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Page 1: X2O Portal - X2O Media...X2O Portal Welcome 1 Welcome The X2O Portal is the graphical interface that serves as your gateway to the player networks and content stored and managed by

X2O Portal

Administrator Guide

Copyright © 2016 X2O Media Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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X2O Platform release 5.5 R12

Document type Administrator guide

Revision 2016-01_v2.4

Updated the program block mode procedure in the "Enable the

Campaign Playlist Generator" section

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X2O Portal

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Welcome .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1

How this Guide is Organized ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

X2O Media FTP Site ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Technical Support............................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Sign in Screen ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Landing Page..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Tabbed Interface .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Task Bar ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Access the Admin Tools ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Change the Administrator Password ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Player Networks ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

About Player Networks .............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Create a Network .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Set the Default Player Properties ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Push to Players .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Add a Custom Player Property ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Enable the Campaign Playlist Generator............................................................................................................................. 15

Set Up Automatic Fetching....................................................................................................................................................... 16

Set Up Cisco IEM........................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Set the Supported Video Formats ......................................................................................................................................... 19

Set Up the PowerPoint and PDF Conversion Size ........................................................................................................... 20

Set Up Player Alerts for a Network ........................................................................................................................................ 21

Set the Email Notification.......................................................................................................................................................... 22

Portal Apps........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Manage Portal Apps .................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Restrict a Portal App to Its Owner Network....................................................................................................................... 24

Set Up Portal App Parameters................................................................................................................................................. 25

Import a Portal App ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Export a Portal App...................................................................................................................................................................... 29

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X2O Portal

Table of Contents


Delete a Portal App...................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions................................................................................................................................ 31

Add Users to a Network............................................................................................................................................................. 31

Assign User Roles and Portal App Permissions ................................................................................................................ 32

Enable Content Alerts for a User ............................................................................................................................................ 34

Move a User .................................................................................................................................................................................... 35

X2O Players .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

Add a Player to a Network ........................................................................................................................................................ 37

View Details About a Player ..................................................................................................................................................... 38

Edit the Properties of a Player ................................................................................................................................................. 39

Move a Player................................................................................................................................................................................. 40

X2O Player and Agent Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 41

View Player Status ........................................................................................................................................................................ 41

View Alarm Logs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42

View Connectivity Logs .............................................................................................................................................................. 43

Export a Report ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44

System Logs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

View System Logs ......................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Refresh System Logs ................................................................................................................................................................... 46

Data Document Types ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Add a New Data Document Type .......................................................................................................................................... 47

Create a Portal App for Data Documents ........................................................................................................................... 49

X2O.Join Connected Desktop ....................................................................................................................................................... 51

Set Up X2O.Join Interests .......................................................................................................................................................... 51

Enable Set Screensaver .............................................................................................................................................................. 52

Set a Network as the Tenant Root ......................................................................................................................................... 53

X2O Objects ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 54

Access the Object Manager...................................................................................................................................................... 54

Assign Objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Unassign Objects .......................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Edit an Object................................................................................................................................................................................. 58

Export Objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Import Objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 62

Delete Objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 63

Settings .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64

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Table of Contents


Create an Asset Category .......................................................................................................................................................... 64

Add Custom Metadata to a Category .................................................................................................................................. 65

Set Up the Network ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66

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Page 7: X2O Portal - X2O Media...X2O Portal Welcome 1 Welcome The X2O Portal is the graphical interface that serves as your gateway to the player networks and content stored and managed by

X2O Portal




The X2O Portal is the graphical interface that serves as your gateway to the player networks and

content stored and managed by the X2O Server. The portal provides the administration tools to

set up and maintain multiple player networks, end-users, and to manage X2O players.

Access to the portal is secured by a user name and password to prevent unauthorized entry to

the server. The tools available depend on your user role and site permissions.

Intended Audience

The Administrator Guide is intended for advanced users, and serves as a getting started guide for

administration in the X2O Portal.

How this Guide is Organized

This guide is organized along the sequence of steps the administrator takes to configure networks,

application security, Portal apps, and players.

Using this guide you will learn how to:

Access the X2O Portal and learn the basics of the user interface

Find your way around the administration tools

Create and manage player networks

Import, set up, and secure a Portal app

Create and administer user accounts

Add and manage X2O players

View reports and system logs

Set up data document types

Add interests and enable screensavers for X2O.Join Connected Desktop

Manage X2O objects and assign them to networks

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X2O Portal



Typographic Conventions

X2O technical documents use the following conventions.

Visual Cue Meaning

Bold The name of an interface element the user has to act on

(button names, keys they need to press, the value of an


Italic Text that is replaced by a user-supplied value, variable

content, new terms.

Fix-Width Font Command or file names, code fragments, directory paths, text

that appears on a screen.

SMALL CAPS Key combinations (CTRL + ALT + DEL).






Sample code is presented as follows:

var r=Math.random();

var x=document.getElementById("demo")

if (r>0.5)


x.innerHTML="<a href='http://www.x2omedia.com'>X2O Media Website</a>";




x.innerHTML="<a href= http://www.youtube.com/user/x2omedia'>X2O Media



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X2O Portal



X2O Media FTP Site

Access the FTP site ftp.x2omedia.com with the credentials supplied by X2O Media to

download the required X2O Portal files and technical documents.

Technical Support

Contact X2O Media if you require standard product support for our applications. The customer

support team is available to take your calls weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, except

Canadian and Quebec holidays.

Diagnostic logs are available for download from the Help menu in the X2O Portal task bar if

requested by technical support.

North America 1-888-987-7557, extension 247

World-wide +1-514-987-7557, extension 247

Email [email protected]

Web http://www.x2omedia.com/support

Postal address 147 St-Paul Street, West

Suite 300

Montreal, Quebec

Canada H2Y 1Z5

Page 10: X2O Portal - X2O Media...X2O Portal Welcome 1 Welcome The X2O Portal is the graphical interface that serves as your gateway to the player networks and content stored and managed by

X2O Portal

Getting Started


Getting Started

Learn how to access the X2O Portal and get started with the basics of the graphical-user interface.

Sign in Screen

Access to the X2O Portal is secured by a user name and password to prevent unauthorized entry

to the Portal applications.

Sign in to the X2O Portal:

The X2O Portal opens on the landing page. The landing page does not appear for users with

access to just one Portal app.

1. Launch an Internet browser from any computer

on the network, or a remote location.

2. Enter http://[server or IP]/XmanagerWeb/

in the address bar to access the entry screen.

3. Enter the Username and Password supplied by

your administrator or X2O Media.

