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X^ rOf^Supv^rmEGoMI^ ~^ W orifets-Earticip atin s'-in —IU c g a l.J^ o tests i 'Dedared OutsiSe,.. Pale of, Labor RelSt^ns Act . . . ., -■ (By Tlie Auoclatcd PresA) ^ . I:^WASHINQTONr-PV»h!-g7—T’hP-.nnHiin'B h<yh»gl: rniirt flr- ---------noTincca^rT5lW6Wir8tvIKff^t6aay-an^rulecl"lKdl“ WorkerT „.L_.outsrdt-liie prot^ctiM^^.^t^wiignorla^^^^ ^aslwa Chler Justice. Charles Evans Hlighcs^ reading n ma/orJty- bfflhlbh,' declared tHp.' a~ slt-da^~~in thclFan'sLccLTMcl^luf^ —.-•--Rlcal'corparaUOn’ orNortfi''ChJcaBorin.. two years ago'was a “hlBh-Iianded proccedlnK_wUhout a' shadow of legaLrlghL”-: Declaring that the cmpldy-l----- ------------------------------------- •! er could discharge the “wrong- igner nct,_-hlff 'iolat^gr-the opinion in- . Jabor relBilons txwrd rcqulrlnB-.M>e compBuj? lo,reln4UU employee* ivcrc dlsmL«ed wbcn they mIz ^ biilldlnB»-or iho-corporailon; *■-. Tlie iab^r board haid contended Hint the strike resulted rrom viola- t.loiw of Uie Wajner net t>y Oie cm- J H IE [IIS Avalanche Brings Death-Toll For Winter to Eight: — B6dies-:-;Rccovcccii.^E,rpin Hoii.sc ■ I'lils Okeli On New Uelief Sci-Up : collectively. . . Board OrdVn Sbclved . Besides deUvering • thU iharp |K, B blow.to.Uje.Jabor.board,-tlie-court I ---------- «e^Ml(J6-two-otti8rl«kttfonler#*toi' '• nrfiwLttUmcnt. One' Involved *•- ..im.ulaitiirln* compaoy of . Clovelnnd, imd In thU m e U i t w flM M ITearmamenI Bilip'rcciilitatcs - TOratprl9 l=G[ilbBrst?6 ii== - Foreign Policy I WASHINGTON. Feb, 27’ {rT>-TJlc »dmlill4tratl(W’*-in»Jor-rconiian»ctit I bin came up In the senat«-to<lay.to * — Immediate oraiorlcAl II UM m tnij m . Uit.u-' ' »nv Tin; A,v,oeiniccl T>. ..... -fOlSE, Fci,: 27-.'rijc Ijlhh^ />0(i.?c or rciJr{M?nf:Ulvt;a rush fd throuRh^tociayniiiciiif'aus pcn.slon” of rules a 5^.000,000 •• - - ___ ^r_ ___ ___ ____ --------------------------------- 2: ^ Britain,- France-GiTer" Recognition to Franco • • •, Cp . ^ rnies. ito. suit LnHc Clly; Eilwnrd ------ rr-^--------------- Robert-i,- '10. Salem. Utnli. iincl Burt Shani^h,-^4itionali6t- Leader .Pr-omises-.J^i " 'cFhiu!ity” ;.fu f Id w ‘ ~ inelmbrarice'for Friends •(By Tlie Aw.iKinictf rrc>:ri' • O P H m r’utaii. Feb. 27:- Utnh’s .snowslldc ralallUes for the winter numbpred ciglit to- InlBht wlth"the recovery" of three bodies from an ava- lancJi^whlch-spllnlered-bulld-rj;-:------ Inga near the noftni nf thfv |vision's Ih thn-.sLiii-V’ rriinf- a|))3ropi-latloii nieiusiire for the stale’s public .schools. Tlie hou.se also .su.spond'cd nilpi! In ..... .. inunii <11 IIH- ' l.'iplaled Hidden Treasure mine hlgli^ In the Oqulrrh' moim Ltains.' I_.aau5ilicrc(:-anti buttered In'. Uio Icmlilnu’ .allile. wcic Clarenc* M. Yfttes. 25. Suit Ukc CHy; EtUnrd Roberu,- 'lO. Salem, Utnji. <iiul Burt --; -------nnitm— n»n— nr p_^^b»n{<rtfi'dnKfv-,~~—«. -..-.uw- k ^ -i;i--Jn8.ttn(lsi*iniJlnt>«mi5#ny-fl^3me . -.Hwlo,.lnd,-had W n»d to'bwnlii coU*cUv*l7 with 11* employeXrXn ordw- for reliuutewent ofUjOM AU^iirsed was .aet ulde. ' » u r t lupported a boaid order that the Panst«er company with- draw rccoitnlUoa-from' the Rar« -------- iMetnlJ5todaas.ot-Wn«rlca.'1«*l No; Jlie, trlljunftt..t8rccd_wlthJthft NLH8 tbktnuuteel -had--vlototed -^ali^raainrefualnetobtrsato , <;oll^vtly with , the ----------- aoauuKICO.10- i-i*.»uuraafl.Prance U those two natlona are • threatened ■wllh- dc- atruetlon. He also contended that jRie<e*jftjl.de;eMc.of South Amertca «plled 6cmtcr. Borah (R-Idahoi- of-:iwnr’8tecl and Hn(, 1 - conduct o f Uie itapondeaf;': CPan- steel) Hushes wpjte,, -U»ert' U no I ground for-«jylng that It,wnri.. ----- of JU'iceal rlghU touthe possession' «n d protecUOn of Ito property.’» ‘ nieeal Seltufe _ _ ehlcf.Mtlce.anld the.atrilte waar 'ltles!>l_ln.Jta_incepUoa.:M«j- prosecution.” "■ not the'«ercl» of the ----- - ..right to 3trlfecV-hB ndded.-"It was • — -nn Illegal seizure 0' “ ............ in-order to provent.1 .cmplO>-et-4n-ft.-lowfu.^anuer •thus'by acts of force and.vlb - employor. to au ----- ifi«WorT»mmuioa>-iy-d :postUon outside the pffllMtloii ^ the stotulfl nnd accepted. U i«^ of ... uvw. iMuiu.^Mjao.>rom-incexer«rt«fr of the legal rlgWa which the statute was designed to conserve.-” - . — j^ittotto-toed-imd-Wck-misenlcEf n eachof the tljree decisions against the labor bMrd. JusUco Pronkfurter, » new jncnj^r - participate in these djxlsloM. IJjogfliOlesumcs >-=--We8lward Drive reb. -38 (Tuesday! Japanese ahny's revived dahgijra ma Oaltgd ain"" °*L ^ defend It updh-Uie i^ J E W S lW -'.'Interview Salt'Lake' City Engineer - ... ?. v^er which cuU north hnd :lh.-^rough-populou8-Hupeh~pr&- — —••cc-ln-centrnl-ohtnici ■ - ■■ ■— After a 30-hour batUc the Jao- n n «e reported the>- occupied hUl positions at Tilkuanslian and. laitnchM on ft.ttack against Sha-' ~ --- . .. ‘ By •nie.AMOClatcd, P r c .«)..................... — BURGOS;-Spaln. Feb.- 27^ N atIonall5t-Gcncrnl~Francl3co Franco'told a wildly cheerinK tlirong today That he would not .“forget those countries who came to-our aid in time of need.’.: ______ ______________ , ' tloh.in connection with recognition .of hh'rcg’lme ^ cSreat B^ln.aiia^tt^ico. lE grom arl^ere •liuerp'rc'tcc(^refVi> ■ring-to-Itnly.-Gemany-ntid'Portu gal.— — ----- ----------------— - 5 ^'5pai«~has> -fotight ji winninK' - fihttle against Communism and the forces seeking to destroy her.” lie Uianked.aermnny, Itxily and PortURnl “And other cmmtrlcs who were among Ui_e. yrst’ tc.-c.Mcnd.us trlendshlp."............... .. _W11(l,-AppUu»e__________ 1 - . i l WHS Pronco’s'first public ap* pearanca in'Burgcs.'the natlonnllst Passeljger Plows' Info Side of Freight ai pasco ■Crossina. r r ' j .-EAniS^mjtMv-Qreal^BflUlR- and m n c e accorded full recognl* tlo9>' to QeheralUtlmo FranctKO Itnneo's nRtlonalUt-govxmiuont-cf. srf!Hn •today after' a weekend " In L’Madrld gtn-cmmcnt, leaders end.the dvU.war.- ■■ ne.. Minister..,Neville H.. aiinou)K«tl.tQ.thi> S r iu pf'commoM-tJiotniirgbir \daeeorded rtcognltlon to {Ime. Shortly'after-' enblnet met wltjj d.. Dalodler .: and Lebrim and tooS; ley.-epckane.- and-nremSiu'Wllimm ^ ‘*’-?^f%TWMh..-we«-kHled*to«- nlght when * Northern Pacific pas- Bengcr-traln-enrotite-hefe"))l6wc'a' Into the side o f'a Union Pacinc freight tfi^ln. . ' ____ th e crash occurred nbo'ut 9 p.' m.; at the Attalla crossing, where tracks ---- - ' w*m—WrA~|BBOr g ^ t and avftllablo city funds, the Twin Palls. city counell last- night intetvl^'Cd O. J. T7llrleh..coiuultJne engineer of Salt Lalte city a n d ^ t tiotlonal.Jjrcsldsnt of th-?-AmerlRi AssoclaUon.of E n 8 ln ^ ;_ - . •. . -& r c K “Sk?r5!S w d specuinupos and to asslst Pler ..WUsoh, cltyv,.^>.v4. ^.i5,#W.00«iGlUoil.Capaclty-i_:_ ------v-VSSTwES-^ First Cham bh^ho-.. emment thq Bur. ward the...,« Premier.. EdOk President ^bci .i.ic JJJIIH. QCCL'UTOmeant'thntajiy ,tp^Unlted.states and Soviet-Rus- sia aoiOng .Uw great powers' now re««nlaj Uie .old - Bowmment of Spain as thcVenl govemmeni.^, ' Tlie Madrid gox-crximcnt’s ambiu- Uador to Paris ond his staf*made It known Uiey would fom iallU^^te the-embassy-lnimedlat»*'^*‘“ '~^=~=»" ilclal -QDUflcaUoQ of mcnfs decision. Iho presldpnt of.the.old regime. of Stilt Lake City.- - Three weeks aKO four perl,ilied when ft •Jliimdcrous.isllde-wrrekwl Jieveral hou.ies ln_iippcr DliiRhaui cuhyoii. niso in the Oqulrrh moun- tains. and one-youth wa.n killed In an. avnlnnche In PnrmlnBtoh_cau- In jhe Wasatch ■mountnln!i Mellon. Johnson. Yntcj crts wcjSTilnymg c(im4;intl»e bunb. home-ycstcrdiiy when tdiVrof »tiow. TOcks. dirt and sj>!lnl/rcd- trees nmoshed douTi upon thdhi.' UarrlK. nlone In a one-room thnuk. km carried-^O-yards-and buiW. Mo^on and_Jojuwa5i were rcacuc^lnii.pilK- er» wbrkca^ir a bllmrd all night before tlie la.1t of the bodies was dus Irom-the debris.:....... •. “ Tlie. bimkhoujte.. iisimlly -libiiies some 35-miners biil mcwt of 'them were ab«nt.because of. the. Sunday iet-iip by.rchiovinR frohi-ihe coiimif.s the .nrcc;.;.liy of provtillnE ^ny-i,mtt.no't,c-U-;,ed J irL ii'h in * I,"V ''"^‘"‘-''“ urlij- pnjmchtfi. t-.i( fouiii.v* rrlitf mlll.i to 2 mllh, ijiii would I tr.niiMar the Mute'.s dlrrct-rcllef buri Uw to the voimtlM. H)okc.'ineii snUI Jji;js2niurtjoproprlaui.i.n»;nd- (UiiillnuKi nn j-.e, Column •)- Bi-idge Caravan Waits for Word A motor carAviin ot iil Icum ino Mttr-Tiwalled-.word-la.-.r rvrnmir thnt ttould'.act.ll in nioiion .....1,npjte.JoLJudm:m. ' i n v f u - ( e rr. JTiOVg.tDll.i.fiam.tiiii-'la’iii-I'wll-^ .Jerome iiiiorcoimiy-UridRC. . . • OrlKlniilly .idiedulrd for iln-, moniliiK. the camviui'j. tli-panuM-- ..........itiwticd late yesierday ndvice .iiiembcM of ihc ' ill ^rdiu-.v(liiy morning, . Lcndi-rn iirrftiisliiB for llir cm- .-av«n-»al(l no «oJ«y-:deinonstra- ^ o n 1,< contcmjilnircl but that ■'oOOipcrsoiu.rKpectcd to mnke trip would attend the Honale procccdlnKl. "Ui a ,<iulet. ortlcrly , mnnticr to show th.-.t thM arcn 1 _o^r .smulicrn Idaho, es;nrct.i-coi~| ~^npvfltig7rnnhi‘ ii^Miia,;t liuc-J Greed (3^ts Blame for ,]^d.o\ynient:Fimd-Hl One ,)ob Ueeiiicd, '!DSiifficiejil for— ,— _C;ouple_ ^7S,^?oti(ticd. I'rns)-. noiSK,- Feb. -l^Th«_idah5 T | -,«>iiHle-dcdiUcd-today,; that-R - womtin’.'; plnce Is at home; ' ••.By a vote o f-25 to 18 It, PHiscd nnd sent to thd house ' ■ of repre.scnlallvM a bill that ".| ertimont or any of I'tii sti^^-cil- ' vi.slon'Tirom cinploying a man-,' |ibcKiyati^--Ai)|)rove.^eommttcei3^^ -i’ - -C affifgiifg.‘S S io u re in S h 'o n ’^. • - . p ' iinca mrrt,, --------- ,. -^ e Bcene-fa abouna miles houUi- eastof.here Tlie !• govem- grant tlu f wHl pchnlt con-’' 8tructIon-or-o'll2tJ,000-ildrSBe ra~ f"o^>««V-J?lIlzhoTd:6.mOM-S- 1 .9ns or.wat«r for city — MPreurementnt asmallltcnch town il?“r M»e 8«'‘M-lwcler..afliy3ubll, cation of hU. resignation w S *.•! ptcletlnnoinr**—----------- ----------------- wsrrbacrtJrntb'cn^ ^Ine. ... ........ . -Two-other Northern Pacific'em- ployes were Injured. .' engine, of the. passenger train oreriumed, the two pitssenger cars cropping over an emi •nnnlrmHins-rcet beltfer^'^----------- Lott,;..the .flrcman....lwas_tlirown clear and hU body was found In r sand dune. • ■ RJIey'f ix^y; mBn'Blcd-almost hi;. yond-recognltJon,-.waa found l«v the locomoUye.cabin. - A.bnAflgea)an and a-conBuctor of ^ e passenger train were In' ' •Tlielr-namtaTinaTfljctcnforih'eir m- n « imfticdlatelj- nvalU Ca^e'of Uie. crash.was'undctcr- .cim-TiKES.iiE M E S fi WlUicMes snid .some catUe In Uia •f« ?»iil^in.;?i.KikUlCd.;Vdil^ prilie animals were tluxiwn clear of -tho-wrcck-and-atartcd-fecdlnr [Oscar H.. Smith instantly Killed, While Walking ..•_ onJIighway —IClMBERl.y-rPeb.-27=-6KC[rr7f61fr' ly Smitli, <3, Kimberly WPA work- < '’■ "•«slnataiiUy killed at about 7:16 Sumhiy. when- struck by on j.Mv«.,.oblle while walking home on Uio -hoavJly-traveled 'Twln - palls- Kimberly .strctch .of U.- s','-high- way 30. ^ Dr. Jnmcs W. Creed, counly cor-' held. -Tlie .deaUi was strlcUy'ac- cidental,? lie declared. State Highway Ptilroimnn V l. (Doc) Ho<M and Deputy Shgriff rrt Hall sa d that Bemapl Muldcr,-20, of lUmberly, woi Uie «lrlver of the «utomBbllo"whlcinilt'&niUr.— • .. .On lhB.hosls.of report* by tlie law enforcement offleere,-Dr.-Crr«l nald that “Uiere was no crliilSMnui^ By WM.TEIV n. BOTTCllEIt BOISS.. Feb. 27, {/^')—Whnit was termed a "very serious condition-'.'. .Jn . Idaho’it.-S15i075i483-lnstttytIonflr "cri’dowment Hufid' was traced today by a legislative committee primarily to .(l) J-‘g'rced_and selflBlineaarHn-hlgh place.?; (2) ''political ravorltfsm'.’ and (3) laxity in administration. Thft report was approved by' the Idalio sentuo nnd. house. orrep'resentt^tlves. --------------------------............ It was compiled , Ington: IClark). - I EndOft’Rlent funds" arc- derived from sales of land Krahui matie by I the federal government to various Th'e funds arc lnveated'*rn bonds tw^^farm mortgoges. ■*■- JiaC proceeds froMi salffl^slli?n jJnto Uie-cnijowment fund; Uiaf -ahalI,farevce--remaln-lTHfl..» W it earnings ,mado from Inven- mentJ7pf_the. ftinds shall .go. to.th* s,r, tl.r’ llnnS''* “ '*•^'“ 1® O f* ril. I I®'®'ommUsloner,. -whose purpose so far as the work ot this committee Is concerned, to publLili w« reel free to « y greed and aclflshness of human na- ture -that • Uiero arc -now. living In Uie stat« of Idaho many mfa of iS£2n?LJ-lt'U«jegftrdoa4i*^,u^ rCfSUhiMj on P ^ t CoIu«» t) [or womiin who.se lVui5band or '■ ■ wife-in- snl,tfiii!>-empIoyed. excepc^l In , liiJiniietti...wJicrc a eouols re- ceivc.'5 .Iffis tli.Tir JMO a 'mohtli. TJie aci woiild be offtcUve •June , 1, 1039, if p«;.'.c(l b>\Hie hou.ie and ,• i.lKncd_by Covej;nor C...A., Boltolf-, I ’ avi{iitt.i^if7rj«->noiu3 <Li-uama«) - ed the floor fiKht for4>assage. say- • .-^Wr.iiow have'300,(X)Q‘"marrled . .'I women-holdlnB.,JolM In •th e -U n Itc (r ~ " Sinies. ThI.s meu-iure would make^'' It po»lble ’for. single women and widow* with children, who are walk- iiic the htrect.v In.tjuest of jobs." to find *— ' -------- ••' Butler of rolicy 11 .Tliomas neath-^,.1 -Prrtnainwgccli >uld ho',.ivi7, « f f-'polno'.- uoi-«w. -. afldmg;. - • -I don I Uilnk married • wpmen .^imud.be lcgWatcd,nRiilnjt. This I bill is not American to spirit.” I didn't know." asserted Sen- nw. Oeorge Pugmlre' (D-Banhock). ,. _ i.Mhat lua-as ln.U«s-*chcra» o f-U iln (»i~ J thnt, women.should be-the.iroad— ^ 'camera, unless forced Into Uiat roU *•'.----- acLof nature.____- ____ ,.M....tiljiiraUon policies are quick- ly forgotten and easily ,broken.“ __neynold», flred..u>B'-llnal^„*hot. . a3.sertlnft:. ..--Ja;??! “Tlila would cut Idaho"relief rolU.. •■•'r pass Uie bill so that he could hls-wTft^ Who is.-*:- _^e_nrgumcnw- hlBJillBht«d-;tii«-' .&7th,n(iBlslatfwfr-<Uy-ln-the-ae Resolutionr-Proposcs -Uimit ' on Use. Bf Fuel, and . Lic^nsfProccetir -.:.'BQI*,j4b„S7-eV)--A-rtS6luuon proposing a .eonstltutlonar amend- Tnenrnhsr-wouid-prolilbiruw ’of sa.soHne Ux jnd automobile license prpceeds-for-piirpose.<H- other ui»n highway construction was passed, 41 •toT^rbrnne-idflhpniOuirtrrcw'.- .lenuttves after It'previously had voted It doR-n. _ » naa .A two-thirds vote was Inquired. Tlie flrst vote was 33 to H. . slate advef- tbl^.. said Rep. E..M. BUtllne (O-Bannoek). ^.‘I-dont-bcUn'e-Wi-nrouia' place - prevWon In.our constitution that would prei'cnt Uie ktsc of highway taxes Xonhnt-purposc." ' ncp..W. H. Detweller (R-Jereme), argued for pMsage. commuting: - ' f f we ;onflr. atart dlverUng UiU gwTTar-our-.ilgiiwar-bulidtnrlroT eran),.ffULbtda.jeo^.v°^5.v.°?- -BMUIne-elted-Jejnglatlon-.TeducInz fen from which worked .late to’ clean»u?lta caleiidar..oLroutlaQ.blll«.-^-, •Woman .Senalor'AbwnU- . -.'. I .Mrs. Martha'. Olsen (B-Bolsaj, lonly-woman senator,-was absent- when Uie'roll was called. - ‘ ■> Sixteen Republicans: and- two': IS jmdi8 pem««Si'^^lri --Jnrto-a--reporr oa-condltlons 'o f" the state endowment funds - ■No'new ^inrwcl^-lhlfbdum'‘T';^ •Tills moraln'g Uie domlnaaUy R t- ’ i>: publican senate again ttu^ed-a.deat-^.i car.loTan opp^ai of Staialor Than**.-.,?: Hgsth_(R-J»ankl1n). OX>J»^sUlo- chalnnan. • for . rwoaslderaUon- o f •" . v l the vole by which it pa«cd, '^| iMt Saturday a bill UAt would re-i..-,;.i!| st^t plckeune.dunng.itrike..;-.bl .Coes to • Covimir' - ' ‘ *-7 - The hqiisa.approved bni-now-goei •1 to Oov.tniOLC. ,A,.Bottotfs>n.— Tlie mettsure would prohibit olck-v- ctlng of a place of business by any ' employe who-had not-^ beenriMW-c:, tinuously employed for a period of r 30 days prior to the date ■'or” th«'.'^..>« nrohlbiti^ act:" would > h picket.. Ingj: average of IUJ8 to IS. andj»noUi« J™m Jer. omc..TiajtfrBUUlnc. -“doesn't.want raiiwoy-eond ■*^..!?l°g.f^4s-.on .the ^aa tax.'L.. : -'tcwmnu»<» *ould rcqufre jorlty-wtg-of-ettmioretrtti-Mn-A,-- strike.— ----~-.-i.:.-vs:.-7-n'.Tjs7S»i. "1 hope-the scnato'wUMet Ua’-'mit^’~ this bULloto me comtalttee.5 , S » - ^ , «it« ^Into^wltt —He.rcadJctt rnllwoy- e ..’V T T T m E r r iH d r ir L ^ •Stokes. 39, came *'lnto court as r .^prctalor and left.Bs a prtaon^r. " he lit“ i ‘ "*«w!film to 10 waterUght Uninj. 2. Embantanfnta must- be pliysl- cally.pcriect-to'hold-the-wateTUrtir ;llnlog_ln*placeuna^allcomlltlonii.': two' r,—::;"i_25-Pcr. cent complete when •Uio^jou»^kllled- »•. iCTiiU-Bpprbved I7CV come-and Uiat “a considerable o S i W ' wi, (ojpocb MiocKeo tin about 35 feet from Uie’edge"of psvemenc-' . Mulder, driver of Uie'car. Mr. and Into an open fire. . ^ e and five ilUldren escaped _ with.two.aliteU.and a ahotguir.'— TFonr'MtBtakon M»»n- - i^.— -r-.,rrrr—: T TO. DUh. and. ls engtaecr. on u » ~r -bj'-four- ^ “ prowdTi: a»c(uara A|unst FKeslnt 6.., Control syitem-^WOl b «-st Uie end'Of>the>reaerrolr-wlth-no-pipes or vajves ttposed In the.wa'ter. such constnicUon’lraartsable 'as-Ire^ns I Ullrich lias'bedi^mtn)ctinirm.1 en'0lr«-alncfl*lBn:ttpai«a-UioP5Srl ! “ «' ?«?rnilrJLWtni£tcdJhC-only undemound canUlever tvrM> nxMP. “merchandise specials" JiiervlccIfr Dtab'snd.Icfaho andrnearl^'Ptiints described, by' Vlce-Prissldmt w. RoUnKRi as.-belng “aS'^fast • as or faaier-lrrBtrhtghwaf%cWnff,'~-' inaierinairnignwayTrucKing, -^T^B*■^5^roird^er»wa^U)rrovIcF la i»i,:fi.«T,^„ioad^at_pack<ige IwvIdB-deliv^ 1 me In addlUon to Utah and Idaho. *a*w. 8oUlhem-Callfonil»;--NeTsdB-T-A«l -^now OregonTClUcrart affceti«d .~ ’— --- ...... ■At.-JefferB_pttsl<l(mt .,af. ,vice means. more',' ehi^I^ment -lor ^^|^y '“ -«<Hcicnt' In tlie.\cTTHbrv idulei UickurTnd •dc!rvcrl»;™---- ^ T- y, Utah and Idaho. Twin of iM Win'Communist'Inter- nauonar tthd'IBth a n n l«w “ of me Dally.Worker.-tho-partTB New York organ.. , VSnS=m Vers beb.„.Mnun.. 1 .,.^... -- *nunlJtintcnj#tlonaLJeads-th* do- fmseVof. dttnoeragy_ apiinrt- world J^iam:’'^':w^=Ttte=-K«^and .Whit* mia»es;".-*Tor.iimtjr.ibeCween. orftjo u. S.. A. and t^ _CLBVELAND.._Peb...27„0«. — '*'■* the American Asso- our-repredueUor r iter^’u ^ ^ jAmerlcaa •^pie‘’-and-that^-whM|ln myilon^jaliromlaiartBte- ' pexpnided. tb« .quaU^-jud-i niKiuia uvoTOgnt mercimndisa special from Portland .will .alto ot«- rtde_carly. monilng ,.«lclImy.tto jer- cclvcra of mereliandise -throughout Oregon and to western'Idaho cities M-far--«st.asCaltlwcU,^impft-and '©wjittwUoi'wiu(-rihe ■ ‘ I-tnUn»_to..Twln <^l^*ul?.Vof“ DJwu: ftnwc.Jnaidmtuii«rbprirH00¥0fj Adolf Hitler and'Benito MussoUnl wew booed..when mentioned ' » e -Amter.-Comn»mlat '» m 6 night. nierchu)di».. ______ ___ PalU. spKial stMnt passenger &aln sco'lciBjmi'.apcome.'cgecUpe'-Maiclfc ttf-^-Wm-Sall^Uke-KjltyHnrt inMl of Uio ‘W nlngly lipr qutltty ; child- and lo..mllaftj;U»e..root:.Qf 1 ckwy-trtgedy.-whettier'ieii M ut^ . forl&m. decaj-ed homcfc r ‘ - • • ^ TiBKasau^ haTO^tMgnroruitfipp»aiDB’w «er - of.blrUmjontrai to ( o e l e t ^ ^ j A l d - --^ddwftdr^j^V - ' operaUon ' or an air.-condlUoned

