wsta presentation

Will Albert May 12, 2011 Wall Street Technology Association

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A presentation I did for The Wall Street Technology


  • 1. Will AlbertMay 12, 2011 Wall Street Technology Association

2. Network Virtualization Overview Network Virtualization Solution Solution Differentiation Solution Impact & ROI m2mi Demo: Secure Cloud Provisioning 3.

  • A Cloud Requires Network Virtualization to Realize Dynamic Computing
  • Server Virtualization consolidates server orComputeresources and enables dynamic capacity allocation and optimization.
  • Network Virtualization completes this for the Network orConnect and Securityresources, realizing the expected cost, flexibility and resilience ROI of virtualization.

STORAGE COMPUTE CONNECT and SECURITY Virtualized Physical Layer Logical Resource Layer Security Connect Storage Compute Interface Layer Self Service Management Portal 4.

  • Why Virtualize the Network?
  • Security:The Network is the Gateway to your Data, but Network Security is labor intensive and complicated. Virtualizing the Network properly, integrates security best practices into every Configuration and every change or action in the Cloud.
  • Agility:With Server Virtualization, consolidation and Cloud computing comes an increasing rate of change in the data center. Without secure automation and multi-vendor synchronization, the Network cannot keep up and your users cannot get access.
  • Efficiency & Cost:Network Virtualization allows non-expert Cloud Application owners and admins to safely allocate Network resources, limiting the repetitive tasks required of highly skilled Network Experts. Saving time and money on costly limited resources.
  • Reduction of Errors:On the Network, mistakes are critical, resulting in outages, security vulnerabilities and lost revenue. Network Virtualization standardizes all changes and is constantly validating configurations to identify vulnerabilities and previous errors.
  • Revenue:Virtualizing advanced Network features like Quality of Service, Traffic Prioritization and Data Encryption provides the opportunity to meter, bill and resell these Premium services to customers with greater application needs.


  • What does it take to Virtualize the Network?
  • MULTI-VENDOR Automation:A Network Virtualization solution MUST support multi-vendor network device automation, ie direct interactions on hardware/software devices. This unifies the Network into a single resource and prevents vendor lock-in.
  • Orchestration:To abstract Network configuration and best practices and to align Network change to higher level Cloud Resource tasks, Network Virtualization must synchronize and orchestrate Network automation and Roll Back any incomplete changes.
  • Intelligence & Fault Tolerance:Customers rarely know their Network. Network Virtualization must efficiently autodiscover relevant devices, must validate configuration prior to changes and be smart enough to accomplish safe tasks even if the Network is not as expected.
  • Interoperability & Universal Open Standard Interfaces:Every Network owner has invested in Management, Workflow, ID Management, Virtualization, etc. Network Virtualization must integrate with all of these systems both to grab information from and pass feedback to.
  • End-to-End Security:In abstracting and synchronizing the Network, Network Virtualization has the opportunity to layer levels of security across the infrastructure, seamlessly integrating disparate approaches into a unified, orchestrated defense.
  • Change Management & Compliance:Automating critical changes to the Network necessitates auditable change logging and compliance reporting. Advanced systems can be leveraged as After Action Reports and efficiency metrics.


  • Integrates existing Server and Storage Virtualization with m2mi Network Virtualization technology to disable vendor lock-in, reduce current budgets and provide resilient dependable services
  • SECURITY: Synchronizes and Automates Global Security Policies and Best Practices across All Resources
    • Implements Multi-level Security, Layering Application and Network Security with Traffic, Access Control and Resource Security
    • Provides Auditable Change Logs and Compliance Tools
  • CONNECT: Orchestrates Connections for Virtual or Physical Resources
    • Integrates with existing management systems, applications & automation tools
    • Interoperates with multi-vendor, multi-tenant environments networking:
      • Application Components
      • End User and Administration User Access
      • Federated Global Resources (example: ID Management, Financial reconciliation tools, Regional data storage)
      • Corporate Partner and/or Public Clouds


  • m2mi Network Virtualization Differentiators
    • Multi-Vendor Support & Abstraction - m2mi handles the differences between Vendors, Operating System and Versions under the covers
    • Multi-level Security - m2mi Secures all layers of abstraction & services
    • Simplified Advanced Feature Implementation - m2mi coordinates & synchronizes complex advanced Network features into simple standard services (ex. QoS, VLANs, SSL, Etherchannel)
    • Robust Mixed Environment Operation - m2mi Automation validates all network configurations prior to changes ensuring stability even with other network tools
    • Scalability - Single Customer Environment support 5.5M Enterprise Cloud Users, over 90,000 employees in 145 countries, involves 15,000 Network Devices
    • Standard Web Service Interface for integration with existing Management Tools and Network-Aware Applications - Rich UI for Standalone operation
    • Auditable Logging and Compliance Tracking of all Network Changes & Queries
    • End-to-End Support and Maintenance


  • m2mi Security Differentiators
    • Patent Protection: m2mis Security technology is backed up by a granted patent
    • Multi-level Security: m2mi extends Global Security Rules and paradigms through Applications to the Network
    • Multi-Vendor Support: m2mi coordinates security across existing and new Cloud resources
    • Secure, Robust Automation: m2mi automates security to greatly simplify implementation and maintenance
    • Global Policy Alignment: As m2mis Network Virtualization is integrated into every change made in the Cloud, Security is automatically applied according to business and security rules and validated with every Cloud process.
    • Compliance and Audit: m2mi provides Audit Logs and reporting of all changes and enforces Compliance Rules along side Security Rules.

Cloud Security gets complicated as virtual resources become dynamic and conceptual. To cover the complexity, a secure Cloud must have a holistic end-to-end Security Solution. 9.

  • Network Virtualization Saves Customers Money
    • Enterprise Cloud Customer realized total provisioning and management costs as little as 30 per user per year
    • Network Virtualization customers have saved up to 70% in provisioning & integration costs
  • m2mi Runs Some the Largest Enterprise Clouds
    • m2mi handles provisioning and security for 5.5 Million users for a single Customers Cloud
    • m2mi manages a single federated Global Customer Cloud Network with operational assets in 22 different countries
    • m2mi supports Customers Cloud End Users in 145 countries
    • Enterprise End Users include: GE, BT, PepsiCo, JDSU, Equifax, The Warranty Group, Genworth Financial, Agilent, Iron Mountain, Minerals Technologies, Essilor of America (eye glass lenses), Exterran (natural gas), Arcor SAIC, Phibro Animal Health Corp., OGIO International (SMB), Mercury Computer Systems (SMB)


  • Decrease in Time to Market: New Application Environment configuration and deployment time is reduced to hours or minutes with minimal Network or Security expertise required
  • Faster Revenue Realization: On-boarding new Customers with secure access is highly automated and takes only a few minutes, enabling end-of-quarter Cloud sales
  • Low Cost of Ownership: Annual costs are 0.05-1% of original device costs (over the lifetime of the device this equates to 3-7%)
  • Fixed Cloud Provisioning and Security Costs: Known Costs keep Cloud Costs accountable and measurable, allowing for accurate forecasting and pricing
  • Reduced Dependence on Limited Network/Security Resources: Frees highly skilled Network and Security resources from mundane, repeated tasks to focus on higher value tasks.

Network Virtualization ROI 11.

  • Technology Demo: Secure Cloud Provisioning
  • Questions and Answers

Contact: Will Albert[email_address]