4. Click Sign in.

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X2O Portal

Getting Started


Landing Page

The X2O Portal has a landing page that opens after you first log in. It asks the question, "What

would you like to do today?" Each button on the page describes the different Portal apps available

to you.

Your Portal app opens immediately if you have access to just one set of tools.

The Portal apps available are customized according to your workflow, and include just the tools

you need to complete your daily administrative tasks!

Tabbed Interface

Click a Portal app on the landing page, and it opens in a new browser tab.

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Getting Started


Task Bar

A task bar always appears at the top of the X2O Portal interface. It has a navigation menu with

access to the available X2O Portal applications, a drop-down that lets you switch to a different

network, and there is a personal drop-down to access your user account settings or sign out of

the portal.

The top-level Network is automatically selected at login, and switching is enabled so you can

access your Portal apps and tools on any network you have permission to view. Searching is

available for network trees with many child nodes.

Select a network Search for a network

Click your avatar and select an item from the menu to edit your user account settings (if available),

or sign out of the X2O Portal.

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X2O Portal

Getting Started


Click the Download icon in the task bar to access the latest versions of the X2O Agent, X2O

Player, and X2O.Join.

Click the Help icon in the task bar to access the end-user guide to the X2O Portal while you're

using the portal apps. You can also verify which version of the X2O Portal you are using, or open

the X2O Portal Terms of use agreement.

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X2O Portal

Getting Started


Access the Admin Tools

Click Change advanced settings on the X2O Portal landing page to open the Admin tools in

a new browser tab. Click the Portal App button in the top bar and select Admin if you are

already using a different Portal app.

The Admin interface has the following controls:

Portal App button—Click to show the list of Portal apps available to you.

Menu bar—The admin tools are arranged into task-oriented menus.

Network tree—At first login, you are connected to X2O Server on the root network. Change

networks by selecting a new one from the Network drop-down in the top bar.

Side menu—Click a task to load the tool in the task workspace.

Task workspace—Change the settings of the X2O Portal.

System messages—Confirmation and error messages are displayed at the bottom of the


Menu bar

Network tree

Side menu

System messages

Portal App button

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X2O Portal

Getting Started


Change the Administrator Password

It is recommended to change the Administrator password when the X2O Portal is accessed for the

first time.

The system requires a strong password, so enter a combination of uppercase and

lowercase letters, and numbers.

Change the password:

1. Sign in to the X2O Portal as the Administrator.

2. Click your avatar in the top bar and select Edit Account. The Edit Account dialog box appears.

3. Enter your Old Password.

4. Enter and confirm your New Password.

5. Click Save.

6. Click your user name in the top bar and select Sign out.

7. Sign back in to the portal with your new password.

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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Player Networks

Learn how to create new networks and set up the basic properties for your X2O players.

About Player Networks

Networks are used to logically arrange X2O Player devices to be connected to the central X2O

Server. At the top is the ROOT network that provides the default player properties for use in

monitoring and altering the state of the X2O players.

The system uses inheritance. When you create a network under the ROOT, it automatically receives

the default player properties, and inheritance is further extended as nodes are added to the tree.

When you add a player to a sub network, it also inherits the properties of the network to which it


Network 1

Data Service Token

Data Service URL

Metric System

Video Format

Weather Location

Network 2

Data Service Token

Data Service URL

Metric System

Video Format

Weather Location


Data Service Token

Data Service URL

Metric System

Video Format

Weather Location


Data Service Token

Data Service URL

Metric System

Video Format

Weather Location


Data Service Token

Data Service URL

Metric System

Video Format

Weather Location

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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Create a Network

Create new networks for your players under the ROOT network. The system only requires that

network names be unique per level in the hierarchy. Child networks with different parents can

share the same name.

Create a new network:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Create New Network in the side menu.

3. Enter the Network Name.

4. Enter a description in the Network Info field.

5. Click Save.

The network is added to the tree, and the Default Player Properties page opens. The Inherited

Properties originate from the ROOT network.






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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Set the Default Player Properties

Player properties provide details about a player. This includes where the player is located, whether

it uses the metric system or imperial units of measurement, and the token from which the player

is authorized to obtain access to the X2O Data Portal.

When you add a new player to a network, it automatically inherits the player properties of that

network. In addition, if you supply a value for a particular property at the network level, the same

property value is automatically set on the player as well.

It is useful to set the following properties prior to adding your players to the network:

Data Service Token—The players receive data from the X2O Data Portal based on this token.

Metric System—The default value is True; select False to use the imperial system.

Style Sheet—The playlist and Channel Designer channel preview uses the style defined here.

Video Format—The format(s) in which the server converts video files uploaded to the selected


Weather Location—The ZIP/postal code or the city name of the required location.

Set up a network property:

1. Select required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Default Player Properties in the side menu.

3. Click Edit next to the required property in the Inherited Properties list.

4. Enter or select the required Value.

5. Click Apply.

6. Click OK to overwrite the default value in the current network and its sub networks, or Cancel

to apply the value on the current network only.

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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Push to Players

Update the value of a player property on all players assigned to the network:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Default Player Properties in the side menu.

3. Go to the Inherited Properties list.

4. Click Push to Players next to the required player property.

5. Click OK to apply the new value to players in the current network and its sub networks, or

Cancel to apply the value on the current network only.

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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Add a Custom Player Property

Player properties that are unavailable by default can be added to the sub networks that require


Add a new player property:

1. Select required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Default Player Properties in the side menu.

3. Click Add New Property in the Custom Properties section.

4. Enter the property Name, and omit any spaces between words.

5. Enter the Display Name as it will appear to end users.

6. Select Inherit by sub-networks if the player property must be added to the default properties

of the sub networks.

7. Select the required property Type:



Date and Time



Long String

Operation Hours


Short String


8. Supply a Value for the new property if all players added to that network must have the same

value, otherwise leave the value blank.

9. Click Apply. The new property is added to the network.

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Player Networks


Enable the Campaign Playlist Generator

Configure how the automated playlist generator creates playlists for your ad network.

Enable the automated playlist generator:

1. Select the required Network. This is the network in which the campaign playlists will be

created for your players.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

3. Click Edit Settings to enable editing.

4. Select Enabled in the Playlist Generation section to activate automated playlist generator on

the network.

Set up how the playlists are created:

1. Select the Split Playlist option to generate one playlist per hour.

2. Select the Loop Playlist option to automatically set the auto-generated playlists to loop.

Set the mode for the program block:

1. Select Frequency per hour as the Mode to set the number of times per hour each asset in a

campaign should play.