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Post on 30-Jan-2021




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  • X ^rOf̂ Supv̂ rmEGoMÎ

    ~— ^ W o r ife ts - E a r t ic ip a t in s '- in —IU c g a l . J ^ o tests i 'D e d a re d O u ts iSe ,.. P a le of,

    L a b o r R e lS t^ n s A c t . . .., -■ (By Tlie Auoclatcd PresA) ^

    . I:^W ASHINQTONr-PV»h!-g7— T’hP-.nnHiin'B hl_ln.Jta_incepUoa.:M«j-prosecution.”

    "■ not th e '«e rc l» of the----- - ..right to 3trlfecV-hB ndded.-"It was

    • — -nn Illegal seizure 0' “ ............in-order to provent.1

    — .cmplO>-et-4n-ft.-lowfu.^anuer • thus'by acts of force and.vlb

    - employor. to au

    ----- ifi«WorT»mmuioa>-iy-d:postUon outside the pffllMtloii ^ the stotulfl nnd accepted. U i « ^ of

    ... uvw. iMuiu.^Mjao.>rom-incexer«rt«fr of the legal rlgWa which the statute was designed to conserve.-” - . —

    — j^ittotto-toed-imd-Wck-misenlcEf n eachof the tljree decisions against the labor bMrd. JusUco Pronkfurter,» new jncnj^r

    - participate in these djxlsloM.

    IJjogfliOlesumcs >-=--We8lward Drive— reb. -38 (Tuesday!■ Japanese ahny's revived

    dahgijra ma Oaltgd ain "" °*L ̂ defend It updh-Uie

    i ^ J E W S lW

    -'.'Interview Sa lt'L ake ' City Engineer - ■

    . . .?. v^er which cuU north hnd :lh.-^rough-populou8-Hupeh~pr&-

    ——••cc-ln-centrnl-ohtnici ■ - ■■ ■— After a 30-hour batUc the Jao-

    nn«e reported the>- occupied hUlpositions at Tilkuanslian and. laitnchM on ft.ttack against Sha-'~ — ■ ---

    . .. ‘By •nie.AMOClatcd, Prc.«).....................— BURGOS;-Spaln. Feb.- 27^ N atIonall5t-Gcncrnl~Francl3co Franco'told a wildly cheerinK tlirong today That he would not .“ forget those countries who cam e to-our aid in time o f need.’.:______ ______________ , '

    tloh.in connection with recognition .of hh 'rcg ’lme ^ cSreat B ^ ln .a i ia ^ t t^ ic o . lE g r o m a r l^ e r e •liuerp 'rc 'tcc(^refV i> ■ring-to-Itnly.-Gemany-ntid'Portu gal.— — ----- ----------------—- 5 ^ '5 p a i«~ h a s >

    -fotigh t j i winninK' - fihttle against Communism and the forces seeking to destroy her.”

    lie Uianked.aermnny, Itxily and PortURnl “And other cmmtrlcs who were among Ui_e. yrst’ tc.-c.Mcnd.ustrlendshlp.".................


