jam 19, 1843. jSO D6iitW2m (L7 The American Laborer, for February, will be ready for delivery oa Wednesday moraing. This num¬ ber contains Brief Editorials; The Elevation of Mechanics .the Means and Ends.An Address before a State Cor.v n- tion at Aogusia ol ihe Mechanics of Maine, by John S. Say- ward, Primer, of Bangor; Address of Hie Home League to tbe People of the United States; The Improvement of Ag¬ riculture as an Art and a Profession.an. Addres3 at tbe An¬ nual Cattle SLo-v and Fair nt Rochester, N. Y., by Henry Colman ; The Siik Culture-a statement by Mr. J. R. Bar- bour, of Ox'ord, taxis, before the New-England S'lk Con¬ vention; Effects of Expansion, by Dr. Arnot; Lime, Pias¬ ter of Paris, Jtc ; How to do Good itc ; A Table showing tbe Tc.tal Value of Imports and Exp >ris, Jtc; Raub's Safe¬ ty Valves, itc; Lead and Copper Trade of the WesL iCT Goidamitk'a Nauonai Chirographe Institute and B ok-keep in; Academy, 251 Cro*dway. opposite t.-.e City Hal1.entrance at ihe door of Peale's Museum. Cir¬ cular! to be bad at the Academy. references. Robert H. Morris, Mayor of the City of New-York. Gea. Cbarle* W. Sand ford. George HaU, ex-Mayor of Brooklyn. Josin Davis, ex-Governor of Massachusetts. Hnn. Abbott Lawrecce, Boston. J30 lw" O" Clothing Society..Donations in money or goods may be left with Mrs. Colgate, 7 Dutch street, or with any of the Managers. j23 2w* 33" Oeldaciith'a Haiti Pens.-The best an«i cheapest article ever offered to tbe writing community. Call and try them at the Academy,254 Broadway, entrance at the door of Peale's Museum. j30 lw" O" Toothache! Toothache!!.This tormenting disease has at last heen nsei by a remedy. Tbe French Spe¬ cific bas never yet failed. If desired, it will be applied at the office, and a perfect cure guaranteed ia five nvnuu^ without a particle of pain or trouble. For sale, wholesale and reuil, at Dr. CROWELL'S Drue and Chemical Suire, No. 2S6 Bowerj'i corner of Housian-street. Price 50 cents per botüe. j2l 2wi»" J~T Uaioniats' Ball..The Third Annual Ball of the Unionist Association will take pl*ce at Washington Hall on Friday evening, Feb. 3d, on which occasion Dods- worth's celebrated Cotillion Band is eniraged. Mr J. Par¬ ker will superintend the management of the floor. No pa ins or expense will be spared to make it one of the mcut de lightful Balls of the season. Tickets to be had of the following Committee: Silas Chicsering, Alexander Jackson, Joseph Carlisle, John Lown, Peter Crosby, C. O. Sickels, J. G. Ttralf, John Hamblin, Edward Uoestht, George Williams, Abm. Vanderiee, Andrew Cateu. J.i:JES B. GRAHAM, Chairman. Geo. Gray, Secretary._ j3l4t" Poaaeiixrers Arrtred In the ship Sooibport, from Charleston.Mrs Barnes, Miss Good, James Moruock, James Williams. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, FEBPÜARY 1, 184a MINIATURE ALMANAC..THIS DAT ths sun the sjoon |rL'LL sea Rises 7 121 Sets 5 17| Sets, a 41 lEve. 113 Latest Dates. London.Jan. 31 Havre.Jan. 1 Liverpool.Jan. 4 | Ncw-Obxeans.Jan. 2! cleared. Ships Fairfie'id, Wilson, NO, Johnson It Lowden; Aiaba- miaa, Lane, Mohüe, E D Hurlbert h. Co. Brem bark Hudson, Uohorst, Bremen, E k T Popp*. Br brig Wasp, Leavitl, Sierra Leone, P J Nev ns b. Son brig Sterling, Baniilton, Savannah, icon i Morreli; Sicil; ian brig Viiia di Napjii, Maruno Messina ä Naples, L Paf- mieri. arrived. Ship Sauihport, Herbert,5 ds frn Charleston, rice, kc to Geo Buikley. Sehr Pamplklo, Fuli'ord, Washington, NC, naval store* to Mitchell k. Co. Sehr E.isfca P Horton, Burbanck, fm York River./' sfxstoauvoa. The London, Liverpool and Havre packets were all de¬ tained yesterday, owing to the heavy snow storm from tue South. A letter from Havre of ihe 2d Jan states that the packet ship Argo sailed on the 1st. Letters roa the Pactrrc..A ietter bag will be made np at G.lpin's in the Merchants' Exchange, for Paaama, and for otter ports m tbe Pacific, to be forwarded by brig Uenrietut, bound to Chagres, and will be sent from that place over land. The Henrietta wul ieave aooul the 5th insL et t8is morning's soittbezn mail. [From our Pbdadelpbia Correspoocent.] PiULaoELPitiA, Feuraary, 1.P. M. Cleared.Sehr A B Cooley, Camp, NY. No arrivals 10-day up to 4j o'clock. SOAP AND CANOLKn. JAMES BUCHAN is now manufactur¬ ing and offers for sale PALE YELLOW EXTRA r AM1LY SOAP, of exceheat quality, firm and transparent, aad of very superior finish. This Soap (which la made in imitation of none In the trade) is maoauetured from tbe best of s ock, withaiti steam, aad is acknowledged by ail who try it to be more tconomira I and most decidedly pre- feraoie tor family use. t Also, Rennen Mould Candles, a prime article, made of the first quality City rendered Tallow, and warranted free from mixture of any description. For sale, at tbe lowest cash prices, at the Masauctcry, 181 Elizabeth street, between spring and Pnnce. 12 3i* fpHE SALE OF KÜKN1TUKE at 44 8 Nassan-ftreet, Braciklyn, advertised lor yesterOay, WiS postponed oa account, of the weather, mitil this day, Taarsday, Feb. 2. at half-past 10 o'clock. A. when It wiü positively taae place without regard to weather. For paruculars see yesterday's paper. *^ JOaEPH HEOEMAN, Autioneer. Brocirjro, Feb. 2,1M8. if MARRIED -v Jan. 24. 31c Lawreaea Brooks De Garmo to Mus KHz a G. Laramee, ail cf this city. DIED: Yesterday morning, Feb. I. Miss Eliza Scally, daughter of the late D^naScaUr. Her friendsud those oi ber brother* Wi.aara and Cbarici Scally, and of her brothers-la-law James and Maihew 01- weil, ar- respectfully invited to attend ber lanera: ibis af¬ ternoon, ai naif-pas: 4 a'riock, from the res. deuce ot ber bromer-in-lnw, 21 Oliver**, February 1st, Margaret, daughter of Walter azd Sarah Barmer. a£ed 2 years and 10 months. Tbe funeral arlli take place from 95 Morton-street, oa Friday m-trciin* at 9 o'ciota. Her remains wiii be take* to A^sacSunonk. New Jersev. Feö 1, Catharine Euxa, wde of William Room, a her SCth year. Jan. so, Cbas. M. Jessu, brush raaker. a?ed 25. Jan. Su, Ellen Catharine, daegbter of Bridget McCosker, a»ej 15. At New Haven. Ct., Jan. 29. Hon. L-aac M ils, aged 77. At Hartfurd, Cr., Jan. 29, Capt Freeman Crocker, asred 60 year*. Jan. 23. in Winchester, Vs., Mrs. Mir»nda Coliir.s, in her SOin year, wile of Rev. Ji>\ A. Collins, of the Baltimore. Conference et the Me mod ist Episcopal Church, and for- meriy Editor of the Christian Advocate in this c ty. \XJ AN f EL».A place to cook, wasb. » T sc., or to Ho chamberwork. Bes: of city referer.ces given. Apply at 69 Toon, ps-m-st. " 2f2t* WANTED.By a respectable colored woman, a situation as cook and laundress. Please call at 536 Broadway. Sj.tis.ac ory city references can be g:ven. It* WANTED.A place to do chamber work or waiter, o to do washing: or treating or housework for a sm»li family. Apply at 52 Mulberry, 3d floor front room. Good references given. 2; 3;' WANTED.Situations by two young Women, one a Protestant to c.s>k, wa-h and iron, or chamber work.best of reference given. Apniv 26B Bov.-rv._2 "If A DVANCES MADE on all kinds of! jTJL Furniture left tor sale at S17 Pearl-sb N. R..For sale, all kinds of Furniture and ch.iir», »u.(nV>h> rot ÄippifJff. For particulars inquire of DW1GHT BISHuP, SI7 Peart- street. Sflw" BOARD . WANTED, immediatdy..A gentleman wishes full board i:i a bighiv respectable bie prj.a.e family, vshere mere arc It* or n,> other board, ers.lecstion 7;b or 10th Wards; will furnish his own room and U willing to pay liberally for ihe comforts of % gc*m h -tiie. A line addrrs,ed to Mr. Forsvtb, tb' »u<h the Park Po«; (.»"See, wiil meet with iinmeuiiie atteniiou,staling real name, local on, terms, Ate. üfSr "PTiJM B E Kö..NÖ7icens~h^eby given tliat sails have ben commenced asrin-s: ihe makers and sHIers of tinned lead pipes, made in violation ui ihe satiscriber» I'atcnu The very ni»n who have lor ye.irs violently opposed the patented article, now pirate the invention. In »Ii cases where Plumbers do not cotiirromiie. their easterners who " ess" ill* article will be held respon¬ sible, as this is the oniy means of protection from unpnrci- pled and irr- sponsibie ven<!ers. T. KWBANK. P. NAYLOti At CO.. 79 Broad street, keep a constant sup¬ ply of Patent Pipe, (warranted superior to a*y oUier ever made.) and will supply Plumbers an 1 the cit.zens at large Th»- Croton introduced into buildin^on the lowest terms. 2f iw« T iran Edition.beintr rac similes of the original Edi¬ tions.of th- following Magazine* lor February, viz: Blackwootps Ma«azine. u'ice $4 ay ear. The Dublin University; St a yeir. The Lorn on Ci ristiau Observer, §2 a ye.ir. Subscriptions received at th« Publication Office, No. 182 Broadway, s-v JOSEPH MASON, Publisher. The Foreign Q tarterly Keview tor January will be pat lisbed on Sainrday, ihe lost. It* TTERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS for T »ALE..To Confecüoneis.The subscr ber baviuij the whole of bis time engaged at the Atlantic Gardens. desirous of disposing of In* long established and well known confectionary, No. 265 Broadway, be.ween Warren and Cbanibtrs-stiei-ls. Ti e stock and fixtures, together with the loo's, will besohl a bargain, or if the purchaser prefers ir, by appraisal. The 3 years unexpired lease of die prem¬ ises will be transferred and an Introduction fciven to ihe whole-at-* customer-, which are very aiany. It will be p«-r- ceived tint in offering this rstabiishmcnt for sne, on the abjve terms, the subscriber d«.»es not do so from speculative motives, his only object being to close the business which .other engagements prevent bun giving his attention. THOa. F. PEERS. Apply as above or at the Atlantic Garden, No. 9 .«road¬ way. _12 3t U* TO LAWYERS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHERS .A thorough practical Printer ami Correct'-r for tbe Press, who writes a pood hand, r-culd be glad to copy or to print law papers, reports. Ate. at bis pri¬ vate residence, whereMSS. would be inaccessible to others He would prepare hooks, advertisements 4;c. lor the press; and, when required, estimate their cost and superintend their publication: or would print a periodical.preferring a medical or odier scientific book. Wo- k to he done in ih'- r>est manner, and at the very lowest price.*. Please address "Reader," Tribune Office. if2 L* B~ OSTON MISCELLANY lor teb'y 1813 Easosllisameista .The Light Guitar, a beautiful engraving on s;e» |, OHffinai Music.Waltz composed expressly for tlie Mis¬ cellany by Leopold Herwig. Cmtmts.Macau ley, the Modern Hero, by H.T. Tucker- man; Boyhood Memories, by Ilufus Dawes; Visions, by P.»rk Benjamin: A Settlement on the Mississippi, by .Mrs. L*'e; Livcrno, by T |W. Pa sons; St. Bernairi.by Mif» Iltnuah F. Gould; To an Altar Picture oi lae Madonna, by Jane T. Lomax ; Winter Evening Chronicl»-<. by an Anti¬ quarian j Poesy by Eninia C. Embury; The' Haunted Wreck, by Rob'rt L Wade; The Indun Girl's Liment, by C. F. Roflmao; The Guiiar, The Age of Gold and oth¬ er Poems, by Geo. Lunt; Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Land«, by L H. Sljrourney. Literary Notices.Allison's History of Europe, History of Charles VI11. King of France. Natural History of New- Vork, Channins's Self-Culture. Robinson Crusoe, The Sa¬ lem Belle, The Golden Vase, Poetry, n Salire, Wright'. La Foniaine, Dunnina's C«tia?e K'-sldences, Stephen's Central America, The True Lover's Fortune, Tue Snow Drop. H irper's Serials, Washington Irving, Mr. Herwig. AlWtc, Waltz, by Leopold Herwig'. BRADBUnY, SOD E N L CO. 2f 127 Nassau-st., N. York, and 10 School-st Boston. T~H hTC O-P A RTN E R SHI P_he7v3trSfore exi'tirs between the Subscribers ut-.der the firm oi H4RMER, McGOWAN k 11A YS, has h"en this day di, solved >y mutual couseut. James McGowin retires from Ihe concern. CHAS G. HARMER and JNO. P. HAYS are authorized to settle Ihe ba»iaess of the late co-partnership. CHAS. O. HARMER, JAMES MctiOWAN, New-Tork, Jen. 31 si, 1?43. JNO. P. HAYS. 'I he subscribers will continue Ihe Sodd'tjry Hardware business at ib« old stand. No. 273 P"«i l-street, under Ü.e firm of HARN ER At HAYS. CHAS G. HaRMER, New-York. Jan. Slat, 1343. JNO. P. HAYS. CO-PARTNERSHIP .Tee undersigned nave Termed a co-partnership far th-- purpose of rondoetiig the Foreig> and Domestic Hardware business.as CoinnT»*t->n Merchants, under ihe firm of LONG. McGOWAN At CO. at No. 10 Plait-street..New-York, Feb. I. 1841. NATHANIEL R. LONG, JAMES McGOWAN, f2 lw^_HORATIO W. SHlrMAN. TO LET.Tho new buildiDg No.~5 Spruce-»irüet. Apply to _T. McELRATH. Tribune Office. TO LET.The second and third sto ries of the building N'o. 9 Spruce-street. Applv to T. JlcELE«.TH, Tiiijuae Office. TO LET.Several Office3 in the Tri¬ bune Building«. App v to _T. Mc£LKATH. Tribune Office. TO LET, LEASE or FOR SALE. ,A large Factory with water power. Af»o 3 tenant and 7 acres of land, near Steamboat LindiBg,22 miles up the North River For particulars erqure of f2 lw*_DWIGHT B.'