tutorial: linked data & education

Using Linked Data in Education Opportunities, Challenges, Examples Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, DE, @stefandietze, http://purl.org/dietze) Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

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Page 1: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Motivation Data on the Web

Some eyecatching opener illustrating growth and or diversity of web data

Using Linked Data in Education – Opportunities, Challenges, Examples

Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, DE,

@stefandietze, http://purl.org/dietze)

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 2: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

De-facto standard for sharing data on the Web

Vision: well connected graph of open Web data

W3C standards (RDF, SPARQL) to expose data

Persistent URIs to interlink datasets

Linked Data

Domain Number of

datasets Triples % (Out-)Links %

Media 25 1,841,852,061 5.82 % 50,440,705 10.01 %

Geographic 31 6,145,532,484 19.43 % 35,812,328 7.11 %

Government 49 13,315,009,400 42.09 % 19,343,519 3.84 %

Publications 87 2,950,720,693 9.33 % 139,925,218 27.76 %

Cross-domain 41 4,184,635,715 13.23 % 63,183,065 12.54 %

Life sciences 41 3,036,336,004 9.60 % 191,844,090 38.06 %


content 20 134,127,413 0.42 % 3,449,143 0.68 %

295 31,634,213,770


Source: http://lod-cloud.net/state, September 2011

Media Ontology


Gene Ontology

FMA Ontology


Geo Ontology

DBpedia Ontology

Dublin Core


Page 3: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Linked Data for Education Why is it useful?

1. Linked Data as body of knowledge for education & TEL recommender sytems:

vast amount of publicly available resources and data

HTTP access according to state of the art principles

2. Linked Data as set of principles for data sharing:

to improve interoperability of educational data

facilitate learning analytics and recommender system scenarios across isolated platforms

Interlinking educational Resources and the Web of Data – a

Survey of Challenges and Approaches

Stefan Dietze, Salvador Sanchez-Alonso, Hannes Ebner, Hong Qing

Yu, Daniela Giordano, Ivana Marenzi, Bernardo Pereira Nunes,

Emerald Program: electronic Library and Information Systems,

Volume 47, Issue 1 (2013).

Linked Data for Open and Distance Learning

Mathieu d’Aquin, report for the Common Wealth of Learning,

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 4: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Educationally relevant data, eg for informal learning

Publications & literature: ACM, PubMed, DBLP (L3S), OpenLibrary

Domain-specific knowledge & resources: Bioportal for Life Sciences, historic artefacts in Europeana, Geonames

Cross-domain knowledge: DBpedia, Freebase, …

(Social) media resource metadata: BBC, Flickr, …

LD as body of knowledge for education

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 5: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Educationally relevant data, eg for informal learning

Publications & literature: ACM, PubMed, DBLP (L3S), OpenLibrary

Domain-specific knowledge & resources: Bioportal for Life Sciences, historic artefacts in Europeana, Geonames

Cross-domain knowledge: DBpedia, Freebase, …

(Social) media resource metadata: BBC, Flickr, …

Explicitly educational datasets and schemas

University Linked Data: eg The Open University UK, http://data.open.ac.uk, Southampton University, University of Munster (DE), http://education.data.gov.uk

OER Linked Data: mEducator Linked ER (http://ckan.net/package/meducator), Open Learn LD

Schemas: Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI, http://www.lrmi.net/), mEducator Educational Resources schema (http://purl.org/meducator/ns)

http://linkededucation.org &


LD as body of knowledge for education

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 6: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

LD for educational data/resource sharing Challenges of educational resource sharing


Heterogeneity & lack of interoperability

Lack of take-up

Vast Open Educational Resource (OER) & MOOC metadata collections (e.g. OpenCourseware, OpenLearn, Merlot, ARIADNE)

Usually exposed via APIs/services

Competing Web interfaces (e.g. SQI, OAI-PMH, SOAP, REST) & metadata standards (e.g. IEEE LOM, ADL SCORM, DC…)

Competing exchange formats and serialisations (e.g. JSON, RDF, XML)