    1- . i l WHS Pronco’s'first public ap* pearanca in'Burgcs.'the natlonnllst Passeljger Plows' Info Side of Freight ai pasco

    ■Crossina. r r ' j

    .-EAniS^mjtMv-Qreal^BflUlR- and m nce accorded full recognl* tlo9>' to QeheralUtlmo FranctKO Itnneo's nRtlonalUt-govxmiuont-cf. srf!Hn • today after' a weekend " In

    L’Madrld gtn-cmmcnt, leaders

    end.the dvU.war.- ■■ ne.. Minister..,Neville H.. aiinou)K«tl.tQ.thi> S riu pf'commoM-tJiotniirgbir \d aeeorded rtcognltlon to

    {Ime. Shortly'after-' enblnet met wltjj

    d.. Dalodler .: and Lebrim and tooS;

    ley.-epckane.- and-nremSiu'Wllimm ^ ‘*’ -?^f%TWMh..-we«-kHled*to«- nlght when * Northern Pacific pas- Bengcr-traln-enrotite-hefe"))l6wc'a' Into the side o f'a Union Pacincfreight tfî ln. . ' • ____

    the crash occurred nbo'ut 9 p.' m.; at the Attalla crossing, where tracks ---- - • '

    w*m—WrA~|BBOr g ^ t and avftllablo city funds, theTwin Palls. city counell last- night intetvl^'Cd O. J. T7llrleh..coiuultJne engineer of Salt Lalte city a n d ^ t tiotlonal.Jjrcsldsnt of th-?-AmerlRi AssoclaUon.of E n 8 ln ^ ;_ - . •. .

    - & r c K “Sk?r5!Sw d specuinupos and to asslst Pler

    ..WUsoh, cltyv,.^>.v4. ^.i5,#W.00«iGlUoil.Capaclty-i_:_


    First Cham bh^ho-.. emment thq Bur. ward the...,«Premier.. EdOk President ^bci

    .i.ic JJJIIH. QCCL'UTO meant'thntajiy ,tp^Unlted.states and Soviet-Russia aoiOng .Uw great powers' now re««n la j Uie .old - Bowmment of Spain as thcVenl govemmeni.^, '

    Tlie Madrid gox-crximcnt’s ambiu- Uador to Paris ond his staf*made It known Uiey would fom iallU^^te the-embassy-lnimedlat»*'^*‘“ '~̂ =~=»" ilclal -QDUflcaUoQ of mcnfs decision.

    Iho presldpnt of.the.old regime.

    of Stilt Lake City.- - Three weeks aKO four perl,ilied

    when ft •Jliimdcrous.isllde-wrrekwl Jieveral hou.ies ln_iippcr DliiRhaui cuhyoii. niso in the Oqulrrh mountains. and one-youth wa.n killed In an. avnlnnche In PnrmlnBtoh_cau-

    In jhe Wasatch ■ mountnln!i

    Mellon. Johnson. Yntcj crts wcjSTilnymg c(im4;intl»e bunb. home-ycstcrdiiy when tdiVrof »tiow. TOcks. dirt and sj>!lnl/rcd- trees nmoshed douTi upon thdhi.' UarrlK. nlone In a one-room thnuk. km carried-^O-yards-and buiW. Mo^on and_Jojuwa5i were rcacuc^lnii.pilK- er» wbrkca^ir a bllmrd all night before tlie la.1t of the bodies was dusIrom-the debris.:....... •. “

    Tlie. bimkhoujte.. iisimlly -libiiies some 35-miners biil mcwt of 'them were ab«nt.because of. the. Sunday

    iet-iip by.rchiovinR frohi-ihecoiimif.s the .nrcc;.;.liy of provtillnE^ny-i,mtt.no't,c-U-;,ed J irL ii'h in*

    I,"V ''"^‘" ‘ -''“ urlij- pnjmchtfi. t-.i( fouiii.v* rrlitf

    mlll.i to 2 mllh, ijiii would I tr.niiMar the Mute'.s dlrrct-rcllef buri Uw to the voimtlM. H)okc.'ineii snUIJji;js2niurtjoproprlaui.i.n»;nd-(UiiillnuKi nn j-.e, Column •)-

    Bi-idge Ca ravan Waits for Word

    • A motor carAviin ot iil Icum ino Mttr-Tiwalled-.word-la.-.r rvrnmir thnt ttould'.act.ll in nioiion .....1,npjte.JoLJudm:m.

    ' i n v f u - ( e rr.JTiOVg.tDll.i.fiam.tiiii-'la’iii-I'wll-^ .Jerome iiiiorcoimiy-UridRC. . .• OrlKlniilly .idiedulrd for iln-, moniliiK. the camviui'j. tli-panuM-- ..........itiwticd late yesierdayndvice .iiiembcM of ihc

    ' ill

    r̂diu-.v(liiy morning,. Lcndi-rn iirrftiisliiB for llir cm-

    .-av«n-»al(l no «oJ«y-:deinonstra- ^ o n 1,< contcmjilnircl but that

    ■'oOOipcrsoiu.rKpectcd to mnke trip would attend the Honale

    procccdlnKl. "Ui a ,iiHle-dcdiUcd-today,; th a t-R - womtin’.'; plnce Is at home; '••.By a vote o f -25 to 18 It, PHiscd nnd sent to thd house ' ■ o f repre.scnlallvM a bill that " .|

    ertimont or any o f I'tii sti^^-cil- ' vi.slon'Tirom cinploying a man-,'

    | ib c K iy a t i^ - - A i ) | ) r o v e .^ e o m m t tc e i3 ^ ^ - i ’ - - C a f f i f g i i f g . ‘ S S i o u r e i n S h ' o n ’ ^. • - . p '

    iinca mrrt,, ---------,. -^ e Bcene-fa abouna miles houUi- eastof.here


    !• govem-

    grant tlu f wHl pchnlt con-’'8tructIon-or-o'll2tJ,000-ildrSBe ra~ f"o^>««V-J?lIlzhoTd:6.mOM-S-1.9ns or.wat«r for city —

    MP reurementnt asmallltcnch town il?“r M»e 8«'‘M-lwcler..afliy3ubll,cation of hU. resignation w S *.•! ptcletlnnoinr**—-----------

    ----------------- wsrrbacrtJrntb'cn̂Îne. ... ......... -Two-other Northern Pacific'employes were Injured. .'

    engine, of the. passenger train oreriumed, the two pitssenger cars cropping over an emi•nnnlrmHins-rcet beltfer '̂ -̂----------

    Lott,;..the .flrcman....lwas_tlirown clear and hU body was found In r sand dune.• ■ RJIey'f ix^y; mBn'Blcd-almost hi;. yond-recognltJon,-.waa found l«v the locomoUye.cabin.- A.bnAflgea)an and a-conBuctor of

    ^ e passenger train were In' '•Tlielr-namtaTinaTfljctcnforih'eir m-

    n « imfticdlatelj- nvalU

    Ca^e'of Uie. crash.was'undctcr-

    .cim-TiKES.iiE M E S f i

    WlUicMes snid .some catUe In Uia •f« ?»iil̂ in.;?i.KikUlCd.;Vdil̂ prilie animals were tluxiwn clear of -tho-wrcck-and-atartcd-fecdlnr

    [Oscar H.. Smith instantly Killed, While Walking ■ ..•_ onJIighway

    —IClMBERl.y-rPeb.-27=-6KC[rr7f61fr' ly Smitli, -empIoyed. e x c e p c ^ l In , liiJiniietti...wJicrc a eouols re- ceivc.'5 .Iffis tli.Tir JMO a 'mohtli. ‘

    TJie aci woiild be offtcUve •June , 1, 1039, if p«;.'.c(l b>\Hie hou.ie and ,• i.lKncd_by Covej;nor C...A., Boltolf-,

    I ’ avi{iitt.i^if7rj«->noiu3 assage. say- •

    .-^Wr.iiow have'300,(X)Q‘"marrled . . 'I women-holdlnB.,JolM In • the-U n Itc(r~" Sinies. ThI.s meu-iure would make^''It po»lble ’for. single women and widow* with children, who are walk- iiic the htrect.v In.tjuest of jobs." to find *— '-------- ••'

    Butler of rolicy11 .Tliomas neath-^,.1-Prrtnainwgccli

    >uld ho',.ivi7, « ff-'polno'.- uoi-«w. -. afldmg;. - • -I don I Uilnk married • wpmen

    .^imud.be lcgWatcd,nRiilnjt. This I bill is not American to spirit.”

    I didn't know." asserted Sen- nw. Oeorge Pugmlre' (D-Banhock). ,. _

    i.Mhat lua-as ln.U«s-*chcra» o f-U iln (»i~ J thnt, women.should be-the.iroad—^

    'camera, unless forced Into Uiat roU*•'.----- acLof nature.____- ____ —

    ,.M....tiljiiraUon policies are quick- ■ ly forgotten and easily ,broken.“ __neynold», flred..u>B'-llnal^„*hot. . a3.sertlnft:. ..--Ja;??!

    “Tlila would cut Idaho"relief rolU.. •■•'r

    pass Uie bill so that he couldhls-wTft̂ Who is.-*:-

    _^e_nrgumcnw- hlBJillBht«d-;tii«-' .&7th,n(iBlslatfwfr-

  • |“ PAGEr/I'\VO '

    IRlElGHfc: ffiSlOPOS


    Western Origin

    ,:Ŝ U.WAflHINGTOK̂ rcb—'• Mnain Intrrfitate commrrce Riibcom'

    ,._inlttccJicard.».plUL.UKlA>' lor.man; "daUnf mliiBUon 'orrallronil frelslit

    . -.ratu on Boocu ot noiilhcm «ndw(;iit< I*:— fem-oriBlnr-

    Be^nnlne • brond liHiiilry Into___ ihwtc*—ot__;‘dlacrlmlnBton’"--mll

    . ' chkm*. the MnntoRi were teld b; -rtninroorUUotLe.Tptrt5 that IntliLitrr.

    _ •• had centered Jn the northeo*t—a'en- ■i^er»UyJcnown as-‘ar̂ olR̂ l'rA1Kh(> ^ ^ M to ry “ -b»c«t»e-«^ho|!-«fttIbo»

    hundlcopped by Iiljh Irnnsportntlnn ■mte*. .

    •■WoUtft-KncJ-niffrwitUI*----- 1The iub*eomml((^ hnrt before U|

    . blltx propoKlns ihtit the lnterstAt« commerce comml&'lon. Uie sovem- mrnfn mle-m#klnR uRency., be err

    , . clerrrt U) wipe out Rcosrnphlcnl dlf-|-— rercnllntA In-frelBhl chnrRM.-------

    The.bllt^ were Introdiieetf by Sen- -»tor« Bnnklinad=TprAU>?:7im-Jilch-broUBht the.dla- r-M- euMion about would nuthorlie nn.ex<

    T W l N T i t L S NE W S, T W p j 'F A L L S , ID A H 0 7 T D !1 6 D A T M ORNilNO. rE B R U A B Y M , M SB“

    Krom fieallle—Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Stoner of Seattle were here .yea- Icrday on a brief bujineu trip,

    ,-^linJotie^.^B.^ijndaejf o"f'T -mn.T“ ont“ 5fTV.-lirT.'nu-iounts‘

    In 0°lwr^Jda^L_H^QBryli)jmd.| her daughter. NUm Madeline Oar-' vin. ipent the week-end In BoUe visiting OrT.'Oarrln. --------

    Moreliouse.Mb^Merla Stltuon......!. IlarrliiBton and Louis Wll-llaihn motored to Sun Valley Sunday ' — ..day.of »lcllng*tod atatlng.

    In DeUe—Con Baird. R.^..rarry, anT-Benplt.-MlM-rrni-n«mbbaii:

    MrB. Ella ill. wiute and R. S t o n e r o( Twin Palls, were In Boise Jaxt

    VialU rarenla-Mrs. N. V. Poulk, formerly Mtw Jiuie Prater., ts hero from BoUe vlsltlni: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. r. Prater. for 'a few daya.— ::-----. lDlm_'Ann7—OcIbert.^Whllakcr

    Ilomg >‘rom Coa«t—Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Mu&srave retumed'late 5ftt« urday from a three weeks trip to Paclfl&xoaat centem, Includlnr visits at furniture markets. .

    nTte'«t''JO'r'ihl'nn-CB. with'licAaQliat*- rtiirry orimi

    Vltit neuuvea—In Hailey over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Povey and children. Margatat and Bud. nnd Miss Kathleen Povey who wero -vUIUng-relfttlvci. - • ' -----:

    . .;um to Caldwell—Foflbwliig'W vlsil-^rllh—Mn^anil-Mrs.- Honica Stanley, parents of Mrs. Prank Mc-

    I'Cormlck. slle and her son. Oscar Prank, returned-to-thelr-homa-ln Caldwell Saturday. -

    Ideri ̂lmi.Rlne. U,ey*crc Mted-for.’

    ^ til^tst-lm prorcii^M n. Wllm'n' -ImfiKs. who ■wn.̂ operated on at

    Twin Falls, count}- general 4io.%'

    n«lum-.FrBm Xoa»t — Mr. and iMn. Duffy iwed. sr.. wHo'iiave been'

    t three weeks trip touring aouth- .... Onllfomia'an'd vUltlng the San' P^nclsco exposition, returned yes' terday.> ,

    I ‘Condition; Critical — Mrs, Amanda lUnebln reccivediword-yeslerday that Mrs. Tliomaa Rowberry oC Idaho Falla, .formerly or T«ln Palls, who

    recently undergone an 'operi U critically 111.

    Brief Busluesa Trip-Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Koonu have retomtd from Bol*o where they went oYOt_lhe. w»ek;end fora Brief '

    i i mil^?.'| ĵ,9IL5j.‘Oini.9l.lhc_aCQ.canips:.

    Inapeet -Kewipaper PHnt-s-Bcr- enUi. and eighth grade pupils o f , -Washlngloa.rura) acliool near-Pilerrl visited Uia News-Tlmea.plant.yef tcrdBy,_Thcy_K£rtJCcompaiilt{t. by. their Instructors.

    e auece.u ii

    flilly bclonBS. to t lif 'chlidKH' laanor^nTeTeporfrecKedr '

    Both rartlei Guilty -...—wehave-pwltlvelprc

    . not hesitate to say so. that many -persona-clalmlncaIte8lanc«-to.«lthcr party have,.bffP'. eounlly ^uiUy and that both tho major political parties,- w-far-M tliey-have respotwlblli^.

    tarred with the xame stick

    •and there will be no. cla.weit, f r announce ̂ by Miss VernLi' Rich* arris,-cl(y-reorentlonal-dtrector:----

    |cause. mon Talbot. Jane DKfendarlcr. Mra, aeorgo Rudolrfh and Mrs.-T. “

    Price of Hagerman and Dorotliy •Hllla_or_Klm!>erly_haveJ«eiLi(U»- mlssed-fromthc-hospital;

    0NEJ0B:0EE1D■(C0nunueBlng- ham). opposlnc paa.inKc. said later:


    p. Blaser speSlTne week-end' vlflli' Jtu_»icimauglitfr,i_niifl..fnm'ilfra'., Mr. and Mr.v James Hunllry of fihothone and Mr. and Mn. Kenneth .Johnson of Richfield. _

    1; en the nn ^ air corps both in planei ij ; and peraonnel. bulwark the defcn.v;!. p. or (he.'Panoma cnital and etliiciHc Vi. ..Amerlcat) Industry Ih Uie pnxluctloij

    of war nupplles. J ( conatltntM the ■rrrbttUc^df ̂ the-* reaVman>rt'A sliallow low presiure field oc-

    cuplcs' the plateau.. •«nduripg..the. I030- llMO^hoolsy.«u:=«>nULliiGd-t3,i40,>J 000.-..