-HOP. :»17 P-ail-.L HOUSE AND Si ADLE To let. _Tiie three story dwelling i ou»e, No. 4'8 Hcdsar,- si«cr., with or with at th' stabl«? en the tear fronting on Am .is street. These premise} were formerly occoptea I y Dr. James Stewart. Also.The new store and dwelling en Ninth avenue, near helsea square. The store is very handsome, bavicg a large plate etoss show \ ndow.a ircod ttund tor a Drug SU>re, Confectionary or Fancy Bakery. Also.The elegar.i 3 story dwelling house No. 234 Twen- t etr.-rireet, frccting on Cbsiaea tq-.are, the secoad dcor Westot N.ato-aveaue. Possesswn immediately. Also.TLe fire proof s'tores Nos. 132 and 134 Odar-street, near Wett-street. Pos-essioo iriven oa the first day of April. Apply to D. A CUSHMAN, 183 Peart-street, fS iaw3tis* _or Chel^ea-fquare. S NASSAU-ST. PROPEiiTY"FOR It^'W SALE..The valuable property belongiug to \Xut > MUta Bapiist Cbn.-ch, No. 82 Na-sa xntt., n»-ar tfje corner of Fulton-st., sonfain^ag two lots, eu' h 25 feet front by 100 deep, wiib toe buildings tnereoo- The property now retu for eleven hu.idred dollars, separate from he cbarcJi, a*al with little -iteration tbe whole will rmt for jö.COJ per an¬ num, being in a good location for a large warehouse, print- la? or paper csiabiishmerx and la a good situation for of n;cs,or ar.y kind of basinets. The congregation wuhi.ifc to remove up town, the ab/ve property will be so/d on S4t- urriav tbe 4th of February next, in the Mercbanis' h.i- change, a: 12 o'clock, by w ilk ins t Rollins, if not previous¬ ly sold at private sale Apply for any .nfonnation to f2 3t is* C. W. A. RODGERS, No. 10 Piae-st TO LET.Dwelling-House and Ba , a, kery on Suten Island .A neat tiro-st»ry House» wrsn c large garden. Also, a Hotkte SU liable tor a Bakery h having been ccenpied for drat purpose, to let on reasona- ' bie terms, in the vdlage of Rictcvisd, Suten Island. Two omnibusses pass tne door daiiy for die qoaraniine ferry; an Epscopatand a Pn-sbyterian Cbnrcb «re in the imme¬ diate vicinuy, as well as ?ood schools, and ever / other re- qsisiu to a good neigbborhocd. Apply to EDWARD TAYLOR, Scuen Iilaad.or to ADDISON DOUGHERTY, j 6) Wali-at._- itiw* h g** ft FOR HUDSON, CATST- ^a^SL KILL, SAUG ERTIES, RED HOOK, stdfca. POUGHKEEP5IE, NE WBURGH, j Tbrtnday,Feh.2, at 5 o'clock. ! For pasjage cr freiefct, applr on board, er to Crooae, Fowka k. Co., corner West and Liberryni. It* AUCTION SALjs,». B._ ., - Schanis. A:ccr»cer. Y BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT, Stece :s$ Brosxrwar. UNerai case advances cusse on cucvcbsm&i for aacuoa caJea Tjustt Ssvttvn* Ntw-Yoxx Tsunt Saj.i.To coo. . ceace Marco SS, iWS..Tö« neat rv^lar Trade Sal* wti! be coturaeac' oo lbe 4;h Teessisy o: March aval, in ao corCaaee with tbe necaiaü-oca ot the Trade. U be ecaducted, a* heretoüire. aoder wee* regulations; and ua- dcr ibe direction of the Committee of theTTrade. Invoices ot Bocks, Stationery. Paper, Stereotype Plate*. kc~, are ropceuaiiv solicited They >W>ol<i be rurrdshrd by the first 01 February seat, whan the CaUlogae wdl be pat to press. Tbe asnal cash advacees wid be made oo receipt of goods when required, and the sales will be guaranteed and caabed, is desireo. BY S. DlESF^E, jr..Store 54 Wil- iiac-erreet. corner i>r Ptpr^trreL FRIDAY, Feb. 3 DAMAGLD UUOOS. FOR CASH. Sold for the benefit oi ib« arxierwtuers, At 18 o'clock, at the auction room. 35 cases D niest e Pro.-t*. various styles, si.gfaily d*mared by waieronly, at the late fire ccr»er of Broad-street and fxci.ange P!*ce. Terms made known the day of sale. TUESDAY, Feb. 7. At 10 o'clock, at tbe anctioo roocn. S»J Packages AMSBtcaü Goods, DaMAOXo.tocetber witti an extensive a<-*o'tt^it of tt*»dai imported mercban* dfsrwoo a « redit oj 6 months, for approved endorsed cswe* Tue damaged gooes were »unk in ibe .Missouri river, ta¬ ken out iroaiediaielv. dried in tbe sun. axe a tmietfaiaeo. but tbe fabrics are uwiyured. They will be sold without reserve, iur the benefit of whom u aaay concern. Cconsistrcg of the Joilowmg descriptions: 361 bales. K.w- pieces blenched Ameiicaa cotwa*.sheet, hags and shirtiugv 2S bales »40 nieces unbleached do do. 6*i bales 2,-«i0 pieces rarioas »tyiesot prints. 16 bales 300 pieces heavy blue cocoas. 2 bales 15 preces best-ticks. 32 packages »oorted merchandise. UK bales buck and white wadding. SOUND Gooos.Also, 43 ttales Russia diapers, for cash. A h), 24 enure cases coitcn tvsiery am* guives. Also, 5 cases figured crimson Pcigcr, Canhm dye. Al-o, 87 ca<s new style fancy pr uts, the first offered in the mark-u Also, 20 cases new »o le facey prints, coa-prisiag a gene¬ ral assortment. Also, M caws furoiture prints. Als». 13 cases new style fancy prints. Also, ißkO new style ..oney comb sbawls, for sprii>g trade. Also, 11 cast s super black'aud blue broadcloths. Also, 5 ca-es assorted co'oted do. Catalogues and *amr>l< ¦« rea iv the day previous to sale. WEDNESDAY, F-o. ». At 10 o'clock, at die store 128 Front-street. Oa.maueo Corrai:..3,000 bags Sumatra Codee, damaged b* hre. It can be examined at ssid store two daj s'bttore th* sale. Thi-. is a very superior article ot Cofiee, and was When ironi the Dutch Compan,'» mores at Teldaog. Sold for benefit of whom it may concern. Terms cash. THURSDAY, Feb. 9. At 10 o'clock, at the Auctiou Room. Canton Mattixu. 1550 roils a*aurteu 4-4. 5-4 au>: > 4 white and checked Canton Mattmg, Including 700 pieces very snpertor, made to order lor ciiy traae. MONDAY. F*b. 13. At 12 o'clock, at Sinclair's Slate Yard, 493 Wjter-st. Bv order of the Collector of the Port.8 cases Marble- Sculpture, being the caps imported lor pdlars in the Met« chants' Exchange. TUESDAY. Feb. 14. At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room. Cloths ano CasaiMtutss. From the shelves.on a credit ot six mouths, for approved endorsed notes. AT 1'KIVATE SALE. 400 piecexjl 4,5-4 aud 6 4 red and wbite_ Canton matting. AMERICAN MUSEUM.Marble build¬ ing, opposite St Paul's Church-P. T. »ARNUM. Manager..b'irst week of the gorgeous aud magnificent spectacle of NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. Last wc> k of Tom Thumb, who weighs only 15 poonr's. List week of the universally admired Animated Tab¬ leaux, including ihe Burning oi Moscow. H. U. Sherman, the Baltnu Singer.T. G. Booth, the un¬ rivalled Comic Singer.La Peine Celeste, the admired danseose.Mba Hood, ihe Vocalist, Sic. .On Wednesday and Sainrilay of this week a Day Per» formatier will take place in tbe af emoon, commencing at 1$ o'clock. Tbe Evening Performance at 7 o'clock. Saturday next faav and evening) FAREWELL BENE« FIT of Gen. TOd TIIUHB. Price of Admission, £5 cents.Children under 10 yeart half-price._j30 P~EALE'S NEW-YORK MUSEUM, NATIONAL PORTRAIT AND PICTURE GAL- LKRY..Day vu Ars admitted the same evening Iree. 'I be Manager is proud to announce an engagement with Signor Maelski, from Naples, with his magnificent aud gor¬ geous Dioramas, among winch are the vision of tbe Sun, or the Meeting of the Deities; also, the magnificent Dio¬ rama representing tbe luvasion of Russia by Napoleon Bo¬ naparte, including ibe Contiagralioc of Moscow. Mr. Blare, the grest Necromancer and M«g;cia«. Also engaged, tbe mysienous and asUnisbing Gipsy Wo¬ rn in, from England, who can be consulted In a private aparimeni ftoni D o'clock, A. M. unwl 10 P. M. A gentle¬ man will be in aiieuiJance to introduce visitors. An extra, charge of only 12* cents to those who consult the Gipsy Woman._J*>_ ' A Principle made practicable is a Principle made useful.' (VTEW-YORK CASH TAILORING JLl ESTABLISHMENT, 14*2 Fulton-st., New-Yark. Tbe uuueraigned, in ai.nouncing to their patron, their de¬ termination to adhere strictly to Ue principle of cash deal¬ ing in their business, would lake occasion to say that they have become well satisfied of the practicability and useful* iiess of such a plan by the uniform success which has at¬ tended It* operation In their liouse from the commencement. The advantages derived by the customer from the adop. tion of this system.thereby realizing a gain of 30 per ecu upon credit prices.Uiey conceive perfectly obvious, .and therefore need no comment. Of the merits of their bousa and the facilities with which they are invested of furnishing a cheap and rich garment, they will not dilate.folly as¬ sured as they are that this simple fact Is tao well known their celebrity too well established, to require further re¬ mark. And In calling the attention of the gentlemen of tbe United Stales, and New-York In particular, to their assort¬ ment of choice goods, they will merely observe that und*, dating punctuality ncd dispatch in answering the commands of their friends is as mach a part of their system as cask payments._n30 Istf J. C. BOOTH as CO. OR SALEloCLOSE A CONCERN. .Th»- Steamboat JOHN MASON, as she lf*s at ihe Dry Dock, East River,will tie sold at Public Auction, at the Exchange, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February neat. Terms, one fourth ensh at the lime of sale, balance in three, six and nine month- on interest for satisfactory paper. Abo, at WilJjini»burg, on Wednesday lbs 8lh of Febru¬ ary, tbe steam' oat Railwavs, work shop, ship timber, to¬ gether whh sevrral part* of the engines of tbe »feamw North America. TVrms, all sums ander $100 cash,over <1»K) at 6 months, for satisfactory paper. Al-o, at the city of Albany,on Tuesday the 4th day of April next, two scows, office farniiure. ana several parts of tee engines of the steamer North America; and at tUecity of Troy, on Wednesday 5th April next, a wood scow, office and wharf fcrniture and fixtares. Terms, under 9100 cash, over $100 at 6 months, foi satisfactory paper. Abo, at private tale, at tbe office of the Hudson River Steamboat Ass-ci&tlon. 56 Courtlaod-st, a lot second hand steamboat mattrastes, pillows, counterpains, sheets and pd< low cases,lie As the above naroi d property will be told in order tn close a Cancern, the tales will be positive, and witsoct re serve. N. B. All persons having claims upon the Hodson River Steamboat Association, will please, present tbem fof liqui¬ dation, on or before the 15m March next, to A. P. Fonda, at their orifice, 5>3 Coartlandt-sL_J12 istf OILED SILK, manufactured hi every respect eqoal if not superior to any in the market, at 16 cents per yard by J.kH WsRO, Essex street, Newark, N. J., Manufacturers of Patent Leather, Jspp'd Linen, Maslin, Top Hides, kc. Itc. Merchants and Dealers are cautioned against noticing what has been said against us as Manufacturer*, of the above, artic e by a firm hi this city, who have bad ahnott tbe ex¬ clusive tale cf Oiled Silk. We lioldourvlvmesporjstWefor all silk not finlshe l rqn.l to any in market. Ord«-r>. receive.! for and samples to iteseenat O. W. GOUUM'S. 125 Maiden Ian*. We refer to Smith, Wright k Ca respecting our responsibüUy. j24 rod2mii' B rpHE ATTENTION OF CAPITAL- JL ISTS is called to Uiat valuable Pror**ny,conef«i|r,g' ol 4 vacant lot* of Land situated oa the N. W. side of Mur¬ ray-street, between Church »t-ert and West Broadway, op¬ posite Colombia College, presenting a tine open frorst free from the liability of briog overlooked by other boildi.ngs. These are lull lots, each 25 by ir>0 f»-e'. Thin Is one ol the mo«l eligible situation*- in th«> lower part of the city for a public buuding or private defiling, mpi preteots an oppor¬ tunity very »eidoro occurring o' purchasing; four contigaooa lots of toll dimensions so favorably siinated. The title Is periecr, behvg in fee from the Trinity Church- $: j.O'.O of the purcha.se mmey can remain oo roortfaee. Irqaireof S. V. CLARKSON. 3 Wall-sL E. H. OWEN, II Wee-si. WM. E. LEWLS, 75Maidea lano. If not previously deposed of at at private sale. It will be cold at the Merctants* Exchange February 8th, 184S. by J. J.Swift it Ca_ - Jf7tl»* ECONOMY IN DRESS.229 Broad- way, oppeaite fho Fountain..I would suggest to tbe community that I am furnishing every article of Clothing at proportionality moderate prices, for which our Sack Bar¬ ton's have been arTorded, and would »olicltacaJl frem those, capable of apprertnttog good work, that tbey rasy judge of the inducements offered :o those paying read7 money. Strangers in the city reqairiog garments wil! plea»e learn onr prices. WM. T. JENNINGS, ßl ;rtf_ Prsp+r sort TallVw. TJITATCHES lower than ever..In con- V Y sequence of the reduction of dntie* by the late tariff the subscriber is telling hie stock of «old and Silver Levers, Anchor Escapements, Lepine, and other Watches of new and splendid patterns, and Jewel; y at rctadat* conxiderable reduction from former prices, being much lbever tbe ei Watcl-rS _ warranted to keep good t.me or tne money retornerL. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner, and w»k>- mated, at rnucA lew than the usual prices. G. C ALLEN. Inrnorterof Watches and Jewetrry. olTts tf Wholesale and otaiL So Walj-st.. up stair*. ÄTCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware, <tc. by E. k 8. S. ROCKWELL, jlOSsnis* *o. 3 Ar.vrii*:.*. F