Fragmented use of taxonomies

Page 7: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

LD for educational data/resource sharing Overview Approaches for LD in educational data sharing

On the-fly/automated integration of heterogeneous APIs and data (http://www.meducator.net)

Dataset (transformation and) cataloging (http://linkedup-project.eu)


Page 8: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

LD for integration of OER repositories Use case: biomedical education in

=> http://metamorphosis.med.duth.gr/ Metamorphosis+ Tailored (L)CMS plugins

=> http://www.meducator3.net/

Data/services integration & retrieval/search APIs

Educational Web Resources

Schemas: OAI-DC, LOM, …

Formats: XML, JSON

Interfaces: OAI-PMH, REST, SOAP


Page 9: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Data/services integration & retrieval/search APIs Linked Educational Resources


Approach: 1) On the fly queries via “SmartLink” (Linked Data registry execution engine for open APIs)

2) Data lifting from heterogeneous repositories using “SmartLink” API and lifting specifications

3) Data enrichment (via DBpedia, Freebase, BioPortal) & clustering, eg to identify correlated resources

Goal: improvement of distributed (non-LD) data with public LOD vocabularies; tighter interlinking to provide coherent graph of educational data (across disparate stores)


Schemas: OAI-DC, LOM, …

Formats: XML, JSON

Interfaces: OAI-PMH, REST, SOAP

LD for integration of OER repositories

Educational Web Resources

Dietze, S., Yu, H. Q., Giordano, D., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Taibi, D.,

Linked Education: interlinking educational Resources and the Web

of Data, in Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium On Applied

Computing (SAC-2012), Special Track on Semantic Web and

Applications, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy, 2012.

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Data enrichment via DBpedia & Freebase

Semi-structured RDF description of educational resource

12/03/13 Stefan Dietze

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Data enrichment via DBpedia & Freebase

Semi-structured RDF description of educational resource

12/03/13 Stefan Dietze

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Data enrichment via DBpedia & Freebase



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Data enrichment via DBpedia & Freebase

NER & disambiguation, eg, via

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Infections db:Human

Papilloma Virus









LD for integration of OER resources LD vocabularies for disambiguation & clustering


<led:title>Virtual patient 1002,

infections & HPV</led:title>



Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Nunes, B. P., Dietze, S., Casanova, M.A., Kawase, R., Fetahu, B., Nejdl,

W., Combining a co-occurrence-based and a semantic measure for

entity linking, ESWC 2013 – 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference,

Montpellier, France, May (2013).

Page 16: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Number of resources per DBpedia reference/enrichment (subject) in mEducator dataset DBpedia concept (http://dbpedia.org/resource/....) Linked by number of


Cervical_cancer 59

Screening 31

Cervical 29

Hpv 29

Oxygenation 26

Childhood 22

differential_diagnosis 19

Knowledge 18

Learning 17

decision_making 16

Training 15

Lecture 15

Risk 15

hpv_infection 15

Fear 15

pap_smear 15

Abnormal 14

Ventilation 14

Ecg 14

DBpedia concept (http://dbpedia.org/resource/....) Linked by number of resources

Cervical_cancer 59

Screening 31

Cervical 29

Hpv 29

Oxygenation 26

Childhood 22

differential_diagnosis 19

Knowledge 18

Learning 17

decision_making 16

Training 15

Lecture 15

Risk 15

hpv_infection 15

Fear 15

pap_smear 15

Abnormal 14

Ventilation 14

Ecg 14

Structural clustering of related resources

DBpedia references used most frequently to describe the „subject“ of particular educational resources

(extracted via out of the box NER tools)

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 17: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

DBpedia concept (http://dbpedia.org/resource/....) Linked by number of resources

Cervical_cancer 59

Screening 31

Cervical 29

Hpv 29

Oxygenation 26

Childhood 22

differential_diagnosis 19

Knowledge 18

Learning 17

decision_making 16

Training 15

Lecture 15

Risk 15

hpv_infection 15

Fear 15

pap_smear 15

Abnormal 14

Ventilation 14

Ecg 14

DBpedia concept (http://dbpedia.org/resource/....) Linked by number of resources

Cervical_cancer 59

Screening 31

Cervical 29

Hpv 29

Oxygenation 26

Childhood 22

differential_diagnosis 19

Knowledge 18

Learning 17

decision_making 16

Training 15

Lecture 15

Risk 15

hpv_infection 15

Fear 15

pap_smear 15

Abnormal 14

Ventilation 14

Ecg 14

Clustering of resources graph (blue nodes: resources, green nodes: enrichments)

