wtf anniversary issue

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  • 7/29/2019 WTF Anniversary Issue


    VOL 01 | ISSUE 11 | 15 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 | FORTNIGHTLY | FREE | RNI - TNENG05547 / 22 / 1 / 2012-TC


    ONEP2One year of making your voices matter

  • 7/29/2019 WTF Anniversary Issue


    35 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 15 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

    conceptualised by

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    TF celebratesning one withch gusto!ve in this anniversary issueexciting stories that illustraterit of the tabloid. Catch allion from Poznan, Polande Indian team at the Home-orld Cup. WTF was associ-

    onsor to the Indian teamas cheering the team one stands.

    ooks at latest fashion trendshy colleges are enforcingcodes for students. Wespectives from both guysls and hear them out.AME looks at FACEBOOK-GA NALLAVARA KETTA-a movie all set to release

    h the WTF-FAME initiative.ught up with the directorew to get a feel of the mov-F always promises to helpd we give you quick tips ondeal with a pub crawl and

    elp you with making the rightes if you are caught bunking

    on and enjoy the wide-of stories and plots, tell

    at you think and write in [email protected]

    -Lisa Marie

    WTF tabloid isjust awesome.This paper is so

    useful for the college goingstudents as they are updatedwith the latest news. I ap-preciate WTF for giving op-portunities to the youngstersby printing their talents andmaking them grow as i wasgiven a chance to be on thepaper. The students who donot read the news papers,read WTF as the interestingfacts pull their eye balls to-wards it. I feel more of busi-ness news and the currentaffairs of our country shouldbe featured as the studentsshould know what is happen-ing in our country. Local newsshould be featured as well.A special blog on the papershould be given for talentedstudents as the readers shouldknow the Future Leadersof tomorrow of our country.

    Sunny Deepak, Chennai

    Ithink WTF is a greatplatform for college go-

    ers to share their views anddaily happenings, as it isan on campus newsletter,it is inclusive of the verymany colleges in Chennai.One only needs to pick up acopy to know the latest newsand cultural extravaganzasabout to adorn respectivecolleges and can make abeeline for it. The newslet-ter, inclusive of humour alsoincludes information oftenessential to the college stu-dent. Last months copy hada two page cover on how toget rid of a hangover, and tosay the remedies were prettysuccint. I applaud the found-er of the newletter on hisbrainchild as it is a studentsfavourite on campus. On theother hand, WTF could focuson telling us about the col-lege goers favourite spot tohang out at, places whereone can experiment onestaste buds. It would also bea good idea to include a sec-tion on young entrepreunersas many college studentsrun businesses post collegehours. This may prove very

    inspirational to the readerand bring such personalitiesto light. Along with all these,Wtf must include a sectionon art, performances andfashion. I may be biasedby suggesting so though, asthey are my areas of foray.

    Masiha Shabeer, Wcc college


    We actuallyhad no ideawhat these

    newspaper was about, oneday I just found a friend go-ing through this in collegeand I got hooked on. I wishit was more regular and Icould to read more aboutwhat activities and eventsare happening in the city. I

    really enjoyed reading theGuzzler Cue and the Catghts. I hope there will bemore news updates as wellas it should be informativeto students and not just be auff tabloid.

    Nilofer, Stella Maris College



    We caught up





    heres whatthey

    had tosay

    WTF-What they feel, began its journey ayear ago and through the course of theyear it has grown exponentially creat-ing a platform for students in the city to

    be able to voice their opinions.

    Through exciting features and interactive cre-atives, WTF has garnered the support of the studentcommunity, who have helped this tabloid grow.The coming year promises to be even more excitingas the team has planned to take this tabloid to thenext level. With initiatives like WTF-Fame and WTF-

    School of talent, we aim to help recognise talentedstudents and help bridge the gap between passionand profession, explains Rohit Ramesh, CEO of WTF.

    This year is also very special for the WTF team asWTF went overseas with the Slum Soccer India teamas associate sponsors and attended the HomelessWorld Cup 2013. Helping the Indian team compris -ing of children from challenging backgrounds go toPoznan in Poland and participate in the HomelessWorld Cup just echoes the spirit of WTF and the corephilosophy of recognising talent and helping makedreams come true.

    WTF will continue to be your voice, so do write into us and let us know how we can serve you better.Please write in to [email protected] with your sug-gestions.



  • 7/29/2019 WTF Anniversary Issue


    55 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 15 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

    WTF goes to Polandwith the Slum SoccerTeam India for thehomeless World Cupin Poznan this year

    Indiaachieved its high-est ever nish at theHomeless World Cupwhen the team select-

    ed by Indian National partners Slum Soccer brokeinto the Top 30 for the rst time in the 11th edition ofthe annual tournament held at Poznan, Poland. Thelife changing tournament that saw participation from

    64 countries was won by traditional powerhouse Bra-zil who beat Mexico in the nals on penalties.