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Page 1: XJ WANTED.By WANTED...a3 25; JerseyMeal250, Brandywine2 75, nominal; hbds 12 25a12 75. AtCincinnati. Flour wasin active demand.12 6:j. Al Baltimore, small sales Howardst at 3 62i a

MONEY MARKET.(Bales at tbe Stock Exchange, Feb. 1.

tots* State 6s, ia54.... 100 j$5.0oo IMn«ttSs, 1«D.... 19J&nr* N Y.S'/5*s, 1861,. 93} 100 *hares Fulton B*nk..l04f SS 0W9 Sixes,'1360.. 6»j 25 Del. ä Had..,,..8»SS do.63 i 28 Ob» Life aaa -Trust. SO

ZVnm do.67 I 50 Jackson Marine Ins.. 5«

gS Kcmocky Five,... 69 , 75 Paterson....b 60 ds.. 4jiiTnöO do.6t^j 2o do.44fineoKentucky Sixes .. S45jl00 Harlem.b60Us.. J6iL'JJa, do.84* 40 Slonington.J7jpj&t Illinois 6s, 1870 ... 19*1

sccoxd Bosao.<wPaterson.4< i $1.000 Ohio Sixes.SV,» Loosli^odRCd.... 43* | $2,600 Sure 5s, 1861-SSj

Commercial and Money HI atter*.Wedkesdav F. M.

There was a smaller amount of business done than for

V){Bt days past at tbe Stock Board, and a reaction took

place in some stocks. State 5$s fell off 1 -, Ohio Sixes 3 percent, bat recovered j per cent at the 2d Board; Kentuckyfiresi; Illinois 1 ; Kentucky Sixes went up 4 percent;Delaware improved Jj from the last sale ; Ohio Lite and

Trust Ii; Stouingion declined J.Nothing doing in Foreign Exchanges. Rates nominal at

Si a 5J for Sterling; 5 45 for Francs.Tbe following are the quotations for Inland Exchange.

Mobile is rather worse to-day, probably on account of ihefailure of tbe mails for two or three days.gotlop.i pre Mobile.1SJ a 15Philadelphia.i dis Montgomery.J3J a 15Baltimore. ja - Tuscaloosa.15 a 14V'nzinia.1 a IJiNew-Orleans.i a 4 prein

i North Carolina.Ha lijNasbville.3 a 3JCharleston.ia 1,Louisville. j nlSavannah. i a f St Louis.H a 2Augoita.ja ^Cincinnati.lj a 2(Jinon, P'a.65 Interior ofOhio.1JApalachicola.IJa 2Tbe following symptoms of a forgery broke out in Wall-

greet to-day: On the V7th ult- a young maa, a broker inWall-st- went into the Bank ofNew-York with a check pur¬porting to be drawn by James Lynch, Ntt. 32 Centre-street,for $50°, and presented it at the counter for payment. Mr.Banker, the Teiler, on examining the signature, expresseddoubts of its being genuine, and asked a reference, whichwas given, to John T. Smith L Co. who stated that be was

a reputable young man and responsible for the amount ofdie check. It was, however, handed back to the younginao, wiiU a remark that he bad belter get another check.Tbeyoang man took the check, went away, and it has notsince been *e<-n. To-day the young man was taken to thepolice Office, charged with the forgery, wheie he statedlbs! when examined be could satisfactorily account for hisbanest possession of the check. Mr. Lynch, however,declaring tbat he had ao recollection of having issued such¦ check, the young man was held to bail to answer. Weunderstand that he accounts for his possesvion of Uie checkbyslatiug that a person came to his office and in Ute nameofMr. Lynch asked for uncurrent money for iu We aretold that considerable unnecessary rudeness was used in^rretting him.that be was dragged from bis office to Uiebask by tbe cellar, followed by the rabble usually gathering on such an occasion, and that wbiie in Uie bank bis rel¬atives were refused admittance to him. His same we sup-prrss ia accordance with Uie request of his Iriends, who,wgelner with all whom we have beard tpeak of the matter,believe him innocent of the forgery,A three story house and lot, No. 32 Varick sueet, Hud-wn

square, lot 2Gj feet front, containing that width for 95 feet,then 2JJ feet wide for 80 feet, through to St John's Lane.making the whole depth 175 feet.house 58 feet deep, exclDsive of plattasj two story brick stable on the rear, withatails for four horses, was leid to-day at $17,000. This isthe house occupied by Mayor Morris, for which in 183b$35,000 cash was offered. The house alone cost $25,01X1,Tnis property has recently been offered at private sale at8^0 000, and it was supposed would bring 18,000 at auction.A four story brick store 25 Ooenties slip, 27 feet by 40, cov¬ering the whole lot, was bought in for$9,700.The Chemical Bank has declared a dividend of 3J per

cent, for tbe last six months.At auction, ia Baltimore, a few days since, were sold 16

foil shares of Union Baak of Maryland 6t»ck,at$46 pershare; and 100 shares of Farmers' and Miller»' Bank of Ha-gerstown, at $1 30 each.The recipts of specie at New-Orlcans, since the 1st Sep

tember, amount to $4.699,021.Dr.Nathaniel T. Green has been elected President of tbe

Dan»ille Branch of the Farmer*' Bank ol Virginia, viceThomas Rawllns, Esq. resigned.The Senate of Kentucky have parsed a resolution by a

large majority, which looks to a CsmmoRwealth Pank,anda new issue ol paper by the existing Banks.Tbe President of the Bank of Illinois, acting under tbe

advice ofihe Directors, has made proposition* to Uie Legis.Untre to dissolve the connection between the Stale aud theBank,on terms advanuiceous and just to each party. Butthey do not seem to have been well received, and it is preb-abie dial quite as rigid measures will be adopted iu regardto it as towards the slate Bank. Both msiilu lions will bewoundup. The bill lo put the State Bank in liquidationwhich had been returned from the Senate with amcad.mams, was reported in ibe House, tonic ol the amendmentsconcurred in, and others disagreed to. It was ibe generalimpression that it wsuld receive the sanction oi the Senatejn this shape, and speedily become a law.The »latentem made by the Washington O lobe, tbat Uie

Government had lost over two millions of dollars, by itsdealings wiib the Banks, appears to be untrue in one par¬ticular. In Üie Iist of debts due tbe Government by theBanks, tbe Globe has inserted tbe sum of $246,905 21 as

belDg doe from the Union Bank of Tennvssee, and $271..63-J 67, as ow ing by Uie Flanters' Bank of the same State,Aa article in the Nashville Whig, of Jan. 24tb, denies thecorrectness of the item, and proves that tbe amount duefrom the Planters' Bank was paid in 1839, and tbat since1839 the indebtedness of the Unioa Bank, in which Ute Treusurer of the Uniled States kept a small account, has notaveraged over $5,000.

RlarkCtS. Oartfully reportedfor The Trtoune.Weonesday, Feb. I.