Structural clustering of related resources

Cluster of educational resources relating to „cervical cancer“ subject

Number of resources per DBpedia reference/enrichment (subject) in mEducator dataset

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Page 18: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Using LD in educational recommender systems Cross-plattform recommendation in medical education

=> http://metamorphosis.med.duth.gr/ Metamorphosis+

Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011)

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web

resources based on semantic integration of services and data,

10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn,


Page 19: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Enrichment: semi-automated


Metamorphosis+ Example: OER annotation in MetaMorphosis+

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011)

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web

resources based on semantic integration of services and data,

10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn,


Page 20: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Access to 324 ontologies and over 5 Mio entities


Enrichment: semi-automated



2. Suggested Entities

3. Selected entities from BioPortal used to describe discipline, keywords of resource

1. User-specified term during learning resource annotation

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011)

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web

resources based on semantic integration of services and data,

10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn,


Page 21: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Exploratory search enabled via clustering Example: search results of OER in MetaMorphosis+



Educational resources retrieved from heterogenous repositories based on particular user query

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011)

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web

resources based on semantic integration of services and data,

10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn,


Page 22: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Exploratory search enabled via clustering



Related resources from heterogeneous repositories, ranked according to their similarity

Example: search results of OER in MetaMorphosis+

Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011)

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web

resources based on semantic integration of services and data,

10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn,


Page 23: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Data/services integration & retrieval/search APIs Linked Educational Resources

http://linkededucation.org/meducator http://purl.org/smartlink

Schemas: OAI-DC, LOM, …

Formats: XML, JSON

Interfaces: OAI-PMH, REST, SOAP

LD for integration of heterogeneous APIs & data Some issues/challenges

On-the-fly data integration, but issues wrt:

Annotation and description overhead: data lifting requires well-defined lifting specs for each API

Performance: distributed queries (multiple HTTP requests), on-the fly data lifting and processing

Scalability: decrease of query performance with increasing amount of repositories and/or data

Educational Web Resources

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<dc:title> <akt:has-title> ?





educational videos

Step 1 – Alignment of types/properties

12/03/13 24 Mathieu d‘Aquin, Stefan Dietze

Large-scale data harvesting and LD-ification Linked Data for automated cross-platform integration

6 million distinct (but linked) resources

97 million RDF triples

21.6 GB of data

Schema: http://data.linkededucation.org/ns/linked-education.rdf

SPARQL: http://data.linkededucation.org/request/linked-learning/sparql

LD and non-LD data

Step 2 – Linking of resources

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<dc:title> <akt:has-title> ?





educational videos

Step 1 – Alignment of types/properties

12/03/13 25 Mathieu d‘Aquin, Stefan Dietze

Large-scale data harvesting and LD-ification Linked Data for automated cross-platform integration

6 million distinct (but linked) resources

97 million RDF triples

21.6 GB of data

Schema: http://data.linkededucation.org/ns/linked-education.rdf

SPARQL: http://data.linkededucation.org/request/linked-learning/sparql

LD and non-LD data

Step 2 – Linking of resources

Larger scale data processing, but issues wrt:

Scalability and performance of data storage (potential solutions: applying distributed RDF storage, map/reduce etc)

Poor query performance (on large-scale datasets)

Redundant data maintenance => periodic data imports

Davide Taibi, Besnik Fetahu and Stefan Dietze. – “Towards

Integration of Web Data into a coherent Educational Data

Graph”, Linked Learning 2013 – 3rd International Workshop

on Learning and Education with the Web of Data, WWW2013

Workshop Proceedings, ACM Digital Library, 2013.

