writing journa proverbsl

Writing Journal Proverbs

Upload: cam-matthews

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Writing journa proverbsl

Writing Journal


Page 2: Writing journa proverbsl

What does family mean to you? What is your place in your family?

Page 3: Writing journa proverbsl

Similar Sire, Similar Scion

• First figure out the more familiar version of this proverb (i.e. how is it usually said).

Page 4: Writing journa proverbsl

Then describe which relative you are most like, including how and why.

Page 5: Writing journa proverbsl

What does this Egyptian proverb mean to you? Can you describe a situation(s) where this proverb has been true in your life or that of someone else?

Page 6: Writing journa proverbsl

Precipitancy creates prodigality.

• First figure out the more familiar version of this proverb (i.e. how is it usually said).

• Describe an experience where you found this proverb to be true. Has being in a hurry ever paid off? Has it made matters worse?

Page 7: Writing journa proverbsl

What kind of leader do you admire most? Consider those who lead you now, e.g. teachers, principals, coaches, parents, etc.

Page 8: Writing journa proverbsl

Tenants of vitreous abodes, ought not to hurl lithoidal fragments.

• First figure out the more familiar version of this proverb (i.e. how is it usually said.

• What does it say about a person when he/she is always finding the bad or wrong in others? Have you ever been the recipient of hurled stones? Have you ever thrown the stones?

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What does home mean to you? Are you ready to leave home and be on your own? Why or why not? What makes your home unique or special to you?

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Do what you love, love what you do, leave the world a better place, and don’t pick your nose. -- Jeff Mallett

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“A family that laughs together stays together.” [found on a Dove Dark Chocolate Candy Wrapper]

How does laughter unify us? Why is laughter important? What or who makes you laugh? Is laughter contagious? Another musing on laughter. . .