    Tlie previous year the fund had onfy S300.000. - -

    8e)ieels' Estlmaieieitlmotc the state

    would-«ayeri«^TtiPPllC>2; by a porter

    Winaiyrilrdly.told me theaen-coae}-' of-tho train had becOmt dlseon- nected and rolled over an embankment.

    " I f .I had started a-few minutes earlier I would have'been on the

    , part of tlie train that overturned.",BlnclairmUAcd.---------- r — •— r-. Among'other.flrm membora of tlio

    Bankers' Life Insurnnceoonipany-on the train was B.N.MllU, DeaMolnea, Iowa,'a brother of Mrs. Ed'Tolbert of.T«-ln Palls. -He-cscaped Injury.

    P.TJelknapTRTCahyonVtoaend'bacK' .to-tlie..coniftiltlee.on.public-JiealU>.| a senatt-npprovrd bill repealing the l&as Idaho agricultumi adjiutment act failed when Representative W.,

    terrnlnK the mwe "a subterfuge." _ — T?vi^ei=lo:Ket^W''’ bllI'ontotho' Iloor..of.the.houac;IJlad to.cnll.upoa. the-publlc health committee to-Te-- lease lt."-he said. 'T see no reason Oiy it'should be recommitted.

    (CMUnti»4 (nm r«a« ObOI Hul3ernmd-Pred-Hoirard,;mblorUt-_ who wMr tn .-jBye-wltnelM.- to t. .tha .

    JU14_three alaters. Mm. Betty .King. Arj- aona;-Mn,-D.-Bparka.-Lai.Aligeles. and Mrs. Bessie.Stanley. Minden., The body reaU at the White mortuary. pendln'g word from relatives, 0

    Murtaugh Votes ; Lmdscape Bonds. J.__

    ............................ . . .V—provJda-—funds';for>landMaplni-grou5dB-'at— the'new. MurlAUgh. school.'.were ap- prt)ved.- by, Uxpayera of MurUugh independent «hool district' number eight-at .a mill levy election- hero today. .

    Oliver W..jQltnaon( clerk of th e -^ board..!flnnotinowl-th

    •• 'jpKlal.levya .-and.’ 18 voted iwaHthe-JDeajuresT"'-------- -------------

    3a Graham Sedan ____________:JflJ5^8,Pordor-8odan4.-«M„....»3BS -

    37 Packard 8 Sedan „'.»..,....,I655_37 Plymbuth.Sedoh________I5J0._.30-V-a DeLuxe Sedan_____ 1830-■M.^rraplane Coupe.....„„-,$35038 Nash e.fledan .w_L,..._.;.;,H25 '

    >From^alt^Lake^City>-Ogden- ̂ and Pocatello - -

    LESS - T H A N - C A R L O A D FR E IG H T A TTw in Falla i Buhl - Jerome - Burley • Rupeft-

    - HazcHon - Wendell - Shoshone - G o o ^


  • The housewife's job is a burdensonre one-at best,_qne-. tb'f's., n e v e .r - f . i r T T s h e.d -.,- r - Spare . tim'e—time [01"- other things that, count—iŝ the. difference between., '.'just a'

    ^Erasekeep-etani ■ Andh-;hat!s-what-..t'he-ne.w'1'̂-C3nge&;_giv̂ /oUr̂ Tjrtiê t6,bê an::=̂ unde.r-stanTdmĝ n'd-helpful-rnotJn’er—time to-be

    INTEITTHE^eOQÎ ER^QUirA now easy- contcst idea. Y ou r chance to W lf^ one or mor«- Pnzes worth $2900r Use entry blank you have rifceived by mall

    • or get one from your electrlc.range dealer. ̂ ‘ •

    ■̂a\corffpialhiOTal5|̂ andjTr).fell[geiiT~w1fe,:fme'' keepTMFb:With^t:h : ^ e j l j f c : ; ^ j i 0k1i- i ^ lQs e s a i l 5 i ^ G e = a 5 ^ ^

    - W i t h ' - t h e ^ n e w e l e c t r i G id i ig t ib e ^ i l ' b e j g j 'm C T " ; o.'iTC o f / [ l T i ^ i r M u lb i ~ tlTTri a

    j j l e f e j T i e a l i in o n e o p e j a t j o n — c o n t r o l s s p a c c u r a t e t h e .y 'r e . a l . r r i . o 's t :h u r n a o f r - b e a u t y , . . -I ’ ..... .’ ■■I I u ........... I . ’ I . . • I I I . • ..I.' !»■' I .111 •

    Jn:.:fhelkit‘cheh;'.with..'a-. range ̂ desiane(d:..t.p..be:" i.ri':tfie,.shortest:pd-ss.ibl6-

    /'■“ ‘ T ’r '^ - S e e - t h e H fS - ^ ^ B le t t r ic ^

    E L E e m i ^ O S E i Q l i l F M >AENTSALES ASSOCIATION

  • FALLS XEWS. TW IN 'FAiLg, n)AI(0, TpESP^YTlbRinNG. rEBRUABT 58,1089

    "•dlUoB^urM w (tnnd elu* mall m»ttn AphI -1it-th*-t)teb-«Ule«-M.T«ls-SVlh.Xd4ba,-UMUr-Ui»


    TIM AMOelBtM PtTM tiW&”.

    t nurMU.o(.ClcEUlaUon_MATIOXAt. nmiriENTATIVE* - — - .

    \vrsT>iiou.n)Ar co- ina ktuif Ttmtr. so DLuh fliTMt, (Ua moelieo. ctiu.- -n * Newf (uiimc* 00 nn>Qcl*t nvponilOUIty tar cr 'to «iJ»trU»Mn»nt» Out In c»*o *Bere tti» p»pw U « wouidrhelprln-mnny.:c>tlc s - ir

    ;'‘ ..some o f the building trades* rules and.super- [^.:;;^uous_requircmcnt5 J o r InataUlng plumbing.

    “ cTcctric "w iring, etc., were moderate'd along .safe-lincs. " ' ’

    • discussed idea o f building trade-wagcs'based ■- on '.contlnuou.s emplbymcnl through - the

    I . ., ' year could be made •cffccllvb,- giving thir '.•workmen more Income per year and the own- •

    !jj*-.-."cr m ore.house fo r his monoy.'Onc o f tTiese t im es-som e'com m npltv will rrnllv thnt! method. ' ,

    ■ . ' ■ CO NSERVATISJI •Anyone can scc.a iiat .such terms as con-

    .^rvatlvc, libera l and radical are used nowa- - days very loosely, so that It Is often hard to

    .itylcd; conservative .says'In a letter to his .. 1. newspaper:--------- “ in 'n iy o p ln io n , cbnservntism: is the only:±llJ !Kcctlvc_poirucal_bcllcL:Jt:ii:a:beU (it:inaha,|

    best th a t Is possible at any given time, In ::i^j,j:thc-!eIaaAl&-Vlrtue3 .-Iu .i31ia>ce3neare.-Clioi. ...

    Brahms; etc., in the riilst fromHHc~glcn, anu ^ J n evcrythfng e ffective that 'we have' pro-

    1". _dticpd.thrit-. .l>H>n>.hlon of strenmllnlnK has gone from

    mHchlnes W dothes. from nperd,to.lhe_B[iparent.ln*.

    Inehes'tallfr thl* ycar'iccordlnB to the proponents' of the new mode decreed this' WTCk by the New York Custom Cutters club at Its annual style Miow.

    ».«l«nderUlng-llluMon-wi|l-b4f-cVraled-throufih-a- (echnlque In- design. Tlie man or z feet will be

    mkde to appear 5 feet.»8....................................

    awaya and «»enlne-tAlleo-ttj. And the tallon-aJso' apnlivcall for the Introdueilon of more color In busl- hfs«--euiur'lncrettMd -Ii5c-0f -iip-nnd-down-ntrlpe*, plum>eo1orcd oveclnR coaU and midnight and twl- tlght bloa eapet:ml»>artt7-amoor men - wHo .I(ot flhe ralmCTl and'y^ym fw a return of.tlie- . - -------- ------ ----——‘(KcOriilcil bf~lhe“ 8peclts. But. n*' for etrcamllnlnB and slenderlzinit by way of clothes, it U only n de* tuslon and a snare. Not all the long leg' lines on trou-icrs and ̂ r t walsl_effecla.on_coata.wlU4>clp h> much in etreamllnlnc a* a brisk walk around the , block and^a..stem itfusa) ,b(_thfil«ccond-iklplnc-st-| table.—LewistonJr-'*-— - - ' '

    Breakfast Food

    Official—Name. plca.«c?‘ . Lady-^aiory Clamour.

    - “MarrtedT—;--------- .—

    N a t i o n a l W h i r l i g - i j

    WASliI.VGTON Uy llay Tucker

    ~5KrDS. AwWant Attbni^ den'- -iral-Tliumian-Arnold wUl .soon-bo- ...... the victim of Prank " * '

    court'promptly, threw the action th tho ashcan. Now it develops .thatr for yein-.Tariousz-govcmment -department have been makins great. Inai'thrwiBh-’

    scMlng a' f̂rofoimd. legal mind. The anU-lruit division has won no notable triumplui sinee ho took charge tmder'a prMldentlal mandat«' to socfc the "big fellows" of business, and'lndustry. There' have befh'too many tampromlsc.i and Insufficient: actlon..de3pUc.a lot of .iB lk..«r«t- Ufy-hLt-nfW;.niperlor.'So’ the "Twy wonder" U aftijilior of Oiose' slated for the sklds'ln r . D.'.Il,'* pre-19« renovation. •

    Both tlie pre»lifent and Attorney GevicrarMurphy.nrc on the K#teh, for a.young. n«Brc«lve lawyer who

    '.jvlll-atluek-Krent- combinations-of- corporate wcaltlj and iwwer quietly and persistently. They want two oi three aensatlonal convletlnn. ̂ h».

    ment requlria tliat northern'manu- fftctuten pay MH centa an hour.

    'Tliat rate will tend, to drive small Independents In 'the northeasterTi' areft out of business, and foster thp monopollstlo practices F.* D. R.-is determlnad to destroy. So tho “little fell0ipsj;_'jiave' laid their cajse

    . , .........- ... politiaii ev-.ldcnceJliat.T'j3ja.j4jQCja,c_j)co, ■plc-nnd'npninrt the lntcrc;.u.

    tANUiuATE.” W«“ innBlb'ir' rarely wltncshcd auch .an undcr- corcr-dtlve-Ioria-auprane ĉuiirt-. nominee a i' the campulgn'whlclr]

    E. C; Chairman William O. Douslat; It is Uic same sort of flank attack whlcli.Jodtfcd.Fcllx_Erauknirter on .the .b«iich_oiily_twcnti'rXour hours! aCter National Chairman "Parley uronilMa”Uie pIoccTb District Cowt Judge Harold Stepliciu of. Utah.

    -Prom-a slckbed-ln-lr-Baltimore

    CMahoney antUmonopoiy conuhltJ

    TRICK? Persistent eeiirch of prl- Tat# and public file*, tolls to^dta-

    . close tho reason for President Roos- [^velfl atartllng nnnoufiecment that a foreign crisis may summon him back- to the capital In, advance of


    _ Immtnent-ioutbreak ' wlth---Uilii ' Atatemenc. the slate department im' mcdlattty- ' - .......................

    hospital Tdinmy • Corcornft jihuiicd-.'-iic rrlcn^.^urHlng^tj>em^, ̂Bat' ^ ‘»tl

    the S. E, C.- Itiivc canvn.-ied. west- eni .-pcnators. nnd .plitnlnrd their pledges o f supiwrt. ulthough • the, former - Yolo profes.w left hl*| adopted sUU-of Wi “ ' -'.twculy-ycar*-a«o.-Onlu r

    eom'mlsalon charged sereral tire firms with unfair trade practleea because, among other tilings, they gave cut-rate, prlcea-.to.-companles, a'hlchJaouahi-ln-bulk.-T}ir-fedefa'

    PRATTLE. A high Now Deal of- fielol-s son returned from school wim • ••

    , tlvcs throughout the world, especial' !jy_la-centraf.£uropc..OroatJJrltaia, IlLaly,' China and J>pan. OttrJa'rsMl. ncwspapCRLJiv'cnt .to Jieavylexpcnjo.: to telephone their key correspondents around-tlio globe.-Proin the dlplomats:and. Uie Journalists came


    'P. D, R. may posse&s in ^ e know- ledge, for he frequently'talks of correspond*. wiUt'arabaBsadore-ipar- ilculnrly_M.W5rs..Kcnnedy.iind Bul- lUt—.wlUioiit taking Secretary HulT "tnto-hW 'cuilTlderJie; BUt WAflirn'8^ ton's conclu. l̂on is Uint Mr. Rooje* vcit io.*.se photograph pointed out that "proceeds from all games ah: placedJn thc-Lloia ftmd’

    ~CSSip1ĉ uously seated in tlte front, .ow'was a basketbaU pla^er'with a bandapd'forehead rad at îUgly.gpt

    ‘o( t)i« funds


    NlgRt Etlltor was MHlng- hi.' the Brunswick Sunday afternoon t̂ ilklng gamo'commlsslon'Witli.'Pal Daly. ~'All mounted deer and elk heads had.been taken.down and a couple •0f-3ne^et« cleanJnB-nnd pQJl̂ hlnB|

    ^One-flfHhe wljAel'fc-piacefn’lifS'il'l airty-Meparnton In ,j»anclng.

    "Say that'certalnlj’ makes a dlf-' ference." tpuched N. E, "Tlie aniltrs ahlnc, tfiB.eyea are brighter than oToraiid-ntOT-tH-Ttallrblnckriooks Uko'a good Investment.”

    .,f.^"Cftrtalnly-l« an Improvrmrnt ng, : :̂^S[trrstid-1h67arot1anrg6i{inc:in"Tr|

    ** Pat*Just looked At the head. Tlien be rubbed.his hand on the fur. “It’s oily and dirty, better do it owr." he-^•Mgtiatold r ----

    -Yes, alr,’ ̂agreed Uie clcam..’ When ho came back It wu a loO per cent better" Job. , . . . ...


    fhat congiess • thought otherwise, pa».ied a law requiring tho-appolnt- aient ot an-Independent b ^ and .ihnt Uiejirealdenthasiallod iocom* ply for three whole yean. According

    ■thoja most peciUlur message’ from

    » w .................. .^ tbver.lHitler's seliuro.of Austria, i more' extremely unpopular among Roose- VeUlan liberals. So when Uie young- , atec-anBouncad-at-lhe dinner-table-l that his school was collecting fuikls In ‘'sympaUiy for.AuslHa." his daddy blew up. He phoned tiie tcaclier to .isk why Uie school was mixing in foreign affairs, presumably on-ir-sfdr-Puelireft--------- i -

    Tlie .Answer- was that Uie dimes, and.nickcls wcroTKlng'.co!Icclcj foi' the capital's .new defunct "sym'

    Clure Newspaper Syndicate).

    t h e ^ o r u m -

    ,uniiu.UUa-boKllng,_ruiiUcatioa of -lUtAor'a nama. at.-. apUon ’ ot the----------------------------- “Editor. No atMntlDn «

    —SuggcEditor lilt News.—In an'c'llltorlal

    of Pcb: IB you' atate. Vll fliould be Uioroiighly understood. • howcvcf. that .Amerlcans-an). dctermlnod to fight no more foreign wiirs. All that.

    iBrltaln'and'her free neigliborn may properlj' expect on our part is peaceful cooperation."' •• •

    I suppose. Mr. Editor, that-would be like what happened out our way ychtcrday. Two dog.'t got* into a 4lghl.—A .Uilra-dog-ruriic up und- peacefully, cooperated i^th tho firstdog.