2. Alternatively, select Weighted to attach importance or value to individual assets in a campaign.

3. Click Show to view the code for the Program Block, when required.

Example code




<FilterCommercials />

<Elements />


Click Save to commit the changes to the selected network. The automated playlist generator is

activated on the network.

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Player Networks


Set Up Automatic Fetching

Set the automatic fetching definition to transfer files from a directory or an FTP site to the asset

repository on the X2O Server. The server continues to ingest the source files each time they are

modified. The files are automatically pushed to the players on the selected network, and any child

networks below it.

Configure the network for automatic fetching:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

3. Click Edit Settings.

4. Enter the required XML in the Automatic Fetching Definition field. Example definitions are

provided below.

5. Click Save.

Directory Example

Fetch files from a directory.

The user account the X2O Server is running under must have read permissions to the

corresponding directories.



<Fetcher name="UncSource1" assembly="X2O.Net.AssetFetcher"




<Category>Generic Content</Category>




<Regex />

<Targets />






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Player Networks


FTP Site Example

Fetch files from an FTP site.



<Fetcher name="FTP1" assembly="X2O.Net.AssetFetcher"















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Player Networks


Set Up Cisco IEM

Detailed information about setting up the network for CISCO players is provided in the CISCO

Interactive Experience Client (IEC) Player Configuration Guide.

Add the IEM credentials to the network settings:

1. Log in with the administrator User Name and Password supplied by X2O Media.

2. Click Change Advanced Settings on the X2O Portal landing page.

3. Select the required Cisco player Network.

4. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

5. Click Edit Settings.

6. Enter the IEM Server URL via http or https.

7. Enter the IEM Account name.

8. Enter the IEM User name and IEM Password.

9. Click Save.

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Player Networks


Set the Supported Video Formats

The X2O Server can convert to both MP4 and WebM video file formats.

Specify the formats in which the server converts video files. All videos for the given network will

be converted into these formats upon ingestion.

Set the supported video format:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

3. Click Edit Settings.

4. Select the required Video Format: MP4 or WEBM.

5. Enter the video conversion parameters for the selected format in the field provided. Default

conversion settings are provided for both video formats.

6. Click Save.

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Player Networks


Set Up the PowerPoint and PDF Conversion Size

Specify the resolution in which the server converts PowerPoint presentations and PDF documents.

All PowerPoint and PDF files for the given network will be converted to this resolution upon


The default size is 1280 x 720 pixels (16:9) for the full screen PowerPoint or PDF X2O channel.

Update the conversion size:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

3. Click Edit Settings.

4. Enter the PPT/PDF Conversion Size, in pixels, to accommodate the largest PowerPoint or PDF

object to be used in your channels.

5. Click Save.

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X2O Portal

Player Networks


Set Up Player Alerts for a Network

Configure how and when alerts are sent to administrators when network players lose connection

to the server, or playout is interrupted.

Activate connectivity alerts:

1. Select required Network.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Player Alert Settings in the side menu.

3. Select the Connectivity alerts enabled check box.

4. Enter the Critical number of lost connections that must occur to trigger the alert.

5. Enter the Period in minutes.

6. Enter the Offline duration, in minutes, to send an alert if the connection is lost for more than

the specified time period.

Activate playout alerts:

1. Select the Playout alerts enabled check box.

2. Enter the Critical number of incidents that must occur to trigger the alert.

3. Enter the Period in minutes.

4. Enter the Incident duration, in minutes, to send an alert if there is no playout for more than

the specified time period.

Set up alert recipients:

1. Click Add next to the required network user account to add them as an Alert recipient.

2. Enter a New email address then click Add to alert people who are not users on the X2O Portal


Click Apply to save the player alert settings.

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Player Networks


Set the Email Notification

A notification is sent to network users when their account is created. Users and other email

recipients who are set up to receive content alerts are alerted by email when assets are changed

and ready to be reviewed or approved.

Set up the email notification sent by the server:

1. Click Manage Server in the Admin menu bar.

2. Enter a valid SMTP Address.

3. Enter the Email from Name.

4. Enter the Email from Address.

5. Enter the Application URL.

6. Enter the email Subject Prefix.

7. Enter the HTML markup and text for the email as the Body Template.

8. Click Test. The server verifies the SMTP address.

9. Click Apply to save the SMTP configuration.

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Portal Apps


Portal Apps

Imagine an application built just for you with only the tools you need to perform your daily tasks.

This is now a reality with the X2O Portal Apps! A Portal app is a set of one or more tools designed

to carry out operations for a specific workflow.

Manage Portal Apps

The X2O Platform includes a set of predesigned system Portal apps (Asset Manager, Campaign

Manager, Channel Designer, and Schedule Manager) in the ROOT network, and custom apps are

imported only to the networks that require them. Like the player properties, sub networks

automatically inherit the Portal apps from the parent networks, and inheritance is further extended

as nodes are added to the tree.

Access the Portal apps:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

The Portal Apps page opens with the list of apps that belong to the selected network. The

tasks you can perform on each Portal app are listed in the Actions column.

3. Select Show System Apps.

The system Portal apps have an [s] next to them in the Portal Apps list.

4. Select Show Inherited Apps.

The Portal apps that belong to the parent networks have an [i] next to them in the Portal

Apps list, and the network to which each app belongs is shown in the Owner Network column.

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Portal Apps


Restrict a Portal App to Its Owner Network

An exclusive Portal app is available for selection via the X2O Portal app selector and the landing

page only when the end-user accesses its owner network.

Make a Portal app exclusive to the network:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps. The Portal Apps page opens.

3. Clear the Show System Apps and Show Inherited Apps options to view the list of apps that

belong to the selected network only.

4. Select Exclusive next to the required Portal app.

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X2O Portal

Portal Apps


Set Up Portal App Parameters

Personalize the settings of a system Portal app for the required network.

Access the system Portal apps:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

3. Select Show System Apps. The system Portal apps load on the page.

Personalize the Asset Manager Portal app:

1. Click Parameterize next to the Asset Manager.

2. Enter the RBG value, a Web-safe hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color picker

provided to change the App Background Color.

3. Click Select Icon and select the symbol used to represent the Portal app.

4. Select True to Allow Inherited Assets. The Inheritance filter is available in the Asset Manager,

and inherited assets are available for selection.

5. Select True to Allow Expired Assets to show expired assets in the Asset Manager.

6. Enter a comma-delimited list of Allowed Categories (use the category ID found in the

dbo.AM_Categories table), Types, or Tags to process the assets available to end-users in the

Asset Manager.

