writing scalable react applications: introduction


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction
Page 2: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Web history

Page 3: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

React is small

Page 4: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Development tools

Page 5: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction


Page 6: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction


Page 7: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Babel ▫ babel-preset-react▫ babel-preset-es2015▫ babel-plugin-transform-class-properties

Page 8: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

What is React? ▫ No models▫ No controllers▫ No templates▫ No directives▫ No services▫ Only components

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React Components

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Page 11: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

JSX ▫ Syntax sugar for Javascript▫ Similar to HTML▫ Still Javascript▫ HTML attributes = JSX properties▫ Transpiled by Babel

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JSX after transpile

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Page 14: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Lifecycle Methods

Page 15: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Component state

Page 16: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Use state in render

Page 17: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Add handlers

Page 18: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Use function passed via props

Page 19: Writing Scalable React Applications: Introduction

Break UI into components

Establish communication between components using props

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Virtual DOM ▫ Result of render()▫ Simple object representing DOM▫ Very fast

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Virtual DOM benchmarks

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Render 1000 elements

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Reconciliation ▫ Initial render() call▫ Save result (snapshot)▫ Update component (setState or props

change)▫ Lifecycle methods▫ Call render()▫ Compare snapshots▫ Update only changed nodes

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Updating DOM node

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To be continued.. ▫ Lifecycle methods▫ DOM events▫ Application structure▫ Data organization

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