    _BcilX£tiulEDWIN DAMMAN.

    Twin JMIta, Idaho,Feb. 8T. 1039. ............ .......

    BilfaUs-A ppeaf-irf^ — I-:-:-— 3/ec/m?iig8-Irfg>t-£nig

    I course, a good law intended to glvoj easy redress to laborers particularly, who might be cheated out of their eamlngs^It.also .gb’cs ^ te c - -tlon-to-deitlennn-bnildinirmatcriaH

    Ing tradesmen.'But the ‘ law .can work to tho Injury or amall wntrac-

    ' to laboreis

    Tlio law anticipates''Uiat those who iriToko lu-liberal-features-of•{swsUQti pz-f m - . ■ •honesty. I f used o th e r^ . Uio» whom It Is Intended to protect may W iee . Tot Instance: -ThoM who huild~ wlirbe* nawd- to ■«npley-only contractor* wlto are.flnancOiUy.ahU:. to-fumlah-completfon.bonds,-Wp«il of the law through abuse woufd de- prlvb“ U>b" ■

    ...Vf. ^ | ile,-I -hww-Uamo(tr rcal . , izB how powerful the m'echanica’ lion law really Is:- A .father might employ hU son on a Job, for instance, SnTlh'o-son-ebuld-cIfttm-tnil he was not paid hif w »8 «

    Or. the contTBotor inay find he .is not 'making what-'be anticipated wtMM.bo.took the jo b . .H e ^ t fab-

    - - - - ..........— n MTfgrmrrr no end of

    B iis m e s S v ld o n ^ e s F G o im t ;6 n - " _____

    ranks by continually,battling the White House. So Hopkins U tuppoa- ed - to - pcrsuad« -.Mr...noo8etelt_,to. fltop slapping (hfm in tho face with contro -̂erslat appolntnents -and do- mtindi for further •‘flmcrgeney’*- appropriations.

    New York shorps concede that Hopkins Is probably closer to tte Breslde^ticLife= maltui thut ho dklnl and wouldn’t.' MoUier had to do what slio could do- f̂lnd a way to gel him to go to" sleep.—ir-«lia:-k»opa-romflmbcrliig - ,Uiai_u»Uj3_Jioi^Uio_hcat_way,ufor_

    dren-lcam to follow routine eoallyi but>oni#:do:uol.';Mdltbe»:i>ava-tmo.-Wcpeed • under. ordlnary-eondlOcnrttnd'aomo

    Qtl—by Anybody who.deals wlUi ehUdren.' Good teachers are re«urc

  • — TyplcflU ,of_tlic w lnier sea- son's Informal nffnlrs orgnJctjr'

    j ---------w asthcln tcr-c lubdancc given-I Prlclny evening in the Elks I ^r^i-n^lIVajJonKorcd-by thc-lrilcr-.

    ------- ~cl^^O~~cotincllr—Members— of-

    Red ICnlKlil. M eT, nnd T rl-C — , clubs were Invited to th is,an

    nual dance. -̂----->)oc n.vitii, ]>rc.*.l(leiil ot the liitcr-

    cJiill foiinell nnd ■Mcc-prpslclcnt of .tlic Zti- Zlm- dub. -was- Kcnernl cimlniinit for (lie dniicu, luul.stnl by t.ronar'd. BIiincKord nnd Jack Ilclplu.. CouDlea daiirt'U to tlie musle of WJlt WilRhl-* orciicslr«.

    Mr..and.Mn. Roy Montoolh. rc> eently married, were the tnsplmtlon

    .for-a'-reii&nnlngly-appolntca-aftcr-. noon dinner Riven Stindny al Die

    ■ ■■ 'Iiome-of Mr. (iiirt Mrs. W. Montoolh; ..Jrs' llftttle CraWfordTor

    LEGION-AUXIUAIiy American' Lejlon Auxiliary . will

    meet tpmorrow nt 8 p. m. In lhd| auxiliary Tooin of -the Amerleun Le- rIoii Memorial hall. - Fol^twlhR tli...........................chl r̂tnlff*"ment in honor of tiie new mcmbeu nnd pa.1t ptealdcnt* will be pre.ieiu- ed..

    CO^^tDNITy AID *- .■ Commtinlty-cliurch Ladles’ Aid lu)-'

    defy U spo'nito'rlnc the kalsomlnln ̂and polnUng of the church Wednesday. Husbiui^'and friends will'

    Ins bru-ihes are requested to bring tnenr-Tfic'^womeB^ni-Mn'o'^^U' tuck-]unchi;on ot l3:3D p. m. Mem-' •-------------nested to brinfr ttle. cake

    a X S “NE W 5 H :T ^ - F A ^ ^ M O p ^ - r E I lU U A R \ ; :2 8 . : 1 9 3 9 --------.- - P A G B -P T

    -Stylists---Hail ‘L ittle G iH ’ Silhouetl̂ ^^^ver-w cdding 'annlver.r;;of.. . ............. a dollar of

    which found »a way to Andnsw Me-

    'coToi^monr plaeo card!)....In_the cake' luekj'.-plcceK 'o f *!lve which fo Ore.

    Pollowlntr the dinner lil-the ban- qiiet room, the u«c;iU were enler- talned with miwlc and danclnR. later motorlHR to the home of Mr. nnd Mrs.- Patrick .for eontrnct and-trJ- poll. . . ___ _

    A hantl’ome jillvcr servloo .vntetl _̂ ^ .̂.,J^nd'.Mrs. Patrick hvl

    ^^^ ,-^ tK nrg!IrIg :^ . » l ( lenls ] _ .bin— Kiiircntnctei ii liiiu*

    dred and clahleeh," M r.’nncfMri, Patrick were, mnrrled .Febniary .twenty.flfUi, nlnclccn'hundreaiind fourteen, at Sponccr. Iowa.

    An nmuflliK enKrtalraiient-fcrt- turp ot, the eveiilnR whii- i Iu- mock wrrldlnft. Uonon In cardr. nnd trl- poll went lo nirkforil.-ihin.*.f.;."W'.‘Coripr.-niifl"Mr.irp,"Er

    iiml .Mr.i.-.Meull,,Mr. mW Mrs. John Dniwu. jr.. Mr. nnd Miy. Bickford. .Mr. nnd Mrs.-Prank McCormick nlid \fr;-.'>n'l ,M>''i._Ora_T)’loc .of Klm- b~ro'r’^Jinm^

    of .the event.



    With n'backuroimd of flniw. Wn- ners, nnd other symbols o& patrlot- Lim, Elks, their wlvefl nnd partners will ObScrve'Aiherlcnnism week wfth a palrtotlc'Ciince'iiext'BttVurdii'y atIhe-Etkfl-haU;---------------------------

    Oaneing will bcBln nt ten o’clock. and_,ft. general orchefitra has been cnRagtd, aeeprdlnB to* Henry Coiner. Reucral.clialrinaji-of-armnKomenlfi.-

    Members of the otiier committee, 4tppolnled recently by Onrl.Glib, exalted ' ruler, nro Charles Coiner, J(ime»KBCBon.-RalpliiBBCon.-jr.Tnnd- RaySch^-artz. , • • .

    ebê cn; 1.1 Is P. C. Shcii.

    e to girls tills sprlni; .

    The *'liltle*sin" sllliouelte—loost of. the (own—appear* In tliN black wool .'ull dexlenrd lo wear now under a winter coat. Nollce the curved fitted Ihir of tlie Jacket and the full sirlne of ilir ciircil Iilrl.A pink.ramelix Is pereliril ai llip.collarles* iiPt'kllne for a ̂ ........ . ...... j.i

    ,l.iQUcli^iod mtkc.i'»melUi linvcrlun.tlie .lirlnLof' ibt-etayjicaw-sallDe. . io-4unrli< uiiit_ai.«i4rii-:ni/;i(iun ivould have

    !imljjL'l-Iu-.m .-iirltcr lxjukiii(f,''ns-tii(i '. ■Jiiili niiimt'T iv vciU'il. • ' .

    -Mr;.. Iio-k-•i-i-i'. rciidlly confirmed.'''.̂ cnl a

    ............... >.'iii;e remd: . ,- I TTKrK '.■Nt.rniely 'ihni Wiiiih'-":

    hiKioii is (ff'henrtnc • ....... AtittcTMAi,.ttho ,1s’ s grcaC'.-

    Mcronie f^ow Bride '

    . iji .•.iiw fci-11 Kiillimd. we I knipcn former Jei-ojne resldent.-t I Ui.r


    SERVICE":/CRACem iO m AYtqR -

    THE cnARACTEns[)Pet«r MaU«aet Aut *ome day, , luiMpectedly. These words nhe wu

    rWyUic—were Intend^ - to-be • membercd ac-ncr-JMt'^ewifSrXuni

    Maltle lay back. !lcr briskness had KOive. Petrel had .never heard her

    Tlufshc wauled to go. Jnme? would

    who. .“didn't, mind .what* BfieTsnia, hy.Wftfl,drlvlnBJirr to Croydon!"• Aunt Molsie opcne'd hcr'cycs.' aria

    Ismlled, at her., She held out.Jser hand. With a patlietlc pretenno of brLiknes».vihc:3iilaea::lJcmlf.-miOT tnko carc of yourself, my. dear, and don̂ t ̂ coiilR \ nj-ihlnys ̂bcount of me.-You and Pct«rarcjllip

    '^nhtrgpI'm'HKffT>ast7-i“w'nnt-TTO-to- ■midto''your Uve«‘ Uie~bc.it wiy yoii eoni One of these dayA." shd said, chMrlully. "rshBlPbe rriniy'lll.-It may come qulto suddenly. At my ago, life la uncertain. But you JTOn’t, fr.el_lost., hccauae you .have-

    "TlttCSrTl l.toUM. hcr...Slcrpctuatc..UiiL4pU-lt- o( your home, wlimvcr youinay.bc. Even In the darkened cities." SheMmLfrt-hPr'cypT-------------- -7̂— —̂

    "Whitt (to you mean, the dark-ilTmd-

    'T thUjk'nioicd'whllo you wcrt'0/ the room. I'think I dreamed It. •I-*ettiw>d.to aec^u.onrt Pelcr—and one other tii a city without llchts. Ever>'one was afraid."—•‘Whrrt-wa.rirwhafwarinnte?'

    "I doii'L know."'8 0 m’oW here abroad. There «vtu a tall skyKmp- er. It was Just a dream." • -

    "I'm' mine now. Auntlo darltnc. Goodbye. 1 shitll telephone James tlic.momciit_I Iiuvc'niiy news, and lie Miall brlnK It to you."


    ......... ......... - — .........jr-Xoro-1heud iigaln. She felt dread fear thnt tills pprtlnR mlRht be final/In. her iiiUid. only Aunt^InUle's' own wordi._!!you..ars_thc..future. .I^am the- past. You belong toBCtlJer," drove her from the room, fCopyrlsht. 1030. Orace E. Taylor)

    Stale!aJBBglrway_^ - P a y ro llr fen iV ife il

    rcnu.whlelj WoUliLcffcct.n-fcinrijJH-of nppronlntately JO.OOO nnnimJly wcw In force today-buftiot for ccon*omy'fl^ltr . . ___

    > -“11»>-«ducated--boya

    lawyer*. Tho-next largest. « *naj?».. bS£»me__Uachera ,ln.coUcgcs. *-•' ilUe*.- ~ •group ̂ umed out 3rnhvsfclBn«,_il

    en fflne».u

    ” -Aliouf."a9-.j>er~centTif.-.-tho-%hole-'-'— ihale group entered sem -̂profea-

    ShosfTWiersr.swlne band players! motion picture cartoonists, movls technic ian ^ aalesmen, clerks'and

    and ahoUicr"a‘f « fanner, '- Aaslstant* o£.Dr..Terman.no« » « i ----ask each of..the erstwhile *

    I education their .wives, and

    ilRrnce scores' the'lr o f f s p r l n r '

    ^ T O P E Y E T ^ ■ F IE L I N G A G A P

    « -i s a a j E f f i s g a ^'■you know riny more? la Peter all ■ rfRJit?- ■ • •

    ' ''Oh. thank heavenl" »«, . .. |Ell?abcth.tvl!lard eenti-nArv dln-lliuWfi. a •“ »=T*“ “ H;n'-r.:3>i«»UnKcvenlnr-atrtnirT.fctrcCT^ ilrs,.Ht

    ypu're right, one can't tell.- Thank ' you n thousand times. I ‘m som' I

    "■'dbublcd ' yoii for n' 'mlhuie; ' 'U-

  • I P A H g T U E S D A Y M O R f^ G , ^ ^ B R U A R Y 28, loi^g ■■■ PAGE f f lJV Ew tl

    Murtaugh, Kimberly Enter Shoshone Plav

    ■ Heyburh-s Favbred~Quintet. Eliminated inj !:— —̂ --~^Mini-Cassia~Basketi)all

    ■" * Cakleford Girls Win-Flvc'boys' basketball tcnms and one girls' cage squad were |'

    sclcctcdJn .basketball eliminations o f three Class B. sub*. districts la s tji lg h t to-.cnter district tournaments. - — •

    :"0 n the basis o f Monday nlght-results, H . iP ; WlUmQrth,.,■ aupetlntendc'nt'df.'schools ai'ahtwhone and m anager or the

    zn:zzXGlu8fl^®:Toyal^Ifl'GTCUBa5kett)Slt(55?namenEI35imMnoo3^d- •:oUowingrpairmg^~ lor~ f lrs froan 'd -ellm lnttttons^ ‘nrotsdayFMarch 2,

    „ - -.Game 1—2 .-i3,.: m.—Cdjcy (W ood 'R iver champions) vs.' Glenns rcrry'-(WcstDm champions')

    • • bnme 2r-3 p.-m.—A!blon'.(Mlnl-

    • --riSauUj-31do runnfrs*«p).---- ^ I

    r-':.^nw4sl4ni:runnewiup) V31 Murlougn;-----lSouUi-6iac_cliiiinplow).________

    Onme 4—9 p. m.-rShO!ihoni (North------6ioi\-erful Clnsfl B rcorlne mnchlne.y wm out In the coin tn.

    ~ntn>ifnr’Aim»ii?gT'cck end."TXaney-------------

    IlM lSstcr^om iSeaU lM nd J ‘Dizzy’; Trout^ Beaumont

    . Hiirlcr,; Hailed • as Outr ■ -slariding ■ Detroit Rookies"', LAKELAND. Fla.. Job . 27 w MannRcr Delmar Baker called the Detroit T igers’ ■shrlhB “ J IMnl.mascason^tHordci

    but dropped behind, 7-Q -at Uie half. Carey. Held a one-polnl-advenl«i;o at the end of three quarters, ti-10, and then nnnected' for wlnnlni;’ buckets in rapid-dre - order durlnc the last four mlnut«. of the galne.

    mad^»sbc points for Oatvy: RMter- eon had five for Bellevue. ^ . I. .-Only 17 fouls TrcrQlcalled-in the: coni«st:^— ............. ..