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X2O Portal

Portal Apps


7. Enter a comma-delimited list of column names to customize the List View Columns, for

example: Preview, Label, File Size, Duration.

The available list columns are:






File Size


Created On

Status Changed

8. Click Save.

Personalize the Campaign Manager Portal app:

1. Click Parameterize next to the Campaign Manager.

2. Enter the RBG value, a Web-safe hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color picker

provided to change the App Background Color.

3. Click Select Icon and select the symbol used to represent the Portal app.

4. Enter a comma-delimited list of Asset Types.

5. Select True to Allow Inherited Assets. Inherited assets are available for selection in the Asset

Selector window.

6. Click Save.

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Portal Apps


Personalize the Channel Designer:

1. Click Parameterize next to the Channel Designer.

2. Enter the RBG value, a Web-safe hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color picker

provided to change the App Background Color.

3. Click Select Icon and select the symbol used to represent the Portal app.

4. Click Save.

Personalize the Schedule Manager Portal app:

1. Click Parameterize next to the Schedule Manager.

2. Enter the RBG value, a Web-safe hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color picker

provided to change the App Background Color.

3. Click Select Icon and select the symbol used to represent the Portal app.

4. Select True to Allow Inherited Schedules. Inherited schedules and schedule categories are

present in the header controls.

5. Select True to Allow Inherited Playlists. Inherited playlists and playlist categories are present

in the Playlists tray and in the Event dialog when creating or modifying a scheduled event.

6. Select True to Allow Inherited Channels. Inherited channels and channel categories are

present in Channels tray and in the Event dialog when creating or modifying a schedule event

7. Enter a string to override the default Load Simple Playlist Command. The string provided

must contain the format marker {0} to denote where to place the playlist GUID.

8. Enter a string to override the default Load Advanced Playlist Command. The string provided

must contain the format marker {0} to denote where to place the playlist GUID.

9. Enter a string to override the default Load Channel Command. The string provided must

contain the format marker {0} to denote where to place the channel GUID.

10. Click Save.

The Portal app parameters are saved and apply to the selected network only.

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Portal Apps


Import a Portal App

Portal apps are storied in a zip archive file that is imported to the target network.

Import a Portal app:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

3. Click Import. The Import Custom Control Definition page opens.

4. Click Browse, then navigate to the directory where the zip archive file is stored.

5. Select the required Portal app zip file, then click Open.

6. Click Import.

The Portal app is unzipped and imported to the Portal Apps list.

Users gain access the available Portal apps according to their Portal app permissions. Refer to the

"Assign User Roles and Portal App Permissions" section for instructions.

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Portal Apps


Export a Portal App

Export a custom Portal app from a staging environment for import to the live server:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

3. Click the Export link next to the required Portal app.

The Portal app is exported to a zip file and the file downloads to your computer.

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Portal Apps


Delete a Portal App

It is recommended to export the Portal app and save it locally before deletion.

Delete a Portal app:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

3. Click the Delete link next to the required Portal app.

4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

The Portal app is removed from the Portal Apps list.

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Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions


Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions

Learn how to add users to the system and assign roles.

Add Users to a Network

User accounts created on the X2O Portal are limited to the Portal apps only, and do not provide

access to the server via Remote Manager.

Add a new user:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Users.

3. Click Add New User. The User page opens.

Enter the basic user and login information for the new account:

1. Enter the User Name for the user login.

2. Enter the Full Name and Email address of the user.

3. Select Active User to indicate that the user is currently active on the server.

4. Select User must change password. This prompts the user to change their password at next


5. Optional: Select Password never expires in cases where there is no password expiration

policy on the domain. Typically, passwords are set to expire to secure access to the system.

6. Enter a New Password for the user, then Confirm New Password in the fields provided.

7. Click Choose File, then select a user image from your computer and click Open.

The user's initials are displayed as the avatar in JOIN: The X2O Connected Desktop if an image

is not set at this time.

8. Verify that the account information provided is complete and correct.

9. Click Apply. The user is saved to the network.

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Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions


Assign User Roles and Portal App Permissions

The following roles are available for administrator users:

Network Administrator—Users in this role have access to all administrative options and

features in the Admin portal, and the Portal apps selected in the Portal App Permissions


Account Manager—Users in this role can add and edit user accounts and create custom roles.

Status Monitoring—Users in this role can monitor player status.

Player Manager—Users in this role can add players, edit player properties and serial numbers,

and move players across networks.

Report Viewer—Users in this role can view and export network status, alarm log, and

connectivity log reports.

The following roles are available for Portal app users:

Manager—Users in this role can manage, review, and publish/accept content submitted by


Contributor—Users in this role can submit but cannot publish content. Instead, their actions

are reviewed by the manager. Select the Content Download role to enable content

contributors to also download and export assets.

Content Download—Users in this role can view, download, and export content in the Asset

Manager Portal app.

Users in the Join Notification Manager role have the ability to send a notice via X2O.Join

Connected Desktop.

You can assign users into multiple roles.

Assign a role:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Users.

3. Click Edit next to the user name to open their account settings.

4. Go to the Roles section.

5. Select the check box next to the required role(s).

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Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions


The [SYSTEM] Portal apps (Asset Manager, Campaign Manager, Channel Designer, and Schedule

Manager) are listed first, and the custom Portal apps are organized by network in alphabetical


Grant permission to use a Portal app:

1. Go to the Portal App Permissions section.

2. Select the check box next to the required Portal apps.

3. Click Apply.

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Users, Roles, and Portal App Permissions


Enable Content Alerts for a User

This setting is recommended for users in the Content Manager role. The content manager will

receive email alerts when network assets are added, modified, approved, rejected, or deleted.

Enable content alerts:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Users.

3. Click Edit next to the user name to open their account settings.

4. Select Content Alerts in the Manage Alerts section.

5. Click Apply.

Set up the user as an alert recipient:

1. Click Configure Network, then click Player Alert Settings in the side menu.

2. Click Add next to the network user account to add this user as an Alert recipient.

3. Click Apply.

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Move a User

Move a user to a new network:

1. Select the Network where the user account was created.

2. Click Manage Users.

3. Click the Move link next to the required user and click OK to continue.

4. Select the new Network for the user.

5. Click Apply.

6. Click OK to confirm.

The user is moved to the selected network.

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X2O Players


X2O Players

The X2O Player is the advanced broadcast rendering application installed on a personal computer

or dedicated player device that is directly connected to a display screen. Its main purpose is to

play back your content at the correct time, in the right format, in multiple screen areas running

different media types.

Each network has its own instance of a software entity called the X2O Agent, which is an

application installed on the player devices to assign them to a designated network on the server.

