www.worcestershire.gov.uk primary science app finstall centre 28 th september 2010 charlotte...

www.worcestershire.gov.uk Primary Science APP Finstall Centre 28 th September 2010 Charlotte Walmsley – AST Steve Davies - EIA

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Primary Science APP

Finstall Centre 28th September 2010Charlotte Walmsley – AST

Steve Davies - EIA



To:• To provide an introduction and build a shared

understanding of primary science APP• Examine and explore some materials• Provide schools with a planned phasing in of

primary science APP

2Primary Science APP



Participants:• Are familiar with the APP materials and existing

good and developing practice• Have confidence and an understanding of the

assessment focuses• Are aware of the support available and are able

to plan for the implementation of APP in their own schools.

3Primary Science APP


Story so far....

• Summer 2008: Initial working party to develop levels 1 and 2 criteria

• Pilot schools identified from 5 Local Authorities• Standards Files developed during autumn and

spring terms• Summer term moderation meetings• National launch at ASE January 2010 and

materials live on the National Strategies website

4Primary Science APP


APP does

• Support progression in learning• Build teacher confidence in levelling science• Provide nationally-recognised, piloted

assessment guidelines and approaches that are consistent

• Enable teachers to make assessments based on a wider, more creative, range of evidence drawn from everyday teaching and learning

5Primary Science APP


APP does not

• Require a portfolio of evidence for each child• Involve assessment tests or tasks set and

marked at regular intervals• Drive planning or require huge changes to

schemes of learning to make it work

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The APP suite

• Reading• Writing• Mathematics• Science• Speaking and Listening• ICT (KS3 only)

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What’s already available for primary science?• 10 science standards files

• Years 1-6• Levels 1-5

• Primary Teachers’ Handbook• Outlining APP process• Assessment Focuses• Making judgements

• Assessment Guidelines• L1-8

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What’s new – THIS IS ON HOLD

• Training Pack – activities to support familiarisation with the science standards files and APP in science

• 5 science training standards files• Planning sequences to help to identify

assessment opportunities• Experiences, challenges and next steps for pilot

schools• FAQs

9Primary Science APP


Training Pack - THIS IS ON HOLD

The training pack provides:• Activities to introduce and explore the science

standards files and assessment guidelines• Activities using training standards files to

develop familiarity and confidence in making level judgements

• Opportunities to consider how APP impacts on teaching and learning

• Guidance on resources needed, expected duration and presenter notes for each activity.

10Primary Science APP


Looking for links

• You have been supplied with a set of cards with L3 statements from science, mathematics and writing criteria.

• Which of the statements on the cards are science, mathematics or writing criteria?

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Looking for threads in the Assessment Focuses• Examine science AF4 and try and identify some

threads that run through from L1 to L5 and note them down.

• Here are some words which might be useful: Knowledge, planning, investigating, variables, data, risks, selecting, applying, explaining, identifying, information sources, fair test, observations, measurements, question, answer

• Repeat this for AF1 these are some possible key words: arguments, evidence, explanations, ideas, models, provisional, scientists

12Primary Science APP


AF1 Thinking Scientifically

Weighing up the


Finding an explanation

Developing scientific


Science ideas must be based

on evidence

Reproduced by kind permission of Ron Bibby


AF2 Understanding the applications and implications of science

Using science to

help people

The benefits and draw backs of science

The effect of science on people

The role of a scientist

Reproduced by kind permission of Ron Bibby


AF3 Communicating and collaborating in science

Presenting the findings of


Collaborating and sharing results and

ideas across the world

Using scientificlanguage Explaining

different ideas

Reproduced by kind permission of Ron Bibby


AF4 Using investigative approaches

Planning an investigation

Collecting experimental


Constructing a fair test

Working safely

Reproduced by kind permission of Ron Bibby


AF5 Working critically with evidence


about errors and odd results

Looking for patterns in


Drawing conclusions

Reproduced by kind permission of Ron Bibby


Matching Evidence with Assessment Criteria• Watch the Key Stage 2 MANUSHREE video on

‘Opaque and transparent materials’ (available at http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/259159

• Discuss the evidence in the video and the supporting work from the child and the teacher notes

• Identify and discuss some Assessment Focuses that you think the evidence addresses

• Identify and discuss some Assessment Criteria that you think are satisfied by the evidence

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20Primary Science APP


Have a look at this piece of evidence from the Standards FilesDiscuss

• What evidence of children’s learning can you see?

• How do the assessment guidelines help to identify the learning?

• What issues does it raise?

• What would be the next steps as a class teacher?

• What would be your advice for next steps?

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Have a look at this clip from Teachers’ TVhttp://www.teachers.tv/video/45831

• How do the assessment guidelines help to identify the learning?

• What issues does it raise?

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Science Standards Files

• Emphasis on breadth of ‘evidence’ – including sound clips, video, teacher scribed notes … as well as children’s recording

• Representative of effective practice – creative and innovative, as well as everyday starting points

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Key Messages

• Plan quality assessment opportunities in order to identify next steps for learners

• Plan rich learning opportunities which address the next steps

• Evidence may not always be planned for - ephemeral evidence is useful evidence.

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Implications for Planning

• Which AFs do you think will raise the most issues in your school?

• What difficulties do you anticipate the teachers will have in generating a variety of evidence?

• How will you support your teachers with these issues?

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Where are we starting from?

• School A: Traditional approach, high performance in end of key stage assessment

• School B: APP reading, writing and maths securely established across the school

• School C: Successful enquiry based curriculum• School D: School in OFSTED category

How might this information influence your approach?

What factors will need to be considered?

28Primary Science APP


Where are we going?

• Clarify the vision• What does the school want to achieve with APP?• What impact could APP have on KS2 - KS3 transition

practices in the future?• Support for PRAPs?

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Managing Change

• Using the handout B2, two year plan and Priory Primary School Timeline

• Identify common elements• Use these to inform your timescale and key


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Finally -

• Plan creatively drawing on local resources• Establish a vision• Take time to do it properly• Starting points will be different

Remember:One size does not fit all

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