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WSDL, SOAP, Service, HTTP Palette

40)What is WSDL?WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. A WSDL file is an XML instance of the XML Schema. A WSDL resource is composed of a series of definitions that describe the format and roles of messages used in web services.

41)What is the use of WSDL Palette?The WSDL palette is used for creating, editing, validating, importing, and viewing WSDL files. These files are shared resources that describe web services. The WSDL palettes resources are used to create and reuse abstract definitions, namely: Messages, which describe the data being exchanged PortTypes, which define a set of operations Operations, which describe the activities supported by the web service

42)What are the two types of WSDL required to create a Web Service? Abstract WSDL (Describes Structure & Elements) Concrete WSDL (Abstract WSDL with Transport)

43)What are the basic components of a WSDL? Message (Contains the request and response of a web service) PortType (Logical Folder to organize the web service resources) Operation (Services offered by the web service)

44)What are the steps to create an Abstract WSDL?1. Select WSDL activity from the WSDL palatte2. Describe the required Messages for the WSDL and the schema mapping for the Messages3. Create the Logical Port by adding the PortType Activity to the WSDL4. Add the required Operations to the PortType Activity.5. Design the Operation offered by the web service.

45)What are the steps to create a Concrete WSDL?1. Create the Abstract WSDL2. Get the XML WSDL from either SOAP Event Source or the Service WSDL and save it in a *.wsdl file3. Import the saved concrete WSDL file into the project

46)What are the two ways to create a web service?SOAP Event SourceService Palette

47)What is the advantage of using the Service Palette over the SOAP Event Source?Using the SOAP Event Source, you can run only one operation at a time. While using the Service Palette you can run multiple operations simultaneously

48)What are the steps to create a web service using SOAP EventSource?1. Define XSD2. Define the HTTP / JMS Connection3. Create Abstract WSDL from the XSD4. Define the Process for the web service and replace Start Activity with the SOAP Event Source Activity from the SOAP Palette5. Set the Port Type to Abstract WSDL and the Transport to HTTP / JMS Connection for the SOAP Event Source6. Copy the XML WSDL form the SOAP Event Source to create the Concrete WSDL7. Complete the design for the web service process8. Create a Client Process and invoke the web service using the SOAP Request Reply Activty.9. Set the Service Of the SOAP Request Reply to point to the Concrete WSDL.

49)What are the steps to create a web service using Service Palette?1. Define XSD2. Define the HTTP / JMS Connection3. Create Abstract WSDL from the XSD4. Right Click the Abstract WSDL and select Tools or Multi-User > Generate Web Service > From WSDL5. Select the Transport6. Generate the Concrete WSDL from the WSDL Source of the Service WSDL7. Define the Logical Operation8. Create a Client Process and invoke the web service using the SOAP Request Reply Activty.9. Set the Service Of the SOAP Request Reply to point to the Concrete WSDL

50)What is the Operation activity in the WSDL Palette used for?The Operation component describes the message formats for the incoming and outgoing messages required by the activities supported by the portType. One or more Operation components can be added to a PortType component selected in your project.

51)What is the Retrieve Resource Activity used for?The Retrieve Resources activity generates a WSDL file containing a concrete service (Conrete WSDL) description of any process definition that has a SOAP Event Source process starter. This allows clients to access the WSDL for a web service. The client can then use the WSDL file to invoke the web service. The Retrieve Resources activity can also be used to retrieve any other resources, including XSDs and WSIL.

52)What is the SOAP Event Source Activity used For?The SOAP Event Source process starter creates a process instance for incoming SOAP requests. SOAP is a standard protocol for invoking web services. This allows you to create a web service using process definitions. Upon retrieval of the WSDL, the client can perform a SOAP request to invoke the web service.

53)What is the SOAP Send Reply activity used for?The SOAP Send Reply activity sends a reply to an application that sent a SOAP request. This activity is primarily used in process definitions that implement web services. When a SOAP Event Source is used as the process starter, the SOAP Send Reply activity is used to send the reply to the request that starts the process instance.

54)What is SOAP Fault?The SOAP Fault element is used to carry error and/or status information within a SOAP message.

55)What is the difference between "SOAP over JMS" and "SOAP over HTTP"?The advantage of using SOAP over JMS over SOAP over HTTP is reliability as you may use the persistence and acknowledgment features built in the standard. The same applies if you need to establish asynchronous communication or need to use the load balancing features provided by JMS servers. You can achieve this using http but the implementation would be much more complicated.

56)What is the Context Resource used for?The Context Resource allows you to specify a schema to hold context data from an incoming request or outgoing replies to a service. This allows you to pass on data, such as the username and password sent by the requesting application. Also, you can pass data from the process that implements an operation back to the Service for any outgoing reply message. The Context Resource can also be used to store SOAP headers or message attachments.

57)What is the Get Context activity used for?The Get Context activity retrieves the value of the specified Context Resource. This is useful if your process definition requires some context information from an incoming request (Like Username & Password etc.).


91)What are Adapters?Adapters are connectors to data sources to catch event changes. Once an Adapter catches a event change, it publishes the message to a message box using either EMS or RVD

92)What are the different types of adapters? Technical Adapters (File Adapter, DB Adapter) Functional Adapters (PeopleSoft Adapter, SAP R3 Adapter) Custom Adapters

93)What are the types of adapter services? Subscriber Service Publisher Service Request-Response Service

94)What are the 3 main configuration elements common for all Adapters? Design Time ( For BW Testing ) Run Time ( For Admin Deployment ) Service ( Pub / Sub, Request-Reply )

95)What is Publish by value and Publish by reference?In Publish by Value, all the specified columns in the source table are copied into the Publishing table.

In Publish by reference, only the specified key column values are copied to the publishing table.

96)What is the difference between JDBC activities and ADB Adapter? ADB uses ODBC to connect, JDBC uses JDBC ADB is more suitable for instances where you have a lot of processing ADB is more suitable for instances where you want that a particular action on a DB Table triggers a BW process. ADB adapter is best for publishing from database. For simple inserts and updates then ADB subscriber is best. In case of insert or update to database then check if you have complex JDBC inserts, transaction management and other dynamic queries then JDBC activities are best. JDBC is more suitable for running dynamic code where in runtime you can execute statements with different values depending on process execution.

97)What are modes of operation for File Adapter in Record Mode? Synchronous mode upon receiving an event, the publication service will allow other services in the instance only after it completes the processing and publishing of all the files that match the specified criteria. In Asynchronous mode the publication service allows other services of the instance to receive events while it is processing and publishing a file. By default Subscription service always operates in Asynchronous mode.

98)What are supported SQL Operations in database adapters?The database adapter supports the following SQL operations for publishing and subscribing: INSERT UPDATE DELETE UPDATE/INSERT (update if row exists, otherwise insert)

99)What are the transport types supported by ADB adapters? Rendezvous JMS