Page 26: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

EC-funded support action (11/2012 – 10/2014) aiming at improving take-up of large-scale Web data (education as scenario)

Three pillars:

Linking Educational Data: data & catalog for large-scale educational Web data applications

LinkedUp Challenge: open data competition (over 1.5 years) [ http://linkedup-challenge.org ]

Evaluation Framework for open data applications


LinkedUp [ http://linkedup-project.eu ] Linking Data for Education Project

Page 27: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Stefan Dietze

LinkedUp consortium



L3S Research Center, Leibniz University, DE


Leading institute in Web science & data technologies as well as technology-enhanced learning

Strong experience in coordinating R&D projects

KMI, The Open University, UK

Leading R&D institute in areas related to LinkedUp

World’s largest distance university (over 200.000 students)

CELSTEC, The Open University, NL

R&D institute in educational technologies and part of the largest distance university in the netherlands

Exact Learning Solutions, IT

SME in educational technologies and services with long-standing experience in (EC-funded) R&D projects

Elsevier, NL

Leading scientific & educational publisher

Innovative research on the future of publishing & extensive experience in data competitions

The Open Knowledge Foundation, UK

Not-for profit organisation to promote open knowledge and data; global network

Host of key events (OKCon) and platforms (eg CKAN)

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Commonwealth of Learning, COL (CA)

Athabasca University (CA)

Talis Group (UK)


Data Archiving and Networked Services, DANS (NL)

Université Fribourg, eXascale Infolab Group (CH)

Democritus University of Thrace (GR)

AKSW, Universität Leipzig (DE)

Aristotele University of Thessaloniki (GR)

CNR Institute for Educational Technologies (IT)

Clam Messina Service and Research Centre (IT)

Eurix (IT)

Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), UPM, (ESP)

18/09/12 28 Stefan



(outside Europe)

LinkedUp network/associated partners

+ collaborators from

Page 29: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education


LinkedUp data curation Finding and using data

Lack of take-up due to challenges wrt:

Scalability & performance

Legal/licensing implications

Quality & consistency (LOD = knowledge graph)

Lack of reliable dataset metadata about

Resource types

Topics & disciplines

Quality & availability



60.000.000 triples

Page 30: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Goal: providing data consumers with descriptive metadata & search for available datasets

“LinkedUp/Linked Education cloud” as (expanded) subset of LOD cloud at The DataHub

Public RDF vocabulary of datasets (“Linked Education Catalog”) = dataset of datasets (classification of datasets according to, eg, represented types, disciplines/topics, data quality, accessability)

Integration data: links and coreferences => unified view on data => Linked Education Graph

Infrastructure, unified (SPARQL) endpoint & APIs for distributed/federated querying

Dataset cataloging and query federation LinkedUp approach

Educational Datasets





Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Automated processing to generate: Descriptive Dataset Catalog Data Interlinking & Correlation

Page 31: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

13/05/13 31 Stefan Dietze

Endpoint Retrieval

& Graph



Extraction and


Sample Graph


(per dataset)


(per resource)

Interlinking & Co-



Category mapping,




Catalog/Index Links/


rdfs:label:„…ECB….“ ?

Dataset metadata (RDF/VoID): Schema mappings

(types, properties) Entities & categories Topic relevance scores Availability, currentness

data (tbc)





Dataset cataloging and query federation LinkedUp approach

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Linked Education Cloud & Catalog http://datahub.io/group/linked-education


Page 33: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Co-occurence graph of detected data types (in 146 datasets) (node size: type frequency edge: type co-occurence) 144 Vocabularies, 588 Types, 719 Properties

13/05/13 33

Assessing the Educational Linked Data Landscape,

D’Aquin, M., Adamou, A., Dietze, S., ACM Web Science

2013 (WebSci2013), Paris, France, May 2013.

Dataset cataloging and query federation Schema assessment & mapping

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Dataset cataloging and query federation Co-occurence of (mapped) types

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Assessing the Educational Linked Data Landscape,

D’Aquin, M., Adamou, A., Dietze, S., ACM Web Science

2013 (WebSci2013), Paris, France, May 2013.