    India was handed a difcult route to the groupstages and had to play Argentina, Wales, Scotlandand Indonesia to get there. Heart breaking lossesagainst Wales (penalties) and Argentina (6-4) meantIndia was drawn into the same group as Belgium,USA, Norway and Switzerland. The rst game was arematch of the Paris 11 Homeless World Cup Com-munity Cup Final against Belgium. The score line re-mained the same; 7-5; unfortunately, this time Indiawas on the losing end. However, an almost miracu -

    lous ght back followed and India reeledoff 3 successive wins beating the Swiss 8-3,the Americans 5-1 and the Norwegians 3-2.Other results went in Team Indias favortoo and it nished top of the group with 12points and Belgium a close second with 11.

    This handed Team India a place in thequarternals of Host Cup (The Ministry of Labor Cup)for the rst time and although the team was beatenby European Giants Czech Republic, India went onto beat Northern Ireland in the ranking games andnished a creditable 29th.

    The mixed gender team led by Pankaj Mahajanshowed spirit and purpose throughout and were arm crowd favorite. This was a life changing experi-ence for the players from the slums and red light dis-

    tricts in Nagpur, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata.Abhijeet Barse, CEO of Slum Soccer said, I am con-dent that the players will use this opportunity to goback to their communities and truly work towardsimproving the quality of the lives of themselves andtheir peers.

    Akshay Madhavan, COO of Slum Soccer and themanager of the team said, We are indebted to oursponsors who made this trip possible for Team India.Chief among them is The Hindu who was our titlesponsor. Adidas supplied us with wonderful equip-ment as kit sponsors ensuring we had everything weneeded to give our best. Last but not the least, weowe a lot to WTF who were our associate sponsorsand helped us out with every single arrangement.


  • 7/29/2019 WTF Anniversary Issue


    It is

    unfair to always

    blame guys. We are not

    all the same. Girls act like they

    have nothing to do with what is go-

    ing on. Girls know it is bad for them to

    travel alone and dress provocatively. It

    is wrong to judge an entire sex or gender

    based on what a handful do. We also

    have mothers and sisters and we re-

    spect women. Yes, we need to educate

    men as early as primary school

    about respecting women so as

    to avoid such scenarios.



    problem is the

    mindset of the average In-

    dian male, he thinks he can stare,

    pass comments and get away with it.

    That is the problem. Imposing dress codes

    on us is not the solution. We have to address

    the issue at the grass root level and change the

    way people think. I have many guy friends and

    they are all great and respect me and make sure

    I get home safe. They are more cautious than

    some of my girl friends and look out for me. I

    dress the way I want around them and they

    never look at me strange or try to act weird.

    It is because they are used to it and they

    dont nd the need to do something

    about it even if they nd it pro-

    vocative. -KiRan


    code for

    women is under-

    standable. Some girls

    come to college like they are

    going clubbing or partying

    with friends. A place of educa-

    tion and learning should be

    treated sacred. Such attire

    can be distracting


    75 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 15 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

    gnesh, tell the readers of WTF whatnext movie is going to be about?BOOK-NEENGA NALLAVARA KET-

    ARA (FNNK) is my upcoming lm andompletely about two guys and inci-

    happening around them relating tobook. This lm shows how Facebook isg used by todays youth.

    D ream bigTHEY CAN COME TRUE!

    mber wesed youyours neededwe would

    ou achieveoals. WTF-

    E initiativeing bring aproject tod making the dreams ofsh Kumar and his team come true.his movie went viral on

    be, there was no stopping him. On-a Onnus director, Vignesh is all setase his next venture. We caught upim to fnd out more aboutcoming project.

    o are the actors in this project?nesh Kumar (myself), FATTY Gowtham Rajses Robinson ( newsreader / translator/ist), Veena venu ( Daughter of actor Venund ) , Shailender Singh ( Onnukulla onnusucer and he did the Swamiji character in it ifremember) and many others.

    What about the rest of thecrew members?The producer is Rohit Ramesh,the story, screenplay, dialoguesand direction is by me VigneshKumar, music is by Anton Zeph-rin, cinematography by Shrey-aas Krishna, editor is ArulmozhiVarman and the colouristis Praveen Leonard.The VFX is done byArchit Ramesh andthe spokesperson isNikkil Murugan.

    What is the onept of yourmovie how did it ome to be-ing?