The X2O Agent:

Links the player to a network on the X2O Server, and gives the player the properties of that


Monitors the health of the player and communicates player status back to the X2O Server

Automatically restarts the renderer or reboots the device if a problem is detected

Synchronizes files to the player immediately after assets, styles, channels, schedules, and

playlists are uploaded to the player network

Issues player control commands from the X2O Server to the renderer (for example: load

playlist, load channel, restart player)

The sections that follow provide instructions on how to add and manage players and player


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X2O Players


Add a Player to a Network

Install the X2O Agent to add the player to the required network on the X2O Server.

Add a new player:

1. Log in to the player computer as the administrator.

2. Open an internet browser and access the X2O Portal sign in screen.

3. Sign in to the X2O Portal as the network administrator or player manager.

4. Select the required Network.

5. Click the Download icon in the task bar and select Download Agent.

The X2O.Agent download page opens in a new tab.

6. Click the Download for Windows button and save the X2O Agent installation file to the

player computer.

7. Run the installation file.

8. Follow the wizard instructions to install the X2O Agent.

The player is added to the selected network and automatically inherits its properties.

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X2O Players


View Details About a Player

Everything you need to know about your players is provided on the Admin Manage Players page,


A screenshot of the current output

RAM, CPU, and hard disk drive information

Player status, including the player computer name, IP address, and operating system

Player properties inherited from the network

Campaign information (if enabled on the network)

X2O Agent commands, including Restart and Stop player

A map of where the player is located

Notes entered by player and network administrators

Open the player details:

1. Select the Network where the player resides.

2. Click Manage Players.

3. Click the Detail View.

4. Select the required View, Group by, and Order by options, select Include Sub Networks if

required, then click Apply to filter and arrange players on the page.

5. Click the required Player Name in the list to load the player details.

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Edit the Properties of a Player

Player properties provide details about the players on the network, including:

Player name and general description

Serial number

Weather location and whether the player displays the metric system

Any custom player properties the administrator may have added to the network

You can modify the value of each property as required on the Admin Manage Players page.

Edit player properties:

1. Select the Network where the player resides.

2. Click Manage Players.

3. Click the Detail View.

4. Select the required View, Group by, and Order by options, select Include Sub Networks if

required, then click Apply to filter and arrange players on the page.

5. Click the required Player Name in the list to load the player details.

6. Click the Properties tab.

7. Click Edit Properties to open the edit page for the player.

8. Enter values for the required player properties, then click Apply.

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Move a Player

Note that the move process may take up to five minutes to complete.

Move a player to a different network:

1. Select the Network where the player resides.

2. Click Manage Players to view the network players.

3. Click the Detail View.

4. Click the Move link next to the player you wish to move.

5. Select the new Network for the player.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click OK to confirm.

The player is moved to the selected network and inherits the properties of that network.

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X2O Player and Agent Reports

The X2O Agent monitors the health of the X2O Player and communicates player status back to

the server.

The following player components are monitored by the Agent:

The output screen—the agent triggers an alert if the content displayed on the screen (or

predefined part of it) is not being updated.

The player process—the agent detects if the player process is not running (as a result of a

crash, for example).

The player heartbeat—the player periodically updates its heartbeat, which is a timestamp

written in a file, and the agent triggers an alert if the player stops updating it.

The audio output—the agent can detect the silence.

Player status, alarm, and connectivity reports are available for viewing in Admin, and summary or

detailed information can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or a Portable Document Format

(PDF) file.

View Player Status

Quickly view which players are online and offline on the network.

View a network status report:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click View Reports, then click Network Status Report in the side menu.

3. Select Group by Status to arrange players according to their online or offline status. Group by

None simply shows a list of players.

4. Select Include sub networks to include players that belong to the child networks.

5. Click Apply. The players are arranged in the list according to their status.

6. Click the expand the list of Offline players to view the "offline since" timestamp.

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View Alarm Logs

Player alarms logged by the X2O Agent are available for viewing in the Admin.

View an alarm log:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click View Reports, then click Alarm Log Report in the side menu.

3. Select the Report Period.

4. Select Include sub networks to include players that belong to the child networks.

5. Click Apply. The alarm log summary loads on the page.

6. Click View next to the required player for a detailed report.

The alarm log displays the type of alarm (no video, player down, package handler down), alarm

time, restore time, and total out time.

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View Connectivity Logs

Player connectivity to the server logged by the X2O Agent and is available for viewing in the


View a connectivity log:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click View Reports, then click Connectivity Log Report in the side menu.

3. Select the Report Period.

4. Select Include sub networks to include players that belong to the child networks.

5. Click Apply. The connectivity log summary loads on the page.

6. Click View next to the required player for a detailed report.

The connectivity log displays the number of times the player disconnected, the time when

connectivity was lost and then restored, and the total out time.

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Export a Report

Network status, alarm logs, and connectivity log reports can be exported to external Adobe PDF

or Excel files.

Export a summary report:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click View Reports, then click the required report type in the side menu.

3. Generate the report.

4. Click Show Summarized Report on the reports page. The summary opens in a new window.

5. Select the required Format, then click Export.

6. Click Export. The file downloads to your computer.

Export a detailed report:

1. Click View next to the required player to generate a detailed alarm log or connectivity log


2. Click Show Detailed Report. The details open in a new window.

3. Select the required Format, then click Export. The file downloads to your computer.

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System Logs


System Logs

System logs are automatically saved and available for viewing in the X2O Portal.

View System Logs

View feedback about the activity and performance of the X2O Portal, Server, and the Content

Management API, as well as any problems that may be occurring.

System messages are separated into three distinct logs:

INFO—provides information used for system analysis and reporting

WARN—describes warning conditions that could cause an error if an action is not taken

ERROR—describes errors that are fatal to the operation but not the application or the service

Access the system logs:

1. Click Logs in the Admin menu. The Log page opens.

2. Select the required log file from the drop-down list.

The following information is presented in the log:

The date and time the record was logged

The thread ID, used for debugging

The alert level

The entity that logged the message

The message the entity logged

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Refresh System Logs

Refresh the system logs:

1. Click Logs in the Admin menu. The Log page opens.

2. Select the require log file from the drop-down list.

3. Click Refresh.

New logs load on the page, when available.

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Data Documents


Data Document Types

A Data Document Type is a fielded text file that contains information about a particular data item.

The file is used by the channels to generate content.

Add a New Data Document Type

Add a new data item to the network:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Data Document Types in the Admin menu.