    _FK^0.M^C.y-BAiS^SUtXR.-CANE-FIELDST™r7™»rl>.b.tl.r6rlrc.^^^out far a pllchct's berth wlUi the Wwhlnfion Senators now trainlnr at Orlando. Fla. .• ®IC'LE^C'UT^HWEShMnobea&UlelU,aCubannow~at Senators' camp. He pUyed In CharleUe, N. c „ list jear.

    Ya ^ Club Opens A N D

    Paul chlera the Sho.ihoKo'dlBlrlet toumnment thla'week tOi champion

    , , .while Albion goea *as the sccond place-----winner.. - .........

    Raft RIVer glfls won the Mlni- " ■ 'i-cln.tt. H_aub-dl8trleL-Satur»

    Ins 'tinilefeatctl

    .-B u t Albion .pulled wltiita three polnu, 12,9. at halfUme.

    Prom tlien pn 'Albion could not be slopp)^. ^mough Heyburn towered

    ‘ *'0 cut- f r fought vikJlanlly to win. Toone, -----iJeybum c«n.l«r, made Jl-potetaMtfa------ linn«u_Ak....k^^----- jjjjJjjjjj-

    Uie iead all the w a y .J r^ 'o 'f'i^ m ) Wlnta,,whUe Knei top-'-pcrf-Mblon-scorcni wlth-slx.

    -•Chartplonahlp game* of the AJlnl--,’CaMlB:8i .̂dUtrJet.«ere-mthred-hCTe-|

    to provide ^unl chances for . all -----------a neutral noor.teama on a

    ------- ..MURTAUQH, -Ivb.-:-27-A freethrow by ,jv «d Earl, guard, in the i • ’ •«* “ “ “ ••‘ten.

    ‘ ---- - ■■■ ” ■


    .Two-Hour Workout a f Florida Camp •.

    .ST. PETEnSBXjRO.' Pla..-Feb, 27 M’}—Tlie Ynnkeca made their offl- 'l''''_»ii‘ rt.'..ln,(jiic8t_Dl_a_fourtli Dtralght American league pennant iodoy when, they opcRcd Jhclr 1030

    iSprlng tralnhi8-*cA*on-with a brisfc-| two-hour drlll(,on Miller JlugRlns

    I flcld.- - - - - - ' ■ .....The World.champlijna' holdout list

    . Dlclccy, tegular catcher, algned his 'contmt. Dlciccy li believed to have


    I Promoter Mike, Jacobs Prepares to-Make Formal Ahnouncement in Florida

    . . : B y GAYLE T A tB O T ' ■ .M IAM rBFtACirrTla ';, Feb.- 27 (i'PJ=Tlie~^H clpatcd Jicavy-

    welBlit chnmplonsfiip figh t between - dusgy Joe Louis and pocay-Tony- Galcntb-ncxt Jun>*-nppcars-to . j^ l^ - th e -b a g r awaiting o n ly the“ forn)al“ ann6unccmcnt by promoter Mike Jacobs- on W edn M daym om ln g-to m nke-it oTflclal.' — .A f t e r two heavy huddles In it n ight and today, Mike sent

    fromJ«a{_year-_ ncTO.' Frem' another squrcc,......... ....... . almost as viuiily concerhcd as

    fflTTCTEraBTJltGri^lartibrTjiW ke-ls'Tn Ihc p ro jcc trn ea th tlint-thc thing practically Is Ml.

    Tlie contniut win tfiUI for I^ l5Tlic mnkfl of the New Vork^i...- ,lcce holdouts wero rcduecd to four, . .. . ........

    TBlllr-Dlcliey.iialnRElnrfto-'darcnimtntnft-flftrtiiii.t^sJanJrl.................................... ‘ '.wmowliere' In tlir United Stales"

    In June, ihe slle.ond exact'dale to be kctJafier Promoter -Mlke-rhas learnKl wheUier any cities btlicr ^ r-

    ed.. it .was. bnfleved Dickey Settled I : for s i s m Ife drew $10,000 lo&t year '

    i l a n d % m p i G s ^

    Nation Pays Special Tribute .to_G«atest_ Runner.-.—

    Ing^ames:IIELSinOTORS. PlnlnndVFcb. 37'

    mV^FlnlDnd will poy apcclul IrlbuW to Paavo Nurmi, her greatest run- •nerrdurlng-the-lSthOlypjplad-Btarti' Ing July 20. IMO.

    Engagetl In the solemn and weighty rQnfg!ynfp!< hfw nro Pm. mousra-Mlke-Jaoo&s-of-New-Vorle and Herman ••Mu(uiy’’ Taylor of PhUodelpIiia: Joi Jacobs, maaagcr (U- thp great Oolento;-' and Sol Strauu Of New York, who U Mike'spersonal attorney. .....................

    Taylor enters Uie plcturis because ; iiQ'noifl4-ii-contr4crBi?inrhiM"Uift'ieca. for fiv* years. Joe Jacobs gave It to.hlm last year In an unguarded moment becaaw Taylor had lesk.h ipt of money when Oalento dow-n'.wlMi pneumonia Itoid ws’able to go througlTwlUi a 'f it .......Philadelphia. Joe wUlies n ow ^ had,

    - '— -ir-aTOuadfto f̂c4iep.4»lm

    -.... _.what-has-hcldTip'themalefi. Taylor,. naturally.-wanu hU cut on the blgXIght, and he’s going .to get It.

    EastWest^ie For-TurfPrize

    Cravat" and; Kayak'II Head Rival Groups irf Santa

    TOoqw;araii!f^na- 'T-Anita^Handlcap—By ROBERT MYBna -_

    -L08 ANQBlis,--CBUf.,Tcb, 27 W-The coming Sahta Anita handicap iOJl^up~toaay-aa-. one. of-thm^

    clear cUt East West nffnln, but U ap;}caretf safe ‘.to state that tlic Winning • horse o.wner probably doesn't care whether he lives at 43nd, ana Broadway, New York Olty. orJ .UMali._CalirM_Ju«.M_loMLJi#_hia. horse rakes In that robust 8100J00

    .. Looking over tlie llsi of leading candidates in the big race next Sat- tirday. the East sccnui well fortified wltjj TJown'Mnd. B. Martin's Cravat, a 8-1 b»t nt mi« tnfinipnt In turo books, while the We^t hon a 9-1 shot In Kaybk II, owned by San j^^ i«w »

  • b U E i n

    r r A L L S K E W S . r m t i f a l l s , r o A n o . t x i b b d a y M O K ? m ^ r , r F F : m m T iY 'M - - i < i :

    U l E t S E S l N

    fca rr l e r s . - F e w - u m u ie 's ancl|-

    l^ u b b c r S to c k s M ove

    M od b ra le ly . H igher

    m m m m -

    •fhi AMoeUlMl TfMi)

    I KBcllo corn r._.......■ Kcviiuld* Tot) 0 __ a> ualcwftr b lo f f* ___ T

    = — M arkets'^A t^A^ lanosF

    , _ifb: iiixMr pncM-nirrow- ■. I__niieis^ucJimc: t2iAax..xui:i!c:.|' l ’-^CouoiT*~iniinfr:*—nomBiT —

    , .... ........ WorK* - ..... .. . . . . , ,| An(ie_onaa-c^rp^-*.:.-Mj,— , uuiKi^aM^&.jaecZ;__

    m-nHi oil M _ 27',

    j^AG O ;

    I;:£.^Cufewiir:fciunn7m:rCalllf; aunilv It) ilf lu»i,, - ii M ai V * i r\ ...I rtiu-aler^Corp ~J_-.79U. .n u1 coiuifi o»» ic Brc,... -•

    .•Ur-KRKJ)Bl{lfK CAUDNKH NEW YORK. ydt. J7 -/V—S^i^ks

    JoWeil over an iiiirvcti rouie In W *, dAy’.i mnrkri with rnlLi about Uio|

    ...only, .jfrmip able ip extend liui

    J ConMluttwd Oil ; -3_JUiUliet:____:___«!.,__iTl.

    EMliilali KOUnk ..

    l^rnloliti nuntxr

    Alrva/tj rtllnQu!5l)e(l ,. Dcntint

    42S .ilmres iigiiUisi Qa7.3IHI laal Frl*. iliiy. T l i f AA*.w:lutcd PrcM avcrnRc , of M. Stocks was-lip -.rora'point

    _ » i iU . owing 10 a net snln of 3. ■ " -ui ft i>6iirintnirirv»Trctfmi)MUc:—

    —atceUJcnmp-btictrMJiiiP'' ojjcnitloii

    tlfna'lcd îxp' 5̂ 1 ii' ,.inU-Ol-i'niwMiy.'aTTiisw-hlgh-rfor le year, to date • •'

    I IrarwIIauliLIntiut^:Tfll'onilni ■

    -Cl)ai .«i«int. Pualilng ii|) a I {joint

    ..- .........Ft,:N..Y. Central. Peniiiylvimlu. SouUi- .rem Pacific nncl Soiilliern Rullwiiy. A-new top,since 1037 wiu. posletl /6r Union Piiciflc. up 1̂ 4 irt 100. ‘

    Tmproved wiTi''Oencriil Tire .t I .nubbcr. Leu Tire. U/ S. Rubber. Goodyear. Public Sci vlce of N. ' Philip Morris. V. um i

    __Joiinj-MonvUlt:_________ ________ _Behind were • Ocueral Motom. |

    ■'Afrerhft; Sperry, WMtlnuliousc. acij;. 1' •.eral Bteccrlc; Montcomcn' Wnrrt and ti .aearii -Roebuclr. ~~

    'SsTdlT from rail;...............■ division pointed fillelitly upward- Oommo()ltie3 were mixed. Wlirn- at ChlCRtro was off 4 to ». of . cent B bU3lH;I aiul com «lown S to•Cotton wns up 15 to »•» on her CAy to Heldelbenr. Ocrni«ny, where

    m M i

    Rains ’ and: Snpy/s.j.B.ehcfit.1 Crops in Winter

    Grain Bclt-niA?nn.TK'Mnt!,if}t'’

    -..CltICAaO,Pi:b..27-i.r—Wllli-S(WHj- TatroiaiidnsiowETyportcO^tlinSTJIiF iriliuied over the wlmor wheal belt, wlKiat price.? «lroiy.rd_flUn05LJL.tcnt..| R-bttsltenoflftJ'T^• Selllnp wa-s moit pronoimccd in July contracts, which rfprescrit'thc ItiM crop, TTiUlm-.vald •prcclpi- ^itilon-wM-very-h«ivy-in-«ome” l(T»' c.itlik'.s t̂ tU undtiuhtc-dly-would be

    Ui:ft:-bcncUclaUtQ.^L’ljcKUarUcumiy.] ui view oftlie 'iBct that the (irow-

    i« sca.ion Is at Imml.Wiient open^jbouiL^ccnl.lower,

    :iplnirout'the advance .icored Jatc ûturdt

    fluctuations were very narrow wlilt trndlni: .'low but after Uvcr|>odl closed 'i- i cent down lurllicr ficll- lnn nppeiired licro. kIvIpr the m.irkct another httbnck from jvltlch It showed no mnterlal rally. Wheat elo;,cil

    '•lowi'v ilitiii Siiturdny, Mny and July corn iltm-ii.

    lower.Corn prices followed wheat hrb from Oulf and Atlantic, port riLsh corn prRc.s UVrc ^7“ lo I'J-ei

    Uneiios Alri I7l’ loftiT. ■

    __Outi iuul.fy(-

    f-ior-ifvt-irt-iare'-rejlcctccl-}'r niiirlicfdrclliii--' and s rch-cciini’uciA,

    Twin-falls“MarketS-T>i» 'T w[h—r«ll»'-ijuirtet~tBtrt«i~i

    i E K l G E I I

    Prcsidcnt--Sugoests-System ; Along Lines ot-Private-

    ;^^usiness Corporation--

    [ _ WA.!?i;itia_________________|iniiiJi Li Uii- cDTCTnmtsit'iPorur—oir '

    I buslncAs biisix?..SuKEcstloas (rpm President Roos- .

    fvdi. UHa:thVlK-aiui>'’5 booki'nilsht •

    -• •• «Mto Iho taxpiu'cr-.lnit.-public worKs not g pioncury as;.2.̂ . 1

    ■ni urs: t;.t

    IM TIUiJu&'hil .[NJ |/. 1 , w'nr^l.M; Cul)lilt»*.

    ■LE 1 — —4iVclr-'jr

    C IO 'L cad er Delays Reply to

    Presi(iont’ s-A|)|)cal.-foH~|

    Labor Peaci

    T-l'oj)ic al ira/.ohoiiJEHOME. FeV.'aT — Addre-.slliB-a

    ,Liuiw '̂-Parmcrs’- nicfliuKval lla;.pl. ItornnJifwreyr-jnrnf L -.-TDcw-of Abtrriren cli^:ctiwd ~ metlirid;

    [.urfluu '■ ' ...........lonecl iicpili ot -seedhis, iyi’'‘

    ■.-ttd lied.