ASHES..The limited demand has kept Uie market verydull for some time past. To-day prices gave way andabout 40 bbls Pols were taken at 5 25, a decline of 25 cents.The sale of Pearls noticvd this morning was 44 bbls at 6 50,a decline of6i cents.COTTON..Tbe sales yesterday amounted to about

1000 bales. To-day there is but little doing, but we haveno change in prices to noilce. Fair Upland 6J a GJ ; fairN Orleans and Alabama 7cFLOUR AND MEAL..There isa slightly improved de¬

mand for Western to-day, bul ot ao relief in prices. Yes¬terday a purchaser took a parcel of 800 bbls Genesee at

something under 4 50, probably about 4 41, and to-day an

offer pi 4 374 was made Cor 1000 bbls and declined. Proba¬bly 4 43} is the fair quotation fer.Genesee. Michigan 4 S7}Ohio 4 37J n4 50, Troy nominal 4 37J. N Orleans continuesvery dull, and a considerable sale could not be made but ala reducUon in price. We quote 4 12J and 4 25 for fancy.All Southern dcscripüons are quite dull, a»d some, unsalea¬ble but at lower rates than holders will submit to. Peters¬burg, Alexandria, Richmond Country, Baltimore City,Pennsylvania, kc itc, $4 a 4 12J; Brandy wine, nominal,4 62i; Georgetown 4 121 a 4 S5- R) e ¥ioaT i5du11 013 12ia 3 25; Jersey Meal 2 50, Brandywine 2 75, nominal; hbds12 25 a 12 75. At Cincinnati. Flour was in active demand.12 6:j. Al Baltimore, small sales Howard st at 3 62i a

3 75; In City Mills there is nothing doing; some holdersiuk $4, others refuse lo sell at tbat price. At Philadelphia,a»« holders ask $1, but Uie sales are limited. Rye Flourvery dull at 2 75 for inferior; Corn Meal in moderate re¬

quest, with small stock, at 2 25.GRAIN..We hear of nothing doing in Wheat. Corn is

Mill very dull, aud dUÜliers offer bul 50c. We notice a saleof4000 bushels Soulh Jersey,very gr»en,at .50c, weight,de¬livered, and 1200 do on terms not transpired. Rye is un-

Mdeable; Uie Ust sale was at 54c. Oau 30 a 31c for Riverand Canal, with only retail sales. Barley nominal 45 a 48c.At Baltimore receipts limited, prime SOc, common 65c.White Corn 40, Yellow 41; Oats 23c At Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Wheat 80 a8Sc ; Yellow Corn 42; Oats scarceaud ia demand at 23 a 23ic The Buffalo Commercial olthe 36th gays:"We hear of a sale of several thousand bushels of wheat

which was caught oy tue ice in transitu, to a Lockport milWi at 67 cents Also the following contract: A shippertake* 4 certain quantity of wheat adoal.say 20,000 bushels"-which he is to convert iato hour aud uehver in New-«ork. In consideration of this, be ia required only to turn001 a barrel of fisur for every six bu»het» of wheat origin¬ally delivered. The feature isenurely new with us, ana as

Jbe medium price ot wheat per bushal raugts closely upon.octets during ihe season, it wouki appear a lair remune¬ration for ibe transportation ol a barrel ot flour through-*'SEEDS .We notice sales of 200 bbls Rough Flax for

crashing part at equal to 8 20 per tierce, aDd part at eqcaltoS 6.'$. We bew of no sales of Clean, in coasrquencc ofthehijh rates of freight; new Clover is wanted tor exportat 6c, but bolders continue to demand 6J ; a lot of S5 bolsPrime sold to-day at 6j; old 5i a 5$. At Philadelphia Fiax-*t»d bad advanced to 1 40 a 1 45 per bushel, wiih good de¬mand. Clover was very dull at 3J a 5». At Baltimore con¬siderable sales had been made at 3 75 for prune; a let ol"ri«Uy prime Ohio sold al $1.HAY..The market ia doll without change. W# quote

*3 a 50. Loose Is worth about tbe same rates.PROVISIONS..We hear of nothing doing to-day of ho-

POtUoce ia this branch of trade. Lard is quiet, with salesof City rendered at "$c; Ohio is worth 8 a 6$. At Cincin¬nati, sotwithstanding Uie business season is so near tbe pe¬riod 0f iu gjgai lerraiaaüon, the daily supply ofHogs con-tiuoes large, and the demand active; sales at 2 25, 2 81 and2 37, owing principally 40 the steady call for Lard on East-n» orders. Tbe bogs now coming ia are generally very

large and fat and excellent for convening into lard. Battwo or three establishments are now barreling pork, mostof them being engaged in renderag cat lard from the wholehog except tbe hams. Lard continues firm at 4i a 4j, withlarge daily sales.TALLOW.The sale, 30,00) lbs, reported yesterday a!

7} was made, we understand, at 7$c.TOBACCO..The following is the French contract for

Tobacco, of the growth of the U States, for the year 1*43:Of Va. 2,400,000 kilos, or 3M0 bbds. 9 10 at 35 50f pr 100 kils.

- » 1-10 at 139fOf Ky. 8,500,000 " 5,750 Lhds 9-10 at 72 95f "

" - M8atl25f "

Of Md.2,200.000 kils. or 5,000 Lhds 3-ln at 37 73f »

'* « u M0atl43f "

.The whole quantity was contracted for by the house ofMessrs Brown, Shipley At Co of Liverpool.


10 lots of ground sn 31st and 3d sis, between the 7thand 3th avenues, each containing 25 ft front by 93 ft9 inches deep, per lot .

By J. Bleeeker Sr Son.The 2 story brick house and lot No 287 Madison St.. 1.675House No 223, adjoining. 1,725House aad lot No 291 Midisnn it, cor Seamroei ...... £1002 story frame house and i-=t No 21 Stammelst, wi;h a2 story dwelling in the rear.1,575

2 story brick front house and let No 22 ScammeJ st,containing 20ft 10 inches front Vy 50 it 6 Ins. deep.. 2375

House and lot So 339 Monroe st, cor Scammel.2,8fi0House aivl lot No 31 Scaramel .t. 7253 story br ck house and lot No 15 Marion >t, with a 3

story bouse in the rear, containing 25 ft front by 100feet deep.5,700

House and lot No 2S0 Jlott st. with a 3 story brickbouse on the rear, containing 20 feet '.'rout bv 80 ftdeep. 4,7üa

Sanbs'sSarsaparilla .Tbe amount of tufferin? relievedbv this invaluable preparation is without a parallel in thehistory of meUicine. Thousands have been restored tohealth by its healing and regenerating efficacy, who were

considered past th* reach ot remedial means, as various cer¬tificates heretofore published abundantly prove. It has re¬

ceived the entire appruba'ion of many practitioners in thisand other cities and its rapid growth in the estimation ofthe public, has pi iced it beyond the reach of detraction <^r

tne efforts of competition. Diveases which arise from impu¬rity of tbe blood or vitiation of the humors generally, -ucnas Scrofula, or King's Evil, Rheumatism and incipient Gout,Halt Rheum and other cutaneous diseases, Fever Sores In¬ternal Abscesses Fistulas, Chronic Catarrh, UiceratioH ofdie throat and nostrils, painful affections of the ßonrs. Chro¬nic Inflammation of the Kidneys, Female Derangements,General Debil'ty and Prostration ef the Syst» in. are all re-mured by its use.For particulars see advertisements in this and other city

papers.Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and for expor¬tation, by A. B. SANDS L CO.. Druggist and Chemists.Graiiae Building, No..273 Broadway, corner of Chambers-street. New-York. Sold also by A. B. it D. Sands, Drug¬gists, N«w. 79 and 100 Fulton-street; David Sands "t Co., No.77 East Broadway, corner of Maikf t street: and bv Drug¬gists generally throughout the üuited states. Price $1 perbotde, six bottles for $5.Wistar's Balsam ok Wilp Cherry..Two month-

have scarcely elapsed since this remedy was first introducedinto New-York. For Asthma, Colds Coughs. Croup inchildren, Consumption and Liver Complaint, it stands with¬out an equal.

Extract of a letter datedPort Btrom, N. Y., Jan. 20,1313.

Dear Sir.The half gross Balsam of Wild Cherry sent us

by you in the fall ia about gone. We shall waul mote verysoon. Please write us, ice. Your friends,

D.B. SMITH tiSON.Wherever it has been used and so become known, it is

almost impossible to supply the demand. Any one whowill call at tbe agency, 125 Fulton-streei, can see certificatesof cures that would astonish any physician. Lung affect onsofmore than twenty years'standing have been cured in a

few days, and the core verified by Recorder Tallmadge..Call and see iLThis Balsam is sold only by Isaac Butts, 123 Fulton, cor¬

ner of Nax-au-street; Mrs. Hayes, Brooklyn; Badger,Newark : Dexter, Albany.Trice $1 per large bottle.Tl' Bereua laniiiute I,t-ctnre*..RALPH

WALDO EMERSON will deliver the first of n Coarse o'

(five) Lectures before the Institute on Tuesday evening,Februar) 7tn'j the Second on Wednesday evening', Feb. aimthe Third on Thursday evening. Feb. 9th; the Fourth on

Friday evening, February 10th; and the Fifth on Saturdayevening, Feb ll;h;.in the Universalist Church corteröiWalker and Elizabeth streets, al 7$ o'clock Subject.(Ofthe whole Course).' New-England,'etc etc.Cards (25 cents) may be had at the print ipal bookstores

in Broadway, and at the door on the evening of ihe Lecture.By order. (2) C. S. STEARNS, Sec'y. IT 8t

tCTRntger* Inatitutc B.rctn.ee«..The Trus¬tees have made arrangements for a coarse of' Lectures, tobe given on Thursday Evening of each week, in the Chap¬el of the Institute.Feb. 2.Rev. Geo. B. Cheever.Subject" Gothic Archi¬

tecture in its connection with English Literature and as a

developement ol the Middle Ages."Lectures commence at 7j o'clock.Tickets 25 cents each.can be bad of G. W. Betts, 43-1

Pearl-sireet, or ai the Institute. GEO. W. BETTS,J25 _Chairman Lecture Committee.

O* International <Joprright..CORNELIUSMATHEWS will deliver a Leciure entitled "The BelterInteresis of ibe Country in connection with Internationa!Copyright," at the Society Library, Broadway, corner of

Leonard street, on Thursday Evening, February 2d, ai 7j'.'clock. Tickets 25cents each, to be had al the desk of theLibraiy; Wiley it. Putnaiw's, Bartlett it Welford's, Wad-leigb's, Crowen's, Broadway; of the Committee of tbeChelsea Lyceum. j30 4tis'

TT Inward Renaou of «Jhriatianity.-HENRvJames will deliver a second Leciure at the Stuyvesaul Institule, on Thursday evening, 2d Februar)'.Subject: The man of ibe first chapter of Genesis, and the

man of the second chapter: or the created man and themape man. Leciure to commence al 7» o'clock. Admit¬tance Iree.


O" II. Onderdonk, Jr., Principal of the Union

Academy ai Jamaica, will lecture before the Chelsea Ly¬ceum, on Thursday evening, Feb. 2d, at half pnsi 7o'clock,at ibe Baptist Church in 16th street, third building east of

8th Avenue, on ' The Life and Times of Cromwell.'

TTJ. L.O>SalltraJB,JBsq£ amt Rev. George B.Checver, will close the Debate en Capital Punishment, on

Friday evening, at the Tabernacle. The scriptural argnnient baviejr been fully discussed, the speakers will con

fine themselves principally to iheargumrnt ol expediency.As this is the last evening of the Debate on this resolution,each will occupy one hour in the first argument, and rilteenminutes in reply. Tickets 12$ cents.

HUGH MAXWELL, Pre-i.'enUW. B. Widcwood, Secretary. 2: 2l*

O" Wr. Kelley lectures agnn ThisEveni-s *nd To¬morrow Evening, Thursday and Friday,the 2< uid 3d ol

February, at 7 o'clock at Prospect Hall, under U e Univer¬salis! Church, in E;izabeih-st.f,nenr Walker.Subject on Thursday Evening.Diseases of the Liver,

with all its concomitant symptoms, as Dyspepsia, Viscidit)of the Blood, Affections of the Heart, Vert go, Asthma, Ner¬vous Debility, Dropsy, fcc.Subject on Friday Evening.Pulmonary' Consumption,

its Symptom*. Nature and Character; showing, both philo-sopbirally nnd illustratively, its cuiability.Admission free. f22t*

0"W. E.Robinson, of New-Haven, Cc, will d*Hvei his third and last Lecture in Concert Hall, No. 406Broadway, on lh« Ancient History ol" Ireland, St. Patrick,Ossian, keen Friday evening, Fubruary 3d, at 7$ o'clock.Tickets to admit a gentleman and two lad'es, 50 cents ; sin¬gle tickets 25 cents. May be had of the Co nniitlvc, or al

the door on the evening of ihe Leciure.JOHN MULLEN, Chairman.