Co-occurence graph after mapping data types (201 most frequent types mapped into 79 classes)

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Dataset cataloging and query federation Dataset graph (according to type co-occurence)

Stefan Dietze

Dataset graph (according to type co-occurence)


Assessing the Educational Linked Data Landscape,

D’Aquin, M., Adamou, A., Dietze, S., ACM Web Science

2013 (WebSci2013), Paris, France, May 2013.

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Infections db:Human

Papilloma Virus










<led:title>Virtual patient 1002,

infections & HPV</led:title>



Stefan Dietze

Dataset cataloging and query federation Topic assessment via LOD


Enriching sample resources from each dataset with DBpedia entities/categories

Filtering & validation

Computation of normalised relevance score


Page 37: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Top-ranked categories/topics in Linked Education Catalog &

their frequency

Stefan Dietze 02/04/13

DBpedia Category Total

Management 180

Academia 151

Social_sciences 131

Philosophy_of_science 125

Design 120

Sociology_index 117

Systems_science 117

Anthropology 116

Universities_and_colleges 116

Economics 114

Scientific_method 111

Cognitive_science 110

Systems 107

Sociological_terms 104

Neuropsychological_assessment 100

Concepts_in_metaphysics 96

Developmental_psychology 93

Political_philosophy 89

Cybernetics 88

Education 87

Philosophy_of_education 86

Arts 77

Critical_thinking 73

Biology 71

Political_science_terms 71

Dataset cataloging and query federation Topic assessment via LOD

Page 38: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Enhanced Dataset Description

using Semantic Annotations

Established Dataset/Resource Correlations

based on Semantic Annotations (categories)

Indexing of Linked Data, What’s all the data

about, Fetahu, B; Adamou, A., Dietze, S., d’Aquin,

M., Nunes, B.P., ISWC2013 – 12th International

Semantic Web Conference; under review.

Dataset cataloging and query federation Topics and dataset similarities

Page 39: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Example: Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) Dataset Extraction process

CKAN linkededucation

LAK tutorial

LAK Data

LAK challenge

LILE2013 @ www


Page 40: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) Dataset

A corpus of metadata and full-text of 331 learning analytics & educational data mining publications

Freely, openly available in variety of structured formats

Open access as well as previously non-public resources

Publication # of papers

Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) (2011-12)


The open access journal Educational Technology & Society special issue on “Learning and Knowledge Analytics”: Educational Technology & Society (Special Issue on Learning & Knowledge Analytics, edited by George Siemens & Dragan Gašević), 2012, 15, (3), pp. 1-163.


Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (2008-12)


Journal of Educational Data Mining (2008-12) 16

Special permission from ACM

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

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Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) Dataset Extraction process

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13 13/05/13

Taibi, D., Dietze, S., Fostering analytics on learning

analytics research: the LAK dataset,



Page 42: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) Dataset How to access?

Used schemas

Semantic Web Conference ontology http://data.semanticweb.org/ns/swc/ontology

Linked Education schema


Dumps in zipped RDF/XML

Dumps in R

Linked Data/SPARQL endpoint


Page 43: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

LAK Data Challenge in a nutshell http://www.solaresearch.org/events/lak/lak-data-challenge/

2. Prize iPad, 16 GB

1. Prize iPad, 64 GB

3. Prize iPod, 16 GB

+ additional publicity through LinkedUp

Objectives: Analysis & assessment of the emerging LAK community (topics, people, citations or connections with other fields)

Innovative applications to explore, navigate and visualise the dataset (and/or its correlation with other datasets)

Usage of the dataset as part of recommender systems

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LAK Challenge – the many faces of a small dataset

Analysis Exploration & Visualisation

Search & Recommendation Correlation & Enrichment


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Cite4Me – Exploiting LAK and LinkedUp data

13/05/13 45

Stefan Dietze


Cite4Me: Semantic Retrieval and Analysis of Scientific

Publications, B. P. Nunes, B. Fetahu, and M. A. Casanova.