    L'cd 111 .proiluciiiR fiHX. 'Touvs

    [nrnn- nn:nii;iMnni niMi 1 Fcdcra^tin of L:iUoi ilnri>-tlm n o tc.itliT riyi lu-d'lhc'

    prcMden!A."Ui’ar John'; -letter iiit-' irdiiy, hr hn.s n-lu'-d comment .leantlnip, labftr mm nrailnd‘ !*lm

    ,..£xptrlmfnt.s .WUwIlaxJte-^ialtL •liidlcul«l-[lint-enTirT7'anHnnv es-KiitriU ..to__liiilt..'yIcUl3;': Slatlliii:'plnntlnRs on April 20 and kul-c w Ivi .teedlnm until Maj'.SS shO'.vetl thi earliest HinitinRs k« vJ Uii'i ----- ‘>*1RF=ti«=t*nm«lrS=i1

    iirji iin-cTTiriiirTav^Tr...... .............' Tocvs wiitned farmei-\'91Fhr>h'iir* low.phmilnus arc •e.sicniii.l for litc

    ' rsucccis 'bi-'the'lirdpiignlion of Ihc

    ........ tiiirment n:trophy hiui, 10 n lai-ce. cxtenl, ■'ccn the cnix of tiip thriv.yrnriold iL'pute In the inbnnr _T lic ---- - •

    the prasiicci of new . . lirkollatloiia Icd'Chalr-

    mnimibiii..V^D-Uhih> o f the bcn-yohnspaJjalwrrpewe

    been-Ufcd-per "Flftx docs well as a nure rrop

    b u flt-ls n-poor compemtir-wllh-irrKlsr>f»chinetj--urrd In iiic p•p^pnfton of wllptil will >'«• iil.f___tor>'..̂ or tliix.’nnd no spMnl rnulp-

    .sfactory'Uinh IfciiVicr' npi»Iiciition! , j t longer-liiton-aU. BImju Is the Ivariel*- besL'Illteil'to condllioiu Ir

    p|lnilted lt> Secretary of Labor Per-

    Wii;. thiit Inbof' organizations Join

    B. W. lUttnnn or Uiiwlion and in-

    I mittor:io.i)icKnrruriii«a JioaCSLUntislnUTc-ijncxilors. . -----------' ”U-fit«t(ine fhe'comes out'of the

    , presidcnfii s ii^ejiion 'for'a peaccli«a;f*u-wic«-lM>i««-Mi^lhi‘ -rivflt-l«bni ----------- —

    fnctlom:.- Thomas '̂tuifl 'iiewimen, 1 --nratire»es

    SponRcs aro not alttny.-. vrirg. |TV’hll& llyinu.Uiey nii»y V i)Uc • • ;ij;reenr]jt»dlso.Hi{ac,

    s i z s s

    L'ted Electric \V»slier»'Is9^jr . • All Kinds Furniture



    . ite their lejlslayvc actli'llj'.' i . AIdesioOret:n«ildtheArLprei»- j dent-would prt>tt*tjn:omns‘ rtecUlon' •- poMpon-r>iiig capaelty:o( siiel)• 'iiKc im.'linV.'-- ' - *• -'Alno, if there I

    per Acre-rarEu

    up the drbt-s. ’nivy amount to th( unpiccwloiitod loial of $30.803J20,- 2D4.G2 (lia of Feb. Hl->. PMCtlcally'-a-

    . I n bond!>nUloiihll>arOffii........gold braid, aqijther-ttimiJS*'the'T,'overrmmron-n.T7' Maiiy of ihe.se have vnlue lo Uic

    critincii!, but •-could hardly Or ;ly- i-uch uk M’rlniia and seeps;

    f-thc pluntlns of .forc.M and wlnd- brriik licc.s and the csubll;iiUii_Ciiaik_^0Uj»lj’. '. -I::! — 1

    ' cu\un I'BA’fTBrlii»'ln your trticks and trailers

    Jii'ii*Tt.v-iii!'t n«'y'nu. cnn'’gct;.lu.'rrt . rcnii sliive’ltimp coal UTomtieWCK"' M.55 » ton, hiim 'lt yourM-lf; WrTl;-

    unloodlng two oihrr rnr.i of

    I partmcnt : llnie,•ii:ht

    a buslne.ss, tl'c vaitic' o f ' ir :,statc, for .)n3luncc...|s..a,rca bernuse the-corporntlon can

    wants lo, ,scir the real ci.tati let money for It. 1’lic ijovrrh-tssiUic':oun;f.-iiiina.;'Un-enrr10 part with, the gruu '

    which the eapltol Blmld.-'. lirnctlcp. never can gel It! back for .Aome. of. It;i.invc3tmcr)i:

    Coiidic lo Rule . : O u i € - l i a < l i . a b (

    nd. in

    UUOiSE^Fel), 27ifl->-rJolm-W..Con.

    die..'»iAic superintendent of publli in.stnicttoicwos nppolnicd'today ti nipervlse Lssuaiice of tdUho.certffl* ,

    Cuiullo said all clilldrcn In. tiie'J ;,tate 10 years or younger, who are emplo.wl-byiothrrs thau thelr par-

    nder provtolons of the

    "acfounts rccclvabler’ Well, iniicd Sliitcs has a' lot oJ'"iir- s recplvnblf' from foreign gov-

    ... .cnts, but only Ilttii' Finlund-li paying on-the line, and llterfl's lupnii|.T nf |\f,1lrt,wiftn f^nUiliu: Aboui^malclng.Uic others pay. I

    rmj*lv.*ftt“'t)r(cc to*hts*'offico'for iiflcntcs; . . ‘

    Announcement of Codlc's .,. polntment caflii; from Beatrice Me- ■

    I Connell.- director of Uie-frtlenil child -

    InrTnaterlaU,-- . . - - ..i. - .Our bu.slnê s 1.-; Iiicrra>ini: vciy

    rapidly’. We-have shut cim »hi-ll-i ind eatftup. Wo nino Inive lin>eed nil aiid grcane.gtuis._Xt>day.J.\.llic lu t..

    ,.dttr.Llo;get.:a-communm-. memt'cr- - Ixlilp rnrd from the Pratt Si(|p̂ . Co.I for Me.-Tlie regulft^ '̂pnre ■ls'»2.0«.-- ' JuM going lo trj', a llule schcme

    see how It’ll work to see how

    fivt quart oil drain and a ineinlirr*' ' jlilp card fur SI,00. Tomorrow it'll cost .yiJU S2-I1'.', so you better- Junip' -' sideways as the cooperative plan v - ' work on,i;lvp.yon f - “ 'nd.’Lnii.

    GLAUD c, PR .W r- "SACESCOMPAT’ff- :

    corporation balanc

    dnte^whiic_thn_B(?v_enimcixU>.'"'B';v. Irgliiru clean every Junn'30. wlictlier I tl)e trea»ury-had-a-surplus or. defl-

    !—'ThTiU'.'flvon • If — the--nwemmei|J

    ind conditiops for. child hi- iNo Sunday BuslnerJ)

    >|K>nl-o..|oV- of-inoiioy--oiiD-.vciir--io build n power d(im. for •tnstnnce, and tlicdnm CYOiituiiily made money, practically Jill Utc costs of 'the dam

    Duld Wow tip-.in~other||

    npy. flnmipltil plnnf_nf_Lhe-£lny- )d he'll find much of what he j Ight want lo'cnll assets In thve

    H I G M t E S P

    p p i f c

    p q i d r f o r r y o u r

    .... istruction finance corpomtion, the federal Innd' banks and home

    jjwnens loon corporotlon, - nrerrleli I JnjnonciL.liiadJ_»,ntl securities. The' issets are officially valued al n

    500,000.000 more.thirn.lh'elr.debis.-

    • Aiilmnph modem autc jf-"nli 3tee1'^9on8tnwU< iioupds of, wood Is required lo .

    -iven, the'smallcr-ones.-The,,- — ------- rJ^oklnfr^Af^,-

    iw»-iattftehm« • and as fibe'c board and paper.

    •HARNESSit , every-■fwrtptJon.,-price, ai

    ,-irpeT...-r^SSMO »h4_L,.- I

    ' (Wtane solid .ieilKer.'fiaIr ".lined

    , ^ - Independent Meat Co. ~ P h b n e '2 5 ^

    — ' . OBTbuytf inticlAl ttllin for'B

    ,'^tMGAEIASVyETcngtAnhtmi-wmttF- T ia r a y - . '~ ; ~ .h - ~ '~ *5HHIXED-VETCIlESr

  • -TTnK-:FAtTa^aWSr^lN-rAM;s?lPAHOrTOE3DA-r:»tOBWGri'EBRnAR^ it. Baa '“ P A G E 'N ItJB :^ ;_______ ________ ___—----, ------ — -- , '■" - ' ' ' ' " ~~ ; i.'~ I ... . ~i. ' ■ ■' ' ^

    m ------------------- :----------- --------- ^ ---- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -̂------ ^ '„ .W A N T ..A D .R A T E 8

    rpy-^MJeftUon|ln-^ a i , . . T D JEra»rnEW 8 ,

    RATES PBtt LINE PEll' DATl Six

    d t)« of flrrt liucrtlcm;— ^-----------•No-daarified—•«!—tiken- than 60c. Inc3udlnr ’oiiTcfre!h''

    MEN to take up Atr Condltlonlne nnd Elcc. Rcfngernllon uiid belter

    1 __ thcmselm. Mail be mcchanl«»lly[' liirlliied, u-llllnc to Irnln In spnre

    _____ :'_t itne_ io_ QUBllfy^Wjlie^utmUei■ DiAt.. NcWs^mci


    _ DASSrNET\ H. L.'Oiftrk. 65S Maln.W

    The government depom lvon tnxcs fo r revenue,

    . ‘•The people o f Tw in Falls and v iSn if^depbnd

    on the N E W S and T IM E S Want Ads when they

    wnnt results— fa s trP u l tli'em to worC 'for you.

    AVe'll be glad lo help yoii wrile'youi- Want Ad.s!

    f 'f E W ia iiii T

    - FOR QUICK & ai!- My I«o A. ranch 5S ml. s. W, Good-

    rlnj:. WeU Improved, 3 good houses, large bam and otlwrbMgsTThls

    | ::.b .one, orI fnrins on tho Goodins wnct.^0 A.

    About ready for bceta, Ô. A. red rclovyr,-Pcncfld hos-UeW,.sood.wcU.

    lU U S IN E SSO PPO R TU N IT IE S l . HOMES'l-’Q ir S A L E . .'• 5 A. irncl; 4 nn. ltouie-«

    mod. execpl lienf, hi E<

    U N FU R N IS H E D - - —A P A R T M E N T S - ’ -

    IsxlRlit. PH.-15.P23. Eden. ‘

    PARTLY funi. 3-rm. duplex. Oar, ' 63S 2nd Ave. W. Inj|. w r 2nd N.

    ] cliEAP-5.rm. med. -lioine,- cement bftMmeiil.-runmcc-nnd sloker.-J32

    -2nri Avc. E. Pli. 1031 • -•

    3 RMS. nnd baUi. New duplex. Heat, ‘ .hot waterMtarage. 600 HUi St.'E,

    Phone 630-J. • • • •

    I - ■ JUST COMPLETED Nett-S-rm. inonte-paM«WKJfrHHIrtstr>l;.-‘P.-.m‘Matf_r;i»dhou«e«_by_.| resirlctlnK sale of 'iiqjior to clUes*. •

    bar. llie Idaho legislature . defented propo^Jls which w.ould hava legal lsrHi>wmle»-«t-olub(:.'wtW«-^H Iwkern are rented. .‘. r

    Local option proposals were atud- - B Iednn'IowA..South carollna. Indl-., " ann. New Mcxleor OreKon;"ColoratIo“T -Id Massacliuj.etls.

    Mainc'and Connecticut proposed to prohibit billboard liquor adver- " ii.ilng Bna"idnhDr;all'litiuor adver-.*' ti--.lnK.

    figures compiled by S. W. Beck ttJtd . Fred Lindnuer. directors of tho ' Minidoka county , lamb and wool - - pool; there were eight Inmb-poola "' in 1038 with a gross return of.."' »2I).2I5.43;- Tlie wool 'pool brought *23.«2.ll-.- or-a-tolal—Income-:of *13.037.38 brought to 200 pool mem-' ber* In Minidoka county. ' .

    avernse Of 85 pouu'dS'each..1.1 >hown aLw. 120 owe*.'3B :

    yearlings. 4.442 fat lambs fliid 443' .. feeders were handled ihrough tlie’-- pooi im o s o r ; ' '" ........ — " ' —

    At tlie clo!< of llie mcetlns the srmip orRpnlKd nnd elKled Mrs. Albert Prlcke prcsldent!and Mrs,

    Tlio group wli! work togetlier with the presldenu of- the different ml.s- slonar>- group.v nnd will be Ir^charge of tlio'World'i* day of-prriyer-'pror' gram- next year and will also plan

    wi,metijBe-U)U fall.


    In.ilie probate court of Twln FolbCounty. Stale of. Idaho.___

    Estate of R.-B. Johnson. Dcee

    ANOTIJKR SXI.MMONS ,In the DLitriet Court of the ElcvenUj

    Judicial DlsUiel of.ilte Statc.c' ’Idaho, in and - for Twin FnliCounty..

    RUBY FREEMAN. Plaintiff. CRAWFORD FREEMAN, d'efend-

    -:-ant..- —̂ — - v ' : ....., THE STATE OP IDAHO send#

    3udlsfcil.^Utriot''6r:itl^eatt-(.. Idompin and for Twin Tails County ■. by the above named plaintiff, w id - you are hereby directed to-* nnd plead io the said com

    PERMANENTS.-3 fd? 1. Shampoo nnd fin'scr wave, Stic comp. Ida.

    , Barber, et Beauty Sliop> Ph. 434.. BEAUry ARTS ACADEMY

    - Oil Pf.rmnncnta n.'» tow-n-i «L00,j Junlor-studeni workrfree. ,Ph.'30J.

    "•133-Main-.Wc4f=T'— ----- !-------

    • P oa l

    . 735 Mnln E. TliB shop, ofTinttsuarpermandisir'SlRrinstri

    ' . . Ins finger wnves. Oil siiampoo and 1__ ^̂ ...fU’Ber.wnvp.Mc.- Evcnlnga.by.

    ---------- 1. riione 382. - -

    |jS27.Mnin-E. Close In.- Piimnco heat.


    WANTED-Deslrable home-for . 3 Home Liunber Co.- -'phono'34.boyi. 10-14, WiU psy for care. Pref.

    —toimtry ,-Moral-«urT0undln|8.-Phi •332 or 387.- ••


    Jlloncy to Loan

    ljtfcCby,CoaL& Tninsfer,.Abehieeg~h ' coal, movinc. transfer. Ph. 3, 200, I

    — F U R N IS H E D -R O O M S -- !-

    RM. Furnace. 330 7th E.

    Aberdeen.Conl-the .very best.. , :INTEBJHTN. SEED'S: PUEL CO.• . Phono 130 or-143

    . -BENSON OO Al-*” sERVICB

    rxl ArSprlng CQnyon^Ulftli’a'Bcsf Shoshone s o ; y ph. 107'- Oateopathic PUyaiciatf

    |-D^^.Tlllicr, 130 Main N.nTTs?

    Cbednn.i fum. HL-OTOm^SwreTF^_ CEMgNT, cLHctn..pjy.tc,rin^.(n.B-J» BLEEPINQ n a - a r .S lA v ^ N^TZ I

    EXP. carpeoter. reaa. Ph.. 1412.------J

    e x p ; Kiri deslrts iioueework. Good


    Pdwlino ail'd Decorating

    iA ItEAL'barsaln lii-A good work! -llOTSB.-Pht-0j03Jyr-' ■ ■' ■'COMllfiU 4 yr. old II....... _1st house g. cemetcQ-.,_________

    • irv ca r old brown geiding. 1 ml. W,*• n No.-Curry:—

    11600-lb^Buck8ktI^horKe;^3•yH.-o?d or will trjlde for weaner pigs KrnlnivJoBaJiqluJJutLauglv-—

    ABOUT 60 -white facnl'owonorMle: U.25-lambs—real ready^to-lamb. E. Mrpallersbn, Eflch;

    ADVERTISE ypur needs In thU see- Hon. U w cojt-lilgii reader Inler- o t- Phooo your ad. la lodny.l '

    -M tJ R E S C O - . ._ ^ “ —A ir » lors,'3hish~csloiiii'ed'fre«.'~

    ■ ^ T E A M -B O IL E R --------Excel, cond. Guaranteed cold water --t«et.Ch«|>;-600jrifeTa(mrPlr.-132f

    OAlwtfE'oquipmenti=terrtrib” re- llables. Valve refacer, comp, wiui cuttera; rebftriny r.Mtm 'witmiertiejC“ K “ 07tBmnfl3“0aH^

    ~ityridir-pEbne34. - ■

    'Waute-ts'hcrcby- slyen byllie--rt»riil|;nr-Jn-PWl3*L:Counly.oLTRln lialls. SUU.ofUIdAhDr-Uiis.b«ln8-tha:.ilrst- place-flxed-for-tne-lraiuH •UiB tmslness of snld estale. —BitHflJchniiiY. 6 .1D39:

    pear and plead'lo aalJ'comptalnt'~" wltWn tlie time he»eln (pCTlfled, thn' ' plalnli/f-wlU Ukf> jMdgmeot- agalnBt' .̂ _ you .as-prayed, io-aald complatnt^^'iH Thls,-Bcrion.ia.commenccd..i ' • -

    ln> the -purposft of pro imToirBn

    desertion and failure to prortd# the'.'* commoR-neceasarte-t)Mlfe:tO'plalir-“

    jUff.-'WimesTTnr^-handTind tbp-ieaJV^':Ui'a-^I^-yi^t~C6urt:--ihTi:

    S P ^ A L ihop equlpmenii I lO-ln.M-he«l-Bood work j iiOTg;pna-mmea~

    - Adtnlnlslraloi ̂ of tSS~ estate of '-TR.' b ;-Jolin8on.:aeceased...

    pub. New;j Peb.7. 14,21, 38.1030.