C. Dever, Secretary._ f 2 2i*

D"Heairy Clay Clat» of.tlic Eighth Ward.The regular Moathly Meeting of this Cluti will tase placeThis Evening at 7 o'clock, at the Howard H>n»e.The Directors of the Cluh have the pleasure to annour.ee

to ibe members that JOHN BUTLER, Esq. will deliver a

Lecture. The Whigs o! the Ward are respectfully invitedtoattend. WILLIAM H. SWEET, Tresident.Charles W. Warp, /Theo. Kelley, ) Secretaries. It

ET 1843.End of tue World thin yenr.-Geo. Storrs of Albaav, will I cture this afternoon, on the" Return ot the Jews" al 3 o'clock; and on the 8Ui chapterDaniel (2300 days) at 7 o'clock Ihts evening, at N;b!o's Saloon, Broadway. The public are invited to attend. Seatsfree. Second Advent Book may be bad a; the office, BrickChurch Chapel. It*

EX Notice..The Apollo Temperance Association willhold thf ir3d meetiiigon Thursday evening, Feb. 2, at CrotonHall, junction of Bowery aud Division streets, commencingat a quarter past 7 o'clock. Addresses by the followinggentlemen : Thomas H. Oakley, Esq., Rev. Doctor Miner,Samuel Chase, Esq. P. B. Manchester, Esq. and Gen Stod-dard. Singing; by the Apollo Chorus, Mailer and Miss PUtland Ladiesof other Societies. R. BEMAN. Presideht.C. V. Cable, Secretary. H*

D" .Tlarshall Temperance »oeiety will holdtheir regular meeting at Cuucert UaU.fto.406 Broadway,This Evening, (Thursday,) at 7 o'clock, at which time W.Wallace, Esq , tee Kentucky Poet, will by earnest solicita¬tion deliver an Address. Addresses will also b? deliveredby Mr. Pascoe and others. Singing by the Marshall Choir,Messrs. Cook, Flavel, Murphy, and others. Mr. Honliy on

the Accordion.The public are respectfullv invited to attend.

It*WM. K. HAWLEY, Asst. Sec

TT For Sale at the Tribune OflSce.Historyof the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Ger¬many, Switzerland, Stc By J. M. D'Aabigae. 3 vois,containing 1,000 pag»s, bound. Price for the wuole work, $1.The Illustrated Edition of the Book of Common Prayer,

containing upwards of 700 Engravings. To be completedin 20 Numbers. Tbe arrangement and adaptation of the

illustrations are undtr the superiutendancc of the Rev. Dr.

Waiswricrt, who will also prepare for this work a Com¬

mentary upon the Text and Rubrics, and a History of tbe

Liturgy. This is one of the most splendid works ever gotup in the United Staus. Price per number, S3i ceuts.

Merry's Museum forYoung Persons, for February, 10 cts.

Sargent's Magazine for February, 25 et«.

Bo?ton Miscellany far February, £5 cents.

All the Magaxises for February.Sparks's Washington, No. 7, witha beautiful engraving of

Washington's Head Qaarters at MorrisUjwn. Price 25 cts.

IT" Discount on the above to agents.TT The Whig AuuxaCiao Uhited Siutes Regis-

tkr for the year 1S43 may be obtained at this office in

arappers ready tor mailtng. Price 12$ cents. Postmastersand others remitting one dollar will receive 12 eepics bymall.

07 Godey*s Lady's Book and Graham's Magaxine, forFebruary, are received and for sale tt this office.

Comrt Calendar This T>ey.Circuit Court..Has. 94, 36, 97, 93, 39, 51,

91, 105. 106, 37, 48, 63, 33, 50, 14, 89, 40,95, 27, 66, 69, 85, 82, 103.

Commo.v Pleas..Nos. 26. 24, 48, 59. 62, 63.71, SO, 96, 108. 64, 111, 15, 16, 22, 40, 55, 76.79, 30, 83.

.Bankrupt*.Feb. 1,John B. Sattenhwaue, clerk.New-York.W iitiarn Winne, Ute merchant. aoB^nsjah G. Smith, clerk. Q0Elii-oa Sherwood, clerk. , 0N. Wesbburn, carpenter...... daJohn Craitf, blacksmith. doIsaac Hampton, carpenter. doJohn Woobey, late merchant. Flatiands.

.itp JnUUirjEncc.Wednesday, February L

Board of Alderme:?..Tae President in theChair. The Minutes of the preceding meeting were readah, apprnved.A Communication was received from Dr. Doane, Health

Officer at S<a;en Island, in relation to the advantages oflaw providing for the reception of Emigrant Passengersat the Manne Hospital for a short peri»d aner their arrival:Referred to Uie Finance Committee to report oa the expe¬diency thereof.

Petitions presented and refereed..Petition otA. Mactier for permission to remsve remains of a relative.Of William Johnson lor an appointment to me office ot

Weigher of Hay at Harlem. Of John Holsten, W. £.Dooge, and J*mes B. Reynolds for remission of tax. 0;M. S. H Kerrigan lor a renewal of lease of property at

the corner of Centre-street and Trj'oa Row. Of inhabit,ants of Orange-street near Chatham for the creation offree Croton Water HydrxnLReports..In favor of the petition of John A. Crogier for

a Hose Cart to be placed in the Ninth Ward : Adopted.In favor «f the applicatian of Hose Company No. 23 for

new ILise Carriage : Adopted.In favor of granting to Messrs. French and Heiser a lease

I of Castle Garden for a term of five years, at the anct

rest of $3,25)1, >nd to keep the bridge ia good repairAdopted.Of the Finance Committee upon the financial condition

and policy of Uie City of Neve-York, recommending an ap¬plication lor various laws in relation thereto, and on tne

Comptroller's Report in relation to the Annual Tax Bill,with the draft of an act therefor. Laid on the '.able andordered in Le printed.ÜKFtitlSBED Business .On motion. Document No. 32.

(an Ordinance and Report of tot? Committee on the Com-niunicatio.i of the City Inspector in relation to the remoTajof dead bodir* after interment,) which was vetoed by IIUHonor the Mayor, was brought up, and, after debate, passednotwithstanding ibe objections of the Mayor, and was .-er.l

to ibe other Board for concurrence.

Joint Meeting of the Board cf Aldermenand the Board ok Assistants..The Returns of the ChiefEngineer for die past month, containing the appointment-,resignations and expulsions in the Fire Department was

read, accepted, and reierred to the appropriate Committee.Charles Holmes was appointed Dock Master ot the Fifth

Ward.William H. Barnes and Simon Ackerm;\n were appointed

In-pectors and Measurers of Lumber.Alexander Patterson was appointed a City W'eighe.',Board of Aldermen resumed..Reports.

In favor of renewing lease fur Hay Scales in TompkinsMaiket, for the term ol two years from the 1st of May next,at the annual rem of 5100: Adopted.Adverse IO closing the Old Po»t Road Adopted.In favor of flagging a portion of the side-walks in 2fHb

street between -1th Avenue and Bioomiugdale :Roa.l.aspassed »y Uie otber Board : Adopted.

In favor of paying William Foey $150 extra for digging a

well, in consequence of unforeseen difficulties since makingthe contract: (pas-ed by the other Board-.) Laid on ihe

table.In l avor of paying Dr. Stewart $12 for services rendered,-adhering to a former report made: Laid ou the table.

Document No. 49, being a report ol Uie Committee in

favor o. leasing certain lands in the Twelfth Ward for a

term of lo years.the Comptroller to lease said property,either by public auction or otherwise, as most conducive to

the public weal: Adopted.Papers from the other Board .An amended Report

of the Comptroller, on tbesuhject ot leasing a iutol groundin Battery Place, was adopted.Report in fnvor of cliauging the grade of 24th and 25th

streets, between the Sixth and Righto avenues.adopted.A petition of Eli W. Butler to remove the remains at a re¬

lative was concurre 1 in.Resolution, Uiat the Street Commissioner be directed lo

cause the buildings in 17Ui street to be renumbered from the2d to the 5ih avenue.concurred in.

The annual Report of the Greenwich Saving Bank was

received and ordered on file.A communication was received from the City Inspector,

with a resolution to suspend ordinance passed relative to

filling sunken lots in 4th Avenue: Adopted.Ri: torts RjtsUMED..In favor of appointing Sam'l Giffjrd

appraiser of rent of premises comer of West and Fulton,streets: Adopted.Advrrse to granting petition of Martin Dixon: Adopted.In favor of discontinuing proceedings relative to the open¬

ing of 128th street, between the ad and 5:h avenues1

Adopted.In favor ef petitions of fire-nen of the Fifth and E ightb

Wards for an alarm bellou Clinton Market, and of EngineNo. 16 for an alarm bell in the vicinity of Twentieth-streetand Eighth Avenue: adopted.Adverse to constructing a sewer in Thames-street:

adopted.In favor of petitions far remission ot tax of John Reese

Henry Latham, N. B. Gasham, A. Matthews, F. Fisher,,Alexander H. Stevens, Abraham Scbermerhorn,WilliamBlonsell, John Jacob Astor, and Smith W. Anderson, were

adopted.Advene to petitions of John Maffat, Mr. Hutciiings, Rich¬

ard Richards, George Daniels, George Meeker, £ H.Pray'K. Van Buren, Dudley B. Welis, Ellsworth Cheesebo-ruugh,John Sears, J., W. H. Jepson, N. B. Carney, Isaacshannon, William Johnson, Stepben Samson, and J. and M.

M icbarl: adopted.Resolutions..That the Comptroller be authorixed to

pay Mary Webb, widow of the late Joseph Webb, a quar¬ter's salary dae him as dock master at the lime of his de¬

cease : Adopted.That the Comptroller be authorixed to tell the following

real estate, vix: Nes. 37,39,41 Broad-street; the flve-storyMore corner of Liberty and Greenwich-streets; four housesand lots ;n the 3d Avenue; bouse and lot in Hammond sL;

plotof ground corner of Bank and West-streets; and two

lots in Water-.-treet, corner of Pike slip: Adopted.That the Committee on Laws report on the project of

equalizing die representation of the City Councils: Adopted.The resolution laid on the table at the meeting, to in.

crease the Day of the City Prison Physician, was taken upand again laid ou the table until the next meeting.Adjourned.Police Office..Burglary and Larceny..

On Sunday morning last, at an early hour, some burglarsforced off the locks of the door leading to the Museum In

the second story of No. 130 Chatham-street, and descendingthe rear way into an area by means of a trap door, suc¬

ceeded in lorcing an entrance into the hat and cap store of

Mr. William Banta, on the first floe and stealing 57 yardsot s'lks, 2 bau and $8 in money, worth togtlher $52, aed

effected their escape. Yesterday and to-day Officer Colvinsucceeded ia arresting two men named William Norris and

James Williams charged with the burglary and theft. Part

of the property was recovered by Officers Stephens and

and SparL»at62 Orasge street, where the accused bad car¬

ried it lor sale. The raen were commuted to prison to

answer.Theft ok Clothixg..Andrew Mulligan and Harry

Johnson, colored, were arrested for having on Monday last

itolen 5 dresses, 5 petticoats, a pair of sheets, i:c, worth

$17 75, from Rache! Hawkins, also colored, of 57 Antbony-streeL The property was recovered and the thieves were

committed to prison.Another. Theft or Clothing..John Kentwick and

George Smith were arrested and comniiued for stealingfemale apparel, worth «f-j 25, from the wUe of George Bain,62 Orange-street.Re-arrest ok CouNTERKBi7£as..John Turner, George

fost, and Joseph Velsor, who were some days since arrestedand held to bail for passing $3 counterfeit bills of the Ex¬

change Bank of Salem, 31ass , have been again arrested for

passing ether of said bdls prior to theLr former arrest, anda second tune held to bail to answer.