3. Click Add New Type. The New Data Document Type page opens.

4. Enter the data item Name.

5. Select the Asset Category.

6. Expand the Advanced Settings.

7. Enter the Item Label and its Plural form.

The Title Format is populated with fields automatically once the data document type is saved.

The syntax is [Field] - [Field]. The Title Format is available for editing, if required.

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Data Documents


The next step is to add fields to the new data document type. The available field types are:

Type Setup

Asset Select the Asset Type, and optional asset

Boolean Select the default value: True or False

Custom List Add list items using the syntax Label||Value

Data Document Select a Data Document Type

Data Document Value Select a Data Document Type

Date Select the default Date, and minimum and maximum value

Float Enter the default value, and the minimum and maximum value

Integer Enter the default value, and the minimum and maximum value

Long Text Enter the default value, and the maximum length

Page Select the default Channel to load

Playlist Not applicable

Text Enter the default value, and the maximum length

Time Select the default time (HH:MM) and AM or PM

Add new fields to the data document type:

1. Click Add New Field. The Data Document Field Editor appears.

2. Enter the field Name.

3. Select the field Type. The editor loads the required controls for the selected field type.

4. Select Is Required if the user must supply a value for the field.

5. Enter or select placeholders for the Default Value.

6. Set the Rules for the selected field type, where applicable.

7. Click Apply. The field is added to the Fields list.

8. Repeat each step to add more fields.

9. Drag-and-drop fields in the required order.

Click Save to add the new data document type to the network.

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Data Documents


Create a Portal App for Data Documents

There are two Portal app controls available for data document types:

The Data Document Manager is used to manage multiple data document types in one


The Single Data Document Editor is used to manage one data document type.

Create new Portal app:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps in the menu bar.

3. Click Add New. The New Portal App – Basic Info page opens.

4. Enter the Title and Description, then click OK. The New Portal App builder opens.

5. Locate the Data Document Manager in the Available Controls list, then click Add.

The control is added to the Portal app.

Specify the data document type used by the manager:

1. Click Edit next to the Data Document Manager control.

2. Enter a Caption for the tab page title.

3. Enter the name of the required Data Document Type, then click Add.

4. Repeat step 3 to include additional data document types in the manager.

5. Click Accept.

Save the Portal app:

1. Click Finish. The new app is added to the Portal Apps list.

2. Click Parameterize.

3. Set up the App Background Color and App Icon.

4. Click Save.

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Data Documents


Open your account settings, then select the new app in the Portal App Permissions section

and click Apply. Click the Portal App button in the task bar and select the new Portal app to

open it.

The following illustrates the Data Document Manager at runtime:

Click New Data Doc in the task bar. The following illustrates the Data Document Editor at


The following illustrates the Add New data document form at runtime:

Title Format Singular/Plural Item Labels

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X2O.Join Connected Desktop

Set up the interests and enable the channel screensaver for X2O.Join Connected Desktop users.

Refer to the X2O.Join Setup Guide for complete instructions on how to complete an on-premises

deployment of X2O.Join Connected Desktop.

Set Up X2O.Join Interests

Business-users send and receive notifications based on their particular interests. An interest can

be any subject or activity, a specific area of knowledge, and a community or department within a

larger organization.

The interests you set up in Admin appear in the X2O.Join Notifications tab.

Add interests to the X2O.Join network:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Configure Network in the Admin menu.

3. Go to the Inherited Properties list on the Default Player Properties page.

4. Click Edit next to the Join Interests player property. The Edit form opens.

5. Enter a comma-separated list of interests as the Value, for example: Sales,Marketing,HR,News.

6. Click Apply. The new interests are defined for the X2O.Join network.

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Enable Set Screensaver

Enable the set screensaver command in the Channel Manager:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Manage Portal Apps.

3. Click Edit next to the Manage Content Portal app. The Portal app builder opens.

4. Click the Channels tab.

5. Click Edit next to the Channel Manager control.

6. Set the Allow Set Screen Saver parameter to True.

7. Click Accept, then click Finish.

Set a specific channel as the screensaver for X2O.Join users.

1. Click the Portal App button in the top bar and select Manage Content.

2. Click the Channels tab and hover over a channel in the list.

3. Click Set Screensaver. The Assign Players dialog box appears.

4. Select the target players, then click OK.

The channel is set as the screensaver on the selected players.

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Set a Network as the Tenant Root

Set a certain branch in the X2O Network tree as the "tenant root" to dedicate it to a specific

customer in a multi-tenant environment.

Set the tenant root:

1. Select the required Network for the X2O.Join client.

2. Click Configure Network, then click Network Settings in the side menu.

3. Click Edit Settings.

4. Select Is Tenant Root.

5. Click Save.

The Is Tenant Root flag tells the X2O.Join Agent which network to connect to when X2O.Join

Connected Desktop is being installed by the user.

The server looks up the first network on top that has the Is Tenant Root flag set, starting with the

network the X2O.Join user is signed in to.

The user account may be assigned to the Sales sub network of their tenant root, but the X2O.Join

Agent always connects to the 'tenant root' network.


Client B

[is tenant root]


Client A

[is tenant root]

User PC

X2O.JOIN Agent

User Account

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X2O Objects


X2O Objects

The Object Manager Portal app lets you import, edit, preview, and assign objects to networks for

use in the Channel Designer.

Access the Object Manager

Click Manage My Objects on the X2O Portal landing page to open the Portal app in a new

browser tab. Click the Portal Apps button in the task bar and select Object Manager if you are

already using a different Portal app.

The Object Manager interface has the following controls:

Task Bar—Specialized tasks for the Object Manager are located in the top bar, and more tasks

are activated when you select objects on the page.

Browser Pane—View, filter, and search for objects available to the selected network.

Details/Edit Pane—View the details of the selected object, and edit its settings.

Task Bar

Browser Pane Details/Edit Pane

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X2O Objects


The following application tasks are available in the Task Bar:

Reload the object list

Import new or previously exported objects

Export the selected objects

Assign objects to a network and make them available in the Channel Designer

Unassign objects from a network so they are unavailable in the Channel Designer

Search for an object by entering its name in the field provided, or filter the full list of objects in

the Browser Pane to return objects based on the following matches:

Visible objects that are assigned to the selected network and its parent networks

Objects Owned by the selected network

Objects Assigned to the selected network, and available in the Channel Designer

Objects that are Unassigned and do not belong to any network except the owner network

Objects that belong to a specific Channel Designer category, for example: the News and

Weather categories

The Details Pane provides the following information about the selected object:

The object Display Name and Description as they appear in the Channel Designer object


The Width and Height of the object frame

The Default Position in which the object loads in the Channel Designer workspace

The Categories in which the object is organized in the Channel Designer object browser

The object's Owner Network and its Assigned Networks

General properties, including when the selected object was created and the last time it was


The Release Notes with details about the latest version of the object

The object's GUID and Version number

From the Details Pane you can Preview, Export, Edit, or Delete the selected object.

