written film pitch

Written film pitch Slide 1 This is the pitch I have made for my film “Why am I different?”. I hope that my ideas and options are taken into consideration while you create opinions about my film ideas. Slide 2 This is the plot summary for my film idea. I believe that it explains a few of the details about the film without giving too much away. It has description about the characters and what happens through the film. Slide 3 I have decided to make my film a horror since I find them one of the most interesting genres. I do like fantasy and superhero films but I think that having a horror film featuring a disability is the best genre to choose. One of Colin Barnes’ stereotypes of disability was “An object of violence; As sinister and evil” so I thought that this would be a more interesting portrayal of a character with a mental illness. Slide 4 My main characters in the film are the Hyll family of 4, a physician and the leader of a hooded group. There will be more characters in the film but it will be mostly these 6 characters on screen. All of the characters are connected in some way, the Hylls are a family, Jamison is the towns physician who helps Eleanor after the death of her family and the leader of the hooded figure is the person who is in charge of murdering the Hyll family. Slide 5 My chosen actors for these 6 roles are: Frank Grillo as Jefferson Hyll, Kiersten Warren as Isobella Hyll, Isabelle Fuhrman, Levi Miller as Nicolas Hyll, Julian Glover as Jamison Bolton and Michael Keaton as the leader of the hooded group. First of all my first thought was to have Frank Grillo as the father in this film, there was no other actor that came into mind. I know Frank Grillo from his work as Brock Rumlow in

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film pitch


Written film pitch

Slide 1This is the pitch I have made for my film Why am I different?. I hope that my ideas and options are taken into consideration while you create opinions about my film ideas.

Slide 2This is the plot summary for my film idea. I believe that it explains a few of the details about the film without giving too much away. It has description about the characters and what happens through the film.

Slide 3I have decided to make my film a horror since I find them one of the most interesting genres. I do like fantasy and superhero films but I think that having a horror film featuring a disability is the best genre to choose. One of Colin Barnes stereotypes of disability was An object of violence; As sinister and evil so I thought that this would be a more interesting portrayal of a character with a mental illness.

Slide 4My main characters in the film are the Hyll family of 4, a physician and the leader of a hooded group. There will be more characters in the film but it will be mostly these 6 characters on screen. All of the characters are connected in some way, the Hylls are a family, Jamison is the towns physician who helps Eleanor after the death of her family and the leader of the hooded figure is the person who is in charge of murdering the Hyll family.

Slide 5My chosen actors for these 6 roles are: Frank Grillo as Jefferson Hyll, Kiersten Warren as Isobella Hyll, Isabelle Fuhrman, Levi Miller as Nicolas Hyll, Julian Glover as Jamison Bolton and Michael Keaton as the leader of the hooded group.

First of all my first thought was to have Frank Grillo as the father in this film, there was no other actor that came into mind. I know Frank Grillo from his work as Brock Rumlow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and as the Sergeant in The Purge: Anarchy. The Purge: Anarchy is an action, horror film which means he must know how to act in a horror film, I have not seen this film before but I have the one that came before, The Purge, and that was a gory film so I'm guessing that the second one was as well.

Kiersten Warren has previously been in Black Cadillac which is a horror, thriller movie about three young men who become terrorised in a high-speed car chase with a mysterious pursuant. I have not seen this film but Kiersten is one of the top billed cast members playing Jeannie. I have chosen to cast Kiersten Warrwn as the mother figure because she has previously worked in horror movie, she was born in 1965 which is an appropriate age to act as a mother with experience.

I have chosen to cast Isabelle Fuhrman as Eleanor Hyll and Jared Gilmore as Nicolas Hyll as they are the right age to play the children in this film. Isabelle Fuhrman has played Esther in Orphan which is a mystery, thriller film. She is 18 which makes her about the same age as the character she plays. I had originally thought to have Levi Miller as Nicolas Hyll but then I remembered seeing Jared Gilmore in Once Upon A Time, he was one of the main characters in the TV show and she was a good actor, he is also 15 now which makes him the same age as Nicolas as a character.

Julian Glover will play Jamison Bolton in this film. I have seen his work in Game Of Thrones as Grand Maester Pycelle and thought that he would be great for the role. He has also been in TV shows like Merlin, Casualty and The Chief. He is also the voice of Aragog in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Triopas in Troy. I have chosen to have Julian Glover as Jamison Bolton as he has a range of characters that he has played, this genre diversity is important for any actor.

Finally, I have decided to have Michael Keaton as the leader of the hooded group since he has played many different characters, if they were villains or good guys. Most of his films have been blockbusters, he has recently played Riggan in Birdman, he is the voice of Ken in Toy Story 3, he was in the 1993 version of Much Ado About Nothing and played Batman in the 1989 version of Batman and in Batman Returns. But his most recognisable role for me was when he played Betelgeuse in Beetlejuice, that has been one of my favourite films for a long time. I believe that Michael Keaton can play any role that is thrown at him and that is why I have chosen him to play a big part in this film.

Slide 6The director that I have chosen for this film is Guillermo del Toro, he is a very famous director who has directed many well known films such as Pans Labryinth, Hellboy and Pacific Rim. He is also directing Crimson Peak which is coming out later this year. I think that he is a great director who should get more recognition for the great films that he has made. Most of his films have been horror or mystery and that is why I have chosen him to direct my film.

Slide 7I have rated this film a 15 so the target audience is for anyone who is older than 15. The target audience for most horror films are teenagers and people from 15-25 so this is why I have chosen to put this film at a 15. I have used famous actors to get more people to watch the film, if someone is a big fan is an actor then they will most likely go and see a new film that they are in. I will add in some horror conventions to keep the audience hooked and interested in watching the film.

Slide 8I know that the settings for is film was to have an old mansion in the middle of nowhere as the home of the Hylls, a market area, an open section of a dark forest and just an open area of land. The setting of this film is medieval England, it was hard to find filming locations for these settings but I found 2 different. Utilising to chose from and an open area of land. The first building is in Long Island in New York, the second is at Universal Studios in Los Angeles and the open area is Roundhay Park in Leeds. All of the film locations need to have space to put trailers, camera equipment and so on, I think all three of these locations have what is needed.

Slide 9I don't think that there are any real comparisons between this movie and others that have already been made, the range of horror movies featuring schizophrenia is very low, I haven't actually seen any of the films listed that I found. The only close films to mine are No Mercy No Future and Black Death.again I haven't seen either of these filmstrip I don't know exactly how far schizophrenia is featured in this film but they were in a list that I found. I think that having a mental illness that isn't really understood as much featured in a horror movie makes it unique, not many other people have thought of using this mental illness in a movie because it's hard to put yourself into the shoes of a person with this illness.

Slide 10The film that I have created started off as an idea for a low budget movie but as the filming locations started to vary and the Famous anyone's were chosen I knew that the budget had to be increased. It won't be an extremely high budget film but it will be in between. The actors will be payed a good mount of money to be in this film and the camera equipment and crew members will have to be payed enough as well. I don't think that the budget is an issue, with the uniqueness and actors used in this film will bring in money at the box office.

Slide 11I have decided to release this film I Odeon and Vue cinemas because they are the cinemas that are mostly made in the UK. The Odeon is a well know chain of cinemas that plays some of the largest grossing films in the world, it is very popular so I think it's a good place to release the film. I don't ink that this film will be released in every cinema across the world because it's not night budget, hope that it will reach America and hopefully Australia but I think it's more of a British film than a worldwide phenomenon.

Slide 12 I would like to thank you for your time and for letting me express my views and opinions about this film. I hope that you found it interesting and would want to see the final result at the end of this journey. Thank you for listening and do you have any questions?