Chajice or Pocket Picking_A young man namedLeonard Baum was arrested on a charge o: having stolen

the pocket book and $40 from the pocket of William Wilson»

a colored man of,Harlem, wbeu in Brootue-atreet near the

Bowery bargaining for a horse. The accused was com¬

mitted to answer.

O" l\'ew-York Fire Department.-A specialmeeting ot tne ttepiesenuuves at tne r\ew-iork Fire De-paruueut will lake place at Firemau's Hall on TaursdayEvening, tt.e 2d of r eOruarv. at 7| e'clock By order,

ADAM P. fENTZ.PreaiUeoLGro. H. Purser, Sec'ry. 11 A"

KT Particular Notice.Those per» s navtn-farnitnre ui any oeacripuou to dispose of, or who are break-

ing up hocse-kceping, will rind? ready sale lexuy poruonur ail of their gyoos, by sending abeir address, or callingcpen the subscnoer. Goods te any amount purcnased.At private sale.Two Piano Furies.je20 tf F. COLTUN fc CO., 1?7 Coatham st

SZT Persons wishing to senu to their friends in the countrythe Pamphlet containing the full account of the Testimonyand Proceedings in the case ofthe SOJLERS TRAGEDY,with Views of the Vessel, Portrait of the Coraaaaader, ax.

ax , may procure them at this office, in wrappers ready for

niaiiinjj. Price 12i cents. Twelve copies for #** dollar.

ET Dirinirr. Theology axad EelesiastieatfHistory..Valcaiie Standard Works, recently pahlisfced

hy D. APPLETON Jfc CO.. S 0 Broadway.The History ofthe Bjri'ormauonofiheChorch of Eacla.-jd,

by Gilbert Bumet, D. T>., late Lord Bisfiop of Satedrury..rttb the Collection ofRecords aad a copious index, revisedand corrected, with additional Notes arid a Preiace, by tbeRev. EL Narc*. D. D. late Professor of Modern History aUniversity efCaford. Illustrated with a frontespitce andtwenty-three deganüv eneraved Portraits, forming four de¬cant Svo. volumes. Price $£,00Aa Exposiuoc cf the Thirty-nice Articles of she Charch

of Eagland, try Bishnp Baruet. With an Appendix, con-vuiizs the Augsburg Confession.Creed of Pope Pins IV.,kc Revved and corrected with copious Notes and addi¬tional References, by the R>v. James R, P-ige, A. M-, ofQaeen's College, Carsbriage. In one handserae 3vo. voi-ume. $2An Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson, D. D.,Ia»

B'asop or Chester. w;-h an App»3riix.c«ntainin«r the prin¬cipal t»reei and Latin Creeds. Revised and corrected bviheRev.W.S. Dobsan, M. A.. Pcterhouse, Camhrxsre, inone handsome 3rr». vol. $2.A Treatise on the Church of Christ, designed chiefiv for

the use o; stacents in tfeeoiwgy, by the Rev. William'Pal¬mer. M. A., of Worcester Collec. Oxford Edited, withNoces. hy the Rijh'-Rev. W. R. Whrrxfcpfiam, D. D.. Bish¬op of tbe Protestant ttpiscopal Church :n the Diocese ofMaryland, 2 vjis. £vo.. baacLomeiy printed on äne paper.|5 fO-The Early English Church: or. Christian History of Eng¬

land in early British. Saxon and Norman Times! Bv theRev. Edward Cisorton. A. M. With a Pn-faceby tbe RightRev. Bishoa Ires, of North Carolina. 1 vol. ItSaio., hand¬somely primed, si.Godly Meditations npnntbe most Holy Sacrament of the

Lord i Saoper. By Christopher Sotton, D. D., late Pre¬bend of Westminster. 1 voL royal 16m?., elegantfy orna¬mented.Disce Mori. Lesrn to Die: a Religious Discourse, moving

every Christian man to enter into a serious Remembranceof hi* End. By Chr:s;opher Sotton. D. D., late Prebend ofWestminster. 1 toI. 16mn., eieiraatly ornamented.Sermons to a Coantrv Cortgreg^uon. !5v Augastus Wil¬

liam Hare. A. M., late Fellow of New Coliejje, and RectorofAlton Barnes- 1 vol. royal Svo." Any one who can be pleased with delicacy of thought

expressed in the most sisaple language.sny öne who canfeelthe charm of finding practical duties elucidated andenforced by ap: and var.ed iJustratioas.wi'I be delightedwith ibis volume, which pres»n:s us with '-he workings of apious and highly-pitted mied." iQuar. Review.D. A. St CO. have iQ Press.Parochial Sermons, by Jchn Hprrv Newman. B. D.: -he

six vols. of the London edition to he printed in 2 vols. Sv^.Subscription price $3; thr Londo« copy cos; $13. f 1 2us

Important to .Merchant* and Clerks!ITBriatow"* Writing-nnd Book-kcepiDg

and Sao<-; Hand Academy. No. 235 Bn-auway, nea: PnrkPtace, continues open Day and Evening lor Gentlemen ofail ages.

GH EAT REDUCTION,From Twelve to Sue Dollars!

Mr. BRISTOW, of London, guarantees to reform anywriting, howev r bad, illegible or cramped, into a beau¬tiful, iree, fsp-«iitioa» and rim-hed .Mercantile style. a>

adapted to all the pursuits oflife and business, in 1 wavtEasy Lessons-for only Six Dollars.'

Academy No. 23Ö Broadway, near Park Place.The Laoies are taught an elegant, sraceiul and fashion¬

able rarming-hand. They assertl>'e daily at 11 o'ohxkSJT Visiters in New-York can take a course i 1 Three

Days. Mr. B. is to be seen from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., or from4 to b P. M.

* C *r \c* ^ ^ *s .D ^ iSTENOGR\PHY.

Or tbe amusing art of Short-Hand Writing, taught by Mr.BrMnw, in 12 lessons, for taking down Sermons, Lectures,Trials, itc. i:c. as fast aa any person car. speak.N. B. A work of the author Is presented to every pupil.O* For sale at the Acidemv, up stair*, a " Guide to

Short-Hand." j22S.T.iiTh. lm-;s

TJ" Spencer announces to gentlemen that his asmuge-menb- are now completed for supplying according to pre-v.ous intimation, a mne Fur Hat a: a pricewhich shall render it emphatically the cheapest as well a-

lowest priced Gentlemen's Fur Hat ever on sale in thiscity. It is prepared in the s.nnc siyle which characterize*our finest anicle, and like that article is offered at a price at

which it cannot be continued without an unusually rapidsale. The undersigned with all confidence affirms it to hefor the gentleman usd economist the most desirable FuiHat yet offered. (o20if) SPENCER, 245 Broadway.0*C2alt Ilouae, Louisville, Kentucky..Tb«- sub¬

scriber, bavins again become proprietor of the Gait House,in Ulis city, pledges himself to keep it in first-rale style, andto graduate his prices to suit Im times. He would be

pleased to have travelers and gentlemen from the countryren'ain wiih bim while in the city, and hopes that the oldfriends of Throckmortoii it Everett will always benr himin mind. ISAAC EVERETT.

Louisville, Jam 19, 1843. jSO D6iitW2m(L7 The American Laborer, for February, will

be ready for delivery oa Wednesday moraing. This num¬

ber contains Brief Editorials; The Elevation of Mechanics.the Means and Ends.An Address before a State Cor.v n-

tion at Aogusia ol ihe Mechanics of Maine, by John S. Say-ward, Primer, of Bangor; Address of Hie Home League to

tbe People of the United States; The Improvement of Ag¬riculture as an Art and a Profession.an. Addres3 at tbe An¬

nual Cattle SLo-v and Fair nt Rochester, N. Y., by HenryColman ; The Siik Culture-a statement by Mr. J. R. Bar-bour, of Ox'ord, taxis, before the New-England S'lk Con¬vention; Effects of Expansion, by Dr. Arnot; Lime, Pias¬ter of Paris, Jtc ; How to do Good itc ; A Table showingtbe Tc.tal Value of Imports and Exp >ris, Jtc; Raub's Safe¬ty Valves, itc; Lead and Copper Trade of the WesL

iCT Goidamitk'a Nauonai Chirographe Instituteand B ok-keep in; Academy, 251 Cro*dway. opposite t.-.e

City Hal1.entrance at ihe door of Peale's Museum. Cir¬cular! to be bad at the Academy.

references.Robert H. Morris, Mayor of the City of New-York.Gea. Cbarle* W. Sand ford.George HaU, ex-Mayor of Brooklyn.Josin Davis, ex-Governor of Massachusetts.Hnn. Abbott Lawrecce, Boston. J30 lw"

O" Clothing Society..Donations in money or

goods may be left with Mrs. Colgate, 7 Dutch street, or withany of the Managers. j23 2w*

33" Oeldaciith'a Haiti Pens.-The best an«icheapest article ever offered to tbe writing community.Call and try them at the Academy,254 Broadway, entranceat the door of Peale's Museum. j30 lw"

O" Toothache! Toothache!!.This tormentingdisease has at last heen nsei by a remedy. Tbe French Spe¬cific bas never yet failed. If desired, it will be applied atthe office, and a perfect cure guaranteed ia five nvnuu^without a particle of pain or trouble. For sale, wholesaleand reuil, at Dr. CROWELL'S Drue and Chemical Suire,No. 2S6 Bowerj'i corner of Housian-street. Price 50 cents

perbotüe. j2l 2wi»"

J~T Uaioniats' Ball..The Third Annual Ball ofthe Unionist Association will take pl*ce at WashingtonHall on Friday evening, Feb. 3d, on which occasion Dods-worth's celebrated Cotillion Band is eniraged. Mr J. Par¬ker will superintend the management of the floor. No pa insor expense will be spared to make it one of the mcut delightful Balls of the season.Tickets to be had of the following Committee:

Silas Chicsering, Alexander Jackson,Joseph Carlisle, John Lown,Peter Crosby, C. O. Sickels,J. G. Ttralf, John Hamblin,Edward Uoestht, George Williams,Abm. Vanderiee, Andrew Cateu.

J.i:JES B. GRAHAM, Chairman.Geo. Gray, Secretary._ j3l4t"

Poaaeiixrers ArrtredIn the ship Sooibport, from Charleston.Mrs Barnes, Miss

Good, James Moruock, James Williams.



ths sun the sjoon |rL'LL sea

Rises 7 121 Sets 5 17| Sets, a 41 lEve. 113

Latest Dates.London.Jan. 31 Havre.Jan. 1Liverpool.Jan. 4 | Ncw-Obxeans.Jan. 2!


Ships Fairfie'id, Wilson, NO, Johnson It Lowden; Aiaba-miaa, Lane, Mohüe, E D Hurlbert h. Co.Brem bark Hudson, Uohorst, Bremen, E k T Popp*.Br brig Wasp, Leavitl, Sierra Leone, P J Nev ns b. Son

brig Sterling, Baniilton, Savannah, icon i Morreli; Sicil;ian brig Viiia di Napjii, Maruno Messina ä Naples, L Paf-mieri.


Ship Sauihport, Herbert,5 ds frn Charleston, rice, kc toGeo Buikley.Sehr Pamplklo, Fuli'ord, Washington, NC, naval store*

to Mitchell k. Co.Sehr E.isfca P Horton, Burbanck, fm York River./'

sfxstoauvoa.The London, Liverpool and Havre packets were all de¬

tained yesterday, owing to the heavy snow storm from tue

South.A letter from Havre of ihe 2d Jan states that the packet

ship Argo sailed on the 1st.Letters roa the Pactrrc..A ietter bag will be made

np at G.lpin's in the Merchants' Exchange, for Paaama,and for otter ports m tbe Pacific, to be forwarded by t«brig Uenrietut, bound to Chagres, and will be sent fromthat place over land. The Henrietta wul ieave aooul the5th insL

et t8is morning's soittbezn mail.

[From our Pbdadelpbia Correspoocent.]PiULaoELPitiA, Feuraary, 1.P. M.

Cleared.Sehr A B Cooley, Camp, NY.No arrivals 10-day up to 4j o'clock.