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X2O Objects


Assign Objects

Assign objects to the required network in order to make them available for use in the Channel


Assign an object:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select Owned Objects from the Filter in the Browser Pane.

3. Select the check box next to the required object.

4. Click Assign in the task bar. The Assign to Network dialog box appears.

5. Select the network where the object must be assigned.

6. Click OK.

The object is assigned to the selected network and its sub networks.

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Unassign Objects

Unassign objects from the required network in order to make them unavailable in the Channel


Unassign an object:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select Assigned Objects from the Filter in the Browser Pane.

3. Select the check box next to the required object.

4. Click Unassign in the task bar. The Unassign from Network dialog box appears.

5. Select the required Network, then click OK.

The object is unassigned from the selected network and its sub networks.

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X2O Objects


Edit an Object

Edit the components of an object to determine how it is implemented in the Channel Designer

graphical user interface.

Edit an object:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select a Filter in the Browser Pane to find the object you wish to edit.

3. Select the required object to load it in the Details Pane.

4. Click Edit in the Details Pane to activate the properties you can modify.

The steps that follow provide examples of the Channel Designer at run time to illustrate the object

components you are editing.

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X2O Objects


5. Enter the object Display Name and Description as they will appear in the Channel Designer

object browser.

6. Enter the Categories (separated by a comma) in which the object is organized in the Channel

Designer object browser.

7. Enter the Width and Height of the object frame, in pixels.

Display Name





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X2O Objects


8. Enter the number of pixels along the horizontal (left) axis for Default Position X, and the

number of pixels along the vertical (top) axis for Default Position Y.

The object is automatically positioned on the Channel Designer workspace with the specified

coordinates when the user double-clicks it in the object browser.

9. Click Save to update the object.

10. Click Yes to confirm the changes.

Position Y

Position X

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X2O Objects


Export Objects

Export the required objects from a staging environment for import to the live server.

Export an object:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select a Filter in the Browser Pane to find the object you wish to edit.

3. Select the check box next to the required object.

4. Click Export in the task bar, and click Yes to confirm the export.

5. The object is exported and its components are added to a ZIP archive file.

6. Click the link in the message that appears to download and save the ZIP file.

7. Click OK.

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X2O Objects


Import Objects

Import objects to a network on the X2O Server. The network you select is designated as the owner

of the objects.

Import objects:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Click Import in the Task Bar. The Import dialog box appears.

3. Click Choose File and navigate to the directory where your object *.zip file is stored.

4. Select the required file and click Open.

5. Select one of the following options:

Select Skip to exclude existing objects. Only new objects in the zip file are imported.

Select Override to upgrade objects to newer versions.

When importing objects that already exist in another network, select Create new to import

the objects with new unique identifiers (UUID).

6. Click OK. The objects are imported to the selected network.

7. Select the Owned Objects filter, and the imported objects are listed in the Browser Pane.

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X2O Objects


Delete Objects

Delete the objects that are no longer required.

It is recommended to export the object and save it locally for your archives before deletion.

Delete an object:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select a Filter in the Browser Pane to find the object you wish to edit.

3. Select the required object to load it in the Details Pane.

4. Verify that this is the object you wish to remove, then click Delete.

5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The object is removed from the Object Manager and no longer appears on the network or in the

Channel Designer.

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Learn how to configure the advanced features of the X2O Portal.

Create an Asset Category

The X2O Portal uses categories to classify and filter assets in the Asset Manager portal app. The

Asset Manager has four predefined categories to get you started: Generic Content, Filler,

Commercial, and Wayfinder.

New categories should be driven by the business requirements of your content.

Create a new category:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select Settings from the Help menu. The Settings page opens on the Assets tab.

3. Click New Category in the task bar. The controls to create a new category load next to the

Categories list.

4. Enter the category Name and click Save.

The category is saved and implemented in the Asset Manager portal app for the selected network.

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Add Custom Metadata to a Category

The system can use metadata to target assets to players that have matching player properties.

Metadata is stored in the format key:value. The key types available are:

Boolean—two possible values, "true" and "false".

Numeric—a value that consists of digits from 0 to 9.

String—a value that consists of text.

Date—a value that should contain a date.

Date Time—a value that should contain a date and time.

Options—a value that is selected from a predefined list of options.

This example adds the Options metadata key type to a category.

Add a new metadata key:

1. Click Edit next to the required category in the Categories list. The controls to edit the

category load next to the Categories list.

2. Click Add New. The Metadata Details dialog box appears.

3. Enter Orientation as the Label for the key.

4. Select Required if selecting a value is mandatory at runtime.

5. Select Options as the key Type.

6. Enter the Landscape option and click .

7. Enter the Portrait option and click .

8. Click OK. The key is added to the metadata list.

9. Click Save.

The metadata key is saved to the selected category and is implemented in the Asset Manager

portal app for the selected network.

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Set Up the Network

The Settings Portal app lets you quickly configure the default properties of the network. The

values you define affect the Channel Designer objects, the playlist and channel previews, and how

channels are displayed on the players for the selected network.

The following properties are available:

Main Logo

Crawl Logo

Location (weather, time)


Units of measure (Metric or Imperial) in which data is displayed (particularly the weather)


Update the properties:

1. Select the required Network.

2. Select Settings from the Help menu. The Settings page opens on the Assets tab.

3. Click the Properties tab.

4. Enter or select a new value for each property.

5. Click Save.

Click Advanced Properties to access the Configure Network component in Admin when you

need to set up the advanced details of the network.

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X2O Media, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products at any time and without notice. This

publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product

at all times in the future.


X2O Portal is a trademark of X2O Media, Inc.


All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.


The Software {and Documentation} is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by

the United States Government or any agency, department or instrumentality thereof is subject to the

restrictions set forth in the Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 or

the Commercial Computer Software — Licensing clause at NASA FAR Supplement 1852.227-86.

X2O Media holds the following patents: United States Patent No. 7,312,803 "Method for Producing Graphics

for Overlay on a Video Source" and United States Patent No. 8,683,340 "Method for automating digital

signage applications using self-configuring objects and smart templates".

