www.referate.ro-profesorul preferat a408e

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Profesorul preferatProfesorul, asa cum este cunoscuta aceasta meserie pentru societate, este una dintre cele mai vechi ocupatii din lume. Fie ca se numeau maestri, invatatori, mentori sau intelepti, profesorii au avut intotdeauna un statut aparte in societate. Pe vremuri, la sate si in micile orase, invatatorul, preotul si doctorul erau personajele cele mai respectate in comunitate, oamenii de care toata lumea asculta si se rusina, iar tanarul care era luat novice de catre unul dintre acestia era norocosul care va reusi in viata. Statutul de profesor se dobandeste destul de usor, ar spune unii. Adolescentul care isi doreste sa devina profesor poate apela la mai multe cai: poate urma un liceu pedagogic, care dupa absolvire ii aduce statutul de educator incepator si poate profesa in gradinite, sau poate merge la liceu si alege apoi o facultate de Stiinte (Matematica, Fizica, Biologie etc), Litere (pentru a putea preda Romana), Limbi straine (Engleza, Franceza, Germana etc.), care dupa absolvire ii poate deschide usile unei institutii de invatamant preuniversitar. Pentru a preda este necesara insa si absolvirea unui curs de psiho-pedagogie, care se preda in timpul facultatii si care ii invata pe cei ce doresc sa isi faca o cariera din activitatea la catedra cum sa ii inteleaga pe copii, cum sa abordeze diverse situatii, cum sa abordeze situatiile dificile in cateva cuvinte, ii invata cum sa ii invete pe altii. The teacher, known as the profession to society, is one of the oldest occupations in the world. Whether it be called masters, teachers, mentors or wise teachers have always had a special status in society. Once, in villages and small towns teacher, priest and doctor were the most respected figures in the community, people listen to everyone and shame, and the young novice who was taken by one of them was lucky that will succeed in life. Teacher status is acquired quite easily, some would say. Teenager who wants to become a teacher may use several ways: it can follow a high school teaching after graduation that brings novice teacher status and may practice in kindergarten, or go to school and then choose a faculty of Science (Mathematics, physics, Biology, etc.), letters (to teach Romanian), Languages (English, French, German, etc..) that I can open doors after graduation of university educational institutions. But it is necessary to teach and completion of a course of psycho-pedagogy, which is taught in college and teaches that those who wish to make a career in the department work as I understand the children, how to approach different situations how to deal with difficult situations - in a word, I learn how to teach others.

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