JAMES BUCHAN is now manufactur¬ing and offers for sale PALE YELLOW EXTRA

rAM1LY SOAP, ofexceheat quality, firm and transparent,aad of very superior finish. This Soap (which la made in

imitation of none In the trade) is maoauetured from tbebest of s ock, withaiti steam, aad is acknowledged by ailwho try it to be more tconomira I and most decidedly pre-feraoie tor family use. t Also,Rennen Mould Candles, a prime article, made of the first

quality City rendered Tallow, and warranted free frommixture of any description.For sale, at tbe lowest cash prices, at the Masauctcry,

181 Elizabeth street, between spring and Pnnce. 12 3i*

fpHE SALE OF KÜKN1TUKE at 448 Nassan-ftreet, Braciklyn, advertised lor yesterOay,

WiS postponed oa account, of the weather, mitil this day,Taarsday, Feb. 2. at half-past 10 o'clock. A. when Itwiü positively taae place without regard to weather. Forparuculars see yesterday's paper.*^ JOaEPH HEOEMAN, Autioneer.

Brocirjro, Feb. 2,1M8. if

MARRIED -vJan. 24. 31c Lawreaea Brooks De Garmo to Mus KHza

G. Laramee, ail cf this city.DIED:

Yesterday morning, Feb. I. Miss Eliza Scally, daughterof the late D^naScaUr.Her friendsud those oi ber brother* Wi.aara and Cbarici

Scally, and of her brothers-la-law James and Maihew 01-weil, ar- respectfully invited to attend ber lanera: ibis af¬ternoon, ai naif-pas: 4 a'riock, from the res.deuce ot berbromer-in-lnw, 21 Oliver**,February 1st, Margaret, daughter of Walter azd Sarah

Barmer. a£ed 2 years and 10 months.Tbe funeral arlli take place from 95 Morton-street, oa

Friday m-trciin* at 9 o'ciota. Her remains wiii be take*to A^sacSunonk. New Jersev.Feö 1, Catharine Euxa, wde of William Room, a her

SCth year.Jan. so, Cbas. M. Jessu, brush raaker. a?ed 25.Jan. Su, Ellen Catharine, daegbter of Bridget McCosker,

a»ej 15.At New Haven. Ct., Jan. 29. Hon. L-aac M ils, aged 77.At Hartfurd, Cr., Jan. 29, Capt Freeman Crocker, asred

60 year*.Jan. 23. in Winchester, Vs., Mrs. Mir»nda Coliir.s, in her

SOin year, wile of Rev. Ji>\ A. Collins, of the Baltimore.Conference et the Memod ist Episcopal Church, and for-meriy Editor of the Christian Advocate in this c ty.

\XJ AN fEL».A place to cook, wasb.» T sc., or to Ho chamberwork. Bes: of city referer.ces

given. Apply at 69 Toon, ps-m-st."


WANTED.By a respectable coloredwoman, a situation as cook and laundress. Please

call at 536 Broadway. Sj.tis.ac ory city references can beg:ven. It*

WANTED.A place to do chamberwork or waiter, o to do washing: or treating or

housework for a sm»li family. Apply at 52 Mulberry, 3dfloor front room. Good references given. 2; 3;'

WANTED.Situations by two youngWomen, one a Protestant to c.s>k, wa-h and iron,

or chamber work.best of reference given. Apniv 26B

Bov.-rv._2 "IfA DVANCES MADE on all kinds of!

jTJL Furniture left tor sale at S17 Pearl-sb N. R..Forsale, all kinds of Furniture and ch.iir», »u.(nV>h> rot ÄippifJff.For particulars inquire of DW1GHT BISHuP, SI7 Peart-street. Sflw"

BOARD .WANTED, immediatdy..Agentleman wishes full board i:i a bighiv respectable

bie prj.a.e family, vshere mere arc It* or n,> other board,ers.lecstion 7;b or 10th Wards; will furnish hisown roomand U willing to pay liberally for ihe comforts of % gc*mh -tiie. A line addrrs,ed to Mr. Forsvtb, tb' »u<h the ParkPo«; (.»"See, wiil meet with iinmeuiiie atteniiou,staling realname, local on, terms, Ate. üfSr

IÖ "PTiJM B E Kö..NÖ7icens~h^ebygiven tliat sails have ben commenced asrin-s: ihe

makers and sHIers of tinned lead pipes, made in violationui ihe satiscriber» I'atcnu The very ni»n who have lorye.irs violently opposed the patented article, now pirate theinvention. In »Ii cases where Plumbers do not cotiirromiie.their easterners who " ess" ill* article will be held respon¬sible, as this is the oniy means of protection from unpnrci-pled and irr- sponsibie ven<!ers. T. KWBANK.

P. NAYLOti At CO.. 79 Broad street, keep a constant sup¬ply of Patent Pipe, (warranted superior to a*y oUier ever

made.) and will supply Plumbers an 1 the cit.zens at largeTh»- Croton introduced into buildin^on the lowest terms.2f iw«

T iran Edition.beintr rac similes of the original Edi¬tions.of th- following Magazine* lor February, viz:Blackwootps Ma«azine. u'ice $4 ay ear.The Dublin University; St a yeir.The Lorn on Ci ristiau Observer, §2 a ye.ir.Subscriptions received at th« Publication Office, No. 182

Broadway, s-v JOSEPH MASON, Publisher.The Foreign Q tarterly Keview tor January will be pat

lisbed on Sainrday, ihe lost. It*

TTERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS forT »ALE..To Confecüoneis.The subscr ber baviuij

the whole of bis time engaged at the Atlantic Gardens. i»

desirous of disposing of In* long established and well knownconfectionary, No. 265 Broadway, be.ween Warren andCbanibtrs-stiei-ls. Ti e stock and fixtures, together with theloo's, will besohl a bargain, or if the purchaser prefersir, by appraisal. The 3 years unexpired lease of die prem¬ises will be transferred and an Introduction fciven to ihewhole-at-* customer-, which are very aiany. It will be p«-r-ceived tint in offering this rstabiishmcnt for sne, on theabjve terms, the subscriber d«.»es not do so from speculativemotives, his only object being to close the business which.other engagements prevent bun giving his attention.

THOa. F. PEERS.Apply as above or at the Atlantic Garden, No. 9 .«road¬

way. _12 3t U*

TO LAWYERS, AUTHORS, ANDPUBLISHERS .A thorough practical Printer ami

Correct'-r for tbe Press, who writes a pood hand, r-culd be

glad to copy or to print law papers, reports. Ate. at bis pri¬vate residence, whereMSS. would be inaccessible to othersHe would prepare hooks, advertisements 4;c. lor the press;and, when required, estimate their cost and superintendtheir publication: or would print a periodical.preferringa medical or odier scientific book. Wo- k to he done in ih'-r>est manner, and at the very lowest price.*. Please address"Reader," Tribune Office. if2 L*

B~OSTON MISCELLANY lor teb'y1813

Easosllisameista .The Light Guitar, a beautiful engravingon s;e» |,OHffinai Music.Waltz composed expressly for tlie Mis¬

cellany by Leopold Herwig.Cmtmts.Macau ley, the Modern Hero, by H.T. Tucker-

man; Boyhood Memories, by Ilufus Dawes; Visions, byP.»rk Benjamin: A Settlement on the Mississippi, by.Mrs. L*'e; Livcrno, by T |W. Pa sons; St. Bernairi.by Mif»Iltnuah F. Gould; To an Altar Picture oi lae Madonna, byJane T. Lomax ; Winter Evening Chronicl»-<. by an Anti¬quarian j Poesy by Eninia C. Embury; The' HauntedWreck, by Rob'rt L Wade; The Indun Girl's Liment,by C. F. Roflmao; The Guiiar, The Age of Gold and oth¬er Poems, by Geo. Lunt; Pleasant Memories of PleasantLand«, by L H. Sljrourney.Literary Notices.Allison's History of Europe, History of

Charles VI11. King of France. Natural History of New-Vork, Channins's Self-Culture. Robinson Crusoe, The Sa¬lem Belle, The Golden Vase, Poetry, n Salire, Wright'. LaFoniaine, Dunnina's C«tia?e K'-sldences, Stephen's CentralAmerica, The True Lover's Fortune, Tue Snow Drop.H irper's Serials, Washington Irving, Mr. Herwig. AlWtc,Waltz, by Leopold Herwig'.

BRADBUnY, SOD E N L CO.2f 127 Nassau-st., N. York, and 10 School-st Boston.

T~HhTCO-PARTNE R SHI P_he7v3trSforeexi'tirs between the Subscribers ut-.der the firm oi

H4RMER, McGOWAN k 11A YS, has h"en this day di,solved >y mutual couseut. James McGowin retires fromIhe concern.CHAS G. HARMER and JNO. P. HAYS are authorized

to settle Ihe ba»iaess of the late co-partnership.CHAS. O. HARMER,JAMES MctiOWAN,

New-Tork, Jen. 31si, 1?43. JNO. P. HAYS.

'I he subscribers will continue Ihe Sodd'tjry Hardwarebusiness at ib« old stand. No. 273 P"«i l-street, under Ü.efirm of HARN ER At HAYS. CHAS G. HaRMER,New-York. Jan. Slat, 1343. JNO. P. HAYS.

CO-PARTNERSHIP .Tee undersigned nave Termed a

co-partnership far th-- purpose of rondoetiig the Foreig>and Domestic Hardware business.as CoinnT»*t->n Merchants,under ihe firm of LONG. McGOWAN At CO. at No. 10Plait-street..New-York, Feb. I. 1841.



TO LET.Tho new buildiDg No.~5Spruce-»irüet. Apply to

_T. McELRATH. Tribune Office.

TO LET.The second and third stories of the building N'o. 9 Spruce-street. Applv to

T. JlcELE«.TH, Tiiijuae Office.

TO LET.Several Office3 in the Tri¬bune Building«. App v to

_T. Mc£LKATH. Tribune Office.

TO LET, LEASE or FOR SALE.,A large Factory with water power. Af»o 3 tenantand 7 acres of land, near Steamboat LindiBg,22

miles up the North River For particulars erqure off2 lw*_DWIGHT B.'-HOP. :»17 P-ail-.L

HOUSE AND Si ADLE To let._Tiie three story dwelling i ou»e, No. 4'8 Hcdsar,-

si«cr., with or with at th' stabl«? en the tear fronting on

Am .is street. These premise} were formerly occoptea I yDr. James Stewart.Also.The new store and dwelling en Ninth avenue, near

helsea square. The store is very handsome, bavicg a

large plate etoss show \ ndow.a ircod ttund tor a DrugSU>re, Confectionary or Fancy Bakery.Also.The elegar.i 3 story dwelling house No. 234 Twen-

t etr.-rireet, frccting on Cbsiaea tq-.are, the secoad dcorWestot N.ato-aveaue. Possesswn immediately.Also.TLe fire proof s'tores Nos. 132 and 134 Odar-street,

near Wett-street. Pos-essioo iriven oa the first day ofApril.Apply to D. A CUSHMAN, 183 Peart-street,fS iaw3tis* _or Chel^ea-fquare.S NASSAU-ST. PROPEiiTY"FORIt^'W SALE..The valuable property belongiug to \Xut

> MUta Bapiist Cbn.-ch, No. 82 Na-sa xntt., n»-ar tfje corner ofFulton-st., sonfain^ag two lots, eu' h 25 feet front by 100

deep, wiib toe buildings tnereoo- The property now retu

for eleven hu.idred dollars, separate from he cbarcJi, a*alwith little -iteration tbe whole will rmt for jö.COJ per an¬

num, being in a good location for a large warehouse, print-la? or paper csiabiishmerx and la a good situation for ofn;cs,or ar.y kind of basinets. The congregation wuhi.ifcto remove up town, the ab/ve property will be so/d on S4t-urriav tbe 4th of February next, in the Mercbanis' h.i-

change, a: 12 o'clock, by w ilk ins t Rollins, if not previous¬ly sold at private sale Apply for any .nfonnation to

f2 3t is* C. W. A. RODGERS, No. 10 Piae-st

TO LET.Dwelling-House and Ba ,

a, kery on Suten Island .A neat tiro-st»ry House»wrsn c large garden. Also, a Hotkte SU liable tor a Bakeryh having been ccenpied for drat purpose, to let on reasona-

' bie terms, in the vdlage of Rictcvisd, Suten Island. Twoomnibusses pass tne door daiiy for die qoaraniine ferry;an Epscopatand a Pn-sbyterian Cbnrcb «re in the imme¬diate vicinuy, as well as ?ood schools, and ever / other re-

qsisiu to a good neigbborhocd. Apply to EDWARDTAYLOR, Scuen Iilaad.or to ADDISON DOUGHERTY,

j 6) Wali-at._- itiw*



j Tbrtnday,Feh.2, at 5 o'clock.! For pasjage cr freiefct, applr on board, er to Crooae,Fowka k. Co., corner West and Liberryni. It*

AUCTION SALjs,».B._ ., - Schanis. A:ccr»cer.