    I thought there is no lm madeyet that is completely about apersons Facebook life, so far.This made me make a lmabout it. I feel it will have a cultfollowing upon release. RohitRamesh sir called me for aninterview early this year afterwatching my ONNUKULLAONNU. After that he gave methe chance to make a movieagain, and then came the ideaof FNNK. I narrated the storyto him and he believed in thestoryline and now weve com-pleted shooting and the lm isat the edit table. We are ani -mating the Facebook interfacefor FNNK. It is done by ArchitRamesh, my producers brotherwho is already working for afamous designing company.Hopefully, the readers of WTFwill support our venture and en-joy the movie. We will keep youposted about the release.






    Given the recentspree of news aboutrape cases plaguingthe Indian media, itcomes as no surprisethat many collegesare warning their stu-dents to be more alertand dress better. Wecaught up with a FEWstudents in collegesacross the city to hearthem out on the issue.


    live in suh a

    hyporitial soiety, every-

    one tells us that women are free

    to do and think as they please but if

    this is the situation then what an we do.

    We have to hide and feel shameful like as

    though being a girl is a rime. I have to wear

    a shrug or oat every time I wear a sleeveless

    top or use a sarf when I ome to ollege. Guys

    stare at you like they have never seen a woman

    in their life. It is mostly beause they are

    deprived and frustrated. colleges imposing

    dress odes are just doing what they need

    to do to keep us safe, I dont agree

    with it but I understand where

    they are oming from.



    our college

    says dress decently they

    actually mean wear tradi-

    tional Indian clothes, I feel like

    its unfair when guys get to wear

    what they want and they are the

    reason this happens. I want to wear

    jeans and tshirts to college but my

    teachers will throw me out. We say

    we are progressing but if I cant

    wear what I want then how

    are we?


  • 7/29/2019 WTF Anniversary Issue


    8 15 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

    Owned and published by Rohit Ramesh, Old no. 7, New no. 15, Parthasarathy Gardens, Alwarpet, Chennai 600018. Editor-in-chief: Liz. RNI - TNENG05547 / 22 / 1 / 2012-TC


    Womens Chris-tian College,afliated to the

    University of Madras isone of the oldest institu-tions of higher educa-tion for Women in In-dia, established in 1915by the united effort of12 missionary societiesfrom England and theUSA. True to its motto

    Lighted to Lighten thecollege has been pro-viding complete, mean-ingful, relevant educa-tion to generations ofwomen students mak-ing them intellectuallywell-trained, morallyupright, socially awareand spiritually inspiredcitizens. The collegewas granted autonomyin 1982 and reaccred-ited by NAAC with Agrade (April 2012).

    WCC is glad to share

    with WTF the goodnews that the Depart-ment of Chemistrycelebrated its DiamondJubilee during the year2013-2014. The depart-ment has been success-ful in producing gradu-ates who are excellingin various portfoliosboth nationally andinternationally. Thedepartment evolvedinto a PG department in2007. The departmenthas been a trend setter

    in Chemistry educa-tion, offering innovativecourses such as ForensicScience, Printing andDyeing of Textiles andCosmetics and PersonalGrooming. In orderto commemorate theDiamond Jubilee theyorganized a NationalLevel Science exhibitionand Quiz Competitionat School and Col-lege level. They alsoreleased of a Diamondubilee Souvenir to

    mark the occasion. Theprogramme is sched-uled to be held during29 August 2013.




    Happy hours are called so for areason. If youre looking to get the

    most out of your money, get mostof your drinks at happy hour andnot at the end of the night. Youare probably going to be swipe-happy, splurging on shots youdont even recognise and the bar-tender is going to make it a pointto serve you the most expensiveliquor given your state.


    Many people like to pre-game or have a fewshots before they set out for a pub crawl. Thisis probably a bad idea for a rst-timer. Try notto pre-game for a pub crawl. Drinking before acrawl is an absolute no. Breaking this rule is theeasiest way to nd yourself passed out in the al-ley next to the rst bar.

    Eat before you drink. Carbs workbest, so load up on a burger beforehitting the town. Grab a sandwich onthe go if you nd yourself queasy af-ter the rst pub. Many amateurs havefallen prey to the empty stomach.

    Just say no to drinks on re.

    A wasted pub crawler tryinga re shot could inevitably bedangerous for you and others.

    Photo-worthiness is questionable. Trigger-happy friends maymake things really awkward for you next morning. Dont do any-thing that you wouldnt want to see on Facebook. Your friendsmay take pictures of you irting with that hot girl and your signi-cant other back home may not appreciate the humour of it all.Better still keep a no picture rule within your group for a fun night.

    Remember to pace yourself afterthe rst bar. One drink per stop iscompletely acceptable. Remember,its a marathon, not a sprint.