Proceedings of the LAK Data Challenge, held at LAK 2013, the

Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, (2013)

Semantic & graph search

Clustering of researchers, teams, organisations

Using LinkedUp data catalog & interlinking mechanisms

Page 46: Tutorial: Linked Data & Education

What to do with all the data: LinkedUp Challengenutshell

Open competition running over 1.5 years

First competition “Veni” (March 2013 - October 2013): Innovative prototypes and tools for analysing and integrating open educational Web data

Second competition “Vidi” (November 2013 - April 2014): Challenging and innovative, mature data-driven applications

Third competition “Vici” (May 2014 - November 2014): Robust applications for large-scale educational use-cases, offered and provided by LinkedUp

First deadline: 27 June


Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

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Total prize budget of almost 40.000 EUR

Work with large network of experts in the field of linked open data in education

Participate in affiliated events (Linked Learning workshop series, satellite workshops and tutorials at major conferences like WWW2013, LAK2013, ESWC2013)

Present your work at the OKCon (http://okcon.org)

Benefit from support & dedicated datasets

Deploy your applications in real-world use cases (BBC, Elsevier, Commonwealth of Learning…)

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

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Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

Evaluation & timeline

Register already now: http://linkedup-challenge.org

Initial deadline: 27 June („Veni“ stage)

Vedi & Vici stage to be announced soon

Review panel for open track

Evaluation framework under development

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Summary and outlook


Different ways of using LD in education (knowledge source, disambiguation, interlinking, enrichment)

Vast amounts of useful data

LinkedUp (http://linkedup-project.eu):

Linked Education data catalog (http://data.linkededucation.org/linkedup/catalog/): Linked Data-based catalog of open educational datasets (dataset metadata about, types, topics etc)

On the way: exposing non-LD educational data according to LD priniciples (eg LAK dataset)

Future work

Query federation and dedicated APIs

Exploitation in innovative educational scenarios and applications => LinkedUp Challenge (http://linkedup-challenge.org)

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13

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Linked Learning 2013 @ WWW2013 in a nutshell CKAN linkededucation

LAK tutorial

LAK Data

LAK challenge

LILE2013 @ www

19/02/2013 50 Stefan Dietze


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References Interlinking educational Resources and the Web of Data – a Survey of Challenges and Approaches, Stefan Dietze, Salvador Sanchez-Alonso, Hannes Ebner, Hong Qing Yu, Daniela Giordano, Ivana Marenzi, Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Emerald Program: electronic Library and Information Systems, Volume 47, Issue 1 (2013).

Assessing the Educational Linked Data Landscape, D’Aquin, M., Adamou, A., Dietze, S., ACM Web Science 2013 (WebSci2013), Paris, France, May 2013.

Linked Education: interlinking educational Resources and the Web of Data, Stefan Dietze, Honq Qing Yu, Daniela Giordano, Eleni Kaldoudi, Nikolas Dovrolis and Davide Taibi, ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC-2012), Special Track on Semantic Web and Applications

As Simple As It Gets – A sentence simplifier for different learning levels and contexts Nunes, B. P., Kawase, R., Siehndel, P., Casanova, M.A., Dietze, S., in ICALT 2013: 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Beijing, China, July 15-18 (2013).

Fostering analytics on learning analytics research: the LAK dataset, Taibi, D., Dietze, S., Technical Report, 03/2013, URL: http://resources.linkededucation.org/2013/03/lak-dataset-taibi.pdf

Semantic Web Journal Special Issue on Linked Data for Science and Education. , Kessler C., d’Aquin M. and Dietze S. (eds) http://iospress.metapress.com/content/m87017012802/

Putting Linked Data to Use in a Large Higher-Education Organisation Mathieu d’Aquin, Interacting with Linked Data workshop 2012

Information Organization on the Internet based on Heterogeneous Social Networks, Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Dietze, S., 29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC’11), Pisa, 2011.

MetaMorphosis+ – A social network of educational Web resources based on semantic integration of services and data, Dietze, S., Kaldoudi, E., Dovrolis, N., Yu, H.Q., Taibi, D. (2011), 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn, Germany

Stefan Dietze 13/05/13