Y BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT,Stece :s$ Brosxrwar.

UNerai case advances cusse on cucvcbsm&i for aacuoacaJeaTjustt Ssvttvn* Ntw-Yoxx Tsunt Saj.i.To coo. .

ceace Marco SS, iWS..Tö« neat rv^lar Trade Sal* wti!be coturaeac' oo lbe 4;h Teessisy o: March aval, in aocorCaaee with tbe necaiaü-oca ot the Trade. U beecaducted, a* heretoüire. aoder wee* regulations; and ua-dcr ibe direction of the Committee of theTTrade.

Invoices ot Bocks, Stationery. Paper, Stereotype Plate*.kc~, are ropceuaiiv solicited They >W>ol<i be rurrdshrd bythe first 01 February seat, whan the CaUlogae wdl be patto press.Tbe asnal cash advacees wid be made oo receipt of goods

when required, and the sales will be guaranteedand caabed,is desireo.

BY S. DlESF^E, jr..Store 54 Wil-iiac-erreet. corner i>r Ptpr^trreL


Sold for the benefit oi ib« arxierwtuers,At 18 o'clock, at the auction room.

35 cases D niest e Pro.-t*. various styles, si.gfaily d*maredby waieronly, at the late fire ccr»er of Broad-street andfxci.ange P!*ce.Terms made known the day of sale.

TUESDAY, Feb. 7.At 10 o'clock, at tbe anctioo roocn.

S»J Packages AMSBtcaü Goods, DaMAOXo.tocetberwitti an extensive a<-*o'tt^it of tt*»dai imported mercban*dfsrwoo a « redit oj 6 months, for approved endorsed cswe*

Tue damaged gooes were »unk in ibe .Missouri river, ta¬

ken out iroaiediaielv. dried in tbe sun. axe a tmietfaiaeo.but tbe fabrics are uwiyured. They will be sold withoutreserve, iur the benefit of whom u aaay concern.Cconsistrcg ofthe Joilowmg descriptions:361 bales. K.w- pieces blenched Ameiicaa cotwa*.sheet,

hags and shirtiugv2S bales »40 nieces unbleached do do.6*i bales 2,-«i0 pieces rarioas »tyiesot prints.16 bales 300 pieces heavy blue cocoas.2 bales 15 preces best-ticks.32 packages »oorted merchandise.UK bales buck and white wadding.SOUND Gooos.Also, 43 ttales Russia diapers, for cash.A h), 24 enure cases coitcn tvsiery am* guives.Also, 5 cases figured crimson Pcigcr, Canhm dye.Al-o, 87 ca<s new style fancy pr uts, the first offered in

the mark-uAlso, 20 cases new »o le facey prints, coa-prisiag a gene¬

ral assortment.Also, M caws furoiture prints.Als». 13 cases new style fancy prints.Also, ißkO new style ..oney comb sbawls, for sprii>g trade.Also, 11 cast s super black'aud blue broadcloths.Also, 5 ca-es assorted co'oted do.Catalogues and *amr>l< ¦« rea iv the day previous to sale.

WEDNESDAY, F-o. ».At 10 o'clock, at die store 128 Front-street.

Oa.maueo Corrai:..3,000 bags Sumatra Codee, damagedb* hre. It can be examined at ssid store two daj s'bttoreth* sale. Thi-. is a very superior article ot Cofiee, and wasWhen ironi the Dutch Compan,'» mores at Teldaog.Sold for benefit of whom it may concern.Terms cash.

THURSDAY, Feb. 9.At 10 o'clock, at the Auctiou Room.

Canton Mattixu.1550 roils a*aurteu 4-4. 5-4 au>: > 4

white and checked Canton Mattmg, Including 700 piecesvery snpertor, made to order lor ciiy traae.

MONDAY. F*b. 13.At 12 o'clock, at Sinclair's Slate Yard, 493 Wjter-st.

Bv order of the Collector of the Port.8 cases Marble-Sculpture, being the caps imported lor pdlars in the Met«chants' Exchange.

TUESDAY. Feb. 14.At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room.

Cloths ano CasaiMtutss.From the shelves.on a creditot six mouths, for approved endorsed notes.

AT 1'KIVATE SALE.400 piecexjl 4,5-4 aud 6 4 red and wbite_ Canton matting.

AMERICAN MUSEUM.Marble build¬ing, opposite St Paul's Church-P. T. »ARNUM.

Manager..b'irst week of the gorgeous aud magnificentspectacle of

NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS.Last wc> k of Tom Thumb, who weighs only 15 poonr's.List week of the universally admired Animated Tab¬

leaux, including ihe Burning oi Moscow.H. U. Sherman, the Baltnu Singer.T. G. Booth, the un¬

rivalled Comic Singer.La Peine Celeste, the admireddanseose.Mba Hood, ihe Vocalist, Sic..On Wednesday and Sainrilay of this week a Day Per»formatier will take place in tbe af emoon, commencing at

1$ o'clock. Tbe Evening Performance at 7 o'clock.Saturday next faav and evening) FAREWELL BENE«

FIT of Gen. TOd TIIUHB.Price of Admission, £5 cents.Children under 10 yeart

half-price._j30P~EALE'S NEW-YORK MUSEUM,

NATIONAL PORTRAIT AND PICTURE GAL-LKRY..Day vu Ars admitted the same evening Iree.

'I be Manager is proud to announce an engagement withSignor Maelski, from Naples, with his magnificent aud gor¬geous Dioramas, among winch are the vision of tbe Sun,or the Meeting of the Deities; also, the magnificent Dio¬rama representing tbe luvasion of Russia by Napoleon Bo¬

naparte, including ibe Contiagralioc of Moscow.Mr. Blare, the grest Necromancer and M«g;cia«.Also engaged, tbe mysienous and asUnisbing Gipsy Wo¬

rn in, from England, who can be consulted In a privateaparimeni ftoni D o'clock, A. M. unwl 10 P. M. A gentle¬man will be in aiieuiJance to introduce visitors. An extra,

charge ofonly 12* cents to those who consult the GipsyWoman._J*>_' A Principle made practicable is a Principle made useful.'

(VTEW-YORK CASH TAILORINGJLl ESTABLISHMENT, 14*2 Fulton-st., New-Yark.Tbe uuueraigned, in ai.nouncing to their patron, their de¬

termination to adhere strictly to Ue principle of cash deal¬ing in their business, would lake occasion to say that theyhave become well satisfied of the practicability and useful*iiess of such a plan by the uniform success which has at¬

tended It* operation In their liouse from the commencement.The advantages derived by the customer from the adop.

tion of this system.thereby realizing a gain of 30 per ecuupon credit prices.Uiey conceive perfectly obvious, .andtherefore need no comment. Of the merits of their bousaand the facilities with which they are invested of furnishinga cheap and rich garment, they will not dilate.folly as¬

sured as they are that this simple fact Is tao well knowntheir celebrity too well established, to require further re¬

mark. And In calling the attention of the gentlemen of tbeUnited Stales, and New-York In particular, to their assort¬ment of choice goods, they will merely observe that und*,

dating punctuality ncd dispatch in answering the commandsof their friends is as mach a part of their system as cask

payments._n30 Istf J. C. BOOTH as CO.

OR SALEloCLOSE A CONCERN..Th»- Steamboat JOHN MASON, as she lf*s at ihe

Dry Dock, East River,will tie sold at Public Auction, atthe Exchange, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February neat.Terms, one fourth ensh at the lime of sale, balance in three,six and nine month- on interest for satisfactory paper.Abo, at WilJjini»burg, on Wednesday lbs 8lh of Febru¬

ary, tbe steam' oat Railwavs, work shop, ship timber, to¬gether whh sevrral part* of the engines of tbe »feamwNorth America. TVrms, all sums ander $100 cash,over <1»K)at 6 months, for satisfactory paper.

Al-o, at the city of Albany,on Tuesday the 4th day ofApril next, two scows, office farniiure. ana several parts oftee engines of the steamer North America; and at tUecityof Troy, on Wednesday 5th April next, a wood scow, officeand wharf fcrniture and fixtares. Terms, under 9100 cash,over $100 at 6 months, foi satisfactory paper.Abo, at private tale, at tbe office of the Hudson River

Steamboat Ass-ci&tlon. 56 Courtlaod-st, a lot second handsteamboat mattrastes, pillows, counterpains, sheets and pd<low cases,lieAs the above naroi d property will be told in order tn

close a Cancern, the tales will be positive, and witsoct re

serve.N. B. All persons having claims upon the Hodson River

Steamboat Association, will please, present tbem fof liqui¬dation, on or before the 15m March next, to A. P. Fonda, attheir orifice, 5>3 Coartlandt-sL_J12 istf

OILED SILK, manufactured hi everyrespect eqoal if not superior to any in the market, at

16 cents per yard by J.kH WsRO,Essex street, Newark, N. J., Manufacturers of Patent

Leather, Jspp'd Linen, Maslin, Top Hides, kc. Itc.Merchants and Dealers are cautioned against noticing

what has been said against us as Manufacturer*, of the above,artic e by a firm hi this city, who have bad ahnott tbe ex¬

clusive tale cf Oiled Silk. We lioldourvlvmesporjstWeforall silk not finlshe l rqn.l to any in market.

Ord«-r>. receive.! for u» and samples to iteseenat O. W.GOUUM'S. 125 Maiden Ian*. We refer to Smith, Wrightk Ca respecting our responsibüUy. j24 rod2mii'B

rpHE ATTENTION OF CAPITAL-JL ISTS is called to Uiat valuable Pror**ny,conef«i|r,g'

ol 4 vacant lot* of Land situated oa the N. W. side of Mur¬ray-street, between Church »t-ert and West Broadway, op¬posite Colombia College, presenting a tine open frorst freefrom the liability of briog overlooked by other boildi.ngs.These are lull lots, each 25 by ir>0 f»-e'. Thin Is one ol themo«l eligible situation*- in th«> lower part of the city for apublic buuding or private defiling, mpi preteots an oppor¬tunity very »eidoro occurring o' purchasing; four contigaooalots of toll dimensions so favorably siinated.The title Is periecr, behvg in fee from the Trinity Church-

$: j.O'.O of the purcha.se mmey can remain oo roortfaee.Irqaireof S. V. CLARKSON. 3 Wall-sL

E. H. OWEN, II Wee-si.WM. E. LEWLS, 75Maidea lano.

If not previously deposed of at at private sale. It will becold at the Merctants* Exchange February 8th, 184S. by J.J.Swift it Ca_ -Jf7tl»*

ECONOMY IN DRESS.229 Broad-way, oppeaite fho Fountain..I would suggest to tbe

community that I am furnishing every article of Clothingat proportionality moderate prices, for which our Sack Bar¬ton's have been arTorded, and would »olicltacaJl frem those,capable of apprertnttog good work, that tbey rasy judge ofthe inducements offered :o those paying read7 money.Strangers in the city reqairiog garments wil! plea»e learn

onr prices. WM. T. JENNINGS,ßl ;rtf_Prsp+r sort TallVw.

TJITATCHES lower than ever..In con-V Y sequence of the reduction of dntie* by the late

tariff the subscriber is telling hie stock of «old and SilverLevers, Anchor Escapements, Lepine, and other Watchesof new and splendid patterns, and Jewel; y at rctadat*conxiderable reduction from former prices, being muchlbevertbe eiWatcl-rS _

warranted to keep good t.me or tne money retornerL.Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner, and w»k>-

mated, at rnucA lew than the usual prices.G. C ALLEN. Inrnorterof Watches and Jewetrry.

olTts tf Wholesale and otaiL So Walj-st.. up stair*.

ÄTCHES, Jewelry, SilverWare, <tc.by E. k 8. S. ROCKWELL,

jlOSsnis**o. 3 Ar.vrii*:.*.