    T n o t ic e TO C M o ixon s

    PAUL I t GOimOK.-"----.W.-L; Dunn.-Attomey:for:pialnUir:5 Residing at Twin Falls. Idaho. ' i i y —I^»brNewrm.-38r>tarj'nnirai . - g l . ,^ :B

    SINGLE,. 20.; All around "^ r ia h n _ hand. B0j,4.Ncw-Tlmefl.-. . ’

    YO W O mnrriod man wishes work I;

    Ph. 142g-j|«roM from’ Nj-e B '^ Coal Yards.

    -U N F U R N IS n E D HOUSESGift Shops

    620 4Uj-A»e. E.------PhonB-1897iW.

    rear •down'^paymt.'nnd 'monthly known as'Mra. John H. Nye, deceas* - njay-.be atranged for re- "*liable party. Also asphase mlr. In


    ■ tnEM ni~rm»rA'dQIU;\313^Jiutotmf -I1 3-RM. dean m o d jio u s e !^ 'ir r£

    Planing Mill and Bhe .̂ Cabinet I w ic or all Mods. Prlccs right ;

    U R N m m E ^ O R - S A t E ^

    , - . NoUce Is hereby given by the u • I derslgned -Admlnlatra^.^of-t' "

    kOOwn^U;Mrh.JobnJlye,'de£eBMd£. tO'Uie-crtdUbn-oF'ahd-all-persons' having claims against tlie said de- ceaM, to exhibit them with the

    EXP.Indy deslrca hsewk or cooking ^ . ,.-for crow..-Good-refsi*’Oiiri -IntTO

    - -.town.-R-------- -------- •• • •

    M a l e H E L P W A N T E D "

    MAN for coffee route’.. Ujj to 54S. 1st

    -ZANOLr'iW t-Popiai— oaWana;!


    _• Have-Mreral-very-deslrable-lotd, ‘'k fiomes. buUt-to. sult;-Uie-buyer.

    ' • John B. Kimes. Ph. 542 or m •:.P]lumbing and Heating;

    l-A^OU Jlunblng. &-Btg. Co". Ph. 06.1 STOKERB; WATER SOFTENERS |

    ' }>>rc. anto. Lou BeUer. l»boarBOr|^^=^->farf^O ̂ C p C f r / ^

    Inauranec^ — - —O rder‘Your^Ghicks Today I- — aw nrrB-BABvcH ioKB—

    Swift=ft-C04-264 -m^-Av&rSo, '^OSKD-KmKITOBerrrr:

    mwiSHEDhouse.Phoac'CO e g - M . I “ t»n ce .K } R a ^ o S e r r . M - tnW fh 'm |

    W ly .m 330 4th A've. ET',

    at the offlco of E. M. Wolfe. Burk- holder-Bldgc-TwlirPUlirCotmtjr-of

    . Twin Palls. 8Ut&.oC.Idaho. Uils be-;.■ lng.-4he~flraUplAc*..fixed-fot-.tho.■ tnmttcti«rorareTaiiffesr«K)6m iulK. Walaul


    book. »iuaonSecond. &atUe. .Wn_

    a' eo'.'to Biasiua Oyclery. fnono ifllT '

    ; .Schade Key Sh^-130-3nd st.6o.| . Back IdshOiDepi^ent store. R*»pa-- Er Turner i t Hudsdn-OUrfc. '

    - R E a Q c t ^ t e j ^ a n s . '^lonumeriis


    I - g fo hHttt. h i^^ThViVrrth-^ TJcrks, IM ml. gf.cp gU t^ th Z -

    JU8T.airlTOsTr4ew J u ^ en t wall ...papfir.-.-Loclthiirt; PunL-Oa,- «4I _ 5 ^ J8._rfiUWB_»lUl--.UM.rdtar.

    - ^ o n e y 4:tIOAN8'«t-rlowcinter«t- rate#‘-on - ' .FARMS, MODERN HOMES aod


    _____ ; car ttr what hnve you? -will . HOMES FQ R S A L E

    ________ .W A T U K IiT O N L Y ^,’ No'endor*OT'> — ■■•No-Mort«a«ef

    ' Repay a ^ W set paldt - - C A S H - (? B E iD rM O - ‘

    Rooma-I-andra ■—


    , PLYMOUTH" RoEk.ieMSnriar sale; '3W aht-^iWn'll«T3dbblctv7;:3f: , Parw . R t 3,6 Bo. lU W. So. Parfc.


    S e a «n :te W e < :~ H £ i= ^ ^ l^ K rOat ClalngHomfPhflinTr— -wiwrMV Ttlirbt. ---r------.

    POULTRYl Ptnilti7 cuppljr. Pb. ms.------ir'8talrptUoett%-

    I ----------

  • t t = W G E r a N - _TW IN .PALI^-NEW S, TWhj.PALLS..m M0,jhn3SpAY MpRNIHĜ ^

    Fails to-Pass

    i r .. of.fl'c flconnmpnrot niiollc yellnrc;. i'- J14J87 for IrnvcJlHK cxptnse irnd In ' '* ItiMvne nnd fceble-mlinlcd pa«

    '~lubcreii1(vi)ro- rrtallnB »ii-ftiiauioimuj,l0,ooo_tpjhc drpnrlmrnt of. rrclnmntlon lo H*

    fnri.irftv iii»rfnm'pH In- Ihc t̂utc u’Alpr coiu.rrvnllon boaril.

    (■— PnsHifd. 40 10.0---- ----I------.S«te-I A rt- r -L !- ’-

    ----- llv-ln)ujc.3liilc.|i{fflh''s—n rrvintd•' imfivlr snlc.-i net proHbltlnR'sKln-.of

    . . .'cbnunodlUcii aOli'u tlian

    ' By neimtc )ili;hu'ny.v-nulharl7,Ui.. ...UiE tale of.Utc dcpnrun«a of public

    wofkt of .icrvlccs • or inntcflHb lo ollirr jiiitlc. ucpnrimenta or.poUUurnubmvWoii»._PnMed. « ____

    TJy IwiiKo HppropriulIoiiAi-appro*___'pcJall:;SJ!n.nddlilonnt.$2,000 for op*' ' erfttlon of 'llcybum siato“ p n ^ ruMcd. 40 id 0.

    By lioiiiio revenue nnd. tnxntlon—■ requlrlne cmmty llccnsfuitjiujjctr.

    -- denlom. Pjuracd.-46 to 6.__By hoiwe.irtveniic.ntid taxntlon—,perhtiltihs cQuhties to levy iin nd»

    — dltldnaJ l«x not to cxcecd lO'tnllLi for gcncrftl .ichool purpose.i. nnd cre>

    ' -sdns « county sciiool cqiinllzadon fund. Paised; S2 to'2. ,

    By hoiwo jî ale—Brr«II'j(={rniv‘a'cV* •rlnc from. tho iittomcy Bcneml's

    “ ••office to tlie^deimrlmciit of W

    n alnte enclon-menl fiind lonnSf

    ' By lioii.ic xlAte nffrtlrs—crenllnR «ounty wclfntT^boards midcr diced mpenlxlon of the Mate division of

    h— puhKc-asslMnnte -nnd cenlrallrtnR In Ihe'state dlvLMoiv ihe.eonlrot of

    .. -Milstance to the need, dcpen/lcnt.l!-----chllriren nnd bHnd.- rnKed. f̂l to 4,';

    •' By House flfnlfi nffalm—approprl- . .'nllnR K.000.000 for ths biennium tc ' the publl; jichoot Income fund; fk-

    •T' Ins'an act valorem t«? to provide Ui« r-n fgg«ary fuuds.'.ADd trftiiiifcrrliiB

    the neneral fund other taxca now r injr inlo Uic public wtiool fund. Pas- nert 4D to a._

    division of public 'iLubtance. Paiuipd .40,10 0̂ .

    — ' By house.rcfcnue nnd (nxiitlon— ’ -permlUj * ' "

    tax pftyiiienl& from aiatc in- come taxes 'bei!lnnlni: wliii 1D«.,

    A-sinillnr-H»rb'iH •■-.becomlDB effecllvc- with • injo 'in'

    • payTnents wan vetoed by the covci

    ^^lUnTtrcrcaKirinioVmcnft|ran:iPh':ir]^^r ribeet producClonVPnK—luchuiin

    :-.ao to i : ...... ............• By house M;ite u/litlrs-ce

    ..InR In the ofllce oLLix raitup

    ,JUllllta_lJi_\arluu:..:,liLk-atciiau., Pn.ntd.-33 to 14. _ — ----

    By ‘ liou:.e ■ liitliifiii >•—(-rcMrns'''* ■ *tate board'orcoimciolosy. Ll pUni i

    AltliuiiKh It li. in.llio.iulairi>'oC ii, p.i.viiifiil lo imt whr;il' p'rodiifi'ri/ liicoinr on a par wllh prcviilllni:

    mromr.-. .111(1 prk'M.' It i.t ninrtp ôniy

    laniiiiis practltcfi and wlio coojiCr* lie -lo-f**jn 1 ciallon.

    M I D I S P D I LM T p l l S

    O n ly Reconsideration^^A lTik51cI(li(h"O ilF

    BOiaE. Feb. 27 f/r>— 'nciinle

    plcketlns. Vole lq_reconslder ballot by which- biiUwn^ pn.ssed Saturilnyfailed; 14 16.30_____ ...—Bjt-«inftle-publl(rnc.anii=it(iair- hiK api>olntroenl by county commlji- MonsifijolLlliLxaMnio^

    'control county hospitals. PaKeoTM to 10. with Senator C. A. Bobbhis ■(R^cncwnH) explnlnin^l corn-'cXcTT a prcvlotis meosurfr-vdtocd-by^thtf.

    By mlleace committee—lo pro- h)hltji)OlHlt_Qr..nny_ofilt3.flub-| divlNions-fnmremploylnit nny man' or woman wlio.ie husband or wife U Kalnfully employed, but excepthiR the.churlliiblc InntUutlons from such provisions. Passed. 23 to 18.

    By house mllltno'—providing an' appropriation of $3,000 for miirklns RTnvojr of war velernns aod codlfy- inft such liiurklngn. Piis.s;d, 32 to 7.

    . - County Salaries ■■'Dy ■ h'ousii Judlclaty' —permltllng

    tors of nny IrriKatlon district shnli 'have tlio. power -tO'refu.iC'Xlellv'ery

    wa_^r_for uî e on any landsAvlgcli ftny-aawihmcnOracHni____ _mQr«î .han_nnr_ifaiLUnllI_pAl'jncnl. b made. Pa.vcd. 37 to 1. ,*|-*By.-houso- aurleulturc—permltllns the depiirtment of aitrlcullure to use for administration purposes, as well as for trjt.n. pr6f,ecds from the- tax onJcrlUlzcr.manufaeturcra. Passed. 20 lo 10. • - .-2Jy-housc-iUtc affairs—pcrmllllnB

    iljo stale board of prison commls* .■ilonersito pay convlcw rtUcli.irged or relC;used .on purole 4M Insteiid of $10 upon final release. Paucd,. 31

    . AlMhol Plant By lioiiic iipproprlKllon.i—upocd-

    ................. ■

    —L'l.knaw.betler.ULin.tb.doJt-Thc trouble U tlial I alwaya rorRct 1

    I knoŵ bettTC.tintil.aftyrrlt'B̂ danf.V—


    Hog Stealing Ĉ sê Go^-on.

    i-.-tncLCflMi:"-JEROME." Feb.' 37—A~ -d1;,tvif.; court Jury war. tiiken"latc mis'.tit' cntoon to view « Jcromo farm from which UJs*aUe(;cd' 10 liead'of.hoR- wcr^"ntolcn"lastT‘NoK 9."* ,i,,-,,fc

    Accifsed of the thvft, £>tcs Dor' man and Ahiold- Bvnbroolc -wenl or trial In the dUtrici. courl hvro to-

    pTalufni; wh'ncss.'The Jiiry-wa.i taken lo^vlfiy^io.

    premises nfî *A:tOnMORrPLEASURE-|NTO~)'

    __________:ia£i£S=UiD£EQ=a“ ‘


    Harry W. Barry of-Buhl wa* elected .vice president: W. B. Lawrencc of .Twin Palis, aecrciory, and H.- R. Grant of Twin Falls, treasiu’cr. ■

    The next mcetliis is to be held at Buhl - the first Monday of April. Harry W. Bariy Is to:have chnrxe -of arransemenls’ for this ;raccllns.


    .. . ....... . ton*of-Mr. -and Mr»..Emcr»on J. .otoea^ were held at ldO'p. ni. Simday a t ' the Goodman mortuary chapel with Dp'h5E,9»tld_I^aarnciUzi.charK«.»^«--l^ .:_arojTl Catniull.-.PerreH Calmull:- --“ r * )l OeprBe'OatniuirQn'rEuseriB'Hom-— phrles- aahg ."Roclc of Asea” . and ••UBht Utfl LowervtlRhL" Rhema Kidd and Myrtle Rlehan •antrThat UtUc-’Boy.'of-Jdiw.i

    In Rupert conetery'."

    Lcn Ingram of Dcclo.


    Phono 183 . 131 Main East

    t S R E E T I N G S___Surg y ind. lo be hack in Twin FftllB after at-Icndinjr the furniture .mnrkel -In San Fxnnciscoi the rnccH nt Santa An ita, the"(io ltlen 'G ntc E x -

    '— position:-— ^ -"A 'f le r air^llicrtJ’s. no .place liKc.IionTc. Mcrclmn*

    disc ho.s been-arriyinsr dalix and believe me, ouV >tore i « chuck -full o f gopd lopkinfr Curnilnre. >V« mu.stJ{,cep Ihinfps moving along. , —

    St>— for qulck‘ tumovcr-and-9pot*Cas{rHarc-Roinjr to .givc -you- peoplo-a-lot o f 'h ig h -------/lunlity. ryrniliire. fo r l ^ r y litJlc..inoney._;____

    Remember ■ Cash Talks

    --r-jLVJL-rnsrt'^-flCcu/ftic-typin^gll&TNt 'o ^ t t ^Woria’sainHt'curdiainpionihi^r-ilt^jV^

    . p f ^ e s i e d = a g ^ ^ G 6 l d ^

    S*'05i> per. mftiutc).. Her work Tcquirci^in- Ŝo H n . ,\ViganJ

    . sm6kcr,ihc cortaitily wants a Cigarette that - - 9