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developed by X2O MEDIA, is licensed, not sold or assigned, to you by X2O MEDIA. X2O MEDIA grants to

you a personal, nontransferable, non-sublicensable and nonexclusive license to use the SOFTWARE solely

for internal business purposes. You agree that, where restricting the following is not prohibited by law, you

will not reverse compile, disassemble, reproduce, reverse engineer, modify, adapt, translate, distribute,

network, lease, loan, resell for profit, the SOFTWARE or create derivative works based upon the SOFTWARE

or any portion thereof, except pursuant to a written license from X2O MEDIA. Prior to disposing of any

media or apparatus containing the SOFTWARE, you will ensure that any SOFTWARE contained on such

media or stored in such apparatus has been completely erased or otherwise destroyed.


certain third-party programs. You agree that your use of them is governed by the license terms and

conditions provided with those programs.

3. USE OF DATA SERVICES. The SOFTWARE contains links to DATA CONTENT provided by a third party. You

agree that that you will not alter, copy, resell, reproduce or redistribute any of the DATA CONTENT. You

shall not alter any attributions, copyright notices and credits present on the DATA CONTENT feed. You shall

not alter or change the DATA CONTENT in any way. DATA CONTENT may only appear on the computer

desktop and you shall not, directly or indirectly, reproduce, publish, translate, communicate, broadcast,

rewrite for broadcast or publication or redistribute the DATA CONTENT in any fashion or medium. You may

not store content provided by X2O MEDIA or any portion thereof in a computer. X2O MEDIA shall not be

held liable in any way to you or to any third party or to any other person who may receive information in

the DATA CONTENT or to any other person whatsoever, for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions

there from or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any

of the foregoing or occasioned thereby. X2O MEDIA may, at any time and without notice to you, cease to

provide any links to DATA CONTENT. Any links to third party data providers entered by you are solely your


4. COPY RESTRICTIONS/OWNERSHIP. Nothing in this Agreement transfers title, or the intellectual property

in, any SOFTWARE or DATA CONTENT, or in any copy made there from, to you. Any rights not expressly

granted to you hereunder are reserved by X2O MEDIA, its licensors or by other X2O MEDIA business

partners contributing to the SOFTWARE or DATA CONTENT as the case may be.

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5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. X2O MEDIA warrants that the SOFTWARE will substantially conform to the

documentation supplied with it. X2O MEDIA does not warrant that the SOFTWARE will be error-free.

Notwithstanding any rights you may have to transfer any other rights granted hereunder, the warranties

described in this section are for the benefit of you only, and cannot be either transferred or assigned to any













acceptance by X2O MEDIA.

6. DISCLAIMER FOR DATA CONTENT. X2O MEDIA is an aggregator of data from a variety of sources and is

not responsible for editorial content in the DATA CONTENT in any way. Use of the DATA CONTENT is at

your sole risk. You agree and acknowledge that X2O MEDIA is dependent on third party providers and that

this Agreement and the provision of the content is always subject to arrangements and restrictions imposed

by third parties. X2O MEDIA makes no warranty that the supply of particular data will be uninterrupted or

error-free. X2O MEDIA does not accept any liability for failures in network connections and/or end-to-end

connectivity across the Internet and/or performance problems experienced on any Internet or other

networks outside of X2O MEDIA’s control.

7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Except for the express warranties contained herein, X2O MEDIA neither makes

nor grants any other warranties or conditions, express, legal or implied. The express terms of this Software

License Agreement are in lieu of any warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and obligations implied by

statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or otherwise, including but not limited to

implied conditions of quality, fitness and merchantability, all of which are hereby excluded to the fullest

extent permitted by law. In no event shall X2O MEDIA, its licensors or its contributing business partners be

liable to you for any damages (including, without limitation, loss of data, use, profits or goodwill, or

incidental or consequential damages), whether or not X2O MEDIA, the licensor or the contributing business

partner has been advised of the possibility of such loss, however caused and on any theory of liability.

8. INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify and hold X2O MEDIA and its content providers harmless

against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses of whatever nature

(including any legal and other professional expenses) incurred or suffered by X2O MEDIA directly or

indirectly arising (in whole or in part) from any use, reproduction or distribution by you (or any person

authorized or permitted by you) of the SOFTWARE, DATA CONTENT, any channels, widgets or templates,

or from any formatting by you, or any editorial errors or misrepresentations.

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9. LAWS GOVERNING WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY. The laws of a jurisdiction may define the scope of a

warranty or the manner in which liability of a supplier of the SOFTWARE is limited; such law(s) shall govern

this Software License Agreement only to the extent a party protected by such law(s) cannot waive the

protection thereof by contract. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for

incidental or consequential damages, or allow the exclusion of implied warranties; in such cases the

limitation and exclusion above may not apply to you, and you may have other rights which vary from

jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

10. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You agree that you shall not directly or indirectly export the SOFTWARE (or any

DATA CONTENT) in contravention of any export law.

11. TERMINATION. This Software License Agreement shall automatically, and without notice, terminate

immediately upon the earlier of your failure to fulfill any of your obligations under this Software License

Agreement or upon written notice of termination from X2O MEDIA. Upon termination of this Software

License Agreement, you shall immediately destroy and dispose of all forms and portions of the SOFTWARE.

12. TRANSFER. You may only complete the transfer of SOFTWARE as permitted under this Software License

Agreement where you advise the transferee of and secure his assent to be bound by the terms of this

Software License Agreement.

13. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE. This Software License Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted

in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec, Canada, without reference to its conflict of laws

provisions. This Software License Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on

Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.

14. U.S. GOVERNMENT USERS. The SOFTWARE is a "commercial item" as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R.

2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation"

as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through

227.7202-4, all U.S. Government End Users acquire the SOFTWARE with only those rights set forth herein.

Manufacturer is X2O MEDIA Inc., 147 St Paul Street West, Suite 300, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 1Z5.

15. CONTROLLING TERMS. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall control your license of the

SOFTWARE, and any additional or different terms and conditions of any purchase order or other instrument,

whether in the past or future, submitted by you shall be void and of no effect unless expressly agreed to in

writing by X2O MEDIA.

16. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the

agreement between the parties and supersedes all proposals, oral, or written, and all other communications

between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. No amendment to this license will be

binding unless in writing, signed by both you and X2O MEDIA.

17. LANGUAGE. This Agreement and any documents related thereto have been drawn up in the English

language at the specific request of the parties hereto. Cette convention et tous les documents y afférents

sont rédigés en langue anglaise à la demande expresse des parties aux présentes.

18. SEVERABILITY. Should any clause or term contained in this Agreement be declared invalid by a court of

law, it shall be severed from this Agreement without affecting any other terms which will continue to remain

in full force.